[{"tribeid":249645612,"tribe":"Tribe of Minhkhoi" "tribeid":4262884,"tribe":"Tribe of TheLarry" "tribeid":392214176,"tribe":"Tribe of jelle" "tribeid":698083989,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":784081802,"tribe":"Tribe of S1rMaurits" "tribeid":580072681,"tribe":"Tribe of dudis" "tribeid":146311594,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":11832517,"tribe":"Tribe of Buggly" "tribeid":751694264,"tribe":"Tribe of Hercules" "tribeid":64644341,"tribe":"Tribe of mate" "tribeid":962162642,"tribe":"Tribe of fkjngfjk" "tribeid":603030571,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":110448364,"tribe":"Tribe of Toop" "tribeid":436628970,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":187666780,"tribe":"Tribe of muhamed" "tribeid":715534166,"tribe":"Tribe of Humain" "tribeid":173949392,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":682137561,"tribe":"Tribe of Mensch" "tribeid":664404428,"tribe":"Tribe of Lexx_V" "tribeid":118524834,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":58024789,"tribe":"Tribe of Kush" "tribeid":415298332,"tribe":"Tribe 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"tribeid":447050293,"tribe":"Tribe of NI" "tribeid":513416315,"tribe":"Tribe of a nun" "tribeid":787162084,"tribe":"Tribe of HSGaming" "tribeid":775068926,"tribe":"Tribe of kernel sanders" "tribeid":852607051,"tribe":"Tribe of lily" "tribeid":315202548,"tribe":"Tribe of shadow" "tribeid":771742019,"tribe":"Tribe of Papa Legba" "tribeid":376687830,"tribe":"Tribe of Zapp Brannigan" "tribeid":735730343,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":452412345,"tribe":"Tribe of Bridgit Dragonborne" "tribeid":60404891,"tribe":"Tribe of Yancy1709" "tribeid":263867998,"tribe":"Tribe of Burpy" "tribeid":6193593,"tribe":"Tribe of Nagarax" "tribeid":248185790,"tribe":"Tribe of Elithium" "tribeid":852093695,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":316131842,"tribe":"Tribe of tkt" "tribeid":907272429,"tribe":"Tribe of Angry_scottsaman8" "tribeid":524680135,"tribe":"Tribe of ren" "tribeid":891320437,"tribe":"Tribe of low" "tribeid":375379377,"tribe":"Tribe of Alpha Q" "tribeid":97071410,"tribe":"Tribe of Elysium" "tribeid":605231032,"tribe":"Tribe of fronk" "tribeid":696529469,"tribe":"Tribe of anita" "tribeid":885121126,"tribe":"Tribe of Yakuza" "tribeid":814250827,"tribe":"Tribe of namuH" "tribeid":504361386,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":746136235,"tribe":"Tribe of zinger" "tribeid":510271181,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":706106394,"tribe":"Tribe of TheRaven" "tribeid":990199073,"tribe":"Tribe of Bobette" "tribeid":559943926,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":840907231,"tribe":"Tribe of Konz" "tribeid":169337458,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":581760703,"tribe":"Tribe of Rat" "tribeid":790763179,"tribe":"Tribe of Gugus" "tribeid":788735885,"tribe":"Tribe of ヒト" "tribeid":972269318,"tribe":"Tribe of Shrek" "tribeid":972062660,"tribe":"Tribe of jimbonus" "tribeid":462262821,"tribe":"Tribe of HenHenn" "tribeid":506288838,"tribe":"Tribe of Nedward" "tribeid":352204621,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":842097357,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":819755146,"tribe":"Tribe of Humanhrheue8r2348739u349" "tribeid":515072841,"tribe":"Tribe of Juanita" "tribeid":902961667,"tribe":"Tribe of hooty" "tribeid":621087402,"tribe":"Tribe of johno" "tribeid":515869431,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":709675937,"tribe":"Tribe of blur" "tribeid":851691884,"tribe":"Tribe of oliver" "tribeid":699624144,"tribe":"Tribe of Florin" "tribeid":867221765,"tribe":"Tribe of CloudTHOR" "tribeid":870373449,"tribe":"Tribe of XBXGamer" "tribeid":347380581,"tribe":"Tribe of MOMO" "tribeid":358052163,"tribe":"Tribe of Vila" "tribeid":471294634,"tribe":"Tribe of Slicey Boi" "tribeid":146776527,"tribe":"Tribe of Bob" "tribeid":560133238,"tribe":"Tribe of ty" "tribeid":455302339,"tribe":"Tribe of Spino" "tribeid":878173614,"tribe":"Tribe of FillMeUpPrincess" "tribeid":142420325,"tribe":"Tribe of mr" "tribeid":802554020,"tribe":"Tribe of hisoka" "tribeid":268882022,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":746839916,"tribe":"Tribe of Zoe" "tribeid":560117326,"tribe":"Tribe of OREO" "tribeid":321501657,"tribe":"Tribe of Westyy" "tribeid":452383069,"tribe":"Tribe of Echo" "tribeid":923775564,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":35375538,"tribe":"Tribe of wrighty" "tribeid":331399686,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":281226606,"tribe":"Tribe of Pawnzer" "tribeid":657852696,"tribe":"Tribe of rah" "tribeid":92754136,"tribe":"Tribe of Ali" "tribeid":853709411,"tribe":"Tribe of slim" "tribeid":403438978,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":207109628,"tribe":"Tribe of ZyZZ" "tribeid":133217544,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":567199338,"tribe":"Tribe of Ripio" "tribeid":697396043,"tribe":"Tribe of макс" "tribeid":523365656,"tribe":"Tribe of Simon" "tribeid":644676561,"tribe":"Tribe of UgweOssas" "tribeid":475099478,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":210664932,"tribe":"Tribe of LOHZZ" "tribeid":216079862,"tribe":"Tribe of Popeye" "tribeid":705777970,"tribe":"Tribe of aistis" "tribeid":175838850,"tribe":"Tribe of Cogdur" "tribeid":409524620,"tribe":"Tribe of Lazy" "tribeid":871092400,"tribe":"Tribe of ExTz" "tribeid":493021733,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":234008864,"tribe":"Tribe of Talha" "tribeid":941589987,"tribe":"Tribe of Shandussa" "tribeid":581542692,"tribe":"Tribe of Gerson" "tribeid":597481613,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":708457746,"tribe":"Tribe of fer" "tribeid":206336674,"tribe":"Tribe of Nono" "tribeid":800658514,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":421518245,"tribe":"Tribe of Angel" "tribeid":527418386,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":1491099684,"tribe":"E.M.W logs":["Day 2792, 07:37:02: Ellie was added to the Tribe! Day 2793, 21:43:51: Your Triceratops - Lvl 101 (Triceratops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 2794, 00:35:19: Tribemember Ellie - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 2794, 00:49:48: Ellie claimed 'Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 2794, 02:54:52: Ellie claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 126 (Doedicurus)'! Day 2794, 21:55:37: Overdrive added 'E.M.W' Tribe to fjordur friends Alliance! Day 2794, 23:38:36: Ellie claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 2794, 23:47:22: Ellie froze Baby flory - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk) Day 2809, 01:37:26: Ellie froze Baby flory - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk) Day 2809, 03:40:33: Ellie froze Baby flory - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk) Day 2809, 20:03:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 2810, 01:55:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 2810, 13:03:06: Ellie froze Tracy - Lvl 207 (Triceratops) Day 2810, 13:28:00: Ellie froze Doedicurus - Lvl 164 (Doedicurus) Day 2810, 19:50:42: Ellie froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2810, 20:03:41: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Ellie - Lvl 25 (E.M.W)! Day 2810, 20:03:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 2810, 20:22:31: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus) was killed by Ellie - Lvl 25 (E.M.W)! Day 2810, 20:22:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 211 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 2811, 04:53:23: Ellie froze Juvenile flory - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk) Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3102, 20:45:59: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 3110, 20:42:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3338, 09:10:43: Doedicurus - Lvl 164 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3437, 20:01:37: Chonk - Lvl 122 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WOOLY - Lvl 273 (Mammoth)'! Day 3447, 23:09:56: NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3447, 23:12:32: NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tracy - Lvl 207 (Triceratops)'! Day 3447, 23:50:18: NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3677, 04:28:32: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3677, 04:28:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3677, 04:28:32: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3867, 17:54:00: Tribemember Ellie - Lvl 90 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1481203903,"tribe":"Tribe of Moneky-Jesus logs":["Day 188, 11:04:01: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 256 (Maewing) Day 188, 17:07:53: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 256 (Maewing) Day 189, 01:08:01: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 189, 06:21:27: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 189, 11:32:58: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)! Day 190, 09:44:01: Your oogway - Lvl 184 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 190, 09:46:25: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 190, 09:52:40: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 190, 09:58:43: Your choppy - Lvl 189 (Moschops) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 190, 10:22:39: Your gasy gus - Lvl 150 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 190, 10:28:48: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 190, 10:32:28: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 190, 12:44:38: Your Piggy-Bank - Lvl 228 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 190, 18:14:21: Your maxela - Lvl 231 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 191, 06:57:30: Your DoGO - Lvl 216 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 85! Day 192, 18:51:21: Mr.Ely froze Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 193, 02:03:16: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 193, 15:28:55: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 213, 21:59:27: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 214, 07:53:01: Your Flying serc - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 214, 09:19:38: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 214, 11:13:52: Your serc - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 215, 11:47:40: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 215, 17:24:00: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 215, 20:52:07: Moneky-Jesus froze serv - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 215, 20:58:03: Moneky-Jesus froze sojoe - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 216, 07:06:09: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 234, 23:35:49: Moneky-Jesus Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 195 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 234, 23:41:40: Moneky-Jesus froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 195 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 01:55:37: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 235, 02:43:05: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 235, 04:42:38: Moneky-Jesus froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 198 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 06:13:57: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 235, 06:23:40: Moneky-Jesus froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 235, 06:34:23: Moneky-Jesus froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 201 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 12:14:43: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 201 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 14:19:43: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 204 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 16:28:08: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 17:57:20: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 23:33:14: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus)! Day 235, 23:42:02: Moneky-Jesus froze Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 235, 23:52:09: Moneky-Jesus froze sun rise - Lvl 287 (Moschops) Day 235, 23:58:47: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 236, 06:08:41: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 236, 06:08:41: Your Tribe killed R-Snow Owl - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 236, 06:24:04: Your Desmodus - Lvl 33 (Desmodus) was killed by Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 236, 06:24:04: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 33 (Desmodus)! Day 236, 08:18:32: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 236, 13:51:20: Mr.Ely froze sojoe - Lvl 253 (Maewing) Day 240, 16:04:24: Moneky-Jesus froze sun rise - Lvl 288 (Moschops) Day 240, 17:04:23: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 240, 23:17:44: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)! Day 240, 23:41:28: Moneky-Jesus froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 240, 23:46:56: Moneky-Jesus froze Daddy Pig - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus) Day 240, 23:57:08: Moneky-Jesus froze sun rise - Lvl 288 (Moschops) Day 261, 12:58:05: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 261, 12:59:17: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 261, 13:01:54: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 261, 16:08:36: Mr.Ely Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 191 (Thylacoleo)! Day 261, 16:20:56: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 191 (Thylacoleo) Day 261, 16:51:20: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 105 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 261, 18:17:33: Moneky-Jesus froze sojoe - Lvl 255 (Maewing) Day 261, 19:56:53: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 105 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 140! Day 261, 21:07:22: Moneky-Jesus froze sergey - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 262, 16:50:27: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo) Day 262, 16:58:00: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 263 (Maewing) Day 262, 22:40:28: Moneky-Jesus Tamed an Otter - Lvl 215 (Otter)! Day 263, 00:13:38: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 263, 02:32:41: Moneky-Jesus froze Otter - Lvl 215 (Otter) Day 263, 02:36:54: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 263, 04:24:46: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo) Day 300, 18:46:23: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 300, 20:07:32: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 301, 00:00:11: Moneky-Jesus froze Otter - Lvl 220 (Otter) Day 301, 17:22:46: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 240 (Thylacoleo) Day 303, 02:42:48: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 303, 02:44:18: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 303, 02:45:28: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 303, 02:47:39: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 303, 02:48:52: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 303, 03:15:29: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 303, 23:56:12: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 303, 23:57:38: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 303, 23:58:59: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:03:22: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:07:50: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:09:39: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:11:22: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:13:31: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:16:28: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:19:47: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:26:30: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 00:29:01: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 304, 08:20:00: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 304, 08:20:57: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 304, 08:21:54: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 304, 08:22:41: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 304, 08:23:34: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 304, 21:59:44: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 304, 22:06:14: Moneky-Jesus froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 305, 09:35:39: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 305, 23:27:32: Moneky-Jesus Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis)! Day 305, 23:31:50: Moneky-Jesus froze Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis) Day 306, 03:52:34: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 306, 05:53:04: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 306, 07:23:30: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) Day 306, 11:15:05: Moneky-Jesus claimed 'Baby Ovis - Lvl 193 (Ovis)'! Day 306, 20:45:16: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 306, 20:49:59: Moneky-Jesus froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 306, 22:06:48: Your Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 193 (Ovis) was killed! Day 306, 22:06:48: Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 193 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 307, 06:20:41: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 201 (Phiomia)! Day 307, 06:52:29: Moneky-Jesus froze Phiomia - Lvl 201 (Phiomia) Day 307, 09:57:07: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 307, 10:07:49: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 307, 10:12:24: Moneky-Jesus froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 307, 14:52:38: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 307, 14:57:42: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 307, 15:04:07: Moneky-Jesus froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle) Day 307, 15:07:33: Moneky-Jesus froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle) Day 307, 15:33:51: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 250 (Thylacoleo) Day 309, 21:07:36: Moneky-Jesus froze Otter - Lvl 238 (Otter) Day 310, 16:12:56: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 310, 16:16:21: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 310, 16:17:57: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 310, 16:19:12: Mr.Ely demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 311, 03:22:50: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)! Day 311, 03:30:01: Mr.Ely froze Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear) Day 311, 13:38:39: Mr.Ely unclaimed 'Otter - Lvl 238 (Otter)'! Day 311, 13:41:46: Moneky-Jesus claimed 'Otter - Lvl 238 (Otter)'! Day 311, 13:53:28: Moneky-Jesus froze Otter - Lvl 240 (Otter) Day 312, 00:22:47: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 312, 02:45:41: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 312, 08:29:29: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 251 (Thylacoleo) Day 312, 22:58:10: Mr.Ely Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 221 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 312, 23:05:15: Mr.Ely froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 221 (Andrewsarchus) Day 313, 02:07:46: Moneky-Jesus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 313, 02:09:08: Moneky-Jesus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 313, 02:10:32: Moneky-Jesus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 313, 02:24:02: Moneky-Jesus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 313, 07:20:00: Moneky-Jesus froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 07:42:23: Mr.Ely claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 218 (Maewing)'! Day 313, 07:50:29: Moneky-Jesus froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 313, 10:16:55: Mr.Ely claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 313, 10:17:58: Mr.Ely claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 313, 16:34:50: Moneky-Jesus froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 16:57:25: Moneky-Jesus froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 19:11:14: Mr.Ely froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 19:32:20: Mr.Ely froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 20:08:37: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 20:14:46: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 20:25:17: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 20:36:07: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 20:59:46: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 313, 21:25:36: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 331, 19:18:28: Moneky-Jesus froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 331, 21:25:00: Moneky-Jesus froze Muffin - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 333, 08:37:22: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 115 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 333, 09:06:42: Your Muffin - Lvl 271 (Maewing) was killed! Day 333, 19:13:26: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing)! Day 333, 19:19:22: Moneky-Jesus froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 336, 07:38:06: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 336, 09:11:45: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 252 (Thylacoleo) Day 379, 17:54:07: Mr.Ely froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 218 (Maewing) Day 395, 13:43:54: Mr.Ely froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo) Day 395, 17:39:40: Mr.Ely froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 395, 18:24:43: Mr.Ely froze Mr S.S.M - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 396, 08:58:08: Mr.Ely froze sojoe - Lvl 267 (Maewing) Day 397, 19:36:03: Mr.Ely froze sojoe - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 402, 19:49:28: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 403, 04:49:44: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 403, 06:26:18: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 117 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 403, 09:31:24: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 263 (Thylacoleo) Day 403, 09:53:12: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 117 was killed by Mr.Ely - Lvl 108 (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 403, 09:53:12: Your Tribe killed Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 117 (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 404, 01:13:40: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 404, 01:50:25: Mr.Ely froze sojoe - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 405, 05:39:47: Moneky-Jesus froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 405, 10:53:38: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 406, 22:43:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 407, 08:26:31: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 82 (Shadowmane)! Day 407, 08:33:17: Moneky-Jesus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 82 (Shadowmane) Day 419, 07:47:29: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 420, 06:12:01: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 266 (Thylacoleo) Day 420, 11:09:44: Moneky-Jesus froze pepo - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 421, 04:21:17: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 421, 05:52:08: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 422, 06:38:38: Moneky-Jesus froze Mc Sino - Lvl 247 (Sinomacrops) Day 422, 06:45:09: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 422, 15:49:54: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 422, 18:19:17: Your Ovis - Lvl 158 (Ovis) was killed by Mr.Ely - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 422, 18:19:17: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 158 (Ovis)! Day 422, 19:34:44: Mr.Ely froze zana - Lvl 233 (Sinomacrops) Day 422, 19:39:52: Mr.Ely froze sojoe - Lvl 271 (Maewing) Day 423, 06:34:36: Your Ovis - Lvl 246 (Ovis) was killed by Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Moneky-Jesus)! Day 423, 06:34:36: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 246 (Ovis)! Day 423, 07:12:04: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 423, 19:10:52: Mr.Ely claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)'! Day 423, 21:54:18: Mr.Ely froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 424, 11:37:41: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 424, 11:42:00: Moneky-Jesus froze Mc Sino - Lvl 251 (Sinomacrops) Day 425, 17:11:02: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 121 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 85! Day 425, 18:17:54: Your Mc Sino - Lvl 252 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 90! Day 425, 18:50:26: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 429, 06:51:18: Moneky-Jesus froze Red Divel - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 429, 06:56:30: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 238 (Maewing) Day 441, 06:25:33: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 442, 09:01:15: Moneky-Jesus froze Red Divel - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 442, 12:12:54: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 443, 00:15:27: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 247 (Maewing) Day 445, 07:58:43: Moneky-Jesus froze Red Divel - Lvl 233 (Sinomacrops) Day 445, 08:29:39: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 247 (Maewing) Day 445, 08:41:44: Mr.Ely froze sojoe - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 445, 08:47:51: Mr.Ely froze zana - Lvl 238 (Sinomacrops) Day 451, 09:52:53: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 451, 19:37:40: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 267 (Thylacoleo) Day 451, 23:06:45: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 453, 09:32:24: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 453, 09:39:24: Moneky-Jesus froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 225 (Sinomacrops) Day 464, 19:09:19: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 465, 11:13:38: Moneky-Jesus froze Dipper - Lvl 244 (Astrodelphis) Day 470, 13:27:43: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 470, 17:37:04: Moneky-Jesus froze Ghost Muffin - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 470, 19:01:32: Mr.Ely froze Mrs S.S.M - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) Day 470, 19:05:17: Mr.Ely froze Mrs S.S.M - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) Day 472, 00:17:21: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 477, 01:46:41: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 477, 17:20:04: Moneky-Jesus froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 272 (Thylacoleo) Day 489, 16:32:39: Moneky-Jesus froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 518, 08:33:47: Otter - Lvl 250 (Otter) starved to death! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 650, 16:10:34: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 808, 22:12:49: sun rise - Lvl 292 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 810, 01:08:28: plop - Lvl 178 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 853, 07:51:06: Mr S.S.M - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 853, 07:51:44: Ghost Muffin - Lvl 255 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 853, 07:51:48: Mrs S.S.M - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 986, 19:46:37: Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 987, 01:41:14: 's 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1016, 13:16:06: Moneky-Jesus froze Dipper - Lvl 272 (Astrodelphis) Day 1016, 14:20:15: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 1044, 19:57:27: Moneky-Jesus demolished a 'Tek Transmitter (Locked) '! Day 1058, 04:31:46: Moneky-Jesus's 'Dipper - Lvl 279 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1059, 06:07:42: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 1115, 06:50:30: Moneky-Jesus froze Brad - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 1282, 12:50:40: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 145 | 1.1x (Coelacanth) Day 1282, 13:31:48: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 85 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) Day 1282, 15:11:35: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 15 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) Day 1282, 17:23:33: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 135 | 1.3x (Coelacanth) Day 1297, 10:51:26: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 50 | 2.4x (Coelacanth) Day 1297, 13:26:32: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 140 | 1.6x (Coelacanth) Day 1297, 15:30:15: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.3x (Coelacanth) Day 1297, 16:58:23: Moneky-Jesus froze Coelacanth - Lvl 95 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) Day 1298, 17:46:30: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane)! Day 1298, 18:42:42: Moneky-Jesus froze Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1299, 12:36:50: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 1299, 15:11:34: Moneky-Jesus Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 1299, 17:44:19: Mr.Ely froze German sausage - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus) Day 1472, 07:19:01: Trilobite - Lvl 50 (Trilobite) starved to death! Day 1560, 20:54:14: Dung Beetle - Lvl 226 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1687, 01:04:31: Monokrom - Lvl 239 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1876, 10:30:48: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Little Kitty - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1876, 10:31:47: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 142 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1876, 10:32:21: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'grumpy gale - Lvl 252 (Dire Bear)'! Day 1876, 10:33:09: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tacobell Muncher - Lvl 206 (Phiomia)'! Day 1876, 10:33:41: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 10:34:24: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big chicken - Lvl 239 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1876, 10:34:38: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daddy Pig - Lvl 237 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1876, 10:35:03: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sergey - Lvl 269 (Desmodus)'! Day 1876, 10:35:32: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jorg - Lvl 259 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1876, 10:37:28: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brad - Lvl 270 (Desmodus)'! Day 1876, 10:39:10: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'coal - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)'! Day 1876, 10:40:00: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gasy gus - Lvl 206 (R-Gasbags)'! Day 1876, 10:40:41: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pepo - Lvl 294 (Argentavis)'! Day 1876, 10:40:59: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fundy - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 1876, 10:45:06: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 10:45:47: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 10:47:58: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 218 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 1876, 10:48:33: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'kerv - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 10:50:33: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nerv - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 10:51:42: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'serv - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 10:52:26: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1876, 11:10:05: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 172 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 1876, 12:08:00: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'zana - Lvl 254 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 1876, 12:14:11: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 275 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 1876, 13:50:00: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'midnight - Lvl 203 (Argentavis)'! Day 1876, 13:55:30: 's 'German sausage - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1876, 21:36:03: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 1876, 23:52:46: Tribemember Moneky-Jesus - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Toilet' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2266, 16:10:24: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 181 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 2319, 18:53:00: Tribemember Mr.Ely - Lvl 114 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1480162372,"tribe":"Tribe of Andy logs":["Day 20412, 13:24:20: Andy was added to the Tribe! Day 20412, 13:25:02: Thaler was added to the Tribe by Andy! Day 20412, 13:36:27: Tribemember Thaler - Lvl 3 was killed by Andy - Lvl 3 (Tribe of Andy)! Day 20412, 13:36:27: Your Tribe killed Thaler - Lvl 3 (Tribe of Andy)! Day 21051, 10:16:37: Tribemember Andy - Lvl 3 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 21051, 16:51:33: Tribemember Thaler - Lvl 3 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1477761665,"tribe":"Special kind of stupid logs":["Day 1404, 12:16:53: Benedy froze Kevin - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 1404, 12:27:08: Benedy froze 3 MU - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 1404, 12:43:08: Benedy froze Blueberry - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 1423, 18:08:35: Ownzar - Lvl 66 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 1564, 18:59:07: Thylacoleo - Lvl 151 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 1873, 16:44:24: Thylacoleo - Lvl 84 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 1919, 15:40:46: Tribemember Hammy - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 1919, 16:22:59: Benedy froze Alexia* - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 1919, 16:34:42: Benedy froze Shinehorn - Lvl 293 (Shinehorn) Day 1919, 20:25:03: Benedy froze Alexia* - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 2273, 15:43:15: Megatherium - Lvl 167 (Megatherium) starved to death! Day 2289, 06:47:22: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 178 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 2289, 07:08:19: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fultand - Lvl 266 (Sabertooth)'! Day 2289, 07:26:14: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'New Female - Lvl 243 (Rex)'! Day 2289, 07:28:40: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 3 - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 2289, 07:50:16: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dissapointment - Lvl 238 (Rex)'! Day 2289, 08:58:56: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berlin - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4415, 10:12:56: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 124 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 4434, 08:43:06: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 4434, 14:53:38: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 33 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 4434, 19:28:23: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 124 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 4434, 21:33:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 4434, 23:52:00: Tribemember Benedy - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 4435, 12:59:11: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 4435, 15:09:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 127 (Triceratops)! Day 4435, 17:49:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 52 (Raptor)! Day 4435, 22:06:54: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 4436, 01:37:50: Benedy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 4436, 03:54:37: Your Raptor - Lvl 57 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 4436, 09:11:17: Your Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 4444, 00:17:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4444, 00:18:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4444, 00:35:52: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 39 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 4595, 07:07:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4609, 20:14:46: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Pteranodon: Billy - Lvl 200 Day 4610, 15:49:03: SIMPLE HUMAN downloaded a dino: Billy - Lvl 190 Day 4610, 15:49:41: SIMPLE HUMAN downloaded a dino: Faendal - Lvl 195 Day 4634, 13:15:47: Benedy Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 4634, 13:35:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 4634, 13:49:20: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 4634, 14:20:03: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 4634, 20:01:51: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 4635, 13:07:33: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 126 (Argentavis)! Day 4635, 20:10:11: Benedy Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 4635, 20:18:29: SIMPLE HUMAN demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 4636, 22:54:40: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4636, 23:07:00: Benedy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4636, 23:33:30: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4637, 01:15:56: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4637, 04:41:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 05:00:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 06:58:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 07:01:21: Benedy claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 4637, 09:35:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 12:30:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 12:33:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 12:37:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 12:40:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4637, 12:46:20: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 4664, 14:57:42: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 4749, 08:48:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Faendal - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5076, 09:21:12: Triceratops - Lvl 46 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 5076, 10:19:53: John - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 5266, 09:52:26: Your Speedy gonzaless - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 5266, 09:59:55: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5266, 13:43:04: Your Triceratops - Lvl 140 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 5314, 14:24:13: Benedy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5314, 16:26:46: Benedy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5314, 21:16:37: Benedy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5314, 22:44:25: Benedy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) Day 5314, 22:49:21: Benedy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) Day 5315, 03:10:13: Benedy froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 05:53:30: Benedy froze Adolescent Poppy - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 06:08:17: Benedy froze Adolescent Poppy - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 06:59:54: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 10:36:22: Benedy froze Adolescent Poppy - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 11:25:29: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 11:32:09: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 12:46:03: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 15:50:16: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 16:14:13: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 20:02:08: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)! Day 5315, 20:28:28: Benedy froze Adolescent Poppy - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 20:43:43: Benedy froze Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops) Day 5315, 21:05:54: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 21:12:33: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 22:14:53: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 22:26:46: Benedy froze Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 5315, 22:54:00: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5315, 23:54:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)! Day 5316, 01:54:06: Benedy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus) Day 5316, 04:40:53: Benedy froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5316, 10:09:47: Benedy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5316, 10:13:42: Benedy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5316, 10:18:12: Benedy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5316, 10:25:24: Benedy froze Poppy - Lvl 208 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5469, 21:01:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops) Day 5470, 00:37:23: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)'! Day 5470, 00:45:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus) Day 5470, 00:47:01: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)'! Day 5470, 00:50:00: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 5470, 02:31:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5470, 02:55:18: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5807, 07:50:08: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 302 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5911, 14:28:28: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5911, 14:28:28: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6273, 02:15:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 302 (Fire Wyvern) Day 6746, 16:38:53: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 429 (Shadowmane) Day 6746, 20:56:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 6797, 06:48:18: Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 7066, 04:57:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 431 (Shadowmane) Day 7066, 06:18:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 463 (Snow Owl) Day 7127, 12:53:14: Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 7306, 00:37:16: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 432 (Shadowmane) Day 7306, 08:14:16: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 7446, 09:41:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 7688, 22:56:25: Benedy uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 158 Day 7947, 14:26:11: Dalton343 - Lvl 153 (Sexy Boys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8037, 08:43:25: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8037, 18:09:02: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 184 (Fjordhawk)! Day 8037, 18:35:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 185 (Fjordhawk) Day 8037, 19:45:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8037, 23:44:14: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 435 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8038, 00:08:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8038, 01:26:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8038, 01:35:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 329 (Fjordhawk) Day 8038, 02:50:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8038, 09:07:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8038, 15:12:05: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 435 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8038, 15:12:39: Tribemember SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 was killed! Day 8038, 16:31:53: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Pteranodon - Lvl 108 (Pteranodon) Day 8038, 18:29:12: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8039, 03:51:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 435 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8039, 04:14:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8039, 04:23:23: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 329 (Fjordhawk) Day 8058, 11:14:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8058, 12:14:12: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 8059, 01:04:57: SIMPLE HUMAN Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 180 (Fjordhawk)! Day 8059, 01:10:01: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 180 (Fjordhawk) Day 8059, 01:31:30: SIMPLE HUMAN demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 8059, 02:05:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8059, 03:25:37: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 180 (Fjordhawk) Day 8059, 03:29:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 329 (Fjordhawk) Day 8059, 04:09:06: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8105, 04:23:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8117, 08:09:45: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8129, 20:05:31: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8129, 20:09:49: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 207 (Desmodus)'! Day 8129, 20:12:03: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:12:44: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:13:14: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:14:43: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:16:01: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:16:27: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:19:29: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:20:13: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'main - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 20:23:30: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus)'! Day 8129, 20:23:57: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Magmasaur - Lvl 207 (Magmasaur)'! Day 8129, 20:27:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Magmasaur - Lvl 207 (Magmasaur) Day 8129, 20:31:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 8129, 20:36:45: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane) Day 8129, 20:40:54: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 8129, 20:42:14: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 20:46:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 8129, 20:50:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 8129, 20:53:18: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 20:57:46: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 8129, 21:01:38: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 8129, 21:03:00: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'saddle - Lvl 347 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 21:10:44: SIMPLE HUMAN froze saddle - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 8129, 21:26:34: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 248 (Dire Bear)'! Day 8129, 22:17:01: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane - Lvl 265 Day 8129, 22:18:30: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane - Lvl 290 Day 8129, 22:21:08: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 348 Day 8129, 22:25:54: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane - Lvl 359 Day 8129, 22:28:43: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Megatherium: saddle - Lvl 347 Day 8129, 22:31:55: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Megatherium: Megatherium - Lvl 356 Day 8129, 22:33:36: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 254 Day 8129, 22:35:42: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Magmasaur: Magmasaur - Lvl 207 Day 8129, 23:40:38: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 23:43:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium) Day 8129, 23:44:26: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 23:47:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 8129, 23:48:58: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 23:50:01: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 23:50:33: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 23:51:31: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium)'! Day 8129, 23:55:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 8129, 23:59:19: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium) Day 8130, 00:03:17: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 8130, 00:06:03: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 00:07:13: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 00:08:41: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 00:09:15: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 00:12:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 8130, 00:16:30: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium) Day 8130, 00:20:16: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 344 (Megatherium) Day 8130, 00:29:49: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 00:30:44: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 00:32:29: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium)'! Day 8130, 01:54:41: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 317 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8130, 02:24:59: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8131, 20:37:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Dire Bear - Lvl 248 (Dire Bear) Day 8131, 21:01:10: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8131, 21:14:29: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Desmodus - Lvl 207 (Desmodus) Day 8131, 21:27:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze main - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 8131, 21:31:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 8131, 21:36:14: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 228 (Shadowmane) Day 8131, 21:40:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 8131, 21:51:27: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 8131, 21:55:23: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 347 (Megatherium) Day 8131, 21:59:15: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 348 (Megatherium) Day 8131, 22:10:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 8131, 22:15:35: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 8131, 22:19:28: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 197 (Yutyrannus) Day 8131, 22:23:03: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatherium - Lvl 356 (Megatherium) Day 8131, 22:35:34: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Shadowmane - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 8131, 22:43:39: SIMPLE HUMAN unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8131, 22:55:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Velonasaur - Lvl 317 (Velonasaur) Day 8132, 01:14:31: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8185, 14:25:55: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 464 (Snow Owl) Day 8294, 17:45:51: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 465 (Snow Owl) Day 8294, 18:59:15: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 434 (Shadowmane) Day 8326, 03:03:05: Pteranodon - Lvl 108 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 8438, 00:11:17: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Cassandra - Lvl 434 (Shadowmane) Day 8438, 01:49:33: SIMPLE HUMAN froze SPEED BOI - Lvl 465 (Snow Owl) Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9047, 09:44:37: Rah - Lvl 114 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis)'! Day 9548, 08:01:02: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lily - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)'! Day 9568, 02:27:06: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9771, 04:49:09: Riddick - Lvl 125 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10066, 14:06:53: Billy - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 12291, 15:41:21: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 12291, 16:02:52: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 16:05:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur) Day 12291, 16:44:26: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'slot 1 - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 16:45:16: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 16:45:42: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'slot 3 - Lvl 263 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:00:05: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:00:39: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:02:39: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed '130 - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:03:41: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:08:12: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12291, 17:09:34: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Compy - Lvl 222 (Compy)'! Day 12291, 17:10:00: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 312 (Dodo)'! Day 12291, 17:10:28: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'SwashBuck - Lvl 243 (Megaloceros)'! Day 12291, 17:12:02: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)'! Day 12291, 17:28:35: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 193 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12291, 17:28:59: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12291, 17:38:49: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 12291, 17:41:13: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 106 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 12291, 17:43:22: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed '145 - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 17:43:56: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'two - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 17:44:27: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 17:44:53: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'purp - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 20:20:20: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Megatron - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12291, 20:23:40: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Megatron - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 12291, 23:33:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 12301, 06:04:39: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 12301, 06:09:32: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 12301, 07:08:09: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 12301, 07:44:52: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 12340, 08:47:24: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 12340, 08:51:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 12362, 06:57:13: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 12362, 08:18:04: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 12624, 12:29:52: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Velonasaur: Velonasaur - Lvl 263 Day 12624, 12:35:21: SIMPLE HUMAN downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 109 Day 12624, 12:36:28: SIMPLE HUMAN downloaded a dino: Velonasaur - Lvl 263 Day 12625, 09:57:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 423 (Shadowmane) Day 12645, 10:15:29: SIMPLE HUMAN demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 12646, 16:05:30: SIMPLE HUMAN demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13053, 05:04:09: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:04:43: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:05:45: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:06:52: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SwashBuck - Lvl 243 (Megaloceros)'! Day 13053, 05:07:28: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13053, 05:08:03: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 312 (Dodo)'! Day 13053, 05:09:10: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)'! Day 13053, 05:10:42: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:16:07: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 1 - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:16:24: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:16:45: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 3 - Lvl 263 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13053, 05:32:47: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 222 (Compy)'! Day 13161, 12:04:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13447, 06:55:10: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13457, 10:53:04: Mrs Smith - Lvl 117 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 106 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 13457, 11:29:58: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purp - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13457, 11:48:39: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13457, 11:51:22: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'two - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13457, 11:54:39: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13475, 12:28:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 425 (Shadowmane) Day 13475, 13:27:37: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Compy - Lvl 297 (Compy)'! Day 13475, 13:51:36: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13475, 16:52:26: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 13478, 15:04:02: Compy - Lvl 297 (Compy) starved to death! Day 13889, 14:53:32: Sabertooth - Lvl 283 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 13897, 02:19:05: Doedicurus - Lvl 193 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 13915, 18:43:32: Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 14597, 02:11:55: SIMPLE HUMAN claimed 'Blue Socks - Lvl 315 (Ovis)'! Day 14597, 02:16:19: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blue Socks - Lvl 315 (Ovis) Day 14597, 04:30:10: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 14597, 05:19:48: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 14597, 07:26:43: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 14597, 09:00:23: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 14597, 09:41:27: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Alpha Fem - Lvl 455 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14597, 09:49:42: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 14597, 10:07:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 14597, 10:49:17: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Blueberry - Lvl 386 (Snow Owl) Day 14798, 21:50:23: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Lucifer - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 14798, 23:34:58: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Alpha Fem - Lvl 455 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14799, 00:18:35: SIMPLE HUMAN froze Alpha Fem - Lvl 455 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Rug' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Rug' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Rug' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Rug' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Rug' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15314, 22:54:37: SIMPLE HUMAN uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 109 Day 16094, 12:56:42: 인간 - Lvl 107 (인간 의 부족) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16778, 16:16:10: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18200, 16:27:47: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18200, 16:27:47: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18200, 16:27:47: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18200, 16:27:47: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18832, 16:49:16: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1475282954,"tribe":"Tribe of Rory logs":["Day 215, 23:04:56: Rory was added to the Tribe! Day 215, 23:20:32: Tribe of Qduce tribe was merged in by Qduce! Day 215, 23:20:32: Qduce was added to the Tribe by Rory! Day 215, 23:28:47: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 216, 01:09:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 216, 01:29:48: Tribemember Qduce - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 216, 02:02:20: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 216, 10:56:04: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 14 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 216, 12:05:10: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 14 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 15! Day 217, 00:08:01: Tribemember Qduce - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 217, 16:26:16: Rory demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 217, 16:37:33: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 33 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 217, 18:44:31: Tribemember Qduce - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 218, 07:59:18: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 237, 19:23:42: Rory demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 237, 19:25:45: Rory demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 237, 19:28:02: Rory demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 237, 19:31:51: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 38 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 237, 19:32:10: Rory demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 238, 09:17:41: Rory demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 238, 09:19:22: Rory demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 238, 09:21:01: Rory demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 238, 09:22:07: Rory demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 238, 12:26:53: Rory demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 238, 17:11:23: Rory demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 238, 17:12:22: Rory demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 238, 17:17:47: Rory demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 238, 17:19:34: Rory demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 238, 17:33:13: Rory demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 238, 18:28:51: Rory demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 240, 07:10:33: Qduce Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 240, 15:54:18: Tribemember Qduce - Lvl 44 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 240, 18:05:21: Tribemember Qduce - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 241, 01:16:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 241, 01:57:18: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 261, 09:18:20: Rory demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 261, 10:24:56: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 61 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 262, 10:49:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 15! Day 263, 04:46:46: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 64 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 305, 16:30:42: Rory demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 305, 16:38:00: Rory demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 305, 16:39:15: Rory demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 305, 16:42:03: Rory demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 305, 16:43:13: Rory demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 305, 16:44:32: Rory demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 307, 19:10:25: Rory demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 308, 21:36:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 441, 05:28:40: Tribemember Rory - Lvl 69 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 441, 05:29:11: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 611, 10:09:28: Tribemember Qduce - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 950, 18:27:20: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1062, 11:31:32: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Parasaur)'! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1472371858,"tribe":"Companions of ARK logs":["Day 13049, 14:20:28: Overdrive froze CaS Boss - Lvl 540 (Tek Rex) Day 13049, 20:01:03: Overdrive froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 13049, 20:06:30: Overdrive froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 232 (Yutyrannus) Day 13049, 20:16:02: Overdrive froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 207 (Yutyrannus) Day 13050, 12:41:04: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13050, 17:10:57: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13051, 11:36:08: Overdrive froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 13051, 14:34:26: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13051, 15:46:53: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13132, 15:41:52: Dung Beetle - Lvl 254 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13266, 19:10:37: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 13267, 01:38:57: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 13267, 11:11:52: Overdrive froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 13269, 19:17:48: Overdrive froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 13270, 10:47:59: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13270, 22:18:00: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13270, 23:51:25: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13271, 06:14:22: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13271, 08:17:12: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13271, 08:36:37: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13271, 13:43:53: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 13271, 15:39:39: Overdrive froze Zuul - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13271, 15:46:50: Overdrive froze light the fire - Lvl 274 (Fjordhawk) Day 13377, 14:07:33: World barrier destroyed 'Duomog-- - Lvl 1' at X=40714.602 Y=-130494.016 Z=72366.750! Day 13377, 15:41:51: World barrier destroyed 'Duomog-- - Lvl 1' at X=33117.520 Y=-142440.813 Z=73392.203! Day 13404, 15:50:52: Duomog-- was removed from the Tribe by Overdrive! Day 13404, 15:55:34: Alsuperhero1 was removed from the Tribe by Overdrive! Day 13404, 18:57:45: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13404, 20:16:51: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13404, 20:50:00: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13404, 21:56:42: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13404, 23:50:20: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13405, 12:36:52: Overdrive froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 13405, 15:12:02: Overdrive claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13405, 15:34:55: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13405, 19:50:08: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13405, 20:45:15: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13405, 23:22:44: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13406, 01:42:49: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13406, 06:11:35: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13406, 09:45:07: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13406, 11:46:55: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 433 (Shadowmane) Day 13406, 12:01:16: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 433 (Shadowmane) Day 13406, 18:03:47: Overdrive froze Bat - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 13406, 18:38:13: Overdrive froze Bat - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 13406, 19:29:52: Overdrive froze Bat - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 13406, 19:39:03: Overdrive claimed 'Megs - Lvl 239 (Megalodon)'! Day 13406, 19:44:20: Overdrive froze Megs - Lvl 239 (Megalodon) Day 13406, 21:02:17: Overdrive froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 371 (Basilosaurus) Day 13407, 08:16:34: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 433 (Shadowmane) Day 13407, 19:21:46: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13407, 21:25:00: Overdrive froze Bat - Lvl 364 (Desmodus) Day 13408, 05:18:43: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:21:00: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:24:16: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:27:04: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:28:57: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:31:54: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:34:18: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 05:36:11: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 06:10:18: Overdrive claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13408, 06:49:22: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 433 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:36:51: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 12 - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:39:55: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 9 - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:42:45: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 14 - Lvl 429 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:45:59: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 16 - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:48:54: Overdrive froze (COA) Arena Fighter 19 - Lvl 428 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:53:20: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 11 - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 08:56:25: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 18 - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 09:01:12: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 6 - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 09:10:02: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 17 - Lvl 436 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 09:17:12: Overdrive froze (COA) ARENA FIGHTER 1 - Lvl 440 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 09:49:14: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 09:59:01: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:03:36: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:07:34: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:11:33: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:16:29: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:42:29: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:47:05: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 10:53:55: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 11:20:09: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 15:44:24: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 16:17:03: Overdrive froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 19:17:18: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 19:24:49: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 19:29:03: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 20:01:49: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 20:26:12: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 20:32:04: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 20:37:36: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 21:35:53: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 21:42:05: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 21:47:48: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13408, 21:58:10: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 01:13:14: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 01:28:09: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 02:07:20: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 02:26:32: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 02:36:20: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 04:39:34: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 05:03:27: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 06:50:09: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 06:55:44: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 07:28:20: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 07:37:19: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 07:45:19: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 07:51:43: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 07:56:32: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 08:00:52: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 08:19:40: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 08:24:14: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 10:02:26: Overdrive froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13409, 16:51:55: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13410, 03:02:33: Overdrive froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 13410, 05:39:03: Overdrive froze [COA] Breeding Male - Lvl 397 (Daeodon) Day 13410, 07:47:50: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 07:51:33: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 07:55:04: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 07:58:40: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 08:01:34: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 08:06:08: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 08:09:58: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 08:15:43: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 08:20:42: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 14:48:19: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 14:53:11: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 14:59:20: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 15:02:39: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 15:06:20: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 15:10:13: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13410, 15:13:26: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 00:39:30: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:22:25: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:26:54: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:32:11: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:35:58: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:40:03: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:43:41: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 04:57:43: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 05:02:37: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 05:50:07: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 20:07:18: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 20:25:07: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 20:35:11: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 20:47:41: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 21:07:40: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 21:17:35: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 21:28:35: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 21:39:53: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 13411, 22:05:37: Overdrive froze Alpha cat - Lvl 304 (Shadowmane) Day 13412, 12:31:57: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 13509, 18:09:45: Overdrive claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13509, 18:18:40: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13509, 18:33:33: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13509, 21:22:37: Overdrive froze Shadowmane - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 13796, 13:32:17: (COA) SNOWFLAKE - Lvl 380 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13828, 03:30:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13891, 02:32:06: Overdrive froze CoA Owl - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) Day 13891, 02:39:45: Overdrive froze Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 13891, 02:44:59: Overdrive froze Phiomia - Lvl 197 (Phiomia) Day 13891, 02:53:23: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 228 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13891, 03:00:31: Overdrive froze CoA Owl - Lvl 389 (Snow Owl) Day 13891, 03:12:56: Overdrive froze Nursie - Lvl 382 (Maewing) Day 13891, 03:21:42: Overdrive froze Zuul - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13891, 03:34:04: Overdrive froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 455 (Tek Quetzal) Day 13891, 06:57:03: Overdrive froze Megachelon - Lvl 125 (Megachelon) Day 16053, 05:53:15: Overdrive froze [COA] BReeding Female - Lvl 425 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16053, 06:00:36: Overdrive froze CoA Male - Lvl 414 (Giganotosaurus) Day 16302, 00:40:12: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16439, 10:24:23: Xatori - Lvl 101 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'branodn birb - Lvl 410 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 16526, 20:58:30: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 354 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 16527, 01:35:32: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 354 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 16527, 03:44:32: Overdrive froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16528, 01:43:05: Overdrive froze CoA Male - Lvl 410 (Basilosaurus) Day 16528, 06:03:34: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 354 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 16528, 08:31:43: Overdrive froze CoA Male - Lvl 410 (Basilosaurus) Day 16528, 15:29:53: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 354 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 16528, 16:12:57: Overdrive froze DM+W+F - Lvl 403 (Voidwyrm) Day 16528, 23:24:45: Overdrive froze CoA Male - Lvl 410 (Basilosaurus) Day 16529, 03:21:40: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 40 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16529, 03:32:58: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16529, 03:41:59: Overdrive froze CaS CoA Lightning - Lvl 339 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16529, 10:02:46: Overdrive froze Khan - Lvl 405 (Fenrir) Day 16529, 10:08:00: Overdrive froze Bat - Lvl 373 (Desmodus) Day 16529, 10:16:24: Overdrive froze CoA Owl - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 16529, 10:22:52: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 17220, 11:42:12: Overdrive froze light the fire - Lvl 274 (Fjordhawk) Day 17360, 22:51:39: Overdrive froze Featherlight - Lvl 334 (Featherlight) Day 17361, 01:17:13: Overdrive froze Shinehorn - Lvl 349 (Shinehorn) Day 17361, 01:23:08: Overdrive froze Featherlight - Lvl 334 (Featherlight) Day 17361, 01:30:17: Overdrive froze birdy - Lvl 237 (Featherlight) Day 17361, 01:37:47: Overdrive froze Featherlight - Lvl 229 (Featherlight) Day 17361, 01:53:34: Overdrive froze Blue bird - Lvl 229 (Featherlight) Day 17361, 03:11:50: Overdrive froze Glowtail - Lvl 399 (Glowtail) Day 17693, 10:35:23: Overdrive froze (COA) Female - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 17694, 06:32:22: Overdrive froze (COA) Female - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 17694, 08:44:37: Overdrive froze Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis) Day 17694, 09:48:05: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 244 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17694, 10:53:12: Overdrive unclaimed 'Megalosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 209 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 17694, 17:38:32: Your Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 162 (Companions of ARK)! Day 17694, 17:38:32: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis)! Day 17694, 18:41:31: Your Bah Bah - Lvl 408 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 162 (Companions of ARK)! Day 17694, 18:41:31: Your Tribe killed Bah Bah - Lvl 408 (Ovis)! Day 17694, 18:47:47: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 88 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17694, 18:50:16: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 22 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17694, 18:50:51: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 131 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17694, 19:01:26: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 22 (Fjordhawk) Day 17694, 19:06:50: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 201 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17694, 19:15:35: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 201 (Fjordhawk) Day 17694, 19:21:17: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17694, 19:32:17: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 88 (Fjordhawk) Day 17694, 19:50:44: Overdrive froze (COA) Female - Lvl 394 (Desmodus) Day 17694, 21:48:30: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 22 (Fjordhawk) Day 17694, 21:55:12: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 201 (Fjordhawk) Day 17695, 12:25:15: Overdrive froze (COA) Voidwyrm - Lvl 489 (Voidwyrm) Day 17695, 12:35:33: Overdrive uploaded a Fjordhawk: Fjordhawk - Lvl 131 Day 17695, 19:27:44: Overdrive froze (COA) Breeding Female - Lvl 366 (Otter) Day 17695, 19:36:03: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 345 (Otter) Day 17695, 19:43:38: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 375 (Otter) Day 17695, 19:53:11: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 422 (Otter) Day 17695, 20:00:28: Overdrive froze CoA Otter - Lvl 285 (Otter) Day 17795, 04:30:36: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 18271, 18:09:02: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 18271, 19:10:39: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 220 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18271, 19:12:54: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18342, 23:38:01: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18343, 00:51:15: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 303 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18343, 12:08:02: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18570, 20:34:13: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18785, 15:25:03: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 400 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18787, 03:10:17: CaS downloaded a dino: CAStrider - Lvl 177 Day 18787, 07:34:15: CaS uploaded a Tek Stryder: CAStrider - Lvl 177 Day 18787, 08:16:20: CaS downloaded a dino: CAStrider - Lvl 177 Day 18787, 13:26:32: CaS froze CoA CaS - Lvl 400 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18809, 19:38:16: Overdrive Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo)! Day 18809, 19:45:48: Overdrive froze Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo) Day 18810, 04:24:07: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 18810, 09:05:33: Overdrive froze Hendrix - Lvl 328 (Rock Drake) Day 18811, 06:55:56: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18820, 11:45:33: Overdrive froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 326 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18820, 15:17:51: Overdrive froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18820, 17:44:27: Overdrive froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 438 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18821, 10:27:08: Overdrive froze Astrocetus - Lvl 317 (Astrocetus) Day 18821, 11:16:02: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18821, 11:26:33: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 18821, 11:35:30: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18821, 11:40:41: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 18821, 11:59:58: Overdrive froze DM+W+F - Lvl 404 (Voidwyrm) Day 18821, 16:20:27: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18821, 16:47:36: Overdrive Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18821, 16:52:20: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 18821, 20:42:38: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 18821, 23:55:23: Overdrive Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 00:19:11: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 18822, 01:23:22: Overdrive Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 01:49:11: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) Day 18822, 01:58:55: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 02:07:14: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 02:12:53: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 02:19:48: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 02:33:50: Overdrive froze Mantis1 - Lvl 433 (Mantis) Day 18822, 03:27:33: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 03:35:23: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 03:44:45: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 03:52:19: Overdrive froze Thor - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18822, 04:02:43: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK)! Day 18822, 04:02:43: Your Tribe killed Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 04:15:50: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK)! Day 18822, 04:15:50: Your Tribe killed Dung Beetle - Lvl 142 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 05:49:42: Overdrive Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 05:55:56: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 18822, 06:02:10: Overdrive Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 06:07:49: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 18822, 06:14:09: Overdrive Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle)! Day 18822, 06:19:35: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle) Day 18822, 17:40:20: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 18822, 18:13:59: Overdrive Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 223 (Phiomia)! Day 18822, 19:04:35: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18822, 20:11:04: Overdrive froze Phiomia - Lvl 223 (Phiomia) Day 18822, 22:42:56: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 18824, 22:05:08: Overdrive froze Hendrix - Lvl 328 (Rock Drake) Day 18824, 22:59:39: Overdrive froze Batista - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 18825, 02:39:00: Overdrive froze Hendrix - Lvl 328 (Rock Drake) Day 18827, 07:58:05: Overdrive froze Mantis1 - Lvl 433 (Mantis) Day 18828, 14:45:28: Overdrive claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18828, 14:48:30: Overdrive claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18828, 16:35:30: Overdrive claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18828, 18:39:52: Overdrive claimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 214 (Shinehorn)'! Day 18828, 21:16:25: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 18828, 21:23:55: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 18828, 21:31:02: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18829, 07:06:42: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 177 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 60! Day 18829, 08:05:26: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 214 (Shinehorn) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 18829, 10:27:29: Overdrive froze Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 18829, 10:34:10: Overdrive froze Bat - Lvl 373 (Desmodus) Day 18829, 10:41:52: Overdrive froze CoA Female Basilosaurus - Lvl 405 (Basilosaurus) Day 18829, 10:49:42: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 406 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 18829, 12:29:28: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18829, 16:39:21: Overdrive froze CoA Female Basilosaurus - Lvl 405 (Basilosaurus) Day 18831, 05:08:41: Overdrive claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18831, 05:14:40: Overdrive claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 246 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 05:19:57: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 246 (Dung Beetle) Day 18831, 05:27:04: Overdrive claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 214 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 05:32:57: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 214 (Dung Beetle) Day 18831, 05:45:43: Overdrive claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 245 (Phiomia)'! Day 18831, 05:54:11: Overdrive froze Phiomia - Lvl 245 (Phiomia) Day 18831, 06:03:10: Overdrive claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 306 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 06:11:19: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 306 (Dung Beetle) Day 18831, 06:19:07: Overdrive claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 210 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 06:25:09: Overdrive froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 210 (Dung Beetle) Day 18831, 06:35:46: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18831, 07:35:49: Overdrive froze CoA Female Basilosaurus - Lvl 405 (Basilosaurus) Day 18831, 15:47:48: Overdrive froze CoA Female Basilosaurus - Lvl 405 (Basilosaurus) Day 18832, 15:50:19: Overdrive claimed 'fiolet - Lvl 400 (Managarmr)'! Day 18832, 15:55:04: Overdrive froze fiolet - Lvl 400 (Managarmr) Day 18832, 15:58:18: Overdrive claimed 'as - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane)'! Day 18832, 16:04:05: Overdrive froze as - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) Day 18832, 16:49:16: Overdrive claimed 'Megatron - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18832, 16:59:10: Overdrive froze Megatron - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 18832, 17:24:11: Overdrive claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur)'! Day 18832, 17:29:13: Overdrive froze Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 18833, 15:37:33: Overdrive froze Terminator - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 18833, 18:43:57: Overdrive froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18833, 21:10:17: Overdrive froze Terminator - Lvl 452 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 18834, 08:40:28: Overdrive froze Batista - Lvl 450 (Shadowmane) Day 18834, 09:23:24: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 283 (Fjordhawk) Day 18850, 10:51:00: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 18852, 20:10:10: Overdrive froze as - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) Day 18856, 02:03:50: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 18856, 05:27:01: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 18927, 18:54:58: Overdrive froze Dixie - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 18954, 18:24:45: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 18954, 19:12:08: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 18981, 17:18:53: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19301, 02:37:28: Overdrive froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 295 (Rhyniognatha) Day 19301, 19:57:25: CaS downloaded a dino: Fjordhawk - Lvl 283 Day 19301, 20:10:48: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 283 (Fjordhawk) Day 19303, 00:48:52: CaS froze CaS 2 - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 19417, 10:29:33: CaS froze CaS 2 - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 19562, 08:29:58: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 19680, 20:15:59: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 19680, 21:36:04: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 19964, 09:59:27: Overdrive froze (COA) Cas REX 2 - Lvl 547 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 10:10:13: Overdrive froze (COA) BOSS FIGHTER 5 - Lvl 534 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 10:33:11: Overdrive froze (COA) MUZZY'S BEAST - Lvl 528 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 10:58:29: Overdrive froze CaS Boss - Lvl 558 (Tek Rex) Day 19965, 22:44:41: Overdrive froze Dixie - Lvl 408 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19966, 02:29:59: Overdrive froze (COA) Breeding Female - Lvl 420 (Daeodon) Day 19966, 02:41:29: Overdrive froze [COA] Breeding Male - Lvl 405 (Daeodon) Day 19966, 04:07:33: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 04:21:40: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 494 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 04:27:03: Overdrive froze [COA] FIGHTER 16 - Lvl 449 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 04:42:09: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 04:53:22: Overdrive froze Rex17 - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 05:30:12: Overdrive froze bill - Lvl 509 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 06:49:51: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 482 (Tek Rex) Day 19966, 07:25:54: Overdrive froze Tek Rex - Lvl 487 (Tek Rex) Day 20063, 08:02:52: CaS froze Cas Zombie - Lvl 387 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 20063, 11:41:30: CaS froze Monet - Lvl 415 (Shadowmane) Day 20063, 18:25:24: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 20063, 18:40:45: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 07:14:25: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 493 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 07:30:53: CaS froze BOSS4 - Lvl 490 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 07:35:53: CaS froze Megatron - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 07:52:51: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 398 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 08:00:18: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 08:04:32: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 08:59:28: CaS froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 364 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20064, 09:04:15: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 09:07:54: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 09:17:15: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 09:22:03: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 09:32:43: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 09:45:16: CaS froze Perfect F - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 09:53:17: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 10:01:33: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 10:12:01: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 11:45:26: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 11:52:02: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 11:59:06: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 12:14:08: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 12:24:53: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 12:36:06: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 12:42:39: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 13:37:45: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 13:43:57: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 13:49:55: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 14:00:16: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 385 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 14:05:05: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 14:11:15: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 15:30:41: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 15:44:28: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 15:48:31: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 15:57:13: CaS froze Tek Rex - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 16:44:21: CaS froze Breeding F - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 20064, 19:34:42: CaS froze (COA) Breeding Female - Lvl 420 (Daeodon) Day 20064, 19:42:38: CaS froze For Cas :) - Lvl 188 (Rhyniognatha) Day 20064, 20:07:45: CaS froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 381 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20064, 20:15:25: CaS froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 372 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1469378662,"tribe":"Tribu de SHADOWS logs":["Day 474, 11:48:36: SHADOWS was added to the Tribe! Day 474, 19:59:06: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 474, 21:55:50: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 43 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 15! Day 475, 01:02:19: SHADOWS Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 78 (Direwolf)! Day 475, 21:30:37: Your Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 475, 21:51:07: Your Direwolf - Lvl 89 (Direwolf) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 475, 21:51:07: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 49 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 476, 03:32:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 117 (Pteranodon)! Day 476, 05:18:53: SHADOWS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon)! Day 480, 15:21:40: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 481, 10:45:21: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 481, 10:48:42: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 481, 13:51:10: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 67 was killed! Day 481, 14:44:39: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 67 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 20! Day 484, 03:22:10: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 484, 07:33:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 118 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 15! Day 484, 11:40:25: SHADOWS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)! Day 493, 06:10:53: SHADOWS demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 493, 15:07:17: SHADOWS demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 493, 15:08:22: SHADOWS demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 493, 23:43:45: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 73 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 494, 00:30:50: SHADOWS Tamed a Rex - Lvl 27 (Rex)! Day 494, 01:31:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 89 (Rex)! Day 494, 16:40:00: SHADOWS Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 494, 17:11:29: SHADOWS Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 494, 19:29:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 146 (Doedicurus)! Day 517, 07:40:15: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 517, 11:55:45: Your Triceratops - Lvl 164 (Triceratops) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 517, 12:33:20: Your Rex - Lvl 33 (Rex) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 517, 17:12:54: Your Moschops - Lvl 24 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 517, 18:32:26: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 230 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 517, 19:53:37: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 517, 19:58:12: Your Parasaur - Lvl 40 (Parasaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 518, 06:06:11: Your Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 518, 06:20:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 518, 06:26:34: Your Argentavis - Lvl 54 (Argentavis) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 518, 07:08:43: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 518, 07:45:56: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 518, 07:50:17: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 81 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 518, 14:05:29: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 519, 08:47:59: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 522, 17:54:34: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 522, 17:57:30: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 81 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 522, 18:34:50: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 522, 18:51:44: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 523, 07:33:11: SHADOWS Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 523, 10:15:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 523, 11:04:31: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 523, 11:39:00: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 81 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 523, 18:50:29: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 523, 19:06:10: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 524, 12:43:44: SHADOWS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 524, 12:56:31: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 527, 15:21:46: SHADOWS Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 527, 17:34:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo)! Day 527, 17:43:08: SHADOWS Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)! Day 527, 19:17:30: SHADOWS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 528, 12:06:35: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:07:19: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:09:21: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:10:15: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:10:57: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:11:40: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:12:15: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:13:09: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:13:46: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:14:33: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 12:15:27: SHADOWS demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 528, 17:13:16: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 529, 16:22:15: SHADOWS Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 127 (Triceratops)! Day 537, 23:50:08: Your Triceratops - Lvl 127 (Triceratops) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 538, 00:02:39: Your Rex - Lvl 140 (Rex) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 538, 00:06:14: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 538, 00:11:31: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 538, 00:13:39: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 538, 00:46:41: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 538, 00:58:40: Your Moschops - Lvl 159 (Moschops) was killed! Day 539, 05:11:26: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 539, 05:11:30: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 539, 05:16:19: Your Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 539, 05:16:19: Your Dodo - Lvl 126 (Dodo) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 539, 05:18:05: Your Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 539, 05:37:10: Your Argentavis - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 539, 10:18:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)! Day 539, 15:22:17: SHADOWS Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)! Day 545, 11:29:40: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 547, 04:58:59: SHADOWS Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 547, 08:06:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur)! Day 551, 11:54:13: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 551, 17:57:09: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 551, 18:44:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 551, 19:43:49: SHADOWS froze Pteranodon - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 551, 21:26:28: SHADOWS Tamed a Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex)! Day 551, 21:32:12: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex) Day 552, 06:12:57: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex)'! Day 552, 20:51:35: SHADOWS Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 552, 20:58:51: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 564, 05:52:41: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 565, 11:30:44: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 565, 11:34:02: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 565, 12:07:21: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 565, 15:07:37: SHADOWS demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 565, 15:09:42: SHADOWS demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 565, 15:24:52: SHADOWS demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 565, 17:09:01: SHADOWS unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon)'! Day 565, 17:11:38: SHADOWS claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon)'! Day 565, 17:13:27: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon) was killed by SHADOWS - Lvl 101 (Tribu de SHADOWS)! Day 565, 17:13:27: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 83 (Pteranodon) (Tribu de SHADOWS)! Day 565, 18:24:11: SHADOWS demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 565, 20:16:23: SHADOWS demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 566, 01:24:12: SHADOWS Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 566, 07:52:59: SHADOWS demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 566, 07:54:14: SHADOWS demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 568, 03:22:01: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex)'! Day 572, 14:49:34: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 572, 14:54:26: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 572, 16:34:57: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex) Day 572, 19:03:56: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 573, 03:43:44: SHADOWS demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 573, 05:32:13: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 573, 05:46:07: Your Moschops - Lvl 38 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 573, 06:00:30: Your Moschops - Lvl 34 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 573, 11:23:10: SHADOWS demolished a 'Medium Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 573, 18:59:30: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 194 (Sabertooth)! Day 574, 08:15:04: SHADOWS froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 574, 14:02:44: SHADOWS Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur)! Day 574, 14:06:55: SHADOWS froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur) Day 574, 14:41:41: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 574, 15:07:17: SHADOWS froze It's Looooong - Lvl 29 (Therizinosaur) Day 575, 10:35:37: SHADOWS claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 575, 15:57:03: SHADOWS Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 584, 11:12:26: Juvenile Bruno - Lvl 219 (Rex) starved to death! Day 634, 21:02:31: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 634, 21:09:33: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 634, 21:11:50: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 634, 21:13:16: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 194 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 634, 21:39:52: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 634, 21:51:21: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 634, 22:00:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 634, 22:28:16: Your Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 634, 23:19:18: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 655, 19:22:47: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 655, 19:39:47: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 147 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 656, 15:47:49: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 785, 11:27:20: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 183 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1174, 12:09:18: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:10:45: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 149 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:11:37: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 186 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:13:19: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:21:14: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'It's Looooong - Lvl 33 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1174, 12:23:49: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1174, 12:25:05: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis)'! Day 1174, 12:27:45: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1174, 12:32:06: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue (Dmgs) - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:35:06: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Emilie - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:36:08: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 12:40:52: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1174, 13:08:06: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aurélie - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 1174, 14:17:04: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 134 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 166 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1821, 13:40:40: Tribemember SHADOWS - Lvl 105 was killed!"] "tribeid":1465723590,"tribe":"Wood Nymphs logs":["Day 995, 19:02:43: Enya Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 74 (Phiomia)! Day 995, 19:19:32: Enya froze Tits - Lvl 38 (Pachy) Day 1018, 13:00:59: Enya froze Castoroides - Lvl 29 (Castoroides) Day 1018, 13:07:05: Enya froze George - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 1018, 13:15:58: Enya froze Tits - Lvl 38 (Pachy) Day 1018, 13:32:41: Enya froze Bertie - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) Day 1018, 13:47:22: Enya froze Dipper - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) Day 1018, 13:52:03: Enya froze dddddds - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) Day 1018, 14:38:37: Enya froze BABY - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1043, 01:07:38: Enya froze Casserole - Lvl 242 (Castoroides) Day 1043, 01:13:09: Enya froze Barney - Lvl 243 (Doedicurus) Day 1043, 10:06:04: Enya froze Barney - Lvl 243 (Doedicurus) Day 1043, 10:08:54: Enya froze Casserole - Lvl 242 (Castoroides) Day 1043, 10:34:04: Tribemember Enya - Lvl 126 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1091, 06:58:53: Enya demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 1091, 07:02:55: Enya demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 1091, 07:17:48: Enya demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 1091, 07:20:44: Enya demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 1091, 08:27:46: Enya froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1091, 08:51:12: Zero was added to the Tribe by Enya! Day 1091, 10:25:02: Enya froze Baby FLOW - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1091, 10:59:02: Enya froze Juvenile Nonce - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1112, 01:08:22: Enya froze Cardi - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1113, 03:16:10: Enya froze Daenerys - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1115, 11:10:03: Enya froze Casserole - Lvl 288 (Castoroides) Day 1115, 11:15:39: Enya froze Bon Bon - Lvl 282 (Doedicurus) Day 1115, 11:22:23: Enya froze Cardi - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1115, 17:24:40: Enya froze Bertie - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) Day 1115, 17:27:42: Enya froze baba - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) Day 1115, 17:32:42: Enya froze NANU - Lvl 104 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1115, 17:40:22: Enya froze Fast Male - Lvl 286 (Desmodus) Day 1115, 17:50:30: Enya froze Sue (SIW) - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) Day 1115, 17:53:36: Enya froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1115, 17:59:32: Enya froze Pooper machine - Lvl 74 (Phiomia) Day 1115, 18:02:54: Enya froze Dong - Lvl 37 (Pachy) Day 1115, 18:05:56: Enya froze Tits - Lvl 38 (Pachy) Day 1115, 18:09:22: Enya froze Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) Day 1115, 18:14:17: Enya froze Sean - Lvl 32 (Triceratops) Day 1115, 18:19:14: Enya froze Argentavis - Lvl 166 (Argentavis) Day 1115, 18:22:52: Enya froze Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) Day 1115, 18:31:53: Enya froze BABY - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1115, 18:35:15: Enya froze Castoroides - Lvl 29 (Castoroides) Day 1115, 18:39:07: Enya froze George - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) Day 1115, 18:42:32: Enya froze Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus) Day 1115, 18:46:14: Enya froze Gobz - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon) Day 1115, 18:50:20: Enya froze Dipper - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) Day 1115, 18:56:15: Enya froze dddddds - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) Day 1115, 19:00:00: Enya froze Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis) Day 1115, 19:08:56: Enya froze Barney - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 1115, 21:05:44: Enya froze green birb - Lvl 89 (Dimorphodon) Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1542, 07:45:10: Your Dipper - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 1542, 07:50:44: Your dddddds - Lvl 149 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 1542, 07:54:09: Your green birb - Lvl 89 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 1542, 08:20:05: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 1611, 15:06:59: Castoroides - Lvl 29 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 1611, 15:07:00: Dong - Lvl 37 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 1652, 05:33:23: Sean - Lvl 32 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 1656, 14:51:41: Tribemember Zero - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1656, 15:36:56: Your Argentavis - Lvl 166 (Argentavis) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 1680, 04:58:37: Tits - Lvl 38 (Pachy) starved to death! Day 1680, 05:03:36: Tribemember Enya - Lvl 126 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1736, 12:20:07: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Daenerys - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1736, 13:29:11: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 137 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1736, 13:32:02: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cardi - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1736, 13:36:35: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)'! Day 1736, 13:38:50: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baba - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1736, 13:40:02: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)'! Day 1736, 13:40:41: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fast Male - Lvl 286 (Desmodus)'! Day 1736, 13:42:18: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gobz - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1736, 13:44:22: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BABY - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 1736, 13:44:52: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bon Bon - Lvl 282 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1736, 13:52:05: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bertie - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1736, 13:53:35: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sue (SIW) - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 1736, 13:56:04: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Casserole - Lvl 288 (Castoroides)'! Day 1736, 14:18:21: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1736, 14:19:02: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pooper machine - Lvl 74 (Phiomia)'! Day 1736, 14:19:43: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'George - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1736, 14:53:22: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barney - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 1736, 15:36:12: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lord Zedicus Zool Zerand - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1736, 16:04:21: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NANU - Lvl 104 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1910, 04:12:41: hug - Lvl 124 (Dragonborns) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2178, 07:26:38: Tribemember neon - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1465626423,"tribe":"monke logs":["Day 9501, 19:33:52: Monke was added to the Tribe! Day 9502, 00:25:38: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 471 (Therizinosaur) Day 9502, 01:51:00: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 9502, 03:25:51: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 9949, 00:17:57: Your Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 192 (Maewing) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (monke)! Day 9949, 00:17:57: Your Tribe killed Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 192 (Maewing)! Day 9949, 00:24:23: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) was killed by Monke - Lvl 165 (monke)! Day 9949, 00:24:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)! Day 9949, 02:04:54: Monke froze fighter - Lvl 377 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9949, 06:57:07: Monke froze Maewing - Lvl 203 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1464689101,"tribe":"Tribe of hoyia logs":["Day 2604, 09:47:08: hoyia was added to the Tribe! Day 2604, 10:18:02: TeBo0110 added 'Tribe of hoyia' Tribe to The Horde Alliance! Day 2605, 10:41:23: TeBo0110 added 'Tribe of UwU' Tribe to The Horde Alliance! Day 2606, 09:08:45: hoyia claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1464472559,"tribe":"Average Tribe logs":["Day 145, 05:59:39: Iona was added to the Tribe! Day 145, 06:01:27: NanoBastardo was added to the Tribe by Iona! Day 145, 13:07:44: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 145, 14:26:26: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 145, 14:36:16: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 145, 14:52:21: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 145, 14:56:12: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 145, 15:47:00: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 145, 19:11:40: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 146, 05:17:20: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 146, 07:58:24: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 146, 08:25:38: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 146, 12:49:02: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 146, 16:50:00: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 146, 18:06:14: NanoBastardo froze Rock Drake - Lvl 291 (Rock Drake) Day 146, 22:16:47: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 147, 08:09:59: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 147, 08:21:33: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 147, 18:55:15: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 147, 19:10:52: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 207, 08:49:27: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 207, 15:33:25: NanoBastardo froze Wyvern on drugs - Lvl 345 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 207, 15:45:22: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 207, 15:59:16: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 207, 16:05:17: NanoBastardo froze Menanosaurus - Lvl 254 (Megalosaurus) Day 207, 17:19:31: NanoBastardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus)! Day 207, 18:44:38: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 207, 22:20:53: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.1x! Day 208, 05:22:15: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 208, 05:29:08: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 394 (Megatherium) Day 208, 05:32:29: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 208, 07:30:00: Your Wyvern on drugs - Lvl 345 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 208, 08:53:22: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 208, 08:55:17: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 208, 09:12:35: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 208, 09:19:38: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 208, 11:07:00: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 208, 14:06:21: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 208, 14:08:19: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 208, 15:52:48: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 208, 18:07:04: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 208, 18:39:48: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 208, 19:18:55: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 208, 20:30:49: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 208, 20:32:23: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 208, 22:51:08: Iona Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 209, 00:31:53: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 209, 01:18:52: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 209, 01:24:04: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 209, 02:42:43: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 209, 04:33:13: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 209, 04:52:12: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 214, 22:01:34: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 214, 23:07:02: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 215, 04:37:26: Iona Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 215, 06:43:04: Iona froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus) Day 215, 06:55:13: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 215, 10:26:22: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 215, 12:01:04: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 240 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 215, 12:27:01: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 236, 11:19:48: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 236, 11:27:25: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 236, 13:55:37: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 236, 13:57:00: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 236, 16:00:30: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 236, 16:11:55: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 236, 16:23:33: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 236, 18:14:34: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 236, 18:31:18: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 237, 00:08:28: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 237, 01:58:13: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 237, 02:37:55: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 237, 03:31:13: NanoBastardo froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 237, 04:10:28: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 237, 07:11:27: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 237, 07:19:28: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 237, 15:24:53: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 237, 16:44:28: NanoBastardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus)! Day 237, 18:05:23: Iona froze Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 237, 18:09:09: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 235 (Moschops) Day 237, 18:12:25: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 236 (Moschops) Day 237, 18:18:37: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 229 (Moschops) Day 237, 19:24:51: Tribemember NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 238, 00:57:24: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 238, 01:38:31: NanoBastardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)! Day 238, 02:03:08: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 235 (Moschops) Day 238, 02:11:17: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 238, 02:15:43: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 238, 02:20:22: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 236 (Moschops) Day 238, 02:32:30: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 231 (Moschops) Day 238, 02:35:49: Tribemember Iona - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 238, 02:46:46: NanoBastardo froze Moschops - Lvl 236 (Moschops) Day 238, 03:27:09: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 238, 03:28:22: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 238, 03:44:14: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 238, 07:56:58: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 238, 08:18:35: Your Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) was killed by Iona - Lvl 123 (Average Tribe)! Day 238, 08:18:35: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis)! Day 238, 09:08:27: Your Ovis - Lvl 241 (Ovis) was killed by NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 (Average Tribe)! Day 238, 09:08:27: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 241 (Ovis)! Day 238, 11:44:55: Iona froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 238, 12:24:56: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 238, 23:11:50: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 238, 23:43:13: Tribemember Iona - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 239, 00:21:31: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 239, 00:44:06: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 239, 02:03:31: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 239, 02:31:22: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 239, 03:22:14: NanoBastardo froze Megatherium - Lvl 395 (Megatherium) Day 239, 03:52:59: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 239, 07:14:13: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 239, 09:42:01: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 239, 11:01:48: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 239, 22:16:06: Iona froze Battle Rex - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 239, 23:29:55: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 255, 23:43:56: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 261, 14:37:17: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 261, 17:13:41: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 261, 22:31:51: NanoBastardo Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk)! Day 262, 02:10:37: NanoBastardo froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk) Day 262, 02:37:15: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 262, 03:43:42: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 363 (Giganotosaurus) Day 262, 04:41:44: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 384, 04:22:09: Iona froze Annie - Lvl 351 (Argentavis) Day 384, 06:42:13: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 384, 13:17:35: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 384, 15:10:39: NanoBastardo Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 148 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 384, 15:34:02: NanoBastardo froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 148 (Andrewsarchus) Day 384, 18:04:53: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 384, 19:44:13: NanoBastardo froze Tek Rex - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex) Day 384, 20:52:40: Iona froze Annie - Lvl 353 (Argentavis) Day 384, 21:49:16: Iona froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 384, 21:53:50: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 384, 22:42:40: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 364 (Giganotosaurus) Day 384, 22:46:07: Iona froze Iona - Lvl 363 (Giganotosaurus) Day 384, 22:48:07: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 385, 01:47:25: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 364 (Giganotosaurus) Day 385, 06:29:07: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 385, 06:39:49: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 364 (Giganotosaurus) Day 385, 06:46:36: Iona froze Iona - Lvl 363 (Giganotosaurus) Day 385, 08:16:22: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 385, 09:47:46: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 385, 11:05:08: NanoBastardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 445, 07:20:17: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 445, 08:01:52: Your Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis) was killed by NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 (Average Tribe)! Day 445, 08:01:52: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis)! Day 445, 08:10:55: NanoBastardo Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 66 (Fjordhawk)! Day 445, 11:05:03: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 365 (Giganotosaurus) Day 445, 11:15:49: NanoBastardo froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 66 (Fjordhawk) Day 445, 11:51:16: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 453, 08:51:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 545, 19:36:01: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 546, 02:35:49: Your Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis) was killed by NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 (Average Tribe)! Day 546, 02:35:49: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)! Day 546, 03:12:26: Your Ovis - Lvl 241 (Ovis) was killed by NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 (Average Tribe)! Day 546, 03:12:26: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 241 (Ovis)! Day 546, 03:42:14: Your Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis) was killed by NanoBastardo - Lvl 130 (Average Tribe)! Day 546, 03:42:14: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 238 (Ovis)! Day 546, 04:01:55: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 546, 07:45:42: NanoBastardo Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 203 (Fjordhawk)! Day 546, 08:01:13: NanoBastardo froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 203 (Fjordhawk) Day 546, 08:14:19: NanoBastardo froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 365 (Giganotosaurus) Day 546, 08:32:00: NanoBastardo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11245, 09:44:53: NanoBastardo froze Wyvern on drugs return - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11245, 18:22:04: NanoBastardo froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 469 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 11245, 21:09:41: NanoBastardo froze Wyvern on drugs return - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11245, 22:36:55: NanoBastardo froze GiNANOtosaurus - Lvl 422 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11246, 01:05:52: NanoBastardo froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 469 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 11246, 05:23:16: NanoBastardo froze GiNANOtosaurus - Lvl 423 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11246, 06:22:54: NanoBastardo claimed 'Metal Harvester 1 - Lvl 213 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11246, 08:09:59: NanoBastardo froze Wyvern on drugs return - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11246, 11:07:23: NanoBastardo froze GiNANOtosaurus - Lvl 423 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11246, 12:32:27: NanoBastardo froze Wyvern on drugs return - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11246, 14:53:50: NanoBastardo froze Wyvern on drugs return - Lvl 394 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11246, 15:53:36: NanoBastardo uploaded a Tek Stryder: Metal Harvester 1 - Lvl 213 Day 12114, 14:49:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1463934033,"tribe":"Tribe of V4z3 logs":["Day 2368, 04:52:14: V4z3 was added to the Tribe! Day 2368, 09:43:19: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 435 (Snow Owl) Day 2439, 21:07:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)! Day 2439, 21:15:32: V4z3 froze Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex) Day 2440, 08:54:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 2440, 09:00:16: V4z3 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2440, 11:53:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 67 (Velonasaur)! Day 2440, 12:38:43: V4z3 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 67 (Velonasaur) Day 2440, 17:21:16: Your Tribe Tamed a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (X-Allosaurus)! Day 2440, 17:33:22: V4z3 froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (X-Allosaurus) Day 2440, 17:39:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 142 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 2440, 17:44:22: V4z3 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 142 (Thorny Dragon) Day 2440, 17:53:45: V4z3 uploaded a Snow Owl: Voli the bestest - Lvl 435 Day 3500, 22:30:08: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 3501, 03:02:56: V4z3 froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 3501, 03:46:01: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 425 (Snow Owl) Day 9354, 11:02:01: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 403 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9356, 04:19:13: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 403 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9365, 07:44:24: Xantium was added to the Tribe by V4z3! Day 9365, 09:06:31: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 403 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9365, 12:03:10: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 283 (Basilosaurus) Day 9365, 19:49:28: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 283 (Basilosaurus) Day 9365, 21:54:12: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 283 (Basilosaurus) Day 9365, 23:18:21: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 283 (Basilosaurus) Day 9366, 07:39:36: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 283 (Basilosaurus) Day 9366, 10:55:41: Xantium Tamed a Megachelon - Lvl 82 (Megachelon)! Day 9366, 11:05:46: Xantium froze YESSSS!!!! - Lvl 82 (Megachelon) Day 9366, 11:57:57: V4z3 froze Chungus - Lvl 387 (Basilosaurus) Day 9366, 12:18:05: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 284 (Basilosaurus) Day 9366, 12:58:29: V4z3 claimed 'damar - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 9366, 13:18:48: V4z3 froze damar - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 9366, 13:50:39: V4z3 froze Vujri - Lvl 403 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9366, 16:48:01: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 284 (Basilosaurus) Day 9366, 17:34:12: Xantium froze Blaze - Lvl 251 (Phoenix) Day 9676, 05:34:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1463644696,"tribe":"Happy Little Accidents logs":["Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3776, 17:03:10: Tribemember BeachBobRoss - Lvl 122 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 20393, 12:05:45: Tribemember Aimee - Lvl 122 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 130! Day 20394, 04:25:00: Raptor - Lvl 150 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20394, 04:33:28: Tribemember Aimee - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1461216826,"tribe":"Fluffy Kittens logs":["Day 2647, 14:24:27: Velvetkitten Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)! Day 2647, 14:31:57: Velvetkitten froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 2647, 14:38:02: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 2648, 06:13:51: Velvetkitten froze Cutie - Lvl 302 (Griffin) Day 2648, 08:03:44: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 2648, 08:12:18: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 2648, 08:17:20: Velvetkitten froze Baby F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 2648, 08:25:23: Velvetkitten froze Baby F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 2792, 17:02:59: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 2812, 18:55:20: Velvetkitten froze F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 2812, 19:04:30: Velvetkitten froze F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 2812, 19:12:25: Velvetkitten froze F (46M) - Lvl 209 (X-Argentavis) Day 2812, 20:12:48: Velvetkitten froze Pip - Lvl 353 (X-Argentavis) Day 2812, 22:27:36: Velvetkitten froze Cutie - Lvl 302 (Griffin) Day 2812, 23:05:30: Velvetkitten froze F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 2812, 23:28:03: Velvetkitten froze M (41W, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 239 (X-Argentavis) Day 2813, 10:39:14: Velvetkitten froze Cutie - Lvl 302 (Griffin) Day 2927, 03:38:48: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 2927, 04:19:29: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 2931, 11:31:12: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 2931, 11:43:55: Velvetkitten froze Baby M (45S, 41W, 46M, 39F, 1 - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis) Day 2931, 14:04:36: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 2931, 15:06:16: Velvetkitten froze Juvenile M (45S, 41W, 46M, 39F, 1 - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis) Day 2931, 17:53:17: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 2931, 19:00:39: Velvetkitten froze Titan - Lvl 424 (Shadowmane) Day 2931, 20:30:11: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 2937, 19:57:57: Velvetkitten froze M (45S, 41W, 46M, 39F, 1 - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis) Day 2937, 20:20:42: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 2937, 21:13:34: Velvetkitten froze M (45S, 41W, 46M, 39F, 1 - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis) Day 2938, 01:30:31: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 2938, 01:36:25: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 2961, 22:04:26: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby Anglerfish - Lvl 210 (Anglerfish)'! Day 2961, 22:11:02: Velvetkitten froze Baby Piiiiink - Lvl 210 (Anglerfish) Day 2961, 22:51:29: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3067, 07:19:55: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3067, 08:25:16: Velvetkitten froze Molly - Lvl 423 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3067, 09:27:25: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3067, 09:48:26: Velvetkitten froze Molly - Lvl 423 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3067, 16:30:20: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3067, 17:16:47: Velvetkitten Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3067, 17:35:23: Velvetkitten froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3067, 17:43:09: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3067, 17:43:09: Your Tribe killed Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3067, 17:57:12: Velvetkitten froze Molly - Lvl 423 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3067, 18:40:19: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3067, 20:51:18: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3068, 02:01:53: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 3068, 04:20:24: Velvetkitten Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3068, 04:34:08: Velvetkitten froze F (Health?) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3068, 05:46:29: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 3068, 07:45:29: Velvetkitten froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 3068, 07:50:29: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3068, 07:54:46: Velvetkitten froze Baby Perfect M (stats) - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 3068, 08:00:04: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3068, 08:31:03: Velvetkitten froze Molly - Lvl 423 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3068, 10:57:38: Velvetkitten Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3068, 11:14:32: Velvetkitten froze F (Weight?) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3068, 11:27:31: Velvetkitten froze F (Weight?) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3068, 11:34:25: Velvetkitten froze F (Health?) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3068, 14:58:05: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 3068, 17:49:39: Velvetkitten froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 3068, 18:49:21: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 3068, 19:44:15: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 3069, 02:38:30: Velvetkitten froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 3091, 09:20:26: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 3091, 14:08:49: Velvetkitten claimed 'Anne - Lvl 107 (Argentavis)'! Day 3091, 14:18:54: Your Anne - Lvl 107 (Argentavis) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3091, 14:18:54: Your Tribe killed Anne - Lvl 107 (Argentavis) (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3091, 15:04:43: Your Tribe Tamed a X-Argentavis - Lvl 209 (X-Argentavis)! Day 3091, 15:16:51: Velvetkitten froze F (Food?) - Lvl 209 (X-Argentavis) Day 3091, 17:46:55: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 3091, 20:04:37: Your F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3091, 20:04:37: Your Tribe killed F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis)! Day 3091, 20:16:51: Velvetkitten froze F (Food?) - Lvl 209 (X-Argentavis) Day 3091, 20:23:16: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 3091, 21:10:15: Velvetkitten froze M (39M) - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3091, 21:14:47: Your F (32Sp, 31F) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3091, 21:14:47: Your Tribe killed F (32Sp, 31F) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3091, 21:15:50: Your M (29H, 37ox, 36S) - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3091, 21:15:50: Your Tribe killed M (29H, 37ox, 36S) - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3091, 21:19:27: Your M (32W, 32M, 32Sp) - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3091, 21:19:27: Your Tribe killed M (32W, 32M, 32Sp) - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3092, 02:54:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 3092, 04:16:24: Velvetkitten unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)'! Day 3092, 04:47:36: Velvetkitten froze Xenia - Lvl 417 (Shadowmane) Day 3092, 06:13:45: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 3092, 06:27:52: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 3119, 06:34:10: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 329 (Shadowmane) Day 3119, 07:00:41: Velvetkitten froze M (45S, 41W, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 247 (X-Argentavis) Day 3119, 07:09:07: Your M (45S, 41W, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 247 (X-Argentavis) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3119, 07:09:07: Your Tribe killed M (45S, 41W, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 247 (X-Argentavis)! Day 3119, 07:19:20: Velvetkitten froze F (45S, 46M, 39F, 17sp) - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 3119, 07:30:34: Velvetkitten froze Colors - Lvl 249 (X-Argentavis) Day 3119, 08:11:39: Velvetkitten froze M (45S, 41W, 46M, 17sP) - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis) Day 3119, 08:15:38: Velvetkitten froze F (40F) - Lvl 209 (X-Argentavis) Day 3119, 09:29:18: Velvetkitten froze X-Otter - Lvl 134 (X-Otter) Day 3119, 09:43:48: Velvetkitten froze X-Otter - Lvl 134 (X-Otter) Day 3119, 09:46:52: Velvetkitten froze Zing - Lvl 127 (X-Otter) Day 3119, 11:38:18: Velvetkitten froze X-Otter - Lvl 134 (X-Otter) Day 3119, 14:05:23: Velvetkitten froze X-Otter - Lvl 158 (X-Otter) Day 3119, 14:14:46: Velvetkitten froze Refresher - Lvl 201 (X-Otter) Day 3119, 14:25:46: Velvetkitten froze Juvenile Perfect M (stats) - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 3119, 14:32:53: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 330 (Shadowmane) Day 3119, 15:25:31: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 348 (Griffin) Day 3192, 10:55:37: Your 'Wooden Bench' was destroyed! Day 3192, 13:19:09: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby X-Argentavis - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 3192, 13:34:45: Velvetkitten froze Baby F Need ( 40F, 51ox) - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis) Day 3192, 22:48:05: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 350 (Griffin) Day 3193, 07:08:01: Velvetkitten froze Adolescent F Need ( 40F, 51ox) - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis) Day 3193, 14:07:05: Velvetkitten froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 401 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3263, 07:22:37: Velvetkitten froze F Need ( 40F, 51ox) - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis) Day 3263, 11:21:32: Velvetkitten claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 3263, 17:00:10: Your M (45S, 41W, 46M, 17sP) - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis) was killed by Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens)! Day 3263, 17:00:10: Your Tribe killed M (45S, 41W, 46M, 17sP) - Lvl 252 (X-Argentavis)! Day 3263, 17:12:25: Velvetkitten froze F Need F & Ox - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis) Day 3263, 17:17:01: Velvetkitten froze F (51H) - Lvl 199 (X-Argentavis) Day 3263, 17:41:39: Velvetkitten froze F Need F & Ox - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis) Day 3263, 18:45:56: Velvetkitten froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 402 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3263, 19:14:49: Velvetkitten froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 211 (Fjordhawk) Day 3404, 04:10:06: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby Megalodon - Lvl 291 (Megalodon)'! Day 3404, 04:22:31: Velvetkitten froze Baby F (need 44ox, 46W) - Lvl 291 (Megalodon) Day 3404, 05:57:19: Velvetkitten froze Blixten - Lvl 176 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3407, 23:12:48: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3407, 23:46:27: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3457, 06:21:21: Velvetkitten froze Bloom - Lvl 393 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 3457, 08:31:55: Velvetkitten froze Melody - Lvl 362 (Rock Drake) Day 3457, 10:11:04: Velvetkitten froze Bloom - Lvl 393 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 3587, 10:14:47: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 3587, 10:17:48: Velvetkitten froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3587, 10:18:51: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 3587, 10:21:34: Velvetkitten froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3587, 10:58:45: Velvetkitten claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 277 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 3587, 11:01:40: Velvetkitten froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 277 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3587, 12:11:14: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 353 (Griffin) Day 3897, 03:04:15: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3897, 03:05:05: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4063, 09:33:54: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 360 (Griffin) Day 4063, 10:15:29: Velvetkitten froze Sunflower - Lvl 391 (Basilosaurus) Day 4063, 10:33:24: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 360 (Griffin) Day 4467, 01:05:28: Fjordhawk - Lvl 89 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 4895, 02:44:41: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 4895, 03:23:41: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 412 (Shadowmane) Day 4895, 04:03:05: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 4895, 05:39:05: Velvetkitten claimed 'Belt 5 - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4895, 05:42:56: Velvetkitten froze Belt 5 - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops) Day 4895, 06:01:05: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 4895, 06:53:05: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 5130, 00:43:07: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 412 (Shadowmane) Day 5130, 01:09:30: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 412 (Shadowmane) Day 5383, 22:33:32: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ryan Tribe. Day 5383, 22:38:17: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Ryan Tribe. Day 5383, 22:49:13: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 5384, 00:02:07: Velvetkitten froze Melody - Lvl 384 (Rock Drake) Day 5384, 02:03:25: Velvetkitten froze Butterfly - Lvl 369 (R-Equus) Day 5384, 05:00:30: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 412 (Shadowmane) Day 5384, 06:20:42: Velvetkitten froze Melody - Lvl 384 (Rock Drake) Day 5384, 06:57:37: Velvetkitten froze Mr. Cat - Lvl 412 (Shadowmane) Day 5384, 10:34:24: Velvetkitten froze Melody - Lvl 384 (Rock Drake) Day 5997, 20:50:55: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 321 (Desmodus) Day 5997, 23:33:42: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 369 (Griffin) Day 5998, 02:54:43: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 355 (Griffin) Day 5998, 03:41:47: Velvetkitten froze Figaro - Lvl 406 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5998, 04:20:21: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 355 (Griffin) Day 5998, 07:39:41: Velvetkitten froze Blixten - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5998, 09:25:37: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 5998, 16:59:24: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 355 (Griffin) Day 6675, 13:47:49: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 438 (Shadowmane) Day 7491, 10:17:22: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 requested an Alliance with The Rescue Society Tribe. Day 7491, 10:19:58: Velvetkitten added 'The Rescue Society' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 7491, 10:27:31: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 440 (Shadowmane) Day 7491, 13:13:29: Velvetkitten froze Pip - Lvl 379 (X-Argentavis) Day 7491, 13:57:06: Velvetkitten froze Blixten - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 7491, 22:43:50: Velvetkitten froze Lois Griffin - Lvl 355 (Griffin) Day 7492, 00:42:06: Velvetkitten Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 7492, 00:53:31: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 7492, 00:59:02: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 440 (Shadowmane) Day 7492, 03:09:36: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 226 (Griffin) Day 7914, 15:09:04: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 7914, 16:04:40: Velvetkitten froze Sunflower - Lvl 411 (Basilosaurus) Day 7914, 16:30:55: Velvetkitten froze Griffin - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 8210, 05:33:59: Velvetkitten froze Melody - Lvl 395 (Rock Drake) Day 8210, 06:22:39: Velvetkitten froze Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus) Day 9054, 17:37:13: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 9054, 19:48:26: Velvetkitten froze Sunflower - Lvl 416 (Basilosaurus) Day 9054, 20:12:00: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 9103, 03:26:35: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 9307, 03:04:32: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 9670, 08:07:56: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 452 (Shadowmane) Day 9670, 09:06:48: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 363 (Griffin) Day 10326, 14:12:18: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 367 (Griffin) Day 10326, 15:41:11: Velvetkitten froze Sunflower - Lvl 424 (Basilosaurus) Day 10327, 06:13:23: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 367 (Griffin) Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11006, 01:34:15: Dimorphodon - Lvl 75 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 11176, 17:24:45: Velvetkitten froze Xenia - Lvl 419 (Shadowmane) Day 11176, 20:59:34: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 456 (Shadowmane) Day 11177, 01:55:50: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 456 (Shadowmane) Day 11177, 05:51:55: Velvetkitten froze M (41H, 34M, 30sp) - Lvl 224 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11177, 07:11:39: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 456 (Shadowmane) Day 11177, 08:26:37: Velvetkitten froze Muffin - Lvl 367 (Griffin) Day 11177, 08:36:37: Velvetkitten froze Warlock - Lvl 456 (Shadowmane) Day 11525, 14:47:22: Velvetkitten froze M (44ox) - Lvl 216 (Megalodon) Day 11525, 14:51:05: Velvetkitten froze F (41F) - Lvl 337 (Megalodon) Day 11525, 14:55:30: Velvetkitten froze M (need 41F, 44ox) - Lvl 272 (Megalodon) Day 11525, 15:02:08: Velvetkitten froze F (43H, 43M, 40sp, 39ox) - Lvl 247 (Basilosaurus) Day 11525, 15:07:12: Velvetkitten froze M (43W) - Lvl 202 (Basilosaurus) Day 11525, 15:11:02: Velvetkitten froze M (37F) - Lvl 248 (Basilosaurus) Day 11525, 15:17:50: Velvetkitten froze M (45S, 40sp) - Lvl 241 (Basilosaurus) Day 11525, 15:21:37: Velvetkitten froze F (41H, 34M) - Lvl 224 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11525, 15:32:29: Velvetkitten froze F (43W, 35ox) - Lvl 209 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 12108, 18:19:23: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Xenia - Lvl 419 (Shadowmane)'! Day 12114, 14:49:31: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12400, 00:12:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12400, 00:12:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12400, 00:12:29: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12745, 19:03:41: Rogue - Lvl 114 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (38H) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12773, 12:40:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F Need F & Ox - Lvl 258 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 12773, 12:51:47: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (42W) - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12773, 12:58:36: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (39M) - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12793, 14:12:47: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (40F) - Lvl 209 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 12793, 14:21:07: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (51ox) - Lvl 217 (X-Argentavis)'! Day 12971, 02:20:45: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1452870834,"tribe":"Zolo Adventure logs":["Day 1543, 05:09:13: Yanno was added to the Tribe! Day 1543, 08:09:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1543, 08:13:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1543, 08:13:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1543, 08:24:56: Tribemember Yanno - Lvl 103 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 1543, 09:24:24: Yanno uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 258 Day 1543, 14:49:43: Yanno Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 1543, 15:42:25: Yanno froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1543, 22:31:22: Yanno froze Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1452599164,"tribe":"The Lone Shield Maiden logs":["Day 521, 13:02:01: Sammie was added to the Tribe! Day 521, 13:04:11: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 521, 16:05:32: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 521, 17:31:39: Sammie downloaded a dino: Sir Liz - Lvl 29 Day 521, 17:33:01: Sammie downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 223 Day 521, 17:34:11: Sammie downloaded a dino: W, M - Lvl 216 Day 521, 17:35:18: Sammie downloaded a dino: Pteranodon - Lvl 227 Day 521, 17:36:41: Sammie downloaded a dino: Ghost - Lvl 227 Day 521, 17:37:48: Sammie downloaded a dino: H, S - Lvl 217 Day 521, 17:39:07: Sammie downloaded a dino: Sinomacrops - Lvl 97 Day 521, 17:40:29: Sammie downloaded a dino: sadsf - Lvl 93 Day 546, 16:34:26: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 546, 18:28:08: Your Ghost - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 573, 03:30:38: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 640, 06:44:47: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Cappuccino - Lvl 234 Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 758, 00:56:11: Sammie uploaded a Doedicurus: Army - Lvl 232 Day 758, 01:30:36: Sammie uploaded a Sinomacrops: Sinomacrops - Lvl 99 Day 812, 03:22:37: Your Sir Liz - Lvl 29 (Megalania) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 829, 22:55:12: Your W, M - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 829, 23:33:01: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 829, 23:34:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 829, 23:37:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 829, 23:38:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 829, 23:40:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 829, 23:40:51: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 830, 00:05:20: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1186, 14:31:47: Sammie downloaded a dino: Aslan - Lvl 254 Day 1186, 14:33:58: Sammie uploaded a Fire Wyvern: sadsf - Lvl 98 Day 1186, 20:09:19: Sammie claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1186, 20:37:47: Sammie froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1186, 23:19:39: Sammie uploaded a Griffin: Aslan - Lvl 254 Day 1355, 08:33:55: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BB8 - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 1519, 09:04:18: Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2778, 19:29:37: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H, S - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 4096, 18:49:10: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 271 (Griffin) Day 4096, 22:15:19: Sammie froze Aslan - Lvl 271 (Griffin) Day 4096, 23:39:09: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 4097, 05:58:49: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 4097, 06:56:03: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4111, 10:43:01: Sammie claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4111, 10:46:46: Sammie froze Shadowmane - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 4111, 11:58:23: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 197 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4227, 11:29:44: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4227, 14:45:03: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 4228, 19:22:54: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4230, 00:58:59: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 199 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4230, 03:18:10: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4324, 17:01:48: Sammie claimed 'Blue - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 4324, 17:08:19: Sammie froze Blue - Lvl 249 (Rex) Day 4324, 17:24:06: Sammie claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)'! Day 4324, 17:27:40: Sammie froze Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor) Day 4325, 01:53:13: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 311 Day 4325, 17:31:36: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4325, 17:49:03: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 4326, 11:16:53: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 4326, 12:58:32: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 50! Day 4326, 21:44:03: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 95! Day 4327, 01:13:38: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 4327, 04:47:23: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4327, 07:47:18: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4327, 11:22:28: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 4327, 13:16:44: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 4328, 17:51:02: Sammie claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 4329, 09:45:33: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4329, 09:50:05: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4329, 15:44:59: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 311 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4468, 18:45:24: Sammie claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake)'! Day 4468, 18:49:31: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 4468, 18:53:24: Sammie claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake)'! Day 4468, 18:56:17: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake) Day 4468, 19:29:12: Sammie claimed 'atena - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4468, 19:58:32: Sammie froze atena - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 4468, 20:52:22: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 312 Day 4469, 06:43:45: Sammie claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur)'! Day 4469, 06:47:01: Sammie claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 360 (Velonasaur)'! Day 4469, 06:51:31: Sammie froze Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 4469, 06:55:13: Sammie froze Velonasaur - Lvl 360 (Velonasaur) Day 4469, 07:12:59: Sammie claimed 'R B1 - Lvl 143 (Rex)'! Day 4469, 07:30:10: Sammie froze Velonasaur - Lvl 360 (Velonasaur) Day 4469, 07:33:42: Sammie claimed 'Rex - Lvl 151 (Rex)'! Day 4469, 07:48:14: Sammie froze Rex - Lvl 151 (Rex) Day 4469, 08:09:04: Sammie froze R B1 - Lvl 143 (Rex) Day 4469, 08:31:00: Sammie claimed 'Rex - Lvl 115 (Rex)'! Day 4469, 08:37:10: Sammie froze Rex - Lvl 115 (Rex) Day 4469, 09:02:01: Sammie claimed '44H 31S 33M L180 Male - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4469, 09:07:33: Sammie froze 44H 31S 33M L180 Male - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4469, 09:33:41: Sammie claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4469, 09:38:21: Sammie froze 44H 31S 33M L180 Male - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4469, 09:42:37: Sammie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 118 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4469, 11:52:13: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake) Day 4469, 12:03:13: Sammie claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4469, 12:08:28: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4469, 12:50:17: Sammie claimed 'Buckles 6 - Lvl 229 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4469, 13:35:26: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 312 Day 4470, 09:21:44: Sammie claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4470, 09:33:06: Sammie claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4470, 09:37:12: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4470, 09:42:36: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4470, 10:10:00: Sammie claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 205 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 4470, 10:11:59: Sammie claimed 'MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 4470, 10:13:41: Sammie claimed 'MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 4470, 12:52:36: Sammie froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 205 (Megalosaurus) Day 4470, 12:57:12: Sammie froze MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus) Day 4470, 14:55:46: Sammie uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 218 Day 4470, 14:58:21: Sammie uploaded a Sinomacrops: Buckles 6 - Lvl 229 Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4487, 01:55:13: Sammie froze Twilight - Lvl 200 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4487, 03:44:20: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4509, 18:54:06: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4509, 21:24:33: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4509, 22:17:09: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4509, 22:45:37: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 55! Day 4509, 23:21:14: Tribemember Sammie - Lvl 121 was killed by a GachaClaus - Lvl 50! Day 4510, 01:18:38: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4510, 01:39:40: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4510, 03:41:20: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4510, 03:49:21: Sammie froze Rock Drake - Lvl 216 (Rock Drake) Day 4510, 06:25:39: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4580, 09:55:44: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4586, 13:42:52: Sammie froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4618, 19:32:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5080, 23:05:50: Muzz - Lvl 123 (Lidl's Finest) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'radgey - Lvl 258 (Argentavis)'! Day 5142, 01:50:06: Rah - Lvl 15 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 5435, 17:30:21: CokeZero - Lvl 113 (Tribe of CokeZero) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 5748, 01:39:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5849, 16:58:33: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 315 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 7569, 22:33:53: Sammie froze Blaze - Lvl 302 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 7569, 23:18:59: Sammie froze Blaze - Lvl 302 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8108, 14:51:24: Big Dave - Lvl 65 (Tribe of Tom) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10609, 13:28:55: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11418, 03:47:00: Sammie froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18007, 13:48:08: Sammie claimed 'WUV - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18007, 13:52:08: Sammie froze WUV - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18007, 15:48:02: Sammie claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 277 (Desmodus)'! Day 18007, 16:15:04: Sammie froze Pure Female - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 18007, 17:06:30: Sammie claimed 'I do no damage - Lvl 130 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18007, 17:37:37: Sammie claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 17:48:55: Sammie froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18007, 19:23:29: Sammie claimed 'Quetzal - Lvl 330 (Quetzal)'! Day 18007, 19:24:54: Sammie claimed 'daemon - Lvl 264 (Desmodus)'! Day 18007, 19:34:13: Sammie claimed 'Snow Owl - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 19:39:22: Sammie froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18007, 20:05:02: Sammie froze Snow Owl - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl) Day 18007, 20:14:49: Sammie claimed 'Happy - Lvl 387 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 20:18:15: Sammie froze Happy - Lvl 387 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18007, 20:46:15: Sammie claimed 'Griffy - Lvl 304 (Griffin)'! Day 18007, 21:18:07: Sammie claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 204 (Desmodus)'! Day 18007, 21:29:13: Sammie claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 21:49:30: Sammie claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 379 (Castoroides)'! Day 18007, 21:56:46: Sammie claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 357 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 18007, 23:05:00: Sammie claimed 'F (38H) - Lvl 279 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 18007, 23:37:52: Sammie claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing)'! Day 18008, 00:55:17: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 349 Day 18008, 05:59:37: Sammie froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18008, 06:21:08: Sammie froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18008, 06:25:17: Sammie froze Pure Female - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 18008, 06:39:22: Sammie froze Griffy - Lvl 304 (Griffin) Day 18008, 07:14:26: Sammie froze daemon - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 18008, 07:37:23: Sammie froze F (38H) - Lvl 279 (Andrewsarchus) Day 18008, 08:30:18: Sammie claimed 'Silver - Lvl 165 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18008, 08:40:55: Sammie froze F (38H) - Lvl 279 (Andrewsarchus) Day 18008, 09:07:26: Sammie claimed 'Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur)'! Day 18008, 09:10:14: Sammie froze Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur) Day 18008, 11:51:34: Sammie claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 294 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 18008, 11:55:44: Sammie froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 294 (Thylacoleo) Day 18008, 12:30:16: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18008, 13:06:11: Sammie froze Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur) Day 18008, 17:36:50: Sammie froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 18008, 17:53:04: Sammie froze Quetzal - Lvl 330 (Quetzal) Day 18008, 17:57:31: Sammie froze WUV - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern) Day 18008, 18:02:26: Sammie froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 357 (R-Velonasaur) Day 18008, 18:11:42: Sammie froze Castoroides - Lvl 379 (Castoroides) Day 18008, 19:03:19: Sammie claimed 'Shorty - Lvl 298 (Griffin)'! Day 18008, 19:10:36: Sammie froze Shorty - Lvl 298 (Griffin) Day 18008, 19:20:09: Sammie claimed 'ARCHIE - Lvl 305 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 18008, 19:51:25: Sammie froze ARCHIE - Lvl 305 (Archaeopteryx) Day 18008, 21:09:49: Sammie uploaded a Tek Stryder: I do no damage - Lvl 130 Day 18027, 01:07:18: Sammie claimed 'NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18027, 01:12:05: Sammie froze NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 18027, 01:21:23: Sammie claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 332 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 18027, 03:50:12: Sammie froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 332 (R-Reaper King) Day 18027, 06:10:39: Sammie claimed 'travis - Lvl 365 (Argentavis)'! Day 18027, 06:19:43: Sammie froze travis - Lvl 365 (Argentavis) Day 18027, 06:50:56: Sammie claimed 'SPARKLE - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18027, 06:53:56: Sammie froze SPARKLE - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18027, 09:25:39: Sammie claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18027, 09:31:17: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 18027, 09:37:08: Sammie claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18027, 11:27:02: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 318 Day 18027, 11:28:58: Sammie uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 202 Day 18027, 12:07:59: Sammie froze NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 18027, 12:30:22: Sammie froze travis - Lvl 365 (Argentavis) Day 18027, 12:35:15: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 18027, 13:33:21: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18027, 14:59:18: Sammie claimed 'Nightmare - Lvl 283 (Quetzal)'! Day 18027, 15:02:34: Sammie froze Nightmare - Lvl 283 (Quetzal) Day 18027, 17:44:11: Sammie uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 349 Day 18027, 17:45:59: Sammie uploaded a Tek Rex: NEW REX - Lvl 338 Day 18027, 18:18:39: Sammie claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18027, 18:21:18: Sammie froze Deinonychus - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus) Day 18027, 19:56:13: Sammie froze travis - Lvl 365 (Argentavis) Day 18099, 03:14:37: Sammie claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18099, 03:26:16: Sammie froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 18099, 04:00:13: Sammie claimed 'Female 0 - Lvl 401 (Dire Bear)'! Day 18099, 04:06:01: Sammie froze Female 0 - Lvl 401 (Dire Bear) Day 18099, 04:16:41: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18099, 04:34:29: Sammie claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 399 (Megatherium)'! Day 18099, 04:45:53: Sammie claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium)'! Day 18099, 04:49:02: Sammie claimed 'Female 0 - Lvl 402 (Megatherium)'! Day 18099, 05:37:46: Sammie uploaded a Dire Bear: Female 0 - Lvl 401 Day 18099, 05:39:39: Sammie uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 382 Day 18099, 06:27:46: Sammie froze Megatherium - Lvl 399 (Megatherium) Day 18099, 06:44:06: Sammie claimed 'ALLIE - Lvl 300 (Allosaurus)'! Day 18099, 06:55:02: Sammie froze ALLIE - Lvl 300 (Allosaurus) Day 18099, 07:00:50: Sammie froze Saffy - Lvl 349 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18099, 07:07:39: Sammie claimed 'Zezolek - Lvl 179 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 18099, 14:36:12: Sammie uploaded a Tek Stryder: Silver - Lvl 165 Day 18099, 14:44:01: Sammie uploaded a Fjordhawk: Zezolek - Lvl 179 Day 18934, 00:13:24: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 0 - Lvl 402 (Megatherium)'! Day 18934, 00:19:59: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium)'!"] "tribeid":1451179536,"tribe":"Tribe of Adonis logs":["Day 7752, 11:25:37: Adonis was added to the Tribe! Day 7776, 21:16:08: Tribemember Adonis - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 7776, 22:50:18: Adonis claimed 'shitter - Lvl 75 (Desmodus)'! Day 7805, 06:21:25: Adonis was removed from the Tribe! Day 8397, 05:14:17: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'shitter - Lvl 80 (Desmodus)'!"] "tribeid":1444321345,"tribe":"Tribe of clive logs":["Day 11821, 15:10:52: clive was added to the Tribe! Day 11821, 19:39:38: clive froze Mushu - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11821, 23:54:56: clive froze Mushu - Lvl 297 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11939, 05:08:29: clive froze Mushu - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11939, 09:51:08: clive Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 125 (Desmodus)! Day 11939, 10:09:48: clive Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 125 (Desmodus)! Day 11939, 10:19:59: clive froze Desmodus - Lvl 125 (Desmodus) Day 11939, 10:33:30: clive froze Desmodus - Lvl 125 (Desmodus) Day 11939, 11:04:09: Tribemember clive - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 11939, 13:12:00: clive froze Mushu - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11939, 13:16:15: clive froze my Girl - Lvl 201 (Sinomacrops) Day 11939, 14:01:50: clive froze Mushu - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11963, 06:44:25: clive froze Nior - Lvl 216 (Pteranodon) Day 11963, 06:48:39: clive froze Laura - Lvl 214 (Sinomacrops) Day 12103, 18:05:45: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 12124, 20:21:24: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12124, 21:57:12: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 250 (Carnotaurus) Day 12124, 22:28:44: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 12124, 22:34:34: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 200 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 12125, 00:14:23: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 12125, 02:15:42: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 130! Day 12125, 05:52:42: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12125, 10:57:00: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12125, 13:31:07: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 251 (Carnotaurus) Day 12125, 14:19:07: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 251 (Carnotaurus) Day 12125, 14:24:57: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12125, 20:26:52: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12125, 20:48:05: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 12125, 20:49:03: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 186 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 12126, 01:07:58: clive froze Midnight - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 12126, 03:50:16: clive froze Midnight - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 12126, 03:55:51: clive froze red - Lvl 100 (Sinomacrops) Day 12126, 06:21:52: clive froze Midnight - Lvl 182 (Pteranodon) Day 12126, 06:47:28: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 12126, 06:47:45: Your red - Lvl 100 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 12126, 10:17:13: clive froze patricia - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 12126, 11:10:39: clive froze Johnny Blaze - Lvl 158 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12126, 11:55:41: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 12126, 15:09:26: clive froze Johnny Blaze - Lvl 158 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12126, 17:15:41: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 251 (Carnotaurus) Day 12126, 18:17:46: clive froze patricia - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) Day 12126, 18:21:18: clive froze Faith - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops) Day 12127, 17:56:01: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12127, 20:18:21: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 251 (Carnotaurus) Day 12127, 20:38:24: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12127, 21:50:28: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 12127, 21:55:33: clive froze Faith - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops) Day 12144, 19:50:55: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 12144, 23:00:01: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 253 (Carnotaurus) Day 12144, 23:27:28: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 12144, 23:33:58: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 12144, 23:37:28: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 253 (Carnotaurus) Day 12145, 01:18:44: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 12145, 01:24:52: clive froze Faith - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 12149, 17:54:37: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 12149, 20:29:52: clive froze Lil C - Lvl 254 (Carnotaurus) Day 12149, 21:16:42: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 12149, 22:39:12: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 12150, 02:05:17: clive froze egg.10 - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 12153, 14:34:59: clive froze Patron - Lvl 280 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12153, 14:38:24: my dk was added to the Tribe by clive! Day 12153, 15:15:52: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12153, 16:18:52: clive Tamed a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 201 (R-Giganotosaurus)! Day 12153, 16:34:07: my dk froze GigaHoe - Lvl 201 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 12153, 16:55:16: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12153, 16:59:11: clive froze Patron - Lvl 280 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12168, 10:15:08: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed by Lightning McQueen - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 12168, 10:15:08: Your Tribe killed clive - Lvl 113 (Tribe of clive)! Day 12168, 17:18:55: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12168, 17:39:53: Tribemember clive - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 12168, 19:18:21: my dk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)! Day 12168, 19:28:23: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 12168, 20:11:37: clive froze Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 12168, 20:11:40: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12168, 20:20:40: clive froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12168, 23:33:57: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 325 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 12169, 19:36:56: clive froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 326 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 12170, 02:09:35: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12170, 02:12:38: clive froze Archie - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 12170, 05:13:14: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 05:14:21: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 05:32:18: clive froze Archie - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 12170, 05:45:12: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12170, 07:03:41: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 07:04:17: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 07:05:05: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 07:20:40: my dk demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 12170, 07:24:01: my dk demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 12170, 07:25:38: my dk demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 12170, 07:59:09: clive demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 08:01:26: clive demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 08:03:13: clive demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 08:04:54: clive demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 08:14:03: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12170, 09:25:29: clive froze Archie - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 12170, 09:29:36: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12170, 11:50:09: clive froze Archie - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 12170, 13:29:00: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12170, 14:27:23: clive froze Archie - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 12170, 15:59:43: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 16:00:33: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 16:01:19: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 16:02:02: my dk demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 12170, 16:19:53: clive froze Griff - Lvl 192 (Argentavis) Day 12170, 16:23:59: clive froze bam bam - Lvl 107 (Doedicurus) Day 12170, 16:41:27: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12170, 17:12:52: clive froze Archie - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 12176, 21:01:36: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 12176, 23:18:11: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12177, 05:39:07: my dk Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 198 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 12177, 05:50:08: Tribemember my dk - Lvl 112 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 12177, 07:32:07: my dk froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 12177, 07:46:41: my dk froze Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 12177, 08:22:23: my dk froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 209 (Andrewsarchus) Day 12177, 09:13:34: my dk froze Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 12304, 19:34:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12328, 14:50:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12428, 17:00:30: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12428, 22:01:03: my dk froze Flame On - Lvl 330 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12447, 14:02:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12733, 02:14:26: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13304, 08:17:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13692, 01:18:38: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simmy 2.0 - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 13741, 14:58:00: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Faith - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 13898, 11:58:13: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chicken Wing - Lvl 154 (Carnotaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1441003362,"tribe":"Adverse logs":["Day 7636, 18:22:20: Akane froze [Retired] - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 7636, 18:53:53: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 228 (Snow Owl) Day 7637, 00:04:07: Twinkii froze Shadowmane - Lvl 37 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 00:10:28: Twinkii froze Shadowmane - Lvl 149 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 00:15:04: Twinkii froze HP36 / WE 32 - Lvl 148 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 00:34:23: Twinkii froze calcetin - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 00:38:44: Twinkii froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 00:49:29: Twinkii froze HP ST WE - Lvl 180 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 00:54:07: Twinkii froze Shadowmane - Lvl 210 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 01:00:45: Twinkii froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 7637, 01:05:36: Twinkii froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 7637, 01:10:33: Twinkii froze Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 7637, 01:14:53: Twinkii froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 7637, 01:19:24: Twinkii froze Lao Lee - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 7637, 01:24:28: Twinkii froze F H9460 M314 - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 7637, 01:31:59: Twinkii froze M H9460 M314 - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 7637, 02:02:52: Twinkii froze Hao Yi - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 7637, 02:18:11: Twinkii froze M H9460 M314 - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 7637, 02:27:33: Twinkii froze H9020 M314 B - Lvl 310 (Rex) Day 7637, 02:40:34: Twinkii froze F H9460 M314 - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 7637, 02:49:43: Twinkii froze M H9460 M314 - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 7637, 02:55:46: Twinkii froze H9460 M314 - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 7637, 03:00:28: Twinkii froze H9460 M314 - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 7637, 03:07:23: Twinkii froze H9460 M314 - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 7637, 03:47:43: Twinkii froze Lao Han - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 7637, 03:52:25: Twinkii froze Magmasaur - Lvl 90 (Magmasaur) Day 7637, 03:57:12: Twinkii froze Magmasaur - Lvl 90 (Magmasaur) Day 7637, 04:04:35: Twinkii froze Tampon Tail - Lvl 289 (Yutyrannus) Day 7637, 04:10:03: Twinkii froze Desmodus - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 04:14:29: Twinkii froze Moschops - Lvl 234 (Moschops) Day 7637, 04:18:48: Twinkii froze Moschops - Lvl 233 (Moschops) Day 7637, 04:23:49: Twinkii froze Moschops - Lvl 133 (Moschops) Day 7637, 04:31:48: Twinkii froze Moschops - Lvl 164 (Moschops) Day 7637, 04:36:39: Twinkii froze Moschops - Lvl 120 (Moschops) Day 7637, 04:41:06: Twinkii froze Desmodus - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 05:37:11: Twinkii froze Kamikaze - Lvl 174 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 05:55:20: Akane froze Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 7637, 05:56:27: Twinkii froze Rata Alada - Lvl 141 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 05:58:25: Akane froze Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 7637, 05:59:43: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 7637, 06:13:16: Buce froze Magmasaur - Lvl 207 (Magmasaur) Day 7637, 06:44:46: Twinkii froze Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 06:48:19: Twinkii froze Chupace - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 06:55:18: Twinkii froze alcachofa - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 7637, 06:58:41: Twinkii froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 7637, 07:04:37: Twinkii froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 7637, 07:10:10: Twinkii froze Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex) Day 7637, 07:22:08: Twinkii froze H: 8360 M: 361 - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 7637, 07:25:45: Twinkii froze Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 7637, 07:35:53: Twinkii froze Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 7637, 07:40:31: Twinkii froze Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 7637, 08:01:38: Twinkii froze Otto - Lvl 126 (Otter) Day 7637, 13:38:56: Buce claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 141 (Magmasaur)'! Day 7637, 13:46:42: Buce froze Baby Magbu - Lvl 141 (Magmasaur) Day 7637, 13:52:11: Akane froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 7637, 15:32:21: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 224 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 7637, 20:29:01: Twinkii froze Tito - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 7637, 20:51:50: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 7637, 20:55:06: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 231 (Snow Owl) Day 7638, 10:01:45: Buce froze aa - Lvl 269 (Basilosaurus) Day 7638, 10:07:23: Buce froze Megalodon - Lvl 233 (Megalodon) Day 7638, 10:12:02: Buce froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 247 (Basilosaurus) Day 7638, 11:43:03: Buce froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 251 (Tusoteuthis) Day 7638, 14:49:00: Akane froze Castoroides - Lvl 252 (Castoroides) Day 7638, 14:49:48: Buce froze [Retired] - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 7638, 14:53:15: Akane froze Bayasaurio - Lvl 282 (Stegosaurus) Day 7638, 14:58:08: Akane froze Ariana Grande - Lvl 304 (Doedicurus) Day 7638, 15:06:32: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 7638, 16:14:09: Akane froze Argentavis - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 7638, 16:14:54: Buce froze Peso+Stamina+AP - Lvl 243 (Argentavis) Day 7639, 22:05:07: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7639, 23:32:50: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7640, 09:28:22: Akane froze Argentavis - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 7640, 15:55:47: Akane froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 153 (Therizinosaur) Day 7640, 16:00:38: Akane froze Argentavis - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 7640, 17:04:51: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7640, 23:59:50: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 7641, 00:53:06: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 235 (Snow Owl) Day 7641, 00:56:43: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 01:09:45: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 08:19:53: Akane claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 113 (Magmasaur)'! Day 7641, 08:23:53: Akane froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 113 (Magmasaur) Day 7641, 10:51:11: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 18:20:42: Akane froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 7641, 18:23:37: Akane froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 7641, 19:43:36: Akane froze Aguacate - Lvl 61 (Sinomacrops) Day 7641, 19:46:51: Akane froze Bucerina - Lvl 233 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 19:51:20: Akane froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 7641, 19:55:36: Akane froze Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) Day 7641, 19:58:29: Akane froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 219 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 20:01:18: Akane froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 20:07:45: Akane froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 7641, 20:10:39: Akane froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 20:13:30: Akane froze BUbu - Lvl 214 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 20:22:22: Akane froze El Peludo - Lvl 87 (Pegomastax) Day 7641, 20:25:34: Akane froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 216 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 20:29:24: Akane froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 200 (Sinomacrops) Day 7641, 20:33:28: Akane froze Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) Day 7641, 20:45:48: Akane froze Oviraptor - Lvl 13 (Oviraptor) Day 7641, 20:51:29: Akane froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 123 (Dung Beetle) Day 7641, 21:00:58: Akane froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 70 (Dung Beetle) Day 7641, 21:05:22: Akane froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 70 (Dung Beetle) Day 7641, 21:09:32: Akane froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 70 (Dung Beetle) Day 7641, 21:25:16: Akane froze Cocaine Addict - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 7641, 21:34:44: Akane froze Oviraptor - Lvl 16 (Oviraptor) Day 7641, 21:50:34: Akane froze Heroine Addiction - Lvl 237 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 22:01:43: Akane froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 61 (Lystrosaurus) Day 7641, 22:05:24: Akane froze S + W + M - Lvl 197 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 22:12:15: Akane demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 7641, 22:15:13: Akane froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 7641, 22:17:19: Akane demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 7641, 22:20:16: Akane froze Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) Day 7641, 22:26:16: Akane froze Aidan Connor - Lvl 287 (Megatherium) Day 7641, 22:46:07: Akane froze Gasbags - Lvl 199 (Gasbags) Day 7641, 22:55:50: Akane froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 194 (Sinomacrops) Day 7641, 22:59:29: Akane froze da - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk) Day 7641, 23:05:43: Akane froze First Find - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 23:14:21: Akane froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 23:19:50: Akane froze Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 23:24:20: Akane froze ChupaBu - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 7641, 23:33:33: Akane froze Dire Bear - Lvl 74 (Dire Bear) Day 7641, 23:37:06: Akane froze Phiomia - Lvl 62 (Phiomia) Day 7641, 23:41:45: Akane froze Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) Day 7641, 23:52:53: Akane froze Vida+stamina - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 7641, 23:56:51: Akane froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7642, 00:00:32: Akane froze Moschops - Lvl 64 (Moschops) Day 7642, 00:04:09: Akane froze Doedicurus - Lvl 276 (Doedicurus) Day 7642, 00:08:36: Akane froze Moschops - Lvl 187 (Moschops) Day 7642, 00:13:55: Akane froze Drogadicto - Lvl 271 (Moschops) Day 7642, 00:17:55: Akane froze Trilobite - Lvl 60 (Trilobite) Day 7642, 00:21:39: Akane froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 228 (Lystrosaurus) Day 7642, 00:26:15: Akane froze Piedricolas - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus) Day 7642, 00:36:53: Akane froze Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 7642, 00:40:29: Akane froze Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 7642, 00:44:18: Akane froze AP - Lvl 200 (Argentavis) Day 7642, 00:49:41: Akane froze Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 7642, 00:53:12: Akane froze Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) Day 7642, 00:56:43: Akane froze Procoptodon - Lvl 20 (Procoptodon) Day 7642, 01:00:16: Akane froze Procoptodon - Lvl 47 (Procoptodon) Day 7642, 01:06:35: Akane froze Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) Day 7642, 04:27:13: Akane froze Full WE - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 7642, 11:08:14: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 7651, 00:44:16: Buce froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7651, 02:30:39: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 7663, 23:51:26: Akane froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 312 (Tusoteuthis) Day 7685, 17:44:38: Buce froze [Retired] - Lvl 352 (Shadowmane) Day 7685, 20:08:59: Akane Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon)! Day 7685, 20:15:18: Akane froze Daeodon - Lvl 224 (Daeodon) Day 7685, 21:07:36: Buce froze F35.3-0 - Lvl 318 (Snow Owl) Day 7685, 21:30:11: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 265 (Snow Owl) Day 7696, 00:32:03: Twinkii froze chanchitus - Lvl 157 (Desmodus) Day 7731, 20:54:09: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 02:14:21: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 03:01:03: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 03:37:44: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 03:45:46: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 03:49:10: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 05:57:33: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 287 (Snow Owl) Day 7741, 07:47:52: Akane froze Fukuro - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 7747, 01:56:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7747, 01:56:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7798, 23:07:55: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 7799, 00:36:31: Buce froze Bucarchabu - Lvl 356 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7799, 04:54:11: Buce froze F35-it's back - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7865, 22:29:52: Akane froze Hayate Gotoku - Lvl 282 (Astrodelphis) Day 7865, 22:41:36: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 7866, 06:36:41: Buce froze Megalodon - Lvl 285 (Megalodon) Day 7866, 06:45:49: Buce froze Undelfinsinmas - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 7866, 08:22:12: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7866, 12:51:47: Buce froze Undelfinsinmas - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 7866, 16:50:06: Tribemember Buce - Lvl 122 was killed by Akane - Lvl 122 (Adverse)! Day 7866, 16:50:06: Your Tribe killed Buce - Lvl 122 (Adverse)! Day 7866, 18:59:20: Akane Tamed a Megachelon - Lvl 30 (Megachelon)! Day 7866, 19:05:03: Akane froze Megachelon - Lvl 30 (Megachelon) Day 7866, 19:54:54: Akane froze aa - Lvl 300 (Basilosaurus) Day 7866, 19:57:16: Buce froze Megalodon - Lvl 286 (Megalodon) Day 7867, 03:07:44: Akane downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 202 Day 7867, 03:08:22: Akane downloaded a dino: Fresas al pil pil - Lvl 241 Day 7867, 05:15:23: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 122 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 7867, 07:25:48: Akane uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 202 Day 7867, 08:19:27: Akane uploaded a Tek Stryder: Fresas al pil pil - Lvl 255 Day 7867, 08:40:15: Buce froze Undelfinsinmas - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 7867, 09:18:39: Akane froze Hayate Gotoku - Lvl 283 (Astrodelphis) Day 7867, 23:13:49: Akane froze Gacha - Lvl 80 (Gacha) Day 7867, 23:17:24: Akane froze Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha) Day 7867, 23:20:54: Akane froze Gacha - Lvl 30 (Gacha) Day 7867, 23:30:50: Akane froze Baby Pepsi max - Lvl 237 (Ferox) Day 7867, 23:36:51: Akane froze Baby Pepsi max - Lvl 237 (Ferox) Day 7867, 23:48:04: Akane froze Baby Pepsi max - Lvl 237 (Ferox) Day 7868, 00:02:13: Akane froze Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 00:09:47: Akane froze Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 00:15:29: Akane froze Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 00:21:40: Akane froze Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 00:27:23: Akane froze Baby Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 06:09:01: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 06:20:01: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 06:23:36: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 06:27:41: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 06:41:24: Buce froze Undelfinsinmas - Lvl 303 (Astrodelphis) Day 7868, 07:01:48: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 6 - Lvl 149 (Gacha) Day 7868, 09:43:44: Akane froze Corchowoman - Lvl 414 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 10:25:55: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 4 - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 7868, 10:33:14: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 4 - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 7868, 10:42:40: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 1 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 10:54:00: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 1 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 11:26:42: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 11:30:30: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 11:34:39: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7868, 11:37:34: Buce froze Bayasaurio - Lvl 303 (Stegosaurus) Day 7868, 11:48:21: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 2 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 11:51:27: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 2 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 11:57:00: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 6 - Lvl 149 (Gacha) Day 7868, 12:06:21: Buce froze Adolescent gacha 2 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 12:26:58: Buce froze Bucarchabu - Lvl 414 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 13:55:46: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 14:04:34: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 16:31:23: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 7 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 16:37:49: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 7 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 16:44:07: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 7 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 16:47:44: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 7 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 16:52:16: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 7 - Lvl 220 (Gacha) Day 7868, 16:56:31: Akane froze Adolescent gacha 6 - Lvl 149 (Gacha) Day 7868, 18:43:54: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 18:47:19: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 18:53:07: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 19:02:34: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7868, 19:06:45: Akane froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 00:23:45: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 00:45:47: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 03:45:23: Akane froze Juvenile Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7869, 08:51:10: Akane froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7869, 11:41:46: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 12:16:59: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 12:20:19: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 16:25:41: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 16:29:16: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 16:48:47: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 21:58:18: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 22:03:36: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 22:09:01: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7869, 22:15:29: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7870, 04:15:18: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7870, 04:19:27: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7870, 09:15:51: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7870, 23:41:46: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7870, 23:47:52: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7871, 06:48:46: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7871, 06:52:45: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7871, 06:55:58: Akane froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7877, 09:51:15: Akane froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7877, 09:54:23: Akane froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7877, 10:06:10: Akane froze Cocaine Addict - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 7877, 20:53:58: Buce demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 7878, 11:05:46: Buce froze Corchowoman - Lvl 414 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7878, 11:13:43: Buce froze STAMINAMAN A - Lvl 260 (Snow Owl) Day 7878, 11:53:10: Buce froze Maewing - Lvl 269 (Maewing) Day 7878, 12:00:26: Buce froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7878, 12:06:28: Buce froze Adolescent Voidwyrm - Lvl 283 (Voidwyrm) Day 7889, 08:02:46: Akane froze Reaper King - Lvl 256 (Reaper King) Day 7889, 09:31:06: Akane froze Reaper King - Lvl 256 (Reaper King) Day 7889, 10:32:22: Tribemember Akane - Lvl 122 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 100! Day 7889, 23:48:30: Akane froze Reaper King - Lvl 257 (Reaper King) Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7932, 20:36:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7980, 00:03:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7980, 00:03:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7980, 00:03:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8000, 22:57:04: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 345 (Voidwyrm) Day 8002, 05:20:21: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 351 (Voidwyrm) Day 8002, 23:02:42: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 351 (Voidwyrm) Day 8003, 04:11:10: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8003, 05:03:20: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 352 (Voidwyrm) Day 8003, 22:23:40: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8003, 22:34:08: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 352 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 02:07:10: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 352 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 15:29:00: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 357 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 15:56:59: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8004, 17:07:29: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 357 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 17:20:33: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 357 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 18:31:14: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 357 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 22:29:57: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 357 (Voidwyrm) Day 8004, 23:15:15: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8004, 23:46:52: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8005, 07:21:57: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8005, 10:57:24: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8005, 14:19:25: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 361 (Voidwyrm) Day 8005, 15:28:12: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 361 (Voidwyrm) Day 8005, 16:40:25: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 361 (Voidwyrm) Day 8005, 17:18:42: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 361 (Voidwyrm) Day 8005, 18:57:36: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 362 (Voidwyrm) Day 8005, 23:06:34: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 363 (Voidwyrm) Day 8006, 00:40:50: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 363 (Voidwyrm) Day 8006, 01:00:13: Twinkii Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 197 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 8006, 01:27:33: Twinkii froze todos los problemas - Lvl 197 (Andrewsarchus) Day 8006, 02:06:02: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 363 (Voidwyrm) Day 8006, 02:30:41: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 363 (Voidwyrm) Day 8006, 03:49:39: Twinkii froze Twinkii F - Lvl 363 (Voidwyrm) Day 8006, 12:29:44: Twinkii froze Twinkii z - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 8006, 14:40:36: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8006, 17:40:21: Twinkii froze Twinkii Z - Lvl 358 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8006, 17:57:52: Twinkii froze Twinkii z - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 8006, 18:21:01: Twinkii froze Otto - Lvl 174 (Otter) Day 8006, 18:51:09: Twinkii froze Twinkii z - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 8309, 21:16:58: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8507, 03:57:27: Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9362, 01:11:38: Tribemember Agapito - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 9362, 01:21:31: Tribemember Verbatin - Lvl 108 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 9362, 01:33:38: Tribemember Rockerino - Lvl 93 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 9362, 07:29:40: Henne - Lvl 76 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9771, 01:26:36: Riddick - Lvl 125 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1439982062,"tribe":"nips logs":["Day 6507, 16:28:36: Ethan was added to the Tribe! Day 6507, 16:38:01: Alfie was added to the Tribe by Ethan! Day 6508, 00:23:29: Alfie demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 6508, 06:44:22: Ethan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 6508, 07:02:24: Alfie Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo)! Day 6508, 13:45:43: Alfie claimed 'Black - Lvl 289 (Argentavis)'! Day 6508, 15:49:41: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 65 was killed by draku in pers - Lvl 241 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 6508, 15:49:41: Your Tribe killed Ethan - Lvl 65 (nips)! Day 6508, 16:25:54: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 6508, 16:29:11: Alfie Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 82 (Therizinosaur)! Day 6509, 08:38:49: Alfie Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 67 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 6509, 15:16:08: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 6509, 15:52:32: Ethan demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 6509, 17:11:12: Ethan claimed 'Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex)'! Day 6509, 17:11:55: Ethan claimed 'Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex)'! Day 6509, 17:12:28: Ethan claimed 'Betty - Lvl 260 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6509, 22:57:12: Ethan froze Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 6509, 23:10:43: Ethan froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 6509, 23:23:35: Ethan froze Betty - Lvl 260 (Carnotaurus) Day 6510, 03:15:05: Ethan claimed 'NightHawk - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 6510, 03:17:54: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 6510, 03:47:31: Ethan claimed 'Travel - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 6510, 03:51:56: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 6510, 04:47:24: Ethan claimed 'Argyyy - Lvl 180 (Argentavis)'! Day 6510, 04:50:44: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 6510, 08:07:53: Ethan froze Sally - Lvl 312 (Baryonyx) Day 6510, 14:29:44: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 6510, 14:34:25: Your sexy - Lvl 73 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 6532, 06:20:08: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 07:15:55: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 07:46:43: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 08:21:46: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 09:40:01: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 10:21:00: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 15:51:51: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6532, 16:56:56: Alfie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 6541, 10:08:18: Your Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 6541, 10:09:07: Your Dodo - Lvl 134 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 6557, 16:09:57: Tribemember Alfie - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 6557, 18:41:42: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 85 was killed by Alfie - Lvl 100 (nips)! Day 6557, 18:41:42: Your Tribe killed Ethan - Lvl 85 (nips)! Day 6557, 20:06:20: Alfie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 6557, 20:19:26: Alfie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)! Day 6558, 02:21:51: Your Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) was killed by Alfie - Lvl 102 (nips)! Day 6558, 02:21:51: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) (nips)! Day 6558, 07:22:28: Alfie claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 167 (Desmodus)'! Day 6558, 16:14:07: Alfie froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 167 (Desmodus) Day 6559, 06:43:00: Your Argyyy - Lvl 187 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 6579, 13:21:14: Alfie claimed 'Tank - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 6579, 13:22:35: Alfie claimed 'Tropic - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 6579, 13:33:18: Alfie claimed 'Craggy - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6579, 13:39:22: Alfie claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6579, 14:58:17: Alfie claimed 'Pan - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6579, 22:42:47: Ethan froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6579, 22:51:08: Ethan froze Craggy - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6579, 23:31:14: Ethan froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 95 (Therizinosaur) Day 6579, 23:54:09: Alfie froze Desmodus - Lvl 167 (Desmodus) Day 6579, 23:58:13: Alfie froze batty boy - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 6580, 00:14:12: Ethan froze Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 6580, 00:29:45: Ethan froze rock muncher - Lvl 58 (Doedicurus) Day 6580, 04:27:40: Alfie froze NightHawk - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 6580, 04:33:57: Alfie froze Black - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 6580, 04:43:34: Alfie froze Rex - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 6580, 09:05:05: Ethan froze Tropic - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 6580, 11:11:00: Ethan froze rock muncher - Lvl 58 (Doedicurus) Day 6580, 11:27:47: Ethan froze Saffron - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6580, 11:28:37: Alfie froze Tank - Lvl 307 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6586, 09:57:20: Ethan froze Tropic - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 6586, 13:01:54: Ethan - Lvl 101 requested an Alliance with Love Chasers <3 Tribe. Day 6586, 13:07:02: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 6586, 14:42:39: Ethan - Lvl 101 requested an Alliance with Love Chasers <3 Tribe. Day 6586, 14:46:03: Ethan added 'Love Chasers <3' Tribe to bobs Alliance! Day 6586, 18:56:16: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 6586, 19:31:17: Ethan froze Tropic - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 6586, 19:59:47: Tribemember Ethan - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 6722, 01:32:03: Your Tropic - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 6722, 08:12:17: Your NightHawk - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 7200, 12:09:33: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Travel - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 7200, 12:17:47: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sally - Lvl 312 (Baryonyx)'! Day 7283, 08:48:55: Savage - Lvl 156 (Savages) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pan - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 7401, 13:00:45: aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 7401, 13:09:33: aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'draku in pers - Lvl 252 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 7401, 13:15:40: aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 269 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 7401, 13:30:35: aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 7401, 13:39:11: aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7464, 21:45:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7464, 21:45:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7464, 21:45:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7464, 21:45:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7747, 01:56:44: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1438329298,"tribe":"The Borderlands logs":["Day 4065, 07:01:47: LIL Firehawk was added to the Tribe! Day 4065, 07:44:23: LIL Firehawk uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 303 Day 4079, 16:37:16: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.9x! Day 4079, 20:10:02: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 4079, 20:12:33: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 4079, 20:14:30: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 55! Day 4080, 01:23:24: LIL Firehawk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 304 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4091, 22:20:33: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 4091, 22:46:33: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 4091, 22:47:55: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 4091, 23:06:16: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 4091, 23:47:52: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 4092, 00:03:37: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) Day 4092, 15:38:05: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 181 (Argentavis)! Day 4092, 16:31:42: LIL Firehawk froze Argentavis - Lvl 181 (Argentavis) Day 4092, 16:37:03: LIL Firehawk froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 260 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4092, 19:26:37: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)! Day 4092, 20:26:40: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus) Day 4092, 20:38:00: LIL Firehawk froze The Fiber Monster - Lvl 170 (Therizinosaur) Day 4093, 10:58:58: LIL Firehawk froze The Fiber Monster - Lvl 170 (Therizinosaur) Day 4093, 12:58:27: LIL Firehawk uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 306 Day 4093, 13:05:06: LIL Firehawk uploaded a Fjordhawk: Fjordhawk - Lvl 110 Day 4102, 05:52:26: LIL Firehawk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 291 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4102, 06:14:42: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 4102, 06:22:57: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 06:40:51: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 06:56:29: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 4102, 07:16:14: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 07:17:55: Your Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 4102, 07:37:30: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 07:50:24: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 08:12:52: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 4102, 08:35:20: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 08:59:09: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 4102, 09:22:09: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 4102, 10:30:55: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 11:08:27: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 13:09:30: LIL Firehawk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 291 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4102, 14:55:24: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 57 (Desmodus)! Day 4102, 15:17:20: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)! Day 4102, 15:19:00: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 4102, 15:26:52: Your Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 4102, 15:31:41: Your Desmodus - Lvl 57 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 4102, 15:38:19: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 4102, 15:38:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4102, 15:38:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4102, 16:57:40: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 4102, 16:59:14: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 17:51:10: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 4102, 18:03:38: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)! Day 4102, 18:12:05: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 4102, 20:22:11: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4102, 21:20:23: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 4102, 21:31:00: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) Day 4103, 00:02:12: LIL Firehawk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4103, 00:14:48: LIL Firehawk froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 164 (Fjordhawk) Day 4115, 10:00:02: LIL Firehawk froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4115, 11:56:33: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 4115, 12:15:23: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4115, 12:17:13: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 4115, 12:17:53: Tribemember LIL Firehawk - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 4115, 13:00:15: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus)! Day 4115, 13:29:43: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 4115, 14:12:08: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 4115, 14:25:49: LIL Firehawk Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 80 (Desmodus)! Day 4115, 14:42:09: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 80 (Desmodus) Day 4115, 14:47:47: LIL Firehawk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4115, 15:02:19: LIL Firehawk froze Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 4115, 18:07:50: LIL Firehawk froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 273 (R-Daeodon) Day 4115, 18:12:18: LIL Firehawk froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4115, 18:53:00: LIL Firehawk froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 310 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4115, 19:03:41: LIL Firehawk froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 165 (Fjordhawk) Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4406, 18:57:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4406, 18:57:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4450, 07:27:31: LIL Firehawk froze Pocket Giga - Lvl 356 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 4450, 08:06:33: LIL Firehawk froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 397 (Brontosaurus) Day 4450, 11:10:13: LIL Firehawk froze Last Chance - Lvl 365 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4450, 11:55:37: LIL Firehawk uploaded a R-Giganotosaurus: Aj return - Lvl 224 Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1436400133,"tribe":"freedom logs":["Day 2348, 03:39:14: Антонина Краснопёрковна was added to the Tribe! Day 2348, 05:42:16: Tribemember Антонина Краснопёрковна - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 2348, 05:54:23: Tribemember Антонина Краснопёрковна - Lvl 4 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1432967911,"tribe":"Tribe of Meeatloaf logs":["Day 4640, 18:48:40: Meeatloaf was added to the Tribe! Day 4641, 04:07:02: Meeatloaf Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 4641, 08:08:23: Meeatloaf demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 4641, 08:09:12: Meeatloaf demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 4656, 16:10:03: Meeatloaf Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 4664, 07:50:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 4664, 21:54:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 98 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 4665, 03:33:13: Meeatloaf Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 4665, 11:02:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 223 (Carnotaurus)! Day 4668, 10:10:02: Meeatloaf Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 149 (Moschops)! Day 4669, 02:56:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 74 (Tapejara)! Day 4670, 02:19:22: Tribemember Meeatloaf - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 4670, 12:47:02: Meeatloaf Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 37 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 4680, 09:07:04: Meeatloaf claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5151, 07:45:48: Moschops - Lvl 164 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 5301, 18:06:26: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5301, 18:06:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5307, 18:49:13: Rah - Lvl 99 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 5381, 12:18:31: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5381, 12:19:04: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 50 (Triceratops)'! Day 5381, 12:20:39: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 241 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 5381, 12:21:11: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5381, 12:21:24: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 230 (Raptor)'! Day 5381, 12:21:45: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 121 (Tapejara)'! Day 5382, 19:47:31: Ryan - Lvl 9 (Tribe of Ryan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 5383, 01:48:18: Tribemember Meeatloaf - Lvl 86 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 5583, 08:34:04: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1430602254,"tribe":"Tribe of Clairo logs":["Day 13128, 14:13:34: Clairo was added to the Tribe! Day 13128, 14:14:39: Clairo claimed 'Matthew - Lvl 157 (Triceratops)'! Day 13128, 14:15:04: Clairo claimed 'Rhaegal - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13128, 14:15:39: Clairo claimed 'Tessarion - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13128, 14:16:22: Clairo claimed 'Viserion - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13128, 14:26:09: Clairo froze Matthew - Lvl 157 (Triceratops) Day 13128, 14:29:59: Clairo froze Viserion - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13152, 10:48:31: Clairo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13152, 10:51:35: Clairo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13152, 11:03:41: Clairo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 13152, 11:10:22: Clairo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 13152, 13:33:00: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 13152, 13:33:00: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 13152, 13:39:38: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 13152, 13:39:38: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 13152, 13:59:55: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13152, 14:04:14: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13152, 19:20:11: Clairo froze Tessarion - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13153, 08:38:43: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13153, 13:07:38: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13153, 13:11:43: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13153, 13:15:57: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13154, 03:06:31: Clairo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 13154, 06:57:39: Clairo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 13154, 16:53:33: Clairo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 13154, 17:00:45: Clairo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon) Day 13154, 17:05:19: Clairo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 13154, 17:31:25: Clairo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 219 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13171, 20:19:09: Clairo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13171, 20:29:46: Clairo froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 13172, 02:33:28: Clairo froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 176 (Pteranodon) Day 13172, 07:18:26: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13172, 07:19:26: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13172, 07:27:19: Clairo unclaimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13172, 07:31:20: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13172, 07:34:44: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13172, 08:13:01: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13172, 08:59:55: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13172, 09:17:39: Clairo unclaimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13173, 12:49:06: Clairo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon) Day 13173, 14:40:45: Clairo unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 131 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13173, 16:09:34: Clairo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13173, 19:26:30: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 13173, 22:28:50: Your Tessarion - Lvl 275 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 13174, 06:00:32: Clairo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13174, 06:07:50: Clairo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 13174, 09:13:53: Clairo claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13174, 09:17:24: Clairo froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 13174, 11:02:58: Clairo froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 13174, 12:05:58: Clairo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13174, 12:09:26: Clairo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 13174, 15:05:24: Clairo claimed '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 13174, 15:05:46: Clairo claimed '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 13174, 15:08:53: Clairo claimed 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 13174, 15:14:42: Clairo froze 9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 13174, 15:19:18: Clairo claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13174, 15:38:59: Clairo claimed 'Spino - Lvl 201 (Spino)'! Day 13174, 20:17:42: Clairo froze 9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 13174, 20:26:51: Clairo froze 9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 13174, 20:30:52: Clairo froze Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 13174, 20:38:16: Clairo froze Spino - Lvl 201 (Spino) Day 13174, 23:16:17: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 13175, 00:33:04: Clairo froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 13175, 00:39:18: Clairo froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 13175, 05:06:20: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 13175, 09:50:56: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13175, 09:55:26: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13178, 12:37:10: Clairo claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13178, 12:50:52: Clairo unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13191, 00:51:47: Clairo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13191, 01:03:14: Clairo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 13191, 19:55:51: Clairo froze Viserion - Lvl 278 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13191, 20:24:41: Clairo froze Viserion - Lvl 278 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13191, 22:20:47: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 13191, 22:25:37: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 13192, 10:50:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 13195, 17:38:37: Clairo froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 13198, 12:51:48: Clairo claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13198, 13:00:02: Clairo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13198, 19:12:11: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13198, 19:17:50: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13198, 19:21:58: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13198, 19:55:56: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13198, 22:30:47: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13246, 09:35:32: Clairo claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13246, 09:48:25: Clairo froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 13246, 10:54:11: Clairo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13246, 13:30:41: Clairo unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13246, 15:04:52: Clairo froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 13246, 16:42:48: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13246, 16:52:56: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13246, 22:00:33: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13246, 22:10:02: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 13359, 23:24:48: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 13359, 23:32:36: Clairo froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 13359, 23:38:53: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13455, 04:14:57: Clairo froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13455, 09:32:13: Clairo unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13455, 17:22:55: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13455, 22:53:22: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13455, 23:25:41: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13765, 23:20:19: Clairo unclaimed 'Meleys - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13766, 00:34:44: Clairo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 13766, 00:36:17: Clairo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 13766, 00:55:00: Clairo froze Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 13766, 01:01:09: Clairo froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 13766, 06:19:47: Clairo froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 13766, 06:44:27: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13766, 06:54:24: Clairo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13766, 06:58:46: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13766, 10:59:41: Clairo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 13766, 13:56:35: Clairo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13766, 14:04:05: Clairo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 13766, 14:07:09: Clairo froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 13787, 16:10:41: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14124, 12:00:53: Clairo Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 14124, 13:45:39: Clairo froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14125, 03:05:40: Clairo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14125, 03:35:10: Clairo froze Adolescent Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14125, 09:01:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 73 (Parasaur)! Day 14125, 12:23:11: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 14125, 13:11:09: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 14125, 15:00:03: Clairo froze Viserion - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14125, 18:58:08: Your Claire - Lvl 31 (Moschops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 14126, 01:51:22: Clairo froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14213, 06:14:11: Cal - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 14391, 06:45:42: Clairo Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 14391, 06:48:42: Clairo froze Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur) Day 14391, 13:13:40: Clairo demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 14391, 13:14:46: Clairo demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14556, 06:03:52: Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 14938, 18:27:42: Victoria - Lvl 38 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14957, 05:13:40: Delta - Lvl 41 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14969, 21:53:31: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Viserion - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14969, 21:54:42: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14969, 22:14:16: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arrax - Lvl 265 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14969, 22:19:52: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fafnir - Lvl 241 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14969, 22:25:31: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Balerion - Lvl 256 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14969, 22:39:36: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rhaegal - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 21:22:31: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15031, 05:27:55: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sally - Lvl 258 (Rex)'! Day 15031, 05:28:25: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 258 (Rex)'! Day 15031, 05:28:58: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Owen - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 15031, 05:30:26: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 15031, 05:31:10: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 15031, 05:54:12: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Barney - Lvl 248 (Spino)'! Day 15031, 10:23:03: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15031, 10:28:07: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bowser - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus)'! Day 15053, 22:00:31: Your Matthew - Lvl 170 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 15053, 22:33:36: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 225 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 15255, 13:46:20: 's 'Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15495, 09:07:10: 인간 - Lvl 73 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nick - Lvl 105 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15495, 09:12:49: 인간 - Lvl 73 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Falkor - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon)'! Day 15495, 09:23:43: 인간 - Lvl 73 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18309, 11:13:40: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1429093421,"tribe":"Tribe of Diogossauro logs":["Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5195, 00:56:46: Rah - Lvl 70 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F18 2.0 - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5301, 18:06:26: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5553, 14:57:39: Tribemember Diogossauro - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 5748, 01:39:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1426256719,"tribe":"Sexy Boys logs":["Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10411, 07:33:04: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 314 (Argentavis)'! Day 10411, 07:39:25: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 349 (Argentavis)'! Day 10429, 08:31:47: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10688, 09:06:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10688, 09:06:45: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12243, 16:09:21: Tribemember mickey - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 12243, 16:26:15: Tribemember Dalton343 - Lvl 155 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15522, 17:06:12: 인간 - Lvl 105 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1424717703,"tribe":"cooki3 jar logs":["Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1815, 16:37:34: Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1815, 18:01:39: Porkieee - Lvl 39 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ichthyornis - Lvl 134 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 1815, 19:26:30: Your Dodo - Lvl 205 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 1815, 19:55:10: Your Dodo - Lvl 214 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1423778086,"tribe":"Tribe of Humanity logs":["Day 8882, 06:35:36: Humany Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 8882, 06:42:49: Humany froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 8882, 07:55:48: Humany froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 8882, 08:14:11: Humany froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 8882, 22:57:52: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 8882, 23:09:31: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 8882, 23:17:55: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 8883, 00:12:05: Humany froze hP - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 8883, 00:31:05: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 8883, 00:46:43: Humany froze HM - Lvl 267 (Rex) Day 8883, 00:59:53: Humany froze HM - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 8883, 01:17:04: Humany froze Sa7bi - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 01:27:45: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 01:39:24: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 01:51:59: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 02:02:29: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 02:14:30: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 02:22:54: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 02:32:29: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 8883, 05:39:41: Humany claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8884, 00:49:45: Humany claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 180 (Desmodus)'! Day 8884, 05:02:16: Humany froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 8884, 05:17:04: Humany froze Keep - Lvl 308 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8884, 05:21:53: Humany froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 8884, 05:27:31: Humany froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 204 (Therizinosaur) Day 8884, 05:35:24: Humany froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 137 (Stegosaurus) Day 8884, 05:46:32: Humany froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8884, 06:27:57: Humany froze T1 - Lvl 206 (Andrewsarchus) Day 8884, 07:45:25: Humany froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 8884, 15:37:23: Humany claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8884, 17:11:59: Humany froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 8905, 19:04:37: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8906, 07:24:56: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8906, 13:06:31: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 8906, 14:42:17: Humany Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing)! Day 8906, 14:54:24: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8906, 16:02:58: Humany froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 8906, 16:27:17: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 8906, 16:30:08: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8906, 16:31:34: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 8906, 16:34:29: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8906, 16:35:55: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 8906, 16:38:41: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 8906, 16:40:11: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex)'! Day 8906, 16:43:18: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 8907, 02:55:32: Humany froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8907, 03:13:34: Humany froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8907, 08:14:45: Humany froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 8907, 08:22:53: Humany froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8907, 08:29:49: Humany froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8907, 08:39:26: Humany froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 8914, 19:24:30: Humany claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8914, 19:28:08: Humany claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8915, 03:05:50: Humany froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 8915, 03:17:59: Humany claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)'! Day 8915, 03:21:36: Humany claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)'! Day 8915, 05:39:12: Humany froze T2 - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 8915, 08:40:43: Humany froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8915, 08:43:55: Humany froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 8915, 08:59:55: Humany froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 8915, 09:52:53: Humany froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 8915, 13:24:15: Humany froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8915, 15:20:07: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8915, 17:25:15: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8915, 18:03:53: Humany froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8916, 05:29:26: Humany froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 8916, 10:06:36: Humany froze T2 - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 10:23:41: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 11:09:02: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 11:15:32: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 212 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 13:14:18: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 8916, 15:27:28: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 16:02:37: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 17:24:32: Humany froze keep - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 8916, 22:06:41: Humany froze Maewing - Lvl 205 (Maewing) Day 8917, 03:14:56: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 150! Day 8917, 05:03:10: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 8917, 06:26:33: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 8917, 06:31:50: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus) Day 8917, 06:36:54: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 8928, 08:19:15: Humany froze Maewing - Lvl 206 (Maewing) Day 8928, 08:39:50: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 8928, 08:49:48: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 8928, 08:58:09: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 8928, 09:06:09: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 8928, 09:29:08: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 8928, 10:55:21: Humany froze keep - Lvl 334 (Shadowmane) Day 8928, 14:01:48: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 8928, 17:17:16: Your Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 8928, 17:18:08: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 100! Day 8928, 17:54:41: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 85! Day 8928, 18:56:46: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 130! Day 8928, 19:13:25: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 8928, 20:09:12: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 8928, 20:17:45: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 242 (Shadowmane) Day 8928, 20:23:03: Humany froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 8929, 05:33:29: Humany froze keep - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 8929, 10:32:16: Humany froze hP - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 8929, 10:43:18: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 8929, 10:49:41: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 8929, 10:55:31: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:06:05: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:17:26: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:22:12: Humany froze HM - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:27:29: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:36:22: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:42:07: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 8929, 11:43:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex)! Day 8929, 11:47:04: Humany froze HM - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 8929, 12:18:10: Humany froze keep - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 8929, 14:09:08: Humany froze Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 8929, 15:36:29: Humany froze Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 8939, 09:23:57: Humany froze keep - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 8939, 11:12:21: Humany froze keep - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 8939, 12:33:56: Humany claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 8939, 12:39:20: Humany froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 8939, 12:41:05: Humany claimed 'Sun tan lotion - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8939, 12:46:31: Humany froze Sun tan lotion - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 8939, 12:47:24: Humany claimed 'Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8939, 12:55:08: Humany froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8939, 12:58:02: Humany claimed 'Megatron - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8939, 14:35:16: Humany claimed 'Megachelon - Lvl 231 (Megachelon)'! Day 8939, 17:51:57: Humany froze keep - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 8939, 19:38:48: Humany froze Sun tan lotion - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 8939, 20:24:02: Humany Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 8939, 22:36:16: Humany froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 8939, 23:01:00: Humany froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 8939, 23:58:55: Humany froze hP - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:05:33: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:10:09: Humany froze HM - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:15:42: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:21:05: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:33:29: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:39:06: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:45:05: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:50:25: Humany froze HM - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 8940, 00:54:55: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 8940, 01:01:16: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 8940, 01:26:13: Humany froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 8940, 02:51:54: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 8940, 02:59:26: Humany froze Argentavis - Lvl 337 (Argentavis) Day 8940, 03:09:31: Humany froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8940, 03:47:03: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 8940, 03:55:21: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 8940, 03:56:19: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 8940, 04:01:16: Humany claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 8940, 04:04:54: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 8940, 04:13:09: Humany froze Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 8962, 12:41:52: Humany claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing)'! Day 9016, 16:23:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9078, 18:34:20: Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9087, 09:35:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9110, 21:54:57: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9110, 21:54:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9110, 21:54:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9110, 21:54:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9199, 23:23:47: Tribemember Humany - Lvl 114 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9293, 13:35:12: Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9293, 13:35:50: Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9534, 20:25:02: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9549, 07:22:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9549, 07:27:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megachelon - Lvl 231 (Megachelon)'! Day 9553, 22:31:39: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 263 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9553, 22:41:36: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 220 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9553, 22:46:40: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NOT MAIN - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9553, 22:48:00: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'keep - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9553, 23:00:46: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 286 (Desmodus)'! Day 9553, 23:15:19: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 274 (Desmodus)'! Day 9553, 23:16:03: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 239 (Desmodus)'! Day 9554, 00:17:31: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H17868 S2293.2 W880 M503 - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 9554, 00:18:21: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H 17749.4 S3108 M414.2 - Lvl 277 (Rex)'! Day 9554, 00:19:10: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame '33 W 47 M - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 9554, 00:19:37: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame '42 H 43 M 31 S - Lvl 253 (Rex)'! Day 9554, 00:21:44: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'T1 - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9554, 00:44:09: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus)'! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9558, 10:28:10: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9599, 23:07:30: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'T2 - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9599, 23:08:21: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'T3 - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9835, 13:26:31: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9835, 13:26:31: 's 'Breeder M - Lvl 323 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9835, 13:26:31: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9835, 13:26:31: 's 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9835, 13:26:31: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10123, 07:33:34: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1417493865,"tribe":"The Lonely Ranger logs":["Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1412074824,"tribe":"Tribe of Nariki logs":["Day 8204, 23:19:13: Nariki was added to the Tribe! Day 8204, 23:45:52: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 8205, 00:22:19: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8205, 02:01:25: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 130! Day 8205, 03:32:44: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 8205, 04:21:18: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 8205, 04:51:58: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 8205, 05:29:25: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 8205, 06:09:05: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 8205, 06:32:38: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 8205, 18:57:05: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 8206, 10:36:15: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 79 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 8206, 11:13:27: Nariki froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 70 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8206, 11:19:09: Nariki froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 70 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8206, 14:30:08: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 8206, 14:45:08: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 8206, 14:53:32: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 8206, 15:13:44: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 100! Day 8206, 16:14:34: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 8206, 17:20:09: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8206, 17:45:30: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8206, 22:20:22: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8206, 23:33:52: Nariki froze Meins - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) Day 8208, 00:59:10: Nariki Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 8208, 01:22:56: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8208, 07:39:32: Nariki Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 8208, 07:46:10: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8208, 08:38:02: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 08:59:20: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 09:20:00: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 09:39:29: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 10:27:16: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 10:50:01: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 11:07:48: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 11:25:16: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 11:54:06: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 12:12:02: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 14:33:29: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8208, 15:39:13: Nariki Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 8208, 15:43:20: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8208, 20:29:59: Nariki claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus)'! Day 8208, 20:38:50: Nariki froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 8208, 23:05:02: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8208, 23:19:10: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8209, 00:24:34: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8209, 00:59:43: Nariki froze Meins - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) Day 8210, 12:50:14: Nariki froze Moschops - Lvl 98 (Moschops) Day 8210, 13:14:42: Nariki Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)! Day 8210, 13:19:47: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 8210, 14:20:21: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8210, 17:02:21: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8210, 17:16:34: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 8210, 17:29:03: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 8210, 17:30:14: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 73 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 8210, 18:02:41: Nariki froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 8210, 18:06:13: Nariki froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 8210, 18:09:22: Nariki froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 8210, 18:12:41: Nariki froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 8210, 19:10:11: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8210, 22:24:47: Nariki Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 8210, 22:30:14: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 03:56:21: Nariki Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 8211, 04:12:40: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 04:22:37: Nariki froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 144 (Stegosaurus) Day 8211, 04:37:22: Nariki claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 8211, 04:40:53: Nariki froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 04:42:51: Nariki claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus)'! Day 8211, 04:47:12: Nariki froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 04:53:48: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 04:59:29: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 05:08:33: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 05:13:56: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 05:36:40: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 8211, 05:50:00: Nariki froze Meins - Lvl 161 (Poison Wyvern) Day 8391, 06:23:18: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8391, 06:24:48: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 110! Day 8391, 06:52:56: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 95! Day 8391, 08:35:04: Your Helicopter 2.0 - Lvl 236 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 110! Day 8391, 09:28:54: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Snow Owl - Lvl 25! Day 8391, 09:46:02: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8391, 11:49:30: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 110! Day 8391, 13:24:15: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 110! Day 8391, 15:12:41: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 8391, 17:42:37: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8391, 18:32:17: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8391, 19:17:17: Nariki froze all- melee food male - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8521, 22:09:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8713, 06:05:06: Nariki claimed 'Atreus - Lvl 276 (Dire Bear)'! Day 8713, 06:07:41: Nariki froze Atreus - Lvl 276 (Dire Bear) Day 8713, 06:10:10: Nariki claimed 'popgoes - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 8713, 06:12:48: Nariki froze popgoes - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 8713, 08:46:34: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 200! Day 8713, 09:38:35: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 8713, 11:58:35: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 8713, 13:55:47: Your Desmodus - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 8750, 13:53:24: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 268 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8750, 14:29:16: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8750, 15:02:36: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8750, 16:00:09: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 303 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8750, 17:07:29: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8750, 17:35:08: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8750, 23:50:10: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8751, 00:09:06: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 243 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8751, 03:05:01: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 243 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8767, 22:26:03: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 243 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8767, 23:28:26: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 319 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8768, 00:09:31: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8768, 00:54:53: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8768, 19:17:56: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 8768, 20:17:04: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 321 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8768, 23:34:07: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8769, 01:36:24: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8769, 04:19:09: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 8769, 04:31:09: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8769, 07:36:08: Nariki froze all- weight fem - Lvl 197 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8769, 07:41:13: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8769, 07:47:13: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 321 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8769, 07:54:09: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8769, 08:25:08: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8770, 21:23:38: Your all- weight food fem - Lvl 215 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 8770, 22:49:34: Nariki froze battlegiga fem - Lvl 321 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8770, 23:25:04: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8771, 07:46:45: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 8771, 09:35:03: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8773, 09:28:30: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 8773, 12:54:38: Nariki froze Desmodus - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 8773, 13:13:06: Nariki froze stam food fem - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9024, 16:40:59: Nariki froze all-food fem - Lvl 231 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9185, 11:18:36: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 9185, 12:26:23: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 9185, 14:17:34: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 150! Day 9185, 16:02:18: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 90! Day 9185, 17:14:09: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 9185, 17:15:31: Your melee fem - Lvl 168 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 9185, 17:28:47: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 9185, 17:35:44: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 100! Day 9185, 18:00:05: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 9185, 18:19:47: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 9185, 19:54:40: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 9185, 20:05:43: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 135! Day 9185, 20:14:13: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 9186, 00:05:56: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 9186, 04:28:39: Nariki froze possible fighter base br - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 9186, 04:35:44: Nariki froze speederidoo 2.0 - Lvl 316 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9186, 05:21:54: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 246 (Desmodus) Day 9186, 06:03:10: Nariki claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 87 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9186, 06:18:34: Nariki froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 87 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9186, 15:05:46: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 9186, 17:20:38: Nariki froze Baby green accents weight mut - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 9186, 20:28:02: Nariki froze possible fighter base br - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 9186, 22:06:40: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 9187, 01:36:39: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 9187, 11:12:57: Nariki froze Mantis - Lvl 349 (Mantis) Day 9187, 11:34:39: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 9187, 15:42:42: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 9188, 23:39:21: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 9189, 01:18:35: Nariki froze possible fighter base br - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 9189, 02:38:41: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 9189, 03:25:02: Nariki froze speederidoo 2.0 - Lvl 317 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9189, 10:29:28: Nariki froze hp weight male - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 9189, 11:25:10: Nariki froze possible fighter base br - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 9189, 13:45:24: Tribemember Nariki - Lvl 117 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 9189, 14:40:36: Nariki claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9189, 16:12:59: Nariki froze Mantis - Lvl 349 (Mantis) Day 9189, 16:45:48: Nariki claimed 'M (35S,36ox) - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9189, 16:51:58: Nariki froze M (35S,36ox) - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus) Day 9189, 17:31:46: Nariki froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 217 (R-Daeodon) Day 9189, 17:39:03: Nariki froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 217 (R-Daeodon) Day 9189, 18:10:42: Nariki froze speederidoo 2.0 - Lvl 317 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9480, 12:35:11: Your Ovis - Lvl 213 (Ovis) was killed by Nariki - Lvl 132 (Tribe of Nariki)! Day 9480, 12:35:11: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 213 (Ovis)! Day 9480, 14:09:37: Nariki froze speedfem - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9770, 00:24:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9770, 00:24:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10358, 17:12:58: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1411947261,"tribe":"Teachers logs":["Day 9408, 23:05:35: Stenhouse was added to the Tribe! Day 9409, 13:48:22: Matt was added to the Tribe by Stenhouse! Day 9409, 15:47:37: Matt was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Stenhouse! Day 9409, 17:37:11: Matt froze Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9409, 17:40:40: Stenhouse froze Thorn - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 9409, 19:03:53: Matt froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9410, 00:02:33: Matt froze 20 - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 9410, 00:07:53: Matt froze 19 - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur) Day 9410, 00:13:47: Matt froze 13 - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur) Day 9410, 00:20:00: Matt froze 19 - Lvl 252 (R-Velonasaur) Day 9410, 00:25:28: Matt froze 17 - Lvl 244 (R-Velonasaur) Day 9410, 00:31:12: Matt froze 10 - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 9833, 11:22:28: Matt's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9835, 19:29:13: Matt's '20 - Lvl 271 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9962, 20:25:32: Matt's 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 212 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9996, 17:26:09: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10067, 08:38:26: Matt's 'Thor - Lvl 420 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 10127, 11:21:37: Matt's '10 - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 10425, 16:23:18: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10570, 14:33:05: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10570, 14:33:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10570, 14:33:05: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10584, 12:50:18: Tribemember Matt - Lvl 24 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 11736, 02:32:48: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1404057184,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간 logs":["Day 14598, 02:54:56: 인간 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 94 (Parasaur)! Day 14598, 03:07:08: 인간 froze 사마귀 - Lvl 304 (Mantis) Day 14598, 04:37:17: 인간 froze Parasaur - Lvl 97 (Parasaur) Day 14598, 12:33:03: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 12:36:05: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 12:45:25: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 12:48:38: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 13:21:38: 인간 froze 최강렉스 [Clone] - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 13:25:06: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 13:53:04: 인간 froze 최강렉스 2 [Clone] - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 13:57:26: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 14:16:30: 인간 froze 최강렉스 3 - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:06:04: 인간 froze 살찐 소라카 - Lvl 321 (Daeodon) Day 14598, 20:11:32: 인간 froze 최강렉스 [Clone] - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:14:45: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 417 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:18:19: 인간 froze 최강렉스 2 [Clone] - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:23:59: 인간 froze 최강렉스 3 - Lvl 455 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:28:22: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:33:00: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:39:19: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 420 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:43:21: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex) Day 14598, 20:47:38: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex) Day 14616, 06:02:57: 인간 froze op노부 - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 14640, 19:47:45: 인간 froze Rock Drake - Lvl 205 (Rock Drake) Day 14640, 19:51:47: 인간 froze 스파이더맨 - Lvl 192 (Bloodstalker) Day 14640, 20:02:48: 인간 froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14640, 20:06:23: 인간 froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 245 (Stegosaurus) Day 14640, 20:15:49: 인간 froze 잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 299 (Megalosaurus) Day 14640, 20:26:51: 인간 froze 기관총 - Lvl 103 (Velonasaur) Day 14640, 20:38:03: 인간 froze 바윙 - Lvl 208 (Maewing) Day 14640, 20:48:22: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 425 (Tek Rex) Day 14640, 20:57:16: 인간 froze 철이 철철넘쳐 - Lvl 160 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14641, 03:47:00: 인간 froze op노부 - Lvl 241 (Shadowmane) Day 14642, 15:47:11: 인간 froze 살찐 소라카 - Lvl 321 (Daeodon) Day 14642, 22:33:28: Your 살찐 소라카 - Lvl 321 (Daeodon) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 14642, 23:11:04: Your M Rex0 F - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Broodmother Lysrix (Beta) - Lvl 1! Day 14643, 01:08:29: 인간 froze 최강렉스 3 - Lvl 456 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:13:23: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:16:28: 수현 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:17:18: 인간 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:21:33: 수현 froze 최강렉스 2 [Clone] - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:21:35: 인간 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:25:37: 수현 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:28:19: 인간 froze 최강렉스 [Clone] - Lvl 460 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 01:37:01: 수현 froze 1972단 고음 - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 14643, 05:42:32: 수현 froze 아프트 - Lvl 204 (Brontosaurus) Day 14643, 11:26:54: 인간 demolished a 'Spider Flag'! Day 14643, 12:23:53: 인간 froze op노부 - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 14643, 19:14:45: 수현 froze 최강렉스 2 [Clone] - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 19:18:24: 수현 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 19:22:36: 수현 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 19:26:10: 수현 froze 1972단 고음 - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus) Day 14643, 19:30:17: 수현 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 19:39:00: 수현 froze 힐노예 - Lvl 205 (Daeodon) Day 14643, 19:42:44: 수현 froze M Rex0 F - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex) Day 14643, 19:48:22: 수현 froze 최강렉스 [Clone] - Lvl 460 (Tek Rex) Day 14644, 04:38:59: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 280! Day 14644, 07:03:37: 수현 froze 렝무 - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 14644, 07:34:33: 인간 froze 빨갱이 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 14644, 08:45:33: 인간 froze op노부 - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 14644, 11:31:01: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14645, 02:19:25: 인간 froze Adolescent 김정은 - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane) Day 14645, 02:25:13: 인간 froze Adolescent 김정은 - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane) Day 14645, 04:43:20: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 14645, 04:43:20: Your Tribe killed 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 14645, 19:01:57: 인간 froze op노부 - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane) Day 14645, 20:06:05: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 14646, 00:24:19: 인간 froze 빨갱이 - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 14646, 01:13:32: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 90! Day 14691, 06:16:38: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 206 (Brontosaurus) Day 14691, 06:48:38: 인간 froze 아프트 - Lvl 206 (Brontosaurus) Day 14691, 14:32:56: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 85! Day 14691, 16:37:46: 인간 froze dw - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 14691, 17:45:11: 인간 froze dw - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane) Day 14691, 19:57:41: 인간 froze 2세대op - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 14740, 17:21:03: Dung Beetle - Lvl 211 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14899, 10:25:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14914, 07:53:12: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 14947, 02:20:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14947, 02:20:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15250, 08:36:22: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15267, 17:31:01: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Elemental - Lvl 293 (Rock Elemental)'! Day 15267, 17:41:10: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '다키 - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15267, 17:56:47: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'op로 - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15267, 18:04:25: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '오윙? - Lvl 200 (Maewing)'! Day 15267, 18:10:32: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '스윙 - Lvl 203 (Maewing)'! Day 15267, 18:35:33: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '케찹 - Lvl 209 (Quetzal)'! Day 15267, 18:45:28: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dw - Lvl 220 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15267, 18:52:58: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '기모띠 - Lvl 206 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15267, 19:08:12: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '이제 우리 철담당 - Lvl 182 (Magmasaur)'! Day 15267, 19:22:53: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '데이트 노 - Lvl 207 (Deinonychus)'! Day 15267, 20:11:28: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 166 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15267, 20:22:45: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 189 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15267, 20:23:59: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '시부럴 - Lvl 165 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '아프트 - Lvl 206 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '최강렉스 2 [Clone] - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 458 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '1972단 고음 - Lvl 249 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 430 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '힐노예 - Lvl 205 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 459 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '최강렉스 [Clone] - Lvl 460 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 97 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 416 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '최강렉스 3 - Lvl 456 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'Juvenile 넌 능력치 좋아야해 - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 153 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 265 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'ㅈㅈ - Lvl 189 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '치즈 4종 불닭이 - Lvl 270 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's 'ROCK - Lvl 253 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '슬립백 - Lvl 200 (Gasbags)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '슈팅 스타 - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '드라큘라 - Lvl 103 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15335, 18:39:28: 's '갑자기 저보고 가지레요 - Lvl 279 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15382, 05:31:06: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15382, 05:47:00: 's '렝무 - Lvl 273 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15382, 07:12:03: 인간 uploaded a Bloodstalker: - Lvl 192 Day 15470, 09:44:40: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 15492, 13:23:41: Tribe Owner was changed to 인간! Day 15517, 17:46:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's 'Adolescent 김정은 - Lvl 176 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's '잠자는 숲속의 공주 - Lvl 299 (Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's '철이 철철넘쳐 - Lvl 160 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's '바윙 - Lvl 208 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's '기관총 - Lvl 103 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 245 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 21:44:51: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 205 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15525, 22:23:03: 수현 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16221, 11:08:20: 사마귀 - Lvl 305 (Mantis) starved to death! Day 16256, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16256, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16386, 12:48:23: 넌 죽지마ㅠㅠ - Lvl 227 (Mantis) starved to death! Day 16388, 10:33:53: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '슉슈슉 - Lvl 146 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16388, 11:13:55: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '김지홍 - Lvl 97 (Phiomia)'! Day 16388, 11:15:10: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '발제부포ㅋ - Lvl 148 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16388, 11:43:15: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '쥬벳 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus)'! Day 16388, 11:48:34: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '붕가붕가 2 - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 11:56:54: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '데머리2세 - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 11:58:44: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '데머리 노트 - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 12:07:14: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame '데이트2세 - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16404, 03:20:47: Derek - Lvl 70 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '시발놈 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16540, 09:11:22: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1401374766,"tribe":"Junkie Mind Tricks logs":["Day 1043, 14:53:02: JMK froze Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) Day 1043, 15:42:09: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 285! Day 1043, 15:45:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 285! Day 1043, 15:45:03: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 285! Day 1043, 15:56:06: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 285! Day 1043, 19:51:44: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1044, 06:58:36: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 1044, 10:22:33: Your gtb - Lvl 110 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 1044, 10:22:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1044, 10:24:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1044, 10:26:07: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 1044, 13:38:42: JMK Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 1045, 20:03:54: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1045, 20:07:11: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1045, 20:10:19: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1045, 22:19:07: Your Baby REE - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 1045, 22:19:07: Baby REE - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 1046, 10:48:45: JMK claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 72 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1046, 10:49:26: JMK claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 57 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1046, 12:40:00: Your Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 1046, 12:40:00: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 1046, 13:28:50: Your Dodo - Lvl 95 (Dodo) was killed by JMK - Lvl 121 (Junkie Mind Tricks)! Day 1046, 13:28:50: Your Tribe killed Dodo - Lvl 95 (Dodo) (Junkie Mind Tricks)! Day 1047, 07:49:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1047, 08:27:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1047, 08:57:43: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 1047, 09:16:09: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 1047, 12:46:39: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 145 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 90! Day 1069, 23:55:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 215 (Dilophosaur)! Day 1070, 01:57:49: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 1070, 10:42:26: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 71 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 1070, 13:20:41: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1070, 15:03:45: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 38 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 100! Day 1071, 01:57:30: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 56 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1071, 02:02:46: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 80 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1071, 02:07:22: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 110 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1071, 12:51:46: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 88 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 1071, 13:08:11: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 67 (Carbonemys) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 1071, 18:28:29: JMK demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1088, 01:55:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex)! Day 1088, 14:09:31: JMK Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 29 (Iguanodon)! Day 1088, 16:38:10: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 301 (Tek Raptor) was killed! Day 1089, 05:15:09: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1089, 05:36:00: JMK claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 78 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1089, 05:37:53: JMK claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1089, 05:39:35: JMK claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 78 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1089, 08:49:04: JMK claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1091, 14:12:00: JMK demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 1092, 00:43:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 126 (Carnotaurus)! Day 1092, 01:37:23: Your WEEEWRF - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 1092, 09:23:04: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1092, 12:43:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1092, 13:21:54: JMK Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 1092, 13:52:58: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 1092, 14:06:20: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1092, 16:56:41: JMK Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 1092, 18:36:56: JMK Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 141 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 1093, 17:09:45: Your TYR - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 135! Day 1094, 01:39:22: Your Rex - Lvl 59 (Rex) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 1094, 01:54:18: Your WE - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 1094, 03:08:10: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1094, 05:59:42: Your tim - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 1094, 09:31:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 81 (Raptor)! Day 1094, 15:49:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 1094, 18:26:32: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 1095, 06:17:02: JMK Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 1095, 12:00:43: Your Raptor - Lvl 88 (Raptor) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 1095, 12:07:07: Your WEEE - Lvl 73 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 25! Day 1095, 12:09:23: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 45! Day 1095, 12:11:16: Your Parasaur - Lvl 75 (Parasaur) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 45! Day 1095, 12:26:27: JMK Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus)! Day 1095, 12:28:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1095, 12:34:35: Your Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 1095, 12:48:48: JMK Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 56 (Desmodus)! Day 1095, 12:53:58: JMK Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 62 (Desmodus)! Day 1095, 14:08:27: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1109, 20:00:26: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 34 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 100! Day 1110, 17:56:25: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1110, 22:04:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 89 (Castoroides)! Day 1111, 02:47:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 231 (Tek Raptor)! Day 1111, 04:10:44: JMK froze Castoroides - Lvl 92 (Castoroides) Day 1112, 03:30:43: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 133 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 1112, 14:12:41: JMK froze Carbonemys - Lvl 89 (Carbonemys) Day 1118, 14:08:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1156, 20:49:58: JMK froze TREEW - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 1156, 22:32:28: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 121 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 1157, 05:06:46: Your TYRRE - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 1157, 08:01:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 22 (Mammoth)! Day 1157, 11:34:54: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1157, 12:22:30: Your TREEW - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 1157, 14:59:51: JMK froze Desmodus - Lvl 108 (Desmodus) Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1225, 02:51:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1230, 08:08:27: Your EEE - Lvl 31 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 145! Day 1233, 11:14:02: Your Castoroides - Lvl 97 (Castoroides) was killed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1258, 01:44:12: tekkie - Lvl 187 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1280, 14:45:13: Your Dodo - Lvl 68 (Dodo) was killed! Day 1280, 14:45:13: Dodo - Lvl 68 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1280, 15:51:13: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:51:13: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:51:13: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:51:13: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:51:13: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:51:19: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:52:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:52:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:52:41: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:52:44: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:54:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:54:20: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:54:20: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:54:20: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 15:54:20: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1280, 16:34:21: JMK froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor) Day 1281, 04:40:40: Your Desmodus - Lvl 125 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 1281, 04:44:34: Tribemember JMK - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1319, 17:33:48: Dodo - Lvl 63 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1328, 00:08:19: Moschops - Lvl 135 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1352, 01:44:04: Dilophosaur - Lvl 109 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 1369, 00:33:01: QW - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 1369, 06:53:21: Carbonemys - Lvl 86 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1378, 13:14:51: ft - Lvl 82 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1522, 03:14:47: Dodo - Lvl 54 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1542, 03:26:53: Your No1 boss bitch - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 1558, 18:06:02: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 219 (Dilophosaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 1559, 19:58:31: Dodo - Lvl 61 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1628, 15:21:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 107 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 1632, 11:16:45: Dodo - Lvl 46 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1638, 06:40:33: tfr - Lvl 95 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1656, 17:03:30: Your FFF - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 1660, 00:58:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1685, 14:46:54: dw - Lvl 70 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1714, 12:17:25: Parasaur - Lvl 106 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 1714, 12:17:43: Carbonemys - Lvl 89 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1756, 07:26:56: Dodo - Lvl 95 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1773, 10:52:53: Carbonemys - Lvl 107 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1774, 14:37:54: Dodo - Lvl 164 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1803, 15:11:51: Carbonemys - Lvl 60 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1817, 04:05:12: Human - Lvl 62 (Legion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1851, 03:46:35: Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1859, 10:22:17: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 120 (Triceratops)'! Day 1859, 10:22:39: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GT4 - Lvl 93 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1859, 10:23:07: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 168 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1859, 10:23:43: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 90 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1859, 10:25:24: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tekkies - Lvl 174 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 1859, 10:25:52: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1859, 10:26:09: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 173 (Parasaur)'! Day 1859, 10:28:41: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 241 (Parasaur)'! Day 1859, 10:30:30: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JULZ - Lvl 233 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1859, 10:31:24: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Damm! - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 1859, 12:13:42: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1859, 12:16:46: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1859, 12:34:52: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gill - Lvl 173 (Diplodocus)'! Day 1860, 00:53:59: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame '... - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1863, 10:05:31: jelle - Lvl 32 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 219 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1943, 20:16:38: Ukelelo - Lvl 65 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 200 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2036, 19:12:35: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 141 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2104, 02:02:52: TREE - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2598, 20:57:43: Your Mammoth - Lvl 22 (Mammoth) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 2646, 16:55:06: Timmy - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 56 (Desmodus)'!"] "tribeid":1395847065,"tribe":"Tribu de Pochi logs":["Day 1911, 04:06:00: Humano was added to the Tribe! Day 1911, 05:31:13: Velvetkitten added 'Tribu de Pochi' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 1911, 07:43:33: Humano demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 1911, 18:06:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 1911, 18:14:18: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 21 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 25! Day 1912, 07:54:16: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 26 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 145! Day 1912, 09:32:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 71 (Triceratops)! Day 1914, 20:05:55: Humano Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1914, 21:06:36: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 37 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 1917, 18:06:55: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 95! Day 1917, 18:07:13: Your Triceratops - Lvl 80 (Triceratops) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 95! Day 1917, 18:08:26: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 41 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 95! Day 1917, 18:14:06: Humano Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 1917, 18:17:13: Your Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 95! Day 1917, 20:59:21: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 41 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 1920, 04:53:44: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2248, 16:23:48: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe of Carbon' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2302, 22:52:20: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe 50396' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3475, 01:58:51: Timmy removed 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe from Fluffy Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1395421980,"tribe":"Tribe of Gunvald logs":["Day 497, 18:52:24: Gunvald was added to the Tribe! Day 497, 18:54:30: sigi was added to the Tribe by Gunvald! Day 497, 19:39:40: Tribemember Gunvald - Lvl 7 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 497, 19:40:08: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 2 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 497, 20:15:31: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 2 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 497, 20:22:24: Tribemember Gunvald - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 497, 20:47:01: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 2 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 497, 21:46:23: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 498, 03:11:42: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 9 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 45! Day 498, 03:55:13: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 498, 04:05:38: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 498, 04:51:38: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 498, 05:44:21: Tribemember sigi - Lvl 9 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 650, 16:10:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 662, 09:41:36: Tribemember Gunvald - Lvl 11 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24!"] "tribeid":1395343034,"tribe":"Tribe of Steve logs":["Day 1236, 03:02:42: Steve was added to the Tribe! Day 1236, 03:04:29: BoaZ was added to the Tribe by Steve! Day 1236, 13:57:37: Steve Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 193 (Mesopithecus)! Day 1236, 19:07:49: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 1236, 19:44:36: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 1236, 23:20:43: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 1237, 14:38:31: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 43 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 1237, 14:53:54: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 1237, 17:11:49: BoaZ Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 1237, 19:33:36: Steve Tamed an Equus - Lvl 194 (Equus)! Day 1237, 23:26:46: BoaZ Tamed a Compy - Lvl 29 (Compy)! Day 1239, 02:57:39: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 63 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 55! Day 1239, 03:00:45: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 62 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 55! Day 1239, 04:30:27: Your Shadic - Lvl 36 (Compy) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 1239, 05:21:37: Your Stinky - Lvl 203 (Mesopithecus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 1239, 06:03:04: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 64 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 1239, 06:33:33: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 1239, 09:17:47: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 1264, 05:08:23: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 1264, 07:50:14: Steve demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1264, 07:51:09: Steve demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1264, 08:53:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Ravager - Lvl 224 (Ravager)! Day 1282, 18:28:30: Steve Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 222 (Hyaenodon )! Day 1283, 00:28:27: Steve Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 222 (Hyaenodon )! Day 1306, 08:28:20: BoaZ Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 194 (Dire Bear)! Day 1307, 06:10:52: BoaZ Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 214 (Hyaenodon )! Day 1307, 10:06:30: BoaZ Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 222 (Hyaenodon )! Day 1327, 17:44:38: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Carbonemys - Lvl 223 (R-Carbonemys)! Day 1328, 22:54:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 1328, 23:15:25: Steve Tamed a R-Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (R-Brontosaurus)! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1525, 12:21:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon)! Day 1526, 05:01:23: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 1541, 04:38:07: BoaZ claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1541, 04:45:16: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1873, 11:38:59: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 224 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 150! Day 1895, 18:01:59: Tribemember Steve - Lvl 94 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 1896, 12:15:59: Tribemember BoaZ - Lvl 95 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 1960, 06:53:28: Your Blue - Lvl 259 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 2034, 06:59:52: Huntress - Lvl 294 (Ravager) starved to death! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2180, 16:31:38: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 250 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 2180, 16:32:01: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 243 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 2180, 16:32:28: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ENTELENODON - Lvl 214 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 2180, 16:32:45: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hiyenodon - Lvl 222 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 2645, 03:17:23: Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Tribbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2645, 03:36:00: Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Tribbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1385677509,"tribe":"BigMonkeyGaming logs":["Day 8463, 17:22:54: FlacidNoodles was added to the Tribe! Day 8463, 18:52:07: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8463, 23:48:38: FlacidNoodles froze Ricky - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 8464, 21:35:41: Sam Sam was added to the Tribe by FlacidNoodles! Day 8464, 23:22:12: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 8464, 23:36:09: Sam Sam Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 8464, 23:56:16: Sam Sam froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 8464, 23:59:11: Tribemember FlacidNoodles - Lvl 106 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 8465, 01:43:40: Your Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 8465, 02:02:09: Tribemember FlacidNoodles - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 8465, 02:42:07: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 8465, 06:40:14: FlacidNoodles Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 8465, 07:15:10: Tribemember FlacidNoodles - Lvl 106 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 8465, 07:20:48: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 107 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 8465, 09:01:13: Sam Sam froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 8465, 10:00:18: FlacidNoodles froze Ricky - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 8465, 10:07:34: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8465, 10:55:38: FlacidNoodles demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 8465, 11:30:31: Sam Sam froze Speedy - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8465, 11:30:48: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8483, 05:47:20: Sam Sam froze Speedy - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8483, 14:09:20: Sam Sam froze Scald - Lvl 255 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8528, 12:03:50: Sam Sam froze speedy sams - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 8528, 12:41:01: Sam Sam froze speedy sams - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 8528, 12:55:55: Sam Sam froze speedy sams - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 8528, 18:12:44: Sam Sam Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 82 (Pachy)! Day 8529, 02:42:42: Sam Sam froze speedy sams - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 8601, 14:42:09: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8623, 22:27:48: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 281 (Maewing) Day 8624, 00:26:43: Your pachy - Lvl 84 (Pachy) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 55! Day 8624, 01:59:10: Tribemember Sam Sam - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8624, 03:11:52: Sam Sam froze Barry Alan - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx) Day 8624, 05:35:25: Sam Sam froze Batman - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 8624, 09:28:00: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 281 (Maewing) Day 8624, 09:56:07: Sam Sam froze Barry Alan - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx) Day 8624, 10:45:57: Sam Sam froze Barry Alan - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx) Day 8624, 11:32:12: Sam Sam froze Barry Alan - Lvl 293 (Baryonyx) Day 8624, 12:31:59: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 281 (Maewing) Day 8624, 16:40:07: Sam Sam froze Dwayne the cock johnson - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 8624, 18:04:37: Sam Sam froze Batman - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 8624, 20:03:17: Sam Sam froze Maewing - Lvl 281 (Maewing) Day 8750, 22:44:04: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 07:35:30: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 8751, 07:38:50: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 8751, 07:43:18: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 8751, 07:45:20: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 8751, 07:46:52: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 8751, 07:50:48: FlacidNoodles froze Baby 220m - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 07:54:26: FlacidNoodles froze Baby 220f - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 07:57:51: FlacidNoodles froze Baby 220f - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 08:04:59: FlacidNoodles claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 8751, 08:09:49: FlacidNoodles froze Baby 222F - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 08:14:29: FlacidNoodles froze Baby 208 something - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 08:18:00: FlacidNoodles froze Baby 230M - Lvl 230 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8751, 18:16:33: FlacidNoodles froze blastoise - Lvl 308 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1381632000,"tribe":"Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith logs":["Day 14055, 21:46:17: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14055, 21:50:58: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14055, 21:57:24: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14055, 22:02:35: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14055, 22:07:07: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 04:13:37: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 04:18:25: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 04:22:33: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 13:56:46: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 14:00:34: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 14:05:41: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 14:09:10: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 14:12:13: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 18:31:14: Mr Smith froze COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 340 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 18:50:11: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 18:53:54: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 18:57:01: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:02:56: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:06:51: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:10:06: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:13:08: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:18:16: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:21:19: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14056, 19:24:40: Mr Smith froze Adolescent Bazzle - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14057, 03:50:22: Mr Smith froze Bazzle - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 14058, 00:14:32: Mrs Smith froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 326 (Andrewsarchus) Day 14058, 03:28:22: Mrs Smith froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 326 (Andrewsarchus) Day 14058, 05:17:20: Mrs Smith froze baby Batz - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 14058, 07:44:04: Mr Smith froze Bazzle - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 14058, 07:45:10: Mrs Smith froze baby Batz - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 14058, 10:23:02: Mr Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 283 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14058, 10:36:50: Mr Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 284 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14058, 10:40:14: Mr Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 300 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14058, 10:43:17: Mr Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14058, 10:47:47: Mr Smith froze 27k 400 mele - Lvl 325 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 10:50:52: Mr Smith froze 27k 400 mele - Lvl 322 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 10:53:53: Mr Smith froze 30k 600 mele - Lvl 333 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 10:57:04: Mr Smith froze 30k 750mele - Lvl 341 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 11:00:01: Mr Smith froze 30k 650mele - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 11:15:03: Mr Smith froze 30k 800 mele - Lvl 323 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 11:18:49: Mr Smith froze 27k 450 mele - Lvl 330 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 11:22:46: Mr Smith froze Mogwi - Lvl 294 (R-Reaper King) Day 14058, 11:26:37: Mr Smith froze 1st breed dad - Lvl 295 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14058, 11:29:33: Mr Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14058, 11:34:06: Mr Smith froze 30k 800 mele - Lvl 342 (Megatherium) Day 14058, 11:41:17: Mr Smith froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 323 (Yutyrannus) Day 14058, 12:25:30: Mrs Smith froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 326 (Andrewsarchus) Day 14059, 05:08:57: Mrs Smith froze baby Batz - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 14077, 18:25:11: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14078, 13:17:15: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14078, 14:32:38: Mr Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 300 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14079, 16:42:18: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14079, 16:46:02: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14079, 20:20:51: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14079, 20:24:27: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 05:44:18: Tribemember Mrs Smith - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 14080, 16:40:10: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 16:43:52: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 16:49:32: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 18:53:31: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 18:57:03: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 19:43:01: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14080, 21:32:25: Tribemember Mrs Smith - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 14080, 23:29:30: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14080, 23:41:26: Mrs Smith froze Simone - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14081, 09:49:14: Mr Smith froze 30k 600 mele - Lvl 334 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 09:52:43: Mrs Smith froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 328 (Andrewsarchus) Day 14081, 09:52:45: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 09:55:42: Mr Smith froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 324 (Yutyrannus) Day 14081, 09:58:30: Mr Smith froze 27k 400 mele - Lvl 326 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 10:01:31: Mr Smith froze 30k 800 mele - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 10:04:12: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:07:09: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:10:28: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:13:11: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:16:06: Mr Smith froze 30k 650mele - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 10:27:39: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:30:36: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:33:38: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:37:28: Mr Smith froze 27k 400 mele - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 10:40:17: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 10:50:17: Mrs Smith froze baby Batz - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 14081, 10:55:55: Mr Smith froze 27k 450 mele - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 10:58:45: Mr Smith froze 30k 750mele - Lvl 342 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 11:01:28: Mr Smith froze 30k 800 mele - Lvl 343 (Megatherium) Day 14081, 11:43:39: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 14081, 11:50:30: Mrs Smith froze baby Batz - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 14082, 07:46:37: Mrs Smith froze Simone - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14083, 10:05:10: Mrs Smith froze baby Batz - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 14083, 13:55:23: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14083, 17:09:10: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14084, 14:38:21: Mr Smith froze MUTE hp - Lvl 265 (Deinonychus) Day 14084, 14:41:10: Mr Smith froze Deinonychus - Lvl 263 (Deinonychus) Day 14084, 14:44:00: Mr Smith froze Deinonychus - Lvl 269 (Deinonychus) Day 14084, 14:48:14: Mr Smith froze Twin pinky - Lvl 256 (Deinonychus) Day 14084, 14:51:29: Mr Smith froze Twin Brain - Lvl 256 (Deinonychus) Day 14095, 08:40:04: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14095, 08:58:23: Mrs Smith froze Simone - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14095, 11:29:00: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 14095, 12:24:44: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 12:31:43: Mr Smith froze 27k 400 mele - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 14095, 12:44:29: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 12:48:54: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 12:52:31: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 12:55:58: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 13:06:39: Mr Smith froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 325 (Yutyrannus) Day 14095, 13:09:44: Mr Smith froze 27k 400 mele - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 14095, 13:12:43: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 13:15:58: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 13:20:05: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 13:28:53: Mrs Smith froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 328 (Andrewsarchus) Day 14095, 13:32:06: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 14095, 19:10:14: Mr Smith froze Deinonychus - Lvl 263 (Deinonychus) Day 14095, 19:13:35: Mr Smith froze 30k 650mele - Lvl 328 (Megatherium) Day 14095, 19:16:22: Mr Smith froze MUTE hp - Lvl 265 (Deinonychus) Day 14095, 19:24:37: Mr Smith froze Twin Brain - Lvl 256 (Deinonychus) Day 14095, 19:28:34: Mr Smith froze Deinonychus - Lvl 269 (Deinonychus) Day 14095, 19:31:38: Mr Smith froze Twin pinky - Lvl 256 (Deinonychus) Day 14095, 20:17:14: Mr Smith froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14098, 13:35:37: Mr Smith froze Boy Elli - Lvl 145 (Gacha) Day 14098, 13:40:53: Mr Smith froze ELEI - Lvl 98 (Gacha) Day 14098, 13:43:38: Mr Smith froze ELEI [Clone] - Lvl 91 (Gacha) Day 14098, 13:56:14: Mr Smith froze Boy Elli [Clone] - Lvl 145 (Gacha) Day 14098, 14:02:48: Mrs Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 300 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14102, 09:43:41: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 09:47:25: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 09:51:28: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 09:56:43: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:00:33: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:03:58: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:12:36: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:15:29: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:19:55: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:22:59: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:32:23: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:33:50: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:37:43: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:40:25: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:45:30: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:48:23: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 10:49:05: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 10:51:47: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 11:15:51: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 11:19:15: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 11:19:51: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 11:22:35: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14102, 11:23:06: Mr Smith claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14102, 11:25:55: Mr Smith froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14103, 12:55:50: Mrs Smith froze .+*+.Fast Rescue.+*+. - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14103, 18:47:12: Tribemember Mr Smith - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 14105, 00:12:09: Mrs Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 308 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14105, 09:51:27: Mrs Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 309 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14105, 22:10:22: Mrs Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 309 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14118, 19:59:03: Gunjack - Lvl 136 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'two - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14118, 20:05:04: Gunjack - Lvl 136 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14126, 15:06:41: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 15:13:20: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 15:17:37: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 15:20:35: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 15:23:18: Mr Smith froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 19:50:47: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 19:53:47: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 19:57:27: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 20:01:35: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 20:05:05: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 20:11:01: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 14126, 20:15:19: Mr Smith froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 14151, 10:36:43: Tribemember Mrs Smith - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 14151, 12:53:44: Mrs Smith froze *MDK 3RD GEN* - Lvl 166 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14256, 11:28:01: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14304, 01:50:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14327, 20:01:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14366, 11:16:11: Mrs Smith froze *MDK 3RD GEN* - Lvl 166 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14366, 13:29:08: Mrs Smith froze Ferox - Lvl 46 (Ferox) Day 14366, 13:36:51: Mrs Smith froze Ferox - Lvl 90 (Ferox) Day 14366, 13:42:57: Mrs Smith froze Ferox - Lvl 135 (Ferox) Day 14518, 05:58:27: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14566, 16:35:25: Mrs Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 105 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14580, 18:52:55: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14580, 18:52:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14580, 18:52:55: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14580, 18:52:55: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14648, 14:44:32: Argentavis's 'Mags - Lvl 354 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14653, 12:07:32: Mrs Smith froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 309 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14740, 13:47:23: Susan - Lvl 286 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 14816, 23:12:47: Ovis - Lvl 151 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14816, 23:13:02: Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14831, 16:27:36: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 14884, 07:43:59: Snow Owl - Lvl 83 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14884, 07:44:01: Snow Owl - Lvl 90 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14884, 07:44:01: Snow Owl - Lvl 51 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14884, 07:51:23: Ovis - Lvl 142 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14884, 07:51:25: Ovis - Lvl 196 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14884, 07:51:26: Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14884, 07:51:28: Ovis - Lvl 149 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14893, 08:47:48: Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14933, 14:45:43: Ovis - Lvl 274 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14933, 15:18:36: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 34 (Tek Stryder) was killed! Day 15036, 06:56:51: Shinehorn - Lvl 256 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 15036, 06:57:06: Snow Owl - Lvl 83 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15111, 05:54:39: Maewing - Lvl 297 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15413, 05:51:48: Oviraptor - Lvl 36 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 15413, 16:22:57: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simone - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 16:32:36: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'John - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 16:42:57: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 16:52:12: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 16:58:37: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:04:01: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:10:33: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:16:53: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:20:31: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:29:51: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:35:05: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:44:59: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 15413, 17:52:42: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 17:59:55: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 305 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15413, 18:06:18: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 15413, 18:17:19: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame '.+*+.Fast Rescue.+*+. - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 18:29:45: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 298 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15413, 18:40:21: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bazzle - Lvl 205 (Desmodus)'! Day 15413, 19:12:09: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 19:25:48: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 20:08:25: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Equus - Lvl 277 (R-Equus)'! Day 15413, 20:15:00: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 390 (Argentavis)'! Day 15413, 20:59:43: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 15414, 08:54:55: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame '*30Ker/815Melee* - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15414, 08:58:39: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15414, 10:38:10: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 223 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15434, 03:15:28: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15434, 10:21:27: Tribemember Mrs Smith - Lvl 117 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 15434, 10:41:28: Tribemember Mr Smith - Lvl 120 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 15434, 12:43:16: Your Motorboat (Motorboat) was destroyed! Day 15471, 00:02:57: JC741 - Lvl 87 (3xiled) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15471, 00:09:45: JC741 - Lvl 87 (3xiled) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15502, 05:29:40: Penny - Lvl 118 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'babby - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 05:46:43: Penny - Lvl 118 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 05:52:11: Penny - Lvl 118 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame '+OneRange+ - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:10:37: Penny - Lvl 118 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:18:55: Penny - Lvl 118 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 17:56:45: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15959, 08:46:44: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 15970, 13:57:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15970, 13:57:14: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15970, 13:57:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15970, 13:57:14: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15970, 13:57:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16196, 14:09:20: Charlie - Lvl 309 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 16196, 14:09:34: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16222, 22:16:34: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16222, 22:16:36: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16222, 22:16:38: Deinonychus - Lvl 61 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16222, 22:16:40: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16222, 22:16:49: Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16256, 14:00:46: Your 'Tek Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16309, 15:48:35: Deinonychus - Lvl 61 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16309, 15:48:36: Deinonychus - Lvl 75 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16378, 19:49:37: Derek - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Speed - Lvl 296 (Rex)'! Day 16378, 20:07:36: Derek - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16391, 08:34:29: Derek - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shrek - Lvl 77 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16502, 12:50:21: Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16797, 17:50:45: Leader 03 - Lvl 73 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16797, 17:50:52: Deinonychus - Lvl 62 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17181, 23:03:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17221, 11:15:34: Deinonychus - Lvl 27 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17242, 06:05:36: Deinonychus - Lvl 28 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17554, 23:17:47: Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17554, 23:17:56: Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17554, 23:18:03: Deinonychus - Lvl 77 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17554, 23:18:05: Deinonychus - Lvl 82 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17554, 23:18:10: Deinonychus - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 17693, 12:30:44: salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17693, 12:40:43: salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17693, 12:53:42: zandbeast - Lvl 127 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Insipid - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17734, 11:55:38: Tribemember Mr Smith - Lvl 120 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 17750, 11:12:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17750, 11:12:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1375486836,"tribe":"couvoir of rex logs":["Day 42, 10:33:03: barthalan was added to the Tribe! Day 42, 18:35:12: barthalan Tamed a X-Triceratops - Lvl 200 (X-Triceratops)! Day 42, 19:11:35: barthalan froze X-Triceratops - Lvl 201 (X-Triceratops) Day 42, 20:04:38: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalania - Lvl 20! Day 42, 20:26:59: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 42, 20:39:12: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 20! Day 43, 02:41:28: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 43, 03:03:58: Your Tribe Tamed a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 200 (X-Ankylosaurus)! Day 43, 05:07:25: barthalan froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 200 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 46, 16:17:31: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 255 (Fire Wyvern) Day 70, 19:25:06: barthalan froze Tek Rex - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 70, 19:28:18: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 70, 19:43:29: barthalan froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Fire Wyvern) Day 113, 01:28:57: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 113, 02:23:47: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 113, 06:09:12: barthalan froze Tek Rex - Lvl 415 (Tek Rex) Day 113, 06:19:51: barthalan froze chorizo - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 233, 23:16:23: thefurge200 was added to the Tribe by barthalan! Day 233, 23:19:18: thefurge200 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by barthalan! Day 234, 15:56:06: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 234, 20:17:29: Your niockie - Lvl 317 (Ravager) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 234, 20:30:56: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 234, 22:50:20: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 235, 00:43:45: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 235, 04:49:06: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 235, 05:33:02: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 130! Day 235, 05:55:56: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 235, 06:33:52: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 235, 07:09:20: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 235, 07:59:58: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 235, 08:26:39: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 235, 08:45:32: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 60! Day 235, 08:53:25: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 235, 09:15:45: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 235, 09:53:50: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 135! Day 235, 10:08:07: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 50! Day 235, 11:24:59: thefurge200 was removed from the Tribe by barthalan! Day 235, 12:46:52: thefurge200 was added to the Tribe by barthalan! Day 235, 12:47:46: thefurge200 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by barthalan! Day 235, 13:25:08: barthalan froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 368 (Thylacoleo) Day 235, 15:18:56: thefurge200 was removed from the Tribe by barthalan! Day 235, 15:27:23: thefurge200 was added to the Tribe by barthalan! Day 235, 16:38:46: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 279, 13:03:41: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 281, 05:08:38: barthalan froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 173 (Mosasaurus) Day 281, 06:28:11: barthalan froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 322 (Basilosaurus) Day 281, 07:15:46: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 277 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 326, 23:27:33: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 328, 23:26:24: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 329, 01:28:01: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 330, 06:35:36: thefurge200 froze Raptor F - Lvl 226 (Raptor) Day 330, 06:43:34: thefurge200 froze Maewing - Lvl 237 (Maewing) Day 330, 10:04:07: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 11:08:18: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 12:09:33: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 13:06:45: thefurge200 froze Sarco - Lvl 284 (Sarco) Day 330, 15:20:56: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 15:36:50: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 330, 16:00:03: Your Sarco - Lvl 284 (Sarco) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 330, 16:08:14: thefurge200 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 330, 16:18:24: thefurge200 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 330, 16:19:50: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 16:53:34: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 19:05:30: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 330, 20:25:17: thefurge200 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 330, 20:42:45: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 25! Day 330, 20:47:32: Your Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 375, 06:24:43: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 361 (Reaper King) Day 375, 07:24:53: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 375, 13:04:30: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 361 (Reaper King) Day 375, 14:51:51: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 376, 06:33:30: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 376, 07:59:12: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 361 (Reaper King) Day 377, 00:47:02: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 377, 01:58:50: barthalan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo)! Day 377, 02:15:50: barthalan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo)! Day 377, 02:16:47: barthalan froze Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo) Day 377, 02:22:44: barthalan froze Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo) Day 377, 05:19:35: barthalan froze athéna - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 377, 08:13:15: barthalan demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 377, 08:27:55: barthalan froze Maewing - Lvl 240 (Maewing) Day 377, 18:43:44: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by barthalan - Lvl 121 (couvoir of rex)! Day 377, 18:43:44: Your Tribe killed thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (couvoir of rex)! Day 377, 19:21:50: thefurge200 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 343 (Allosaurus) Day 377, 19:26:20: barthalan froze Allosaurus - Lvl 356 (Allosaurus) Day 378, 05:14:34: thefurge200 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 346 (Allosaurus) Day 378, 05:52:16: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 378, 06:19:59: thefurge200 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 378, 16:08:21: thefurge200 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 346 (Allosaurus) Day 378, 16:16:57: thefurge200 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 378, 16:43:25: barthalan Tamed a X-Raptor - Lvl 222 (X-Raptor)! Day 378, 17:05:49: barthalan froze X-Raptor - Lvl 222 (X-Raptor) Day 378, 17:25:52: barthalan froze X-Raptor - Lvl 222 (X-Raptor) Day 378, 18:09:51: barthalan froze Allosaurus - Lvl 359 (Allosaurus) Day 378, 18:29:48: barthalan froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 378, 19:25:07: barthalan Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn)! Day 378, 19:32:23: thefurge200 Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn)! Day 378, 19:43:46: barthalan Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 378, 19:53:57: thefurge200 unclaimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn)'! Day 378, 22:19:27: barthalan Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight)! Day 379, 03:03:18: barthalan Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight)! Day 379, 04:53:51: thefurge200 froze Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 379, 04:58:09: barthalan froze Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn) Day 379, 11:33:20: thefurge200 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 356 (Allosaurus) Day 379, 11:58:38: barthalan froze Allosaurus - Lvl 363 (Allosaurus) Day 400, 12:56:23: barthalan froze Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 400, 13:00:34: barthalan froze Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 400, 13:05:02: barthalan froze Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn) Day 400, 13:22:50: barthalan froze X-Raptor - Lvl 222 (X-Raptor) Day 400, 13:38:53: barthalan froze Dodo - Lvl 144 (Dodo) Day 400, 13:43:07: barthalan froze Dodo - Lvl 211 (Dodo) Day 400, 14:28:56: barthalan froze GODZILLA - Lvl 361 (Reaper King) Day 400, 14:51:25: barthalan uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 251 Day 469, 06:58:19: thefurge200 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 252 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 759, 21:25:15: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 323 (Argentavis) Day 760, 00:59:38: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) Day 761, 05:05:55: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) Day 761, 07:10:57: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 242 (Ice Wyvern) Day 777, 09:06:26: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 777, 11:04:05: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Ice Wyvern) Day 777, 11:47:07: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 777, 13:54:45: thefurge200 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 777, 15:31:31: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 777, 15:47:19: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 45! Day 777, 20:57:37: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 777, 20:58:46: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Ice Wyvern) Day 777, 22:15:15: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Ice Wyvern) Day 777, 23:13:51: thefurge200 froze Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus) Day 777, 23:22:24: thefurge200 froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 946, 19:52:06: barthalan froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) Day 948, 19:44:55: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 261 (Ice Wyvern) Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2060, 04:21:16: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 240 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2060, 04:21:16: 's 'Raptor F - Lvl 226 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2060, 06:28:13: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 286 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2315, 07:58:12: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 2315, 23:48:16: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 2316, 01:13:08: barthalan claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha)'! Day 2316, 01:16:22: barthalan claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha)'! Day 2316, 01:35:48: Your Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha) was killed by magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 2316, 01:35:48: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha) (couvoir of rex)! Day 2316, 01:37:08: Your Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha) was killed by magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 2316, 01:37:08: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 119 (Gacha) (couvoir of rex)! Day 2316, 02:01:05: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2316, 03:19:06: barthalan froze Argentavis - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 2316, 07:21:55: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2316, 07:27:01: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2316, 08:05:18: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2316, 08:39:15: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 55! Day 2316, 09:32:33: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2316, 10:47:44: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 2316, 10:47:44: Your Tribe killed thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (couvoir of rex)! Day 2316, 11:38:14: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 140! Day 2316, 12:31:48: Tribemember thefurge200 - Lvl 121 was killed by magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern)! Day 2316, 12:31:48: Your Tribe killed thefurge200 - Lvl 121 (couvoir of rex)! Day 2316, 12:57:41: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2956, 10:16:52: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 287 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2992, 23:23:54: TheDexicon - Lvl 121 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 309 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3846, 19:50:49: barthalan froze magnum - Lvl 289 (Ice Wyvern) Day 7498, 20:05:21: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 7498, 20:42:30: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 7498, 21:42:55: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 7499, 00:06:04: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 7550, 04:52:05: barthalan froze Repro Femelle - Lvl 363 (Pteranodon) Day 8786, 15:06:23: barthalan downloaded a dino: le seul - Lvl 493 Day 8786, 16:11:32: Humain was added to the Tribe by barthalan! Day 8787, 03:28:58: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 16 was killed by barthalan - Lvl 121 (couvoir of rex)! Day 8787, 03:28:58: Your Tribe killed Humain - Lvl 16 (couvoir of rex)! Day 8787, 04:08:36: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 16 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 8787, 06:31:33: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9087, 09:35:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9257, 17:12:41: Tribemember Humain - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 9257, 17:17:18: Tribemember barthalan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1371770189,"tribe":"Tribe of CokeZero logs":["Day 5434, 13:43:43: CokeZero was added to the Tribe! Day 5434, 18:38:54: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5434, 18:42:35: CokeZero froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 5435, 05:19:57: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 230 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 5435, 05:22:38: CokeZero froze Baby Basilosaurus - Lvl 230 (Basilosaurus) Day 5435, 08:45:36: Tribemember CokeZero - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 5435, 11:20:02: CokeZero froze CokeZero - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5435, 17:05:30: CokeZero claimed 'KietelKip - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 5435, 17:20:56: CokeZero claimed 'choucroute la pute - Lvl 279 (Argentavis)'! Day 5435, 17:30:21: CokeZero claimed 'MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 5435, 17:57:20: CokeZero froze MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 375 (Megalosaurus) Day 5435, 18:06:52: CokeZero froze KietelKip - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 5435, 19:33:29: CokeZero uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: CokeZero - Lvl 294 Day 5459, 02:22:03: CokeZero froze CokeZero - Lvl 245 (Basilosaurus) Day 5459, 03:32:56: CokeZero froze CokeZero - Lvl 301 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5502, 16:59:41: CokeZero froze DrakeZero - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 5502, 19:09:40: CokeZero froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5503, 02:52:04: CokeZero froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5532, 05:50:59: CokeZero claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 5532, 06:02:23: CokeZero froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 5532, 06:30:39: CokeZero froze OwlZero - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5549, 22:56:00: CokeZero froze OwlZero - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5550, 09:14:37: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 223 (Dire Bear)'! Day 5550, 09:15:37: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 223 (Dire Bear)'! Day 5550, 09:22:08: CokeZero froze Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 223 (Dire Bear) Day 5550, 09:24:55: CokeZero froze Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 223 (Dire Bear) Day 5550, 10:00:43: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 5550, 10:06:47: CokeZero froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 228 (Thylacoleo) Day 5550, 12:05:13: CokeZero uploaded a R-Snow Owl: OwlZero - Lvl 295 Day 5551, 22:16:06: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 144 (Desmodus)'! Day 5551, 22:20:56: CokeZero froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) Day 5551, 22:49:42: CokeZero froze BatZero - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 5551, 22:59:53: CokeZero unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)'! Day 5551, 23:06:53: CokeZero claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)'! Day 5551, 23:10:41: CokeZero froze Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus) Day 5552, 01:08:08: CokeZero claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)'! Day 5552, 01:10:31: CokeZero claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 5552, 01:22:51: CokeZero froze Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex) Day 5552, 01:30:25: CokeZero froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 5552, 01:34:17: CokeZero claimed 'red burn - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 5552, 03:03:12: CokeZero uploaded a Tek Rex: Tek Rex - Lvl 300 Day 5552, 03:08:23: CokeZero froze OwlZero - Lvl 296 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5553, 06:59:26: CokeZero claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 223 (Daeodon)'! Day 5553, 07:02:11: CokeZero froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 223 (Daeodon) Day 5553, 08:05:28: CokeZero froze OwlZero - Lvl 297 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5553, 17:28:57: CokeZero froze OwlZero - Lvl 297 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5596, 01:29:06: CokeZero froze OwlZero - Lvl 303 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5874, 11:53:42: Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5921, 23:20:42: choucroute la pute - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 6437, 20:26:32: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'red burn - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 6758, 06:10:11: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1368576304,"tribe":"Tribe of Zenalis logs":["Day 7876, 19:35:01: Zenalis was added to the Tribe! Day 7876, 19:38:48: rosi was added to the Tribe by Zenalis! Day 7876, 22:39:40: Zenalis Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 7876, 22:57:16: Zenalis froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 7877, 03:38:52: Tribemember rosi - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 7877, 03:47:19: Zenalis Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)! Day 7877, 03:59:58: Zenalis froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 7877, 08:19:04: rosi froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 7877, 09:50:03: Zenalis uploaded a Maewing: Meow-Meow - Lvl 213 Day 7877, 09:51:04: rosi froze hoe - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)"] "tribeid":1367834302,"tribe":"Asylum logs":["Day 2338, 03:37:51: Tori was added to the Tribe! Day 2338, 04:37:51: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 2338, 05:54:55: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 4 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2338, 06:06:52: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 2338, 10:23:27: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2338, 11:14:12: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 2338, 17:32:09: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 2338, 18:05:09: Johny was added to the Tribe by Tori! Day 2339, 00:52:36: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 00:52:36: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 00:52:36: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 01:07:55: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 10 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 135! Day 2339, 01:35:25: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 2339, 02:20:32: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 17 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 2339, 02:21:09: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 10 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 2339, 07:55:45: Tori claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2339, 07:57:57: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 2339, 13:14:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon)! Day 2339, 13:22:14: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 22 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 2339, 14:59:58: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 27 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 2339, 15:00:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 15:00:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 16:23:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 16:23:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2339, 17:10:53: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 27 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 2339, 20:04:28: Johny Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 21 (Triceratops)! Day 2340, 05:10:26: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 29 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 2340, 06:56:50: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 29 was killed by Tori - Lvl 37 (Asylum)! Day 2340, 06:56:50: Your Tribe killed Johny - Lvl 29 (Asylum)! Day 2340, 09:19:03: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 39 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 2340, 16:14:17: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 36 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 2340, 19:52:09: Johny Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 2341, 01:20:09: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 37 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 2341, 06:24:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 2341, 06:24:55: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2639, 10:13:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3003, 17:04:54: Patricia - Lvl 27 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 3257, 15:53:09: Barri - Lvl 26 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 3829, 10:44:20: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 47 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 8249, 18:14:13: Tribemember Tori - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 13570, 07:58:29: Tribemember Johny - Lvl 40 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1367390446,"tribe":"Moggery logs":["Day 13833, 18:27:31: Your Mogadon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 13833, 18:48:04: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 80 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 13833, 20:24:05: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 80 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 90! Day 13833, 20:32:32: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 52 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 13834, 02:57:28: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 02:59:56: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:01:56: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:03:17: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:11:05: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:12:19: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:13:25: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:31:16: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:38:09: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 03:44:16: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 04:00:47: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13834, 04:10:23: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13834, 20:11:50: Drew Peabawls Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 13835, 07:50:20: Drew Peabawls Tamed an Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 13835, 11:43:17: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)! Day 13835, 12:00:37: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13835, 12:02:23: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13835, 14:59:35: Drew Peabawls Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 13835, 15:57:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 13838, 15:19:11: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 28 (Fjordhawk)! Day 13839, 15:19:52: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 13840, 20:02:26: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 13841, 12:47:43: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 13845, 05:58:53: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 13846, 08:52:01: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 101 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 85! Day 13846, 14:24:33: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 101 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 13856, 01:13:46: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13856, 01:52:15: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13856, 12:44:26: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 194 (Dilophosaur)! Day 13856, 12:51:08: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 194 (Dilophosaur)! Day 13857, 00:00:20: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 13858, 00:04:25: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 13858, 11:20:41: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 13858, 11:39:07: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 13859, 01:48:27: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 13859, 02:55:28: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 13859, 03:13:01: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 13859, 15:26:02: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13859, 18:56:45: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13859, 18:57:30: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:06:45: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Tropeognathus - Lvl 127 (Tropeognathus)! Day 13860, 14:25:53: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:27:06: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:28:29: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:29:21: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:30:23: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:32:11: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:33:24: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:34:11: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 13860, 14:35:01: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 13860, 14:36:33: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:37:21: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:39:49: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13860, 14:40:58: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13860, 14:44:14: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:45:11: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13860, 14:48:08: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:49:22: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 13860, 14:50:32: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13860, 14:52:00: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 13865, 15:37:48: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 13866, 03:56:33: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 13866, 05:42:33: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 13866, 06:39:22: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 13866, 08:33:33: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 112 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13866, 16:49:27: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13867, 10:42:05: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)! Day 13882, 07:59:01: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 174 (Doedicurus)! Day 13882, 17:09:56: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13882, 20:45:15: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13882, 21:00:20: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13882, 21:01:51: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13884, 14:27:03: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13884, 18:31:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus)! Day 13886, 12:22:23: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13887, 13:48:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)! Day 13888, 01:32:28: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13888, 01:59:27: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13888, 02:29:21: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13888, 02:29:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13888, 02:35:40: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13888, 04:00:15: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13888, 04:00:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13888, 05:10:53: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13888, 05:11:55: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13888, 05:35:42: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13888, 05:35:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13888, 05:39:32: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13888, 05:39:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13891, 16:09:52: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13892, 02:33:24: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13892, 13:50:52: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13892, 13:51:48: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13892, 14:10:39: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13892, 14:23:38: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13892, 14:31:04: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13892, 14:48:33: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13892, 14:49:31: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13892, 14:50:11: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13892, 15:20:39: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:20:39: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:25:18: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:25:18: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:31:13: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:31:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:35:50: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13892, 15:35:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13892, 16:04:45: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13892, 16:04:45: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13893, 11:29:25: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13893, 12:50:00: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13893, 12:50:53: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13893, 12:51:29: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13893, 12:52:12: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13893, 12:52:58: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13893, 12:53:44: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13893, 13:39:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)! Day 13894, 08:03:18: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 95 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 190! Day 13894, 08:03:53: Your Health - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 230! Day 13894, 08:47:47: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 13894, 21:40:52: Your 150 FE WILD - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 200! Day 13895, 00:52:45: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 97 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13895, 03:06:12: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 13895, 08:53:59: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 13895, 15:41:21: Drew Peabawls claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 184 (Phiomia)'! Day 13895, 16:09:52: Your Phiomia - Lvl 184 (Phiomia) was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 95! Day 13895, 17:10:50: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13905, 03:38:48: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13905, 04:24:28: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13905, 04:24:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13905, 04:30:27: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13905, 04:50:07: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13905, 04:50:07: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13905, 04:56:13: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13905, 04:59:09: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13905, 05:15:51: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13905, 05:15:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13905, 05:16:55: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13905, 05:16:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13905, 05:25:08: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13905, 05:51:00: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13905, 07:34:55: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13905, 07:34:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13905, 18:49:40: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 13907, 07:05:56: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 13907, 21:57:09: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 13908, 16:30:04: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 13908, 18:52:57: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 13908, 19:17:48: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13908, 19:18:38: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13908, 19:19:55: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13908, 19:20:54: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13908, 20:15:53: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13908, 20:15:53: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13908, 20:27:51: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13908, 20:27:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13908, 20:37:05: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13908, 20:37:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13908, 22:11:54: Your Male Stam - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 185! Day 13908, 22:15:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 215! Day 13909, 21:23:16: Drew Peabawls froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 13910, 06:52:06: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13910, 06:53:26: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13910, 07:00:48: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13910, 07:00:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13910, 07:09:41: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13910, 07:09:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13910, 09:22:00: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 13910, 16:30:19: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13911, 05:40:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 13911, 17:08:05: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 209 (Tapejara)! Day 13912, 00:06:23: Your Health Melee Guy - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 215! Day 13912, 05:22:10: Drew Peabawls Tamed a Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino)! Day 13912, 05:38:22: Drew Peabawls froze Parasaur Hunter - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 13912, 15:30:10: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Wooden Fence Support'! Day 13913, 09:26:24: Drew Peabawls Tamed a Spino - Lvl 209 (Spino)! Day 13913, 09:34:23: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 13913, 15:43:26: Cornelius Hubert froze Mangentavis - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 13913, 15:43:28: Drew Peabawls froze Hankerella - Lvl 270 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13913, 15:48:59: Cornelius Hubert froze Mangentavis - Lvl 264 (Argentavis) Day 13913, 21:17:26: Drew Peabawls froze Hankerella - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13913, 21:29:43: Drew Peabawls froze Mingentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 13914, 00:18:28: Drew Peabawls froze lumbar londosis - Lvl 209 (Spino) Day 13914, 08:05:25: Drew Peabawls froze Door - Lvl 301 (Griffin) Day 13914, 17:28:15: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13914, 17:28:55: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13914, 17:29:40: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13914, 17:30:24: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13914, 17:31:04: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13914, 17:53:42: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 13914, 19:17:19: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 198 (Pelagornis)! Day 13914, 19:30:22: Cornelius Hubert froze Vegetal - Lvl 198 (Pelagornis) Day 13915, 00:39:19: Cornelius Hubert was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Drew Peabawls! Day 13915, 00:43:55: Bigre Timson was added to the Tribe by Cornelius Hubert! Day 13915, 01:47:00: Tribemember Bigre Timson - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 13915, 05:33:19: Cornelius Hubert demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 13915, 08:36:34: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13915, 10:49:29: Drew Peabawls claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 13915, 14:46:24: Tribemember Bigre Timson - Lvl 28 was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 (Moggery)! Day 13915, 14:46:24: Your Tribe killed Bigre Timson - Lvl 28 (Moggery)! Day 13915, 15:27:31: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 110 | 0.9x! Day 13915, 15:42:23: Tribemember Bigre Timson - Lvl 35 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 13915, 16:30:09: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 110! Day 13915, 16:33:03: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13915, 16:35:33: Tribemember Bigre Timson - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 13915, 17:03:48: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 280! Day 13915, 17:37:09: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 280 | 1.0x! Day 13915, 17:44:56: Tribemember Bigre Timson - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 13915, 18:15:21: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13915, 21:20:35: Tribemember Bigre Timson - Lvl 38 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13915, 21:21:38: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13915, 21:25:04: Drew Peabawls claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino)'! Day 13916, 11:54:19: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 13916, 14:19:27: Drew Peabawls froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 13916, 15:15:23: Drew Peabawls froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 13916, 15:18:49: Drew Peabawls froze Juvenile Spino - Lvl 224 (Spino) Day 13916, 16:50:02: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 13916, 17:04:46: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13917, 18:20:46: Cornelius Hubert Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 209 (Quetzal)! Day 13917, 19:03:30: Drew Peabawls froze Wooster - Lvl 210 (Quetzal) Day 13917, 23:12:19: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13918, 06:59:37: Drew Peabawls froze Spino - Lvl 229 (Spino) Day 13918, 08:31:41: Drew Peabawls froze Door - Lvl 302 (Griffin) Day 13918, 23:31:31: Drew Peabawls froze Spino - Lvl 286 (Spino) Day 13919, 02:50:04: Drew Peabawls froze Spino - Lvl 286 (Spino) Day 13919, 03:05:25: Drew Peabawls froze Door - Lvl 302 (Griffin) Day 13919, 05:15:41: Drew Peabawls froze Spino - Lvl 288 (Spino) Day 13919, 10:47:08: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 13919, 10:48:42: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 13919, 10:49:29: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 13919, 10:50:26: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 13919, 18:24:19: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 13920, 20:56:17: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 13931, 02:42:13: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13931, 02:43:19: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13931, 02:45:46: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 13933, 05:22:42: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13933, 05:23:29: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13933, 05:24:36: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13933, 05:25:32: Drew Peabawls demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13935, 05:36:21: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 07:58:44: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 07:59:45: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 09:20:39: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 10:05:30: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 10:51:29: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 10:56:09: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 (Moggery)! Day 13935, 10:56:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13935, 11:04:47: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13935, 11:12:25: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 (Moggery)! Day 13935, 11:12:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13935, 12:18:58: Your Juvenile Food 28 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 13935, 12:18:58: Juvenile Food 28 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 13935, 12:19:31: Your Juvenile Food 28 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 13935, 12:19:31: Juvenile Food 28 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 13935, 12:51:12: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 13935, 12:51:12: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 13935, 13:22:48: Drew Peabawls claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 13935, 13:31:43: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) was killed by Drew Peabawls - Lvl 112 (Moggery)! Day 13935, 13:31:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) (Moggery)! Day 13935, 16:07:15: Drew Peabawls Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 13935, 16:17:54: Drew Peabawls froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13936, 13:15:09: Your Weight - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 100! Day 13955, 08:26:13: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13955, 09:07:32: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13955, 11:04:30: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 285! Day 13955, 11:10:44: Your Health 25 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 285! Day 13955, 11:11:19: Your Health 27 Male - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 285! Day 13960, 03:07:08: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13960, 03:19:48: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 (Moggery)! Day 13960, 03:19:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 13960, 18:13:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 13960, 18:41:27: Cornelius Hubert froze Shmexy - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 13983, 08:41:31: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14009, 19:22:48: Juvenile 28 Stam Male - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14010, 04:45:05: Your Stamina 25 - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 225! Day 14010, 08:31:00: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14010, 10:43:04: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14010, 11:08:38: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14010, 11:18:11: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 (Moggery)! Day 14010, 11:18:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 14010, 18:46:08: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14010, 19:16:53: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14010, 19:31:44: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 (Moggery)! Day 14010, 19:31:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) (Moggery)! Day 14030, 03:27:58: Juvenile melee 32 oxy weight 25 m - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14030, 03:27:58: Juvenile 30 Oxygen Male - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14030, 03:27:58: Adolescent 34 Weight female - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14030, 12:45:50: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14053, 14:14:46: Cornelius Hubert claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14066, 02:53:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14077, 00:10:20: Juvenile 32 Melee 25 stam female - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14089, 21:14:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14123, 03:10:48: Ro-bert - Lvl 240 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 14208, 20:09:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14232, 15:47:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14270, 14:40:05: Your Equus - Lvl 36 (Equus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 14271, 20:10:02: Your Bert - Lvl 217 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 14351, 15:43:36: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14351, 15:43:36: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14419, 22:25:29: Bird Bro - Lvl 65 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 14494, 10:24:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14526, 19:19:11: Your Door - Lvl 305 (Griffin) was killed by a Snow Owl - Lvl 20! Day 14528, 01:24:54: Your Divemaxxer - Lvl 291 (Griffin) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 14630, 12:18:45: R Barry - Lvl 233 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14630, 12:24:59: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mewster - Lvl 243 (Quetzal)'! Day 14630, 13:01:29: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame '32 Melee red - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14630, 14:13:28: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blackie - Lvl 288 (Spino)'! Day 14630, 15:13:53: eww - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee) starved to death! Day 14630, 15:37:36: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Gringler - Lvl 166 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 14630, 15:44:14: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vegetal - Lvl 198 (Pelagornis)'! Day 14630, 17:13:56: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Non-Binary Creamer - Lvl 315 (Griffin)'! Day 14631, 05:20:01: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Erm... Ackshually - Lvl 252 (Castoroides)'! Day 14631, 05:35:57: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hankerella - Lvl 283 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14631, 13:53:18: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lizardbrain - Lvl 178 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 14631, 14:17:37: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mike - Lvl 279 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14631, 14:23:16: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapeworm - Lvl 209 (Tapejara)'! Day 14631, 14:34:24: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexy - Lvl 285 (Rex)'! Day 14631, 14:45:14: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur Hunter - Lvl 209 (Spino)'! Day 14631, 14:52:01: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lumbar londosis - Lvl 209 (Spino)'! Day 14631, 15:16:22: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mangentavis - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 14631, 22:45:25: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)'! Day 14637, 05:55:49: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oxygen 25 - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14650, 07:07:58: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shmexy - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 14650, 07:34:57: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '27 Health 27 Food male - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14650, 12:21:33: Tribemember Drew Peabawls - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 14650, 14:19:58: Your Melee 32 Stam 25 fermlea - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 14650, 14:29:32: Your 27 Weight Male - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 14650, 14:40:04: Your Food 27 - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 14650, 14:46:19: Your Melee 32 weight 25 Guy - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14673, 18:45:32: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ryan - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14673, 19:41:14: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 253 (Argentavis)'! Day 14673, 19:48:42: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mingentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 14673, 22:14:02: Tribemember Cornelius Hubert - Lvl 114 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 55! Day 14704, 22:50:33: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Based Rolling Enjoyer - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14716, 02:35:35: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Narcomaxxing Berrycel - Lvl 254 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 14716, 06:22:06: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 212 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14818, 06:09:50: Dilophosaur - Lvl 194 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14970, 07:52:41: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 194 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20035, 19:47:10: Pteranodon - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 20057, 10:29:50: Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1364956725,"tribe":"Come Get Some logs":["Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3880, 21:05:25: FentJ was removed from the Tribe! Day 3881, 02:18:04: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3881, 02:24:42: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 3881, 02:27:18: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3888, 10:31:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1362003919,"tribe":"Tribe of MrPoopyPants logs":["Day 13122, 20:53:34: MrPoopyPants was added to the Tribe! Day 13122, 20:56:37: Hawkie was added to the Tribe by MrPoopyPants! Day 13122, 22:52:45: Tribemember Hawkie - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 13123, 02:24:46: Tribemember Hawkie - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 13123, 02:57:47: Tribemember Hawkie - Lvl 7 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 13123, 08:00:49: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Wood Ladder'! Day 13124, 10:57:41: Hawkie Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)! Day 13127, 09:48:58: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 13127, 10:02:17: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13127, 10:04:06: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13127, 10:05:19: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13127, 10:06:21: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13127, 10:07:16: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13127, 10:08:23: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13128, 18:23:15: Hawkie Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 13129, 04:01:18: MrPoopyPants Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 119 (Pteranodon)! Day 13129, 15:01:46: MrPoopyPants Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 13147, 01:23:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 13147, 09:10:54: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 09:18:03: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 09:19:22: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 09:20:26: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 09:21:29: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 09:22:45: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 12:10:46: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13147, 12:22:26: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'BeachBed1 (Bed)'! Day 13147, 12:33:02: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 13147, 12:34:26: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 13151, 15:05:50: MrPoopyPants Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis)! Day 13152, 01:00:14: Tribemember Hawkie - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 13152, 10:05:39: Tribemember Hawkie - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 13154, 03:13:39: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13154, 03:33:09: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13194, 06:04:38: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 45 (Argentavis) Day 13194, 06:36:42: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) Day 13194, 06:49:44: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 94 (Triceratops) Day 13194, 08:29:41: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 45 (Argentavis) Day 13194, 11:05:24: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 98 (Triceratops) Day 13194, 18:59:07: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) Day 13195, 02:45:46: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 46 (Argentavis) Day 13195, 09:10:32: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 47 (Argentavis) Day 13199, 03:27:34: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) Day 13199, 07:56:52: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 52 (Argentavis) Day 13199, 08:43:39: MrPoopyPants froze Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Parasaur) Day 13199, 08:50:48: MrPoopyPants froze Roger - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 13215, 15:42:32: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 118 (Triceratops) Day 13215, 18:07:35: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 118 (Triceratops) Day 13215, 20:57:53: MrPoopyPants Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 211 (Castoroides)! Day 13215, 21:07:53: MrPoopyPants froze Beavis - Lvl 211 (Castoroides) Day 13216, 00:30:55: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 68 (Argentavis) Day 13219, 11:29:50: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 71 (Argentavis) Day 13219, 14:19:58: MrPoopyPants froze Beavis - Lvl 225 (Castoroides) Day 13220, 16:47:51: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13220, 16:53:17: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13220, 17:13:00: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13220, 17:15:49: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13220, 17:18:19: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 13224, 20:22:36: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 74 (Argentavis) Day 13225, 02:05:31: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 74 (Argentavis) Day 13225, 03:11:24: MrPoopyPants froze Roger - Lvl 80 (Pteranodon) Day 13225, 14:43:18: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 13225, 23:35:51: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 13226, 12:11:45: MrPoopyPants froze Parasaur - Lvl 84 (Parasaur) Day 13226, 15:07:33: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 76 (Argentavis) Day 13226, 19:22:50: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 76 (Argentavis) Day 13226, 22:20:04: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 76 (Argentavis) Day 13237, 15:44:38: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 83 (Argentavis) Day 13237, 16:49:44: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 83 (Argentavis) Day 13240, 04:37:45: Hawkie was promoted to a Tribe Admin by MrPoopyPants! Day 13240, 04:52:16: Hawkie set to Rank Group FullAdmin! Day 13241, 16:29:01: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 13241, 16:42:06: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13242, 06:49:05: MrPoopyPants Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 13242, 06:53:01: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13242, 09:09:56: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13242, 11:14:57: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 150 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13242, 11:18:37: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 86 (Argentavis) Day 13242, 16:36:03: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 133 (Triceratops) Day 13242, 23:23:14: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 86 (Argentavis) Day 13243, 02:08:14: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 86 (Argentavis) Day 13248, 00:50:10: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 165 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13248, 00:57:02: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 165 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13248, 01:00:54: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 88 (Argentavis) Day 13248, 12:55:03: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 13248, 14:50:17: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13248, 15:58:33: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13248, 18:18:52: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13248, 19:13:21: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 13248, 20:12:32: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 13248, 21:03:24: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13261, 11:09:27: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 137 (Triceratops) Day 13261, 11:56:33: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 13261, 12:18:04: MrPoopyPants froze Beavis - Lvl 263 (Castoroides) Day 13265, 23:40:50: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 182 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13266, 02:05:35: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 138 (Triceratops) Day 13266, 08:44:30: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 13266, 09:25:45: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 183 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13266, 12:20:03: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 184 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13266, 13:04:13: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 13266, 16:22:14: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 186 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13266, 16:28:12: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 13266, 18:58:52: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 187 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13266, 19:03:45: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13267, 11:27:00: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) Day 13267, 18:24:49: MrPoopyPants Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 189 (Allosaurus)! Day 13267, 18:34:20: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 189 (Allosaurus) Day 13267, 19:04:11: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 13267, 19:09:37: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 13267, 19:22:04: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 13267, 19:33:50: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13267, 22:50:18: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 192 (Allosaurus) Day 13267, 23:56:53: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 13268, 00:25:54: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13268, 01:43:51: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13268, 13:06:28: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 13268, 15:49:02: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 191 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13268, 15:59:01: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 13272, 21:40:26: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13273, 02:02:26: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 195 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13273, 02:08:51: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 13273, 02:51:36: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 13292, 08:16:05: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13292, 08:31:20: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13292, 12:13:33: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13292, 12:24:06: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13292, 13:31:54: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 178 (Pteranodon) Day 13292, 15:38:24: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13292, 16:27:43: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13292, 16:33:09: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 13292, 16:38:46: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13292, 20:45:39: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 13294, 22:35:57: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13294, 22:42:36: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 13294, 22:53:24: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 13295, 02:14:57: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13295, 02:24:39: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 13295, 07:30:56: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 13295, 07:49:24: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 186 (Pteranodon) Day 13295, 08:46:42: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13295, 08:53:41: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13295, 09:07:12: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 229 (Allosaurus) Day 13295, 13:15:37: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13295, 13:19:58: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 231 (Allosaurus) Day 13295, 20:38:24: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 231 (Allosaurus) Day 13295, 23:03:02: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) Day 13310, 09:21:14: MrPoopyPants froze Beavis - Lvl 277 (Castoroides) Day 13310, 11:02:46: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) Day 13310, 13:59:45: MrPoopyPants froze Ethel - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) Day 13310, 14:33:35: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 13310, 17:02:51: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13310, 19:15:35: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon) Day 13310, 23:24:59: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 245 (Allosaurus) Day 13311, 03:14:43: MrPoopyPants Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 48 (Doedicurus)! Day 13311, 03:20:20: MrPoopyPants froze Doedicurus - Lvl 48 (Doedicurus) Day 13311, 04:50:34: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13316, 22:32:36: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon) Day 13317, 00:20:24: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13317, 07:06:23: MrPoopyPants Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia)! Day 13317, 07:14:45: MrPoopyPants froze Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia) Day 13317, 08:11:11: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 251 (Allosaurus) Day 13317, 13:44:31: MrPoopyPants froze Doedicurus - Lvl 48 (Doedicurus) Day 13317, 15:17:44: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus) Day 13317, 15:33:36: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13317, 17:43:56: MrPoopyPants froze Doedicurus - Lvl 68 (Doedicurus) Day 13317, 20:42:59: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13318, 00:22:43: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 97 (Argentavis) Day 13318, 01:42:27: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13318, 02:19:25: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 252 (Allosaurus) Day 13318, 05:22:28: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 13318, 08:41:57: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 253 (Allosaurus) Day 13318, 17:47:16: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 13318, 21:32:01: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13319, 07:23:09: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 147 (Triceratops) Day 13319, 10:53:03: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 255 (Allosaurus) Day 13319, 16:27:32: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 256 (Allosaurus) Day 13320, 05:12:42: MrPoopyPants froze Steve - Lvl 147 (Triceratops) Day 13342, 04:54:28: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 13342, 05:22:35: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 13342, 05:50:52: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13342, 10:41:18: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 204 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13342, 11:05:38: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 13342, 11:53:47: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13342, 13:18:31: Pol was added to the Tribe by MrPoopyPants! Day 13342, 16:40:49: Pol was promoted to a Tribe Admin by MrPoopyPants! Day 13343, 14:33:55: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13343, 15:16:11: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 256 (Allosaurus) Day 13343, 15:44:35: MrPoopyPants froze Roger - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon) Day 13343, 18:19:35: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 256 (Allosaurus) Day 13343, 19:05:02: Tribemember Pol - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 13344, 08:20:01: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 190 (Pteranodon) Day 13344, 12:52:40: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 13344, 13:37:53: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) Day 13344, 17:28:55: Chicken_legs was added to the Tribe by MrPoopyPants! Day 13344, 20:43:00: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon) Day 13344, 23:09:11: Tribemember Chicken_legs - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 13345, 00:16:09: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 13345, 02:23:19: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 13345, 02:56:09: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 94 (Argentavis) Day 13345, 03:30:42: MrPoopyPants froze Doedicurus - Lvl 93 (Doedicurus) Day 13345, 05:02:18: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 13389, 15:37:32: MrPoopyPants froze Roger - Lvl 115 (Pteranodon) Day 13389, 17:00:06: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 140 (Argentavis) Day 13389, 17:04:13: MrPoopyPants froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13389, 17:38:02: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 13389, 17:40:17: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 13389, 22:43:32: Rex - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Wood Ramp'! Day 13390, 03:10:43: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 256 (Allosaurus) Day 13390, 08:49:17: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 13390, 09:01:12: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 09:10:16: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 09:34:23: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 13390, 10:06:57: Hawkie froze Roger - Lvl 116 (Pteranodon) Day 13390, 11:13:16: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 12:19:00: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 13390, 13:56:21: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 13:59:11: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 195 (Pteranodon) Day 13390, 14:32:41: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 14:36:00: Hawkie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13390, 16:11:14: Hawkie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13390, 18:04:15: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 140 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 19:40:12: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13390, 19:46:45: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 256 (Allosaurus) Day 13390, 20:59:46: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13390, 22:34:27: MrPoopyPants froze Doedicurus - Lvl 93 (Doedicurus) Day 13391, 04:25:55: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13391, 05:41:16: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13391, 07:38:35: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13391, 07:41:54: Hawkie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13391, 07:54:13: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13391, 12:04:31: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 256 (Allosaurus) Day 13391, 12:20:10: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 13391, 12:43:36: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 13391, 14:01:29: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13391, 14:04:10: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13391, 22:43:22: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 13391, 23:03:25: Hawkie froze AlloAllo - Lvl 271 (Allosaurus) Day 13392, 03:49:45: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13392, 03:54:22: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 13392, 05:03:07: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 13392, 09:49:28: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 13392, 11:13:06: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13392, 11:29:15: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13392, 13:23:56: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 13392, 14:41:36: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon) Day 13392, 14:47:48: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13392, 16:11:03: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13392, 17:14:05: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon) Day 13392, 18:01:39: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13392, 18:36:32: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 222 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13392, 23:35:16: Chicken_legs set to Rank Group NewMember! Day 13392, 23:37:03: Chicken_legs set to Rank Group FullAdmin! Day 13392, 23:37:52: Pol set to Rank Group NewMember! Day 13392, 23:39:12: Pol set to Rank Group FullAdmin! Day 13392, 23:42:35: Chicken_legs set to Rank Group FullAdmin! Day 13392, 23:45:53: Chicken_legs was promoted to a Tribe Admin by MrPoopyPants! Day 13408, 05:14:17: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13408, 07:00:51: Hawkie froze AlloAllo - Lvl 273 (Allosaurus) Day 13408, 08:54:11: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13408, 13:51:31: Hawkie froze Steve - Lvl 161 (Triceratops) Day 13408, 16:31:55: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13408, 19:52:21: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13408, 20:38:41: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13408, 23:29:44: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13409, 00:04:43: Hawkie froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13409, 11:32:07: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13409, 17:42:20: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13409, 21:40:10: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13410, 12:25:09: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 115 (Argentavis) Day 13410, 20:07:08: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 121 (Argentavis) Day 13410, 22:56:20: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Unlocked) '! Day 13411, 01:29:34: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13411, 01:35:08: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13411, 01:39:26: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13411, 01:41:56: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13411, 01:44:14: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13411, 01:46:30: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 13411, 02:13:46: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:17:11: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:18:40: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:22:57: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:26:42: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:30:54: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:32:29: MrPoopyPants demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13411, 02:53:13: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 13411, 08:58:08: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis) Day 13411, 09:27:59: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 13436, 18:30:51: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 13437, 12:19:20: Hawkie froze Gary Busey - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 13486, 04:31:29: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 13486, 07:38:19: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 13486, 10:27:51: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13678, 21:28:52: MrPoopyPants froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 13678, 23:14:37: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis) Day 13679, 00:29:18: MrPoopyPants froze AlloAllo - Lvl 289 (Allosaurus) Day 13679, 00:42:33: MrPoopyPants froze Doedicurus - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 13679, 01:08:37: MrPoopyPants froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 13679, 01:49:57: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 13853, 02:22:56: Your Ethel - Lvl 94 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 13963, 14:49:54: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 13963, 16:11:11: MrPoopyPants froze Pterrance - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon) Day 13963, 16:25:51: MrPoopyPants froze Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 14113, 16:42:34: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14256, 11:28:01: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14542, 00:38:17: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14692, 13:30:07: MrPoopyPants's 'Pterrance - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15130, 09:35:46: Parasaur - Lvl 156 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15161, 12:50:43: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16402, 08:04:59: Jotunn - Lvl 23 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16502, 16:22:18: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poopy - Lvl 59 (Phiomia)'! Day 16838, 05:15:59: Tribemember Hawkie - Lvl 84 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 18520, 02:33:43: Tribemember Pol - Lvl 36 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 18520, 02:43:00: Tribemember MrPoopyPants - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1360189538,"tribe":"Imbotonous LaPebbles logs":["Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7009, 13:33:37: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magagaganagamar - Lvl 299 (Managarmr)'! Day 7009, 13:34:28: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 209 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:35:06: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 217 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:35:44: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 217 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:36:05: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 217 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:36:33: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 217 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:37:37: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 224 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:39:32: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 227 (Gasbags)'! Day 7009, 13:41:02: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '28M 28W - Lvl 194 (Maewing)'! Day 7009, 13:41:21: Radar - Lvl 128 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 261 (Snow Owl)'! Day 7009, 13:41:40: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '26H 28S - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 7009, 13:42:08: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 260 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 7009, 22:15:15: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alestor - Lvl 207 (Deinonychus)'! Day 7009, 22:16:33: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 7009, 22:17:45: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 7009, 22:18:23: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 7009, 23:09:00: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 231 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 7009, 23:13:22: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ike - Lvl 250 (Triceratops)'! Day 7026, 00:32:03: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 00:32:34: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 00:33:10: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 00:33:44: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 00:34:11: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 00:34:47: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:24:09: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:35:22: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:40:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:45:49: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:48:44: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:51:14: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:53:22: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:56:17: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 02:57:48: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 03:09:38: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 03:22:36: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:07:23: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:11:03: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:17:13: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:22:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:23:49: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:32:53: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:35:16: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:37:06: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:37:50: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:41:23: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 04:45:27: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 06:36:21: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7026, 06:47:19: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7411, 08:58:20: General - Lvl 116 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:07:31: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:09:16: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:11:36: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:12:02: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:13:55: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:14:20: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:15:53: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:16:53: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:24:00: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:25:44: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:41:29: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 14:42:00: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:09:03: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:09:22: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:14:40: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:15:49: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:17:45: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:18:27: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:20:38: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:21:35: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:23:22: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:23:54: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:25:19: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:27:12: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:27:56: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:31:28: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 15:36:21: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 16:26:56: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7543, 16:29:08: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:08:42: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:11:35: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:20:09: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:20:58: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:24:45: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:26:14: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:28:33: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:35:43: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:37:47: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:38:44: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:39:36: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:40:38: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:41:28: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:42:25: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:43:45: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:44:42: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:45:32: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:46:19: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:47:12: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:47:58: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8515, 20:48:42: naggi - Lvl 99 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1358863509,"tribe":"Tribe of kadie logs":["Day 263, 06:58:58: kadie was added to the Tribe! Day 263, 07:04:09: Human was added to the Tribe by kadie! Day 263, 09:09:42: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 8 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 263, 09:21:46: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 8 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 263, 09:24:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 263, 10:14:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 263, 13:20:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 263, 13:31:01: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 263, 13:33:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 263, 14:31:31: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 263, 14:32:29: Tribemember Human - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 263, 17:10:55: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 263, 17:12:17: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 263, 17:42:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 263, 17:50:49: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 11 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 263, 19:24:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 263, 19:47:49: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 12 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 50! Day 263, 21:48:53: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 14 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 263, 22:17:01: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 263, 22:58:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 263, 23:42:29: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 264, 01:49:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 264, 02:09:16: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 16 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 264, 02:41:31: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 16 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 264, 02:50:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 264, 05:24:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 23 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 264, 05:48:09: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 34 was killed! Day 264, 07:37:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 264, 09:06:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 264, 15:16:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 264, 18:10:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 27 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 265, 02:17:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 36 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 150! Day 265, 03:01:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 265, 06:11:03: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 42 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 265, 06:30:41: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 42 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 265, 07:22:53: kadie demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 265, 07:52:29: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 356, 14:29:03: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 356, 14:33:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 38 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45! Day 356, 18:00:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 357, 13:09:32: kadie Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 142 (Carbonemys)! Day 430, 13:07:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 44 was killed by kadie - Lvl 53 (Tribe of kadie)! Day 430, 13:07:55: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 44 (Tribe of kadie)! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1265, 12:37:31: Parasaur - Lvl 40 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 2297, 22:35:17: Porkieee - Lvl 121 (Long legged mac daddys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 149 (Carbonemys)'! Day 2340, 19:22:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 45 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 2344, 04:25:57: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 54 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 5907, 02:51:53: Tribemember kadie - Lvl 54 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1356184130,"tribe":"The Iceni logs":["Day 2558, 06:15:19: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2558, 10:50:17: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2558, 10:56:05: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2573, 04:06:04: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 2573, 06:17:13: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2573, 06:23:07: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2573, 10:56:43: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 2573, 16:31:28: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 77 (Desmodus)! Day 2573, 17:04:14: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 104 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 2573, 17:05:21: Your Desmodus - Lvl 77 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 2573, 17:29:56: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus)! Day 2573, 17:31:46: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 104 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 2573, 17:50:42: Boudicca froze 28 melee - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 2573, 17:57:45: Boudicca froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 99 (Stegosaurus) Day 2573, 21:19:08: Boudicca froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 99 (Stegosaurus) Day 2573, 21:41:53: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 2573, 21:55:19: Boudicca froze Argentavis - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 2574, 13:59:24: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 2574, 15:04:07: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:08:48: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:09:54: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:12:17: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:13:41: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:14:44: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:17:01: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:18:15: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 2574, 15:32:44: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 2575, 08:56:18: Your 28 melee - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2575, 08:56:18: Your Tribe killed 28 melee - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)! Day 2575, 19:57:56: Boudicca demolished a 'Bed'! Day 2575, 20:01:55: Boudicca demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 2575, 20:31:40: Boudicca demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 2575, 21:33:52: Boudicca demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 2576, 21:26:33: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2576, 21:48:42: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2576, 22:18:31: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 2577, 02:55:49: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Ramp'! Day 2577, 11:16:50: Boudicca froze Juvenile 42 hp 43 melee mut - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 2577, 12:55:48: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Triangle Roof'! Day 2577, 12:56:50: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Triangle Roof'! Day 2577, 12:57:38: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 2577, 12:58:39: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Triangle Roof'! Day 2577, 13:04:57: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 2577, 13:05:56: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 2577, 13:06:59: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 2577, 13:08:16: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 2577, 13:09:17: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 2577, 13:11:34: Boudicca demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 2577, 16:58:30: Boudicca froze Adolescent 42 hp 43 melee mut - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 2577, 21:06:39: Boudicca demolished a 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling'! Day 2577, 21:08:25: Boudicca demolished a 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling'! Day 2577, 21:45:37: Boudicca froze Adolescent 42 hp 43 melee mut - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 2578, 09:40:29: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2578, 09:41:45: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 108 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 09:41:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 12:38:52: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 2578, 16:11:25: Boudicca Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 2578, 17:09:32: Boudicca froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 2578, 17:14:27: Boudicca froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 2578, 17:48:50: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2578, 17:53:03: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2578, 18:16:52: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:16:52: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:18:55: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:18:55: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 136 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:26:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:26:24: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:27:16: Your Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 2578, 18:27:16: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 2578, 18:40:22: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:40:22: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:44:02: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2578, 18:44:02: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2579, 01:11:15: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 2579, 01:11:15: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 2579, 06:22:59: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 2579, 06:28:30: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 2579, 06:45:04: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 2579, 06:54:02: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 2579, 08:55:49: Your Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2579, 08:55:49: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 2579, 13:11:48: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)'! Day 2579, 15:56:51: Boudicca Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia)! Day 2579, 16:00:02: Boudicca froze Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia) Day 2579, 17:25:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia)! Day 2579, 17:40:54: Boudicca froze Phiomia - Lvl 134 (Phiomia) Day 2580, 01:34:22: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2580, 01:48:06: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 110 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2580, 01:48:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2580, 01:49:24: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2580, 03:28:09: Your Phiomia - Lvl 41 (Phiomia) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 110 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2580, 03:28:09: Your Tribe killed Phiomia - Lvl 41 (Phiomia)! Day 2580, 07:48:11: Boudicca Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 2580, 17:46:33: Boudicca Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops)! Day 2580, 17:54:39: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 134 (Moschops) Day 2581, 00:41:02: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 2581, 00:59:03: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 2581, 01:26:57: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 111 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 2581, 01:52:03: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 111 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 2581, 03:57:14: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 141 (Moschops) Day 2581, 12:28:02: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 2581, 14:12:29: Boudicca froze 42 hp 43 melee mut - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 2582, 06:55:16: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 181 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2582, 07:31:34: Boudicca froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 181 (Rock Drake) Day 2582, 17:37:29: Boudicca froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 181 (Rock Drake) Day 2582, 20:48:37: Your Desmodus - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2582, 20:48:37: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 203 (Desmodus)! Day 2583, 00:02:00: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 146 (Moschops) Day 2583, 01:16:13: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 146 (Moschops) Day 2583, 02:39:23: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)'! Day 2583, 02:49:53: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2583, 02:49:53: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2583, 04:33:18: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed by an Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2583, 05:49:12: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 90! Day 2583, 09:34:35: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 146 (Moschops) Day 2583, 13:07:02: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 2583, 13:51:53: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 146 (Moschops) Day 2583, 18:38:37: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2584, 01:14:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 2584, 01:14:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 2584, 01:35:32: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 2584, 03:17:07: Your Moschops - Lvl 146 (Moschops) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 2584, 03:44:45: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus)! Day 2584, 04:12:36: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 2584, 09:11:44: Your Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2584, 09:11:44: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 188 (Desmodus)! Day 2584, 10:01:08: Boudicca froze Argentavis - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 2584, 10:04:17: Boudicca froze Argentavis - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 2584, 10:09:35: Boudicca froze Rocky VII - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 2584, 10:15:44: Boudicca froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 110 (Stegosaurus) Day 2584, 10:20:44: Boudicca froze 42 hp 42 melee - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 2595, 18:47:32: Boudicca Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 2595, 19:13:39: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 213 (Moschops) Day 2595, 20:40:58: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 2595, 22:08:38: Your Moschops - Lvl 213 (Moschops) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 2595, 22:36:01: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus)! Day 2595, 23:02:57: Your Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2595, 23:02:57: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus) (Tribe of Boudicca)! Day 2596, 05:10:30: Boudicca Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 2596, 05:15:07: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops) Day 2596, 07:56:50: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 2596, 09:52:51: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 2596, 11:37:18: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus)! Day 2596, 12:43:30: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 215 (Moschops) Day 2596, 12:49:54: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 2596, 17:01:36: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 216 (Moschops) Day 2596, 19:48:38: Boudicca froze Adolescent 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 181 (Rock Drake) Day 2596, 20:55:12: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 2596, 22:37:15: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2596, 22:55:11: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2597, 00:46:30: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2597, 01:26:12: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2597, 02:07:53: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2597, 02:29:36: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2597, 03:53:16: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 218 (Moschops) Day 2597, 04:23:12: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 2597, 20:24:14: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus)'! Day 2597, 21:49:39: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2597, 22:05:34: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2597, 22:08:59: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2597, 22:27:08: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2597, 22:43:41: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2597, 23:36:34: Your spare - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2597, 23:36:34: Your Tribe killed spare - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) (The Iceni)! Day 2598, 06:37:43: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 2598, 07:03:58: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 2598, 13:02:47: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 2598, 23:30:02: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 2599, 06:44:03: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 2599, 22:29:28: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 2600, 04:35:31: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 2600, 10:36:27: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 2600, 16:55:29: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 2600, 22:25:41: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 2601, 00:07:08: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 2602, 17:48:18: Boudicca Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)! Day 2602, 18:28:12: Boudicca froze 40 hp 42 md - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 2602, 19:28:22: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 2602, 20:13:12: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2602, 20:41:23: Boudicca froze 35 hp - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 2602, 23:03:48: Boudicca froze 35 hp - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 2603, 03:03:46: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 2603, 03:07:55: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 2603, 05:54:56: Boudicca demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 2603, 08:41:57: Boudicca Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)! Day 2603, 08:53:36: Boudicca froze Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 2603, 09:25:40: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 2603, 09:30:15: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 2603, 10:19:44: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 2603, 11:18:16: Boudicca froze 28 melee new breed - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 11:24:01: Boudicca froze Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 11:29:13: Boudicca froze Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 11:37:17: Boudicca froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 11:42:13: Boudicca froze 29 hp - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 11:48:39: Boudicca froze Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 12:06:13: Boudicca froze Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 12:16:21: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2603, 12:16:21: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)! Day 2603, 12:21:38: Boudicca froze 29 hp - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) Day 2603, 12:26:23: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake) Day 2603, 16:38:55: Boudicca demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 2603, 19:02:00: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2603, 20:29:04: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 2603, 20:30:54: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 2603, 20:44:47: Boudicca froze Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 01:14:12: Boudicca froze 40 hp 42 md - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 01:19:49: Boudicca froze Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 02:44:02: Boudicca froze Juvenile 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 10:18:02: TeBo0110 added 'Tribe of hoyia' Tribe to The Horde Alliance! Day 2604, 15:10:24: Boudicca froze Juvenile 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 15:14:43: Boudicca froze Juvenile 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 15:18:35: Boudicca froze Juvenile 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2604, 18:23:34: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 235 (Moschops) Day 2604, 21:07:34: Boudicca froze 35 hp - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 2604, 21:19:15: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 2604, 21:24:02: Boudicca froze 42 hp 43 melee mut - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 2605, 00:33:37: Boudicca froze Adolescent 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2605, 06:52:37: Boudicca froze Adolescent 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2605, 07:12:03: Boudicca froze Adolescent 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2605, 10:41:23: TeBo0110 added 'Tribe of UwU' Tribe to The Horde Alliance! Day 2605, 11:17:47: Boudicca froze Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 2605, 12:25:58: Your 35 hp - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2605, 12:25:58: Your Tribe killed 35 hp - Lvl 199 (Desmodus)! Day 2605, 17:52:26: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)'! Day 2605, 18:02:12: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2605, 18:02:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus) (The Iceni)! Day 2606, 03:32:00: Boudicca froze 40 hp 51 md - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2606, 03:41:04: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 2606, 10:59:20: Boudicca Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 81 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 2606, 11:02:54: Boudicca froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 81 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2622, 06:45:28: Your 28 melee new breed - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 06:45:28: Your Tribe killed 28 melee new breed - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)! Day 2622, 08:29:21: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:29:21: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:33:22: Your hp 28 - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:33:22: Your Tribe killed hp 28 - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:36:30: Your high stam - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:36:30: Your Tribe killed high stam - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:39:36: Your 24 w 28m - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:39:36: Your Tribe killed 24 w 28m - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:42:30: Your 28m 25w 23 st - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:42:30: Your Tribe killed 28m 25w 23 st - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:47:10: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 08:47:10: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)! Day 2622, 09:06:49: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 09:06:49: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)! Day 2622, 09:11:38: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 09:11:38: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)! Day 2622, 09:16:42: Your 29 hp - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 09:16:42: Your Tribe killed 29 hp - Lvl 143 (Deinonychus)! Day 2622, 09:21:09: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 09:21:09: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus)! Day 2622, 10:37:18: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2622, 10:52:48: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2622, 11:05:58: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2622, 11:22:54: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2622, 11:35:39: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2622, 14:15:37: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 2622, 14:16:43: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 2622, 14:19:13: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus)'! Day 2622, 14:22:29: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 14:22:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 14:28:12: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 14:28:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 14:28:42: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 14:28:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) (The Iceni)! Day 2622, 15:51:18: Boudicca froze Doedicurus - Lvl 179 (Doedicurus) Day 2622, 16:00:57: Boudicca froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 83 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2622, 16:05:29: Boudicca froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 129 (Stegosaurus) Day 2622, 19:09:52: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 240 (Moschops) Day 2622, 20:32:11: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 240 (Moschops) Day 2622, 23:19:31: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 00:10:15: Boudicca froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 129 (Stegosaurus) Day 2623, 05:50:42: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 07:53:20: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 08:56:53: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 10:18:19: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 12:17:12: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 12:41:16: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 240 (Moschops) Day 2623, 15:03:43: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 17:09:57: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 18:51:52: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 19:30:37: Boudicca Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)! Day 2623, 19:43:50: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 2623, 19:49:37: Boudicca froze Moschops - Lvl 240 (Moschops) Day 2623, 19:54:31: Boudicca froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 130 (Stegosaurus) Day 2624, 03:45:24: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 2624, 04:10:50: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2624, 04:10:50: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)! Day 2624, 07:03:18: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 2624, 08:19:12: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus)'! Day 2624, 08:20:39: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus)'! Day 2624, 08:35:38: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2624, 08:35:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) (The Iceni)! Day 2624, 08:38:30: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2624, 08:38:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) (The Iceni)! Day 2624, 08:43:36: Boudicca froze high m - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 2624, 09:03:19: Boudicca froze Desmodus - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 2624, 10:01:09: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 223 (Rock Drake) Day 2624, 11:05:46: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 223 (Rock Drake) Day 2624, 12:12:02: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 223 (Rock Drake) Day 2624, 14:02:46: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 223 (Rock Drake) Day 2625, 04:27:24: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2628, 20:11:17: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2628, 20:11:17: Your Tribe killed Rock Drake - Lvl 196 (Rock Drake) (The Iceni)! Day 2629, 09:48:40: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)'! Day 2629, 09:57:18: Boudicca froze 40 hp 42 md - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 2629, 10:12:48: Your Baby Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) was killed by Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni)! Day 2629, 10:12:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) (The Iceni)! Day 2630, 12:01:10: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 2645, 08:11:57: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2645, 08:30:22: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 2645, 13:11:45: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 224 (Rock Drake) Day 2645, 16:16:08: Boudicca froze 18hp 20st 35w 38d - Lvl 225 (Rock Drake) Day 2645, 21:10:40: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 2645, 21:21:34: Boudicca froze 40 hp 42 md - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 2645, 22:49:39: Boudicca froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium) Day 2650, 02:08:11: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 2667, 02:21:03: Boudicca claimed 'Sky - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 2667, 04:13:16: Boudicca claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2667, 04:31:24: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x! Day 2667, 14:36:40: Boudicca froze Baby [G2] RockWell - Lvl 236 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 2667, 14:55:34: Boudicca froze Baby [G2] RockWell - Lvl 236 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 2667, 16:07:21: Boudicca froze [RK] Biuti - Lvl 464 (Tek Quetzal) Day 2667, 16:26:41: Boudicca froze Baby [G2] RockWell - Lvl 236 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 2667, 17:58:23: Boudicca claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 2828, 16:44:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2960, 20:17:48: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2960, 20:21:19: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2960, 20:21:22: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2960, 20:22:14: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2960, 20:25:31: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2960, 20:25:35: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2960, 20:26:53: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2964, 12:05:38: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:36:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:36:18: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:37:46: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:39:11: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:39:11: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:40:41: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:46:48: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:48:13: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:48:13: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:48:13: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:49:44: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2964, 13:49:53: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2965, 06:32:43: Your 28hp 28m - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 2965, 06:58:28: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 222 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 2966, 02:40:50: Tribemember Boudicca - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 100! Day 2966, 05:27:16: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:28:13: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:28:19: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:28:33: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:29:35: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:29:35: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:29:44: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:53:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:53:57: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:53:57: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:55:25: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 05:58:32: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:03:29: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:03:35: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:04:19: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:04:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:04:54: Your 'Wind Turbine' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:05:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:06:25: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:07:31: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:08:24: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:11:43: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2966, 10:12:42: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2981, 03:15:12: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 221 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 3054, 07:41:10: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3054, 07:41:43: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3054, 08:08:07: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3054, 08:22:37: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3054, 08:43:16: Your Rocky VII - Lvl 283 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 3054, 08:56:07: Your Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 3057, 09:24:16: Sky - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 3074, 14:30:04: [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3635, 19:24:56: 's 'Baby [G2] RockWell - Lvl 236 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3635, 19:24:56: 's 'high m - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3635, 19:24:56: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1354783582,"tribe":"the kingdom of fjordor logs":["Day 395, 04:02:29: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 395, 05:34:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 395, 06:04:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 395, 08:13:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 395, 09:25:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 0.9x! Day 395, 10:56:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 9 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 395, 14:52:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 15! Day 395, 17:41:42: Human Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 20 (Dimorphodon)! Day 480, 08:53:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 523, 14:13:35: Your PERRY - Lvl 20 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1456, 15:33:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 16 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1352716572,"tribe":"The Hopeless logs":["Day 10756, 16:42:59: IAN MCGREGOR was added to the Tribe! Day 10756, 17:46:24: IAN MCGREGOR froze Skye - Lvl 335 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10775, 17:17:53: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10775, 17:24:39: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10775, 17:29:53: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 10775, 19:57:51: IAN MCGREGOR froze desmond food - Lvl 220 (R-Daeodon) Day 10775, 20:01:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 10775, 22:10:40: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 10775, 22:55:27: IAN MCGREGOR froze Skye - Lvl 335 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10776, 05:42:21: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10776, 05:46:19: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10776, 05:48:35: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10776, 06:32:13: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 10776, 06:56:11: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 10776, 07:19:48: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 10776, 13:31:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze desmond food - Lvl 220 (R-Daeodon) Day 10776, 14:11:06: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10776, 15:10:33: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10776, 15:59:28: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 62 (Desmodus)! Day 10776, 16:04:21: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 10776, 16:29:27: Your Desmodus - Lvl 62 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 10776, 17:13:12: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 10776, 17:22:44: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)! Day 10776, 17:47:12: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus) Day 10776, 18:14:24: IAN MCGREGOR froze desmond food - Lvl 220 (R-Daeodon) Day 10776, 18:18:30: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 335 (Therizinosaur) Day 10776, 19:05:40: IAN MCGREGOR froze Skye - Lvl 335 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10849, 04:10:16: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 04:34:40: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 04:35:44: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10849, 05:26:55: Your Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 10849, 05:32:08: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 10849, 05:49:35: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 10849, 05:50:10: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 10849, 06:48:35: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10849, 07:47:14: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 07:58:18: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10849, 08:20:13: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 08:23:48: IAN MCGREGOR froze desmond food - Lvl 222 (R-Daeodon) Day 10849, 09:08:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze the - Lvl 254 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10849, 09:54:28: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10849, 10:16:15: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 10:22:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 10:58:43: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 11:10:57: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 12:02:03: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 12:13:05: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 13:25:09: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 13:32:26: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 14:00:28: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 14:10:26: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 14:59:40: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 15:04:34: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 16:22:20: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 16:28:35: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 16:49:46: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 16:59:50: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 18:32:45: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 18:44:05: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 19:12:28: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10849, 19:38:16: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 19:46:47: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 10849, 20:59:45: IAN MCGREGOR uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 335 Day 10850, 05:39:25: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 10850, 05:59:59: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 10850, 07:48:40: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 133 (Desmodus)! Day 10850, 07:56:22: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 133 (Desmodus) Day 10850, 08:00:50: IAN MCGREGOR froze desmond food - Lvl 222 (R-Daeodon) Day 10850, 08:22:06: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 10850, 09:17:21: IAN MCGREGOR froze Skye - Lvl 335 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10850, 09:20:37: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 10851, 02:36:59: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 337 (Therizinosaur) Day 10851, 18:05:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 155 (Desmodus) Day 10851, 18:46:57: IAN MCGREGOR froze Skye - Lvl 335 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10851, 21:35:08: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10851, 21:38:59: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10852, 00:23:36: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 10852, 05:19:48: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 155 (Desmodus) Day 10852, 06:39:51: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 155 (Desmodus) Day 10852, 06:50:54: IAN MCGREGOR froze Skye - Lvl 335 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10897, 03:08:43: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 10918, 20:35:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 10935, 02:37:23: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 163 (Desmodus) Day 10938, 12:53:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 165 (Desmodus) Day 10943, 11:51:40: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 290! Day 10943, 13:48:53: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 141 (Desmodus) Day 10943, 16:04:32: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 10943, 16:27:45: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 10943, 17:53:28: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 142 (Desmodus) Day 10945, 06:34:16: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave2 - Lvl 117 (Desmodus) Day 10965, 21:31:31: IAN MCGREGOR froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 10965, 23:43:19: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 380! Day 10966, 04:58:00: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 171 (Desmodus) Day 10966, 05:15:29: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10982, 23:47:03: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10983, 01:12:25: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10983, 08:14:58: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 174 (Desmodus) Day 10983, 18:37:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave2 - Lvl 151 (Desmodus) Day 10988, 18:44:54: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 380! Day 10988, 21:25:13: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 10989, 02:59:42: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 10989, 03:36:15: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10992, 16:11:51: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 150! Day 10992, 20:38:02: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 10993, 00:07:49: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11005, 10:08:18: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11005, 13:46:33: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 82 (Desmodus) Day 11005, 17:00:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 11005, 18:16:24: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 11007, 17:41:02: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11007, 20:57:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 11007, 21:13:16: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11010, 14:22:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11010, 14:22:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11010, 14:22:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11010, 14:22:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11011, 01:42:01: Your Argentavis - Lvl 136 (Argentavis) was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 60! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:34:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 11012, 15:35:57: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 580! Day 11012, 17:41:02: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11012, 19:17:05: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 91 (Desmodus) Day 11012, 20:19:15: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 177 (Desmodus) Day 11012, 21:59:21: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 91 (Desmodus) Day 11016, 00:17:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 11016, 00:27:47: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11031, 11:33:16: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 11031, 11:44:50: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11035, 02:28:26: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11035, 04:52:10: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 91 (Desmodus) Day 11035, 23:39:58: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11035, 23:54:59: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 190! Day 11036, 05:58:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze 60 65 - Lvl 328 (Therizinosaur) Day 11036, 07:53:48: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 11036, 08:19:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 94 (Desmodus) Day 11054, 18:10:22: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 184 (Desmodus) Day 11054, 18:24:36: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11060, 13:10:17: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 11060, 13:18:40: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11076, 09:53:50: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 11076, 10:09:25: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11079, 00:15:27: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11079, 06:15:39: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11079, 06:22:07: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11079, 06:28:54: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 94 (Desmodus) Day 11079, 06:53:40: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 06:54:30: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 07:00:17: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 07:02:46: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 07:24:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 07:35:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 08:10:38: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11079, 09:30:23: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11079, 09:49:50: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 11079, 10:04:04: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 10:05:22: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 10:22:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 177 (Desmodus) Day 11079, 10:34:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 94 (Desmodus) Day 11079, 10:50:02: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11079, 11:34:43: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11079, 11:37:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11079, 12:10:42: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11079, 13:01:25: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 13:03:07: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 15:17:55: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 15:21:22: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 15:23:08: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 15:32:50: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 15:34:22: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 15:35:13: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 15:45:30: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 15:48:46: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 16:01:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 16:16:12: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 16:17:04: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 16:41:56: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 17:15:30: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 17:23:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 17:27:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 17:30:59: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11079, 17:35:05: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 17:48:59: IAN MCGREGOR froze Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 11079, 18:12:09: IAN MCGREGOR froze goob - Lvl 357 (Quetzal) Day 11079, 18:52:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 177 (Desmodus) Day 11084, 08:37:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 188 (Desmodus) Day 11084, 14:14:04: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 11084, 19:42:03: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 290 (Argentavis) Day 11085, 00:35:19: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 11085, 03:16:34: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 11086, 12:14:24: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11086, 16:51:19: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 11086, 19:50:33: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 11100, 06:55:26: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 189 (Desmodus) Day 11100, 11:39:58: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11101, 17:43:54: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 189 (Desmodus) Day 11101, 17:53:58: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11101, 20:06:07: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 100! Day 11104, 16:25:29: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 11104, 17:59:55: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11105, 01:23:32: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11121, 19:01:03: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 11121, 19:54:16: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 11123, 04:32:04: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11123, 06:34:04: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 11123, 06:40:38: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11129, 09:18:39: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 11129, 09:25:57: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11133, 06:28:08: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11133, 08:35:28: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 11133, 10:48:45: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 192 (Desmodus) Day 11133, 11:16:42: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 11142, 09:13:47: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11142, 10:46:55: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 11142, 13:28:06: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 11142, 13:44:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 11149, 05:48:15: IAN MCGREGOR froze the - Lvl 291 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11149, 08:55:40: IAN MCGREGOR froze the - Lvl 291 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11149, 09:00:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 11149, 09:18:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 11149, 09:28:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze Argentavis - Lvl 294 (Argentavis) Day 11150, 19:36:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 11159, 08:44:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11172, 00:27:47: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11172, 05:03:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 11172, 07:08:33: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 11172, 12:55:29: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 11174, 12:50:01: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11174, 13:11:13: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 80! Day 11174, 15:07:04: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11174, 19:23:35: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 148 (Desmodus) Day 11174, 19:30:08: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 11191, 18:02:23: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11201, 02:40:27: IAN MCGREGOR froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 272 (Tek Quetzal) Day 11201, 03:07:32: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 11208, 00:39:32: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 11224, 07:08:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 11224, 15:28:15: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 100! Day 11224, 23:11:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze 54 55 - Lvl 411 (Therizinosaur) Day 11225, 03:40:33: IAN MCGREGOR froze 54 55 - Lvl 411 (Therizinosaur) Day 11225, 05:30:06: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11234, 02:58:38: IAN MCGREGOR claimed 'metal - Lvl 261 (Magmasaur)'! Day 11234, 03:09:15: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 11234, 03:13:19: IAN MCGREGOR froze metal - Lvl 261 (Magmasaur) Day 11242, 11:43:40: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11266, 08:12:23: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11266, 08:45:27: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11266, 10:59:00: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 11294, 16:40:09: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11388, 06:36:06: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11388, 07:01:20: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 11394, 22:12:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11394, 22:12:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11405, 14:01:24: Therizinosaur - Lvl 348 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 11473, 05:54:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11497, 00:47:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11497, 00:47:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11688, 11:41:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11873, 14:21:06: Rubi - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 55 (Rex)'! Day 12063, 08:42:28: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave6 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 12469, 05:32:04: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 12587, 08:02:39: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 12587, 08:53:26: IAN MCGREGOR froze 504 - Lvl 638 (Therizinosaur) Day 12587, 10:32:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 12587, 14:00:45: IAN MCGREGOR froze 504 - Lvl 640 (Therizinosaur) Day 12587, 22:08:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 12587, 22:29:28: IAN MCGREGOR froze 504 - Lvl 640 (Therizinosaur) Day 12588, 02:03:10: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 12588, 06:32:23: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave3 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 12699, 22:31:48: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 12699, 23:25:28: IAN MCGREGOR froze 471 - Lvl 566 (Therizinosaur) Day 12700, 00:33:32: IAN MCGREGOR froze Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 12721, 17:17:49: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 12767, 18:18:48: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 13274, 13:03:45: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 13411, 08:40:07: Your 54 55 - Lvl 411 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 13692, 19:05:06: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 14082, 15:44:34: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 14524, 14:16:46: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 14871, 02:54:26: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 15121, 06:08:52: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 15490, 02:01:52: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 15856, 20:05:43: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 16271, 02:12:04: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 16704, 13:48:07: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 17222, 10:53:58: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 17535, 17:02:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 17795, 05:26:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18058, 17:41:13: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18242, 05:54:18: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18313, 15:32:46: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18333, 08:32:43: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18335, 06:32:17: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18335, 15:49:11: IAN MCGREGOR froze Turkey Tank - Lvl 647 (Therizinosaur) Day 18335, 15:57:30: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18337, 06:02:45: IAN MCGREGOR froze Turkey Tank - Lvl 647 (Therizinosaur) Day 18337, 09:12:15: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 280! Day 18337, 09:24:56: Tribemember IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 190 | 1.1x! Day 18337, 09:55:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 37 (Megalosaurus)! Day 18337, 12:09:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze one - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 18337, 12:30:28: IAN MCGREGOR froze Turkey Tank - Lvl 647 (Therizinosaur) Day 18337, 13:34:32: IAN MCGREGOR froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 37 (Megalosaurus) Day 18337, 13:59:37: IAN MCGREGOR Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 134 (Megalosaurus)! Day 18337, 14:04:13: IAN MCGREGOR froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 134 (Megalosaurus) Day 18337, 15:27:01: IAN MCGREGOR froze Turkey Tank - Lvl 647 (Therizinosaur) Day 18337, 15:44:50: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18337, 15:53:44: IAN MCGREGOR froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 37 (Megalosaurus) Day 18337, 16:42:23: IAN MCGREGOR froze cave4 - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 18626, 19:48:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18626, 19:48:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18735, 16:21:43: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 18735, 17:05:19: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 19218, 22:00:23: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 19620, 20:14:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19763, 05:51:14: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 20103, 23:49:02: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 20603, 23:02:30: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 21203, 03:11:46: IAN MCGREGOR froze Cave7 - Lvl 286 (Desmodus)"] "tribeid":1351721748,"tribe":"Black Pirate logs":["Day 524, 19:41:20: neek was added to the Tribe! Day 526, 00:53:14: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 565, 21:28:38: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 21:29:12: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 21:29:57: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 21:33:40: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 21:47:26: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:01:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:06:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:06:30: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:07:06: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:19:33: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:32:30: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:33:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:34:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:34:55: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:43:58: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:43:59: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:47:02: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:47:48: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 565, 22:48:33: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:49:02: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 22:49:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 23:00:27: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 565, 23:01:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 567, 15:03:36: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 567, 15:18:55: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 567, 16:56:56: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 567, 19:48:59: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 567, 21:28:17: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 90! Day 567, 23:28:49: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 568, 01:32:48: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 568, 06:02:28: Tribemember neek - Lvl 79 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 568, 13:49:24: neek claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)'! Day 568, 22:14:54: neek uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 134 Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1351528430,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 296, 13:19:25: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 298, 06:27:42: Human claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus)'! Day 298, 13:53:08: Human Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 200 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 299, 12:04:13: Human Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 29 (Mammoth)! Day 299, 15:22:53: Your waoll - Lvl 34 (Mammoth) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 299, 15:40:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 299, 16:54:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 331, 02:41:48: Human claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 331, 11:18:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 25! Day 331, 12:03:48: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 332, 05:39:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 332, 08:07:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 333, 07:58:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 60! Day 334, 06:28:45: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 159 (Gacha) Day 334, 07:41:40: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 334, 10:21:50: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 334, 10:29:15: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 130 (Desmodus) Day 335, 09:58:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 355, 10:55:04: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 130 (Desmodus) Day 355, 11:20:58: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 130 (Desmodus) Day 355, 12:04:42: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 355, 14:05:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 355, 15:43:35: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 355, 15:48:14: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 356, 02:12:07: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 356, 02:30:13: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 356, 04:04:51: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 356, 04:55:57: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 356, 05:32:53: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 356, 05:57:48: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 356, 07:10:40: Human Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 356, 07:42:28: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 356, 08:08:34: Human froze Doggo - Lvl 75 (Andrewsarchus) Day 356, 08:18:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 356, 08:48:43: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 356, 09:30:21: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 356, 09:51:04: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 356, 12:40:28: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 356, 13:12:08: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 356, 14:25:01: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 357, 14:28:24: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 357, 15:05:17: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 382, 03:19:02: Human demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 382, 06:40:24: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 141 (Desmodus) Day 383, 11:08:52: Your Gacha - Lvl 239 (Gacha) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 386, 01:01:09: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 386, 01:01:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 403, 02:49:44: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 85 (Doedicurus) Day 403, 03:34:41: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 403, 04:36:03: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 403, 05:31:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 85! Day 403, 06:10:28: Your Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 85! Day 403, 06:29:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 85! Day 403, 14:45:39: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) Day 403, 19:50:08: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) Day 403, 20:19:46: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) Day 428, 23:34:48: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 429, 06:38:20: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 429, 06:45:18: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 145 (Desmodus) Day 429, 06:49:46: Human froze Nutjob - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 429, 06:56:00: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 437, 19:18:29: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 145 (Desmodus) Day 437, 20:15:21: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 146 (Desmodus) Day 437, 22:20:47: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 437, 22:43:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 437, 23:25:35: Human froze Nutjob - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 438, 00:12:49: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 00:16:55: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 216 (Argentavis) Day 438, 01:21:18: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 02:43:17: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 03:03:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 438, 04:23:55: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 438, 04:48:34: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 438, 05:05:57: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 438, 05:32:59: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 438, 05:48:54: Human froze Nutjob - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 438, 06:05:17: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 06:19:04: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 06:48:30: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 07:05:12: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 07:23:04: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 08:17:11: Human Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 438, 08:39:13: Human froze Minigun - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus) Day 438, 08:45:16: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 08:48:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 438, 09:27:12: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 438, 09:34:03: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 09:56:21: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 10:12:28: Human Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 438, 10:19:41: Human froze angy - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus) Day 438, 11:15:00: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 11:44:23: Human froze Minigun - Lvl 77 (Andrewsarchus) Day 438, 16:20:38: Tribemember Human - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 438, 17:10:45: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 438, 19:56:47: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 438, 20:02:27: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 438, 23:31:52: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 438, 23:59:35: Human froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 439, 01:14:24: Human froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 439, 02:57:47: Human froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 439, 04:04:12: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 439, 06:32:36: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 439, 07:00:27: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 439, 07:21:42: Human froze Nosferatu - Lvl 147 (Desmodus) Day 439, 08:35:15: Human froze FFG2 1 - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 439, 11:02:17: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 439, 11:08:35: Human froze Hunter - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 439, 11:39:41: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 439, 12:42:36: Human froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 68 (Fjordhawk) Day 439, 13:17:50: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 439, 17:02:58: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 439, 17:37:14: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 439, 17:46:16: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 439, 23:02:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 82 (Mammoth)! Day 451, 16:00:52: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 451, 16:58:27: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 451, 17:06:31: Human froze Hunter - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 451, 17:37:46: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 451, 17:55:14: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 451, 21:11:55: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 451, 21:16:55: Human froze Minigun - Lvl 78 (Andrewsarchus) Day 451, 22:49:01: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 00:10:08: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 02:02:55: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 02:08:18: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 02:13:19: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 02:30:28: Human froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 02:49:46: Human froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 452, 04:22:55: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 11:28:30: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 12:06:28: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 12:09:58: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 12:13:46: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 12:22:13: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 13:05:46: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 13:41:36: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 14:37:54: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 15:05:35: Human froze Minigun - Lvl 102 (Andrewsarchus) Day 452, 15:20:30: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 16:02:31: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 16:28:58: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 16:58:46: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 17:14:59: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 18:17:03: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 452, 19:30:20: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 19:39:52: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 19:44:15: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 452, 19:51:21: Human froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 453, 01:21:07: Human froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 453, 12:04:17: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 453, 12:34:00: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 453, 14:07:21: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 453, 15:56:28: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 453, 16:07:26: Human froze Mammoth - Lvl 91 (Mammoth) Day 453, 16:55:28: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 453, 18:16:40: Human froze Hunter - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 453, 18:59:51: Human froze Mammoth - Lvl 91 (Mammoth) Day 453, 19:20:18: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 461, 13:08:24: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 461, 14:32:39: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 461, 19:03:30: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 462, 00:59:17: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 462, 03:07:00: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 462, 06:29:46: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 462, 08:01:24: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 462, 08:12:19: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 216 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 462, 10:05:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 110! Day 462, 10:17:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 462, 14:18:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 180! Day 462, 15:41:43: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 462, 15:46:26: Human froze Hunter - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 462, 18:41:58: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 462, 19:01:34: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 462, 20:18:46: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 462, 20:43:18: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 462, 22:27:46: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 462, 23:27:10: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 462, 23:42:42: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 463, 03:05:18: Human froze Hunter - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 463, 03:19:22: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 463, 03:54:52: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 463, 08:56:14: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 463, 12:37:39: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 463, 13:03:02: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 463, 20:26:31: Human Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 178 (Castoroides)! Day 463, 20:39:36: Human froze Damn you (that's a pun) - Lvl 178 (Castoroides) Day 463, 20:43:31: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 463, 20:49:46: Human froze Nutjob - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus) Day 463, 20:56:14: Human froze Mr. GAY - Lvl 109 (Mammoth) Day 463, 21:08:35: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 463, 21:47:50: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 463, 22:04:10: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 464, 00:17:30: Human froze Mr. GAY - Lvl 109 (Mammoth) Day 464, 02:32:08: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 464, 04:00:04: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 464, 05:15:37: Human froze Mr. GAY - Lvl 109 (Mammoth) Day 464, 05:29:30: Human froze Damn you (that's a pun) - Lvl 178 (Castoroides) Day 464, 06:38:04: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 464, 07:37:38: Human froze Damn you (that's a pun) - Lvl 183 (Castoroides) Day 464, 08:50:53: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 464, 09:21:59: Human froze Damn you (that's a pun) - Lvl 183 (Castoroides) Day 464, 09:52:34: Human froze Speed 1 - Lvl 268 (Desmodus) Day 464, 11:51:06: Human froze Damn you (that's a pun) - Lvl 183 (Castoroides) Day 464, 13:30:36: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 464, 16:19:06: Human froze Damn you (that's a pun) - Lvl 184 (Castoroides) Day 464, 17:20:19: Human froze Mr. GAY - Lvl 109 (Mammoth) Day 464, 17:43:00: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 465, 07:15:47: Human froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 497, 09:57:21: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 50! Day 590, 17:58:27: Your Doggo - Lvl 75 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 627, 00:14:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 638, 15:47:21: Your SMG1 ? - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1027, 23:46:10: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 266 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 55! Day 1040, 05:58:24: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 1042, 02:20:56: Human - Lvl 114 (Proper Blokes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bollocks - Lvl 147 (Desmodus)'! Day 1078, 10:39:16: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Speed 1 - Lvl 270 (Desmodus)'! Day 1099, 08:25:56: Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Tribbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'speed 3 - Lvl 246 (Desmodus)'! Day 1185, 19:41:11: Daz - Lvl 181 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'speed 2 - Lvl 227 (Desmodus)'! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1351391601,"tribe":"Official TikTok Tribe logs":["Day 3240, 13:51:09: NoggieTheNoglinTT was added to the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1350525888,"tribe":"Explorers logs":["Day 4299, 11:24:25: Ashi Kono was added to the Tribe! Day 4299, 11:40:27: Ama Kono was added to the Tribe by Ashi Kono! Day 4300, 14:06:10: Tribemember Ashi Kono - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 4300, 14:08:43: Tribemember Ama Kono - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 4300, 14:32:56: Tribemember Ashi Kono - Lvl 17 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 1.2x! Day 4300, 15:38:58: Tribemember Ashi Kono - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 4300, 15:50:59: Tribemember Ashi Kono - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 4300, 16:54:06: Ashi Kono claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 133 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4300, 19:11:47: Tribemember Ashi Kono - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 4301, 02:58:55: Ashi Kono unclaimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4301, 03:43:30: Ashi Kono claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4595, 07:07:13: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4595, 07:07:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4636, 01:57:12: Tribemember Ama Kono - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 4636, 02:04:58: Tribemember Ashi Kono - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 4919, 14:23:13: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)'!"] "tribeid":1349504370,"tribe":"THE BOB'ITES logs":["Day 3458, 19:43:54: Bob'O was added to the Tribe! Day 3458, 20:22:32: BOB was added to the Tribe by Bob'O! Day 3459, 05:45:46: BOB Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 3459, 07:39:01: Bob'O Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 3459, 08:33:12: Bob'O demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 3459, 16:05:13: Bob'O demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 3459, 16:05:36: BOB demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 3459, 20:21:09: Your Sam - Lvl 132 (Dodo) was killed by BOB - Lvl 22 (THE BOB'ITES)! Day 3459, 20:21:09: Your Tribe killed Sam - Lvl 132 (Dodo) (THE BOB'ITES)! Day 3460, 00:58:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3668, 02:04:13: Your Soda Pop - Lvl 38 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 3668, 02:25:13: Your Ptroy - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 3668, 02:37:14: Tribemember Bob'O - Lvl 27 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 3668, 10:06:01: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3668, 10:07:47: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 23 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 4328, 17:51:02: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1347157711,"tribe":"@noggie.the.noglin logs":["Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10923, 19:03:53: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10945, 04:44:53: [F] H40 S44 - Lvl 379 (X-Woolly Rhino) starved to death! Day 10961, 05:29:12: Glowtail - Lvl 154 (Glowtail) starved to death! Day 11032, 18:37:53: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 221 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 11032, 18:38:21: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 11032, 18:38:46: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OM H40 - Lvl 368 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 11054, 11:02:27: Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 11135, 18:29:08: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11206, 11:24:34: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11326, 15:43:12: Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 11326, 18:48:41: Tribemember StijnOnArk - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 11326, 19:28:19: Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hide - Lvl 303 (Kairuku)'! Day 11414, 11:01:38: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 12291, 17:10:28: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SwashBuck - Lvl 243 (Megaloceros)'! Day 12291, 17:12:02: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)'! Day 12291, 17:28:35: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 193 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12291, 17:28:59: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12291, 17:41:13: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 106 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 12291, 17:43:22: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 17:43:56: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'two - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 17:44:27: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 17:44:53: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purp - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12291, 20:20:20: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13407, 01:00:15: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13475, 13:27:37: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 297 (Compy)'! Day 13475, 13:51:36: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth)'! Day 13772, 03:14:42: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13772, 03:15:15: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13772, 03:16:15: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13772, 03:17:57: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 262 (Kentrosaurus)'! Day 13772, 03:19:34: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 270 (Terror Bird)'! Day 13772, 03:20:23: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13772, 03:21:41: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 262 (Raptor)'! Day 14553, 00:48:30: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ffa - Lvl 173 (Sinomacrops)'!"] "tribeid":1344065104,"tribe":"Tribe of Hallo Eduardo logs":["Day 5074, 17:18:59: Hallo Eduardo was added to the Tribe! Day 5075, 03:39:41: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 314 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 05:01:54: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 316 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 06:09:16: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 316 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 07:00:40: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 331 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 10:07:44: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 332 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 17:20:09: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 350 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 19:07:53: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 355 (Tusoteuthis) Day 5075, 19:44:46: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5075, 20:02:32: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 5075, 21:50:53: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5075, 22:20:21: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5075, 22:56:29: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5075, 23:26:59: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 00:00:13: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150! Day 5076, 01:34:04: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 5076, 03:14:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 03:43:42: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 05:19:40: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 07:03:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 07:56:27: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 332 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 08:31:47: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 09:50:38: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 10:27:40: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 10:36:35: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 11:02:31: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 13:28:39: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 13:41:34: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 333 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 15:19:10: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 15:33:55: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 15:57:19: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5076, 16:41:46: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 17:01:17: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 17:08:30: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5076, 17:55:15: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 18:16:41: Tribemember Hallo Eduardo - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5076, 18:27:37: Hallo Eduardo froze M FIGHT - Lvl 334 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 19:33:17: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 20:00:18: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 349 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 22:22:07: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 349 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5076, 23:22:21: Hallo Eduardo froze F FIGHT - Lvl 349 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5129, 04:08:44: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 5129, 04:51:52: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 5129, 04:56:15: Your F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 5129, 04:59:25: Your M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 5129, 05:46:05: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 05:49:41: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 283 (Yutyrannus) Day 5129, 05:55:01: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:00:59: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:04:06: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 363 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:09:05: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:12:37: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:16:11: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:20:16: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:24:05: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:30:19: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:33:36: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:38:07: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:41:34: Hallo Eduardo froze F Boss Base - Lvl 352 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:45:25: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 350 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 06:49:21: Hallo Eduardo froze M Boss Base - Lvl 356 (Therizinosaur) Day 5129, 09:49:40: Hallo Eduardo froze F Supply Drop Dm29 - Lvl 304 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 5419, 11:45:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5741, 08:11:06: Charlie - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 55 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 5810, 08:51:22: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5810, 12:40:39: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 12:52:09: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 12:59:33: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 13:10:41: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 13:14:34: Your Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x! Day 5810, 13:26:50: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 13:30:02: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 13:34:56: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 15:40:35: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 84 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 16:02:00: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 16:07:29: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 16:14:26: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 16:18:55: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 16:25:41: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5810, 17:04:52: Hallo Eduardo froze M002 - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 19:09:45: Hallo Eduardo froze M003 - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 21:20:33: Your F003 - Lvl 84 (Desmodus) was killed by F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 5810, 21:20:33: Your Tribe killed F003 - Lvl 84 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 21:20:45: Your F004 - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) was killed by F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 5810, 21:20:45: Your Tribe killed F004 - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 5810, 21:56:04: Hallo Eduardo froze F005 - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 21:56:29: Hallo Eduardo claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus)'! Day 5810, 22:13:27: Hallo Eduardo froze Baby M Dm39 - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) Day 5810, 22:41:25: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5974, 19:09:52: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 5974, 19:35:06: Your Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 5974, 19:44:26: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 5974, 19:52:00: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 5974, 19:58:03: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 5974, 20:07:46: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 5974, 20:49:08: Hallo Eduardo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 5974, 20:56:50: Hallo Eduardo froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 5974, 21:34:27: Hallo Eduardo froze F001 - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 5974, 21:43:10: Hallo Eduardo froze M001 - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 5974, 21:51:27: Hallo Eduardo froze M003 - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 6264, 16:17:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6264, 16:17:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7134, 23:44:45: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1340756240,"tribe":"Tribe of Geo Tate logs":["Day 268, 06:55:24: Geo Tate was added to the Tribe! Day 268, 08:10:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 193 (Parasaur)! Day 283, 13:41:06: Your Parasaur - Lvl 193 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 283, 14:48:32: Tribemember Geo Tate - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 390, 11:06:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 414, 03:26:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1339975128,"tribe":"Tribe of Koc logs":["Day 218, 00:29:31: ViscountPanda was added to the Tribe! Day 218, 08:29:14: Tribemember ViscountPanda - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 234, 22:41:24: Your lyz - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 366, 17:22:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1338582804,"tribe":"Plumbob logs":["Day 10886, 00:14:35: Alzarathe was added to the Tribe! Day 10886, 00:19:07: Gothita was added to the Tribe by Alzarathe! Day 11041, 13:34:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13105, 09:53:56: Clairo - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Human2) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Alza] Saphire - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13105, 09:55:42: Clairo - Lvl 103 (Tribe of Human2) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shrek - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1335175918,"tribe":"Tribe of Riddick logs":["Day 6622, 19:42:29: Riddick was added to the Tribe! Day 6643, 08:08:31: Riddick claimed 'mammy - Lvl 190 (Mammoth)'! Day 6643, 08:33:00: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 106 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:34:15: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 114 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:36:05: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 93 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:38:15: Riddick claimed 'sosig beater - Lvl 20 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:39:14: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 140 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:40:24: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:41:26: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:43:26: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 19 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:44:33: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:46:58: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 36 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:55:17: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 133 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:00:43: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 24 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:02:41: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 81 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:24:40: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 22 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:26:44: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:29:31: Riddick claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 19 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 15:12:08: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 19 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 6643, 15:12:37: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 22 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 6643, 15:13:21: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 19 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 6643, 17:37:08: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 24 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 6644, 05:55:44: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 62 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 60! Day 6655, 14:37:43: Riddick was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1329817822,"tribe":"Odin's Ravens logs":["Day 3092, 05:04:51: Raven was added to the Tribe! Day 3116, 03:38:06: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 3116, 09:36:04: Raven froze Maple - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 3116, 09:46:28: Raven froze Andromeda - Lvl 239 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3116, 10:29:02: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 100 was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 145! Day 3116, 11:44:56: Raven froze Andromeda - Lvl 240 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3116, 11:58:14: Raven froze Talon - Lvl 184 (Argentavis) Day 3116, 12:31:04: Raven froze Maple - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 3119, 10:11:31: Raven froze Talon - Lvl 186 (Argentavis) Day 3119, 10:20:48: Raven froze Talon - Lvl 186 (Argentavis) Day 3119, 17:35:54: Raven froze Talon - Lvl 186 (Argentavis) Day 3119, 20:26:01: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 3119, 23:27:50: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 3120, 01:41:15: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 101 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 3120, 03:38:01: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 3120, 07:04:24: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 101 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 3120, 14:11:41: Raven froze Bauble - Lvl 109 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3120, 15:05:42: Raven froze Bauble - Lvl 109 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3164, 13:41:42: Fluff - Lvl 49 (Otter) starved to death! Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Pumpkin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3700, 12:17:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3972, 07:05:30: Raven's 'Bauble - Lvl 109 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4324, 20:13:56: Maple - Lvl 262 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 5152, 18:31:50: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andromeda - Lvl 241 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5152, 18:34:56: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Craptor - Lvl 96 (Raptor)'! Day 5152, 18:35:52: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boulder - Lvl 122 (Doedicurus)'! Day 7024, 12:15:27: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 101 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1329411779,"tribe":"Tribe of eddie logs":["Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Small Elevator Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8929, 14:58:14: Tribemember eddie - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 18! Day 14181, 16:34:07: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1328092670,"tribe":"Tribe of naggi logs":["Day 8631, 00:37:44: naggi froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 297 (Brontosaurus) Day 8631, 00:43:18: naggi froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus) Day 8631, 00:54:22: naggi froze Deinonychus - Lvl 190 (Deinonychus) Day 8631, 01:03:57: naggi froze power - Lvl 348 (Therizinosaur) Day 8631, 01:11:04: naggi froze MALE THERI - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur) Day 8631, 01:22:10: naggi froze Deinonychus - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus) Day 8631, 01:23:16: naggi claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8631, 01:32:13: naggi froze Deinonychus - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 8631, 01:39:51: naggi froze 150 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 8631, 01:51:09: naggi froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 299 (Woolly Rhino) Day 8631, 01:58:54: naggi froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 289 (Woolly Rhino) Day 8632, 17:31:18: Black Pearl - Lvl 140 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 8633, 09:14:04: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:17:04: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:19:55: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:23:54: naggi froze f302 - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:28:03: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:31:15: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:34:57: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:38:34: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:42:11: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 09:45:43: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 10:10:39: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8633, 14:39:02: naggi demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 8633, 15:55:17: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8634, 00:09:30: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:18:39: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:23:24: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:27:58: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:32:53: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:38:09: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:45:04: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:49:55: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:55:03: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 00:59:56: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:04:34: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:09:40: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:18:29: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:27:32: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:32:25: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:37:08: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:41:44: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:46:43: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:52:14: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 01:59:24: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:04:42: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:12:02: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:17:00: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:21:36: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:26:37: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:31:45: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:41:54: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:46:51: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:53:00: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 02:59:30: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:04:50: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:09:43: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:14:38: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:19:23: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:24:03: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:28:43: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8634, 03:34:08: naggi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 8635, 13:33:12: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Direwolf - Lvl 224 (R-Direwolf)! Day 8679, 08:28:21: Your spræna - Lvl 148 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 8686, 19:52:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8725, 19:36:33: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 150! Day 8757, 13:08:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8757, 13:08:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8757, 13:08:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8781, 02:46:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8875, 08:45:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8913, 07:05:59: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8913, 07:05:59: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8913, 07:05:59: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8913, 07:05:59: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8913, 10:41:20: HHemmz froze Maewing - Lvl 364 (Maewing) Day 8913, 15:50:13: HHemmz froze Maewing - Lvl 364 (Maewing) Day 8937, 01:47:50: Metal/silk/pearl. T/F/FL - Lvl 123 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 8956, 14:19:41: Your Píla - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 8960, 07:17:53: Robbi - Lvl 269 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 8985, 10:19:05: Maewing - Lvl 208 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9081, 23:14:53: Maewing - Lvl 172 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9081, 23:15:24: Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9081, 23:15:28: tt - Lvl 220 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9081, 23:15:30: oo - Lvl 231 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9147, 02:08:22: gg - Lvl 172 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9147, 02:08:36: hh - Lvl 217 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9189, 14:40:36: Nariki - Lvl 117 (Tribe of Nariki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9205, 04:33:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9223, 20:14:41: 28M 28W - Lvl 261 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9224, 13:53:10: Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9233, 08:45:49: Tribemember HHemmz - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9267, 11:07:35: Nanny - Lvl 294 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9342, 22:38:27: Moschops - Lvl 249 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 9342, 22:38:42: Ovis - Lvl 197 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 9409, 14:55:28: Your Gúbí - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 9454, 22:48:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 9474, 14:42:44: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130! Day 9487, 18:09:07: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9490, 16:25:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'whitey - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9490, 16:25:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 9490, 16:26:27: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 277 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 9490, 16:26:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Miles Brontales - Lvl 235 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 9490, 16:28:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 299 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 9490, 16:29:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 187 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 9490, 16:30:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M003 - Lvl 155 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 16:30:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Batman - Lvl 305 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 16:31:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{w} Dusk - Lvl 294 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 16:31:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Robin - Lvl 307 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 16:32:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'juice - Lvl 251 (R-Allosaurus )'! Day 9490, 16:33:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 263 (Allosaurus)'! Day 9490, 16:33:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:34:30: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 319 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:34:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:35:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:36:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:36:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:37:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:37:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:37:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:38:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:38:43: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'f302 - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:45:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female Breeder - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 16:49:16: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 294 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9490, 16:49:48: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DICK LMAO - Lvl 203 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9490, 16:50:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9490, 16:52:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nemo - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 16:54:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M024 - Lvl 302 (Mantis)'! Day 9490, 16:55:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M029 - Lvl 283 (Mantis)'! Day 9490, 16:55:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M057* - Lvl 270 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9490, 16:56:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{w} - Lvl 380 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 16:57:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male breeder - Lvl 352 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 16:58:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nightshade - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 16:59:17: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 291 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 16:59:28: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 262 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 16:59:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 328 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 17:00:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 272 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 17:00:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 311 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 17:03:30: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Daeodon - Lvl 257 (R-Daeodon)'! Day 9490, 17:03:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 295 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 9490, 17:04:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 285 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 9490, 17:04:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 138 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 17:05:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flúpp - Lvl 310 (Maewing)'! Day 9490, 17:06:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 17:07:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sul/oil/cry - Lvl 138 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 17:09:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 192 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 9490, 17:12:09: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'poly - Lvl 227 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 17:12:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9490, 17:12:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl)'! Day 9490, 17:14:00: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'power - Lvl 351 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9490, 17:14:27: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MALE THERI - Lvl 355 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9490, 17:14:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 305 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 9490, 17:15:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 295 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 9490, 17:16:00: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] H40 S44 - Lvl 379 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 9490, 17:16:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[OM] S44 - Lvl 360 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 9490, 17:16:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OM H40 - Lvl 368 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 9490, 17:17:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hh - Lvl 239 (Maewing)'! Day 9490, 17:19:07: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 17:19:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 17:19:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 17:20:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] W31 M28 - Lvl 321 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9490, 17:21:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RHino - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 17:21:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rhino - Lvl 227 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 17:22:05: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 284 (Argentavis)'! Day 9490, 17:22:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 271 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 9490, 17:25:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] H39 M40 0/0 - Lvl 383 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9490, 17:25:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'yoohoo - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 9490, 17:25:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing)'! Day 9490, 17:52:11: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 332 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 9490, 17:53:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '100 - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 9490, 17:54:47: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'one - Lvl 196 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 9490, 17:59:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 257 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9490, 18:00:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9490, 18:00:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9490, 18:01:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 235 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 9490, 18:02:00: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9490, 18:02:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 3 - Lvl 263 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9490, 18:07:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{R} - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 18:07:53: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{R} - Lvl 327 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 18:11:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 F - Lvl 228 (Equus)'! Day 9490, 18:11:43: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 F - Lvl 207 (Equus)'! Day 9490, 18:14:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{D} one - Lvl 324 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 18:15:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{w} - Lvl 254 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 18:30:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Procoptodon - Lvl 237 (R-Procoptodon)'! Day 9490, 18:31:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Procoptodon - Lvl 239 (R-Procoptodon)'! Day 9490, 18:31:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 293 (R-Procoptodon)'! Day 9490, 18:33:11: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 169 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 18:33:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 18:33:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 18:34:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis)'! Day 9490, 18:35:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 106 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 9490, 18:35:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 270 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9490, 18:36:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9490, 18:37:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9490, 18:37:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'two - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9490, 18:38:16: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9490, 18:38:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purp - Lvl 264 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9490, 18:41:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 217 (Glowtail)'! Day 9490, 18:43:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Destroyer - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9490, 18:43:35: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 193 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9490, 18:43:48: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9490, 18:48:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 187 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 18:50:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 195 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 18:51:53: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deep Voyager 1 - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 18:52:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 18:52:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 116 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 18:54:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 18:55:02: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 18:55:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 18:55:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9490, 18:56:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 18:56:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 253 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9490, 18:57:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 262 (Raptor)'! Day 9490, 18:58:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 270 (Terror Bird)'! Day 9490, 18:58:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 262 (Kentrosaurus)'! Day 9490, 18:59:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 9490, 19:00:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 19:01:53: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth)'! Day 9490, 19:02:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9490, 19:09:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '25 - Lvl 141 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 19:12:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 166 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9490, 19:19:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 110 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 19:19:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sap/corwood/oil - Lvl 111 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 19:20:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'metal - Lvl 184 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 19:23:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '100 - Lvl 149 (Mammoth)'! Day 9490, 19:23:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 308 (Mammoth)'! Day 9490, 19:24:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth)'! Day 9490, 19:26:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 289 (Mammoth)'! Day 9490, 19:26:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 280 (Mammoth)'! Day 9490, 19:31:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 19:32:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:34:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:35:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{W} - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:36:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:43:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:43:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:44:28: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lionfish - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:45:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:45:30: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[1HP 1FD] - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:46:43: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:46:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:47:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[1HP - M] - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9490, 19:56:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] H52 - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 19:56:47: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 19:57:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 19:57:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 19:58:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 19:59:09: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 319 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 19:59:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 299 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 20:01:17: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 20:01:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 20:02:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 20:03:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 20:03:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 9490, 20:11:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 20:11:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 227 (Raptor)'! Day 9490, 20:12:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 20:13:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9490, 20:13:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 263 (Raptor)'! Day 9490, 20:15:30: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 9490, 20:16:17: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 289 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 9490, 20:43:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 9490, 20:49:09: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9491, 02:58:25: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9491, 03:11:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9491, 03:12:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 297 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9491, 03:12:47: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9491, 03:13:33: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9491, 03:15:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kaprosuchus - Lvl 270 (Kaprosuchus)'! Day 9491, 03:40:47: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 1 - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9491, 03:58:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H51 D49 - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9491, 03:59:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H51 D49 twin - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9491, 03:59:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H51 S42 D49 W40 - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9491, 06:28:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 - Lvl 209 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 9491, 06:30:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F077* - Lvl 271 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9491, 06:32:05: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tickle Chicken - Lvl 270 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 9491, 06:35:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Direwolf - Lvl 224 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 9491, 13:54:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 219 (Mammoth)'! Day 9491, 13:59:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 302 (Mammoth)'! Day 9501, 06:14:35: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Parasaur - Lvl 218 (X-Parasaur)'! Day 9501, 06:15:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Raptor - Lvl 83 (X-Raptor)'! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9530, 11:11:02: Lítil Skrápa - Lvl 69 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 9547, 18:08:04: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BIG BOIT - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9547, 18:29:36: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baryonyx - Lvl 212 (Baryonyx)'! Day 9547, 18:44:36: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake)'! Day 9547, 18:51:19: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'puttalingur - Lvl 190 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9547, 19:05:24: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'skrápa - Lvl 233 (Raptor)'! Day 9547, 19:36:59: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peeta Griffin - Lvl 230 (Griffin)'! Day 9547, 21:25:14: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'róni - Lvl 267 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 9549, 22:29:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium)'! Day 9551, 09:57:03: Your Jeff Bezos - Lvl 289 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 9578, 16:24:03: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 5 - Lvl 247 (Velonasaur)'! Day 9625, 18:57:50: Your krúsi - Lvl 191 (Raptor) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 9625, 19:06:55: Your Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 85! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9833, 12:35:34: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9833, 12:39:20: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9833, 12:42:19: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lexi - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9833, 12:44:25: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gríslingur - Lvl 191 (Raptor)'! Day 9833, 12:45:16: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 9833, 13:32:45: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Homeboy - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10016, 17:28:17: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 288 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10016, 17:28:42: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 206 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10016, 17:29:57: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 6 - Lvl 250 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10016, 19:36:19: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 304 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10241, 20:09:20: offe - Lvl 152 (7UP) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10258, 07:56:52: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10411, 15:15:05: Nait - Lvl 112 (FSM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 2 - Lvl 223 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10656, 00:46:00: Diplodocus - Lvl 122 (Diplodocus) starved to death! Day 10943, 16:27:45: IAN MCGREGOR - Lvl 137 (The Hopeless) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 11350, 23:49:25: Your jetpack - Lvl 170 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 145! Day 11465, 04:35:27: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 12438, 02:16:41: Glowtail - Lvl 181 (Glowtail) starved to death! Day 12556, 15:40:56: Tribemember naggi - Lvl 113 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 150! Day 13573, 20:09:46: Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14243, 06:59:30: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1323837582,"tribe":"Tribe of kitcho logs":["Day 836, 04:20:52: kitcho was added to the Tribe! Day 1211, 09:19:01: Tribemember kitcho - Lvl 5 was killed!"] "tribeid":1323277295,"tribe":"SpicyTribe logs":["Day 432, 04:49:36: Tribemember Anna - Lvl 118 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 432, 05:46:48: Anna froze Griffin - Lvl 228 (Griffin) Day 479, 05:56:59: Anna froze Chicken - Lvl 238 (Deinonychus) Day 479, 06:57:19: Tribemember Anna - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 479, 11:50:13: Anna claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 156 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 479, 16:43:03: Anna froze Chicken - Lvl 238 (Deinonychus) Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 499, 21:39:41: Tribemember Anna - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 500, 12:34:26: Anna Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 66 (Doedicurus)! Day 500, 12:44:04: Anna froze Doedicurus - Lvl 66 (Doedicurus) Day 500, 15:27:20: Anna froze SpicyChicken - Lvl 277 (Fire Wyvern) Day 502, 17:13:53: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)'! Day 502, 17:22:16: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 502, 17:29:44: Anna claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 502, 17:33:44: Anna froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 502, 18:35:50: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 502, 18:40:13: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 502, 21:34:42: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 502, 21:39:14: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 502, 21:58:36: Anna froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 502, 23:51:47: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 504, 05:32:12: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 504, 05:39:07: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 504, 06:17:59: Anna claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 504, 06:21:05: Anna froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 504, 11:52:46: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 504, 16:27:28: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 504, 16:43:10: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 504, 21:41:53: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 505, 16:09:37: Anna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 505, 16:46:11: Anna froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 505, 16:53:03: Anna froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 505, 17:45:39: Anna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 505, 17:49:26: Anna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 505, 17:52:48: Anna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 505, 18:14:23: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 214 (Desmodus) Day 524, 16:28:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)! Day 524, 16:49:21: Anna froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus) Day 524, 22:21:55: Anna claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 524, 22:35:46: Anna froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern) Day 525, 14:21:57: Anna froze Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 525, 14:52:22: Anna froze Fred - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 525, 15:38:25: Anna froze Fred - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 525, 15:53:07: Anna froze Chomp - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 525, 21:06:38: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 525, 23:06:58: Your Chomp - Lvl 234 (Rex) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 526, 01:47:49: Anna froze Fred - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 526, 04:24:14: Anna claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus)'! Day 526, 05:08:26: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 526, 05:40:55: Anna unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus)'! Day 526, 05:47:17: Anna froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 172 (Fjordhawk) Day 526, 08:08:54: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 526, 13:49:43: Anna claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 526, 13:54:56: Anna froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 526, 13:57:55: Anna claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 526, 14:01:57: Anna froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 526, 23:34:00: Anna froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 527, 00:02:14: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern) Day 527, 00:07:22: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern) Day 527, 00:12:19: Anna froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 179 (Fire Wyvern) Day 527, 16:04:01: Anna froze SpicyChicken - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 528, 02:00:22: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 528, 02:23:56: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 528, 15:51:13: Anna Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 528, 15:59:30: Anna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 528, 18:11:12: Anna unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 528, 20:00:58: Anna claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 528, 20:22:48: Anna froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus) Day 529, 06:43:08: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 529, 06:48:21: Anna froze SpicyChicken - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 529, 16:07:54: Anna claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur)'! Day 529, 16:13:20: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 529, 16:19:47: Anna claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 529, 16:23:55: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 529, 16:28:37: Anna claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)'! Day 529, 16:34:32: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 529, 22:09:10: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 198 (Fire Wyvern) Day 530, 05:05:26: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 530, 05:15:03: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 530, 05:19:25: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 530, 05:23:33: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 530, 05:29:45: Anna froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 530, 11:29:01: Anna froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 531, 05:45:23: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 531, 07:41:26: Anna froze Juvenile Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 531, 10:57:38: Anna froze Juvenile Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 531, 11:04:05: Anna froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 531, 11:10:10: Anna froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 531, 11:34:44: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex)'! Day 531, 11:43:27: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 531, 11:53:50: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 541, 06:02:55: Anna froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 541, 09:07:51: Anna froze Juvenile Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 541, 09:14:32: Anna froze Juvenile Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 541, 09:20:13: Anna froze Juvenile Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 541, 21:02:21: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 541, 21:13:20: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 541, 21:18:15: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 03:27:59: Anna froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 542, 03:34:32: Anna froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 180 (Rex) Day 542, 03:43:31: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 03:51:28: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 03:59:31: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 04:09:25: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 04:17:21: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 04:41:21: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 05:15:14: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 542, 05:19:55: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 543, 07:31:17: Anna froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 543, 10:35:48: Anna froze Gail - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus) Day 543, 13:44:05: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 543, 13:52:11: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 544, 06:43:13: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 544, 06:49:38: Anna froze Adolescent Maggie - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 544, 21:45:05: Anna claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 544, 21:51:10: Anna froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern) Day 545, 01:09:09: Anna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 198 (Fire Wyvern) Day 546, 09:47:52: Anna froze Maggie - Lvl 107 (Magmasaur) Day 546, 09:55:52: Anna froze Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 546, 11:22:58: Anna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern) Day 546, 21:50:14: Anna froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 176 (Fire Wyvern) Day 546, 22:42:25: Anna froze Gail - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 00:41:48: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 547, 03:08:21: Anna froze Gail - Lvl 246 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 15:16:20: Anna froze Maggie - Lvl 114 (Magmasaur) Day 568, 11:56:05: Anna demolished a 'Bed'! Day 568, 12:12:00: Anna demolished a 'Nest (Bed)'! Day 568, 12:21:25: Anna demolished a 'Bed'! Day 569, 01:53:05: Anna claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 149 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 569, 20:53:34: Anna froze Juvenile Gary - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 570, 00:22:31: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 570, 00:31:28: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex) Day 570, 00:48:58: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex)'! Day 570, 00:53:38: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 570, 10:28:34: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 234 (Fire Wyvern) Day 570, 14:43:28: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 235 (Fire Wyvern) Day 570, 16:09:17: Goosen removed 'Fruit Gang' Tribe from Bollox Bois Alliance! Day 571, 07:04:48: Anna froze Juvenile Gary - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 571, 08:55:07: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 235 (Fire Wyvern) Day 571, 09:02:48: Anna froze Juvenile Gary - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 571, 11:57:48: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 235 (Fire Wyvern) Day 571, 14:16:01: Anna Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis)! Day 571, 14:24:43: Anna froze Mantis - Lvl 202 (Mantis) Day 571, 19:56:22: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 284 (Desmodus) Day 595, 14:38:30: Anna froze Juvenile Gary - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 595, 16:45:52: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 595, 17:27:00: Anna froze SpicyChicken - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 596, 02:10:34: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 596, 03:46:00: Tribemember Anna - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 596, 10:54:59: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 618, 06:10:24: Anna froze Juvenile Gary - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 618, 06:39:10: Anna claimed 'Baby Spino - Lvl 185 (Spino)'! Day 618, 06:43:00: Anna froze Baby Spino - Lvl 185 (Spino) Day 618, 19:18:48: Anna froze Juvenile Terry - Lvl 185 (Spino) Day 620, 06:35:12: Anna froze Simon - Lvl 203 (Rex) Day 620, 06:38:48: Anna froze Neill - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 620, 06:42:06: Anna froze Dannie - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 620, 06:45:25: Anna froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 620, 06:53:08: Anna froze Lily - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 620, 06:56:23: Anna froze Sebastian - Lvl 253 (Rex) Day 620, 06:59:25: Anna froze Fred - Lvl 270 (Rex) Day 620, 07:02:15: Anna froze Violet - Lvl 116 (Rex) Day 620, 07:05:38: Anna froze Blue - Lvl 197 (Rex) Day 620, 07:10:02: Anna froze Spencer - Lvl 276 (Tek Rex) Day 620, 07:22:53: Anna froze Odette - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex) Day 620, 07:34:06: Anna froze Isaac - Lvl 277 (Tek Rex) Day 620, 07:40:07: Anna froze Sonya - Lvl 206 (Fire Wyvern) Day 620, 07:43:49: Anna froze Willow - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern) Day 620, 07:48:45: Anna froze SpicyChicken - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 620, 07:52:14: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 620, 07:59:48: Anna froze Chicken - Lvl 240 (Deinonychus) Day 620, 08:02:59: Anna froze Paris - Lvl 280 (Tek Parasaur) Day 620, 08:08:09: Anna froze Rachael - Lvl 114 (Tek Raptor) Day 620, 08:11:30: Anna froze Marty - Lvl 245 (Megaloceros) Day 620, 08:21:01: Anna froze Griffin - Lvl 236 (Griffin) Day 620, 08:23:58: Anna froze Caspian - Lvl 210 (Rock Drake) Day 620, 08:30:10: Anna froze Barney - Lvl 153 (Carnotaurus) Day 620, 08:35:46: Anna froze Mantis - Lvl 216 (Mantis) Day 620, 08:40:50: Anna froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 120 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 620, 08:46:54: Anna froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 81 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 620, 08:50:36: Anna froze Maggie - Lvl 139 (Magmasaur) Day 620, 08:54:06: Anna froze Magmasaur - Lvl 122 (Magmasaur) Day 620, 08:58:54: Anna froze Ruby - Lvl 207 (Spino) Day 620, 09:03:07: Anna froze Claude - Lvl 253 (Spino) Day 620, 09:10:30: Anna froze Terry - Lvl 188 (Spino) Day 620, 09:17:53: Anna froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 259 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 620, 09:29:09: Anna froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 620, 09:57:40: Anna froze Daphne - Lvl 286 (Desmodus) Day 620, 10:03:52: Anna froze Gail - Lvl 277 (Giganotosaurus) Day 620, 10:13:23: Anna froze Melissa - Lvl 68 (Mesopithecus) Day 620, 10:18:16: Anna froze Adolescent Gary - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 620, 10:41:02: Anna froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 191 (Fjordhawk) Day 620, 10:47:15: Anna froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 160 (Fjordhawk) Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 839, 20:35:02: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 904, 17:43:56: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1469, 01:40:34: Anna claimed 'Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 01:41:48: Anna claimed 'Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 01:44:00: Anna claimed 'Steginald - Lvl 276 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 1469, 01:47:51: Anna claimed 'Tenten - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1469, 01:53:09: Anna claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1469, 01:54:48: Anna claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1469, 01:57:47: Anna claimed 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 1469, 02:40:06: Anna claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1469, 02:42:25: Anna claimed 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1469, 03:04:52: Anna froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 1469, 07:53:31: Anna froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus) Day 1469, 07:54:47: Anna claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides)'! Day 1469, 07:58:24: Anna froze Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides) Day 1469, 08:10:35: Anna froze Tenten - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 1469, 08:29:33: Anna claimed 'Cold Dodo - Lvl 264 (Kairuku)'! Day 1469, 08:32:57: Anna froze Cold Dodo - Lvl 264 (Kairuku) Day 1469, 09:02:24: Anna froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1469, 09:06:24: Anna froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1469, 09:17:23: Anna froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 1469, 09:25:23: Anna froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 1469, 09:27:01: Anna claimed 'Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 09:29:38: Anna froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 1469, 09:39:32: Anna froze Steginald - Lvl 276 (Stegosaurus) Day 1469, 12:28:59: Anna froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 1469, 12:35:18: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1469, 13:10:24: Anna claimed 'Flammanky - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1469, 21:38:52: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 21:48:58: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 1469, 21:49:42: Anna claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 21:54:29: Anna froze Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 1469, 22:37:08: Anna unclaimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 22:41:02: Anna unclaimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 22:58:06: Anna unclaimed 'Flammanky - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1470, 01:28:49: Anna froze Janain - Lvl 295 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1470, 01:33:23: Anna froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1564, 10:24:44: Anna froze Willow - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1565, 08:53:54: Anna froze Maggie - Lvl 139 (Magmasaur) Day 1587, 09:03:39: Anna claimed 'NaNa - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1587, 09:07:37: Anna froze NaNa - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1587, 09:25:53: Anna claimed 'Baba - Lvl 236 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1587, 09:30:37: Anna froze Baba - Lvl 236 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1587, 12:29:18: Anna claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1587, 12:34:28: Anna froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 1587, 17:03:53: Anna froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 1607, 19:30:15: Anna claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 1607, 19:36:01: Anna froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1608, 14:29:44: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:31:37: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:32:36: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:33:27: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:34:34: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:35:26: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:36:24: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:37:18: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:38:20: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:42:45: Anna demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 1608, 14:44:47: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:46:24: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:47:29: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:48:31: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 14:58:33: Anna demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 1608, 15:00:04: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:01:06: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:01:59: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:02:48: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:03:54: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:05:00: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:06:50: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:07:57: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 15:09:15: Anna demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 1608, 17:17:56: Anna froze Juvenile Gloria - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1608, 17:38:08: Anna froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 191 (Fjordhawk) Day 1917, 08:44:19: Gail - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 2016, 00:08:28: Castoroides - Lvl 263 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 2039, 22:50:46: Gary - Lvl 209 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2289, 04:23:52: Anna's 'Juvenile Gloria - Lvl 210 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2462, 08:30:10: 's 'Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2462, 08:30:10: 's 'Melissa - Lvl 68 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2462, 08:30:10: 's 'Willow - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2781, 10:01:18: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16979, 15:16:07: Anna demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 16980, 17:32:56: Tribemember Anna - Lvl 122 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 90! Day 16980, 19:00:51: Tribemember Anna - Lvl 122 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1320302400,"tribe":"MaD4MuTz logs":["Day 1963, 17:00:21: LOKI was added to the Tribe! Day 1963, 18:29:43: LOKI downloaded a dino: cleo - Lvl 194 Day 1963, 18:51:18: LOKI froze SHE59KHP369DMG - Lvl 280 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1964, 18:59:06: LOKI downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 1965, 18:26:05: Jellyman was added to the Tribe by LOKI! Day 1965, 22:40:45: Jellyman froze Dave - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1966, 03:29:55: Jellyman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1966, 14:38:48: Jellyman froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1967, 21:31:35: Tribemember Jellyman - Lvl 124 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 1968, 03:35:14: Jellyman froze Dave - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2013, 03:46:42: LOKI claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2013, 03:53:59: LOKI claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2013, 04:03:20: LOKI froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (Velonasaur) Day 2013, 04:08:44: LOKI froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 2014, 15:19:32: LOKI froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 29 (Gacha) Day 2014, 17:21:12: LOKI claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2014, 17:24:42: LOKI froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2014, 20:20:31: LOKI froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2110, 01:28:29: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 2124, 12:22:57: LOKI claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2124, 12:24:57: LOKI claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2124, 12:27:12: LOKI claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2124, 12:37:41: LOKI froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 2124, 12:41:15: LOKI froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 2124, 12:44:43: LOKI froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake) Day 2124, 13:02:37: LOKI claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 2124, 13:03:47: LOKI claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 2124, 13:07:52: LOKI froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2124, 13:18:05: LOKI froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2124, 13:27:20: LOKI claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 2124, 13:29:18: LOKI claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 2124, 13:33:18: LOKI froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 2124, 13:36:30: LOKI froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 2150, 19:36:31: LOKI froze Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha) Day 2152, 02:34:41: LOKI froze trough - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 2152, 04:34:48: LOKI froze Magmasaur - Lvl 182 (Magmasaur) Day 2152, 09:57:52: LOKI froze trough - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 2152, 15:57:55: LOKI froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 2152, 16:03:25: LOKI froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2152, 21:12:11: LOKI froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 2152, 21:21:01: LOKI froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis) Day 2152, 22:58:08: LOKI froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake) Day 2152, 23:02:32: LOKI froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 2152, 23:45:36: LOKI froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 2152, 23:50:58: LOKI froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake) Day 2152, 23:56:06: LOKI froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (Velonasaur) Day 2153, 00:06:26: LOKI froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis) Day 2153, 00:11:19: LOKI froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2153, 00:22:15: LOKI froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake) Day 2153, 00:32:33: LOKI froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 2153, 00:37:22: LOKI froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2170, 22:04:21: LOKI Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 2203, 13:49:32: LOKI froze trough - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 2204, 18:02:38: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 2204, 18:05:28: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 2206, 00:18:51: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 360 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 12:52:43: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2225, 13:05:02: Jellyman froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 2225, 13:26:05: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2225, 13:29:18: Jellyman froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 13:47:34: LOKI claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2225, 13:47:51: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2225, 13:49:50: LOKI claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2225, 13:51:03: Jellyman froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 14:05:01: Jellyman froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 14:13:13: Jellyman froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 17:57:05: Jellyman froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 18:02:24: Jellyman froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 18:08:11: Jellyman froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2225, 23:01:09: Jellyman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 2225, 23:07:56: Jellyman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 2226, 00:28:34: LOKI froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 10:58:15: Jellyman froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 11:42:34: Jellyman froze Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 2226, 12:24:51: Jellyman froze Magmasaur - Lvl 182 (Magmasaur) Day 2226, 16:29:38: Jellyman froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 16:34:28: Jellyman froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 16:48:04: Jellyman froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 16:52:26: Jellyman froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 17:17:47: Jellyman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 17:35:31: Jellyman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 17:41:34: Jellyman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 17:48:27: Jellyman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur) Day 2226, 18:41:46: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 206 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 2226, 19:23:22: LOKI froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 206 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2226, 19:36:16: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 2226, 19:42:14: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 2226, 19:45:39: Jellyman froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2226, 20:05:38: Jellyman froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2226, 20:31:07: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 218 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 2226, 20:35:11: Jellyman froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 218 (Yutyrannus) Day 2226, 20:47:51: Jellyman claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 2226, 20:55:36: Jellyman froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) Day 2227, 03:28:52: LOKI froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 2227, 04:33:24: Jellyman froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 218 (Yutyrannus) Day 2227, 04:37:48: Jellyman froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) Day 2227, 04:52:01: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 2227, 04:59:37: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (Velonasaur) Day 2227, 05:03:31: LOKI froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 2227, 06:04:37: LOKI froze Bulbdog - Lvl 164 (Bulbdog) Day 2227, 06:07:55: LOKI froze Bulbdog - Lvl 164 (Bulbdog) Day 2227, 06:41:52: Jellyman froze Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 206 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2227, 06:48:52: Jellyman froze Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2227, 06:55:15: LOKI froze Dave - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex) Day 2227, 06:58:59: Jellyman froze Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2227, 07:01:16: LOKI froze Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex) Day 2227, 07:02:46: Jellyman froze Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 205 (Aberrant Spino) Day 2227, 07:08:37: LOKI froze boss - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex) Day 2228, 03:52:57: LOKI froze loki - Lvl 312 (Thylacoleo) Day 2228, 10:22:01: LOKI froze loki - Lvl 312 (Thylacoleo) Day 2228, 10:25:44: LOKI froze purple - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 2228, 12:16:31: LOKI demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2596, 08:55:02: trough - Lvl 212 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 2741, 06:53:34: Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 2788, 23:20:02: SHE59KHP369DMG - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 2812, 14:39:34: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2812, 14:40:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 184 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2812, 14:41:35: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 345 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 2812, 14:42:41: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 193 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2812, 14:43:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2812, 14:44:55: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 360 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2812, 14:46:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2812, 14:49:57: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 388 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2812, 14:50:46: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dave - Lvl 344 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2812, 14:51:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 271 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2812, 14:52:54: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 136 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2812, 16:28:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2812, 16:53:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2812, 17:07:21: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cleo - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2812, 17:08:37: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 2812, 17:09:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 2812, 17:09:59: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 152 (Gacha)'! Day 2820, 03:00:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purple - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 2820, 03:06:47: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loki - Lvl 312 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 2820, 03:17:09: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MR KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 2820, 03:24:59: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MRS KIBBLE - Lvl 224 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 2820, 03:39:51: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 205 (Velonasaur)'! Day 2820, 04:34:02: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 2820, 04:45:33: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 2828, 16:44:52: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2846, 15:43:49: Oviraptor - Lvl 44 (Oviraptor) starved to death! Day 3127, 12:04:30: Bulbdog - Lvl 170 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 3127, 12:04:35: Bulbdog - Lvl 164 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 3309, 21:14:28: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dddddddddddddddddddddddd - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 3309, 21:15:49: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 3309, 21:16:24: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 320 (Argentavis)'! Day 3309, 21:21:24: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 364 (Doedicurus)'! Day 3309, 21:21:45: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 208 (Doedicurus)'! Day 3309, 21:22:34: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sharon stone - Lvl 302 (Doedicurus)'! Day 3309, 21:24:55: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 3309, 21:25:27: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 3309, 21:27:04: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 266 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3309, 21:27:37: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 361 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3309, 21:28:35: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PRE OP - Lvl 352 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3309, 21:29:32: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3309, 21:30:45: Hecate - Lvl 124 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 370 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3385, 13:47:58: 's 'Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 206 (Aberrant Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3385, 13:47:58: 's 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3385, 13:47:58: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 184 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3385, 13:47:58: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3385, 13:47:58: 's 'Otter [Clone] - Lvl 203 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3385, 14:59:00: 's 'CHUNG LEI - Lvl 448 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5136, 23:12:55: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20734, 06:38:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21157, 10:49:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21157, 10:49:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1318027215,"tribe":"The outlander logs":["Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13052, 23:29:08: Brock - Lvl 138 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 31 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1309752938,"tribe":"Marcel39 logs":["Day 14305, 14:10:43: Marcel39 was added to the Tribe! Day 14315, 15:22:48: Marcel39 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon)! Day 14316, 17:14:29: Marcel39 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 14316, 18:00:30: Marcel39 unclaimed 'sina - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14316, 18:13:30: Marcel39 claimed 'sina - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14316, 18:31:03: Marcel39 unclaimed 'sina - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14317, 10:00:22: Marcel39 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 14317, 14:37:52: Marcel39 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)! Day 14327, 09:50:53: Marcel39 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 195 (Parasaur)! Day 14332, 06:21:25: Marcel39 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 14397, 13:12:34: Marcel39 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 14397, 13:13:42: Marcel39 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 14397, 14:24:16: Marcel39 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 14397, 14:25:14: Marcel39 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 14397, 14:41:57: Marcel39 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 14397, 17:25:24: Marcel39 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 14398, 11:13:43: Marcel39 demolished a 'Sloped Stone Wall Right'! Day 14400, 18:35:40: Your Sascha - Lvl 223 (Parasaur) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 55! Day 14402, 21:32:50: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14402, 21:34:34: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14402, 21:35:51: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14402, 21:39:04: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14403, 15:04:30: Marcel39 Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 14418, 11:40:46: Marcel39 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)! Day 14419, 13:51:21: Marcel39 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 14419, 14:14:06: Tribemember Marcel39 - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14741, 10:28:27: Freddy R - Lvl 145 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14803, 05:36:05: Marcel39 Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 74 (Stegosaurus)! Day 14831, 10:32:52: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14831, 10:34:43: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14831, 10:37:03: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 14831, 11:22:27: Marcel39 demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 14831, 11:23:47: Marcel39 demolished a 'Stone Hatchframe'! Day 14831, 14:26:08: Marcel39 demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 14893, 06:05:45: Marcel39 demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 14894, 20:51:38: Marcel39 Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 233 (Tek Raptor)! Day 14894, 21:14:58: Marcel39 froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 233 (Tek Raptor) Day 14896, 09:09:29: Marcel39 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 15271, 03:05:26: Marcel39 demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 15271, 03:10:25: Marcel39 demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 15271, 03:12:25: Marcel39 demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15875, 06:43:05: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16479, 11:03:03: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 243 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 16479, 11:04:18: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nina - Lvl 178 (Parasaur)'! Day 16479, 11:22:09: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Heinz - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 16479, 11:30:25: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Heidi - Lvl 274 (Argentavis)'! Day 16479, 12:49:16: Tribemember Marcel39 - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 17501, 17:01:48: iColt - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 95 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 20557, 19:37:38: Moschops - Lvl 150 (Moschops) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1308121598,"tribe":"Tribe of Sery logs":["Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Tek Jump Pad' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1307884293,"tribe":"Tribe of jaxs logs":["Day 10110, 07:31:06: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:32:03: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:32:45: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:33:47: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:39:56: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:40:48: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:41:47: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:42:41: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:43:32: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:44:15: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:45:11: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:46:02: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:47:27: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:48:31: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:52:42: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:53:36: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:54:24: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:55:23: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:57:16: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:58:17: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 07:59:12: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:00:06: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:01:03: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:02:02: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:08:55: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:09:59: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:11:01: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:11:58: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:12:46: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:13:36: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:14:48: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:15:37: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:16:20: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:17:15: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:28:07: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:28:58: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:29:46: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:30:40: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:31:32: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:33:11: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:34:02: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:34:52: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:36:00: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:36:58: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:37:52: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:44:11: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:44:56: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:46:06: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:47:12: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:48:28: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:51:13: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:52:10: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:53:07: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:54:11: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:55:13: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 08:56:03: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:04:56: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:05:40: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:06:31: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:07:17: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:08:04: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:09:24: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:10:33: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:33:58: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:34:47: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 09:35:38: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 13:15:55: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 10110, 13:17:10: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 10110, 14:07:27: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 10110, 16:21:52: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 10110, 16:33:17: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 16:34:09: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10110, 16:34:54: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10111, 01:38:25: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10111, 12:34:57: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10112, 21:09:07: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 10264, 13:32:53: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10298, 19:30:59: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10298, 22:05:48: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10299, 12:06:15: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10299, 12:37:21: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10299, 14:46:01: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10299, 16:32:20: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10299, 18:25:14: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 287 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 10299, 18:35:09: jaxs froze Rampardos - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 10299, 20:16:26: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 290 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 10299, 20:23:43: jaxs froze Rampardos - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 10414, 07:42:51: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10414, 11:50:18: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 205 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10414, 15:03:21: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10414, 18:00:11: jaxs froze Ravager - Lvl 219 (Ravager) Day 10414, 19:07:19: jaxs froze Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10415, 13:59:03: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 219 (Ravager) Day 10415, 14:52:45: jaxs froze Rampardos - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 10415, 15:34:23: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 219 (Ravager) Day 10415, 16:33:27: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 219 (Ravager) Day 10415, 16:58:34: jaxs froze Rampardos - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 10415, 19:11:15: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 10415, 20:09:41: jaxs froze Sieran - Lvl 304 (Argentavis) Day 10415, 23:07:36: jaxs froze Rampardos - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 10711, 20:39:44: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10867, 17:15:29: jaxs froze Rampardos - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 10867, 17:40:52: Your Megalodon - Lvl 278 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 10867, 18:00:41: Your Bree - Lvl 221 (Spino) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 10867, 18:01:32: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 10867, 18:17:49: Your Megalodon - Lvl 254 (Megalodon) was killed by Venom - Lvl 366 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 10867, 18:17:49: Your Tribe killed Megalodon - Lvl 254 (Megalodon)! Day 10868, 02:38:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 160 (Megalodon)! Day 10868, 05:44:27: Your Megalodon - Lvl 160 (Megalodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 10868, 18:07:42: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 220 (Ravager) Day 10868, 19:06:54: jaxs froze Mushu - Lvl 214 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11009, 17:37:58: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11009, 20:42:38: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11009, 21:45:49: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11010, 09:18:44: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 222 (Ravager) Day 11010, 12:23:39: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11010, 12:24:34: jaxs demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11010, 20:30:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Ravager - Lvl 89 (Ravager)! Day 11010, 20:41:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Ravager - Lvl 198 (Ravager)! Day 11010, 20:54:12: jaxs froze Ravager - Lvl 89 (Ravager) Day 11010, 22:50:46: jaxs froze Ravager - Lvl 92 (Ravager) Day 11011, 00:42:00: jaxs froze Ravager - Lvl 204 (Ravager) Day 11011, 02:30:36: jaxs froze Ravager - Lvl 204 (Ravager) Day 11011, 02:38:15: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 222 (Ravager) Day 11031, 18:01:10: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 290 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11031, 19:29:29: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 290 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11032, 01:11:34: jaxs Tamed a Roll Rat - Lvl 135 (Roll Rat)! Day 11032, 01:56:48: jaxs froze Roll Rat - Lvl 135 (Roll Rat) Day 11032, 08:12:58: jaxs Tamed a Roll Rat - Lvl 210 (Roll Rat)! Day 11032, 08:18:19: jaxs froze Roll Rat - Lvl 210 (Roll Rat) Day 11032, 14:22:36: jaxs froze Roll Rat - Lvl 214 (Roll Rat) Day 11032, 16:35:53: jaxs froze Roll Rat - Lvl 224 (Roll Rat) Day 11032, 18:37:53: jaxs claimed 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 221 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 11032, 18:38:21: jaxs claimed 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 224 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 11032, 18:38:46: jaxs claimed 'OM H40 - Lvl 368 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 11032, 19:02:14: jaxs froze X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 248 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 11032, 19:06:13: jaxs froze OM H40 - Lvl 369 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 11032, 20:03:47: jaxs froze X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 253 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 11046, 06:01:36: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 206 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11046, 17:32:51: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11046, 18:29:09: jaxs froze Roll Rat - Lvl 224 (Roll Rat) Day 11047, 10:04:37: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 291 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11047, 11:18:00: jaxs froze Venom - Lvl 366 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11047, 12:40:01: jaxs froze Venom - Lvl 366 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11047, 12:50:05: jaxs froze Venom - Lvl 366 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11047, 14:31:26: jaxs Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing)! Day 11047, 14:44:45: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing) Day 11047, 22:22:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)! Day 11047, 23:41:01: jaxs Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing)! Day 11048, 01:00:56: Your Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing) was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 55! Day 11048, 01:37:45: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 11048, 03:07:47: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing) Day 11051, 14:09:44: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 223 (Ravager) Day 11051, 14:25:35: jaxs froze Romeo - Lvl 170 (Ravager) Day 11051, 14:39:56: jaxs froze Packer - Lvl 100 (Ravager) Day 11051, 15:01:52: jaxs froze Khaleesi - Lvl 211 (Ravager) Day 11051, 17:02:47: jaxs froze Packer - Lvl 102 (Ravager) Day 11051, 19:40:13: jaxs froze Packer - Lvl 102 (Ravager) Day 11051, 19:58:25: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 223 (Ravager) Day 11051, 20:02:29: jaxs froze Khaleesi - Lvl 213 (Ravager) Day 11051, 20:06:45: jaxs froze Romeo - Lvl 171 (Ravager) Day 11052, 16:51:12: jaxs froze Trilobite - Lvl 55 (Trilobite) Day 11052, 17:22:02: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11052, 17:22:02: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11052, 17:49:34: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11052, 21:13:17: jaxs claimed 'Daedala - Lvl 224 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11052, 21:51:52: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 11053, 19:03:09: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 45 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11053, 19:07:16: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 95 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11053, 19:11:08: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.1x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11053, 19:16:08: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11053, 19:20:03: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 140 | 0.6x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11053, 20:18:37: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 85 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11053, 21:56:07: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 95 | 0.9x (Piranha) Day 11053, 22:01:54: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x (Piranha) Day 11054, 01:47:42: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 292 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11054, 01:56:45: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 11054, 08:05:56: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 292 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11054, 08:29:57: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 11054, 10:17:35: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 292 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11054, 13:50:47: Your Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 11054, 16:02:10: jaxs froze Venom - Lvl 366 (Poison Wyvern) Day 11054, 17:29:46: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11054, 17:33:23: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.1x (Piranha) Day 11186, 08:45:11: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 152 (Maewing) Day 11186, 08:49:15: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 294 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11186, 09:18:45: jaxs claimed 'BloodMoon - Lvl 146 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11186, 09:33:15: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 294 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11186, 09:37:25: jaxs froze BloodMoon - Lvl 147 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11186, 18:09:48: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 2.5x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11186, 18:15:12: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11186, 18:19:27: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11186, 18:24:51: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11186, 18:28:42: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11186, 18:32:46: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 1.0x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11186, 18:37:55: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 85 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 11186, 18:41:42: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 60 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 11186, 18:45:34: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11187, 05:49:22: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 294 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11187, 07:09:21: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 155 (Maewing) Day 11187, 11:18:13: jaxs Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 140 (Bulbdog)! Day 11187, 11:26:19: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 294 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11187, 12:10:13: jaxs claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 237 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 11187, 12:14:20: jaxs froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 237 (Sinomacrops) Day 11187, 12:30:55: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 155 (Maewing) Day 11347, 19:26:06: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11350, 06:35:41: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 294 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11350, 11:02:52: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 157 (Maewing) Day 11350, 21:07:41: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 95 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 21:12:34: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 45 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 21:17:37: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.1x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 21:22:45: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 21:27:57: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x (Piranha) Day 11350, 21:33:06: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 140 | 0.6x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 21:54:28: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 2.5x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 21:59:33: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 22:04:58: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11350, 22:09:57: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 95 | 0.9x (Piranha) Day 11350, 23:13:18: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11352, 09:53:57: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 296 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11352, 12:12:15: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11388, 13:51:54: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 130! Day 11388, 14:20:46: Your Bulbdog - Lvl 140 (Bulbdog) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 130! Day 11388, 14:39:12: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 130! Day 11388, 16:40:15: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 45! Day 11388, 19:14:17: jaxs froze Sorrow - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 11388, 19:22:46: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 161 (Maewing) Day 11388, 19:28:33: jaxs froze Jack - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 11388, 20:11:51: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 60 | 1.1x (Piranha) Day 11388, 20:16:02: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 130 | 1.0x (Piranha) Day 11388, 20:20:44: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Piranha) Day 11415, 23:44:51: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 140 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) Day 11415, 23:51:17: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.9x (Coelacanth) Day 11416, 00:54:51: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 224 (Ravager) Day 11416, 02:13:48: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 162 (Maewing) Day 11416, 02:59:53: jaxs froze BloodMoon - Lvl 147 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11433, 04:28:06: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11433, 08:35:18: jaxs froze Mace - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11433, 12:12:05: Your Coelacanth - Lvl 135 | 0.5x (Coelacanth) was killed by a Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 55 | 0.6x! Day 11433, 17:05:28: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 45 | 0.8x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 17:11:24: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 85 | 2.5x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 17:15:28: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 50 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 17:19:19: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 17:22:58: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.1x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 17:26:55: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Piranha) Day 11433, 17:31:48: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 135 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 17:35:43: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 0.7x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11433, 18:00:37: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 11433, 22:18:20: Your Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 55 | 0.4x (Sabertooth Salmon) was killed by jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs)! Day 11433, 22:18:20: Your Tribe killed Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 55 | 0.4x (Sabertooth Salmon) (Tribe of jaxs)! Day 11434, 07:15:15: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 163 (Maewing) Day 11434, 07:21:25: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 296 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11434, 10:40:51: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 296 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11434, 11:41:51: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 296 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11434, 12:57:08: jaxs Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 11434, 12:58:54: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 296 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11434, 13:05:08: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 11434, 19:46:03: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 296 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11434, 22:22:56: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 297 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11435, 04:43:53: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 166 (Maewing) Day 11435, 09:09:44: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 45 | 0.8x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11435, 22:33:50: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 85 | 2.5x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11435, 22:40:25: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 135 | 0.9x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11435, 22:46:58: jaxs froze Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Piranha) Day 11435, 22:52:44: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 0.7x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11435, 22:59:07: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.9x (Coelacanth) Day 11435, 23:06:30: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 140 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) Day 11436, 13:24:59: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11436, 13:25:19: Your Piranha - Lvl 25 | 0.9x (Piranha) was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 20! Day 11436, 16:49:31: jaxs froze Commander - Lvl 297 (Aberrant Dire Bear) Day 11436, 16:53:52: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 11436, 23:00:57: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 168 (Maewing) Day 11437, 00:32:17: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.9x (Coelacanth) Day 11437, 00:37:06: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11437, 00:41:56: jaxs froze Coelacanth - Lvl 85 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 11437, 00:46:58: jaxs froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 90 | 0.7x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 11677, 16:29:27: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 224 (Ravager) Day 11677, 17:00:13: jaxs froze Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 11677, 17:05:15: jaxs froze Viper - Lvl 224 (Ravager) Day 11677, 17:46:18: jaxs froze Roll Rat - Lvl 155 (Roll Rat) Day 11677, 17:55:07: jaxs froze Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus) Day 11677, 18:01:14: jaxs froze Dem - Lvl 116 (Deinonychus) Day 11678, 02:29:23: jaxs Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 87 (Pelagornis)! Day 11678, 09:16:31: jaxs Tamed a Dunkleosteus - Lvl 209 (Dunkleosteus)! Day 11747, 14:17:37: Your Dunkleosteus - Lvl 222 (Dunkleosteus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 12019, 10:03:19: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12104, 14:44:13: Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 12126, 00:29:27: Trilobite - Lvl 55 (Trilobite) starved to death! Day 12178, 23:06:10: Maewing - Lvl 169 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 12225, 00:55:14: jaxs froze Daedala - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12225, 22:00:43: jaxs froze Daedala - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12225, 22:09:00: jaxs downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 117 Day 12226, 05:04:36: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 117 (Tek Stryder) was killed by jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs)! Day 12226, 05:04:36: Your Tribe killed Tek Stryder - Lvl 117 (Tek Stryder) (Tribe of jaxs)! Day 12226, 05:22:14: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 12226, 07:57:05: jaxs froze Daedala - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12226, 13:06:28: jaxs downloaded a dino: Frosty - Lvl 238 Day 12226, 13:07:04: jaxs downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 137 Day 12226, 13:07:35: Could not find Spawn Location for RockDrake, Destroying... Day 12226, 13:09:14: Could not find Spawn Location for RockDrake, Destroying... Day 12226, 13:13:03: jaxs froze Frosty - Lvl 238 (Rock Drake) Day 12226, 13:17:17: jaxs froze Daedala - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12226, 13:19:29: Could not find Spawn Location for RockDrake, Destroying... Day 12226, 13:26:31: jaxs downloaded a dino: Choopappi - Lvl 265 Day 12226, 13:31:43: jaxs froze Choopappi - Lvl 265 (Rock Drake) Day 12304, 19:34:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12304, 19:34:08: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12304, 19:34:08: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12304, 19:34:08: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13126, 07:26:53: Your Vnrera - Lvl 164 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13126, 08:23:04: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 13126, 09:51:09: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13126, 10:16:39: Your Daenerys - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13126, 10:20:46: Your Daedala - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13126, 10:20:46: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13126, 11:19:05: Tribemember jaxs - Lvl 123 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 14006, 17:11:31: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toothless - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 17:19:31: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paela - Lvl 264 (Karkinos)'! Day 14006, 17:25:20: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kathey - Lvl 103 (Aberrant Stegosaurus)'! Day 14006, 17:25:46: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red - Lvl 294 (Spino)'! Day 14006, 17:26:52: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BloodMoon - Lvl 148 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 17:27:27: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lanagarmr - Lvl 342 (Managarmr)'! Day 14006, 17:28:42: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 138 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 14006, 17:31:08: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 275 (Rock Drake)'! Day 14006, 17:31:38: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ERM....DUNNO - Lvl 317 (Rock Drake)'! Day 14006, 17:34:51: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spic girl - Lvl 300 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 14006, 17:35:46: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pillar - Lvl 309 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 14006, 17:37:55: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spire - Lvl 291 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 14006, 17:40:21: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roll Rat - Lvl 234 (Roll Rat)'! Day 14006, 17:40:47: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bahamut - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 17:47:59: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Choopappi - Lvl 265 (Rock Drake)'! Day 14006, 17:49:17: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 263 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 14006, 17:50:56: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 141 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 14006, 17:52:23: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frosty - Lvl 238 (Rock Drake)'! Day 14006, 18:21:16: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 258 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 14006, 18:22:07: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rampardos - Lvl 287 (Rex)'! Day 14006, 18:24:19: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OM H40 - Lvl 369 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 14006, 18:31:55: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cyraxs - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 18:33:11: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Venom - Lvl 366 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 18:34:58: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shenlong - Lvl 265 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 18:42:55: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mushu - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 19:08:25: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Syrax - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14006, 20:13:41: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bernard - Lvl 324 (Reaper King)'! Day 14006, 20:55:30: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 274 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 14006, 22:17:19: Gunjack - Lvl 120 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sieran - Lvl 307 (Argentavis)'! Day 14018, 12:21:23: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14122, 03:14:15: Sinomacrops - Lvl 238 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 14219, 15:46:05: Pelagornis - Lvl 98 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 14246, 17:10:20: Shinehorn - Lvl 194 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 14249, 12:34:45: Shinehorn - Lvl 193 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 14249, 12:36:43: Bulbdog - Lvl 183 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 14304, 01:50:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14338, 07:33:39: Packer - Lvl 113 (Ravager) starved to death! Day 14338, 07:33:45: Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14338, 07:33:46: Deinonychus - Lvl 111 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14359, 19:48:59: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Viper - Lvl 225 (Ravager)'! Day 14359, 20:00:40: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Khaleesi - Lvl 223 (Ravager)'! Day 14360, 05:30:18: Unga - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sorrow - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 14438, 17:57:16: Terror Bird - Lvl 198 (Terror Bird) starved to death! Day 14438, 17:57:27: Bulbdog - Lvl 248 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 14468, 10:49:53: Dem - Lvl 116 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14468, 10:50:06: Basilisk - Lvl 88 (Basilisk) starved to death! Day 14468, 11:02:21: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilisk - Lvl 256 (Basilisk)'! Day 14504, 14:57:21: Mace - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 14507, 17:22:28: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jack - Lvl 273 (Griffin)'! Day 14507, 17:31:12: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Bell - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 14507, 17:38:23: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'YE - Lvl 242 (Shinehorn)'! Day 14507, 18:03:46: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F High Melee 1 - Lvl 246 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 14507, 18:04:45: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M High Meele - Lvl 239 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 14507, 20:18:00: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roll Rat - Lvl 155 (Roll Rat)'! Day 14507, 20:18:44: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Star - Lvl 160 (Argentavis)'! Day 14507, 20:19:05: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grant - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)'! Day 14507, 20:20:00: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Ankylosaurus - Lvl 258 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14507, 20:20:42: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Raptor - Lvl 256 (Aberrant Raptor)'! Day 14507, 20:21:08: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rollout - Lvl 240 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 14507, 20:21:46: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bobby - Lvl 282 (Aberrant Dire Bear)'! Day 14507, 20:22:09: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Aberrant Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14507, 20:23:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Commander - Lvl 297 (Aberrant Dire Bear)'! Day 14508, 01:27:24: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ratatouille - Lvl 242 (Roll Rat)'! Day 14508, 01:34:48: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sparton - Lvl 254 (Aberrant Equus)'! Day 14508, 01:43:24: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trik - Lvl 233 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 01:53:07: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Staker - Lvl 197 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 01:53:54: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 242 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 01:54:26: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ReX - Lvl 257 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 01:54:51: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 270 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 02:05:26: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Romeo - Lvl 172 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 02:08:17: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kane - Lvl 240 (Ravager)'! Day 14508, 06:15:46: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smash - Lvl 161 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 14508, 06:20:04: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woody - Lvl 308 (Castoroides)'! Day 14508, 06:25:56: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 286 (Castoroides)'! Day 14508, 06:42:49: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14508, 06:53:36: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 196 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14508, 06:58:39: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S-Swift 224 - Lvl 309 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 14508, 07:16:14: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zenith - Lvl 290 (Triceratops)'! Day 14508, 07:23:41: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Parasaur)'! Day 14518, 05:58:27: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14579, 17:20:58: 's 'Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.9x (Coelacanth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14579, 17:20:58: 's 'Piranha - Lvl 55 | 1.1x (Piranha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17974, 09:54:47: Basilisk - Lvl 172 (Basilisk) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1306561293,"tribe":"Secret logs":["Day 3122, 12:06:01: Caulkinator was added to the Tribe! Day 3122, 13:01:54: Caulkinator froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 319 (Lightning Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1302652452,"tribe":"Tribe of Uruk logs":["Day 2465, 16:53:37: Uruk was added to the Tribe! Day 2465, 16:54:55: Rex was added to the Tribe by Uruk! Day 2465, 17:44:10: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 90! Day 2465, 18:40:40: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 5 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 50! Day 2465, 19:01:43: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 6 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 90! Day 2466, 00:41:30: Rex Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 23 (Dodo)! Day 2466, 05:43:08: Rex Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 34 (Iguanodon)! Day 2466, 06:16:51: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 2466, 06:28:51: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 2466, 06:47:29: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 13 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 2466, 06:56:13: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 12 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 2466, 07:04:46: Your Thumbs - Lvl 35 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 2466, 07:08:47: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 12 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 2466, 07:18:35: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 2466, 07:23:17: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 12 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 2466, 08:17:38: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 2466, 10:58:25: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 2466, 11:47:26: Rex Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 61 (Dilophosaur)! Day 2466, 17:25:23: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 16 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 145! Day 2466, 17:46:50: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 2466, 17:50:00: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 16 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 2466, 18:02:41: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 16 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 2466, 18:23:16: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 18 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 145! Day 2466, 19:07:53: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 2466, 19:32:42: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 2466, 22:24:07: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 2466, 22:52:56: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 2466, 23:47:30: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 2467, 00:46:29: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 2467, 04:39:43: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 19 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 2467, 04:48:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2467, 05:59:01: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2468, 07:18:56: Uruk Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 20 (Triceratops)! Day 2468, 12:19:18: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 38 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 85! Day 2468, 21:32:14: Your Tricycle - Lvl 23 (Triceratops) was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 135! Day 2469, 07:50:27: Rex Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 63 (Pteranodon)! Day 2469, 14:41:38: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 2469, 15:06:45: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 45 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 156! Day 2469, 16:37:35: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 2469, 16:41:19: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 2469, 17:57:21: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 44 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 156! Day 2469, 18:41:04: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 44 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 2469, 19:21:24: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 44 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 156! Day 2469, 20:00:28: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 44 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2469, 20:50:16: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 47 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 2469, 21:30:19: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 47 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 2469, 22:13:32: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 2469, 23:06:03: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 45 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2469, 23:37:07: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 2469, 23:51:40: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 135! Day 2470, 00:18:17: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 45 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 2470, 01:22:07: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 46 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 02:42:49: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 46 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 03:35:20: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 46 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 2470, 04:22:31: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 46 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 06:33:16: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 46 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 2470, 13:19:12: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 13:28:30: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2470, 13:28:32: Your Bird Brain - Lvl 63 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 13:31:18: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 13:36:17: Your Fang - Lvl 75 (Dilophosaur) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 13:39:04: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2470, 13:41:37: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 14:06:28: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:10:34: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:12:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:12:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:13:32: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:14:08: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:14:08: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:14:40: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:14:43: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:15:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 2470, 14:24:57: Your PoPo - Lvl 36 (Dodo) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 14:28:16: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 15:29:46: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 15:38:13: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 15:48:05: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 2470, 17:09:56: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 17:37:18: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 2470, 17:41:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 2470, 17:41:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 2470, 17:42:30: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 2470, 17:45:14: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2470, 18:24:14: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 2470, 19:05:23: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 2470, 19:39:33: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 2470, 19:53:15: Tribemember Rex - Lvl 48 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2515, 00:13:34: Tribemember Uruk - Lvl 47 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3056, 18:19:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3629, 23:37:25: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1301199672,"tribe":"Tribe of Tribbles logs":["Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5653, 22:16:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5672, 16:41:17: Overdrive froze Luna - Lvl 373 (Astrodelphis) Day 5672, 17:43:11: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 322 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5864, 14:32:23: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 14:32:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 14:32:23: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 14:32:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5864, 14:32:23: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6022, 19:29:18: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 323 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6420, 04:30:26: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 6420, 08:06:32: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6420, 09:34:24: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6420, 11:49:06: Raven froze ® Pink free willy - Lvl 395 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 6423, 09:52:28: Raven froze ® Pink free willy - Lvl 395 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 6423, 10:49:32: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 6423, 22:12:27: Raven claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6423, 22:13:35: Raven claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6423, 22:16:08: Raven claimed 'Rose - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus)'! Day 6423, 22:23:10: Raven uploaded a Deinonychus: Rose - Lvl 216 Day 6423, 22:29:29: Raven uploaded a Doedicurus: Doedicurus - Lvl 275 Day 6423, 22:30:45: Raven uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 259 Day 6424, 02:41:18: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 355 (Desmodus) Day 6424, 05:55:22: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 355 (Desmodus) Day 6424, 09:01:29: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 355 (Desmodus) Day 6425, 16:11:08: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 355 (Desmodus) Day 6426, 08:20:27: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 00:18:24: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 15:00:06: Raven froze ® Kill Squad - Lvl 471 (Thylacoleo) Day 6427, 16:19:39: Raven froze ® Kill Squad - Lvl 471 (Thylacoleo) Day 6427, 16:37:34: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 17:08:25: Your 'snakepit (Sleeping Bag)' was destroyed! Day 6427, 17:11:00: Tribemember Raven - Lvl 182 was killed! Day 6427, 18:50:59: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 21:41:52: Raven froze ® Owlignton - Lvl 378 (Snow Owl) Day 6428, 06:24:10: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 06:33:24: Raven froze ® Tootsie Roll - Lvl 400 (Otter) Day 6428, 07:21:33: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 13:19:17: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 14:58:44: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 18:55:50: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6428, 19:14:45: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6428, 20:21:53: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6428, 21:41:18: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6428, 23:34:43: Raven froze ® Appletizer - Lvl 502 (Shadowmane) Day 6440, 15:06:04: Raven Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)! Day 6440, 15:11:44: Raven froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 6440, 15:19:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin)! Day 6440, 15:27:36: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6440, 15:39:03: Raven froze Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 6440, 16:25:43: Raven Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)! Day 6440, 20:47:02: Raven froze Griffin - Lvl 221 (Griffin) Day 6440, 20:54:05: Raven Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin)! Day 6440, 21:05:45: Raven froze Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 6440, 22:00:01: Raven froze Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 6440, 22:18:16: Raven froze ® Owlignton - Lvl 378 (Snow Owl) Day 6602, 22:19:01: Your Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 50! Day 6602, 23:00:38: Your Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6602, 23:00:38: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis)! Day 6602, 23:27:25: Your Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6602, 23:27:25: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 00:07:03: Your Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6603, 00:07:03: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 02:37:04: Your Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6603, 02:37:04: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 03:08:33: Your Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6603, 03:08:33: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 03:27:45: Your Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6603, 03:27:45: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 03:32:18: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk)! Day 6603, 04:05:56: Your Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6603, 04:05:56: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 04:36:17: Your Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 6603, 04:36:17: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 194 (Ovis)! Day 6603, 08:17:17: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 85! Day 6603, 17:02:01: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 6603, 18:41:44: Overdrive claimed 'F18 2.0 - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6603, 19:38:18: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15! Day 6603, 20:22:47: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 6603, 21:50:02: Overdrive claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 246 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 6603, 22:27:41: Overdrive claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 211 (Parasaur)'! Day 6603, 22:33:53: Overdrive claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 186 (Argentavis)'! Day 6603, 22:40:53: Overdrive claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis)'! Day 6603, 23:00:10: Overdrive claimed 'Brontosaure - Lvl 261 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 6603, 23:06:14: Overdrive claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6604, 01:11:24: Overdrive froze Eddie - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6604, 10:02:11: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 247 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6604, 11:51:54: Overdrive froze thor - Lvl 324 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6604, 12:03:29: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 6703, 01:32:23: Raven claimed '0/1 Melee - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 01:38:21: Raven froze 0/1 Melee - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 02:10:42: Raven claimed 'Slimer - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 6703, 02:13:43: Raven claimed 'Roxy - Lvl 296 (Rex)'! Day 6703, 02:19:02: Raven froze Slimer - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 6703, 02:27:44: Raven froze Roxy - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 6703, 02:34:39: Raven claimed 'Snow - Lvl 297 (Rex)'! Day 6703, 02:44:43: Raven froze Snow - Lvl 297 (Rex) Day 6703, 02:48:18: Raven claimed 'Skrillet - Lvl 306 (Rex)'! Day 6703, 02:53:55: Raven froze Skrillet - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 6703, 03:18:11: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:21:15: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 03:22:05: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:26:45: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 03:29:04: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:33:45: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 03:35:14: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:40:04: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 03:42:26: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:47:42: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 03:48:51: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:53:23: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 03:54:37: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 03:59:53: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 04:01:43: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 04:04:46: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 04:05:30: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 04:10:34: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 04:11:20: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 04:16:26: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 04:17:17: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 04:21:47: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 04:22:29: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 04:27:17: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 04:30:57: Raven claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6703, 04:34:36: Raven froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 6703, 05:50:48: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6703, 06:46:00: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6712, 03:51:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6735, 16:17:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6735, 16:17:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6735, 16:17:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6749, 05:21:50: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6749, 07:41:38: Raven froze ® Beauty - Lvl 559 (Shadowmane) Day 6749, 08:26:11: Raven froze ® Beauty - Lvl 559 (Shadowmane) Day 6749, 09:50:16: Raven froze ® Beast - Lvl 562 (Shadowmane) Day 6749, 10:48:18: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 10:52:09: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 10:55:58: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 10:59:28: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 11:03:18: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 11:30:12: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 309 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 11:37:53: Raven froze 40 HEALTH - Lvl 434 (Daeodon) Day 6749, 11:55:41: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6749, 14:05:18: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6749, 15:42:27: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 15:46:58: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 15:51:15: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 15:55:53: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 16:00:33: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 16:20:14: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 309 (Deinonychus) Day 6749, 19:29:30: Raven froze ® Beast - Lvl 562 (Shadowmane) Day 6749, 19:36:24: Raven froze 40 HEALTH - Lvl 434 (Daeodon) Day 6750, 00:47:53: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6750, 03:33:10: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6750, 03:38:37: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6750, 04:07:09: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6750, 04:13:14: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6750, 04:20:13: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 309 (Deinonychus) Day 6750, 04:25:34: Raven froze Faggot Spud Kill Squad - Lvl 307 (Deinonychus) Day 6750, 05:36:36: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6753, 11:28:45: Raven froze ® Owlignton - Lvl 378 (Snow Owl) Day 6753, 13:06:07: Raven froze ® Batty desmond - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6758, 06:10:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6765, 09:55:34: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6765, 17:57:01: Your Ginger - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) was killed by an Alpha Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 6765, 23:04:22: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 256 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 6765, 23:04:22: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 256 (Tek Rex)! Day 6765, 23:12:14: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 248 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6766, 13:06:48: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 6766, 13:06:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex)! Day 6766, 13:11:09: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6766, 13:40:09: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 210 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 6766, 13:40:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 210 (Tek Rex)! Day 6766, 13:44:15: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6766, 15:46:05: Overdrive Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 192 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 6766, 16:03:24: Overdrive froze ssssssssss - Lvl 192 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6766, 16:57:08: Overdrive froze ssssssssss - Lvl 192 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6766, 23:57:28: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6767, 00:09:22: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 6767, 03:00:29: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 6797, 05:53:24: Raven was removed from the Tribe! Day 6899, 12:11:35: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6993, 16:44:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7064, 08:51:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7412, 21:24:36: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 244 (Argentavis)'! Day 7412, 21:26:47: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 186 (Argentavis)'! Day 7412, 21:27:43: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 211 (Parasaur)'! Day 7412, 21:29:27: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon)'! Day 7412, 21:30:02: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaure - Lvl 261 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 7428, 20:26:10: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) was killed by DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7428, 20:26:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)! Day 7428, 20:31:27: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 7428, 21:21:25: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 7428, 22:43:51: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex) was killed by DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7428, 22:43:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 233 (Tek Rex)! Day 7428, 22:49:09: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 366 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 7429, 03:17:11: Overdrive Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 7429, 04:54:50: Overdrive froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7429, 07:37:47: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 369 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 7550, 09:32:35: Akane - Lvl 88 (Adverse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F18 2.0 - Lvl 181 (Pteranodon)'! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7739, 10:26:33: Overdrive froze Luna - Lvl 373 (Astrodelphis) Day 7989, 01:42:51: Alexi - Lvl 114 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 8016, 12:09:23: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 8016, 15:04:53: Overdrive claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8016, 19:40:17: Your Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8016, 19:40:17: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis)! Day 8016, 20:19:04: Overdrive froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 8016, 21:04:57: Your Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8016, 21:04:57: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis)! Day 8016, 22:39:17: Tribemember Overdrive - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 8017, 00:14:21: Overdrive froze Eddie - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8017, 01:16:18: Your Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8017, 01:16:18: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis)! Day 8017, 01:59:05: Your Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8017, 01:59:05: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)! Day 8017, 07:19:01: Overdrive froze Eddie - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8017, 07:56:58: Overdrive froze Luna - Lvl 378 (Astrodelphis) Day 8182, 17:25:54: Your Ovis - Lvl 297 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8182, 17:25:54: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 297 (Ovis)! Day 8182, 17:59:14: Your Ovis - Lvl 299 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8182, 17:59:14: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 299 (Ovis)! Day 8182, 18:01:12: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 209 (Fjordhawk)! Day 8183, 09:12:56: Overdrive froze Ovis - Lvl 313 (Ovis) Day 8183, 09:20:12: Your Ovis - Lvl 282 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8183, 09:20:12: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 282 (Ovis)! Day 8183, 09:44:21: Your Ovis - Lvl 303 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8183, 09:44:21: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 303 (Ovis)! Day 8183, 09:47:05: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk)! Day 8183, 10:38:11: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 8183, 10:43:51: Your Ovis - Lvl 299 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8183, 10:43:51: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 299 (Ovis)! Day 8183, 12:59:25: Your Ovis - Lvl 313 (Ovis) was killed by Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles)! Day 8183, 12:59:25: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 313 (Ovis)! Day 8183, 13:19:03: Overdrive Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 144 (Fjordhawk)! Day 8183, 13:26:18: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 144 (Fjordhawk) Day 8183, 18:49:33: Overdrive froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 209 (Fjordhawk) Day 8183, 19:58:02: Overdrive froze Rose - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 8443, 17:11:32: Overdrive froze Pteranodon - Lvl 249 (Pteranodon) Day 8444, 00:50:42: Overdrive Tamed an Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter)! Day 8444, 00:59:48: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 29 (Otter) Day 8444, 04:08:15: Overdrive Tamed an Otter - Lvl 73 (Otter)! Day 8444, 04:17:53: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 73 (Otter) Day 8444, 06:09:53: Overdrive Tamed an Otter - Lvl 37 (Otter)! Day 8444, 06:32:51: Overdrive Tamed an Otter - Lvl 133 (Otter)! Day 8444, 06:38:41: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 133 (Otter) Day 8444, 06:59:50: Overdrive Tamed an Otter - Lvl 37 (Otter)! Day 8444, 07:16:31: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 37 (Otter) Day 8444, 10:11:02: Overdrive Tamed an Otter - Lvl 139 (Otter)! Day 8444, 10:18:09: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 139 (Otter) Day 8444, 11:51:25: Overdrive froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8444, 13:55:50: Overdrive froze Otter - Lvl 37 (Otter) Day 8736, 02:39:11: Overdrive froze DREDD [Clone] - Lvl 404 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 9893, 04:28:30: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11065, 03:44:41: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11241, 06:54:12: Overdrive froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 243 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11241, 07:05:20: Overdrive froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 11241, 09:18:04: CaS removed 'furry friends' Tribe from Comapnions of AR Alliance! Day 11241, 09:19:51: CaS removed 'Wall Bangers' Tribe from Comapnions of AR Alliance! Day 11241, 09:22:17: CaS removed 'Tribe of JESUS' Tribe from Comapnions of AR Alliance! Day 11241, 18:25:58: Overdrive froze Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 11243, 02:06:55: Overdrive froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 237 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11248, 17:31:03: Overdrive froze Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 11292, 08:58:50: Overdrive was removed from the Tribe! Day 11292, 08:58:50: Tribe Owner was changed to Sir Tea!"] "tribeid":1300906933,"tribe":"furry friends logs":["Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1733, 02:25:10: ebony froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 206 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1736, 12:20:07: ebony claimed 'Daenerys - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1736, 12:24:47: ebony froze Daenerys - Lvl 210 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1736, 13:29:11: ebony claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 137 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1736, 13:32:02: ebony claimed 'Cardi - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1736, 13:36:35: ebony claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides)'! Day 1736, 13:38:50: ebony claimed 'baba - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1736, 13:40:02: ebony claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)'! Day 1736, 13:40:41: ebony claimed 'Fast Male - Lvl 286 (Desmodus)'! Day 1736, 13:42:18: ebony claimed 'Gobz - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1736, 13:44:22: ebony claimed 'BABY - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 1736, 13:44:52: ebony claimed 'Bon Bon - Lvl 282 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1736, 13:52:05: ebony claimed 'Bertie - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1736, 13:53:35: ebony claimed 'Sue (SIW) - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 1736, 13:56:04: ebony claimed 'Casserole - Lvl 288 (Castoroides)'! Day 1736, 14:18:21: ebony claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1736, 14:19:02: ebony claimed 'Pooper machine - Lvl 74 (Phiomia)'! Day 1736, 14:19:43: ebony claimed 'George - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1736, 14:32:39: ebony froze Cove - Lvl 232 (Otter) Day 1736, 14:36:04: ebony froze Fast Male - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 1736, 14:44:57: ebony froze Casserole - Lvl 288 (Castoroides) Day 1736, 14:53:22: ebony claimed 'Barney - Lvl 194 (Raptor)'! Day 1736, 14:58:50: ebony froze Barney - Lvl 194 (Raptor) Day 1736, 15:36:12: ebony claimed 'Lord Zedicus Zool Zerand - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1736, 15:41:03: ebony froze Lord Zedicus Zool Zerand - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1736, 16:04:21: ebony claimed 'NANU - Lvl 104 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1736, 16:51:59: ebony uploaded a Fire Wyvern: NANU - Lvl 119 Day 1736, 16:53:10: ebony uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 211 Day 1799, 13:58:52: George - Lvl 29 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1842, 18:09:08: Your Barney - Lvl 194 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 1842, 19:29:21: Sue (SIW) - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 1863, 14:04:21: Doedicurus - Lvl 37 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 1960, 12:53:26: Fjordhawk - Lvl 137 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 1964, 09:41:20: 's 'Quetzal - Lvl 220 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1983, 16:22:01: Bertie - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 2014, 07:01:52: Pooper machine - Lvl 74 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 2253, 14:50:18: ebony froze Daenerys - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2253, 15:06:57: ebony froze Daenerys - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2253, 18:05:44: ebony demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 2253, 18:27:54: ebony claimed 'CoA Stryder - Lvl 161 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2254, 10:24:13: ebony froze Daenerys - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2254, 22:47:24: ebony claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 201 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 2254, 23:01:08: ebony froze Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 201 (Fjordhawk) Day 2255, 03:13:33: ebony uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Daenerys - Lvl 257 Day 2300, 16:06:39: Your BABY - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 2443, 14:33:35: Your Gobz - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 2529, 15:37:39: Castoroides - Lvl 209 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 2548, 12:02:32: Bon Bon - Lvl 282 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 2741, 09:16:10: Cardi - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 2845, 16:30:37: CaS - Lvl 158 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CoA Stryder - Lvl 162 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2852, 09:29:08: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2918, 06:35:42: Your baba - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 2934, 08:08:30: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 164 (Argentavis)'! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1298585609,"tribe":"TRIBE OF CROW PEOPLE logs":["Day 304, 00:46:23: Typho_JEM was added to the Tribe! Day 304, 00:48:07: Zeus was added to the Tribe by Typho_JEM! Day 304, 01:12:44: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 2 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 304, 02:37:34: Tribemember Zeus - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 304, 07:45:31: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 304, 17:52:09: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 304, 17:52:09: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 304, 17:57:32: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 304, 18:02:50: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 304, 19:25:46: Typho_JEM demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 304, 19:26:37: Typho_JEM demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 305, 06:15:19: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 305, 10:33:03: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 305, 11:31:08: Tribemember Zeus - Lvl 27 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 305, 12:07:23: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 305, 12:27:09: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 42 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 305, 12:32:46: Tribemember Zeus - Lvl 30 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 305, 13:15:25: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 42 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 305, 14:08:37: Tribemember Zeus - Lvl 30 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 305, 16:16:17: Typho_JEM demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 305, 18:03:32: Typho_JEM Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 305, 21:43:03: Zeus Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 110 (Pteranodon)! Day 306, 11:48:33: Tribemember Zeus - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 306, 14:35:45: Zeus Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 306, 14:54:49: Typho_JEM Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 307, 15:48:08: Tribemember Typho_JEM - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 309, 10:35:56: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 310, 03:10:42: Your MARGRET MARY MUNCHER - Lvl 34 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 376, 07:38:31: Pteranodon - Lvl 125 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 461, 06:00:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 667, 08:29:00: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1296206243,"tribe":"boopertrooper logs":["Day 4935, 01:15:31: boopertrooper was added to the Tribe! Day 4935, 06:48:40: Tribemember boopertrooper - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 4935, 08:08:16: Tribemember boopertrooper - Lvl 14 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4988, 09:37:24: Tribemember boopertrooper - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 5513, 15:59:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5513, 15:59:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1296035148,"tribe":"Tribe of Monkeys logs":["Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8834, 20:10:55: Tarzan froze fuzz - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9190, 13:03:32: Tribemember Charlie - Lvl 114 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1293173686,"tribe":"The Bloodfallen Clan logs":["Day 3122, 08:15:29: ShellTear was added to the Tribe! Day 3122, 08:16:03: Tribe of Curly tribe was merged in by Dreadfull Dexter! Day 3122, 08:16:03: Dreadfull Dexter was added to the Tribe by ShellTear! Day 3122, 12:26:09: Your Lol - Lvl 41 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 3122, 14:55:17: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)! Day 3122, 19:01:02: ShellTear demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 3122, 23:07:09: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 20 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 60! Day 3123, 02:45:41: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 21 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 3123, 03:47:34: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 3123, 04:34:23: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 120 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 3123, 07:43:31: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 3123, 07:45:53: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 3123, 07:49:45: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 3123, 07:50:42: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 3123, 07:51:43: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 3123, 07:52:26: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 3123, 07:53:14: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 3123, 07:54:10: ShellTear demolished a 'Metal Triangle Foundation'! Day 3123, 18:26:59: ShellTear demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 3123, 18:35:33: ShellTear demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 3123, 18:36:47: ShellTear demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 3123, 18:38:01: ShellTear demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 3124, 02:26:56: ShellTear Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 180 (Gacha)! Day 3124, 14:23:23: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a R-Direwolf - Lvl 222 (R-Direwolf)! Day 3125, 14:00:08: ShellTear Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)! Day 3127, 17:44:15: ShellTear Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 208 (Maewing)! Day 3127, 19:01:13: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 48 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 3127, 19:22:16: Your Maewing - Lvl 220 (Maewing) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 3127, 23:15:37: ShellTear Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)! Day 3137, 07:21:07: ShellTear Tamed a R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (R-Thylacoleo)! Day 3137, 15:36:22: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 3138, 08:19:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 204 (Microraptor)! Day 3138, 09:04:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 3138, 13:19:38: Dreadfull Dexter claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing)'! Day 3138, 13:57:51: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing)'! Day 3138, 19:00:00: ShellTear Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 207 (Bulbdog)! Day 3139, 04:07:11: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a R-Direwolf - Lvl 209 (R-Direwolf)! Day 3139, 13:20:03: Dreadfull Dexter claimed 'Baby R-Direwolf - Lvl 222 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 3140, 01:44:20: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 3140, 18:39:37: Your 'Wooden Chair' was destroyed! Day 3140, 18:39:37: Your 'Wooden Chair' was destroyed! Day 3141, 08:18:02: ShellTear Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 3141, 11:11:45: ShellTear Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 27 (Gacha)! Day 3141, 11:17:30: ShellTear unclaimed 'Gacha - Lvl 27 (Gacha)'! Day 3141, 13:02:41: Your Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) was killed by a Mammoth - Lvl 25! Day 3141, 15:34:07: ShellTear Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus)! Day 3142, 06:15:47: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo)! Day 3142, 11:25:52: ShellTear Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 3142, 11:53:31: ShellTear Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 184 (Gacha)! Day 3142, 12:21:28: ShellTear unclaimed 'Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)'! Day 3142, 12:24:37: ShellTear unclaimed 'Gacha - Lvl 184 (Gacha)'! Day 3143, 16:56:38: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 3144, 09:49:08: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 206 (Hyaenodon )! Day 3144, 16:07:13: Dreadfull Dexter froze Coffe - Lvl 255 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3145, 10:24:37: Dreadfull Dexter froze Coffe - Lvl 257 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3145, 10:35:51: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 297 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3145, 13:58:59: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3145, 14:21:53: Your bon bon - Lvl 93 (Parasaur) was killed by a R-Daeodon - Lvl 55! Day 3145, 16:06:22: Dreadfull Dexter froze Maewing - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 3145, 16:21:44: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 3145, 16:39:21: Dreadfull Dexter froze Coffe - Lvl 257 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3145, 20:17:48: ShellTear demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left'! Day 3145, 22:20:58: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3145, 22:23:51: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3146, 01:19:46: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 297 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3146, 04:23:09: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 297 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3147, 07:59:18: ShellTear Tamed a Gasbags - Lvl 212 (Gasbags)! Day 3147, 08:10:36: ShellTear froze Gasbags - Lvl 212 (Gasbags) Day 3147, 08:38:53: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 298 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3147, 23:12:16: ShellTear Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 3148, 02:40:01: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 02:45:03: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 298 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3148, 06:07:58: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 213 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 06:54:59: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 07:24:21: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 215 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 07:48:17: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 217 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 08:12:22: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 08:52:10: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 09:13:52: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 220 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 10:29:43: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 220 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 11:30:12: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 14:07:40: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 15:04:53: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 15:20:16: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 16:07:45: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3148, 16:38:46: ShellTear froze Doedicurus - Lvl 245 (Doedicurus) Day 3150, 04:04:05: ShellTear froze Maewing - Lvl 240 (Maewing) Day 3150, 20:04:27: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3150, 22:06:15: ShellTear claimed 'poop - Lvl 131 (Raptor)'! Day 3150, 22:57:24: Your poop - Lvl 131 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 3150, 23:04:58: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 3151, 01:08:12: Your Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) was killed by a X-Rock Elemental - Lvl 95! Day 3151, 03:35:19: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 25! Day 3151, 03:37:15: Your Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 25! Day 3151, 07:02:32: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3151, 07:29:50: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3151, 09:16:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3151, 09:16:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3151, 11:30:12: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3151, 12:21:55: ShellTear Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 3151, 12:23:38: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3151, 17:09:04: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 95! Day 3151, 19:41:22: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 3151, 21:47:55: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 100! Day 3151, 23:15:01: ShellTear froze Thor - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 3164, 21:57:54: ShellTear Tamed a R-Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Allosaurus )! Day 3164, 23:05:48: Dreadfull Dexter froze R-Allosaurus - Lvl 227 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 3165, 10:33:30: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 3165, 10:43:38: Dreadfull Dexter froze Snow - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 3168, 15:18:13: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 3168, 15:46:00: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 3168, 15:53:15: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus)! Day 3168, 15:53:44: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 93 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 3168, 15:57:21: Your Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 3168, 15:58:05: Your Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 3168, 18:30:56: ShellTear Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 3169, 10:56:26: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3169, 12:42:05: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 94 was killed by ShellTear - Lvl 122 (The Bloodfallen Clan)! Day 3169, 12:42:05: Your Tribe killed Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 94 (The Bloodfallen Clan)! Day 3169, 14:19:34: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)'! Day 3169, 14:44:37: Dreadfull Dexter froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 3170, 01:43:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 3170, 15:58:57: Dreadfull Dexter claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 3170, 16:02:43: Dreadfull Dexter froze Baby Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 3171, 06:09:19: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Snow - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 3171, 06:28:29: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Snow - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 3172, 17:46:34: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Snow - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 3173, 17:16:21: Dreadfull Dexter froze Adolescent Snow - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 3173, 20:36:45: ShellTear Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 223 (Triceratops)! Day 3182, 19:16:41: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3183, 20:23:11: ShellTear demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 3184, 00:21:58: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 238 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3184, 00:55:59: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 304 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3184, 04:05:52: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 241 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3184, 04:09:35: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 304 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3184, 05:33:17: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 304 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3184, 10:48:54: ShellTear froze Caramel - Lvl 304 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3184, 10:51:33: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 242 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3184, 18:23:56: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing)'! Day 3184, 18:24:58: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing)'! Day 3184, 18:44:33: ShellTear froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3184, 18:47:28: ShellTear froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3184, 19:23:36: ShellTear froze Gasbags - Lvl 237 (Gasbags) Day 3184, 22:03:18: ShellTear demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 3185, 00:27:29: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 00:33:21: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 03:21:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3185, 03:21:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3185, 03:21:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3185, 03:21:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3185, 03:21:43: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3185, 06:06:58: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 10:41:35: Dreadfull Dexter froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 10:45:51: Dreadfull Dexter froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 10:54:30: ShellTear froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 15:32:01: ShellTear froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 15:43:44: ShellTear froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 20:06:34: ShellTear froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 20:10:37: ShellTear froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 3185, 20:35:21: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3185, 22:37:47: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 245 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3187, 04:23:26: Dreadfull Dexter froze purp - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 3187, 07:42:40: Dreadfull Dexter froze purp - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 3187, 11:20:49: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3187, 21:18:32: ShellTear froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 3188, 11:16:39: Dreadfull Dexter froze purp - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 3189, 05:42:56: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3189, 07:00:00: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 246 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3189, 09:04:06: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3189, 12:26:18: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 250 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3189, 13:32:08: Dreadfull Dexter Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth)! Day 3189, 13:45:24: Dreadfull Dexter froze Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) Day 3189, 14:38:09: Dreadfull Dexter froze Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) Day 3189, 14:50:13: Dreadfull Dexter froze Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) Day 3189, 17:20:10: ShellTear froze Oil - Lvl 214 (Gacha) Day 3189, 18:22:02: Your Oil - Lvl 214 (Gacha) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25! Day 3189, 19:41:24: Dreadfull Dexter froze Misty - Lvl 226 (Hyaenodon ) Day 3190, 14:21:30: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3190, 15:37:41: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 102 (The Bloodfallen Clan)! Day 3190, 15:37:41: Your Tribe killed ShellTear - Lvl 122 (The Bloodfallen Clan)! Day 3190, 16:52:02: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 3190, 18:31:48: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3191, 19:56:44: ShellTear Tamed an Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis)! Day 3191, 20:02:09: ShellTear froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 3191, 21:03:33: ShellTear froze Ovis - Lvl 202 (Ovis) Day 3192, 01:33:27: ShellTear froze Doedicurus - Lvl 257 (Doedicurus) Day 3192, 03:16:50: ShellTear froze Doedicurus - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus) Day 3192, 15:32:02: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 3192, 15:42:19: Dreadfull Dexter claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 3192, 20:32:53: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 3192, 20:36:30: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 3193, 02:36:45: ShellTear froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3193, 02:43:11: ShellTear froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3193, 02:47:33: ShellTear froze Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3193, 07:52:00: Dreadfull Dexter froze Adolescent Rose - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 3193, 11:33:42: Dreadfull Dexter froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 3193, 13:27:05: Dreadfull Dexter froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3193, 14:35:22: ShellTear froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 3193, 14:44:10: ShellTear froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 3193, 14:53:53: ShellTear froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3193, 15:05:43: ShellTear froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3194, 07:59:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 3198, 18:07:34: ShellTear Tamed a Rex - Lvl 205 (Rex)! Day 3220, 08:58:47: ShellTear froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3220, 09:04:17: ShellTear froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3275, 18:22:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3282, 13:25:31: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3282, 13:31:53: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3282, 13:32:49: ShellTear demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3285, 02:36:54: ShellTear froze Maewing - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 3285, 20:00:35: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 250 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3285, 20:46:55: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3286, 01:25:19: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3286, 07:07:12: ShellTear froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 256 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3286, 21:30:19: ShellTear demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 3286, 21:32:24: ShellTear demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 3286, 21:33:50: ShellTear demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 3286, 22:11:45: ShellTear demolished a 'Electric Cable Vertical'! Day 3288, 16:10:25: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 3288, 16:45:27: ShellTear demolished a 'Large Bear Trap'! Day 3289, 00:15:46: ShellTear Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 3291, 16:08:21: ShellTear froze Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 3293, 10:42:24: ShellTear Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 224 (Stegosaurus)! Day 3293, 10:53:51: ShellTear froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 224 (Stegosaurus) Day 3294, 04:03:48: ShellTear froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3294, 04:08:01: ShellTear froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3294, 12:23:20: ShellTear froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3294, 12:27:45: ShellTear froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3302, 01:50:05: ShellTear froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3302, 01:56:13: ShellTear froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 3304, 15:03:42: ShellTear Tamed a R-Equus - Lvl 217 (R-Equus)! Day 3304, 15:18:21: ShellTear froze R-Equus - Lvl 217 (R-Equus) Day 3304, 19:57:57: ShellTear froze Lil Ricky - Lvl 256 (Bulbdog) Day 3304, 20:04:48: ShellTear froze Maewing - Lvl 267 (Maewing) Day 3306, 01:59:55: ShellTear froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 3308, 09:59:27: ShellTear claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 3308, 10:14:56: ShellTear froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3308, 10:14:59: Dreadfull Dexter claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 3308, 10:21:20: Dreadfull Dexter froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3308, 10:26:10: ShellTear froze Skrillet - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 3308, 12:35:52: Dreadfull Dexter froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3308, 19:51:39: ShellTear froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3308, 20:42:30: ShellTear froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3310, 08:27:52: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3310, 12:52:27: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3310, 12:58:47: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3310, 13:11:02: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 19:57:35: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 01:40:48: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 01:49:35: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 11:28:19: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 11:38:00: ShellTear froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 20:30:05: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 20:36:08: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 20:48:20: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3313, 08:40:57: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3313, 08:46:49: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3313, 08:52:26: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3313, 08:56:41: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3314, 04:53:11: ShellTear froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3437, 02:15:05: Your nom nom - Lvl 164 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 3441, 18:34:42: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3456, 23:42:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wooden Bench' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wooden Bench' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Vessel' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wooden Bench' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wardrums' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3971, 16:50:00: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 265 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 3971, 17:01:55: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Morbius - Lvl 252 (Desmodus)'! Day 3971, 17:14:43: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 212 (Desmodus)'! Day 4024, 15:19:31: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Slimer - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 4024, 15:29:26: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 4024, 15:38:22: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 172 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4024, 15:46:44: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 252 (Gasbags)'! Day 4024, 16:06:55: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lil Ricky - Lvl 257 (Bulbdog)'! Day 4024, 16:10:52: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jerboa - Lvl 5 (Jerboa)'! Day 4024, 16:21:05: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 4024, 16:49:08: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roxy - Lvl 290 (Rex)'! Day 4024, 16:51:39: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rose - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4024, 17:06:33: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 231 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 4024, 17:10:36: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ike - Lvl 250 (Triceratops)'! Day 4024, 19:22:44: Tribemember ShellTear - Lvl 122 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 4194, 17:32:52: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4194, 17:32:52: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4194, 17:32:52: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4205, 08:48:54: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 4466, 17:23:32: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 271 (Maewing)'! Day 4467, 07:49:23: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4467, 08:09:25: OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BitterGem - Lvl 304 (R-Allosaurus )'! Day 4467, 17:46:01: 's 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4467, 17:51:15: 's 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4477, 12:00:31: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4539, 10:39:00: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Microraptor - Lvl 244 (Microraptor)'! Day 4539, 10:55:52: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4539, 11:09:12: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing)'! Day 4539, 11:28:32: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'purp - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4539, 11:36:28: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 242 (Mammoth)'! Day 4539, 12:20:57: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coffe - Lvl 281 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4539, 16:38:12: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coke - Lvl 213 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 4539, 16:38:36: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 4539, 16:51:49: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hevan - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 4539, 17:19:11: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:19:53: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skrillet - Lvl 306 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:20:20: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:20:59: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 19:16:33: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Equus - Lvl 220 (R-Equus)'! Day 4684, 15:39:31: Odin - Lvl 260 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 4943, 11:25:15: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thor - Lvl 287 (Maewing)'! Day 5153, 12:31:00: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alestor - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5199, 19:28:18: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 269 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5220, 13:28:48: Aslan BjornSonn - Lvl 123 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Misty - Lvl 235 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 5630, 09:53:29: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8016, 15:04:53: Overdrive - Lvl 152 (Tribe of Tribbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8137, 18:00:08: Tribemember Dreadfull Dexter - Lvl 105 was killed!"] "tribeid":1292433916,"tribe":"Tribe of SpiritD logs":["Day 184, 06:33:27: SpiritD was added to the Tribe! Day 184, 06:36:25: SpiritD claimed '[S]Pedro - Lvl 136 (Pteranodon)'! Day 184, 06:38:09: SpiritD claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 245 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 184, 06:39:01: SpiritD claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus)'! Day 184, 06:40:05: SpiritD claimed '[s]SNAIL - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)'! Day 184, 06:40:40: SpiritD claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 206, 22:16:07: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 207, 04:53:30: SpiritD Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 284, 20:18:50: SpiritD Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 319, 08:24:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 336, 17:36:35: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 179 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 437, 12:45:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 481, 08:57:36: [S] Maxy - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 496, 09:31:17: [S]140bigeye - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 517, 07:12:31: Your [S]Pedro - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 130! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 964, 20:42:05: Doedicurus - Lvl 118 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1061, 18:53:27: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[s]SNAIL - Lvl 287 (Argentavis)'! Day 1061, 19:02:26: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[S]Mxspeedy - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1061, 19:05:19: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1062, 03:49:50: Tribemember SpiritD - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2172, 11:53:48: Tribemember SpiritD - Lvl 104 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1288576138,"tribe":"pudding /namuh club logs":["Day 16577, 15:58:00: Namuh was added to the Tribe! Day 16577, 16:46:01: Pretzel was added to the Tribe by Namuh! Day 17230, 20:27:31: Tribemember Pretzel - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 19382, 15:44:09: Tribemember Namuh - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1277174580,"tribe":"Tribe of Alf logs":["Day 23, 17:28:14: Alf was added to the Tribe! Day 23, 17:30:21: olo was added to the Tribe by Alf! Day 23, 17:35:50: olo was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Alf! Day 23, 18:23:23: Tribemember olo - Lvl 6 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 23, 18:26:04: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 6 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 23, 19:56:29: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 6 was killed by olo - Lvl 8 (Tribe of Alf)! Day 23, 19:56:29: Your Tribe killed Alf - Lvl 6 (Tribe of Alf)! Day 23, 19:56:42: Tribemember olo - Lvl 8 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 23, 20:28:55: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 7 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 23, 20:33:21: Tribemember olo - Lvl 8 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 23, 22:01:00: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 7 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 23, 22:02:10: Tribemember olo - Lvl 9 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 20! Day 23, 23:37:51: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 24, 00:05:58: Tribemember olo - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 24, 02:48:37: olo Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 24, 08:49:38: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 24, 11:54:13: Tribemember olo - Lvl 23 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 140! Day 24, 17:42:58: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 24, 19:11:03: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 21 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 50! Day 24, 20:23:24: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 21 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 24, 23:12:41: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 25, 06:30:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 25, 10:56:27: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 30 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 140! Day 25, 11:44:35: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 25, 12:19:53: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 30 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 95! Day 25, 12:27:22: olo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 25, 13:21:00: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 25, 16:25:56: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 31 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 25, 16:57:51: Your Parasaur - Lvl 27 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 25, 17:08:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 25, 17:09:35: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by an Alpha Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 25, 19:24:30: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 26, 00:40:49: olo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 26, 02:26:41: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 26, 02:52:24: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 31 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 26, 06:07:05: Tribemember olo - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 135! Day 26, 06:23:20: Tribemember olo - Lvl 37 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 26, 06:51:50: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 31 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 26, 10:52:25: olo was removed from the Tribe! Day 26, 11:16:38: Alf was removed from the Tribe! Day 52, 14:22:29: Tribemember olo - Lvl 37 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 121, 10:50:11: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 92 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 285, 18:48:41: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 319, 08:24:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1272629069,"tribe":"Proper Blokes logs":["Day 950, 14:29:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 950, 18:20:51: Human Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 149 (Maewing)! Day 950, 21:01:19: Apeman demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 951, 09:34:05: Apeman Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 201 (Maewing)! Day 951, 13:37:54: Human Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 207 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 952, 03:51:08: Human demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 952, 03:55:00: Human demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 963, 15:27:11: Human claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 122 (Gacha)'! Day 964, 04:29:59: Baby Gacha - Lvl 122 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 964, 06:04:16: Human froze Vilkas - Lvl 198 (Hyaenodon ) Day 964, 06:14:31: Human froze hya - Lvl 178 (Hyaenodon ) Day 964, 06:33:38: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 964, 06:38:21: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 964, 09:12:04: Apeman froze Fuzzy - Lvl 110 (Maewing) Day 964, 22:50:52: Human Tamed a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (X-Allosaurus)! Day 964, 22:58:49: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (X-Allosaurus) Day 965, 03:04:53: Human Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur)! Day 965, 03:13:23: Apeman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur) Day 965, 05:30:13: Human froze Farkhas - Lvl 125 (Hyaenodon ) Day 965, 17:03:15: Apeman demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 965, 17:04:12: Apeman demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 965, 18:57:54: Apeman demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 966, 11:43:04: Apeman unclaimed 'Fuzzy - Lvl 113 (Maewing)'! Day 966, 11:43:20: Apeman claimed 'Fuzzy - Lvl 113 (Maewing)'! Day 966, 14:03:42: Apeman froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 227 (X-Allosaurus) Day 966, 15:26:40: Apeman froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 232 (X-Allosaurus) Day 966, 23:55:17: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 967, 01:46:10: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 232 (X-Allosaurus) Day 967, 03:36:52: Human froze Fuzzy - Lvl 113 (Maewing) Day 967, 06:27:28: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 241 (X-Allosaurus) Day 967, 09:04:13: Apeman demolished a 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 967, 12:12:52: Apeman claimed 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 967, 16:51:36: Apeman froze Immortan Joe - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 968, 03:30:50: Human froze Immortan Joe - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 968, 04:00:05: Apeman claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 190 (Maewing)'! Day 968, 06:05:19: Human claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 968, 06:15:22: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 968, 11:02:14: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 968, 13:21:27: Human froze Kodlak - Lvl 181 (Hyaenodon ) Day 968, 19:32:31: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 968, 20:21:48: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 968, 22:34:48: Apeman froze Adolescent Breeder1 - Lvl 190 (Maewing) Day 969, 02:36:37: Human froze Immortan Joe - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 969, 03:08:10: Human froze Gage - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 969, 04:23:06: Human froze Immortan Joe - Lvl 287 (Rex) Day 969, 22:18:10: Apeman Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 969, 22:33:10: Apeman froze DDDDDD - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 969, 22:55:20: Apeman froze Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 969, 23:41:55: Apeman Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 66 (Gacha)! Day 970, 00:15:43: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 66 (Gacha) Day 970, 01:36:08: Apeman Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha)! Day 970, 02:33:08: Apeman Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha)! Day 970, 06:18:43: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 183 (Gacha) Day 970, 06:22:55: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 178 (Gacha) Day 970, 10:47:30: Human froze RastaClart - Lvl 127 (Tek Parasaur) Day 970, 17:08:27: Your Whatever - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 971, 00:32:58: Human froze F1 H - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus) Day 971, 04:36:32: Apeman froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 244 (X-Allosaurus) Day 971, 07:10:40: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 208 (Maewing) Day 971, 10:01:43: Apeman froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 253 (X-Allosaurus) Day 971, 10:12:20: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 208 (Maewing) Day 971, 12:02:26: Apeman froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 263 (X-Allosaurus) Day 971, 16:07:28: Apeman froze Immortan Joe - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 971, 17:31:04: Apeman froze Gage - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 971, 22:52:42: Human froze Immortan Joe - Lvl 305 (Rex) Day 972, 00:20:52: Your Immortan Joe - Lvl 305 (Rex) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 180! Day 972, 00:22:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 100 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 180! Day 972, 00:29:12: Apeman froze Fuzzy - Lvl 118 (Maewing) Day 972, 10:30:36: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 972, 10:32:19: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 972, 10:33:16: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake)'! Day 972, 10:57:43: Apeman froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 972, 11:11:13: Human froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 972, 11:17:56: Apeman froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 972, 14:58:18: Apeman froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) Day 972, 18:47:59: Your Fuzzy - Lvl 118 (Maewing) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 25! Day 972, 18:54:07: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 105 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 25! Day 972, 20:40:27: Apeman - Lvl 105 requested an Alliance with Tribe 931007 Tribe. Day 972, 20:49:29: Zap added 'Proper Blokes' Tribe to Drakes Alliance! Day 972, 21:35:56: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 972, 22:19:06: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 972, 23:24:43: Apeman froze Breeder2 - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 973, 04:20:03: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 973, 07:01:04: Human froze Breeder1 - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 973, 07:11:12: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 973, 15:42:19: Your Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 95 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 973, 15:50:21: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 264 (X-Allosaurus) Day 973, 18:07:43: Human froze Gage - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 973, 19:55:50: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 270 (X-Allosaurus) Day 973, 23:58:35: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 974, 01:38:58: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 974, 10:02:23: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) Day 974, 15:56:07: Human claimed '1m used - Lvl 278 (Dire Bear)'! Day 974, 16:03:21: Human froze 1m used - Lvl 280 (Dire Bear) Day 974, 20:56:27: Apeman froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 975, 10:38:02: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 271 (X-Allosaurus) Day 975, 12:33:45: Human froze Gage - Lvl 226 (Maewing) Day 975, 15:19:52: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 273 (X-Allosaurus) Day 975, 17:11:24: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 17:12:21: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 17:15:02: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 17:16:15: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 17:40:42: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 17:41:42: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 17:42:40: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 19:59:51: Apeman claimed 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 975, 22:07:23: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus) Day 975, 22:25:21: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 975, 22:54:43: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 975, 23:16:46: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 976, 03:48:09: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) Day 976, 04:21:43: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 976, 04:48:10: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) Day 976, 05:04:26: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 976, 08:37:36: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) Day 976, 08:45:29: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus) Day 978, 00:40:47: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 106 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 978, 04:10:09: Apeman Tamed a Glowtail - Lvl 89 (Glowtail)! Day 978, 04:36:18: Apeman Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 89 (Bulbdog)! Day 978, 04:43:16: Apeman froze Bulbdog - Lvl 89 (Bulbdog) Day 988, 08:48:50: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 140! Day 988, 18:00:04: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 988, 18:01:40: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 988, 18:03:26: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 988, 18:03:26: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Titanosaur - Lvl 5! Day 991, 10:01:25: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 10:05:43: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 10:08:21: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 10:10:10: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 10:10:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 10:45:57: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 10:52:32: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 10:56:55: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 10:58:12: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 10:58:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 11:01:49: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 11:03:07: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 11:04:46: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 11:04:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 11:05:21: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 11:05:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 11:09:49: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 11:11:14: Apeman claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 991, 11:17:26: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 11:17:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus) (Proper Blokes)! Day 991, 14:35:28: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 991, 14:39:52: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 991, 14:44:23: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 991, 15:21:09: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 991, 15:24:55: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 991, 15:28:55: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 991, 19:20:18: Apeman froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 00:44:31: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 00:49:22: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 00:55:04: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 01:38:59: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 02:01:53: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 06:22:50: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 06:43:02: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 07:01:54: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 992, 07:50:31: Apeman froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 993, 10:37:51: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 994, 04:00:52: Human Tamed a Roll Rat - Lvl 134 (Roll Rat)! Day 994, 04:14:13: Human froze Roll Rat - Lvl 134 (Roll Rat) Day 994, 05:02:55: Tribemember Human - Lvl 105 was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 994, 05:47:02: Your skye - Lvl 281 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Alpha Karkinos - Lvl 145! Day 994, 09:32:15: Apeman claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)'! Day 994, 11:42:37: Apeman claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur)'! Day 994, 15:37:15: Human froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 994, 16:38:55: Human froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 994, 17:12:32: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 278 (X-Allosaurus) Day 994, 21:23:33: Apeman Tamed a Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)! Day 994, 21:34:57: Apeman froze Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 994, 21:41:08: Apeman froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 279 (X-Allosaurus) Day 995, 09:51:52: Human froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 995, 13:13:33: Human froze Rex - Lvl 220 (Rex) Day 995, 14:32:42: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 283 (X-Allosaurus) Day 995, 15:00:48: Apeman Tamed a Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)! Day 995, 15:09:29: Apeman froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 995, 16:19:56: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 246 (Maewing) Day 995, 19:21:57: Apeman froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 996, 02:42:36: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 996, 03:06:33: Apeman froze m 5khp 283dmg - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 996, 07:30:55: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane)'! Day 996, 16:23:34: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 996, 21:11:50: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 998, 19:26:59: Human froze X-Allosaurus - Lvl 283 (X-Allosaurus) Day 1009, 11:32:07: Your RastaClart - Lvl 139 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 1010, 03:10:05: Human Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 1010, 03:58:19: Human froze Mustang - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 1010, 09:47:01: Human claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha)'! Day 1010, 18:52:23: Human froze Gage - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 1010, 18:57:25: Human froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 1010, 19:16:45: Human froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 1011, 01:12:17: Human froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 1011, 01:17:27: Human froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 1011, 09:30:14: Human froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) Day 1012, 09:27:28: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1013, 00:20:39: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 1013, 07:40:34: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 1013, 07:44:29: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 1015, 06:35:59: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1015, 06:37:30: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1015, 15:32:42: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 1016, 01:37:01: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 1016, 07:08:06: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 1018, 13:46:08: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 1018, 14:05:49: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1018, 14:12:43: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 1018, 14:12:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) (Proper Blokes)! Day 1018, 15:13:09: Apeman froze Gen2 F - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 1018, 16:37:20: Apeman froze f 2205 stam - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 1018, 16:48:12: Apeman froze Dont Breed - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 1018, 17:15:09: Apeman froze Dont Breed - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 1018, 17:18:46: Apeman froze Dont breed - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 1018, 18:54:04: Apeman claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 201 (Maewing)'! Day 1018, 20:41:39: Apeman claimed 'Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 190 (Maewing)'! Day 1018, 20:53:48: Your Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 190 (Maewing) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 1018, 20:53:48: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 190 (Maewing) (Proper Blokes)! Day 1019, 06:08:38: Apeman froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 201 (Maewing) Day 1020, 13:33:42: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1020, 13:34:39: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1020, 13:35:33: Apeman claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1021, 05:12:28: Apeman froze Juvenile Omotachi - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 1021, 14:18:40: Apeman froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 1035, 00:36:01: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1035, 00:39:28: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1035, 06:23:33: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 1035, 19:50:06: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) Day 1038, 18:57:48: Apeman froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 1040, 07:56:39: Human froze Dont breed - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 1040, 08:49:10: Apeman froze Dont breed - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 1040, 09:30:45: Apeman froze Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane) Day 1040, 21:43:43: Human froze Kite - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 1040, 23:38:47: Apeman froze Get lvls on - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 1041, 05:02:58: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 1041, 05:04:09: Human froze Gage - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 1041, 06:00:02: Human froze Kite - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 1041, 06:07:29: Human froze Get lvls on - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 1041, 06:18:05: Human froze Gage - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 1041, 06:33:28: Apeman froze Get lvls on - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 1041, 06:34:20: Human froze Kite - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 1041, 09:13:38: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 1041, 09:17:10: Apeman froze Gage - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 1041, 14:18:25: Apeman Tamed a Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus)! Day 1041, 14:22:27: Human froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 1041, 17:35:58: Human froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 1041, 18:00:21: Human froze Kite - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 1041, 18:14:26: Apeman froze Get lvls on - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) Day 1042, 02:20:56: Human claimed 'bollocks - Lvl 147 (Desmodus)'! Day 1042, 07:57:40: Apeman froze Get lvls on - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) Day 1042, 14:18:15: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 145! Day 1042, 16:30:29: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 1042, 17:04:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 1042, 17:09:27: Apeman froze Breeder1 - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 1042, 17:24:09: Apeman froze Gage - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 1042, 19:40:19: Human froze Breeder2 - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 1042, 20:22:44: Human froze Kite - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 1042, 21:00:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 114 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 1042, 21:07:59: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1043, 00:11:51: Tribemember Human - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 1043, 01:16:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 1043, 06:22:28: Apeman froze Get lvls on - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) Day 1043, 06:35:45: Human froze Kite - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane) Day 1043, 06:59:26: Apeman froze Omotachi - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 1047, 19:52:53: Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 174 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1058, 20:07:33: Apeman froze Shadowmane - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 1058, 20:22:01: Apeman froze Shadowmane - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 1058, 23:12:27: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1058, 23:15:41: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1059, 04:59:19: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 05:15:41: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 05:23:31: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 09:41:05: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 09:56:19: Apeman froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 14:26:43: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 20:16:12: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 1059, 20:19:42: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1087, 12:16:31: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1087, 12:18:24: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1087, 12:20:32: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1087, 12:29:13: Apeman claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1087, 12:37:48: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 1087, 12:37:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) (Proper Blokes)! Day 1087, 12:42:46: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 1087, 12:42:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) (Proper Blokes)! Day 1087, 12:46:04: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) was killed by Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes)! Day 1087, 12:46:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 214 (Shadowmane) (Proper Blokes)! Day 1087, 16:05:17: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 221 (Shadowmane) Day 1088, 00:42:43: Apeman froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 1088, 04:55:43: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1089, 21:12:31: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1089, 21:17:48: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1089, 21:23:35: Apeman froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1092, 15:36:13: Apeman Tamed an Otter - Lvl 213 (Otter)! Day 1105, 11:19:36: Human froze Musashi - Lvl 154 (Rock Drake) Day 1105, 11:35:09: Human froze Magmasaur - Lvl 84 (Magmasaur) Day 1105, 13:03:45: Human froze Barlog - Lvl 88 (Magmasaur) Day 1105, 15:46:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 1105, 22:45:22: Human froze Gage - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 1107, 11:31:57: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 1107, 16:26:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 115 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130! Day 1107, 16:56:47: Human froze Omotachi - Lvl 247 (Rock Drake) Day 1107, 17:59:23: Apeman claimed 'Bob Ross - Lvl 101 (Argentavis)'! Day 1107, 18:02:03: Apeman claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 1107, 19:06:05: Human froze Bob Ross - Lvl 118 (Argentavis) Day 1107, 19:20:37: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 278 (Argentavis) Day 1108, 01:10:29: Human froze Barlog - Lvl 96 (Magmasaur) Day 1108, 07:15:38: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 279 (Argentavis) Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1229, 10:17:01: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Kentrosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 1230, 17:28:08: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 1239, 05:23:21: Nifler - Lvl 49 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1306, 21:29:41: Gacha - Lvl 87 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1352, 19:34:23: Gacha - Lvl 97 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1523, 07:41:02: Gage - Lvl 232 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1564, 16:30:15: Mustang - Lvl 245 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1631, 19:30:43: Slinky - Lvl 218 (Otter) starved to death! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1736, 05:04:32: Human's 'Argentavis - Lvl 279 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3145, 23:35:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 8158, 17:55:24: Tribemember Apeman - Lvl 121 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1270758128,"tribe":"Tribe of Unga logs":["Day 14605, 19:17:58: Laggy claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur)'! Day 14605, 19:28:47: Laggy froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14605, 21:02:13: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14605, 21:06:58: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14605, 21:14:26: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14605, 21:18:49: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14605, 21:22:49: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14605, 22:01:55: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 292 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14605, 23:15:33: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 100! Day 14606, 05:27:52: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 155 (Shinehorn) was killed! Day 14606, 05:33:36: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 150! Day 14606, 05:53:53: Unga froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14606, 05:58:41: Unga froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14606, 06:02:15: Unga froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14606, 07:04:37: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14606, 08:46:28: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14606, 08:50:55: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14606, 08:54:05: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 14606, 10:24:48: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 14606, 10:41:26: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14606, 15:48:29: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 14606, 16:53:15: Unga froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 14606, 17:25:18: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14606, 17:27:25: Your Desmodus - Lvl 39 (Desmodus) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 95! Day 14606, 22:46:56: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 155 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14607, 05:26:45: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14607, 05:55:58: Unga froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 14607, 06:10:02: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14607, 08:08:17: Laggy froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14607, 14:19:30: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14607, 18:06:23: Unga downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 Day 14607, 18:27:39: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14607, 18:28:40: Laggy froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14607, 18:34:35: Laggy froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14607, 18:38:37: Laggy froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14607, 19:00:03: Laggy froze Magmasaur - Lvl 100 (Magmasaur) Day 14607, 19:00:50: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 155 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14607, 19:41:21: Laggy froze Desmodus - Lvl 93 (Desmodus) Day 14607, 23:56:17: Unga froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14608, 22:25:52: Laggy froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14618, 21:42:28: Unga froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14618, 23:01:26: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 264 (Megatherium) Day 14619, 00:24:39: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14619, 00:30:44: Your Desmodus - Lvl 95 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 14619, 00:32:35: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 14619, 02:04:06: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 294 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14619, 03:12:58: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 25! Day 14619, 07:06:25: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 270 (Megatherium) Day 14619, 07:36:14: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 294 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14619, 12:03:43: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 294 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14619, 13:10:26: Unga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 14619, 14:01:12: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 275 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14619, 16:49:26: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 296 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14619, 20:16:10: Unga Tamed a Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)! Day 14619, 20:28:04: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14619, 22:52:47: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14619, 23:54:09: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 296 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14620, 02:39:57: Unga claimed 'Baby Tusoteuthis - Lvl 199 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 14620, 05:52:56: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 130! Day 14620, 07:37:19: Laggy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 14620, 07:41:06: Laggy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 14620, 07:49:28: Laggy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 14620, 09:55:55: Your Desmodus - Lvl 189 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 14620, 10:04:21: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 14620, 12:30:50: Your Desmodus - Lvl 34 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 14620, 12:35:07: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 14620, 13:42:26: Unga froze Juvenile Tusoteuthis - Lvl 199 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14620, 14:43:45: Unga froze Juvenile Tusoteuthis - Lvl 199 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14620, 16:19:32: Unga froze Jerboa - Lvl 38 (Jerboa) Day 14620, 16:29:08: Unga froze Jerboa - Lvl 20 (Jerboa) Day 14620, 16:33:04: Unga froze Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa) Day 14620, 18:28:38: Unga froze Juvenile Tusoteuthis - Lvl 199 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14621, 04:41:50: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 14621, 19:01:15: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 271 (Desmodus) Day 14621, 20:18:41: Tribemember Laggy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 14621, 21:12:28: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14621, 21:21:46: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 14621, 21:27:40: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 14621, 21:32:31: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex) Day 14621, 21:39:52: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 01:24:45: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 01:40:10: Unga froze jumpy - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 01:43:24: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 01:47:16: Unga froze Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 01:51:57: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 14622, 02:12:26: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:15:55: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:35:42: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:40:19: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:47:16: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:50:12: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:53:17: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 360 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 02:54:33: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:00:56: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:10:06: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:15:24: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:19:45: Laggy froze reks - Lvl 376 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:23:08: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:33:28: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:39:15: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 03:44:39: Unga froze Nimbus - Lvl 284 (Yutyrannus) Day 14622, 05:34:55: Unga froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 304 (R-Snow Owl) Day 14622, 05:53:01: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 05:55:46: Unga froze jumpy - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 09:31:16: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 276 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14622, 10:04:06: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 276 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14622, 10:10:03: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 10:45:55: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 13:05:40: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 215 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14622, 13:10:35: Your jumpy - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14622, 13:17:19: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 14622, 13:17:21: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 371 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 14622, 13:17:31: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 14622, 13:20:32: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 373 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 14622, 13:58:14: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 13:59:56: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 14:01:14: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:02:39: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:02:42: Unga froze Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus) Day 14622, 14:03:59: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:07:49: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:08:18: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:08:27: Laggy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:10:54: Unga froze Nimbus - Lvl 287 (Yutyrannus) Day 14622, 14:12:40: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:13:39: Laggy froze reks - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:13:53: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:18:15: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 14:33:21: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 276 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14622, 15:18:38: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 14622, 15:21:51: Laggy froze Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14622, 17:24:33: Unga froze Bob - Lvl 340 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14623, 08:20:22: Unga froze Bob - Lvl 340 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14623, 19:46:37: Your Tusoteuthis - Lvl 238 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 14623, 21:06:05: Unga froze Maewing - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 14623, 21:56:44: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 276 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14623, 23:18:13: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 296 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14628, 13:05:23: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 199 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14645, 20:00:05: Yhhez claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14645, 20:14:15: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14645, 20:21:14: Unga claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14645, 20:25:31: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14645, 21:44:00: Unga claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14645, 21:49:32: Unga froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14645, 21:50:28: Unga claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14645, 21:55:06: Unga froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14645, 21:55:44: Unga claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14645, 22:00:42: Unga froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14645, 22:07:30: Unga claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14645, 22:12:36: Unga froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 02:52:05: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 04:35:47: Unga froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 04:47:32: Unga froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 08:02:38: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 08:06:55: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 08:10:24: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 11:03:11: Yhhez froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 11:06:44: Unga froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 15:18:40: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14646, 15:21:54: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 15:22:10: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14646, 15:25:50: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 15:26:15: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14646, 15:30:07: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 15:36:20: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14646, 15:38:23: Yhhez claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14646, 15:38:58: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 15:41:42: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 17:34:07: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 20:24:57: Yhhez froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:29:11: Yhhez froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:33:16: Yhhez froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:38:23: Yhhez froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:39:55: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:42:42: Yhhez froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:45:19: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 20:47:03: Yhhez froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14646, 21:26:07: Yhhez froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 21:30:24: Yhhez froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 21:34:50: Yhhez froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14646, 23:10:00: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 23:15:56: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 23:20:44: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 23:25:34: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14646, 23:53:52: Unga froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 357 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14647, 00:00:01: Unga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 14647, 00:09:45: Unga unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 00:12:56: Unga unclaimed 'Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 00:15:07: Unga claimed 'Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 00:18:27: Unga unclaimed 'Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 00:25:47: Unga claimed 'Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 00:26:32: Unga claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 00:31:42: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 00:47:17: Your Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus) was killed by Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14647, 00:47:17: Your Tribe killed Dyno - Lvl 231 (Deinonychus) (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14647, 00:58:39: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus) was killed by Bob - Lvl 340 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 14647, 00:58:39: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 217 (Deinonychus)! Day 14647, 01:36:19: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) was killed by Bob - Lvl 340 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 14647, 01:36:19: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)! Day 14647, 01:36:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) was killed by Bob - Lvl 340 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 14647, 01:36:23: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)! Day 14647, 02:08:27: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 02:12:14: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 02:13:11: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 02:16:40: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 02:24:14: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 02:28:06: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 02:31:20: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 02:34:52: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 02:35:23: Unga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14647, 02:38:53: Unga froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 03:05:53: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 03:10:35: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 03:54:22: Unga froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14647, 06:29:32: Unga froze Magmasaur - Lvl 194 (Magmasaur) Day 14647, 06:33:58: Unga froze Magmasaur - Lvl 130 (Magmasaur) Day 14647, 06:55:38: Unga unclaimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium)'! Day 14647, 06:57:38: Unga claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium)'! Day 14647, 07:49:32: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 07:53:42: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 08:04:20: Unga froze Shadowmane - Lvl 208 (Shadowmane) Day 14647, 08:17:45: Unga froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 09:49:55: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14647, 09:53:28: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14647, 10:50:27: Unga unclaimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14647, 10:55:23: Unga claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14647, 12:13:55: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 12:26:08: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex) was killed by Yhhez - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14647, 12:26:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex)! Day 14647, 12:46:52: Unga froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 14:55:59: Yhhez Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 14647, 15:00:14: Yhhez froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 14647, 16:44:40: Yhhez froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 17:50:38: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Yhhez - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14647, 17:50:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 14647, 20:06:12: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14647, 20:33:08: Laggy claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 14647, 20:38:24: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14647, 21:09:26: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14647, 21:36:14: Unga froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14647, 22:42:33: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Yhhez - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14647, 22:42:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 14647, 23:55:08: Yhhez Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 121 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 14648, 00:01:31: Yhhez froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 121 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 14648, 00:41:25: Unga froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14648, 01:03:33: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:07:23: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:12:35: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:16:34: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:20:26: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:36:09: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:39:29: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:43:04: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:48:12: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 01:51:49: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14648, 02:24:31: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 14648, 02:29:11: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 14648, 02:33:25: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex) Day 14648, 02:40:07: Unga froze Nimbus - Lvl 287 (Yutyrannus) Day 14648, 06:28:54: Unga froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 14648, 11:13:09: Yhhez froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14648, 11:17:05: Yhhez froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14648, 11:20:42: Yhhez froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14648, 11:32:11: Yhhez froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14648, 15:38:56: Laggy froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 310 (Mosasaurus) Day 14648, 19:04:57: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14648, 19:30:01: Unga froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 14648, 20:08:44: Unga froze Bulbdog - Lvl 121 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 14648, 20:12:11: Unga froze Megatherium - Lvl 166 (Megatherium) Day 14648, 22:27:34: Unga froze Adolescent Dung beetle - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14648, 23:20:54: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 187 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14649, 08:40:23: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14649, 11:04:04: Unga Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 14649, 11:06:59: Unga froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14649, 11:42:39: Unga Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 14649, 11:46:00: Unga froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14649, 11:46:45: Unga Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 14649, 11:50:29: Unga froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) Day 14649, 15:02:05: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14649, 15:06:19: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14649, 15:10:06: Unga froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14649, 15:10:49: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14649, 15:17:56: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 296 (Tek Rex) Day 14649, 15:54:36: Unga froze Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14649, 17:01:49: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14649, 20:33:08: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 199 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14650, 06:32:08: Yhhez froze Juvenile Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14650, 08:13:12: Tribemember Unga - Lvl 113 was killed by Yhhez - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14650, 08:13:12: Your Tribe killed Unga - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Unga)! Day 14650, 14:34:48: Yhhez froze Adolescent Dung beetle - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14650, 14:39:49: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14650, 15:12:17: Unga froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 281 (Tusoteuthis) Day 14650, 15:28:59: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 277 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14650, 20:39:45: Unga froze Juvenile Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14652, 11:22:24: Unga froze Adolescent Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14652, 11:26:34: Unga froze Adolescent Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14652, 11:30:44: Unga froze Adolescent Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14652, 19:22:51: Yhhez froze Adolescent Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14652, 19:26:44: Yhhez froze Adolescent Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14665, 10:11:30: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14669, 00:05:27: Unga froze Shinehorn - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) Day 14669, 07:00:16: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14669, 07:12:31: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 14669, 07:18:30: Unga froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 14669, 11:20:19: Unga froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 237 (Beelzebufo) Day 14672, 09:38:22: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 14672, 12:09:28: Yhhez froze Quetzal - Lvl 22 (Quetzal) Day 14689, 21:18:58: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14773, 07:11:39: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14773, 07:26:51: Yhhez froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 14774, 09:44:50: Yhhez froze Desmodus - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 14775, 17:18:10: Maewing - Lvl 65 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14787, 13:26:31: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14813, 12:52:28: Yhhez froze Tek Rex - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex) Day 14813, 13:51:41: Yhhez froze Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14814, 06:20:07: Yhhez froze M53 - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex) Day 14816, 18:38:33: Unga froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 318 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14816, 19:12:49: Unga froze Toxic - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14899, 10:25:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14899, 10:25:15: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14947, 02:20:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14969, 20:33:30: Maewing - Lvl 320 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15113, 20:25:03: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15279, 14:17:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15422, 11:06:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15455, 09:56:13: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)'! Day 15493, 22:02:50: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15621, 04:16:41: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bingus - Lvl 200 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15621, 04:42:06: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 04:53:48: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:09:11: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:20:59: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:30:31: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:44:49: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:53:25: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:00:00: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:08:05: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:23:49: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:32:52: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:49:14: Penny - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15650, 00:14:39: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung beetle - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15650, 00:26:18: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 148 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15650, 09:00:17: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15650, 09:51:34: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REKS - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15650, 09:59:08: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'reks - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15650, 10:16:35: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 364 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15650, 10:21:54: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15650, 10:27:41: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15650, 10:49:07: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15650, 10:54:38: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 350 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15660, 17:57:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15729, 21:33:30: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 15729, 21:56:27: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 15729, 22:07:54: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 15784, 19:13:56: Maewing - Lvl 195 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15922, 21:47:20: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15959, 09:28:20: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 235 (Glowtail)'! Day 15959, 09:42:49: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 210 (Featherlight)'! Day 15959, 09:52:22: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 134 (Bulbdog)'! Day 15959, 09:59:08: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baggo - Lvl 252 (Shinehorn)'! Day 15959, 10:26:35: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'loot - Lvl 252 (Shinehorn)'! Day 15959, 10:50:42: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ffa - Lvl 173 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16492, 16:13:36: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16503, 11:16:59: Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 17510, 17:52:47: iColt - Lvl 34 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 204 (Shinehorn)'! Day 17510, 17:56:52: iColt - Lvl 34 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 219 (Featherlight)'! Day 18236, 03:45:22: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 161 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18236, 03:46:22: Your Phiomia - Lvl 155 (Phiomia) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 18236, 04:10:52: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 214 (Shinehorn) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 18828, 16:35:30: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18828, 18:39:52: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shinehorn - Lvl 214 (Shinehorn)'! Day 19759, 15:50:32: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20035, 00:26:55: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)'! Day 20081, 22:46:31: Dung Beetle - Lvl 228 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 20805, 08:23:37: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1267701511,"tribe":"Titanic's Titans logs":["Day 113, 10:37:10: Titanic was added to the Tribe! Day 114, 10:28:07: Titanic froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 140, 01:16:56: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 248 (Baryonyx) Day 140, 15:48:52: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 141, 00:28:39: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 142, 09:25:13: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 267 (Baryonyx) Day 142, 16:30:50: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 142, 17:57:13: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 142, 20:51:47: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 142, 21:32:46: Titanic Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 143, 06:45:37: Titanic Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus)! Day 143, 06:55:06: Titanic froze Doedicurus - Lvl 29 (Doedicurus) Day 143, 11:21:32: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 143, 17:46:17: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 269 (Baryonyx) Day 143, 17:52:46: Titanic froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 143, 17:58:27: Titanic froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus) Day 144, 15:02:56: Titanic froze Doedicurus - Lvl 59 (Doedicurus) Day 182, 17:37:03: Titanic froze Doedicurus - Lvl 88 (Doedicurus) Day 182, 18:59:45: Titanic froze Doedicurus - Lvl 89 (Doedicurus) Day 206, 06:54:09: Titanic froze Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 206, 07:29:46: Titanic froze [T] Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 206, 11:53:55: Titanic froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 214 (Andrewsarchus) Day 206, 12:05:14: Titanic froze Baryonyx - Lvl 292 (Baryonyx) Day 366, 17:22:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1263697327,"tribe":"Duck tribe logs":["Day 212, 16:47:40: Duckslave4 was added to the Tribe! Day 212, 16:56:25: JimJom was added to the Tribe by Duckslave4! Day 212, 17:23:51: Tribemember Duckslave4 - Lvl 4 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 212, 17:44:49: Tribemember Duckslave4 - Lvl 5 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 212, 18:15:09: Tribemember Duckslave4 - Lvl 5 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 212, 18:53:49: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 5 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 212, 21:17:36: Tribemember Duckslave4 - Lvl 5 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 212, 22:50:43: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 213, 00:19:29: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 213, 00:35:27: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 8 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 60! Day 213, 02:27:49: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 213, 03:58:13: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 9 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 213, 04:47:52: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 213, 05:38:48: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 213, 06:52:00: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 213, 07:29:35: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 11 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 213, 07:47:33: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 213, 12:24:35: Duckslave4 was removed from the Tribe! Day 213, 12:24:35: Tribe Owner was changed to JimJom! Day 213, 12:32:56: Tribemember JimJom - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 213, 13:38:23: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 213, 13:38:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 213, 13:38:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1261137299,"tribe":"7UP logs":["Day 8573, 04:48:28: offe was added to the Tribe! Day 8573, 05:37:17: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 8574, 08:02:09: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 8574, 08:25:23: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 8574, 21:48:19: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 8577, 19:07:30: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 8592, 22:00:03: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 8593, 19:43:28: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 8593, 19:48:06: offe froze Lvl 140 - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 8593, 19:51:20: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 8593, 21:34:00: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 8594, 10:37:57: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 8603, 19:30:26: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 8618, 21:25:55: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8619, 01:41:05: offe claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus)'! Day 8619, 01:44:50: offe froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 8619, 02:21:32: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8626, 12:20:09: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8665, 16:11:16: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8672, 18:17:57: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8672, 21:10:03: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8672, 21:46:29: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8673, 00:38:01: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8673, 03:11:24: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8673, 04:05:59: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8673, 14:12:43: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8699, 06:51:21: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 286 (Desmodus) Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9425, 06:50:35: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 55! Day 9428, 08:22:12: Your Maewing - Lvl 270 (Maewing) was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 55! Day 9711, 13:40:52: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 9711, 21:54:02: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 9723, 05:19:37: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 185! Day 9723, 06:54:53: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 185! Day 9723, 07:06:46: Your Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 225! Day 9723, 10:32:41: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 230! Day 9723, 10:51:16: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 280! Day 9723, 11:17:22: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 260! Day 9723, 11:36:07: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 230! Day 9723, 11:55:43: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 285! Day 9723, 13:25:47: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 9723, 13:53:26: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 9723, 14:19:23: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 9723, 14:44:49: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 9723, 15:09:17: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 270! Day 9723, 15:34:23: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 9723, 15:53:18: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 205! Day 9723, 16:12:08: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 205! Day 9723, 16:53:55: offe froze Mission - Lvl 397 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9723, 17:21:10: offe froze M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 9723, 19:50:35: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 9723, 20:32:25: offe froze Mission - Lvl 397 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9723, 21:42:40: offe froze Mission - Lvl 397 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9723, 22:43:04: offe froze Mission - Lvl 397 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9724, 01:09:12: offe froze Mission - Lvl 397 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9724, 10:05:44: offe froze Mission - Lvl 397 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9724, 10:56:00: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 9725, 20:27:52: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 20:27:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 20:38:31: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 20:38:31: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 301 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 20:55:52: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 20:55:52: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:01:59: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:01:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:07:07: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:07:07: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:11:28: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:11:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:16:02: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:16:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:20:25: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:20:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 291 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:25:14: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:25:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:30:01: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:30:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:36:08: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:36:08: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 21:52:29: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 21:52:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 22:03:02: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 22:03:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 22:56:04: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 22:56:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 23:17:46: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 23:17:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex)! Day 9725, 23:55:49: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9725, 23:55:49: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 00:20:41: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9726, 00:20:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 00:42:54: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9726, 00:42:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 01:01:56: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9726, 01:01:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 02:03:03: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9726, 02:03:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 04:08:21: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9726, 04:08:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 04:39:19: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9726, 04:39:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 9726, 06:03:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 76 (Fjordhawk)! Day 9726, 17:13:50: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 9747, 09:28:27: Your F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9747, 09:28:27: Your Tribe killed F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis)! Day 9747, 09:43:28: offe Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 211 (Fjordhawk)! Day 9747, 09:53:07: offe froze F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis) Day 9747, 12:02:55: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 9747, 12:09:18: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 211 (Fjordhawk) Day 9747, 20:11:42: Your F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9747, 20:11:42: Your Tribe killed F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis)! Day 9747, 20:23:45: offe Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 146 (Fjordhawk)! Day 9747, 20:32:16: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 146 (Fjordhawk) Day 9747, 22:48:19: Your F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9747, 22:48:19: Your Tribe killed F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis)! Day 9747, 23:15:03: offe Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 210 (Fjordhawk)! Day 9747, 23:19:33: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 210 (Fjordhawk) Day 9748, 00:17:29: Your F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9748, 00:17:29: Your Tribe killed F-H37 [Clone] - Lvl 288 (Ovis)! Day 9748, 07:00:06: Your F-H29 - Lvl 303 (Ovis) was killed by offe - Lvl 132 (7UP)! Day 9748, 07:00:06: Your Tribe killed F-H29 - Lvl 303 (Ovis)! Day 9748, 07:09:58: offe Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk)! Day 9748, 07:13:53: offe Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 189 (Fjordhawk)! Day 9748, 07:18:19: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 189 (Fjordhawk) Day 9748, 08:14:42: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 189 (Fjordhawk) Day 9748, 08:17:58: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 146 (Fjordhawk) Day 9748, 08:20:58: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 210 (Fjordhawk) Day 9748, 09:59:35: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) Day 9749, 08:17:14: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9749, 13:02:49: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) Day 9749, 16:11:41: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) Day 9749, 20:39:06: offe froze M-H25 S34 W36 M37 - Lvl 326 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 9749, 21:40:47: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9750, 00:07:34: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) Day 9750, 00:28:40: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9750, 05:38:58: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) Day 9751, 16:19:11: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9751, 18:59:17: Your Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 9751, 18:59:45: Tribemember offe - Lvl 132 was killed! Day 9752, 09:54:54: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9752, 10:43:45: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 9753, 19:07:39: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9753, 19:32:09: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 9756, 23:38:42: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 9757, 00:09:33: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9757, 22:25:50: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9758, 01:50:21: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 9758, 17:24:48: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 9759, 06:16:30: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 9759, 06:58:08: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 9759, 08:43:54: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 333 (Desmodus) Day 9759, 11:20:37: offe froze Mission - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9759, 11:42:40: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 333 (Desmodus) Day 9777, 23:45:09: offe froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 303 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 9778, 00:17:55: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 9780, 22:38:11: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 9796, 12:51:16: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 334 (Desmodus) Day 9796, 13:42:39: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 9796, 14:52:32: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 9797, 07:49:00: offe froze Mission - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9797, 08:33:21: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 335 (Desmodus) Day 9802, 23:38:14: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 335 (Desmodus) Day 9803, 00:18:19: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 9803, 12:49:42: offe froze Mission - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9803, 14:57:30: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 335 (Desmodus) Day 9822, 18:43:06: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 9822, 18:56:55: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 328 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9843, 00:20:29: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 335 (Desmodus) Day 9843, 01:08:04: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 9843, 03:36:17: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 9843, 09:07:25: offe froze Mission - Lvl 399 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9843, 09:46:58: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 9845, 06:59:35: offe froze Mission - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9845, 07:13:44: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 9851, 09:17:39: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 9851, 10:07:39: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 9851, 13:17:13: offe froze Mission - Lvl 400 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9851, 13:46:07: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 9867, 20:18:45: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 9867, 20:56:56: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 9868, 04:54:48: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 337 (Desmodus) Day 9960, 09:44:58: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 9960, 10:15:43: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 9960, 11:41:11: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 9960, 11:46:05: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 9960, 17:11:41: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 345 (Desmodus) Day 9964, 01:14:21: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9964, 11:36:55: offe downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 142 Day 9964, 18:11:43: offe uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 142 Day 9964, 18:18:08: offe downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 142 Day 9964, 18:23:13: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9964, 20:25:31: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9964, 21:34:30: offe downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 75 Day 9964, 23:01:42: offe uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 75 Day 9965, 02:23:02: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 394 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9965, 03:28:19: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9965, 05:08:30: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9967, 00:19:36: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9967, 00:49:51: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9967, 05:41:52: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9967, 06:08:22: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9967, 08:03:36: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9967, 09:46:55: offe froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 398 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9968, 22:19:45: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 346 (Desmodus) Day 9982, 11:42:19: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 10029, 07:39:37: offe froze Rock Drake [Clone] - Lvl 150 (Rock Drake) Day 10029, 15:09:36: offe froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 274 (Dinopithecus) Day 10029, 15:40:30: offe froze Maewing - Lvl 326 (Maewing) Day 10042, 04:38:31: offe froze Main - Lvl 316 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 06:41:19: offe froze Main - Lvl 318 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 07:11:03: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10042, 08:48:36: offe froze Main - Lvl 320 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 10:30:06: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10042, 14:31:50: offe froze Main - Lvl 322 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 17:26:47: offe froze Main - Lvl 324 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 19:11:11: offe froze Main - Lvl 324 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 19:24:54: offe froze Main - Lvl 324 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10042, 23:27:55: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10043, 03:47:35: offe froze Main - Lvl 325 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10043, 05:10:17: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10079, 04:21:33: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 10079, 04:45:29: offe froze Mission - Lvl 401 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10079, 05:42:17: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 10079, 06:30:00: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10079, 08:29:18: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 10079, 09:32:50: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10079, 15:08:09: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10079, 16:59:04: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 10079, 18:43:24: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10084, 07:45:39: offe froze Main - Lvl 263 (Managarmr) Day 10084, 08:45:24: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 10084, 09:13:35: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 351 (Desmodus) Day 10084, 14:29:47: offe froze Main - Lvl 301 (Managarmr) Day 10129, 10:19:19: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 10129, 13:08:27: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 10129, 14:20:09: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10131, 14:08:36: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10131, 14:48:16: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10131, 18:50:44: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10131, 20:24:56: offe claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 315 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 10131, 20:31:22: offe froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 315 (Megalosaurus) Day 10131, 20:33:01: offe claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 10131, 20:44:00: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 10131, 20:48:49: offe claimed 'Griffin - Lvl 221 (Griffin)'! Day 10131, 20:53:40: offe froze Griffin - Lvl 221 (Griffin) Day 10131, 20:55:23: offe claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10131, 21:01:53: offe froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10131, 21:28:36: offe unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10131, 21:34:34: offe unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 10131, 21:59:39: offe unclaimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 315 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 10132, 01:38:28: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10133, 13:08:15: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10133, 14:49:17: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10134, 02:05:41: offe froze Main one - Lvl 358 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10134, 02:22:42: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10135, 08:01:05: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10147, 11:28:25: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10147, 12:50:52: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 345 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10149, 20:17:05: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10150, 05:08:18: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 354 (Desmodus) Day 10150, 07:18:30: offe froze Shadowmane - Lvl 378 (Shadowmane) Day 10154, 18:45:32: offe froze Mission - Lvl 402 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10171, 06:25:14: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10177, 16:40:10: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10181, 15:37:53: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 334 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10181, 15:45:11: offe froze Main one - Lvl 362 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10181, 17:59:22: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10181, 21:46:21: offe froze Heal - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10182, 06:34:31: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 334 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10182, 08:46:40: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 334 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10182, 08:55:40: offe froze Main one - Lvl 366 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10182, 10:08:04: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10182, 10:28:58: offe froze Heal - Lvl 348 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10194, 06:21:50: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10198, 13:59:20: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10198, 14:16:32: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 10198, 14:19:41: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex) was killed by offe - Lvl 152 (7UP)! Day 10198, 14:19:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 293 (Tek Rex)! Day 10198, 14:40:07: offe froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 346 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10198, 17:54:20: offe Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 10198, 18:00:44: offe froze 000 - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10198, 18:34:59: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 10201, 12:33:00: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10201, 14:12:03: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 335 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10201, 20:48:36: offe froze Main one - Lvl 372 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10201, 20:52:07: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 335 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10201, 21:04:26: offe froze Heal - Lvl 349 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10202, 01:59:43: offe froze Heal - Lvl 349 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10202, 02:33:35: offe froze Main one - Lvl 372 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10202, 16:55:39: offe froze Main one - Lvl 372 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10202, 18:51:53: offe froze Main one - Lvl 372 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10202, 20:58:41: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10204, 13:35:42: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10204, 17:43:07: offe froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 10205, 15:35:28: offe froze Mission - Lvl 403 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10225, 22:22:47: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 336 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10225, 22:54:47: offe froze Main one - Lvl 378 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10226, 01:58:42: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10226, 02:11:14: offe froze Heal - Lvl 350 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10226, 02:15:17: offe froze Main one - Lvl 378 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10226, 02:19:34: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 336 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10226, 17:55:37: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 336 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10226, 20:06:54: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 336 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10226, 20:17:16: offe froze Main one - Lvl 381 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10227, 07:04:12: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10227, 07:09:33: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 336 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10227, 07:13:50: offe froze Main one - Lvl 385 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10228, 06:51:13: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10241, 18:49:37: offe claimed '349 D - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 10241, 18:57:26: offe froze 349 D - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 10241, 19:03:53: offe claimed 'Twin 1 - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)'! Day 10241, 19:08:55: offe froze Twin 1 - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 10241, 19:45:22: offe claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 297 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10241, 19:51:17: offe unclaimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 297 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10241, 20:09:20: offe claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10241, 20:16:06: offe unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10241, 20:43:49: offe claimed '145 - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 10241, 20:48:20: offe unclaimed '145 - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 10241, 21:26:12: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10243, 20:03:11: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10244, 05:45:02: offe froze Main one - Lvl 390 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10244, 05:54:46: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 336 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10244, 08:55:33: Tribemember offe - Lvl 152 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.1x! Day 10247, 00:57:23: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10247, 04:55:15: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 337 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10247, 05:55:06: offe froze Main one - Lvl 391 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10247, 06:00:17: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 337 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10251, 07:23:33: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10264, 21:48:22: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10266, 12:17:01: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10267, 21:57:27: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10268, 10:56:00: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 338 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10268, 11:23:23: offe froze Main one - Lvl 391 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10269, 17:48:09: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10269, 23:11:27: offe claimed 'For lease - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 10269, 23:23:48: offe uploaded a Tek Stryder: For lease - Lvl 218 Day 10270, 02:50:00: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 357 (Desmodus) Day 10270, 09:12:17: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 10270, 09:28:45: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 10270, 09:50:34: offe uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 173 Day 10270, 10:33:03: offe downloaded a dino: For lease - Lvl 218 Day 10270, 11:23:32: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)! Day 10270, 11:42:53: offe uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 172 Day 10270, 14:47:18: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 358 (Desmodus) Day 10270, 14:52:36: offe uploaded a Fjordhawk: Fjordhawk - Lvl 76 Day 10272, 01:11:20: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10272, 01:20:35: offe froze Main one - Lvl 391 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10272, 01:28:18: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 338 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10273, 00:26:40: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10273, 11:31:33: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus)! Day 10273, 11:39:03: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 10273, 12:34:13: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 358 (Desmodus) Day 10275, 07:05:02: offe froze Mission - Lvl 404 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10275, 07:31:11: offe froze Main one - Lvl 391 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10275, 07:40:26: offe froze FOR USE - Lvl 338 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10288, 08:18:49: offe froze Mission - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10295, 12:49:36: offe froze Mission - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10313, 05:25:44: offe froze Mission - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10314, 16:36:54: offe froze Mission - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10320, 12:23:22: offe froze Mission - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10335, 07:19:57: offe froze Mission - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10335, 13:28:25: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 358 (Desmodus) Day 10339, 17:08:41: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 10339, 17:15:52: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 10339, 19:01:30: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10339, 19:05:13: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 10339, 19:12:56: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 10339, 19:21:02: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 10339, 20:25:59: offe Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 10339, 20:37:49: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) Day 10339, 22:44:23: offe froze Desmodus - Lvl 358 (Desmodus) Day 10668, 10:55:43: offe froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 66 (Fjordhawk) Day 10668, 10:59:57: offe froze Heal - Lvl 350 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10668, 11:47:36: Tribemember offe - Lvl 152 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 145! Day 11361, 21:46:28: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 239 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11371, 09:24:09: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11537, 02:33:41: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ATTACK ME [Clone] - Lvl 282 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 11538, 07:02:45: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus Cave - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11831, 08:03:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11831, 08:03:52: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13566, 07:15:53: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1259014989,"tribe":"Tribe of starjamin logs":["Day 4488, 20:07:11: starjamin was added to the Tribe! Day 4488, 20:08:52: Nikemya2000 was added to the Tribe by starjamin! Day 4488, 21:47:58: starjamin froze Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 4489, 03:17:52: Tribemember Nikemya2000 - Lvl 41 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 4489, 04:37:00: Tribemember Nikemya2000 - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 4489, 08:04:57: starjamin froze Tek Rex - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 4489, 08:16:54: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 4489, 08:38:03: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 4489, 08:53:23: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 4489, 08:54:08: starjamin claimed 'boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 4489, 09:06:37: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 4489, 09:07:34: starjamin claimed 'boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 4489, 09:26:24: starjamin froze boss - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 4489, 09:39:49: starjamin claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4489, 09:47:00: starjamin froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 292 (Ankylosaurus) Day 4489, 09:55:40: starjamin claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)'! Day 4489, 10:00:17: starjamin unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)'! Day 4489, 13:47:24: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 281 (Griffin) Day 4489, 13:53:14: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 173 (Griffin) Day 4509, 00:10:40: starjamin claimed 'Abbiedonttouch - Lvl 307 (Maewing)'! Day 4509, 00:15:48: starjamin froze Abbiedonttouch - Lvl 307 (Maewing) Day 4509, 00:22:37: starjamin claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus)'! Day 4509, 00:28:50: starjamin froze Doedicurus - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus) Day 4509, 00:31:43: starjamin claimed 'NightHawk - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 00:40:34: starjamin unclaimed 'NightHawk - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 00:41:44: starjamin claimed 'Travel - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 00:47:17: starjamin unclaimed 'Travel - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 00:52:27: starjamin claimed 'NightHawk - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 01:04:30: starjamin froze NightHawk - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 4509, 01:11:06: starjamin claimed 'Beatrice - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 01:19:19: starjamin unclaimed 'Beatrice - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 4509, 01:36:28: starjamin claimed 'Ruby - Lvl 190 (Spino)'! Day 4509, 01:51:03: starjamin froze Ruby - Lvl 193 (Spino) Day 4509, 10:54:41: starjamin froze Griffin - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 4509, 15:41:25: Nikemya2000 froze Ruby - Lvl 193 (Spino) Day 4510, 16:46:48: Nikemya2000 froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 188 (Griffin) Day 4510, 18:05:21: starjamin froze NightHawk - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 4535, 01:17:50: starjamin claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4535, 01:24:16: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 4535, 03:07:10: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 4535, 06:56:30: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 4538, 12:39:25: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 4538, 13:18:32: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 4538, 20:55:36: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 247 (Ice Wyvern) Day 4538, 21:11:39: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) Day 4539, 04:25:29: starjamin Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha)! Day 4539, 04:35:04: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha) Day 4539, 05:49:47: starjamin Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 61 (Gacha)! Day 4539, 05:57:06: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 61 (Gacha) Day 4539, 08:58:22: starjamin Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha)! Day 4539, 09:10:33: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 4539, 10:39:00: starjamin claimed 'Microraptor - Lvl 244 (Microraptor)'! Day 4539, 10:55:52: starjamin claimed 'Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4539, 10:56:32: starjamin claimed 'FuckFace - Lvl 304 (R-Allosaurus )'! Day 4539, 11:09:12: starjamin claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing)'! Day 4539, 11:28:32: starjamin claimed 'purp - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4539, 11:32:08: starjamin unclaimed 'purp - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4539, 11:36:28: starjamin claimed 'Mammoth - Lvl 242 (Mammoth)'! Day 4539, 12:20:57: starjamin claimed 'Coffe - Lvl 281 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4539, 12:42:52: starjamin froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 4539, 12:46:13: starjamin froze Mammoth - Lvl 242 (Mammoth) Day 4539, 14:46:41: starjamin uploaded a Gacha: Gacha - Lvl 82 Day 4539, 14:47:32: starjamin uploaded a Gacha: Gacha - Lvl 61 Day 4539, 14:48:31: starjamin uploaded a Mammoth: Mammoth - Lvl 242 Day 4539, 14:49:35: starjamin uploaded a Gacha: Gacha - Lvl 83 Day 4539, 14:59:06: starjamin uploaded a Ice Wyvern: stars wyvern - Lvl 247 Day 4539, 16:28:00: starjamin unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 241 (Maewing)'! Day 4539, 16:37:37: starjamin froze Coffe - Lvl 281 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 4539, 16:38:12: starjamin claimed 'Coke - Lvl 213 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 4539, 16:38:36: starjamin claimed 'Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 4539, 16:48:18: starjamin froze Coke - Lvl 213 (R-Direwolf) Day 4539, 16:51:10: starjamin froze Hot Fudge - Lvl 261 (R-Direwolf) Day 4539, 16:51:49: starjamin claimed 'Hevan - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 4539, 16:56:46: starjamin froze Hevan - Lvl 253 (R-Direwolf) Day 4539, 17:03:00: starjamin claimed 'Slimer - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:03:39: starjamin claimed 'Snow - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:16:40: starjamin froze Caramel - Lvl 305 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 4539, 17:18:37: starjamin claimed 'Roxy - Lvl 290 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:19:11: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:19:53: starjamin claimed 'Skrillet - Lvl 306 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:20:20: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:20:59: starjamin claimed 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 17:52:02: starjamin unclaimed 'Slimer - Lvl 305 (Rex)'! Day 4539, 19:16:33: starjamin claimed 'R-Equus - Lvl 220 (R-Equus)'! Day 4539, 19:20:35: starjamin claimed 'Ike - Lvl 250 (Triceratops)'! Day 4539, 19:22:15: starjamin claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 231 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 4539, 19:24:13: starjamin claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 265 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 4539, 19:36:36: starjamin froze FuckFace - Lvl 305 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 4539, 20:46:02: starjamin uploaded a R-Allosaurus : FuckFace - Lvl 306 Day 4539, 20:50:44: starjamin froze Shadowmane - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 4702, 01:58:21: starjamin claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4702, 02:19:14: starjamin froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 246 (Andrewsarchus) Day 4702, 03:59:23: starjamin uploaded a Andrewsarchus: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 246 Day 4702, 04:04:48: starjamin froze stars wyvern - Lvl 251 (Ice Wyvern) Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5127, 15:12:46: Microraptor - Lvl 244 (Microraptor) starved to death! Day 5136, 23:12:55: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5153, 12:25:54: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Roxy - Lvl 290 (Rex)'! Day 5153, 12:26:42: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 5153, 12:27:26: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skrillet - Lvl 306 (Rex)'! Day 5153, 12:28:23: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 5153, 12:29:17: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 5153, 12:29:46: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 5153, 12:32:17: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coke - Lvl 213 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 5153, 12:33:36: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Equus - Lvl 220 (R-Equus)'! Day 5153, 12:34:06: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ike - Lvl 250 (Triceratops)'! Day 5153, 12:34:44: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 231 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 5153, 12:36:19: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 272 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 5419, 11:45:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5419, 11:45:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5419, 11:45:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5435, 17:05:30: CokeZero - Lvl 113 (Tribe of CokeZero) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KietelKip - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11465, 01:47:01: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1258027055,"tribe":"Tribe of bob the builder logs":["Day 3788, 13:12:41: bob the builder was added to the Tribe! Day 3788, 13:16:56: Timmy added 'Tribe of bob the builder' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 3789, 10:16:11: Tribemember bob the builder - Lvl 115 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 3789, 10:36:35: Tribemember bob the builder - Lvl 115 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 0.9x! Day 3789, 10:50:40: Tribemember bob the builder - Lvl 115 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 3789, 11:51:19: Tribemember bob the builder - Lvl 115 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 3949, 19:52:50: Timmy added 'Companions of ARK' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 4680, 21:59:44: Timmy added 'The Old Gits' Tribe to The Click Alliance!"] "tribeid":1253363451,"tribe":"Tribe of OverK2ll - Robe logs":["Day 2914, 12:01:17: OverK2ll - Robert was added to the Tribe! Day 2914, 12:02:09: tactical milf was added to the Tribe by OverK2ll - Robert! Day 2914, 18:49:42: OverK2ll - Robert Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 2914, 19:10:06: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by OverK2ll - Robert - Lvl 113 (Tribe of OverK2ll - Robe)! Day 2914, 19:10:06: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) (Tribe of OverK2ll - Robe)! Day 2915, 06:28:41: OverK2ll - Robert Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 2915, 06:49:04: OverK2ll - Robert Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 2915, 06:50:20: Tribemember OverK2ll - Robert - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 2915, 07:42:34: tactical milf froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 2915, 09:00:26: Tribemember tactical milf - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 2915, 11:22:14: Tribemember OverK2ll - Robert - Lvl 114 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 2915, 11:26:08: tactical milf froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 2915, 12:42:27: Tribemember OverK2ll - Robert - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 2915, 14:09:51: tactical milf froze Stan Lee - Lvl 292 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2915, 14:13:32: tactical milf froze Crystal Bean - Lvl 278 (Snow Owl)"] "tribeid":1249046802,"tribe":"Tribe of sinnataggen logs":["Day 19185, 06:34:13: sinnataggen was added to the Tribe! Day 19185, 06:35:38: klinkekule was added to the Tribe by sinnataggen! Day 19185, 15:30:57: Tribemember klinkekule - Lvl 33 was killed by sinnataggen - Lvl 19 (Tribe of sinnataggen)! Day 19185, 15:30:57: Your Tribe killed klinkekule - Lvl 33 (Tribe of sinnataggen)! Day 19185, 16:32:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 19185, 19:06:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 55! Day 19185, 21:07:24: klinkekule Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 72 (Pteranodon)! Day 19186, 02:27:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 19249, 21:02:29: Raptor - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19249, 21:04:16: Raptor - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19249, 21:08:10: Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Bed'! Day 19249, 21:18:38: Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19249, 21:20:00: Raptor - Lvl 15 destroyed your 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 19249, 21:41:30: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 157 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 19249, 23:06:14: Tribemember klinkekule - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 19549, 18:15:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19549, 18:15:30: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19549, 18:15:30: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20117, 21:22:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20117, 21:22:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20244, 01:10:45: Tribemember sinnataggen - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 20244, 01:17:19: Tribemember klinkekule - Lvl 40 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1248320383,"tribe":"The Order logs":["Day 213, 22:55:15: Gudbrand was added to the Tribe! Day 213, 23:07:16: DamascusKnight was added to the Tribe by Gudbrand! Day 214, 07:13:53: Gudbrand Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 214, 20:05:30: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 15 was killed by Gudbrand - Lvl 31 (The Order)! Day 214, 20:05:30: Your Tribe killed DamascusKnight - Lvl 15 (The Order)! Day 215, 07:13:40: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 18 was killed! Day 215, 10:36:16: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 18 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 215, 10:41:34: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 36 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 215, 11:45:43: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 36 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 135! Day 215, 12:12:10: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 36 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 90! Day 216, 02:15:02: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 216, 06:55:41: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 24 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 216, 06:56:10: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 41 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 100! Day 216, 07:42:13: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 41 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 216, 12:34:01: Yamaoo was added to the Tribe by Gudbrand! Day 216, 13:33:13: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 1 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 55! Day 216, 13:55:58: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 216, 14:03:59: Your Ja3fer Jr - Lvl 38 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 216, 14:07:31: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 216, 14:08:07: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 41 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 216, 15:12:11: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 216, 20:27:47: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 216, 22:34:24: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 217, 01:17:09: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 231, 04:31:12: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 231, 09:35:19: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 41 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 231, 10:03:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 231, 10:08:52: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 231, 11:37:20: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 11 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 231, 11:55:53: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 231, 12:02:48: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 26 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 231, 12:09:42: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 41 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 231, 12:22:42: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 11 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 25! Day 232, 06:16:23: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 30 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 232, 06:20:12: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 232, 06:45:17: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 232, 06:50:15: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 232, 07:47:15: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 232, 10:53:47: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 232, 11:28:28: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 232, 11:33:32: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 49 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 232, 12:04:43: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 232, 12:25:21: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 232, 15:51:14: Gudbrand Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Parasaur)! Day 232, 21:55:55: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 233, 11:34:21: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 233, 11:49:05: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 233, 15:04:38: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 38 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 233, 15:23:11: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 233, 20:21:25: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 233, 21:47:59: Gudbrand Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 33 (Raptor)! Day 233, 21:57:23: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 17 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 234, 13:45:08: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 28 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 234, 15:14:51: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 28 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 234, 17:03:11: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 17:08:37: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 17:21:39: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 18:54:26: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 18:56:21: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 18:58:15: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 19:03:57: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 20:07:00: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 20:08:51: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 21:02:55: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 21:05:14: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 21:08:04: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 234, 21:10:01: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 235, 01:05:16: DamascusKnight Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 68 (Parasaur)! Day 235, 06:56:30: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 235, 12:51:26: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 235, 16:59:14: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 235, 22:20:19: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 236, 01:16:40: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 236, 01:26:11: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 06:03:03: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 06:05:56: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 06:09:51: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 06:11:47: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 07:48:25: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 236, 11:14:42: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 47 was killed! Day 236, 11:42:13: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 11:44:22: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 11:46:03: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 11:47:41: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 12:08:27: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 14:12:05: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 14:14:34: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 14:16:28: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 14:18:12: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 14:20:39: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 19:37:27: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 19:39:11: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 19:40:35: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 19:42:04: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 236, 19:43:24: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 237, 06:18:13: Your Tiffany - Lvl 77 (Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85! Day 237, 06:54:43: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 63 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85! Day 237, 12:34:03: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 63 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 150! Day 237, 12:47:48: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 63 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 150! Day 237, 13:35:26: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 63 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 150! Day 237, 15:05:56: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 63 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 150! Day 237, 15:29:07: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 63 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 150! Day 237, 17:46:54: DamascusKnight Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)! Day 237, 20:58:21: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 238, 05:48:09: Gudbrand unclaimed 'Ja3fer jr - Lvl 53 (Parasaur)'! Day 238, 05:53:05: Gudbrand unclaimed 'Elvis Jr - Lvl 47 (Raptor)'! Day 238, 12:25:43: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 38 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 25! Day 239, 08:03:11: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 239, 09:49:05: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 38 was killed by a R-Allosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 239, 20:48:33: Your Timmy - Lvl 34 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 240, 10:12:12: Gudbrand Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 147 (Hyaenodon )! Day 240, 15:12:55: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 240, 15:14:18: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 240, 15:15:58: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 240, 15:17:23: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 240, 15:19:04: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 240, 15:24:56: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 240, 19:11:35: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 53 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 240, 20:02:05: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 53 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 241, 01:51:07: Gudbrand demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 241, 13:21:18: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 64 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 241, 13:30:00: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 71 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 241, 13:45:30: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 53 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 241, 18:30:27: Gudbrand Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 81 (Hyaenodon )! Day 241, 23:37:08: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 71 was killed by Yamaoo - Lvl 53 (The Order)! Day 241, 23:37:08: Your Tribe killed Gudbrand - Lvl 71 (The Order)! Day 242, 07:46:46: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 66 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 242, 09:02:35: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 53 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 150! Day 243, 06:23:23: Gudbrand Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)! Day 243, 09:31:53: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 243, 11:01:00: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 75 was killed by DamascusKnight - Lvl 66 (The Order)! Day 243, 11:01:00: Your Tribe killed Gudbrand - Lvl 75 (The Order)! Day 255, 19:13:38: DamascusKnight Tamed a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140 (Hyaenodon )! Day 286, 09:59:37: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 286, 09:59:37: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 286, 09:59:37: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 286, 10:14:26: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 288, 17:21:47: DamascusKnight Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 288, 19:37:38: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 61 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 288, 23:23:38: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 289, 06:30:40: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 64 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 289, 19:42:36: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 64 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 289, 20:09:21: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 80 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 290, 04:23:01: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 145! Day 290, 05:06:30: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 290, 08:35:25: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 64 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 290, 08:58:34: Tribemember Yamaoo - Lvl 64 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 95! Day 290, 09:25:18: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 100! Day 290, 11:25:32: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 301, 10:23:47: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 301, 13:17:27: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 301, 17:05:54: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 301, 18:59:15: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 301, 21:24:20: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 140! Day 301, 23:23:49: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 302, 03:44:11: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 302, 07:04:33: Gudbrand Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 134 (Bulbdog)! Day 302, 10:53:15: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 90! Day 302, 12:21:02: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 302, 12:52:33: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 90! Day 302, 20:43:06: Gudbrand Tamed a R-Direwolf - Lvl 134 (R-Direwolf)! Day 307, 01:37:45: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 85 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 95! Day 307, 11:36:00: Gudbrand claimed 'Baby Hyaenodon - Lvl 146 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 308, 18:17:13: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 308, 20:43:32: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 308, 22:16:05: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 309, 04:22:25: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 309, 07:22:35: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 150! Day 309, 11:11:41: Gudbrand Tamed a Glowtail - Lvl 217 (Glowtail)! Day 309, 15:59:21: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 390, 11:06:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 890, 22:02:38: Tribemember Gudbrand - Lvl 94 was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 890, 22:05:18: Tribemember DamascusKnight - Lvl 69 was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 890, 22:07:23: Your Aymen Jr - Lvl 147 (Bulbdog) was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 890, 22:10:14: Your Lola - Lvl 153 (R-Direwolf) was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 890, 22:12:31: Your glow - Lvl 219 (Glowtail) was killed by a R-Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 947, 09:09:38: Apeman - Lvl 48 (Tribe of Apeman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Farkhas - Lvl 112 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 947, 09:10:16: Apeman - Lvl 48 (Tribe of Apeman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kodlak - Lvl 167 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 947, 09:11:23: Apeman - Lvl 48 (Tribe of Apeman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vilkas - Lvl 186 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 947, 09:23:51: Apeman - Lvl 49 (Tribe of Apeman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hya - Lvl 149 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 1107, 17:59:23: Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bob Ross - Lvl 101 (Argentavis)'! Day 1107, 18:02:03: Apeman - Lvl 121 (Proper Blokes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2940, 08:55:11: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1248132366,"tribe":"Tribe of Human2 logs":["Day 13056, 18:57:07: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 13056, 18:59:12: Tribe of Clairo tribe was merged in by Clairo! Day 13056, 18:59:12: Clairo was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 13056, 20:03:51: Clairo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13056, 20:12:04: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 13057, 08:48:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 13057, 12:59:53: Clairo Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 127 (Triceratops)! Day 13057, 17:37:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 13057, 19:45:09: Your Dodo - Lvl 67 (Dodo) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 13058, 05:56:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 51 was killed by a GachaClaus - Lvl 25! Day 13058, 07:51:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 13058, 10:40:50: Clairo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 13058, 14:51:09: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 44 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 15! Day 13058, 18:41:19: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 13058, 20:37:31: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 13058, 20:47:22: Clairo Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 13059, 12:58:57: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 13059, 13:00:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 185 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 13074, 21:14:41: Clairo demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 13075, 21:33:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 156 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 13075, 21:37:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 13076, 17:21:44: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 13076, 17:42:04: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 13076, 23:02:42: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:03:38: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:04:34: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:05:27: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:06:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:07:06: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:08:35: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:09:31: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:11:02: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:12:02: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:13:00: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:14:01: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:15:16: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:16:45: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:18:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:19:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:20:13: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:21:08: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:22:04: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:22:53: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:23:42: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:24:36: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:25:43: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:27:14: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:29:12: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:30:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:31:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:32:17: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:33:19: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13076, 23:35:02: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13077, 04:05:59: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 13077, 05:06:57: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 13077, 05:54:18: Human froze 65 mele - Lvl 171 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13077, 06:09:17: Human froze Pauline - Lvl 184 (Argentavis) Day 13077, 08:10:53: Human claimed 'tek - Lvl 353 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 13077, 08:38:32: Human froze Wild 135 mummy - Lvl 215 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13077, 18:58:06: Human froze wild mum - Lvl 259 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13077, 19:57:58: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 13077, 20:06:55: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 104 (Triceratops) Day 13077, 23:57:32: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 13078, 08:50:02: Your Parasaur - Lvl 102 (Parasaur) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 13078, 09:37:04: Your Ohta - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 13078, 09:57:43: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13078, 10:08:34: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 13079, 07:11:46: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 13079, 07:14:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 65 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 13080, 21:33:08: Clairo demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13081, 02:53:16: Clairo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13081, 04:59:36: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13081, 06:33:24: Human claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13081, 06:45:54: Human demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 13081, 06:47:06: Human demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 13081, 13:45:05: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 13081, 13:49:29: Human froze 65 mele - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13081, 16:06:31: Clairo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13081, 20:04:05: Human froze 65 mele - Lvl 184 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13081, 20:41:14: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 13081, 21:46:53: Human froze 65 mele - Lvl 184 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13082, 18:06:59: Clairo froze Adolescent Arrax - Lvl 178 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 19:57:01: Clairo froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 20:01:10: Clairo froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 20:09:42: Clairo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13082, 20:23:11: Clairo froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 20:50:14: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 20:55:24: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 21:02:43: Clairo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13082, 23:57:28: Clairo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13083, 00:01:15: Clairo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 00:09:42: Clairo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13083, 00:13:16: Clairo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 02:48:12: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 02:53:20: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 02:59:19: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 03:04:35: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 03:09:56: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 05:39:31: Clairo froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 06:52:20: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:53:06: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:54:03: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:54:51: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:55:44: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:57:42: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:58:32: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 06:59:25: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 07:00:11: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 07:00:59: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 07:08:40: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 10:20:50: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 10:34:44: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 10:58:08: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 11:02:20: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 13:55:37: Clairo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 13083, 15:02:50: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 15:14:13: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 15:21:46: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 16:28:40: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 16:41:02: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 22:32:00: Clairo froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13083, 23:14:52: Clairo froze Adolescent Rhaegal - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13084, 04:31:02: Clairo froze Juvenile Drogon - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13084, 04:39:12: Clairo froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13084, 09:33:52: Clairo froze Adolescent Drogon - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13084, 09:42:11: Clairo froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13084, 14:15:18: Clairo froze Adolescent Drogon - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13086, 14:57:04: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 218 (Shadowmane) Day 13086, 15:01:03: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 13086, 15:31:01: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 13086, 23:43:25: Human froze 65 mele - Lvl 184 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13087, 11:49:32: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 13087, 12:05:07: Human froze 65 mele - Lvl 184 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 13087, 15:57:27: Human froze Shadowmane - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 13087, 18:36:16: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 13087, 20:16:33: Human froze Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) Day 13087, 22:40:48: Human claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13087, 23:11:49: Human froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 13096, 02:56:59: Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 13098, 03:56:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 91 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 13098, 06:36:04: Your Snow Owl - Lvl 102 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 13098, 06:45:49: Tribemember Human - Lvl 91 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 13102, 09:59:36: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 13102, 10:08:37: Tribemember Human - Lvl 95 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 13102, 13:16:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 95 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13104, 22:08:54: Clairo demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 13105, 09:53:56: Clairo claimed '[Alza] Saphire - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13105, 09:55:42: Clairo claimed 'Shrek - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13108, 11:11:32: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13108, 13:16:58: Clairo froze Balerion - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13108, 14:24:19: Clairo froze Tessarion - Lvl 263 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13108, 14:32:17: Clairo froze Viserion - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13108, 14:37:11: Clairo froze Tessarion - Lvl 263 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13109, 04:56:12: Clairo froze Rhaegal - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13128, 10:03:45: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13128, 10:34:57: Tribemember Clairo - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 13128, 11:38:39: Clairo froze Matthew - Lvl 157 (Triceratops) Day 13128, 14:03:52: Clairo unclaimed 'Matthew - Lvl 157 (Triceratops)'! Day 13128, 14:06:28: Clairo unclaimed 'Rhaegal - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13128, 14:08:56: Clairo unclaimed 'Tessarion - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13128, 14:11:21: Clairo unclaimed 'Viserion - Lvl 261 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13128, 14:13:03: Clairo was removed from the Tribe! Day 13256, 16:53:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13280, 12:28:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13280, 12:28:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13280, 12:28:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13399, 15:25:14: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13399, 15:25:14: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13399, 15:25:14: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13399, 15:25:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13588, 16:51:09: Your Maddie - Lvl 115 (Triceratops) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 13662, 05:49:32: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 13662, 05:51:32: Your Nova - Lvl 106 (Raptor) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 13670, 08:00:17: Your mut - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 13709, 03:16:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13709, 03:16:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13711, 16:40:19: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tek - Lvl 353 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 13711, 16:42:11: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13711, 16:43:26: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Balerion - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13711, 16:45:04: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arrax - Lvl 198 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13711, 16:46:54: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drogon - Lvl 108 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13711, 17:18:09: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 13711, 17:30:15: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pauline - Lvl 220 (Argentavis)'! Day 13711, 18:32:50: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FireHawk - Lvl 168 (Argentavis)'! Day 13711, 18:43:16: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13718, 07:28:42: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wild mum - Lvl 259 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 13994, 16:58:17: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14304, 01:50:49: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1247649259,"tribe":"SkyKet logs":["Day 2274, 09:55:55: Хазмат was added to the Tribe! Day 2274, 10:18:41: Tribemember Хазмат - Lvl 3 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2274, 12:22:45: Человек was added to the Tribe by Хазмат! Day 2348, 09:55:59: Tribemember Хазмат - Lvl 8 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 15! Day 2394, 04:15:56: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3441, 18:34:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1245599057,"tribe":"Tribe of SendDudes logs":["Day 5668, 01:12:46: SendDudes was added to the Tribe! Day 5668, 01:13:57: Lars was added to the Tribe by SendDudes! Day 5668, 02:02:57: Lars uploaded a Argentavis: Death Eagle - Lvl 260 Day 5668, 02:04:21: Lars downloaded a dino: Death Eagle - Lvl 240 Day 5668, 02:05:16: Lars downloaded a dino: ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE - Lvl 261 Day 5668, 04:19:30: Lars froze Death Eagle - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) Day 5668, 04:34:09: Lars froze ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 5668, 06:33:41: Lars froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5668, 09:16:00: SendDudes claimed 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 09:17:15: SendDudes claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 09:20:26: SendDudes claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 09:34:49: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus) Day 5668, 09:38:38: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 5668, 10:12:25: SendDudes claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 10:12:39: SendDudes claimed 'Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 10:19:21: SendDudes froze Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) Day 5668, 10:25:12: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) Day 5668, 10:38:53: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 5668, 10:43:05: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 5669, 05:20:59: SendDudes demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 5669, 06:48:29: SendDudes froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5669, 06:58:57: SendDudes froze Spyro - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5847, 01:11:58: Lars froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 5847, 01:13:49: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 5847, 14:49:38: Lars claimed 'Bess - Lvl 90 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5847, 16:12:26: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 5847, 16:23:21: SendDudes Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 5847, 16:37:24: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5847, 17:18:37: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5847, 17:29:33: Lars froze ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE - Lvl 298 (Pteranodon) Day 5848, 09:09:32: Lars demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 5849, 21:08:49: SendDudes uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 228 Day 5850, 05:08:43: Lars claimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 5850, 05:10:01: Lars claimed 'o-d - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake)'! Day 5850, 05:10:45: Lars claimed 'Daily Driver - Lvl 347 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 5850, 05:35:04: Lars claimed 'Craggy - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5850, 05:43:49: Lars froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5850, 05:51:51: Lars claimed 'Tank - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 5850, 06:04:04: Lars froze Tank - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5850, 06:45:09: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 347 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5850, 06:52:31: Lars claimed 'peeven the 2nd - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 5850, 06:54:52: Lars claimed 'im bad - Lvl 64 (Argentavis)'! Day 5850, 06:56:39: Lars claimed 'germ - Lvl 117 (Argentavis)'! Day 5850, 07:08:03: Lars froze Craggy - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5850, 07:20:05: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake) Day 5850, 08:33:57: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 5850, 08:48:20: Lars claimed 'Naggy - Lvl 160 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5850, 08:48:47: Lars claimed 'asdf - Lvl 123 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5850, 08:49:04: Lars claimed 'batty patty - Lvl 111 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5850, 10:47:55: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 5850, 11:15:50: Lars froze im bad - Lvl 111 (Argentavis) Day 5850, 11:19:18: Lars froze peeven the 2nd - Lvl 305 (Argentavis) Day 5850, 11:23:15: Lars froze germ - Lvl 168 (Argentavis) Day 5850, 12:16:54: Lars froze Naggy - Lvl 221 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5850, 12:20:00: Lars froze batty patty - Lvl 111 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5850, 12:37:04: Lars uploaded a Argentavis: im bad - Lvl 111 Day 5850, 12:40:39: Lars uploaded a Ankylosaurus: asdf - Lvl 123 Day 5850, 12:41:54: Lars uploaded a Ankylosaurus: batty patty - Lvl 111 Day 5850, 12:43:18: Lars uploaded a Ankylosaurus: Naggy - Lvl 221 Day 5850, 12:45:24: Lars uploaded a Argentavis: germ - Lvl 168 Day 5850, 12:46:09: Lars uploaded a Argentavis: peeven the 2nd - Lvl 305 Day 5850, 13:32:26: Lars froze Tank - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5850, 13:36:13: Lars froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5850, 13:47:02: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 296 (Rock Drake) Day 5850, 13:54:49: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 347 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5850, 14:04:25: Lars froze Craggy - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5850, 16:55:07: Tribemember Lars - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 5850, 21:49:47: Tribemember Lars - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 5850, 22:09:26: SendDudes downloaded a dino: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 226 Day 5850, 22:38:27: Tribemember Lars - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 5851, 02:55:50: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 348 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5851, 03:01:53: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 348 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5851, 09:09:06: Lars claimed 'Pan - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:15:15: Lars claimed 'Perry - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:15:29: Lars claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:18:21: Lars claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:19:39: Lars claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:44:36: Lars froze Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 5851, 09:51:27: Lars froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 5851, 09:56:04: Lars froze Pan - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 5851, 10:01:08: Lars froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 5851, 10:04:39: Lars froze Perry - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) Day 5851, 11:19:41: Tribemember Lars - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 5851, 12:04:02: Tribemember Lars - Lvl 112 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 85! Day 5851, 13:40:52: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 5851, 13:47:19: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 207 (Deinonychus) Day 5851, 20:22:44: Your Death Eagle - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 5851, 21:11:39: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 298 (Rock Drake) Day 5851, 23:12:46: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 348 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5852, 04:39:04: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 298 (Rock Drake) Day 5852, 05:05:51: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 5852, 07:02:55: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 5852, 13:41:55: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 5852, 14:41:06: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 5852, 15:18:30: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 299 (Rock Drake) Day 5852, 17:47:38: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 5852, 18:41:20: SendDudes froze Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 5852, 18:47:13: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 5852, 18:50:02: Tribemember SendDudes - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 5853, 06:20:12: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 5853, 06:38:55: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 5853, 06:49:15: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5853, 07:25:13: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus) Day 5853, 15:51:54: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 5853, 18:24:44: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 5853, 18:59:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 5853, 18:59:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was destroyed! Day 5853, 19:38:49: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 5853, 20:37:30: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 300 (Rock Drake) Day 5853, 22:10:53: Lars froze Tank - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5854, 02:04:00: Your Perry - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 5854, 07:21:29: Lars Tamed a Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)! Day 5854, 08:03:44: Lars froze Massacrex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 5854, 08:34:44: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 5854, 11:24:08: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 301 (Rock Drake) Day 5854, 13:09:18: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 301 (Rock Drake) Day 5854, 14:03:55: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 301 (Rock Drake) Day 5854, 14:47:33: SendDudes froze o-d - Lvl 301 (Rock Drake) Day 5855, 05:15:00: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5855, 07:07:28: SendDudes Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 5855, 07:16:32: SendDudes froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 5872, 14:27:59: Lars demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 5873, 00:22:35: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 5873, 04:43:40: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 05:09:52: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 5873, 05:34:14: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 5873, 05:40:30: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:05:41: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:09:08: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:12:41: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:20:11: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:26:54: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:39:14: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:42:47: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:43:08: Lars Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha)! Day 5873, 07:48:24: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:51:50: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:55:45: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 07:59:55: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 08:04:44: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 08:19:58: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 08:23:58: SendDudes froze Willy - Lvl 190 (Gacha) Day 5873, 08:30:34: SendDudes froze Willy - Lvl 190 (Gacha) Day 5873, 08:33:59: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 08:40:04: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 08:44:23: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 09:12:23: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 09:21:08: SendDudes Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha)! Day 5873, 09:31:54: SendDudes froze Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha) Day 5873, 09:36:15: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 09:50:35: Lars froze Willy - Lvl 192 (Gacha) Day 5873, 16:42:56: SendDudes froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 17:43:20: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 17:49:23: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 17:53:19: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 18:10:41: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 18:16:13: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 18:20:09: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 18:26:21: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 18:30:51: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5873, 18:34:32: Lars froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 203 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5874, 00:12:58: Lars claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 151 (Gacha)'! Day 5874, 00:19:28: SendDudes froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 151 (Gacha) Day 5874, 07:25:48: Lars Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur)! Day 5874, 07:30:40: SendDudes froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 5874, 11:53:42: Lars claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 5874, 12:41:38: SendDudes froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 5874, 13:22:00: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 5874, 16:13:52: SendDudes Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 16:39:20: Lars Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 16:52:05: SendDudes Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 74 (Featherlight)! Day 5874, 16:52:42: Lars Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 16:58:48: SendDudes froze Featherlight - Lvl 74 (Featherlight) Day 5874, 16:58:51: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 5874, 17:07:18: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn) Day 5874, 17:15:13: Lars Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 17:30:18: Lars Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 134 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 18:11:21: SendDudes Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 18:42:41: SendDudes Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 89 (Shinehorn)! Day 5874, 18:43:22: Lars Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 37 (Featherlight)! Day 5874, 19:15:40: Lars Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 149 (Featherlight)! Day 5874, 19:21:44: Lars froze bird - Lvl 149 (Featherlight) Day 5874, 21:09:44: Lars froze bird - Lvl 149 (Featherlight) Day 5874, 21:10:31: SendDudes unclaimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 41 (Shinehorn)'! Day 5874, 21:24:37: Lars unclaimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 89 (Shinehorn)'! Day 5874, 21:36:58: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 134 (Shinehorn) Day 5874, 21:40:05: SendDudes claimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 41 (Shinehorn)'! Day 5874, 21:41:36: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 5874, 21:42:43: SendDudes unclaimed 'Shinehorn - Lvl 41 (Shinehorn)'! Day 5874, 21:52:52: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 5874, 21:53:11: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 5874, 22:05:00: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 5875, 02:00:21: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn) was killed by SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes)! Day 5875, 02:00:21: Your Tribe killed Shinehorn - Lvl 82 (Shinehorn)! Day 5875, 02:23:57: SendDudes froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 5875, 03:12:10: SendDudes froze Willy - Lvl 196 (Gacha) Day 5875, 03:22:40: SendDudes froze Gacha - Lvl 132 (Gacha) Day 5875, 04:54:46: Lars claimed 'Baby Shinehorn - Lvl 134 (Shinehorn)'! Day 5875, 05:05:10: Your Baby Shinehorn - Lvl 134 (Shinehorn) was killed by Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes)! Day 5875, 05:05:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Shinehorn - Lvl 134 (Shinehorn) (Tribe of SendDudes)! Day 5875, 05:19:02: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 5875, 05:22:07: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 5875, 05:25:28: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 134 (Shinehorn) Day 5875, 05:30:56: Lars froze Featherlight - Lvl 39 (Featherlight) Day 5875, 05:34:31: Lars froze Shinehorn - Lvl 213 (Shinehorn) Day 5875, 06:00:17: Lars uploaded a Gacha: Willy - Lvl 196 Day 5875, 06:01:07: Lars uploaded a Shinehorn: Shinehorn - Lvl 37 Day 5875, 06:02:12: SendDudes uploaded a Gacha: Gacha - Lvl 132 Day 5875, 06:02:16: Lars uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 39 Day 5875, 06:02:58: Lars uploaded a Shinehorn: Shinehorn - Lvl 134 Day 5875, 06:03:00: SendDudes uploaded a Velonasaur: Velonasaur - Lvl 209 Day 5875, 06:03:48: Lars uploaded a Shinehorn: Shinehorn - Lvl 37 Day 5875, 06:04:00: SendDudes uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 206 Day 5875, 06:04:35: Lars uploaded a Shinehorn: Shinehorn - Lvl 213 Day 5875, 06:04:51: SendDudes uploaded a R-Snow Owl: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 283 Day 5875, 06:18:24: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 305 (Rock Drake) Day 5875, 06:19:42: SendDudes uploaded a Featherlight: Featherlight - Lvl 78 Day 5875, 06:24:27: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 5875, 06:27:49: Lars froze Massacrex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 5875, 07:34:37: Lars froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5875, 07:57:59: Lars froze Spyro - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5875, 08:56:25: Lars froze ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE - Lvl 298 (Pteranodon) Day 5875, 09:02:47: Lars froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5875, 09:39:31: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 305 (Rock Drake) Day 5875, 09:45:11: Lars uploaded a Pteranodon: ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE - Lvl 298 Day 5875, 09:46:44: Lars uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 301 Day 5875, 09:47:30: Lars uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Spyro - Lvl 281 Day 5875, 09:53:06: Lars uploaded a Rock Drake: o-d - Lvl 305 Day 5875, 10:21:09: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 5875, 10:24:38: Lars froze Massacrex - Lvl 212 (Rex) Day 5875, 10:29:58: Lars froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 224 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5875, 11:32:22: Lars uploaded a Featherlight: bird - Lvl 149 Day 5875, 12:05:39: Lars uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 224 Day 5875, 12:06:20: Lars uploaded a Rex: Massacrex - Lvl 212 Day 5875, 12:07:12: Lars uploaded a Rex: Rex - Lvl 224 Day 5875, 12:08:10: Lars uploaded a Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 311 Day 5875, 12:47:27: Lars uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 350 Day 5893, 08:41:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 5893, 12:00:46: SendDudes uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 226 Day 5893, 13:46:09: SendDudes uploaded a Argentavis: AndrewTatetavis - Lvl 306 Day 5893, 13:46:57: SendDudes uploaded a Deinonychus: Ausgeliehn - Lvl 213 Day 5919, 18:11:26: Lars downloaded a dino: Daily Driver - Lvl 301 Day 5919, 18:11:33: SendDudes downloaded a dino: Heal - Lvl 215 Day 5919, 18:12:04: Could not find Spawn Location for RockDrake, Destroying... Day 5919, 18:18:50: Lars downloaded a dino: o-d - Lvl 305 Day 5919, 18:32:56: SendDudes claimed 'Tropic - Lvl 177 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 5919, 18:39:47: Lars froze Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) Day 5919, 20:32:13: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 305 (Rock Drake) Day 5920, 01:03:54: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5920, 01:34:24: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 305 (Rock Drake) Day 5920, 07:02:29: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5922, 07:33:19: SendDudes uploaded a R-Snow Owl: Heal - Lvl 227 Day 5924, 16:06:50: Lars froze Daily Driver - Lvl 351 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5925, 03:12:02: Lars Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 5925, 07:50:50: Lars Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)! Day 5925, 08:20:23: Lars froze I wish we had 2 :D - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 5925, 11:44:50: Lars uploaded a Rock Drake: o-d - Lvl 308 Day 5950, 12:19:07: Bess - Lvl 101 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 5965, 16:44:23: Lars downloaded a dino: Daily Driver - Lvl 301 Day 5965, 16:56:35: Lars froze Pan - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 5966, 06:18:54: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 240 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 145! Day 5966, 06:21:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 5966, 07:01:09: Lars froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 5966, 07:58:28: Lars froze Cringe - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 5966, 08:01:18: Lars froze Cringe - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 5966, 08:04:57: Lars froze o-d - Lvl 311 (Rock Drake) Day 5966, 08:36:25: Lars uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 351 Day 5992, 09:59:10: SendDudes downloaded a dino: Spyro - Lvl 283 Day 5992, 11:52:53: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 5997, 19:38:42: SendDudes froze Ausgeliehn - Lvl 221 (Deinonychus) Day 5997, 20:01:41: SendDudes froze Spyro - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 6005, 16:26:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6076, 08:18:41: Your 'Gas Collector' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6076, 08:18:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6217, 14:07:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6217, 14:07:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6217, 14:07:00: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6217, 14:07:00: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6500, 05:14:51: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6500, 05:14:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6541, 03:33:20: Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 6579, 13:21:14: Alfie - Lvl 103 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tank - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 6579, 13:22:35: Alfie - Lvl 103 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropic - Lvl 178 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 6579, 13:33:18: Alfie - Lvl 103 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Craggy - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6579, 13:39:22: Alfie - Lvl 103 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6579, 14:58:17: Alfie - Lvl 103 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pan - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6720, 22:11:54: Riddick - Lvl 125 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 280 (Rock Drake)'! Day 6722, 19:43:56: Riddick - Lvl 125 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'anklyn skywalker - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6722, 19:54:49: Riddick - Lvl 125 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 218 (Carbonemys)'! Day 6805, 08:20:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6937, 06:38:38: Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7026, 15:45:18: desroy - Lvl 112 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9314, 17:59:48: Henne - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1244944956,"tribe":"Tribe of Human2 logs":["Day 10657, 06:15:43: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 10657, 06:22:36: Human was removed from the Tribe! Day 10661, 10:05:11: North - Lvl 305 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 11831, 08:03:52: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1243584516,"tribe":"Smart Fellas logs":["Day 13104, 13:53:17: Glumpy - Lvl 229 (Bulbdog) starved to death! Day 13113, 20:52:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13148, 16:48:52: Tektonik - Lvl 182 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 13175, 08:50:03: Venusaur - Lvl 324 (Velonasaur) starved to death! Day 13209, 02:38:29: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13232, 21:06:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13232, 21:06:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13272, 09:36:40: Spino - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13272, 09:37:18: Spino - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13272, 09:37:18: Spino - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13272, 09:37:18: Spino - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13272, 09:37:18: Spino - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13272, 13:07:15: Rubi Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 13272, 13:31:40: Rubi froze Toothpaste - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) Day 13368, 13:13:46: Rubi froze Toothpaste - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) Day 13368, 19:36:30: Rubi froze Oreng - Lvl 230 (Megalania) Day 13369, 00:06:28: Chumby froze Oreng - Lvl 231 (Megalania) Day 13369, 00:57:42: Your Oreng - Lvl 231 (Megalania) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 110! Day 13369, 00:59:54: Tribemember Chumby - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 120! Day 13369, 02:10:42: Chumby froze Spraypaint - Lvl 216 (Megalania) Day 13369, 07:39:17: Chumby claimed 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 71 (Megalania)'! Day 13369, 07:50:07: Chumby froze Baby Wengy - Lvl 71 (Megalania) Day 13369, 10:33:20: Rubi claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13369, 11:34:02: Rubi claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13369, 11:35:38: Rubi claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13369, 11:36:45: Rubi claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13369, 14:13:32: Chumby claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13369, 18:15:32: Rubi claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13383, 05:06:52: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 13399, 15:25:14: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13399, 15:25:14: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13447, 06:55:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13542, 11:37:53: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13566, 07:15:53: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13585, 01:39:02: Rubi froze Jerma - Lvl 41 (Jerboa) Day 13585, 02:04:04: Rubi froze Mol - Lvl 41 (Jerboa) Day 13585, 02:08:35: Rubi froze Kermie - Lvl 41 (Jerboa) Day 13670, 15:47:16: Obis - Lvl 81 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13694, 06:31:32: Hot Cheeto - Lvl 53 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 13708, 07:41:31: Zoomies - Lvl 47 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 13716, 06:13:01: Rubi Tamed an Otter - Lvl 206 (Otter)! Day 13716, 06:38:22: Rubi froze Vcky - Lvl 374 (Ichthyornis) Day 13746, 17:00:28: Dora - Lvl 124 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 13834, 14:07:54: Humano - Lvl 2 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13947, 03:13:41: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13953, 06:46:02: Knee Socks - Lvl 75 (Equus) starved to death! Day 13960, 16:58:19: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13960, 16:58:19: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 13970, 21:31:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13979, 06:06:18: Sosig - Lvl 197 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14006, 05:07:45: Pinkie Pie - Lvl 22 (Equus) starved to death! Day 14008, 22:01:33: Your Pouch - Lvl 208 (Otter) was killed! Day 14008, 22:01:33: Pouch - Lvl 208 (Otter) starved to death! Day 14189, 10:53:01: Caramel - Lvl 153 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14226, 20:45:34: Baba - Lvl 102 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14232, 15:47:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14265, 11:44:45: Dragontwouit - Lvl 94 (Equus) starved to death! Day 14289, 06:51:29: Floofster - Lvl 207 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14294, 13:21:40: Airbud - Lvl 81 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 14294, 13:40:53: Moss - Lvl 151 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14296, 08:04:02: Speedy - Lvl 51 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 14304, 01:50:49: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14304, 01:50:49: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14315, 16:46:31: Slaywing - Lvl 256 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14340, 11:30:21: Conk Creat - Lvl 281 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14340, 11:30:41: Blabaa - Lvl 132 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 14365, 01:50:48: Snowl - Lvl 244 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14365, 01:51:03: PERRY the Platypus? - Lvl 251 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14380, 22:31:32: Muzz - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14386, 21:25:43: Platypus? - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14386, 21:25:47: Tonka - Lvl 52 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 14386, 21:26:01: Toothpaste - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 14386, 21:28:52: Chuppa Chops - Lvl 175 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14407, 14:18:32: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14422, 17:45:40: Bouldy - Lvl 63 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 14429, 14:52:14: Stripes - Lvl 26 (Thorny Dragon) starved to death! Day 14464, 09:29:10: Rooney - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon) starved to death! Day 14464, 09:30:00: Munkustrap - Lvl 72 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 14464, 09:30:11: El Woo Woo - Lvl 67 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 14464, 09:30:28: ave a cado - Lvl 299 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 14464, 09:42:58: 80s Disco - Lvl 43 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 14464, 09:45:08: Scootchie - Lvl 126 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 14487, 22:25:45: Nipper - Lvl 65 (Terror Bird) starved to death! Day 14489, 11:56:01: Fenix - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14531, 19:36:55: Rehorses - Lvl 187 (Equus) starved to death! Day 14531, 19:38:09: Monster Energy - Lvl 85 (Aberrant Megalania) starved to death! Day 14531, 19:38:13: Rhubarb and Custard - Lvl 45 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 14531, 19:38:25: Mulch 2 - Lvl 99 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14532, 03:23:31: Barguest - Lvl 61 (Ravager) starved to death! Day 14532, 03:23:31: Andrew - Lvl 127 (Andrewsarchus) starved to death! Day 14579, 01:53:35: Fjiona - Lvl 227 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 14579, 01:53:53: Habanero 2 - Lvl 106 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14588, 14:23:56: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fortnite - Lvl 253 (Griffin)'! Day 14588, 14:36:15: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Honeypaws - Lvl 278 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 14588, 14:53:07: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wint - Lvl 204 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 14588, 15:06:06: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dagon - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14588, 15:44:27: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SHADOWBANE - Lvl 425 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 15:45:25: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dos - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:45:54: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Abacus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:46:06: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Thing 1982 - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:46:23: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tres - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:47:18: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Soggy - Lvl 174 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:48:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goop - Lvl 181 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:49:35: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mold - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:50:51: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pepperoni - Lvl 73 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:51:44: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SHREK - Lvl 278 (Phiomia)'! Day 14588, 15:52:04: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poopmobile - Lvl 98 (Phiomia)'! Day 14588, 15:53:27: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meg - Lvl 120 (Aberrant Megalania)'! Day 14588, 15:54:16: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Luigi Board - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:54:40: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Jay - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:54:57: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Knives - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:55:06: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sloots - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 15:56:14: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'INVISILIZARD - Lvl 103 (Megalania)'! Day 14588, 15:56:47: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pheasant - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:00:33: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Blurst of Times - Lvl 107 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:01:13: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paprika - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:01:47: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Uno - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:02:21: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Best of Times - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:03:21: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leader 02 - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:04:09: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leader 01 - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:06:38: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shark Lava - Lvl 77 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:07:16: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexas Tanger - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:07:48: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mick the Bouncer - Lvl 259 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:08:15: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goth GF - Lvl 247 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:08:37: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow White the 4th - Lvl 263 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:09:05: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrone - Lvl 258 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:09:37: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trans Rights Babey - Lvl 143 (Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:10:25: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Binosaurus - Lvl 253 (Spino)'! Day 14588, 16:11:08: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Protein Powder Patt - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:11:34: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Emo Phase - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:12:01: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'big chicken - Lvl 192 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 14588, 16:12:58: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thump - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 14588, 16:13:16: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sisyphus - Lvl 119 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14588, 16:13:44: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gunther - Lvl 195 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 14588, 16:16:40: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scramp Meat - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14588, 16:18:23: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pink Stinkfish - Lvl 241 (Spino)'! Day 14588, 16:20:08: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'THE SPINEBREAKER - Lvl 250 (Spino)'! Day 14588, 16:20:47: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Radical Larry - Lvl 217 (Spino)'! Day 14588, 16:31:50: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spraypaint - Lvl 216 (Megalania)'! Day 14588, 16:33:27: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wumbo - Lvl 85 (Aberrant Megalania)'! Day 14588, 16:41:17: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rust - Lvl 216 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:41:42: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lammergeier - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:42:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arrow - Lvl 239 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:42:54: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Medical Marinara - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:43:08: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fem 14 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:44:14: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rave DJ - Lvl 317 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 16:45:52: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wind Turbine - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:47:28: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 285 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:49:06: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 323 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:50:02: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Margharita - Lvl 106 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:50:21: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zoomer - Lvl 332 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:51:01: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bruiser - Lvl 332 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:53:05: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 308 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:54:10: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fem 4 - Lvl 332 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:56:28: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fem 19 - Lvl 310 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 16:59:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Azure - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14588, 17:29:33: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BIG RED - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 14588, 17:31:49: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skibidi - Lvl 102 (Argentavis)'! Day 14588, 17:32:32: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phoeni - Lvl 246 (Argentavis)'! Day 14588, 17:35:01: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fluttnix - Lvl 262 (Argentavis)'! Day 14588, 17:36:43: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Liver Bird - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 14588, 17:37:43: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Clifford - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:38:57: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bandit - Lvl 441 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:40:19: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smoked Salmon - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:41:11: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Paws - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:42:22: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tigerstar - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:43:39: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:44:49: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lobster - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:47:14: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Coral - Lvl 354 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:51:13: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boysenberry - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:52:14: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Panther - Lvl 416 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:53:21: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Murdoc - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:53:52: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fresh Hot Grape Juice - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:54:33: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red Smarties - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:55:38: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lionfish - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 17:57:13: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Lobster - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14588, 18:17:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Popato - Lvl 197 (Mammoth)'! Day 14588, 18:18:17: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Water Waddler - Lvl 161 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 14588, 18:20:07: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 244 (Magmasaur)'! Day 14588, 18:21:58: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gone Shops - Lvl 137 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 14588, 18:30:16: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'she's a brick - Lvl 286 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 14588, 18:31:00: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Meaty Claws - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 14588, 18:31:12: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wotsit - Lvl 121 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 14588, 18:31:48: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tigerrstarr - Lvl 312 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 14588, 18:32:12: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fursona - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 14588, 18:32:42: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leo - Lvl 202 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 14588, 18:34:23: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Torch - Lvl 321 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 18:35:01: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ruby Sunday - Lvl 333 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 18:35:29: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Toastie - Lvl 156 (Baryonyx)'! Day 14588, 18:36:08: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thos Feratu... - Lvl 319 (Desmodus)'! Day 14588, 18:36:37: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tutu - Lvl 118 (Desmodus)'! Day 14588, 18:37:13: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmond - Lvl 271 (Desmodus)'! Day 14588, 18:37:50: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bearnaby - Lvl 112 (Dire Bear)'! Day 14588, 18:38:17: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hands Horse - Lvl 358 (Megatherium)'! Day 14588, 18:38:57: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue #steel - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 14588, 18:44:12: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tego - Lvl 332 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 14588, 18:48:58: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tiny Torch - Lvl 320 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 18:50:07: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Star Bright - Lvl 333 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 18:51:03: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stabby Abby - Lvl 174 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 14588, 18:51:35: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rubi - Lvl 248 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 18:52:04: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bandit - Lvl 193 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 14588, 18:52:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Candy Cane - Lvl 254 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 14588, 18:53:08: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Puppaccino - Lvl 137 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 14588, 18:53:23: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yeen - Lvl 223 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 14588, 18:53:56: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ouppy - Lvl 61 (Ravager)'! Day 14588, 18:54:22: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sparklewolf - Lvl 155 (Direwolf)'! Day 14588, 18:54:43: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vasco - Lvl 182 (Direwolf)'! Day 14588, 18:55:07: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Machete - Lvl 180 (Direwolf)'! Day 14588, 18:56:07: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vcky - Lvl 374 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 14588, 18:56:29: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Night Light - Lvl 338 (Featherlight)'! Day 14588, 18:57:24: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manxie - Lvl 243 (Sabertooth)'! Day 14588, 18:57:50: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COLGATE - Lvl 283 (Castoroides)'! Day 14588, 18:58:09: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'White Hart - Lvl 125 (Megaloceros)'! Day 14588, 18:58:35: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beta Kerosene - Lvl 189 (Raptor)'! Day 14588, 18:58:54: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Waffles - Lvl 189 (Raptor)'! Day 14588, 18:59:18: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Telemachus - Lvl 292 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 14588, 19:06:25: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bloo - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14588, 19:07:52: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Texal - Lvl 346 (Tek Quetzal)'! Day 14588, 19:09:07: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aries - Lvl 317 (Ovis)'! Day 14588, 19:09:53: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Petah - Lvl 217 (Griffin)'! Day 14588, 19:10:19: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ptabitha - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14588, 19:10:43: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow White - Lvl 77 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14588, 19:11:04: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boid 2 - Lvl 174 (Pteranodon)'! Day 14588, 19:25:29: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cabbaging - Lvl 66 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14588, 19:26:12: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sally - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14588, 19:27:50: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Elevator - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14588, 19:32:28: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charizard - Lvl 227 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14588, 19:33:20: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Draculina - Lvl 272 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 03:38:46: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14589, 11:34:09: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dill Pickle - Lvl 256 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 14589, 14:42:15: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bigger Red - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 14589, 17:03:36: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beano - Lvl 103 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14589, 17:04:04: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Green - Lvl 184 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14589, 20:19:10: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowstick - Lvl 247 (Featherlight)'! Day 14589, 21:07:59: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blacklight - Lvl 303 (Featherlight)'! Day 14597, 02:11:55: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue Socks - Lvl 315 (Ovis)'! Day 14691, 15:25:12: Chell - Lvl 174 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14875, 14:20:32: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14887, 23:06:19: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Fibre (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14887, 23:09:55: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Thatch (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 07:36:25: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Stone (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 07:39:12: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Flint (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 07:41:58: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Chitin (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 07:44:44: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Wood (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 07:49:22: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Quick Overstock (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 07:52:43: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Thatch 2 (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 08:00:22: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Pelt (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 08:03:09: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Fibre 2 (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 14888, 08:03:51: Tek Raptor - Lvl 108 destroyed your 'Hide (Large Storage Box) (Locked) '! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15470, 02:56:57: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1237695937,"tribe":"Tribe of DMMGAMER logs":["Day 8677, 15:30:39: DMMGAMER was added to the Tribe! Day 8677, 15:36:56: BNN was added to the Tribe by DMMGAMER! Day 8677, 17:49:32: DMMGAMER claimed 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 159 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 8678, 16:56:06: Tribemember DMMGAMER - Lvl 25 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 8678, 17:31:16: Tribemember DMMGAMER - Lvl 25 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 8679, 07:56:16: DMMGAMER Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 26 (Maewing)! Day 8679, 09:42:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops)! Day 8679, 09:48:37: DMMGAMER claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 282 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 8679, 10:15:57: DMMGAMER claimed 'Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 300 (Aberrant Purlovia)'! Day 8679, 10:24:17: DMMGAMER claimed 'Dolly - Lvl 96 (Purlovia)'! Day 8679, 12:44:03: DMMGAMER claimed '145 - Lvl 258 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 8679, 12:46:35: DMMGAMER claimed 'BERRY BENSON - Lvl 325 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 8679, 13:44:40: DMMGAMER claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 295 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8679, 13:46:27: DMMGAMER claimed '140 - Lvl 250 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8679, 14:26:49: BNN claimed 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 273 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 8679, 14:47:56: DMMGAMER claimed 'Sabertooth - Lvl 312 (Sabertooth)'! Day 8679, 14:48:54: DMMGAMER claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:49:54: DMMGAMER claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:52:07: DMMGAMER claimed 'R-Allosaurus - Lvl 203 (R-Allosaurus )'! Day 8679, 14:53:01: DMMGAMER claimed '150 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 8679, 14:53:39: DMMGAMER claimed 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 364 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 8679, 14:54:43: DMMGAMER claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 176 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:55:26: DMMGAMER claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:55:54: DMMGAMER claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus)'! Day 8679, 14:57:12: DMMGAMER claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 17:44:35: BNN claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 8680, 04:38:43: DMMGAMER uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 148 Day 8680, 04:42:54: DMMGAMER uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 206 Day 8680, 04:44:10: DMMGAMER uploaded a Allosaurus: 150 - Lvl 224 Day 8680, 04:45:00: DMMGAMER uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 146 Day 8680, 04:45:49: DMMGAMER uploaded a Tek Raptor: Tek Raptor - Lvl 364 Day 8680, 04:46:54: DMMGAMER uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 198 Day 8680, 04:47:53: DMMGAMER uploaded a Deinonychus: Deinonychus - Lvl 176 Day 8680, 04:49:00: DMMGAMER uploaded a Pulmonoscorpius: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 171 Day 8680, 04:49:53: DMMGAMER uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 26 Day 8680, 04:50:52: DMMGAMER uploaded a Velonasaur: 140 - Lvl 276 Day 8680, 05:34:49: DMMGAMER uploaded a Tek Stegosaurus: Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 273 Day 8680, 05:35:45: DMMGAMER uploaded a Velonasaur: Velonasaur - Lvl 297 Day 8680, 05:37:00: DMMGAMER uploaded a Stegosaurus: 145 - Lvl 258 Day 8680, 06:10:00: DMMGAMER uploaded a Brontosaurus: BERRY BENSON - Lvl 325 Day 8680, 06:11:06: DMMGAMER uploaded a Sabertooth: Sabertooth - Lvl 315 Day 8680, 06:23:17: DMMGAMER uploaded a R-Allosaurus : R-Allosaurus - Lvl 203 Day 8680, 06:24:15: DMMGAMER uploaded a Aberrant Purlovia: Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 327 Day 8680, 06:25:06: DMMGAMER uploaded a Purlovia: Dolly - Lvl 96 Day 8680, 06:25:48: DMMGAMER uploaded a Doedicurus: Doedicurus - Lvl 228 Day 8680, 07:13:02: DMMGAMER uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 282 Day 8680, 07:27:37: BNN uploaded a Dimorphodon: Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 Day 8700, 20:28:16: BNN downloaded a dino: Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 Day 8700, 21:39:26: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Velonasaur - Lvl 297 Day 8700, 21:45:00: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: 140 - Lvl 276 Day 8701, 12:27:39: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: BERRY BENSON - Lvl 325 Day 8701, 12:32:10: DMMGAMER froze BERRY BENSON - Lvl 325 (Brontosaurus) Day 8701, 12:39:31: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Doedicurus - Lvl 228 Day 8701, 12:41:09: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Dimorphodon - Lvl 282 Day 8701, 12:44:27: DMMGAMER froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 8701, 12:51:27: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Tek Raptor - Lvl 364 Day 8701, 12:55:36: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 26 Day 8701, 12:56:45: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Sabertooth - Lvl 315 Day 8701, 13:01:14: DMMGAMER froze Sabertooth - Lvl 315 (Sabertooth) Day 8701, 13:04:35: DMMGAMER froze Maewing - Lvl 26 (Maewing) Day 8701, 13:12:08: DMMGAMER froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 364 (Tek Raptor) Day 8701, 13:19:38: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: R-Allosaurus - Lvl 203 Day 8701, 13:21:32: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: 150 - Lvl 224 Day 8701, 13:25:47: DMMGAMER froze R-Allosaurus - Lvl 203 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 8701, 13:28:47: DMMGAMER froze 150 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 8702, 05:09:53: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 148 Day 8702, 05:10:39: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 206 Day 8702, 05:11:26: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 146 Day 8702, 05:12:00: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 198 Day 8702, 05:13:11: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: 145 - Lvl 258 Day 8702, 05:14:23: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Deinonychus - Lvl 176 Day 8702, 05:14:58: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 171 Day 8702, 05:15:24: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 273 Day 8702, 05:15:54: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 327 Day 8702, 05:16:23: DMMGAMER downloaded a dino: Dolly - Lvl 96 Day 8702, 05:20:10: DMMGAMER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 8702, 05:23:14: DMMGAMER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 176 (Deinonychus) Day 8702, 05:26:18: DMMGAMER froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 273 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 8702, 05:30:23: DMMGAMER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 8702, 05:33:57: DMMGAMER froze 145 - Lvl 258 (Stegosaurus) Day 8702, 05:37:10: DMMGAMER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 8702, 05:41:44: DMMGAMER froze Dolly - Lvl 96 (Purlovia) Day 8702, 05:45:24: DMMGAMER froze Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus) Day 8702, 05:48:40: DMMGAMER froze Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 327 (Aberrant Purlovia) Day 8702, 05:55:11: DMMGAMER froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 171 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 8702, 05:58:51: DMMGAMER froze BNN - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur) Day 8702, 08:13:39: DMMGAMER froze Velonasaur - Lvl 304 (Velonasaur) Day 8703, 16:07:48: Zeylik was added to the Tribe by DMMGAMER! Day 8704, 16:18:05: Zeylik Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 8705, 05:08:15: DMMGAMER unclaimed 'Fuckface - Lvl 42 (Argentavis)'! Day 8705, 05:08:47: DMMGAMER claimed 'Fuckface - Lvl 42 (Argentavis)'! Day 8705, 10:15:34: Tribemember Zeylik - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9257, 00:31:28: Your Triceratops - Lvl 37 (Triceratops) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9299, 09:17:02: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9481, 17:06:48: Maewing - Lvl 75 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 9786, 06:22:22: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fuckface - Lvl 43 (Argentavis)'! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10040, 12:21:00: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BNN - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10040, 12:24:26: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 305 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10040, 12:31:58: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 10040, 12:32:51: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 284 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 10040, 12:53:09: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 363 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13817, 05:46:03: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13817, 18:43:24: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ZEYLIK - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13817, 19:33:01: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BNN - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus)'!"] "tribeid":1237145966,"tribe":"OMEN logs":["Day 11367, 03:59:23: Mistique was added to the Tribe! Day 11367, 08:57:16: Mistique froze Tek Rex - Lvl 273 (Tek Rex) Day 11367, 13:30:03: Mistique downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 30 Day 11367, 16:44:13: Mistique froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11367, 17:21:05: Mistique froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11368, 08:37:37: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11368, 10:09:32: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11368, 10:52:19: Mistique froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 11368, 14:52:04: Mistique froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 11368, 20:36:14: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11368, 20:43:37: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11368, 21:15:07: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11368, 21:21:17: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11369, 04:00:19: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11369, 04:17:33: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11369, 05:45:56: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11369, 07:21:42: Mistique froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 11369, 09:13:24: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11377, 06:45:57: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11377, 07:04:56: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11503, 14:54:17: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11503, 17:24:20: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 237 (R-Reaper King) Day 11503, 18:38:54: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 259 (R-Reaper King) Day 11506, 15:44:26: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11506, 15:48:23: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11506, 16:15:21: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11506, 16:30:48: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11506, 17:59:58: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11507, 06:46:37: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 07:12:20: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 07:50:29: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 08:38:42: Mistique claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 11507, 08:42:32: Mistique froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11507, 12:45:54: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11507, 12:49:39: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11507, 12:54:07: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11507, 13:07:55: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 11507, 13:18:48: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 13:23:22: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 13:39:18: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 14:01:06: Mistique froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11507, 18:43:32: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 19:00:28: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11507, 23:49:27: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 00:01:38: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 170 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 00:15:11: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 00:22:21: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 09:15:14: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11508, 13:05:13: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 11508, 14:50:33: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 16:47:18: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 291 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 17:43:21: Tribemember Mistique - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 11508, 18:25:54: Tribemember Mistique - Lvl 115 was killed! Day 11508, 19:55:16: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 293 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 21:57:11: Mistique froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 11508, 22:05:13: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 22:18:17: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11508, 23:54:30: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 294 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 00:27:29: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 00:33:08: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 00:48:08: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 00:59:50: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 177 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 03:45:40: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 177 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 03:52:39: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 03:59:49: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 04:08:32: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 04:16:25: Mistique froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King) Day 11509, 05:03:41: Mistique froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 06:32:28: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 06:42:01: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 13:17:03: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 15:53:56: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 16:10:10: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 16:21:21: Mistique froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing) Day 11509, 18:45:44: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11509, 20:20:27: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 02:13:54: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 02:18:35: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 02:31:35: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 02:46:00: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 13:42:01: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 13:46:58: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11510, 13:55:39: Mistique froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11539, 05:10:17: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 177 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 11601, 14:24:43: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 11780, 02:55:56: Maewing - Lvl 48 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 12072, 16:43:20: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12072, 16:43:51: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12072, 16:43:57: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12072, 16:45:28: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 187 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12090, 19:11:27: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12103, 19:40:31: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 209 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12103, 21:01:51: Clarticus - Lvl 107 (Party pool) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex)'! Day 12103, 21:52:36: Clarticus - Lvl 107 (Party pool) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12292, 23:54:56: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 207 (Maewing)'! Day 12293, 00:06:49: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 229 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12293, 00:08:54: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12293, 00:10:51: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12293, 00:36:35: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 91 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12293, 19:23:47: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 228 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12294, 04:19:15: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12366, 13:51:01: Drumunsta - Lvl 112 (Party pool) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12366, 14:49:34: Drumunsta - Lvl 112 (Party pool) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12400, 00:12:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12652, 22:09:40: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12652, 22:11:40: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13002, 18:37:17: Tribemember Mistique - Lvl 115 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1236199857,"tribe":"Tribe of Tiny logs":["Day 11821, 13:34:35: Tiny was added to the Tribe! Day 11821, 14:00:45: BigBunda was added to the Tribe by Tiny! Day 11821, 16:33:40: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 44 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 11822, 00:17:56: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 46 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 15! Day 11822, 01:12:11: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 46 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 11822, 03:16:58: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 46 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 11822, 08:36:32: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 48 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 11822, 11:43:43: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 49 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 11822, 11:52:55: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 49 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 11822, 18:18:17: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 51 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 11822, 19:06:56: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 11823, 08:23:04: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 11823, 08:45:57: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 11823, 18:58:35: BigBunda Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 76 (Stegosaurus)! Day 11823, 23:31:40: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 90! Day 11824, 00:29:49: Tiny Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 131 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 11840, 00:55:55: BigBunda Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 82 (Pachy)! Day 11840, 18:37:24: BigBunda Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 207 (Terror Bird)! Day 11842, 21:59:48: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:01:24: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:02:51: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:04:07: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:05:43: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:07:01: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:08:28: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11842, 22:09:43: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 11843, 23:57:30: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 11844, 05:22:30: Tiny Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 27 (Doedicurus)! Day 11844, 08:20:16: BigBunda Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 11844, 08:43:32: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 11846, 20:55:47: BigBunda Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 67 (Argentavis)! Day 11886, 14:13:34: Your Gary - Lvl 101 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130! Day 11886, 14:31:37: Your Fred - Lvl 149 (Raptor) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130! Day 11888, 16:03:57: Tiny Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 142 (Argentavis)! Day 11890, 01:50:08: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11890, 22:50:04: BigBunda Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 154 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 11907, 21:15:29: BigBunda Tamed a Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 82 (Pachyrhinosaurus)! Day 11908, 22:47:15: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 81 (Argentavis)'! Day 11909, 05:55:09: Tiny demolished a 'Greenhouse Door (Locked) '! Day 11910, 00:34:02: Tiny Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 11911, 07:40:43: Tiny Tamed a Rex - Lvl 208 (Rex)! Day 11911, 11:23:48: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11912, 09:04:39: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 97 was killed by Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 11912, 09:04:39: Your Tribe killed BigBunda - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 11912, 09:16:17: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 97 was killed by Tiny - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 11912, 09:16:17: Your Tribe killed BigBunda - Lvl 97 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 11913, 01:40:52: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 11913, 21:17:35: BigBunda Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)! Day 11914, 16:15:57: Tiny claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 133 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11914, 16:33:53: Tiny unclaimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 133 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11914, 16:38:45: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 133 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11914, 18:10:59: Your Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 133 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 11914, 18:10:59: Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 133 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 11932, 22:28:00: Tiny Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 11933, 06:15:28: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 11933, 06:38:56: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11933, 10:18:57: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 11933, 15:14:47: BigBunda Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 11933, 15:40:20: BigBunda Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 62 (Desmodus)! Day 11935, 15:26:27: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 11935, 21:02:33: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 260 (Yutyrannus) Day 11935, 21:24:30: BigBunda froze Princess - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 11936, 11:45:35: Tiny froze Argentavis - Lvl 193 (Argentavis) Day 11960, 04:30:32: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 11960, 13:31:05: Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 11960, 13:31:05: Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 11960, 14:35:27: Piranha - Lvl 140 | 0.9x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 11960, 18:56:06: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 104 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 11961, 09:43:00: Tiny froze Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 11961, 09:53:25: Tiny froze Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 11961, 10:04:31: Tiny froze Argentavis - Lvl 203 (Argentavis) Day 11962, 18:09:33: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 11964, 09:40:43: Piranha - Lvl 95 | 1.1x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 11964, 09:56:50: Your Desmodus - Lvl 89 (Desmodus) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 100! Day 11964, 12:17:58: Your Desmodus - Lvl 48 (Desmodus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 140! Day 11964, 13:13:55: Piranha - Lvl 85 | 1.0x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 11981, 20:30:10: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 11981, 20:35:16: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 135 (Argentavis)'! Day 11983, 10:37:44: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 137 (Argentavis)'! Day 11983, 12:48:05: Tiny demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 11983, 18:53:10: Tiny demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 11983, 18:53:58: Tiny demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 11984, 05:14:27: Tiny froze Clarence - Lvl 99 (Argentavis) Day 11984, 05:24:05: Tiny froze Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 11984, 05:30:08: Tiny froze Pauline - Lvl 152 (Argentavis) Day 11984, 05:43:27: Tiny froze Darren - Lvl 131 (Argentavis) Day 11984, 10:59:19: BigBunda froze FirstMutation M - Lvl 135 (Argentavis) Day 12009, 02:26:25: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 12009, 21:00:09: Juvenile Bunda - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 12034, 02:14:21: Soru was added to the Tribe by Tiny! Day 12034, 21:42:28: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis)'! Day 12034, 21:54:17: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) was killed by BigBunda - Lvl 108 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12034, 21:54:17: Your Tribe killed Baby Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12034, 23:45:27: Soru Tamed a Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)! Day 12034, 23:50:36: Soru froze Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 12035, 03:10:19: Soru froze Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 12035, 04:59:06: Soru claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 12035, 06:07:10: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12035, 06:26:32: Soru claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 123 (Argentavis)'! Day 12035, 15:32:34: Soru froze Juvenile Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12035, 15:36:40: Soru froze Juvenile Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12035, 20:04:35: Soru froze Juvenile Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12036, 02:32:02: Soru froze Adolescent Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12036, 06:04:17: Soru froze Adolescent Sammy - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 12036, 07:37:16: Soru froze Adolescent Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12036, 07:41:50: Soru froze Adolescent Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12036, 07:45:04: Soru froze Adolescent Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12074, 20:12:01: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12074, 20:13:05: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12074, 20:14:25: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12074, 20:40:43: BigBunda - Lvl 108 (Tribe of Tiny) destroyed your 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 12074, 20:41:01: BigBunda - Lvl 108 (Tribe of Tiny) destroyed your 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 12074, 23:49:39: BigBunda unclaimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12074, 23:59:32: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12075, 00:42:34: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by BigBunda - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12075, 00:42:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12075, 00:50:33: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by BigBunda - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12075, 00:50:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12075, 00:56:36: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by BigBunda - Lvl 109 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12075, 00:56:36: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12079, 09:59:41: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 12079, 10:07:02: BigBunda - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Tiny) destroyed your 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 12079, 10:07:02: BigBunda - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Tiny) destroyed your 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 12079, 10:09:09: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) was killed by BigBunda - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12079, 10:09:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12097, 06:46:35: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 12097, 07:52:40: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12097, 08:02:40: BigBunda - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Tiny) destroyed your 'Electric Cable Straight'! Day 12097, 08:04:06: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by BigBunda - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12097, 08:04:06: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) (Tribe of Tiny)! Day 12097, 16:07:05: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12097, 16:18:49: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12097, 21:38:15: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12098, 13:04:33: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12098, 14:04:58: Your Moschops - Lvl 65 (Moschops) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 12098, 22:36:08: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12099, 04:48:00: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12100, 01:26:43: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 12100, 11:22:39: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12101, 15:16:30: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12101, 15:20:25: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12101, 15:24:56: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12102, 07:46:14: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12122, 16:43:48: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:48: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:48: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:48: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:51: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:51: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:51: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:51: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:51: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:51: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:55: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:55: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:55: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:55: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 16:43:55: Brontosaurus - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 12122, 18:32:45: Tiny uploaded a Argentavis: RUNA - Lvl 207 Day 12123, 10:28:34: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12123, 13:17:51: Tiny downloaded a dino: RUNA - Lvl 207 Day 12123, 15:31:11: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 45! Day 12124, 01:52:28: BigBunda froze Pauline - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 12124, 07:04:55: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 12124, 21:17:53: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 12124, 21:28:45: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 262 (Yutyrannus) Day 12125, 02:18:27: Tiny froze RUNA - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 12125, 06:19:23: Tiny claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 282 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12125, 06:53:20: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 265 (Rex) Day 12125, 11:24:30: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 262 (Yutyrannus) Day 12127, 12:31:42: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 12127, 12:32:36: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 12127, 12:34:16: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 12127, 12:35:33: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 12127, 17:01:39: Tiny froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 12127, 17:05:33: Tiny froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 12127, 17:10:18: Tiny froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 12127, 21:38:37: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12128, 03:44:09: Tiny froze Juvenile Breed start 1 - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 12128, 03:56:05: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 12128, 08:43:31: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12128, 08:50:37: Tiny froze Juvenile Breed start 1 - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 12128, 13:20:01: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12128, 13:24:41: Tiny froze Juvenile Breed start 1 - Lvl 215 (Rex) Day 12128, 13:28:41: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12128, 17:14:47: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12129, 04:21:14: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 12129, 04:58:12: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12144, 21:06:12: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 12144, 21:11:11: Tiny froze Argentavis - Lvl 137 (Argentavis) Day 12144, 21:19:35: Tiny froze Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12144, 22:05:43: Tiny froze Sammy - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 12145, 10:48:08: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex)'! Day 12145, 11:05:27: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 12145, 11:30:49: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12145, 13:09:23: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 12145, 13:10:11: Tiny claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 12145, 19:58:09: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12145, 20:02:11: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12145, 20:45:02: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12145, 22:36:46: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 12146, 04:45:52: Tiny froze Sammy - Lvl 127 (Argentavis) Day 12146, 07:42:29: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12146, 07:46:48: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12146, 09:40:23: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 12146, 11:53:56: Tiny froze Doedicurus - Lvl 63 (Doedicurus) Day 12146, 12:13:48: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12146, 12:45:48: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12146, 14:07:33: Tiny froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 12146, 16:40:53: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12146, 21:24:53: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12146, 22:58:40: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12146, 23:05:54: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12146, 23:55:11: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 12147, 00:05:26: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12147, 03:03:15: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12147, 09:43:52: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12147, 09:54:23: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12147, 09:59:41: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12147, 10:06:27: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 12147, 10:18:38: BigBunda froze Princess - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 12147, 10:27:50: BigBunda froze Princess - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 12147, 10:40:20: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12147, 10:49:33: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 12147, 10:59:25: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12147, 11:00:57: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 12147, 11:07:01: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12147, 11:07:57: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 12147, 12:23:45: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 210 (Rex) Day 12147, 12:53:47: Tiny froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12147, 15:20:46: Tiny froze Breed start 1 - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 12148, 04:37:56: Tiny froze Breed start 1 - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 12148, 05:06:00: Tiny froze rex 1 - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 12148, 05:21:25: Tiny froze rex 2 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12148, 05:32:07: Tiny froze rex 3 - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 12148, 05:43:08: Tiny froze rex 4 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 12148, 05:55:19: Tiny froze rex 6 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12148, 06:06:05: Tiny froze rex 7 - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 12148, 06:18:01: Tiny froze rex 9 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12148, 06:31:28: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 12148, 06:53:25: Tiny froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 12148, 07:05:26: Tiny froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12148, 13:35:43: Tiny froze Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex) Day 12148, 13:41:41: Tiny froze Breed start 1 - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 12148, 13:47:09: Tiny froze rex 1 - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 12148, 13:53:03: Tiny froze rex 1 - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 12148, 13:55:52: Tiny froze rex 7 - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:01:12: Tiny froze rex 2 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:10:43: Tiny froze rex 2 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:13:40: Tiny froze rex 3 - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:20:31: Tiny froze rex 4 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:26:21: Tiny froze rex 9 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:31:28: Tiny froze rex 6 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:40:06: Tiny froze rex 6 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:43:27: Tiny froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12148, 14:48:32: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 12149, 08:02:48: Tiny froze RUNA - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 12149, 08:45:44: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 12149, 09:15:33: Tiny froze RUNA - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 12149, 10:29:51: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 12152, 15:07:24: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 274 (Yutyrannus) Day 12152, 15:24:01: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 12152, 18:12:16: Tiny froze RUNA - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 12152, 18:12:27: BigBunda froze Pauline - Lvl 180 (Argentavis) Day 12152, 20:29:16: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 276 (Yutyrannus) Day 12152, 21:18:46: BigBunda froze rex 7 - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 12152, 21:26:14: BigBunda froze Breed start 1 - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 12152, 21:33:55: BigBunda froze rex 3 - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 12152, 21:39:16: BigBunda froze rex 1 - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 12152, 21:48:58: BigBunda froze rex 6 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12152, 21:53:18: BigBunda froze rex 9 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12152, 22:02:02: BigBunda froze rex 2 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12152, 22:06:39: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12152, 22:14:16: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12152, 22:20:06: BigBunda froze rex 4 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 12152, 22:49:45: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 12152, 22:54:50: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 285 (Rex) Day 12153, 05:48:10: Tiny froze RUNA - Lvl 213 (Argentavis) Day 12153, 06:21:56: Tiny froze Princess - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 12153, 13:15:02: Your Argentavis - Lvl 174 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 12153, 14:12:14: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 12153, 15:31:24: BigBunda froze Jasmine - Lvl 123 (Argentavis) Day 12153, 15:42:13: BigBunda froze Clarence - Lvl 99 (Argentavis) Day 12177, 02:42:58: Tiny Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)! Day 12177, 02:50:50: Tiny froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 12177, 17:16:03: Tiny froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 12198, 11:35:27: Tiny claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12198, 11:39:19: Tiny froze Baby sd - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12198, 16:09:34: Tiny froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12198, 20:46:48: Tiny froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12200, 09:14:10: Tiny froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12200, 22:10:59: Tiny froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12222, 13:37:24: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12222, 18:15:54: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12222, 23:08:45: BigBunda froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12223, 05:39:58: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12223, 05:43:29: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12223, 17:39:24: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12223, 17:43:07: BigBunda froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12223, 18:50:12: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12223, 20:57:36: Tiny froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12223, 23:25:40: Tiny froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 12224, 06:07:05: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12224, 06:10:51: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12224, 21:11:49: BigBunda froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12225, 01:27:47: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 286 (Yutyrannus) Day 12225, 01:30:50: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 12225, 06:44:45: BigBunda froze rex 3 - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 12225, 07:54:47: BigBunda froze rex 7 - Lvl 243 (Rex) Day 12225, 07:58:24: BigBunda froze rex 9 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:05:59: BigBunda froze rex 9 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:09:15: BigBunda froze Princess - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:15:18: BigBunda froze rex 1 - Lvl 250 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:18:30: BigBunda froze rex 2 - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:24:03: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:27:22: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:33:19: BigBunda froze rex 6 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:36:35: BigBunda froze Breed start 1 - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:43:57: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 12225, 08:47:14: BigBunda froze rex 4 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 12225, 12:35:10: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 12225, 12:51:52: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 287 (Yutyrannus) Day 12225, 14:57:34: BigBunda froze Pauline - Lvl 183 (Argentavis) Day 12225, 15:00:15: Tiny froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 12225, 17:21:45: BigBunda froze rex 7 - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 12225, 17:26:04: BigBunda froze rex 1 - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 12225, 17:29:45: BigBunda froze rex 3 - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 12225, 17:36:58: BigBunda froze rex 6 - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 12225, 17:41:10: BigBunda froze Breed start 1 - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 12225, 17:49:21: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 12225, 17:52:50: BigBunda froze rex 9 - Lvl 276 (Rex) Day 12225, 18:05:22: BigBunda froze Princess - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 12225, 18:08:18: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 12225, 18:14:22: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 275 (Rex) Day 12225, 18:17:36: BigBunda froze rex 2 - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 12225, 18:41:01: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 289 (Yutyrannus) Day 12225, 18:42:32: BigBunda froze Speed - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 12226, 04:59:29: BigBunda claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12226, 05:10:28: Tiny froze Maewing - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 12226, 06:48:13: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 289 (Yutyrannus) Day 12227, 15:25:11: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12227, 19:54:12: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12227, 19:58:35: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12227, 20:02:47: BigBunda froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12227, 20:13:39: BigBunda froze Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 12241, 09:53:41: BigBunda froze rex 4 - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 12242, 07:08:41: Tiny froze Cumrag - Lvl 289 (Yutyrannus) Day 12281, 01:27:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12376, 05:42:04: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12400, 00:12:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12740, 12:05:37: Your Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 55! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12845, 13:50:52: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 288 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12845, 13:57:55: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 12845, 14:09:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed start 1 - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 12845, 14:12:56: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12845, 14:14:08: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12845, 14:18:42: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12845, 14:20:56: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Speed - Lvl 296 (Rex)'! Day 12845, 14:30:27: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DOG - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12845, 14:35:22: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'EGG SNACHER - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)'! Day 12845, 14:42:28: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sammy - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)'! Day 12845, 14:44:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 63 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12845, 14:46:35: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flatface - Lvl 135 (Pachyrhinosaurus)'! Day 12845, 14:48:01: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jimmy - Lvl 237 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12845, 14:50:52: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bruce - Lvl 105 (Pachy)'! Day 12845, 14:54:34: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankle - Lvl 214 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 12845, 14:56:20: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pauline - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 12845, 14:59:08: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FireHawk - Lvl 155 (Argentavis)'! Day 12845, 15:12:18: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FirstMutation M - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 12845, 15:15:44: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 259 (Maewing)'! Day 12852, 02:17:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12852, 02:17:57: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12955, 15:21:17: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cumrag - Lvl 289 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 12955, 15:29:11: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brimstone - Lvl 229 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12955, 15:46:09: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Darren - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)'! Day 12955, 15:55:11: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RUNA - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)'! Day 13113, 20:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13113, 20:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13579, 05:38:03: Tribemember Soru - Lvl 62 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 13814, 04:26:13: SmolBirb - Lvl 217 (Terror Bird) starved to death! Day 13836, 05:41:31: Tribemember Tiny - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 13844, 20:56:32: Tribemember BigBunda - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1232184164,"tribe":"oonga bunga logs":["Day 14848, 18:18:35: Ward froze Founder M 9460 338% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14848, 18:34:23: Ward froze Juvenile 9460 343% - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 14859, 15:15:59: Ward froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 14859, 21:35:29: Ward claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 220 (Maewing)'! Day 14860, 02:58:37: Ward froze Juvenile 9460 343% - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 14860, 03:24:12: Ward froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 220 (Maewing) Day 14860, 08:32:20: Ward froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 220 (Maewing) Day 14860, 13:16:01: Ward froze Juvenile 9460 343% - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 14861, 02:25:16: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 14861, 05:31:13: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 14861, 07:05:49: Ward froze Gasbags - Lvl 235 (Gasbags) Day 14861, 07:09:19: Ward froze Magmasaur - Lvl 202 (Magmasaur) Day 14861, 12:32:50: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 265 (Maewing) Day 14861, 13:18:37: Ward froze Magmasaur - Lvl 202 (Magmasaur) Day 14864, 11:09:26: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14868, 19:03:39: Ward froze Gasbags - Lvl 237 (Gasbags) Day 14868, 19:47:33: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 14868, 20:46:19: Ward froze Magmasaur - Lvl 202 (Magmasaur) Day 14869, 00:57:23: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14869, 01:16:00: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 14869, 04:10:33: Ward froze Gasbags - Lvl 237 (Gasbags) Day 14869, 05:48:10: Ward froze Magmasaur - Lvl 207 (Magmasaur) Day 14869, 09:33:18: Ward demolished a 'Bed'! Day 14869, 09:34:02: Ward demolished a 'Bed'! Day 14870, 00:56:10: Ward froze Throwaway - Lvl 243 (Maewing) Day 14870, 01:01:22: Ward froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 14870, 01:07:20: Ward froze Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 14870, 01:13:22: Ward froze Raptor - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 14870, 01:21:59: Ward froze Imprint - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 14870, 01:27:54: Ward froze Megaloceros - Lvl 197 (Megaloceros) Day 14870, 01:36:19: Ward froze Beast - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) Day 14870, 01:46:10: Ward froze Desmodus - Lvl 136 (Desmodus) Day 14870, 01:58:17: Ward froze Gacha - Lvl 226 (Gacha) Day 14871, 13:40:02: Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.0x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 14871, 13:52:02: Piranha - Lvl 20 | 0.8x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 14882, 22:36:52: Ward froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 95 | 1.7x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 14882, 22:41:11: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 20 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) Day 14882, 22:45:28: Ward froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 95 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 14882, 22:49:45: Ward froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 145 | 1.2x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 14882, 22:54:04: Ward froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 1.1x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 14882, 22:58:50: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 15 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 14882, 23:03:05: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 145 | 1.1x (Coelacanth) Day 14882, 23:07:18: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 150 | 1.3x (Coelacanth) Day 14882, 23:12:38: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 135 | 1.0x (Coelacanth) Day 14883, 14:11:51: Ward Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane)! Day 14883, 15:05:27: Ward froze Shadowmane - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 14883, 16:38:59: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 14883, 17:19:40: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 14888, 00:59:32: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 14888, 08:16:55: Ward froze Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) Day 14888, 10:02:43: Ward froze Gasbags - Lvl 249 (Gasbags) Day 14888, 11:18:57: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 14892, 09:06:11: Ward froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 14892, 11:44:25: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 287 (Maewing) Day 14893, 19:08:50: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 55 | 1.9x (Coelacanth) Day 14893, 19:12:01: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 95 | 1.9x (Coelacanth) Day 14893, 19:15:44: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 100 | 1.8x (Coelacanth) Day 14893, 19:19:13: Ward froze Coelacanth - Lvl 100 | 1.7x (Coelacanth) Day 14905, 21:27:25: Chop - Lvl 163 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 14933, 08:40:27: Ward froze Founder M 9460 338% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14933, 08:53:44: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14933, 08:57:24: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 14933, 09:00:35: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14933, 09:15:58: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14933, 09:49:27: Ward froze Baby 10120 343% - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 14933, 11:30:20: Ward froze Shadowmane - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 14933, 13:02:07: Ward froze Shadowmane - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 14933, 14:12:34: Ward froze Shadowmane - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane) Day 14933, 17:23:13: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14933, 17:24:29: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14933, 17:36:43: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14933, 18:43:31: Ward froze Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 14935, 06:03:37: Ward froze Gasbags - Lvl 252 (Gasbags) Day 14937, 11:53:25: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 290 (Maewing) Day 14937, 12:05:41: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 12:09:37: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 12:12:56: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 12:17:55: Ward froze Founder F 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 12:24:20: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 13:48:11: Ward froze Founder F 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 13:55:12: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 13:58:30: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 14:01:41: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 14:04:59: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 14:20:46: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 14:24:48: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 14937, 14:28:18: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 11:45:30: Ward Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane)! Day 14938, 12:32:31: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 14938, 13:25:27: Ward froze Magmasaur - Lvl 218 (Magmasaur) Day 14938, 14:20:18: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 14:27:06: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 14:29:54: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 14:30:15: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 14:34:23: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 14:37:44: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 14:38:05: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 14:41:56: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 14:56:32: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 14:57:24: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 14:59:30: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14938, 15:07:16: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 15:10:34: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 15:14:02: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 14938, 15:29:11: Ward claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14938, 15:35:29: Ward froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 14938, 22:49:25: Ward froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 14939, 08:20:50: Ward froze 5775 348% - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 14939, 10:38:54: Ward froze 5775 348% - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 14939, 11:55:32: Ward froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 14957, 05:46:17: Ward froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 06:17:24: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 06:20:41: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 06:24:03: Ward froze 10120 343% Bull - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 06:28:09: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 07:57:38: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 08:05:02: Ward froze Founder F 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 08:11:13: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 08:19:12: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 08:30:54: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 08:43:54: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 09:13:28: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 09:16:21: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 09:20:12: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 09:23:49: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 09:27:41: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 12:38:13: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:38:54: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:39:32: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:40:11: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:40:51: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:41:52: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:42:35: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:43:14: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:43:55: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:44:35: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:45:14: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:45:57: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:46:51: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:47:27: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:48:07: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:48:50: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:49:44: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:50:24: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 12:51:02: Ward demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 14957, 16:33:59: NyX froze Chubbles - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) Day 14957, 17:25:54: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 17:29:35: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 17:45:28: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:03:41: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:06:27: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:07:41: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:13:11: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:14:19: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:17:10: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:18:12: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:22:08: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:22:57: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:27:09: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:34:13: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:37:02: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:37:28: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:41:24: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 18:42:25: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 14957, 18:45:15: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 14957, 19:27:52: NyX froze Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 14958, 00:27:23: NyX froze Maeve - Lvl 256 (Maewing) Day 14958, 00:30:28: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 14958, 18:52:38: Ward froze Founder M 9460 338% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 18:59:33: Ward froze 9460 343% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 14958, 23:25:07: NyX claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14958, 23:35:02: Ward froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 14958, 23:39:15: Ward froze 7755 284% - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 14959, 00:32:33: NyX froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 14963, 20:08:10: Ward froze Nasus - Lvl 155 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14963, 21:39:44: NyX froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 14963, 22:34:29: NyX froze Frosty - Lvl 245 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14963, 22:40:48: Ward froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14963, 22:58:23: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 14964, 07:46:53: Ward claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14964, 08:08:16: NyX froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 14964, 08:41:42: NyX froze Frosty - Lvl 249 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14964, 16:40:31: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 14964, 17:42:58: Ward froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14964, 18:47:04: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex) was killed by Ward - Lvl 112 (oonga bunga)! Day 14964, 18:47:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)! Day 14964, 18:55:25: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex) was killed by Ward - Lvl 112 (oonga bunga)! Day 14964, 18:55:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 255 (Tek Rex)! Day 14964, 19:10:48: Magmasaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 14964, 19:10:48: Magmasaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 14964, 19:10:48: Magmasaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 14964, 19:10:48: Magmasaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 14964, 19:10:48: Magmasaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 14964, 19:12:53: Ward demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 14964, 20:08:55: Ward froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 14964, 21:42:20: Ward Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 88 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 14964, 21:52:31: Ward froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 88 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 14965, 05:47:23: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Ward - Lvl 112 (oonga bunga)! Day 14965, 05:47:23: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) (oonga bunga)! Day 14965, 06:40:22: NyX froze Katie - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 14965, 09:32:09: Ward froze Adolescent Stinky - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 14965, 10:17:38: Tribemember Ward - Lvl 112 was killed by NyX - Lvl 108 (oonga bunga)! Day 14965, 10:17:38: Your Tribe killed Ward - Lvl 112 (oonga bunga)! Day 14965, 14:30:01: NyX froze Adolescent Stinky - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane) Day 14965, 14:48:03: NyX froze 7755H 30 points Male - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 14965, 15:15:54: NyX froze 7755H 30 points Male - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 14966, 07:19:07: NyX froze Snow Owl - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 14966, 09:54:39: NyX froze Snow Owl - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 14966, 11:35:02: NyX froze Frosty - Lvl 258 (Ice Wyvern) Day 14981, 19:03:47: 10120 343% Bull - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 14987, 08:15:06: Ward claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14987, 08:21:54: Ward froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 14987, 08:31:49: Ward froze 7755 284% - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 14987, 08:34:55: Ward froze Chad - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15005, 18:45:08: Ward froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 15005, 18:50:38: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15005, 19:01:44: Ward froze Baby 10120 355% bull - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 15005, 20:58:50: Ward froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 90 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15005, 21:48:58: NyX froze Chubbles - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 15005, 22:45:21: NyX claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15005, 22:55:20: NyX froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 15006, 00:46:35: NyX froze Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl) Day 15006, 01:15:47: NyX froze Frosty - Lvl 266 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15006, 02:29:34: NyX froze Frosty - Lvl 266 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15006, 10:21:01: Ward froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 15006, 10:25:14: Ward froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane) Day 15006, 12:28:42: NyX claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 15006, 18:46:34: Tribemember NyX - Lvl 111 was killed by Ward - Lvl 112 (oonga bunga)! Day 15006, 18:46:34: Your Tribe killed NyX - Lvl 111 (oonga bunga)! Day 15006, 21:03:27: NyX froze Frosty - Lvl 268 (Ice Wyvern) Day 15007, 01:56:28: NyX froze Maeve - Lvl 273 (Maewing) Day 15007, 16:10:59: NyX claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15007, 16:50:13: NyX claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15012, 12:21:16: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 15012, 12:21:16: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 15012, 12:21:16: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 15012, 12:21:16: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 15049, 16:08:49: Ward froze 10120 355% bull - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 15049, 16:15:05: Ward froze 10120 343% - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 15049, 17:23:23: Tribemember Ward - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15049, 20:25:03: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15049, 20:36:45: Ward froze Baby Purple - Lvl 268 (Tek Rex) Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15224, 23:48:56: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15224, 23:53:26: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 15224, 23:55:28: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15225, 00:03:00: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 261 (Tek Rex) Day 15225, 00:05:06: Ward claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15225, 00:08:36: Ward froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex) Day 15232, 23:28:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15303, 09:53:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15351, 00:18:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15351, 00:18:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15351, 00:18:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15478, 21:47:49: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 226 (Gacha)'! Day 15494, 17:03:32: Tribemember NyX - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 15517, 17:46:49: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15517, 17:46:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15716, 18:33:15: 인간 - Lvl 98 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bahamut - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15760, 14:58:28: Tribemember Ward - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 15827, 13:49:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15827, 13:49:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15827, 13:49:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15827, 13:49:00: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15827, 13:49:00: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15827, 13:49:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15851, 10:10:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15902, 00:02:06: Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 15924, 07:49:55: 인간석기 - Lvl 102 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha)'! Day 15926, 08:56:02: Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 15959, 12:29:51: Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 16018, 06:24:03: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16198, 07:17:52: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 296 (Snow Owl)'! Day 16198, 07:25:47: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Frosty - Lvl 270 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 16198, 07:31:35: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '5949 229% - Lvl 185 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 16198, 07:45:04: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 16198, 08:02:04: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lion - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16198, 08:23:55: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '7755 284% - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16198, 08:28:04: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '5775 348% - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16198, 08:34:27: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '6270 - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16198, 08:43:00: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 136 (Desmodus)'! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16410, 09:48:58: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 16410, 09:50:39: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megaloceros - Lvl 256 (Megaloceros)'! Day 16410, 09:51:15: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus)'! Day 16410, 09:52:07: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 16410, 09:55:30: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 217 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16410, 09:56:43: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maeve - Lvl 275 (Maewing)'! Day 16410, 09:57:59: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chad - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16410, 09:59:21: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chub - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16410, 10:00:49: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nurse - Lvl 263 (Maewing)'! Day 16410, 10:01:17: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing)'! Day 16410, 10:02:56: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16410, 10:03:52: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 239 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16410, 10:06:07: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 295 (Maewing)'! Day 16410, 10:07:31: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beast - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16410, 10:09:30: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9460 343% - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:10:35: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:11:21: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9460 343% - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:12:14: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:14:01: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:16:05: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Founder F 10120 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:17:24: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10120 343% - Lvl 264 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:18:41: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:20:11: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9460 343% - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16410, 10:24:47: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '10120 355% bull - Lvl 267 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16683, 09:21:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16754, 20:10:15: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16754, 20:10:15: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16754, 20:10:15: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17502, 06:24:24: iColt - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 200 (Parasaur)'! Day 17502, 06:26:43: iColt - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17502, 06:31:50: iColt - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17502, 06:36:40: iColt - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '*Insert Funny Name* - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17502, 06:37:46: iColt - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17502, 06:46:40: iColt - Lvl 16 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'T-Rex - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1231386027,"tribe":"Tribe of I'm not a robot logs":["Day 166, 07:56:17: I'm not a robot was added to the Tribe! Day 166, 07:57:44: Human was added to the Tribe by I'm not a robot! Day 166, 08:08:55: I'm not a robot demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 166, 12:11:36: Tribemember I'm not a robot - Lvl 16 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 166, 12:35:27: Tribemember I'm not a robot - Lvl 19 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 135! Day 166, 13:00:52: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by I'm not a robot! Day 166, 15:06:15: I'm not a robot demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 166, 19:52:50: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 166, 22:22:32: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 167, 00:45:17: Human uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 143 Day 167, 00:46:16: Human uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 129 Day 167, 02:12:30: Your Triceratops - Lvl 34 (Triceratops) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 233, 17:49:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 234, 07:01:44: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 234, 17:46:48: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 234, 17:52:14: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 234, 17:54:52: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 250, 18:10:58: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 250, 18:15:04: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 250, 18:30:10: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 250, 18:54:47: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 250, 20:17:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 250, 20:45:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 250, 20:55:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 258, 19:41:59: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 258, 19:43:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 258, 19:45:31: Tribemember I'm not a robot - Lvl 21 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 461, 06:00:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1230679556,"tribe":"Night Hunters logs":["Day 9199, 02:02:30: Brad was added to the Tribe! Day 9199, 02:14:17: Brad Tamed a Pachy - Lvl 22 (Pachy)! Day 9199, 10:08:23: Tribemember Brad - Lvl 37 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 55! Day 9346, 11:13:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10090, 09:49:20: Mooxie - Lvl 121 (NiTi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pachy - Lvl 26 (Pachy)'!"] "tribeid":1228588611,"tribe":"THEE BRY logs":["Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7105, 15:23:52: 's 'magoo - Lvl 79 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:26:14: 's 'Quetzal - Lvl 28 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 277 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 260 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 174 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 299 (X-Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:39:16: 's '135 F - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Umbra - Lvl 389 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's '14Mut - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 265 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Gold SkyBLue Spot - Lvl 211 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'M White Mane - Lvl 379 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's '20Mut - Lvl 349 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Ball Ache - Lvl 169 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 177 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:44:49: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 102 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:49:03: 's 'Rex - Lvl 309 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:49:03: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:49:03: 's 'Boss M 3 - Lvl 298 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:49:03: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 246 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:49:03: 's 'Boss F 3 - Lvl 261 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:49:03: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:53:36: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:53:36: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 192 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:53:36: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 100 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:56:03: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 318 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:56:03: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:57:55: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 257 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:57:55: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 242 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 15:57:55: 's 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 162 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 16:00:04: 's 'Otter - Lvl 261 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 16:00:04: 's '150 F - Lvl 227 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 16:00:04: 's 'dex - Lvl 277 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7105, 16:00:04: 's 'Otter - Lvl 204 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:28:23: 's 'Stekky - Lvl 206 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:28:23: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 203 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:28:23: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:28:23: 's 'Mrs Tickle Fingers - Lvl 220 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:28:23: 's 'Tekpara - Lvl 53 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:28:23: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 112 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:30:53: 's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 295 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:30:53: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 128 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:36:34: 's 'Daeodon - Lvl 266 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:42:24: 's 'Padraig - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:42:24: 's 'Nurse Joy II - Lvl 320 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:42:24: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 230 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7106, 01:42:24: 's 'Nugget - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7134, 23:44:45: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7220, 05:14:20: Tribemember Chonk - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 7417, 18:36:58: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7417, 18:36:58: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7500, 14:53:12: Tribemember TheDexicon - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 7540, 22:27:16: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 7679, 16:10:34: Tribemember Squidster - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15911, 11:01:38: Tribemember Chonk - Lvl 123 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1225071110,"tribe":"FAMILY FRIENDLY GANG!!!! logs":["Day 160, 10:23:00: JAKE \"MIDGET\" JEWEN was added to the Tribe! Day 160, 10:30:46: RekerIsAQueerCunt was added to the Tribe by JAKE \"MIDGET\" JEWEN! Day 160, 10:55:24: Tribemember RekerIsAQueerCunt - Lvl 2 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 90! Day 160, 12:58:47: Tribemember RekerIsAQueerCunt - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 160, 14:30:10: Whey Protein was added to the Tribe by JAKE \"MIDGET\" JEWEN! Day 160, 14:49:32: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 160, 15:12:47: Tribemember RekerIsAQueerCunt - Lvl 8 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 160, 15:38:45: Tribemember RekerIsAQueerCunt - Lvl 8 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 160, 16:22:20: Tribemember RekerIsAQueerCunt - Lvl 8 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 160, 17:36:41: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 14 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 160, 17:48:46: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 14 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 160, 18:06:44: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 14 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 160, 18:20:34: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 160, 18:25:51: Michaelstein was added to the Tribe by JAKE \"MIDGET\" JEWEN! Day 160, 18:34:46: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 160, 18:47:08: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 14 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 191, 09:27:27: Tribemember Whey Protein - Lvl 22 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 195, 22:54:41: Tribemember Michaelstein - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 261, 11:58:08: Tribemember JAKE \"MIDGET\" JEWEN - Lvl 20 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 319, 08:24:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 461, 06:00:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 461, 06:00:33: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 461, 06:00:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1218665108,"tribe":"The Rescue Society logs":["Day 9501, 10:46:37: Savage froze F 236 Breeder H/M - Lvl 236 (Brontosaurus) Day 9501, 10:51:05: Savage froze M 242 Breeder H/M - Lvl 242 (Brontosaurus) Day 9501, 10:55:14: Savage froze Brontosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 194 (Brontosaurus) Day 9501, 11:12:34: Savage froze Nanny Pam - Lvl 259 (Maewing) Day 9501, 11:16:45: Savage froze Nanny Ginny - Lvl 308 (Maewing) Day 9501, 11:36:06: Savage froze Nanny Natasha - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 9501, 11:44:23: Savage froze Nanny Sandra - Lvl 257 (Maewing) Day 9501, 11:52:07: Savage froze Nanny Ludwig - Lvl 152 (Maewing) Day 9501, 12:01:05: Savage froze Nanny Eve - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 9501, 12:06:25: Savage froze Nanny Doreen - Lvl 182 (Maewing) Day 9501, 12:20:01: Savage froze Nanny Dee - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 9501, 12:26:36: Savage froze Nanny McPhee - Lvl 197 (Maewing) Day 9501, 12:30:46: Savage froze Nanny Bella - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 9501, 12:39:32: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 12:43:24: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 12:47:14: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 12:50:56: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 12:54:49: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 12:59:14: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 13:03:10: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 13:07:05: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 13:11:10: Savage froze F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 13:16:22: Savage froze M Breeder 320 - Lvl 439 (Tek Rex) Day 9501, 14:38:11: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 14:53:56: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 14:58:12: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:04:49: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:08:54: Savage froze project xiao mein - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:12:52: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:16:42: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:21:11: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:25:45: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:39:04: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:51:07: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 15:57:03: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:15:38: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:20:07: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:23:50: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:28:28: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:32:05: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:36:23: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:40:59: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:45:05: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:48:46: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:52:16: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:55:49: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 16:59:26: Savage froze Little Blue - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 17:02:56: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9501, 17:06:49: Savage froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 9600, 10:37:02: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 330 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9600, 10:40:54: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 405 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9600, 10:44:51: Savage froze Robin Jnr - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9600, 15:59:31: Savage froze Sledge Hammer - Lvl 266 (Magmasaur) Day 9666, 02:31:47: Savage froze Robin Jnr - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9666, 02:36:00: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 407 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9666, 02:39:39: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9666, 23:37:30: Savage froze Kali - Lvl 351 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9666, 23:44:06: Savage froze Sally - Lvl 350 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9666, 23:49:03: Savage froze Rude Dinosaur - Lvl 338 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9666, 23:54:09: Savage froze Anabelle - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9666, 23:59:33: Savage froze Don - Lvl 361 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9667, 00:06:32: Savage froze Samantha - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9667, 02:50:01: Savage froze snuiff (met dubbel f) - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 9667, 03:02:39: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 9667, 03:11:33: Savage froze Gamma 3 - Lvl 348 (Argentavis) Day 9667, 03:28:10: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 9667, 03:38:00: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 9667, 04:03:29: Savage froze Lightning McQueen - Lvl 302 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 9668, 17:35:58: Savage froze Fundy - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 9668, 17:40:05: Savage froze travis - Lvl 330 (Argentavis) Day 9668, 17:44:01: Savage froze Flint - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 9668, 17:48:02: Savage froze Bird Is The Word - Lvl 291 (Argentavis) Day 9668, 17:52:04: Savage froze Basil - Lvl 372 (Argentavis) Day 9668, 17:56:51: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 9668, 17:59:36: Savage froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 9734, 12:31:11: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 9734, 12:36:59: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 212 (Vulture) Day 9734, 12:41:14: Savage froze Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture) Day 9736, 13:31:01: Savage froze Robin Jnr - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9736, 23:55:20: Savage froze Robin Jnr - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9761, 20:19:05: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 421 (Shadowmane) Day 9762, 07:24:46: Savage froze Spikey - Lvl 421 (Shadowmane) Day 9762, 15:12:41: Savage froze 210 M Breeder - Lvl 210 (Desmodus) Day 9762, 15:28:17: Savage froze [F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 9762, 15:41:05: Savage froze Rock Drake - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 9762, 16:05:55: Savage froze [F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 9762, 16:11:08: Savage froze [F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 9762, 16:17:26: Savage froze [F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 9762, 16:23:44: Savage froze Pain in the Neck - Lvl 352 (Desmodus) Day 9762, 16:27:28: Savage froze Streak - Lvl 303 (Desmodus) Day 9762, 16:36:59: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9804, 18:03:04: Savage froze Sally - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:06:44: Savage froze Rude Dinosaur - Lvl 353 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:13:40: Savage froze Mjau - Lvl 407 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:20:00: Savage froze Samantha - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:24:47: Savage froze Kali - Lvl 359 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:28:56: Savage froze Anabelle - Lvl 367 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:48:57: Savage froze Don - Lvl 370 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 18:55:08: Savage froze Robin Jnr - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9804, 20:22:07: Savage froze Lady Snowie - Lvl 327 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 20:26:11: Savage froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 20:31:50: Savage froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 20:36:20: Savage froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 20:41:46: Savage froze Sand.Silk.Bpearl - Lvl 308 (Gacha) Day 9804, 20:46:54: Savage froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 169 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 20:51:50: Savage froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 128 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 20:56:28: Savage froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9804, 21:01:17: Savage froze Sap.Silk.Sand.Salt - Lvl 331 (Gacha) Day 9804, 21:06:05: Savage froze Oviraptor - Lvl 131 (Oviraptor) Day 9804, 22:17:25: Savage froze Doo Doo - Lvl 329 (Aberrant Dung Beetle) Day 9804, 22:24:54: Savage froze Rainbow Turds - Lvl 342 (Dung Beetle) Day 9804, 22:30:57: Savage froze Crappy - Lvl 258 (Dung Beetle) Day 9804, 22:41:03: Savage froze Smelly - Lvl 198 (Dung Beetle) Day 9804, 22:44:51: Savage froze Phiomia - Lvl 169 (Phiomia) Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9950, 21:01:33: Savage froze Robin Jnr - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9950, 21:05:49: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 348 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9950, 21:46:37: Savage froze Scald [Clone] - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9950, 21:50:59: Savage froze UN5EEN - Lvl 251 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10301, 22:43:59: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 354 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10533, 21:10:07: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 365 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10533, 23:04:22: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 365 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10534, 00:12:00: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 365 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10817, 18:32:24: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 365 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10818, 00:23:49: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 365 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10818, 02:09:33: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 369 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11112, 06:15:56: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11112, 06:15:56: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11191, 08:18:01: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 373 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11191, 08:46:34: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 373 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11191, 09:52:44: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 373 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11382, 03:23:50: Savage froze Duality - Lvl 375 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11958, 20:58:33: Rubi - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mick the Bouncer - Lvl 257 (Rex)'! Day 11958, 21:59:47: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gone Shops - Lvl 128 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11958, 23:17:10: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfecto - Lvl 177 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11958, 23:21:52: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Personal Space - Lvl 178 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11959, 00:27:07: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Veteran - Lvl 340 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11959, 01:28:19: Rogue - Lvl 93 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'I do no damage - Lvl 121 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11964, 15:55:13: Rogue - Lvl 95 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Logger - Lvl 129 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11971, 19:31:25: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11971, 19:31:25: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11977, 19:45:09: Rogue - Lvl 97 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Silver - Lvl 75 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12257, 06:43:28: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12257, 06:43:28: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12566, 12:32:33: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12627, 20:41:03: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hahaha - Lvl 301 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12747, 11:47:36: Mr Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Intruder Alert - Lvl 238 (Parasaur)'! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13054, 19:58:43: Tribemember Savage - Lvl 162 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 13429, 02:29:25: 's 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 205 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:25: 's 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 170 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:25: 's 'dwayne - Lvl 282 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:25: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 209 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:25: 's 'WHYYYYYYYYY - Lvl 232 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 219 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 219 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 205 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 202 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 231 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 179 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:34: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 204 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:36: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 222 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:36: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 224 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:36: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 222 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:36: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 220 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:36: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 386 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:29:36: 's '[Pip] Mittens - Lvl 265 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'melee 2 - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'Queen G [Clone] - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 194 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:00: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 204 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:19: 's 'Voidwyrm - Lvl 257 (Voidwyrm)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:19: 's 'Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 113 (Zombie Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:19: 's 'We did it! - Lvl 85 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:19: 's 'Sonic - Lvl 241 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'X-Otter - Lvl 142 (X-Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Tabatha - Lvl 312 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Compy - Lvl 224 (Compy)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'ge - Lvl 231 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 217 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Swell - Lvl 59 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Fluffy Red - Lvl 248 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Little Red - Lvl 199 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Bulbdog - Lvl 227 (Bulbdog)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Bulbdog - Lvl 370 (Bulbdog)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Megalodon - Lvl 234 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:30:26: 's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 217 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:33: 's 'Red Dead - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:33: 's 'Hali - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:33: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:33: 's 'Sheiba - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's '[F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's '[F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's '[F] H48 S43 W43 M49 F44 - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'F Breeder 320 [Clone] - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'Barney - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'hp melee stamina - Lvl 233 (Spino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 260 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 260 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'Monsieur Floof - Lvl 245 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's 'Freedo - Lvl 277 (X-Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:31:39: 's '[M] H40 S41 M38 - Lvl 221 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:00: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:00: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:00: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:00: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:00: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Gilgamesh - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Stinktooth - Lvl 253 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 319 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Melee Giga - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's '[F] H44 S40 M41 0/0 - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's '[F] H44 S40 M41 0/0 - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's '[F] H44 S40 M41 0/0 - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:07: 's '[M] H54 - Lvl 258 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:11: 's 'Melle - Lvl 224 (X-Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:11: 's 'Anky2 - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:11: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 283 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:11: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 195 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'X-Otter - Lvl 119 (X-Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 22 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Trilobite - Lvl 100 (Trilobite)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Rose - Lvl 77 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Russa - Lvl 93 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Phellilea - Lvl 82 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 199 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Golden - Lvl 92 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'King Louie - Lvl 88 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Slipstream - Lvl 158 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Freefall - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Fred - Lvl 91 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Breeding (F) - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'IShowSpeed - Lvl 301 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Procoptodon - Lvl 29 (Procoptodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 116 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 194 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 171 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'Scully - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:32:20: 's 'h40 f42 - Lvl 285 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 259 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 258 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's '274 M - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 253 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'mom [Clone] - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'hp wei mele - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:17: 's 'Brule - Lvl 309 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:31: 's 'Seventeen - Lvl 392 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:31: 's 'Ten - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:31: 's 'Six - Lvl 406 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:31: 's 'One - Lvl 394 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:36: 's 'Feather - Lvl 357 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:36: 's 'Twelve - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:36: 's 'Seven - Lvl 449 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:36: 's 'One - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'rex 2.0 - Lvl 457 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'no9 - Lvl 434 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Spartan (M) - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Spartan (M) - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Jean X (F) - Lvl 262 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Amazon (F) - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'H44 S40 M41 (F) - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'AquaWoman X (F) - Lvl 262 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Tank X (M) - Lvl 258 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Blueeeee - Lvl 250 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Rex - Lvl 248 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:33:47: 's 'Uno - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Bronto3 [Clone] - Lvl 223 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 266 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Slowpoke - Lvl 95 (Gasbags)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Thook - Lvl 311 (Dilophosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Ben - Lvl 246 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Tangentia - Lvl 171 (R-Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Rock Elemental - Lvl 74 (Rock Elemental)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 257 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:05: 's 'Pauly - Lvl 27 (Karkinos)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:16: 's 'Electrophorus - Lvl 37 (Electrophorus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:16: 's 'Electrophorus - Lvl 29 (Electrophorus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:27: 's 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 161 (Tusoteuthis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 273 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'young blood - Lvl 196 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 224 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 215 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Bruton - Lvl 315 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 287 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 209 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:36: 's 'Scald [Clone] - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 278 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's '2tower - Lvl 267 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's '5melee dad\\ - Lvl 277 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Harbinger - Lvl 187 (Sarco)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'gasy gus - Lvl 302 (R-Gasbags)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Gawain - Lvl 216 (Megaloceros)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's '47/pts Melee (F) - Lvl 209 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Perfect new girl [Clone] - Lvl 267 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 231 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Vulture - Lvl 231 (Vulture)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 194 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 212 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Mantis - Lvl 228 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'F 236 Breeder H/M - Lvl 236 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 204 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 414 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'R-Equus - Lvl 204 (R-Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 186 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'blubber - Lvl 232 (Castoroides)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:49: 's 'Daddy W2 - Lvl 271 (Mantis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'Homme [Clone] - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'mom 244 - Lvl 244 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'Giga-Icer [Clone] - Lvl 244 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's '37H 37S 38M F [Clone] - Lvl 240 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 240 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'Giga-Icer [Clone] - Lvl 244 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'Giga-Icer [Clone] - Lvl 244 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:34:51: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 94 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 245 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 388 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 380 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'fighter - Lvl 404 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'fighter - Lvl 399 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'icer jr1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Bobo - Lvl 387 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 237 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 240 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:19: 's 'Bellatrix - Lvl 229 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:26: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:35:26: 's 'Iguanodon - Lvl 138 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:37:58: 's 'F Breeder - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 13429, 02:37:58: 's 'mom new [Clone] - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod!"] "tribeid":1207951099,"tribe":"Tribe of Ventress logs":["Day 9170, 10:38:16: Ventress was added to the Tribe! Day 9170, 10:39:16: roxy was added to the Tribe by Ventress! Day 9171, 01:43:53: Ventress demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 9171, 12:49:30: Ventress demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 9171, 12:53:47: Ventress demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 9171, 13:45:13: Ventress froze Emperor's Dream - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9171, 16:04:02: roxy was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Ventress! Day 9171, 17:54:21: roxy froze Pearl - Lvl 95 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9182, 08:36:11: Tribemember Ventress - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 9182, 09:49:50: Ventress froze Pearl - Lvl 95 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9182, 13:03:12: Ventress froze Pearl - Lvl 95 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9192, 07:21:46: Ventress froze Pearl - Lvl 95 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9193, 17:28:36: Ventress downloaded a dino: Pearl - Lvl 106 Day 9193, 22:22:13: Tribemember roxy - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 9194, 04:24:50: Ventress downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 Day 9194, 04:30:34: Ventress froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 04:35:40: Ventress downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 Day 9194, 04:39:52: Ventress froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 04:44:56: Ventress downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 149 Day 9194, 04:50:33: Ventress froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 05:07:25: Ventress downloaded a dino: Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 83 Day 9194, 05:12:26: Ventress froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 83 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 06:59:22: Ventress froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 07:14:35: Ventress froze Verdocas (Jony) - Lvl 205 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 07:51:54: Ventress froze Sterling (Jony) - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 08:00:13: Ventress froze Pearl - Lvl 106 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 09:52:18: Ventress froze Sterling (Jony) - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 09:56:37: Ventress froze Sterling (Jony) - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9194, 11:42:55: roxy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 29 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9214, 21:24:53: pee pee poop poop was added to the Tribe by Ventress! Day 9214, 23:36:11: Tribemember roxy - Lvl 29 was killed by Ventress - Lvl 73 (Tribe of Ventress)! Day 9214, 23:36:11: Your Tribe killed roxy - Lvl 29 (Tribe of Ventress)! Day 9214, 23:46:28: pee pee poop poop was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Ventress! Day 9214, 23:50:11: roxy was removed from the Tribe by Ventress! Day 9215, 02:37:48: Tribemember pee pee poop poop - Lvl 50 was killed by Ventress - Lvl 73 (Tribe of Ventress)! Day 9215, 02:37:48: Your Tribe killed pee pee poop poop - Lvl 50 (Tribe of Ventress)! Day 9215, 03:15:40: Tribemember pee pee poop poop - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 9215, 07:23:52: Ventress demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 9215, 08:25:17: Ventress froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9215, 10:53:24: pee pee poop poop was removed from the Tribe by Ventress! Day 9215, 11:28:08: Ventress froze Verdocas (Jony) - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9640, 15:54:23: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)' was destroyed! Day 9640, 15:55:00: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9640, 15:57:07: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9640, 15:57:46: Tribemember Ventress - Lvl 73 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 145! Day 9640, 15:58:00: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9793, 13:10:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10099, 17:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10099, 17:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10099, 17:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1204727796,"tribe":"Tribe of haya cs logs":["Day 835, 19:42:29: haya cs was added to the Tribe! Day 835, 20:00:56: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 835, 22:17:51: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 835, 23:47:20: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 4 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 100! Day 836, 00:08:33: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 4 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 90! Day 836, 00:48:39: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 836, 02:54:10: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 1140, 15:45:13: Tribemember haya cs - Lvl 7 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1204512295,"tribe":"Happy logs":["Day 172, 10:57:16: Kong was added to the Tribe! Day 172, 11:08:03: yeah eyah was added to the Tribe by Kong! Day 172, 13:44:46: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 172, 19:19:59: Tribemember Kong - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 173, 06:44:34: Tribemember Kong - Lvl 21 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 173, 07:02:17: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:17: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:19: Tribemember Kong - Lvl 21 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 173, 07:02:20: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:20: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:20: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:02:27: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 173, 07:32:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 43 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 173, 10:19:49: yeah eyah Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon)! Day 173, 12:21:15: Your niglet - Lvl 28 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 194, 17:44:51: Your tecky - Lvl 46 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 631, 08:42:07: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 759, 16:25:43: Tribemember yeah eyah - Lvl 31 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1201983659,"tribe":"Oxycide logs":["Day 3928, 23:09:49: IAshyI was added to the Tribe! Day 3929, 03:22:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3929, 12:07:28: IAshyI demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 3929, 12:42:10: IAshyI demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 3929, 12:43:28: IAshyI demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 3929, 18:53:36: IAshyI demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 3929, 18:54:53: IAshyI demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 3929, 18:55:51: IAshyI demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 3929, 18:56:41: IAshyI demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 3929, 19:35:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 143 (Parasaur)! Day 3930, 11:22:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3930, 11:23:29: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3930, 11:31:44: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 29 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 3930, 11:38:17: Your Parasaur - Lvl 148 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 3930, 11:56:37: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 29 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 3930, 13:36:24: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 29 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15! Day 3930, 22:26:09: IAshyI Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur)! Day 3931, 10:14:15: IAshyI Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 3931, 10:56:03: IAshyI Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 3931, 13:54:03: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 3931, 14:41:19: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 42 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 3931, 16:47:20: Your Triceratops - Lvl 33 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 3931, 16:48:24: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 43 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 3931, 16:56:27: Tribemember IAshyI - Lvl 43 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 3943, 15:04:34: Your Parasaur - Lvl 140 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 3943, 15:11:27: Your Moschops - Lvl 23 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1201747726,"tribe":"Party pool logs":["Day 12285, 20:35:52: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 95! Day 12285, 22:15:07: Drumunsta froze FAFB - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon) Day 12285, 22:21:01: Drumunsta froze Swifty 2nd - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 12286, 14:27:15: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 130! Day 12287, 00:49:16: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 190 (Argentavis)'! Day 12287, 00:57:13: Drumunsta froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 190 (Argentavis) Day 12287, 00:58:33: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 12287, 01:03:34: Drumunsta froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 12287, 01:08:06: Drumunsta froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 190 (Argentavis) Day 12287, 03:36:51: Drumunsta unclaimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 12287, 03:41:50: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 12287, 03:46:42: Drumunsta froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) Day 12287, 08:05:22: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12287, 10:22:53: Drumunsta froze mut - Lvl 205 (Argentavis) Day 12287, 11:37:19: Drumunsta froze Kankles - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12287, 17:14:25: Drumunsta Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing)! Day 12287, 17:19:12: Drumunsta froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 12287, 20:50:48: Drumunsta Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing)! Day 12287, 20:58:04: Drumunsta froze Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing) Day 12287, 22:42:30: Drumunsta froze Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing) Day 12287, 23:11:16: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 365 (Therizinosaur) Day 12287, 23:30:35: Drumunsta froze Andy - Lvl 228 (Yutyrannus) Day 12288, 00:00:45: Drumunsta froze Maewing - Lvl 142 (Maewing) Day 12288, 00:04:25: Drumunsta froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 12288, 00:13:01: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 365 (Therizinosaur) Day 12288, 00:47:48: Drumunsta froze Ginge - Lvl 270 (Thylacoleo) Day 12288, 05:57:52: Drumunsta claimed 'BBB - Lvl 74 (Gacha)'! Day 12288, 08:03:51: Your BBB - Lvl 74 (Gacha) was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 145! Day 12288, 10:02:05: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 12288, 10:11:43: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12288, 14:22:16: Drumunsta Tamed a Diplocaulus - Lvl 149 (Diplocaulus)! Day 12288, 14:32:04: Drumunsta froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 149 (Diplocaulus) Day 12288, 15:50:53: Drumunsta froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 149 (Diplocaulus) Day 12288, 21:01:59: Drumunsta Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha)! Day 12288, 21:06:35: Drumunsta demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 12288, 21:13:18: Drumunsta froze Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 12288, 23:40:36: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 02:34:44: Drumunsta froze Black - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 12289, 03:52:05: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 03:57:03: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 07:38:28: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 07:42:30: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 07:48:00: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 07:52:10: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 07:57:16: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12289, 09:17:46: Drumunsta froze Blue Eyes - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12291, 01:57:56: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 197 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12291, 03:12:50: Drumunsta froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 197 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12291, 13:47:33: Drumunsta froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 197 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12291, 14:29:40: Drumunsta froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 197 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12291, 14:46:50: Drumunsta froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 197 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12291, 15:03:53: Drumunsta froze Blue Eyes - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12292, 02:49:14: Drumunsta froze Black - Lvl 218 (Gacha) Day 12292, 22:33:05: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12292, 22:48:47: Drumunsta froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12293, 05:46:29: Drumunsta froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12293, 08:25:28: Drumunsta demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 12293, 08:45:10: Drumunsta demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12293, 08:46:00: Drumunsta demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 12293, 08:46:41: Drumunsta demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 12293, 08:47:26: Drumunsta demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 12293, 08:48:38: Drumunsta demolished a 'Stone Triangle Foundation'! Day 12293, 10:26:10: Drumunsta demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 12293, 18:07:25: Drumunsta froze Black - Lvl 221 (Gacha) Day 12308, 09:07:59: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12308, 13:45:37: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12308, 13:46:39: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12308, 13:50:01: Drumunsta froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12308, 13:59:10: Drumunsta froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12308, 15:47:02: Drumunsta claimed 'silica - Lvl 76 (Gacha)'! Day 12308, 15:51:54: Drumunsta froze silica - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 12308, 16:58:42: Drumunsta claimed 'F (39M,37W) - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 12308, 17:03:28: Drumunsta froze F (39M,37W) - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 12308, 17:09:46: Drumunsta claimed 'M (46H,45S,38W,41M) - Lvl 255 (Megalodon)'! Day 12308, 17:13:34: Drumunsta froze M (46H,45S,38W,41M) - Lvl 255 (Megalodon) Day 12308, 17:18:55: Drumunsta claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 252 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 12308, 17:23:31: Drumunsta froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 252 (Basilosaurus) Day 12308, 17:27:16: Drumunsta claimed 'male - Lvl 335 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 12308, 17:31:32: Drumunsta froze male - Lvl 335 (Basilosaurus) Day 12308, 17:44:36: Drumunsta claimed 'Keemstar - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12308, 17:48:40: Drumunsta froze Keemstar - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12308, 17:52:05: Drumunsta claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 271 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12308, 19:34:07: Drumunsta froze Black - Lvl 224 (Gacha) Day 12309, 02:56:10: Drumunsta froze Kankles - Lvl 269 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12309, 07:53:34: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12309, 07:58:40: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12309, 08:05:30: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12309, 16:19:09: Drumunsta froze Kankles - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12309, 17:58:05: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12309, 18:01:19: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12309, 18:05:29: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12309, 18:13:06: Drumunsta froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12310, 00:09:49: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12310, 00:13:43: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12317, 13:54:19: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 12335, 09:18:02: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12335, 09:35:57: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12335, 19:16:35: Drumunsta froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 252 (Basilosaurus) Day 12335, 19:20:28: Drumunsta froze F (39M,37W) - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus) Day 12335, 19:45:07: Drumunsta froze baby Batz - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 12335, 22:18:39: Drumunsta froze male - Lvl 335 (Basilosaurus) Day 12336, 01:14:30: Drumunsta froze baby Batz - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 12336, 05:27:22: Your Shity Batz - Lvl 88 (Desmodus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 100! Day 12336, 10:07:04: Drumunsta froze baby Batz - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 12336, 10:42:59: Drumunsta froze baby Batz - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 12336, 10:58:23: Drumunsta froze baby Batz - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 12336, 12:07:06: Drumunsta froze male - Lvl 348 (Basilosaurus) Day 12345, 14:39:31: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:41:45: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:43:15: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:46:21: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:51:55: Drumunsta froze Snapper - Lvl 156 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:51:57: Clarticus froze babby - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:54:50: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 12345, 14:57:45: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 12345, 15:09:22: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 12345, 15:13:10: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12345, 15:16:52: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 12345, 15:22:20: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:14:21: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:18:19: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:19:04: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:23:12: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:28:44: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:35:32: Drumunsta froze babby - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:39:28: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:43:26: Drumunsta froze Snapper - Lvl 156 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:50:30: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:54:28: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 12345, 21:58:29: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) Day 12345, 22:05:17: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex) Day 12345, 22:09:22: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 12352, 10:08:22: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12363, 00:18:26: Drumunsta froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 341 (Basilosaurus) Day 12363, 12:21:18: Piranha - Lvl 60 | 0.9x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 12365, 09:15:53: Clarticus froze male - Lvl 348 (Basilosaurus) Day 12365, 10:57:48: Drumunsta froze Desmodus - Lvl 78 (Desmodus) Day 12365, 11:08:19: Clarticus froze Batz - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 12365, 12:15:19: Drumunsta froze Desmodus - Lvl 78 (Desmodus) Day 12365, 12:16:46: Clarticus froze Batz - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 12365, 14:21:38: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12365, 16:53:52: Clarticus froze Batz - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 12365, 16:59:16: Clarticus froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 341 (Basilosaurus) Day 12365, 17:24:11: Clarticus froze male - Lvl 348 (Basilosaurus) Day 12365, 18:40:32: Drumunsta froze Mags - Lvl 315 (Megalodon) Day 12365, 18:51:00: Drumunsta froze Fwale - Lvl 306 (Basilosaurus) Day 12365, 19:27:43: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:03:52: Your Batz - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) was killed by a Beyla - Lvl 1! Day 12366, 09:32:29: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:36:14: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:39:22: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:42:48: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:50:14: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:53:12: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12366, 09:59:22: Drumunsta froze Snapper - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 12366, 10:02:19: Drumunsta froze babby - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 12366, 10:14:04: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 12366, 10:18:11: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12366, 11:06:24: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 165 (Rex) Day 12366, 11:26:12: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 12366, 13:51:01: Drumunsta claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12366, 14:06:50: Drumunsta froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 12366, 14:49:34: Drumunsta claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12366, 14:56:31: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 12366, 17:25:51: Drumunsta froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 216 (R-Reaper King) Day 12366, 17:55:34: Drumunsta froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 233 (R-Reaper King) Day 12367, 09:42:41: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex) Day 12367, 15:47:42: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 12367, 15:52:25: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 258 (Rex) Day 12367, 15:52:51: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 12367, 15:56:44: Clarticus froze babby - Lvl 207 (Rex) Day 12367, 15:57:03: Drumunsta froze Snapper - Lvl 169 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:02:45: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:09:31: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:13:49: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 166 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:17:39: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:21:34: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:28:42: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:32:58: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex) Day 12367, 16:36:53: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 12367, 18:52:44: Drumunsta froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 252 (R-Reaper King) Day 12367, 18:55:37: Drumunsta froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 236 (R-Reaper King) Day 12368, 03:05:33: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 367 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 04:55:46: Drumunsta froze FAFB - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 12368, 05:06:47: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 367 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 05:13:40: Drumunsta froze FAFB - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 12368, 05:40:33: Your Desmodus - Lvl 81 (Desmodus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 165! Day 12368, 05:41:19: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 235! Day 12368, 05:50:50: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 367 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 05:55:38: Drumunsta froze FAFB - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 12368, 08:09:33: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 368 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 08:22:55: Drumunsta froze FAFB - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) Day 12368, 08:59:59: Clarticus froze Ginge - Lvl 273 (Thylacoleo) Day 12368, 10:07:50: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 270! Day 12368, 10:18:15: Your Ginge - Lvl 273 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 210! Day 12368, 10:37:56: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 368 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 10:53:19: Drumunsta froze Swifty 2nd - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) Day 12368, 12:13:52: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 225! Day 12368, 13:36:04: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 285! Day 12368, 14:00:24: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 225! Day 12368, 16:07:23: Clarticus froze Therror - Lvl 368 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 16:20:31: Clarticus froze Therror - Lvl 368 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 18:06:28: Clarticus froze Therror - Lvl 370 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 19:02:26: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 180! Day 12368, 19:35:30: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 370 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 20:33:31: Drumunsta froze Therror - Lvl 370 (Therizinosaur) Day 12368, 21:30:15: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12368, 21:59:14: Drumunsta froze Smol - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 12368, 22:30:48: Drumunsta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12369, 03:22:24: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex) Day 12369, 03:35:02: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 238 (Rex) Day 12369, 08:22:06: Clarticus froze FAFB - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 12369, 09:36:36: Clarticus froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 12369, 09:47:45: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 12369, 11:14:52: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 12369, 11:16:28: Your FAFB - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 12369, 13:32:48: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 12369, 13:36:02: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 12369, 13:54:39: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 12369, 13:59:12: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 167 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:02:00: Drumunsta froze Snapper - Lvl 170 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:08:22: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:11:16: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:14:14: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:17:04: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:22:46: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:25:51: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) Day 12369, 14:38:07: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 12369, 15:34:43: Drumunsta froze Rex - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 12369, 16:42:12: Drumunsta froze Andy - Lvl 261 (Yutyrannus) Day 12369, 17:22:32: Drumunsta froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 276 (Yutyrannus) Day 12369, 17:40:40: Drumunsta demolished a 'Bed'! Day 12370, 01:33:37: Your Rex - Lvl 167 (Rex) was killed! Day 12370, 01:35:12: Your Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex) was killed! Day 12370, 01:36:17: Your Snapper - Lvl 171 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 12370, 01:42:45: Your Rex - Lvl 244 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 12370, 01:47:15: Your Andy - Lvl 261 (Yutyrannus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 12370, 01:47:59: Your Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) was killed! Day 12370, 02:30:13: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 12370, 02:41:24: Your Rex - Lvl 261 (Rex) was killed! Day 12370, 02:58:49: Your Rex - Lvl 246 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 12370, 03:00:56: Your Rex - Lvl 189 (Rex) was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 12370, 03:07:44: Your Rex - Lvl 266 (Rex) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 12370, 03:40:36: Your Rex - Lvl 256 (Rex) was killed! Day 12370, 04:14:42: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 140! Day 12381, 12:36:13: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12381, 12:38:16: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12381, 17:14:18: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 100! Day 12381, 17:45:32: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 100! Day 12381, 18:57:40: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)'! Day 12381, 19:28:20: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12381, 19:29:23: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12381, 20:14:21: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12382, 02:38:25: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 12382, 03:40:19: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12382, 03:41:21: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12382, 03:46:09: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12382, 03:49:25: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12382, 04:22:43: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12382, 04:35:00: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis)'! Day 12382, 04:36:36: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 182 (Argentavis)'! Day 12382, 04:39:28: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis)'! Day 12382, 05:13:59: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12382, 05:13:59: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12382, 05:23:12: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12382, 05:23:12: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12382, 05:27:58: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12382, 05:27:58: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12382, 06:15:46: Your Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12382, 06:15:46: Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:09: Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:09: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 184 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:09: Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 182 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Your Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Your Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 230 (Yutyrannus) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Your Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Your Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Your Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 12387, 12:54:11: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 12387, 22:15:55: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12387, 22:17:17: Drumunsta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12423, 18:55:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12436, 05:20:48: Your Swifty 2nd - Lvl 251 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 235! Day 12476, 05:11:31: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 45! Day 12476, 05:44:20: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 140! Day 12518, 23:10:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12566, 12:32:33: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12590, 07:57:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12637, 21:07:34: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12661, 16:21:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12676, 14:25:07: Maewing - Lvl 167 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12749, 09:24:37: Glowie - Lvl 104 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 12780, 15:49:37: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12780, 15:49:37: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12780, 15:49:37: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12780, 15:49:37: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12803, 05:57:56: Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 12822, 12:27:09: silica - Lvl 188 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 12836, 04:41:01: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12852, 02:17:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12942, 14:48:20: Red - Lvl 70 (Tek Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 12947, 07:23:24: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12962, 21:51:26: Feathertail - Lvl 114 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 12962, 21:54:36: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12980, 22:45:34: Overdrive - Lvl 162 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smol - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 12983, 02:49:43: Black - Lvl 235 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 13031, 03:48:14: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13031, 03:48:21: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13031, 03:48:23: Blue Eyes - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 13034, 16:52:40: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13034, 17:05:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 189 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13052, 12:48:31: Iggy - Lvl 93 (Iguanodon) starved to death! Day 13052, 14:56:40: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 252 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 13052, 15:11:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 243 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 13052, 15:20:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 258 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 13052, 15:34:26: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Use - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 13052, 15:40:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 252 (Mammoth)'! Day 13052, 15:48:35: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therror - Lvl 370 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13052, 15:53:34: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Plucker - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13052, 15:54:53: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13052, 15:58:19: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 277 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 13052, 15:59:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13052, 15:59:50: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13052, 16:00:18: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 28 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13052, 16:04:52: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed F - Lvl 259 (Argentavis)'! Day 13052, 16:06:49: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 173 (Argentavis)'! Day 13052, 16:10:51: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manny - Lvl 240 (Mammoth)'! Day 13052, 16:14:18: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 255 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13052, 16:22:29: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 203 (Desmodus)'! Day 13052, 16:53:09: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kankles - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13052, 17:02:30: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Keemstar - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13052, 17:05:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13052, 17:13:02: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breed F - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 13056, 13:23:16: Human - Lvl 41 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 13056, 13:29:30: Human - Lvl 41 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mut - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 13066, 07:06:35: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13066, 07:06:35: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13075, 03:18:51: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'male - Lvl 348 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 13075, 03:20:27: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 341 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 13075, 03:24:12: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fwale - Lvl 306 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 13075, 03:28:42: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mags - Lvl 315 (Megalodon)'! Day 13075, 03:32:40: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplocaulus - Lvl 207 (Diplocaulus)'! Day 13075, 03:40:44: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carl - Lvl 213 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 13075, 03:43:29: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bruce - Lvl 127 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13075, 03:49:14: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'baby Batz - Lvl 253 (Desmodus)'! Day 13075, 03:57:38: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mrs Rennys - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 13075, 04:00:10: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr Rennys - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 13075, 04:02:24: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex)'! Day 13075, 04:08:42: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'kYLE - Lvl 238 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13075, 04:12:25: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'kAREN - Lvl 219 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 13075, 04:22:31: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wooly - Lvl 226 (Mammoth)'! Day 13075, 04:52:03: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Red - Lvl 291 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 13075, 05:02:03: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rollie-Pollie - Lvl 255 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13075, 05:04:21: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'babby - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 13075, 05:06:08: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stoner - Lvl 258 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13075, 05:37:00: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hairs - Lvl 241 (Mammoth)'! Day 13075, 06:17:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Swifty - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13256, 16:53:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13351, 21:50:29: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13359, 13:25:32: Your 'Tripwire Narcotic Trap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13406, 19:39:03: Overdrive - Lvl 162 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megs - Lvl 239 (Megalodon)'! Day 13410, 15:00:28: Poooooops - Lvl 176 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 13431, 02:52:50: Tribemember Clarticus - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 13462, 08:46:04: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 13550, 09:29:50: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 13610, 19:26:55: Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13820, 11:58:49: Tribemember Drumunsta - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1193593749,"tribe":"Ark Addict logs":["Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15815, 23:17:09: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus)'! Day 15926, 11:59:46: LeeBoy's 'F1 58-58 - Lvl 279 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15959, 14:46:02: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bæ - Lvl 209 (Ovis)'! Day 15959, 14:51:39: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bæ - Lvl 202 (Ovis)'! Day 15959, 14:58:48: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bæ - Lvl 209 (Ovis)'! Day 15959, 15:04:30: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 174 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 15959, 15:14:21: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'trulte - Lvl 144 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 15959, 15:15:13: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 158 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 15959, 15:49:38: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 309 (Desmodus)'! Day 15959, 16:09:26: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Unicorn - Lvl 209 (Unicorn)'! Day 15959, 16:47:44: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 16006, 09:51:56: Tribemember Warrior - Lvl 112 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 180! Day 16006, 09:58:36: Tribemember Donna - Lvl 135 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 16006, 10:07:23: Tribemember Gunjack - Lvl 137 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 16006, 13:11:37: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ylvis sylvester - Lvl 357 (Argentavis)'! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's '37-43 - Lvl 325 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Boss - Lvl 329 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Boss - Lvl 332 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's '37-43 Female Boss - Lvl 342 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'FEM - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'FEM - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 395 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 402 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'F High Melee 1 - Lvl 246 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 221 (Carcharodontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:05:51: 's 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 305 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 324 (Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'Dagon - Lvl 235 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'YE - Lvl 242 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'Otter - Lvl 191 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 272 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'Featherlight - Lvl 142 (Featherlight)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 11:37:55: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 14:15:52: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 14:15:52: 's 'Baby Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 14:15:52: 's 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 157 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 14:15:52: 's 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 14:15:52: 's 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 172 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 18:50:10: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 247 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16054, 18:50:10: 's 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16055, 07:31:38: 's 'DB - Lvl 302 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16055, 07:31:38: 's 'Blood - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16055, 07:31:38: 's 'Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16055, 07:31:38: 's 'Speedy - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16055, 07:31:38: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 105 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16055, 12:13:39: Tribemember LeeBoy - Lvl 136 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 16055, 12:19:07: Tribemember alex - Lvl 113 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16089, 17:28:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16197, 23:36:42: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nurse - Lvl 203 (Maewing)'! Day 16349, 16:10:51: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16432, 03:35:44: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 214 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 03:37:09: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 207 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 03:41:17: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 207 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 03:44:12: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 211 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 03:46:48: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31green top - Lvl 207 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 03:48:18: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 211 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 03:49:03: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 211 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 04:09:16: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 207 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 04:13:30: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 215 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 04:17:31: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 211 (X-Rex)'! Day 16432, 04:23:34: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '29-28 - Lvl 174 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16432, 04:28:27: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Unicorn - Lvl 29 (Unicorn)'! Day 16432, 05:05:49: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 89 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 16432, 05:17:28: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 259 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 16432, 05:25:33: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 lvl 130 - Lvl 297 (Dire Bear)'! Day 16432, 05:26:13: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F1 150 - Lvl 319 (Dire Bear)'! Day 16432, 06:14:04: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:14:52: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 Male Breeder - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:15:39: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:15:57: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 215 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:16:17: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 212 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:16:36: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:17:34: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:17:58: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 222 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:22:37: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 349 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:25:13: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 338 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:35:07: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 353 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:37:24: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '37-43 - Lvl 238 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:39:26: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '37-43 - Lvl 248 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:41:36: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 335 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:42:50: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 338 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:43:44: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 345 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:45:47: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 313 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:46:22: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 331 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:46:58: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 360 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:47:38: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 334 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:55:11: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 251 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:56:24: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 268 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:57:52: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 226 (Equus)'! Day 16432, 06:58:32: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'julius - Lvl 247 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16432, 06:59:55: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Equus - Lvl 250 (Equus)'! Day 16432, 07:01:10: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Renate - Lvl 246 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16432, 07:04:12: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 210 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 07:04:47: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rolf - Lvl 234 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16432, 07:06:51: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mini margrete - Lvl 83 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 16432, 07:22:36: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 07:23:12: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 07:23:38: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 137 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 07:24:04: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 135 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 07:24:30: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 149 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 08:36:58: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'alex - Lvl 301 (Argentavis)'! Day 16432, 08:52:31: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 325 (Desmodus)'! Day 16432, 08:55:19: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'First Breed Ole - Lvl 315 (Argentavis)'! Day 16432, 08:58:19: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 321 (Argentavis)'! Day 16432, 09:11:46: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 16432, 09:15:41: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 16432, 10:21:51: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bæ - Lvl 194 (Ovis)'! Day 16432, 10:23:52: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bæ - Lvl 209 (Ovis)'! Day 16432, 10:43:35: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Male 39-45 muta 0-11 - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 16432, 10:49:34: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M1 34-33 - Lvl 215 (X-Rex)'! Day 16462, 11:03:28: Tribemember Donbay - Lvl 120 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 16528, 20:54:52: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 20:55:03: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 240 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 20:57:41: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boss - Lvl 250 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 20:58:41: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 21:00:00: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 21:00:11: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 21:02:29: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 21:10:33: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 21:12:01: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16528, 21:19:20: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rikke - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16635, 16:54:19: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16696, 13:08:25: Tribemember andreas - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 18325, 11:30:09: Gunjack claimed 'Rexina - Lvl 280 (Rex)'! Day 18325, 11:38:04: Gunjack claimed 'The Godfather - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 18325, 11:43:32: Gunjack claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 11:49:49: Gunjack claimed 'BestiaFemale - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 18325, 11:54:34: Gunjack claimed 'matador 2 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 11:55:57: Gunjack claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 11:57:03: Gunjack claimed 'Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 18325, 12:00:16: Gunjack claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 12:00:52: Gunjack claimed 'matador 4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 12:03:11: Gunjack claimed 'ammazzatore - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 12:10:33: Gunjack claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 12:12:48: Gunjack claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18325, 13:52:02: Gunjack claimed 'Boss - Lvl 338 (Rex)'! Day 18325, 15:30:44: Gunjack claimed 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 251 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 18325, 16:39:33: Tribemember Gunjack - Lvl 137 was killed! Day 18452, 06:48:59: Your Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 251 (Tek Stegosaurus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 18452, 07:13:11: Your Boss - Lvl 338 (Rex) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 18931, 23:17:47: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:23:53: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:33:13: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ammazzatore - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:44:39: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'matador 4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:53:36: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18932, 00:00:35: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'matador 2 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18932, 00:11:51: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18933, 18:57:51: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BestiaFemale - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 20:48:54: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexina - Lvl 280 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 20:50:09: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Godfather - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 20:51:27: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 19044, 19:11:21: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1192950502,"tribe":"Tribe of Mr.Ely logs":["Day 144, 09:36:06: Mr.Ely was added to the Tribe! Day 144, 09:41:49: Mr.Ely was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1187117587,"tribe":"Gajalaka Tribe logs":["Day 406, 03:35:01: Renegade was added to the Tribe! Day 406, 10:50:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 406, 13:47:55: Renegade Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 406, 16:01:05: Your pip - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 15! Day 406, 16:59:35: Renegade Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 415, 20:54:57: Your bojo - Lvl 46 (Microraptor) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 415, 20:56:37: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 415, 20:58:09: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 415, 20:59:13: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 415, 21:00:03: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 415, 21:00:56: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 415, 21:01:41: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 419, 16:33:57: Your peggy - Lvl 75 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 420, 21:09:51: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 420, 21:50:10: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 421, 02:01:59: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 101 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 421, 08:34:18: Renegade Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 421, 13:40:55: Renegade demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 421, 15:58:45: Renegade demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 421, 17:42:30: Renegade demolished a 'Wood Staircase'! Day 421, 17:53:01: Renegade demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 421, 17:58:55: Renegade demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 422, 06:48:13: Renegade Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 21 (Dilophosaur)! Day 422, 07:08:28: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 23 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 422, 11:27:16: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 130! Day 422, 12:38:03: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 101 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 422, 13:23:27: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 101 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 422, 19:56:40: Velvetkitten added 'Gajalaka Tribe' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 776, 17:22:17: Zeffner was added to the Tribe by Renegade! Day 776, 23:06:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:06:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:07:28: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:07:34: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:08:32: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:08:36: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:08:38: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 776, 23:08:38: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 777, 01:40:57: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 75 (Argentavis) Day 777, 02:06:50: Tribemember Zeffner - Lvl 84 was killed by Renegade - Lvl 115 (Gajalaka Tribe)! Day 777, 02:06:50: Your Tribe killed Zeffner - Lvl 84 (Gajalaka Tribe)! Day 777, 05:22:17: Renegade froze Falcon - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 777, 16:02:35: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) Day 777, 17:26:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 777, 17:26:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 778, 01:19:51: Zeffner froze Falcon - Lvl 239 (Argentavis) Day 778, 01:45:57: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) Day 778, 01:53:39: Tribemember Zeffner - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 778, 02:37:05: Tribemember Zeffner - Lvl 89 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 778, 06:28:05: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) Day 778, 06:57:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 778, 06:57:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 778, 06:57:49: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 778, 07:21:59: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) Day 810, 13:58:59: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 93 (Argentavis) Day 810, 14:57:28: Renegade Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl)! Day 810, 15:03:09: Zeffner froze Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl) Day 810, 15:50:39: Zeffner was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Renegade! Day 810, 16:03:31: Khan was added to the Tribe by Renegade! Day 810, 16:06:52: Khan was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Renegade! Day 811, 03:21:05: Zeffner froze Falcon - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 811, 09:45:50: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 811, 19:19:30: Khan Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 811, 19:45:28: Khan froze Nymeria - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 811, 20:10:22: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 811, 21:07:06: Khan froze Nymeria - Lvl 213 (Direwolf) Day 811, 21:28:41: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 101 (Argentavis) Day 811, 22:33:22: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 812, 05:48:44: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 812, 08:57:56: Zeffner Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 29 (Griffin)! Day 812, 09:07:16: Zeffner froze Griffin - Lvl 29 (Griffin) Day 812, 10:32:09: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 812, 11:22:24: Zeffner froze Falcon - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 829, 21:49:26: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 830, 07:05:27: Renegade froze Argentavis - Lvl 104 (Argentavis) Day 832, 15:19:30: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 832, 15:19:30: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 833, 04:41:51: Renegade Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 214 (Daeodon)! Day 833, 04:47:26: Renegade froze Daeodon - Lvl 214 (Daeodon) Day 833, 05:53:37: Khan froze Argentavis - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 833, 06:52:57: Khan froze Argentavis - Lvl 105 (Argentavis) Day 833, 06:56:26: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 834, 00:32:56: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf)! Day 834, 02:12:05: Khan froze Direwolf - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 834, 02:24:21: Khan froze Belfort - Lvl 209 (Direwolf) Day 834, 04:55:43: Khan froze Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 851, 14:10:09: Renegade Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 851, 14:20:44: Renegade froze Pteranodon - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) Day 851, 16:57:33: Renegade froze Pteranodon - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) Day 851, 17:01:30: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 215 (Griffin) Day 870, 16:47:13: Renegade Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 870, 16:52:37: Renegade froze Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) Day 870, 19:41:49: Zeffner froze Hermes - Lvl 101 (Snow Owl) Day 871, 05:00:02: Renegade froze Pteranodon - Lvl 143 (Pteranodon) Day 871, 05:07:42: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 268 (Griffin) Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 998, 20:44:06: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 998, 21:22:49: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 289 (Griffin) Day 998, 23:07:24: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 999, 00:00:39: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 999, 00:31:36: Renegade froze Griffin - Lvl 290 (Griffin) Day 999, 09:16:48: Renegade Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 35 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 999, 12:44:31: Renegade Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 29 (Maewing)! Day 999, 12:51:33: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 29 (Maewing) Day 999, 14:04:58: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 29 (Maewing) Day 999, 14:16:41: Renegade froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 39 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 999, 16:52:27: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 32 (Maewing) Day 999, 17:40:59: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 41 (Maewing) Day 999, 17:54:30: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 122 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 999, 20:42:22: Your Tiny - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 45! Day 999, 20:50:54: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 122 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 999, 21:05:38: Tribemember Khan - Lvl 101 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 999, 23:07:50: Renegade froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 39 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 999, 23:35:51: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 42 (Maewing) Day 1000, 08:20:19: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 43 (Maewing) Day 1000, 13:39:48: Renegade Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)! Day 1000, 13:45:50: Renegade froze Im Sorry - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 1000, 14:11:21: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 48 (Maewing) Day 1005, 14:07:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1023, 06:46:53: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 253 (Maewing) Day 1023, 06:48:42: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 58 (Maewing) Day 1023, 07:11:27: Khan froze Nymeria - Lvl 241 (Direwolf) Day 1023, 14:44:21: Khan froze Nymeria - Lvl 241 (Direwolf) Day 1023, 15:43:26: Renegade Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 183 (Maewing)! Day 1023, 15:49:16: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 59 (Maewing) Day 1023, 23:51:46: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 1024, 00:05:49: Renegade froze Maewing - Lvl 196 (Maewing) Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1046, 23:01:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 133 (Daeodon)! Day 1046, 23:14:26: Khan froze Daeodon - Lvl 133 (Daeodon) Day 1047, 00:37:44: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 1047, 11:59:07: Khan Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 74 (Daeodon)! Day 1047, 12:15:49: Khan froze Piglin - Lvl 74 (Daeodon) Day 1047, 19:21:51: Khan Tamed a Purlovia - Lvl 142 (Purlovia)! Day 1047, 19:34:13: Khan froze Hades - Lvl 142 (Purlovia) Day 1047, 20:29:23: Khan froze Hades - Lvl 142 (Purlovia) Day 1047, 20:33:33: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 256 (Maewing) Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1328, 02:13:02: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 1377, 16:04:59: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 1377, 19:23:13: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 1378, 01:08:28: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 1378, 07:22:02: Renegade Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 189 (Daeodon)! Day 1378, 07:28:04: Khan froze Daeodon - Lvl 189 (Daeodon) Day 1378, 07:47:42: Khan froze Daeodon - Lvl 189 (Daeodon) Day 1378, 08:16:06: Khan froze Icarus - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 1378, 12:03:19: Khan Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 199 (Daeodon)! Day 1378, 12:22:32: Khan froze Bigus Flapus - Lvl 199 (Daeodon) Day 1378, 14:36:53: Renegade froze Icarus - Lvl 300 (Maewing) Day 1378, 16:20:58: Khan froze Griffin - Lvl 295 (Griffin) Day 1568, 04:22:48: Khan froze NixuOwl - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 1568, 05:27:23: Khan froze NixuOwl - Lvl 221 (Snow Owl) Day 1704, 15:57:48: Renegade froze DeathWing - Lvl 152 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1772, 01:07:38: Renegade froze DeathWing - Lvl 155 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1773, 10:51:14: Khan's 'Orpheus - Lvl 249 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2224, 11:04:54: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2224, 13:54:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2224, 13:55:33: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2224, 13:56:08: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 2224, 14:01:24: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2224, 14:01:59: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2439, 19:00:54: Khan's 'Thor - Lvl 111 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2918, 10:00:44: Tribemember Khan - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 9525, 13:25:33: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9525, 14:08:09: Khan unclaimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9676, 05:34:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9701, 15:56:22: Zeffner froze SkyPiercer - Lvl 239 (Griffin) Day 9701, 16:31:44: Zeffner froze Brad - Lvl 273 (Rex) Day 9701, 17:36:54: Zeffner froze SkyPiercer - Lvl 239 (Griffin) Day 9703, 07:44:38: Zeffner froze Brad - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 9703, 09:04:36: Zeffner froze Brad - Lvl 283 (Rex) Day 9703, 09:07:48: Zeffner froze SkyPiercer - Lvl 242 (Griffin) Day 9726, 02:45:13: Varos was added to the Tribe by Zeffner! Day 9726, 07:21:45: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9726, 13:57:55: Varos froze Tiny - Lvl 176 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9726, 20:44:39: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 256 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9726, 20:55:42: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 266 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9726, 23:47:00: Varos froze Tiny - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9726, 23:47:28: Zeffner froze Grim - Lvl 253 (Deinonychus) Day 9727, 03:10:27: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 266 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9727, 03:16:57: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 259 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9727, 07:19:39: Varos froze Tiny - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9727, 18:00:39: Zeffner froze Grim - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus) Day 9727, 19:41:45: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 266 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9727, 19:58:55: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 259 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9727, 22:48:25: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9727, 23:16:15: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 9727, 23:53:16: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 9728, 01:49:51: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 9728, 03:39:16: Zeffner froze Grim - Lvl 254 (Deinonychus) Day 9728, 06:27:29: Varos froze Tiny - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9728, 07:27:53: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 259 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9728, 07:41:42: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 266 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9739, 15:56:23: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9739, 22:23:02: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 272 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9768, 10:28:45: Renegade froze Managarmr - Lvl 222 (Managarmr) Day 9768, 13:51:02: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 228 (Rock Drake) Day 9768, 13:54:51: Renegade froze Managarmr - Lvl 222 (Managarmr) Day 9768, 13:54:54: Varos froze Shelly - Lvl 263 (Rock Drake) Day 9769, 05:16:24: Renegade froze Managarmr - Lvl 226 (Managarmr) Day 9769, 05:19:31: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 9769, 05:29:19: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 9770, 21:57:23: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed by a Shadowmane - Lvl 140! Day 9771, 04:14:19: Zeffner froze Shelly - Lvl 264 (Rock Drake) Day 9771, 16:40:03: Zeffner Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane)! Day 9771, 17:04:16: Zeffner froze Shadowmane - Lvl 204 (Shadowmane) Day 9773, 06:17:14: Zeffner demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 9773, 06:18:06: Zeffner demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 9773, 06:19:36: Zeffner demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 9773, 06:20:33: Zeffner demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 9775, 13:46:11: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was destroyed! Day 9775, 13:46:46: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was destroyed! Day 9775, 14:02:38: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was destroyed! Day 9775, 19:50:00: Zeffner Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)! Day 9775, 20:54:38: Zeffner froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 9776, 00:25:25: Zeffner froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 9776, 00:29:06: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 236 (Rock Drake) Day 9781, 01:21:49: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 9781, 01:43:23: Tribemember Varos - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 45! Day 9845, 00:40:04: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9845, 05:30:18: Tribemember Khan - Lvl 121 was killed by Jormungandr - Lvl 231 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 9845, 05:30:18: Your Tribe killed Khan - Lvl 121 (Gajalaka Tribe)! Day 9845, 06:06:42: Zeffner froze Chomper - Lvl 191 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9845, 06:09:35: Khan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 89 (Dodo)! Day 9845, 07:54:11: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 313 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9845, 09:33:19: Khan Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 9845, 09:39:59: Khan froze AssKicker 2000 - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) Day 9845, 11:49:17: Khan claimed 'DefenceTrike1 - Lvl 259 (Triceratops)'! Day 9845, 11:50:16: Zeffner claimed 'East - Lvl 293 (Triceratops)'! Day 9845, 12:01:08: Zeffner froze East - Lvl 299 (Triceratops) Day 9845, 12:03:11: Khan froze DefenceTrike1 - Lvl 262 (Triceratops) Day 9845, 16:51:14: Tribemember Khan - Lvl 121 was killed by Jormungandr - Lvl 241 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 9845, 16:51:14: Your Tribe killed Khan - Lvl 121 (Gajalaka Tribe)! Day 9845, 17:20:53: Zeffner froze Chomper - Lvl 204 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9845, 17:33:19: Khan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 133 (Dodo)! Day 9845, 19:15:05: Zeffner froze Chomper - Lvl 204 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9846, 04:41:36: Khan froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 315 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9846, 08:58:40: Zeffner froze Chomper - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9846, 09:34:06: Khan froze Jormungandr - Lvl 243 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9846, 09:36:42: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 315 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9866, 07:19:27: Khan froze Juno - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 9866, 15:38:13: Khan froze Allosaurus - Lvl 264 (Allosaurus) Day 9866, 16:18:22: Khan froze Juno - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 9869, 00:28:49: Khan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 9869, 01:52:35: Khan froze Doedicurus - Lvl 278 (Doedicurus) Day 9869, 04:15:16: Khan froze Hoff - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 9869, 04:24:11: Khan froze Hoff - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 9869, 05:42:15: Khan froze Jormungandr - Lvl 249 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9880, 15:06:37: Khan froze Juno - Lvl 180 (Maewing) Day 9880, 15:07:50: Renegade froze Cloud Stalker - Lvl 255 (Griffin) Day 9880, 17:51:19: Renegade froze Quiet Claw - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) Day 9880, 17:52:54: Khan froze Pluto - Lvl 280 (Spino) Day 9880, 18:41:39: Renegade froze Cloud Stalker - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 9880, 18:42:52: Khan froze Juno - Lvl 180 (Maewing) Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9894, 19:54:26: Your Dingus - Lvl 133 (Dodo) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 130! Day 9914, 08:20:08: Zeffner froze Scorch - Lvl 227 (Magmasaur) Day 9914, 12:59:42: Zeffner froze Scorch - Lvl 228 (Magmasaur) Day 9914, 15:30:43: Zeffner froze Scorch - Lvl 228 (Magmasaur) Day 9914, 15:33:34: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 184 (Otter) Day 9914, 15:38:13: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 319 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9965, 05:22:57: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9965, 05:24:54: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 301 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9965, 06:05:26: Zeffner froze Grim - Lvl 261 (Deinonychus) Day 9965, 06:06:13: Varos froze Fluffy - Lvl 261 (Deinonychus) Day 9965, 07:31:57: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9965, 07:51:06: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 301 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9965, 08:21:16: Varos Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 9965, 08:40:42: Varos froze Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) Day 9965, 08:50:11: Varos froze Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) Day 9965, 10:00:19: Zeffner Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 9965, 10:22:02: Varos froze Fluffy - Lvl 261 (Deinonychus) Day 9965, 10:27:53: Zeffner froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 9965, 10:34:11: Zeffner froze Grim - Lvl 261 (Deinonychus) Day 9965, 12:23:48: Varos froze Fang - Lvl 301 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9965, 12:26:22: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 199 (Otter) Day 9965, 12:29:13: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 9999, 05:05:54: Renegade froze Sugar - Lvl 243 (Maewing) Day 9999, 18:52:58: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 9999, 22:00:12: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 10000, 07:52:15: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 10000, 08:39:25: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 10000, 11:32:22: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 10000, 11:45:10: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 10000, 19:53:27: Renegade froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 280 (Thylacoleo) Day 10000, 19:54:07: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 10027, 18:52:20: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 331 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10027, 20:07:12: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex) was killed by Zeffner - Lvl 114 (Gajalaka Tribe)! Day 10027, 20:07:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 203 (Rex)! Day 10028, 00:51:50: Zeffner Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 10028, 01:01:01: Zeffner froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10028, 07:45:05: Zeffner froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10028, 10:16:17: Zeffner froze squishy - Lvl 212 (Otter) Day 10028, 10:20:23: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 331 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10029, 01:23:36: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10043, 21:03:09: Zeffner froze Gypsy - Lvl 291 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10043, 22:23:04: Zeffner froze Toruq Makto - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10076, 04:36:49: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10121, 11:33:58: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 10121, 12:22:38: Renegade froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 10121, 14:12:56: Renegade froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 10121, 14:28:00: Tribemember Renegade - Lvl 122 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 180! Day 10122, 08:27:12: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 10122, 08:29:25: Renegade froze Managarmr - Lvl 231 (Managarmr) Day 10130, 20:23:04: Zeffner froze NightStalker - Lvl 312 (Shadowmane) Day 10130, 21:02:53: Varos froze 31h 38m - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 10130, 21:31:25: Varos froze Fuzzy - Lvl 230 (Ferox) Day 10158, 06:36:48: Varos froze Perry - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 10158, 09:00:13: Zeffner claimed '130 - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10158, 09:04:41: Zeffner claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10158, 09:20:47: Zeffner claimed 'slot 1 - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10158, 09:21:22: Zeffner claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10158, 09:21:53: Zeffner claimed 'slot 3 - Lvl 263 (Velonasaur)'! Day 10158, 10:32:45: Varos froze Shelly - Lvl 269 (Rock Drake) Day 10158, 11:35:07: Varos froze Perry - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 10158, 14:33:21: Varos froze Shelly - Lvl 271 (Rock Drake) Day 10158, 15:14:44: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 10158, 15:16:06: Varos froze Perry - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 10158, 15:30:14: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 10158, 18:26:33: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 10158, 20:30:59: Zeffner froze Fracture - Lvl 252 (Rock Drake) Day 10158, 21:08:23: Varos froze Perry - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 10249, 11:34:31: Zeffner froze Speed - Lvl 278 (Maewing) Day 10249, 11:44:16: Zeffner froze Gypsy - Lvl 327 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10288, 02:48:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10345, 18:03:23: Your Dodo - Lvl 89 (Dodo) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 100! Day 10358, 17:12:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10452, 20:18:36: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10503, 23:41:52: Hoff - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 10947, 09:09:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10994, 12:13:13: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10994, 12:13:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10994, 12:13:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10994, 12:13:13: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10994, 12:13:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11186, 14:51:51: Your AssKicker 2000 - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 12291, 16:44:26: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 1 - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 16:45:16: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 248 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 16:45:42: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 3 - Lvl 263 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:02:39: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur)'! Day 12291, 17:03:41: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 199 (Velonasaur)'!"] "tribeid":1181226666,"tribe":"Romanian Crackheads logs":["Day 13966, 17:17:39: Evelynn was added to the Tribe! Day 13966, 17:42:21: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 17:43:21: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 17:44:17: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 17:45:06: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 17:46:08: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 17:47:01: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:04:07: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:09:21: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:10:10: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:10:54: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:11:37: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:15:26: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:16:16: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:17:09: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:18:05: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13966, 18:19:06: Evelynn added 'cappuccino man' Tribe to Frienz Alliance! Day 13966, 19:05:00: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 13966, 19:20:56: Evelynn froze Doedicurus - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 13966, 20:33:50: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake)"] "tribeid":1176428968,"tribe":"Queeen Bee logs":["Day 1612, 08:24:48: Queeen Bee was added to the Tribe! Day 1612, 10:21:30: Queeen Bee Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 1613, 15:26:34: Queeen Bee demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1613, 15:28:59: Queeen Bee demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1613, 17:46:18: Queeen Bee demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 1613, 19:00:47: Queeen Bee demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1614, 00:23:58: Queeen Bee demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1846, 14:53:45: Tribemember Queeen Bee - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2204, 16:31:21: Porkieee - Lvl 121 (Long legged mac daddys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1436,397,182,351 - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1173940582,"tribe":"NiTi logs":["Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11878, 21:58:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11902, 17:00:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11948, 00:44:32: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12162, 01:19:50: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12162, 01:19:50: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13342, 16:12:32: kernel sanders - Lvl 24 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13834, 10:03:43: Tribemember Mooxie - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 13834, 10:15:10: Tribemember Kitt - Lvl 117 was killed!"] "tribeid":1170763669,"tribe":"L9wada logs":["Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1416, 00:53:09: Tribemember Lbitri9 - Lvl 115 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1842, 04:39:03: Pteranodon - Lvl 132 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 1988, 12:48:39: Tribemember iPredator - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 7719, 22:09:03: Nesquik01 claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 7729, 01:25:29: Nesquik01 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 7729, 04:27:46: Tribemember Nesquik01 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 45! Day 7735, 05:13:45: Nesquik01 claimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 232 (Carbonemys)'! Day 7735, 10:19:42: Tribemember Nesquik01 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 7735, 16:05:00: Tribemember Nesquik01 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 7783, 06:52:12: Tribemember Nesquik01 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 7783, 08:29:48: Tribemember ziko - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 7783, 09:22:35: ziko was removed from the Tribe! Day 7783, 09:22:35: Tribe Owner was changed to Lbitri9! Day 7783, 10:15:40: Nesquik01 was removed from the Tribe! Day 7888, 11:01:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8027, 04:00:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8407, 06:42:08: seppe - Lvl 42 (BALLERS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8513, 17:47:32: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 232 (Carbonemys) was killed! Day 8616, 05:13:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13818, 00:02:20: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 220 (Desmodus)'!"] "tribeid":1169310363,"tribe":"The Old Gits logs":["Day 5666, 16:17:04: Ugg froze Armygirl 5 - Lvl 442 (Therizinosaur) Day 5666, 16:19:55: Ugg froze Armygirl 7 - Lvl 440 (Therizinosaur) Day 5666, 16:22:57: Ugg froze Armyboy 6 - Lvl 442 (Therizinosaur) Day 5666, 18:09:51: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 5666, 20:20:09: Ugg froze Fluffette - Lvl 225 (Fenrir) Day 5836, 11:26:23: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 546 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5836, 11:30:36: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 374 (Desmodus) Day 5836, 22:43:04: Daz Tamed a Megachelon - Lvl 22 (Megachelon)! Day 5836, 22:58:06: Daz froze Megachelon - Lvl 22 (Megachelon) Day 5836, 23:33:20: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 419 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 5837, 00:07:00: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 421 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 5837, 01:19:59: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl) Day 5837, 01:31:56: dia froze Grum - Lvl 389 (Otter) Day 5837, 01:59:40: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 546 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5837, 06:10:20: Daz froze 211 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon) Day 5855, 17:49:26: Daz Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 5877, 08:52:36: Daz froze 263 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 418 (Dinopithecus) Day 5877, 08:57:01: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 546 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5877, 09:01:25: Daz froze 338 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 471 (Argentavis) Day 5877, 09:06:25: Daz froze 266 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 410 (Managarmr) Day 6084, 08:35:35: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 546 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6084, 11:20:25: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 411 (Desmodus) Day 6171, 20:27:07: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 437 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6171, 21:57:14: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 428 (Snow Owl) Day 6249, 13:46:56: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 547 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6420, 04:15:03: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 6420, 09:41:34: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 397 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 6420, 12:12:59: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 6420, 16:15:52: Ugg froze Licorice Allsorts - Lvl 310 (R-Reaper King) Day 6423, 00:19:07: Ugg froze Licorice Allsorts - Lvl 310 (R-Reaper King) Day 6423, 09:18:58: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 6423, 09:40:09: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 6423, 10:48:14: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 408 (Desmodus) Day 6423, 11:16:04: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 408 (Desmodus) Day 6424, 03:24:01: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 6425, 16:36:41: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 414 (Desmodus) Day 6426, 08:20:09: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 361 (Otter) Day 6426, 16:20:45: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 415 (Desmodus) Day 6426, 18:32:08: Ugg froze Andy Pandy - Lvl 401 (Basilosaurus) Day 6427, 00:25:48: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 415 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 15:03:34: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 397 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 6427, 16:23:45: Ugg froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 397 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 6427, 16:43:10: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 415 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 17:09:53: Your 'Snakepit (Sleeping Bag)' was destroyed! Day 6427, 18:21:11: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 415 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 21:43:11: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 415 (Desmodus) Day 6427, 21:50:09: Ugg froze Sir Swoopsalot - Lvl 492 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6428, 06:39:00: Ugg froze R I P - Lvl 361 (Otter) Day 6428, 12:38:43: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 416 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 13:25:12: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 416 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 15:16:53: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 416 (Desmodus) Day 6428, 18:59:47: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 6428, 19:16:26: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 6428, 20:39:43: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 6429, 00:27:29: Ugg froze Zac - Lvl 427 (Shadowmane) Day 6429, 02:56:31: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 416 (Desmodus) Day 6463, 01:35:09: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 547 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6735, 16:17:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6735, 16:17:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6749, 07:10:27: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 419 (Desmodus) Day 6749, 10:17:05: Ugg froze Captain Crunch - Lvl 355 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6749, 14:37:36: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 419 (Desmodus) Day 6749, 22:39:45: Ugg froze Captain Crunch - Lvl 355 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6750, 00:37:15: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 419 (Desmodus) Day 6750, 04:25:28: Ugg froze Captain Crunch - Lvl 355 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6750, 05:42:08: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 419 (Desmodus) Day 6750, 05:56:21: Ugg froze Mutant - Lvl 340 (Fjordhawk) Day 6762, 02:51:06: Ugg froze Captain Crunch - Lvl 355 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6845, 13:13:31: Daz Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia)! Day 6845, 13:41:05: Daz froze Phiomia - Lvl 37 (Phiomia) Day 6845, 13:46:10: Daz froze 211 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 247 (Procoptodon) Day 6845, 21:39:28: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 548 (R-Snow Owl) Day 7020, 01:10:38: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 548 (R-Snow Owl) Day 7242, 17:46:47: Ugg froze Oviraptor - Lvl 199 (Oviraptor) Day 7314, 04:56:47: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 7520, 09:23:45: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 420 (Desmodus) Day 7578, 00:22:31: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 323 (Otter) Day 7578, 00:27:53: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 7748, 20:08:47: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 549 (R-Snow Owl) Day 7940, 06:36:16: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8079, 18:45:21: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8128, 14:39:36: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 500 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8219, 12:16:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8302, 19:46:12: no stam - Lvl 710 (Anglerfish) starved to death! Day 8324, 15:29:54: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8324, 20:18:39: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 8324, 20:20:28: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8324, 22:37:42: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8324, 23:06:41: Daz froze 230 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 385 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8325, 01:09:43: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 01:19:14: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 02:48:21: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 500 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8325, 02:50:12: Daz froze 300 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 491 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8325, 09:09:58: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 09:24:28: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 09:38:30: Daz froze 300 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 491 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8325, 09:39:23: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 500 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8325, 13:08:06: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 13:26:56: Daz froze 261 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 428 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 8325, 17:18:36: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 17:21:43: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 503 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8325, 17:22:13: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 8325, 17:38:19: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 503 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8326, 01:16:17: Daz froze 275 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 434 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 8326, 01:21:48: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 8326, 02:22:47: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 550 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8326, 03:24:35: Daz froze H-O-WM - Lvl 448 (Otter) Day 8326, 06:30:08: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 503 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8326, 07:47:35: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8326, 09:42:36: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8326, 11:11:23: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 398 (Desmodus) Day 8326, 16:39:04: dia froze brrr - Lvl 411 (Otter) Day 8326, 17:18:09: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 8466, 17:08:50: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 8466, 17:48:50: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 500 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8466, 19:07:13: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 8466, 20:02:07: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 500 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8466, 23:10:23: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 8467, 00:11:44: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 500 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8467, 03:59:07: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 323 (Otter) Day 8678, 17:41:27: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 552 (R-Snow Owl) Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8822, 19:49:34: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 501 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8822, 21:02:24: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 8822, 23:13:53: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 501 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8823, 00:20:55: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 8823, 01:17:07: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 501 (Giganotosaurus) Day 8823, 02:52:45: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 330 (Otter) Day 8841, 18:37:05: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 552 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9069, 11:42:28: Ugg claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus)'! Day 9069, 12:22:06: Ugg froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 9113, 01:00:05: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 9113, 01:26:13: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 9113, 01:42:36: Ugg froze 62 H 3xm - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 9113, 01:48:30: Ugg froze 310 Male breeder - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 9132, 11:04:24: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 563 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9148, 04:04:38: Ugg claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus)'! Day 9148, 04:08:50: Ugg froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 9177, 09:00:54: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9177, 09:05:20: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 330 (Otter) Day 9177, 18:08:48: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9177, 18:17:24: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 335 (Otter) Day 9193, 07:09:20: dia claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9193, 07:15:42: dia froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo) Day 9193, 07:36:49: dia claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus)'! Day 9193, 07:39:55: dia froze Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 9193, 12:32:35: dia claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 12:36:22: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus) Day 9193, 12:37:23: dia claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 12:46:47: dia claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 12:49:09: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus) Day 9193, 13:07:12: dia froze Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus) Day 9193, 18:32:21: dia claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)'! Day 9193, 19:28:51: dia froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 9193, 19:31:52: dia claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 259 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9193, 20:04:06: dia uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 259 Day 9193, 21:27:09: dia downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 259 Day 9193, 21:35:50: dia unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 259 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9194, 07:37:05: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 9194, 16:24:20: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9194, 16:54:01: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 335 (Otter) Day 9195, 11:38:07: dia unclaimed 'Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus)'! Day 9195, 12:39:06: dia claimed 'Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus)'! Day 9195, 12:45:25: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 9195, 18:47:15: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9195, 18:52:58: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 335 (Otter) Day 9199, 13:45:10: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 9200, 07:52:59: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 399 (Desmodus) Day 9200, 12:37:25: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 335 (Otter) Day 9219, 05:48:18: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9219, 06:15:29: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9219, 07:29:08: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 501 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9219, 10:24:41: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9219, 13:38:37: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 335 (Otter) Day 9220, 02:19:25: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9220, 05:47:25: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9221, 06:06:13: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 335 (Otter) Day 9221, 06:18:16: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9239, 01:41:33: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 563 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9364, 11:07:16: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 9364, 19:03:50: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 336 (Otter) Day 9365, 10:10:34: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9366, 11:30:02: dia froze Glenda Greene - Lvl 424 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 9366, 15:59:45: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9366, 16:09:37: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 9476, 21:29:29: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 566 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9504, 02:43:15: dia Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 224 (Megaloceros)! Day 9504, 02:55:22: dia froze Megaloceros - Lvl 224 (Megaloceros) Day 9504, 06:04:14: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 503 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9504, 06:12:47: dia froze brrr - Lvl 411 (Otter) Day 9759, 17:35:49: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 568 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9764, 09:10:00: Ugg froze Jet - Lvl 393 (Rock Drake) Day 9764, 14:34:29: Ugg froze Captain Crunch - Lvl 356 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9764, 20:50:24: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 421 (Desmodus) Day 9764, 22:54:47: Ugg froze Blackula - Lvl 421 (Desmodus) Day 9881, 06:15:19: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9881, 07:46:56: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9881, 13:23:02: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9881, 18:23:43: dia froze Dire Bear - Lvl 409 (Dire Bear) Day 9881, 20:52:57: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9881, 21:04:43: dia Tamed a Tek Quetzal - Lvl 153 (Tek Quetzal)! Day 9881, 21:13:39: dia froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 153 (Tek Quetzal) Day 9881, 21:45:14: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9881, 22:39:00: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9882, 00:48:48: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9882, 02:36:00: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9882, 04:41:02: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9882, 07:02:18: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 430 (Snow Owl) Day 9882, 10:53:11: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9882, 11:40:06: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 9882, 12:21:51: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 9882, 14:13:12: dia froze Carbonemys - Lvl 202 (Carbonemys) Day 9882, 19:37:30: dia froze brrr - Lvl 411 (Otter) Day 9940, 12:04:41: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 569 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9941, 11:34:16: Ugg claimed 'Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus)'! Day 9941, 11:46:05: Ugg froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 9943, 06:48:48: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 9943, 06:54:07: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 10192, 03:22:42: dia froze brrr - Lvl 412 (Otter) Day 10192, 03:34:05: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10212, 00:13:25: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 10212, 08:27:00: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10212, 19:13:23: dia froze Dire Bear - Lvl 409 (Dire Bear) Day 10213, 07:07:21: dia froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 10213, 11:49:22: dia Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 10213, 12:08:49: dia unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 15:58:50: dia unclaimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 18:45:23: dia claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 18:46:16: dia claimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 19:41:06: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 10213, 19:55:13: dia unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 19:59:03: dia froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 10214, 07:30:20: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10214, 12:10:44: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10214, 14:22:02: dia froze Dire Bear - Lvl 409 (Dire Bear) Day 10214, 21:13:29: dia froze Cyanide 1 - Lvl 502 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10215, 06:23:04: dia froze brrr - Lvl 412 (Otter) Day 10215, 08:14:15: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10215, 09:09:32: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 10216, 06:53:51: dia unclaimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10216, 09:09:42: dia claimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10216, 09:13:09: dia froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 10216, 11:04:11: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10220, 16:10:49: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 10221, 02:03:08: dia froze Siddely 198 - Lvl 266 (Fjordhawk) Day 10221, 10:43:21: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 10225, 06:59:19: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 451 (Moschops) Day 10225, 18:39:48: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10235, 15:24:21: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 10236, 15:01:05: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10255, 14:52:07: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10266, 07:18:56: dia froze meanmahboy - Lvl 469 (Thylacoleo) Day 10266, 08:20:22: dia claimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10266, 08:28:08: dia froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 10266, 20:55:40: dia claimed 'Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 10266, 21:03:06: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10267, 17:50:20: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10281, 19:12:52: dia froze brrr - Lvl 412 (Otter) Day 10281, 19:22:15: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10397, 04:03:47: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10397, 20:52:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 202 (Maewing)! Day 10397, 21:04:37: dia froze Maewing - Lvl 202 (Maewing) Day 10398, 00:12:46: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 10398, 00:19:52: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10399, 04:55:52: dia Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 149 (Shinehorn)! Day 10399, 05:03:34: dia froze Shinehorn - Lvl 149 (Shinehorn) Day 10399, 05:34:45: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 401 (Desmodus) Day 10399, 14:24:29: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10492, 07:56:58: dia froze 45s 41m [Dia] - Lvl 453 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10492, 17:00:38: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10492, 17:04:14: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 10493, 12:53:08: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 431 (Snow Owl) Day 10493, 13:00:26: dia froze brrr - Lvl 413 (Otter) Day 10749, 03:37:31: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10894, 17:24:01: Daz froze 230 - Lvl 415 (Gigantopithecus) Day 10894, 20:00:46: Daz claimed 'Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 204 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 10894, 20:04:20: Daz froze Baby Gigantopithecus - Lvl 204 (Gigantopithecus) Day 10894, 20:08:40: Daz froze WC217 W42 M41 - Lvl 217 (Gigantopithecus) Day 10965, 00:26:04: Daz froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 123 (Fjordhawk) Day 10998, 14:15:37: Ugg froze T S C F 4 - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:22:16: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:28:02: Ugg froze T S C F 2 - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:33:33: Ugg froze T S C F 3 - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:40:52: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:49:15: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:54:14: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 14:59:35: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 15:03:06: Ugg froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 10998, 15:39:25: Ugg froze Black Rose - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 11078, 15:12:14: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11078, 15:50:23: Daz froze Dribbler [Daz] - Lvl 429 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 11078, 17:48:00: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 575 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11377, 20:59:38: Daz froze Grandpa Gums - Lvl 385 (Desmodus) Day 11377, 23:06:21: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 444 (Desmodus) Day 11555, 00:44:38: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11628, 10:16:59: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 11628, 10:20:01: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11628, 18:29:43: dia Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 11628, 18:34:40: dia unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)'! Day 11628, 19:17:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon)! Day 11628, 19:30:33: dia froze Pteranodon - Lvl 142 (Pteranodon) Day 11629, 02:55:43: dia froze Bulbdog - Lvl 54 (Bulbdog) Day 11629, 08:06:24: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11629, 08:17:51: dia froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 138 (Rhyniognatha) Day 11629, 08:26:45: dia Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 11629, 08:35:11: dia froze Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 11629, 09:53:24: dia froze brrrick - Lvl 337 (Otter) Day 11629, 09:56:17: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 514 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11769, 14:45:09: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 577 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12021, 09:35:30: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 448 (Desmodus) Day 12142, 05:32:07: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12290, 10:54:04: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12521, 15:00:10: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12724, 02:08:11: dia froze Rocky - Lvl 398 (Rock Elemental) Day 13018, 16:00:13: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13104, 07:01:16: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 583 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13292, 19:11:22: dia froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 259 (Dunkleosteus) Day 13484, 11:08:09: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 584 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13695, 08:32:27: Rex - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 13695, 10:35:42: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 584 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13798, 22:05:11: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 585 (R-Snow Owl) Day 14026, 14:29:42: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 585 (R-Snow Owl) Day 14146, 19:47:23: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 25! Day 14237, 07:20:09: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 585 (R-Snow Owl) Day 14488, 05:48:29: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 586 (R-Snow Owl) Day 14750, 05:21:39: Daz froze 300 Boss #8 [Daz] - Lvl 459 (Shadowmane) Day 14750, 06:41:25: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 586 (R-Snow Owl) Day 15191, 06:30:01: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 517 (R-Snow Owl) Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15451, 03:08:36: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 15649, 22:38:00: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 587 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16008, 06:24:11: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16376, 10:54:12: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16689, 08:02:31: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 588 (R-Snow Owl) Day 16998, 15:47:50: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17315, 14:30:34: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17497, 14:19:39: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 581 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17765, 09:43:19: dia froze Clarence - Lvl 582 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17765, 10:06:19: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17765, 13:30:20: dia claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)'! Day 17765, 13:32:33: Your Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) was killed by dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits)! Day 17765, 13:32:33: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) (The Old Gits)! Day 17765, 18:09:13: Daz claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 17765, 18:13:30: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) Day 17765, 20:38:11: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 448 (Desmodus) Day 17765, 21:12:09: Daz froze Pain!! - Lvl 341 (Andrewsarchus) Day 17765, 22:13:24: dia froze Bluebottle 1 - Lvl 409 (Desmodus) Day 17765, 22:24:24: Daz froze 291 Speed [Daz] - Lvl 448 (Desmodus) Day 17765, 23:19:59: dia froze Spare1 - Lvl 433 (Snow Owl) Day 17766, 01:02:10: Daz froze cave2 - Lvl 157 (Desmodus) Day 17766, 08:04:56: Daz froze 300 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 506 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17766, 14:08:39: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18062, 15:06:06: Daz froze 230 Imp [Daz] - Lvl 392 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 18062, 19:00:45: Daz froze Phiomia - Lvl 41 (Phiomia) Day 18062, 19:04:45: Daz froze Polly II [Daz] - Lvl 473 (Moschops) Day 18062, 19:08:43: Daz froze Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) Day 18062, 19:12:40: Daz froze Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) Day 18062, 19:16:55: Daz froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 395 (Dung Beetle) Day 18062, 19:22:31: Daz froze Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo) Day 18062, 19:29:01: Daz froze Mrs Bat Food [Daz] - Lvl 469 (Moschops) Day 18062, 20:29:44: Daz froze 44W - Lvl 217 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 18062, 20:35:34: Daz froze 228 - Lvl 228 (Featherlight) Day 18062, 20:40:33: Daz froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 142 (Dimetrodon) Day 18062, 20:45:52: Daz froze Dimetrodon - Lvl 142 (Dimetrodon) Day 18062, 20:51:25: Daz froze Featherlight - Lvl 279 (Featherlight) Day 18062, 22:32:20: Daz froze Featherlight - Lvl 363 (Featherlight) Day 18062, 23:46:13: Daz froze 213 - Lvl 366 (Featherlight) Day 18063, 00:08:01: Daz froze Maewing - Lvl 321 (Maewing) Day 18063, 00:14:11: Daz froze Aberrant Moschops - Lvl 122 (Aberrant Moschops) Day 18063, 00:19:58: Daz froze Grandpa Gums - Lvl 385 (Desmodus) Day 18063, 00:26:31: Daz froze Moschops - Lvl 354 (Moschops) Day 18063, 00:32:54: Daz froze Featherlight - Lvl 218 (Featherlight) Day 18063, 02:26:46: Daz froze dddddddddddd - Lvl 133 (Megalania) Day 18063, 02:31:39: Daz froze WC 23 Daz - Lvl 23 (Megalania) Day 18063, 02:38:33: Daz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 400 (Ankylosaurus) Day 18063, 02:46:46: Daz froze Megalania - Lvl 209 (Megalania) Day 18063, 02:51:49: Daz froze Megalania - Lvl 217 (Megalania) Day 18063, 03:00:03: Daz froze Megalania - Lvl 74 (Megalania) Day 18063, 03:11:48: Daz froze vuu - Lvl 385 (Unicorn) Day 18063, 03:17:15: Daz froze Doedicurus - Lvl 311 (Doedicurus) Day 18063, 03:25:28: Daz froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 18063, 03:50:57: Daz froze 198 - Lvl 278 (Featherlight) Day 18063, 03:56:32: Daz froze Bluebelly 266 - Lvl 348 (Bulbdog) Day 18063, 04:05:38: Daz froze Gold Member - Lvl 370 (R-Reaper King) Day 18063, 05:46:15: Daz froze WC185 H35 - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 18063, 06:23:32: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 592 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18359, 14:34:12: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18878, 11:20:41: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18878, 12:20:28: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 597 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19305, 07:23:26: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 598 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19685, 03:23:35: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 598 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20239, 18:03:46: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 604 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20726, 20:02:50: dia froze Blueberry - Lvl 453 (Moschops) Day 20727, 01:28:42: dia froze Grouser - Lvl 527 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21212, 20:41:04: Daz froze 395 Rasbery Ripple [Daz] - Lvl 604 (R-Snow Owl) Day 21212, 22:52:17: Daz froze 225 M46 #1 [Daz] - Lvl 436 (Amargasaurus)"] "tribeid":1168636336,"tribe":"Taranis logs":["Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8144, 22:03:17: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9581, 23:14:47: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1166770638,"tribe":"Tribe of Callum logs":["Day 7550, 08:04:40: Callum was added to the Tribe! Day 7550, 08:08:12: Dino was added to the Tribe by Callum! Day 7550, 18:10:27: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 7550, 22:00:13: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 7550, 22:07:15: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 19 was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 7550, 22:28:09: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 7550, 22:47:58: Tribemember Callum - Lvl 22 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 7551, 00:21:26: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 7551, 00:35:18: Tribemember Callum - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 7551, 09:19:56: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 27 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 7551, 09:26:42: Tribemember Callum - Lvl 24 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 7551, 10:39:23: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 28 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 7551, 11:18:07: Tribemember Callum - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 7551, 22:49:20: Tribemember Callum - Lvl 39 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 20! Day 7551, 23:09:12: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 33 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 55! Day 7552, 06:46:35: Callum Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 7552, 11:41:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 7552, 19:52:09: Callum Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)! Day 7553, 12:46:15: Dino demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 7553, 12:51:08: Dino demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 7553, 12:54:41: Dino demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 7553, 17:34:35: Dino demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 7553, 17:37:24: Dino demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 7575, 20:47:28: Your Parasaur - Lvl 136 (Parasaur) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 7575, 21:00:23: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 135 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 7575, 21:05:33: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7888, 11:01:17: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8078, 21:43:57: Tribemember Callum - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 8168, 12:00:50: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8245, 16:43:38: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10186, 03:27:40: Henne - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10654, 19:23:22: Tribemember Dino - Lvl 51 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95!"] "tribeid":1165419689,"tribe":"Mkinney logs":["Day 215, 20:11:42: Mkinney was added to the Tribe! Day 215, 20:55:16: Mkinney Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 217, 01:18:26: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 61 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 217, 08:14:51: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 62 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 217, 09:42:39: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 62 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 217, 10:00:36: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 217, 10:15:27: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 62 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 217, 10:46:35: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 62 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 217, 17:21:38: Mkinney Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)! Day 282, 07:10:01: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 63 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 282, 07:19:20: Your Mkinney - Lvl 47 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 100! Day 282, 07:19:55: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 63 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 100! Day 284, 13:06:54: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 65 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 284, 14:44:04: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 65 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 284, 16:05:00: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 65 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 285, 05:53:02: Mkinney Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 287, 14:31:29: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 287, 14:51:17: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 287, 14:53:56: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 287, 18:01:06: Mkinney demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 287, 18:02:41: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 287, 18:04:36: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 287, 18:11:34: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 287, 18:12:57: Mkinney demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 288, 00:51:41: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 288, 03:53:48: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 70 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 288, 05:03:36: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 70 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 288, 06:27:45: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 288, 06:37:25: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 70 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 306, 02:12:23: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 74 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 306, 02:59:36: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 74 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 306, 05:15:24: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 74 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 306, 05:38:03: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 74 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 309, 02:14:23: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 78 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 309, 02:35:52: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 78 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 309, 03:23:53: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 78 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 150 | 0.8x! Day 309, 03:41:49: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 78 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 309, 07:26:54: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 78 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 310, 10:39:34: Mkinney Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 141 (Argentavis)! Day 311, 22:42:20: Your Mkinney - Lvl 165 (Triceratops) was killed by Mkinney - Lvl 80 (Mkinney)! Day 311, 22:42:20: Your Tribe killed Mkinney - Lvl 165 (Triceratops) (Mkinney)! Day 329, 15:10:49: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 82 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 150! Day 329, 22:24:54: Mkinney Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 451, 08:12:37: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 451, 09:28:10: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 451, 14:32:55: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 101 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 472, 07:24:24: Mkinney Tamed a Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)! Day 499, 10:34:29: Mkinney Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 186 (Sarco)! Day 499, 12:34:01: Mkinney Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 222 (Carnotaurus)! Day 570, 12:37:46: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 570, 13:37:04: Your MkEagle - Lvl 179 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 593, 04:13:11: Mkinney Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 663, 05:24:24: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 113 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 713, 13:39:59: Mkinney Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 761, 03:07:07: Mkinney Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 202 (Quetzal)! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1218, 16:24:51: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1218, 16:24:51: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1508, 12:21:41: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MkBat - Lvl 281 (Desmodus)'! Day 1508, 12:22:59: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 218 (Quetzal)'! Day 1508, 12:23:27: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Water Mkinney - Lvl 227 (Sarco)'! Day 1508, 12:25:08: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MkRex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 1508, 12:26:21: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cat - Lvl 259 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 1508, 12:28:15: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mkinney's Berry Bitch - Lvl 80 (Triceratops)'! Day 1508, 12:29:11: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MkRexy - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 1508, 12:41:40: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mkinney - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1508, 12:42:36: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mkinney - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1897, 16:36:23: Tribemember Mkinney - Lvl 121 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 2094, 16:49:33: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2094, 16:49:33: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2094, 16:49:33: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2094, 16:49:33: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2094, 16:49:33: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1161639113,"tribe":"Durin's Folk logs":["Day 12764, 22:06:12: Eleanor was added to the Tribe! Day 12923, 11:55:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13637, 16:27:09: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14343, 09:12:51: Parasaur - Lvl 33 (Parasaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1153638095,"tribe":"Ezzz #SNM logs":["Day 635, 05:29:04: Doughnut was added to the Tribe! Day 785, 01:02:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 945, 06:01:43: Tribemember Doughnut - Lvl 15 was killed!"] "tribeid":1153358707,"tribe":"Tribe of Risky logs":["Day 2649, 01:24:52: Risky was added to the Tribe! Day 2649, 01:27:49: R33BOOSTED was added to the Tribe by Risky! Day 2649, 07:54:19: R33BOOSTED froze Maewing - Lvl 86 (Maewing) Day 2649, 07:59:55: R33BOOSTED froze Maewing - Lvl 86 (Maewing) Day 2649, 08:02:17: Risky froze Maewing - Lvl 42 (Maewing) Day 2649, 08:53:41: Risky froze Maewing - Lvl 42 (Maewing) Day 2649, 22:05:45: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 87 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2650, 01:41:53: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 2650, 19:02:32: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 87 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 25! Day 2650, 19:22:37: Risky froze Maewing - Lvl 91 (Maewing) Day 2650, 19:57:14: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 2650, 22:03:09: Risky froze Maewing - Lvl 92 (Maewing) Day 2650, 22:17:24: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 87 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 100! Day 2651, 01:44:47: Tribemember Risky - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 2651, 04:33:06: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 88 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 2651, 04:33:12: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2651, 04:33:15: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2651, 06:59:16: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 88 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 130! Day 2651, 07:18:29: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 88 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 130! Day 2651, 07:42:15: Risky froze Maewing - Lvl 93 (Maewing) Day 2651, 08:23:45: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 88 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 2670, 12:06:22: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 88 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2882, 07:25:07: Risky - Lvl 46 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 2934, 05:33:39: R33boosted - Lvl 96 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3272, 06:29:33: Tribemember R33BOOSTED - Lvl 88 was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 50! Day 3272, 06:38:15: Tribemember Risky - Lvl 96 was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 50! Day 3559, 06:51:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1150813896,"tribe":"DaisyAlf logs":["Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16242, 19:05:43: 인간석기 - Lvl 108 (인간 의 부족) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 135 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16366, 01:07:02: Derek - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 29 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16445, 00:46:58: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16731, 00:48:45: Your 'Tek Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1148547899,"tribe":"Tek Tribe logs":["Day 1873, 13:46:29: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 1873, 15:26:40: Xantium froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1873, 15:59:44: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1873, 17:59:13: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1873, 18:49:48: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 55! Day 1873, 19:40:57: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 1873, 20:28:20: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 145! Day 1873, 21:11:56: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 20! Day 1873, 21:49:28: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1873, 23:03:23: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 1874, 00:03:36: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1874, 00:51:24: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 1874, 02:05:17: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 1874, 02:37:39: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 1874, 03:25:21: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 25! Day 1874, 05:30:37: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1874, 12:37:24: Xantium froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1874, 13:04:03: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1874, 13:25:13: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 55! Day 1874, 15:45:35: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1874, 17:12:11: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 50! Day 1874, 18:12:33: Zap added 'Tek Tribe' Tribe to sup Alliance! Day 1874, 18:43:25: Xantium froze Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 1874, 19:53:08: Xantium froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1874, 22:17:27: Xantium froze Rock Drake - Lvl 170 (Rock Drake) Day 1874, 22:21:21: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 1874, 22:29:17: Xantium froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1915, 06:15:42: V4z3 froze Vrakula - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 1916, 21:44:25: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 317 (Snow Owl) Day 1916, 22:14:18: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 1916, 22:18:18: Your 45H 47M - Lvl 242 (Rex) was killed! Day 1917, 01:21:25: V4z3 froze Glenn Quagmire - Lvl 325 (Griffin) Day 1917, 09:11:52: V4z3 froze Powerade - Lvl 399 (Shadowmane) Day 1917, 11:14:44: V4z3 Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 74 (Velonasaur)! Day 1917, 11:21:14: V4z3 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 74 (Velonasaur) Day 1917, 13:21:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur)! Day 1917, 13:27:45: V4z3 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 134 (Velonasaur) Day 1917, 13:55:02: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 317 (Snow Owl) Day 1919, 16:02:07: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1919, 17:30:30: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 21 (Gacha)! Day 1919, 17:40:43: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 21 (Gacha) Day 1919, 18:06:36: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 21 (Gacha)! Day 1919, 18:13:11: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 21 (Gacha) Day 1919, 19:41:40: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 65 (Gacha)! Day 1919, 19:52:02: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 65 (Gacha) Day 1919, 20:09:06: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 21 (Gacha) Day 1919, 20:10:13: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 23 (Gacha) Day 1919, 20:18:12: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 65 (Gacha) Day 1919, 22:10:30: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 1919, 22:50:59: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 1920, 00:50:49: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1920, 05:58:55: V4z3 froze Vrakula - Lvl 214 (Desmodus) Day 1921, 11:12:13: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1921, 11:46:09: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1922, 07:50:44: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 1922, 07:54:35: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 1922, 08:08:03: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 45! Day 1922, 08:41:44: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 56 (Desmodus)! Day 1922, 10:06:15: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1922, 13:04:59: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 27 (Desmodus) Day 1922, 13:09:36: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 56 (Desmodus) Day 1922, 13:13:16: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 1922, 13:17:31: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1923, 03:20:09: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 1923, 06:34:32: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 1923, 08:11:12: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 1923, 08:18:40: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 1923, 08:54:42: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 1923, 09:32:54: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1924, 01:57:38: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1924, 02:16:06: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 1925, 04:29:02: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 275 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1925, 07:28:43: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 166 (Gacha)! Day 1925, 07:44:38: Xantium froze Sap/Silk - Lvl 166 (Gacha) Day 1925, 10:02:06: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 160 (Gacha)! Day 1925, 10:22:03: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 160 (Gacha) Day 1925, 11:32:49: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 59 (Gacha)! Day 1925, 12:01:44: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 112 (Gacha)! Day 1925, 12:17:01: Xantium froze Black/Sillica Pearls - Lvl 112 (Gacha) Day 1925, 12:28:31: Xantium froze Metal/Gas - Lvl 160 (Gacha) Day 1925, 12:52:15: Xantium froze Clay/Sap/Sand - Lvl 59 (Gacha) Day 1925, 16:08:57: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 98 (Gacha)! Day 1925, 16:24:30: Xantium froze Metal Sand Gas - Lvl 98 (Gacha) Day 1925, 16:48:09: Xantium froze Good mel, good stam - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 1935, 16:39:34: Your Desmodus - Lvl 83 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 1935, 16:42:56: Tribemember V4z3 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 1935, 19:10:28: V4z3 was removed from the Tribe! Day 1940, 07:09:57: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 55 (Desmodus) Day 1940, 12:14:01: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1947, 17:26:51: Xantium froze Good mel, good stam - Lvl 221 (Desmodus) Day 1947, 19:36:54: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 25 (Gacha)! Day 1947, 19:44:03: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 25 (Gacha) Day 1947, 21:31:41: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 159 (Gacha)! Day 1947, 21:46:39: Xantium froze dddddddddddddddddddddddd - Lvl 159 (Gacha) Day 1948, 00:11:55: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 109 (Gacha)! Day 1948, 00:23:35: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 109 (Gacha) Day 1948, 02:50:39: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha)! Day 1948, 02:58:59: Xantium froze AW - Lvl 102 (Gacha) Day 1948, 04:13:24: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha)! Day 1948, 04:21:09: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 1948, 05:40:36: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 171 (Gacha)! Day 1948, 05:55:26: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 171 (Gacha) Day 1948, 06:08:12: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 172 (Gacha) Day 1948, 06:27:13: Xantium froze Good mel, good stam - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 1970, 14:54:56: Tribe of V4z3 tribe was merged in by V4z3! Day 1970, 14:54:56: V4z3 was added to the Tribe by Xantium! Day 1970, 15:02:00: Xantium Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl)! Day 1970, 15:06:51: Xantium froze Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 16:24:01: Xantium Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (Snow Owl)! Day 1970, 16:30:00: Xantium froze Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 18:09:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 24 (Snow Owl)! Day 1970, 18:21:20: Xantium froze Snow Owl - Lvl 24 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 19:43:54: V4z3 Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl)! Day 1970, 19:49:21: V4z3 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 20:25:10: Xantium Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl)! Day 1970, 20:31:28: Xantium froze Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 00:47:59: V4z3 Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 127 (Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 01:01:19: Xantium froze Snow Owl - Lvl 127 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 01:15:58: V4z3 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 127 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 01:27:53: V4z3 Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 01:33:05: V4z3 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 149 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 01:48:08: Xantium Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 01:53:56: Xantium froze wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 04:31:49: V4z3 Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 04:37:45: V4z3 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 11:16:32: V4z3 Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 11:21:12: V4z3 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1971, 12:57:23: Xantium Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 13:02:28: Xantium froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1971, 18:50:45: Xantium Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl)! Day 1971, 18:53:28: V4z3 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 19:10:55: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 323 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 19:12:23: Xantium froze Otter - Lvl 32 (Otter) Day 1971, 19:16:34: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 283 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 06:34:58: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 1991, 08:40:04: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 1991, 09:02:40: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) Day 1991, 09:35:08: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 1991, 09:54:55: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 1991, 11:28:20: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 1991, 11:43:19: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 1991, 12:07:31: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 1991, 12:17:19: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 1991, 13:07:42: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 286 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2060, 06:32:20: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 2060, 07:54:52: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 2060, 10:56:34: Xantium froze Sarco - Lvl 132 (Sarco) Day 2060, 11:31:47: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2060, 15:14:31: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 2060, 16:21:06: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 208 (Basilosaurus) Day 2061, 15:11:50: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 2061, 19:37:45: Xantium froze Tumeric - Lvl 218 (Basilosaurus) Day 2061, 20:29:29: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2063, 18:20:34: Xantium Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 2063, 18:39:31: Xantium froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 2063, 20:31:58: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2084, 17:42:30: Xantium Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)! Day 2084, 17:59:12: Xantium froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 2084, 19:49:29: Xantium Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon)! Day 2084, 19:59:08: Xantium froze Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 2084, 20:41:46: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 308 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2084, 22:57:39: Xantium froze Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 2102, 19:41:20: V4z3 froze Voli the bestest - Lvl 330 (Snow Owl) Day 2102, 21:16:26: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 132 (Gacha)! Day 2102, 21:27:35: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 132 (Gacha) Day 2102, 22:18:22: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha)! Day 2102, 22:29:10: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha) Day 2103, 00:47:55: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 177 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 00:55:58: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 177 (Gacha) Day 2103, 02:04:40: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 02:12:32: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 2103, 04:21:20: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 33 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 04:29:03: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 33 (Gacha) Day 2103, 05:25:50: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 05:34:20: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) Day 2103, 06:12:43: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 71 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 06:28:42: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 71 (Gacha) Day 2103, 07:39:59: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 07:45:33: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha) Day 2103, 07:46:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 07:54:30: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha) Day 2103, 09:46:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 185 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 10:00:29: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 185 (Gacha) Day 2103, 10:59:55: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 22 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 11:11:18: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 22 (Gacha) Day 2103, 11:47:00: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 11:52:41: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 108 (Gacha) Day 2103, 12:22:41: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 25 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 12:33:55: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 25 (Gacha) Day 2103, 13:30:13: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 32 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 14:07:16: V4z3 froze Congeald gas ball - Lvl 32 (Gacha) Day 2103, 14:22:04: V4z3 froze Congeald gas ball - Lvl 32 (Gacha) Day 2103, 14:26:17: V4z3 froze Female Organic Poly - Lvl 110 (Gacha) Day 2103, 14:36:17: Your Gacha - Lvl 33 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 14:36:17: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 33 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 14:43:25: Your Gacha - Lvl 71 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 14:43:25: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 71 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 14:59:29: V4z3 froze Female Black Pearl - Lvl 25 (Gacha) Day 2103, 15:06:59: V4z3 froze Female Organic Poly - Lvl 185 (Gacha) Day 2103, 15:21:30: Your Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 15:21:30: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 162 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 15:39:30: V4z3 froze Male Crystal - Lvl 182 (Gacha) Day 2103, 15:48:40: V4z3 froze Female Crystal - Lvl 25 (Gacha) Day 2103, 16:00:04: V4z3 froze Female Black Pearl/Cryst - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 2103, 16:25:13: V4z3 froze Female Silica Pearls - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 2103, 16:32:23: Your Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 16:32:23: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 16:38:31: Your Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 16:38:31: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 18:06:45: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 167 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 18:23:21: V4z3 froze Male Black Pearl - Lvl 167 (Gacha) Day 2103, 19:03:33: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 19:19:01: Your Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 19:19:01: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) (Tek Tribe)! Day 2103, 20:09:29: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 114 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 20:20:44: V4z3 froze Male Organic Poly - Lvl 114 (Gacha) Day 2103, 21:04:51: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 21:25:28: V4z3 froze Female Organic Poly - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 2103, 22:15:07: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)! Day 2103, 22:33:33: V4z3 froze Male Silica Pearls - Lvl 188 (Gacha) Day 2103, 23:57:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 65 (Gacha)! Day 2104, 00:15:41: V4z3 froze Male Obsidian - Lvl 65 (Gacha) Day 2104, 00:28:12: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 72 (Gacha)! Day 2104, 00:59:02: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 113 (Gacha)! Day 2104, 01:13:41: V4z3 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 175 (Gacha)! Day 2104, 02:09:32: V4z3 froze Gacha - Lvl 114 (Gacha) Day 2104, 02:23:36: V4z3 froze Female Crystal/Silica Pe - Lvl 114 (Gacha) Day 2104, 02:27:25: Your Female Crystal - Lvl 25 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2104, 02:27:25: Your Tribe killed Female Crystal - Lvl 25 (Gacha)! Day 2104, 02:42:21: Your Gacha - Lvl 72 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2104, 02:42:21: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 72 (Gacha) (Tek Tribe)! Day 2104, 03:13:35: V4z3 froze Female Black Pearl - Lvl 176 (Gacha) Day 2104, 03:19:44: Your Female Black Pearl - Lvl 25 (Gacha) was killed by V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tek Tribe)! Day 2104, 03:19:44: Your Tribe killed Female Black Pearl - Lvl 25 (Gacha)! Day 2104, 04:26:33: V4z3 froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 2182, 05:46:54: Xantium Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 28 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2182, 06:06:42: Xantium froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 2182, 06:42:26: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 315 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2185, 02:43:23: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 315 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2185, 05:03:49: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 2185, 06:25:07: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 06:33:57: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha) Day 2185, 07:29:11: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 120 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 07:39:47: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 120 (Gacha) Day 2185, 11:04:28: Xantium froze Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 2185, 14:50:54: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 34 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 14:53:15: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 164 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 14:59:28: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 164 (Gacha) Day 2185, 15:08:28: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 34 (Gacha) Day 2185, 16:20:23: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 71 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 16:28:22: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 71 (Gacha) Day 2185, 17:35:18: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 67 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 17:53:48: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 67 (Gacha) Day 2185, 20:30:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha)! Day 2185, 22:23:37: Xantium froze Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 2185, 22:37:59: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 103 (Gacha) Day 2186, 01:08:46: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 112 (Gacha)! Day 2186, 01:15:48: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 112 (Gacha) Day 2186, 02:34:26: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha)! Day 2186, 02:42:24: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 2186, 02:48:25: Xantium froze Doedicurus - Lvl 248 (Doedicurus) Day 2186, 06:14:22: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 2204, 19:31:44: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 316 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2204, 19:35:18: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 316 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2204, 21:00:24: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 85 (Gacha)! Day 2204, 21:14:45: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 85 (Gacha) Day 2205, 00:05:17: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 00:14:22: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha) Day 2205, 00:46:23: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 00:55:38: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 2205, 01:22:38: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 01:53:07: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2205, 02:28:30: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 85 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 02:32:41: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 192 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 02:37:32: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 85 (Gacha) Day 2205, 02:45:33: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 192 (Gacha) Day 2205, 03:26:59: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 03:35:37: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha) Day 2205, 08:53:56: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 184 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 09:07:24: Xantium froze Gacha - Lvl 184 (Gacha) Day 2205, 09:26:46: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 85 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 10:48:33: Your Gacha - Lvl 85 (Gacha) was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 72! Day 2205, 12:39:09: Xantium Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 205 (Gacha)! Day 2205, 14:22:12: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 2273, 12:12:03: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2273, 16:07:55: Xantium Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 22 (Maewing)! Day 2273, 16:13:55: Xantium froze Maewing - Lvl 22 (Maewing) Day 2273, 16:19:13: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2273, 16:26:42: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 320 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2322, 00:20:41: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 324 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2443, 10:59:43: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 11:00:03: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 2443, 11:00:44: Your Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 2443, 11:29:25: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 2443, 12:01:33: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 2443, 13:12:54: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2443, 13:52:21: Xantium unclaimed 'Bad healthj - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)'! Day 2443, 15:10:10: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 18 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 15:14:58: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 77 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 15:42:49: Your Desmodus - Lvl 18 (Desmodus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 2443, 15:56:06: Your Desmodus - Lvl 77 (Desmodus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 2443, 16:11:42: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2443, 16:17:58: Xantium claimed 'Bad healthj - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)'! Day 2443, 16:42:48: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2443, 17:11:54: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 2443, 18:01:17: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 2443, 18:27:32: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2443, 18:49:02: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 2444, 00:58:42: Tribemember Xantium - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2444, 02:43:50: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 2444, 05:47:26: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 331 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2471, 21:53:36: Xantium froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 97 (Fjordhawk) Day 2471, 22:42:32: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 332 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2517, 07:18:40: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2533, 01:38:58: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 334 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2562, 21:14:25: Xantium froze Pocket Giga - Lvl 449 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2562, 23:24:26: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 2563, 00:59:23: Xantium froze Pocket Giga - Lvl 449 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2563, 04:35:20: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 2563, 06:40:46: Xantium froze Pocket Giga - Lvl 449 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2563, 09:19:04: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 2563, 10:45:12: Xantium froze Pocket Giga - Lvl 449 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2563, 12:01:56: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 2563, 12:11:11: Xantium froze fer - Lvl 362 (Otter) Day 2563, 13:59:55: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 335 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2828, 16:44:52: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3007, 16:49:14: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 306 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3007, 17:10:18: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 122 (Moschops) Day 3007, 17:14:18: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 306 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3007, 17:52:56: Xantium froze 500 Melee - Lvl 347 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 3011, 04:12:52: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 3011, 04:19:36: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 3011, 04:24:13: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 122 (Moschops) Day 3011, 05:18:27: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 306 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3011, 05:32:41: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Ice Wyvern) Day 3030, 17:47:58: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 307 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3030, 19:47:10: Xantium Tamed a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 18 (Pulmonoscorpius)! Day 3030, 20:01:11: Xantium froze Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 18 (Pulmonoscorpius) Day 3030, 20:29:25: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3033, 01:48:16: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 3033, 03:48:06: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 307 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3033, 09:02:34: Xantium froze Bad healthj - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 3082, 11:52:06: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Ice Wyvern) Day 3101, 11:43:49: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 308 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3101, 12:18:58: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3101, 12:38:27: Xantium froze 35 Melee - Lvl 261 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3101, 12:45:46: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 308 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3110, 20:42:25: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3125, 13:32:26: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)! Day 3125, 13:38:41: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 3125, 13:45:27: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 122 (Moschops) Day 3125, 13:52:18: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 308 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3125, 15:09:20: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 3125, 19:11:49: Your Gacha - Lvl 205 (Gacha) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 3127, 05:40:14: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus)! Day 3127, 05:48:42: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) Day 3127, 05:54:48: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 309 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3127, 06:16:36: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 3131, 16:07:12: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 3131, 17:07:03: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 3131, 18:12:09: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 252 (Desmodus) Day 3336, 06:55:33: Xantium froze HP STAM MELEE - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3336, 08:53:32: Xantium froze HP STAM MELEE - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3336, 10:10:11: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 310 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3337, 00:55:33: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 310 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3337, 03:15:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3337, 03:15:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3337, 03:15:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3337, 06:31:08: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 310 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3337, 06:34:33: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 154 (Moschops) Day 3337, 07:40:28: Xantium froze HP STAM MELEE - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3337, 15:15:57: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 310 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3337, 15:21:53: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 3337, 17:36:19: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 310 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3337, 19:04:14: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 3337, 19:47:34: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 154 (Moschops) Day 3337, 19:53:09: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3337, 19:56:28: Xantium demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 3337, 19:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3337, 20:05:06: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3337, 20:05:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3337, 20:06:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3337, 21:13:53: Xantium froze Moschops - Lvl 154 (Moschops) Day 3337, 21:33:12: Xantium froze 30 / 54mel - Lvl 310 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 3337, 22:03:21: Xantium Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)! Day 3337, 22:49:10: Xantium froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 3337, 22:56:10: Xantium froze 33M 33W 45F - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 3338, 02:45:25: Xantium froze HP STAM MELEE - Lvl 265 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3363, 04:22:42: Your Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) was killed by Xantium - Lvl 122 (Tek Tribe)! Day 3363, 04:22:42: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)! Day 3363, 04:43:20: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Ice Wyvern) Day 3385, 16:59:30: Xantium froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Ice Wyvern) Day 3407, 18:13:53: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 18 (Pulmonoscorpius) starved to death! Day 3418, 06:01:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3606, 10:05:57: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3629, 23:37:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3653, 13:57:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3653, 13:57:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4241, 20:29:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1144550553,"tribe":"FUKBOI logs":["Day 10511, 19:30:25: Kurt... was added to the Tribe! Day 10511, 19:32:06: Lilith was added to the Tribe by Kurt...! Day 10512, 00:53:56: Tribemember Lilith - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 10512, 00:58:06: Kurt... froze SigFemale - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10512, 01:10:33: Tribemember Lilith - Lvl 122 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 140! Day 10512, 02:29:26: Tribemember Lilith - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 10512, 03:23:52: Kurt... froze SigFemale - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10512, 03:30:10: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 03:50:05: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 04:24:20: Tribemember Lilith - Lvl 122 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 110! Day 10512, 04:38:32: Tribemember Kurt... - Lvl 125 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 10512, 07:21:42: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 07:27:13: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 08:02:54: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 08:05:43: Kurt... froze SigFemale - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10512, 10:37:35: Tribemember Kurt... - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 10512, 10:38:27: Tribemember Lilith - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 10512, 11:21:32: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 12:25:24: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 12:28:21: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 13:00:12: Kurt... froze SigFemale - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10512, 13:09:52: Kurt... froze shinsetsu - Lvl 186 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 16:50:25: Kurt... froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 10512, 17:47:34: Kurt... froze SigFemale - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10512, 18:24:55: Lilith froze Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 10512, 18:30:21: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 19:23:33: Kurt... froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 10512, 20:47:56: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 10512, 20:52:28: Kurt... froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 10513, 03:02:11: Kurt... froze SigFemale - Lvl 369 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10513, 05:56:41: Lilith froze [154] S - Lvl 270 (Snow Owl) Day 10513, 10:36:12: Kurt... downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 129 Day 10513, 10:40:13: Kurt... froze Maewing - Lvl 251 (Maewing) Day 12677, 14:10:54: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 130 (Tek Stryder)'!"] "tribeid":1140980072,"tribe":"Wall Bangers logs":["Day 4648, 07:15:55: jay.... froze Quetzal - Lvl 261 (Quetzal) Day 4648, 11:48:04: jay.... froze Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 4648, 12:01:28: jay.... froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4651, 10:23:51: jay.... froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 198 (Astrodelphis) Day 4651, 18:12:46: jay.... demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4652, 21:43:53: jay.... froze Magmasaur - Lvl 242 (Magmasaur) Day 4653, 09:33:53: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 4653, 11:10:48: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 4654, 08:27:47: jay.... froze Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 4654, 09:00:09: jay.... froze weight - Lvl 375 (Argentavis) Day 4654, 12:54:04: jay.... demolished a 'Tek Replicator (Locked) '! Day 4667, 19:27:51: jay.... demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 4667, 21:09:17: jay.... froze Element [Clone] - Lvl 179 (Gacha) Day 4676, 20:52:47: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 4677, 05:31:20: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 4678, 04:14:25: jay.... froze WEIGHT - Lvl 275 (Ravager) Day 4678, 06:26:37: jay.... froze Ravager - Lvl 285 (Ravager) Day 4695, 10:13:49: jay.... froze Argentavis - Lvl 204 (Argentavis) Day 4695, 15:54:13: jay.... froze Ravager - Lvl 285 (Ravager) Day 4696, 01:44:11: jay.... demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 4696, 01:45:22: jay.... demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 4696, 01:46:34: jay.... demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 4696, 01:47:29: jay.... demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 4696, 01:49:00: jay.... demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 4696, 03:55:15: jay.... froze Ravager - Lvl 285 (Ravager) Day 4696, 09:39:29: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 4696, 11:48:12: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 4696, 23:02:51: jay.... froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4698, 05:58:05: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 4698, 17:25:06: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 4698, 19:35:35: jay.... froze MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane) Day 4700, 21:06:47: jay.... froze Mek - Lvl 74 (Mek) Day 4724, 21:35:18: jay.... froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4770, 05:22:37: Tribemember jay.... - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 4807, 09:09:56: jay.... froze obsidion - Lvl 287 (Gacha) Day 4807, 09:15:40: jay.... froze black pearl - Lvl 283 (Gacha) Day 4880, 09:40:34: jay.... froze Magmasaur - Lvl 242 (Magmasaur) Day 4880, 11:41:53: Tribemember jay.... - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5143, 10:28:10: Tribemember jay.... - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5278, 06:00:23: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5419, 06:26:25: jay.... froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5419, 06:29:55: jay.... froze weight - Lvl 375 (Argentavis) Day 5419, 06:32:48: jay.... froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5419, 06:40:51: jay.... froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5419, 06:45:26: jay.... froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5419, 07:01:16: jay.... froze Ravager - Lvl 285 (Ravager) Day 5419, 07:39:08: jay.... froze WEIGHT - Lvl 306 (Ravager) Day 6393, 09:25:40: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 270 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 6393, 09:42:50: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 292 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 6393, 09:50:55: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 6393, 09:57:48: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6393, 10:09:25: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 6393, 10:16:14: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Wardrums' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'WEIGHT - Lvl 306 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 285 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'obsidion - Lvl 287 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'black pearl - Lvl 283 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Element [Clone] - Lvl 179 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 198 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 281 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 278 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 200 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 200 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 217 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 191 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 191 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 170 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 188 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 189 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 234 (Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 202 (Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 233 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's '1st gen - Lvl 231 (Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's '1st gen - Lvl 231 (Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'black pearl - Lvl 59 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Black Pearl - Lvl 74 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 231 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 140 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 100 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Rock Drake - Lvl 231 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Blue/Green F - Lvl 255 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 60 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 204 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'SAP - Lvl 72 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby B pearl RED/BLUE Gem / c - Lvl 208 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Element [Clone] - Lvl 184 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 189 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 171 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Ravager - Lvl 142 (Ravager)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 161 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 197 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 151 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 100 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 166 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Gacha - Lvl 139 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:58:41: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ichthyosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 183 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 246 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 149 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 209 (Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 209 (Lystrosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 226 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's '3rd gen - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's '3rd Gen Male - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's '2nd gen - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's '2nd Gen - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'breeder male - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 129 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 138 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Miguel - Lvl 70 (Tek Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 139 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'maddie - Lvl 232 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 244 (Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Dire Bear - Lvl 134 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 214 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 245 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 263 (Tek Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 219 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 249 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Rex - Lvl 268 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'other worlds - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ichthyosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 319 (R-Velonasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 19:59:39: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 255 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'weight - Lvl 375 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 242 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Quetzal - Lvl 261 (Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Mammoth - Lvl 208 (Mammoth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 127 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 37 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 184 (Fjordhawk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 162 (Fjordhawk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Bulbdog - Lvl 45 (Bulbdog)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Raptor - Lvl 219 (Raptor)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 202 (Tropeognathus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 217 (Dinopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 193 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 205 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 239 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 220 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 202 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 133 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 202 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 246 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 232 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 206 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 197 (Dung Beetle)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 266 (Tek Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 164 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Equus - Lvl 68 (Equus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Iguanodon - Lvl 204 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 74 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:00:23: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 89 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6480, 20:06:34: jay.... claimed 'Rex - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 6480, 20:07:11: jay.... claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6480, 20:08:50: jay.... claimed 'MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7102, 21:30:12: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 7102, 21:46:53: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7102, 21:55:47: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7344, 19:35:01: 's 'Mek - Lvl 74 (Mek)' died in a Cryopod! Day 7346, 23:41:17: Tribemember jay.... - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7347, 01:52:21: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7652, 19:20:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7652, 19:20:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7652, 19:20:45: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9370, 00:30:21: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9958, 10:10:59: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1139546077,"tribe":"Cheezits logs":["Day 12043, 16:54:09: FeeFee was added to the Tribe! Day 12044, 08:15:43: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 285 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12136, 23:27:00: FeeFee froze Bley - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1135621556,"tribe":"Tribe of Phlux logs":["Day 20221, 16:30:39: Phlux was added to the Tribe! Day 20221, 17:37:28: Phlux demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 20221, 17:42:16: Phlux demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 20221, 17:49:20: Phlux demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20221, 17:50:28: Phlux demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20221, 17:52:46: Phlux demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20221, 17:56:31: Phlux demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 20222, 13:52:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 142 (Triceratops)! Day 20222, 18:48:34: Tribemember Phlux - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 20250, 02:07:44: Phlux Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 20250, 20:09:18: Phlux Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 20251, 21:31:30: Phlux Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 134 (Argentavis)! Day 20252, 19:55:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 209 (Raptor)! Day 20253, 07:01:13: Phlux demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 20254, 03:54:19: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 185 (Rex)! Day 20255, 07:15:50: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 143 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 20256, 00:59:34: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 127 (Carnotaurus)! Day 20290, 07:43:33: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 20290, 13:22:39: Phlux Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 137 (Tek Raptor)! Day 20291, 15:20:43: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 20292, 13:49:13: Phlux Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 20292, 18:17:38: Phlux claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20293, 18:30:15: Phlux Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)! Day 20293, 18:53:44: Phlux froze Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex) Day 20369, 19:42:03: Your Desmodus - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 20369, 19:49:00: Tribemember Phlux - Lvl 105 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 20369, 22:29:31: Tribemember Phlux - Lvl 105 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 50! Day 20450, 14:19:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20521, 16:11:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20557, 08:42:02: Your Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 20829, 00:22:09: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20947, 11:40:24: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20947, 11:40:24: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20947, 11:40:24: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20947, 11:40:24: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20947, 11:40:24: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21157, 10:49:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21255, 03:41:33: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21255, 03:41:33: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21255, 03:41:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1134053951,"tribe":"Family logs":["Day 3761, 02:13:53: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3761, 07:29:44: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3761, 07:42:24: Human froze Big Bertha Berry Basher - Lvl 92 (Brontosaurus) Day 3761, 07:45:54: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3761, 07:54:13: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3761, 09:36:52: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3761, 10:15:45: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 3761, 10:43:06: Ailhuin froze Daddy - Lvl 189 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3761, 10:47:28: Ailhuin froze Twinkletoes - Lvl 278 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3761, 11:22:49: Human demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 3761, 11:56:55: Ailhuin froze Big Bertha Berry Basher - Lvl 93 (Brontosaurus) Day 3761, 12:30:23: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3761, 12:40:16: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3761, 13:20:48: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 212 (Maewing) Day 3761, 13:32:05: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 212 (Maewing) Day 3762, 00:11:55: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3762, 00:27:42: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 00:36:23: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 07:10:20: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 07:38:55: Ailhuin froze Maewing - Lvl 212 (Maewing) Day 3762, 07:43:51: Ailhuin froze Maewing - Lvl 212 (Maewing) Day 3762, 07:54:12: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 08:00:32: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3762, 08:06:48: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 08:11:50: Ailhuin froze Maewing - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 3762, 09:01:52: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 3762, 09:06:22: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 09:09:19: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 3762, 09:12:12: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3762, 09:13:31: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 3762, 09:16:18: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3772, 14:33:01: Human froze Joyride - Lvl 278 (Baryonyx) Day 3772, 14:38:55: Human froze Spare Parts - Lvl 285 (Baryonyx) Day 3772, 14:42:07: Human froze Village Bike - Lvl 299 (Baryonyx) Day 3772, 16:20:44: Human froze Maewing - Lvl 291 (Maewing) Day 3773, 13:57:20: Tribemember Ailhuin - Lvl 86 was killed! Day 3773, 15:40:51: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3774, 13:06:00: Human froze Maewing - Lvl 292 (Maewing) Day 3775, 00:53:01: Human froze Maewing - Lvl 292 (Maewing) Day 3775, 11:07:37: Ailhuin Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha)! Day 3775, 11:22:03: Ailhuin Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 24 (Gacha)! Day 3775, 11:41:08: Ailhuin froze Gacha - Lvl 24 (Gacha) Day 3775, 12:53:57: Ailhuin Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha)! Day 3775, 15:44:56: Ailhuin froze Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha) Day 3775, 15:48:18: Ailhuin froze Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha) Day 3776, 00:04:11: Human froze Rockwell - Lvl 285 (Baryonyx) Day 3776, 00:38:01: Human froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 3776, 16:37:14: Human froze Maewing - Lvl 213 (Maewing) Day 3778, 17:14:52: Tribemember Ailhuin - Lvl 90 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 3779, 03:24:18: Human demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor (Locked) '! Day 3779, 03:26:01: Human demolished a 'Stone Hatchframe'! Day 3799, 00:08:07: Ailhuin froze NightHawk - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 3800, 06:02:58: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha) Day 3800, 06:10:31: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 38 (Gacha) Day 3800, 07:45:50: Ailhuin froze Mich - Lvl 163 (Moschops) Day 3802, 11:10:18: Ailhuin froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 3802, 21:31:04: Your NightHawk - Lvl 239 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 45! Day 3803, 06:49:24: Ailhuin froze Mich - Lvl 164 (Moschops) Day 3803, 07:20:11: Ailhuin froze Mich - Lvl 164 (Moschops) Day 3803, 18:01:21: Human Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 33 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 3803, 18:08:28: Human froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 33 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3803, 18:50:18: Your Maewing - Lvl 283 (Maewing) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 3804, 01:26:59: Ailhuin froze NightHawk - Lvl 246 (Argentavis) Day 3804, 08:26:01: Ailhuin froze Psyduck - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 3804, 08:53:31: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3804, 10:10:51: Ailhuin froze NightHawk - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 3804, 11:56:42: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3804, 14:41:21: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3804, 18:52:25: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 18:56:28: Human froze F1 - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 18:59:31: Human froze F1 - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:02:18: Human froze Zooma - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:06:47: Human froze F1 - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:10:26: Human froze F1 - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:13:20: Human froze F1 - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:17:17: Human froze Spare - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:21:18: Human froze M2 - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:25:04: Human froze F1 - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:42:08: Human froze F1 - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:46:55: Human froze F1 - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 3804, 19:55:05: Human froze Village Bike - Lvl 300 (Baryonyx) Day 3804, 20:09:17: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus) Day 3806, 06:41:58: Human froze Mochi - Lvl 301 (Moschops) Day 3806, 08:14:58: Human froze Mochi - Lvl 301 (Moschops) Day 3809, 04:59:06: Human claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)'! Day 3809, 05:05:02: Human froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 3809, 05:15:53: Human claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 3809, 05:18:35: Human froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3809, 05:19:05: Human claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 3809, 05:22:03: Human froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3831, 20:56:59: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 01:58:54: Ailhuin froze Tyson - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3832, 04:16:49: Human froze Twinkletoes - Lvl 291 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 08:26:18: Ailhuin froze Tyson - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3832, 09:42:10: Tribemember Ailhuin - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 3832, 11:33:02: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 12:50:59: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing)'! Day 3832, 12:52:41: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing)'! Day 3832, 13:01:08: Ailhuin froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3832, 13:22:56: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)'! Day 3832, 13:31:36: Ailhuin froze Baby Flame - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 3832, 13:36:28: Ailhuin claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing)'! Day 3832, 13:42:35: Ailhuin froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 3832, 13:50:01: Ailhuin froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3832, 16:49:22: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 20:01:26: Ailhuin froze Daddy - Lvl 189 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 20:21:21: Your 'Painting Canvas' was destroyed! Day 3832, 21:01:20: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 21:28:53: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3832, 21:38:10: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3832, 21:45:41: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 21:58:08: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 22:05:02: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3832, 22:17:35: Ailhuin froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3832, 23:16:49: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3832, 23:24:06: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3832, 23:29:28: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3832, 23:38:41: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3832, 23:53:01: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 00:02:57: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 01:59:06: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 02:12:42: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 02:53:43: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 03:47:19: Ailhuin froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 04:04:05: Ailhuin froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 04:31:09: Ailhuin froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 04:47:06: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 3833, 05:05:22: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 05:29:51: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 05:36:02: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 05:40:19: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 05:44:26: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 05:49:56: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 05:58:20: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3833, 06:07:12: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 06:08:31: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 06:15:14: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 06:20:02: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 07:08:36: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 07:16:07: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 07:22:30: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 07:28:04: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 07:32:37: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 07:38:24: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 07:56:15: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 09:09:28: Ailhuin froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 09:21:39: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 09:57:27: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 100 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 10:17:58: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 10:39:49: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 10:44:36: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 10:48:49: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 10:53:01: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 10:57:16: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:01:23: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:05:41: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:09:58: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:16:22: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:20:50: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:25:04: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 3833, 11:41:41: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 11:47:55: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 11:52:12: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 11:56:41: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 12:03:34: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3833, 12:07:32: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3833, 12:25:25: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 12:30:15: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 12:36:26: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 12:42:13: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 12:48:46: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 12:54:50: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rell - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 13:00:35: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Gina - Lvl 128 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 13:08:25: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Rilley - Lvl 127 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 13:14:10: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Charlotte - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 13:26:00: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Niffler - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 13:36:09: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 3833, 13:39:27: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 3833, 13:42:44: Ailhuin froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 13:51:41: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 13:56:16: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3833, 14:04:50: Ailhuin froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 14:24:17: Ailhuin froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 167 (Argentavis) Day 3833, 14:28:26: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 100 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 14:33:04: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3833, 14:37:57: Ailhuin froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 148 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 14:47:45: Ailhuin froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3833, 16:09:21: Ailhuin froze Twinkletoes - Lvl 291 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 3833, 16:58:24: Ailhuin froze Psyduck - Lvl 298 (Maewing) Day 3900, 00:22:02: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 02:58:25: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 03:53:44: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 04:53:20: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 09:40:33: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 10:15:45: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 10:56:49: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 381 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 17:13:36: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 382 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 17:49:07: Human Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 3900, 17:59:47: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 382 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3900, 18:02:38: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 3900, 19:50:52: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 382 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3916, 13:10:32: Human froze Geenie - Lvl 382 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3916, 16:34:27: Human froze Big Bertha Berry Basher - Lvl 115 (Brontosaurus) Day 3932, 18:22:57: Your Weight - Lvl 273 (Maewing) was killed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Gas Collector' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3982, 15:24:33: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3994, 12:47:35: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4066, 10:57:52: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4236, 18:06:40: Your 'War Map' was destroyed! Day 4249, 04:29:11: Gacha - Lvl 48 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 4285, 11:26:06: Ovis - Lvl 164 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 4285, 11:26:10: Ovis - Lvl 74 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 4318, 13:25:58: Ovis - Lvl 163 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 4462, 16:38:54: Ovis - Lvl 146 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 4495, 02:04:44: Castoroides - Lvl 140 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 4497, 17:00:30: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 204 (Gacha)'! Day 4497, 17:19:22: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NightHawk - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 4497, 17:28:31: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Travel - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 4497, 17:35:38: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NightHawk - Lvl 252 (Argentavis)'! Day 4497, 17:42:34: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black - Lvl 288 (Argentavis)'! Day 4497, 17:50:22: Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 (Big Beautiful) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ruby - Lvl 190 (Spino)'! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4509, 00:10:40: starjamin - Lvl 103 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Abbiedonttouch - Lvl 307 (Maewing)'! Day 4509, 00:22:37: starjamin - Lvl 103 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus)'! Day 4509, 01:11:06: starjamin - Lvl 103 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beatrice - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 4774, 04:22:28: Ovis - Lvl 189 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Giant Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4783, 16:09:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4872, 09:24:57: Ovis - Lvl 209 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5372, 10:30:14: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5388, 18:42:05: Ryan - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Ryan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyson - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5388, 18:43:54: Ryan - Lvl 76 (Tribe of Ryan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 256 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 7448, 06:41:48: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Winston - Lvl 73 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 7448, 07:00:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 7448, 07:04:22: Tribemember Ailhuin - Lvl 101 was killed!"] "tribeid":1133164591,"tribe":"Saiyans logs":["Day 1770, 22:28:17: Goku froze Low Battle - Lvl 325 (Megatherium) Day 1771, 00:05:53: Your Ovis - Lvl 305 (Ovis) was killed by Goku - Lvl 123 (Saiyans)! Day 1771, 00:05:53: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 305 (Ovis)! Day 1771, 01:06:45: Your Male with 1sp and 2 o2 - Lvl 190 (Tek Rex) was killed by Goku - Lvl 123 (Saiyans)! Day 1771, 01:06:45: Your Tribe killed Male with 1sp and 2 o2 - Lvl 190 (Tek Rex)! Day 1771, 02:25:56: Goku froze M Battle - Lvl 312 (Megatherium) Day 1771, 04:03:18: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 1771, 07:18:21: Goku froze M Battle - Lvl 312 (Megatherium) Day 1771, 11:31:26: Goku froze M Battle - Lvl 312 (Megatherium) Day 1771, 15:27:44: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) Day 1771, 19:02:24: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 283 (Pteranodon) Day 1771, 19:34:26: Goku froze Megatherium - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 1771, 22:30:31: Goku froze Megatherium - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 1772, 02:14:40: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon) Day 1795, 15:48:02: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1795, 17:20:28: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1795, 18:44:49: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 20:41:28: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 1795, 22:13:43: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 22:19:02: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 22:24:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 22:32:11: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 22:38:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 22:50:55: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 23:16:04: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 23:25:35: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 1795, 23:39:50: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 293 (Yutyrannus) Day 1796, 03:00:23: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1796, 21:04:17: Goku claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 227 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1796, 21:09:48: Goku froze Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 227 (Fjordhawk) Day 1796, 21:35:31: Goku claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1796, 21:40:16: Goku froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 1796, 23:48:58: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1799, 23:12:18: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1800, 04:08:47: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1800, 07:47:57: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1800, 08:22:22: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 09:33:13: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 1800, 11:01:53: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 293 (Yutyrannus) Day 1800, 11:09:56: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 11:13:27: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 11:16:56: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 11:20:38: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 11:24:29: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 11:28:26: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 308 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 11:34:40: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1800, 13:23:15: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 1800, 15:31:31: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1813, 01:22:10: Goku froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 312 (Basilosaurus) Day 1813, 01:54:34: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon) Day 1814, 06:04:49: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 285 (Pteranodon) Day 1814, 09:55:41: Goku froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 314 (Basilosaurus) Day 1814, 12:54:54: Goku froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 314 (Basilosaurus) Day 1814, 14:40:16: Goku froze Megatherium - Lvl 332 (Megatherium) Day 1814, 15:19:19: Goku froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 314 (Basilosaurus) Day 1814, 15:25:55: Tribemember Goku - Lvl 123 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 25! Day 1814, 19:38:31: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 1814, 20:42:32: Goku froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 314 (Basilosaurus) Day 1814, 20:51:42: Goku froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 274 (Basilosaurus) Day 1814, 21:45:24: Goku froze Megatherium - Lvl 332 (Megatherium) Day 1814, 22:56:59: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon) Day 1815, 00:00:50: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon) Day 1822, 04:04:50: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 1822, 05:36:19: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 05:41:22: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 05:45:48: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 05:52:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 05:56:50: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 06:16:09: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) Day 1822, 06:20:38: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 06:29:23: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 06:34:33: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 08:00:44: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1822, 08:53:25: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 09:44:14: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1822, 10:26:10: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 11:55:23: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1822, 13:56:52: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 1822, 15:04:46: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1823, 19:38:35: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1823, 21:40:41: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 21:48:46: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 21:54:38: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 22:02:05: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 22:08:42: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 22:14:41: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 22:40:39: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1823, 22:46:00: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) Day 1823, 23:44:39: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1824, 00:59:13: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 1824, 01:59:42: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1824, 02:04:28: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1824, 02:08:50: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1824, 02:14:17: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1824, 02:19:07: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 1824, 02:27:00: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 1824, 02:33:09: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 296 (Yutyrannus) Day 1824, 05:12:48: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 1824, 05:33:08: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1836, 16:54:15: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 16:58:59: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 17:03:09: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 17:13:46: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 297 (Yutyrannus) Day 1836, 17:18:19: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 17:24:17: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 17:30:36: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 17:42:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 17:46:08: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 19:33:19: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1836, 22:20:02: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1837, 00:11:43: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 297 (Yutyrannus) Day 1837, 00:17:41: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 00:24:03: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 00:31:21: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 00:37:31: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 00:45:16: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 00:50:52: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 00:57:28: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 01:46:22: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1837, 07:32:59: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 298 (Yutyrannus) Day 1837, 07:49:59: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 142 (Fjordhawk) Day 1837, 10:13:15: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1843, 12:08:51: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 14:14:43: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1843, 15:52:26: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 298 (Yutyrannus) Day 1843, 15:56:03: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:02:16: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:06:45: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:12:47: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:17:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:21:46: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:29:12: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:32:31: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 16:36:09: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 18:48:17: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1843, 20:05:48: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 20:40:06: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1843, 21:08:49: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1863, 23:00:25: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1863, 23:09:19: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 294 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1864, 00:54:43: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 299 (Yutyrannus) Day 1864, 01:01:09: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:06:54: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:13:24: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:25:57: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:32:02: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:36:25: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:43:04: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:48:35: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 01:54:46: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 02:05:10: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1864, 11:29:29: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 295 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1869, 07:36:15: Goku froze Pteranodon - Lvl 292 (Pteranodon) Day 1869, 10:36:50: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1871, 10:03:13: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 1871, 10:47:36: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:22:52: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 299 (Yutyrannus) Day 1871, 12:26:16: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:30:43: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:35:08: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:39:39: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:44:36: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:49:34: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 12:58:47: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 13:13:28: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 13:17:41: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 15:17:58: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 16:25:09: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1871, 17:37:45: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 299 (Yutyrannus) Day 1871, 17:41:54: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 17:47:21: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 17:52:05: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 17:57:09: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 18:01:47: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 18:55:29: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1871, 23:39:43: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 1872, 01:45:36: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1872, 02:16:16: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1886, 06:00:35: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1886, 06:39:11: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:11:24: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 299 (Yutyrannus) Day 1886, 08:21:52: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:25:49: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:29:12: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:35:46: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:46:29: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 315 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:50:32: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 08:54:10: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 09:12:07: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 10:32:26: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 1886, 13:51:50: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1887, 13:39:41: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 1887, 16:10:38: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1887, 23:00:04: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1888, 00:21:48: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 1888, 00:59:39: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1888, 01:04:26: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 178 (Fjordhawk) Day 1891, 15:23:39: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1891, 15:49:44: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1892, 10:22:38: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1892, 12:52:18: Goku froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 1892, 21:36:04: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex) Day 1893, 00:44:55: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1893, 02:42:21: Velvetkitten added 'Saiyans' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 1893, 02:49:40: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 1893, 09:36:17: Goku froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 1893, 10:13:45: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1893, 12:51:01: Goku froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 1893, 19:50:53: Goku Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane)! Day 1893, 19:57:11: Goku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 1893, 20:26:52: Goku froze Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 1893, 21:30:44: Goku froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 1893, 23:13:41: Goku froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 20 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 1893, 23:20:18: Goku froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 25 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 1893, 23:30:36: Goku froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 15 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 1893, 23:44:50: Goku froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 60 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 1894, 01:32:53: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1894, 01:36:34: Goku uploaded a Fjordhawk: Current use - Lvl 178 Day 1908, 00:50:48: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 1908, 01:20:42: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 178 (Fjordhawk) Day 1908, 07:46:25: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1908, 14:03:02: Goku froze wendys - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) Day 1908, 17:10:28: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1908, 19:02:07: Goku froze Sabertooth Salmon - Lvl 130 | 1.3x (Sabertooth Salmon) Day 1937, 13:50:54: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1937, 16:28:40: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 299 (Yutyrannus) Day 1937, 16:33:40: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 16:38:01: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 16:47:37: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 16:51:15: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 16:56:37: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 17:04:45: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 17:09:32: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 17:16:25: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 17:19:58: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 17:23:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 310 (Tek Rex) Day 1937, 22:48:17: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 1937, 22:57:21: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk) Day 1937, 23:22:19: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1938, 05:41:48: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 1938, 07:42:30: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1938, 07:48:52: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk) Day 1980, 00:11:16: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 1980, 00:54:36: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 1980, 02:21:23: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk) Day 1980, 06:22:22: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1981, 09:32:12: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 1981, 09:36:02: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk) Day 1981, 09:43:09: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 1981, 13:48:24: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1981, 18:30:38: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 1981, 18:40:14: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1984, 06:48:12: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1984, 08:02:30: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2130, 17:01:20: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 2130, 19:21:01: Goku Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 29 (Velonasaur)! Day 2130, 19:25:41: Goku froze Velonasaur - Lvl 29 (Velonasaur) Day 2130, 19:51:54: Goku Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)! Day 2130, 19:55:27: Goku froze Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) Day 2130, 22:37:09: Goku Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)! Day 2130, 22:43:23: Goku froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 2131, 02:51:40: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 2131, 03:29:45: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 298 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2132, 03:38:42: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 2132, 03:51:00: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 2132, 11:04:46: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 298 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2143, 19:04:49: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 2143, 22:46:29: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 2143, 22:53:02: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 298 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2144, 00:43:06: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 334 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 02:21:41: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 02:42:34: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 03:53:56: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 195 (Fjordhawk) Day 2144, 04:45:21: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 10:08:44: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2144, 11:37:37: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 300 (Yutyrannus) Day 2144, 11:42:16: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 11:48:18: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 11:53:20: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 12:04:11: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 12:11:40: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 12:18:49: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 12:24:31: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 12:36:01: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 13:07:15: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 2144, 13:57:06: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2144, 14:11:17: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2146, 13:36:24: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 2146, 13:42:00: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 13:52:42: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 14:01:31: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 14:12:25: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 14:16:09: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 14:19:37: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 317 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 14:23:07: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 16:33:18: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2146, 19:43:33: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex) Day 2146, 19:47:11: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 2147, 01:20:59: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 2147, 01:27:12: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2147, 03:37:27: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2156, 12:55:55: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 302 (Yutyrannus) Day 2156, 13:00:16: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:13:20: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:17:01: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:20:27: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:24:00: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 315 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:27:27: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:30:55: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 13:34:37: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 17:53:50: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2156, 18:01:15: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 2156, 19:56:14: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2156, 20:42:11: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2170, 14:49:26: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2170, 14:54:17: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 2170, 15:47:14: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 2170, 16:15:31: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2170, 17:41:37: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 2170, 17:46:43: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 17:51:10: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 17:54:30: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 315 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 17:58:26: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 18:07:24: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 18:11:04: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 336 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 18:14:27: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 18:21:06: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 18:26:15: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 2170, 19:11:17: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2170, 22:56:32: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2170, 23:35:31: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 2171, 05:22:20: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2171, 07:21:25: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 2171, 09:15:39: Goku froze Otter - Lvl 43 (Otter) Day 2171, 09:56:41: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2171, 15:04:52: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 2175, 01:02:50: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2175, 01:38:04: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 01:50:47: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 2175, 04:56:06: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2175, 06:19:03: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 2175, 06:25:12: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 06:28:50: Goku froze Tek Rex - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 06:34:33: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 06:38:44: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 06:48:31: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 06:54:01: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 06:57:35: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 07:02:28: Goku froze Low Boss - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex) Day 2175, 11:35:56: Goku Tamed an Otter - Lvl 216 (Otter)! Day 2175, 11:42:02: Goku froze Otter - Lvl 216 (Otter) Day 2175, 11:56:45: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2175, 12:50:40: Goku froze Ichthyornis - Lvl 150 (Ichthyornis) Day 2175, 17:21:02: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2175, 17:24:52: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 2175, 21:45:29: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2180, 09:24:26: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2180, 14:32:17: Goku froze Cutie - Lvl 270 (Griffin) Day 2181, 01:18:04: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2197, 02:53:59: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2197, 06:11:29: Goku froze Current use - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 2197, 16:36:00: Goku froze Desmodus - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 2197, 17:07:34: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2198, 11:46:52: Goku froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 2198, 18:21:48: Goku Tamed an Otter - Lvl 208 (Otter)! Day 2198, 18:26:29: Goku froze Otter - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 2198, 18:36:04: Goku froze Ichthyornis - Lvl 150 (Ichthyornis) Day 2198, 18:54:43: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 2199, 03:00:49: Goku Tamed an Otter - Lvl 215 (Otter)! Day 2199, 03:06:00: Goku froze Otter - Lvl 215 (Otter) Day 2199, 03:13:12: Goku froze Ichthyornis - Lvl 150 (Ichthyornis) Day 2199, 03:39:54: Goku froze LowBoss - Lvl 303 (Yutyrannus) Day 2199, 05:38:36: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2227, 00:44:15: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 2227, 00:51:11: Goku was added to the Tribe by DuoMog! Day 2227, 01:08:52: Goku was promoted to a Tribe Admin by DuoMog! Day 2227, 01:21:05: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 2227, 02:26:21: Goku froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Poison Wyvern) Day 2248, 16:23:48: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe of Carbon' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2302, 22:52:20: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe 50396' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2473, 16:52:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2473, 16:52:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3041, 12:45:10: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3347, 11:49:47: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3475, 01:58:51: Timmy removed 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe from Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 14971, 23:51:19: Goku froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 15463, 15:14:11: Goku froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 17293, 20:33:41: 's 'Max Wght - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17293, 20:33:41: 's 'Max Stam - Lvl 159 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17293, 20:33:41: 's 'Max Hp - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17293, 20:33:41: 's 'For boss v2 - Lvl 249 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17293, 20:33:41: 's 'Current use - Lvl 225 (Fjordhawk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17293, 20:33:41: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod!"] "tribeid":1127318839,"tribe":"Tribe of feared general logs":["Day 15965, 14:05:04: feared general was added to the Tribe! Day 15965, 14:06:41: Tallia was added to the Tribe by feared general! Day 15965, 21:07:42: Tallia demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 15966, 06:03:58: Tribemember feared general - Lvl 29 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 60! Day 15966, 07:12:36: Tribemember feared general - Lvl 29 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 55! Day 15966, 07:24:38: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15966, 07:30:41: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 22 was killed by a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 20! Day 15966, 07:40:59: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 15966, 07:44:38: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15966, 07:44:38: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15966, 07:44:38: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15966, 07:50:43: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 15966, 07:50:43: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15966, 07:50:43: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15966, 07:50:43: Dire Bear - Lvl 60 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15966, 07:53:27: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 22 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 60! Day 15966, 07:56:35: Tribemember feared general - Lvl 29 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 60! Day 15966, 08:13:32: Dire Bear - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Wood Floor'! Day 15966, 10:46:23: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 145! Day 15967, 00:27:50: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 31 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 15967, 02:25:26: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 31 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 60! Day 15967, 03:39:38: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 31 was killed by a Gallimimus - Lvl 140! Day 15967, 05:16:49: Tribemember feared general - Lvl 41 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 100! Day 15967, 06:24:03: Tribemember feared general - Lvl 41 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 100! Day 15967, 07:35:53: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 32 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 145! Day 15967, 16:41:49: feared general demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 15968, 07:19:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 15968, 10:40:44: feared general Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 15983, 05:13:24: Carnotaurus - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 15983, 08:51:56: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 48 was killed by a Giant Bee - Lvl 5! Day 15983, 13:40:38: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 49 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 15983, 14:15:01: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 49 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 15985, 07:29:08: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 55 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 90! Day 15989, 21:08:15: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 58 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 25! Day 15989, 21:42:16: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 58 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 15990, 13:04:09: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 60 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 15990, 18:51:25: Your Pterra - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 16137, 09:58:46: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16302, 00:40:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16302, 00:40:12: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16588, 01:19:51: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16874, 02:22:40: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17158, 07:10:50: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18833, 16:46:17: Tribemember feared general - Lvl 49 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 150! Day 18833, 16:52:46: Tribemember Tallia - Lvl 63 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 150!"] "tribeid":1119203574,"tribe":"People's Tribe logs":["Day 11531, 15:10:22: Misha was added to the Tribe! Day 11531, 15:14:21: Damirox was added to the Tribe by Misha! Day 11531, 15:46:23: Misha froze Robbo 244 - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 11531, 18:15:22: Misha froze Robbo 244 - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 11531, 18:18:02: Damirox froze Texxier - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 11531, 21:06:59: Misha froze Bombardier - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 11532, 00:47:41: Misha froze MyFreezer - Lvl 312 (Snow Owl) Day 11532, 03:32:57: Misha froze Morty - Lvl 164 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 11532, 07:27:00: Misha froze Morty - Lvl 164 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 11532, 09:09:12: Misha froze Bombardier - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 11532, 09:57:46: Damirox froze Texxier - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 11532, 10:23:51: Damirox froze 203 - Freezer - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 11621, 02:11:16: Damirox froze FREEZER - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 11621, 12:01:03: Damirox froze Shadowmane - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 11648, 14:48:41: Damirox froze Shadowmane - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 11668, 05:51:03: Damirox froze FREEZER - Lvl 293 (Snow Owl) Day 11668, 23:57:35: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 03:04:00: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 05:39:45: Damirox froze FREEZER - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 11669, 07:25:52: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 10:13:09: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 355 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 10:25:59: Damirox claimed 'GNRL - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11669, 10:27:52: Damirox claimed '27/70/29 - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 11669, 10:31:56: Damirox froze GNRL - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 11669, 10:36:59: Damirox froze 27/70/29 - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 11669, 12:35:28: Damirox froze 27/70/29 - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 11669, 15:35:31: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 15:53:48: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 15:59:33: Damirox froze 27/70/29 - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 11669, 18:29:53: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex) Day 11669, 19:27:37: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 11670, 00:01:19: Damirox uploaded a Argentavis: 27/70/29 - Lvl 256 Day 11670, 00:19:10: Damirox froze FREEZER - Lvl 294 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 04:03:42: Misha froze Morpheus - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 11695, 05:39:42: Misha froze Morpheus - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 11695, 06:31:47: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 13:15:30: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 13:56:31: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 14:43:00: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 15:09:07: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 17:39:22: Damirox froze FREEZER - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 19:02:06: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11695, 19:07:51: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11695, 19:11:05: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11695, 19:17:02: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11695, 19:26:07: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11695, 19:26:07: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 11696, 00:58:45: Misha froze Morpheus - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 11696, 01:02:47: Damirox froze TEMPORARY - Lvl 359 (Tek Rex) Day 11696, 02:25:30: Damirox froze FREEZER - Lvl 295 (Snow Owl) Day 11696, 02:47:07: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11696, 03:09:12: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 327 (Snow Owl) Day 11754, 20:37:53: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 283 (Tek Rex) Day 11754, 22:12:53: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 11755, 02:32:15: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 11755, 03:40:44: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 11755, 05:43:19: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 11755, 06:32:50: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 11755, 07:27:55: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex) Day 11755, 07:55:21: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex) Day 11755, 08:28:27: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 11995, 15:20:53: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12126, 19:13:16: Damirox claimed 'Tyrone - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:14:19: Damirox claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:15:35: Damirox claimed 'H 8178 D 361 - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:16:55: Damirox claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:17:47: Damirox claimed 'H 8178 D 361 - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:20:47: Damirox claimed 'DMAGE F - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:22:08: Damirox claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:23:16: Damirox claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:24:30: Damirox claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 254 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:25:33: Damirox claimed 'Snowcone - Lvl 331 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 23:35:46: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 12127, 01:11:20: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 12127, 01:29:43: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 12127, 08:21:44: Damirox claimed 'boo - Lvl 33 (Gacha)'! Day 12127, 08:26:42: Damirox unclaimed 'boo - Lvl 33 (Gacha)'! Day 12127, 08:49:29: Damirox claimed 'BBB - Lvl 74 (Gacha)'! Day 12127, 08:53:58: Damirox unclaimed 'BBB - Lvl 74 (Gacha)'! Day 12127, 09:20:24: Damirox claimed 'Bum - Lvl 132 (Gacha)'! Day 12127, 09:29:01: Damirox unclaimed 'Bum - Lvl 132 (Gacha)'! Day 12127, 15:05:16: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 12127, 17:06:12: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 331 (Shadowmane) Day 12127, 17:09:36: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 336 (Snow Owl) Day 12128, 10:44:54: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 12169, 20:00:47: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12169, 22:03:57: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 348 (Snow Owl) Day 12169, 22:08:22: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 12170, 01:47:18: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 12170, 02:28:13: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 12170, 08:31:18: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 12170, 12:17:34: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 12170, 12:42:30: Misha froze Saber - Lvl 320 (Sabertooth) Day 12170, 13:55:44: Misha froze Pinky - Lvl 408 (Tek Rex) Day 12192, 00:27:39: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 337 (Snow Owl) Day 12192, 02:05:56: Damirox froze Snowcone - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 12192, 02:09:46: Damirox froze Megatherium - Lvl 254 (Megatherium) Day 12192, 02:13:28: Damirox froze Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium) Day 12192, 02:17:20: Damirox froze Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium) Day 12192, 02:21:21: Damirox froze DMAGE F - Lvl 286 (Megatherium) Day 12192, 02:43:16: Damirox froze Tyrone - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 12192, 02:50:15: Damirox froze H 8178 D 361 - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 12192, 02:55:58: Damirox froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur) Day 12192, 03:01:10: Damirox froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 12192, 03:06:25: Damirox froze H 8178 D 361 - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 12192, 04:07:16: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 337 (Snow Owl) Day 12192, 04:11:21: Damirox uploaded a Megatherium: Snowcone - Lvl 331 Day 12199, 12:49:52: Damirox Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 81 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 12199, 13:45:50: Damirox froze Andrew - Lvl 85 (Andrewsarchus) Day 12199, 14:36:05: Damirox uploaded a Andrewsarchus: Andrew - Lvl 85 Day 12199, 16:37:31: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 12199, 17:31:50: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 12199, 18:04:33: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 12199, 18:26:14: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed by an Aberrant Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 12199, 21:33:40: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 45! Day 12200, 00:58:02: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 12200, 04:23:22: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 12200, 04:45:15: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 12200, 05:41:42: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed! Day 12200, 06:42:17: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed by a R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 20! Day 12200, 06:49:37: Misha froze Shadi - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 12200, 08:34:59: Tribemember Damirox - Lvl 130 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 12200, 08:56:49: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 12200, 09:14:12: Damirox claimed 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12200, 09:14:58: Damirox claimed '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12200, 09:15:24: Damirox claimed '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12200, 10:02:48: Misha froze Bonio - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 12200, 10:32:57: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 12266, 06:57:13: Damirox froze Tekex - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 12266, 20:29:48: Damirox froze Tekex - Lvl 394 (Tek Rex) Day 12266, 21:55:38: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 12267, 00:35:40: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 12267, 10:24:32: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12267, 10:24:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 12267, 10:45:12: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12267, 10:45:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 12267, 11:03:42: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12267, 11:03:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 12267, 12:02:19: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12267, 12:02:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 12267, 12:14:12: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12267, 12:14:12: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)! Day 12267, 12:38:43: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12267, 12:38:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 12268, 00:06:38: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex) was killed by Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe)! Day 12268, 00:06:38: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 281 (Tek Rex)! Day 12268, 01:13:33: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 12268, 01:46:00: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 338 (Snow Owl) Day 12317, 23:16:12: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 12317, 23:23:19: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 12318, 03:05:18: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 12318, 03:10:03: Misha froze Xara - Lvl 351 (Snow Owl) Day 12318, 03:16:52: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 340 (Snow Owl) Day 12547, 06:44:05: Damirox froze Shadi - Lvl 353 (Shadowmane) Day 12547, 07:33:45: Damirox claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12547, 08:23:26: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 12547, 14:40:29: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 347 (Snow Owl) Day 12547, 18:44:26: Damirox froze BURNER - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12717, 13:36:49: Damirox froze SOWIA - Lvl 350 (Snow Owl) Day 13174, 15:05:24: Clairo - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Clairo) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 13174, 15:05:46: Clairo - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Clairo) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 13174, 15:08:53: Clairo - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Clairo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 13185, 07:49:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13304, 08:17:16: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13494, 20:06:15: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14161, 07:33:10: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17973, 11:19:49: liz - Lvl 95 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1109611593,"tribe":"Z Fighters logs":["Day 4140, 18:04:55: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 171 was killed! Day 4140, 20:09:52: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 4140, 21:16:32: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4140, 21:32:07: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 4141, 01:38:08: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4141, 12:50:57: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 4141, 13:37:18: chi-chi uploaded a Glowtail: Glowtail - Lvl 217 Day 4141, 13:40:46: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 350 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4141, 13:44:47: chi-chi uploaded a Fjordhawk: Fjordhawk - Lvl 69 Day 4179, 08:48:15: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 4359, 16:41:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4365, 05:36:00: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 4365, 16:12:01: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 4366, 01:54:04: chi-chi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 303 (Magmasaur) Day 4366, 11:17:08: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 4367, 03:28:34: chi-chi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 303 (Magmasaur) Day 4367, 05:28:34: chi-chi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 303 (Magmasaur) Day 4367, 12:38:34: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 4373, 05:31:45: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 4373, 06:25:27: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 4373, 06:43:53: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 379 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4373, 15:18:39: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 4373, 15:40:30: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 379 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4373, 16:07:49: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 4373, 18:14:35: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 379 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4374, 07:25:07: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 07:43:37: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 07:57:31: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 10:02:49: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 12:59:50: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 14:18:39: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4374, 17:00:29: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 17:53:34: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4374, 18:30:45: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4374, 18:57:44: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4393, 02:32:33: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4399, 11:44:46: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4399, 13:41:40: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4399, 14:54:53: chi-chi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 303 (Magmasaur) Day 4399, 15:32:52: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 4399, 16:36:27: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4399, 18:13:46: Your Desmodus - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 160! Day 4400, 05:19:59: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4400, 05:49:27: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 4400, 06:38:04: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4400, 06:55:31: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4400, 07:59:42: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 4400, 08:40:22: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4400, 09:02:02: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4400, 10:37:52: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4400, 12:33:21: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4400, 13:01:51: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 380 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4400, 13:39:57: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4400, 17:17:48: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4400, 19:04:00: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4400, 20:00:30: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4400, 20:04:39: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 171 was killed! Day 4401, 02:04:40: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4401, 05:10:28: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4401, 05:26:29: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4401, 06:16:00: chi-chi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 303 (Magmasaur) Day 4401, 08:24:07: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4401, 08:55:02: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4401, 09:53:49: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4401, 10:02:16: chi-chi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 303 (Magmasaur) Day 4401, 10:24:13: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 381 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4401, 13:58:36: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4401, 15:22:46: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4401, 16:07:49: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4401, 20:01:05: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4401, 20:27:44: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4419, 10:24:59: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4419, 12:45:12: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4419, 13:46:38: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4419, 15:06:48: chi-chi froze X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 381 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 4419, 15:53:35: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 4419, 16:16:30: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4420, 00:51:40: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 223 (Desmodus) Day 4420, 03:48:58: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4420, 14:08:52: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4421, 01:34:21: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 4421, 03:47:34: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 4421, 04:23:22: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 4421, 04:44:37: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 4421, 05:19:53: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 4421, 05:58:01: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 352 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4482, 00:23:36: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 01:10:28: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4482, 02:50:23: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 03:39:28: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4482, 05:26:40: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 06:09:51: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4482, 08:27:01: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4482, 10:59:34: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 371 (Daeodon) Day 4482, 11:19:03: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 199 (Desmodus)! Day 4482, 11:32:01: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 12:24:32: chi-chi uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 208 Day 4482, 14:01:55: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 15:21:02: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4482, 19:12:05: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 19:15:47: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 371 (Daeodon) Day 4482, 19:53:07: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 371 (Daeodon) Day 4482, 20:03:47: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)! Day 4482, 20:27:52: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 4482, 23:26:45: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 4483, 00:27:44: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4513, 17:37:20: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4513, 18:17:59: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4517, 06:42:43: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 371 (Daeodon) Day 4517, 08:44:32: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4517, 16:23:41: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4517, 21:36:15: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 27 (Desmodus)! Day 4517, 22:04:19: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 27 (Desmodus) Day 4518, 01:17:59: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 371 (Daeodon) Day 4518, 01:42:13: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 4518, 03:27:43: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4518, 10:16:11: chi-chi Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 137 (Fjordhawk)! Day 4518, 10:33:02: chi-chi froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 137 (Fjordhawk) Day 4518, 10:59:43: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 353 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4581, 21:15:20: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4581, 22:49:37: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 182 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 260! Day 4582, 04:56:00: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 4582, 08:32:32: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 346 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 4583, 11:47:08: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 261 (Desmodus) Day 4583, 12:29:44: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 346 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 4584, 08:47:14: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 4584, 11:53:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4584, 11:53:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4584, 11:53:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4584, 14:38:16: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 182 was killed! Day 4584, 14:41:42: Your Otter - Lvl 361 (Otter) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 270! Day 4584, 15:34:09: Your Desmodus - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 270! Day 4584, 16:17:41: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 4584, 17:25:32: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 231 (Desmodus) Day 4584, 19:06:47: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 4584, 20:43:50: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4586, 08:39:21: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 4586, 09:16:35: chi-chi froze Otter - Lvl 234 (Otter) Day 4586, 09:21:41: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4586, 13:56:44: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 4586, 15:44:25: chi-chi froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 448 (Giganotosaurus) Day 4586, 16:16:37: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 4586, 18:04:36: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 4586, 18:21:26: chi-chi froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 448 (Giganotosaurus) Day 4586, 19:42:28: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 4587, 00:39:20: chi-chi froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 448 (Giganotosaurus) Day 4587, 04:22:07: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 354 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4589, 13:13:03: chi-chi Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle)! Day 4589, 13:21:37: chi-chi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 149 (Dung Beetle) Day 4589, 13:37:40: chi-chi Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 4589, 13:41:08: chi-chi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 4589, 13:45:50: chi-chi Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 4589, 13:49:28: chi-chi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 4589, 14:01:56: chi-chi Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle)! Day 4589, 14:05:39: chi-chi froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle) Day 4589, 20:27:58: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 355 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4636, 14:54:36: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 271 (Desmodus) Day 4636, 15:36:22: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4705, 07:50:47: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4778, 17:47:53: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4894, 06:20:54: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 271 (Desmodus) Day 4894, 11:06:45: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4895, 19:35:33: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) Day 4895, 20:20:48: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 356 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4953, 06:01:42: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4953, 09:05:14: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 281 (Desmodus) Day 4953, 09:36:03: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4953, 13:45:41: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4954, 22:07:14: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 4954, 22:49:23: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4957, 20:47:11: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4958, 03:53:08: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4959, 18:54:56: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 357 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5254, 16:07:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5254, 16:07:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5700, 23:25:51: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6309, 06:17:17: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 360 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 6753, 11:57:38: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 360 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 6753, 16:24:53: chi-chi froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 78 (Fjordhawk) Day 6753, 17:06:01: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 360 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 7175, 20:33:19: HUSH - Lvl 112 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 8134, 15:13:16: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 362 (Desmodus) Day 8135, 17:19:38: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 364 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8136, 00:51:05: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 362 (Desmodus) Day 8136, 02:42:47: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 364 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8955, 10:09:09: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8956, 03:30:34: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8956, 03:49:43: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8956, 03:50:55: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 8956, 03:50:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 8956, 08:15:47: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 8956, 08:15:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 8956, 08:53:44: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 191 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 8956, 09:05:08: chi-chi froze ww - Lvl 191 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8956, 09:10:52: chi-chi froze ww - Lvl 191 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8956, 12:50:00: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8956, 15:54:58: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8980, 10:26:33: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 484 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8980, 12:20:11: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8980, 15:56:08: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 484 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8980, 16:34:17: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8980, 16:37:41: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 8980, 17:23:56: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 484 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8980, 19:55:24: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 8980, 20:52:38: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8980, 21:41:48: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8981, 07:16:15: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8981, 21:09:30: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 484 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 8981, 21:29:46: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 8981, 22:09:25: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8981, 23:31:57: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 362 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 8984, 04:54:55: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 8984, 05:17:20: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9025, 23:29:01: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9025, 23:38:28: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 9025, 23:38:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 9026, 04:36:26: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 200 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 9026, 04:56:04: chi-chi froze ssss - Lvl 200 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9026, 05:40:35: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9092, 22:59:00: chi-chi claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 277 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9092, 23:45:08: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9092, 23:52:20: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 9092, 23:52:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 9093, 04:52:52: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 9093, 05:04:54: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9093, 05:42:18: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 367 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9236, 20:42:15: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9236, 23:24:28: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9237, 00:18:16: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9237, 05:16:05: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9237, 05:20:13: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9237, 05:34:08: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9237, 06:24:12: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9237, 08:07:16: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9237, 09:14:40: Savage added 'Z Fighters' Tribe to Introvertus Maxi Alliance! Day 9237, 14:22:30: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex) Day 9237, 14:27:36: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex) Day 9237, 14:34:42: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9237, 14:37:44: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9237, 14:41:39: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9237, 14:47:52: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 470 (Tek Rex) Day 9237, 14:53:41: chi-chi froze Yuty-Chi - Lvl 380 (Yutyrannus) Day 9237, 16:23:38: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9237, 16:54:14: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9237, 17:46:26: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9237, 18:30:27: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9237, 20:16:02: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9237, 21:01:17: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9238, 03:27:34: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 03:31:09: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 03:35:01: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 03:38:45: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 03:45:10: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 03:54:06: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 470 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 04:00:29: chi-chi froze Yuty-Chi - Lvl 380 (Yutyrannus) Day 9238, 05:24:24: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9238, 06:09:17: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9238, 07:06:42: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9238, 07:35:38: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9238, 08:15:28: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9238, 14:41:27: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 14:51:32: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 14:55:48: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 470 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 15:00:36: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 15:03:38: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 469 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 15:06:19: chi-chi froze Tek Rex - Lvl 471 (Tek Rex) Day 9238, 15:11:28: chi-chi froze Deinonychus - Lvl 329 (Deinonychus) Day 9238, 18:01:40: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 369 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9275, 19:22:42: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9320, 23:35:50: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9321, 03:19:35: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9321, 06:06:31: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9321, 07:41:14: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9321, 08:33:07: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9332, 17:00:02: chi-chi uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 277 Day 9359, 16:32:47: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9359, 18:20:50: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 406 (R-Snow Owl) Day 9359, 22:43:58: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 484 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 9360, 00:12:20: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9410, 05:07:09: chi-chi froze Zombie Fire Wyvern - Lvl 324 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 9421, 21:41:35: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9478, 06:44:25: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9478, 13:15:24: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 363 (Desmodus) Day 9478, 13:44:15: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 370 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 9805, 22:49:28: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10375, 18:16:27: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10375, 18:23:49: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 10375, 18:23:49: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex)! Day 10375, 22:17:25: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 10375, 22:41:51: chi-chi froze Please melee - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10375, 23:42:39: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10375, 23:52:04: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed! Day 10376, 01:26:47: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 10376, 02:09:24: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 10376, 03:44:28: chi-chi froze Please melee - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10376, 04:29:54: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 371 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10681, 19:43:57: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 372 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10681, 19:52:33: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 10681, 19:52:33: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 10681, 23:32:18: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 10681, 23:49:59: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10682, 01:04:57: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 372 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10725, 21:49:55: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 372 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10725, 21:57:47: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 10725, 22:49:55: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 10725, 22:49:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 10726, 03:58:51: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 10726, 05:17:41: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 10726, 05:17:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 10726, 05:47:17: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 187 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 10726, 05:54:29: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 187 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10726, 06:22:47: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 372 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11056, 22:35:00: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11068, 23:22:22: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11070, 19:50:06: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11129, 08:03:27: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11129, 08:23:10: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 494 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 11129, 09:03:06: chi-chi froze Sonic 2 - Lvl 373 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 12369, 04:02:07: chi-chi claimed 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 12369, 04:27:56: chi-chi claimed 'Blyte Town - Lvl 264 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12369, 04:41:02: chi-chi claimed 'Sunny - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12369, 05:21:30: chi-chi claimed 'boss - Lvl 395 (Shadowmane)'! Day 12369, 05:25:59: chi-chi claimed 'Jonnys maw - Lvl 458 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 12369, 05:31:54: chi-chi claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 303 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12369, 07:57:41: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 391 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12410, 12:27:47: Jonnys maw - Lvl 458 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 12945, 03:29:24: Mrs Smith - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sunny - Lvl 260 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12945, 03:30:55: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 303 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12945, 03:32:13: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 395 (Shadowmane)'! Day 12945, 03:37:14: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blyte Town - Lvl 264 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12945, 03:41:05: Brock - Lvl 137 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 13828, 03:30:25: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14985, 05:38:09: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 365 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20085, 19:45:26: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 20085, 22:39:23: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 20087, 02:36:53: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20087, 05:25:06: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 20087, 07:09:30: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20087, 13:49:53: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed! Day 20087, 16:13:07: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20087, 16:58:14: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20087, 17:19:08: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 20087, 17:33:12: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed! Day 20087, 22:31:12: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 20088, 00:52:23: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 20088, 01:27:31: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 20088, 02:29:40: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20088, 03:44:54: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20088, 04:52:08: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 20088, 06:43:03: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 20088, 17:08:15: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 20088, 17:15:08: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 20088, 22:55:29: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 20089, 01:44:59: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20089, 03:11:10: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20089, 03:14:44: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20089, 03:50:46: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20089, 07:51:20: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20089, 08:13:01: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20089, 08:50:22: Tribemember chi-chi - Lvl 192 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 20089, 17:29:09: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 20089, 18:22:03: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 223 (Desmodus)! Day 20089, 18:42:38: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 134 (Desmodus) Day 20089, 19:04:10: chi-chi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20089, 20:06:20: chi-chi froze Moschops - Lvl 202 (Moschops) Day 20089, 20:11:32: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 223 (Desmodus) Day 20089, 20:47:22: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20150, 21:57:02: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20270, 19:42:01: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20507, 14:43:47: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20507, 14:49:26: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 20507, 14:49:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 20507, 18:31:41: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20507, 18:42:21: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20507, 18:53:51: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20723, 14:55:33: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20723, 15:14:05: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 20723, 15:14:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 20723, 17:36:27: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20723, 17:46:07: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20723, 18:24:27: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 284 (Maewing) Day 20904, 03:43:32: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 20904, 03:52:49: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 20904, 03:52:49: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 20904, 07:45:44: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20904, 07:52:42: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20904, 08:24:31: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 21028, 11:12:52: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 21225, 05:03:47: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 21225, 05:12:23: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex) was killed by chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters)! Day 21225, 05:12:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 314 (Tek Rex)! Day 21225, 07:38:15: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing) Day 21225, 11:22:32: chi-chi Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 21225, 11:29:24: chi-chi froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 21225, 12:05:10: chi-chi froze Maewing - Lvl 286 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1107933160,"tribe":"Original Berry Pickers logs":["Day 8161, 20:12:52: BennyJetz was added to the Tribe! Day 8161, 20:36:55: Flash was added to the Tribe by BennyJetz! Day 8161, 20:43:03: Flash was promoted to a Tribe Admin by BennyJetz! Day 8161, 21:58:06: Tribemember Flash - Lvl 3 was killed! Day 8309, 21:16:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8412, 16:35:56: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Benny & the Kekz (Raft)'! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8533, 07:34:36: Your Parasaur - Lvl 199 (Parasaur) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 8558, 17:57:19: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)' was destroyed! Day 8558, 20:32:50: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8559, 06:52:52: Your SAMLEREN - Lvl 199 (Tek Stryder) was killed! Day 8714, 08:25:08: Tribemember BennyJetz - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 8738, 05:25:01: Human - Lvl 97 (BALLERS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tony the Tiger - Lvl 228 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 8738, 05:29:12: Human - Lvl 97 (BALLERS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 153 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 8757, 13:08:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9040, 06:35:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1106261436,"tribe":"Tribe of Destro logs":["Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5376, 11:57:21: Tribemember Destro - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 5454, 10:35:16: Tribemember Destro - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 5454, 10:58:18: Tribemember Destro - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 5454, 11:51:58: Tribemember Destro - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 5477, 11:56:30: Tribemember Destro - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 7548, 02:49:45: Tribemember Destro - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1104614113,"tribe":"JEA logs":["Day 16887, 03:26:58: Northius G2 was added to the Tribe! Day 16887, 03:33:05: Donald Trump was added to the Tribe by Northius G2! Day 16887, 11:18:31: Donald Trump downloaded a dino: Bags - Lvl 188 Day 16887, 11:24:35: Northius G2 froze Royal - Lvl 263 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16887, 11:44:46: Donald Trump froze crystal 2 - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16887, 13:05:59: Donald Trump froze crystal 2 - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16888, 09:45:57: Donald Trump froze crystal 2 - Lvl 252 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17696, 01:11:45: salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bags - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17774, 04:19:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17774, 04:19:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1097707875,"tribe":"Eutopia logs":["Day 6797, 05:58:00: Raven was added to the Tribe! Day 6797, 20:19:13: Raven froze ® special little peanut - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 6814, 10:41:45: Raven froze ® special little peanut - Lvl 356 (Desmodus) Day 7087, 21:13:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1092804832,"tribe":"team rocket logs":["Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1180, 06:00:08: Tribemember MattBag - Lvl 98 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 156! Day 1183, 02:30:18: Tribemember mabel - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8791, 16:17:11: mabel Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 122 (Pelagornis)! Day 8791, 20:12:27: mabel uploaded a Pelagornis: peter - Lvl 125 Day 8797, 19:19:26: Tribemember mabel - Lvl 121 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 8797, 23:07:54: mabel downloaded a dino: peter - Lvl 117 Day 8798, 18:23:25: mabel Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 8798, 19:06:26: mabel uploaded a Pelagornis: peter - Lvl 125 Day 10351, 07:32:12: McSquizzy - Lvl 57 (Tribe of McSquizzy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 203 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10421, 17:10:51: Tribemember mabel - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1092276476,"tribe":"THE BOMBAS logs":["Day 14463, 20:36:02: Zex was added to the Tribe! Day 14463, 20:41:03: BeyondSilly was added to the Tribe by Zex! Day 14463, 21:41:38: BeyondSilly demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15266, 19:46:59: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16380, 23:23:32: Tribemember Zex - Lvl 50 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1091505385,"tribe":"FSM logs":["Day 10442, 12:21:18: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:26:44: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:30:43: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:35:25: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:39:20: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:44:13: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:48:15: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:52:30: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 12:57:03: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 13:03:44: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 17:42:29: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 205 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 17:49:26: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 17:53:57: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 17:59:22: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 18:03:27: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 18:07:55: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 18:12:07: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 18:16:11: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 23:03:10: Nait froze Juvenile NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 23:09:38: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 23:20:32: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 23:27:04: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 23:41:45: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10442, 23:50:15: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10443, 05:55:02: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 205 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10443, 06:00:53: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10443, 06:15:45: Nait froze Adolescent NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10443, 07:25:49: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10443, 07:28:39: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10443, 07:38:31: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10464, 17:40:13: Nait froze seven - Lvl 368 (Argentavis) Day 10464, 18:03:26: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 205 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10464, 18:06:19: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10464, 18:09:28: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10464, 18:13:22: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10464, 18:16:56: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 196 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10464, 18:19:49: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 197 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10464, 18:22:48: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10465, 18:18:36: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 215 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10466, 04:00:53: Nait froze Desmodus - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 10466, 04:10:19: Nait froze 38 - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10466, 06:22:38: Nait froze 38 - Lvl 345 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10466, 07:08:38: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 255 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10466, 09:49:21: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 10466, 09:52:43: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 10466, 17:54:30: Nait froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 10467, 05:49:05: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 272 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10467, 07:17:18: Nait froze Desmodus - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 10467, 08:08:41: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10467, 11:37:07: Nait froze Desmodus - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 10467, 15:16:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl)! Day 10467, 15:28:10: Nait froze Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) Day 10467, 20:23:02: Nait Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 22 (Snow Owl)! Day 10467, 20:29:11: Nait froze Snow Owl - Lvl 22 (Snow Owl) Day 10468, 00:47:18: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis) Day 10468, 00:55:06: Nait froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 367 (Sinomacrops) Day 10514, 20:07:36: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 10514, 20:13:51: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10515, 03:28:46: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 284 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10515, 07:00:22: Nait froze H1 - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 10515, 15:22:01: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10515, 15:30:46: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10515, 17:00:55: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10515, 17:36:27: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10515, 19:59:41: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 290 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10515, 22:56:48: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10516, 05:56:14: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 290 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10516, 08:54:40: Nait froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10516, 08:59:18: Nait froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10516, 09:03:20: Nait froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10516, 09:07:25: Nait froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10516, 09:44:30: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 07:57:30: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 29 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 09:01:53: Nait froze Siódemka - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 09:05:42: Nait froze Ósemka - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 09:24:08: Nait froze Ichi - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 09:40:18: Nait froze Argentynawis - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 10:51:07: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 10534, 10:54:32: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 10:57:51: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 10534, 11:01:08: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10534, 11:46:32: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 10534, 11:57:18: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 10537, 01:31:49: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 290 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10537, 06:36:01: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 294 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10537, 08:05:05: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 295 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10560, 05:16:01: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10560, 14:38:52: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 389 (Argentavis) Day 10560, 14:46:13: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 10631, 03:00:19: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 302 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10631, 04:53:18: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 305 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10631, 06:49:10: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 306 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10631, 09:24:22: Nait claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 10631, 09:27:45: Nait froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 10631, 09:40:07: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 10631, 09:43:22: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 10631, 09:44:01: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis)'! Day 10631, 09:47:20: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 10631, 09:49:02: Nait claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 10631, 09:51:49: Nait froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 10738, 11:58:28: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10790, 21:09:03: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 10790, 21:50:43: Nait uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 188 Day 10914, 22:07:49: Nait froze Desmodus - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 10915, 01:21:48: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10963, 18:49:24: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10964, 00:39:39: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 307 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10964, 00:44:05: Nait froze Desmodus - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 11007, 08:44:09: Nait froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 385 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11007, 09:49:28: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11007, 11:42:52: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 309 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11007, 13:06:06: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 309 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11055, 21:11:39: Nait froze Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) Day 11055, 21:19:55: Nait froze 38 - Lvl 346 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11055, 21:38:45: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 389 (Argentavis) Day 11055, 21:43:40: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 11055, 21:48:18: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 11055, 21:52:18: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) Day 11055, 22:05:58: Nait froze H1 - Lvl 407 (Shadowmane) Day 11055, 22:14:58: Nait froze Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis) Day 11055, 22:33:01: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11055, 23:02:56: Nait froze Maewing - Lvl 380 (Maewing) Day 11055, 23:13:56: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11055, 23:45:24: Nait froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 385 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11069, 16:21:53: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 338 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11069, 16:24:56: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 289 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11069, 16:38:47: Nait froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11149, 05:01:38: Nait froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 376 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 11149, 07:38:55: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 314 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11149, 09:02:17: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11233, 15:35:56: Nait froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 302 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 11243, 17:12:53: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 319 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11243, 18:57:31: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11266, 16:55:13: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11266, 17:18:55: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 322 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11266, 18:43:04: Nait froze NAIT - Lvl 322 (Giganotosaurus) Day 12007, 09:55:29: NAIT - Lvl 324 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 12086, 21:46:18: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 376 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 12086, 22:12:11: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 278 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12086, 22:19:26: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 227 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12086, 22:21:22: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 286 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12109, 15:39:15: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12685, 11:42:32: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12971, 02:20:45: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13081, 09:07:05: Tribemember Nait - Lvl 114 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1090188002,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 18071, 07:43:02: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 18071, 08:21:22: Human was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1083772801,"tribe":"tribe of men logs":["Day 4884, 17:53:43: chrryan was added to the Tribe! Day 4884, 18:06:53: Human was added to the Tribe by chrryan! Day 4885, 05:41:12: Human Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 216 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 4885, 10:40:01: Your The Biggest Bird - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4885, 10:41:39: Tribemember chrryan - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 4885, 10:45:40: Tribemember Human - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4885, 11:19:33: Tribemember chrryan - Lvl 23 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4885, 11:27:16: Tribemember Human - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4885, 11:36:27: Your jit - Lvl 219 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4885, 18:11:33: chrryan Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 4885, 18:15:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 35 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 4886, 08:37:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 40 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4886, 09:01:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 40 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4886, 17:14:24: Tribemember Human - Lvl 42 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 4886, 19:26:17: Human Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 82 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 4887, 13:35:33: Human Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 140 (Doedicurus)! Day 4887, 21:30:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 4888, 00:13:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 01:06:30: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 01:54:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 02:22:47: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 02:36:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4888, 02:36:56: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4888, 03:49:12: Your the guy - Lvl 90 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 04:01:52: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 04:05:57: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 36 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4888, 08:30:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 4888, 15:30:38: Your doedicki - Lvl 157 (Doedicurus) was killed! Day 4888, 15:34:43: Human Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 4888, 16:31:19: chrryan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 4888, 20:15:40: chene was added to the Tribe by chrryan! Day 4889, 00:50:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 53 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 4889, 10:25:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 208 (Carbonemys)! Day 4889, 12:42:45: Tribemember chene - Lvl 18 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 4889, 13:04:10: chrryan claimed 'Spyro - Lvl 250 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4889, 13:04:55: chrryan claimed 'Fiery Death - Lvl 269 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4889, 13:06:17: chrryan claimed 'Sonic - Lvl 280 (Argentavis)'! Day 4889, 13:06:49: chrryan claimed 'Death Eagle - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 4889, 19:42:11: Tribemember chene - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 4889, 20:36:46: Tribemember Human - Lvl 61 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 4889, 20:41:24: Your middest bird - Lvl 151 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 4890, 03:33:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 4890, 06:24:14: Tribemember Human - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 4890, 17:38:50: Tribemember chene - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 4890, 18:36:38: Tribemember chene - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 4891, 17:41:11: Tribemember chene - Lvl 67 was killed by chrryan - Lvl 74 (tribe of men)! Day 4891, 17:41:11: Your Tribe killed chene - Lvl 67 (tribe of men)! Day 4908, 23:59:20: chrryan Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 165 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 4928, 11:16:16: chrryan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4928, 11:16:42: chrryan claimed 'Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4928, 11:18:25: chrryan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4928, 11:19:54: chrryan claimed 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4928, 11:20:30: chrryan claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4928, 11:21:16: chrryan claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis)'! Day 4928, 11:39:54: chrryan claimed 'red burn - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 4984, 16:24:43: Your watermelon - Lvl 174 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 4985, 10:50:12: chrryan Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 4985, 16:30:11: Human Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 4985, 19:47:09: Tribemember chrryan - Lvl 96 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 5009, 03:20:05: Argentavis - Lvl 149 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 5136, 23:12:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5136, 23:12:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5278, 06:00:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5278, 06:00:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5287, 09:19:30: Daddy - Lvl 44 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 5382, 12:00:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 69 was killed! Day 5382, 12:20:42: Tribemember chrryan - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 5552, 01:34:17: CokeZero - Lvl 113 (Tribe of CokeZero) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'red burn - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 5576, 05:52:08: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COLGATE - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5576, 05:58:29: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fiery Death - Lvl 271 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5589, 20:40:49: Zenalis - Lvl 162 (Legion) claimed your auto-decayed tame '#LOHANSWORLD (Raft)'! Day 5668, 00:44:31: Lars - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Death Eagle - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 5668, 00:48:17: Lars - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 218 (Carbonemys)'! Day 5668, 00:51:03: Lars - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'anklyn skywalker - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5668, 00:56:34: Lars - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spyro - Lvl 258 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5668, 09:16:00: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 09:17:15: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 09:20:26: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 10:12:25: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5668, 10:12:39: SendDudes - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5714, 10:57:36: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sonic - Lvl 286 (Argentavis)'! Day 6146, 22:50:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6146, 22:50:12: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1082564550,"tribe":"BALLERS logs":["Day 8390, 00:19:52: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 8390, 00:30:09: seppe was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 8390, 00:35:31: Human claimed 'Dumbledore's Dead Bird - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 8390, 06:51:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 8390, 06:54:31: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 8390, 06:56:28: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8390, 08:36:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 8390, 10:34:05: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 8390, 16:35:24: Human claimed 'Flu - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 8390, 19:17:47: Human froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8390, 19:49:20: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 8392, 09:59:49: seppe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8392, 10:57:37: seppe froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8392, 15:43:33: seppe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 149 (Dilophosaur)! Day 8392, 17:35:28: seppe froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 323 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8393, 05:42:46: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8393, 07:00:38: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 8393, 08:20:30: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8393, 16:54:28: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 8393, 17:10:00: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8394, 00:32:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 8394, 01:02:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 212 (Tek Rex)! Day 8394, 01:32:12: Tribemember Human - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 8394, 03:43:54: seppe froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8394, 05:01:15: seppe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 212 (Tek Rex) Day 8394, 07:09:05: seppe froze Tek Rex - Lvl 212 (Tek Rex) Day 8394, 07:33:49: seppe froze Flu - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) Day 8404, 12:59:22: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon) Day 8404, 14:10:04: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 8404, 16:25:24: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 236 (Tek Rex) Day 8404, 17:15:17: Human froze Dumbledore's Dead Bird - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 8406, 03:13:12: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8406, 04:30:27: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 238 (Tek Rex) Day 8406, 05:46:34: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 211 (Doedicurus) Day 8406, 12:12:02: seppe froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8406, 14:54:46: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 240 (Tek Rex) Day 8406, 19:22:14: Human Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 123 (Parasaur)! Day 8406, 19:29:12: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 35 was killed by Human - Lvl 42 (BALLERS)! Day 8406, 19:29:12: Your Tribe killed seppe - Lvl 35 (BALLERS)! Day 8406, 19:42:33: Human froze dildo - Lvl 123 (Parasaur) Day 8406, 21:10:28: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon) Day 8407, 06:42:08: seppe claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8407, 14:47:10: seppe froze dildo - Lvl 133 (Parasaur) Day 8407, 16:55:45: seppe froze Doedicurus - Lvl 235 (Doedicurus) Day 8407, 17:08:12: seppe froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 324 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8408, 04:03:30: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8408, 06:24:30: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 240 (Tek Rex) Day 8408, 06:39:15: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8408, 08:31:08: Human froze Petri - Lvl 284 (Pteranodon) Day 8408, 11:00:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 8408, 12:50:27: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8408, 17:08:44: Human froze Petri - Lvl 369 (Pteranodon) Day 8410, 03:01:25: seppe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur)! Day 8410, 10:31:52: seppe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 31 (Dodo)! Day 8410, 16:17:50: Your joe mama - Lvl 32 (Dodo) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 8410, 18:45:18: seppe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 29 (Sabertooth)! Day 8410, 20:58:43: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8410, 23:28:48: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8411, 00:03:47: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8411, 00:38:49: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8411, 00:54:08: seppe froze Petri - Lvl 369 (Pteranodon) Day 8411, 00:59:01: seppe froze para - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) Day 8411, 01:10:58: seppe froze saber - Lvl 32 (Sabertooth) Day 8411, 01:17:22: seppe froze dildo - Lvl 137 (Parasaur) Day 8413, 08:17:53: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 246 (Tek Rex) Day 8415, 09:41:28: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8415, 12:27:07: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8415, 12:40:46: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8416, 00:00:18: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 8416, 01:40:00: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8416, 11:08:22: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 8416, 12:14:37: seppe froze Dumbledore's Dead Bird - Lvl 276 (Argentavis) Day 8416, 15:18:02: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 8416, 15:35:47: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8416, 15:35:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8416, 15:36:02: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8416, 16:38:39: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 8416, 20:08:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 126 (Triceratops)! Day 8416, 20:08:57: seppe was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Human! Day 8416, 23:21:37: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by Human - Lvl 70 (BALLERS)! Day 8416, 23:21:37: Your Tribe killed seppe - Lvl 63 (BALLERS)! Day 8416, 23:45:19: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 8417, 05:16:31: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 8417, 05:34:00: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 145! Day 8417, 06:14:47: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 145! Day 8417, 06:44:08: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 90! Day 8417, 07:42:11: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon) Day 8417, 09:06:53: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 8417, 09:19:12: Human froze Pteranodon - Lvl 96 (Pteranodon) Day 8417, 10:02:48: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 8417, 10:10:35: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 8417, 11:42:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 8417, 11:43:46: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 8417, 13:29:10: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 8417, 13:32:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 70 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 8417, 14:55:49: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 8417, 17:03:30: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 63 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 8531, 17:49:53: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 8531, 19:02:01: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8531, 19:07:10: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 127 (Triceratops) Day 8531, 19:22:16: Human froze Triceratops - Lvl 127 (Triceratops) Day 8531, 19:34:54: Human froze Dumbledore's Dead Bird - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 8531, 19:40:00: Human froze Flu - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 8532, 03:52:27: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8533, 12:33:10: Human froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 324 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8534, 07:43:34: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 66 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 8534, 07:44:31: Your Petri - Lvl 369 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 8534, 08:17:02: Human claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8534, 08:46:23: Your Baby weenseworst - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 8534, 08:46:23: Baby weenseworst - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8534, 12:05:34: Human claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 8534, 14:28:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 8534, 14:38:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by seppe - Lvl 66 (BALLERS)! Day 8534, 14:38:51: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) (BALLERS)! Day 8534, 16:56:41: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 8534, 21:25:38: seppe froze Flu - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 8535, 09:01:53: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 8535, 14:02:05: seppe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8535, 16:22:04: seppe froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8535, 18:00:29: seppe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8535, 21:41:53: seppe demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 8535, 21:42:48: seppe demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 8535, 21:43:45: seppe demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 8535, 22:46:49: seppe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8535, 23:02:44: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8535, 23:05:39: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 00:16:24: seppe demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 8536, 00:18:27: seppe demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 8536, 00:19:22: seppe demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 8536, 03:50:41: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 03:56:09: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 04:56:29: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 08:25:56: seppe froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8536, 10:31:47: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:33:30: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:34:46: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:35:49: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:41:01: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:42:21: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:44:49: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:46:17: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:48:46: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 10:49:36: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 12:14:41: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 12:15:28: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 12:16:15: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 12:46:19: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 13:02:26: seppe demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 8536, 16:37:14: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 19:48:38: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 19:49:19: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 19:50:05: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 19:51:17: seppe demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8536, 20:18:53: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8536, 21:59:55: seppe froze Flu - Lvl 265 (Argentavis) Day 8549, 08:36:09: seppe froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8550, 16:26:48: Human froze dildo - Lvl 155 (Parasaur) Day 8550, 18:15:10: Human froze dildo - Lvl 155 (Parasaur) Day 8550, 19:02:43: Human froze dildo - Lvl 155 (Parasaur) Day 8550, 19:59:57: Human froze dildo - Lvl 155 (Parasaur) Day 8557, 18:12:08: Human froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 330 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8557, 21:14:50: Human Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 29 (Maewing)! Day 8557, 22:04:40: seppe froze meazing - Lvl 29 (Maewing) Day 8558, 01:28:07: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 8558, 01:43:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 8558, 02:24:18: Human froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 8558, 03:55:25: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 75 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 8558, 08:11:03: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 8558, 21:28:24: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 76 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 8559, 02:13:55: seppe demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8559, 06:04:00: seppe claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8559, 09:37:45: Human claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 58 (Megatherium)'! Day 8559, 09:48:01: Human froze Megatherium - Lvl 58 (Megatherium) Day 8559, 09:54:03: Human claimed 'finally - Lvl 167 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 8559, 09:58:03: Human froze Megatherium - Lvl 58 (Megatherium) Day 8559, 10:04:30: Human froze finally - Lvl 167 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 8559, 10:24:02: seppe claimed 'stam, melee - Lvl 232 (Desmodus)'! Day 8559, 11:07:41: seppe froze stam, melee - Lvl 232 (Desmodus) Day 8560, 01:54:05: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 8570, 16:54:34: seppe froze Megatherium - Lvl 62 (Megatherium) Day 8570, 16:59:09: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 8570, 17:06:40: seppe froze deino - Lvl 38 (Deinonychus) Day 8570, 17:11:08: seppe froze deino 2.0 - Lvl 27 (Deinonychus) Day 8570, 17:21:00: seppe froze drake flyer - Lvl 184 (Poison Wyvern) Day 8570, 17:24:55: seppe froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8570, 17:44:52: seppe froze meazing - Lvl 40 (Maewing) Day 8571, 15:28:26: seppe froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8572, 07:11:01: seppe demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8572, 12:38:00: Human demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 8572, 12:46:31: seppe froze Rex 11 - Lvl 345 (Rex) Day 8572, 13:40:21: Human demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) '! Day 8572, 13:42:23: Human demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 8572, 14:22:59: seppe demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 8572, 14:45:05: Human demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 8576, 11:31:59: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 93 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 8576, 15:37:29: seppe froze saber - Lvl 32 (Sabertooth) Day 8576, 17:12:32: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8576, 17:22:46: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8577, 07:02:26: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8577, 07:06:10: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 93 was killed by Human - Lvl 93 (BALLERS)! Day 8577, 07:06:10: Your Tribe killed seppe - Lvl 93 (BALLERS)! Day 8577, 22:00:13: seppe was removed from the Tribe by Human! Day 8577, 22:18:13: seppe was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 8583, 15:00:57: Human froze meazing - Lvl 56 (Maewing) Day 8583, 15:14:23: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8677, 17:51:35: meazing - Lvl 56 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 8712, 10:17:12: seppe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 129 (Beelzebufo)! Day 8712, 10:22:12: seppe froze Frogie - Lvl 129 (Beelzebufo) Day 8712, 11:05:24: Human froze Frogie - Lvl 129 (Beelzebufo) Day 8712, 15:20:41: Human Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 187 (Beelzebufo)! Day 8712, 15:24:35: Human froze jef - Lvl 187 (Beelzebufo) Day 8712, 22:11:28: Human froze Frogie - Lvl 135 (Beelzebufo) Day 8712, 23:57:14: Human froze jef - Lvl 191 (Beelzebufo) Day 8713, 00:00:55: Human froze Frogie - Lvl 135 (Beelzebufo) Day 8715, 10:48:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 8716, 06:04:11: Human froze jef - Lvl 212 (Beelzebufo) Day 8716, 16:38:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 8716, 16:50:13: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 8716, 19:08:06: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 8716, 19:44:03: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 8716, 23:38:03: seppe froze Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 8719, 23:33:56: Human froze Rex 9 - Lvl 341 (Rex) Day 8719, 23:46:26: Human froze Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex) Day 8720, 00:14:51: Human froze stam, melee - Lvl 232 (Desmodus) Day 8720, 02:26:54: seppe froze Dumbledore's Dead Bird - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 8720, 03:44:27: Human froze stam, melee - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 8720, 08:06:40: Human froze stam, melee - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 8720, 08:09:13: seppe froze drake flyer - Lvl 242 (Poison Wyvern) Day 8736, 23:04:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 8737, 12:20:44: Human claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8737, 16:05:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur)! Day 8737, 16:10:33: seppe froze Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Parasaur) Day 8737, 16:27:52: seppe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)! Day 8737, 16:31:16: seppe froze Parasaur - Lvl 74 (Parasaur) Day 8737, 21:08:33: Human froze Megatherium - Lvl 62 (Megatherium) Day 8738, 05:25:01: Human claimed 'Tony the Tiger - Lvl 228 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 8738, 05:29:12: Human claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 153 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 8738, 06:29:57: Human froze Tony the Tiger - Lvl 228 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 8738, 07:07:29: Human froze Megatherium - Lvl 62 (Megatherium) Day 8738, 10:45:37: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 8738, 13:19:07: Human froze Vulture - Lvl 217 (Vulture) Day 8738, 18:07:04: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 30 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 8738, 18:09:23: Tribemember Human - Lvl 97 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8935, 20:00:07: finally - Lvl 182 (X-Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 9007, 11:55:07: Dilophosaur - Lvl 164 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 9040, 06:35:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9040, 06:35:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9040, 06:35:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9040, 06:35:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9040, 06:35:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9130, 00:22:27: Pteranodon - Lvl 152 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 9317, 11:40:10: Henne - Lvl 66 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jef - Lvl 216 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9366, 12:04:46: para - Lvl 107 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 9464, 06:15:17: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9464, 06:15:17: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9464, 06:15:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9529, 11:39:42: Henne - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flu - Lvl 276 (Argentavis)'! Day 9529, 12:15:31: Henne - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam, melee - Lvl 259 (Desmodus)'! Day 9529, 12:19:37: Henne - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tony the Tiger - Lvl 229 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 9529, 13:17:22: Henne - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PAPI - Lvl 160 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9739, 15:33:14: Dimorphodon - Lvl 154 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 9840, 15:31:31: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9911, 07:39:46: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10031, 09:44:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 13871, 15:56:16: Mattoneyro - Lvl 56 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13871, 16:50:22: Tribemember seppe - Lvl 96 was killed!"] "tribeid":1080279212,"tribe":"Rogue Hunters logs":["Day 1801, 14:08:14: Lee froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) Day 1802, 00:27:37: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1802, 03:24:06: R.H.G_Rob froze Really big chicken - Lvl 223 (Quetzal) Day 1802, 04:31:35: R.H.G_Rob froze WF 1 - Lvl 320 (Argentavis) Day 1802, 04:38:40: Lee froze Chips Ahoy - Lvl 273 (Argentavis) Day 1802, 04:44:43: R.H.G_Rob froze Gewichtus (Jeje,Luca) - Lvl 420 (Argentavis) Day 1802, 05:34:42: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1802, 06:39:31: Lee froze Farming mantis - Lvl 370 (Mantis) Day 1802, 06:40:17: R.H.G_Rob froze Mantis - Lvl 316 (Mantis) Day 1802, 08:10:25: R.H.G_Rob froze Carry Me Home - Lvl 420 (Argentavis) Day 1802, 09:12:08: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 1802, 09:16:49: R.H.G_Rob froze Pink Lower Black Top - Lvl 183 (Maewing) Day 1802, 11:27:01: R.H.G_Rob froze Pink Lower Black Top - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 1802, 13:44:44: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1802, 15:43:44: R.H.G_Rob froze Pink Top Black Lower - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 1802, 16:02:09: Lee froze Farming mantis - Lvl 371 (Mantis) Day 1802, 16:04:04: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 137 (Maewing)'! Day 1802, 16:06:42: R.H.G_Rob froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 137 (Maewing) Day 1802, 16:10:13: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 178 (Maewing)'! Day 1802, 16:12:56: R.H.G_Rob froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 178 (Maewing) Day 1802, 16:35:39: R.H.G_Rob froze Baby PinkyPie - Lvl 137 (Maewing) Day 1802, 17:03:54: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1802, 23:10:29: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 1803, 02:53:27: Peter froze Sucker - Lvl 330 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1803, 06:38:45: R.H.G_Rob froze Karkinos - Lvl 189 (Karkinos) Day 1803, 07:02:02: R.H.G_Rob froze Karkinos - Lvl 189 (Karkinos) Day 1803, 08:15:45: Your Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 121 (Karkinos) was killed by R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1803, 08:15:45: Your Tribe killed Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 121 (Karkinos)! Day 1803, 08:40:46: Lee froze Organic poly farmer - Lvl 350 (Moschops) Day 1803, 12:17:18: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 351 (Moschops) Day 1803, 13:35:55: Lee froze Organic poly farmer - Lvl 350 (Moschops) Day 1803, 14:20:14: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1803, 14:21:37: R.H.G_Rob froze Bird Go Zoom - Lvl 327 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1803, 15:05:45: Lee froze Organic poly farmer - Lvl 350 (Moschops) Day 1803, 19:01:30: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1803, 19:39:54: Lee froze Silver - Lvl 392 (Shadowmane) Day 1803, 20:45:20: Your Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos) was killed by Lee - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1803, 20:45:20: Your Tribe killed Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos) (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1803, 21:19:45: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1803, 21:43:30: R.H.G_Rob froze Pink Top Black Lower - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 1803, 21:55:11: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 1803, 22:43:45: R.H.G_Rob froze Bird Go Zoom - Lvl 327 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1804, 02:22:13: R.H.G_Rob froze Big Red - Lvl 239 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1804, 09:08:52: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 12:26:03: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Sensor'! Day 1804, 12:27:05: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Ocean Platform'! Day 1804, 12:35:43: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1804, 12:45:00: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Industrial Grill (Locked) '! Day 1804, 13:38:31: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Tree Platform'! Day 1804, 15:02:05: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 1804, 16:31:30: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 324 (Voidwyrm) Day 1804, 17:49:13: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 1804, 20:14:45: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:15:27: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:17:38: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:18:30: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:19:58: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:21:42: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:22:42: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1804, 20:23:35: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1805, 08:17:37: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Door (Locked) '! Day 1805, 08:18:50: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Door (Locked) '! Day 1805, 08:20:09: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Door Frame'! Day 1805, 08:22:47: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Door Frame'! Day 1805, 08:26:14: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 1805, 08:32:14: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Ramp'! Day 1805, 08:49:52: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 1805, 08:50:59: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 1805, 11:56:15: Your Kairuku - Lvl 399 (Kairuku) was killed by R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1805, 11:56:15: Your Tribe killed Kairuku - Lvl 399 (Kairuku)! Day 1805, 13:28:08: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1805, 15:24:00: R.H.G_Rob froze Magmasaur - Lvl 264 (Magmasaur) Day 1805, 18:27:43: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 359 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:31:42: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 368 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:35:07: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 357 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:38:40: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 352 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:42:15: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 360 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:46:03: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 354 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:49:52: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 354 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:53:20: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 360 (Moschops) Day 1805, 18:56:37: R.H.G_Rob froze Moschops - Lvl 357 (Moschops) Day 1805, 19:02:15: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1805, 19:45:10: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Tek Door Frame'! Day 1805, 20:32:36: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1805, 20:34:36: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1805, 20:37:30: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1805, 20:41:19: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1805, 20:42:19: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1805, 20:44:55: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Stairs'! Day 1805, 20:47:05: R.H.G_Rob demolished a 'Metal Stairs'! Day 1806, 00:13:02: R.H.G_Rob froze Karkinos - Lvl 189 (Karkinos) Day 1806, 01:00:30: R.H.G_Rob froze Big Lavinder - Lvl 357 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1806, 19:32:17: Your Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos) was killed by R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1806, 19:32:17: Your Tribe killed Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos)! Day 1807, 05:52:58: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1807, 07:16:43: Your Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 114 (Karkinos) was killed by R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1807, 07:16:43: Your Tribe killed Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 114 (Karkinos) (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1807, 14:53:20: Your Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos) was killed by R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1807, 14:53:20: Your Tribe killed Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos) (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1807, 19:12:02: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1847, 11:07:44: Tribemember R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 was killed by Peter - Lvl 122 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1847, 11:07:44: Your Tribe killed R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1847, 15:53:37: R.H.G_Rob froze Mantis - Lvl 318 (Mantis) Day 1847, 16:56:03: R.H.G_Rob froze Carry Me Home - Lvl 421 (Argentavis) Day 1848, 00:46:49: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 1848, 02:52:00: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1848, 03:47:01: Lee froze Silver - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 1848, 06:45:20: Lee froze Rosi - Lvl 214 (Featherlight) Day 1848, 07:50:43: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 150! Day 1848, 13:01:47: Lee froze Stam owl - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1848, 15:29:48: Lee froze Shinehorn - Lvl 352 (Shinehorn) Day 1848, 22:06:46: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1848, 23:08:50: Tribemember Peter - Lvl 122 was killed by R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1848, 23:08:50: Your Tribe killed Peter - Lvl 122 (Rogue Hunters)! Day 1849, 00:12:50: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1849, 01:19:47: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 1849, 01:53:08: Lee froze Silver - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 1849, 01:53:42: R.H.G_Rob froze Big Red - Lvl 239 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1849, 11:09:54: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 1849, 11:11:05: R.H.G_Rob froze Bird Go Zoom - Lvl 329 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1849, 13:52:52: R.H.G_Rob froze Big Red - Lvl 239 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1849, 14:49:01: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1849, 15:49:07: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1849, 16:22:57: R.H.G_Rob froze i dont eat eggs - Lvl 292 (Basilisk) Day 1849, 17:46:59: R.H.G_Rob froze i dont eat eggs - Lvl 292 (Basilisk) Day 1849, 18:21:20: R.H.G_Rob froze Poly - Lvl 363 (Moschops) Day 1849, 18:37:49: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1849, 22:09:54: Lee froze Voidy - Lvl 326 (Voidwyrm) Day 1850, 02:35:06: R.H.G_Rob froze Magmasaur - Lvl 265 (Magmasaur) Day 1850, 03:14:12: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1850, 04:16:41: R.H.G_Rob froze Managarmr - Lvl 309 (Managarmr) Day 1850, 04:42:36: R.H.G_Rob froze my main man - Lvl 305 (Managarmr) Day 1850, 05:41:40: R.H.G_Rob froze Dicky - Lvl 350 (Managarmr) Day 1850, 06:05:03: R.H.G_Rob froze Matt - Lvl 335 (Managarmr) Day 1850, 06:31:12: R.H.G_Rob froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 289 (Bloodstalker) Day 1850, 07:29:16: R.H.G_Rob froze Dog - Lvl 319 (Shadowmane) Day 1850, 07:44:15: R.H.G_Rob froze Commander Cody - Lvl 283 (Rock Drake) Day 1850, 07:57:55: R.H.G_Rob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 326 (Rock Drake) Day 1850, 08:37:05: R.H.G_Rob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 326 (Rock Drake) Day 1850, 10:45:54: R.H.G_Rob froze Dicky - Lvl 350 (Managarmr) Day 1850, 11:12:05: R.H.G_Rob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 326 (Rock Drake) Day 1850, 11:48:23: R.H.G_Rob froze Doedicurus - Lvl 291 (Doedicurus) Day 1850, 12:19:04: R.H.G_Rob froze Ovis - Lvl 328 (Ovis) Day 1850, 12:45:00: R.H.G_Rob froze Ursine - Lvl 315 (Dire Bear) Day 1850, 13:05:05: R.H.G_Rob froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 326 (Woolly Rhino) Day 1850, 13:24:34: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1850, 13:47:12: R.H.G_Rob froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 326 (Woolly Rhino) Day 1850, 14:00:51: R.H.G_Rob froze Ursine - Lvl 315 (Dire Bear) Day 1850, 14:19:56: R.H.G_Rob froze Doedicurus - Lvl 291 (Doedicurus) Day 1850, 20:29:46: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1850, 22:28:54: R.H.G_Rob froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 1850, 22:48:27: R.H.G_Rob froze Robs Mek - Lvl 176 (Mek) Day 1850, 23:24:00: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 1872, 21:07:41: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 1872, 22:06:16: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 1872, 23:18:52: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 1873, 06:50:10: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 1873, 10:05:00: Peter froze Snail [Clone] - Lvl 37 (Achatina) Day 1873, 10:08:38: Peter froze Snail [Clone] - Lvl 45 (Achatina) Day 1873, 10:14:02: Peter froze Snail - Lvl 48 (Achatina) Day 1873, 10:18:24: Peter froze Snail [Clone] - Lvl 47 (Achatina) Day 1873, 10:32:16: Peter froze Snail [Clone] - Lvl 37 (Achatina) Day 1873, 14:30:21: R.H.G_Rob froze yellow fly boie - Lvl 356 (Sinomacrops) Day 1873, 14:42:26: R.H.G_Rob froze Vilot - Lvl 214 (Featherlight) Day 1873, 16:54:53: Peter froze Carry Me Home - Lvl 421 (Argentavis) Day 1873, 17:22:10: R.H.G_Rob froze Vilot - Lvl 215 (Featherlight) Day 1873, 18:24:43: Peter froze Mantis - Lvl 320 (Mantis) Day 1873, 19:06:51: Peter froze Carry Me Home - Lvl 421 (Argentavis) Day 1873, 19:32:46: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 178 (Maewing)'! Day 1873, 19:36:46: R.H.G_Rob froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 178 (Maewing) Day 1873, 19:39:24: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing)'! Day 1873, 19:42:10: R.H.G_Rob froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 219 (Maewing) Day 1873, 19:52:06: R.H.G_Rob froze Pink Top Black Lower - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 1873, 19:55:22: R.H.G_Rob froze Pink Lower Black Top - Lvl 233 (Maewing) Day 1918, 05:36:57: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 351 (Maewing) Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2087, 14:01:25: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 2087, 17:49:47: R.H.G_Rob froze Hot Musterd - Lvl 308 (R-Reaper King) Day 2087, 20:16:34: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 2087, 20:43:14: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 2087, 23:02:33: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 2087, 23:06:55: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 2088, 00:20:46: R.H.G_Rob froze Hot Musterd - Lvl 308 (R-Reaper King) Day 2088, 01:32:53: R.H.G_Rob froze Hot Musterd - Lvl 308 (R-Reaper King) Day 2088, 12:27:21: R.H.G_Rob Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 2088, 14:59:46: R.H.G_Rob froze Dodo - Lvl 142 (Dodo) Day 2088, 21:59:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Dodo - Lvl 142 (Dodo) Day 2089, 02:27:16: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2175, 19:55:29: Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 2248, 16:23:48: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe of Carbon' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2295, 22:22:16: Lee froze Austin Powers - Lvl 221 (Megalodon) Day 2295, 22:27:56: Lee froze male 1M - Lvl 183 (Megalodon) Day 2295, 22:34:22: Lee froze Best Dino Raiser - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 2295, 22:41:50: Lee froze Karkinos [Clone] - Lvl 112 (Karkinos) Day 2302, 22:52:20: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe 50396' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Tek Remote Camera' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2454, 14:59:44: TeBo0110 - Lvl 93 (Billy Bandits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 177 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Tek Remote Camera' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2778, 23:08:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rogue Hunters Miner <3 - Lvl 172 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3193, 08:32:08: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 3193, 12:06:06: R.H.G_Rob froze Purple Muncher - Lvl 366 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3193, 12:45:32: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 3193, 13:35:44: R.H.G_Rob froze Purple Muncher - Lvl 366 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3193, 13:55:58: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 3193, 16:36:12: R.H.G_Rob froze Bird Go Zoom - Lvl 366 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3193, 20:59:48: R.H.G_Rob froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3193, 22:35:11: R.H.G_Rob froze Purple Muncher - Lvl 366 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3193, 23:55:35: R.H.G_Rob froze Purple Muncher - Lvl 366 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3194, 00:10:56: R.H.G_Rob froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3194, 07:07:37: R.H.G_Rob unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 176 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 3194, 08:31:39: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 4456, 18:04:08: R.H.G_Rob claimed 'Rogue Hunters Miner <3 - Lvl 173 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 4456, 22:08:23: R.H.G_Rob froze Hot Musterd - Lvl 323 (R-Reaper King) Day 5354, 05:23:02: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 354 (Maewing) Day 5995, 16:35:50: R.H.G_Rob froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 5996, 13:52:51: Lee demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 5996, 23:35:22: R.H.G_Rob froze Stam owl - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5997, 00:55:29: R.H.G_Rob uploaded a Tek Stryder: Rogue Hunters Miner <3 - Lvl 174 Day 5998, 00:41:20: R.H.G_Rob froze Phiomia - Lvl 247 (Phiomia) Day 5998, 02:51:30: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 362 (Maewing) Day 5998, 05:28:24: R.H.G_Rob froze Stam owl - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5998, 09:05:50: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 362 (Maewing) Day 5998, 09:43:29: R.H.G_Rob froze Stam owl - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5998, 16:50:04: R.H.G_Rob froze The Milk Truck - Lvl 362 (Maewing) Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6830, 14:23:45: Tess <3 - Lvl 113 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 193 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7087, 21:13:04: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7087, 21:13:04: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7087, 21:13:04: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7087, 21:13:04: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7087, 21:13:04: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7518, 00:46:49: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ED 209 - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 7951, 13:19:14: R.H.G_Rob froze Sanic - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13732, 21:42:49: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1077501164,"tribe":"The Brutal Builders logs":["Day 6860, 19:04:30: Tess <3 froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6860, 19:19:02: Tess <3 claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 6860, 19:19:50: Tess <3 claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 6860, 19:20:37: Tess <3 claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 6860, 19:25:22: Tess <3 claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 6860, 21:41:36: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 6860, 22:14:09: Tess <3 froze F Breeder - Lvl 278 (Managarmr) Day 6860, 23:04:30: Tess <3 froze F Breeder - Lvl 235 (Managarmr) Day 6860, 23:09:00: Tess <3 froze F Breeder - Lvl 241 (Managarmr) Day 6860, 23:10:55: desroy froze jump strid - Lvl 219 (Managarmr) Day 6860, 23:12:53: Your Baby ralf - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed! Day 6860, 23:12:53: Baby ralf - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 6860, 23:14:11: Tess <3 froze [F - Breeder] - Lvl 209 (Managarmr) Day 6861, 00:04:08: Tess <3 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6861, 00:33:24: Tess <3 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6861, 01:18:24: desroy froze Adolescent toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6861, 01:36:57: desroy froze Adolescent toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6861, 01:42:38: desroy froze Adolescent toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6861, 01:50:19: desroy froze Adolescent toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6861, 02:08:19: desroy froze Adolescent toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6861, 05:55:20: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 6861, 07:37:19: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by Tess <3 - Lvl 113 (The Brutal Builders)! Day 6861, 07:37:19: Your Tribe killed desroy - Lvl 112 (The Brutal Builders)! Day 6861, 08:51:56: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 6861, 08:51:56: Your Tribe killed desroy - Lvl 112 (The Brutal Builders)! Day 6861, 09:04:54: Tess <3 froze Tess's Sis - Lvl 327 (Maewing) Day 6861, 10:02:59: Tess <3 froze Tess's Sis - Lvl 327 (Maewing) Day 6861, 10:12:38: desroy froze flem - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 6861, 10:17:54: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 6861, 19:35:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 242 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 6862, 00:00:42: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 6862, 01:56:13: desroy froze toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6862, 02:10:39: desroy froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 242 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 6862, 02:22:59: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 6862, 04:35:41: desroy froze flem - Lvl 158 (Fire Wyvern) Day 6862, 04:41:12: desroy froze toxci - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 6862, 07:42:29: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 6862, 14:26:12: Tribemember Tess <3 - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 6862, 14:33:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 249 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 6862, 21:51:31: desroy froze [Retired Breeder] - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 6862, 22:55:00: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 6863, 01:59:06: desroy Tamed a Procoptodon - Lvl 162 (Procoptodon)! Day 6863, 02:17:42: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 6863, 02:28:23: desroy froze Procoptodon - Lvl 162 (Procoptodon) Day 6863, 04:39:34: desroy froze Procoptodon - Lvl 162 (Procoptodon) Day 6875, 17:44:15: Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 6875, 17:44:17: Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 6875, 17:44:20: Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 6875, 17:44:24: Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 6875, 22:10:21: Riddick claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6875, 22:19:33: Riddick froze [Random Muta] - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane) Day 6875, 22:30:53: Riddick froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 6882, 15:48:03: Riddick froze mammy - Lvl 194 (Mammoth) Day 6882, 15:54:51: Riddick froze Rock Drake - Lvl 295 (Rock Drake) Day 6882, 16:52:33: Riddick froze anklyn skywalker - Lvl 271 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6883, 09:10:09: Riddick froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 6883, 09:50:44: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 265 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6888, 21:24:19: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 6888, 21:51:10: Riddick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 213 (Pteranodon) Day 6888, 23:12:53: Riddick claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon)'! Day 6888, 23:22:01: Riddick froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 171 (Pteranodon) Day 6889, 02:56:37: Riddick froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane) Day 6889, 15:16:56: Riddick froze Glowtail - Lvl 229 (Glowtail) Day 6889, 21:06:07: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 6892, 10:55:28: Riddick froze Rock Drake - Lvl 295 (Rock Drake) Day 6892, 14:58:13: Riddick froze Rock Drake - Lvl 295 (Rock Drake) Day 6893, 03:12:45: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6893, 17:05:55: Riddick froze Rock Drake - Lvl 295 (Rock Drake) Day 6894, 09:59:43: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 6894, 16:17:06: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 16:23:43: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 6894, 16:45:28: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 16:52:54: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 6894, 17:32:09: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 17:37:02: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) Day 6894, 18:34:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 18:36:30: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 19:02:32: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) Day 6894, 19:08:41: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) Day 6894, 19:09:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 19:23:41: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo) Day 6894, 19:53:29: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 20:02:53: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo) Day 6894, 20:31:27: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 21:02:49: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) Day 6894, 21:21:11: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 149 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 21:32:45: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 149 (Dodo) Day 6894, 22:55:47: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo)! Day 6894, 23:05:26: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo) Day 6895, 01:21:01: Riddick Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo)! Day 6895, 01:26:34: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo) Day 6895, 02:05:22: Riddick froze Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo) Day 6895, 02:12:15: Riddick froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 257 (Thylacoleo) Day 6895, 02:58:17: Riddick froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 249 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 6895, 05:10:36: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) Day 6895, 06:48:20: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane) Day 6895, 16:25:11: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 6896, 12:45:55: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 6896, 12:58:11: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 276 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6897, 17:46:02: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 6897, 19:51:27: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 291 (Shadowmane) Day 6898, 06:30:10: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 6898, 07:19:40: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 6898, 08:50:40: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 6898, 14:30:02: Riddick Tamed a Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)! Day 6898, 15:30:30: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 6898, 16:11:12: Riddick froze Shadowmane - Lvl 295 (Shadowmane) Day 6898, 16:44:23: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6899, 01:05:19: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6899, 17:04:34: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 273 (Doedicurus) Day 6899, 17:13:29: Riddick froze anklyn skywalker - Lvl 273 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6899, 18:10:42: Riddick froze mammy - Lvl 194 (Mammoth) Day 6902, 19:39:03: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6903, 03:00:10: Riddick froze Doedicurus - Lvl 274 (Doedicurus) Day 6903, 03:34:47: Riddick froze anklyn skywalker - Lvl 273 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6903, 03:50:56: Riddick froze mammy - Lvl 195 (Mammoth) Day 6908, 15:24:42: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 6908, 18:44:47: Riddick froze alpha mana - Lvl 325 (Managarmr) Day 6908, 20:22:09: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 277 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6909, 04:05:45: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 85! Day 6909, 05:50:01: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 6909, 06:50:14: Your alpha mana - Lvl 325 (Managarmr) was killed! Day 6909, 12:17:50: desroy froze jump strid - Lvl 288 (Managarmr) Day 6909, 12:41:08: Riddick froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 220 (Basilosaurus) Day 6909, 15:01:32: Your Argentavis - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 6909, 15:11:48: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 6910, 03:46:42: desroy downloaded a dino: lionfish - Lvl 271 Day 6910, 03:56:49: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 6914, 11:47:42: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 291 (Shadowmane) Day 6914, 13:36:12: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 6914, 15:42:18: desroy froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6914, 17:48:23: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6914, 18:20:34: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6915, 03:12:10: Riddick froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6915, 05:25:02: desroy froze jump strid - Lvl 290 (Managarmr) Day 6915, 07:29:26: Riddick froze Nina Harker - Lvl 281 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 6915, 10:15:48: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 179 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 6916, 03:02:05: desroy froze jump strid - Lvl 290 (Managarmr) Day 6926, 17:05:08: desroy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 179 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6955, 03:30:24: desroy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 193 (Ankylosaurus) Day 6955, 18:55:43: desroy froze jump strid - Lvl 302 (Managarmr) Day 6956, 07:56:04: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 6970, 04:21:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7020, 05:05:27: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 7020, 06:50:23: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 7020, 07:59:18: desroy claimed 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7020, 08:06:45: desroy claimed 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 133 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7020, 08:12:34: desroy claimed 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7020, 09:42:25: desroy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 7020, 09:58:07: desroy froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 7020, 11:06:52: desroy froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 7020, 11:17:18: desroy froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 7020, 11:34:39: desroy claimed 'M? - Lvl 198 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7020, 12:39:40: desroy froze Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 7020, 14:03:10: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 130! Day 7020, 14:34:51: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 7020, 15:04:21: desroy froze lionfish - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 7020, 16:47:16: desroy froze sadie destroyer! - Lvl 316 (Maewing) Day 7020, 19:13:53: desroy claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing)'! Day 7020, 19:15:47: desroy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7020, 19:21:20: desroy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7020, 19:25:41: desroy froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 7020, 19:26:19: desroy claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 7021, 05:00:18: desroy claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7021, 05:04:05: desroy claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7026, 13:03:44: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7026, 13:03:44: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7026, 13:03:44: Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (R-Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 7026, 13:03:44: Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (R-Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 7026, 15:45:18: desroy claimed 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 7026, 15:51:20: desroy froze Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 7111, 10:45:14: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7170, 15:55:08: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 7182, 03:08:42: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7252, 18:40:51: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7252, 18:40:51: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7252, 18:40:51: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7252, 18:40:51: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7252, 18:40:51: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7402, 08:34:03: Your RAT - Lvl 3 (Jerboa) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 7412, 12:28:55: Your sosig beater - Lvl 20 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 7412, 12:31:23: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 81 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 7412, 12:33:09: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 7518, 00:49:06: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 193 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 7535, 15:03:00: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7535, 15:03:00: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7535, 15:03:00: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7535, 15:03:00: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7535, 15:03:00: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7535, 15:03:00: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7546, 18:08:18: Buce - Lvl 71 (Adverse) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Retired] - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7567, 16:48:24: Your R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 133 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 7590, 10:59:01: Your [F - S, W] - Lvl 279 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 7590, 11:03:07: Your [F - M] - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 7590, 11:29:02: Your [F - M, S] - Lvl 274 (Tek Rex) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7605, 16:26:12: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7615, 04:21:56: Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 7615, 04:22:15: [PM - Breeder] - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 7615, 04:22:19: Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 7615, 23:29:35: Your toxci - Lvl 209 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 7615, 23:31:15: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 7616, 00:29:51: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[Groovy Shadow] - Lvl 281 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 00:32:04: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 165 (Magmasaur)'! Day 7616, 00:33:07: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 225 (Magmasaur)'! Day 7616, 00:34:44: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F - 2nd best HP] - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)'! Day 7616, 00:39:44: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFA - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 00:49:50: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 7616, 00:51:17: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'VIRGIN - Lvl 178 (Desmodus)'! Day 7616, 00:52:58: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7616, 00:54:03: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 215 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7616, 01:32:30: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF - Breeder] - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 7616, 01:34:09: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 7616, 03:48:18: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 7616, 03:54:11: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 64 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 7616, 04:35:10: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tess's charm <3 - Lvl 303 (Managarmr)'! Day 7616, 04:51:39: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jump strid - Lvl 306 (Managarmr)'! Day 7616, 07:37:02: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 7616, 08:25:13: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nine corn - Lvl 243 (Shinehorn)'! Day 7616, 09:46:49: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 229 (Glowtail)'! Day 7616, 11:01:23: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Procoptodon - Lvl 162 (Procoptodon)'! Day 7616, 11:20:55: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flem - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7616, 11:36:38: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 11:53:26: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PM] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 12:03:36: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 12:11:14: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 12:15:26: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7616, 12:31:07: Sery - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Sery) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7703, 14:45:24: wildy - Lvl 135 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 272 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 7703, 14:53:30: wildy - Lvl 135 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 242 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 7703, 16:34:37: wildy - Lvl 135 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[1HP - M] - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7703, 16:35:18: wildy - Lvl 135 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7703, 16:36:09: wildy - Lvl 135 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[1HP 1FD] - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7703, 18:38:29: Tribemember desroy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 85! Day 7703, 18:53:02: Tribemember Sadie <3 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 130! Day 7710, 15:15:55: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M? - Lvl 198 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 7735, 05:13:45: Nesquik01 - Lvl 121 (L9wada) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carbonemys - Lvl 232 (Carbonemys)'! Day 7841, 08:22:56: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7912, 00:32:35: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7951, 12:51:08: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 7959, 17:54:39: Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 8006, 12:25:56: Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 8006, 12:29:02: Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 8006, 17:11:58: Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 8086, 09:17:43: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 93 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 8121, 09:14:00: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8121, 09:14:00: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8156, 01:10:05: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 8156, 01:11:15: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 114 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 8169, 11:21:01: Your Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 50! Day 8169, 11:21:07: Your Dodo - Lvl 149 (Dodo) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 8169, 11:22:11: Your Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 50! Day 8169, 11:22:14: Your Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 8169, 11:22:44: Your Dodo - Lvl 209 (Dodo) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Loadout Mannequin Hotbar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Loadout Mannequin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Loadout Mannequin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9770, 19:44:52: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 9771, 01:09:32: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 9771, 01:26:36: Riddick claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9771, 04:49:09: Riddick claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9771, 04:52:27: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 9771, 07:10:32: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 9934, 20:21:28: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10741, 13:09:51: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 10777, 03:37:07: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 10777, 04:06:57: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 10889, 21:20:11: Pure aryan - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11616, 01:26:52: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 12476, 02:21:38: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 12476, 02:54:07: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 12476, 03:39:56: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 12476, 06:36:17: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 12476, 07:08:10: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 12476, 07:30:34: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 145! Day 12476, 08:50:12: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 12476, 09:01:40: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 130! Day 12780, 15:49:37: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15236, 14:10:37: Tribemember Riddick - Lvl 125 was killed!"] "tribeid":1074836824,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек logs":["Day 18374, 15:41:58: Человек was added to the Tribe! Day 18374, 15:54:23: japanese was added to the Tribe by Человек! Day 18374, 16:28:19: japanese claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18374, 16:57:34: Tribemember japanese - Lvl 2 was killed by Человек - Lvl 4 (Tribe of Человек)! Day 18374, 16:57:34: Your Tribe killed japanese - Lvl 2 (Tribe of Человек)! Day 18374, 17:11:32: Tribemember japanese - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 18374, 18:04:04: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 18375, 06:44:07: Человек demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18375, 06:49:21: Человек demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18375, 20:05:07: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 18375, 20:46:33: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 18375, 21:58:14: Tribemember Человек - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 18673, 16:07:23: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18673, 16:07:23: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18673, 16:07:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1074279339,"tribe":"Tribe of Balman logs":["Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6523, 17:19:04: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6605, 11:19:07: Riddick - Lvl 125 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 6805, 08:20:05: Your 'Vacuum Compartment' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1061554076,"tribe":"Tribe of Droze911 logs":["Day 1136, 03:06:09: Droze911 was added to the Tribe! Day 1136, 03:08:16: crixcee was added to the Tribe by Droze911! Day 1136, 03:43:53: Tribemember Droze911 - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 1136, 04:41:16: Tribemember crixcee - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1057664606,"tribe":"Tribe of Bright Soul logs":["Day 13810, 13:37:39: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 13811, 12:14:22: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 208 (Desmodus) Day 13817, 03:59:16: Human claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 363 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 13817, 04:53:08: Human froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 363 (Brontosaurus) Day 13817, 05:19:40: Human claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 284 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13817, 05:22:58: Human claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13817, 05:28:43: Human froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon) Day 13817, 05:46:03: Human claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13817, 05:49:41: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 13817, 17:19:12: Human froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon) Day 13817, 18:43:24: Human claimed 'ZEYLIK - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13817, 19:19:12: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus) Day 13817, 19:33:01: Human claimed 'BNN - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus)'! Day 13817, 19:46:54: Human froze BNN - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 13818, 00:02:20: Human claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 220 (Desmodus)'! Day 13818, 18:21:24: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13818, 19:40:38: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13818, 22:19:42: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13836, 13:03:08: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13838, 16:57:45: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13838, 18:15:48: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13839, 00:01:03: Human Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 13839, 00:30:26: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13839, 18:47:40: Human Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 13839, 18:57:22: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13839, 23:52:16: Human Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 36 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 13840, 00:00:21: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13840, 00:04:46: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 36 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13840, 13:45:12: Human Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 169 (Gacha)! Day 13840, 14:12:38: Human froze Gacha - Lvl 169 (Gacha) Day 13841, 09:24:57: Human claimed 'Agent Smithy - Lvl 282 (Argentavis)'! Day 13845, 16:17:13: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13845, 17:18:27: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13845, 22:13:37: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13845, 22:37:02: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 13846, 02:03:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 13846, 06:12:02: Human uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 289 Day 13846, 10:09:29: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 13846, 11:20:10: Your Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 300! Day 13846, 11:28:08: Human froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 104 (Diplocaulus) Day 13846, 12:27:26: Human froze Desmodus - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 13846, 12:35:16: Human froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 358 (Tusoteuthis) Day 13846, 13:46:03: Human froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 104 (Diplocaulus) Day 13846, 18:59:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13846, 19:30:52: Human froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 363 (Brontosaurus) Day 13846, 19:37:39: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13846, 19:41:45: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 36 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13846, 20:06:02: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus) Day 13846, 20:10:02: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 212 (Deinonychus) Day 13846, 20:14:09: Human froze Doedicurus - Lvl 228 (Doedicurus) Day 13846, 20:18:32: Human froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 13846, 20:25:40: Human froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon) Day 13846, 20:30:15: Human froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 284 (Dimorphodon) Day 13847, 06:15:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 20! Day 13847, 09:56:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 55 | 0.8x! Day 13847, 11:16:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13847, 15:07:38: Human downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 Day 13847, 18:41:41: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13847, 21:19:43: Human froze Argentavis - Lvl 282 (Argentavis) Day 13847, 21:52:03: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13848, 00:42:30: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13848, 07:13:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13848, 10:58:23: Human froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 259 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 13848, 12:47:22: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13848, 16:39:30: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14137, 12:12:16: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14240, 20:16:02: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14485, 12:34:08: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 259 (Deinonychus) Day 14485, 14:34:43: Human froze Deinonychus - Lvl 259 (Deinonychus) Day 14485, 14:38:15: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 292 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14574, 07:11:50: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 14574, 08:01:00: Human froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 297 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15351, 00:18:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15351, 00:18:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15446, 07:12:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15446, 07:12:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15732, 07:00:53: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1057116487,"tribe":"Tribe of Cosmic logs":["Day 4492, 13:33:01: Cosmic was added to the Tribe! Day 4670, 00:47:32: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4703, 06:40:02: Tribemember Cosmic - Lvl 8 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 8365, 08:59:09: Tribemember Cosmic - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1046917420,"tribe":"KAOS logs":["Day 3808, 07:31:58: Fruj was added to the Tribe! Day 3808, 11:31:49: Human was added to the Tribe by Fruj! Day 3808, 11:52:20: Tribemember Human - Lvl 4 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 12 (KAOS)! Day 3808, 11:52:20: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 4 (KAOS)! Day 3808, 12:37:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 3808, 13:40:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 5 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 3808, 16:09:05: Fruj demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3808, 17:53:42: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 3808, 18:13:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 3808, 19:19:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 3808, 20:17:38: Fruj demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 3915, 08:23:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 3959, 03:10:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4093, 00:30:51: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 4100, 11:49:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7124, 07:43:32: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 19 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 7685, 12:04:27: Tribemember Human - Lvl 9 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 135! Day 7685, 12:52:57: Tribemember Human - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 7685, 14:56:09: Tribemember Human - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 7685, 15:22:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 12 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 7685, 16:17:11: Tribemember Human - Lvl 12 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 7685, 16:54:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 13 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 7710, 19:45:35: Fruj was removed from the Tribe! Day 7710, 19:45:35: Tribe Owner was changed to Human! Day 7711, 05:38:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 7711, 07:54:49: Blackson tribe was merged in by Fruj! Day 7711, 07:54:49: Fruj was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 7711, 13:54:20: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 7711, 13:56:13: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 7711, 14:08:54: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 7711, 14:15:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 7711, 14:27:02: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 7711, 18:24:28: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 7712, 00:14:24: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 7712, 00:29:09: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 7712, 05:59:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 30 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 7712, 06:16:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 7712, 10:46:22: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 32 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 7712, 10:46:22: Tribemember Human - Lvl 30 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 7712, 10:59:50: Tribemember Human - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 7712, 10:59:51: Fruj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 7712, 11:05:35: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 32 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 7712, 11:15:05: Your Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 7712, 11:47:25: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 32 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 7712, 11:52:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 30 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 7748, 14:07:06: Fruj Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 66 (Mesopithecus)! Day 7749, 00:12:44: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 7752, 11:29:59: Fruj was removed from the Tribe! Day 7754, 19:01:42: Tribe of Fruj tribe was merged in by Fruj! Day 7754, 19:01:42: Fruj was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 7754, 22:12:41: Tribemember Human - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 7754, 23:28:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 7755, 00:32:28: Tribemember Human - Lvl 36 was killed! Day 7755, 01:34:01: Fruj claimed 'Purlovia - Lvl 29 (Purlovia)'! Day 7755, 16:38:10: Tribemember Human - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 7755, 18:32:49: Fruj Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 7756, 02:19:43: Fruj demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 7756, 02:23:22: Fruj demolished a 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 7756, 03:18:58: Human Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 7756, 03:28:53: Your asd - Lvl 22 (Parasaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 95! Day 7756, 05:13:21: Human Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 7756, 14:03:13: Fruj Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 7756, 14:15:25: Tribemember Human - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 7756, 20:15:43: Tribemember Human - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 7756, 20:19:47: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 7756, 20:49:47: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 7756, 21:16:44: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 7756, 21:17:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 7757, 07:11:43: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 7757, 08:02:50: Fruj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 7757, 08:05:44: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 7757, 08:31:05: Tribemember Human - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 7757, 08:33:06: Fruj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus)! Day 7757, 09:18:24: Fruj demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 7758, 07:19:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 64 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 7758, 07:23:48: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 77 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 7758, 07:46:00: Tribemember Human - Lvl 64 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 7758, 07:46:27: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 77 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 7758, 11:02:00: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 79 was killed by Human - Lvl 66 (KAOS)! Day 7758, 11:02:00: Your Tribe killed Fruj - Lvl 79 (KAOS)! Day 7758, 11:42:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 7774, 14:05:10: Fruj demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 7776, 13:24:17: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 89 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 7776, 13:29:29: Your Rasputin - Lvl 66 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 7776, 13:31:32: Your Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 7776, 13:33:45: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 89 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 7776, 13:55:12: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 89 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 7776, 15:25:14: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 7776, 16:42:15: Fruj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 7776, 17:40:45: Fruj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 169 (Desmodus)! Day 7776, 22:49:45: Fruj unclaimed 'shitter - Lvl 75 (Desmodus)'! Day 7777, 00:23:27: Fruj claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 156 (Desmodus)'! Day 7777, 00:25:12: Fruj claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 156 (Desmodus)'! Day 7777, 06:50:46: Your Juvenile Melee - Lvl 156 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 7777, 06:50:46: Juvenile Melee - Lvl 156 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 7777, 06:51:05: Your Juvenile melee - Lvl 156 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 7777, 06:51:05: Juvenile melee - Lvl 156 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 7777, 15:59:39: Fruj demolished a 'Stone Railing'! Day 7777, 16:24:10: Fruj demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 7780, 14:08:59: Tribemember Human - Lvl 66 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 7781, 07:10:15: Fruj demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 7781, 07:11:07: Fruj demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 7781, 07:12:18: Fruj demolished a 'Large Wood Signpost'! Day 7781, 07:56:31: Fruj Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 29 (Megatherium)! Day 7781, 08:00:06: Fruj froze Megatherium - Lvl 29 (Megatherium) Day 7782, 01:31:11: Fruj froze stam, melee - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 7782, 07:51:17: Fruj demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 7782, 11:35:46: Fruj froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 7783, 01:00:52: Human Tamed a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (X-Ankylosaurus)! Day 7783, 01:08:17: Human froze finally - Lvl 134 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 7783, 02:10:39: Human froze finally - Lvl 134 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 7783, 10:07:51: Human froze finally - Lvl 134 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 7786, 07:49:48: Human froze finally - Lvl 138 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 7786, 09:50:08: Human froze finally - Lvl 143 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 7805, 06:25:25: Adonis was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 7805, 06:40:14: Adonis was removed from the Tribe! Day 7806, 00:56:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 7806, 00:56:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 7806, 00:56:39: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 7806, 00:56:43: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 7807, 03:38:12: Fruj froze stam, melee - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 7807, 05:36:45: Tribemember Human - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 7807, 05:51:32: Tribemember Human - Lvl 80 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 7807, 06:30:15: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 7807, 07:20:32: Tribemember Human - Lvl 80 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 7807, 07:48:26: Tribemember Human - Lvl 80 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 7850, 00:06:56: Fruj claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus)'! Day 7850, 21:11:36: Fruj froze Adolescent McFeather - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 7850, 21:16:27: Fruj froze Adolescent McFeather - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 7852, 18:26:06: Tribemember Human - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 7853, 04:08:00: Your luca reis - Lvl 224 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 7853, 04:14:36: Tribemember Human - Lvl 82 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 7853, 14:04:38: Human claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7853, 17:45:23: Fruj claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7853, 19:02:56: Fruj froze Baby Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7855, 07:21:17: Human froze Adolescent wigger - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7855, 07:25:02: Human froze Adolescent wigger - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7855, 16:42:29: Human froze Adolescent wigger - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7877, 23:43:08: Fruj froze Juvenile Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7878, 20:41:51: Fruj froze Juvenile Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7879, 02:45:32: Fruj froze Juvenile Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7879, 11:25:50: Fruj froze Adolescent Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7879, 11:29:14: Fruj froze Adolescent Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7879, 11:33:55: Fruj froze Adolescent Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7879, 15:53:42: Fruj froze Adolescent Blackson - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7879, 20:03:56: Tribemember Human - Lvl 83 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 105 (KAOS)! Day 7879, 20:03:56: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 83 (KAOS)! Day 7893, 12:29:00: alex was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 7893, 13:03:09: Tribemember alex - Lvl 3 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 130! Day 7893, 14:23:18: Fruj froze Blackson - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7894, 06:31:15: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 112 was killed by Human - Lvl 87 (KAOS)! Day 7894, 06:31:15: Your Tribe killed Fruj - Lvl 112 (KAOS)! Day 7894, 07:35:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 7894, 08:52:07: Tribemember Human - Lvl 87 was killed! Day 7894, 09:31:58: Tribemember Human - Lvl 87 was killed by Fruj - Lvl 112 (KAOS)! Day 7894, 09:31:58: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 87 (KAOS)! Day 7896, 23:17:33: Tribemember alex - Lvl 29 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 7897, 00:29:40: Tribemember alex - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 7897, 01:21:47: Tribemember alex - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 7897, 01:50:58: Tribemember alex - Lvl 29 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 7897, 03:09:24: Tribemember alex - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 7897, 03:56:26: Tribemember alex - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 7897, 07:04:13: alex claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7897, 09:52:56: Tribemember alex - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 7916, 12:30:43: Juvenile its a pigeon - Lvl 55 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 7942, 18:17:04: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 7968, 19:51:02: Fruj froze Blackson - Lvl 255 (Fire Wyvern) Day 8050, 16:23:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8097, 19:27:47: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8097, 19:27:47: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8121, 09:14:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8121, 09:14:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8192, 01:54:00: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8350, 05:42:05: Alexi - Lvl 115 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 172 (Pteranodon)'! Day 8350, 05:48:08: Alexi - Lvl 115 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sadasd - Lvl 88 (Parasaur)'! Day 8350, 05:52:43: Alexi - Lvl 115 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purlovia - Lvl 125 (Purlovia)'! Day 8404, 03:53:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8555, 11:18:27: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wigger - Lvl 124 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 8555, 11:20:05: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blackson - Lvl 268 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 8555, 11:22:49: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 8555, 11:32:13: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'McFeather - Lvl 243 (Desmodus)'! Day 8559, 09:37:45: Human - Lvl 82 (BALLERS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 58 (Megatherium)'! Day 8559, 09:54:03: Human - Lvl 82 (BALLERS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'finally - Lvl 167 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 8559, 10:24:02: seppe - Lvl 80 (BALLERS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'stam, melee - Lvl 232 (Desmodus)'! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9134, 11:50:37: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9134, 11:50:37: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9188, 15:23:54: Tribemember Human - Lvl 87 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 9286, 14:14:50: Tribemember Fruj - Lvl 112 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 400!"] "tribeid":1040567380,"tribe":"Tribe of leeroid logs":["Day 1086, 07:18:19: leeroid was added to the Tribe! Day 1086, 07:19:22: IT was added to the Tribe by leeroid! Day 1086, 09:31:44: Tribemember IT - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 1086, 09:33:17: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 1086, 09:59:53: Tribemember IT - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 1086, 10:05:14: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 11 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 20! Day 1086, 10:30:27: Tribemember IT - Lvl 9 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 100! Day 1086, 10:35:03: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 11 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 100! Day 1086, 14:57:49: leeroid Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 1086, 16:16:33: Tribemember IT - Lvl 14 was killed by leeroid - Lvl 17 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1086, 16:16:33: Your Tribe killed IT - Lvl 14 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1087, 05:22:46: leeroid Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 1087, 13:15:24: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 31 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 1087, 14:49:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 149 (Triceratops)! Day 1087, 15:16:36: leeroid Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor)! Day 1087, 15:40:20: leeroid Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 1088, 03:51:08: Tribemember IT - Lvl 34 was killed by leeroid - Lvl 40 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1088, 03:51:08: Your Tribe killed IT - Lvl 34 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1088, 04:27:38: Tribemember IT - Lvl 35 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 1088, 05:15:13: Tribemember IT - Lvl 35 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 1088, 16:31:16: Tribemember IT - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 1088, 16:53:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 1089, 00:35:00: Tribemember IT - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 1089, 07:31:53: leeroid Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 1089, 19:29:45: leeroid Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 1090, 10:28:36: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 1090, 14:52:26: IT Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 201 (Phiomia)! Day 1090, 15:59:10: Tribemember IT - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 1090, 16:45:14: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 58 was killed by IT - Lvl 51 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1090, 16:45:14: Your Tribe killed leeroid - Lvl 58 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1090, 23:02:55: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 59 was killed! Day 1091, 00:17:27: leeroid Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 1091, 01:11:26: Tribemember IT - Lvl 52 was killed by leeroid - Lvl 60 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1091, 01:11:26: Your Tribe killed IT - Lvl 52 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1091, 02:01:16: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 100! Day 1091, 04:31:59: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 1091, 07:38:49: IT Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 1091, 08:12:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 44 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 1091, 09:13:38: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 60 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 1091, 14:30:56: Tribemember IT - Lvl 53 was killed by leeroid - Lvl 61 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1091, 14:30:56: Your Tribe killed IT - Lvl 53 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1092, 00:11:57: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 1092, 07:25:23: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 64 was killed by IT - Lvl 54 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1092, 07:25:23: Your Tribe killed leeroid - Lvl 64 (Tribe of leeroid)! Day 1092, 17:21:46: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 65 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 85! Day 1092, 23:32:53: Tribemember IT - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 1093, 00:18:41: Tribemember IT - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:18:26: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 68 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 1093, 06:19:51: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:19:51: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:22:50: Tribemember IT - Lvl 61 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 1093, 06:26:15: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:29:11: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1093, 06:29:11: Your Larry - Lvl 159 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 1093, 06:41:45: Your Phiomia - Lvl 207 (Phiomia) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 1093, 06:49:16: Your Flame - Lvl 150 (Raptor) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 1094, 07:43:17: leeroid Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus)! Day 1095, 06:43:42: Zap added 'Tribe of leeroid' Tribe to Argy taming Alliance! Day 1095, 14:23:20: leeroid Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 1095, 21:19:40: leeroid Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 22 (Phiomia)! Day 1096, 01:28:29: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 1096, 20:03:49: leeroid Tamed a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 111 (X-Ankylosaurus)! Day 1104, 03:18:19: Tribemember IT - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 1104, 18:35:23: IT Tamed a Rex - Lvl 193 (Rex)! Day 1105, 04:51:39: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 1109, 04:40:20: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 1109, 16:36:12: Your Phiomia - Lvl 33 (Phiomia) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 1115, 11:15:25: leeroid Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 21 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 1115, 18:38:43: Your Rainbow - Lvl 175 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 1115, 18:38:43: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 109 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 1115, 18:40:57: Tribemember IT - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 1115, 18:51:50: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 78 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 1116, 04:27:02: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 79 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 50! Day 1116, 08:45:23: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 79 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 145! Day 1116, 09:45:00: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 79 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 1117, 01:49:15: leeroid claimed 'Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)'! Day 1117, 03:16:59: leeroid froze Terry - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 1130, 17:09:56: Tribemember IT - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 1131, 00:17:27: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 82 (Pteranodon)! Day 1138, 12:58:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 86 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 1181, 16:07:33: IT claimed 'Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 1182, 14:37:35: IT Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 175 (Argentavis)! Day 1182, 14:43:00: IT froze travis - Lvl 175 (Argentavis) Day 1235, 17:41:52: Chompy - Lvl 71 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1614, 14:18:56: Your Danko the Anko - Lvl 30 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 1655, 07:21:46: Tribemember leeroid - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 1659, 03:55:34: Your Frederick - Lvl 131 (X-Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 1659, 04:04:04: Tribemember IT - Lvl 68 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 1758, 15:10:46: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter - Lvl 216 (Griffin)'! Day 1758, 15:12:37: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dumbledore's Dead Bird - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 1758, 15:13:28: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexy - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 1758, 15:13:52: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tracy - Lvl 121 (Triceratops)'! Day 1758, 15:14:16: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX - Lvl 181 (Triceratops)'! Day 1758, 15:21:04: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sir Theodore III - Lvl 66 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 1758, 15:21:27: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'John Doe - Lvl 160 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1758, 15:22:08: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex)'! Day 1761, 08:55:56: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1799, 08:33:09: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'travis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis)'! Day 1800, 15:45:35: Ells - Lvl 56 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1842, 21:29:31: Your Green - Lvl 160 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8578, 11:23:54: IT was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1036897131,"tribe":"Tribe of Mint logs":["Day 4676, 13:51:11: Mint was added to the Tribe! Day 4676, 13:52:45: PICKLETICKLER was added to the Tribe by Mint! Day 4677, 02:22:47: Mint froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4723, 12:47:20: Mint froze Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 4775, 01:02:35: Mint Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)! Day 4775, 01:09:19: Mint froze Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) Day 4775, 08:43:13: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 4775, 09:06:02: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 4775, 09:55:42: Mint froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5066, 08:14:12: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5559, 18:26:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1035897238,"tribe":"Sphere logs":["Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16802, 12:46:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17087, 05:15:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17371, 13:08:49: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17371, 13:08:49: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1034585589,"tribe":"The Covenant logs":["Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11664, 16:51:33: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11706, 04:52:42: Brock - Lvl 137 (Black Wolf Company - A Team) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal Harvester 2 - Lvl 146 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12109, 06:28:12: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 12109, 06:37:09: Rubi - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13644, 18:12:35: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BNN - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur)'! Day 13817, 05:19:40: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 284 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13817, 05:22:58: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 13881, 03:51:37: Tribemember Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 13970, 21:31:48: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1031575001,"tribe":"CatKaani logs":["Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Sloped Tek Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18508, 09:23:48: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1027184643,"tribe":"Tribe of tanja oost logs":["Day 9144, 10:30:11: tanja oost was added to the Tribe! Day 9144, 14:17:49: tanja oost claimed 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 314 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 9161, 19:06:55: Tribemember tanja oost - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 9168, 04:56:51: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 314 (R-Velonasaur) was killed!"] "tribeid":1026591491,"tribe":"Tribe of Muffin Mahn logs":["Day 211, 18:22:22: Muffin Mahn was added to the Tribe! Day 212, 16:52:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 212, 22:38:11: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 126 (Pteranodon)! Day 213, 09:24:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 213, 10:58:35: Tribemember Muffin Mahn - Lvl 52 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 213, 12:22:56: Your Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 214, 14:35:22: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 214, 21:06:02: Tribemember Muffin Mahn - Lvl 61 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 215, 01:24:24: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 43 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 215, 01:26:41: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 215, 07:19:44: Tribemember Muffin Mahn - Lvl 63 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 215, 08:13:54: Your Obama - Lvl 217 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 145! Day 304, 16:17:58: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 157 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 356, 13:11:21: Your Argentavis - Lvl 99 (Argentavis) was killed! Day 390, 11:06:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 475, 23:12:49: Tribemember Muffin Mahn - Lvl 63 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1026526361,"tribe":"Stronghold logs":["Day 1433, 17:11:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 1433, 17:15:35: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 1433, 17:29:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 1433, 18:43:33: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 120 (Gacha)! Day 1433, 18:52:19: wild wendy windbreaker froze Gacha - Lvl 120 (Gacha) Day 1434, 00:03:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Tango - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 1532, 01:33:46: Your R-Allosaurus - Lvl 26 (R-Allosaurus ) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 1635, 07:16:26: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 373 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1636, 09:27:07: selone froze REPETER - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 1636, 10:04:16: selone froze do not use Sliver Rider - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1929, 21:09:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 1987, 20:22:04: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1987, 22:59:33: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 00:42:37: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 05:05:35: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus)! Day 1988, 05:06:26: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 1988, 05:38:43: Your Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 1988, 06:01:41: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 75 (Desmodus)! Day 1988, 06:15:02: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 75 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 06:29:55: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus)! Day 1988, 06:46:13: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 08:16:49: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 08:55:12: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1988, 10:59:25: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 11:31:22: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 1988, 11:35:14: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 1988, 11:41:57: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1988, 11:59:57: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 12:06:41: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 75 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 14:42:03: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 14:56:08: selone froze REPETER - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 1988, 15:01:47: selone froze batty s2 - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1988, 21:33:42: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 378 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1989, 02:40:48: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1989, 04:06:14: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 57 (Desmodus)! Day 1989, 04:20:05: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 57 (Desmodus) Day 1989, 05:29:51: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1989, 05:51:42: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 1989, 05:55:41: Your Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 1989, 06:30:06: selone Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 1989, 07:40:30: selone froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 1989, 08:05:49: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1989, 08:06:48: Tribemember selone - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1989, 09:44:59: selone froze REPETER - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 1989, 09:49:09: selone froze 0id wise owl - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1990, 23:55:00: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2073, 22:24:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2104, 00:44:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 44 (Tek Rex)! Day 2104, 03:41:30: selone froze Adolescent OLD MAN'S BATTY 2 - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 2104, 05:06:34: selone froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 394 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2104, 05:13:50: selone froze OLD MAN'S FJORDHAWK - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 2104, 05:23:07: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Rex - Lvl 117 (Rex)! Day 2104, 05:59:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze Tek Rex - Lvl 44 (Tek Rex) Day 2104, 06:04:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze Rex - Lvl 117 (Rex) Day 2104, 07:33:21: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex)! Day 2104, 07:39:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze Rex - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 2104, 12:40:46: selone froze Adolescent OLD MAN'S BATTY 2 - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 2105, 04:03:41: selone claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 2105, 04:52:38: selone claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 2105, 05:02:03: selone froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus) Day 2105, 05:11:46: selone claimed 'MEAT TRANSPORTER - Lvl 210 (Raptor)'! Day 2105, 05:17:07: selone froze MEAT TRANSPORTER - Lvl 210 (Raptor) Day 2105, 05:19:38: selone claimed 'Talon - Lvl 273 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 2105, 05:30:49: selone froze Talon - Lvl 273 (Tek Raptor) Day 2105, 05:48:49: selone froze Talon - Lvl 273 (Tek Raptor) Day 2105, 05:52:22: selone froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 2105, 08:39:09: selone froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 2105, 09:39:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 2105, 10:11:05: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 2105, 12:35:55: selone froze OLD MAN'S FJORDHAWK - Lvl 197 (Fjordhawk) Day 2266, 12:36:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2266, 14:09:53: Your [gobo + ely] Mooby-Dick - Lvl 190 (Basilosaurus) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 2266, 17:05:45: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 2266, 18:17:51: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 145! Day 2266, 20:01:28: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 2266, 23:03:03: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2266, 23:55:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 2267, 14:34:20: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Megachelon - Lvl 30 (Megachelon)! Day 2267, 14:40:22: wild wendy windbreaker froze Megachelon - Lvl 30 (Megachelon) Day 2267, 16:52:00: wild wendy windbreaker froze Fishylips - Lvl 340 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 2267, 17:52:13: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 135! Day 2267, 18:51:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 227 (Desmodus) Day 2267, 18:56:30: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 279 (Fjordhawk) Day 2267, 19:06:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2456, 00:58:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 2456, 02:15:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 2456, 09:24:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2456, 19:10:27: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 2457, 02:51:14: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 2457, 05:26:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2457, 15:33:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze Wendys boss - Lvl 358 (Shadowmane) Day 2458, 00:21:32: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2458, 07:44:19: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2555, 02:52:53: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2857, 11:41:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2857, 11:51:39: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 185! Day 2857, 13:21:25: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2857, 13:31:19: Your xX - BlueTip -Xx - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 225! Day 2857, 18:17:35: wild wendy windbreaker froze Night Glider - Lvl 271 (Rock Drake) Day 2857, 19:54:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 2876, 01:26:04: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2905, 06:58:04: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 3073, 16:58:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 37 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3073, 17:17:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 134 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3073, 17:53:36: Brewskii added 'Stronghold' Tribe to Brew Alliance! Day 3074, 01:48:49: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3118, 08:47:20: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 3118, 08:49:48: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3118, 10:12:54: wild wendy windbreaker froze b 2 - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane) Day 3118, 10:48:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) Day 3118, 11:45:36: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3118, 19:09:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze h40 f42 - Lvl 358 (Daeodon) Day 3118, 20:06:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze wendys boss 2 - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 3118, 20:14:35: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3118, 20:41:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) Day 3118, 20:54:32: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) Day 3118, 21:29:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 3118, 22:00:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 3118, 22:50:42: wild wendy windbreaker froze h40 f42 - Lvl 358 (Daeodon) Day 3119, 02:16:46: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3119, 03:01:12: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)! Day 3119, 03:30:16: wild wendy windbreaker unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)'! Day 3119, 03:46:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 3119, 04:00:42: wild wendy windbreaker froze h40 f42 - Lvl 358 (Daeodon) Day 3119, 04:41:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze NightOwl - Lvl 398 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3207, 16:24:40: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 425 (Shadowmane) Day 3207, 17:43:00: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3208, 11:31:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3305, 08:03:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 402 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3353, 06:21:02: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 3353, 07:04:53: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 135! Day 3353, 07:41:09: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 3353, 11:02:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 402 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3353, 17:54:28: wild wendy windbreaker froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 3354, 21:17:08: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon)! Day 3355, 04:12:42: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3355, 05:51:25: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 217 (Iguanodon)! Day 3355, 05:58:25: wild wendy windbreaker froze Iguanodon - Lvl 217 (Iguanodon) Day 3355, 09:14:51: wild wendy windbreaker froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon) Day 3355, 10:44:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 322 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3425, 20:08:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3445, 12:17:35: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 3445, 13:48:00: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 3445, 15:48:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 261 (Shadowmane) Day 3445, 21:45:48: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 3445, 21:51:43: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3451, 19:11:25: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3451, 20:18:23: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3451, 20:33:31: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3451, 21:20:34: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 3451, 23:45:30: Your Fishylips [Clone] - Lvl 217 (X-Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 3451, 23:51:37: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 3451, 23:52:11: Your Fishylips - Lvl 353 (X-Basilosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 3452, 00:36:15: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 20! Day 3452, 00:50:38: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3452, 04:29:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3453, 09:44:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3453, 10:25:28: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3469, 17:57:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3469, 22:02:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3473, 06:19:05: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3473, 06:23:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3473, 12:37:46: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 22 (Anglerfish)! Day 3473, 12:51:19: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 29 (Anglerfish)! Day 3473, 12:51:22: Your Anglerfish - Lvl 22 (Anglerfish) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 3473, 13:14:22: Your Anglerfish - Lvl 29 (Anglerfish) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 3473, 17:20:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3473, 17:59:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3473, 19:44:12: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3473, 22:49:20: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3474, 10:38:31: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 95! Day 3474, 14:29:09: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 152 was killed! Day 3474, 15:57:53: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 3474, 20:00:40: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3474, 23:51:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3475, 01:13:28: wild wendy windbreaker froze Plesiosaur - Lvl 198 (Plesiosaur) Day 3475, 01:27:01: wild wendy windbreaker froze sel2 - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 3475, 01:48:39: Overdrive added 'Stronghold' Tribe to fjordur friends Alliance! Day 3475, 03:20:14: Timmy added 'Stronghold' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 3475, 05:37:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 11 - Lvl 381 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3565, 10:36:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze tek m 1 - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex) Day 3565, 10:49:42: Your Mal 2 - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed by Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3565, 10:49:42: Your Tribe killed Mal 2 - Lvl 222 (Rex)! Day 3565, 11:50:50: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 3565, 12:58:36: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S GIGANOTOSAURUS - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3565, 13:14:47: Your tek m 1 - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex) was killed by Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3565, 13:14:47: Your Tribe killed tek m 1 - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex)! Day 3565, 16:36:13: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 3565, 16:43:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze ww - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3565, 17:24:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S GIGANOTOSAURUS - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3565, 17:49:20: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3565, 17:54:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3565, 18:30:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3565, 19:03:19: wild wendy windbreaker froze ww - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3566, 07:23:03: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3566, 12:35:11: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3566, 14:39:30: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3566, 14:46:51: wild wendy windbreaker froze colour 13 - Lvl 330 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3566, 15:04:49: wild wendy windbreaker froze owl 5 - Lvl 346 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3566, 22:08:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3566, 22:45:42: wild wendy windbreaker froze owl 5 - Lvl 346 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3566, 23:15:00: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3566, 23:24:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3567, 04:36:40: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 235! Day 3567, 04:50:29: Your Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 3567, 04:58:32: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 3567, 05:44:06: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 3567, 08:48:13: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3567, 12:20:50: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 199 (Fjordhawk) was killed! Day 3567, 13:21:59: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3567, 13:58:18: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3567, 18:56:34: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3567, 20:52:48: Your Desmodus - Lvl 101 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 3567, 20:52:48: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3568, 02:07:42: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 3568, 07:13:15: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 3568, 09:14:10: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 3568, 20:13:20: wild wendy windbreaker froze Tabgo II - Lvl 152 (Desmodus) Day 3595, 22:38:18: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3595, 23:16:00: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3618, 12:11:32: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 127 Day 3618, 12:13:40: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 128 Day 3618, 12:26:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3659, 18:58:23: wild wendy windbreaker claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 230 (Desmodus)'! Day 3659, 19:10:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 3659, 19:24:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 400 (Shadowmane) Day 3661, 14:29:24: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 154 was killed! Day 3661, 15:12:42: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 154 was killed! Day 3661, 18:13:27: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 154 was killed! Day 3710, 06:51:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze i refuse to die - Lvl 380 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3750, 07:02:20: Your Fem 31 - Lvl 235 (Rex) was killed by Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3750, 07:02:20: Your Tribe killed Fem 31 - Lvl 235 (Rex)! Day 3750, 09:10:00: Your Fem32 - Lvl 224 (Rex) was killed by Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3750, 09:10:00: Your Tribe killed Fem32 - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 3750, 10:20:43: Your FEm 30 - Lvl 235 (Rex) was killed by Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3750, 10:20:43: Your Tribe killed FEm 30 - Lvl 235 (Rex)! Day 3750, 11:20:57: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 3750, 11:47:12: Your Fem 34 - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed by Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3750, 11:47:12: Your Tribe killed Fem 34 - Lvl 218 (Rex)! Day 3750, 13:45:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 3750, 14:10:09: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 3750, 14:33:21: Your Fem 23 - Lvl 224 (Rex) was killed by Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3750, 14:33:21: Your Tribe killed Fem 23 - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 3750, 14:38:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3750, 15:23:19: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 3750, 17:06:07: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) was killed by Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3750, 17:06:07: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)! Day 3750, 22:02:12: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 3750, 22:11:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3751, 00:45:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3751, 04:36:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sparks - Lvl 318 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3752, 13:23:52: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3752, 13:27:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze i refuse to die - Lvl 380 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3847, 21:57:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze i refuse to die - Lvl 380 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3852, 15:11:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze Battleaxe - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 3852, 15:26:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3852, 22:28:31: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 00:51:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 01:22:36: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 3853, 01:24:34: wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 requested an Alliance with The Old Gits Tribe. Day 3853, 01:28:07: wild wendy windbreaker added 'The Old Gits' Tribe to cave Alliance! Day 3853, 02:05:11: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed! Day 3853, 07:53:30: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 08:54:17: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 3853, 12:09:39: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 13:45:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 17:48:26: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 18:25:03: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 45! Day 3853, 18:48:01: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed! Day 3853, 19:08:29: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 156 was killed! Day 3853, 21:14:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3853, 22:03:11: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3854, 11:48:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 401 (Shadowmane) Day 3854, 12:08:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze Battleaxe - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 3896, 16:21:17: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S GIGANOTOSAURUS - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 3896, 19:52:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sue - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3896, 19:57:16: wild wendy windbreaker froze Rita - Lvl 184 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3896, 20:05:13: wild wendy windbreaker froze Bob - Lvl 215 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3896, 20:11:13: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 402 (Shadowmane) Day 3896, 20:30:12: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a R-Snow Owl: i refuse to die - Lvl 380 Day 3897, 00:06:05: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: i refuse to die - Lvl 351 Day 3897, 17:27:31: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a R-Snow Owl: i refuse to die - Lvl 351 Day 3898, 15:28:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze Beauty - Lvl 307 (Rex) Day 3898, 15:49:33: Your Fem 18 - Lvl 255 (Rex) was killed by Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3898, 15:49:33: Your Tribe killed Fem 18 - Lvl 255 (Rex)! Day 3898, 20:04:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Red Betty - Lvl 142 (Rex) Day 3898, 20:13:48: Your Mal 8 - Lvl 216 (Rex) was killed by Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3898, 20:13:48: Your Tribe killed Mal 8 - Lvl 216 (Rex)! Day 3898, 20:58:14: wild wendy windbreaker froze i refuse to die - Lvl 351 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3898, 21:54:01: Your Mal 9 - Lvl 216 (Rex) was killed by Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3898, 21:54:01: Your Tribe killed Mal 9 - Lvl 216 (Rex)! Day 3898, 23:08:33: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 3899, 01:06:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lost - Lvl 230 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3917, 01:36:39: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 3917, 08:26:33: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 255! Day 3917, 11:13:06: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 3917, 13:50:37: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 155! Day 3917, 14:06:43: Your Desmodus - Lvl 322 (Desmodus) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 200! Day 3917, 14:28:08: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 3917, 14:55:49: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 3917, 16:39:26: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 3917, 20:56:33: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 402 (Shadowmane) Day 3917, 21:42:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 402 (Shadowmane) Day 3918, 00:46:14: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 135! Day 3918, 01:44:30: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 3918, 05:45:56: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 402 (Shadowmane) Day 3918, 06:50:50: wild wendy windbreaker froze Battleaxe - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 3919, 17:30:38: wild wendy windbreaker froze Battleaxe - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 3949, 19:52:50: Timmy added 'Companions of ARK' Tribe to The Click Alliance! Day 4040, 00:43:22: Your Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 4040, 00:44:10: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 4040, 02:08:59: wild wendy windbreaker uploaded a Fjordhawk: Puddy - Lvl 311 Day 4040, 15:41:13: Your Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 4040, 15:41:28: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 4040, 16:33:42: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 4040, 17:07:43: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 4041, 05:41:27: wild wendy windbreaker froze Night Glider - Lvl 271 (Rock Drake) Day 4042, 06:11:57: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 393 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4054, 09:41:58: Your Fem 13 - Lvl 235 (Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 4054, 09:41:58: Your Tribe killed Fem 13 - Lvl 235 (Rex)! Day 4054, 10:51:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 4054, 12:17:48: Your fem 16 - Lvl 224 (Rex) was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 4054, 12:17:48: Your Tribe killed fem 16 - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 4054, 16:03:41: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 4054, 16:04:27: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 4054, 16:35:44: wild wendy windbreaker froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 4054, 17:00:18: wild wendy windbreaker froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 313 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 4054, 17:24:39: wild wendy windbreaker downloaded a dino: Puddy - Lvl 311 Day 4054, 17:29:27: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 4054, 17:37:09: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 393 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4061, 12:16:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 4061, 12:23:08: wild wendy windbreaker froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 4061, 13:32:37: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 4061, 13:45:35: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 4111, 06:11:24: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 393 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4111, 15:40:15: wild wendy windbreaker froze Shadowmane - Lvl 404 (Shadowmane) Day 4127, 17:52:59: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 4127, 21:52:23: wild wendy windbreaker froze xX- Drac -Xx - Lvl 255 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4128, 10:24:44: Tribemember wild wendy windbreaker - Lvl 162 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 145! Day 4128, 12:39:34: wild wendy windbreaker froze OLD MAN'S OWL 2 - Lvl 393 (R-Snow Owl) Day 4128, 15:39:27: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)! Day 4128, 15:49:06: wild wendy windbreaker froze Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 4128, 19:48:06: wild wendy windbreaker Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 4128, 19:55:29: wild wendy windbreaker froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 4128, 20:31:46: wild wendy windbreaker froze Desmodus - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 4128, 20:53:26: wild wendy windbreaker froze Puddy - Lvl 311 (Fjordhawk) Day 4406, 18:57:30: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4461, 07:54:02: wild wendy windbreaker froze Glowtail - Lvl 217 (Glowtail) Day 4461, 14:54:03: wild wendy windbreaker froze Sleepmare - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 4609, 16:47:07: selone froze OLD MAN'S ARGENTAVIS - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 5231, 03:39:13: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5306, 00:06:47: wild wendy windbreaker froze Windtaker - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6547, 07:11:40: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7723, 12:32:19: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7794, 05:28:58: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9534, 20:25:02: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":272189551,"tribe":"Shakexion" "tribeid":98521817,"tribe":"Alexi" "tribeid":229797416,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":492628653,"tribe":"Tribe of Козак" "tribeid":979032379,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":114479302,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":553184938,"tribe":"Tribe of SKiLLz" "tribeid":471498839,"tribe":"Tribe of Leo" "tribeid":845817245,"tribe":"Tribe of haha" "tribeid":644829959,"tribe":"Tribe of FerCo" "tribeid":607434059,"tribe":"Tribe of Boggie" "tribeid":134633918,"tribe":"Tribe of Gimli" "tribeid":746214472,"tribe":"Tribe of my name" "tribeid":506214711,"tribe":"Tribe of Esqueleto" "tribeid":380281951,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":286907727,"tribe":"Tribe of Sniper" "tribeid":360251599,"tribe":"Tribe of BoonArd The Slow" "tribeid":541915212,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":621889520,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":177697656,"tribe":"Tribe of poopie" 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"tribeid":584776505,"tribe":"Tribe of i see you" "tribeid":215124515,"tribe":"Tribe of Fred" "tribeid":154241311,"tribe":"Tribe of Bido" "tribeid":734458153,"tribe":"Tribe of meliii" "tribeid":795811189,"tribe":"Tribe of kim" "tribeid":198590232,"tribe":"Tribe of Stanyal" "tribeid":359454134,"tribe":"Tribe of Jean-Claude" "tribeid":405323335,"tribe":"Tribe of Glitch" "tribeid":831276996,"tribe":"Tribe of D_pro777" "tribeid":846202084,"tribe":"Tribe of Odmolid" "tribeid":761108626,"tribe":"Tribe of will" "tribeid":30764165,"tribe":"Tribe of YutyrannusRuler" "tribeid":824240029,"tribe":"Tribe of nignog" "tribeid":906359082,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":25774333,"tribe":"Tribe of darza" "tribeid":88094674,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":632194836,"tribe":"Tribe of toll" "tribeid":978721810,"tribe":"Tribe of LIMITS" "tribeid":277212789,"tribe":"Tribe of strax69" "tribeid":35859691,"tribe":"Tribe of chicken legs" "tribeid":998632961,"tribe":"Tribe of yoyoyo" "tribeid":274634521,"tribe":"Tribe of Humain" "tribeid":655014774,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":780098326,"tribe":"Tribe of JACHU" "tribeid":46945341,"tribe":"Tribe of Человек" "tribeid":622997275,"tribe":"Tribe of tobi mamado" "tribeid":544491428,"tribe":"Tribe of hopa_100" "tribeid":849048980,"tribe":"Tribe of Humano" "tribeid":55434120,"tribe":"Tribe of Lord Beppe" "tribeid":165223257,"tribe":"Tribe of Dustynkaa" "tribeid":146181297,"tribe":"Tribe of Kent" "tribeid":771416274,"tribe":"Tribe of Lazy" "tribeid":291246533,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":116638910,"tribe":"Tribe of Степан Бандера" "tribeid":369732051,"tribe":"Tribe of Atas" "tribeid":870455840,"tribe":"Tribe of Gelt" "tribeid":702474024,"tribe":"Tribe of Giga Chad" "tribeid":915208197,"tribe":"Tribe of POU" "tribeid":351681609,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":538620245,"tribe":"Tribe of olly" "tribeid":314594457,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":2002559,"tribe":"Tribe of iColt" "tribeid":940069219,"tribe":"Tribe of Human" "tribeid":113203555,"tribe":"Tribe of ziko" "tribeid":691973003,"tribe":"Tribe of destroyer" "tribeid":131658279,"tribe":"Tribe of NiBanNeko" "tribeid":281692989,"tribe":"Tribe of İnsan" "tribeid":902945861,"tribe":"Tribe of Тень" "tribeid":1915500184,"tribe":"Tribe of Tom logs":["Day 8087, 17:27:10: Tom was added to the Tribe! Day 8087, 17:29:07: Big Dave was added to the Tribe by Tom! Day 8088, 01:02:05: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 8088, 10:39:23: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 8088, 11:50:30: Big Dave Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 67 (Raptor)! Day 8088, 12:05:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 82 (Raptor)! Day 8088, 12:27:55: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 35 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 140! Day 8088, 23:42:37: Big Dave Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 74 (Carnotaurus)! Day 8089, 02:56:17: Your Chicken Legs - Lvl 79 (Raptor) was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 03:56:06: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 04:13:02: Tom Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 8089, 04:42:49: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 05:20:25: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 8089, 05:41:08: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 06:13:04: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 06:28:44: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 8089, 08:19:13: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 13:46:40: Big Dave Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 22 (Raptor)! Day 8089, 15:01:47: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8089, 18:35:45: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 8089, 18:52:54: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 29 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 8090, 00:19:38: Big Dave froze Leg Dag - Lvl 81 (Carnotaurus) Day 8090, 00:27:08: Big Dave froze Raptor - Lvl 97 (Raptor) Day 8090, 00:52:30: Big Dave froze Leg Dag - Lvl 81 (Carnotaurus) Day 8102, 12:04:27: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 31 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 20! Day 8102, 16:34:30: Your Sacrifice - Lvl 23 (Raptor) was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 8102, 17:04:36: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 31 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 90! Day 8103, 02:02:14: Big Dave Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 8103, 11:02:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 34 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 8103, 12:42:01: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 34 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 8103, 16:01:52: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 39 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 145! Day 8103, 21:14:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon)! Day 8103, 21:32:12: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 8104, 18:33:32: Big Dave claimed 'Diane - Lvl 304 (Pachy)'! Day 8104, 18:34:24: Big Dave claimed 'Princess Carolyn - Lvl 297 (Pachy)'! Day 8104, 18:34:39: Big Dave claimed 'Todd - Lvl 247 (Pachy)'! Day 8104, 18:35:29: Big Dave claimed 'Phil - Lvl 116 (Phiomia)'! Day 8104, 18:40:18: Big Dave claimed 'DefenceTrike2 - Lvl 248 (Triceratops)'! Day 8104, 18:40:57: Big Dave claimed 'DefenceTrike3 - Lvl 248 (Triceratops)'! Day 8104, 18:41:23: Big Dave claimed 'DefenceTrike4 - Lvl 245 (Triceratops)'! Day 8104, 19:09:51: Big Dave froze Diane - Lvl 304 (Pachy) Day 8104, 19:52:10: Big Dave claimed 'Beryl Turtle - Lvl 288 (Carbonemys)'! Day 8104, 22:47:11: Big Dave Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)! Day 8105, 00:01:59: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 58 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 100! Day 8105, 01:02:21: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 45 | 0.9x! Day 8105, 03:22:18: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 8105, 05:29:13: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 8105, 06:28:57: Your Biggy Cheese - Lvl 217 (Raptor) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 100! Day 8105, 06:34:02: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 130! Day 8105, 09:51:25: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 8105, 09:59:22: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 8106, 13:02:25: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 8106, 17:50:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed! Day 8106, 18:30:38: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 8106, 19:21:57: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 8106, 19:38:31: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 8106, 19:54:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 8106, 20:18:21: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 8106, 22:28:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 8106, 22:49:28: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 8106, 23:15:46: Your Peter - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 8106, 23:20:46: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 8107, 00:49:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8107, 00:49:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8107, 00:49:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8107, 00:49:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8107, 00:50:17: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 62 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 8107, 02:46:09: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 8107, 03:00:12: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 64 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 90! Day 8107, 03:35:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 64 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 8107, 07:59:59: Big Dave Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 8107, 09:49:24: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 8108, 07:44:15: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 65 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 8108, 08:58:22: Your DefenceTrike2 - Lvl 248 (Triceratops) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 8108, 09:20:39: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 65 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 8108, 14:51:24: Big Dave claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8108, 19:55:37: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 65 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 145! Day 8109, 00:22:25: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 8109, 00:55:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 215 (Carnotaurus)! Day 8109, 03:12:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 8109, 16:26:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8109, 16:32:06: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 68 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 85! Day 8109, 17:27:26: Big Dave froze shit - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) Day 8109, 20:54:28: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 8112, 16:48:33: Big Dave froze shit - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon) Day 8112, 20:02:08: Big Dave demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 8113, 04:31:23: Big Dave Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 8114, 00:02:10: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 8114, 06:07:13: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 8114, 06:30:14: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)! Day 8114, 09:59:24: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 8114, 10:29:48: Big Dave claimed 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 8114, 10:54:46: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 100! Day 8114, 14:58:47: Tom Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 8114, 15:19:57: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 8114, 19:28:17: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 8114, 23:13:18: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 70 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 85! Day 8115, 03:51:55: Big Dave froze Andrew Tate - Lvl 254 (Andrewsarchus) Day 8115, 04:20:50: Big Dave froze Andrew Tate - Lvl 254 (Andrewsarchus) Day 8134, 22:37:16: Big Dave froze Raptor - Lvl 97 (Raptor) Day 8135, 05:57:49: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 8135, 06:12:18: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 76 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 55! Day 8135, 12:03:08: Big Dave froze Andrew Tate - Lvl 266 (Andrewsarchus) Day 8136, 08:45:52: Your Phil - Lvl 119 (Phiomia) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 8136, 14:48:26: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 78 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 168! Day 8137, 00:00:40: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 8137, 01:16:58: Tom Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)! Day 8137, 06:45:03: Tom unclaimed 'shit - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon)'! Day 8137, 07:00:26: Tom claimed 'shit - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon)'! Day 8137, 07:04:56: Tom unclaimed 'shit - Lvl 45 (Pteranodon)'! Day 8137, 07:30:56: Big Dave claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 231 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 8137, 07:31:31: Big Dave claimed 'Ike - Lvl 250 (Triceratops)'! Day 8137, 10:16:05: Tom unclaimed 'Gimli - Lvl 29 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 8137, 12:23:28: Tom unclaimed 'Diane - Lvl 304 (Pachy)'! Day 8137, 12:51:00: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 8137, 13:01:51: Your Argentavis - Lvl 92 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 8137, 14:50:30: Tom froze Beryl Turtle - Lvl 289 (Carbonemys) Day 8138, 01:12:31: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 8158, 13:57:12: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 83 was killed! Day 8159, 06:13:33: Big Dave froze Beryl Turtle - Lvl 293 (Carbonemys) Day 8159, 11:26:38: Big Dave Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 8159, 12:02:58: Big Dave froze Beryl Turtle - Lvl 293 (Carbonemys) Day 8159, 12:08:19: Big Dave froze Gimlett - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8159, 16:15:25: Tom Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 216 (Castoroides)! Day 8160, 05:07:31: Big Dave Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 208 (Mammoth)! Day 8160, 05:16:47: Tom froze wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 208 (Mammoth) Day 8160, 09:50:20: Big Dave froze Andrew Tate - Lvl 274 (Andrewsarchus) Day 8160, 12:48:37: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 8160, 13:18:30: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 8160, 13:33:25: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 98 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 8160, 14:30:24: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 82 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130! Day 8160, 15:07:12: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 82 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 8160, 15:34:29: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 8160, 16:06:47: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 8160, 17:16:43: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 82 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 130! Day 8160, 17:45:32: Big Dave Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 190 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 8160, 18:25:20: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 82 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 85! Day 8161, 05:16:05: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 8181, 09:49:02: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 8181, 15:48:27: Tom froze Gimlett - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8181, 16:54:17: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 8181, 23:34:51: Tom froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) Day 8182, 00:19:14: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 8182, 04:46:20: Tom froze Gimlett - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8182, 05:33:56: Tom froze Gimlett - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8182, 09:26:54: Tom froze Gimlett - Lvl 229 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8182, 09:51:59: Tom froze Adolescent Meowy - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) Day 8182, 09:55:42: Tom froze Adolescent Meowy - Lvl 181 (Shadowmane) Day 8182, 10:22:18: Tom froze Gimlett - Lvl 229 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8182, 11:23:21: Tom froze Gimlett - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus) Day 8183, 12:00:40: Your Toms bad at taming me - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 55! Day 8183, 12:01:10: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 91 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 55! Day 8183, 12:23:56: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 91 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 60! Day 8183, 12:30:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8183, 12:31:06: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8183, 12:57:48: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 91 was killed! Day 8183, 14:01:19: Big Dave claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 8183, 14:37:34: Big Dave froze Baby Balbowa - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 8184, 01:18:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Brontosaurus)! Day 8220, 19:21:00: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 8220, 19:21:00: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 91 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 8220, 19:21:00: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 8220, 20:00:05: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8220, 20:10:18: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was destroyed! Day 8220, 20:10:18: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 8220, 20:10:18: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 8220, 20:10:18: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was destroyed! Day 8220, 20:10:54: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 8221, 06:00:57: Big Dave uploaded a Shadowmane: Diego - Lvl 386 Day 8221, 06:36:27: Big Dave downloaded a dino: Diego - Lvl 386 Day 8225, 11:46:20: Big Dave uploaded a Shadowmane: Diego - Lvl 386 Day 8226, 08:46:24: Big Dave uploaded a Andrewsarchus: Andrew Tate - Lvl 276 Day 8226, 08:47:06: Big Dave downloaded a dino: Diego - Lvl 386 Day 8226, 08:47:46: Big Dave downloaded a dino: Andrew Tate - Lvl 276 Day 8226, 21:13:05: Tom Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 8227, 11:12:21: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 8227, 20:11:56: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8227, 23:12:47: Tom demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 8246, 06:20:18: Big Dave demolished a 'Greenhouse Door Frame'! Day 8247, 17:29:27: Big Dave Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing)! Day 8248, 00:11:09: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8248, 00:49:44: Big Dave froze Party - Lvl 220 (Maewing) Day 8250, 02:49:19: Big Dave froze Party - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 8250, 17:03:51: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8251, 02:11:37: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8251, 12:08:03: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 150! Day 8251, 12:46:23: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 150! Day 8251, 13:06:54: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 150! Day 8251, 14:12:24: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 150! Day 8251, 22:36:39: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8251, 23:46:25: Big Dave Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 8252, 07:28:36: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 90! Day 8252, 08:42:36: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 8252, 18:07:24: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8252, 19:32:08: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 145! Day 8252, 22:18:32: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8253, 11:28:44: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8255, 08:05:41: Big Dave froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 227 (Griffin) Day 8255, 08:11:19: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8255, 10:43:17: Big Dave froze Big Ounce - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 8255, 11:37:14: Big Dave froze Peter Griffin - Lvl 227 (Griffin) Day 8255, 12:34:23: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 140! Day 8255, 13:25:58: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 8256, 06:10:17: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8256, 10:22:52: Big Dave Tamed a Megachelon - Lvl 217 (Megachelon)! Day 8256, 10:28:01: Big Dave froze Megachelon - Lvl 217 (Megachelon) Day 8256, 11:28:27: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8256, 12:06:20: Big Dave froze Megachelon - Lvl 217 (Megachelon) Day 8257, 16:06:53: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 1.0x! Day 8257, 18:33:27: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8257, 21:31:05: Big Dave Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)! Day 8258, 00:28:34: Big Dave Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 200 (Maewing)! Day 8266, 03:18:58: Big Dave's 'Peter Griffin - Lvl 227 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8266, 12:17:03: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 100! Day 8266, 13:54:15: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megachelon - Lvl 20! Day 8266, 15:59:37: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megachelon - Lvl 145! Day 8266, 20:07:05: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megachelon - Lvl 50! Day 8266, 20:22:35: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 8266, 20:40:03: Your Big Ounce - Lvl 244 (Maewing) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 8266, 22:34:35: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megachelon - Lvl 145! Day 8266, 23:31:56: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 8267, 01:28:46: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 8267, 02:52:21: Your Da Baby - Lvl 227 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 145! Day 8267, 11:20:05: Big Dave froze Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 8286, 08:45:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8404, 03:53:15: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8427, 16:27:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8427, 16:27:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8427, 16:27:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8427, 16:27:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8474, 19:03:46: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8742, 03:58:43: Fatty - Lvl 179 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8898, 21:16:52: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8909, 11:41:08: Pippin - Lvl 123 (The Hobbits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Princess Carolyn - Lvl 299 (Pachy)'! Day 8926, 07:22:49: Your Todd - Lvl 247 (Pachy) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 145! Day 8939, 12:21:55: Present - Lvl 200 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 8939, 12:33:56: Humany - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Humanity) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 8939, 12:41:05: Humany - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Humanity) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sun tan lotion - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8939, 12:47:24: Humany - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Humanity) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diego - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8939, 12:58:02: Humany - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Humanity) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8939, 14:35:16: Humany - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Humanity) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megachelon - Lvl 231 (Megachelon)'! Day 9134, 11:50:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9181, 14:41:45: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9315, 03:44:49: Henne - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 9452, 05:41:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 223 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 9452, 05:54:48: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 224 (Mammoth)'! Day 9452, 05:55:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chink - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9452, 05:55:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 97 (Raptor)'! Day 9452, 05:56:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beryl Turtle - Lvl 293 (Carbonemys)'! Day 9452, 05:56:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leg Dag - Lvl 115 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 9452, 05:57:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Harvy - Lvl 266 (Triceratops)'! Day 9452, 05:58:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ike - Lvl 250 (Triceratops)'! Day 9452, 05:59:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 231 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 9452, 06:01:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DefenceTrike4 - Lvl 261 (Triceratops)'! Day 9452, 06:03:15: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrew Tate - Lvl 277 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 9452, 07:10:27: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Geezer - Lvl 234 (Castoroides)'! Day 9452, 07:42:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlie - Lvl 257 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 9452, 08:45:07: Tribemember Tom - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 9454, 11:53:56: Tribemember Big Dave - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 10617, 16:44:16: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11206, 11:24:34: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15265, 00:21:38: Blonke - Lvl 20 (Top 300 Gaming) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17978, 10:11:27: Star Man - Lvl 159 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1906735338,"tribe":"Tribe Of The Lost logs":["Day 4748, 12:39:51: Blue was added to the Tribe! Day 4748, 15:02:26: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 4748, 15:52:07: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 9 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 4748, 16:05:59: Blue claimed 'Dilophosaurus - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4749, 11:30:20: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 43 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 25! Day 4749, 11:51:13: Blue claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 4749, 14:08:18: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 47 was killed by an Alpha Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 4750, 12:56:54: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 76 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 4750, 13:45:18: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 76 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 4750, 15:17:21: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 76 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 4786, 13:26:26: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 4948, 13:37:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4977, 11:23:08: Tribemember Blue - Lvl 78 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 45! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6437, 13:48:11: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8129, 19:40:01: Mr.Zack - Lvl 61 (Tribe of Mr.Zack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1904547189,"tribe":"Tribe of Peanut logs":["Day 19850, 08:52:24: Peanut froze Adolescent F1 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19850, 09:02:08: Peanut froze Adolescent M2 HP Alpha - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19850, 14:12:39: Peanut froze Terris - Lvl 358 (Pteranodon) Day 19851, 05:35:27: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19851, 05:40:30: Peanut froze Baby F2 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19851, 07:11:21: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 372 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19851, 07:29:10: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 370 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19851, 08:05:01: Peanut froze F2 Alpha - Lvl 188 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19851, 08:07:58: Peanut froze M1 Alpha - Lvl 194 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19851, 22:43:01: Peanut froze Juvenile F2 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19868, 21:14:44: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19868, 21:24:53: Peanut froze Baby F3 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19869, 02:32:00: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 372 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19870, 15:32:10: Peanut froze Adolescent F3 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19871, 09:29:16: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 372 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19875, 06:38:33: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 373 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19877, 16:04:55: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 391 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19878, 11:03:39: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 391 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19878, 18:07:30: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 391 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19881, 00:11:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19881, 00:11:11: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19881, 00:11:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19881, 08:58:28: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 391 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19940, 14:32:46: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 19941, 03:08:48: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 391 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19941, 12:12:45: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 391 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19941, 19:42:32: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19941, 22:07:05: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19942, 08:07:49: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 373 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19942, 14:38:44: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19942, 14:51:50: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19942, 14:58:07: Peanut froze Baby F1 40Melee - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19942, 15:43:27: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19944, 01:29:05: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 374 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19944, 09:06:45: Peanut Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 19944, 09:16:01: Peanut froze Terry - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 19944, 13:51:29: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 19944, 16:11:30: Peanut froze Therold - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 19944, 17:28:16: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 373 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19944, 17:34:24: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19964, 05:49:06: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 05:56:31: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 06:02:52: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 06:07:55: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 06:43:41: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 06:48:26: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 06:52:50: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 06:57:13: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:01:26: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:12:13: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:22:52: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:27:45: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:33:38: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:40:08: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:49:23: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:54:41: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 07:59:44: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:04:16: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:12:40: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:20:16: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:26:14: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:30:57: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:35:47: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 08:59:04: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19964, 09:09:58: Peanut froze Baby F1 Gamma - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19964, 09:18:03: Peanut froze F2 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19964, 09:24:17: Peanut froze F3 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19964, 09:28:55: Peanut froze F1 40Melee - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19964, 09:41:18: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 19964, 12:36:38: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 19964, 14:52:52: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19965, 03:41:11: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19965, 17:26:23: Peanut froze Travel - Lvl 377 (Pteranodon) Day 19966, 14:50:21: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 373 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19966, 21:50:16: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 19966, 22:01:37: Peanut froze Baby F2 Gamma - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19966, 22:24:48: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 375 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19969, 16:43:56: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 373 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19988, 13:06:36: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20011, 00:39:15: Peanut froze M2 HP Alpha - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20011, 06:22:34: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20011, 06:28:03: Peanut froze Baby M1 Gamma - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20011, 07:14:22: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 376 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20011, 08:40:03: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20011, 08:48:19: Peanut froze Baby F1 37 Weight - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20012, 10:08:06: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20013, 19:48:00: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 376 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20013, 20:03:45: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20013, 20:12:08: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 376 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20013, 20:15:03: Peanut froze Baby Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20013, 20:28:34: Peanut froze F2 Gamma - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20014, 00:05:40: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 376 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20014, 17:45:39: Peanut froze Juvenile Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20015, 03:16:52: Peanut froze Adolescent Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20015, 05:11:26: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20015, 05:56:50: Peanut froze Talon - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 20015, 06:02:00: Peanut froze Streak - Lvl 283 (Shadowmane) Day 20015, 06:25:30: Peanut froze Mertle - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 20015, 13:31:53: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20015, 14:30:08: Peanut froze Gigan - Lvl 344 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20015, 17:31:51: Peanut froze Adolescent Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20015, 17:36:17: Peanut froze Adolescent Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20015, 17:41:02: Peanut froze Adolescent Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20015, 17:45:37: Peanut froze Adolescent Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20016, 02:35:55: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20016, 03:39:38: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20016, 06:15:02: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20016, 07:45:36: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20034, 22:54:07: Peanut froze F1 Gamma - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20034, 22:57:57: Peanut froze F1 40Melee - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20034, 23:13:55: Peanut froze F1 Beta - Lvl 196 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20035, 00:26:55: Peanut claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)'! Day 20035, 01:17:01: Your Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20035, 01:17:01: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20035, 04:34:22: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 376 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20035, 05:33:43: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 20035, 06:27:57: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20035, 09:54:48: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 20035, 10:05:50: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20035, 10:15:59: Peanut froze Baby F1 Tango - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20036, 18:27:17: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 374 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20055, 11:20:56: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20055, 11:27:24: Peanut froze Baby F2 Tango - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20055, 12:51:30: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 375 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20055, 13:27:48: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 377 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20055, 14:02:24: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 20055, 14:58:46: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20055, 18:44:48: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 20057, 07:56:04: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20057, 09:05:39: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20057, 13:09:26: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20062, 12:18:27: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20062, 14:15:31: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20062, 20:19:02: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20062, 22:05:45: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20062, 22:48:50: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20063, 00:24:57: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20063, 08:51:30: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20063, 13:43:24: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 20063, 15:00:19: Peanut froze Denise - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 20063, 15:10:35: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 20063, 16:24:08: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20064, 03:10:58: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20064, 05:33:50: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 20069, 07:33:38: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20069, 10:51:57: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20069, 13:02:20: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20070, 04:12:11: Peanut froze Munch - Lvl 326 (Gacha) Day 20070, 04:27:49: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 298 (Desmodus) Day 20083, 16:10:09: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20106, 07:59:06: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 378 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20130, 05:49:20: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20130, 05:55:11: Peanut froze Baby M1 Tango - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20130, 06:05:12: Peanut froze M1 Gamma - Lvl 203 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20130, 06:15:22: Peanut froze Baby M1 Tango - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20130, 06:47:42: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 378 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20132, 02:13:20: Peanut froze Adolescent M1 Tango - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20132, 08:06:36: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20132, 08:15:13: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 378 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20133, 02:11:43: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20133, 02:23:40: Peanut froze Baby M1 Papa - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20133, 02:46:37: Peanut froze M1 Tango - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20133, 14:32:08: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 20133, 15:16:29: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20133, 15:35:03: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 20134, 09:02:27: Peanut froze Streak - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 20134, 14:28:52: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 379 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20135, 01:49:30: Peanut froze Adolescent M1 Papa - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20135, 10:08:11: Peanut froze F1 37 Weight - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20154, 06:28:42: Peanut froze M1 Papa - Lvl 205 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20154, 11:08:58: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20154, 11:20:40: Peanut froze Baby M1 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20154, 12:22:05: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20155, 09:51:17: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 379 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20156, 10:53:51: Peanut froze Adolescent M1 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20176, 04:49:08: Peanut froze F2 Tango - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20176, 04:56:05: Peanut froze F1 Tango - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20176, 10:52:20: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20176, 10:57:50: Peanut froze Baby F1 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20176, 11:43:22: Peanut froze Dragos - Lvl 380 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20176, 13:17:22: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20176, 23:16:22: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 20177, 04:06:18: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 299 (Desmodus) Day 20178, 02:05:40: Peanut froze Adolescent F1 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20201, 04:34:14: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20201, 05:05:01: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20221, 12:23:43: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20221, 12:29:21: Peanut froze Baby F2 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20221, 13:01:40: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20224, 04:15:37: Peanut froze F Stat Drop - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20224, 06:07:09: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20224, 06:12:42: Peanut froze Baby F3 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20224, 06:31:58: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20226, 06:03:59: Peanut froze Adolescent F3 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20229, 22:13:11: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20230, 02:02:14: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20230, 06:30:06: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20232, 05:28:52: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 395 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20248, 16:45:35: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20248, 16:52:19: Peanut froze Baby F4 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20248, 16:54:51: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20248, 17:01:28: Peanut froze Baby F5 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20248, 17:32:49: Peanut froze M1 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20248, 18:13:56: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20272, 17:17:00: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 397 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20272, 18:40:46: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 397 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20272, 19:21:43: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 397 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20375, 09:01:50: Peanut claimed 'Vlad - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20375, 09:06:47: Peanut froze Vlad - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 20375, 09:34:12: Peanut claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 388 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20375, 09:54:57: Peanut claimed 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 20375, 11:24:03: Peanut froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 388 (Therizinosaur) Day 20375, 11:40:50: Peanut froze Radar - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur) Day 20375, 14:04:10: Peanut froze Radar - Lvl 266 (Tek Parasaur) Day 20375, 14:24:36: Peanut froze Radar - Lvl 266 (Tek Parasaur) Day 20462, 23:13:30: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 310 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20462, 23:19:15: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 132 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20462, 23:28:17: Peanut froze Baby M1 Stat Drop v2 - Lvl 132 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20462, 23:44:15: Peanut froze M Stat Drop - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20463, 09:57:13: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 302 (Desmodus) Day 20463, 10:08:48: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 401 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20463, 11:19:49: Peanut froze Talon - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 20463, 12:40:03: Peanut froze Smithy - Lvl 303 (Argentavis) Day 20464, 02:43:49: Peanut froze Streak - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 20486, 01:41:10: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 01:59:23: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 02:10:29: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 02:21:40: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 02:28:43: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 02:35:55: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 02:44:15: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 02:57:47: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 03:08:25: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 03:20:15: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 03:29:19: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 03:36:31: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 03:43:30: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 03:49:59: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:03:15: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:09:30: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:17:44: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:25:30: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:32:42: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:38:43: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:47:48: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 04:55:24: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:01:59: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:08:53: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:15:25: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:22:36: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:28:43: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:33:52: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 05:38:41: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:08:49: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:15:42: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:20:57: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:25:46: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:32:11: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:37:55: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:42:56: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:47:36: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:52:31: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 06:59:30: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 07:05:41: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20486, 16:16:21: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 402 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20533, 16:54:49: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 403 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20553, 10:48:49: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 10:55:04: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:00:06: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:04:58: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:10:19: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:16:41: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:21:55: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 386 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:31:01: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:35:41: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:40:16: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:45:16: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:50:08: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:54:56: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 11:59:56: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:04:36: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:10:16: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:15:23: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:21:00: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:26:12: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:31:14: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:36:04: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:40:51: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 12:47:36: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:09:44: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:28:47: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:33:52: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:39:27: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:44:25: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:49:13: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:54:10: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 13:58:48: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:04:02: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:09:11: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:13:55: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:18:40: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:23:34: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:28:17: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:33:42: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:39:22: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:44:27: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:49:17: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:54:53: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 14:59:55: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 15:04:59: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 15:10:35: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 15:20:01: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 15:25:04: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20553, 15:31:18: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20554, 05:58:15: Peanut froze Tekon - Lvl 387 (Tek Rex) Day 20554, 08:13:24: Peanut froze M1 Stat Drop v2 - Lvl 132 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20554, 09:14:17: Peanut froze Harriet Otter - Lvl 279 (Otter) Day 20554, 11:16:02: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20554, 11:21:21: Peanut froze Baby M1 Prime - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20554, 11:37:28: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 12:57:27: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20604, 13:04:50: Peanut froze Baby F1 Prime - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 13:21:55: Peanut froze F2 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 13:25:06: Peanut froze F1 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 13:30:10: Peanut froze F4 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 13:33:22: Peanut froze F3 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 13:38:41: Peanut froze F5 Echo - Lvl 209 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 13:51:07: Peanut froze Baby F1 Prime - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20604, 14:06:40: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 320 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20606, 15:16:23: Peanut froze Adolescent F1 Prime - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20628, 04:46:53: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 404 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20628, 06:23:34: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 304 (Desmodus) Day 20628, 06:31:02: Peanut claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20628, 06:41:38: Peanut froze Baby Felon - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20628, 07:00:28: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 323 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20628, 09:22:12: Peanut froze M1 Prime - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20629, 16:20:45: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 327 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20630, 16:34:26: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20630, 22:38:42: Peanut froze Tweeks - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20630, 22:46:55: Peanut froze Felon - Lvl 233 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20651, 08:11:49: Peanut froze Felon - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20651, 08:39:14: Peanut claimed 'Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20651, 08:41:26: Peanut claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 231 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20651, 08:44:37: Peanut claimed 'Plasma - Lvl 349 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20651, 08:47:13: Peanut claimed 'Photon - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20651, 08:59:48: Peanut froze Photon - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King) Day 20651, 09:12:23: Peanut froze Plasma - Lvl 349 (R-Reaper King) Day 20651, 09:21:25: Peanut claimed 'Carnage - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20651, 09:25:22: Peanut froze Carnage - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20651, 10:34:15: Peanut claimed 'Nurse Chansey - Lvl 357 (Daeodon)'! Day 20651, 10:39:32: Peanut froze Nurse Chansey - Lvl 357 (Daeodon) Day 20651, 10:43:52: Peanut claimed 'Griff Jr. - Lvl 282 (Griffin)'! Day 20651, 10:46:54: Peanut froze Griff Jr. - Lvl 282 (Griffin) Day 20651, 10:52:45: Peanut claimed 'Griffin Jr. - Lvl 318 (Griffin)'! Day 20651, 10:59:01: Peanut froze Griffin Jr. - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 20651, 11:11:38: Peanut claimed 'Lovelace - Lvl 294 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:15:10: Peanut froze Lovelace - Lvl 294 (Sinomacrops) Day 20651, 11:16:38: Peanut claimed 'Rocket - Lvl 153 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:22:18: Peanut froze Rocket - Lvl 153 (Sinomacrops) Day 20651, 11:28:53: Peanut claimed 'Blood's Sino - Lvl 198 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:33:53: Peanut froze Blood's Sino - Lvl 198 (Sinomacrops) Day 20651, 11:38:33: Peanut claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 216 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:44:00: Peanut froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 216 (Sinomacrops) Day 20651, 12:36:28: Peanut claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 12:39:45: Peanut froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 20651, 13:02:43: Peanut claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:12:28: Peanut froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle) Day 20651, 13:19:58: Peanut claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 243 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:26:41: Peanut froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 243 (Dung Beetle) Day 20651, 13:28:12: Peanut claimed 'Bluzel - Lvl 100 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:29:14: Your Bluzel - Lvl 100 (Dung Beetle) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 13:29:14: Your Tribe killed Bluzel - Lvl 100 (Dung Beetle) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 13:37:26: Peanut claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20651, 13:39:01: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 13:39:01: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 13:43:14: Peanut claimed 'Boog - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:43:53: Your Boog - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Dung Beetle) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 13:43:53: Your Tribe killed Boog - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Dung Beetle) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 13:45:00: Peanut claimed 'Dugles - Lvl 277 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:49:36: Peanut froze Dugles - Lvl 277 (Dung Beetle) Day 20651, 14:16:36: Peanut claimed '*Insert Funny Name* - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20651, 14:18:39: Your *Insert Funny Name* - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 14:18:39: Your Tribe killed *Insert Funny Name* - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 15:13:21: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 231 (Tek Stryder) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 15:13:21: Your Tribe killed Tek Stryder - Lvl 231 (Tek Stryder) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 15:26:55: Your Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder) was killed by Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 15:26:55: Your Tribe killed Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder) (Tribe of Peanut)! Day 20651, 20:34:37: Peanut froze F1 Prime - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20852, 16:47:02: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20864, 11:07:50: Peanut froze Gigan - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20864, 17:47:54: Peanut froze Gigan - Lvl 348 (Giganotosaurus) Day 20865, 04:50:52: Peanut froze Denise - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 21058, 13:49:43: Peanut froze Siren - Lvl 334 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21058, 13:57:00: Peanut froze Gigan - Lvl 358 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21058, 15:24:05: Peanut froze Denise - Lvl 300 (Desmodus) Day 21058, 15:27:19: Peanut froze Smithy - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 21229, 11:49:25: Peanut froze Felon - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 21229, 12:17:46: Peanut froze Desmara - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 21229, 19:00:25: Peanut froze Gigi - Lvl 408 (Giganotosaurus) Day 21229, 20:17:11: Peanut froze Streak - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane)"] "tribeid":1902643094,"tribe":"Tribe of Penny logs":["Day 15355, 16:56:07: Penny was added to the Tribe! Day 15413, 11:05:08: Penny froze Sprite - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 15413, 16:22:57: Penny claimed 'Simone - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 16:29:22: Penny froze Simone - Lvl 329 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15413, 16:32:36: Penny claimed 'John - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 16:35:14: Penny froze John - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15413, 16:42:57: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 16:48:11: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 16:52:12: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 16:56:13: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 16:58:37: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:01:08: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:04:01: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:06:42: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:10:33: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:14:27: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:16:53: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:19:55: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 339 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:20:31: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:27:36: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:29:51: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:32:20: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:35:05: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 17:37:27: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex) Day 15413, 17:44:59: Penny claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 15413, 17:47:36: Penny froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 15413, 17:52:42: Penny claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 17:55:21: Penny froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 266 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15413, 17:59:55: Penny claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 305 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15413, 18:06:18: Penny claimed 'Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 15413, 18:11:32: Penny froze Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 15413, 18:17:19: Penny claimed '.+*+.Fast Rescue.+*+. - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15413, 18:23:30: Penny froze .+*+.Fast Rescue.+*+. - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15413, 18:29:45: Penny claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 298 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15413, 18:40:21: Penny claimed 'Bazzle - Lvl 205 (Desmodus)'! Day 15413, 18:46:24: Penny froze Bazzle - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 15413, 18:55:42: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 298 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15413, 19:12:09: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 19:24:02: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 19:25:48: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 19:31:07: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15413, 20:08:25: Penny claimed 'R-Equus - Lvl 277 (R-Equus)'! Day 15413, 20:14:00: Penny froze R-Equus - Lvl 277 (R-Equus) Day 15413, 20:15:00: Penny claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 390 (Argentavis)'! Day 15413, 20:38:27: Penny froze Argentavis - Lvl 390 (Argentavis) Day 15413, 20:59:43: Penny claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis)'! Day 15413, 23:49:27: Penny froze Argentavis - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 15414, 08:54:55: Penny claimed '*30Ker/815Melee* - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15414, 08:58:39: Penny claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15414, 09:42:09: Penny froze *30Ker/815Melee* - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 15414, 09:49:40: Penny froze Shadowmane - Lvl 237 (Shadowmane) Day 15414, 10:38:10: Penny claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 223 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15415, 00:33:57: Penny demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 15415, 00:49:41: Penny demolished a 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe'! Day 15415, 18:21:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 15415, 18:31:04: Penny froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 15416, 04:15:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 241 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 15416, 05:23:26: Penny froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 241 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 15416, 22:25:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 15416, 22:48:26: Penny froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon) Day 15417, 02:32:46: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 15417, 03:01:42: Penny froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15417, 13:39:10: Penny Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon)! Day 15417, 16:36:21: Your Tribe Tamed a X-Triceratops - Lvl 216 (X-Triceratops)! Day 15417, 16:45:26: Penny froze X-Triceratops - Lvl 216 (X-Triceratops) Day 15417, 18:12:34: Penny froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 15417, 18:58:29: Penny froze R-Equus - Lvl 277 (R-Equus) Day 15417, 19:15:58: Penny froze Bazzle - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 15417, 19:44:41: Penny froze Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 15417, 20:41:55: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:44:08: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:46:03: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:47:37: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:49:16: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:50:42: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:52:16: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:53:58: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:57:20: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 20:59:08: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:01:06: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:07:44: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:09:23: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:10:53: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:12:41: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:14:14: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15417, 21:15:35: Penny demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 15450, 00:41:24: Penny froze Sprite - Lvl 315 (Maewing) Day 15450, 11:49:35: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 268 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 15450, 11:57:15: Penny froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 268 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15455, 09:56:13: Penny claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)'! Day 15455, 10:01:51: Penny froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 15456, 16:27:55: Penny Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 15456, 16:36:38: Penny froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus) Day 15456, 17:11:24: Penny Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 15456, 17:26:55: Penny froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus) Day 15457, 00:55:32: Penny froze Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 15457, 01:59:45: Penny froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus) Day 15457, 04:23:22: Penny claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 57 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 15457, 04:59:11: Penny froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus) Day 15457, 05:13:51: Your Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 57 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny)! Day 15457, 05:13:51: Your Tribe killed Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 57 (Andrewsarchus) (Tribe of Penny)! Day 15478, 21:47:49: Penny claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 226 (Gacha)'! Day 15479, 09:08:05: Penny claimed 'Grifondoro - Lvl 316 (Griffin)'! Day 15479, 10:13:24: Penny froze Grifondoro - Lvl 316 (Griffin) Day 15479, 11:31:50: Penny froze Grifondoro - Lvl 316 (Griffin) Day 15480, 09:02:54: Penny froze Iguanodon - Lvl 79 (Iguanodon) Day 15480, 10:38:02: Penny froze Iguanodon - Lvl 79 (Iguanodon) Day 15480, 17:06:57: Your Tribe Tamed a X-Triceratops - Lvl 223 (X-Triceratops)! Day 15480, 17:31:43: Penny froze X-Triceratops - Lvl 223 (X-Triceratops) Day 15480, 18:23:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 15480, 18:31:09: Penny froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 224 (Thorny Dragon) Day 15481, 03:01:35: Penny froze R-Equus - Lvl 277 (R-Equus) Day 15501, 13:23:40: Penny Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 74 (Phiomia)! Day 15501, 15:42:23: Penny Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle)! Day 15501, 16:33:37: Penny froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 224 (Dung Beetle) Day 15501, 17:14:59: Penny froze Desmodus - Lvl 149 (Desmodus) Day 15501, 20:00:36: Castoroides - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 15501, 23:34:06: Penny froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 268 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15502, 05:29:40: Penny claimed 'babby - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 05:43:08: Penny froze babby - Lvl 228 (Rex) Day 15502, 05:46:43: Penny claimed 'Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 05:50:10: Penny unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 245 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 05:52:11: Penny claimed '+OneRange+ - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:09:44: Penny unclaimed '+OneRange+ - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:10:37: Penny claimed 'Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:16:34: Penny unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 283 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:18:55: Penny claimed 'Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 06:24:52: Penny unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex)'! Day 15502, 07:20:32: Penny froze babby - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15502, 08:54:32: Penny froze babby - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15502, 09:38:14: Penny froze Desmodus - Lvl 149 (Desmodus) Day 15502, 09:52:55: Penny Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides)! Day 15502, 09:59:11: Penny froze Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 15502, 10:38:03: Penny froze Castoroides - Lvl 224 (Castoroides) Day 15502, 11:04:30: Penny froze babby - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15502, 15:51:51: Penny froze babby - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 15502, 17:16:30: Penny froze babby - Lvl 306 (Rex) Day 15504, 13:52:48: Penny froze Sprite - Lvl 327 (Maewing) Day 15505, 20:20:36: Penny froze Gacha - Lvl 226 (Gacha) Day 15506, 02:39:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo)! Day 15506, 02:52:44: Penny froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 217 (Beelzebufo) Day 15506, 07:57:05: Penny Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 209 (Bulbdog)! Day 15506, 10:08:23: Penny froze Bulbdog - Lvl 209 (Bulbdog) Day 15506, 10:25:28: Penny Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 224 (Bulbdog)! Day 15506, 10:28:54: Penny froze Bulbdog - Lvl 224 (Bulbdog) Day 15506, 16:18:00: Penny froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 15506, 17:54:07: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 15506, 18:41:31: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 15506, 19:50:43: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 15506, 19:53:12: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 15506, 21:47:36: Penny froze Simone - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15526, 07:22:16: Penny froze Simone - Lvl 337 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15621, 04:16:41: Penny claimed 'Bingus - Lvl 200 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15621, 04:21:35: Penny unclaimed 'Bingus - Lvl 200 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15621, 04:42:06: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 04:51:00: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 04:53:48: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:07:32: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:09:11: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:18:32: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:20:59: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:30:31: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:41:15: Penny froze Tek Rex - Lvl 381 (Tek Rex) Day 15621, 05:44:49: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:51:38: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:53:25: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 05:59:18: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:00:00: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:07:01: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:08:05: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:12:58: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:23:49: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:30:19: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 384 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:32:52: Penny claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:38:17: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 06:49:14: Penny claimed 'Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15621, 06:54:11: Penny unclaimed 'Bob - Lvl 341 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15621, 07:12:47: Penny unclaimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15621, 08:19:38: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 15756, 02:36:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15803, 17:16:05: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15803, 17:16:05: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16196, 14:14:15: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 305 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16208, 21:20:05: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 12:41:22: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 12:41:22: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 12:41:22: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 12:41:22: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16373, 12:41:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16378, 20:32:02: Derek - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 223 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16397, 09:04:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16409, 21:35:26: Xatori - Lvl 66 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 41 (Pteranodon)'! Day 16778, 16:16:10: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16778, 16:16:10: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16778, 16:16:10: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16778, 16:16:10: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18833, 16:26:36: Phiomia - Lvl 74 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 19957, 18:56:34: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 20008, 02:17:57: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing) Day 20008, 07:48:15: Penny froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 20008, 09:35:29: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 272 (Maewing) Day 20009, 19:11:45: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 20010, 00:27:58: Penny froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 20010, 01:14:27: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 20011, 16:00:15: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 20011, 18:47:02: Penny froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 20011, 19:07:42: Penny froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 20058, 00:18:05: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 20058, 01:12:08: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 20058, 02:01:55: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 20058, 05:45:25: Penny froze National - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20058, 06:17:40: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 20058, 06:20:08: Your Mummy - Lvl 194 (Maewing) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 20058, 09:01:30: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 20058, 11:18:38: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 219 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 20058, 11:31:06: Tribemember Penny - Lvl 119 was killed!"] "tribeid":1899818938,"tribe":"Official Tiktok Clan logs":["Day 3565, 23:04:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3566, 07:25:08: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:25:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:25:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:26:33: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:26:45: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:26:45: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:26:45: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 07:26:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3566, 18:19:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 182 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3566, 18:33:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 3566, 20:44:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus) Day 3567, 02:10:04: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 165 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 130! Day 3567, 07:24:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 229 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3567, 07:31:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Big Chonky - Lvl 235 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3567, 07:43:33: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 204 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3569, 15:01:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3569, 15:15:29: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 90 (Desmodus) Day 3569, 16:03:04: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Bed'! Day 3569, 16:58:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 3569, 17:55:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3569, 17:58:25: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3570, 06:41:44: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 3570, 07:00:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3571, 02:00:46: Your Desmodus - Lvl 90 (Desmodus) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 3571, 16:12:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 221 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3572, 23:30:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 174 (Maewing) Day 3573, 07:35:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3573, 09:25:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane)! Day 3573, 09:30:29: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 174 (Maewing) Day 3592, 14:45:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha)! Day 3592, 14:48:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 3592, 14:59:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 182 (Gacha)! Day 3592, 15:02:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Gacha - Lvl 182 (Gacha) Day 3592, 16:23:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Gacha - Lvl 182 (Gacha) Day 3592, 18:26:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus) Day 3592, 19:44:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 3592, 20:13:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 175 (Maewing) Day 3593, 00:47:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 3593, 00:55:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 127 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3593, 01:19:35: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 218 (Desmodus) Day 3593, 15:53:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 206 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3593, 16:19:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 178 (Maewing) Day 3593, 17:58:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3594, 10:20:05: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 3596, 11:56:48: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3596, 14:49:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex)! Day 3596, 15:00:27: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Tek Rex - Lvl 260 (Tek Rex) Day 3596, 16:39:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3596, 16:50:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3617, 20:58:00: Your Maewing - Lvl 180 (Maewing) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 3618, 08:32:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3618, 08:44:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3618, 18:13:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3618, 18:16:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3618, 19:16:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3618, 19:20:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3618, 20:10:33: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3618, 20:14:16: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 128 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3618, 20:52:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 252 Day 3619, 10:05:53: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3619, 10:54:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 252 Day 3619, 11:01:43: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 3623, 13:53:07: Tribemember StijnOnArk - Lvl 123 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 95! Day 3623, 15:19:46: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3623, 15:20:37: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3623, 15:21:17: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 3623, 15:21:36: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3623, 15:22:24: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3623, 15:22:46: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3623, 15:24:00: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 100! Day 3633, 20:42:26: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3633, 20:53:43: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3634, 01:58:09: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3635, 07:41:46: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 3635, 13:18:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 3635, 18:29:33: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3635, 19:08:01: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3639, 01:30:28: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3639, 01:41:57: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3639, 01:58:43: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3639, 02:04:12: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3642, 01:00:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3642, 01:09:33: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 3642, 02:06:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) Day 3642, 09:25:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 310 (Shadowmane) Day 3642, 10:38:26: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 246 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3642, 11:14:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3642, 11:48:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane) Day 3642, 13:50:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 193 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3642, 14:16:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3642, 15:15:02: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 193 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3642, 15:43:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 3642, 16:28:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3642, 17:11:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Desmodus - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 3642, 17:28:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 193 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3642, 18:06:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3644, 02:15:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 315 (Shadowmane) Day 3644, 02:24:47: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3644, 02:28:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 214 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3644, 08:59:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Greenhouse Wall'! Day 3657, 11:41:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 220 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3657, 13:14:31: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3657, 17:36:35: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3657, 22:31:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3658, 00:13:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 224 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3689, 09:50:25: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3689, 10:03:02: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 252 (Shadowmane) Day 3689, 10:08:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 327 (Shadowmane) Day 3689, 14:07:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3689, 15:25:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 3690, 12:33:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 3692, 01:07:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 377 (Shadowmane) Day 3692, 01:32:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 380 (Shadowmane) Day 3692, 08:33:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3692, 08:36:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3692, 08:40:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 3692, 08:43:07: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 3706, 17:46:43: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3706, 17:48:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3706, 18:12:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 3706, 18:18:15: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 3712, 03:49:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3712, 04:01:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 3712, 04:07:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3712, 04:22:28: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 3712, 05:07:18: Your Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 3712, 06:27:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 3712, 06:31:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 3712, 07:10:00: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 3712, 07:15:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3728, 20:19:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3728, 20:24:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3728, 21:06:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 3728, 21:10:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3729, 00:27:31: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3729, 05:42:25: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:43:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:43:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:45:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:46:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:49:27: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:50:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:51:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:53:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:54:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:55:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:56:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:57:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:58:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 05:59:31: NoggieTheNoglinTT demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 3729, 08:18:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3729, 08:23:58: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) Day 3736, 08:54:08: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 3736, 08:54:08: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 235 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3736, 10:47:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3736, 10:55:15: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 3736, 13:53:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3736, 14:03:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3736, 14:20:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 3757, 16:51:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3757, 16:52:33: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3757, 16:56:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3757, 17:01:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3757, 17:05:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3757, 17:07:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3757, 18:54:15: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3757, 18:59:59: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3757, 19:19:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3757, 19:24:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3757, 22:14:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 224 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3758, 07:44:37: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3758, 07:44:40: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 268 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3762, 12:34:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3762, 12:37:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3762, 12:43:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 12:47:33: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 14:08:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 14:12:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 16:05:05: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 16:07:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 16:37:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 16:40:31: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 17:12:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 17:17:51: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Big Chonky - Lvl 235 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3762, 17:20:41: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 3762, 19:12:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 19:16:29: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 3762, 21:22:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3763, 01:23:16: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 3763, 02:42:39: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus) was killed! Day 3763, 02:42:39: Your Tribe killed Andrewsarchus - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 3763, 02:43:11: Your Big Chonky - Lvl 246 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Sköll - Lvl 1! Day 3763, 04:26:17: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane) Day 3763, 04:30:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 383 (Shadowmane) Day 3763, 04:34:00: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane) Day 3763, 04:40:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3763, 04:50:02: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 3805, 14:36:46: Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3810, 17:05:35: Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 225 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 3851, 22:21:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3851, 22:25:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3851, 22:30:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3851, 22:33:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3851, 22:40:44: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3851, 22:46:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3851, 22:50:28: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3851, 22:56:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3851, 23:23:05: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3855, 04:57:20: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3855, 04:57:20: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 3915, 02:30:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3915, 04:29:11: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3915, 04:37:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3915, 09:37:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 3915, 09:41:48: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3915, 10:28:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 384 (Shadowmane) Day 3915, 11:20:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3915, 22:51:27: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3922, 06:13:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3922, 06:18:39: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 3922, 07:46:09: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane) Day 3922, 08:18:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 3922, 09:15:15: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Shadowmane - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane) Day 3922, 14:37:04: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4229, 17:05:06: Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 4258, 08:06:03: Your Tribe killed Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)! Day 4299, 18:25:17: Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 4342, 13:48:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 385 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4470, 11:21:21: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4506, 05:14:12: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 141 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 4506, 05:18:01: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4506, 05:29:04: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:30:01: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:30:51: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:32:16: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:35:49: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 292 (Tek Rex)'! Day 4506, 05:36:30: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:38:36: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 187 (Gacha)'! Day 4506, 05:39:53: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:47:36: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:49:09: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha)'! Day 4506, 05:51:24: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:53:40: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 06:51:20: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 06:57:25: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus)'! Day 4506, 07:06:56: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 07:09:05: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 07:48:03: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 229 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4506, 07:59:22: MadBom6er - Lvl 79 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4535, 01:17:50: starjamin - Lvl 106 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4642, 09:27:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4702, 01:58:21: starjamin - Lvl 112 (Tribe of starjamin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4981, 15:53:35: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5019, 06:25:09: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5113, 10:36:40: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5383, 22:45:46: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 5503, 19:13:46: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 5503, 23:52:25: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 5504, 07:04:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 221 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 5504, 09:34:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 200 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 5504, 15:17:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 202 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5504, 23:40:59: Juvenile Mobiseb - Lvl 202 (Andrewsarchus) starved to death! Day 5523, 10:05:53: NoggieTheNoglinTT Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 5610, 17:28:49: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5610, 17:31:17: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5610, 17:32:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5610, 19:36:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT uploaded a Andrewsarchus: Yi Long Ma - Lvl 204 Day 5611, 00:24:37: Juvenile Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) starved to death! Day 5611, 00:24:44: Juvenile Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) starved to death! Day 5611, 01:09:16: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Juvenile Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5611, 10:48:36: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5611, 11:53:31: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5611, 12:45:46: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5611, 13:40:54: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5611, 15:05:14: Tribemember NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 5618, 15:32:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Big Chonky - Lvl 265 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5644, 01:15:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5644, 03:40:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 5644, 03:44:45: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 215 (R-Reaper King) Day 5644, 06:25:12: Your Juvenile Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 123 (Official Tiktok Clan)! Day 5644, 06:25:12: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus) (Official Tiktok Clan)! Day 5644, 15:02:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 223 (R-Reaper King) Day 5644, 15:09:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 223 (R-Reaper King) Day 5657, 18:16:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 223 (R-Reaper King) Day 5657, 18:44:42: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 241 (R-Reaper King) Day 5657, 19:15:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 245 (R-Reaper King) Day 5657, 19:29:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 245 (R-Reaper King) Day 5657, 22:25:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 287 (R-Reaper King) Day 5687, 13:17:25: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 300 (R-Reaper King) Day 5691, 12:34:54: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 307 (R-Reaper King) Day 5692, 06:48:11: NoggieTheNoglinTT downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 122 Day 5692, 13:51:06: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 198 (Maewing)! Day 5692, 14:34:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 5692, 14:42:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 310 (R-Reaper King) Day 5692, 14:52:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 198 (Maewing) Day 5710, 12:13:32: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 310 (R-Reaper King) Day 5710, 13:58:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 5710, 16:23:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 312 (R-Reaper King) Day 5711, 18:46:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 5711, 19:01:11: NoggieTheNoglinTT froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 5734, 18:52:26: NoggieTheNoglinTT uploaded a Andrewsarchus: Big Chonky - Lvl 282 Day 5734, 18:53:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 231 Day 5734, 18:54:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 123 Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6405, 23:53:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6899, 12:11:35: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7009, 06:04:37: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glizzy Gladiator - Lvl 243 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 7009, 06:04:59: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 9073, 05:49:38: StijnOnArk was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1890160372,"tribe":"Long legged mac daddys logs":["Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6052, 18:20:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6335, 08:31:11: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6643, 08:08:31: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mammy - Lvl 190 (Mammoth)'! Day 6643, 08:33:00: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 106 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:34:15: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 114 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:36:05: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 93 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:38:15: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sosig beater - Lvl 20 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:39:14: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 140 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:40:24: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:41:26: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:43:26: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 19 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:44:33: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 202 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:46:58: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 36 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 08:55:17: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 133 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:00:43: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 24 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:02:41: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 81 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:24:40: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 22 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:26:44: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 29 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6643, 09:29:31: Riddick - Lvl 125 (Tribe of Riddick) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 19 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6655, 23:16:12: Sadie <3 - Lvl 112 (Love Chasers <3) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ford hork - Lvl 276 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 6655, 23:17:20: Sadie <3 - Lvl 112 (Love Chasers <3) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 226 (Glowtail)'! Day 6655, 23:18:23: Sadie <3 - Lvl 112 (Love Chasers <3) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'nine corn - Lvl 241 (Shinehorn)'! Day 6655, 23:19:07: Sadie <3 - Lvl 112 (Love Chasers <3) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'welly boot - Lvl 200 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 6656, 03:49:23: Tribemember Porkieee - Lvl 122 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1887939981,"tribe":"Tribe of Sabiutza logs":["Day 8279, 02:34:11: Sabiutza was added to the Tribe! Day 8279, 05:25:31: Tribemember Sabiutza - Lvl 52 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 8427, 16:27:55: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8569, 01:37:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9158, 01:38:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1886594208,"tribe":"Mandem logs":["Day 12431, 07:41:50: JaYDM was added to the Tribe! Day 12431, 07:42:50: smallman was added to the Tribe by JaYDM! Day 12432, 06:28:28: smallman Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl)! Day 12432, 06:35:01: smallman froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 12432, 14:05:04: smallman froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 12432, 15:25:27: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 99 was killed! Day 12432, 16:01:12: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 12432, 16:28:26: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 99 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 12432, 16:39:46: smallman claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12432, 16:51:57: JaYDM Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl)! Day 12432, 16:55:26: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 12432, 22:27:11: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 12432, 23:50:09: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 99 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 12433, 10:51:01: JaYDM froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12433, 12:57:17: JaYDM froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12433, 13:03:03: JaYDM froze Two - Lvl 281 (Pteranodon) Day 12437, 09:49:39: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 12437, 20:08:01: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 12437, 20:46:44: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 12437, 22:08:24: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 12438, 00:17:02: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 12438, 00:38:39: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 12438, 03:38:42: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 12438, 04:18:09: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 12438, 04:42:45: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 12438, 06:20:43: JaYDM froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12438, 06:41:34: smallman froze Griffin - Lvl 287 (Griffin) Day 12483, 06:14:18: JaYDM froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 207 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12576, 16:31:20: Your jogo - Lvl 166 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 12576, 16:33:11: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 12576, 16:33:26: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 145! Day 12576, 17:17:55: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 45! Day 12576, 23:00:57: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 12577, 00:54:48: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12577, 02:08:14: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12577, 02:33:43: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 12577, 03:43:16: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 12577, 04:04:58: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 12577, 05:18:56: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 12577, 07:14:09: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 112 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 12577, 12:06:32: smallman froze Speed - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12577, 13:00:37: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 12601, 20:39:26: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 240 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12601, 21:24:51: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12601, 22:57:30: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 240 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12601, 22:57:52: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12601, 23:46:43: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12601, 23:56:26: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12602, 00:03:01: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 240 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12602, 00:05:06: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12602, 00:29:39: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12602, 01:15:24: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12602, 01:51:46: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 240 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12602, 06:05:17: JaYDM froze Snow Owl - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 12602, 06:08:51: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 240 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12988, 13:41:30: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 12988, 15:03:35: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 12988, 15:27:40: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 12988, 17:44:04: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex) Day 12989, 01:52:55: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 12989, 12:31:41: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 12989, 13:17:43: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 12989, 14:07:08: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 12989, 15:53:14: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 12989, 16:16:39: JaYDM froze Maewing - Lvl 261 (Maewing) Day 12989, 16:18:08: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 262 (Maewing) Day 13031, 09:16:07: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 45! Day 13031, 10:12:07: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 25! Day 13033, 06:56:43: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13033, 07:31:09: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 13033, 10:40:02: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13033, 11:31:47: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 135! Day 13033, 11:44:37: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 95! Day 13033, 13:20:29: JaYDM froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13034, 05:19:07: JaYDM froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13034, 08:18:59: JaYDM Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)! Day 13034, 08:23:28: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 13034, 14:20:46: JaYDM claimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 97 (Zomdodo)'! Day 13034, 15:13:50: JaYDM unclaimed 'Zomdodo - Lvl 100 (Zomdodo)'! Day 13034, 23:44:51: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 135! Day 13035, 00:28:11: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 50! Day 13035, 01:24:18: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 50! Day 13035, 01:56:13: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 13035, 02:18:01: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 13035, 03:00:44: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 50! Day 13035, 07:43:06: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13035, 09:27:09: smallman Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (Velonasaur)! Day 13035, 09:30:43: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (Velonasaur) Day 13035, 09:50:47: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13035, 09:57:38: smallman froze Ace - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13050, 08:46:40: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 13050, 09:41:43: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 13050, 09:42:50: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 09:49:04: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 09:54:08: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 13050, 10:16:10: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 11:51:31: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 11:54:09: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 13050, 11:58:20: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 281 (Rex) Day 13050, 13:35:05: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 13:59:45: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 15:04:54: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 15:41:01: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 262 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 15:55:08: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 16:25:08: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 262 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 16:28:37: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 16:46:58: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 262 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 16:47:19: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 249 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 20:15:25: smallman froze Perry - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 13050, 21:43:06: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 22:29:11: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur) Day 13050, 22:29:42: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 13051, 00:28:33: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 13051, 00:33:42: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 250 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 03:14:05: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 267 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 03:20:11: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 293 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 04:41:22: smallman froze Perry - Lvl 271 (Maewing) Day 13051, 05:19:33: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 296 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 06:07:08: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 269 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 08:21:27: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 296 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 10:00:03: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 13051, 10:35:43: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 299 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 10:37:21: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 277 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 11:46:34: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 299 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 14:40:27: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 299 (Velonasaur) Day 13051, 20:23:56: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 302 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 00:09:26: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 287 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 00:12:17: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 307 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 01:18:42: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 288 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 01:34:15: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 04:09:57: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 309 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 04:29:40: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 288 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 06:05:26: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 310 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 06:09:47: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 294 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 09:28:11: Piranha - Lvl 145 | 0.9x destroyed your 'Fish Basket'! Day 13052, 22:14:47: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 310 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 22:18:28: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 295 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 22:28:37: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 295 (Velonasaur) Day 13052, 22:33:46: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 288 (Rex) Day 13052, 23:57:16: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 298 (Velonasaur) Day 13053, 00:27:54: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 312 (Velonasaur) Day 13053, 01:40:27: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 13053, 01:56:28: Your Perry - Lvl 272 (Maewing) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 140! Day 13053, 03:36:44: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 13053, 04:41:05: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 13053, 04:47:12: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 313 (Velonasaur) Day 13053, 05:11:31: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 313 (Velonasaur) Day 13053, 05:15:22: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 298 (Velonasaur) Day 13053, 23:58:18: smallman Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 212 (Bulbdog)! Day 13054, 13:48:32: JaYDM Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane)! Day 13054, 14:00:05: JaYDM froze Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 13054, 14:15:44: JaYDM froze Maewing - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 13054, 20:03:17: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 13054, 22:06:54: smallman froze Maewing - Lvl 270 (Maewing) Day 13054, 22:07:34: JaYDM froze Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 13055, 00:28:55: smallman froze Bulbdog - Lvl 219 (Bulbdog) Day 13055, 00:39:57: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13101, 05:40:04: smallman froze ace - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13101, 05:55:08: smallman froze ace - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13101, 06:35:08: smallman froze ace - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13101, 21:54:05: smallman claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13101, 23:18:56: smallman froze ace - Lvl 282 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13102, 00:00:50: smallman unclaimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13102, 02:45:29: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 13102, 05:25:39: JaYDM Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur)! Day 13102, 05:31:29: JaYDM froze Velonasaur - Lvl 224 (Velonasaur) Day 13102, 22:21:50: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13102, 23:17:01: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 113 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 13103, 00:02:58: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 113 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 135! Day 13103, 00:21:10: Tribemember JaYDM - Lvl 113 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 13103, 03:46:29: smallman froze ace - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13103, 04:12:20: smallman froze ace - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13103, 04:57:56: JaYDM froze Licht - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13103, 05:34:30: JaYDM froze Licht - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13103, 07:39:11: JaYDM froze Licht - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13103, 13:47:50: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13103, 13:48:32: smallman froze ace - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13103, 14:08:11: smallman froze ace - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13103, 15:18:54: smallman Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 13103, 15:26:51: smallman froze Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn) Day 13103, 18:49:23: JaYDM Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight)! Day 13103, 18:52:33: JaYDM froze Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 13104, 01:39:23: smallman Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 217 (Featherlight)! Day 13104, 01:54:50: smallman froze Featherlight - Lvl 217 (Featherlight) Day 13104, 03:22:21: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 13104, 03:40:10: smallman froze ace - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13104, 03:45:14: JaYDM froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 267 (Shadowmane) Day 13104, 20:04:26: smallman Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (Velonasaur)! Day 13104, 20:11:17: smallman froze Velonasaur - Lvl 202 (Velonasaur) Day 13105, 03:48:12: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed by an Alpha Basilisk - Lvl 55! Day 13105, 12:42:44: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13105, 12:57:48: JaYDM froze Choso - Lvl 236 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13105, 13:05:52: smallman froze ace - Lvl 296 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13106, 20:42:29: Tribemember smallman - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13106, 22:45:49: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 13106, 23:06:04: smallman froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 13107, 02:23:02: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 313 (Rex) Day 13107, 03:41:04: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 315 (Rex) Day 13107, 03:53:05: JaYDM froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 13122, 08:47:14: JaYDM froze KING - Lvl 238 (Ice Wyvern) Day 13126, 12:04:30: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 13126, 13:25:48: smallman froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 13126, 14:56:16: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 328 (Rex) Day 13126, 15:01:23: JaYDM froze Rex - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 13126, 15:37:18: smallman froze Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus) Day 13127, 06:08:01: JaYDM Tamed a Glowtail - Lvl 224 (Glowtail)! Day 13127, 06:26:12: JaYDM froze Glowtail - Lvl 224 (Glowtail) Day 13127, 20:08:27: smallman froze Rex - Lvl 333 (Rex) Day 13127, 20:42:37: JaYDM froze Cid Kagano - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 13423, 11:08:54: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13447, 06:55:10: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13739, 13:32:32: 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 295 (Rex)'! Day 17837, 18:45:58: Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 (DINO-MAFIA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1885917327,"tribe":"Backdoorboys6 logs":["Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12614, 03:08:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12630, 20:06:17: Mr Smith - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 224 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 12899, 16:12:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12899, 16:12:18: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12899, 16:12:18: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12899, 16:12:18: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12944, 06:00:17: Tribemember dave5 - Lvl 145 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 13185, 07:49:07: Your 'Tek Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13304, 08:17:16: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13841, 09:24:57: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Bright Soul) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Agent Smithy - Lvl 282 (Argentavis)'! Day 14375, 11:21:00: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14667, 09:42:15: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14796, 03:42:52: Ward - Lvl 86 (oonga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 192 (Gacha)'! Day 14796, 03:43:48: Ward - Lvl 86 (oonga bunga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha)'! Day 15209, 05:24:54: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1885252986,"tribe":"Tribe of stefanie logs":["Day 13961, 01:42:46: stefanie was added to the Tribe! Day 13961, 01:47:45: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 13961, 02:42:42: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 13961, 03:48:07: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 13961, 06:48:14: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 13961, 06:53:51: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 13961, 06:59:01: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 13961, 07:20:32: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 13961, 08:19:47: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 297 (Griffin) Day 13978, 14:34:41: stefanie demolished a 'Stone Fence Support'! Day 13978, 16:29:34: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 16:37:15: Your Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 13978, 16:49:37: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 16:52:08: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13978, 17:28:12: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 17:49:17: stefanie froze Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus) Day 13978, 17:54:09: stefanie froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 13978, 18:36:20: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 297 (Griffin) Day 13978, 19:24:00: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 19:45:59: Your Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 13978, 19:46:21: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 19:50:40: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 20:13:08: stefanie Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 13978, 21:20:26: stefanie uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 25 Day 13978, 21:33:42: stefanie uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 121 Day 13978, 21:35:08: stefanie uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 25 Day 13978, 21:39:23: stefanie froze in loving mammory - Lvl 297 (Griffin) Day 13979, 10:49:57: Your Desmodus - Lvl 38 (Desmodus) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 130! Day 13979, 11:51:16: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 13979, 13:26:37: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13979, 13:45:16: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 45! Day 14026, 06:38:06: stefanie froze decent hp - Lvl 100 (Desmodus) Day 14027, 19:31:30: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 40! Day 14027, 19:50:18: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 14027, 20:08:32: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 14028, 00:08:23: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 14028, 00:25:47: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 14028, 04:01:28: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 14028, 06:09:07: Tribemember stefanie - Lvl 113 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 85! Day 14049, 05:19:23: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 14052, 01:59:50: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 14115, 19:58:33: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 14138, 05:30:55: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 14152, 23:24:07: Your decent hp - Lvl 101 (Desmodus) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 280! Day 14175, 00:38:18: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 14182, 19:13:46: stefanie froze magma lover - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 14327, 20:01:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14494, 10:24:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15018, 13:26:33: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15018, 13:26:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1884166821,"tribe":"The duo logs":["Day 1188, 10:59:13: Lord Purple was added to the Tribe! Day 1188, 11:53:17: Zap added 'The duo' Tribe to Dragon Fight Alliance! Day 1188, 16:26:30: Lord Purple froze SIMBA - Lvl 321 (Shadowmane)"] "tribeid":1883932145,"tribe":"Tribe of BOB logs":["Day 14594, 22:42:11: BOB was added to the Tribe! Day 14595, 01:21:01: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 14595, 02:31:22: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 7 was killed! Day 14595, 07:55:20: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 8 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 14595, 10:16:55: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 9 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 55! Day 14596, 16:44:38: BOB demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 14597, 06:59:07: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 18 was killed by a Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 14597, 10:53:25: BOB Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 25 (Parasaur)! Day 14597, 13:02:08: BOB Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 14597, 13:22:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 14597, 14:06:18: Your SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - Lvl 25 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 130! Day 14597, 16:33:25: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 21 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 14597, 16:37:23: Your RFRF - Lvl 29 (Parasaur) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 14598, 00:27:04: Your Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 95! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14899, 10:25:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15503, 03:35:57: Tribemember BOB - Lvl 21 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1883334713,"tribe":"family logs":["Day 525, 05:28:26: lilkim was added to the Tribe! Day 525, 05:29:46: Eddie was added to the Tribe by lilkim! Day 525, 10:18:05: Eddie demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 525, 11:28:54: lyra/dino queen was added to the Tribe by lilkim! Day 525, 15:14:07: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 525, 15:18:22: Tribemember Eddie - Lvl 14 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 525, 15:27:56: Tribemember Eddie - Lvl 14 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 150! Day 525, 15:35:20: Tribemember Eddie - Lvl 14 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 150! Day 525, 15:51:43: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:51:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:51:43: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:51:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:52:14: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:52:14: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:52:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:52:29: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 100! Day 525, 15:53:29: Tribemember lilkim - Lvl 16 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 525, 15:53:29: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:54:06: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 525, 15:54:44: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 525, 16:16:37: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 525, 16:22:19: Tribemember lilkim - Lvl 16 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 525, 16:41:23: Tribemember Eddie - Lvl 14 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 130! Day 525, 17:15:55: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 525, 17:46:41: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 525, 19:26:04: lilkim demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 525, 19:27:04: lilkim demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 525, 19:29:20: lilkim demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 525, 19:30:24: lilkim demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 525, 19:32:18: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 525, 20:06:01: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 135! Day 525, 20:48:50: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 11 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 525, 22:42:41: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 525, 23:58:28: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 526, 00:28:16: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 526, 04:59:50: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 60! Day 526, 06:51:04: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 526, 11:53:33: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 150! Day 526, 13:39:36: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20! Day 526, 16:50:26: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 14 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 50! Day 526, 21:29:19: Eddie demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 535, 21:20:50: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 536, 08:46:07: lilkim Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 126 (Parasaur)! Day 536, 11:28:40: Tribemember Eddie - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 536, 12:26:21: Eddie Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 21 (Triceratops)! Day 536, 20:11:29: lilkim Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 536, 22:54:30: lyra/dino queen demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 537, 02:55:05: Eddie demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 538, 02:19:38: lyra/dino queen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 129 (Pteranodon)! Day 538, 07:44:06: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 45 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 90! Day 538, 14:27:41: lyra/dino queen Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 126 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 538, 17:13:34: lilkim Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 539, 06:57:58: Your terry - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 130! Day 539, 06:58:57: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 50 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 539, 16:15:43: Eddie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon)! Day 540, 02:59:55: Your millie - Lvl 145 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 540, 03:04:15: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 55 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 540, 06:37:39: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 55 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 540, 08:34:36: lyra/dino queen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 540, 12:00:01: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 540, 12:50:28: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 79 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 540, 13:41:28: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 55 was killed! Day 540, 20:03:14: lyra/dino queen Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 541, 09:44:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 85 (Tek Raptor)! Day 541, 16:13:55: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 60 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 541, 16:48:07: Your flora - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 541, 18:41:45: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 541, 21:55:14: lyra/dino queen Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo)! Day 541, 21:57:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo)! Day 545, 00:58:22: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:32:03: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:44:58: Your Trixy - Lvl 39 (Triceratops) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 545, 01:46:41: Your steel - Lvl 92 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 545, 01:48:52: Your max - Lvl 149 (Triceratops) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:54:54: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:58:57: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:59:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:59:31: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:59:31: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:59:35: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 545, 01:59:35: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:01:25: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:02:45: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:03:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:03:19: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:03:23: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:05:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:05:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:05:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:07:23: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 545, 02:09:01: Tribemember lilkim - Lvl 65 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 545, 09:06:08: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:10:12: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:11:34: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:12:56: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:14:16: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:16:13: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:17:30: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:18:53: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 09:20:05: lilkim demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 545, 14:19:43: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 545, 14:22:59: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 545, 14:25:50: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 545, 14:52:40: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 14:53:48: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 14:59:08: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:01:32: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 545, 15:02:45: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 545, 15:05:41: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 545, 15:06:45: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 545, 15:08:16: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 545, 15:09:17: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:10:41: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:11:44: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:13:54: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:15:32: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:16:24: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:18:44: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:19:54: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:21:13: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:22:13: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 545, 15:50:01: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 545, 16:27:23: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 545, 17:34:17: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 545, 17:44:04: lilkim demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 545, 17:51:39: Eddie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 545, 22:37:16: Eddie demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 545, 22:42:31: Eddie demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 546, 03:50:11: Eddie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 546, 03:51:35: Eddie demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 546, 16:46:11: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 546, 16:47:28: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 546, 16:49:24: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Left'! Day 546, 16:50:44: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 546, 17:03:52: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 546, 17:04:50: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 546, 17:27:58: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Left'! Day 546, 17:29:03: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 546, 17:30:00: lilkim demolished a 'Sloped Wood Wall Right'! Day 547, 09:52:40: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 547, 09:53:51: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 561, 20:24:38: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 562, 08:21:58: lyra/dino queen Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 141 (Parasaur)! Day 562, 18:51:25: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 567, 16:08:53: Eddie Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 22 (Stegosaurus)! Day 660, 02:44:31: Your millie 2.0 - Lvl 150 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1106, 14:00:57: Dodo - Lvl 141 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1110, 05:14:30: Stegosaurus - Lvl 37 (Stegosaurus) starved to death! Day 1227, 04:46:01: blue berry - Lvl 126 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1305, 08:52:18: Tribemember Eddie - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 1354, 08:57:15: Tommy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1354, 08:58:04: Tommy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Scout - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1354, 09:07:03: Tribemember lyra/dino queen - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 1354, 09:18:20: Tommy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'robin - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1354, 12:40:07: Tommy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 200 (Dodo)'! Day 1354, 12:52:27: Tommy - Lvl 63 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1733, 01:55:27: Tribemember lilkim - Lvl 72 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1877176192,"tribe":"Gunga Gang logs":["Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wooden Tree Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1644, 23:54:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1657, 11:16:32: Gacha - Lvl 265 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1687, 05:37:45: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dog - Lvl 313 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1687, 05:45:41: Ugg - Lvl 176 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 276 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1687, 05:48:46: Ugg - Lvl 176 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sutty 2 - Lvl 322 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1687, 05:49:24: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rai - Lvl 336 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1687, 05:56:05: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 318 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1687, 05:57:55: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 1687, 06:02:45: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Peter - Lvl 289 (Griffin)'! Day 1687, 06:05:35: Ugg - Lvl 176 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS PIG - Lvl 282 (Daeodon)'! Day 1687, 06:35:22: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gamma 3 - Lvl 305 (Argentavis)'! Day 1687, 06:42:12: Ugg - Lvl 176 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 1687, 06:42:40: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird Is The Word - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 1687, 07:24:24: Ugg - Lvl 176 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brand - Lvl 272 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1687, 07:37:55: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 221 (Megatherium)'! Day 1687, 08:05:17: Ugg - Lvl 176 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 1687, 08:29:02: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 190 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 1687, 08:37:32: Lystrosaurus - Lvl 155 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 1687, 08:50:40: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boulderdash - Lvl 171 (Magmasaur)'! Day 1687, 09:07:52: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BOSS - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 1687, 11:36:12: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'POLYMER - Lvl 257 (Gacha)'! Day 1687, 11:43:04: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 133 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (Snow Owl)'! Day 1705, 20:20:15: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woody - Lvl 255 (Mammoth)'! Day 1705, 20:20:40: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:21:11: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:21:43: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:22:55: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:23:21: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:23:46: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:24:10: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:24:43: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:26:16: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 20:27:53: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PERFECT F - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 1705, 21:08:00: Timmy - Lvl 111 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HEALTH 0 1 - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1851, 08:53:19: Tribemember Gunga Ginga - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3054, 13:20:02: Tribemember braddow - Lvl 63 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 3253, 16:50:28: Alexi - Lvl 103 (Rio) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 4469, 21:03:46: Tribemember FartSmeller - Lvl 121 was killed!"] "tribeid":1873984295,"tribe":"Tribe of Ukelelo logs":["Day 2037, 11:47:56: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 12:02:33: Ukelelo froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 12:19:17: Ukelelo froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2037, 13:32:52: JDragon froze Adolescent Rathalos de Hacendado - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2037, 15:28:45: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 15:35:19: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 15:38:27: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 15:45:39: JDragon froze Juvenile Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 16:49:33: Ukelelo froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 16:56:26: Ukelelo froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 18:35:41: Ukelelo froze Adolescent Rathalos de Hacendado - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2037, 18:43:09: Ukelelo froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2037, 19:07:03: Ukelelo froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2038, 11:28:09: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2038, 16:57:28: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed by Regalitou - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Ukelelo)! Day 2038, 16:57:28: Your Tribe killed Raditz - Lvl 1 (Tribe of Ukelelo)! Day 2038, 20:12:36: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 2038, 21:34:48: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 20! Day 2038, 23:16:42: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 95! Day 2039, 00:54:28: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 2061, 20:02:01: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 01:19:37: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 01:45:12: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 05:59:50: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 06:00:58: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2062, 06:41:36: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 12:34:51: JDragon froze Juvenile Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 12:38:18: JDragon froze Juvenile Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 15:43:58: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 21:01:33: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 21:06:01: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 21:12:38: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 21:17:08: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 21:22:01: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2062, 21:27:59: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2063, 03:16:48: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2063, 03:36:07: JDragon froze Juvenile Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2063, 03:41:30: JDragon froze Juvenile Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2063, 03:47:39: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2063, 03:52:26: JDragon froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2063, 11:58:19: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 120 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 25! Day 2063, 12:59:33: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 120 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 2080, 08:49:09: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 08:52:28: JDragon froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 10:47:11: JDragon froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 13:25:12: JDragon froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 15:14:56: JDragon froze Juvenile Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 19:08:07: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 19:11:51: JDragon froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 19:44:30: JDragon froze Adolescent Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 19:51:24: JDragon froze Adolescent Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 19:54:20: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 19:58:39: JDragon froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2080, 20:02:55: JDragon froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2081, 04:39:59: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2081, 19:10:04: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 106 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 2081, 21:49:48: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 2081, 23:45:30: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 2082, 01:26:19: JDragon Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 186 (Desmodus)! Day 2082, 01:39:09: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 2082, 12:02:31: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2082, 12:55:33: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 2082, 14:11:55: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 2109, 01:59:07: JDragon froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 02:48:39: JDragon claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 2109, 04:23:46: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 04:28:06: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 04:37:16: JDragon froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 14:23:00: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 14:26:40: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 18:53:51: JDragon froze Juvenile Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2109, 18:57:01: JDragon froze Juvenile Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2109, 19:02:26: JDragon froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2109, 19:09:54: JDragon froze Adolescent Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 00:42:50: JDragon froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 00:47:17: JDragon froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 00:57:35: JDragon froze Adolescent Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 06:21:07: JDragon froze Adolescent Blue - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 06:28:07: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 06:35:03: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 10:35:11: JDragon froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 10:38:42: JDragon froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 55 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 11:04:26: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 11:18:55: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 11:23:17: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 15:56:08: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2110, 17:55:13: JDragon froze Adolescent Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur) Day 2111, 01:42:11: JDragon froze Adolescent Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2111, 06:59:34: JDragon froze Adolescent Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2111, 07:02:52: JDragon froze Adolescent Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2111, 07:06:21: JDragon froze Adolescent Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2111, 07:10:33: JDragon froze Adolescent Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2111, 07:14:23: JDragon froze Adolescent Winter - Lvl 180 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2149, 08:10:29: Your sacrificio - Lvl 158 (Moschops) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 140! Day 2154, 07:00:47: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2154, 07:27:38: Your Ranchero - Lvl 196 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 90! Day 2154, 07:32:26: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2154, 07:33:02: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2156, 18:14:51: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 238 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Cleopatra - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 2156, 18:14:51: Your Tribe killed Dilophosaur - Lvl 238 (Dilophosaur)! Day 2156, 18:14:56: Your Polleria - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Cleopatra - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 2156, 18:14:56: Your Tribe killed Polleria - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus) (Tribe of Ukelelo)! Day 2227, 18:59:56: JDragon claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2227, 19:04:43: JDragon claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2227, 19:51:01: JDragon froze Baby Velociraptor - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2228, 00:29:39: JDragon froze Baby Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2228, 06:14:56: JDragon froze Juvenile Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2228, 06:19:36: JDragon froze Juvenile Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2228, 06:23:17: JDragon froze Juvenile Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2228, 06:28:45: JDragon froze Juvenile Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2228, 23:45:54: Ukelelo claimed 'Baby Bloodstalker - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 2228, 23:59:08: Ukelelo claimed 'Baby Bloodstalker - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 2229, 00:27:56: Ukelelo froze Baby baby 1 - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker) Day 2229, 00:31:59: Ukelelo froze Baby Over the god - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker) Day 2229, 07:30:47: JDragon froze Adolescent Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2229, 07:34:34: JDragon froze Adolescent Velociraptor - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2229, 07:37:28: JDragon froze Adolescent Gustaxs - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2229, 07:40:37: JDragon froze Adolescent Velociraptor - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2229, 13:08:07: JDragon froze Adolescent Velociraptor - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2229, 15:03:58: Ukelelo Tamed a X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 142 (X-Dunkleosteus)! Day 2229, 17:16:35: Your Barado - Lvl 142 (X-Dunkleosteus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 2229, 23:10:51: Missy was added to the Tribe by Ukelelo! Day 2229, 23:42:13: JDragon froze Adolescent Velociraptor - Lvl 210 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2236, 21:14:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2252, 19:45:13: JDragon Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus)! Day 2252, 20:07:47: JDragon Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 2253, 11:45:50: JDragon Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 2275, 14:35:52: JDragon froze Magmasaur - Lvl 59 (Magmasaur) Day 2299, 22:22:41: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 0.9x! Day 2299, 23:41:00: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 119 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 145! Day 2300, 01:28:13: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 119 was killed by Regalitou - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of Ukelelo)! Day 2300, 01:28:13: Your Tribe killed JDragon - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Ukelelo)! Day 2300, 04:39:35: JDragon froze Shera - Lvl 224 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2300, 04:55:02: JDragon froze Winter - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 2300, 05:17:57: JDragon froze Regalitou - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2301, 17:40:34: JDragon Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 2301, 17:55:49: JDragon froze Moto Mami - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2467, 04:59:05: JDragon Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 2467, 05:15:37: JDragon froze Moto Papi - Lvl 194 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2538, 10:29:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2544, 18:02:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2558, 12:02:25: JDragon claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2558, 12:04:56: Ukelelo claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 151 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2558, 14:59:17: JDragon froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2558, 15:04:32: JDragon froze Baby Babyborn - Lvl 151 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2757, 17:37:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2771, 22:13:23: 's 'Baby Babyborn - Lvl 151 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2771, 22:13:23: 's 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2845, 01:17:22: tess - Lvl 104 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 3046, 18:10:01: Moto Mami - Lvl 167 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3063, 17:19:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3067, 12:17:09: Moto Papi - Lvl 216 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 3079, 10:51:19: Squirrel - Lvl 123 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 3098, 05:05:01: 's 'Baby Over the god - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3098, 05:05:01: 's 'Baby baby 1 - Lvl 211 (Bloodstalker)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3282, 10:10:05: Piesito - Lvl 95 (Diplodocus) starved to death! Day 3383, 08:03:47: Timmy - Lvl 124 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shera - Lvl 224 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 3596, 11:21:34: Triceratops - Lvl 281 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 4415, 09:50:53: ony - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 4434, 22:43:35: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4511, 00:36:02: Popito - Lvl 294 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 4511, 00:36:10: Fluffy - Lvl 284 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 4537, 10:26:14: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus)'! Day 4537, 10:31:35: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4537, 10:37:59: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 87 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4537, 10:44:06: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue - Lvl 127 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4537, 10:50:38: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Salamence - Lvl 20 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4537, 10:59:48: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'masa - Lvl 339 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4537, 11:13:33: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belen esteban - Lvl 307 (Desmodus)'! Day 4537, 11:24:26: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joker - Lvl 209 (Desmodus)'! Day 4537, 11:41:45: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OLY - Lvl 409 (Argentavis)'! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4560, 11:35:59: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tiamat - Lvl 373 (Dire Bear)'! Day 4560, 11:36:21: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)'! Day 4560, 11:38:57: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kiba - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 11:40:19: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Regalitou - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 11:43:15: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bet - Lvl 305 (Megatherium)'! Day 4560, 11:44:24: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Winter - Lvl 243 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 11:45:02: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus)'! Day 4560, 11:46:05: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cleopatra - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 11:46:37: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velociraptor - Lvl 211 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 11:48:18: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gustaxs - Lvl 228 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 11:54:50: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alfreda - Lvl 125 (Kairuku)'! Day 4560, 12:10:00: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bjorn - Lvl 286 (Mammoth)'! Day 4560, 12:23:37: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rathalos de Hacendado - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4560, 15:00:43: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Batman - Lvl 246 (Desmodus)'! Day 4560, 15:43:02: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caroline - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4560, 15:55:42: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pipi - Lvl 262 (Argentavis)'! Day 4560, 16:14:59: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saridinita - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4560, 17:32:19: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'El pepe - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4560, 17:36:21: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'plumas - Lvl 126 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4560, 17:45:29: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Joel - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4560, 18:07:12: Timmy - Lvl 160 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Takhesis - Lvl 280 (Argentavis)'! Day 4704, 19:28:49: ratty - Lvl 34 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5524, 12:21:40: Tribemember Missy - Lvl 16 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 140! Day 5524, 12:22:41: Tribemember Raditz - Lvl 1 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 140! Day 5524, 12:40:34: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5524, 12:40:36: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5524, 12:40:45: Your 'Piedra (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5524, 12:40:51: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5524, 12:40:54: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5553, 17:03:25: Tribemember JDragon - Lvl 121 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 130! Day 5620, 01:25:27: Tribemember Ukelelo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 140! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Wood Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1873586870,"tribe":"Tribe of Gloog logs":["Day 3148, 13:54:10: Gloog was added to the Tribe! Day 3148, 16:30:26: Gloog Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus)! Day 3148, 18:38:19: Your Dildo - Lvl 147 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 130! Day 3148, 19:01:35: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 3148, 19:26:20: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 32 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 3148, 20:57:19: Your Pinkchie - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 25! Day 3148, 22:30:31: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 34 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 25! Day 3148, 22:56:43: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 34 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 25! Day 3148, 23:21:51: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 34 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 50! Day 3225, 00:23:36: Gloog demolished a 'Gravestone'! Day 3225, 03:07:11: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 35 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 3225, 15:54:51: Gloog Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon)! Day 3225, 17:09:15: Gloog Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 141 (Dilophosaur)! Day 3225, 21:24:33: Your Buttplug - Lvl 141 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Gloog - Lvl 44 (Tribe of Gloog)! Day 3225, 21:24:33: Your Tribe killed Buttplug - Lvl 141 (Dilophosaur) (Tribe of Gloog)! Day 3226, 04:29:44: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3226, 04:38:53: Your Iggy - Lvl 76 (Iguanodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 3226, 07:40:03: Your 'Scarecrow' was destroyed! Day 3226, 08:05:17: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 50 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 3226, 08:21:16: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3226, 08:50:40: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 3226, 08:50:40: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 50 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 3226, 11:24:47: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3226, 16:00:03: Gloog Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 3226, 20:06:21: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 3226, 22:01:11: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 54 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 3226, 22:25:20: Gloog claimed 'Amogus - Lvl 147 (Parasaur)'! Day 3226, 22:26:07: Gloog claimed 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 143 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 3226, 22:26:55: Gloog claimed 'Xanax - Lvl 47 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 3227, 00:24:18: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 143 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 3227, 00:24:18: Dilophosaur - Lvl 143 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 3389, 19:55:09: Your Terry - Lvl 25 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 3389, 20:10:16: Your Amogus - Lvl 155 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 3389, 20:17:53: Your Xanax - Lvl 53 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 3390, 01:20:20: Gloog Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 193 (Raptor)! Day 3390, 01:32:08: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 3390, 01:32:54: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 3390, 01:34:29: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3390, 07:02:10: Gloog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 3390, 07:03:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 3390, 07:03:40: Gloog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)! Day 3390, 07:04:51: Gloog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 3390, 07:10:55: Gloog Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 148 (Dodo)! Day 3390, 07:33:22: Your Tribe Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 22 (Triceratops)! Day 3391, 00:27:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 3610, 16:19:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3610, 16:58:42: Your Triceratops - Lvl 31 (Triceratops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3618, 04:32:51: Your Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3618, 04:37:52: Your Dodo - Lvl 148 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3618, 04:39:35: Your Parasaur - Lvl 31 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3618, 04:41:51: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3618, 04:46:52: Your Dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 3643, 06:31:02: Your Raksheesh - Lvl 198 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3882, 16:42:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 3882, 16:42:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 3882, 16:44:28: Tribemember Gloog - Lvl 61 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1873576762,"tribe":"Byzantium logs":["Day 19084, 18:15:07: OCplayer1 was added to the Tribe! Day 19084, 18:48:38: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19084, 18:51:23: OCplayer1 downloaded a dino: Squares - Lvl 320 Day 19086, 05:50:01: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19086, 07:46:02: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19086, 09:22:55: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19086, 10:50:32: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19086, 14:53:33: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19086, 16:37:36: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19087, 08:11:04: OCplayer1 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) Day 19087, 14:25:46: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19087, 23:23:48: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19087, 23:31:27: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19087, 23:36:32: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19088, 00:38:04: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19091, 20:02:13: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19091, 20:09:49: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19092, 07:52:08: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19092, 13:02:46: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19093, 10:16:33: OCplayer1 froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19104, 18:32:54: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Unicorn - Lvl 206 (Unicorn)'! Day 19104, 18:37:27: OCplayer1 froze Baby Unicorn - Lvl 206 (Unicorn) Day 19105, 11:12:43: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19105, 12:57:15: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19105, 13:23:37: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19105, 14:31:13: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 14:35:28: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 14:36:32: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 14:39:06: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 14:46:36: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 14:47:12: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 14:49:14: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 14:53:15: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 14:56:07: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 14:58:53: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:02:23: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:08:52: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 15:12:30: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:15:29: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:15:46: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 15:17:05: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 15:17:51: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19105, 15:22:27: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:25:33: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:29:43: OCplayer1 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) Day 19105, 15:39:21: OCplayer1 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 19105, 15:43:10: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19265, 10:56:23: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19353, 08:11:37: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 19634, 14:02:48: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed! Day 19715, 15:23:06: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19715, 15:23:06: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19781, 04:48:15: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Squares - Lvl 321 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19781, 05:32:49: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zilla - Lvl 341 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 19781, 05:46:24: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Alucard - Lvl 245 (Desmodus)'! Day 19781, 05:52:49: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 209 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 19781, 06:12:38: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 216 (Megatherium)'! Day 19781, 06:29:34: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 219 (Rock Drake)'! Day 19781, 06:48:08: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tessarion - Lvl 273 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 19801, 07:03:53: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Unicorn - Lvl 209 (Unicorn)'! Day 19801, 07:04:24: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Unicorn - Lvl 217 (Unicorn)'! Day 19801, 07:20:12: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Unicorn - Lvl 206 (Unicorn)'! Day 19801, 07:26:33: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Manny - Lvl 278 (Mammoth)'! Day 19801, 07:51:02: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19999, 11:23:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19999, 11:23:07: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19999, 11:23:07: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20592, 18:09:56: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1871261173,"tribe":"Wortho logs":["Day 163, 13:33:36: Wortho was added to the Tribe! Day 163, 13:35:47: Kieran was added to the Tribe by Wortho! Day 163, 14:21:47: Wortho Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 163, 18:20:11: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 163, 18:50:00: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 25 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 163, 18:57:51: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 163, 19:17:56: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 9 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 163, 20:32:51: Wortho demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 163, 20:34:13: Wortho demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 163, 20:35:21: Wortho demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 163, 21:21:28: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 11 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 163, 23:29:52: Wortho demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 164, 01:21:27: Wortho Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 22 (Parasaur)! Day 164, 02:31:53: Your Parasaur - Lvl 23 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 164, 02:35:43: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 13 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 164, 02:47:36: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 218 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 164, 03:27:32: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 31 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 164, 04:11:54: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 31 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 164, 04:32:33: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 31 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 15! Day 164, 04:47:20: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 31 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 164, 04:54:31: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 164, 05:23:50: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 13 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 164, 05:52:25: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 13 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 164, 06:57:01: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 13 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 164, 07:45:42: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 19 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 164, 08:10:53: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 19 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 164, 08:22:38: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 19 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 164, 14:29:41: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 142 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 164, 20:10:59: Wortho Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 164, 21:48:15: Wortho demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 164, 21:49:20: Wortho demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 164, 22:34:20: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 164, 22:37:46: Wortho demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 164, 22:41:49: Wortho demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 164, 23:00:24: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 164, 23:01:19: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 164, 23:02:08: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 164, 23:02:56: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 164, 23:03:47: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 164, 23:04:38: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 164, 23:06:42: Wortho demolished a 'Bed'! Day 164, 23:07:39: Wortho demolished a 'Bed'! Day 164, 23:10:17: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 165, 00:26:24: Wortho demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 165, 00:58:14: Your 'Campfire (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 165, 02:21:45: Wortho demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 165, 02:22:30: Wortho demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 165, 06:12:23: Wortho demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 165, 08:23:09: Wortho Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 26 (Parasaur)! Day 165, 10:23:56: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 52 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 165, 10:52:26: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 52 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 165, 12:11:49: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 166, 02:54:40: Wortho Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 166, 03:52:23: Wortho Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 167, 07:02:16: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 76 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 168, 09:50:05: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)! Day 168, 23:54:28: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 77 was killed! Day 169, 10:34:37: Kieran Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 169, 17:37:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 89 (Doedicurus)! Day 170, 09:06:28: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 82 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 170, 16:13:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 209 (Sabertooth)! Day 187, 18:12:47: Wortho demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 189, 00:18:11: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 189, 00:18:57: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 189, 06:16:39: Your Pete - Lvl 164 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 189, 11:58:29: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 163 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 190, 09:46:31: Your Parasaur - Lvl 46 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 190, 14:37:39: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 190, 14:50:12: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was destroyed! Day 191, 02:09:07: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 181 (Argentavis)! Day 191, 14:10:26: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 191, 18:17:48: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 191, 19:01:14: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 192, 06:02:09: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)! Day 192, 14:17:18: Kieran demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 192, 22:42:09: Wortho Tamed a Rex - Lvl 127 (Rex)! Day 193, 04:36:29: Wortho froze Sandra - Lvl 235 (Sabertooth) Day 193, 04:41:17: Wortho froze Andy - Lvl 185 (Ankylosaurus) Day 193, 04:46:51: Wortho froze DoDick - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 193, 05:10:48: Wortho froze Callum - Lvl 243 (Carnotaurus) Day 193, 05:17:13: Wortho froze Ronny - Lvl 136 (Rex) Day 193, 05:24:23: Wortho froze Millie - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 193, 05:28:12: Wortho froze Charlie - Lvl 190 (Argentavis) Day 193, 14:18:36: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 99 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 95! Day 193, 18:17:50: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 99 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 193, 19:17:16: Wortho froze Millie - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) Day 193, 22:18:05: Wortho froze NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN - Lvl 261 (Pteranodon) Day 193, 22:52:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 193, 22:52:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 193, 22:53:20: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 194, 09:01:36: Wortho Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 164 (Castoroides)! Day 213, 08:00:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 213, 08:00:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 213, 10:13:19: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 142 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 213, 22:23:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur)! Day 214, 01:27:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 214, 13:01:36: Wortho froze DoDick - Lvl 133 (Doedicurus) Day 214, 13:12:26: Wortho froze Ronny - Lvl 166 (Rex) Day 214, 13:46:04: Wortho froze Perry - Lvl 203 (Parasaur) Day 214, 14:15:13: Wortho froze Harry - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) Day 214, 14:28:08: Wortho froze Garry - Lvl 198 (Griffin) Day 214, 14:33:53: Wortho froze Castoroides - Lvl 175 (Castoroides) Day 214, 18:31:42: Wortho froze Callum - Lvl 261 (Carnotaurus) Day 214, 23:22:01: Kieran froze Castoroides - Lvl 177 (Castoroides) Day 215, 04:31:24: Kieran froze Castoroides - Lvl 178 (Castoroides) Day 215, 15:05:24: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 71 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 145! Day 215, 19:26:42: Kieran Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 215, 22:34:02: Kieran demolished a 'Campfire (Unlocked) '! Day 216, 02:03:38: Wortho froze NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 216, 02:16:03: Wortho froze Charlie - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 216, 02:19:04: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 71 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 100! Day 216, 02:22:36: Wortho froze Millie - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon) Day 216, 02:35:02: Kieran froze Andy - Lvl 207 (Ankylosaurus) Day 216, 02:46:04: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 71 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 100! Day 216, 02:48:37: Your Callum - Lvl 267 (Carnotaurus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 100! Day 216, 12:34:03: Kieran froze DoDick - Lvl 136 (Doedicurus) Day 217, 15:15:07: Kieran Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 82 (Doedicurus)! Day 218, 01:16:38: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 231, 01:30:31: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 107 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 262, 13:59:15: Wortho froze Millie - Lvl 262 (Pteranodon) Day 262, 14:07:23: Wortho froze Harry - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) Day 262, 14:15:50: Wortho froze Sandra - Lvl 256 (Sabertooth) Day 262, 14:23:13: Wortho froze Ronny - Lvl 193 (Rex) Day 262, 14:28:13: Wortho froze Andy - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus) Day 262, 14:41:05: Wortho froze Shadow - Lvl 159 (R-Snow Owl) Day 262, 22:19:00: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 263, 03:11:08: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 93 was killed by Wortho - Lvl 108 (IP4F)! Day 263, 03:11:08: Your Tribe killed Kieran - Lvl 93 (IP4F)! Day 263, 17:28:25: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 95 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 286, 13:04:05: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 109 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 286, 22:30:57: Your Garry - Lvl 248 (Griffin) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 55! Day 309, 03:42:29: Your NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 95! Day 309, 05:17:53: Your Castoroides - Lvl 220 (Castoroides) was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 20! Day 309, 09:17:23: Your Harry - Lvl 284 (Argentavis) was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 60! Day 309, 17:21:51: Your Andy - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 20! Day 343, 00:50:01: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 351, 17:15:40: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 95 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 358, 09:26:32: DoDick - Lvl 154 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 414, 03:26:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 414, 03:26:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 414, 03:26:31: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 508, 14:09:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 555, 22:03:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 877, 11:35:51: Patricia - Lvl 108 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 878, 23:13:37: Your 'Large Storage Box (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 903, 11:51:52: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 84 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1611, 11:07:55: Nytrix - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Viperion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Da Whip (Raft)'! Day 4983, 07:27:16: Wortho Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 4983, 17:07:01: Wortho Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 4983, 20:40:42: Wortho Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 4984, 05:07:56: Kieran was removed from the Tribe by Wortho! Day 4984, 07:48:55: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 4984, 07:49:36: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 4984, 07:50:55: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 4984, 07:51:33: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 4984, 07:59:30: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 4984, 08:00:26: Wortho demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 4984, 13:31:17: Wortho demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4985, 03:08:13: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 4986, 14:02:27: Wortho Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 194 (Dodo)! Day 4986, 15:39:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 4986, 17:47:11: Wortho demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4986, 17:48:22: Wortho demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4986, 19:10:31: Wortho claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 201 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4987, 20:12:24: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:13:05: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:14:56: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:15:40: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:16:26: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:17:09: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:17:53: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4987, 20:18:48: Wortho demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4988, 01:56:27: Wortho Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 134 (Griffin)! Day 4988, 06:36:08: Wortho Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 141 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 4988, 14:35:34: Wortho Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 4988, 17:07:39: Wortho claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4990, 08:21:08: Wortho demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 4990, 08:21:56: Wortho demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 5007, 09:59:57: Wortho claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5007, 10:00:44: Wortho claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5007, 10:46:26: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) was killed by Wortho - Lvl 112 (Wortho)! Day 5007, 10:46:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) (Wortho)! Day 5007, 10:48:04: Your Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) was killed by Wortho - Lvl 112 (Wortho)! Day 5007, 10:48:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) (Wortho)! Day 5008, 01:58:44: Wortho demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 5008, 13:25:34: Wortho Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing)! Day 5009, 05:08:27: Wortho froze Maewing - Lvl 196 (Maewing) Day 5009, 05:16:16: Wortho froze Tyler P - Lvl 141 (Lystrosaurus) Day 5009, 05:20:05: Wortho froze Tyler W - Lvl 200 (Dodo) Day 5009, 05:23:49: Wortho froze Moschops - Lvl 62 (Moschops) Day 5009, 05:27:08: Wortho froze Moschops - Lvl 51 (Moschops) Day 5009, 08:32:38: Kieran was added to the Tribe by Wortho! Day 5009, 09:43:11: Wortho demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 5009, 09:43:59: Wortho demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 5009, 09:44:48: Wortho demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 5009, 09:45:52: Wortho demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 5009, 21:14:53: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 5010, 00:39:06: Tribemember Kieran - Lvl 96 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 5010, 00:59:05: Wortho Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops)! Day 5010, 01:06:00: Wortho froze Moschops - Lvl 194 (Moschops) Day 5010, 03:17:41: Wortho Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 5010, 03:23:50: Wortho froze Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops) Day 5010, 08:10:44: Wortho froze Moschops - Lvl 60 (Moschops) Day 5010, 12:47:00: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur)! Day 5010, 12:54:59: Wortho froze Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur) Day 5010, 13:38:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 5010, 13:54:16: Wortho froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 5010, 14:08:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)! Day 5010, 14:18:31: Wortho froze Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur) Day 5010, 15:17:59: Wortho froze Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Parasaur) Day 5010, 16:07:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 201 (Carbonemys)! Day 5010, 16:15:24: Wortho froze Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur) Day 5010, 16:41:18: Wortho froze Carbonemys - Lvl 201 (Carbonemys) Day 5010, 17:56:59: Wortho claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5010, 17:58:11: Wortho claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5010, 18:57:45: Wortho froze Peter - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 5011, 01:47:28: Wortho unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 62 (Moschops)'! Day 5011, 01:49:56: Wortho claimed 'Moschops - Lvl 62 (Moschops)'! Day 5011, 01:52:30: Wortho unclaimed 'Moschops - Lvl 62 (Moschops)'! Day 5011, 05:07:32: Wortho froze Cole - Lvl 161 (Griffin) Day 5011, 06:12:48: Wortho froze Anna - Lvl 220 (Argentavis) Day 5011, 10:08:05: Wortho Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 5011, 10:31:50: Wortho froze Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops) Day 5011, 19:17:55: Wortho Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 216 (Triceratops)! Day 5011, 19:40:26: Wortho froze Triceratops - Lvl 216 (Triceratops) Day 5011, 20:08:36: Wortho froze Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5301, 18:06:26: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5335, 05:29:08: Moschops - Lvl 222 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 5364, 11:56:43: Moschops - Lvl 214 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 5402, 12:42:18: Moschops - Lvl 207 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5673, 23:30:08: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:09:06: Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pan - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:15:15: Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perry - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:15:29: Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:18:21: Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5851, 09:19:39: Lars - Lvl 112 (Tribe of SendDudes) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5888, 02:58:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7404, 01:32:14: Tribemember Wortho - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1870332735,"tribe":"Pantheon logs":["Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4665, 22:02:36: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4721, 21:15:50: Bluey - Lvl 75 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 4745, 23:30:00: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buckles 1 - Lvl 231 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4746, 00:03:22: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'churos - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 4746, 00:04:12: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flocon - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 4746, 04:35:06: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mutacao dano 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 04:40:18: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quinten - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4746, 04:43:15: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4746, 05:11:36: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 3 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:13:05: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 05 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:13:55: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 18 - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:14:57: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 13 - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:15:22: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 06 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:15:52: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:17:29: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mut hp 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:18:19: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 5 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:19:12: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 14 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:19:53: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:21:27: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 1 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:22:08: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 07 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:23:47: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 12 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:24:24: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 02 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:26:57: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ele - Lvl 326 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:29:26: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:29:39: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 2 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:30:54: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 4746, 05:35:34: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:35:53: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 4 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:40:00: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 22 - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:42:51: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 11 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:43:40: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:45:28: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 03 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:49:31: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:49:52: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:50:24: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 260 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:50:59: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 05:51:38: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'High Weight for Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:35:28: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:38:26: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4746, 06:38:40: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 209 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4746, 06:39:30: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 160 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4746, 06:44:10: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:44:58: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 20 - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:49:03: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perf 01 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:49:14: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:51:31: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 6 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:52:41: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 17 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 06:56:45: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4746, 07:02:58: Charlie - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharptooth - Lvl 136 (Rex)'! Day 4778, 10:37:30: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 7 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 4793, 12:52:15: Tikaani - Lvl 123 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belt 2 - Lvl 227 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4793, 12:53:34: Tikaani - Lvl 123 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belt 3 - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4793, 12:54:31: Tikaani - Lvl 123 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belt 4 - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4793, 12:56:22: Tikaani - Lvl 123 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buckles 7 - Lvl 225 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 00:49:54: Jack - Lvl 60 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 4794, 00:59:13: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buckles 3 - Lvl 237 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:07:41: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belt 1 - Lvl 243 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:20:28: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Brain - Lvl 83 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:25:06: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 180 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:34:35: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jane - Lvl 120 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:39:12: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Braces - Lvl 124 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:43:50: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rennie - Lvl 189 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:52:26: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bubblegum - Lvl 80 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 01:57:40: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Marcus - Lvl 102 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4794, 02:02:18: Madcat - Lvl 124 (CatKaani) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ellie - Lvl 72 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4803, 11:56:46: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 25 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 4803, 12:14:34: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 21 - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 4803, 15:54:55: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dente - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 4836, 22:20:06: PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 140 (360) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4844, 12:46:10: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 21 - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 4867, 21:37:23: Deinonychus - Lvl 199 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 4869, 07:58:18: Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 4895, 05:39:05: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Belt 5 - Lvl 219 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 4948, 13:37:44: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4948, 13:37:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5031, 05:59:43: Aslan BjornSonn - Lvl 123 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buckles 2 - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 5031, 06:07:54: Aslan BjornSonn - Lvl 123 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buckles 4 - Lvl 225 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 5242, 08:35:45: Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 5383, 20:34:23: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 09 - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 5383, 21:06:45: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 10 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 5435, 17:37:25: Your Unos - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 5478, 17:20:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 5478, 17:21:01: Your Quattro - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130! Day 5478, 17:45:00: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 5478, 19:23:37: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 23 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'!"] "tribeid":1869662574,"tribe":"Vicking City logs":["Day 2443, 11:45:18: sir elias quinn was added to the Tribe! Day 2443, 11:47:09: sir elias quinn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 75 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 12:06:08: sir elias quinn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 12:07:19: Tribemember sir elias quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 2443, 12:23:35: sir elias quinn froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 2443, 12:43:36: sir elias quinn froze Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus) Day 2443, 13:56:20: sir elias quinn claimed 'Bad healthj - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)'! Day 2443, 15:43:17: sir elias quinn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 15:59:50: Tribemember sir elias quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 2443, 16:08:44: sir elias quinn unclaimed 'Bad healthj - Lvl 218 (Desmodus)'! Day 2443, 16:22:55: sir elias quinn froze Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 2443, 17:50:24: sir elias quinn froze Desmodus - Lvl 75 (Desmodus) Day 2443, 18:36:53: Tribemember sir elias quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 2443, 19:14:27: Tribemember sir elias quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 2443, 19:41:43: sir elias quinn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus)! Day 2443, 20:15:55: sir elias quinn froze Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 2444, 05:41:07: sir elias quinn froze Speed is good - Lvl 338 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2734, 02:26:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4631, 13:51:36: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 4631, 18:50:59: Your snowie da snowman - Lvl 436 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 4631, 21:03:45: Sir Elias Quinn froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 4631, 21:22:22: Sir Elias Quinn froze X-Otter - Lvl 148 (X-Otter) Day 4631, 21:26:00: Sir Elias Quinn froze X-Otter - Lvl 292 (X-Otter) Day 11654, 18:31:31: Snailing Mason tribe was merged in by AmberSpectre! Day 11654, 18:31:31: AmberSpectre was added to the Tribe by Sir Elias Quinn ! Day 11654, 18:37:06: AmberSpectre was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Sir Elias Quinn ! Day 11654, 21:25:30: AmberSpectre unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 264 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11654, 21:25:59: AmberSpectre claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 264 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11654, 21:30:09: Sir Elias Quinn uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 264 Day 11654, 21:57:40: Sir Elias Quinn froze Charcoal - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11665, 06:47:55: AmberSpectre froze THE BOI (256) - Lvl 288 (Tek Parasaur) Day 12257, 06:43:28: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12257, 06:43:28: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12502, 09:29:26: Sir Elias Quinn claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12502, 12:15:36: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 12502, 13:25:55: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 12502, 15:25:13: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 12502, 18:37:58: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 12502, 19:31:13: Tribemember Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 12502, 19:41:23: Sir Elias Quinn claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13375, 17:11:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13375, 17:11:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14035, 19:33:51: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 19560, 16:23:04: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1869568210,"tribe":"El Gobierno logs":["Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5089, 20:58:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5130, 02:47:29: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Munch Poewer - Lvl 256 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5130, 02:50:18: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Pork - Lvl 259 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5130, 02:58:31: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Happy Feet - Lvl 268 (Castoroides)'! Day 5130, 03:30:43: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Little Tyrant - Lvl 247 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5130, 04:56:51: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Harlequin - Lvl 242 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 5130, 05:15:32: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Amethyst - Lvl 275 (Tek Quetzal)'! Day 5130, 07:20:55: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] White Widow - Lvl 323 (Rex)'! Day 5130, 08:06:02: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Frank - Lvl 309 (Rex)'! Day 5130, 09:05:36: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Bumblebee - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 5130, 09:27:50: Harry - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meh 2 Electric Boogaloo - Lvl 211 (Megatherium)'! Day 5130, 09:50:12: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Hati - Lvl 230 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 5130, 10:00:15: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Wolfus - Lvl 210 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 5130, 10:17:46: Tarzan - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Ashe - Lvl 222 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 5237, 21:49:46: Eryx - Lvl 100 (Babylon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 198 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5249, 12:28:37: [EG] Chonker - Lvl 209 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 5287, 11:45:39: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Stam 3.0 - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 5287, 11:47:23: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] 30M - Lvl 200 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5287, 11:50:38: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Shulk - Lvl 209 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 5287, 11:56:01: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Melee - Lvl 221 (Daeodon)'! Day 5287, 11:57:22: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Glomp - Lvl 174 (Diplocaulus)'! Day 5287, 11:58:22: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] 28M-M - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)'! Day 5287, 13:13:41: Human - Lvl 61 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 198 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5395, 22:41:24: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5419, 11:45:47: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5453, 15:02:38: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Bakugan - Lvl 206 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5453, 15:10:18: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 198 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5453, 15:16:03: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] 33HP - Lvl 193 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5576, 08:51:41: vhe - Lvl 112 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meh - Lvl 211 (Megatherium)'! Day 5576, 09:08:49: vhe - Lvl 112 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[EG] Dumptruck - Lvl 283 (Triceratops)'! Day 5576, 10:49:32: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5576, 10:49:34: Your 'Fiber (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5576, 10:49:37: Your 'Wood (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5576, 10:49:37: Your 'Stone (Large Storage Box) (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5677, 10:50:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5677, 10:50:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5677, 10:50:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5677, 10:50:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5677, 10:50:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6427, 02:17:29: Dimorphodon - Lvl 207 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 6889, 18:13:02: Dimorphodon - Lvl 204 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 8160, 05:43:02: Tribemember Fringle - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 8160, 08:09:58: Tribemember ReVursed - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60!"] "tribeid":1866473529,"tribe":"Tribe of Alliance logs":["Day 8183, 14:09:10: Alcatraz was added to the Tribe! Day 8184, 19:11:20: Alcatraz Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 8184, 20:07:13: Alcatraz Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 142 (Moschops)! Day 8205, 07:12:32: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 8207, 10:27:51: Alcatraz demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 8208, 08:28:41: Tribemember Alcatraz - Lvl 45 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 8208, 09:51:17: Tribemember Alcatraz - Lvl 45 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 8208, 18:34:23: Tribemember Alcatraz - Lvl 46 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 8243, 06:48:26: Alcatraz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 8243, 19:55:19: Alcatraz froze Billy - Lvl 171 (Moschops) Day 8243, 20:30:12: Alcatraz froze Flaps - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon) Day 8244, 20:46:54: Alcatraz froze Billy - Lvl 176 (Moschops) Day 8244, 20:57:29: Alcatraz froze Flaps - Lvl 220 (Pteranodon) Day 8249, 12:39:05: Alcatraz Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 149 (Doedicurus)! Day 8249, 12:47:12: Alcatraz froze Rocky - Lvl 149 (Doedicurus) Day 8249, 14:22:24: Alcatraz froze Barry - Lvl 147 (Moschops) Day 8249, 23:23:58: Alcatraz froze Flaps - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon) Day 8249, 23:29:35: Alcatraz froze Rocky - Lvl 157 (Doedicurus) Day 8253, 14:41:56: Alcatraz froze Flaps - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 8253, 14:45:55: Alcatraz froze Rocky - Lvl 167 (Doedicurus) Day 8470, 05:43:57: Your Barry - Lvl 147 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8545, 12:03:50: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8624, 19:01:05: Billy - Lvl 186 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 8828, 06:07:38: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8828, 06:07:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8851, 18:17:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8977, 19:57:03: Alcatraz's 'Rocky - Lvl 167 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 9134, 11:50:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9359, 23:29:42: Tribemember Alcatraz - Lvl 64 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1864257326,"tribe":"BanterEmpire logs":["Day 232, 22:12:01: Garity1 was added to the Tribe! Day 233, 05:22:26: Garity1 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 233, 05:52:32: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 14 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 233, 18:42:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 234, 03:56:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 234, 04:03:02: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 31 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 234, 04:32:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 22 (Stegosaurus)! Day 234, 10:21:26: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 234, 10:24:14: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 234, 10:29:27: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 90! Day 234, 10:40:49: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 28 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 234, 14:09:56: Garity1 Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 193 (Mesopithecus)! Day 234, 18:37:24: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 40 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 235, 00:14:06: Garity1 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 235, 07:07:39: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 43 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 45! Day 235, 07:57:39: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 43 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 235, 08:37:29: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 235, 09:42:51: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 45! Day 235, 09:53:31: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 193 (Mesopithecus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 235, 13:29:32: Garity1 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 236, 03:40:16: Garity1 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 236, 07:01:54: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 236, 07:03:21: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 236, 07:20:32: Garity1 demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 236, 07:21:51: Garity1 demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 259, 04:13:44: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 65 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 259, 05:36:59: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 66 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 259, 06:49:33: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 66 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 259, 08:35:51: Garity1 Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 269, 11:47:26: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 278, 19:30:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 26 (Stegosaurus)! Day 279, 20:06:07: Garity1 Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 284, 16:46:26: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 36 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 285, 01:13:58: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 79 was killed by a Tropeognathus - Lvl 150! Day 299, 16:38:40: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 112 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 90! Day 323, 05:58:14: Garity1 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 323, 09:28:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 28 (Stegosaurus)! Day 324, 18:07:30: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 326, 14:41:35: Garity1 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 326, 14:42:38: Garity1 demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 328, 01:02:33: Garity1 Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 328, 15:23:36: Garity1 Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 67 (Doedicurus)! Day 329, 03:29:24: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 353, 14:40:35: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 353, 14:42:23: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 353, 14:43:12: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 353, 14:43:56: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 353, 14:44:45: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 353, 14:45:35: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 353, 14:46:28: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 353, 14:48:28: Garity1 demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 354, 00:22:47: Garity1 Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 354, 06:11:41: Garity1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 355, 11:36:51: Garity1 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 355, 11:40:16: Garity1 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 77 (Doedicurus) Day 355, 11:43:53: Garity1 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) Day 355, 12:10:54: Garity1 froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 356, 07:43:57: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 44 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 379, 10:57:59: Garity1 froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 380, 23:52:30: Garity1 froze Maewing - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 381, 00:25:57: Garity1 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 112 (Doedicurus) Day 381, 01:04:17: Garity1 froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 381, 02:09:36: Garity1 froze Maewing - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 381, 02:16:46: Garity1 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 381, 02:35:18: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) was killed by Garity1 - Lvl 100 (BanterEmpire)! Day 381, 02:35:18: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon)! Day 381, 04:14:52: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 381, 05:11:36: Garity1 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 361 (Astrodelphis) Day 418, 15:48:44: Your Parasaur - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 150! Day 425, 13:30:39: Garity1 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 362 (Astrodelphis) Day 426, 14:50:37: Garity1 froze Maewing - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 427, 05:39:38: Garity1 froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 427, 12:41:39: Garity1 froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 427, 12:51:57: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 243 (Tek Rex) Day 448, 07:22:58: Garity1 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 448, 21:35:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 81 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 448, 22:16:25: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) Day 448, 23:21:39: Garity1 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 87 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 449, 01:36:49: Garity1 froze Maewing - Lvl 248 (Maewing) Day 449, 11:34:34: Garity1 demolished a 'Tek Turret (Locked) '! Day 449, 11:44:06: Garity1 demolished a 'Sloped Tek Roof'! Day 449, 13:03:25: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex) Day 449, 15:07:03: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 449, 17:38:25: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 449, 20:13:05: Garity1 froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 449, 21:50:55: Garity1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 260 (R-Snow Owl) Day 466, 02:27:37: Garity1 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 116 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 466, 05:26:00: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 302 (Tek Rex) Day 466, 05:56:34: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 307 (Tek Rex) Day 466, 09:06:32: Garity1 froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 363 (Astrodelphis) Day 489, 14:20:05: Your Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 490, 08:19:38: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 490, 08:22:34: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 490, 09:20:53: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 192 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 490, 11:12:31: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex) Day 490, 12:11:55: Garity1 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 266 (R-Snow Owl) Day 491, 17:39:21: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 01:45:26: Garity1 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 135 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 492, 05:46:27: Garity1 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 492, 05:47:15: Garity1 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 492, 05:51:04: Garity1 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 492, 05:54:36: Garity1 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 05:55:08: Garity1 claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 492, 06:29:48: Garity1 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 06:33:29: Garity1 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 06:37:22: Garity1 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 07:58:39: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 10:30:10: Garity1 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 11:13:35: Garity1 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 11:18:35: Garity1 froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 11:22:24: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 11:52:34: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:13:24: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:18:28: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:22:43: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:26:14: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:32:14: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:39:12: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:42:56: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:48:07: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:52:23: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 492, 16:56:21: Garity1 froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 703, 02:19:47: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 703, 02:32:21: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 724, 16:52:04: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 267 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 739, 01:48:59: Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 924, 19:43:20: Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) starved to death! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1080, 15:54:08: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1080, 15:55:40: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1080, 15:57:01: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1080, 15:57:36: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1080, 16:29:31: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1084, 05:06:42: Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Kira049) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1541, 22:00:05: Tribemember Garity1 - Lvl 115 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1863915756,"tribe":"Tribe of AJ logs":["Day 808, 19:20:27: AJ was added to the Tribe! Day 808, 19:21:18: Bonnie was added to the Tribe by AJ! Day 810, 07:55:01: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:28:33: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:29:17: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:30:01: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:30:58: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:31:49: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:32:32: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:33:24: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:34:13: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:38:00: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:39:12: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:40:18: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:41:26: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:42:29: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:44:00: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:45:12: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:48:16: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:48:59: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:50:05: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:50:56: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:51:58: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:52:36: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:53:39: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:54:27: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:58:01: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 810, 09:58:45: AJ demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 811, 13:49:40: Bonnie demolished a 'Wind Turbine'! Day 811, 14:28:04: AJ demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 811, 14:29:23: AJ demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 811, 16:15:37: Bonnie froze Pystal - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 811, 16:21:16: AJ froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 277 (Sinomacrops) Day 811, 16:22:58: Bonnie froze Christalez - Lvl 295 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 811, 16:32:20: Bonnie froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 301 (Sinomacrops) Day 811, 17:34:23: AJ froze Castoroides - Lvl 296 (Castoroides) Day 811, 17:42:54: Bonnie froze Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus) Day 822, 14:31:06: Bonnie froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 301 (Sinomacrops) Day 822, 16:40:44: AJ froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 306 (Brontosaurus) Day 822, 17:27:25: AJ froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 306 (Brontosaurus) Day 822, 17:51:36: AJ froze Pystal - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 822, 18:38:11: AJ froze Christalez - Lvl 295 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 823, 14:41:43: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 14:44:08: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 14:45:21: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 14:46:11: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 14:46:53: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 14:47:43: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 14:49:29: AJ demolished a 'Stone Window Wall'! Day 823, 15:56:42: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 823, 15:59:16: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:00:33: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:05:47: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:06:38: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:08:27: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:09:09: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:31:46: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 16:32:32: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 823, 17:55:31: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 823, 17:56:59: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 823, 18:08:45: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 823, 18:09:48: AJ demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 824, 05:56:56: Bonnie froze Pystal - Lvl 302 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 824, 12:58:05: Tribemember AJ - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 824, 14:00:58: AJ froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 116 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 824, 14:20:42: Tribemember AJ - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 824, 15:09:45: Tribemember AJ - Lvl 112 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 50! Day 824, 18:01:25: AJ froze Stamina Food Melee - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 824, 18:14:28: AJ froze Health Oxygen - Lvl 216 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 824, 18:25:58: Bonnie froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur) Day 825, 11:24:01: Bonnie demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 825, 15:19:33: Bonnie froze Doedicurus - Lvl 162 (Doedicurus) Day 825, 15:23:42: Bonnie froze Castoroides - Lvl 298 (Castoroides) Day 825, 15:30:17: Bonnie froze Pystal - Lvl 304 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 825, 15:36:53: Bonnie froze Christalez - Lvl 298 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 831, 00:23:27: AJ froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 306 (Brontosaurus) Day 831, 00:31:08: AJ froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 279 (Sinomacrops) Day 868, 13:16:42: Bonnie froze Weight - Lvl 208 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 868, 13:17:03: AJ claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 868, 13:20:29: Bonnie froze Stamina Food Melee - Lvl 223 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 868, 13:31:09: Your Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by AJ - Lvl 113 (Tribe of AJ)! Day 868, 13:31:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 52 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of AJ)! Day 868, 13:38:10: Bonnie claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 868, 13:46:20: Your Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by Bonnie - Lvl 105 (Tribe of AJ)! Day 868, 13:46:20: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 91 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of AJ)! Day 868, 23:24:08: Bonnie froze Pystal - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 869, 00:31:14: AJ froze Christalez - Lvl 306 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 869, 00:36:46: AJ froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 285 (Sinomacrops) Day 893, 14:40:28: AJ claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 893, 14:43:52: AJ claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 83 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 893, 18:15:02: AJ froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 315 (Brontosaurus) Day 894, 06:26:34: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 894, 06:27:20: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 894, 06:30:52: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 894, 06:32:39: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 894, 06:33:32: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 894, 06:34:35: AJ demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 894, 09:24:03: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 83 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by AJ - Lvl 117 (Tribe of AJ)! Day 894, 09:24:03: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 83 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of AJ)! Day 894, 09:28:06: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by AJ - Lvl 117 (Tribe of AJ)! Day 894, 09:28:06: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 59 (Tek Parasaur) (Tribe of AJ)! Day 894, 16:45:41: AJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 121 (Ankylosaurus) Day 894, 17:09:05: AJ froze Christalez - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 894, 17:32:36: AJ froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 289 (Sinomacrops) Day 894, 18:05:40: AJ froze SIno - Lvl 289 (Sinomacrops) Day 896, 11:53:13: AJ froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 121 (Ankylosaurus) Day 896, 20:57:44: AJ froze SIno - Lvl 289 (Sinomacrops) Day 896, 21:31:19: AJ froze Christalez - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1351, 15:20:57: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1523, 18:48:10: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 1631, 08:43:25: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 89 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1799, 17:29:16: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 301 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3620, 06:24:58: Tribemember Bonnie - Lvl 108 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 3620, 06:32:30: Tribemember AJ - Lvl 117 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1856130394,"tribe":"Tegridy Farms logs":["Day 411, 12:08:02: Aaron was added to the Tribe! Day 411, 13:45:28: Tribemember Aaron - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 411, 13:55:57: Tribemember Aaron - Lvl 28 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 25! Day 411, 16:58:51: Tribemember Aaron - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 411, 17:32:05: Tribemember Aaron - Lvl 28 was killed! Day 485, 16:13:39: Tribemember Aaron - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 555, 22:03:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1856088732,"tribe":"Tribe of Woodrow logs":["Day 549, 20:51:30: Woodrow was added to the Tribe! Day 549, 20:52:41: Hyper was added to the Tribe by Woodrow! Day 549, 22:03:28: Tribemember Hyper - Lvl 4 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 565, 00:40:40: Tribemember Hyper - Lvl 4 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 575, 06:14:55: Tribemember Woodrow - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1853543974,"tribe":"Tribe of XLuna logs":["Day 8418, 17:50:29: XLuna was added to the Tribe! Day 8418, 17:53:06: ngyoromo was added to the Tribe by XLuna! Day 8418, 19:26:16: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 208 (Maewing) Day 8418, 19:38:07: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 143 (Maewing) Day 8418, 20:55:29: ngyoromo froze L-Wing B2 - Lvl 208 (Maewing) Day 8418, 23:32:54: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 144 (Maewing) Day 8419, 01:14:13: XLuna froze L-Wing B1 Mk2 - Lvl 144 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1852524800,"tribe":"Z-Fighters logs":["Day 1916, 20:54:15: chi-chi was added to the Tribe! Day 1917, 16:50:57: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 327 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2076, 11:44:20: chi-chi froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 389 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2077, 02:51:58: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 333 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2084, 09:33:52: chi-chi froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 393 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2084, 17:37:33: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2085, 00:01:14: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2085, 11:36:11: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2085, 17:55:02: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2085, 23:12:23: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2086, 17:45:13: chi-chi froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 393 (Giganotosaurus) Day 2086, 18:40:20: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2202, 09:17:05: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 334 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2514, 10:18:05: chi-chi froze Snow Owl - Lvl 362 (Snow Owl) Day 2514, 16:14:01: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 2514, 16:29:16: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) Day 2514, 18:44:24: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 2514, 18:44:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 2514, 18:44:26: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 2514, 21:47:08: chi-chi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 2514, 22:06:54: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 2515, 00:35:16: chi-chi uploaded a Snow Owl: Snow Owl - Lvl 362 Day 2610, 06:56:26: chi-chi froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 268 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 2977, 07:45:15: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3000, 10:32:35: chi-chi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus) Day 3000, 11:45:48: chi-chi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus) Day 3000, 13:18:32: chi-chi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus) Day 3000, 14:23:59: chi-chi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 247 (Doedicurus) Day 3000, 14:28:08: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3009, 01:29:54: chi-chi froze Desmodus - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 3045, 20:29:36: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3045, 21:55:47: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3045, 22:34:33: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3045, 22:39:58: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3046, 02:00:41: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3046, 03:09:03: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3047, 22:31:33: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3150, 13:53:10: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 347 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3267, 00:53:13: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 370 (Daeodon) Day 3267, 01:31:38: chi-chi froze Fatty - Lvl 370 (Daeodon) Day 3267, 01:35:22: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 348 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3341, 03:14:36: chi-chi froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3341, 05:21:32: Brewskii added 'Z-Fighters' Tribe to Brew Alliance! Day 3341, 07:51:31: chi-chi froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3341, 08:07:34: chi-chi claimed 'Baby Anglerfish - Lvl 209 (Anglerfish)'! Day 3341, 11:06:09: chi-chi froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 338 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 3342, 04:10:38: chi-chi froze Adolescent Anglerfish - Lvl 209 (Anglerfish) Day 3342, 04:35:06: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 348 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3389, 16:09:04: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 348 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3573, 09:27:56: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 348 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3573, 10:45:08: chi-chi froze chi-chi wyvern pls :) - Lvl 156 (Zombie Fire Wyvern) Day 3573, 11:20:15: chi-chi froze Sonic - Lvl 348 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 3646, 10:10:45: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 332 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 3707, 02:22:31: chi-chi froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 333 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1851717755,"tribe":"Tribe of Jack logs":["Day 233, 07:08:55: Jack was added to the Tribe! Day 233, 07:11:09: Jake was added to the Tribe by Jack! Day 233, 08:48:14: Tribemember Jack - Lvl 10 was killed by Jake - Lvl 14 (Tribe of Jack)! Day 233, 08:48:14: Your Tribe killed Jack - Lvl 10 (Tribe of Jack)! Day 383, 14:32:22: Tribemember Jake - Lvl 14 was killed!"] "tribeid":1846747283,"tribe":"Tribe of DuoFjor logs":["Day 2, 12:23:40: DuoFjor was added to the Tribe! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1845838408,"tribe":"Tribe of Ryan logs":["Day 5382, 18:29:34: Ryan was added to the Tribe! Day 5382, 18:40:36: Brewskii added 'Tribe of Ryan' Tribe to Brew Alliance! Day 5382, 19:24:19: Ryan claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 230 (Raptor)'! Day 5382, 19:25:31: Ryan claimed 'Tapejara - Lvl 121 (Tapejara)'! Day 5382, 19:26:37: Ryan claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 241 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 5382, 19:27:15: Ryan claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5382, 19:28:06: Ryan claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 50 (Triceratops)'! Day 5382, 19:29:34: Ryan claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 59 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5382, 19:37:05: Ryan claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 155 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5382, 19:47:31: Ryan claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 5383, 04:08:13: Valera_ was added to the Tribe by Ryan! Day 5383, 06:41:15: Ryan froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 244 (Carnotaurus) Day 5383, 07:21:16: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5383, 07:23:17: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 5383, 07:25:36: Ryan froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 244 (Carnotaurus) Day 5383, 09:43:22: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 245 (Carnotaurus) was killed! Day 5383, 09:51:36: Tribemember Ryan - Lvl 18 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 5383, 16:52:24: Valera_ Tamed an Equus - Lvl 113 (Equus)! Day 5383, 16:56:37: Valera_ froze Equus - Lvl 113 (Equus) Day 5383, 18:27:43: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 16 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 5383, 20:01:50: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 5383, 20:22:44: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 5383, 20:47:44: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 5383, 20:59:26: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 5383, 23:31:19: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 63 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 5383, 23:40:25: Valera_ froze Griffin - Lvl 366 (Griffin) Day 5384, 00:34:13: Tribemember Ryan - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 5384, 04:56:32: Valera_ froze Pumpkin - Lvl 113 (Equus) Day 5384, 07:25:28: Ryan claimed 'Baby Aberrant Otter - Lvl 170 (Aberrant Otter)'! Day 5384, 07:34:59: Ryan froze Baby Olive - Lvl 170 (Aberrant Otter) Day 5384, 15:24:56: Ryan froze femea 10 - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 5384, 15:39:32: Ryan froze femea perfeita 09 - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 5385, 04:06:40: Ryan froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 5385, 07:58:18: Ryan froze Griffin - Lvl 218 (Griffin) Day 5385, 09:30:03: Ryan Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)! Day 5386, 12:43:21: Ryan Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 5386, 12:45:16: Ryan Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)! Day 5386, 14:17:15: Ryan froze Griffin - Lvl 222 (Griffin) Day 5386, 22:47:08: Ryan unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)'! Day 5386, 22:51:19: Ryan unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)'! Day 5387, 17:38:02: Ryan Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 5387, 18:13:22: Ryan froze Desmodus - Lvl 174 (Desmodus) Day 5388, 04:43:28: Ryan claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 180 (Desmodus)'! Day 5388, 04:49:00: Ryan froze Baby Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5388, 04:56:38: Ryan froze Baby Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5388, 16:23:17: Ryan claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)'! Day 5388, 16:25:35: Ryan froze Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 5388, 16:57:26: Tribemember Ryan - Lvl 76 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 5388, 17:34:25: Tribemember Ryan - Lvl 76 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 5388, 18:39:37: Ryan claimed 'Black - Lvl 288 (Argentavis)'! Day 5388, 18:40:19: Ryan claimed 'NightHawk - Lvl 248 (Argentavis)'! Day 5388, 18:40:57: Ryan claimed 'Travel - Lvl 227 (Argentavis)'! Day 5388, 18:42:05: Ryan claimed 'Tyson - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5388, 18:43:54: Ryan claimed 'Betty - Lvl 256 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 5388, 19:17:12: Ryan froze Tyson - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5388, 20:13:57: Ryan froze Betty - Lvl 256 (Carnotaurus) Day 5389, 01:00:56: Ryan froze Baby Olive - Lvl 170 (Aberrant Otter) Day 5389, 01:47:31: Your Baby Olive - Lvl 170 (Aberrant Otter) was killed! Day 5389, 01:47:31: Baby Olive - Lvl 170 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 5389, 09:36:30: Ryan froze Juvenile Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5390, 01:07:34: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5405, 16:06:11: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5405, 22:03:16: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5405, 22:10:51: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5406, 04:01:46: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5406, 04:07:10: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5406, 04:13:19: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5406, 04:18:25: Ryan froze Adolescent Robyn - Lvl 180 (Desmodus) Day 5406, 06:47:36: Ryan claimed 'farm - Lvl 285 (Argentavis)'! Day 5406, 07:06:40: Ryan froze farm - Lvl 286 (Argentavis) Day 5406, 09:20:29: Ryan froze farm - Lvl 286 (Argentavis) Day 5406, 15:42:55: Ryan froze Robyn - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 5422, 00:39:16: Ryan froze Rex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 5422, 02:39:52: Ryan froze Rex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 5423, 02:21:48: Ryan froze Tyson - Lvl 286 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5423, 04:14:17: Ryan froze Betty - Lvl 258 (Carnotaurus) Day 5423, 05:43:01: Ryan froze Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 5423, 06:26:48: Ryan froze Rex - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 5423, 07:39:17: Ryan unclaimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 62 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5423, 07:41:23: Ryan claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 62 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5423, 07:42:43: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 62 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by Ryan - Lvl 84 (Tribe of Ryan)! Day 5423, 07:42:43: Your Tribe killed Andrewsarchus - Lvl 62 (Andrewsarchus) (Tribe of Ryan)! Day 5423, 08:04:19: Ryan unclaimed 'Tap that hoo ha - Lvl 124 (Tapejara)'! Day 5423, 08:19:58: Ryan unclaimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 58 (Triceratops)'! Day 5423, 12:02:50: Ryan froze Griffin - Lvl 230 (Griffin) Day 5423, 12:43:52: Ryan unclaimed 'Raptor - Lvl 236 (Raptor)'! Day 5423, 12:52:28: Ryan demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 5423, 12:53:22: Ryan demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 5423, 12:55:56: Ryan demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 5425, 16:43:10: Ryan claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 169 (Argentavis)'! Day 5425, 16:51:16: Ryan froze Baby Argyyy - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 5426, 04:34:52: Ryan froze Juvenile Argyyy - Lvl 169 (Argentavis) Day 5426, 06:52:29: Ryan froze Maewing - Lvl 222 (Maewing) Day 5427, 15:50:30: Ryan froze Tyson - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5427, 20:38:54: Ryan froze Tyson - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5427, 21:13:02: Ryan froze Tyson - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 5430, 03:42:56: Ryan froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 5431, 05:17:46: Ryan claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur)'! Day 5431, 05:23:01: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 09:46:12: Ryan froze Maewing - Lvl 228 (Maewing) Day 5431, 09:50:10: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 09:59:33: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 10:03:15: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 10:06:44: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 14:36:17: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 14:40:08: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 14:45:38: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 14:50:07: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 14:53:38: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 15:01:04: Ryan froze Baby Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5431, 18:38:36: Ryan froze Juvenile Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5433, 18:19:24: Ryan froze Juvenile Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur) Day 5434, 07:40:54: Ryan froze Desmodus - Lvl 254 (Desmodus) Day 5434, 08:46:17: Ryan froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 5435, 01:15:20: Ryan froze Maewing - Lvl 230 (Maewing) Day 5436, 09:33:22: Tribemember Ryan - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 5583, 08:34:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5710, 17:46:28: Tribemember Ryan - Lvl 93 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 5710, 19:41:13: Your Griffin - Lvl 242 (Griffin) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 5710, 20:56:51: Ryan froze Desmodus - Lvl 208 (Desmodus) Day 6029, 06:27:21: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wind Turbine' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6288, 06:06:47: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6366, 12:53:42: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'farm - Lvl 288 (Argentavis)'! Day 6508, 13:45:43: Alfie - Lvl 95 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black - Lvl 289 (Argentavis)'! Day 6509, 17:11:12: Ethan - Lvl 82 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 296 (Rex)'! Day 6509, 17:11:55: Ethan - Lvl 82 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 304 (Rex)'! Day 6509, 17:12:28: Ethan - Lvl 82 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Betty - Lvl 260 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 6510, 03:15:05: Ethan - Lvl 85 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NightHawk - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 6510, 03:47:31: Ethan - Lvl 85 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Travel - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 6510, 04:47:24: Ethan - Lvl 85 (nips) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argyyy - Lvl 180 (Argentavis)'! Day 6579, 06:21:16: 's 'Juvenile Eruption - Lvl 85 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6812, 15:59:40: Sery - Lvl 114 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyson - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6875, 23:08:49: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6948, 11:12:04: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 155 (Dimorphodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 7404, 07:47:50: Pumpkin - Lvl 123 (Equus) starved to death! Day 7581, 18:29:22: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 234 (Megalodon)'! Day 7710, 20:56:26: Tribemember Valera_ - Lvl 25 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 7805, 14:04:14: lopo - Lvl 56 (Tribe of Mr.Zack) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8027, 04:00:38: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1839449572,"tribe":"Tribe of Bumbo Baggins logs":["Day 16838, 18:38:33: Bumbo Baggins was added to the Tribe! Day 16838, 18:40:09: Buffalo Bob was added to the Tribe by Bumbo Baggins! Day 16839, 14:27:15: Tribemember Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16839, 14:57:47: Your Yoink! - Lvl 270 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 16839, 16:15:22: Your Carrie - Lvl 339 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45! Day 16839, 20:16:04: Tribemember Bumbo Baggins - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16840, 12:55:07: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 16841, 10:16:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 16841, 13:15:24: Your Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 16842, 02:28:58: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 207 (Pteranodon)! Day 16842, 11:05:52: Bumbo Baggins froze Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 16842, 12:45:58: Tribemember Buffalo Bob - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 16842, 13:41:17: Bumbo Baggins froze t2 - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16842, 15:09:44: Bumbo Baggins froze t2 - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16842, 15:32:13: Bumbo Baggins froze t2 - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16842, 18:26:05: Bumbo Baggins froze t2 - Lvl 305 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16842, 18:31:52: Buffalo Bob froze Storm - Lvl 217 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16868, 06:07:47: Your Parasaur - Lvl 39 (Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 100! Day 16909, 01:36:25: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex)! Day 16909, 01:49:34: Bumbo Baggins froze Tek Rex - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex) Day 16909, 07:01:31: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 07:33:44: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:06:53: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:07:37: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:13:03: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:27:49: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:28:49: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:36:39: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:38:25: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:46:59: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 08:47:13: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 09:01:54: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 09:50:39: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 09:51:49: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 11:41:09: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 11:42:56: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 13:58:08: Buffalo Bob Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 34 (Gacha)! Day 16909, 14:19:02: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha)! Day 16909, 14:35:38: Buffalo Bob froze Gacha - Lvl 34 (Gacha) Day 16909, 14:41:39: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 82 (Gacha) Day 16909, 16:24:23: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 16:44:12: Buffalo Bob froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 18:30:38: Buffalo Bob froze Tropical Capri Sun - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 18:44:51: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16909, 23:44:20: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 310 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 05:28:48: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 07:45:55: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16951, 13:30:21: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha)! Day 16951, 13:44:50: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha) Day 16951, 14:30:10: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 75 (Gacha)! Day 16951, 14:43:22: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 75 (Gacha) Day 16951, 15:05:38: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 16951, 15:17:01: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 16951, 15:57:45: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 122 (Gacha)! Day 16951, 16:16:19: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 122 (Gacha) Day 16951, 18:35:02: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha)! Day 16951, 18:45:16: Bumbo Baggins froze Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 16951, 18:54:54: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 20:11:38: Bumbo Baggins froze Shadowmane - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 16951, 20:38:43: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 312 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16952, 08:44:54: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl)! Day 16952, 08:55:51: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 16952, 13:56:49: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 37 (Snow Owl)! Day 16952, 14:10:09: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 37 (Snow Owl) Day 16952, 18:34:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl)! Day 16952, 22:17:31: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (Snow Owl) Day 16953, 00:07:17: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl)! Day 16953, 00:16:49: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl) Day 16953, 01:48:54: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl)! Day 16953, 01:56:22: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 74 (Snow Owl) Day 16953, 06:28:02: Bumbo Baggins Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl)! Day 16953, 06:31:30: Bumbo Baggins froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 16953, 06:58:01: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16953, 07:37:24: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 313 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16982, 18:58:20: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 314 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17110, 20:41:47: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17134, 13:47:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17244, 06:33:34: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17253, 01:35:42: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17376, 05:27:57: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 328 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17679, 09:20:40: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17679, 09:20:40: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17707, 02:45:53: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 328 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17880, 18:34:18: Bumbo Baggins froze Flash - Lvl 337 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 18461, 08:53:21: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18461, 08:53:21: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18461, 08:53:21: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18461, 08:53:21: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18461, 08:53:21: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1837453233,"tribe":"Dragons logs":["Day 8630, 11:49:25: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Black Pearl - Lvl 140 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 11:49:50: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'poly - Lvl 227 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 11:51:10: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 246 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:51:22: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 169 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:51:35: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:51:59: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:52:13: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:52:26: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:52:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 197 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:52:53: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 262 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 11:55:34: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Robin - Lvl 301 (Desmodus)'! Day 8630, 11:58:38: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 187 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:01:46: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 147 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:02:08: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 152 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:03:50: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 195 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:04:15: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 186 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:05:15: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 116 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:06:29: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deep Voyager 1 - Lvl 108 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:07:34: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '25 - Lvl 141 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:08:51: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 166 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8630, 12:09:54: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sul/oil/cry - Lvl 138 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:10:16: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 138 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:10:36: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:11:10: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:11:29: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 292 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:11:48: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{W} - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:12:55: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 308 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:13:08: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:13:29: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:14:02: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lionfish - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:14:29: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[PF] - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:14:44: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[1HP 1FD] - Lvl 229 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:15:57: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[1HP - M] - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:16:20: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 311 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:16:44: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 12:18:32: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 123 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:20:23: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sap/corwood/oil - Lvl 111 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:20:53: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 110 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:21:31: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'metal - Lvl 184 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:22:31: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:24:06: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal/silk/pearl. T/F/FL - Lvl 123 (Gacha)'! Day 8630, 12:24:33: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '100 - Lvl 149 (Mammoth)'! Day 8630, 12:25:25: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 308 (Mammoth)'! Day 8630, 12:27:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 289 (Mammoth)'! Day 8630, 12:28:05: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 280 (Mammoth)'! Day 8630, 12:28:55: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth)'! Day 8630, 12:31:47: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[M] H52 - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:32:35: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 257 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:33:03: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:33:32: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 272 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:33:54: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:34:16: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:35:19: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 319 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:35:41: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 299 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:36:19: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:36:34: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:37:19: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 314 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:37:38: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:38:08: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 276 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:39:43: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 298 (Rex)'! Day 8630, 12:42:14: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:42:49: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 297 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:43:52: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:44:20: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 269 (Sabertooth)'! Day 8630, 12:44:55: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dose - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:45:08: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 262 (Raptor)'! Day 8630, 12:45:25: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 270 (Terror Bird)'! Day 8630, 12:47:01: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:48:01: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:48:13: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:49:03: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MALE THERI - Lvl 353 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 8630, 12:50:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'power - Lvl 348 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 8630, 12:51:34: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:52:02: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 210 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:52:37: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 190 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:52:53: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:53:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 8630, 12:55:18: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 275 (Doedicurus)'! Day 8630, 12:56:33: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 262 (Kentrosaurus)'! Day 8630, 12:57:37: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 12:59:50: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 253 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 8630, 13:01:15: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 208 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:01:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:04:15: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 8630, 13:04:39: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:05:18: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 138 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:06:02: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 227 (Raptor)'! Day 8630, 13:06:27: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 8630, 13:06:55: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 182 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:07:24: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 263 (Raptor)'! Day 8630, 13:08:27: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 243 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 8630, 13:08:58: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 8630, 13:09:48: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 289 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 8630, 13:10:23: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 299 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 8630, 13:10:48: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Woolly Rhino - Lvl 289 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 8630, 13:19:28: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 233 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:20:43: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hh - Lvl 217 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:21:22: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gg - Lvl 172 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:22:10: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tt - Lvl 220 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:22:56: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'oo - Lvl 231 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:23:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:24:19: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 172 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:25:57: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 208 (Maewing)'! Day 8630, 13:31:30: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium)'! Day 8630, 13:32:17: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 6 - Lvl 250 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8630, 13:32:42: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 288 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8630, 13:33:00: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 206 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8630, 13:39:18: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{w} - Lvl 380 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8630, 13:49:20: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplodocus - Lvl 122 (Diplodocus)'! Day 8630, 13:50:06: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RHino - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:50:31: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rhino - Lvl 225 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:50:48: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 191 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8630, 13:52:40: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'slot 2 - Lvl 223 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8630, 13:55:30: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 F - Lvl 228 (Equus)'! Day 8630, 13:58:02: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '130 F - Lvl 207 (Equus)'! Day 8630, 14:04:25: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{w} - Lvl 245 (Desmodus)'! Day 8630, 18:19:24: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 217 (Glowtail)'! Day 8630, 18:25:07: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis)'! Day 8630, 21:30:41: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'whitey - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl)'! Day 8631, 00:01:28: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[OM] S44 - Lvl 209 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 8631, 00:05:12: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[F] H40 S44 - Lvl 228 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 8631, 00:06:42: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OM H40 - Lvl 217 (X-Woolly Rhino)'! Day 8631, 01:23:16: naggi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8639, 17:39:32: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8677, 17:49:32: DMMGAMER - Lvl 2 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 159 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 8679, 09:48:37: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 282 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 8679, 10:15:57: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 300 (Aberrant Purlovia)'! Day 8679, 10:24:17: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dolly - Lvl 96 (Purlovia)'! Day 8679, 12:44:03: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 258 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 8679, 12:46:35: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BERRY BENSON - Lvl 325 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 8679, 13:44:40: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 295 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8679, 13:46:27: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame '140 - Lvl 250 (Velonasaur)'! Day 8679, 14:26:49: BNN - Lvl 38 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 273 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 8679, 14:47:56: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 312 (Sabertooth)'! Day 8679, 14:48:54: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:49:54: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:52:07: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Allosaurus - Lvl 203 (R-Allosaurus )'! Day 8679, 14:53:01: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame '150 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 8679, 14:53:39: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 364 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 8679, 14:54:43: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 176 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:55:26: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 198 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 14:55:54: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 219 (Doedicurus)'! Day 8679, 14:57:12: DMMGAMER - Lvl 31 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8679, 17:44:35: BNN - Lvl 38 (Tribe of DMMGAMER) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 260 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8818, 11:21:35: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 309 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 8912, 15:28:19: SKIN/PAINT - Lvl 94 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8922, 11:16:46: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8937, 16:34:10: Pegomastax - Lvl 103 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 8985, 10:19:09: Fjordhawk - Lvl 101 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 9081, 23:07:51: Ms.Piggy - Lvl 77 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 9223, 20:13:25: Dilophosaur - Lvl 184 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 9223, 20:14:19: Featherlight - Lvl 175 (Featherlight) starved to death! Day 9224, 16:35:54: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 163 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 16:50:44: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chibi Dont move - Lvl 183 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:03:12: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'one - Lvl 113 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:03:33: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 113 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:03:46: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'male - Lvl 141 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:04:04: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'festive candy - Lvl 184 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:04:59: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Skins - Lvl 194 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:05:15: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chibi Dont move - Lvl 198 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9224, 17:10:15: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BREEDER MALE - Lvl 319 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9224, 17:11:17: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BREEDER FEMALE - Lvl 288 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9224, 18:22:40: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 149 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9224, 18:24:04: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 159 (Doedicurus)'! Day 9224, 21:05:06: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 160 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9228, 16:57:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9306, 12:08:11: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 242 (Oviraptor)'! Day 9306, 12:08:39: dave5 - Lvl 145 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oviraptor - Lvl 320 (Oviraptor)'! Day 9343, 08:36:59: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 9343, 09:02:52: Tribemember Radar - Lvl 134 was killed! Day 9343, 10:10:21: Tribemember Dobbs - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 9384, 20:29:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{W} one - Lvl 240 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9384, 20:30:46: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ffa - Lvl 150 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9384, 20:32:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '145 - Lvl 217 (Glowtail)'! Day 9384, 20:34:38: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 244 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 9384, 20:35:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Accident - Lvl 213 (Compy)'! Day 9384, 20:35:24: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 297 (Compy)'! Day 9384, 20:35:43: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Glowtail - Lvl 154 (Glowtail)'! Day 9384, 20:36:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hide - Lvl 299 (Kairuku)'! Day 9384, 20:38:53: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 176 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9452, 03:46:50: R-Direwolf - Lvl 84 (R-Direwolf) starved to death! Day 9474, 13:32:08: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dylosa - Lvl 287 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 9490, 18:17:55: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 301 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 9490, 18:19:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 162 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9490, 18:19:36: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Three - Lvl 234 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9490, 18:20:06: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Two - Lvl 214 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9490, 18:21:01: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Twin 1 - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 18:22:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '349 D - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 9490, 18:28:50: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{D} Two - Lvl 241 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9490, 18:29:03: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{D} one - Lvl 205 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9490, 19:30:40: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha)'! Day 9490, 20:26:03: Featherlight - Lvl 142 (Featherlight) starved to death! Day 9491, 03:13:57: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 298 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 9491, 03:19:17: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kaprosuchus - Lvl 244 (Kaprosuchus)'! Day 9491, 03:20:07: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SwashBuck - Lvl 243 (Megaloceros)'! Day 9491, 03:21:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ichthyornis - Lvl 225 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 9491, 03:22:10: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 201 (Dodo)'! Day 9491, 03:22:22: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ichthyornis - Lvl 220 (Ichthyornis)'! Day 9491, 03:37:59: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 140 (Phiomia)'! Day 9491, 03:38:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 52 (Phiomia)'! Day 9491, 03:42:47: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 114 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Direwolf - Lvl 99 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9511, 08:01:15: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9769, 04:21:39: Dung Beetle - Lvl 133 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 9882, 01:46:27: Kermit - Lvl 222 (Beelzebufo) starved to death! Day 9924, 07:36:35: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ewenement - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 10016, 18:01:40: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 278 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 10016, 18:13:50: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chitin - Lvl 290 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 10016, 18:59:32: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{R} - Lvl 164 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10016, 19:00:11: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame '{R} two - Lvl 164 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10016, 19:00:49: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 164 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10016, 19:04:49: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[R] Vamp - Lvl 214 (Desmodus)'! Day 10082, 18:58:07: ker - Lvl 219 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 10158, 09:03:50: Compy - Lvl 128 (Compy) starved to death! Day 10258, 06:58:55: Turbo - Lvl 232 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 10382, 06:50:15: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10446, 09:39:04: McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ffa - Lvl 166 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10947, 09:09:11: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10947, 09:09:11: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10947, 09:09:11: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11896, 12:59:12: Rubi - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 12291, 17:09:34: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Compy - Lvl 222 (Compy)'! Day 12291, 17:10:00: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 147 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 312 (Dodo)'! Day 13455, 09:04:43: Ichthyornis - Lvl 221 (Ichthyornis) starved to death! Day 13828, 03:30:25: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13828, 03:30:25: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19250, 18:25:34: wildy uploaded a R-Reaper King: {W} - Lvl 308 Day 19251, 17:39:14: wildy downloaded a dino: {W} - Lvl 310 Day 19276, 11:11:43: wildy Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 208 (Maewing)! Day 19276, 11:48:18: wildy Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 19276, 13:00:46: wildy Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 19369, 16:19:38: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 19391, 15:54:50: wildy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 157 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19391, 18:14:34: wildy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 163 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19391, 20:00:04: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 19391, 22:04:27: wildy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 19391, 22:17:13: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 312 (R-Reaper King) Day 19391, 22:40:06: wildy froze {W} - Lvl 312 (R-Reaper King) Day 19391, 23:15:29: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 19391, 23:20:49: wildy uploaded a R-Reaper King: {W} - Lvl 312 Day 19392, 17:28:52: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 19392, 19:23:05: wildy downloaded a dino: {W} - Lvl 312 Day 19440, 20:18:43: wildy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 163 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19440, 21:45:21: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 223 (Argentavis) Day 19440, 22:04:34: wildy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 165 (Ankylosaurus) Day 19440, 22:58:58: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 19441, 04:46:43: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 227 (Maewing) Day 19441, 16:30:01: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 228 (Maewing) Day 19509, 17:20:53: wildy froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 19510, 16:25:29: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 19510, 19:43:45: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 19510, 20:24:10: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 19510, 21:25:56: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 19510, 23:25:09: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 227 (Argentavis) Day 19511, 02:33:52: wildy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 19511, 02:51:56: Your Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 55! Day 19511, 03:03:04: wildy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 19511, 03:05:09: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 19511, 03:23:32: wildy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 221 (Pteranodon) Day 19511, 07:13:47: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 07:24:29: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 19511, 08:25:10: wildy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) Day 19511, 14:21:19: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 19511, 16:49:29: wildy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 19511, 17:03:28: wildy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 19511, 17:15:30: wildy Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)! Day 19511, 17:26:42: Tribemember wildy - Lvl 135 was killed! Day 19511, 18:20:11: Desmodus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 19511, 18:20:11: Desmodus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 19511, 19:49:07: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 19:53:50: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 20:03:54: wildy froze Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) Day 19511, 22:13:39: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 22:26:57: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 34 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 22:35:56: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 35 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 22:48:54: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 19511, 23:46:33: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 35 (Desmodus) Day 19512, 04:11:06: wildy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 82 (Desmodus)'! Day 19512, 04:41:43: wildy froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 82 (Desmodus) Day 19512, 04:58:33: wildy froze Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus) Day 20094, 05:58:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20094, 05:58:54: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20379, 12:53:14: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20686, 19:55:09: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20686, 19:55:09: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20686, 19:55:09: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20686, 19:55:09: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1833516393,"tribe":"Stormriders logs":["Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1825332925,"tribe":"Oberon logs":["Day 424, 15:44:58: Xpertale froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo) Day 425, 06:21:19: Xpertale froze Doedicurus - Lvl 76 (Doedicurus) Day 425, 06:53:56: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 425, 11:56:14: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:14: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:14: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:14: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:15: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:56:40: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 11:57:08: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 12:00:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 12:00:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 12:00:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 12:00:56: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 425, 18:49:22: Xpertale froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 210 (Ankylosaurus) Day 425, 22:04:59: Xpertale froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 235 (Thylacoleo) Day 426, 00:31:07: Tribemember Xpertale - Lvl 103 was killed! Day 426, 10:00:19: Wheels Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo)! Day 426, 10:17:16: Wheels froze [W] Dave - Lvl 204 (Thylacoleo) Day 426, 11:39:16: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 426, 11:39:16: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 426, 11:39:16: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 426, 11:40:41: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 426, 11:40:44: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 426, 11:40:44: Your 'Wooden Table' was destroyed! Day 426, 11:42:14: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 426, 16:48:52: Tribemember Xpertale - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 426, 19:18:41: Wheels froze [W] Dave - Lvl 233 (Thylacoleo) Day 428, 04:00:24: Your [W] Dave - Lvl 243 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 185! Day 428, 04:37:16: Tribemember Wheels - Lvl 115 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 205! Day 428, 05:35:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 209 (Mammoth)! Day 438, 09:06:52: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 439, 16:31:53: Your [W] FeatherWeight - Lvl 299 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 440, 21:46:58: Xpertale demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 441, 03:10:38: Xpertale froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 218 (Ankylosaurus) Day 441, 08:46:39: Tribemember Xpertale - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 441, 10:37:03: Xpertale froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Fire Wyvern) Day 441, 12:03:46: Xpertale froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 218 (Fire Wyvern) Day 442, 04:10:51: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 442, 08:49:04: Xpertale froze Mammoth - Lvl 214 (Mammoth) Day 444, 02:40:34: Xpertale froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 223 (Ankylosaurus) Day 444, 20:03:43: Your 'Chemistry Bench (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 444, 23:10:16: Xpertale froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 445, 08:21:09: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:21:09: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:21:09: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:21:56: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:21:56: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:23:03: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:23:03: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:25:06: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:25:06: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:26:55: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:26:55: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:27:18: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:27:18: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:27:18: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:28:49: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:29:12: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:30:49: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:31:09: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:32:43: Your 'Air Conditioner (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:33:30: Your 'Fabricator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 445, 08:42:12: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 144 (Rock Drake)'! Day 449, 07:15:37: Your Austin - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 451, 08:49:49: Wheels claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 451, 09:00:53: Wheels claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 451, 09:42:02: Wheels claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 451, 09:43:23: Wheels claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 451, 09:56:28: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 451, 09:56:33: Wheels claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 451, 13:28:21: Wheels froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 451, 13:32:24: Wheels froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 451, 14:12:27: Xpertale froze Drew - Lvl 174 (Rock Drake) Day 451, 14:14:30: Wheels froze Baby Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 451, 14:31:27: Wheels froze Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 451, 17:51:27: Wheels froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 452, 09:55:55: Tribemember Wheels - Lvl 118 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 150! Day 452, 11:41:14: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 452, 11:57:39: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rix - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 12:02:09: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rix - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 12:15:14: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 16:53:32: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 16:59:14: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 17:03:57: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 17:07:23: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 452, 19:33:10: Tribemember Wheels - Lvl 118 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 452, 21:58:55: Xpertale froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 452, 22:03:23: Xpertale froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 453, 06:43:55: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rix - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 453, 06:55:10: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 453, 09:27:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 208 (Griffin)! Day 453, 12:04:19: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 453, 14:07:21: Tribemember Wheels - Lvl 118 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 454, 08:31:02: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 454, 08:36:28: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 454, 08:50:35: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 454, 08:54:57: Xpertale froze Rix - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 463, 17:51:06: Wheels claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 167 (Rock Drake)'! Day 463, 17:52:00: Wheels claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 167 (Rock Drake)'! Day 463, 17:55:30: Wheels claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 167 (Rock Drake)'! Day 464, 07:31:46: Wheels froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 167 (Rock Drake) Day 464, 11:11:46: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 464, 13:54:15: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis)'! Day 465, 06:08:36: Wheels froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 465, 16:02:57: Wheels froze Adolescent Argentavis - Lvl 214 (Argentavis) Day 467, 23:32:53: Wheels Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)! Day 467, 23:37:04: Wheels froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 468, 02:25:17: Wheels Tamed a Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)! Day 468, 02:28:49: Wheels froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 468, 06:25:05: Wheels claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 468, 10:57:20: Wheels froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 468, 11:00:47: Wheels froze Juvenile Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 468, 21:02:46: Wheels froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 469, 02:58:18: Wheels froze Adolescent Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 469, 04:55:28: Wheels froze [W] Pluck - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake) Day 469, 05:39:18: Xpertale froze Duke - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake) Day 470, 07:56:55: Wheels claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 470, 08:01:24: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 470, 08:47:53: Xpertale froze Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 470, 09:32:21: Wheels froze Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 213 (Thylacoleo) Day 470, 09:35:24: Wheels froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 471, 19:10:30: Tribemember Xpertale - Lvl 119 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 50! Day 471, 20:59:16: Your Flappy Bird - Lvl 162 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 50! Day 473, 06:38:30: Xpertale froze Duke - Lvl 203 (Rock Drake) Day 473, 17:14:49: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 473, 17:16:04: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 475, 01:35:53: Xpertale froze Drew - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake) Day 475, 01:54:39: Xpertale froze Decker - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 475, 02:09:06: Xpertale froze Argentavis - Lvl 228 (Argentavis) Day 475, 02:52:51: Xpertale froze Hector - Lvl 240 (Mammoth) Day 475, 03:05:26: Xpertale froze Managarmr - Lvl 179 (Managarmr) Day 475, 03:13:46: Xpertale froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 245 (Ankylosaurus) Day 475, 03:19:38: Xpertale froze Doedicurus - Lvl 105 (Doedicurus) Day 475, 03:39:25: Xpertale froze [W] Pluck - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake) Day 475, 03:52:32: Xpertale froze Argentavis - Lvl 206 (Argentavis) Day 475, 04:22:37: Xpertale froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 475, 05:58:56: Xpertale froze Rix - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 475, 10:18:59: Xpertale froze Managarmr - Lvl 302 (Managarmr) Day 475, 20:54:50: Your [W] Squirtle - Lvl 242 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 476, 08:01:14: Xpertale froze Duke - Lvl 203 (Rock Drake) Day 476, 08:11:25: Xpertale froze Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 476, 08:42:05: Xpertale froze Roll - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 476, 13:14:17: Xpertale froze [W] Pluck - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake) Day 476, 13:17:53: Xpertale froze Roll - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 476, 13:21:31: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake) Day 490, 09:08:15: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 180 (Managarmr)'! Day 490, 09:39:36: Xpertale froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 180 (Managarmr) Day 494, 11:02:57: Xpertale froze Managarmr - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 494, 19:21:38: Xpertale froze Duke - Lvl 203 (Rock Drake) Day 494, 19:32:09: Xpertale froze Drew - Lvl 187 (Rock Drake) Day 494, 20:09:35: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake) Day 495, 13:22:06: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake) Day 495, 21:41:10: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake) Day 500, 12:32:59: Wheels claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 500, 12:37:42: Wheels claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 518, 22:00:55: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 518, 22:07:23: Xpertale froze Baby Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 518, 22:13:45: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 518, 22:17:20: Xpertale froze Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 518, 22:21:54: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 518, 22:25:25: Xpertale froze Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 04:40:19: Xpertale froze Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 08:27:07: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 519, 08:31:46: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 519, 09:09:11: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 519, 09:56:52: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 10:00:48: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 10:04:54: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 11:19:22: Xpertale claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake)'! Day 519, 11:23:16: Xpertale froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 519, 14:50:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 519, 14:59:41: Xpertale unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 519, 15:23:25: Xpertale claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 519, 15:30:09: Xpertale unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 519, 18:03:09: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 519, 18:08:05: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 519, 18:12:02: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 519, 18:21:13: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 18:27:41: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 18:31:54: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 18:35:16: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 519, 18:38:43: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 00:46:26: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 00:53:26: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 520, 01:01:02: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 520, 01:06:10: Xpertale froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 05:34:40: Xpertale froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 57 (Bloodstalker) Day 520, 06:11:39: Wheels unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 06:16:12: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 06:17:02: Wheels claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 06:22:50: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 520, 06:26:53: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 520, 06:32:39: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 06:36:10: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 06:39:56: Xpertale froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 520, 07:33:05: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 236 (Rock Drake) Day 520, 08:27:12: Wheels claimed 'Baby Managarmr - Lvl 188 (Managarmr)'! Day 520, 08:43:09: Wheels claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 09:49:43: Xpertale froze Baby Managarmr - Lvl 188 (Managarmr) Day 520, 09:53:21: Wheels unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 09:55:25: Wheels unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 13:24:56: Xpertale froze Managarmr - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 520, 13:33:25: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 236 (Rock Drake) Day 520, 13:35:12: Wheels froze [W] Pluck - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 520, 13:49:30: Xpertale froze Managarmr - Lvl 313 (Managarmr) Day 520, 13:50:06: Wheels froze [W] Pluck - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 520, 19:29:09: Tribemember Wheels - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 520, 19:48:27: Your [W] Pluck - Lvl 262 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 520, 23:37:24: Tribemember Wheels - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 567, 12:30:24: Your Drew - Lvl 207 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 627, 00:14:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 627, 00:14:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 650, 16:10:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 650, 16:10:34: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 665, 08:29:00: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 269 (Rex) Day 665, 09:21:00: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 665, 09:26:03: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 665, 09:30:12: Xpertale froze Rix - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 665, 09:35:32: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex) Day 665, 09:40:02: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex) Day 665, 09:44:41: Xpertale froze Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) Day 665, 09:53:00: Xpertale froze [W] FireBall - Lvl 253 (Griffin) Day 665, 09:58:24: Xpertale froze Argentavis - Lvl 251 (Argentavis) Day 665, 11:53:51: Xpertale demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 665, 13:43:21: Xpertale froze Rick - Lvl 237 (Rock Drake) Day 665, 14:06:49: Xpertale froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (Thylacoleo) Day 665, 14:18:54: Xpertale froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (Thylacoleo) Day 665, 14:33:33: Xpertale froze Managarmr - Lvl 197 (Managarmr) Day 665, 14:50:09: Xpertale froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern) Day 665, 15:46:55: Xpertale unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 201 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 665, 15:52:58: Xpertale unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 665, 15:58:08: Xpertale unclaimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 234 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 665, 16:35:42: Xpertale demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 665, 16:36:35: Xpertale demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 803, 01:00:43: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 816, 05:33:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 816, 05:33:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 902, 20:16:51: Your 'Wood Railing' was destroyed! Day 902, 20:16:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1182, 21:58:54: StijnOnArk - Lvl 123 (Organic Polymer) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 1211, 07:44:15: Xpertale's 'Rex - Lvl 255 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1213, 00:46:10: Xpertale's 'Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1224, 20:30:01: Xpertale's 'Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1245, 15:36:37: Brewskii - Lvl 145 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Managarmr - Lvl 315 (Managarmr)'! Day 1245, 16:31:30: Xpertale's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1245, 16:31:30: Xpertale's 'Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1245, 16:31:30: Xpertale's 'Rex - Lvl 231 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1245, 16:37:16: Brewskii - Lvl 145 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 253 (Argentavis)'! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1369, 05:16:42: Tribemember Xpertale - Lvl 122 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1541, 04:38:07: BoaZ - Lvl 91 (Tribe of Steve) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Automated Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1823617121,"tribe":"Tribe of jerry logs":["Day 14272, 03:28:29: jerry was added to the Tribe! Day 14272, 03:29:19: jerry claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14272, 05:18:08: jerry was removed from the Tribe! Day 15010, 20:04:33: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Lightning Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1823513254,"tribe":"Theis-Land logs":["Day 4092, 09:37:43: Brock was added to the Tribe! Day 4092, 10:07:02: Brock demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4092, 10:07:57: Brock demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4092, 10:44:44: Tribe of Sarto tribe was merged in by Sarto! Day 4092, 10:44:44: Sarto was added to the Tribe by Brock! Day 4092, 10:47:36: Sarto was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Brock! Day 4092, 12:35:24: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 20 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 145! Day 4093, 01:29:47: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 4093, 10:17:47: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 4093, 19:41:08: Brock Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 29 (Stegosaurus)! Day 4093, 20:50:22: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 42 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 4093, 21:21:11: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 33 (Stegosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 4093, 21:29:18: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 42 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 15! Day 4094, 04:39:32: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 45 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 4094, 17:57:38: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 50 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 4094, 21:29:58: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 50 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 4094, 21:44:22: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 4094, 22:03:09: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 50 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 4104, 05:59:10: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 4104, 07:26:53: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 4114, 21:10:57: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 4114, 21:23:45: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 53 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 4115, 08:17:26: Brock demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 4115, 08:18:49: Brock demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 4115, 11:42:12: Brock demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 4115, 17:18:45: Brock Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 74 (Pteranodon)! Day 4115, 20:23:39: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 70 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 4115, 20:55:31: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 4115, 21:38:39: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 4115, 23:34:23: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 4116, 04:06:23: Sarto Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 4116, 08:25:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 4116, 09:16:57: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) was killed by Brock - Lvl 65 (Theis-Land)! Day 4116, 09:16:57: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) (Theis-Land)! Day 4116, 11:30:39: Sarto Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 4116, 13:15:34: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:15:34: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:15:34: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:15:34: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:15:37: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:21:19: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:22:47: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 4116, 13:23:51: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4116, 13:26:30: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 100! Day 4116, 13:28:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 4116, 14:20:47: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 145! Day 4116, 14:32:20: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed by a Pachyrhinosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 4116, 14:51:22: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 4116, 15:38:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:38:17: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:42:24: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:42:59: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:42:59: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:51:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:51:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:51:19: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:51:54: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:51:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:52:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:52:29: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:53:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 4116, 15:53:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 16:22:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 16:22:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 16:38:39: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 4116, 16:52:25: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 18! Day 4116, 17:14:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 4116, 17:25:38: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 4116, 18:16:12: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 18! Day 4116, 18:39:36: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 71 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 4117, 22:47:18: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 4118, 05:17:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 67 (Stegosaurus)! Day 4118, 14:04:05: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 125 (Argentavis)! Day 4119, 16:01:08: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 4134, 19:56:25: Sarto Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 89 (Argentavis)! Day 4135, 06:29:37: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 85 was killed! Day 4136, 01:09:28: Your Sarts death from above - Lvl 89 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 4136, 14:39:05: Sarto Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 4140, 07:19:41: Your Fiery Doooom - Lvl 218 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 4140, 07:20:55: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 89 was killed! Day 4140, 08:15:44: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 96 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 4140, 08:18:53: Your Red Rocket - Lvl 118 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 4140, 08:50:08: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 96 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 4140, 09:41:24: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4140, 09:41:24: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4140, 09:41:24: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4140, 09:41:59: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4140, 11:06:48: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 4140, 17:55:29: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 4159, 06:56:27: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 4159, 12:37:17: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 4163, 15:56:32: Sarto Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 4163, 16:33:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 4163, 22:41:21: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4163, 22:44:33: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4164, 01:08:18: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4164, 01:09:55: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4164, 05:34:26: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 87 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 4164, 07:30:23: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4164, 07:36:24: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4164, 07:38:33: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 4164, 09:59:33: Brock demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 4164, 10:01:15: Brock demolished a 'Wooden Table'! Day 4164, 11:27:09: Sarto claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4164, 11:40:12: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:41:50: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:42:35: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:43:23: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:44:07: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:44:48: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:45:27: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:46:19: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:47:34: Brock demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:48:25: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:49:06: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:49:49: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:51:42: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:52:23: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:53:39: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:55:04: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 11:56:14: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4164, 20:23:57: Sarto froze Juvenile Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4164, 21:38:12: Sarto froze Juvenile Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4165, 05:24:13: Sarto froze Juvenile Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4165, 07:16:32: Sarto froze Juvenile Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4183, 05:08:46: Sarto froze Juvenile Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4183, 05:24:48: Sarto froze Juvenile Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4183, 14:01:04: Sarto froze Adolescent Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4183, 18:01:02: Sarto froze Adolescent Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4186, 03:31:30: Sarto froze Adolescent Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4186, 10:00:08: Your Daddy - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 4186, 10:01:21: Sarto froze Adolescent Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4186, 11:36:12: Sarto froze Adolescent Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4186, 12:48:56: Sarto froze Adolescent Fiery Death - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4186, 15:50:50: Brock demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:11:09: Brock claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4187, 00:26:31: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:27:30: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:28:24: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:29:21: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:30:56: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:31:51: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:32:46: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:33:43: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:34:46: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:36:00: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:38:21: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:39:27: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 00:41:29: Brock demolished a 'Industrial Forge (Locked) '! Day 4187, 04:21:43: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 95 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 135! Day 4187, 06:10:18: Brock froze Baby Spyro - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4187, 06:36:03: Brock froze Juvenile Spyro - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4187, 15:08:09: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 15:09:04: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 15:09:54: Brock demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 4187, 15:46:12: Brock froze Juvenile Spyro - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4187, 16:03:08: Brock froze Juvenile Spyro - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4187, 19:19:09: Brock demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 4187, 19:19:52: Brock demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 4187, 19:20:43: Brock demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 4187, 19:23:27: Brock demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 4188, 05:30:17: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 4188, 07:14:48: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 87 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 4188, 07:17:14: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 104 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 4188, 15:45:16: Brock froze Adolescent Spyro - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4188, 16:00:26: Brock froze Adolescent Spyro - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4188, 16:46:31: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4188, 16:49:01: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4188, 17:05:35: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4188, 17:07:32: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4188, 17:09:22: Brock demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 4188, 17:54:33: Sarto froze Fiery Death - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4209, 10:41:38: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was destroyed! Day 4209, 10:41:38: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4209, 10:43:00: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4210, 11:34:40: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 4211, 19:27:58: Sarto froze Fiery Death - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4232, 05:26:23: Sarto froze Fiery Death - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4233, 21:29:48: Sarto demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4234, 06:16:04: Brock claimed 'Black ball green - Lvl 93 (Gacha)'! Day 4234, 10:17:08: Sarto froze Black ball green - Lvl 93 (Gacha) Day 4235, 02:43:39: Sarto froze Black ball green - Lvl 93 (Gacha) Day 4256, 12:16:07: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4256, 13:45:22: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 4265, 10:58:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4270, 21:27:55: Sarto demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 4271, 15:12:04: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 4281, 16:17:24: Sarto claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4281, 21:34:44: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4282, 05:33:48: Sarto froze Juvenile Hell Bringer - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4423, 08:18:05: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was destroyed! Day 4430, 09:31:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4713, 00:55:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4877, 20:51:54: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4889, 13:04:10: chrryan - Lvl 40 (tribe of men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spyro - Lvl 250 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4889, 13:04:55: chrryan - Lvl 40 (tribe of men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fiery Death - Lvl 269 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4889, 13:06:17: chrryan - Lvl 40 (tribe of men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sonic - Lvl 280 (Argentavis)'! Day 4889, 13:06:49: chrryan - Lvl 40 (tribe of men) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Death Eagle - Lvl 237 (Argentavis)'! Day 4896, 00:54:29: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ste's Pick Up - Lvl 192 (Argentavis)'! Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4995, 16:04:39: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5031, 08:42:18: Sarto's 'Juvenile Hell Bringer - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5266, 05:05:29: Tribemember Sarto - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 5266, 05:16:10: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 5266, 05:17:43: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 5443, 00:25:26: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1819719397,"tribe":"big logs":["Day 1233, 09:19:54: Argentavis - Lvl 41 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1255, 10:21:21: big froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 149 (Astrodelphis) Day 1255, 13:40:38: big claimed 'Baby Astrodelphis - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 1255, 13:56:08: big froze Baby efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1255, 17:51:15: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 132 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1255, 17:55:28: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 195 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1255, 18:01:44: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1255, 18:08:41: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1255, 18:10:22: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1255, 18:19:22: big froze Baby turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1255, 18:22:31: big froze Baby turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1255, 18:26:14: big froze Baby turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 195 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1255, 18:29:04: big froze Baby turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1255, 18:32:36: big froze Baby turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 132 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1255, 18:48:46: big froze Juvenile efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1255, 19:44:58: big froze murder kitten - Lvl 358 (Shadowmane) Day 1255, 21:15:48: big froze tony stark - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 1256, 00:38:39: big froze Juvenile efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1256, 00:44:08: big froze Juvenile efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1256, 02:03:22: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 02:10:47: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 02:11:38: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 130 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 02:15:07: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 130 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 02:31:44: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 02:32:47: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 65 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 02:36:07: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 65 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 02:40:14: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 02:49:30: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 02:50:21: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 101 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 02:55:37: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 02:59:08: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 101 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 03:03:27: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 03:06:56: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 03:10:14: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 03:13:49: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 04:02:39: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 131 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1256, 04:09:03: big froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 131 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:09:19: big froze Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:13:00: big froze Juvenile turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 195 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:16:12: big froze Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 132 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:18:53: big froze Juvenile turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:21:35: big froze Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:44:15: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 05:47:17: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 06:33:43: big froze Juvenile efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1256, 06:38:36: big froze Juvenile efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1256, 06:38:47: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 65 (R-Snow Owl) was killed! Day 1256, 06:38:47: Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 65 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1256, 06:45:26: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:45:26: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:45:29: Your Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:45:29: Your Tribe killed Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:45:29: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:45:29: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:47:10: Your Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:47:10: Your Tribe killed Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:47:15: Your Juvenile turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:47:15: Your Tribe killed Juvenile turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:47:16: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:47:16: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:47:20: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 130 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:47:20: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 130 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:47:26: Your Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 132 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:47:26: Your Tribe killed Juvenile turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 132 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:48:01: Your Juvenile turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 195 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:48:01: Your Tribe killed Juvenile turq 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 195 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:49:07: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:49:07: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 135 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:49:48: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:49:48: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:49:51: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:49:51: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 160 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:51:40: Your Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 101 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:51:40: Your Tribe killed Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 101 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 06:58:21: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 234 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1256, 06:58:21: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 225 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1256, 07:19:12: big froze turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:21:59: big froze turq 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:26:09: big froze turq 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:28:56: big froze turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 140 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:34:42: big froze turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 99 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:37:49: big froze turq 3 5 6 - Lvl 152 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:44:44: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:52:44: big froze turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 07:56:06: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 186 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:01:26: big froze turq - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:09:43: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:20:36: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 144 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:25:27: big froze turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:28:20: big froze turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:31:12: big froze turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 167 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:34:37: big froze turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:37:47: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:40:36: big froze turq 3 5 6 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:47:03: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 08:53:40: big froze turq 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 09:00:39: big froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 131 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 09:40:49: big froze good fem? - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1256, 12:20:35: big froze Adolescent efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1256, 13:29:37: big froze efan birb - Lvl 282 (Fjordhawk) Day 1256, 16:39:41: big uploaded a Tek Stryder: beans - Lvl 150 Day 1257, 01:13:39: big downloaded a dino: beans - Lvl 151 Day 1257, 02:55:59: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:55:59: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:56:03: Your turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:56:03: Your Tribe killed turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:56:07: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 144 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:56:07: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 144 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:56:11: Your turq 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:56:11: Your Tribe killed turq 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:56:22: Your turq 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:56:22: Your Tribe killed turq 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 191 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:57:40: Your turq - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:57:40: Your Tribe killed turq - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:57:59: Your turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 140 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:57:59: Your Tribe killed turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 140 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:58:18: Your turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:58:18: Your Tribe killed turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:58:22: Your turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 99 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:58:22: Your Tribe killed turq 3 4 5 - Lvl 99 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:58:22: Your turq 3 5 6 - Lvl 152 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:58:22: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 6 - Lvl 152 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 02:58:33: Your turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 02:58:33: Your Tribe killed turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:00:39: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:00:39: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:00:54: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 186 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:00:54: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 186 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:01:09: Your turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 167 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:01:09: Your Tribe killed turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 167 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:01:28: Your turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:01:28: Your Tribe killed turq 2 3 5 - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:02:45: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:02:45: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:03:02: Your turq 3 5 6 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:03:02: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 6 - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1257, 03:03:09: Your turq 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1257, 03:03:09: Your Tribe killed turq 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1258, 18:37:13: big uploaded a Tek Stryder: beans - Lvl 151 Day 1259, 00:40:22: big downloaded a dino: efan birb - Lvl 282 Day 1259, 05:54:28: big froze efon boss - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 1259, 08:03:02: big froze beasty boy - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 1259, 08:05:46: big froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 323 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1259, 08:13:51: big froze beasty boy 2 - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 1259, 08:17:41: big froze efon boss - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 1259, 10:31:34: big froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 325 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1259, 10:37:17: big froze efon boss - Lvl 293 (Shadowmane) Day 1259, 10:46:41: big froze beasty boy - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 1259, 10:53:28: big froze beasty boy 2 - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 1259, 14:37:05: Your beasty boy - Lvl 298 (Rex) was killed by a Hati - Lvl 1! Day 1259, 15:02:35: big froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 326 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1259, 15:11:51: big froze beasty boy 2 - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 1259, 15:18:26: big froze efon boss - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 1259, 15:23:50: big froze efon boss - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 1259, 15:26:54: big froze efon boss - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 1259, 18:41:33: big uploaded a Fjordhawk: efon genesis birb - Lvl 268 Day 1280, 23:23:08: Shadowmane - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 1281, 04:01:27: big froze efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1281, 04:16:57: big froze efon 3 - Lvl 142 (Astrodelphis) Day 1281, 04:51:34: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 164 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1281, 04:58:04: big froze Baby turq 1 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 164 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1281, 05:05:18: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 166 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1281, 05:11:31: big froze Baby turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 166 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1281, 05:22:36: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 127 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1281, 05:26:17: big froze Baby turq 1 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 127 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1281, 05:43:11: big froze not needed - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1281, 09:29:34: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1281, 09:41:21: big froze Baby 40h 38s 34w 41m - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1281, 10:23:22: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 1281, 11:06:39: big froze efon boss - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 1281, 13:43:50: big froze sheeeeeeeeesh - Lvl 326 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1281, 13:50:14: big froze efon boss - Lvl 294 (Shadowmane) Day 1281, 13:56:26: big froze beasty boy 2 - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 1281, 13:59:43: big froze efon boss - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 1281, 14:04:39: big froze efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1295, 10:00:09: big froze tony stark - Lvl 258 (Desmodus) Day 1295, 10:01:35: big downloaded a dino: beans - Lvl 154 Day 1295, 21:48:39: big froze lil monke - Lvl 164 (Mesopithecus) Day 1295, 21:52:14: big froze beans - Lvl 165 (Dodo) Day 1295, 21:57:35: big froze burnt chikn nugget - Lvl 85 (Dodo) Day 1295, 22:01:17: big froze tony stark - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 1295, 22:06:27: big froze this bozo got stuck - Lvl 144 (Dodo) Day 1295, 22:20:50: big froze other cripple - Lvl 178 (Fjordhawk) Day 1295, 22:29:18: big froze enjoy your stay - Lvl 81 (Fjordhawk) Day 1295, 22:48:01: big froze light the fire - Lvl 81 (Fjordhawk) Day 1295, 22:57:40: big froze welcome - Lvl 128 (Fjordhawk) Day 1295, 23:03:29: big froze protector - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 1295, 23:12:58: big froze protector - Lvl 266 (Shadowmane) Day 1295, 23:26:26: big froze protector - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 1295, 23:33:56: big froze turbo - Lvl 369 (Carbonemys) Day 1295, 23:39:44: big froze lil baby - Lvl 126 (Otter) Day 1295, 23:45:22: big froze efon genesis birb - Lvl 270 (Fjordhawk) Day 1296, 02:44:33: big froze turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 166 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1296, 02:48:19: big froze turq 1 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 127 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1296, 02:59:09: big froze turq 1 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 164 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1296, 04:05:22: big froze murder kitten - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 1296, 04:54:34: big froze protector - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 1296, 05:12:48: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 215 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1296, 05:17:45: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1296, 05:34:46: big froze branodn birb - Lvl 265 (Fjordhawk) Day 1296, 09:19:31: big froze efan birb - Lvl 285 (Fjordhawk) Day 1296, 10:03:44: big froze pretty - Lvl 128 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1296, 13:47:19: big froze 40h 38s 34w 41m - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1296, 17:26:58: big froze efon - Lvl 89 (Astrodelphis) Day 1296, 18:21:17: big froze efon 2 - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1296, 21:41:04: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1296, 21:45:58: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1296, 22:03:31: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 234 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:03:31: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 234 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:03:31: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:03:31: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:03:31: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:03:31: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:03:50: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:03:50: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:05:31: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:05:31: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:05:31: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 200 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:05:31: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 200 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:05:46: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 117 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:05:46: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 117 (Tek Parasaur) (big)! Day 1296, 22:05:46: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 162 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:05:46: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 162 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:05:58: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 231 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:05:58: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 231 (Tek Parasaur) (big)! Day 1296, 22:05:58: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:05:58: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:06:13: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:06:13: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 237 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:08:45: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 186 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:08:45: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 186 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:08:45: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 215 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:08:45: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 215 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 1296, 22:09:27: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:09:27: Your Tribe killed Tek Parasaur - Lvl 178 (Tek Parasaur) (big)! Day 1296, 22:13:07: Your not needed - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:13:07: Your Tribe killed not needed - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1296, 22:15:07: Your male turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 187 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1296, 22:15:07: Your Tribe killed male turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 187 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1296, 22:23:08: big froze efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1296, 22:48:22: big froze efon 3 - Lvl 142 (Astrodelphis) Day 1296, 22:48:58: big claimed 'Baby Astrodelphis - Lvl 145 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 1296, 22:54:11: big froze efon - Lvl 89 (Astrodelphis) Day 1296, 22:55:12: big claimed 'Baby Astrodelphis - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis)'! Day 1296, 23:47:04: big froze Baby efon 5 best - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1297, 00:05:53: big claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 1297, 00:06:52: big claimed 'Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 1297, 00:14:04: big froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1297, 00:17:39: big froze Baby Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1297, 05:35:38: big froze male turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1297, 06:01:24: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1297, 06:06:52: big froze Baby FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1297, 06:08:51: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 172 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1297, 06:12:10: big froze Baby turq 1 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 172 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1297, 06:20:15: big froze Juvenile efon 4 - Lvl 145 (Astrodelphis) Day 1297, 06:36:33: big froze Baby FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1297, 11:14:52: big froze tony stark - Lvl 259 (Desmodus) Day 1297, 13:47:47: big froze Hoodonnie - Lvl 356 (Snow Owl) Day 1297, 15:12:36: big froze Adolescent efon 5 best - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1297, 15:17:19: big froze Adolescent efon 4 - Lvl 145 (Astrodelphis) Day 1297, 19:37:15: big froze Adolescent efon 5 best - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1297, 22:56:33: big froze not tangerine - Lvl 246 (R-Reaper King) Day 1298, 02:53:29: big froze murder kitten - Lvl 360 (Shadowmane) Day 1298, 09:31:08: big claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 136 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 1298, 09:34:14: big froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 136 (Aberrant Spino) Day 1298, 10:13:25: big froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 136 (Aberrant Spino) Day 1298, 10:30:36: big froze efon 4 - Lvl 145 (Astrodelphis) Day 1298, 10:33:25: big froze efon 5 best - Lvl 133 (Astrodelphis) Day 1298, 10:38:37: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 202 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1298, 10:41:35: big froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1298, 14:31:15: big claimed 'Baby R-Brontosaurus - Lvl 198 (R-Brontosaurus)'! Day 1298, 15:27:18: big froze Baby R-Brontosaurus - Lvl 198 (R-Brontosaurus) Day 1298, 21:54:58: big froze FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1298, 23:50:40: big froze pretty - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1299, 01:55:58: big froze turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1299, 02:02:47: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 165 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:02:47: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 165 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:02:47: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 166 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:02:47: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 166 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:02:47: Your turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 171 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:02:47: Your Tribe killed turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 171 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:03:59: Your turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:03:59: Your Tribe killed turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:06:35: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 187 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:06:35: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 187 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:07:15: Your turq 2 3 4 5 6 !! - Lvl 181 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:07:15: Your Tribe killed turq 2 3 4 5 6 !! - Lvl 181 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:08:00: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:08:00: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:09:47: Your turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 142 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:09:47: Your Tribe killed turq 1 3 5 - Lvl 142 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:14:09: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:14:09: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 134 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:15:06: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:15:06: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:16:38: Your turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:16:38: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 - Lvl 182 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:16:49: Your turq 1 2 3 5 6 !! - Lvl 126 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:16:49: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 6 !! - Lvl 126 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:18:02: Your turq 1 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 164 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:18:02: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 4 5 - Lvl 164 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:22:07: Your turq 1 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 172 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:22:07: Your Tribe killed turq 1 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 172 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:22:15: Your turq 1 2 3 5 6 !! - Lvl 126 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:22:15: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 6 !! - Lvl 126 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:23:12: Your male turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:23:12: Your Tribe killed male turq 2 3 4 5 6 - Lvl 125 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:24:41: Your turq 1 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 131 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:24:41: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 131 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:24:56: Your turq 1 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 127 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by efon - Lvl 253 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1299, 02:24:56: Your Tribe killed turq 1 2 3 5 6 - Lvl 127 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1299, 02:33:04: big froze efon - Lvl 254 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1299, 02:50:07: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1299, 03:02:33: big froze Baby FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1309, 19:20:03: big froze FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1309, 19:58:53: Tribemember mini - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1309, 23:55:44: big froze FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1310, 02:30:32: big froze FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1375, 03:55:55: big froze 40h 38s 34w 41m - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1375, 04:38:49: big froze FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1375, 04:43:02: big froze FULL TURQ !!! - Lvl 136 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1375, 07:56:47: big claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1375, 08:04:23: big froze Baby 40h 38s 34w 41m - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1375, 09:15:31: big froze murder kitten - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 1375, 12:24:41: Your 40h 38s 34w 41m - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 90! Day 1375, 15:50:14: big froze murder kitten - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 1377, 02:56:11: pasty - Lvl 64 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1637, 15:21:18: Velvetkitten added 'Rogue Hunters' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 1680, 01:35:07: 40h 38s 34w - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1680, 01:35:09: 40h 38s 34w 41m - Lvl 188 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1730, 20:20:45: 41m - Lvl 227 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Tree Sap Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1951, 13:59:46: CaS - Lvl 153 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'beans - Lvl 155 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1962, 07:35:54: CaS - Lvl 153 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'cartman - Lvl 207 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1962, 15:04:42: CaS - Lvl 153 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'efan birb - Lvl 287 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 2235, 18:21:31: chikn nugget 2 - Lvl 130 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 2251, 06:24:19: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 2251, 07:53:36: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 2253, 19:54:43: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 2389, 06:51:24: Tribemember mini - Lvl 122 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 2460, 02:02:19: Tribemember big - Lvl 125 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 6870, 05:22:59: mini Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo)! Day 7121, 10:53:23: Your Dodo - Lvl 37 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1819316350,"tribe":"Tribe of Evelynn logs":["Day 4072, 10:25:29: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4072, 11:50:14: Evelynn uploaded a Desmodus: Vladimir Putin - Lvl 126 Day 4091, 09:09:53: Evelynn froze Vladimir Putin - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 4091, 09:14:04: Evelynn froze Daeodon - Lvl 257 (Daeodon) Day 4091, 10:12:12: Evelynn froze Vladimir Putin - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 4091, 11:44:58: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 4091, 16:27:58: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 55! Day 4091, 16:38:55: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 95! Day 4091, 17:46:52: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4091, 17:53:42: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4091, 18:47:08: Evelynn froze Daeodon - Lvl 257 (Daeodon) Day 4091, 19:56:16: Evelynn froze Vladimir Putin - Lvl 154 (Desmodus) Day 4091, 21:42:42: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 257 (Griffin) Day 4091, 22:58:17: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4092, 03:56:07: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4092, 04:52:24: Evelynn froze Vladimir Putin - Lvl 155 (Desmodus) Day 4092, 05:00:56: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4092, 08:09:16: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4092, 11:30:03: Evelynn froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 4092, 12:40:46: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 4092, 13:56:31: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 4092, 15:51:17: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 55! Day 4092, 17:59:54: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 4092, 18:12:46: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 243 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 4092, 18:48:44: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 25! Day 4092, 22:41:52: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 145! Day 4092, 23:39:52: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4092, 23:53:58: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 4093, 00:02:41: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 4093, 00:21:52: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 4093, 04:00:23: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 4093, 05:35:49: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 50! Day 4093, 08:04:48: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 4093, 09:12:41: Evelynn froze Bat food - Lvl 316 (Daeodon) Day 4093, 12:47:23: Evelynn uploaded a Desmodus: Vladimir Putin - Lvl 155 Day 4383, 06:59:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6041, 10:26:49: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 6041, 10:41:14: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 6041, 13:28:14: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 0.9x! Day 6041, 16:34:29: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 6041, 21:32:02: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 60! Day 6041, 23:45:18: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.0x! Day 6047, 12:20:04: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 236 (Maewing) Day 6047, 12:38:55: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 258 (Maewing) Day 6062, 09:10:26: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 6062, 09:22:20: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 6062, 10:37:05: Evelynn froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 6098, 08:09:55: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 6098, 09:25:46: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 6098, 11:06:10: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 1.1x! Day 6098, 13:38:49: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 6098, 14:05:42: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 244 (Maewing) Day 11939, 04:41:27: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 272 (Griffin) Day 11939, 05:18:35: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 221 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11939, 06:39:10: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 221 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11939, 07:40:10: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 272 (Griffin) Day 11939, 08:07:40: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 221 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11939, 08:36:13: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 221 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11939, 11:38:26: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11939, 12:00:11: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 272 (Griffin) Day 11939, 13:10:15: Evelynn froze Griffin - Lvl 272 (Griffin) Day 11963, 09:44:30: Evelynn Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 67 (Phiomia)! Day 11963, 10:25:26: Evelynn froze Miss Raji Pants - Lvl 67 (Phiomia) Day 11963, 13:28:36: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 288 (Thylacoleo) Day 11963, 13:48:01: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 317 (Griffin) Day 11963, 14:24:16: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 288 (Thylacoleo) Day 11963, 15:42:21: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 11964, 06:31:33: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11964, 10:00:57: Evelynn claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11964, 10:57:52: Evelynn Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 11964, 11:08:30: Evelynn froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 212 (Andrewsarchus) Day 11964, 12:07:07: Evelynn unclaimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11964, 13:37:55: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 11964, 13:56:30: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) Day 11964, 17:40:17: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 289 (Thylacoleo) Day 11964, 18:01:05: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 318 (Griffin) Day 12011, 07:24:50: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 12011, 10:40:07: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 267 (Rock Drake) Day 12012, 00:50:45: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 267 (Rock Drake) Day 12012, 02:02:50: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo) Day 12012, 04:25:50: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo) Day 12012, 06:43:44: Evelynn Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 12012, 07:19:51: Evelynn froze Shiny - Lvl 210 (Shinehorn) Day 12012, 08:45:33: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo) Day 12012, 09:45:42: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 267 (Rock Drake) Day 12012, 10:20:53: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 12012, 11:56:26: Evelynn froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo) Day 12012, 12:00:52: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 267 (Rock Drake) Day 12012, 12:40:23: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 178 (Desmodus) Day 12012, 13:53:06: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 267 (Rock Drake) Day 12012, 22:48:33: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 272 (Sinomacrops) Day 12012, 23:19:46: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 272 (Sinomacrops) Day 12012, 23:24:45: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 12013, 17:23:46: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 12013, 18:06:34: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 272 (Sinomacrops) Day 12013, 18:36:41: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 12014, 08:08:16: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 275 (Rock Drake) Day 12014, 08:20:59: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 12014, 11:05:56: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 272 (Sinomacrops) Day 12014, 15:03:58: Your Thylacoleo - Lvl 298 (Thylacoleo) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 20! Day 12014, 23:01:17: Rock Drake - Lvl 165 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12014, 23:22:57: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops) Day 12015, 10:22:51: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops) Day 12015, 13:15:49: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops) Day 12015, 18:05:17: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 12015, 19:04:16: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops) Day 12016, 02:59:14: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 12016, 05:57:24: Evelynn froze Obie - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 12016, 06:12:59: Evelynn froze Shenron - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 12016, 14:36:11: Your Shenron - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 180! Day 12017, 00:19:23: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 12017, 02:08:27: Evelynn froze Obie - Lvl 262 (Snow Owl) Day 12018, 21:22:12: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 320 (Griffin) Day 12018, 21:27:53: Evelynn froze Luke - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops) Day 12019, 02:43:30: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 12019, 15:43:23: Evelynn froze Vlad Tepes - Lvl 182 (Desmodus) Day 12030, 07:02:06: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12030, 07:03:21: Your Luke - Lvl 274 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 12030, 10:21:27: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 315 (Desmodus) Day 12030, 22:10:42: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 315 (Desmodus) Day 12031, 21:14:38: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 230 (Rock Drake) Day 12031, 23:12:39: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 12032, 01:49:34: Evelynn froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 207 (Bloodstalker) Day 12032, 08:56:10: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 316 (Desmodus) Day 12032, 10:29:35: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 12034, 14:42:13: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 20! Day 12034, 15:29:34: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12034, 16:08:01: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 12034, 17:43:57: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 60! Day 12034, 20:54:02: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 20! Day 12034, 21:18:16: Your twin 2 - Lvl 104 (Rex) was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 95! Day 12034, 21:19:20: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 20! Day 12035, 01:29:07: Evelynn froze Evelynn's Wrath - Lvl 234 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12035, 04:00:43: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12035, 06:46:29: Evelynn froze Evelynn's Wrath - Lvl 234 (Fire Wyvern) Day 12035, 09:58:32: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 12035, 10:28:32: Evelynn froze Gabe - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) Day 12035, 10:32:58: Evelynn uploaded a Griffin: Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 321 Day 12036, 00:59:26: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 12036, 04:45:32: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 12036, 13:44:30: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 317 (Desmodus) Day 12036, 15:36:46: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 245 (Rock Drake) Day 12036, 17:07:45: Evelynn froze Gabe - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops) Day 12036, 18:32:51: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 248 (Rock Drake) Day 12051, 21:53:53: Evelynn froze Daeodon - Lvl 222 (Daeodon) Day 12051, 23:25:47: Evelynn froze Daeodon - Lvl 222 (Daeodon) Day 12051, 23:34:28: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 253 (Rock Drake) Day 12052, 01:24:03: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 12052, 04:43:36: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 12052, 06:14:30: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 12052, 07:32:38: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 12052, 09:40:31: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 12052, 13:09:09: Evelynn froze Foxy the Pirate - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 12052, 17:20:29: Evelynn Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 191 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 12052, 17:43:34: Evelynn froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 191 (Andrewsarchus) Day 12052, 18:19:07: Evelynn froze Shenron2.0 - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 12052, 18:23:05: Evelynn froze Gabe - Lvl 212 (Sinomacrops) Day 12060, 06:17:40: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 25! Day 12060, 06:30:50: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12060, 07:30:53: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 12060, 08:19:07: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 12060, 09:00:59: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12060, 17:26:52: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 12060, 17:47:49: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 12060, 18:07:49: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 12060, 18:54:35: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 12060, 19:31:13: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12060, 20:45:47: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 12061, 04:08:57: Your Gabe - Lvl 213 (Sinomacrops) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 25! Day 12061, 08:19:27: Onyc - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12061, 10:44:51: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 12061, 10:49:13: Evelynn uploaded a Desmodus: Echo - Lvl 192 Day 12109, 14:02:45: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 12109, 17:16:51: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 253 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12109, 17:43:27: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 254 (Daeodon) Day 12109, 17:54:38: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 12109, 18:13:09: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 253 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12109, 19:26:29: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 253 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12109, 21:58:26: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 254 (Daeodon) Day 12109, 23:11:33: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 254 (Daeodon) Day 12109, 23:58:25: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 254 (Daeodon) Day 12110, 00:07:33: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus)! Day 12110, 00:19:40: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 12110, 00:36:09: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 254 (Daeodon) Day 12110, 00:45:24: Evelynn froze Pinky - Lvl 182 (Sinomacrops) Day 12111, 17:58:36: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 322 (Desmodus) Day 12111, 18:20:45: Evelynn froze Pinky - Lvl 183 (Sinomacrops) Day 12155, 06:45:51: Rex - Lvl 130 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 12210, 13:39:44: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 12210, 14:57:08: Evelynn froze Sky - Lvl 159 (Sinomacrops) Day 12210, 15:04:14: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 324 (Desmodus) Day 12211, 01:37:15: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 324 (Desmodus) Day 12211, 04:57:09: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 324 (Desmodus) Day 12211, 09:39:35: Evelynn Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox)! Day 12211, 09:44:47: Evelynn froze Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox) Day 12211, 10:15:11: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 324 (Desmodus) Day 12211, 13:34:42: Evelynn Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox)! Day 12211, 13:39:28: Evelynn froze Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox) Day 12211, 14:05:45: Evelynn froze Pinky Winky - Lvl 260 (Sinomacrops) Day 12211, 18:22:21: Evelynn froze Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox) Day 12211, 18:26:52: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 324 (Desmodus) Day 12219, 17:23:27: Your Ovis - Lvl 269 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12219, 17:23:27: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 269 (Ovis)! Day 12219, 17:48:44: Your Ovis - Lvl 250 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12219, 17:48:44: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 250 (Ovis)! Day 12219, 19:31:39: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 214 (Bloodstalker) Day 12219, 19:52:42: Evelynn froze Pinky Winky - Lvl 261 (Sinomacrops) Day 12220, 10:36:53: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 215 (Bloodstalker) Day 12220, 14:43:32: Your Eli - Lvl 284 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12220, 14:43:32: Your Tribe killed Eli - Lvl 284 (Ovis)! Day 12220, 15:32:04: Your Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12220, 15:32:04: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)! Day 12220, 15:36:01: Evelynn Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk)! Day 12220, 16:49:14: Evelynn froze Female H S - Lvl 254 (Managarmr) Day 12220, 17:21:49: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 216 (Bloodstalker) Day 12220, 17:26:23: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 215 (Fjordhawk) Day 12317, 18:25:19: Evelynn Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn)! Day 12318, 04:03:09: Evelynn froze Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn) Day 12318, 04:28:23: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 283 (Rock Drake) Day 12337, 20:48:57: Evelynn Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 29 (Featherlight)! Day 12337, 23:26:47: Evelynn Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 12337, 23:36:04: Your Featherlight - Lvl 29 (Featherlight) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12337, 23:36:04: Your Tribe killed Featherlight - Lvl 29 (Featherlight) (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12338, 05:14:04: Evelynn froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 181 (Ankylosaurus) Day 12338, 05:20:57: Evelynn froze Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn) Day 12338, 09:03:59: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 12338, 09:28:31: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 287 (Rock Drake) Day 12348, 11:28:02: Evelynn froze Shenron 3.0 - Lvl 338 (Rock Drake) Day 12349, 19:32:14: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 12518, 23:10:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12526, 08:25:24: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 329 (Desmodus) Day 12554, 10:01:31: Evelynn froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 258 (R-Velonasaur) Day 12554, 22:04:57: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12555, 18:49:45: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12556, 06:39:01: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12556, 09:12:21: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 329 (Desmodus) Day 12556, 12:10:02: Evelynn Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane)! Day 12556, 12:16:57: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 12556, 12:37:48: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12556, 16:55:53: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 12556, 17:42:12: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 329 (Desmodus) Day 12556, 17:56:56: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12556, 19:14:09: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 209 (Shadowmane) Day 12564, 11:12:27: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12564, 12:43:53: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 304 (Rock Drake) Day 12564, 14:18:21: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 329 (Desmodus) Day 12564, 16:57:48: Evelynn froze Elixir - Lvl 329 (Desmodus) Day 12565, 14:22:37: Evelynn froze Pinky Winky - Lvl 268 (Sinomacrops) Day 12565, 14:31:45: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 305 (Rock Drake) Day 12604, 07:37:47: Your Ovis - Lvl 316 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12604, 07:37:47: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 316 (Ovis)! Day 12604, 08:02:45: Evelynn Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 208 (Fjordhawk)! Day 12604, 08:42:27: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 209 (Fjordhawk) Day 12604, 10:00:04: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 308 (Rock Drake) Day 12661, 16:21:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12661, 16:21:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12678, 08:02:24: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane) Day 12699, 10:15:14: Your Ovis - Lvl 324 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12699, 10:15:14: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 324 (Ovis)! Day 12699, 10:58:41: Evelynn Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 208 (Fjordhawk)! Day 12699, 11:04:14: Evelynn froze Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis) Day 12699, 12:00:51: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 279 (Bloodstalker) Day 12699, 12:11:31: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 208 (Fjordhawk) Day 12800, 02:44:13: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Smart Fellas Tribe. Day 12800, 02:46:49: Evelynn added 'Smart Fellas' Tribe to friendz Alliance! Day 12800, 03:34:03: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 282 (Bloodstalker) Day 12800, 10:20:05: Evelynn froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 12800, 12:19:46: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 12800, 14:21:42: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 12800, 14:42:06: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 254 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12800, 15:03:26: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 322 (Griffin) Day 12800, 17:05:04: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 254 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12800, 17:43:52: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 254 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12800, 19:08:00: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 317 (Daeodon) Day 12801, 01:56:12: Your Ovis - Lvl 328 (Ovis) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12801, 01:56:12: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 328 (Ovis)! Day 12801, 03:09:05: Evelynn Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk)! Day 12801, 03:15:20: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk) Day 12801, 04:08:31: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 282 (Bloodstalker) Day 12801, 05:28:59: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 197 (Sinomacrops) Day 12801, 07:21:20: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 316 (Rock Drake) Day 12801, 10:22:35: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 282 (Bloodstalker) Day 12801, 10:29:55: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk) Day 12801, 12:22:19: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 317 (Daeodon) Day 12801, 12:25:56: Evelynn froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 254 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 12801, 12:54:52: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 323 (Griffin) Day 12801, 15:23:44: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 323 (Griffin) Day 12801, 15:29:39: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 197 (Sinomacrops) Day 12801, 21:53:02: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 282 (Bloodstalker) Day 12801, 22:09:36: Evelynn froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 12801, 22:14:05: Evelynn froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 12801, 22:20:37: Evelynn froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 12801, 22:25:34: Evelynn froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 12802, 02:12:21: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 12802, 03:27:09: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 316 (Rock Drake) Day 12802, 05:02:50: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 323 (Griffin) Day 12802, 08:00:53: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 316 (Rock Drake) Day 12802, 10:11:10: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 208 (Desmodus)! Day 12802, 10:19:24: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 208 (Desmodus) Day 12802, 10:28:54: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 317 (Daeodon) Day 12802, 10:43:51: Evelynn froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 12802, 11:43:16: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 316 (Rock Drake) Day 12802, 12:24:15: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus)! Day 12802, 12:35:43: Your Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12802, 12:35:43: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 12802, 12:47:15: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 317 (Daeodon) Day 12802, 15:38:54: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 323 (Griffin) Day 12802, 16:25:17: Evelynn froze Shadowmane - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane) Day 12802, 17:48:26: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 12802, 17:55:23: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 12802, 18:02:56: Evelynn froze Pumba - Lvl 317 (Daeodon) Day 12802, 18:38:56: Evelynn froze Shezron - Lvl 316 (Rock Drake) Day 12802, 19:00:28: Evelynn froze Charley - Lvl 282 (Bloodstalker) Day 12802, 19:06:54: Evelynn uploaded a Sinomacrops: Sinomacrops - Lvl 197 Day 12802, 19:07:42: Evelynn uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadowmane - Lvl 299 Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12828, 07:13:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13113, 20:52:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13941, 18:44:25: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13941, 19:35:21: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 13941, 20:43:47: Evelynn demolished a 'Large Bear Trap'! Day 13941, 20:57:48: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13941, 22:14:16: Your Baby offering - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 13941, 22:14:16: Your Tribe killed Baby offering - Lvl 169 (Brontosaurus)! Day 13941, 22:37:02: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 13942, 04:28:39: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13942, 12:50:47: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 60! Day 13942, 13:24:10: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 95! Day 13942, 13:45:16: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 140! Day 13942, 14:07:15: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 174! Day 13942, 14:21:30: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 140! Day 13942, 14:33:59: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 85! Day 13942, 14:54:49: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 60! Day 13942, 15:53:56: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 25! Day 13942, 16:48:52: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 13942, 17:00:20: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 150! Day 13942, 17:36:42: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 13942, 17:57:31: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 100! Day 13942, 18:11:52: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 100! Day 13942, 18:39:49: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 13942, 20:05:57: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 13942, 22:31:49: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13943, 02:17:18: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 13943, 07:46:38: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13943, 10:51:03: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 13943, 10:51:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 13943, 11:30:09: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 13943, 11:30:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 252 (Tek Rex)! Day 13943, 12:58:42: Evelynn demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13943, 16:33:22: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13943, 16:59:30: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 13943, 16:59:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 13943, 18:16:13: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 13943, 18:16:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 13943, 18:32:36: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 13943, 18:59:10: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 13943, 19:44:42: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 13944, 04:52:50: Evelynn demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13944, 06:38:50: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Evelynn)! Day 13944, 06:38:50: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)! Day 13944, 10:03:14: Evelynn Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 182 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 13944, 10:45:33: Evelynn froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 182 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13944, 11:17:41: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13944, 11:26:04: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 361 (Griffin) Day 13944, 11:55:24: Evelynn demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13944, 13:29:38: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake) Day 13944, 17:45:04: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 13944, 22:39:29: Evelynn froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 182 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13945, 00:57:36: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 13945, 04:10:42: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 328 (Fjordhawk) Day 13945, 07:02:38: Evelynn unclaimed 'Cracky - Lvl 356 (Ferox)'! Day 13945, 08:39:29: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 13945, 11:29:36: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:30:37: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:31:22: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:32:25: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:34:06: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:34:58: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:40:50: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:41:37: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:42:30: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:43:31: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:44:30: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:45:26: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:46:23: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:47:22: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:48:23: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:49:21: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 11:50:15: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 12:00:40: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 12:05:21: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 12:06:10: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 12:07:07: Evelynn - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with cappuccino man Tribe. Day 13945, 12:07:23: Evelynn added 'cappuccino man' Tribe to Bella Ciao Alliance! Day 13945, 18:50:04: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13945, 19:14:07: Evelynn froze Jaffa Cake - Lvl 362 (Griffin) Day 13946, 02:25:39: Evelynn froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 328 (Fjordhawk) Day 13946, 03:30:22: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13946, 04:16:28: Evelynn froze Simba - Lvl 371 (Shadowmane) Day 13965, 23:24:06: Evelynn froze 194 Girlie - Lvl 323 (Rock Drake)"] "tribeid":1816228832,"tribe":"freddyfootlickerclan logs":["Day 8109, 21:45:52: Kratos was added to the Tribe! Day 8110, 00:23:04: Tribe of Freddy tribe was merged in by Freddy! Day 8110, 00:23:04: Freddy was added to the Tribe by Kratos! Day 8110, 03:25:10: Tribemember Freddy - Lvl 2 was killed by Kratos - Lvl 58 (freddyfootlickerclan)! Day 8110, 03:25:10: Your Tribe killed Freddy - Lvl 2 (freddyfootlickerclan)! Day 8110, 13:01:28: Kratos Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 31 (Beelzebufo)! Day 8125, 16:25:29: Your Parasaur - Lvl 46 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 8146, 08:01:41: Your Thor - Lvl 37 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 8207, 17:07:29: Your cupcake - Lvl 31 (Beelzebufo) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 90! Day 8239, 06:00:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8262, 18:22:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8404, 03:53:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8710, 10:16:27: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8713, 06:05:06: Nariki - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Nariki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Atreus - Lvl 276 (Dire Bear)'! Day 8713, 06:10:10: Nariki - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Nariki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'popgoes - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9019, 11:47:31: Tribemember Kratos - Lvl 58 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 9019, 11:54:42: Tribemember Freddy - Lvl 31 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 9275, 19:22:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9314, 07:43:20: Henne - Lvl 57 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1813296473,"tribe":"Asgard Village logs":["Day 410, 01:34:09: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 01:50:04: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 01:54:53: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 01:58:57: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 02:03:23: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 06:36:01: Mumei froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 06:44:49: Mumei froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 06:49:17: Mumei froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 06:56:03: Mumei froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Poison Wyvern) Day 410, 07:00:17: Mumei froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Poison Wyvern) Day 410, 07:28:01: Mumei froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 07:36:35: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 07:39:54: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 07:43:19: Mumei froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 09:18:48: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 09:23:44: Mumei froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 410, 09:27:30: Mumei froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Poison Wyvern) Day 410, 09:31:12: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 09:34:37: Mumei froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 410, 09:37:54: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern) Day 410, 09:41:24: Mumei froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Fire Wyvern) Day 415, 06:38:23: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 416, 16:07:22: Mumei downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 Day 416, 16:10:45: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 416, 17:10:31: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 416, 17:13:39: Mumei downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 67 Day 431, 00:28:48: Mumei Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)! Day 431, 00:33:40: Mumei froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 431, 09:54:02: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)! Day 431, 10:28:05: Mumei froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 431, 14:06:31: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)! Day 431, 15:02:24: Mumei froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 431, 17:25:37: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Allosaurus )! Day 431, 17:37:39: Mumei froze R-Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 432, 07:28:01: Mumei froze Moschops - Lvl 344 (Moschops) Day 432, 10:58:01: Mumei claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus)'! Day 432, 11:00:44: Mumei froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 216 (Allosaurus) Day 432, 11:01:20: Mumei claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 432, 11:03:59: Mumei froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 439, 20:00:50: Mumei Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox)! Day 439, 20:08:22: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox) Day 440, 05:06:44: Mumei Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox)! Day 440, 05:16:12: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 440, 05:23:41: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 440, 08:41:05: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 343 (Desmodus) Day 440, 14:30:30: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 440, 20:25:16: Mumei Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox)! Day 440, 20:48:40: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 445, 11:44:55: Mumei Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox)! Day 445, 11:53:18: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox) Day 445, 16:00:33: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 445, 16:29:37: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 343 (Desmodus) Day 445, 17:13:43: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 445, 19:34:31: Mumei froze Mantis - Lvl 305 (Mantis) Day 445, 19:40:11: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 445, 19:44:05: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 445, 20:30:40: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 445, 20:37:15: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 445, 20:46:24: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 445, 20:58:31: Mumei froze STAM Owl 2 - Lvl 274 (R-Snow Owl) Day 445, 21:21:08: Mumei froze STAM Owl 2 - Lvl 274 (R-Snow Owl) Day 445, 21:33:08: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 445, 21:43:19: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (Snow Owl) Day 445, 21:52:47: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 445, 22:01:49: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (R-Snow Owl) Day 445, 22:10:45: Mumei froze Taming owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 445, 22:25:31: Mumei froze Stam owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 445, 22:42:33: Mumei froze Carry owl 2 - Lvl 289 (R-Snow Owl) Day 445, 23:36:48: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ferox - Lvl 306 (Ferox)'! Day 445, 23:41:29: Mumei froze Baby Ferox - Lvl 306 (Ferox) Day 445, 23:52:23: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ferox - Lvl 371 (Ferox)'! Day 445, 23:56:00: Mumei froze Baby Ferox - Lvl 371 (Ferox) Day 446, 02:10:57: Mumei froze WF 2 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 446, 02:14:41: Mumei froze WF 1 - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 446, 02:18:31: Mumei froze FG1 1 - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 446, 02:48:52: Mumei froze Hello! - Lvl 276 (Tek Parasaur) Day 446, 02:54:21: Mumei froze WM 4 - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 446, 02:58:47: Mumei froze MG1 1 - Lvl 208 (Argentavis) Day 446, 03:03:19: Mumei froze FG1 2 - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 446, 03:25:59: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 446, 03:29:36: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 446, 03:34:26: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 446, 03:38:54: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 446, 03:42:21: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 446, 03:45:52: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 446, 04:39:52: Mumei froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 446, 04:43:28: Mumei froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 446, 04:47:02: Mumei froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 446, 04:50:35: Mumei froze R-Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Allosaurus ) Day 446, 06:21:26: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 446, 06:32:51: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 446, 18:42:05: Mumei Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox)! Day 446, 18:45:55: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 447, 06:21:42: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ferox - Lvl 366 (Ferox)'! Day 447, 06:26:58: Mumei froze Baby Ferox - Lvl 366 (Ferox) Day 447, 11:43:50: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 447, 11:46:41: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 447, 11:49:22: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox) Day 447, 11:52:27: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 459, 16:58:53: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 366 (Ferox) Day 459, 17:04:12: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 371 (Ferox) Day 459, 17:23:57: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 460, 03:30:52: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 225 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 460, 06:46:07: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 288 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Beyla - Lvl 1! Day 460, 07:25:14: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 460, 15:12:13: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 379 (Ferox) Day 586, 21:31:58: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 587, 00:09:21: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ferox - Lvl 371 (Ferox)'! Day 587, 00:18:25: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ferox - Lvl 399 (Ferox)'! Day 587, 00:28:09: Mumei claimed 'Baby Ferox - Lvl 424 (Ferox)'! Day 587, 00:44:36: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 587, 00:48:19: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 435 (Ferox) Day 587, 00:51:56: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 587, 00:56:41: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 371 (Ferox) Day 587, 01:01:36: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 366 (Ferox) Day 587, 16:02:11: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 588, 00:28:00: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 344 (Desmodus) Day 591, 04:00:08: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 399 (Ferox) Day 591, 04:03:56: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 424 (Ferox) Day 591, 04:07:29: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 371 (Ferox) Day 591, 09:47:01: Mumei - Lvl 125 requested an Alliance with Wall Bangers Tribe. Day 591, 09:49:09: Mumei added 'Wall Bangers' Tribe to Asgard Village R Alliance! Day 592, 04:48:39: Mumei froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 592, 13:48:09: Mumei froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 354 (Thorny Dragon) Day 592, 16:25:39: Mumei froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 593, 11:07:20: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 593, 11:52:27: Mumei Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox)! Day 593, 11:57:33: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 420 (Ferox) Day 593, 15:47:21: Mumei claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 97 (Iguanodon)'! Day 593, 16:09:25: Mumei froze Iguanodon - Lvl 97 (Iguanodon) Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Tek Remote Camera' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 897, 07:54:27: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 897, 08:01:21: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 226 (Sinomacrops) Day 897, 08:08:45: Mumei froze Belle Delphine - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 897, 08:18:54: Mumei froze Mariah Mallad - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 897, 09:10:17: Mumei froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 226 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 897, 09:18:48: Mumei froze Ferox - Lvl 402 (Ferox) Day 897, 09:24:10: Mumei froze Daeodon - Lvl 279 (Daeodon) Day 897, 09:29:58: Mumei froze Shadowmane - Lvl 314 (Shadowmane) Day 897, 09:54:38: Mumei froze Procoptodon - Lvl 214 (Procoptodon) Day 897, 10:02:23: Mumei froze Procoptodon - Lvl 202 (Procoptodon) Day 1063, 12:10:18: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 213 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 1063, 12:11:42: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 323 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 1063, 12:12:49: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 209 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 1063, 12:14:45: Kira049 - Lvl 122 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1231, 13:22:07: Tribemember Mumei - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 1231, 13:50:10: Mumei unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 113 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1231, 13:54:54: Mumei unclaimed 'To give away 2 - Lvl 67 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1231, 13:58:10: Mumei unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 80 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1231, 13:59:06: Mumei claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 113 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1232, 01:19:12: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 01:22:43: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 01:26:22: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 01:29:49: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 01:33:20: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 01:37:31: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 01:52:50: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 02:02:19: Mumei froze Desmodus - Lvl 353 (Desmodus) Day 1232, 02:05:48: Mumei froze Oil gacha - Lvl 296 (Gacha) Day 1232, 02:15:35: Mumei froze Organic poly gacha - Lvl 296 (Gacha) Day 1232, 02:20:26: Mumei froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 219 (Fjordhawk) Day 1232, 02:38:48: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 225 (Snow Owl) Day 1232, 02:42:26: Mumei froze STAM Owl 2 - Lvl 274 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1232, 02:45:57: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 1232, 02:49:34: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 252 (Snow Owl) Day 1232, 02:53:07: Mumei froze Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 1232, 02:57:20: Mumei froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 208 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1232, 03:02:28: Mumei froze Taming owl - Lvl 305 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1232, 03:06:57: Mumei froze Stam owl - Lvl 286 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1232, 09:58:21: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 1232, 10:06:27: Mumei froze Carry owl 2 - Lvl 289 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1232, 10:10:00: Mumei froze Oviraptor - Lvl 125 (Oviraptor) Day 1232, 10:26:27: Mumei froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 1280, 04:18:14: Tribemember Mumei - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Dragon Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Tek Light' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1810, 13:51:14: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2104, 01:29:48: Spartan Hippy - Lvl 108 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 113 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Automated Turret' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Artifact Pedestal' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Bookshelf' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1811665708,"tribe":"The Might Centurions logs":["Day 18974, 12:48:24: Bob \\o/ was added to the Tribe! Day 18974, 15:58:04: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 18974, 16:04:08: Bob \\o/ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 18974, 23:58:20: Bob \\o/ froze Ugly Duckling - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 18975, 00:07:17: Bob \\o/ froze Trash Parrot - Lvl 253 (Vulture) Day 18975, 00:17:32: Slugcat was added to the Tribe by Bob \\o/! Day 18975, 03:58:32: Slugcat Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 18975, 04:08:02: Slugcat froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 18975, 07:00:28: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 18975, 07:09:01: Bob \\o/ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon) Day 18975, 14:41:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 18975, 14:55:38: Bob \\o/ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon) Day 18975, 20:33:07: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 18975, 20:44:41: Bob \\o/ froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 18976, 03:16:37: Slugcat froze Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon) Day 18976, 07:04:00: Bob \\o/ froze Direwolf - Lvl 192 (Direwolf) Day 18976, 07:06:59: Bob \\o/ froze Jarl Ulfric - Lvl 238 (Direwolf) Day 18976, 07:11:54: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) Day 18976, 07:19:03: Slugcat froze Thunderbird - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 18976, 09:35:44: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor)! Day 18976, 09:38:54: Bob \\o/ froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor) Day 18976, 10:14:49: Bob \\o/ froze Ugly Duckling - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 18976, 14:48:10: Bob \\o/ froze Trash Parrot - Lvl 256 (Vulture) Day 18976, 14:59:21: Bob \\o/ froze Ugly Duckling - Lvl 258 (Argentavis) Day 18989, 19:09:22: Bob \\o/ froze Egg Snatcher - Lvl 247 (Pteranodon) Day 18991, 19:34:02: Your Egg Snatcher - Lvl 248 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 18991, 19:37:14: Tribemember Slugcat - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 18992, 01:25:35: Slugcat froze Thunderbird - Lvl 257 (Argentavis) Day 19037, 01:02:36: Slugcat demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19037, 01:04:07: Slugcat demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19037, 01:07:00: Slugcat demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19037, 06:12:23: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19037, 06:16:08: Bob \\o/ froze Helios (H26 S23 W38 M42) - Lvl 328 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19037, 06:16:40: Slugcat froze Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka - Lvl 222 (Vulture) Day 19040, 06:40:15: Bob \\o/ froze Helios (H26 S23 W38 M42) - Lvl 334 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19040, 08:59:36: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 285 (Direwolf) Day 19040, 09:03:22: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws II - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 19040, 11:45:44: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor)! Day 19040, 11:49:00: Bob \\o/ froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor) Day 19040, 18:35:38: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor)! Day 19040, 18:40:41: Bob \\o/ froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor) Day 19041, 08:18:14: Slugcat froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor) Day 19041, 08:22:11: Slugcat froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 242 (Tek Raptor) Day 19042, 06:14:02: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 301 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19042, 09:42:31: Bob \\o/ froze Helios (H26 S23 W38 M42) - Lvl 338 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19065, 15:55:11: Bob \\o/ froze Drako (34H23S28W44M) - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19071, 07:51:28: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 302 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19071, 09:58:21: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 290 (Direwolf) Day 19071, 10:17:15: Bob \\o/ froze Direwolf - Lvl 259 (Direwolf) Day 19071, 10:30:53: Bob \\o/ froze Direwolf - Lvl 238 (Direwolf) Day 19071, 11:15:24: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 211 (Direwolf) Day 19072, 05:11:57: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 296 (Direwolf) Day 19072, 05:15:45: Bob \\o/ froze Direwolf - Lvl 239 (Direwolf) Day 19072, 05:18:35: Bob \\o/ froze Direwolf - Lvl 261 (Direwolf) Day 19072, 05:21:25: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 214 (Direwolf) Day 19073, 02:58:13: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor)! Day 19073, 04:08:06: Bob \\o/ froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor) Day 19073, 07:05:36: Bob \\o/ froze Drako (34H23S28W44M) - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19089, 08:00:52: Slugcat Tamed a Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)! Day 19089, 08:24:20: Bob \\o/ Tamed an Otter - Lvl 223 (Otter)! Day 19089, 08:51:54: Slugcat froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 19089, 13:28:17: Bob \\o/ Tamed an Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter)! Day 19089, 13:32:54: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 19089, 18:06:04: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 306 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19090, 02:02:19: Bob \\o/ Tamed an Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter)! Day 19090, 02:11:43: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter) Day 19090, 05:08:59: Bob \\o/ Tamed an Otter - Lvl 199 (Otter)! Day 19090, 05:20:15: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 199 (Otter) Day 19090, 09:32:43: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 228 (Otter) Day 19090, 15:04:26: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 228 (Otter) Day 19090, 15:07:29: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter) Day 19090, 15:34:24: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Rex - Lvl 22 (Rex)! Day 19090, 15:45:23: Bob \\o/ froze Boiled - Lvl 22 (Rex) Day 19090, 17:01:07: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19090, 19:25:44: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Rex - Lvl 37 (Rex)! Day 19090, 19:56:40: Bob \\o/ froze Studasaurus - Lvl 37 (Rex) Day 19091, 01:49:15: Slugcat Tamed a Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex)! Day 19091, 01:56:18: Slugcat froze Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex) Day 19091, 02:48:17: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19091, 02:52:34: Bob \\o/ froze Drako - Lvl 334 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19091, 02:54:38: Slugcat froze Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter) Day 19091, 03:04:37: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 206 (Otter) Day 19110, 07:00:50: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19110, 07:23:57: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19110, 07:33:11: Bob \\o/ froze Drako - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19110, 08:33:40: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 299 (Direwolf) Day 19110, 08:36:26: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 244 (Direwolf) Day 19110, 11:48:06: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 245 (Direwolf) Day 19110, 11:51:44: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 300 (Direwolf) Day 19110, 21:38:18: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 301 (Direwolf) Day 19110, 21:41:57: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 247 (Direwolf) Day 19111, 00:24:50: Your Monochrome - Lvl 282 (Direwolf) was killed! Day 19111, 03:09:59: Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19111, 03:09:59: Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 19111, 05:50:06: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 247 (Direwolf) Day 19111, 07:45:52: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19111, 07:50:42: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19111, 09:07:24: Bob \\o/ froze Drako - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19111, 19:12:15: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 302 (Direwolf) Day 19111, 19:15:04: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 250 (Direwolf) Day 19111, 19:34:56: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 307 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19111, 19:44:39: Bob \\o/ froze Drako - Lvl 335 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19111, 23:09:18: Slugcat froze Bobs - Lvl 208 (Otter) Day 19112, 02:17:56: Slugcat froze Otter - Lvl 210 (Otter) Day 19112, 03:06:44: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19112, 04:13:51: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19112, 07:48:57: Bob \\o/ froze Drako - Lvl 337 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19135, 23:04:56: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19136, 04:53:24: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19136, 11:20:08: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19136, 15:31:28: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19136, 16:07:13: Tribemember Slugcat - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 19136, 21:16:59: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19136, 23:54:53: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 309 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19154, 20:23:05: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19154, 20:33:23: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19154, 22:12:33: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19154, 23:41:17: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 01:37:32: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 19155, 03:18:01: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 07:30:28: Tribemember Slugcat - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 19155, 10:00:53: Slugcat Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 19155, 10:14:52: Slugcat froze Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) Day 19155, 10:42:54: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 313 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 11:33:04: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 19155, 11:40:06: Bob \\o/ froze Queen Claws I - Lvl 302 (Direwolf) Day 19155, 11:42:53: Bob \\o/ froze King Jaws III - Lvl 259 (Direwolf) Day 19155, 14:25:07: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 311 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 15:24:44: Slugcat Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 19155, 15:44:26: Slugcat froze Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) Day 19155, 18:19:56: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 20:51:29: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 19155, 21:07:38: Bob \\o/ froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 19155, 21:51:21: Bob \\o/ froze Bobs - Lvl 215 (Otter) Day 19155, 21:52:52: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 312 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 21:56:11: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 22:25:42: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 312 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19155, 23:08:58: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19161, 15:08:22: Slugcat froze Desmodus - Lvl 129 (Desmodus) Day 19161, 15:12:42: Bob \\o/ froze Br M - Lvl 209 (Desmodus) Day 19161, 15:20:27: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 253 (Direwolf) Day 19161, 16:45:30: Tribemember Slugcat - Lvl 112 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 19161, 17:21:02: Bob \\o/ froze Otter - Lvl 213 (Otter) Day 19161, 18:18:51: Bob \\o/ froze dunno - Lvl 312 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19161, 21:51:24: Bob \\o/ Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 19161, 22:11:58: Bob \\o/ froze Br m (31H?) - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 19161, 23:02:09: Bob \\o/ froze Bobs - Lvl 221 (Otter) Day 19161, 23:13:33: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19162, 02:02:00: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 312 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19229, 15:02:20: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19229, 15:54:01: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 256 (Direwolf) Day 19229, 21:48:09: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 256 (Direwolf) Day 19229, 21:55:26: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19230, 06:56:17: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 316 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19230, 08:48:04: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 256 (Direwolf) Day 19230, 10:24:56: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19250, 20:14:43: Bob \\o/ froze Flama (36H23S38W46M) - Lvl 356 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19251, 08:25:07: Bob \\o/ froze Br M (29H 21S 34M 27W) - Lvl 283 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19277, 00:40:02: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) Day 19277, 01:20:08: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19277, 13:17:40: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) Day 19277, 14:48:55: Slugcat froze Loot Gobbler - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 19277, 15:29:56: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 317 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19277, 15:37:48: Slugcat froze Direwolf - Lvl 257 (Direwolf) Day 19277, 16:31:35: Slugcat Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 89 (Featherlight)! Day 19277, 16:35:24: Slugcat froze Featherlight - Lvl 89 (Featherlight) Day 19277, 17:40:24: Slugcat froze Loot Gobbler - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 19350, 19:41:30: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 253 (Snow Owl) Day 19351, 16:40:19: Slugcat froze done - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19351, 21:38:24: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 19352, 00:38:09: Slugcat froze done - Lvl 297 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19352, 01:37:51: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 19352, 02:30:36: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 19352, 03:11:25: Slugcat froze done' - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19352, 03:32:41: Slugcat froze done' - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19352, 04:31:33: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 19352, 07:58:25: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 254 (Snow Owl) Day 19352, 08:01:15: Slugcat froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19352, 09:19:29: Slugcat froze Devourer Of Gods - Lvl 365 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19352, 12:21:47: Slugcat froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 284 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19352, 12:49:41: Slugcat froze Devourer Of Gods - Lvl 365 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19352, 18:21:25: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 255 (Snow Owl) Day 19353, 06:38:51: Slugcat froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19353, 06:46:12: Slugcat froze done - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19353, 16:16:55: Slugcat froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19353, 16:25:57: Slugcat froze done - Lvl 288 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19353, 16:58:49: Slugcat froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19353, 18:38:31: Slugcat froze done' - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19353, 18:49:57: Slugcat froze 34H 25S 28W 28M - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19354, 00:37:10: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 19354, 00:42:02: Slugcat froze Rex - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 19354, 01:54:38: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19354, 03:40:19: Slugcat froze Devourer Of Gods - Lvl 365 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19354, 05:28:18: Slugcat froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 19354, 06:00:41: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 19354, 06:42:29: Slugcat froze Devourer Of Gods - Lvl 365 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19354, 07:01:09: Slugcat froze poopsicle - Lvl 256 (Snow Owl) Day 19354, 07:20:15: Slugcat froze Rex - Lvl 301 (Rex) Day 19354, 08:36:05: Tribemember Slugcat - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 150! Day 19354, 11:10:44: Bob \\o/ froze Shadow - Lvl 278 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19354, 13:28:36: Bob \\o/ froze Gnasher - Lvl 405 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 19354, 13:45:29: Slugcat froze Rex - Lvl 320 (Rex) Day 19354, 14:08:46: Slugcat froze dunno - Lvl 318 (Fire Wyvern) Day 19354, 14:23:36: Bob \\o/ froze Shadow - Lvl 279 (Fire Wyvern) Day 20057, 13:35:02: Otter - Lvl 214 (Otter) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1809103647,"tribe":"DINO-MAFIA logs":["Day 14676, 18:30:06: Mattoneyro claimed 'Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 14676, 21:40:51: Mattoneyro claimed 'Cavallo Regalo - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 14677, 04:23:01: Mattoneyro froze Pecorina - Lvl 89 (Ovis) Day 14677, 05:06:05: Mattoneyro froze Cracky - Lvl 356 (Ferox) Day 14678, 02:01:22: Mattoneyro froze Cracky - Lvl 356 (Ferox) Day 14678, 02:34:13: Mattoneyro froze F-22 Raptor - Lvl 181 (Tropeognathus) Day 14678, 02:44:12: Mattoneyro froze Allattatrice - Lvl 260 (Maewing) Day 14678, 09:49:40: Mattoneyro froze Bluey Chewy - Lvl 203 (Roll Rat) Day 14678, 11:21:20: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 303 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14678, 17:45:21: Mattoneyro froze ReX - Lvl 272 (Ravager) Day 14678, 18:18:13: Mattoneyro froze Desmodus - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 14678, 19:37:42: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 211 (Sinomacrops) Day 14678, 23:12:47: Mattoneyro froze ReX - Lvl 272 (Ravager) Day 14678, 23:18:36: Tribemember Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 14678, 23:19:35: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 52 (Fjordhawk) was killed! Day 14679, 00:45:14: Tribemember Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 14679, 05:54:05: Mattoneyro froze Romeo - Lvl 172 (Ravager) Day 14679, 06:25:07: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 139 (Sinomacrops) Day 14679, 10:06:55: Mattoneyro froze Mangentavis - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) Day 14679, 10:40:42: Mattoneyro unclaimed 'ReX - Lvl 272 (Ravager)'! Day 14679, 16:45:13: Mattoneyro unclaimed 'Romeo - Lvl 188 (Ravager)'! Day 14679, 16:46:00: Mattoneyro claimed 'Romeo - Lvl 188 (Ravager)'! Day 14679, 18:30:40: Tribemember Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 14679, 19:23:16: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 303 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14679, 19:29:07: Mattoneyro froze Quetzalcoatlus - Lvl 270 (Quetzal) Day 14700, 06:44:43: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 45! Day 14700, 07:42:33: Evelynn claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 14700, 07:59:50: Evelynn unclaimed 'Rico - Lvl 217 (Rock Drake)'! Day 14700, 08:02:57: Evelynn unclaimed 'F-22 Raptor - Lvl 181 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 14700, 08:06:57: Evelynn was removed from the Tribe! Day 14701, 07:03:38: Mattoneyro froze Quetzalcoatlus - Lvl 270 (Quetzal) Day 14702, 09:50:26: Mattoneyro claimed 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 186 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 14702, 11:01:41: Mattoneyro froze Tapeworm - Lvl 209 (Tapejara) Day 14702, 11:15:43: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 304 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14702, 11:22:18: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 186 (Tropeognathus) Day 14702, 16:35:37: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 227 (Sinomacrops) Day 14703, 17:47:00: Mattoneyro claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 41 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14703, 19:28:08: Mattoneyro froze Anacleto - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) Day 14703, 19:48:54: Mattoneyro froze Baby Bracierino - Lvl 41 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14704, 08:28:15: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 186 (Tropeognathus) Day 14704, 22:50:33: Mattoneyro claimed 'Based Rolling Enjoyer - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus)'! Day 14704, 22:59:27: Mattoneyro froze Based Rolling Enjoyer - Lvl 224 (Doedicurus) Day 14705, 01:51:32: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 187 (Tropeognathus) Day 14717, 04:04:47: Mattoneyro froze Cracky - Lvl 356 (Ferox) Day 14717, 05:12:56: Mattoneyro froze Anacleto - Lvl 194 (Snow Owl) Day 14717, 05:45:47: Mattoneyro froze Desmodus - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 14717, 06:19:26: Mattoneyro froze Quetzalcoatlus - Lvl 270 (Quetzal) Day 14717, 06:36:01: Mattoneyro froze Ra - Lvl 128 (Aberrant Megalosaurus) Day 14717, 06:59:19: Mattoneyro froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 14717, 07:18:47: Mattoneyro froze Cirello - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus) Day 14717, 08:22:27: Mattoneyro froze Cirello - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus) Day 14717, 12:54:39: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 187 (Tropeognathus) Day 14775, 09:16:56: Mattoneyro claimed 'Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ember Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 14775, 09:19:32: Mattoneyro claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 14775, 09:22:50: Mattoneyro froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 14775, 09:25:57: Mattoneyro froze Baby Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14775, 09:27:38: Mattoneyro claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14775, 09:30:04: Mattoneyro claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14775, 09:31:13: Mattoneyro claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14775, 09:34:44: Mattoneyro froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14775, 10:13:58: Mattoneyro froze Baby malafemmena - Lvl 206 (Thylacoleo) Day 14775, 10:21:53: Mattoneyro froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14775, 10:37:26: Mattoneyro froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 14775, 17:05:14: Mattoneyro froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 329 (Tek Parasaur) Day 14775, 21:57:07: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 14776, 05:07:25: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 228 (Sinomacrops) Day 14777, 03:32:30: Mattoneyro froze Cirello - Lvl 235 (Deinonychus) Day 14777, 06:23:11: Mattoneyro froze Cirello - Lvl 236 (Deinonychus) Day 14777, 06:49:25: Mattoneyro froze Oxygen 25 - Lvl 207 (Deinonychus) Day 14777, 07:57:54: Mattoneyro froze Juvenile Bracierino - Lvl 41 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14777, 08:57:52: Mattoneyro froze Rexina - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 14777, 09:07:08: Mattoneyro unclaimed 'SALTAMMAZZA - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14777, 09:07:48: Mattoneyro claimed 'SALTAMMAZZA - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14777, 09:26:57: Mattoneyro froze BestiaFemale - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 14777, 09:57:15: Mattoneyro froze SALTAMMAZZA - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus) Day 14777, 16:02:11: Mattoneyro froze SALTAMMAZZA - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus) Day 14777, 17:19:15: Mattoneyro froze Juvenile Bracierino - Lvl 41 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 14777, 18:51:08: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 234 (Sinomacrops) Day 14777, 19:49:13: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 199 (Tropeognathus) Day 14847, 17:31:09: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 234 (Sinomacrops) Day 14847, 19:43:39: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14847, 19:48:34: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 199 (Tropeognathus) Day 14847, 20:57:17: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 234 (Sinomacrops) Day 14847, 21:36:35: Mattoneyro froze Oxygen 25 - Lvl 219 (Deinonychus) Day 14847, 22:10:26: Mattoneyro froze SALTAMMAZZA - Lvl 228 (Deinonychus) Day 14848, 00:16:35: Mattoneyro froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 296 (Thylacoleo) Day 14848, 04:03:55: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 199 (Tropeognathus) Day 14849, 16:10:21: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 210 (Tropeognathus) Day 14849, 16:23:51: Mattoneyro froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 210 (Tropeognathus) Day 14850, 00:40:20: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 234 (Sinomacrops) Day 14870, 16:55:08: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 14870, 17:00:06: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 306 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14870, 17:33:54: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 14916, 01:23:33: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 14916, 09:31:02: Mattoneyro froze Solar Blast - Lvl 142 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 14916, 12:12:01: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 276 (Sinomacrops) Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14960, 18:33:36: Triceratops - Lvl 150 destroyed your 'Wood Railing'! Day 15036, 14:23:46: Mattoneyro claimed 'Dinopithecus - Lvl 134 (Dinopithecus)'! Day 15036, 14:52:41: Mattoneyro froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 134 (Dinopithecus) Day 15036, 16:48:03: Mattoneyro froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 15036, 17:39:03: Mattoneyro froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 15036, 21:07:52: Mattoneyro unclaimed 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15036, 21:55:51: Mattoneyro claimed 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15036, 22:05:16: Mattoneyro froze Juvenile Bracierino - Lvl 41 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15036, 23:22:16: Mattoneyro unclaimed 'Solar Blast - Lvl 142 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15036, 23:28:28: Mattoneyro unclaimed 'Hurricane - Lvl 171 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15037, 00:53:18: Mattoneyro froze Quickie - Lvl 63 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15037, 00:57:06: Mattoneyro froze Get lost - Lvl 184 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 15037, 01:02:33: Mattoneyro froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15037, 01:17:50: Mattoneyro froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 15037, 05:39:51: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 301 (Sinomacrops) Day 15037, 06:17:42: Mattoneyro froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 148 (Sinomacrops) Day 15037, 06:52:47: Mattoneyro froze Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis) Day 15038, 04:15:46: Mattoneyro froze Bolt - Lvl 310 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15038, 04:20:35: Mattoneyro froze Olghuur - Lvl 244 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 15038, 04:58:48: Mattoneyro froze Dinopithecus - Lvl 134 (Dinopithecus) Day 15161, 12:50:43: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15185, 09:39:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Bee Hive' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15327, 05:42:03: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15374, 18:32:30: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15479, 09:08:05: Penny - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Penny) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Grifondoro - Lvl 316 (Griffin)'! Day 15636, 21:56:59: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15716, 15:44:09: 인간 - Lvl 98 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15922, 21:47:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15922, 21:47:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15922, 21:47:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15922, 21:47:20: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15922, 21:47:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16032, 16:06:28: Anacleto - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 16033, 09:27:06: Nilia - Lvl 1 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16113, 13:34:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16198, 02:14:48: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bluey Chewy - Lvl 203 (Roll Rat)'! Day 16198, 02:28:08: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spinosanto - Lvl 316 (Spino)'! Day 16198, 02:49:52: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ten - Lvl 186 (Aberrant Megalosaurus)'! Day 16198, 03:00:50: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 214 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 16198, 03:10:33: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 296 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 16387, 00:41:46: violento - Lvl 76 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16432, 20:25:24: Dung Beetle - Lvl 129 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 16486, 16:06:35: Dodo - Lvl 102 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 16486, 16:07:07: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 131 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 16526, 13:15:18: Sabertooth - Lvl 134 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 16598, 11:17:38: Romeo - Lvl 188 (Ravager) starved to death! Day 16669, 17:12:15: Doedicurus - Lvl 127 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 16669, 17:12:17: Allattatrice - Lvl 281 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 16772, 08:29:39: Gallimimus - Lvl 208 (Gallimimus) starved to death! Day 16796, 19:55:33: Your Dodo - Lvl 236 (Dodo) was killed! Day 16838, 18:18:11: Vegetal - Lvl 198 (Pelagornis) starved to death! Day 16985, 17:42:45: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Oxygen 25 - Lvl 240 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16985, 17:52:38: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mangentavis - Lvl 280 (Argentavis)'! Day 16985, 17:57:12: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 264 (Desmodus)'! Day 16985, 18:04:27: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)'! Day 16985, 22:52:03: Tribemember Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17229, 09:04:06: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17240, 04:41:19: salsi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17240, 04:42:18: salsi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cavallo Regalo - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17240, 04:43:55: salsi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'T-TEK - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17240, 04:46:03: salsi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 146 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 17240, 04:48:05: salsi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexy - Lvl 318 (Rex)'! Day 17240, 04:48:41: salsi - Lvl 113 (Tribe of salsi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)'! Day 17511, 01:24:38: Lizardbrain - Lvl 178 (Lystrosaurus) starved to death! Day 17511, 01:30:20: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quadruplodoco - Lvl 133 (Diplodocus)'! Day 17511, 01:31:51: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BestiaFemale - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 17511, 01:33:48: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 17511, 01:35:58: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ammazzatore - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 01:37:11: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 01:39:00: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'matador 2 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 01:58:48: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 259 (Griffin)'! Day 17511, 02:19:22: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'matador 4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 02:20:24: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 02:46:03: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 02:47:45: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'volone jr - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon)'! Day 17511, 02:50:13: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 197 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 02:51:28: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 02:54:07: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'matador 3 - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 02:58:35: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 03:00:26: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17511, 03:04:29: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Godfather - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 17511, 03:07:02: iColt - Lvl 53 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexina - Lvl 280 (Rex)'! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17626, 20:41:51: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FIA MIA - Lvl 179 (Phiomia)'! Day 17837, 18:45:58: Mattoneyro claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17924, 11:03:42: Your Poop Master - Lvl 301 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 18645, 19:33:13: Human - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'matador 1 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 19044, 21:35:51: Tribemember Mattoneyro - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 19302, 09:26:18: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19302, 09:40:07: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1803834281,"tribe":"Dinobots logs":["Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #7 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #15 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #1 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #17 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #18 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #6 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #20 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #3 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #10 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #14 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #13 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #8 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Yuty #1 - Lvl 370 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #19 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #2 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Penny - Lvl 456 (Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Shadow #5 - Lvl 491 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1350, 20:53:15: 's 'Boss Rex #2 - Lvl 453 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1424, 13:26:47: DuoFjor was removed from the Tribe! Day 1424, 13:26:47: Tribe Owner was changed to DuoMog! Day 1424, 15:20:54: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1532, 18:01:11: DuoMog froze Sabertooth - Lvl 224 (Sabertooth) Day 1532, 18:05:19: DuoMog froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 128 (Dung Beetle) Day 1532, 18:10:28: DuoMog froze Sabertooth - Lvl 210 (Sabertooth) Day 1532, 18:15:14: DuoMog froze Constructicon - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 1532, 18:25:10: DuoMog froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 1532, 18:36:02: DuoMog froze Black Pearl [Clone] - Lvl 80 (Gacha) Day 1532, 18:41:23: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1532, 18:50:30: DuoMog froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 196 (Fjordhawk) Day 1532, 20:44:16: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1532, 22:35:58: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1543, 08:35:55: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1543, 08:52:33: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1543, 12:05:41: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1631, 22:02:42: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 655 (Shadowmane) Day 1840, 20:22:10: DuoMog froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 145 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1840, 20:49:35: DuoMog unclaimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 145 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1872, 21:05:18: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 1897, 12:24:10: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1898, 03:31:04: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 1898, 03:55:41: Tribemember Björnen Scully - Lvl 206 was killed! Day 1898, 05:34:47: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 655 (Shadowmane) Day 1918, 16:32:11: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1918, 16:51:50: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 1918, 16:51:50: Tribe Owner was changed to Cyberdyne88! Day 1918, 17:59:26: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 1918, 18:00:51: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 1918, 18:06:47: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 1963, 15:58:24: Björnen Scully froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1963, 16:05:02: Björnen Scully froze Light Bulb - Lvl 255 (Shinehorn) Day 1963, 16:29:12: Björnen Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 279 (Desmodus) Day 1963, 16:44:40: Björnen Scully froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1963, 16:52:32: Björnen Scully froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1963, 17:02:53: Björnen Scully froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 258 (Andrewsarchus) Day 1963, 17:30:41: Björnen Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1963, 18:25:36: Björnen Scully froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 383 (Tropeognathus) Day 1963, 18:31:29: Björnen Scully froze Gacha - Lvl 223 (Gacha) Day 1963, 18:36:38: Björnen Scully froze Gacha - Lvl 150 (Gacha) Day 1963, 19:01:21: Björnen Scully froze Scout - Lvl 219 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1963, 19:27:22: Björnen Scully froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 301 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1963, 20:14:41: Björnen Scully froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 310 (Tek Raptor) Day 1963, 20:23:43: Björnen Scully froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 260 (Tek Raptor) Day 1963, 21:01:08: Björnen Scully froze Sabertooth - Lvl 135 (Sabertooth) Day 1963, 21:09:14: Björnen Scully froze Raptor - Lvl 276 (Raptor) Day 1963, 21:31:12: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk) Day 1963, 21:42:13: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 212 (Fjordhawk) Day 1963, 21:47:55: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 192 (Fjordhawk) Day 1963, 21:52:39: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 165 (Fjordhawk) Day 1963, 21:58:52: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 143 (Fjordhawk) Day 1963, 22:20:00: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 133 (Fjordhawk) Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2037, 19:34:46: Björnen Scully froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2037, 21:28:17: Björnen Scully Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 202 (Desmodus)! Day 2037, 21:32:13: Björnen Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 2038, 14:27:49: Björnen Scully froze (COA) BREEDING MALE 3 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 2038, 14:42:47: Björnen Scully froze (COA) BREEDING MALE 3 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 2038, 14:57:38: Björnen Scully unclaimed '(COA) BREEDING MALE 3 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2038, 15:30:54: Björnen Scully froze (COA) BREEDING FEMALE 3 - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 2038, 15:58:24: Björnen Scully unclaimed '(COA) BREEDING FEMALE 3 - Lvl 176 (Desmodus)'! Day 2038, 17:20:03: Björnen Scully froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2155, 18:00:39: Björnen Scully froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 559 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 2180, 08:20:04: Björnen Scully Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2180, 08:27:51: Björnen Scully Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2180, 08:36:06: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk) Day 2180, 08:43:25: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 37 (Fjordhawk) Day 2180, 11:04:52: Björnen Scully Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 135 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2180, 11:25:18: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 135 (Fjordhawk) Day 2180, 12:01:32: Björnen Scully Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2180, 17:57:51: Björnen Scully froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 202 (Fjordhawk) Day 2181, 08:41:04: Björnen Scully froze Tek Quetzal - Lvl 465 (Tek Quetzal) Day 2227, 00:44:15: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 2227, 01:21:05: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 2227, 01:24:36: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 2227, 02:24:36: DuoMog froze Lightening Val - Lvl 269 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 2227, 07:03:22: Björnen Scully Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)! Day 2227, 07:23:07: Björnen Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 2251, 06:20:52: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 2251, 07:56:38: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 2338, 09:38:21: Björnen Scully froze Hulk - Lvl 440 (Ferox) Day 2390, 15:29:44: Björnen Scully froze Hulk - Lvl 495 (Ferox) Day 2556, 01:17:25: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 422 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2556, 02:18:10: Tribemember Björnen Scully - Lvl 206 was killed! Day 2556, 06:27:50: Björnen Scully froze Deinonychus - Lvl 422 (Deinonychus) Day 2581, 16:12:27: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Placed Taxidermy Base' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2985, 04:23:48: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 2985, 08:37:05: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 655 (Shadowmane) Day 3140, 15:19:21: Björnen Scully Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)! Day 3140, 15:22:16: Björnen Scully froze Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 3140, 18:03:37: Björnen Scully Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn)! Day 3140, 19:00:19: Björnen Scully froze Skunk - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn) Day 3140, 19:39:09: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 3141, 11:56:35: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3141, 14:06:00: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3141, 14:20:09: Björnen Scully froze Fenrir - Lvl 245 (Fenrir) Day 3170, 19:41:26: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3170, 20:09:23: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3407, 23:10:55: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3408, 00:06:27: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3450, 13:34:25: Tribemember rrran - Lvl 178 was killed! Day 3451, 13:47:15: rrran uploaded a Reaper King: levaithan - Lvl 427 Day 3472, 03:21:35: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 276 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3472, 05:36:08: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 296 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3472, 06:05:00: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 309 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3472, 08:27:53: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 322 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3472, 09:07:33: Björnen Scully froze F-35 - Lvl 491 (Tropeognathus) Day 3472, 11:24:32: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 322 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3476, 01:51:51: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 332 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3500, 23:08:47: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 335 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3501, 01:03:23: Björnen Scully froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 342 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 3501, 06:40:54: Björnen Scully froze F-35 - Lvl 491 (Tropeognathus) Day 3572, 23:16:01: Björnen Scully Tamed a Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3572, 23:33:23: Björnen Scully froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 3572, 23:39:19: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3573, 00:06:06: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3573, 00:18:35: Cyberdyne88 was removed from the Tribe by Björnen Scully! Day 3573, 08:07:04: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3573, 08:07:04: Tribe Owner was changed to DuoMog! Day 3595, 00:41:22: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3595, 22:35:27: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3595, 23:37:21: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3633, 16:19:36: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3633, 21:09:16: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3635, 17:49:58: Björnen Scully claimed 'Poseidon - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3635, 18:08:53: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3635, 20:17:37: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3639, 00:41:02: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Poseidon - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3639, 01:22:59: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3639, 01:44:59: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3639, 01:57:06: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3639, 02:07:13: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3639, 02:34:59: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 3639, 03:01:48: Björnen Scully Tamed a Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)! Day 3639, 03:14:06: Björnen Scully froze Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern) Day 3639, 03:57:42: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 300 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 3640, 01:59:07: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 3640, 02:02:08: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Carcharodontosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 244 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 3643, 11:44:21: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 3666, 12:17:12: Björnen Scully froze Artorias - Lvl 655 (Shadowmane) Day 3691, 05:33:52: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 3881, 02:14:06: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3881, 02:29:29: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3881, 02:53:03: Björnen Scully froze Spare - Lvl 505 (Voidwyrm) Day 3901, 17:39:20: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3901, 19:10:21: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3925, 09:49:24: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 3925, 09:49:24: Tribe Owner was changed to DuoMog! Day 3925, 10:37:35: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 3947, 23:41:24: Björnen Scully froze Fenrir - Lvl 245 (Fenrir) Day 4300, 05:18:44: Björnen Scully froze M006 - Lvl 340 (Giganotosaurus) Day 4464, 10:11:41: Björnen Scully froze Griffin - Lvl 340 (Griffin) Day 4464, 10:41:04: Tribemember Björnen Scully - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 4464, 11:04:52: Your Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff) was destroyed! Day 4608, 14:50:48: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 110 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 4608, 15:13:52: Björnen Scully downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 257 Day 4608, 15:23:05: Björnen Scully unclaimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 257 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 4618, 19:32:51: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5207, 13:56:06: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5207, 13:56:06: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5301, 18:06:26: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5337, 17:45:29: Tribemember DuoMog - Lvl 177 was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 15! Day 5337, 18:16:09: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 5337, 18:16:09: Tribe Owner was changed to rrran! Day 5338, 06:07:25: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 5583, 08:34:04: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6194, 01:00:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6281, 07:42:30: Tribemember DuoFjor - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 6750, 15:42:41: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 15:47:56: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 352 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 15:53:45: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 15:57:03: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 16:06:35: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 16:11:32: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 16:19:17: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 363 (Shadowmane) Day 6750, 16:22:49: Scully froze Shadowmane - Lvl 364 (Shadowmane) Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7158, 13:26:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7441, 09:00:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7526, 23:28:17: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 7527, 00:51:38: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 7568, 11:45:42: Scully froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 341 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 7709, 08:43:22: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 7709, 10:58:27: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 8133, 21:30:28: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 8134, 02:04:39: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 8512, 01:09:42: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 8512, 04:06:16: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 8592, 14:42:58: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9237, 22:57:57: Scully froze Megatherium - Lvl 271 (Megatherium) Day 11568, 11:34:07: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11748, 23:26:29: Tribemember Scully - Lvl 212 was killed! Day 12292, 06:56:02: Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 12292, 07:11:08: Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 20034, 17:01:29: Scully unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 295 (Desmodus)'! Day 20034, 17:07:23: Scully unclaimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 312 (Sinomacrops)'!"] "tribeid":1803428244,"tribe":"Tribe of Viperion logs":["Day 1542, 19:26:45: Viperion was added to the Tribe! Day 1542, 19:29:02: Kyanite was added to the Tribe by Viperion! Day 1542, 21:03:07: Viperion downloaded a dino: Argentavis - Lvl 215 Day 1543, 01:56:57: Viperion Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 1543, 02:03:27: Viperion Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus)! Day 1543, 11:10:17: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by Kyanite - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1543, 11:10:17: Your Tribe killed Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1546, 21:43:20: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1558, 18:41:37: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 1559, 03:11:39: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 20! Day 1559, 05:47:04: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1559, 07:16:02: Nytrix was added to the Tribe by Viperion! Day 1559, 08:31:14: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 1559, 19:07:49: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 190! Day 1559, 19:19:30: Your Desmodus - Lvl 130 (Desmodus) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 190! Day 1559, 19:46:21: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 55! Day 1559, 20:26:39: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1560, 00:06:57: Nytrix Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 1560, 00:15:33: Your Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 1560, 00:54:00: Nytrix Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 57 (Desmodus)! Day 1560, 01:03:50: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 1560, 02:34:27: Your Desmodus - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 1560, 04:44:40: Your Desmodus - Lvl 58 (Desmodus) was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 190! Day 1560, 04:45:27: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 190! Day 1560, 05:44:28: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 1560, 08:07:43: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1560, 08:40:52: Viperion froze Aquamarine - Lvl 248 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1560, 10:33:43: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 1560, 15:39:33: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1560, 20:27:16: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1561, 00:09:02: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 1561, 02:21:12: Viperion froze [TJ] PteraDONG - Lvl 273 (Pteranodon) Day 1590, 04:02:55: Tribemember Viperion - Lvl 121 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 95! Day 1590, 14:16:33: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 140! Day 1590, 15:20:07: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 85! Day 1590, 17:42:58: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 1591, 07:59:53: Kyanite froze Hiken - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1603, 22:33:55: Viperion Tamed a Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk)! Day 1603, 22:48:30: Viperion froze Basilisk - Lvl 176 (Basilisk) Day 1603, 23:22:24: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 1606, 11:57:13: Viperion unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 1606, 11:58:22: Viperion claimed 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 1606, 12:04:50: Your Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 12:04:50: Your Tribe killed Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 12:31:38: Your meh - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 12:31:38: Your Tribe killed meh - Lvl 226 (Rex)! Day 1606, 12:41:18: Your meh - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 12:41:18: Your Tribe killed meh - Lvl 226 (Rex)! Day 1606, 12:59:05: Your trash - Lvl 228 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 12:59:05: Your Tribe killed trash - Lvl 228 (Rex)! Day 1606, 13:26:53: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 13:26:53: Your Tribe killed Yutyrannus - Lvl 204 (Yutyrannus)! Day 1606, 13:40:46: Your meh - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1606, 13:40:46: Your Tribe killed meh - Lvl 226 (Rex)! Day 1606, 18:16:16: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 1610, 20:08:40: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 1611, 02:00:36: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 1611, 11:07:55: Nytrix claimed 'Da Whip (Raft)'! Day 1611, 12:10:46: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 90! Day 1611, 12:44:26: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 105 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 90! Day 1626, 01:49:11: Viperion claimed 'Raptor - Lvl 251 (Raptor)'! Day 1626, 01:52:13: Viperion froze Raptor - Lvl 251 (Raptor) Day 1626, 02:02:24: Viperion froze Raptor - Lvl 251 (Raptor) Day 1626, 03:41:50: Your Raptor - Lvl 251 (Raptor) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 03:41:50: Your Tribe killed Raptor - Lvl 251 (Raptor)! Day 1626, 03:52:41: Your Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 03:52:41: Your Tribe killed Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)! Day 1626, 04:10:30: Your Berrysaurus - Lvl 101 (Brontosaurus) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 04:10:30: Your Tribe killed Berrysaurus - Lvl 101 (Brontosaurus)! Day 1626, 04:29:58: Your DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Fe - Lvl 225 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 04:29:58: Your Tribe killed DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Fe - Lvl 225 (Rex)! Day 1626, 05:01:15: Your breeding male - Lvl 228 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 05:01:15: Your Tribe killed breeding male - Lvl 228 (Rex)! Day 1626, 05:17:28: Your trash - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 05:17:28: Your Tribe killed trash - Lvl 226 (Rex)! Day 1626, 05:38:58: Your breeding female - Lvl 226 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 05:38:58: Your Tribe killed breeding female - Lvl 226 (Rex)! Day 1626, 05:53:53: Your trash - Lvl 213 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 05:53:53: Your Tribe killed trash - Lvl 213 (Rex)! Day 1626, 06:07:57: Your breeding amle - Lvl 228 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 06:07:57: Your Tribe killed breeding amle - Lvl 228 (Rex)! Day 1626, 06:21:43: Your trash - Lvl 222 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 06:21:43: Your Tribe killed trash - Lvl 222 (Rex)! Day 1626, 06:33:16: Your breeding female - Lvl 211 (Rex) was killed by Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion)! Day 1626, 06:33:16: Your Tribe killed breeding female - Lvl 211 (Rex)! Day 1626, 06:39:02: Viperion Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 80 (Fjordhawk)! Day 1626, 11:09:33: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 259 (Argentavis) Day 1626, 11:13:30: Viperion froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 80 (Fjordhawk) Day 1626, 15:44:34: Viperion froze Gigabyte - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus) Day 1626, 15:48:29: Viperion froze Hiken - Lvl 308 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1627, 23:51:51: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 1628, 07:04:29: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 257 (Thylacoleo) Day 1628, 15:57:38: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 1629, 03:22:52: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 1634, 08:05:38: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 1634, 10:01:35: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 1634, 19:32:59: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 1634, 20:58:46: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 1634, 21:03:03: Viperion froze Baby pozwig - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 1634, 23:26:39: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 1635, 05:43:54: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 1635, 05:59:32: Viperion froze DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Fe - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 1635, 06:04:53: Viperion froze Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 1635, 06:11:57: Viperion froze Samanthas-Samuel Pozwig - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 1635, 06:16:05: Viperion froze DO NOT LEVEL Breeding Ma - Lvl 252 (Rex) Day 1635, 06:24:19: Viperion froze Baby pozwig - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 1635, 06:41:06: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 1635, 07:45:15: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 1635, 08:23:38: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed by an Aberrant Stegosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 1635, 09:39:50: Viperion froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 284 (Thylacoleo) Day 1635, 09:39:53: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 1635, 09:54:04: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 85! Day 1635, 11:01:22: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 1635, 11:19:50: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 261 (Argentavis) Day 1635, 11:43:07: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 145! Day 1635, 16:01:59: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 1654, 19:55:04: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 1657, 23:03:21: Kyanite froze Aquamarine - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1676, 09:40:52: Kyanite claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1676, 10:37:55: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 1679, 10:19:51: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 10:27:11: Kyanite froze Juvenile Hi - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 10:28:13: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 10:33:54: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 10:36:18: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 10:42:34: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 10:45:37: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 10:48:45: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 10:51:24: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 10:54:30: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 232 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 11:10:20: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 11:25:59: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 11:27:18: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 11:51:24: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 11:57:52: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 12:06:56: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1679, 12:08:34: Kyanite claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1679, 12:23:32: Kyanite froze Juvenile 9? - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1680, 03:48:58: Kyanite froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1680, 09:17:25: Kyanite froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1680, 20:00:38: Kyanite froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1680, 20:04:50: Kyanite froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1680, 20:08:24: Kyanite froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1680, 23:19:27: Kyanite froze Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane) Day 1681, 10:06:16: Kyanite froze Adolescent Vortex - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1681, 20:17:34: Kyanite froze Adolescent Vortex - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1682, 23:50:35: Kyanite claimed 'PicehBish - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)'! Day 1682, 23:53:26: Kyanite claimed 'R-Direwolf - Lvl 266 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 1682, 23:55:32: Kyanite claimed 'LipStick - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 1683, 00:01:09: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1683, 00:01:49: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1683, 00:02:40: Kyanite claimed 'Good Bird - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1683, 00:04:12: Kyanite claimed 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 142 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 1683, 00:04:42: Kyanite claimed 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 1683, 00:08:36: Kyanite claimed 'X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 1683, 00:09:35: Kyanite claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1683, 00:10:04: Kyanite claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1683, 00:10:46: Kyanite claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 235 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1683, 00:12:51: Kyanite claimed 'Tresa - Lvl 202 (Triceratops)'! Day 1683, 00:13:14: Kyanite claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 207 (Triceratops)'! Day 1683, 00:14:06: Kyanite claimed 'Hyaenodon - Lvl 230 (Hyaenodon )'! Day 1683, 00:14:25: Kyanite claimed 'triston - Lvl 165 (Triceratops)'! Day 1683, 00:15:31: Kyanite claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)'! Day 1683, 00:16:11: Kyanite claimed 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 1683, 00:18:53: Kyanite claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 248 (Castoroides)'! Day 1683, 00:20:49: Kyanite claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 132 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1683, 00:21:35: Kyanite claimed 'Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis)'! Day 1683, 00:24:45: Kyanite claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 263 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1683, 00:27:27: Kyanite claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1683, 00:28:24: Kyanite claimed 'Skinny - Lvl 254 (Pelagornis)'! Day 1683, 00:29:34: Kyanite claimed 'Dodo - Lvl 181 (Dodo)'! Day 1683, 00:30:35: Kyanite claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)'! Day 1683, 00:31:19: Kyanite claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)'! Day 1683, 00:32:48: Kyanite claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)'! Day 1683, 00:33:40: Kyanite claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 249 (Iguanodon)'! Day 1683, 00:33:59: Kyanite claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 100 (Iguanodon)'! Day 1683, 00:35:21: Kyanite claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon)'! Day 1683, 00:35:45: Kyanite claimed 'Dealer - Lvl 130 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 1683, 00:36:06: Kyanite claimed 'tulip - Lvl 187 (Parasaur)'! Day 1683, 00:36:29: Kyanite claimed 'Dealer - Lvl 198 (Raptor)'! Day 1683, 00:44:36: Kyanite claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 237 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 1683, 00:46:49: Kyanite claimed 'Squishy - Lvl 163 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1683, 00:49:40: Kyanite claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1683, 00:56:16: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1683, 01:07:29: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1683, 01:08:03: Kyanite claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Parasaur)'! Day 1683, 01:12:11: Kyanite claimed 'Talon - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 1683, 01:12:41: Kyanite claimed 'Oviraptor - Lvl 59 (Oviraptor)'! Day 1683, 01:13:13: Kyanite claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1683, 01:23:56: Kyanite claimed 'Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin)'! Day 1683, 05:07:57: Kyanite claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 257 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 1683, 05:15:23: Kyanite claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 122 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 1683, 06:17:23: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 1684, 02:20:30: Kyanite claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1684, 02:54:11: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 1684, 10:34:44: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 1684, 11:11:49: Your Shadowmane 2 - Lvl 240 (Shadowmane) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 130! Day 1703, 12:21:46: Kyanite claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1703, 12:25:01: Kyanite froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 234 (Shadowmane) Day 1705, 02:58:16: Kyanite froze Scoria - Lvl 177 (Magmasaur) Day 1705, 03:08:42: Kyanite froze Blizzard - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1705, 13:44:45: Kyanite froze LipStick - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 1705, 13:54:39: Kyanite froze Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin) Day 1705, 14:23:04: Kyanite froze Aquamarine - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1708, 06:07:16: Kyanite froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 198 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 1708, 06:20:45: Kyanite froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 142 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 1708, 06:25:59: Kyanite froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 1708, 06:44:00: Kyanite froze Squishy - Lvl 173 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1708, 06:48:51: Kyanite froze Griffin - Lvl 201 (Griffin) Day 1708, 06:55:00: Kyanite froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 266 (R-Direwolf) Day 1708, 06:59:53: Kyanite froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 230 (Brontosaurus) Day 1708, 07:03:02: Kyanite froze Shadowmane - Lvl 250 (Shadowmane) Day 1708, 07:11:58: Kyanite froze Pteranodon - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 1708, 07:15:13: Kyanite froze Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon) Day 1708, 07:23:47: Kyanite froze Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 1708, 07:43:29: Kyanite froze Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) Day 1708, 07:46:23: Kyanite froze Parasaur - Lvl 161 (Parasaur) Day 1708, 07:54:42: Kyanite froze Talon - Lvl 255 (Argentavis) Day 1708, 08:36:06: Kyanite froze Dealer - Lvl 198 (Raptor) Day 1708, 08:39:11: Kyanite froze tulip - Lvl 187 (Parasaur) Day 1708, 09:01:11: Kyanite froze Dealer - Lvl 130 (Tek Parasaur) Day 1708, 09:06:24: Kyanite froze Iguanodon - Lvl 215 (Iguanodon) Day 1708, 09:09:33: Kyanite froze Iguanodon - Lvl 249 (Iguanodon) Day 1708, 09:15:17: Kyanite froze Iguanodon - Lvl 100 (Iguanodon) Day 1708, 09:23:11: Kyanite froze Skinny - Lvl 254 (Pelagornis) Day 1708, 09:35:42: Kyanite froze Skinny - Lvl 254 (Pelagornis) Day 1708, 09:41:43: Kyanite froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 235 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1708, 09:46:39: Kyanite froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1708, 09:52:44: Kyanite froze Castoroides - Lvl 248 (Castoroides) Day 1708, 09:56:01: Kyanite froze Doedicurus - Lvl 273 (Doedicurus) Day 1708, 10:04:21: Kyanite froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 164 (Carnotaurus) Day 1708, 10:43:11: Kyanite froze Tresa - Lvl 202 (Triceratops) Day 1708, 10:51:16: Kyanite froze Triceratops - Lvl 207 (Triceratops) Day 1708, 10:55:13: Kyanite froze Hyaenodon - Lvl 230 (Hyaenodon ) Day 1708, 11:00:27: Kyanite froze Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops) Day 1708, 11:03:29: Kyanite froze triston - Lvl 165 (Triceratops) Day 1709, 07:37:26: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 1709, 07:38:25: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Floor'! Day 1709, 09:09:49: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:10:36: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:11:17: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:11:58: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:12:42: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:13:48: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:14:28: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:15:09: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:15:50: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:16:46: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:20:03: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:20:53: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:21:34: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 09:23:23: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 1709, 10:30:33: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Ramp'! Day 1709, 10:39:38: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Railing'! Day 1709, 12:49:24: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 1709, 14:11:34: Nytrix demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1709, 14:12:09: Kyanite froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1709, 14:12:18: Nytrix demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1709, 14:13:01: Nytrix demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1709, 14:13:45: Nytrix demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1709, 14:29:41: Nytrix demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 1709, 14:36:19: Kyanite froze Holler - Lvl 247 (Argentavis) Day 1709, 14:40:33: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1709, 14:42:19: Kyanite froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 188 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1709, 14:46:45: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Wall'! Day 1709, 15:28:29: Kyanite froze Aquamarine - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1709, 16:53:50: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 1709, 17:24:43: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Hatchframe'! Day 1722, 09:09:40: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 1722, 11:46:36: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 1722, 11:48:53: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 1722, 12:20:15: Nytrix demolished a 'Metal Ceiling'! Day 1722, 13:24:16: Nytrix demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 1722, 13:26:38: Nytrix demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 1724, 03:41:50: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 1724, 05:21:29: Nytrix demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 1742, 15:56:04: Viperion demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 1742, 21:40:38: Viperion froze Desmodus - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 1744, 19:34:51: Viperion froze Argentavis - Lvl 262 (Argentavis) Day 1750, 00:33:04: Tribemember Kyanite - Lvl 122 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 1750, 22:41:56: Kyanite claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane)'! Day 1751, 06:09:54: Kyanite uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 271 Day 1752, 00:37:24: Kyanite froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 1752, 05:26:48: Kyanite froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 1752, 16:46:10: Kyanite froze Shadowmane - Lvl 233 (Shadowmane) Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Gas Collector' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1816, 10:50:14: Your Talon - Lvl 271 (Argentavis) was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 140! Day 1844, 11:49:50: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 122 (Dung Beetle) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 1846, 20:07:20: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 246 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 150! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1928, 23:02:44: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2008, 17:48:42: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 257 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 2013, 04:25:20: Tekzal - Lvl 55 (Tek Quetzal) starved to death! Day 2013, 05:01:07: Tribemember Nytrix - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2076, 23:01:58: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 59 (Oviraptor) was killed! Day 2081, 02:39:33: Your Dodo - Lvl 181 (Dodo) was killed! Day 2288, 03:54:52: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 74 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 2328, 09:33:05: Timmy - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)'! Day 2328, 09:36:36: Timmy - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)'! Day 2328, 09:37:37: Timmy - Lvl 123 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 132 (Doedicurus)'! Day 2340, 01:54:16: Talon - Lvl 110 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 2365, 04:00:19: Muzzy - Lvl 155 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2639, 10:13:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3235, 18:51:14: Your Da Whip (Raft) was destroyed by a Skeletal Stego - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1800920534,"tribe":"Fruit Gang logs":["Day 309, 17:44:46: Megus was added to the Tribe! Day 309, 18:22:16: HobNob added 'Fruit Gang' Tribe to Bollox Bois Alliance! Day 310, 01:41:38: Tribemember Megus - Lvl 12 was killed! Day 310, 04:18:29: Tribemember Megus - Lvl 13 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 310, 11:45:32: Goosen added 'Tribe of HobNob' Tribe to Bollox Bois Alliance! Day 323, 17:45:25: Tribemember Megus - Lvl 21 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1798233051,"tribe":"Tribe of Bjorn logs":["Day 15741, 13:13:09: Bjorn was added to the Tribe! Day 15741, 18:31:45: Tribemember Bjorn - Lvl 22 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1797101699,"tribe":"Tribe of Smackyyy logs":["Day 3693, 22:39:01: Smackyyy was added to the Tribe! Day 3694, 05:25:11: Smackyyy uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 76 Day 3982, 15:24:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1793923381,"tribe":"Shaketown logs":["Day 20700, 15:56:50: Shake was added to the Tribe! Day 20700, 16:00:36: bootha195 was added to the Tribe by Shake! Day 20700, 16:34:27: Tribemember bootha195 - Lvl 123 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 20702, 00:38:40: bootha195 froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 296 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 20725, 16:07:41: bootha195 froze Rex - Lvl 240 (Rex) Day 20726, 05:28:28: Shake froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 155 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20726, 13:54:28: Tribemember bootha195 - Lvl 123 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 20727, 00:01:45: Shake froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 161 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20727, 02:52:15: Shake froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Poison Wyvern) Day 20727, 02:53:24: bootha195 froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 20746, 03:24:22: Shake froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Poison Wyvern) Day 20749, 02:23:06: Shake froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 335 (Poison Wyvern) Day 21278, 19:24:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1791838189,"tribe":"Tribe of Meerkats logs":["Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Metal Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8686, 19:52:49: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8686, 19:52:49: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8694, 20:02:31: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Butt - Lvl 220 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 8694, 20:22:20: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 227 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 8694, 20:27:18: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 305 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 8694, 20:32:33: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Buu - Lvl 287 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 8695, 06:55:22: Tribemember Sprat - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'breed male - Lvl 257 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 259 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Alpha F [Clone] - Lvl 219 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 157 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Astrodelphis - Lvl 74 (Astrodelphis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 120 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:03:41: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Gustaxs - Lvl 228 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Kiba - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Cleopatra - Lvl 256 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'H 6530 S 756 - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Zombie Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Zombie Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Drago - Lvl 280 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:04: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 158 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Voidwyrm - Lvl 244 (Voidwyrm)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 284 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Pink skin - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Green Back - Lvl 278 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:04:54: 's 'Reptile - Lvl 272 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 254 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 237 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Green Tail - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Pork Chop - Lvl 259 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:07: 's 'Den - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 152 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 248 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'Managarmr - Lvl 82 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 148 (Carnotaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'spike - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'dicu - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'Triceratops - Lvl 191 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'gill - Lvl 173 (Diplodocus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:19: 's 'REX - Lvl 181 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Goldilocks - Lvl 374 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Admiral Ankbar - Lvl 240 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Golda - Lvl 314 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Alfa - Lvl 50 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Stalker Crab - Lvl 77 (Karkinos)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'HP5 M - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Zale - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:34: 's 'Yolana - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's '1/45m - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 255 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Neptune - Lvl 323 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Shae - Lvl 227 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 245 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:05:49: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 203 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 210 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'pappa 1 - Lvl 282 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Mawloc - Lvl 147 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 237 (R-Reaper King)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Snow - Lvl 278 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Base F8 - Lvl 228 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'Base F1 - Lvl 228 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'PERFECT F - Lvl 307 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:06:10: 's 'PERFECT F - Lvl 308 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:11:50: 's 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 142 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:11:50: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 286 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8817, 08:11:50: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Bridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Tek Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8969, 13:55:30: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10161, 11:06:09: Basilisk - Lvl 299 (Basilisk) starved to death! Day 10382, 06:50:15: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10981, 23:51:04: Basilisk - Lvl 276 (Basilisk) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1788526785,"tribe":"Tribe of Equestrian_Game logs":["Day 10858, 19:42:38: Equestrian_Gamer0 was added to the Tribe! Day 10858, 19:59:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10858, 20:00:31: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10858, 20:26:38: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 60! Day 10858, 22:13:33: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 10858, 22:16:13: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10858, 22:17:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10859, 08:58:45: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 17 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 72! Day 10859, 09:16:58: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 10859, 10:04:41: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 10859, 14:47:15: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 25 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 85! Day 10859, 22:39:38: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 10859, 23:57:51: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 28 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 45! Day 10860, 02:46:03: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 10860, 12:31:34: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 10860, 20:49:15: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 42 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 10860, 21:16:50: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 126 (Parasaur)! Day 10860, 22:15:45: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10860, 22:16:36: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10861, 01:11:03: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 10861, 02:15:31: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10861, 02:18:55: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 10861, 02:56:28: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 10861, 02:57:35: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 10861, 02:59:02: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Door (Locked) '! Day 10861, 03:00:05: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 10861, 03:01:08: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 10861, 03:01:58: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 10861, 03:02:59: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 10861, 03:03:50: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 10861, 03:04:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 10861, 03:05:40: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 10861, 03:06:39: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 10861, 11:25:26: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 10861, 14:36:12: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 10861, 14:56:35: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 10861, 16:39:18: Your Parasaur - Lvl 134 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 10861, 20:15:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 10861, 20:54:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor)! Day 10861, 21:12:15: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 141 (Raptor)! Day 10862, 04:50:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 207 (Raptor)! Day 10862, 15:24:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 206 (Parasaur)! Day 10867, 01:18:40: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 10867, 01:22:54: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 10867, 09:25:04: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:25:51: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:26:35: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:27:40: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:29:30: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:30:30: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:32:00: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:33:13: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:33:50: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:34:42: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 09:35:26: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 09:36:19: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 09:37:00: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 09:37:48: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 09:38:31: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 10:58:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 10:59:35: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 11:16:33: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Double Doorframe'! Day 10867, 13:29:52: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 10867, 13:30:31: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 10867, 15:19:46: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 15:20:27: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 15:21:40: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 16:10:38: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 16:11:24: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 16:12:34: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 16:13:28: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 16:14:22: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 16:15:14: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 16:15:58: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 16:16:59: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 16:17:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10867, 17:16:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 10867, 18:59:45: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:00:22: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:01:16: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:02:24: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:03:27: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:04:13: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:04:57: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:05:37: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:06:52: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:07:37: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:08:30: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Foundation'! Day 10867, 19:23:13: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 10867, 19:23:57: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 10867, 19:31:13: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:32:06: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:33:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:34:31: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:35:17: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:36:04: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:42:59: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:43:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:44:28: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:45:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:45:53: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:47:18: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:47:59: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:48:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 19:49:30: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10867, 20:09:18: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling'! Day 10867, 23:03:47: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 10867, 23:04:44: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 10867, 23:41:18: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 10867, 23:42:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 10867, 23:43:36: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 10867, 23:44:52: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 10867, 23:46:14: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Catwalk'! Day 10868, 00:24:15: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10868, 00:25:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10868, 00:27:17: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10868, 00:28:58: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10868, 02:36:33: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 10868, 02:37:32: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 10868, 03:05:03: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10868, 03:06:00: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10868, 03:07:07: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10868, 03:08:27: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10868, 03:10:49: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10868, 03:12:09: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 10868, 03:17:46: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 10880, 14:57:06: Equestrian_Gamer0 claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 164 (Raptor)'! Day 10880, 15:30:09: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 10880, 15:31:07: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 10880, 15:34:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 10880, 15:36:40: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 10880, 15:38:24: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 10881, 09:42:55: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 10881, 21:41:42: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)! Day 10882, 04:15:41: Equestrian_Gamer0 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 10882, 05:23:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 10882, 17:24:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)! Day 10883, 02:10:52: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 73 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 45! Day 10884, 02:15:12: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 74 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 10884, 14:01:09: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 10885, 05:19:59: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 10885, 06:27:52: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 76 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 10885, 11:20:18: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 10885, 12:21:33: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 10885, 13:19:01: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 10885, 14:52:22: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 10890, 10:31:34: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 202 (Maewing)! Day 10891, 16:44:35: Your Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 45! Day 10907, 09:20:10: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 80 was killed! Day 10982, 09:57:54: Your Desmodus - Lvl 138 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 10982, 10:01:39: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 81 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 10982, 17:45:03: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 81 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 55! Day 10982, 19:55:20: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 62 (Desmodus)! Day 10982, 21:15:10: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 10982, 22:40:22: Equestrian_Gamer0 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)! Day 11209, 09:12:21: Your Paris - Lvl 230 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 11807, 12:25:39: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11823, 22:16:12: Your Desmodus - Lvl 62 (Desmodus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 12000, 16:16:58: Brock - Lvl 137 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12225, 13:21:05: Maewing - Lvl 226 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 12297, 12:45:01: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrew - Lvl 93 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12297, 12:57:24: Rubi - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 89 (Desmodus)'! Day 12297, 13:17:24: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Waffles - Lvl 166 (Raptor)'! Day 12297, 13:36:31: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beta - Lvl 165 (Raptor)'! Day 12376, 05:42:04: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12676, 16:18:03: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Charlie - Lvl 231 (Raptor)'! Day 12676, 16:18:51: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pinky - Lvl 181 (Raptor)'! Day 12676, 16:19:29: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Echo - Lvl 232 (Raptor)'! Day 12676, 16:20:48: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Feathers - Lvl 97 (Raptor)'! Day 12676, 16:22:26: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 214 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12676, 16:35:18: Mr Smith - Lvl 90 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13032, 22:57:50: Tribemember Equestrian_Gamer0 - Lvl 83 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1785936328,"tribe":"Tribe of BRAM logs":["Day 759, 18:34:39: BRAM was added to the Tribe! Day 759, 18:47:09: Tribemember BRAM - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 759, 19:13:17: Tribemember BRAM - Lvl 1 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 95! Day 2277, 14:04:17: zelfstandig naamwoord - Lvl 244 (Pteranodon) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1777735392,"tribe":"Tribe of UwU logs":["Day 2605, 10:31:30: POKERDUCK249 was added to the Tribe! Day 2605, 10:41:23: TeBo0110 added 'Tribe of UwU' Tribe to The Horde Alliance! Day 2605, 18:05:43: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 2606, 03:44:56: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 2606, 12:22:13: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2606, 12:59:52: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 2617, 11:04:17: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 2617, 13:05:22: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 17 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 2617, 13:44:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 33 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 2617, 14:09:46: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 2617, 15:26:30: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 18 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 2617, 16:46:57: POKERDUCK249 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 68 (Dodo)! Day 2617, 17:26:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 75 (Dodo)! Day 2617, 19:31:48: Your POKERDODO249 - Lvl 68 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 2617, 19:44:37: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 19 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 2618, 20:43:18: Your Dodo - Lvl 75 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 60! Day 2619, 20:02:06: Tribe of hoyia tribe was merged in by hoyia! Day 2619, 20:02:06: hoyia was added to the Tribe by POKERDUCK249! Day 2619, 22:07:35: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 2619, 23:08:09: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2620, 16:45:18: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 74 (Argentavis)'! Day 2620, 19:02:58: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 2620, 20:37:05: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 21 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 85! Day 2621, 00:59:22: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 2621, 01:51:51: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2621, 04:51:06: POKERDUCK249 froze Juvenile POKERDINONICUSS249 - Lvl 102 (Deinonychus) Day 2621, 05:38:18: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 2623, 13:30:12: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 2623, 18:33:49: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 45 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 114! Day 2623, 19:00:43: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 45 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 114! Day 2623, 19:23:18: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 45 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 114! Day 2623, 19:51:53: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 45 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 2623, 20:23:32: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 2624, 06:49:43: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 46 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 150! Day 2624, 19:50:07: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 49 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 2624, 21:21:50: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 49 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 50! Day 2625, 22:13:03: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 2626, 12:52:27: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 62 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 2626, 17:27:31: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 154 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2626, 18:01:35: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 62 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 2626, 21:27:32: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 2626, 22:09:06: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 2627, 00:22:45: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 2627, 01:25:51: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 63 was killed! Day 2627, 01:32:57: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 28 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 130! Day 2627, 01:55:33: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 28 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 2627, 13:31:54: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 29 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 64 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2627, 13:31:54: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 29 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2627, 15:24:32: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'Bob - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2627, 16:48:13: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 30 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 65 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2627, 16:48:13: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 30 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2627, 16:54:13: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 30 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 65 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2627, 16:54:13: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 30 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2627, 20:47:05: hoyia demolished a 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) '! Day 2627, 20:58:17: hoyia demolished a 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) '! Day 2627, 23:59:13: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 31 was killed! Day 2628, 00:59:25: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'funny - Lvl 188 (Parasaur)'! Day 2628, 04:47:46: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'POKERDINONICUSS249 - Lvl 103 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2628, 06:48:45: hoyia demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 2628, 06:50:55: hoyia demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 2628, 06:52:07: hoyia demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2628, 06:53:07: hoyia demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2628, 06:54:11: hoyia demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 2628, 10:24:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 16 (Pteranodon)! Day 2628, 17:37:57: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2628, 17:37:57: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2628, 17:37:57: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2628, 17:37:57: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2628, 19:18:46: hoyia Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 21 (Dimorphodon)! Day 2628, 22:09:22: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 67 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 2629, 00:41:51: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 39 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 67 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2629, 00:41:51: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 39 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2629, 06:11:35: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 40 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 68 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2629, 06:11:35: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 40 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2629, 23:55:42: hoyia demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 2629, 23:59:11: hoyia demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 2630, 06:27:09: hoyia demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 2642, 01:08:57: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 2642, 01:42:19: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 46 was killed! Day 2642, 04:34:25: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2642, 15:03:32: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 49 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 2642, 15:32:54: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 49 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 2642, 15:48:55: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 49 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 2642, 15:51:09: Your pp dacttoll - Lvl 256 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 2644, 01:18:03: hoyia claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2644, 01:23:40: hoyia claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 194 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2644, 10:40:29: hoyia claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 75 (Argentavis)'! Day 2645, 01:24:52: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 2645, 01:49:05: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 71 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 2645, 02:30:54: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 71 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 2645, 08:17:26: hoyia Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 175 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 2645, 17:47:26: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 2645, 19:59:37: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 71 was killed! Day 2647, 10:56:09: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2647, 14:46:42: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 72 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 2647, 15:33:40: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 72 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 135! Day 2647, 16:35:34: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 72 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 2647, 17:16:07: Your pokedactol - Lvl 231 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 25! Day 2647, 17:49:22: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 72 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 135! Day 2647, 19:22:48: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 72 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2649, 07:58:05: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 2649, 15:28:03: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 49 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 2650, 00:01:55: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 50 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 95! Day 2650, 00:59:54: POKERDUCK249 unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2650, 01:08:52: POKERDUCK249 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2650, 01:29:47: POKERDUCK249 unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 38 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2650, 04:47:04: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 2650, 11:07:03: Your POKERASAUR - Lvl 210 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 15! Day 2650, 17:51:45: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 55 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 75 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2650, 17:51:45: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 55 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2651, 05:29:53: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 57 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 75 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2651, 05:29:53: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 57 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2651, 14:01:58: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 2651, 16:35:02: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 140! Day 2651, 19:21:23: TeBo0110 added 'Tribe of tile' Tribe to The Horde Alliance! Day 2651, 19:56:03: Your POKERDINONICUSS249 - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 2651, 19:58:44: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 2651, 20:33:10: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 2651, 21:11:03: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed! Day 2651, 21:50:29: Tribe of tile tribe was merged in by tile! Day 2651, 21:50:29: tile was added to the Tribe by POKERDUCK249! Day 2651, 22:37:13: Your POKERAGEVENTUS249 - Lvl 108 (Argentavis) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 20! Day 2652, 00:59:23: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed by POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 59 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 00:59:23: Your Tribe killed hoyia - Lvl 76 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 01:17:38: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 76 was killed by POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 59 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 01:17:38: Your Tribe killed hoyia - Lvl 76 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 07:52:32: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 59 was killed by tile - Lvl 15 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 07:52:32: Your Tribe killed POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 59 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 08:36:16: Tribemember tile - Lvl 15 was killed by POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 59 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 08:36:16: Your Tribe killed tile - Lvl 15 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 13:58:48: Tribemember tile - Lvl 16 was killed by hoyia - Lvl 77 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2652, 13:58:48: Your Tribe killed tile - Lvl 16 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2653, 03:30:34: Your Richard Salter - Lvl 42 (Dimorphodon) was killed by hoyia - Lvl 79 (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2653, 03:30:34: Your Tribe killed Richard Salter - Lvl 42 (Dimorphodon) (Tribe of UwU)! Day 2653, 06:12:46: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 80 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 2674, 16:27:08: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2722, 19:40:24: Tribemember tile - Lvl 19 was killed! Day 2723, 00:14:19: Tribemember tile - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 2771, 22:45:04: Your I BONG 15! Now ridiable - Lvl 194 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 50! Day 2809, 04:54:50: Your POKERDACTOL - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 2809, 04:58:42: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 47 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 130! Day 2809, 11:54:27: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 2809, 11:58:04: Your 'Campfire (Unlocked) ' was destroyed! Day 2809, 11:58:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2809, 12:01:11: Tribemember tile - Lvl 20 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 2810, 12:34:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2810, 14:02:06: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 60 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 150! Day 2815, 18:34:58: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2815, 18:36:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2970, 18:17:54: Tribemember tile - Lvl 20 was killed by a Hesperornis - Lvl 20! Day 3028, 10:33:05: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3028, 10:33:40: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3028, 10:33:40: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3028, 15:18:58: Your Argentavis - Lvl 90 (Argentavis) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 3032, 10:52:17: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:52:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:52:55: Your 'Greenhouse Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:54:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:54:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:54:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:54:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3032, 10:54:28: Tribemember hoyia - Lvl 80 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 3139, 08:51:59: Tribemember POKERDUCK249 - Lvl 60 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 3165, 01:30:53: Tribemember tile - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 3165, 08:33:02: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 3165, 14:03:52: tile claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 217 (Parasaur)'! Day 3169, 19:18:58: Tribemember tile - Lvl 48 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 3170, 03:27:38: Tribemember tile - Lvl 48 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 3170, 03:48:58: Tribemember tile - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 3170, 04:04:08: Tribemember tile - Lvl 48 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 66! Day 3170, 04:28:46: Tribemember tile - Lvl 48 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145! Day 3170, 09:41:41: Tribemember tile - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 3170, 14:15:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon)! Day 3184, 18:40:22: Your Parasaur - Lvl 232 (Parasaur) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 3184, 20:21:29: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 141 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 3188, 23:10:12: Tribemember tile - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 3189, 06:36:25: tile claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3194, 16:28:28: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 3219, 00:41:04: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 3219, 00:41:42: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3219, 00:46:39: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 3219, 00:55:11: Tribemember tile - Lvl 49 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 3219, 01:00:53: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 3241, 00:50:19: Your 'Greenhouse Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 3241, 00:50:23: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3241, 00:50:23: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3241, 00:50:27: Your 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3241, 00:50:27: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3241, 00:50:30: Your 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3241, 01:10:05: Tribemember tile - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 3241, 05:33:15: Tribemember tile - Lvl 50 was killed! Day 3243, 18:42:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 25! Day 3267, 00:16:41: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:17:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:19:41: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:20:27: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:21:13: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:21:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:21:55: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:21:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:23:23: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:23:25: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:24:08: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3267, 00:25:34: Tribemember tile - Lvl 51 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 95! Day 3267, 00:27:05: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3449, 21:01:59: Tribemember tile - Lvl 51 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 140! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3764, 09:48:33: Tribemember tile - Lvl 51 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 15! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3842, 00:52:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4124, 01:23:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4124, 01:23:45: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4124, 01:23:45: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4336, 03:51:08: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4336, 03:51:08: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4406, 18:57:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4406, 18:57:30: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11649, 01:42:46: Tribemember tile - Lvl 51 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 11649, 02:08:26: Tribemember tile - Lvl 51 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 11649, 06:57:31: Tribemember tile - Lvl 52 was killed!"] "tribeid":1774628324,"tribe":"Stretford Brothers logs":["Day 517, 20:22:44: noboostking was added to the Tribe! Day 517, 20:28:28: Lightningbat246 was added to the Tribe by noboostking! Day 518, 06:24:05: noboostking Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 518, 15:09:15: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 26 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 518, 22:00:30: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 519, 02:26:26: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 20 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 60! Day 519, 04:18:54: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 519, 08:50:55: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 519, 09:50:45: Your Parasaur - Lvl 90 (Parasaur) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 95! Day 519, 10:41:45: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 519, 10:44:28: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 32 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 95! Day 519, 14:08:06: noboostking froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 519, 15:51:27: Lightningbat246 claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)'! Day 519, 18:26:48: noboostking froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 538, 19:39:54: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 150! Day 540, 00:49:49: noboostking Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 196 (Pteranodon)! Day 540, 06:56:57: noboostking froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 540, 07:02:26: noboostking froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) Day 541, 08:17:39: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 24 was killed by a Yutyrannus - Lvl 60! Day 541, 13:00:56: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 45! Day 541, 19:09:22: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 24 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 45! Day 541, 22:12:49: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 36 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 45! Day 542, 03:05:49: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 04:29:12: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 06:41:58: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 542, 06:52:23: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 08:01:11: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 542, 08:46:22: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 09:44:44: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 09:45:56: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 542, 10:42:01: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 542, 10:42:01: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 542, 10:51:10: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 10:56:13: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 542, 13:17:24: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 542, 13:28:40: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 26 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 15! Day 542, 14:09:26: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 542, 16:09:08: Tribemember Lightningbat246 - Lvl 26 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 542, 16:56:03: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 542, 17:31:11: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 542, 18:36:12: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 542, 21:05:18: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 542, 23:11:33: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 37 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 543, 08:14:05: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 38 was killed! Day 543, 10:04:59: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 38 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 95! Day 543, 13:03:31: noboostking Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 73 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 543, 17:02:52: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 95! Day 543, 17:39:10: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 543, 17:39:10: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 543, 17:55:27: Your Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 168 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 543, 18:29:01: noboostking Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 543, 19:01:00: noboostking froze Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 543, 19:32:15: noboostking froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 75 (Andrewsarchus) Day 544, 02:32:48: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 544, 05:01:53: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 544, 06:29:05: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 544, 07:52:13: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 544, 09:24:50: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 544, 09:41:24: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 544, 10:51:29: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 544, 11:30:25: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 39 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 25! Day 544, 12:11:47: noboostking Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 202 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 544, 13:31:52: noboostking froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 202 (Andrewsarchus) Day 544, 23:52:08: noboostking froze Pteranodon - Lvl 204 (Pteranodon) Day 545, 01:16:47: noboostking froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 545, 20:59:22: noboostking Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 212 (Triceratops)! Day 545, 21:05:26: noboostking froze Triceratops - Lvl 212 (Triceratops) Day 545, 21:31:53: noboostking froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 563, 09:42:32: noboostking froze Triceratops - Lvl 212 (Triceratops) Day 563, 12:01:34: noboostking froze Triceratops - Lvl 220 (Triceratops) Day 565, 19:20:58: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 50 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 566, 08:05:59: noboostking claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 566, 11:47:31: noboostking froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 589, 20:30:13: noboostking froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 590, 15:12:46: noboostking froze Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) Day 590, 17:51:21: noboostking froze Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 591, 00:36:48: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 68 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 591, 05:06:32: noboostking froze Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 591, 17:51:08: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)! Day 591, 18:05:58: noboostking froze Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 839, 20:35:02: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1246, 04:01:35: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 93 (Andrewsarchus) starved to death! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1293, 10:48:24: bunja - Lvl 121 (WORLDS END) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 1293, 10:57:45: bunja - Lvl 121 (WORLDS END) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 242 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1293, 11:00:43: bunja - Lvl 121 (WORLDS END) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 1293, 11:06:45: bunja - Lvl 121 (WORLDS END) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1295, 15:57:56: Tribemember noboostking - Lvl 70 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 45! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1773580526,"tribe":"Tribe of not human logs":["Day 16172, 13:38:27: not human was added to the Tribe! Day 16172, 13:40:25: balls was added to the Tribe by not human! Day 16172, 17:13:10: Tribemember not human - Lvl 6 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 16172, 18:20:16: Tribemember not human - Lvl 8 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 45! Day 16172, 19:58:54: Tribemember not human - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16172, 20:18:27: Tribemember not human - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16172, 20:42:30: balls demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16172, 20:44:43: balls demolished a 'Wooden Stairs'! Day 16173, 00:00:21: balls demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 16173, 06:21:57: Tribemember balls - Lvl 19 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 16173, 06:50:06: balls claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16173, 08:30:31: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 16384, 11:09:52: Tribemember not human - Lvl 17 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 16400, 15:49:02: Your Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16468, 20:13:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16737, 10:50:12: Tribemember balls - Lvl 19 was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 16737, 22:48:02: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 16754, 20:10:15: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16754, 20:10:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16926, 15:05:26: Triceratops - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '!"] "tribeid":1772288288,"tribe":"Tribe of abomiman logs":["Day 17221, 02:47:07: abomiman was added to the Tribe! Day 17221, 02:50:30: Czara was added to the Tribe by abomiman! Day 17221, 03:23:33: Papoczar was added to the Tribe by abomiman! Day 17221, 03:56:19: Tribemember abomiman - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 17221, 10:37:29: Ichthyornis - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17221, 10:50:38: abomiman - Lvl 9 (Tribe of abomiman) destroyed your 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 17221, 13:37:48: Tribemember abomiman - Lvl 11 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 17222, 06:59:33: Czara claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17222, 08:23:56: Czara Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur)! Day 17222, 09:44:24: abomiman claimed 'Rex - Lvl 341 (Rex)'! Day 17222, 10:05:01: Czara claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 223 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17222, 10:07:55: Papoczar claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 91 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17308, 10:57:19: abomiman demolished a 'Bed'! Day 17308, 10:58:56: abomiman demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 17371, 13:08:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17553, 13:25:22: abomiman Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 17554, 06:42:07: abomiman claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)'! Day 17554, 06:42:23: abomiman claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 17703, 01:51:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17703, 01:51:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17845, 06:38:47: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18153, 07:56:33: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18153, 07:56:33: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18153, 07:56:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18161, 18:39:43: FireballFilms - Lvl 66 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 96 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18161, 20:16:02: FireballFilms - Lvl 66 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis)'! Day 18161, 20:17:39: FireballFilms - Lvl 66 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)'! Day 18161, 21:05:53: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 225 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18161, 23:59:31: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REXY - Lvl 342 (Rex)'! Day 18162, 00:01:25: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pamela - Lvl 74 (Parasaur)'! Day 18162, 02:03:30: FireballFilms - Lvl 68 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Squashy - Lvl 30 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 18437, 15:30:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18437, 15:30:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18437, 15:30:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18437, 15:30:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18437, 15:30:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18437, 15:30:21: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18471, 07:55:50: Corpzlurker - Lvl 7 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20253, 19:40:39: Tribemember abomiman - Lvl 70 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15!"] "tribeid":1772213019,"tribe":"Tribe of Carbon logs":["Day 2248, 16:19:03: Carbon was added to the Tribe! Day 2248, 16:23:48: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe of Carbon' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2302, 22:52:20: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe 50396' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 3228, 15:59:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3228, 15:59:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3475, 01:58:51: Timmy removed 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe from Fluffy Friends Alliance!"] "tribeid":1771400717,"tribe":"Tribe of Mr.X logs":["Day 14065, 10:31:42: Mr.X was added to the Tribe! Day 14065, 10:41:51: J.Wick was added to the Tribe by Mr.X! Day 14066, 14:58:56: Mr.X froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14066, 15:01:46: J.Wick froze Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon) Day 14074, 21:15:25: Mr.X froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1768919333,"tribe":"DragonCrew logs":["Day 2314, 01:16:03: HadvarV was added to the Tribe! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2342, 14:15:42: HadvarV uploaded a Pteranodon: Bucknuck - Lvl 198 Day 2511, 00:41:17: Tribemember HadvarV - Lvl 83 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 95! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3290, 22:38:07: Mankey - Lvl 43 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 3290, 22:45:47: Brewskii - Lvl 151 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spike - Lvl 62 (Stegosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1767807432,"tribe":"Tribe of I Need Double D logs":["Day 193, 17:08:47: I Need Double Doors was added to the Tribe! Day 193, 17:11:37: giga chad was added to the Tribe by I Need Double Doors! Day 193, 17:59:50: Tribemember giga chad - Lvl 13 was killed by a Parasaur - Lvl 25! Day 193, 18:57:30: I Need Double Doors demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 193, 18:58:36: I Need Double Doors demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 216, 17:13:47: Tribemember I Need Double Doors - Lvl 18 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 140! Day 227, 13:09:54: Tribemember giga chad - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1765933038,"tribe":"BBC TRIBE logs":["Day 2127, 16:09:44: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2127, 16:13:06: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2127, 16:16:39: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2127, 16:20:17: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2127, 16:25:04: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2127, 17:00:51: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2127, 20:16:34: BBC froze Juvenile timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2127, 20:20:12: BBC froze Juvenile timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 02:07:29: BBC froze Juvenile timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 02:12:24: BBC froze Juvenile timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 02:17:36: BBC froze Juvenile timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 07:57:27: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 08:01:26: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 08:04:53: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 08:08:24: BBC froze Juvenile take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 11:57:22: BBC froze Adolescent timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 12:01:37: BBC froze Adolescent timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 12:05:49: BBC froze Adolescent timmy - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 2128, 12:45:43: BBC froze Adolescent take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 12:49:35: BBC froze Adolescent take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 12:56:12: BBC froze Adolescent take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 12:59:56: BBC froze Adolescent take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2128, 17:31:20: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2128, 19:35:31: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 2128, 23:23:04: BBC froze BeachBobBoss - Lvl 110 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 2129, 01:25:54: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 2129, 13:41:02: BBC froze Rex - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 2129, 13:44:21: BBC froze Female (34H, 34S, 27M) - Lvl 251 (Rex) Day 2129, 13:49:04: BBC froze pinky - Lvl 182 (Rex) Day 2129, 13:59:41: BBC froze crap damage again - Lvl 230 (Rex) Day 2129, 14:09:35: BBC froze crap lvl 150 :( - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 2129, 14:21:07: BBC froze bluuuu - Lvl 254 (Rex) Day 2129, 14:52:24: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 2129, 15:07:45: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 255 (Rex) Day 2129, 15:18:28: BBC froze timmy - Lvl 229 (Rex) Day 2129, 16:43:43: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 16:47:47: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 16:51:29: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:03:55: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:08:40: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:40:20: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:44:00: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:47:38: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:53:41: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 17:57:59: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 18:09:12: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 18:20:26: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 18:30:26: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 18:34:15: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 18:39:03: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 18:51:31: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 283 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 19:28:41: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 20:12:28: BBC Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 2129, 20:24:24: BBC froze blu - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 2129, 20:59:17: BBC Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha)! Day 2129, 21:17:51: BBC froze blu's mate - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2129, 21:30:37: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 21:35:45: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 21:46:45: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 21:51:11: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:00:03: BBC froze blu's mate - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2129, 22:05:00: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:13:31: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:20:45: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:29:41: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:36:30: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:43:09: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:49:33: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 22:54:22: BBC Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha)! Day 2129, 23:08:32: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 23:12:18: BBC froze another one - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2129, 23:22:55: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 23:30:50: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 23:36:17: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 23:40:47: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 23:45:08: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2129, 23:49:42: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 00:05:22: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 00:10:40: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 00:30:14: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 00:44:14: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 00:48:14: BBC Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha)! Day 2130, 00:50:53: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 01:01:36: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 01:06:22: BBC froze another one - Lvl 133 (Gacha) Day 2130, 01:40:08: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 01:45:24: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 01:50:25: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 01:57:35: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 02:02:33: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 02:14:47: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 02:23:34: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 03:00:17: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 03:05:17: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 03:14:04: BBC Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha)! Day 2130, 03:14:27: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2130, 03:44:39: BBC froze gachy - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2130, 06:49:50: BBC froze Desmodus - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 2130, 08:51:17: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) Day 2130, 15:07:58: BBC froze metal machine - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 2131, 00:23:24: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2131, 00:44:03: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2131, 00:49:02: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 284 (Snow Owl) Day 2131, 06:28:06: BBC froze another one - Lvl 133 (Gacha) Day 2131, 06:46:10: BBC froze gachy - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2131, 06:49:09: BBC froze another one - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2131, 06:57:24: BBC froze blu - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 2131, 07:00:08: BBC froze blu's mate - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2131, 07:50:10: BBC froze blu's mate - Lvl 77 (Gacha) Day 2131, 07:55:44: BBC froze blu - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 2131, 08:37:52: BBC froze metal machine - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) Day 2133, 19:23:09: BBC froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 2133, 20:16:01: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 2133, 20:18:50: BBC froze timmy - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 2133, 23:39:06: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 2133, 23:43:06: BBC froze timmy - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 2133, 23:47:38: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 2136, 02:35:30: BBC froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 2136, 05:15:25: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 2137, 00:25:24: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 246 (Rock Drake) Day 2151, 01:34:24: BBC froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 2151, 05:36:53: BBC froze Argentavis - Lvl 242 (Argentavis) Day 2151, 05:53:31: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 254 (Rock Drake) Day 2151, 13:51:49: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 254 (Rock Drake) Day 2151, 13:59:47: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 2151, 14:04:46: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 2151, 14:10:08: BBC froze Baby we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2151, 14:16:30: BBC froze Baby pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2151, 15:01:48: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 254 (Rock Drake) Day 2151, 18:54:27: BBC froze Desmodus - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) Day 2151, 19:16:43: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2151, 19:29:13: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2151, 19:34:02: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 02:03:40: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 02:08:48: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 02:13:23: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 07:14:46: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 07:18:26: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 07:21:43: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 07:25:51: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 07:39:06: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 07:43:07: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 11:56:15: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 12:10:25: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 16:34:20: BBC froze Juvenile we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 16:43:39: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 16:47:58: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 16:52:17: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 16:55:43: BBC froze Juvenile pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2152, 21:34:47: BBC froze Adolescent we need damage - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2152, 21:58:05: BBC froze Adolescent pls - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 2153, 19:11:39: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 2176, 18:26:55: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 2176, 19:33:10: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 2176, 20:19:56: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 2176, 20:23:59: BBC froze crap lvl 150 :( - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 2176, 20:49:30: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 257 (Rex) Day 2176, 21:02:35: BBC froze timmy - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 2176, 21:41:36: BBC froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 2176, 22:47:21: BBC froze pls - Lvl 223 (Rex) Day 2176, 22:51:13: BBC froze we need damage - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 2176, 23:56:32: BBC froze crap lvl 150 :( - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 2177, 00:25:04: BBC froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 2177, 04:11:54: BBC froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 2177, 05:23:56: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 2177, 05:27:39: BBC froze pls - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 2177, 05:32:11: BBC froze we need damage - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 2177, 05:41:30: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 2177, 05:45:17: BBC froze timmy - Lvl 279 (Rex) Day 2177, 06:25:46: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 2177, 06:31:34: BBC froze Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 2177, 06:32:17: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex)'! Day 2177, 06:38:57: BBC froze Baby Rex - Lvl 222 (Rex) Day 2177, 06:39:36: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 2177, 06:44:36: BBC froze Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2177, 06:45:03: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex)'! Day 2177, 06:50:00: BBC froze Baby Rex - Lvl 195 (Rex) Day 2177, 07:40:28: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 2177, 07:43:22: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 2177, 11:59:55: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 2177, 16:38:40: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 2177, 18:15:21: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 2178, 13:36:20: BBC froze Rex - Lvl 293 (Rex) Day 2178, 13:39:20: BBC froze pinky - Lvl 191 (Rex) Day 2178, 13:44:55: BBC froze Female (34H, 34S, 27M) - Lvl 271 (Rex) Day 2178, 13:50:27: BBC froze crap lvl 150 :( - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 2178, 13:59:28: BBC froze crap lvl 150 :( - Lvl 290 (Rex) Day 2178, 14:02:23: BBC froze crap damage again - Lvl 272 (Rex) Day 2178, 14:06:57: BBC froze bluuuu - Lvl 262 (Rex) Day 2178, 17:56:28: BBC froze BeachBobBoss - Lvl 118 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 2178, 18:05:27: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 258 (Rock Drake) Day 2179, 02:44:00: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 263 (Rex) Day 2179, 02:48:02: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 261 (Rex) Day 2179, 04:05:18: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2179, 12:01:37: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 2179, 15:26:25: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 2180, 00:11:02: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2180, 05:57:07: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2180, 13:42:36: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2180, 16:56:52: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2180, 17:05:22: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2180, 17:17:29: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2180, 23:48:01: BBC froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2181, 02:30:39: BBC froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 269 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2181, 04:57:11: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2181, 08:05:41: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 266 (Rex) Day 2181, 08:42:05: BBC froze Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 2181, 12:32:53: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 268 (Rex) Day 2181, 13:09:46: BBC froze Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 2182, 03:33:30: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2182, 03:43:06: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2182, 03:52:46: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 288 (Snow Owl) Day 2182, 09:57:02: Your 'Fish Basket' was destroyed! Day 2182, 19:44:04: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 2182, 19:56:51: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 2183, 16:53:53: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 2183, 17:46:40: BBC froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 2183, 21:30:18: BBC froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 2184, 03:48:46: Your Coelacanth - Lvl 45 | 1.2x (Coelacanth) was killed! Day 2184, 04:25:23: BBC froze snowy - Lvl 289 (Snow Owl) Day 2184, 14:07:03: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 259 (Rock Drake) Day 2204, 15:07:06: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 263 (Rock Drake) Day 2229, 22:13:05: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 284 (Rex) Day 2229, 22:16:34: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 277 (Rex) Day 2229, 23:24:09: BBC froze bluu - Lvl 266 (Rock Drake) Day 2230, 01:39:37: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 2230, 01:42:53: BBC claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex)'! Day 2230, 01:50:01: BBC froze Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 2230, 01:59:10: BBC froze Baby Rex - Lvl 211 (Rex) Day 2248, 16:23:48: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe of Carbon' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2302, 22:52:20: Velvetkitten added 'Tribe 50396' Tribe to Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 2303, 19:51:37: Tribemember BBC - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2323, 16:26:33: sid the sloth - Lvl 181 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 2344, 18:50:56: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 2344, 19:24:44: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 292 (Rex) Day 2344, 21:50:55: BBC froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 376 (Sinomacrops) Day 2344, 22:01:30: BBC froze sid the green sloth - Lvl 184 (Gacha) Day 2344, 22:06:53: BBC froze take 2 - Lvl 289 (Argentavis) Day 2372, 05:00:05: blu - Lvl 49 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2387, 16:36:35: blu's mate - Lvl 97 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2839, 15:19:16: BBC froze take 2 plss dont die - Lvl 319 (Rex) Day 2839, 15:44:39: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 2839, 23:19:42: BBC froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 348 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 2840, 00:58:36: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 311 (Rex) Day 2844, 20:56:06: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 2845, 03:27:28: BBC froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 348 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 2845, 03:39:57: BBC froze breed 1 - Lvl 312 (Rex) Day 3190, 20:15:36: Tribemember BBC - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 3441, 18:34:42: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3475, 01:58:51: Timmy removed 'Tribe of Meerkats' Tribe from Fluffy Friends Alliance! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3724, 04:36:55: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4006, 06:21:20: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4447, 20:06:54: Tribemember BBC - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4516, 03:52:33: Tribemember BBC - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 100! Day 4516, 05:31:20: Tribemember BBC - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 60! Day 4516, 07:07:19: BBC - Lvl 121 requested an Alliance with Brews Dogs Tribe. Day 4516, 09:11:41: Brewskii added 'BBC TRIBE' Tribe to Brew Alliance! Day 4516, 23:14:26: BBC Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 4517, 06:33:00: BBC froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4517, 08:01:48: BBC froze Rock Drake - Lvl 136 (Rock Drake) Day 4517, 08:17:14: BBC froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4517, 13:41:52: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 194 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 4517, 15:47:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)! Day 4517, 16:13:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 201 (Doedicurus)! Day 4519, 03:08:11: BBC froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus) Day 4519, 03:29:28: BBC froze Rock Drake - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake) Day 4519, 03:35:33: BBC froze flying chap - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 4519, 04:40:29: BBC froze Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 4529, 06:56:46: BBC froze Doedicurus - Lvl 203 (Doedicurus) Day 4529, 07:02:57: BBC froze Doedicurus - Lvl 204 (Doedicurus) Day 4529, 10:26:59: BBC froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 203 (Ankylosaurus) Day 4529, 10:34:10: BBC froze Doedicurus - Lvl 227 (Doedicurus) Day 4529, 10:37:34: BBC froze flying chap - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5160, 12:37:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5230, 09:52:42: Eryx - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 5230, 09:53:29: Eryx - Lvl 55 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake)'! Day 5230, 19:21:41: Eryx - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flying chap - Lvl 269 (Argentavis)'! Day 5230, 19:50:14: Eryx - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex)'! Day 5230, 19:50:43: Eryx - Lvl 75 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5230, 20:09:04: Tribemember BBC - Lvl 121 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 5232, 15:44:37: Eryx - Lvl 98 (Babylon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5265, 16:29:00: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 261 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5466, 13:38:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5748, 01:39:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5748, 01:39:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1765785348,"tribe":"Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022 logs":["Day 742, 07:02:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Rubbish - Lvl 216 (Andrewsarchus) Day 742, 07:05:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 325 (Maewing) Day 742, 07:16:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 264 (Fjordhawk) Day 747, 05:06:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 747, 05:09:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 747, 05:10:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Juvenile JASPER - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane)'! Day 747, 05:13:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile JASPER - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 747, 06:06:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 289 (Fire Wyvern) Day 747, 06:44:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 747, 08:41:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 321 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 747, 21:24:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 748, 04:13:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 748, 08:20:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze JASPER - Lvl 243 (Shadowmane) Day 748, 08:51:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 748, 08:57:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 30H 36W 34M - Lvl 349 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 748, 09:02:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 321 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 748, 10:03:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 2 - Lvl 339 (Woolly Rhino) Day 748, 11:24:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 748, 13:17:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37S 39W - Lvl 364 (Moschops) Day 748, 15:08:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37S 39W - Lvl 364 (Moschops) Day 748, 15:21:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 285 (Tek Parasaur) Day 748, 19:51:40: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 749, 00:11:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rubbish - Lvl 216 (Andrewsarchus) Day 749, 00:42:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rubbish 2 - Lvl 216 (Andrewsarchus) Day 749, 00:46:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 325 (Maewing) Day 749, 02:03:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 749, 05:01:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur) Day 749, 05:09:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 321 (R-Gasbags) Day 749, 17:54:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 214 (Magmasaur) Day 749, 18:46:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 321 (R-Gasbags) Day 749, 19:05:23: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 749, 21:19:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 269 (Fjordhawk) Day 749, 21:28:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 749, 22:13:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 750, 09:34:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 269 (Fjordhawk) Day 750, 10:12:42: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 750, 17:39:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 216 (Magmasaur) Day 750, 20:20:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 329 (Therizinosaur) Day 750, 22:57:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 269 (Fjordhawk) Day 751, 00:52:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 751, 19:52:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 752, 07:00:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Griffin - Lvl 317 (Griffin) Day 752, 18:15:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37S 39W - Lvl 364 (Moschops) Day 752, 18:34:13: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 752, 19:31:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 753, 00:44:44: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 753, 01:34:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 753, 04:24:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 321 (R-Gasbags) Day 753, 05:12:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) Day 754, 09:18:58: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 135! Day 754, 14:39:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 215 (Gacha)! Day 754, 14:50:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Gacha - Lvl 215 (Gacha) Day 754, 17:49:31: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed by an Aberrant Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 755, 00:33:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 755, 00:38:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 321 (Maewing) Day 755, 04:14:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 215 (Gacha)! Day 755, 04:24:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Gacha - Lvl 215 (Gacha) Day 755, 06:13:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 30H 36W 34M - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 755, 06:16:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 321 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 755, 06:19:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 255 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 755, 06:30:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 321 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 755, 06:34:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39M - Lvl 323 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 755, 07:15:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 32W 41M - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus) Day 755, 07:19:18: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 46H32W - Lvl 216 (Andrewsarchus) Day 755, 08:29:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 755, 08:33:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF F - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern) Day 755, 09:13:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 293 (Desmodus) Day 755, 09:18:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 269 (Fjordhawk) Day 755, 15:16:41: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 293 (Desmodus) Day 756, 06:38:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 293 (Desmodus) Day 756, 07:20:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 756, 07:24:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 756, 07:26:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 756, 07:29:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 756, 08:49:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 291 (Fire Wyvern) Day 757, 01:15:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 294 (Desmodus) Day 757, 01:25:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 757, 01:34:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 757, 03:02:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39M - Lvl 323 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 757, 03:43:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 291 (Fire Wyvern) Day 757, 08:30:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 757, 08:41:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 757, 08:45:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 09:18:07: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 758, 11:45:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 334 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 11:51:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 44H - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 12:03:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 12:23:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39M - Lvl 323 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 758, 12:38:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M 2 - Lvl 255 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 758, 13:07:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 207 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 13:11:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 44H - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 14:19:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 758, 14:20:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 758, 14:21:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 758, 15:54:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 294 (Desmodus) Day 758, 18:59:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 294 (Desmodus) Day 758, 19:04:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (R-Snow Owl) Day 758, 21:28:16: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 67 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 759, 11:36:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (R-Snow Owl) Day 759, 11:40:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 759, 11:43:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 760, 06:32:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 760, 06:37:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl) Day 760, 06:40:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 206 (R-Snow Owl) Day 760, 08:06:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 760, 08:06:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 760, 09:53:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 294 (Desmodus) Day 760, 12:36:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 760, 13:10:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 760, 13:14:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) Day 775, 20:09:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 225 (Gacha)'! Day 775, 20:32:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 225 (Gacha) Day 775, 20:36:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Gacha - Lvl 215 (Gacha) Day 775, 20:46:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Gacha - Lvl 215 (Gacha) Day 775, 21:07:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 255 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 775, 21:22:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 775, 23:14:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 33s - Lvl 216 (Andrewsarchus) Day 776, 00:32:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 46H32W - Lvl 216 (Andrewsarchus) Day 776, 03:09:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 225 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 776, 03:26:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 32W 41M - Lvl 215 (Andrewsarchus) Day 776, 03:58:11: Your Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 225 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 776, 03:58:11: Your Tribe killed Baby Andrewsarchus - Lvl 225 (Andrewsarchus) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 776, 06:45:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl) Day 776, 06:49:18: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 776, 07:56:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 776, 08:36:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF F - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern) Day 776, 09:39:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 291 (Fire Wyvern) Day 776, 18:05:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 332 (Argentavis) Day 776, 22:21:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M 2 - Lvl 269 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 776, 23:00:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 271 (Fjordhawk) Day 777, 01:27:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M 2 - Lvl 282 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 777, 01:37:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl) Day 778, 05:30:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Sloped Tek Wall Left'! Day 778, 05:31:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Sloped Tek Wall Left'! Day 778, 05:38:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 778, 05:39:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 778, 05:40:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 778, 05:41:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Metal Triangle Ceiling'! Day 778, 05:44:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Tek Triangle Foundation'! Day 778, 05:44:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Tek Triangle Foundation'! Day 778, 05:46:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Tek Triangle Foundation'! Day 778, 05:49:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Sloped Tek Wall Left'! Day 778, 05:49:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Sloped Tek Wall Left'! Day 778, 09:22:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 778, 09:50:05: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 778, 11:29:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 778, 16:19:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus)! Day 778, 16:42:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 778, 16:51:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 31S31M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 778, 21:28:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 778, 22:09:44: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus)! Day 778, 23:45:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35H 39S 37M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 02:11:57: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 779, 07:20:46: J~LuckyJoe2022 Tamed a X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus)! Day 779, 07:32:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 46M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 08:09:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Alpha Thylacolea - Lvl 343 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 779, 08:52:42: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 31S31M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 08:55:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35H 39S - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 08:58:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 46M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 09:41:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 46M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 10:06:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 779, 11:10:11: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF F - Lvl 223 (Fire Wyvern) Day 779, 11:13:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 779, 11:16:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 31W 35M - Lvl 243 (Fire Wyvern) Day 779, 11:44:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37H 42M - Lvl 286 (Rex) Day 779, 11:48:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex) Day 779, 11:51:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 779, 11:55:34: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 779, 11:58:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) Day 779, 13:07:15: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 779, 13:20:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 13:20:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus)'! Day 779, 13:25:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 779, 13:59:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 255 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 779, 14:03:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 321 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 779, 14:07:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 30H 36W 34M - Lvl 350 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 779, 14:11:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M 2 - Lvl 290 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 779, 15:41:42: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 779, 16:13:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 779, 17:02:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 779, 17:35:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 291 (Fire Wyvern) Day 780, 07:06:26: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 781, 09:02:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 319 (Doedicurus) Day 781, 10:30:51: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 291 (Fire Wyvern) Day 781, 14:26:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 14:30:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 14:33:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 14:35:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 14:39:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 4 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 781, 14:43:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 781, 14:46:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze s PF f 5 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 781, 14:50:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 unclaimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 14:52:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 6 - Lvl 293 (Megatherium) Day 781, 14:58:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 5 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 781, 15:01:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 unclaimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 15:04:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 3 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 781, 15:07:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 unclaimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 781, 16:09:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 319 (Doedicurus) Day 781, 17:06:02: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 781, 17:49:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl) Day 781, 18:05:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 781, 18:54:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 331 (Megatherium) Day 781, 20:22:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl) Day 782, 04:55:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 223 (Magmasaur) Day 782, 05:16:13: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 223 (Magmasaur) Day 782, 10:34:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 223 (Magmasaur) Day 782, 12:02:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 321 (R-Gasbags) Day 782, 14:23:20: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 226 (Magmasaur) Day 782, 18:45:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 227 (Magmasaur) Day 782, 19:07:37: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 782, 20:10:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 321 (R-Gasbags) Day 782, 21:47:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 330 (Therizinosaur) Day 783, 01:27:03: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 291 (Fire Wyvern) Day 783, 01:40:25: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 783, 04:20:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 3 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 783, 04:38:07: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 3 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 783, 04:43:06: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 2 - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 783, 04:47:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze s PF f 4 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 783, 04:51:45: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 3 - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 783, 04:57:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 5 - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 783, 05:02:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 307 (Megatherium) Day 783, 05:06:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 2.1 - Lvl 317 (Megatherium) Day 783, 05:10:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 336 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:07:38: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze s PF f 4 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:23:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 2 - Lvl 309 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:29:26: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 4 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:32:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 3 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:39:03: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 3 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:42:24: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 5 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:45:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 4 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:49:09: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 2.1 - Lvl 322 (Megatherium) Day 783, 06:52:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 311 (Megatherium) Day 783, 07:39:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 783, 07:44:28: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 271 (Fjordhawk) Day 783, 15:32:32: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 783, 16:13:01: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 783, 20:47:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Argentavis - Lvl 332 (Argentavis) Day 784, 11:26:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 784, 11:43:42: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing) Day 784, 12:01:39: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 226 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 784, 13:57:50: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 336 (R-Snow Owl) Day 784, 14:19:56: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35H 39S - Lvl 234 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 785, 07:39:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 3 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 785, 07:45:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 2.1 - Lvl 322 (Megatherium) Day 785, 07:48:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 3 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 785, 07:51:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 311 (Megatherium) Day 785, 07:56:17: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 1 - Lvl 337 (Megatherium) Day 785, 08:05:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 4 - Lvl 320 (Megatherium) Day 785, 08:08:35: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 2 - Lvl 309 (Megatherium) Day 785, 08:11:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 4 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 785, 08:14:13: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 5 - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 785, 08:57:12: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 35H 39S - Lvl 246 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 785, 11:58:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 785, 12:21:08: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 785, 12:24:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 unclaimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 785, 12:39:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 785, 12:43:04: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:43:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:45:54: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 785, 12:50:59: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:50:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:51:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 785, 12:52:33: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 785, 12:55:46: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:55:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:56:42: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:56:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:57:36: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 785, 12:59:17: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 12:59:17: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 13:00:10: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 785, 13:01:29: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 13:01:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 13:02:25: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 785, 13:06:17: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed by J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 13:06:17: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) (Tribe of J~LuckyJoe2022)! Day 785, 13:35:43: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 785, 18:26:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 785, 18:37:22: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Fire Wyvern) Day 785, 18:38:14: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 785, 18:43:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 785, 18:46:16: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 785, 18:49:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 785, 18:50:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 227 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 785, 18:53:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 227 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 786, 02:16:29: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 37S 39W - Lvl 364 (Moschops) Day 786, 06:48:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF m 2 - Lvl 339 (Woolly Rhino) Day 786, 06:53:00: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 296 (Desmodus) Day 786, 08:07:27: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 786, 17:11:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 330 (Therizinosaur) Day 786, 18:16:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 786, 18:20:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 786, 18:27:21: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 786, 18:30:04: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 786, 18:31:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 786, 18:33:55: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 786, 18:36:49: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 786, 18:43:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 786, 18:46:30: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 229 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 786, 18:50:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 786, 20:25:48: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 787, 02:34:59: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M 2 - Lvl 291 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 787, 06:15:55: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 787, 07:30:19: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 255 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 787, 07:47:53: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Need M - Lvl 322 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 787, 07:52:23: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 272 (Fjordhawk) Day 787, 11:00:05: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 292 (Fire Wyvern) Day 788, 09:01:58: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 273 (Fjordhawk) Day 795, 17:58:27: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF f 1 - Lvl 297 (Desmodus) Day 796, 01:41:37: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze JASPER - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 796, 02:18:47: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze 39M - Lvl 323 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 796, 02:50:31: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze PF M 2 - Lvl 308 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 796, 03:29:48: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze Seeker - Lvl 293 (Fire Wyvern) Day 797, 06:52:52: J~LuckyJoe2022 froze ChickenWing V1 - Lvl 273 (Fjordhawk) Day 1360, 18:48:15: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 220 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's '36W 35M - Lvl 285 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 134 (Brontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 262 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's '35M - Lvl 194 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 297 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Dire Bear - Lvl 235 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Rex - Lvl 221 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 227 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'ar - Lvl 328 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 297 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:48:19: 's 'PF m 3 - Lvl 199 (Woolly Rhino)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 324 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'PF m 6 - Lvl 293 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 's PF f 1 - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 285 (Tek Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'PF m 9 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'JASPER - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'PF f 2 - Lvl 309 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's '46M - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1663, 13:51:24: 's 'PF M 2 - Lvl 316 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2060, 17:00:31: Tribemember J~LuckyJoe2022 - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 5537, 06:07:01: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1765135763,"tribe":"Malt Drinkers logs":["Day 3123, 00:43:23: Fez was added to the Tribe! Day 3123, 00:45:39: GriftaUK was added to the Tribe by Fez! Day 3123, 05:21:04: Fez demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 3126, 13:51:00: Fez Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 148 (Pteranodon)! Day 3126, 20:58:03: GriftaUK claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 145 (Argentavis)'! Day 3127, 04:51:11: Fez Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 222 (Pteranodon)! Day 3127, 16:41:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 152 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 3139, 20:43:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 3140, 07:44:59: Fez demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 3141, 22:25:56: Fez Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 201 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 3143, 06:40:56: Tribemember Fez - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 3144, 17:04:35: GriftaUK Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 198 (Dire Bear)! Day 3144, 18:06:08: Tribemember Fez - Lvl 76 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 20! Day 3146, 14:40:47: GriftaUK Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)! Day 3147, 09:47:35: Tribemember GriftaUK - Lvl 72 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 3147, 19:17:01: GriftaUK was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Fez! Day 3149, 20:51:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)! Day 3172, 02:19:31: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 02:21:34: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 02:51:51: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 02:52:58: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 02:59:41: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:05:18: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:13:27: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:15:00: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:25:02: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:30:25: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:31:50: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 03:33:50: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:01:50: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:03:10: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:16:07: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:24:53: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:26:11: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:27:37: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:48:00: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:53:44: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 04:58:06: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 05:10:15: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 05:11:37: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 05:13:57: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 17:40:40: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 202 (Maewing)! Day 3172, 18:41:32: Fez Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 202 (Maewing)! Day 3172, 23:34:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 223 (Stegosaurus)! Day 3172, 23:44:11: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 23:45:30: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3172, 23:46:52: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 00:03:26: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 00:05:06: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:06:15: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:07:23: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:09:50: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:11:18: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:23:04: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:24:29: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:29:24: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 03:34:59: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 04:23:18: Fez demolished a 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) '! Day 3173, 04:25:28: Fez demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 3173, 04:26:41: Fez demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 04:28:05: Fez demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 05:34:20: Fez demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 05:35:49: Fez demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 05:47:42: Fez demolished a 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) '! Day 3173, 05:48:59: Fez demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 3173, 06:02:27: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 06:05:24: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 06:20:19: Fez demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 06:22:27: Fez demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 3173, 18:09:12: Fez Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 3174, 13:01:10: Fez demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 3197, 11:45:54: Fez Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 3198, 01:39:34: Your Richard Craniam - Lvl 286 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160! Day 3198, 01:42:04: Tribemember GriftaUK - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 3199, 23:16:28: Your Hulk - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 3200, 00:25:39: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 179 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 3200, 18:49:32: Your Argentavis - Lvl 197 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 3245, 20:12:17: Your Chipmunk - Lvl 227 (Maewing) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 3245, 20:30:26: Your Alvin - Lvl 202 (Maewing) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3394, 15:17:00: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3433, 07:36:53: Your Flash - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 3433, 07:52:24: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3433, 08:22:39: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 191 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 4045, 11:40:18: Raptor - Lvl 135 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 4254, 14:41:40: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4254, 14:52:23: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 4254, 14:55:37: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4254, 15:01:22: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4289, 00:19:07: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4300, 08:36:00: Tribemember GriftaUK - Lvl 97 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 4300, 08:42:57: Tribemember Fez - Lvl 102 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 4324, 17:01:48: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blue - Lvl 249 (Rex)'! Day 4324, 17:24:06: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 217 (Raptor)'! Day 4462, 14:48:39: MadBom6er - Lvl 64 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 245 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 4462, 14:51:06: MadBom6er - Lvl 64 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Metal Muncher - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4462, 14:51:35: MadBom6er - Lvl 64 (Tribe of MadMen) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 256 (Dire Bear)'! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4571, 16:40:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1763553548,"tribe":"Jigglypuffs logs":["Day 381, 19:41:46: Homelander was added to the Tribe! Day 381, 19:48:21: Jexie was added to the Tribe by Homelander! Day 381, 22:58:39: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 8 was killed by Homelander - Lvl 10 (Jigglypuffs)! Day 381, 22:58:39: Your Tribe killed Jexie - Lvl 8 (Jigglypuffs)! Day 381, 23:07:47: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 10 was killed by Jexie - Lvl 8 (Jigglypuffs)! Day 381, 23:07:47: Your Tribe killed Homelander - Lvl 10 (Jigglypuffs)! Day 382, 00:09:04: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 382, 01:09:56: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 9 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 382, 02:01:43: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 9 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 15! Day 382, 02:29:01: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 10 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 25! Day 382, 02:41:36: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 10 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 15! Day 382, 05:20:06: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 10 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 20 | 1.1x! Day 382, 06:08:53: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 382, 07:54:07: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 13 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 25! Day 382, 08:30:07: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 383, 06:09:28: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 23 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 383, 07:03:23: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 23 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 383, 07:13:42: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 23 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 383, 07:45:15: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 23 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 383, 12:56:01: Homelander Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 70 (Parasaur)! Day 383, 16:41:20: Jexie Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 144 (Dilophosaur)! Day 385, 08:14:53: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 43 was killed! Day 385, 13:05:29: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 52 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 408, 05:34:35: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 52 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 408, 07:06:31: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 52 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 408, 09:16:37: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 52 was killed! Day 408, 10:25:37: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 52 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 409, 02:47:45: Homelander Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 200 (Carnotaurus)! Day 409, 17:12:08: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 61 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 130! Day 409, 21:26:55: Homelander Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 82 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 466, 18:29:26: Jexie Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)! Day 467, 06:13:41: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 60 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 545, 17:46:17: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 67 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 545, 18:13:35: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 67 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 545, 21:14:16: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 67 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 546, 04:21:01: Jexie demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 546, 11:11:43: Homelander Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 547, 06:46:40: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 548, 11:35:23: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 551, 13:09:48: Your Olivia - Lvl 120 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 779, 13:12:53: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was destroyed! Day 779, 13:48:05: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 13:49:47: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 13:50:22: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 13:50:25: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 13:52:11: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 14:04:27: Your PAUL - Lvl 96 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 779, 14:13:14: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 779, 14:14:25: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 779, 14:14:33: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 779, 14:21:35: Your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 779, 14:22:01: Your Carol - Lvl 251 (Carnotaurus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 779, 14:28:40: Your Poop - Lvl 160 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 779, 20:42:29: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 779, 20:43:16: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 779, 20:45:37: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 779, 20:46:19: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was destroyed! Day 779, 20:49:34: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 20:51:13: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 779, 21:20:16: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 779, 21:25:43: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 779, 21:53:54: Tribemember Jexie - Lvl 75 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 779, 21:59:23: Your 'Wood Wall' was destroyed! Day 826, 18:29:14: Your Ptony - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 854, 09:08:39: Your 'Greenhouse Door (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 879, 13:49:25: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 880, 09:09:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 968, 15:03:47: Tribemember Homelander - Lvl 83 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 95! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3091, 14:08:49: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Anne - Lvl 107 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1759876441,"tribe":"The Walking Alive logs":["Day 4213, 10:38:45: Rick Grimes was added to the Tribe! Day 4213, 12:14:40: Tribemember Rick Grimes - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 4228, 16:53:54: Rick Grimes Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 82 (Iguanodon)! Day 4228, 16:56:04: Rick Grimes Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon)! Day 4228, 21:09:41: Rick Grimes Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 208 (Dung Beetle)! Day 4229, 01:30:47: Rick Grimes Tamed a Diplocaulus - Lvl 89 (Diplocaulus)! Day 4229, 05:43:56: Your Diplocaulus - Lvl 89 (Diplocaulus) was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 100! Day 4232, 07:06:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Beelzebufo - Lvl 25 (Beelzebufo)! Day 4232, 07:38:29: Fernas was added to the Tribe by Rick Grimes! Day 4232, 09:14:07: xptoPT was added to the Tribe by Rick Grimes! Day 4232, 09:29:19: xptoPT froze Argentavis - Lvl 185 (Argentavis) Day 4232, 09:50:22: xptoPT froze Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis) Day 4232, 10:55:08: Fernas froze Iguanodon - Lvl 94 (Iguanodon) Day 4232, 10:56:59: Rick Grimes froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 27 (Beelzebufo) Day 4232, 11:06:28: xptoPT froze Rex - Lvl 171 (Rex) Day 4232, 11:23:51: xptoPT froze 342117 - Lvl 196 (Spino) Day 4232, 13:27:36: xptoPT froze 322127 - Lvl 265 (Spino) Day 4232, 14:13:17: xptoPT froze Rex - Lvl 171 (Rex) Day 4232, 14:56:09: xptoPT froze Argentavis - Lvl 185 (Argentavis) Day 4232, 17:53:03: Rick Grimes froze 272724 Crocodilo Espinh - Lvl 291 (Spino) Day 4232, 20:56:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon)! Day 4233, 00:20:19: Tribemember Fernas - Lvl 5 was killed by Rick Grimes - Lvl 53 (The Walking Alive)! Day 4233, 00:20:19: Your Tribe killed Fernas - Lvl 5 (The Walking Alive)! Day 4233, 02:56:20: xptoPT froze Rex - Lvl 175 (Rex) Day 4233, 03:01:00: Rick Grimes froze 342117 - Lvl 196 (Spino) Day 4233, 03:22:59: Tribemember Fernas - Lvl 21 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 25! Day 4233, 07:16:19: xptoPT froze 272724 Crocodilo Espinh - Lvl 291 (Spino) Day 4233, 07:52:28: xptoPT froze Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) Day 4233, 07:56:40: xptoPT froze Rex - Lvl 175 (Rex) Day 4233, 08:59:45: xptoPT froze Rex - Lvl 175 (Rex) Day 4233, 09:03:00: xptoPT froze 272724 Crocodilo Espinh - Lvl 291 (Spino) Day 4233, 10:59:31: xptoPT uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 195 Day 4233, 11:02:37: xptoPT uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 185 Day 4435, 05:36:44: Tribemember Rick Grimes - Lvl 53 was killed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4842, 13:15:31: Pteranodon - Lvl 30 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 5381, 12:54:13: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 155 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 10158, 18:02:42: Dimorphodon - Lvl 37 (Dimorphodon) starved to death! Day 10772, 14:26:13: AP510 - Lvl 73 (Banana Bois) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 210 (Dung Beetle)'!"] "tribeid":1758764959,"tribe":"Tribe of McSquizzy logs":["Day 10582, 14:14:29: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10582, 14:31:53: McSquizzy froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10582, 14:35:07: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10582, 14:37:16: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10582, 14:56:07: McSquizzy froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10582, 15:11:42: Your Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10582, 15:11:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)! Day 10582, 15:29:57: McSquizzy froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10583, 03:28:46: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10583, 03:43:47: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10583, 05:12:51: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10583, 05:25:25: McSquizzy froze Juvenile Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10583, 07:21:43: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10583, 07:27:07: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10583, 08:10:38: McSquizzy froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10583, 08:13:47: Your Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 08:13:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 08:31:29: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10583, 08:36:10: McSquizzy froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10583, 08:37:49: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10583, 08:43:20: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10583, 08:46:54: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 08:46:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 08:47:14: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 08:47:14: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 09:02:32: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10583, 09:02:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 10583, 13:58:35: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 10583, 14:00:35: Tribemember Day - Lvl 112 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 10590, 08:09:09: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10590, 08:09:56: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10590, 08:15:42: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10590, 08:18:58: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10600, 12:55:58: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10600, 13:06:48: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10613, 04:35:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 10613, 05:31:39: McSquizzy froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10613, 08:13:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 10613, 08:36:32: McSquizzy froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10613, 08:39:25: McSquizzy froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10614, 09:08:20: McSquizzy Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 10614, 09:15:36: McSquizzy froze Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10626, 16:13:06: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10626, 16:37:48: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10626, 16:37:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10648, 15:47:15: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10648, 15:49:24: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10648, 16:23:48: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10648, 16:26:56: McSquizzy froze Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10648, 16:59:26: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10648, 16:59:26: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 228 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 10656, 10:18:10: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10656, 10:34:25: Your Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10656, 10:34:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10661, 19:35:18: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 19:42:07: McSquizzy froze MEGATHUMB - Lvl 299 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 19:45:42: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 19:50:05: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 19:52:59: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 19:57:21: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 20:25:56: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 20:35:05: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 10661, 23:00:44: McSquizzy claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10661, 23:22:31: McSquizzy claimed 'Shadow Killer - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane)'! Day 10661, 23:52:32: McSquizzy claimed 'COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 327 (Desmodus)'! Day 10662, 00:05:55: McSquizzy claimed 'Neville JR - Lvl 439 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 00:21:30: McSquizzy claimed 'GIGA BOOM - Lvl 317 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 10662, 00:22:06: McSquizzy claimed 'ARGE_HOE - Lvl 400 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 00:25:24: McSquizzy claimed 'ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 351 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 00:26:10: McSquizzy claimed 'THE BEAST LIFTER - Lvl 385 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10662, 00:30:55: McSquizzy claimed 'Therror - Lvl 334 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10662, 00:36:38: McSquizzy claimed 'theGatherer - Lvl 382 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10662, 01:10:02: McSquizzy froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 317 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10662, 01:17:30: McSquizzy froze THE BEAST LIFTER - Lvl 385 (Therizinosaur) Day 10662, 01:25:54: McSquizzy froze Therror - Lvl 334 (Therizinosaur) Day 10662, 01:39:59: McSquizzy froze theGatherer - Lvl 382 (Therizinosaur) Day 10662, 02:01:45: McSquizzy claimed 'COLGATE - Lvl 283 (Castoroides)'! Day 10662, 02:06:07: McSquizzy claimed 'PTERA FIRST - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10662, 02:12:05: McSquizzy froze COLGATE - Lvl 283 (Castoroides) Day 10662, 08:48:12: McSquizzy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 371 (Argentavis)'! Day 10671, 23:21:09: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:22:04: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:23:10: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:26:15: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:27:27: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:28:30: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:31:27: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:32:30: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:34:58: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:36:17: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:37:52: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:39:02: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10671, 23:59:45: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:00:44: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:02:02: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:03:04: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:03:54: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:10:45: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:12:01: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:13:33: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:15:59: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:17:02: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:20:20: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:21:21: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:22:58: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:25:26: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:26:35: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:27:40: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:30:48: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:49:12: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:50:20: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 00:51:59: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Metal Wall'! Day 10672, 03:16:17: McSquizzy froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 242 (Magmasaur) Day 10672, 10:22:44: McSquizzy froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 242 (Magmasaur) Day 10672, 19:42:56: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 10672, 20:02:21: Your Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10672, 20:02:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10672, 20:04:22: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10672, 20:29:58: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10674, 17:57:28: McSquizzy froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 243 (Magmasaur) Day 10684, 10:16:38: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 10684, 10:20:03: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10684, 10:20:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10684, 17:53:17: McSquizzy froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 244 (Magmasaur) Day 10685, 17:41:59: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 10685, 17:48:17: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10685, 17:52:07: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 10685, 17:56:52: McSquizzy froze MEGATHUMB - Lvl 299 (Megatherium) Day 10685, 18:15:32: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 313 (Megatherium) Day 10685, 18:20:17: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 10685, 18:26:06: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:02:33: McSquizzy froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 317 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10686, 02:07:11: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:11:16: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:15:01: McSquizzy froze MEGATHUMB - Lvl 299 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:19:14: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:33:27: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:38:51: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 10686, 02:44:50: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 10688, 09:06:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10735, 10:55:51: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10806, 02:10:21: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10817, 16:18:17: McSquizzy demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 10817, 16:24:22: McSquizzy demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 10817, 16:25:04: McSquizzy demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 10817, 18:10:01: McSquizzy froze THE BEAST LIFTER - Lvl 385 (Therizinosaur) Day 10824, 22:33:37: McSquizzy froze Ovis - Lvl 190 (Ovis) Day 10824, 22:37:27: McSquizzy froze Ovis - Lvl 170 (Ovis) Day 10824, 22:41:46: McSquizzy froze Ovis - Lvl 163 (Ovis) Day 10824, 22:45:59: McSquizzy froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 10824, 22:50:43: McSquizzy froze Kairujew - Lvl 40 (Kairuku) Day 10824, 22:55:09: McSquizzy froze Shinehorn - Lvl 155 (Shinehorn) Day 10824, 22:59:47: McSquizzy froze Chris - Lvl 91 (Dodo) Day 10824, 23:05:51: McSquizzy froze Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo) Day 10825, 12:02:10: McSquizzy demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) '! Day 10826, 09:24:47: McSquizzy Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)! Day 10826, 10:21:46: McSquizzy froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 10826, 22:31:55: McSquizzy claimed 'Fortnite - Lvl 339 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 10827, 01:35:37: McSquizzy Tamed a Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)! Day 10827, 01:48:03: McSquizzy froze Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) Day 10827, 03:10:10: McSquizzy froze Health - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10827, 03:14:00: McSquizzy froze S/M - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10827, 03:17:52: McSquizzy froze Weight - Lvl 217 (Rex) Day 10839, 19:41:18: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 10839, 20:13:18: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10839, 20:13:18: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10897, 06:27:17: McSquizzy froze Trikey - Lvl 279 (Triceratops) Day 10897, 06:31:46: McSquizzy froze Shadow Killer - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 10897, 06:35:23: McSquizzy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10897, 06:39:08: McSquizzy froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 150 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 10897, 06:45:56: McSquizzy froze Beavy - Lvl 162 (Castoroides) Day 10897, 06:52:44: McSquizzy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus) Day 10897, 06:56:07: McSquizzy froze Doedicurus - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus) Day 10897, 07:05:08: McSquizzy froze Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 10897, 07:09:20: McSquizzy froze Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 10897, 07:21:55: McSquizzy froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus) Day 10897, 07:33:18: McSquizzy froze Wotsit - Lvl 121 (Therizinosaur) Day 10897, 07:39:36: McSquizzy froze ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 351 (Argentavis) Day 10897, 07:43:07: McSquizzy froze Argentavis - Lvl 198 (Argentavis) Day 10897, 07:51:12: McSquizzy froze Neville JR - Lvl 439 (Argentavis) Day 10910, 03:08:21: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10910, 03:13:43: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10910, 06:07:52: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:11:32: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:15:13: McSquizzy froze MEGATHUMB - Lvl 299 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:18:21: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:21:20: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:27:01: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:29:55: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:33:41: McSquizzy froze Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium) Day 10910, 06:45:52: McSquizzy froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 272 (Andrewsarchus) Day 10910, 06:49:10: McSquizzy froze REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus) Day 10910, 06:56:49: McSquizzy froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 241 (Dung Beetle) Day 10910, 06:59:42: McSquizzy froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 248 (Dung Beetle) Day 10910, 07:08:51: McSquizzy froze PTERA FIRST - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon) Day 10910, 07:13:22: McSquizzy froze Pteranodon - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon) Day 10910, 07:43:35: McSquizzy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10910, 07:48:20: McSquizzy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10910, 08:58:40: McSquizzy demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 10910, 09:03:02: McSquizzy demolished a 'Bed'! Day 10925, 20:25:10: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 327 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10925, 21:59:28: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 327 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10931, 18:13:27: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10931, 18:28:17: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10931, 18:28:17: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10931, 18:30:50: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10938, 11:01:10: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 327 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10956, 08:58:57: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 327 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10956, 11:58:20: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 328 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10956, 14:41:48: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10956, 14:43:45: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10956, 15:12:00: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10956, 15:22:49: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10956, 15:29:20: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10956, 15:37:09: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10956, 15:40:41: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10956, 15:40:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10956, 15:49:00: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10956, 15:49:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 10956, 15:51:00: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10956, 15:58:49: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10956, 16:22:34: McSquizzy froze Perf-F - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10962, 00:19:02: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 328 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10962, 07:30:41: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 329 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11005, 11:06:42: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 329 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11005, 14:02:21: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 329 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11005, 21:26:39: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11005, 21:28:02: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11005, 21:51:44: McSquizzy froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11005, 21:54:56: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 21:54:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 21:59:59: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11005, 22:05:47: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11005, 22:14:04: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 22:14:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 22:15:24: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 22:15:24: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 22:32:05: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 11005, 22:33:46: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 11005, 23:05:01: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11005, 23:05:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11026, 14:39:34: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 11026, 14:39:34: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex) starved to death! Day 11026, 15:32:14: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 329 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11026, 17:50:59: McSquizzy froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 331 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 11026, 19:57:57: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11026, 19:57:57: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 11026, 20:21:41: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11026, 20:21:41: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 11026, 22:15:34: McSquizzy froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11027, 08:44:18: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11027, 08:47:16: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11027, 08:54:47: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11027, 08:54:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11027, 08:57:47: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11027, 08:57:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11027, 16:34:48: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 11027, 16:43:54: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11027, 16:43:54: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11073, 01:22:26: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 11073, 01:34:29: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11073, 01:34:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11073, 01:41:45: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11073, 01:43:18: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11073, 02:32:11: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11073, 02:38:58: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11073, 02:38:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11104, 19:22:24: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11104, 19:22:24: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11247, 10:07:56: McSquizzy froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 127 (Mosasaurus) Day 11247, 10:16:23: McSquizzy froze Megalodon - Lvl 250 (Megalodon) Day 11247, 10:30:40: McSquizzy froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 247 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 11247, 17:25:46: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 11247, 17:27:16: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex)'! Day 11247, 17:34:10: McSquizzy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 11247, 17:57:56: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) was killed by McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11247, 17:57:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) (Tribe of McSquizzy)! Day 11336, 23:56:42: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 218 (Rex) starved to death! Day 11336, 23:56:42: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 237 (Rex) starved to death! Day 11425, 17:01:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11425, 17:01:33: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11511, 09:39:19: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11831, 08:03:52: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11864, 06:38:46: Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 11893, 04:58:44: Doedicurus - Lvl 74 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 11938, 18:56:46: Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11940, 09:58:44: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 11:28:14: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 14:12:51: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 206 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 14:28:13: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 215 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 14:56:27: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 15:14:15: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 15:32:57: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 17:02:48: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 251 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11940, 20:48:28: Rogue - Lvl 77 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11953, 06:24:31: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11953, 06:34:12: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11962, 22:23:06: Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 11963, 08:33:44: Kairujew - Lvl 40 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 11971, 19:31:25: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11995, 15:20:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12002, 04:47:19: Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 12031, 16:59:52: Ovis - Lvl 170 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 12031, 16:59:57: Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 12036, 11:05:03: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexina - Lvl 255 (Rex)'! Day 12036, 11:14:14: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9KH M - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 12036, 11:34:30: Ghoul - Lvl 102 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 12036, 11:39:39: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 12036, 11:44:10: Ghoul - Lvl 102 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 12036, 11:44:41: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 12036, 11:48:32: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9K HEALTH - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 12049, 14:10:59: Drumunsta - Lvl 112 (Party pool) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl)'! Day 12049, 14:26:51: Drumunsta - Lvl 112 (Party pool) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therror - Lvl 334 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12054, 06:14:30: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAGMA 1 - Lvl 251 (Magmasaur)'! Day 12054, 06:21:10: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus)'! Day 12054, 06:28:36: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 328 (Desmodus)'! Day 12054, 06:38:00: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadow Killer - Lvl 390 (Shadowmane)'! Day 12054, 07:30:47: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Galaxy - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12054, 07:42:44: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 332 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 12079, 10:34:47: Rogue - Lvl 112 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 202 (Spino)'! Day 12114, 14:49:31: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12114, 14:49:31: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12125, 10:23:21: Chris - Lvl 91 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 12169, 09:25:50: Shinehorn - Lvl 155 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 12179, 07:47:38: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 12179, 07:55:41: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 12179, 07:56:28: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 12179, 08:15:46: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 217 (Spino)'! Day 12179, 08:24:02: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 207 (Spino)'! Day 12179, 08:28:28: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 201 (Spino)'! Day 12179, 08:30:46: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 201 (Spino)'! Day 12179, 08:32:46: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spino - Lvl 200 (Spino)'! Day 12179, 09:13:54: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 138 (Dodo)'! Day 12179, 09:42:26: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12200, 09:14:12: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12200, 09:14:58: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12200, 09:15:24: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9KH - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 12369, 02:32:12: Ovis - Lvl 190 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 12423, 18:55:42: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12631, 03:52:55: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 340 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12631, 03:58:29: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12631, 04:03:35: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 272 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 12631, 04:17:08: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 150 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 12631, 04:33:04: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'theGatherer - Lvl 382 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12631, 04:45:37: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 12631, 05:08:03: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 374 (Argentavis)'! Day 12631, 05:11:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)'! Day 12631, 05:13:21: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 351 (Argentavis)'! Day 12631, 05:14:17: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 198 (Argentavis)'! Day 12631, 05:15:03: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Neville JR - Lvl 439 (Argentavis)'! Day 12631, 05:18:39: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 136 (Desmodus)'! Day 12631, 05:46:19: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S/M - Lvl 224 (Rex)'! Day 12631, 06:00:38: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12631, 06:01:32: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12652, 00:57:47: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12652, 01:46:58: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COLGATE - Lvl 283 (Castoroides)'! Day 12652, 02:07:30: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perf M - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12652, 02:14:11: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perf F - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12654, 05:30:28: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 263 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12654, 05:34:09: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12654, 05:35:47: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 195 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12654, 05:59:08: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Trikey - Lvl 279 (Triceratops)'! Day 12654, 06:02:22: Mr Smith - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beavy - Lvl 162 (Castoroides)'! Day 12676, 04:41:51: Mr Smith - Lvl 88 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 314 (Megatherium)'! Day 12680, 04:41:45: Rubi - Lvl 113 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perf-F - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12680, 04:43:54: Rubi - Lvl 113 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 12680, 05:35:45: Rubi - Lvl 113 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wotsit - Lvl 121 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12680, 05:48:24: Rubi - Lvl 113 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12680, 05:56:04: Rubi - Lvl 113 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 208 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12720, 18:54:54: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 12720, 18:58:06: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 189 (Doedicurus)'! Day 12720, 19:20:17: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dont touch hay 2.0 - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12720, 19:25:01: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DONT TOUCH HAYYYY - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12720, 19:32:00: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PTERA FIRST - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12720, 19:35:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 255 (Pteranodon)'! Day 12720, 19:52:35: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Weight - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 12720, 20:03:50: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Health - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 12720, 20:13:48: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pattern - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 12720, 20:31:15: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium)'! Day 12720, 20:41:25: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 253 (Megatherium)'! Day 12720, 20:53:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 298 (Megatherium)'! Day 12720, 21:04:33: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium)'! Day 12720, 21:12:44: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MEGATHUMB - Lvl 299 (Megatherium)'! Day 12720, 21:20:05: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 289 (Megatherium)'! Day 12720, 21:27:40: Mr Smith - Lvl 102 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 262 (Megatherium)'! Day 12820, 18:07:23: ffa - Lvl 190 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 12920, 18:20:44: Dung Beetle - Lvl 248 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13006, 00:51:23: Dung Beetle - Lvl 241 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 13010, 05:25:01: Dodo - Lvl 223 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13209, 02:38:29: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13209, 02:38:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13209, 02:38:29: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13224, 15:53:50: Tribemember Day - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 13360, 08:29:36: Argentavis - Lvl 235 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 13360, 08:46:35: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Melee - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 13718, 13:57:15: Donbay - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'THE BEAST LIFTER - Lvl 390 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13718, 14:38:28: Donbay - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ARGE_HOE - Lvl 401 (Argentavis)'! Day 13810, 13:28:54: Tribemember McSquizzy - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 16678, 02:58:40: Yoshi698 - Lvl 25 (MangoFarmerzzzz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1750957760,"tribe":"Dinos Enthusiast logs":["Day 10505, 03:00:43: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 03:05:31: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 248 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 03:09:45: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 245 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 03:17:07: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 250 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 03:22:04: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 246 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 03:28:24: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 246 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 03:32:47: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 10505, 15:38:19: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:41:32: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 231 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:44:32: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:47:35: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:50:30: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 240 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:53:58: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 240 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:56:43: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 15:59:32: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:02:29: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:06:23: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:13:49: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:16:34: Alexi froze Kolor - Lvl 243 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:19:19: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 248 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:22:20: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:25:23: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:28:04: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:30:48: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:33:47: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:36:29: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 230 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:39:24: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:43:50: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:51:26: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:54:20: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:57:02: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 16:59:58: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:02:57: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:05:41: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:08:45: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:11:31: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:14:41: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:17:22: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:20:05: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:27:50: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:30:38: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:33:31: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:36:46: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:39:48: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:42:38: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:45:22: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:48:04: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 241 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:51:03: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10505, 17:57:11: Alexi froze Mama - Lvl 271 (Maewing) Day 10525, 09:07:09: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10525, 10:50:30: Alexi froze Romeo - Lvl 296 (Magmasaur) Day 10526, 01:58:59: Alexi froze Pinkytoe - Lvl 289 (Brontosaurus) Day 10526, 06:25:18: Alexi froze Pinkytoe - Lvl 289 (Brontosaurus) Day 10526, 07:31:43: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 371 (Therizinosaur) Day 10526, 07:35:19: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 371 (Therizinosaur) Day 10526, 08:01:09: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 10526, 08:05:52: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 10526, 08:15:48: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10580, 18:09:50: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:16:39: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:19:51: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 283 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:22:49: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 276 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:25:51: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 285 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:28:36: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:31:35: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 281 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:35:03: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:38:31: Alexi froze Megatherium - Lvl 280 (Megatherium) Day 10580, 18:41:29: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 18:45:49: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 264 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 18:48:35: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 18:56:23: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 18:59:13: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:02:08: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:04:59: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 262 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:07:47: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:10:46: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:13:26: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:16:30: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 264 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:19:13: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:22:32: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:26:04: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:35:15: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:39:20: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:42:19: Alexi froze Kolor - Lvl 277 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:45:09: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 282 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:48:15: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:51:00: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 268 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:53:49: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:56:42: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 265 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 19:59:51: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:02:52: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:10:02: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:18:51: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:21:46: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:24:42: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:29:41: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:33:27: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:37:24: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 262 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:41:06: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:45:12: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:54:44: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 260 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 20:58:38: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 274 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 21:10:55: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 275 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 21:22:19: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 21:26:01: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 21:29:34: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 272 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 21:33:17: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 269 (Therizinosaur) Day 10580, 21:37:28: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 260 (Therizinosaur) Day 10666, 05:34:25: Alexi froze Pinkytoe - Lvl 294 (Brontosaurus) Day 10666, 09:50:16: Alexi froze Pepe - Lvl 175 (Phiomia) Day 10666, 11:17:33: Alexi froze Serbo - Lvl 369 (Thylacoleo) Day 10666, 11:20:34: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10666, 11:26:36: Alexi froze Nochal - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 10666, 13:01:23: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10666, 15:07:02: Alexi froze Serbo - Lvl 369 (Thylacoleo) Day 10666, 17:58:21: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10667, 10:06:02: Alexi froze Serbo - Lvl 369 (Thylacoleo) Day 10667, 13:51:31: Alexi froze Smerf - Lvl 352 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10667, 14:35:38: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 10667, 15:28:05: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10667, 16:48:04: Alexi froze Smerf - Lvl 352 (X-Basilosaurus) Day 10668, 04:22:52: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 293 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10668, 04:27:57: Alexi froze UwU - Lvl 328 (Sinomacrops) Day 10688, 09:06:45: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10689, 02:28:13: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 293 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 10689, 14:03:16: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 299 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 14:48:00: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 299 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 16:02:10: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 299 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 16:45:25: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 16:48:47: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 16:52:15: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 16:55:38: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 16:59:04: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:02:33: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:05:53: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:09:16: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:16:14: Alexi froze Sarenka - Lvl 393 (Yutyrannus) Day 10689, 17:19:51: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:23:13: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:26:42: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:30:11: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:33:38: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:36:54: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:40:23: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:43:54: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:50:31: Alexi froze Enriqe - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur) Day 10689, 17:58:39: Alexi froze Mercez - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 03:07:25: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) was killed by a Dragon (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 10690, 03:10:28: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 10690, 03:21:19: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 10690, 05:48:14: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 10690, 05:58:01: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 10690, 07:37:36: Your Therizinosaur - Lvl 302 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 10690, 08:21:11: Alexi froze Sarenka - Lvl 393 (Yutyrannus) Day 10690, 08:30:52: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 08:37:25: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 300 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 08:45:43: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 08:50:42: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 08:57:05: Alexi froze Enriqe - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:01:47: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:12:35: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:17:55: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:22:26: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:32:09: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:36:29: Alexi froze Mercez - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:41:09: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 09:46:16: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 16:11:17: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 16:15:20: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 16:19:03: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 16:22:30: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 16:27:47: Alexi froze Sarenka - Lvl 393 (Yutyrannus) Day 10690, 16:52:03: Alexi froze Daeodon - Lvl 346 (Daeodon) Day 10690, 16:59:16: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 17:05:28: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 301 (Therizinosaur) Day 10690, 17:12:49: Alexi froze Nochal - Lvl 311 (Desmodus) Day 10833, 01:48:42: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 01:55:06: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 01:59:32: Alexi froze Mercez - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 02:04:00: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 03:34:38: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 311 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 03:39:24: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 03:44:13: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 300 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 03:49:57: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 312 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 03:54:46: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 03:59:11: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 04:04:01: Alexi froze Enriqe - Lvl 373 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 04:08:53: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 297 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 04:21:35: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur) Day 10833, 04:27:10: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 376 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11044, 06:23:30: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11044, 09:58:58: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11044, 11:04:14: Alexi froze Serbo - Lvl 369 (Thylacoleo) Day 11044, 12:12:02: Alexi Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 11044, 12:20:39: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11044, 12:22:10: Alexi demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 11044, 13:51:42: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)! Day 11044, 14:08:08: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 11044, 16:47:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 11044, 16:59:55: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 379 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11044, 17:31:33: Alexi froze Woolly Rhino - Lvl 209 (Woolly Rhino) Day 11045, 05:13:56: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 208 (Dire Bear) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 05:13:56: Your Tribe killed Dire Bear - Lvl 208 (Dire Bear)! Day 11045, 05:23:00: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 05:23:00: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)! Day 11045, 07:20:16: Alexi froze Serbo - Lvl 369 (Thylacoleo) Day 11045, 07:31:10: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 220 (Dire Bear) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 07:31:10: Your Tribe killed Dire Bear - Lvl 220 (Dire Bear)! Day 11045, 07:44:58: Your Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 07:44:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex)! Day 11045, 11:00:22: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:01:08: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:01:55: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:02:44: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:04:01: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:05:31: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:11:34: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:12:40: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:13:43: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:18:54: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:22:13: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 139 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:25:54: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 142 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:26:22: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:28:33: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:31:17: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:34:32: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:37:54: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 137 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:41:27: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:44:53: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:48:11: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 11:53:08: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 11:57:08: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:14:53: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:17:35: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:18:15: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:19:06: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:20:13: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:21:06: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:21:57: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:23:06: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:24:23: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:28:22: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:29:46: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:32:24: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:35:49: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:38:57: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:41:37: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:45:02: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:46:17: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 12:49:09: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:52:34: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:55:55: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 12:56:27: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:00:21: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:03:44: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:07:10: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:14:21: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:15:29: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:16:13: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:19:02: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:22:40: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:23:55: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:26:31: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:31:39: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:32:59: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:35:44: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:39:44: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:43:24: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:46:08: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:47:10: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 13:53:25: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:56:49: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 13:57:21: Alexi claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11045, 14:02:12: Alexi froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) Day 11045, 15:32:41: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11045, 15:43:46: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 15:43:46: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)! Day 11045, 15:48:59: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 15:48:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)! Day 11045, 16:23:02: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 16:23:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)! Day 11045, 17:29:28: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 17:29:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus)! Day 11045, 17:43:32: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 17:43:32: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)! Day 11045, 17:54:53: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 120 (Dinos Enthusiast)! Day 11045, 17:54:53: Your Tribe killed Dire Bear - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)! Day 11184, 21:59:49: Alexi froze Pinkytoe - Lvl 294 (Brontosaurus) Day 11326, 06:50:16: Alexi demolished a 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 11326, 08:07:27: Alexi claimed 'Tyrone - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11326, 08:15:00: Alexi froze Tyrone - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur) Day 11326, 10:13:54: Alexi froze Ziom - Lvl 352 (Griffin) Day 11326, 12:09:17: Alexi froze Happy - Lvl 382 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11326, 15:43:12: Alexi claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 11326, 15:48:02: Alexi froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops) Day 11326, 15:49:21: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)! Day 11326, 16:24:42: Alexi froze Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin) Day 11326, 19:28:19: Alexi claimed 'Hide - Lvl 303 (Kairuku)'! Day 11326, 19:32:02: Alexi froze Hide - Lvl 303 (Kairuku) Day 11327, 04:24:34: Alexi claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 178 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 11327, 04:33:48: Alexi froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 178 (Sinomacrops) Day 11327, 05:51:21: Alexi froze Ziom - Lvl 352 (Griffin) Day 11327, 05:55:08: Alexi froze Rainbow - Lvl 294 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 11327, 20:14:48: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:15:45: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:16:45: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:18:12: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:19:41: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:25:57: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 20:30:29: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 20:32:04: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:35:29: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 20:39:56: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 20:41:37: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:45:01: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 232 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 20:49:29: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 239 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 20:50:51: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 20:55:46: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:00:17: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:08:28: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:11:55: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:13:33: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:14:37: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:15:40: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:16:56: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:18:26: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:21:57: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:23:19: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:26:42: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:28:10: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:31:38: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:34:27: Alexi claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 11327, 21:37:53: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:42:19: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:46:44: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:53:12: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 21:57:42: Alexi froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 22:23:09: Alexi froze Baby Male H + 1 - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur) Day 11327, 22:47:46: Alexi froze Baby Male D + 5 - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur) Day 11361, 10:04:36: Juvenile Male D + 5 - Lvl 244 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 11440, 16:13:01: Relax :D - Lvl 254 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 11924, 06:03:23: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12126, 19:13:16: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tyrone - Lvl 320 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:14:19: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:15:35: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H 8178 D 361 - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:16:55: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 228 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:17:47: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H 8178 D 361 - Lvl 234 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 12126, 19:20:47: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DMAGE F - Lvl 286 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:22:08: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 251 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:23:16: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 233 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:24:30: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 254 (Megatherium)'! Day 12126, 19:25:33: Damirox - Lvl 127 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snowcone - Lvl 331 (Megatherium)'! Day 12209, 15:31:39: Your 'Beer Barrel' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12391, 23:04:16: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pepe - Lvl 175 (Phiomia)'! Day 12391, 23:49:02: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12391, 23:51:24: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 07:34:27: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'UwU - Lvl 329 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 12416, 07:36:27: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 181 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 12416, 07:48:31: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pierdek - Lvl 257 (Gasbags)'! Day 12416, 07:55:08: Rogue - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zezolek - Lvl 144 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 12416, 09:35:04: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 12416, 09:37:04: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 202 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 12416, 11:20:28: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 11:41:11: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 11:49:57: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 11:56:52: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 11:59:23: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nixun :3 (Alpha Female) - Lvl 218 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 12:10:33: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12416, 19:53:29: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nixun Söps - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)'! Day 12423, 18:55:42: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12423, 18:55:42: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'H 10340 S 1890 D 366 - Lvl 242 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'H 6364 W 1305 D 343 - Lvl 245 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'S 1800 - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Chalicotherium - Lvl 208 (Chalicotherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Jerboa - Lvl 1 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'H 3120 - Lvl 209 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Dire Bear - Lvl 208 (Dire Bear)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 215 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 250 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'W 591 - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Aberrant Megalania - Lvl 209 (Aberrant Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'ManaRawr 9.0 - Lvl 295 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'RockyRoad - Lvl 45 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'F 1/20 5/20 - Lvl 225 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 247 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'D 361 - Lvl 212 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'BBM - Lvl 293 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 188 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12482, 01:40:29: 's 'Purlovia - Lvl 125 (Purlovia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12495, 04:57:25: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12495, 04:57:25: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12495, 04:57:25: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12547, 07:33:45: Damirox - Lvl 130 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13880, 23:29:42: Tribemember Alexi - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 13880, 23:53:55: Tribemember Daniells - Lvl 112 was killed!"] "tribeid":1749026091,"tribe":"Lidl's Finest logs":["Day 2, 15:49:42: Muzz was added to the Tribe! Day 2, 17:19:10: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 317 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22, 16:27:39: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22, 16:33:49: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 216 (Thylacoleo) Day 22, 20:17:35: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 22, 23:08:41: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 23, 00:15:15: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 23, 02:35:51: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 222 (Thylacoleo) Day 23, 04:35:41: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23, 08:07:18: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 230 (Thylacoleo) Day 23, 08:18:45: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23, 10:18:37: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 23, 11:12:46: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 231 (Thylacoleo) Day 23, 14:06:15: Muzz Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 213 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 23, 15:39:29: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 249 (Thylacoleo) Day 23, 16:26:50: Muzz froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 213 (Andrewsarchus) Day 23, 19:28:08: Muzz froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 217 (Andrewsarchus) Day 24, 03:10:38: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 253 (Thylacoleo) Day 24, 03:28:52: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 320 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 24, 05:02:20: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 255 (Thylacoleo) Day 24, 05:19:56: Muzz froze Neon - Lvl 320 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 49, 02:20:43: Muzz froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 219 (Andrewsarchus) Day 49, 05:59:21: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 49, 06:00:12: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 174 (Sinomacrops) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 49, 08:22:01: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 49, 09:33:15: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 49, 11:42:22: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 49, 12:22:19: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 100! Day 49, 12:37:39: Your snowy - Lvl 249 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 49, 13:33:16: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 50! Day 49, 14:00:46: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 49, 17:24:30: Your Neon - Lvl 320 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 49, 17:25:21: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 49, 18:20:29: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 49, 21:47:10: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 50! Day 49, 22:22:43: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 145! Day 50, 01:09:49: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 73, 19:03:45: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 233 (Sinomacrops) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 146, 03:52:03: Muzz froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 146, 05:39:56: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 257 (Thylacoleo) Day 146, 13:35:55: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 287 (Thylacoleo) Day 146, 17:34:10: Muzz froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 291 (Thylacoleo) Day 406, 02:42:07: Your sky sonic - Lvl 268 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 451, 22:26:30: Your jd green - Lvl 266 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 872, 15:12:02: Brewskii - Lvl 128 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 277 (Megalodon)'! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5080, 21:26:21: Leo was added to the Tribe by Muzz! Day 5080, 21:31:03: Muzz froze Gigantopithecus - Lvl 223 (Gigantopithecus) Day 5080, 23:05:50: Muzz claimed 'radgey - Lvl 258 (Argentavis)'! Day 5080, 23:38:51: Muzz froze Skrill - Lvl 276 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5080, 23:45:20: Leo froze Fat Bastard - Lvl 257 (Poison Wyvern) Day 5081, 03:06:56: Leo froze Fat Bastard - Lvl 257 (Poison Wyvern) Day 5386, 15:54:23: Muzz froze Skullina - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5386, 16:12:02: Muzz froze Skullina - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5386, 19:12:45: Muzz froze Skullina - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5386, 20:45:53: Muzz froze Skullina - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5387, 04:27:51: Muzz froze Skullina - Lvl 323 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 5387, 08:23:18: Muzz froze Cuddles - Lvl 290 (Moschops) Day 5387, 08:36:48: Muzz Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 169 (Desmodus)! Day 5387, 08:52:09: Muzz froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 282 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5387, 09:13:32: Muzz froze Desmodus - Lvl 169 (Desmodus) Day 5387, 09:40:40: Muzz uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 323 Day 5388, 16:19:29: Muzz Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)! Day 5388, 16:22:57: Muzz unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)'! Day 5388, 17:05:06: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 190 (Bloodstalker) Day 5388, 19:23:08: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 191 (Bloodstalker) Day 5436, 13:47:06: Muzz froze Spinarak - Lvl 206 (Bloodstalker) Day 5436, 13:51:55: Muzz was removed from the Tribe! Day 5436, 13:51:55: Tribe Owner was changed to Leo! Day 6017, 12:21:04: Kiwi - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'radgey - Lvl 258 (Argentavis)'!"] "tribeid":1747463626,"tribe":"Tribe of Mr.Zack logs":["Day 8592, 14:42:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8623, 16:21:55: DAMAR - Lvl 285 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8656, 02:18:53: Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8676, 03:47:33: Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8703, 22:23:15: Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 8729, 01:31:48: H-W Mae - Lvl 255 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 8729, 01:31:48: Thylacoleo - Lvl 265 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 8729, 01:31:48: Deinonychus - Lvl 61 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8730, 21:03:23: Deinonychus - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8768, 02:17:08: Tribemember Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 8774, 06:10:26: Maewing - Lvl 196 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 8797, 07:05:04: Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 8797, 14:09:50: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 91 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 8810, 09:10:32: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was destroyed! Day 8816, 19:15:16: Ovis - Lvl 424 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 8818, 14:21:37: Your Desmodus - Lvl 146 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 8840, 18:33:17: Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8840, 18:39:04: Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8868, 06:05:12: Dung Beetle - Lvl 37 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 8933, 17:08:06: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 213 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8946, 00:34:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8976, 10:01:23: abi - Lvl 46 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'zawzaw junior - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 8993, 04:06:07: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8993, 04:06:07: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9002, 22:47:13: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 79 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fire 1 - Lvl 192 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9055, 22:36:07: Alfie - Lvl 64 (DaisyAlf) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 339 (Desmodus)'! Day 9056, 15:37:51: Deinonychus - Lvl 132 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 9059, 11:21:57: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rtila - Lvl 192 (Karkinos)'! Day 9059, 11:33:20: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Modamira - Lvl 233 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 9059, 11:45:00: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 229 (Rex)'! Day 9059, 11:57:58: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dbah - Lvl 235 (Rex)'! Day 9059, 12:08:28: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 353 (Griffin)'! Day 9059, 12:27:59: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9059, 12:42:15: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 375 (Shadowmane)'! Day 9059, 12:59:26: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MR.Fire - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Toilet' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9063, 19:05:06: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9077, 01:28:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fire son 2 - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9077, 01:44:34: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 211 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:01:29: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (40H,41M) - Lvl 217 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:13:52: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharkie - Lvl 373 (Megalodon)'! Day 9077, 02:16:02: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (46H,45S,38W,41M) - Lvl 255 (Megalodon)'! Day 9077, 02:17:56: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JAMBO - Lvl 362 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:19:20: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (37H,39spd,33W) - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:21:37: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (39M,37W) - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:23:12: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Timmy - Lvl 317 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:27:19: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (41M) - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9077, 02:31:21: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (41ox) - Lvl 318 (Megalodon)'! Day 9077, 02:32:14: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon)'! Day 9077, 02:38:23: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon)'! Day 9077, 02:54:18: NoggieTheNoglinTT - Lvl 112 (@noggie.the.noglin) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (33W) - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9092, 22:59:00: chi-chi - Lvl 192 (Z Fighters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 277 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9147, 15:04:42: Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 9147, 15:05:04: kharaya - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 9147, 15:05:08: Dung Beetle - Lvl 134 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 9147, 15:05:35: Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 9171, 17:49:09: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 9171, 19:53:50: dave5 - Lvl 130 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 331 (Castoroides)'! Day 9186, 06:03:10: Nariki - Lvl 117 (Tribe of Nariki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 87 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9189, 16:45:48: Nariki - Lvl 117 (Tribe of Nariki) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (35S,36ox) - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 9193, 07:09:20: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 236 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 9193, 07:36:49: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus)'! Day 9193, 11:06:32: AmberSpectre - Lvl 96 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 11:21:23: AmberSpectre - Lvl 96 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 11:21:47: AmberSpectre - Lvl 96 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 12:32:35: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 12:37:23: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 67 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 12:46:47: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 114 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9193, 16:33:07: AmberSpectre - Lvl 96 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 259 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 9193, 18:32:21: dia - Lvl 192 (The Old Gits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)'! Day 9194, 22:36:23: Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 128 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BloodMoon - Lvl 130 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 9244, 06:45:00: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mr.poisen - Lvl 211 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9252, 07:18:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9305, 07:12:36: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'sada - Lvl 207 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9305, 07:39:55: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 103 (Megatherium)'! Day 9305, 15:03:38: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 9305, 15:10:35: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 9305, 22:09:18: Feel My Hijack - Lvl 121 (The Covenant) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'son 2 - Lvl 166 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9323, 09:49:59: Lm9awedman claimed 'Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 9335, 04:37:00: Dung Beetle - Lvl 82 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 9366, 12:58:29: V4z3 - Lvl 121 (Tribe of V4z3) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'damar - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 9478, 06:03:48: Tribemember Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 9596, 20:18:31: Henne - Lvl 105 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9605, 12:50:34: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9638, 03:00:52: Lm9awedman claimed 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 9638, 04:14:41: Tribemember Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9805, 15:59:25: Siness - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RODNEY RED - Lvl 373 (Griffin)'! Day 9880, 19:50:26: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10256, 20:53:14: CHAMAL - Lvl 219 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 10269, 23:11:27: offe - Lvl 152 (7UP) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'For lease - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 10443, 20:42:12: McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 215 (Rex)'! Day 10443, 20:43:13: McSquizzy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of McSquizzy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 10443, 21:42:55: Day - Lvl 101 (Tribe of McSquizzy) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ghryba - Lvl 233 (Argentavis)'! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10790, 20:26:30: Tribemember sex - Lvl 75 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 10790, 20:27:58: Tribemember Mr.Zack - Lvl 109 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 15! Day 10806, 02:10:21: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10806, 02:10:21: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10849, 19:43:14: Tribemember lopo - Lvl 96 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 11908, 18:58:21: Muzz - Lvl 123 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16216, 21:10:41: Tribemember Mr.Zack - Lvl 109 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1746655639,"tribe":"Argey Nomads logs":["Day 18644, 13:38:37: Human froze Griffin Jr. - Lvl 308 (Griffin) Day 18645, 01:34:19: Human Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 209 (Featherlight)! Day 18645, 01:44:54: Human froze Featherlight - Lvl 209 (Featherlight) Day 18645, 04:31:37: Human Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 134 (Featherlight)! Day 18645, 05:04:04: Human froze Featherlight - Lvl 134 (Featherlight) Day 18645, 06:02:33: Human Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 224 (Shinehorn)! Day 18645, 06:05:28: Human froze Shinehorn - Lvl 224 (Shinehorn) Day 18645, 06:42:09: Human Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn)! Day 18645, 06:51:18: FireballFilms froze Shinehorn - Lvl 37 (Shinehorn) Day 18645, 15:51:29: Human Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight)! Day 18645, 15:55:42: Human froze Featherlight - Lvl 224 (Featherlight) Day 18645, 16:23:46: FireballFilms froze Verona - Lvl 114 (Desmodus) Day 18645, 16:32:46: FireballFilms froze Count Duckington - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 18645, 19:24:00: Human claimed 'matador 3 - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18645, 19:33:13: Human claimed 'matador 1 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18645, 20:04:57: FireballFilms froze Count Duckington - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 18645, 20:34:37: FireballFilms froze Plasma - Lvl 345 (R-Reaper King) Day 18645, 20:57:21: Human froze Photon - Lvl 325 (R-Reaper King) Day 18645, 21:20:09: FireballFilms froze matador 3 - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus) Day 18645, 21:24:32: FireballFilms froze matador 1 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 18646, 05:16:29: FireballFilms froze matador 1 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 18646, 05:52:56: FireballFilms froze Featherlight - Lvl 209 (Featherlight) Day 18792, 04:43:20: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18875, 19:07:38: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18875, 19:11:10: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) Day 18876, 05:39:42: FireballFilms claimed 'Cavallo Regalo - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18876, 05:42:34: FireballFilms claimed 'Rexy - Lvl 318 (Rex)'! Day 18876, 21:19:50: FireballFilms froze Verona - Lvl 120 (Desmodus) Day 18876, 21:57:34: FireballFilms froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis) Day 18876, 22:14:10: FireballFilms froze Plasma - Lvl 347 (R-Reaper King) Day 18877, 01:30:41: FireballFilms froze Verona - Lvl 120 (Desmodus) Day 18877, 02:25:29: FireballFilms froze Plasma - Lvl 347 (R-Reaper King) Day 18877, 13:52:26: FireballFilms froze Rexy - Lvl 318 (Rex) Day 18877, 21:29:40: FireballFilms froze Plasma - Lvl 347 (R-Reaper King) Day 18931, 23:17:47: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:21:57: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus) Day 18931, 23:23:53: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:28:19: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 113 (Deinonychus) Day 18931, 23:33:13: FireballFilms claimed 'ammazzatore - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:37:20: FireballFilms froze ammazzatore - Lvl 187 (Deinonychus) Day 18931, 23:44:39: FireballFilms claimed 'matador 4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:49:27: FireballFilms froze matador 4 - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus) Day 18931, 23:53:36: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18931, 23:59:02: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 185 (Deinonychus) Day 18932, 00:00:35: FireballFilms claimed 'matador 2 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18932, 00:05:36: FireballFilms froze matador 2 - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 18932, 00:11:51: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18932, 00:16:05: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 18932, 02:27:47: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18932, 02:29:01: FireballFilms claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18932, 02:33:08: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus) Day 18932, 02:37:44: FireballFilms froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 18933, 18:57:51: FireballFilms claimed 'BestiaFemale - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 19:17:51: FireballFilms froze BestiaFemale - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 18933, 20:48:54: FireballFilms claimed 'Rexina - Lvl 280 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 20:50:09: FireballFilms claimed 'The Godfather - Lvl 274 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 20:51:27: FireballFilms claimed 'Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex)'! Day 18933, 20:56:55: FireballFilms froze Rexina - Lvl 280 (Rex) Day 18933, 21:04:07: FireballFilms froze Rex - Lvl 317 (Rex) Day 18933, 21:18:23: FireballFilms froze The Godfather - Lvl 274 (Rex) Day 18934, 00:13:24: FireballFilms claimed 'Female 0 - Lvl 402 (Megatherium)'! Day 18934, 00:17:27: FireballFilms froze Female 0 - Lvl 402 (Megatherium) Day 18934, 00:19:59: FireballFilms claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium)'! Day 18934, 00:25:49: FireballFilms froze Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium) Day 18934, 04:45:10: FireballFilms froze Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium) Day 18934, 05:35:28: FireballFilms froze Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium) Day 18949, 02:05:51: Your Cavallo Regalo - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 18949, 02:35:25: Your Bags - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder) was killed! Day 18970, 15:00:25: FireballFilms Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 224 (Brontosaurus)! Day 19241, 17:34:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19278, 08:29:29: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Met - Lvl 213 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19302, 17:14:30: Pamela - Lvl 79 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19352, 18:18:18: Max - Lvl 101 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19455, 00:15:29: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19514, 00:24:55: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 134 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19514, 02:32:02: Peanut - Lvl 120 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfecto - Lvl 247 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 19644, 13:38:50: Your 'Medium Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19644, 13:38:50: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19655, 13:11:00: FireballFilms froze Photon - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King) Day 19655, 19:47:49: FireballFilms froze Lovelace - Lvl 294 (Sinomacrops) Day 19763, 01:15:45: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19803, 18:53:06: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19803, 18:53:06: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19803, 18:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19803, 18:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19803, 18:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19803, 18:53:06: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19809, 21:57:49: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20085, 15:42:21: Parasaur - Lvl 160 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 20237, 09:38:09: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20237, 09:38:09: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20244, 02:22:33: Your Dodo - Lvl 81 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 20244, 02:29:45: Your Dodo - Lvl 226 (Dodo) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 20375, 09:01:50: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vlad - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 20375, 09:34:12: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 388 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 20375, 09:54:57: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 20397, 08:59:10: Fridget - Lvl 160 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20545, 09:32:58: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20545, 09:32:58: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20545, 09:32:58: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20545, 09:32:58: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20616, 11:35:57: Your 'Large Wooden Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20651, 08:39:14: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20651, 08:41:26: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 231 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 20651, 08:44:37: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Plasma - Lvl 349 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20651, 08:47:13: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Photon - Lvl 330 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 20651, 09:21:25: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnage - Lvl 291 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 20651, 10:34:15: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nurse Chansey - Lvl 357 (Daeodon)'! Day 20651, 10:43:52: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griff Jr. - Lvl 282 (Griffin)'! Day 20651, 10:52:45: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin Jr. - Lvl 318 (Griffin)'! Day 20651, 11:11:38: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lovelace - Lvl 294 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:16:38: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rocket - Lvl 153 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:28:53: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood's Sino - Lvl 198 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 11:38:33: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 216 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 12:36:28: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20651, 13:02:43: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 229 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:19:58: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 243 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:28:12: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bluzel - Lvl 100 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:37:26: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 77 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 20651, 13:43:14: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Boog - Lvl 90 (Aberrant Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 13:45:00: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dugles - Lvl 277 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 20651, 14:16:36: Peanut - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '*Insert Funny Name* - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon)'! Day 20677, 17:31:02: Desponda - Lvl 56 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 20696, 19:31:44: Quinn - Lvl 193 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Female 0 - Lvl 402 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'FIA MIA - Lvl 179 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Gabriella - Lvl 194 (Ichthyornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Purlovia - Lvl 305 (Purlovia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Purlovia - Lvl 290 (Purlovia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Vixen - Lvl 68 (Megaloceros)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'MUGGLE - Lvl 301 (Megaloceros)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'TRIXIE - Lvl 310 (Triceratops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Amethyst - Lvl 250 (Carbonemys)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Moschops - Lvl 177 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Pelagornis - Lvl 125 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 282 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 215 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 224 (Pulmonoscorpius)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Megan - Lvl 190 (Megalodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Juvenile Sloe - Lvl 198 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Storm - Lvl 118 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Rose - Lvl 121 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Flare - Lvl 66 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Bud - Lvl 104 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Thorn - Lvl 75 (Dimorphodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 29 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 142 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 37 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 161 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Pteranodon - Lvl 92 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20696, 19:52:49: 's 'Icye - Lvl 123 (Ice Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20697, 13:32:42: Your Pumpkin - Lvl 40 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 20697, 13:32:42: Pumpkin - Lvl 40 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 20697, 14:41:33: Your Shinehorn - Lvl 48 (Shinehorn) was killed! Day 20697, 14:41:33: Shinehorn - Lvl 48 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 21058, 10:02:55: Harlie - Lvl 170 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1745783097,"tribe":"Banana Bois logs":["Day 10771, 01:46:35: Aids was added to the Tribe! Day 10771, 01:50:41: AP510 was added to the Tribe by Aids! Day 10771, 14:17:54: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 222 (Iguanodon)! Day 10771, 14:28:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 10772, 02:02:51: Tribemember AP510 - Lvl 73 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 10772, 05:22:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 37 (Stegosaurus)! Day 10772, 14:26:13: AP510 claimed 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 210 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 10776, 09:57:30: Tribemember AP510 - Lvl 76 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 10776, 10:24:42: Tribemember AP510 - Lvl 76 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 90! Day 10776, 19:24:37: AP510 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 10776, 20:23:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 200 (Sabertooth)! Day 10777, 12:05:38: Tribemember AP510 - Lvl 78 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 10777, 12:32:49: Tribemember AP510 - Lvl 78 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 10778, 07:31:57: AP510 froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 44 (Stegosaurus) Day 10778, 08:09:14: AP510 froze Mango - Lvl 182 (Desmodus) Day 10778, 08:28:14: AP510 froze K-9 - Lvl 206 (Sabertooth) Day 10778, 08:38:53: AP510 froze Shitter - Lvl 116 (Moschops) Day 10778, 08:42:19: AP510 froze Diarrhea - Lvl 230 (Iguanodon) Day 10778, 08:47:37: AP510 froze Shit Stain - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 10778, 08:56:35: AP510 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 219 (Dung Beetle) Day 10790, 13:45:34: AP510 froze K-9 - Lvl 228 (Sabertooth) Day 10790, 18:58:20: AP510 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 10790, 19:07:28: AP510 froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 10790, 22:25:30: AP510 froze Mango - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 10791, 04:39:35: AP510 claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 126 (Desmodus)'! Day 10791, 05:19:26: AP510 froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 10791, 13:44:16: AP510 froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 126 (Desmodus) Day 10792, 04:21:33: AP510 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 142 (Otter)! Day 10792, 17:58:26: AP510 froze Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) Day 10793, 10:24:34: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 10793, 12:28:34: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 75 was killed! Day 10793, 13:34:00: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 75 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 10793, 14:44:48: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 75 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 10793, 15:03:27: Tribemember Aids - Lvl 75 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 10793, 15:08:27: AP510 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10793, 16:24:44: Your Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 10793, 16:26:59: Aids froze Shit Stain - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 10793, 17:35:55: AP510 froze Mango - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 10793, 19:29:10: Aids froze Shit Stain - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 10793, 20:43:11: Aids froze Shit Stain - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon) Day 10794, 00:14:53: Aids Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)! Day 10794, 00:42:44: Aids froze Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus) Day 10794, 00:59:02: Aids Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 10794, 03:54:57: AP510 froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 69 (Stegosaurus) Day 10794, 04:01:23: AP510 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10794, 06:05:58: Aids froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 10794, 09:22:38: Aids claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus)'! Day 10794, 10:39:05: Aids Tamed an Otter - Lvl 89 (Otter)! Day 10795, 05:15:33: Aids froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 10795, 09:51:15: Aids froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 10795, 09:54:21: Aids froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 10795, 09:57:26: Aids froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 10795, 15:30:34: Aids froze Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus) Day 10795, 15:36:38: Aids froze Diarrhea - Lvl 259 (Iguanodon) Day 10795, 15:44:49: AP510 froze K-9 - Lvl 232 (Sabertooth) Day 10796, 10:52:41: AP510 froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 69 (Stegosaurus) Day 10796, 20:25:00: Aids froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 10796, 20:29:59: AP510 froze Greg Sausage Roll - Lvl 156 (Otter) Day 10796, 20:30:29: Aids froze Skid Mark - Lvl 89 (Otter) Day 10796, 22:23:26: AP510 froze GrapeFruit - Lvl 142 (Desmodus) Day 10796, 22:28:23: Aids froze Ghost Wipe - Lvl 119 (Desmodus) Day 10798, 14:30:19: AP510 froze GrapeFruit - Lvl 143 (Desmodus) Day 10798, 15:15:32: AP510 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 239 (Dung Beetle) Day 10947, 09:09:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11088, 16:10:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11088, 16:10:12: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 239 (Dung Beetle)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'GrapeFruit - Lvl 143 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'K-9 - Lvl 232 (Sabertooth)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Skid Mark - Lvl 89 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Greg Sausage Roll - Lvl 156 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 69 (Stegosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 234 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Diarrhea - Lvl 259 (Iguanodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 76 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Shitter - Lvl 116 (Moschops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Shit Stain - Lvl 241 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:10:22: 's 'Mango - Lvl 219 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11560, 00:50:24: Tribemember AP510 - Lvl 94 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 12138, 10:38:10: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12733, 02:14:26: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1744897395,"tribe":"Tribe of Seymour Snatch logs":["Day 5218, 09:01:24: Seymour Snatch was added to the Tribe! Day 5218, 09:04:44: KayRose was added to the Tribe by Seymour Snatch! Day 5218, 14:03:48: KayRose froze Daphne - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5218, 14:04:11: Seymour Snatch froze Ember Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 309 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 5290, 23:42:39: Tribemember Seymour Snatch - Lvl 113 was killed by Daphne - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 5290, 23:42:39: Your Tribe killed Seymour Snatch - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Seymour Snatch)! Day 5291, 02:44:10: Your Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis) was killed by Daphne - Lvl 272 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 5291, 02:44:10: Your Tribe killed Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)! Day 5291, 07:42:20: Seymour Snatch Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 83 (Fjordhawk)! Day 5291, 13:25:50: Tribemember Seymour Snatch - Lvl 113 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 90! Day 5291, 15:15:56: Seymour Snatch froze Desmodus - Lvl 214 (Desmodus) Day 5291, 16:36:00: Seymour Snatch froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 83 (Fjordhawk) Day 5291, 16:41:30: Seymour Snatch froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 5583, 08:34:04: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5880, 06:57:55: Human - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 241 (Mammoth)'! Day 5880, 07:01:57: Human - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 264 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5880, 07:14:21: Human - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5880, 07:18:44: Human - Lvl 100 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6170, 12:03:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1742166158,"tribe":"Nobs Private Transport logs":["Day 453, 08:51:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 453, 08:51:51: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 453, 10:58:46: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 282 (Dire Bear) Day 453, 11:16:36: HobNob Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 453, 11:33:08: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 453, 12:05:01: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) Day 453, 12:21:12: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 282 (Dire Bear) Day 453, 12:33:03: HobNob Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 453, 12:43:35: Your Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) was killed by HobNob - Lvl 123 (Nobs Private Transport)! Day 453, 12:43:35: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 453, 14:24:53: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 282 (Dire Bear) Day 453, 15:53:59: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 453, 16:11:25: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 455, 12:18:52: HobNob downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 202 Day 455, 12:24:05: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 455, 12:45:03: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 202 (Desmodus) Day 455, 15:45:59: HobNob froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 184 (Bloodstalker) Day 455, 16:18:48: HobNob froze Bloodstalker - Lvl 184 (Bloodstalker) Day 456, 02:52:13: HobNob froze velo1 m - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur) Day 456, 09:48:31: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 466, 03:11:05: Your Tusoteuthis - Lvl 278 (Tusoteuthis) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 145! Day 466, 12:19:53: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 130! Day 466, 13:17:17: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 466, 17:49:23: HobNob froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 307 (Tusoteuthis) Day 466, 23:33:22: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 291 (Dire Bear) Day 467, 01:03:08: HobNob claimed 'Baby Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear)'! Day 467, 01:51:51: HobNob froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 321 (Basilosaurus) Day 467, 02:48:32: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 467, 09:34:14: HobNob froze Juvenile Dire Bear - Lvl 217 (Dire Bear) Day 467, 11:05:17: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 298 (Dire Bear) Day 467, 13:08:14: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 468, 01:40:13: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 216 (Desmodus) Day 468, 18:13:05: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 209 (Aberrant Spino) Day 468, 23:20:11: HobNob claimed 'Rock lee - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake)'! Day 468, 23:39:53: HobNob unclaimed 'Rock lee - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake)'! Day 471, 19:54:34: HobNob Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 471, 20:00:28: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 471, 22:20:41: HobNob demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 471, 22:27:33: HobNob demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 472, 16:49:18: HobNob claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus)'! Day 478, 03:27:33: HobNob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 478, 09:33:03: HobNob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) Day 478, 12:47:21: HobNob froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus) Day 478, 16:46:39: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 304 (Dire Bear) Day 478, 18:37:07: HobNob claimed 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 191 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 478, 22:12:26: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 478, 23:34:53: HobNob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 479, 14:19:10: HobNob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 479, 16:41:42: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 304 (Dire Bear) Day 479, 21:56:46: HobNob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 479, 22:06:24: HobNob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 479, 22:12:16: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 480, 01:20:22: HobNob froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus) Day 480, 05:46:03: HobNob froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 276 (Dunkleosteus) Day 491, 23:31:25: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 307 (Dire Bear) Day 492, 00:46:42: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 492, 00:47:46: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 493, 10:51:51: HobNob froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 278 (Dunkleosteus) Day 493, 15:58:20: HobNob froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus) Day 495, 11:15:03: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 495, 11:24:46: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 215 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 495, 11:32:14: HobNob froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino) Day 495, 11:32:36: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 215 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 495, 11:40:19: HobNob froze Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 215 (Aberrant Spino) Day 495, 14:38:26: HobNob froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 195 (Fjordhawk) Day 495, 14:42:03: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 239 (Desmodus) Day 495, 18:04:05: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 239 (Desmodus) Day 496, 04:23:31: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 247 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 05:02:19: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 230 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 05:22:25: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 07:49:43: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 230 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 07:56:29: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 07:59:58: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 247 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 10:57:21: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 496, 12:15:19: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 230 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 12:49:01: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 123 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 130! Day 496, 15:13:25: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino) Day 496, 16:20:32: Your Tribe Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus)! Day 496, 16:42:17: HobNob froze Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus) Day 496, 17:08:35: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 496, 21:59:05: HobNob froze Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus) Day 497, 01:17:24: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 307 (Dire Bear) Day 497, 01:28:30: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 236 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 02:43:14: HobNob froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 215 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 03:08:03: HobNob froze Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus) Day 497, 14:13:40: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 215 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 14:23:03: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 215 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 14:27:47: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 236 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 14:30:54: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 14:34:04: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 247 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 14:37:09: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 232 (Aberrant Spino) Day 497, 15:20:16: HobNob froze Beaver - Lvl 184 (Castoroides) Day 497, 15:24:46: HobNob froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 68 (Fjordhawk) Day 497, 15:31:08: HobNob froze angy - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus) Day 497, 15:37:03: HobNob froze Argentavis - Lvl 218 (Argentavis) Day 497, 15:46:59: HobNob froze Mammoth - Lvl 109 (Mammoth) Day 497, 15:56:13: HobNob froze Anky - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus) Day 497, 16:04:18: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 497, 16:10:02: HobNob froze Minigun - Lvl 102 (Andrewsarchus) Day 497, 16:33:22: HobNob froze Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 497, 17:20:27: HobNob froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 501, 10:29:18: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 501, 11:05:14: HobNob froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 217 (Megalosaurus) Day 501, 11:52:54: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 242 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 12:01:58: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 250 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 12:44:22: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 250 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 12:47:54: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 244 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 12:52:20: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 242 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 14:44:16: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 14:53:41: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 241 (Aberrant Spino) Day 501, 15:13:20: HobNob claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 501, 15:16:55: HobNob claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 501, 15:18:00: HobNob claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 501, 17:41:19: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 276 (R-Snow Owl) Day 516, 18:39:16: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 242 (Aberrant Spino) Day 516, 19:25:47: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed by HobNob - Lvl 123 (Nobs Private Transport)! Day 516, 19:25:47: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) (Nobs Private Transport)! Day 516, 20:02:57: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 219 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 516, 20:11:12: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 210 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 516, 20:12:05: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 214 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 518, 06:32:14: HobNob claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus)'! Day 518, 09:21:29: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 518, 09:21:29: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 518, 09:40:06: HobNob froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus) Day 518, 10:47:13: HobNob froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 219 (Aberrant Spino) Day 518, 10:50:30: HobNob froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 219 (Aberrant Spino) Day 518, 10:53:35: HobNob froze Adolescent Aberrant Spino - Lvl 219 (Aberrant Spino) Day 518, 11:28:21: HobNob froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 194 (Fjordhawk) Day 518, 13:53:47: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 519, 05:18:27: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 519, 05:41:16: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 226 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 05:46:09: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 244 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 05:49:04: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 242 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 05:52:22: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 257 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 06:03:31: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 250 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 07:14:26: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 519, 07:36:44: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 519, 13:25:02: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 283 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 13:30:44: HobNob froze 5.9k 319 - Lvl 261 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 13:34:35: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 257 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 13:38:46: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 249 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 13:43:21: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 257 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 20:07:24: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 519, 20:55:18: Your Aberrant Spino - Lvl 249 (Aberrant Spino) was killed! Day 519, 20:55:18: Your Tribe killed Aberrant Spino - Lvl 249 (Aberrant Spino)! Day 519, 21:02:54: Your 8.8k 431 #2 - Lvl 257 (Aberrant Spino) was killed by a Sköll - Lvl 1! Day 519, 21:15:10: Your 5.9k 319 - Lvl 261 (Aberrant Spino) was killed by a Fenrir - Lvl 75! Day 519, 21:23:56: Your Aberrant Spino - Lvl 257 (Aberrant Spino) was killed by a Hati - Lvl 1! Day 519, 21:51:30: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 284 (Aberrant Spino) Day 519, 22:32:32: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 519, 22:49:52: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 123 was killed by a Hati - Lvl 1! Day 520, 02:34:47: HobNob claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 155 (Rock Drake)'! Day 520, 02:44:42: HobNob claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 523, 04:31:24: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 25! Day 542, 01:31:58: HobNob claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 101 (Deinonychus)'! Day 542, 03:34:32: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 219 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 542, 03:42:18: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 542, 13:50:00: HobNob demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) (Pin Locked)'! Day 542, 16:37:14: HobNob froze Juvenile Aberrant Spino - Lvl 216 (Aberrant Spino) Day 542, 23:29:40: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 543, 00:40:40: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 242 (Desmodus) Day 543, 01:17:06: HobNob - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with Tribe of eddie Tribe. Day 543, 01:18:58: HobNob added 'Tribe of eddie' Tribe to Eddie/Hobnob Alliance! Day 543, 03:04:59: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 286 (Aberrant Spino) Day 543, 03:52:29: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 543, 05:06:37: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 297 (Aberrant Spino) Day 543, 09:40:48: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 297 (Aberrant Spino) Day 543, 14:16:59: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 543, 18:41:09: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 297 (Aberrant Spino) Day 543, 19:26:51: HobNob Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Brontosaurus)! Day 543, 19:33:22: HobNob froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 201 (Brontosaurus) Day 546, 19:45:59: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 210 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 546, 19:46:47: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 210 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 546, 19:49:49: HobNob claimed 'Baby Aberrant Spino - Lvl 210 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 546, 21:51:51: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 219 (Aberrant Spino) Day 546, 21:57:33: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 223 (Aberrant Spino) Day 546, 22:29:38: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 254 (Dire Bear) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 547, 00:22:57: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 307 (Dire Bear) Day 547, 05:42:44: HobNob Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 547, 05:58:03: HobNob unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)'! Day 547, 07:45:34: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 547, 07:52:06: HobNob froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 194 (Fjordhawk) Day 547, 07:56:21: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 243 (Desmodus) Day 547, 12:28:58: HobNob froze Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus) Day 547, 13:28:05: HobNob claimed 'Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis)'! Day 547, 13:43:26: HobNob froze Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus) Day 547, 13:48:25: HobNob froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis) Day 547, 14:49:51: HobNob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 173 (Rock Drake) Day 547, 15:48:38: HobNob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 87 (Deinonychus) Day 547, 16:02:20: HobNob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus) Day 547, 16:07:08: HobNob froze Deinonychus - Lvl 106 (Deinonychus) Day 547, 21:56:28: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 547, 23:51:50: HobNob Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl)! Day 548, 00:14:18: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 548, 02:12:42: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (Snow Owl) Day 548, 05:50:14: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (Snow Owl) Day 564, 13:06:01: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 219 (Snow Owl) Day 564, 13:24:47: HobNob froze Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis) Day 564, 15:05:01: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 564, 18:30:03: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 305 (Aberrant Spino) Day 564, 23:18:45: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 565, 00:45:19: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 565, 09:03:21: HobNob froze Terence - Lvl 300 (Therizinosaur) Day 565, 09:08:26: HobNob froze 1f - Lvl 283 (Dire Bear) Day 565, 09:12:48: HobNob froze Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 565, 09:32:46: HobNob froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 284 (Megalosaurus) Day 565, 09:58:30: HobNob froze 8.8k 431 - Lvl 305 (Aberrant Spino) Day 565, 10:40:31: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 249 (Aberrant Spino) Day 565, 10:51:49: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 227 (Aberrant Spino) Day 565, 10:59:04: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 210 (Aberrant Spino) Day 565, 11:10:06: HobNob froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 245 (Aberrant Spino) Day 565, 11:48:15: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl) Day 570, 05:00:35: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (Snow Owl) Day 570, 13:44:29: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 570, 14:33:26: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 249 (Snow Owl) Day 571, 15:39:51: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 571, 16:28:54: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 571, 16:57:30: Your Desmodus - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 571, 16:59:18: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 571, 19:32:20: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 571, 19:35:01: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 199 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 571, 20:00:55: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 571, 22:06:17: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 150! Day 572, 01:56:51: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 572, 03:16:09: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 250 (Snow Owl) Day 572, 04:04:56: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 572, 06:08:20: HobNob froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 572, 06:29:55: HobNob froze Rock Drake - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 572, 08:09:10: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 572, 19:51:43: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 150! Day 572, 23:03:35: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 150! Day 573, 04:29:32: HobNob froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) Day 573, 08:00:36: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 150! Day 573, 08:18:42: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 150! Day 573, 10:47:51: HobNob demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 573, 10:48:53: HobNob demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 573, 11:23:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Basilisk - Lvl 196 (Basilisk)! Day 573, 11:56:21: HobNob froze Basilisk - Lvl 196 (Basilisk) Day 573, 12:23:03: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 573, 12:27:05: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 573, 12:35:06: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 281 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 130! Day 573, 12:44:45: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 595, 03:15:40: Your X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (X-Ankylosaurus) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 140! Day 595, 03:24:52: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 140! Day 595, 05:38:14: HobNob froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 595, 05:59:25: HobNob froze Basilisk - Lvl 196 (Basilisk) Day 612, 13:14:28: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 257 (Snow Owl) Day 612, 13:55:33: HobNob claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 612, 14:04:11: HobNob froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) Day 612, 14:47:18: HobNob froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 616, 04:15:57: HobNob froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 616, 05:53:09: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 289 (Desmodus) Day 616, 17:07:02: HobNob demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 616, 18:54:21: HobNob froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 120 (R-Reaper King) Day 616, 18:58:44: HobNob froze Baby R-Reaper King - Lvl 120 (R-Reaper King) Day 618, 11:49:59: HobNob froze Adolescent R-Reaper King - Lvl 120 (R-Reaper King) Day 618, 12:03:05: HobNob froze Maewing - Lvl 311 (Maewing) Day 629, 22:09:27: HobNob downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 82 Day 629, 22:13:37: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 629, 23:28:00: HobNob froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 170 (R-Reaper King) Day 629, 23:52:06: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 268 (Snow Owl) Day 630, 00:24:38: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 307 (Dire Bear) Day 634, 05:05:52: Your Argentavis - Lvl 263 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 634, 06:18:14: Your Argentavis - Lvl 146 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 634, 09:47:06: Your velo1 m - Lvl 262 (Velonasaur) was killed! Day 641, 08:27:58: Your Dire Bear - Lvl 246 (Dire Bear) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 150! Day 643, 20:01:06: HobNob froze Velo2 M - Lvl 275 (Velonasaur) Day 643, 23:42:54: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 643, 23:48:25: HobNob froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 117 (Fjordhawk) Day 656, 22:43:17: HobNob froze 3m - Lvl 314 (Dire Bear) Day 656, 22:57:07: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 275 (Snow Owl) Day 657, 02:53:41: HobNob froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 329 (Basilosaurus) Day 657, 04:33:13: HobNob froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 657, 05:15:14: HobNob froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 284 (Megalosaurus) Day 657, 05:51:08: HobNob froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 170 (R-Reaper King) Day 657, 07:41:01: HobNob demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 657, 20:12:24: HobNob demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 657, 20:13:07: HobNob demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 660, 08:12:53: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 660, 09:26:13: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl) Day 660, 10:59:52: HobNob froze Desmodus - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 660, 11:56:14: HobNob froze Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (Snow Owl) Day 679, 19:35:14: Parasaur - Lvl 220 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 685, 11:46:49: Your 1f - Lvl 283 (Dire Bear) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 686, 14:13:16: Björnen Scully was added to the Tribe! Day 686, 14:46:00: Björnen Scully froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 170 (R-Reaper King) Day 686, 15:32:49: Björnen Scully froze Beaver - Lvl 259 (Castoroides) Day 686, 15:49:02: Björnen Scully froze Terence - Lvl 300 (Therizinosaur) Day 686, 16:03:28: Björnen Scully froze Rock Drake - Lvl 178 (Rock Drake) Day 686, 16:21:48: Björnen Scully was removed from the Tribe! Day 816, 05:33:49: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 839, 20:35:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 974, 15:56:07: Human - Lvl 100 (Proper Blokes) claimed your auto-decayed tame '1m used - Lvl 278 (Dire Bear)'! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1026, 08:11:20: Fjordhawk - Lvl 195 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 1176, 17:40:12: Carbonemys - Lvl 273 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1262, 13:34:37: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megachelon - Lvl 293 (Megachelon)'! Day 1262, 13:41:07: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 207 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 1262, 13:45:09: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velo2 M - Lvl 275 (Velonasaur)'! Day 1262, 13:50:24: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 170 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 1262, 14:04:19: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beaver - Lvl 259 (Castoroides)'! Day 1262, 14:06:04: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 178 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1262, 14:25:00: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 257 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 1262, 14:29:47: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 256 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 1262, 14:34:31: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 254 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 1262, 14:34:50: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Spino - Lvl 210 (Aberrant Spino)'! Day 1262, 14:46:19: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 297 (Rex)'! Day 1262, 15:18:07: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 121 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1262, 15:40:09: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1262, 16:19:18: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 224 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1294, 09:02:02: Brewskii - Lvl 145 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1446, 14:03:55: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1839, 03:15:30: 's 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1839, 03:15:30: 's 'Basilisk - Lvl 196 (Basilisk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1839, 03:15:30: 's 'Allosaurus - Lvl 22 (Allosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1839, 03:15:30: 's 'Anky - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1839, 03:15:30: 's 'Light Assault Vehicle - Lvl 273 (Andrewsarchus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 12863, 19:25:43: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 12863, 20:34:47: Tribemember HobNob - Lvl 124 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100!"] "tribeid":1736978986,"tribe":"bAND oF tHE hAWK logs":["Day 15264, 19:32:58: Blonke was added to the Tribe! Day 15264, 19:33:59: Froggle was added to the Tribe by Blonke! Day 15264, 19:58:46: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 13 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 15265, 00:21:38: Blonke claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15265, 01:57:15: Ichthyornis - Lvl 85 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 15265, 02:05:42: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 20 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 85! Day 15265, 02:45:35: Froggle Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 15265, 06:29:17: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 23 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 15265, 06:31:06: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15265, 07:59:48: Tribemember Froggle - Lvl 69 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 15265, 11:09:35: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 23 was killed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 15265, 11:14:06: Leedsichthys - Lvl 1 destroyed your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15265, 11:44:39: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 23 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 114! Day 15265, 14:00:18: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 15265, 14:27:49: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 24 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 15265, 23:06:33: Froggle demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 15265, 23:15:48: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 36 was killed by Froggle - Lvl 72 (bAND oF tHE hAWK)! Day 15265, 23:15:48: Your Tribe killed Blonke - Lvl 36 (bAND oF tHE hAWK)! Day 15266, 05:30:53: Tribemember Froggle - Lvl 73 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 145! Day 15266, 05:45:49: Froggle was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Blonke! Day 15266, 07:47:39: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15266, 07:47:39: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15266, 08:00:22: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15266, 08:12:50: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15266, 08:12:52: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Floor'! Day 15266, 08:31:23: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15266, 08:45:36: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wood Floor'! Day 15266, 08:47:20: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wood Floor'! Day 15266, 08:50:36: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 15266, 09:21:43: Deinonychus - Lvl 90 destroyed your 'Wood Floor'! Day 15266, 09:43:22: Deinonychus - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 15266, 15:11:58: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 15266, 18:11:21: Tribemember Froggle - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 15266, 19:06:09: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 41 was killed! Day 15267, 03:18:19: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 41 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 15283, 13:48:49: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 41 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 108! Day 15283, 14:37:15: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 41 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 108! Day 15283, 15:22:47: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 41 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 15! Day 15289, 16:38:13: Blonke Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 209 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 15289, 22:16:29: Tribemember Froggle - Lvl 73 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 100! Day 15290, 03:55:14: Froggle Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 209 (Parasaur)! Day 15290, 04:47:15: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 48 was killed! Day 15290, 20:20:35: Froggle Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 15291, 01:54:08: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 57 was killed! Day 15291, 14:39:53: Tribemember Froggle - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 15446, 07:12:57: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15613, 02:33:33: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15899, 02:24:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16173, 06:50:06: balls - Lvl 19 (Tribe of not human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16198, 06:55:09: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 62 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 16379, 09:06:41: Derek - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 200 (Argentavis)'! Day 16379, 09:09:48: Derek - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)'! Day 16379, 09:20:46: Derek - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'lyle - Lvl 219 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 16391, 17:45:27: Derek - Lvl 60 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16425, 12:11:44: Tribemember Blonke - Lvl 57 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 45! Day 16425, 12:13:28: Tribemember Froggle - Lvl 81 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 45! Day 19804, 15:15:16: Froggle was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1736088329,"tribe":"Lusos logs":["Day 1604, 05:53:23: Pegazu was added to the Tribe! Day 1604, 09:50:42: Tribemember Pegazu - Lvl 18 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1729878465,"tribe":"Tribe of Kloppy logs":["Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4972, 03:31:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4972, 03:31:37: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8219, 03:49:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8219, 03:49:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 8219, 04:39:56: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8219, 04:39:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 8219, 04:52:41: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8219, 04:52:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 8219, 05:20:21: Your Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 169 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8219, 05:20:21: Your Tribe killed Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 8219, 11:58:15: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 363 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8222, 00:07:13: Your Juvenile !2L - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 171 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8222, 00:07:13: Your Tribe killed Juvenile !2L - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 8222, 00:12:58: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 171 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8222, 00:12:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 8222, 01:42:01: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 171 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8222, 01:42:01: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 8222, 02:31:59: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 171 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8222, 02:31:59: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 8222, 03:27:03: Kloppy froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 293 (Carnotaurus) Day 8222, 03:41:03: Your Carnotaurus - Lvl 293 (Carnotaurus) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 171 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8222, 03:41:03: Your Tribe killed Carnotaurus - Lvl 293 (Carnotaurus)! Day 8222, 06:32:37: Tribemember Kloppy - Lvl 171 was killed! Day 8222, 08:44:02: Tribemember Kloppy - Lvl 171 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 8222, 12:03:39: Kloppy froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 363 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 8222, 18:14:46: Kloppy unclaimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 8222, 18:20:01: Kloppy unclaimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 107 (Megatherium)'! Day 8222, 18:23:39: Kloppy unclaimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 398 (Megatherium)'! Day 8222, 18:27:21: Kloppy unclaimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 8222, 18:46:31: Kloppy unclaimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 8224, 00:35:16: Your Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 172 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8224, 00:35:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 8224, 02:36:12: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 8224, 02:58:29: Your Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Kloppy - Lvl 172 (Tribe of Kloppy)! Day 8224, 02:58:29: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 8224, 04:08:16: Kloppy claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium)'! Day 8224, 04:12:39: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 224 (Megatherium) Day 8224, 05:52:15: Tribemember Kloppy - Lvl 172 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 8224, 09:23:33: Tribemember Kloppy - Lvl 172 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 8224, 09:40:25: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 363 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 8224, 10:03:19: Kloppy claimed 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 8224, 12:47:11: Kloppy claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 107 (Megatherium)'! Day 8224, 12:50:21: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 107 (Megatherium) Day 8224, 12:52:24: Kloppy claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 398 (Megatherium)'! Day 8224, 12:55:14: Kloppy froze Megatherium - Lvl 398 (Megatherium) Day 8224, 12:57:04: Kloppy claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 8224, 12:59:28: Kloppy froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 263 (Therizinosaur) Day 8224, 13:14:35: Kloppy froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Poison Wyvern) Day 8229, 22:00:20: Kloppy froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 225 (Poison Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1729292561,"tribe":"Ashtar Command logs":["Day 12943, 17:51:26: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12943, 17:56:42: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12943, 18:16:24: Star Man claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 161 (Desmodus)'! Day 12943, 18:20:19: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 161 (Desmodus) Day 12943, 18:32:11: Star Man claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 142 (Desmodus)'! Day 12943, 18:35:54: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 142 (Desmodus) Day 12943, 20:03:42: Star Man uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 260 Day 12950, 03:03:01: Star Man downloaded a dino: X-Argentavis - Lvl 299 Day 12950, 03:08:39: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 299 (X-Argentavis) Day 12950, 03:23:26: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 Day 12950, 03:37:42: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 12950, 15:20:30: Star Man froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 19:52:31: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 23:11:09: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 23:20:46: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 23:25:47: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 23:33:55: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 23:39:07: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12950, 23:48:24: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 12950, 23:52:13: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 12951, 14:57:54: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12951, 19:50:26: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12951, 19:54:21: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 08:35:02: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 13:32:16: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 18:51:38: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 18:58:26: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 21:22:42: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 21:30:30: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 21:43:40: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12952, 21:58:43: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 00:33:30: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 00:39:24: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 00:53:30: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 01:14:38: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 07:26:16: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 10:07:17: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 12953, 18:21:29: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 18:33:34: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12953, 18:41:45: Star Man froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 00:39:51: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 00:45:16: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 00:53:26: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 01:03:30: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 01:08:56: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 01:25:31: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 203 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 01:31:30: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 01:37:49: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12954, 01:42:49: Star Man froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 207 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12961, 19:15:32: Star Man froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12961, 19:22:34: Star Man froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 12961, 19:32:14: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 300 (X-Argentavis) Day 12961, 21:02:29: Star Man claimed 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 12961, 21:28:09: Star Man froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King) Day 12961, 21:59:56: Star Man downloaded a dino: Gigantopithecus - Lvl 209 Day 12961, 22:01:41: Star Man uploaded a Gigantopithecus: Gigantopithecus - Lvl 209 Day 12961, 22:55:26: Star Man uploaded a R-Reaper King: R-Reaper King - Lvl 297 Day 12962, 01:23:35: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 300 (X-Argentavis) Day 12977, 18:59:25: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 347 (Shadowmane) Day 12978, 13:56:03: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 12978, 16:06:45: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12978, 16:20:18: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12979, 03:45:19: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12979, 04:07:27: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 12979, 04:34:42: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 12979, 04:41:30: Star Man froze Adolescent Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 12979, 04:49:00: Star Man froze Adolescent Blau - Lvl 180 (Rock Drake) Day 12979, 04:53:50: Star Man froze Adolescent Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 12979, 04:59:53: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 251 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13008, 18:28:05: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13008, 20:18:04: Star Man froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 298 (R-Reaper King) Day 13009, 04:17:39: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13009, 07:39:13: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13009, 11:36:38: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13009, 17:46:00: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 13009, 23:42:51: Star Man froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 299 (R-Reaper King) Day 13010, 01:11:32: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 13010, 02:27:40: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 350 (Shadowmane) Day 13010, 02:33:50: Star Man froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 299 (R-Reaper King) Day 13010, 02:44:59: Star Man froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 138 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:13:14: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:18:00: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:22:17: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:26:28: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:37:53: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:41:49: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:45:52: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:50:28: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:54:48: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 16:59:36: Star Man froze Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 17:03:22: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 17:07:41: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 17:13:47: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 17:18:26: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 17:32:10: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13051, 19:52:11: Star Man froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13051, 19:56:37: Star Man froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13051, 22:52:59: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13052, 01:36:16: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 01:47:38: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 01:52:16: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 06:55:13: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 06:59:46: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 07:03:39: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 07:08:58: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 07:13:13: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 07:16:48: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 07:24:33: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 07:28:31: Star Man froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 11:30:09: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 11:43:47: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 11:47:20: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 11:52:05: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 11:57:12: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 12:00:45: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 12:05:11: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13052, 14:14:39: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 15:03:37: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 15:42:18: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 15:46:16: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 15:50:22: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 15:54:22: Star Man froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13052, 15:57:45: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13052, 16:03:01: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13052, 16:08:59: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 13057, 06:32:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 13058, 04:58:02: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 290 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13060, 16:03:32: Star Man froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 299 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 13071, 19:17:45: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13071, 19:24:08: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13071, 19:27:49: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13071, 19:36:24: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13071, 19:39:58: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13071, 19:55:11: Star Man froze Juvenile Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13071, 23:01:12: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13071, 23:10:25: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 00:39:28: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 01:04:55: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 01:09:54: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 01:14:19: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 01:18:40: Star Man froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 01:32:44: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 01:37:58: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 01:43:28: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 01:49:04: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 01:54:27: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 02:01:20: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 02:06:09: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 02:13:08: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 06:04:01: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 07:39:17: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 242 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13072, 08:35:03: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 08:45:17: Star Man froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 255 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13072, 09:51:36: Your Dodo - Lvl 79 (Dodo) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 13072, 11:44:59: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 11:51:45: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 12:32:13: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 17:18:58: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 13072, 22:28:33: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 356 (Shadowmane) Day 13072, 23:05:01: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 23:09:46: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 287 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 23:15:50: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13072, 23:21:26: Star Man froze Adolescent Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 13072, 23:27:12: Star Man froze Adolescent Tek Rex - Lvl 289 (Tek Rex) Day 13081, 13:28:33: Star Man froze Blitz - Lvl 168 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13124, 11:24:36: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 181 (R-Reaper King) Day 13129, 10:18:24: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 201 (R-Reaper King) Day 13165, 17:48:53: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 153 (R-Reaper King) Day 13190, 04:21:35: Star Man froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13190, 05:22:01: Star Man froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 05:27:05: Star Man froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) Day 13190, 05:35:35: Star Man froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 10:00:52: Star Man froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13190, 11:04:10: Star Man froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13190, 11:13:01: Star Man froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 11:19:08: Star Man froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 11:22:44: Star Man froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 12:09:57: Star Man froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 13190, 15:58:25: Star Man froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) Day 13190, 16:11:26: Star Man froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) Day 13190, 16:21:43: Star Man froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13190, 16:34:12: Star Man froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) Day 13190, 16:43:20: Star Man froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 153 (Pteranodon) Day 13190, 19:39:05: Star Man froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13190, 21:06:25: Star Man froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 21:11:49: Star Man froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13190, 21:19:44: Star Man froze Juvenile Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13190, 21:35:49: Star Man froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 73 (Desmodus) Day 13190, 21:41:16: Star Man froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 73 (Desmodus) Day 13190, 23:49:57: Star Man froze Pteranodon - Lvl 155 (Pteranodon) Day 13191, 01:14:39: Star Man froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 13191, 01:53:52: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 13191, 04:00:24: Star Man froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13191, 04:11:23: Star Man froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13191, 04:27:30: Star Man froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 73 (Desmodus) Day 13191, 04:43:39: Star Man froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13191, 04:48:29: Star Man froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 175 (Rock Drake) Day 13191, 04:52:54: Star Man froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13191, 04:57:47: Star Man froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13191, 05:02:07: Star Man froze Juvenile Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 13191, 05:06:30: Star Man froze Adolescent Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Poison Wyvern) Day 13191, 05:16:01: Star Man froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 113 (Desmodus) Day 13191, 05:19:25: Star Man froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13213, 22:23:45: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 306 (X-Argentavis) Day 13214, 01:05:04: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Base - Lvl 190 Day 13214, 04:37:55: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 306 (X-Argentavis) Day 13214, 04:41:59: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 306 (X-Argentavis) Day 13214, 06:27:10: Star Man froze X-Argentavis - Lvl 307 (X-Argentavis) Day 13214, 12:35:10: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 157 (R-Reaper King) Day 13224, 12:55:39: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 162 (R-Reaper King) Day 13263, 14:14:18: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 184 (R-Reaper King) Day 13293, 16:57:33: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 221 (R-Reaper King) Day 13293, 22:20:08: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 222 (R-Reaper King) Day 13388, 08:33:58: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 240 (R-Reaper King) Day 13392, 07:25:56: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 254 (R-Reaper King) Day 13392, 12:42:06: Star Man froze Hydrogen - Lvl 104 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13392, 14:13:54: Star Man froze Hydrogen - Lvl 104 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13407, 18:52:15: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 355 (Shadowmane) Day 13452, 23:47:18: Star Man demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13452, 23:48:23: Star Man demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 13453, 00:03:52: Star Man demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 13453, 05:18:34: Star Man froze Hydrogen - Lvl 105 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13640, 14:24:47: Star Man froze Hydrogen - Lvl 105 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13989, 09:00:35: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Resources - Lvl 116 Day 13989, 10:51:45: Star Man froze Knight Of Elderslie - Lvl 288 (R-Reaper King) Day 14804, 04:42:48: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16669, 18:39:15: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 358 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16669, 21:46:51: Star Man froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 249 (R-Reaper King) Day 16755, 12:09:29: Star Man froze Star Crystal Spewer - Lvl 359 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 16755, 13:37:03: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 357 (Shadowmane) Day 16805, 09:05:09: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 16831, 08:31:18: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16831, 08:33:58: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 16831, 10:01:39: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 16833, 16:21:46: Star Man froze StaR-Reaper - Lvl 305 (R-Reaper King) Day 16851, 04:48:17: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 373 (Shadowmane) Day 16857, 07:03:37: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadow - Lvl 343 Day 16857, 07:18:13: Star Man downloaded a dino: Shadow - Lvl 343 Day 16857, 17:34:12: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: Shadow - Lvl 344 Day 16857, 23:47:55: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 134 was killed! Day 16858, 05:05:32: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 16865, 23:55:19: Star Man froze Desmodus - Lvl 265 (Desmodus) Day 16866, 01:26:24: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 379 (Shadowmane) Day 17020, 22:24:03: Star Man froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 257 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17020, 22:52:30: Star Man froze Bathory - Lvl 155 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 17020, 23:51:16: Star Man froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 263 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17043, 18:16:53: Star Man froze Shadow - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 17044, 13:37:30: Star Man froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 279 (Giganotosaurus) Day 17044, 16:53:20: Star Man froze Shadow - Lvl 351 (Shadowmane) Day 17051, 03:01:24: Star Man uploaded a Shadowmane: Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 386 Day 17054, 06:15:36: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane) Day 17099, 13:20:46: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 17184, 09:17:53: Star Man froze Baboon Spanker - Lvl 307 (R-Reaper King) Day 17257, 21:22:26: Star Man froze Baboon Spanker - Lvl 142 (R-Reaper King) Day 17278, 05:41:05: Star Man froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 360 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 17329, 14:10:38: Star Man froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 359 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 17336, 08:21:17: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 390 (Shadowmane) Day 17338, 00:26:52: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 392 (Shadowmane) Day 17352, 06:34:32: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 17353, 20:33:04: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 17360, 15:06:58: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 394 (Shadowmane) Day 17374, 15:11:39: Star Man froze Shadow - Lvl 362 (Shadowmane) Day 17375, 10:16:16: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 17380, 22:03:01: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 17385, 06:53:47: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 17425, 10:00:52: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 396 (Shadowmane) Day 17428, 01:17:46: Star Man froze Mary Queen Of Scots - Lvl 397 (Shadowmane) Day 17435, 11:17:59: Star Man froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 359 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 17570, 21:32:43: Star Man froze Calgacus - Lvl 184 (R-Reaper King) Day 17599, 03:18:02: Star Man froze Shadow - Lvl 376 (Shadowmane) Day 17599, 05:56:06: Star Man Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 22 (Dodo)! Day 17599, 06:05:27: Star Man uploaded a Dodo: Dodo - Lvl 22 Day 17599, 08:28:59: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by a Karkinos - Lvl 20! Day 17599, 16:42:55: Tribe of Pops tribe was merged in by Pops! Day 17599, 16:42:55: Pops was added to the Tribe by Star Man! Day 17599, 17:19:28: Star Man froze Shadow - Lvl 376 (Shadowmane) Day 17599, 18:39:55: Star Man froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 378 (Voidwyrm) Day 17599, 18:43:18: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 342 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17599, 21:25:39: Your Ovis - Lvl 67 (Ovis) was killed by Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command)! Day 17599, 21:25:39: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 67 (Ovis)! Day 17600, 02:34:25: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 17600, 03:30:01: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 25! Day 17600, 03:43:29: Pops Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 35 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17600, 09:24:44: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed! Day 17600, 15:04:02: Star Man froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 35 (Fjordhawk) Day 17600, 23:26:36: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 342 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17601, 00:14:53: Star Man froze Tek Wyvren - Lvl 379 (Voidwyrm) Day 17601, 00:15:40: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 342 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17625, 17:30:29: Your Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 145 (Yutyrannus) was killed by Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command)! Day 17625, 17:30:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 145 (Yutyrannus)! Day 17625, 19:21:16: Pops Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 36 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17626, 06:54:46: Pops Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 184 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17626, 07:06:27: Pops froze 140-184 Fem - Lvl 184 (Fjordhawk) Day 17626, 15:00:43: Pops Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 17626, 15:14:12: Pops froze wwwww - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17626, 18:41:51: Pops Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 119 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17626, 18:58:02: Pops froze 90-119 Male - Lvl 119 (Fjordhawk) Day 17626, 20:41:51: Pops claimed 'FIA MIA - Lvl 179 (Phiomia)'! Day 17627, 00:45:20: Pops froze Speedy - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17627, 00:53:11: Pops froze wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 36 (Fjordhawk) Day 17692, 23:52:08: Pops froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17693, 01:16:45: Pops unclaimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17693, 02:00:55: Your Speedy - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command)! Day 17693, 02:00:55: Your Tribe killed Speedy - Lvl 343 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 17693, 05:40:34: Tribemember Pops - Lvl 142 was killed! Day 17693, 16:26:33: Pops froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17694, 06:04:12: Pops Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 162 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17694, 06:12:40: Pops froze Big Boy - Lvl 162 (Fjordhawk) Day 17694, 10:28:17: Pops claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17694, 10:32:08: Pops claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17694, 10:38:28: Pops claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17694, 11:06:00: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 379 (Tek Rex) Day 17694, 11:17:20: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 362 (Tek Rex) Day 17694, 11:36:52: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex) Day 17694, 12:20:02: Pops claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17694, 13:01:59: Pops claimed 'reks - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17694, 13:26:52: Pops froze Tek Rex - Lvl 378 (Tek Rex) Day 17694, 13:33:00: Pops froze reks - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex) Day 17694, 14:13:53: Pops claimed 'Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 227 (Magmasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:16:02: Pops claimed 'liam - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:17:09: Pops claimed 'Gasbags - Lvl 265 (Gasbags)'! Day 17694, 14:17:48: Pops claimed 'grfith - Lvl 256 (Griffin)'! Day 17694, 14:18:54: Pops claimed 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 246 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 17694, 14:19:39: Pops claimed 'spike ball - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17694, 14:20:21: Pops claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing)'! Day 17694, 14:21:00: Pops claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:22:44: Pops claimed 'Sid - Lvl 255 (Megatherium)'! Day 17694, 14:40:22: Pops claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:46:03: Pops froze Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 17694, 14:53:54: Pops claimed 'bloodstalker - Lvl 251 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 15:13:27: Pops claimed 'Leah - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 17694, 16:19:00: Pops froze Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 17694, 16:22:25: Pops froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 227 (Magmasaur) Day 17694, 16:35:36: Pops claimed 'Jayde - Lvl 302 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17694, 17:14:57: Pops claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17694, 17:21:47: Pops claimed 'Jetpack joyride - Lvl 231 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 17695, 03:04:42: Pops froze Jayde - Lvl 302 (Rock Drake) Day 17695, 03:19:36: Pops froze Jetpack joyride - Lvl 231 (Sinomacrops) Day 17695, 03:35:17: Pops froze Gasbags - Lvl 265 (Gasbags) Day 17695, 03:52:33: Pops froze spike ball - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 17695, 03:57:27: Pops froze Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (Velonasaur) Day 17695, 04:06:17: Pops froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 246 (Tropeognathus) Day 17695, 04:21:08: Pops froze Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 17695, 04:25:14: Pops froze Sid - Lvl 255 (Megatherium) Day 17695, 04:34:59: Pops froze bloodstalker - Lvl 251 (Velonasaur) Day 17695, 04:41:26: Pops froze liam - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur) Day 17695, 04:47:31: Pops froze grfith - Lvl 256 (Griffin) Day 17695, 04:55:09: Pops froze Leah - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops) Day 17695, 05:34:20: Pops froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur) Day 17695, 07:06:17: Pops claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17695, 08:52:12: Pops froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern) Day 17695, 15:07:40: Pops froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 234 (Basilosaurus) Day 17786, 06:33:10: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 222 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17786, 10:07:52: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 17920, 02:46:44: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 17929, 12:27:42: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 17954, 08:48:39: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 17978, 06:38:05: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 17978, 09:27:18: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 17978, 10:11:27: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17978, 11:29:34: Star Man claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 17978, 11:42:29: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 17978, 12:04:44: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 17987, 10:34:10: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17991, 23:30:25: Tribemember Pops - Lvl 157 was killed! Day 17992, 10:32:42: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 71 Day 17992, 10:41:18: Star Man uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 71 Day 17993, 02:37:48: Star Man downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 71 Day 18012, 17:24:06: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 20! Day 18022, 22:18:40: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 100! Day 18023, 12:01:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Ravager - Lvl 214 (Ravager)! Day 18023, 13:18:47: Star Man uploaded a Ravager: Ravager - Lvl 214 Day 18023, 13:25:24: Star Man uploaded a Tropical Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 85 Day 18023, 17:08:21: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 18067, 23:40:06: Star Man downloaded a dino: Röt - Lvl 119 Day 18068, 00:00:02: Star Man uploaded a Tek Stryder: Röt - Lvl 119 Day 18068, 01:22:42: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed! Day 18068, 02:52:12: Star Man downloaded a dino: Röt - Lvl 119 Day 18069, 04:40:42: Star Man froze Queen Of Argyll - Lvl 430 (Shadowmane) Day 18069, 14:08:01: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 25! Day 18295, 11:40:00: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18492, 10:01:48: Star Man uploaded a Fjordhawk: Wee Cait - Lvl 119 Day 18492, 11:05:58: Tribemember Star Man - Lvl 159 was killed! Day 18644, 09:30:18: Human - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FIA MIA - Lvl 179 (Phiomia)'! Day 18910, 15:22:58: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18958, 01:00:14: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19194, 08:54:22: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19241, 17:34:18: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19241, 17:34:18: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19478, 16:38:30: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19526, 02:43:12: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19991, 14:20:15: Abdul - Lvl 11 (Wakanda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 20165, 07:37:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20165, 07:37:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1720965404,"tribe":"Tribe of Henne logs":["Day 9832, 17:37:13: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9832, 17:37:13: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 9832, 21:44:58: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 50! Day 9833, 12:35:34: Henne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9833, 12:39:20: Henne claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9833, 12:39:55: Henne claimed 'skrápa - Lvl 233 (Raptor)'! Day 9833, 12:42:19: Henne claimed 'lexi - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus)'! Day 9833, 12:44:25: Henne claimed 'gríslingur - Lvl 191 (Raptor)'! Day 9833, 12:45:16: Henne claimed 'Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)'! Day 9833, 13:32:45: Henne claimed 'Homeboy - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon)'! Day 9834, 01:24:24: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 9834, 06:05:56: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 9835, 13:51:47: Henne Tamed a Rex - Lvl 82 (Rex)! Day 9835, 14:01:14: Henne froze Clara - Lvl 82 (Rex) Day 9835, 18:54:21: Your Dena - Lvl 273 (Desmodus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 9835, 18:55:42: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 9835, 21:44:59: Your Clara - Lvl 82 (Rex) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 100! Day 9836, 03:37:55: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 306 (Argentavis) Day 9836, 03:48:29: Henne froze Tammy - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex) Day 9836, 04:09:03: Henne froze Rita - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 9855, 06:19:35: Penny - Lvl 91 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 9855, 11:38:37: Henne froze Bella - Lvl 163 (Rex) Day 9855, 11:41:39: Henne froze Jon - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 9855, 11:59:02: Henne froze Hughy - Lvl 192 (Rex) Day 9855, 12:03:41: Henne froze lughy - Lvl 196 (Rex) Day 9855, 12:08:40: Henne froze Jeff - Lvl 201 (Rex) Day 9856, 19:06:26: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Gacha - Lvl 140! Day 9856, 23:43:46: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 9857, 00:51:50: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 333 (Shadowmane) Day 9857, 10:45:16: Henne Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)! Day 9857, 14:58:36: Henne Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 31 (Gacha)! Day 9858, 00:39:08: Henne claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha)'! Day 9858, 00:48:46: Henne froze Baby George - Lvl 86 (Gacha) Day 9858, 01:26:59: Henne froze Gogs - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 9858, 01:37:48: Henne froze Greta - Lvl 31 (Gacha) Day 9858, 01:42:43: Henne froze Hebe - Lvl 227 (Pteranodon) Day 9858, 01:53:57: Henne froze Bob - Lvl 233 (Raptor) Day 9858, 02:04:06: Henne froze Dennis - Lvl 146 (Deinonychus) Day 9858, 02:12:32: Henne froze Bill - Lvl 191 (Raptor) Day 9858, 02:22:47: Henne froze Dave - Lvl 117 (Deinonychus) Day 9858, 02:37:03: Henne froze Wez - Lvl 147 (Deinonychus) Day 9858, 08:01:07: Henne Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 26 (Daeodon)! Day 9858, 09:06:38: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 26 (Daeodon) Day 9858, 10:19:52: Henne froze Dana - Lvl 273 (Desmodus) Day 9858, 18:15:24: Henne Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 89 (Tek Rex)! Day 9858, 18:24:43: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 9858, 21:56:28: Henne froze Tammy - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex) Day 9858, 22:03:15: Henne froze Bru - Lvl 89 (Tek Rex) Day 9858, 23:21:59: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 81 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9859, 02:42:38: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9859, 09:11:03: Henne froze Dana - Lvl 273 (Desmodus) Day 9859, 09:19:24: Henne froze Adolescent Joe - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 9859, 09:30:49: Henne froze Adolescent Mike - Lvl 140 (Rex) Day 9859, 09:33:55: Henne froze Adolescent Hamma - Lvl 116 (Rex) Day 9859, 13:30:42: Henne froze Juvenile Yupo - Lvl 81 (Tek Rex) Day 9859, 15:59:59: Henne froze Juvenile Puri - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 9859, 16:10:50: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 34 (Daeodon) Day 9876, 15:55:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 81 (Daeodon)! Day 9876, 16:50:56: Henne Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 29 (Bulbdog)! Day 9877, 06:05:19: Henne claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 62 (Daeodon)'! Day 9877, 06:45:56: Your Baby dOT - Lvl 62 (Daeodon) was killed! Day 9877, 06:45:56: Baby dOT - Lvl 62 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 9877, 06:55:33: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 59 (Daeodon) Day 9877, 06:58:50: Henne froze Daeodon - Lvl 85 (Daeodon) Day 9877, 12:52:14: Henne froze Joe - Lvl 200 (Rex) Day 9877, 13:03:26: Henne froze Mike - Lvl 140 (Rex) Day 9878, 06:57:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 195 (Daeodon)! Day 9878, 08:52:28: Henne froze Yupo - Lvl 81 (Tek Rex) Day 9878, 09:00:36: Henne froze Puri - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 9878, 16:55:36: Henne claimed 'Juvenile Daeodon - Lvl 144 (Daeodon)'! Day 9878, 22:49:47: Henne froze Dotty - Lvl 87 (Daeodon) Day 9878, 22:55:03: Henne froze Molly - Lvl 196 (Daeodon) Day 9879, 00:49:19: Henne froze Juvenile Jenny - Lvl 144 (Daeodon) Day 9879, 00:58:16: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 60 (Daeodon) Day 9879, 08:02:47: Henne froze Tammy - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex) Day 9879, 13:50:45: Henne froze Beau - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) Day 9879, 14:23:17: Henne froze Flame - Lvl 288 (Argentavis) Day 9879, 17:26:28: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 9879, 17:31:47: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9879, 17:33:51: Your Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 9879, 19:29:17: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 45! Day 9879, 20:55:49: Your Dana - Lvl 275 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 9879, 21:20:24: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 9880, 00:36:40: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 9880, 05:01:48: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9880, 09:30:50: Henne froze fi - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 9880, 09:42:39: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 9880, 10:20:26: Henne froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9880, 12:29:05: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 9880, 13:45:12: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 9880, 15:31:17: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 9880, 18:11:53: Henne froze fi - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 9880, 20:04:24: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 9880, 23:45:45: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 9881, 02:58:08: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 55! Day 9881, 07:09:32: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 55! Day 9881, 15:44:12: Henne froze Taro - Lvl 145 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9881, 15:57:13: Henne froze Flame - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 9881, 16:15:54: Henne froze fi - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 9881, 16:33:23: Henne froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9881, 19:06:20: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 9891, 20:59:06: Henne froze Bru - Lvl 89 (Tek Rex) Day 9891, 22:20:41: Henne froze Hamma - Lvl 116 (Rex) Day 9892, 09:41:54: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 9892, 10:20:12: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 9892, 15:07:31: Henne froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9892, 18:08:31: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 9892, 20:02:26: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 90! Day 9893, 00:22:44: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 9893, 00:43:42: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 9893, 04:28:30: Henne claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9893, 15:26:50: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 9893, 17:50:02: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9893, 20:02:29: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 9893, 20:42:04: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 9894, 00:48:13: Henne froze Flame - Lvl 307 (Argentavis) Day 9894, 06:16:53: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 50 | 1.1x! Day 9894, 07:23:13: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 9894, 10:04:17: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 1.0x! Day 9894, 17:12:23: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9894, 19:59:13: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9894, 20:53:19: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 315 (Argentavis) Day 9895, 17:26:59: Henne froze Tammy - Lvl 125 (Tek Rex) Day 9898, 10:29:47: Henne froze Beau - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) Day 9898, 11:33:55: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 337 (Shadowmane) Day 9898, 13:57:33: Henne claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9899, 12:21:10: Henne Tamed an Aberrant Stegosaurus - Lvl 177 (Aberrant Stegosaurus)! Day 9899, 15:06:49: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 9899, 15:46:12: Henne froze Steph - Lvl 180 (Aberrant Stegosaurus) Day 9899, 18:46:20: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 9899, 21:32:36: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 55! Day 9900, 03:41:23: Henne froze Flame - Lvl 308 (Argentavis) Day 9900, 05:06:38: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 9900, 06:22:16: Your Steph - Lvl 182 (Aberrant Stegosaurus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 9900, 06:41:05: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 9900, 07:19:24: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 9900, 08:57:09: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 9900, 11:54:46: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 316 (Argentavis) Day 9900, 12:59:37: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 25! Day 9900, 17:12:59: Henne froze fi - Lvl 297 (Argentavis) Day 9900, 17:42:50: Henne froze Taro - Lvl 147 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9900, 18:11:01: Henne froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Poison Wyvern) Day 9900, 19:27:00: Henne froze Jayda - Lvl 325 (Shadowmane) Day 9900, 22:14:05: Henne demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 9901, 17:09:12: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 140 | 1.1x! Day 9901, 18:41:48: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 9901, 19:39:26: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 9902, 12:45:06: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 38 (Desmodus) Day 9902, 13:23:31: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 9902, 13:25:20: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 9902, 13:40:19: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 9902, 15:31:20: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus)! Day 9902, 17:19:38: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) Day 9902, 18:18:55: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 9902, 22:12:26: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9903, 22:45:24: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9904, 07:38:39: Henne claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)'! Day 9904, 07:51:21: Henne claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)'! Day 9904, 07:56:22: Henne claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 73 (Desmodus)'! Day 9904, 08:15:12: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) Day 9904, 08:29:09: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 9904, 08:44:08: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 38 (Desmodus) Day 9905, 07:08:26: Henne froze Adolescent Koko - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 9905, 07:13:57: Henne froze Jenny - Lvl 148 (Daeodon) Day 9905, 07:21:51: Henne froze Adolescent Romy - Lvl 73 (Desmodus) Day 9905, 07:30:43: Henne froze Adolescent Toto - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 9905, 07:37:09: Henne froze Molly - Lvl 233 (Daeodon) Day 9905, 07:50:04: Henne froze Adolescent Tiki - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 9905, 07:57:11: Henne froze Molly - Lvl 233 (Daeodon) Day 9905, 08:03:44: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 77 (Daeodon) Day 9905, 08:20:36: Henne froze Dotty - Lvl 121 (Daeodon) Day 9905, 08:24:13: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 77 (Daeodon) Day 9920, 16:18:17: Brutus - Lvl 268 (Spino) starved to death! Day 9921, 00:30:29: Henne froze Dotty - Lvl 132 (Daeodon) Day 9921, 00:38:32: Henne froze Blotto - Lvl 85 (Daeodon) Day 9921, 00:50:58: Henne froze Jenny - Lvl 174 (Daeodon) Day 9921, 01:25:40: Henne froze Molly - Lvl 245 (Daeodon) Day 9921, 11:42:47: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 9921, 12:14:34: Henne froze Ali - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus) Day 9922, 00:39:51: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 9922, 08:25:50: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 9923, 07:32:00: Henne froze P. Puri - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 9923, 07:37:45: Henne froze P. Tiki - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 9923, 07:45:53: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 9923, 08:08:49: Henne froze Romy - Lvl 75 (Desmodus) Day 9923, 08:23:52: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 9923, 08:42:01: Henne froze Koko - Lvl 33 (Desmodus) Day 9947, 07:28:34: Henne froze P. Tiki - Lvl 235 (Tek Rex) Day 9947, 07:34:02: Henne froze P. Puri - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 9947, 09:02:01: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9947, 10:23:56: Henne claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 9947, 14:27:30: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 169 (Desmodus) Day 9948, 13:23:01: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 341 (Shadowmane) Day 9948, 13:30:02: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 9948, 15:06:20: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 9949, 07:34:32: Henne froze Adolescent Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 9949, 07:43:28: Henne froze Adolescent Ziki - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 9949, 09:23:52: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Aberrant Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 9950, 03:15:00: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 9950, 10:07:53: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9950, 12:40:48: Your Desmodus - Lvl 171 (Desmodus) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 9950, 13:31:14: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 9950, 15:49:14: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 135! Day 9950, 16:22:45: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 9951, 03:38:32: Henne froze Kiki - Lvl 282 (Tek Rex) Day 9951, 03:47:11: Henne froze Ziki - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex) Day 9995, 20:26:43: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 9996, 08:10:24: Your Romy - Lvl 115 (Desmodus) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 9996, 08:10:24: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 9996, 09:59:16: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 342 (Shadowmane) Day 9996, 13:18:02: Henne froze Flame - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 9996, 15:51:10: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 9996, 17:26:09: Henne claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 9996, 19:29:09: Henne froze Simon - Lvl 207 (Sinomacrops) Day 10063, 06:36:02: Henne froze Simon - Lvl 267 (Sinomacrops) Day 10063, 14:26:02: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 98 (Desmodus) Day 10063, 18:52:08: Henne froze Tina - Lvl 296 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:10:13: Henne froze Cara - Lvl 295 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:14:36: Henne froze yo - Lvl 299 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:17:50: Henne froze Luther - Lvl 289 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:21:54: Henne froze Ivor - Lvl 300 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:31:15: Henne froze Millie - Lvl 308 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:34:43: Henne froze Coco - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:38:05: Henne froze Mina - Lvl 309 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:41:51: Henne froze Daisy - Lvl 176 (Yutyrannus) Day 10063, 19:46:08: Henne froze Copper - Lvl 302 (Rex) Day 10063, 19:59:15: Henne froze Yupo - Lvl 161 (Tek Rex) Day 10063, 20:03:35: Henne froze Bru - Lvl 170 (Tek Rex) Day 10063, 20:08:47: Henne froze Zara - Lvl 294 (Rex) Day 10063, 20:20:43: Henne froze Herbert - Lvl 303 (Rex) Day 10063, 23:39:20: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 309 (Argentavis) Day 10065, 10:10:12: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 10065, 12:06:36: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 99 (Desmodus) Day 10068, 07:20:42: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 99 (Desmodus) Day 10068, 07:30:21: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 10069, 14:10:20: Henne froze fi - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) Day 10069, 15:16:19: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 10069, 15:21:45: Henne unclaimed 'Debs - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10072, 03:32:25: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 10085, 09:46:58: Henne froze fi - Lvl 314 (Argentavis) Day 10085, 10:16:38: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 345 (Shadowmane) Day 10093, 23:50:10: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 311 (Argentavis) Day 10116, 14:25:25: Henne froze Andy - Lvl 154 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10117, 08:05:20: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 10118, 08:51:36: Henne froze Andy - Lvl 155 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10118, 12:19:28: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Aberrant Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 10120, 05:03:30: Henne Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 249 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 10120, 05:29:41: Henne froze wwwwwilma - Lvl 249 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 10120, 07:32:28: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 108 (Desmodus) Day 10120, 07:39:56: Henne froze Mani - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane) Day 10128, 02:24:07: Henne froze Chippy - Lvl 124 (Aberrant Doedicurus) Day 10128, 04:48:20: Henne claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 34 (Desmodus)'! Day 10128, 04:55:55: Henne claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 34 (Desmodus)'! Day 10128, 05:09:56: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 10128, 06:00:05: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) Day 10128, 11:00:14: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Aberrant Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.1x! Day 10128, 11:26:02: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Aberrant Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 10128, 14:29:04: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10129, 01:00:41: Juvenile Gopa - Lvl 34 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 10129, 01:01:11: Juvenile Topa - Lvl 34 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 10184, 12:13:15: Henne Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog)! Day 10184, 12:22:23: Henne froze Hilda - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) Day 10185, 04:10:31: Henne froze Andy - Lvl 155 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10185, 06:03:30: Henne froze Ali - Lvl 160 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10185, 07:21:52: Henne claimed 'Debs - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus)'! Day 10185, 08:09:33: Henne froze Dods - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus) Day 10185, 10:18:14: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 55! Day 10185, 12:00:45: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 10185, 17:29:19: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 10185, 20:18:36: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 140! Day 10185, 23:49:03: Henne froze Koko - Lvl 45 (Desmodus) Day 10186, 00:01:09: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) Day 10186, 01:21:11: Henne froze Andy - Lvl 155 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10186, 03:12:54: Henne froze Andy - Lvl 156 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10186, 03:27:40: Henne claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10217, 12:16:33: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10217, 12:16:33: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10217, 12:16:33: Your 'Wood Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10241, 00:25:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10241, 00:25:59: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10246, 04:35:07: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 117 (Desmodus) Day 10248, 04:39:41: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 117 (Desmodus) Day 10248, 16:06:32: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10248, 18:20:21: Henne froze Taro - Lvl 147 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10248, 18:44:32: Henne froze Terry - Lvl 303 (Therizinosaur) Day 10249, 03:37:00: Henne froze Taro - Lvl 161 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10249, 04:55:24: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 10249, 08:47:50: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 312 (Argentavis) Day 10249, 09:05:01: Henne froze Toto - Lvl 118 (Desmodus) Day 10264, 13:32:53: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10278, 11:29:56: Henne froze Doug - Lvl 247 (Dung Beetle) Day 10278, 11:40:18: Henne froze Hilda - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) Day 10278, 15:45:14: Henne froze Koko - Lvl 121 (Desmodus) Day 10382, 06:50:15: Your 'Medium Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10382, 06:50:15: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10405, 18:22:27: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10410, 02:06:26: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 10410, 08:07:42: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 10442, 07:25:59: Henne froze Zippy - Lvl 322 (Argentavis) Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10523, 12:04:27: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10547, 01:57:39: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10576, 06:10:47: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 130 (Desmodus) Day 10791, 01:27:39: Henne froze fi - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 10792, 08:04:37: Your Desmodus - Lvl 129 (Desmodus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 180! Day 10792, 08:13:21: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 10792, 08:13:21: Your Polly - Lvl 32 (Otter) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 10792, 11:14:25: Henne froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 152 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10792, 23:30:24: Henne froze Tango - Lvl 234 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 10792, 23:38:01: Henne froze Stan - Lvl 226 (Direwolf) Day 10793, 00:49:49: Henne froze Koko - Lvl 143 (Desmodus) Day 10793, 04:11:01: Henne froze Olly - Lvl 139 (Otter) Day 10798, 07:00:03: Henne froze fi - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 10799, 02:56:15: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 145! Day 10800, 03:19:41: Henne froze fi - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 10800, 04:35:46: Henne froze Koko - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) Day 10800, 13:25:41: Henne froze fi - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 10800, 20:20:56: Henne froze Koko - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) Day 10801, 06:11:50: Henne froze fi - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 10801, 10:32:21: Your Koko - Lvl 144 (Desmodus) was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 85! Day 10801, 10:45:51: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 10801, 18:25:09: Henne froze Argentavis - Lvl 285 (Argentavis) Day 10818, 16:09:51: Dotty - Lvl 143 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 10818, 16:09:51: Blotto - Lvl 93 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 10819, 15:00:15: Henne froze fi - Lvl 343 (Argentavis) Day 10819, 19:35:41: Henne Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 37 (Daeodon)! Day 10819, 20:24:44: Henne froze Blotto II - Lvl 37 (Daeodon) Day 10820, 17:30:03: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 131 (Desmodus) Day 10845, 19:51:50: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 10845, 21:10:55: Henne froze Mini - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 10846, 01:30:35: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 10846, 02:36:26: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 10846, 03:07:46: Jinky - Lvl 181 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 10846, 09:53:05: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 130! Day 10846, 10:15:00: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10846, 12:30:07: Your fi - Lvl 344 (Argentavis) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 10846, 12:50:57: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 50! Day 10846, 15:54:24: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 10846, 17:57:59: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10846, 19:40:40: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 15 | 1.1x! Day 10847, 05:10:08: Henne froze Mini - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 10876, 16:57:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10876, 16:57:12: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10880, 14:35:09: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 10880, 17:08:31: Henne froze Boho - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 10880, 20:21:26: Tribemember Henne - Lvl 112 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 95! Day 10880, 22:50:13: Henne froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10881, 07:51:23: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 10881, 10:23:25: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 10881, 14:39:50: Henne froze Boho - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 10881, 15:08:50: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10881, 15:12:51: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 15! Day 10881, 15:21:44: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 18 (Desmodus)! Day 10881, 15:22:38: Henne Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)! Day 10881, 18:31:48: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus) Day 10881, 18:40:17: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 18 (Desmodus) Day 10881, 19:04:28: Henne froze Mini - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 10883, 09:14:25: Henne froze Boho - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) Day 10887, 20:05:21: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 317 (Argentavis) Day 10888, 03:51:54: Henne froze Desmodus - Lvl 127 (Desmodus) Day 10910, 15:45:25: X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 146 (X-Dunkleosteus) starved to death! Day 10910, 21:49:31: Henne froze Bernie - Lvl 238 (Argentavis) Day 10940, 06:14:02: Henne froze Foley - Lvl 319 (Argentavis) Day 11112, 06:15:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11402, 09:27:29: Brock - Lvl 132 (Motley Crew - A Team) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11473, 05:54:29: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Lamp Post' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Omnidirectional Lamppost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11520, 19:45:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11628, 14:45:05: Chumby - Lvl 103 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11759, 20:59:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11807, 12:25:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11807, 12:25:39: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11807, 12:25:39: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11971, 19:31:25: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12043, 05:50:41: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12075, 07:57:30: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12114, 14:49:31: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12502, 09:29:26: Sir Elias Quinn - Lvl 138 (Vicking City) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13256, 16:53:19: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13648, 08:19:41: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sadie - Lvl 311 (Spino)'! Day 13648, 14:46:29: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sally - Lvl 262 (Spino)'! Day 13665, 14:28:59: Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vince - Lvl 198 (Sarco)'! Day 13868, 07:46:44: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sam - Lvl 177 (Spino)'! Day 13868, 08:04:54: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wilma - Lvl 311 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 17244, 07:13:48: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed!"] "tribeid":1713345907,"tribe":"NRU logs":["Day 380, 09:19:34: Maximus was added to the Tribe! Day 380, 09:21:10: Geoff was added to the Tribe by Maximus! Day 380, 09:23:17: Geoff was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Maximus! Day 380, 09:37:38: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 380, 09:46:32: Tribemember Geoff - Lvl 2 was killed! Day 380, 18:07:40: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 13 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 50! Day 380, 18:41:23: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 13 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 380, 19:38:29: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 380, 20:03:41: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 14 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 380, 23:53:51: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 381, 09:49:39: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 20 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 130! Day 381, 10:01:39: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 20 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 381, 10:09:23: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 20 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 85! Day 381, 10:20:06: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 20 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 381, 15:26:59: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 21 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 20! Day 381, 15:58:47: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 21 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 381, 16:56:53: Geoff demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 381, 17:14:41: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 381, 17:46:22: Your 'Thatch Door (Locked) (Pin Locked)' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:48:26: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:50:31: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:50:31: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:51:07: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:51:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:51:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 381, 17:56:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 381, 20:05:03: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 26 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 381, 20:17:23: Tribemember Geoff - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 381, 21:01:59: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 27 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 145! Day 381, 21:12:54: Tribemember Geoff - Lvl 29 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 399, 19:50:01: Maximus Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 260 (Tek Raptor)! Day 406, 00:52:03: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 406, 00:59:39: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:03:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:05:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:11:04: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:13:21: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:21:20: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:23:37: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:31:00: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:32:10: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:47:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 01:48:51: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was destroyed! Day 406, 04:14:16: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 406, 04:19:13: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 64 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 406, 04:29:37: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 406, 04:35:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 04:37:10: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 406, 05:12:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 455, 05:20:56: Tribemember Geoff - Lvl 58 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 140! Day 515, 08:11:29: Tribemember Maximus - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 636, 04:27:20: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 636, 04:41:02: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 636, 05:32:58: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 264 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 821, 10:04:59: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed!"] "tribeid":1708726643,"tribe":"Tortuga logs":["Day 715, 20:20:38: Burney was added to the Tribe! Day 715, 20:21:28: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 715, 21:43:06: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 715, 23:25:43: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 716, 00:06:23: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 716, 02:48:49: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 716, 04:24:45: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 9 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 15! Day 716, 06:27:29: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 9 was killed! Day 785, 07:10:29: Nay was added to the Tribe by Burney! Day 785, 11:56:28: Tribemember Nay - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 785, 13:12:12: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 785, 17:03:22: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 25 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 130! Day 785, 17:46:11: Tribemember Burney - Lvl 25 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 808, 09:39:05: Your Silver - Lvl 356 (Argentavis) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 999, 21:39:19: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 999, 21:39:23: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 999, 21:39:31: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 999, 21:39:38: Your 'Wood Floor' was destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1749, 15:39:36: Tribemember Nay - Lvl 1 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90!"] "tribeid":1708129799,"tribe":"Wakanda logs":["Day 19991, 05:06:17: Abdul was added to the Tribe! Day 19991, 05:09:01: Human was added to the Tribe by Abdul! Day 19991, 06:33:55: Tribemember Abdul - Lvl 5 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 19991, 07:09:15: Human was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Abdul! Day 19991, 09:00:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 7 was killed by Abdul - Lvl 7 (Wakanda)! Day 19991, 09:00:01: Your Tribe killed Human - Lvl 7 (Wakanda)! Day 19991, 09:43:19: Human demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 19991, 13:12:28: Abdul Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 89 (Moschops)! Day 19991, 14:20:15: Abdul claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19991, 17:52:25: Your Moschops - Lvl 99 (Moschops) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 20284, 18:05:32: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20284, 18:05:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20569, 02:15:54: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20569, 02:15:54: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1703749765,"tribe":"The Stream City logs":["Day 2655, 12:15:48: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 2655, 12:23:56: Sam Sam was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 2655, 12:38:07: Sam Sam froze Aerodactyl - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 2655, 14:38:48: Sam Sam Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus)! Day 2655, 14:43:16: Sam Sam froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 149 (Yutyrannus) Day 2655, 15:20:16: Human froze wyv - Lvl 243 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2655, 15:24:50: Human froze Crobat - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 2655, 15:49:45: Sam Sam froze Charizard - Lvl 115 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2655, 19:19:22: Human froze Crobat - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 2655, 23:17:19: Human Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl)! Day 2655, 23:26:36: Human froze Hedwig - Lvl 224 (Snow Owl) Day 2655, 23:30:38: Human demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 2655, 23:32:15: Human demolished a 'Stone Fence Foundation'! Day 2655, 23:54:01: Human froze wyv - Lvl 244 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2658, 21:34:51: Human froze wyv - Lvl 250 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)"] "tribeid":1697782577,"tribe":"MEME CLAN 69 logs":["Day 3881, 01:26:23: Big Hans was added to the Tribe! Day 3881, 01:38:35: FentJ was added to the Tribe by Big Hans! Day 3881, 02:31:46: FentJ claimed 'Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 3881, 04:19:53: Big Hans froze KeemStar - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3882, 04:34:12: FentJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 3882, 04:36:57: FentJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 3882, 04:39:56: FentJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 3882, 04:40:57: FentJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 3882, 04:44:28: FentJ Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 3882, 05:15:06: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:06: Your Tribe killed Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:09: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 3882, 05:15:09: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:09: Your Tribe killed Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 202 (Ichthyosaurus) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:09: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:09: Your Tribe killed Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:12: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 05:15:12: Your Tribe killed Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus) (MEME CLAN 69)! Day 3882, 07:56:52: FentJ froze Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3899, 10:44:33: Big Hans froze KeemStar - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3899, 14:41:05: Big Hans froze 1st Born - Lvl 325 (Managarmr) Day 3899, 14:46:22: Big Hans froze 1st Born - Lvl 325 (Managarmr) Day 3899, 15:50:38: Big Hans froze KeemStar - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3899, 22:42:39: Big Hans froze 1st Born - Lvl 326 (Managarmr) Day 3900, 00:54:16: Big Hans froze KeemStar - Lvl 238 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3964, 10:17:05: FentJ froze Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3965, 14:04:05: FentJ claimed '1436,397,182,351 - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon)'! Day 3965, 14:08:17: FentJ froze 1436,397,182,351 - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 3965, 15:24:22: FentJ froze Burnerd - Lvl 333 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3971, 07:26:47: Your Tribe Tamed a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (X-Ankylosaurus)! Day 3971, 07:48:13: Big Hans froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 202 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 3971, 07:57:25: Big Hans froze Burnerd - Lvl 334 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4111, 05:33:20: FentJ froze Burnerd - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4113, 23:55:03: Big Hans froze Burnerd - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4114, 02:24:46: Big Hans Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 4114, 02:32:40: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 140! Day 4114, 03:23:12: Big Hans Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 4114, 03:27:58: Big Hans froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 4114, 03:39:38: Big Hans Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 4114, 03:44:54: Big Hans froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 4114, 04:10:17: Big Hans Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 4114, 04:20:53: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 22 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 4114, 05:11:25: Big Hans Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 4114, 05:23:16: Big Hans Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 4114, 05:38:39: Big Hans froze Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 142 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 4114, 05:52:14: Big Hans froze Schnappi - Lvl 331 (Sarco) Day 4114, 06:50:40: Big Hans froze 1436,397,182,351 - Lvl 235 (Pteranodon) Day 4114, 09:59:03: Big Hans froze Burnerd - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4207, 20:09:12: Big Hans froze Rock Drake - Lvl 313 (Rock Drake) Day 4270, 07:47:13: FentJ froze Burnerd - Lvl 336 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4324, 14:18:06: Big Hans froze KeemStar - Lvl 244 (Fire Wyvern) Day 4324, 18:31:14: Big Hans claimed 'travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 4324, 18:42:08: Big Hans froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 116 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 4324, 22:41:57: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 355 (Maewing) Day 4348, 02:13:37: Big Hans froze trope 217 f - Lvl 319 (Tropeognathus) Day 5207, 13:56:06: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5289, 06:08:13: Big Hans froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 234 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5480, 22:46:52: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) Day 5481, 02:52:11: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) Day 5481, 03:44:50: Big Hans froze Imprint 5 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 5481, 10:58:22: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) Day 5481, 14:29:40: Big Hans froze Imprint 5 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 5481, 15:49:53: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) Day 5504, 14:13:41: Big Hans froze Maewing - Lvl 347 (Maewing) Day 5504, 18:36:23: Big Hans froze imprint 10 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) Day 5533, 02:56:35: Big Hans froze Maewing - Lvl 347 (Maewing) Day 5533, 03:32:59: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 5533, 04:12:06: Your Maewing - Lvl 347 (Maewing) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 5533, 08:57:08: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 5533, 09:34:37: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 5533, 09:57:08: Your imprint 10 - Lvl 374 (Tek Rex) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 5533, 10:10:03: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 5547, 08:59:05: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) Day 5547, 09:21:13: Big Hans froze Imprint 5 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 5550, 04:06:53: Big Hans froze Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) Day 5550, 09:57:10: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 5550, 10:37:48: Your Saddle - Lvl 363 (Maewing) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 5550, 15:34:58: Tribemember Big Hans - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 5550, 22:10:26: Big Hans froze Imprint 5 - Lvl 372 (Tek Rex) Day 5551, 01:00:09: Big Hans froze travello 2.0 - Lvl 244 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5551, 01:55:23: Big Hans froze Rock Drake - Lvl 321 (Rock Drake) Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6146, 22:50:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6146, 22:50:12: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6437, 14:25:04: Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 37 (Ichthyosaurus) starved to death! Day 6570, 19:13:31: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6641, 11:35:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6641, 11:35:19: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6641, 11:35:19: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1697457760,"tribe":"GoldenMilf logs":["Day 666, 05:41:01: Walast was added to the Tribe! Day 666, 06:52:24: Tribe of boullimique tribe was merged in by boullimique! Day 666, 06:52:24: boullimique was added to the Tribe by Walast! Day 666, 11:21:04: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 666, 11:32:57: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 16 was killed by a Pachy - Lvl 90! Day 666, 11:44:26: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 666, 12:19:25: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 16 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 666, 13:06:32: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 16 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 666, 13:33:17: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 666, 16:32:40: Walast demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 666, 16:33:40: Walast demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 666, 20:31:56: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 19 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 130! Day 666, 20:37:18: Tribemember Walast - Lvl 20 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 130! Day 667, 00:10:52: Walast demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 667, 02:32:23: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 22 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 95! Day 667, 05:18:58: denveste was added to the Tribe by Walast! Day 667, 08:05:32: Tribemember Walast - Lvl 27 was killed! Day 667, 08:31:00: denveste Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur)! Day 667, 08:45:51: Your Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 667, 11:59:43: denveste Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 126 (Dilophosaur)! Day 667, 19:12:47: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 667, 19:31:35: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 667, 20:21:37: Tribemember denveste - Lvl 24 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 55! Day 667, 21:12:23: Tribemember denveste - Lvl 24 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 55! Day 667, 22:24:37: Tribemember denveste - Lvl 24 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 667, 22:43:54: Tribemember Walast - Lvl 35 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 667, 22:56:02: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 20! Day 667, 23:05:26: Tribemember Walast - Lvl 35 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 667, 23:12:21: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 667, 23:39:44: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed! Day 668, 00:16:41: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 668, 01:37:08: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 30 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 90! Day 816, 05:33:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 875, 23:46:03: Walast Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 149 (Parasaur)! Day 995, 08:06:42: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 995, 08:06:42: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 995, 08:07:23: Your C'est Ma chose - Lvl 158 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 995, 08:13:17: Your kiki - Lvl 133 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 995, 08:15:42: Tribemember boullimique - Lvl 33 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 995, 08:16:17: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 995, 08:19:32: Tribemember denveste - Lvl 28 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1062, 14:24:57: Tribemember Walast - Lvl 42 was killed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1171, 08:11:39: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1696918300,"tribe":"SILENT SECTA logs":["Day 10280, 10:55:24: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 10:58:22: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:02:22: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:06:02: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:09:40: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:13:55: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:17:53: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:21:45: HUSH froze Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex) Day 10280, 11:50:51: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10280, 12:11:06: HUSH froze MBP - Lvl 97 (Gacha) Day 10280, 12:13:59: HUSH froze BP - Lvl 96 (Gacha) Day 10280, 12:18:07: HUSH froze PELA - Lvl 204 (Snow Owl) Day 10280, 12:21:40: HUSH froze PELA - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 10280, 12:25:13: HUSH froze PELA - Lvl 239 (Snow Owl) Day 10280, 12:28:43: HUSH froze H92 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 10280, 12:32:32: HUSH froze Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (Snow Owl) Day 10280, 12:36:08: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 342 (Snow Owl) Day 10280, 12:57:03: HUSH froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 256 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 12:59:48: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:02:32: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:05:19: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:08:47: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:27:29: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:30:21: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:36:18: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 134 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:40:06: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:43:20: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:53:32: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 13:56:17: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:01:16: HUSH froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:05:01: HUSH froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:08:32: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:12:09: HUSH froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:15:40: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:19:39: HUSH froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:23:19: HUSH froze F001 - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur) Day 10280, 14:33:40: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 16:10:52: HUSH froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 374 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 10280, 16:24:57: HUSH froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 126 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 16:39:30: HUSH froze X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 379 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 10280, 16:43:49: HUSH froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 363 (Basilosaurus) Day 10280, 16:50:51: HUSH froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 37 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 16:55:16: HUSH froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 126 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 17:04:10: HUSH froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 226 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 17:07:40: HUSH froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 126 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 17:18:15: HUSH froze 178/246 - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 17:26:17: HUSH froze 221/290 - Lvl 202 (Tusoteuthis) Day 10280, 17:53:54: HUSH froze Megachelon [Clone] - Lvl 294 (Megachelon) Day 10280, 18:01:45: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 375 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 18:08:13: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 362 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 18:12:15: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 18:43:10: HUSH uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 157 Day 10280, 18:57:20: HUSH downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 157 Day 10280, 19:13:37: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 82 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:19:19: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:22:08: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 233 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:30:52: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 311 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:37:50: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 195 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:41:31: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 234 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:44:56: HUSH froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10280, 19:53:44: HUSH froze Rex - Lvl 64 (Rex) Day 10280, 20:02:23: HUSH uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 176 Day 10280, 20:12:18: HUSH downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 176 Day 10280, 20:50:12: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10280, 21:38:00: HUSH claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 376 (Maewing)'! Day 10280, 21:47:51: HUSH unclaimed 'Maewing - Lvl 376 (Maewing)'! Day 10280, 23:14:38: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10280, 23:24:20: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis)'! Day 10280, 23:31:17: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10280, 23:32:06: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10280, 23:32:48: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10280, 23:37:00: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis) Day 10280, 23:45:51: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10280, 23:51:54: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10280, 23:53:41: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10280, 23:57:19: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10280, 23:58:42: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 00:02:07: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 00:04:47: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 00:08:19: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 00:13:23: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 00:15:11: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 00:18:48: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10281, 00:24:22: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis) Day 10281, 00:33:27: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 00:36:56: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis) Day 10281, 00:47:34: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 00:55:53: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10281, 01:02:20: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10281, 01:03:36: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 01:07:23: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 01:58:14: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 02:00:20: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 02:03:49: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 02:11:49: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 02:13:07: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 02:19:04: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 02:24:39: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10281, 02:25:30: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 02:32:43: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10281, 02:53:26: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 02:56:42: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:05:47: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 03:11:21: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:12:52: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 03:16:29: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:20:25: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:21:51: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 03:29:51: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:31:15: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 03:35:30: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:44:10: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:47:24: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 03:52:10: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 03:57:20: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:03:20: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:08:05: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:18:42: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 04:22:03: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:25:49: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:37:03: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:39:52: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 04:44:43: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:45:34: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 04:48:52: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:49:49: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 214 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 04:56:11: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 214 (Ovis) Day 10281, 04:59:01: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 05:05:56: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis) Day 10281, 05:11:13: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis) Day 10281, 05:16:09: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis) Day 10281, 05:22:46: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10281, 05:29:01: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10281, 06:22:47: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 06:25:41: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 06:31:35: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 06:36:23: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 06:42:31: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 06:49:32: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 06:56:34: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:00:47: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:06:54: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:10:37: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:18:03: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:26:56: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:35:50: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:51:04: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 07:59:33: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:02:19: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:12:05: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 232 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:18:07: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:21:59: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:27:35: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:31:08: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:38:18: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:48:13: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 08:54:29: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:00:12: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:05:52: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:19:24: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:22:55: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:27:29: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:35:12: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:40:24: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:44:59: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:48:49: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:57:22: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 09:57:48: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:10:22: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:14:24: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:21:13: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:24:35: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:29:57: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:33:40: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:36:51: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:50:26: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 10:51:08: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:01:29: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:07:00: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:10:44: HUSH froze Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis) Day 10281, 11:15:43: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:20:12: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:28:01: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:34:39: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:39:21: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:48:07: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:51:36: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 11:55:27: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:04:17: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:06:42: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:09:43: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:12:28: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:15:03: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 214 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:20:23: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:29:50: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:33:04: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:39:08: HUSH claimed 'Juvenile Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:41:01: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:47:43: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:51:11: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 12:59:31: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 13:03:16: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis)'! Day 10281, 13:12:08: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:14:59: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:18:08: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:21:22: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:24:37: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:28:08: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:31:31: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:35:02: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:38:49: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:41:39: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:53:48: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:56:42: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 214 (Ovis) Day 10281, 13:59:32: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:02:56: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:06:36: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 214 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:09:51: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 212 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:13:04: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:16:21: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:19:29: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:22:49: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 10281, 14:31:18: HUSH claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 376 (Maewing)'! Day 10288, 02:48:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10288, 02:48:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10325, 14:58:57: Phiomia - Lvl 182 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 10325, 16:36:53: HUSH froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 125 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10325, 16:40:38: HUSH froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 145 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10325, 16:44:08: HUSH froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10325, 16:58:44: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:01:46: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:04:48: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:08:12: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:11:46: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 173 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:15:27: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 144 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:24:00: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:26:42: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:30:25: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:34:06: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10325, 17:37:46: HUSH froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Poison Wyvern) Day 10393, 19:37:36: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 253 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10393, 21:36:48: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 164 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10393, 21:46:36: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 275 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10397, 06:45:56: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 375 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10397, 07:51:41: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 375 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10397, 13:16:08: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:23:27: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:26:30: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 232 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:29:17: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:33:34: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:36:21: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:39:18: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:43:08: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 236 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:45:58: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:49:26: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 13:58:46: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:01:36: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:04:41: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:07:31: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:10:48: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:14:01: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:17:37: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:20:19: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:23:12: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:26:05: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:36:20: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:39:59: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:42:55: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:46:42: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:51:32: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:55:15: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 14:58:16: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:01:57: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:06:00: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:09:26: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:19:38: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:22:41: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:25:32: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:29:03: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 222 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:32:43: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:35:30: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 220 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:38:48: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:42:25: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:45:57: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10397, 15:49:19: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:00:45: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:04:06: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:07:29: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:10:25: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:13:42: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:16:37: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:19:23: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:24:03: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 234 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:27:59: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:31:18: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:41:43: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 226 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:44:32: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:47:27: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 223 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:50:20: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 213 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:53:56: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 232 (Ovis) Day 10397, 16:57:37: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:00:53: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:04:31: HUSH froze Maewing - Lvl 376 (Maewing) Day 10397, 17:09:26: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:13:00: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:15:44: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 227 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:32:13: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:35:04: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:38:09: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 221 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:41:32: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:44:48: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:48:41: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:52:07: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 219 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:55:51: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 241 (Ovis) Day 10397, 17:58:35: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 217 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:01:34: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:10:46: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 215 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:13:39: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:16:32: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:19:38: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 216 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:22:46: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 18:59:27: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10397, 19:02:22: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 229 (Ovis) Day 10397, 19:05:38: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 19:09:59: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 224 (Ovis) Day 10397, 19:13:40: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis) Day 10397, 19:17:49: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 225 (Ovis) Day 10397, 19:22:26: HUSH claimed 'Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis)'! Day 10397, 19:28:05: HUSH froze Ovis - Lvl 218 (Ovis) Day 10397, 20:14:30: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10397, 20:26:42: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10398, 11:49:57: HUSH froze Phiomia - Lvl 293 (Phiomia) Day 10398, 17:19:05: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10398, 18:34:43: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10398, 19:34:17: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10443, 15:16:45: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 15:20:00: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 178 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 15:23:09: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 15:39:33: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 15:43:21: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 15:47:43: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 331 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 16:09:02: HUSH froze HH - Lvl 342 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 17:36:25: HUSH claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 10443, 17:39:18: HUSH froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 17:49:10: HUSH claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 10443, 17:52:35: HUSH froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10443, 18:13:28: HUSH claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10443, 18:16:44: HUSH froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10443, 18:44:54: HUSH claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 10443, 18:48:21: HUSH froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10516, 12:20:40: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 172 was killed! Day 10561, 06:08:08: HUSH froze H1 - Lvl 376 (Giganotosaurus) Day 10607, 12:01:45: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10607, 12:07:43: HUSH froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10607, 12:11:09: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 163 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10607, 12:14:52: HUSH froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 10699, 15:01:52: HUSH froze Managarmr - Lvl 308 (Managarmr) Day 10793, 10:27:44: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10793, 11:04:01: HUSH froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 454 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10793, 11:18:47: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 292 (Desmodus) Day 10794, 06:00:28: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 172 was killed! Day 10794, 06:35:29: HUSH froze Juvenile Rhyniognatha - Lvl 47 (Rhyniognatha) Day 10794, 07:18:35: HUSH froze HUSH - Lvl 185 (Rhyniognatha) Day 10842, 20:39:34: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10903, 13:14:18: HUSH froze 18/350 - Lvl 351 (Basilosaurus) Day 10903, 15:41:43: HUSH froze 18/350 - Lvl 352 (Basilosaurus) Day 11009, 04:07:59: HUSH froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11080, 03:34:11: HUSH froze BD - Lvl 333 (Desmodus) Day 11261, 18:16:23: HUSH froze 18/350 - Lvl 352 (Basilosaurus) Day 11657, 07:08:16: 36F33 - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 11669, 10:25:59: Damirox - Lvl 114 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GNRL - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11669, 10:27:52: Damirox - Lvl 114 (People's Tribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame '27/70/29 - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 11669, 13:04:36: Tribemember General - Lvl 128 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'BOSS - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'BOSS - Lvl 158 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'BOSS - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 403 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 404 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'BOSS - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's '36F33 - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's '34F33 - Lvl 170 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Pelagornis - Lvl 142 (Pelagornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 147 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'HUSH - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Poison Wyvern - Lvl 104 (Poison Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Hesperornis [Clone] - Lvl 64 (Hesperornis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 140 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Tek Quetzal - Lvl 226 (Tek Quetzal)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 196 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'BOSS - Lvl 303 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 233 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11748, 22:55:18: 's 'Ovis - Lvl 230 (Ovis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 11752, 15:55:22: Tribemember PEPSI - Lvl 129 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 11787, 15:57:54: Tribemember HUSH - Lvl 172 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1693358111,"tribe":"Tibu de babyoda logs":["Day 2297, 04:20:20: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 102 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 2297, 14:41:33: RINOSHIELD was added to the Tribe by SilverThom! Day 2298, 07:11:36: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 230! Day 2298, 07:15:01: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 86 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 230! Day 2298, 07:15:02: Your banana - Lvl 54 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 230! Day 2298, 07:45:47: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 130! Day 2298, 10:46:11: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 2298, 11:49:06: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 145! Day 2298, 12:27:51: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 2298, 13:06:34: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 87 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2298, 13:06:34: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2298, 13:50:46: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by odin - Lvl 96 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2298, 13:50:46: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2298, 14:03:03: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by odin - Lvl 96 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2298, 14:03:03: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2298, 15:06:27: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by a Paraceratherium - Lvl 140! Day 2298, 17:13:20: SMOKE Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 126 (Kairuku)! Day 2298, 17:47:01: odin Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 69 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 2299, 09:30:01: Tribemember odin - Lvl 97 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 15! Day 2299, 11:09:28: SilverThom Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 192 (Kairuku)! Day 2299, 14:03:41: Tribemember odin - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 2299, 18:36:37: odin Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 89 (Direwolf)! Day 2299, 19:42:40: SilverThom demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 2299, 20:17:16: Tribemember odin - Lvl 97 was killed! Day 2299, 20:30:22: Your Kirikou - Lvl 192 (Kairuku) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 50! Day 2300, 00:29:01: SMOKE Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 197 (Sabertooth)! Day 2300, 02:48:08: Your Sabertooth - Lvl 198 (Sabertooth) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 55! Day 2300, 06:20:06: SMOKE demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2300, 07:00:35: SMOKE demolished a 'Wood Ceiling'! Day 2300, 07:25:38: Your kinder pinguin - Lvl 130 (Kairuku) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 50! Day 2300, 07:39:07: Your Direwolf - Lvl 93 (Direwolf) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 2300, 09:28:34: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 2300, 11:36:46: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2300, 12:44:39: odin Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 23 (Direwolf)! Day 2300, 13:17:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Direwolf - Lvl 37 (Direwolf)! Day 2300, 13:43:44: SMOKE Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 22 (Sabertooth)! Day 2300, 20:28:56: Hermite Mandrill was promoted to a Tribe Admin by SilverThom! Day 2300, 21:20:09: odin claimed 'Baby Direwolf - Lvl 35 (Direwolf)'! Day 2300, 22:34:42: Your Baby Direwolf - Lvl 35 (Direwolf) was killed! Day 2300, 22:34:42: Baby Direwolf - Lvl 35 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 2300, 23:31:43: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 2300, 23:35:37: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 213 (Argentavis)'! Day 2301, 01:01:35: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 2301, 01:06:36: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by odin - Lvl 97 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2301, 01:06:36: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2301, 03:38:31: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 2301, 04:50:42: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 150! Day 2301, 06:44:41: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 150! Day 2301, 07:09:30: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 2301, 07:40:41: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 50! Day 2301, 08:58:23: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 55! Day 2302, 03:54:49: Your Haribo - Lvl 85 (Raptor) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 140! Day 2302, 05:50:53: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 2302, 10:42:19: SilverThom demolished a 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection'! Day 2302, 10:44:28: SilverThom demolished a 'Medium Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 2309, 17:30:06: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 88 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 2311, 05:07:32: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 90 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 140! Day 2311, 17:18:10: Hermite Mandrill Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 201 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 2311, 21:39:17: SMOKE Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 22 (Griffin)! Day 2311, 21:42:44: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 was killed by Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 105 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2311, 21:42:44: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2312, 00:32:46: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 2312, 01:31:28: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 95 (Argentavis)'! Day 2312, 03:22:40: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 91 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 2312, 06:41:58: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2312, 06:47:21: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 2312, 06:56:08: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 2312, 07:04:41: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2312, 07:43:23: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2312, 10:21:18: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2312, 10:30:48: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2312, 11:51:11: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 91 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 2312, 13:37:46: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 91 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 2312, 14:47:25: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2312, 15:51:29: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 106 was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 20! Day 2312, 18:10:17: SMOKE Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 112 (Sabertooth)! Day 2312, 22:44:04: RINOSHIELD Tamed a Rex - Lvl 65 (Rex)! Day 2313, 02:23:11: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2313, 02:26:15: SMOKE claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 65 (Sabertooth)'! Day 2313, 05:53:10: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed! Day 2313, 17:56:58: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 2313, 18:59:54: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 2314, 09:40:51: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 93 was killed! Day 2318, 06:04:07: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2318, 06:04:07: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 94 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2318, 22:34:55: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 107 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 15! Day 2319, 11:14:11: Hermite Mandrill Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing)! Day 2319, 12:45:25: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 108 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 135! Day 2319, 14:05:49: Your DrLaWeed - Lvl 38 (Maewing) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2319, 22:53:19: SilverThom Tamed a Terror Bird - Lvl 135 (Terror Bird)! Day 2320, 17:13:51: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 108 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 85! Day 2320, 18:10:02: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 2320, 18:22:33: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2320, 18:24:55: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2320, 18:25:52: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2320, 18:26:55: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:27:55: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:45:56: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:47:18: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:48:28: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:49:28: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:50:25: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:51:17: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:52:44: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2320, 18:57:09: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2343, 18:07:59: SilverThom claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 110 (Argentavis)'! Day 2343, 19:23:10: Your Baby Argentavis - Lvl 110 (Argentavis) was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 93 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2343, 19:23:10: Your Tribe killed Baby Argentavis - Lvl 110 (Argentavis) (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2343, 23:24:03: SMOKE claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 61 (Sabertooth)'! Day 2344, 00:42:29: SMOKE claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth)'! Day 2344, 01:47:29: Your Baby enculé - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth) was killed! Day 2344, 01:47:29: Baby enculé - Lvl 66 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 2344, 05:37:53: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 97 was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 94 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2344, 05:37:53: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 97 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2344, 06:02:58: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 97 was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 94 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2344, 06:02:58: Your Tribe killed RINOSHIELD - Lvl 97 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2344, 17:58:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was destroyed! Day 2344, 18:18:17: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2344, 18:19:40: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2344, 18:20:55: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2344, 18:24:56: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:25:56: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:26:43: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:27:39: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:28:30: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:29:45: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:30:27: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:31:21: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:32:08: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:33:02: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:33:48: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:34:38: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2344, 18:35:35: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2344, 18:36:35: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2344, 18:38:53: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2344, 18:39:56: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2344, 19:09:15: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2344, 21:26:43: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 2345, 12:10:03: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 97 was killed by a Thylacoleo - Lvl 25! Day 2345, 15:19:28: RINOSHIELD Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 22 (Maewing)! Day 2366, 02:18:03: SMOKE claimed 'Baby Sabertooth - Lvl 49 (Sabertooth)'! Day 2366, 07:19:17: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 2366, 07:22:16: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 2366, 07:26:17: odin claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 231 (Argentavis)'! Day 2366, 17:47:14: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 2366, 18:03:40: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 98 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 95! Day 2366, 18:23:55: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 98 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 15! Day 2366, 18:58:39: Your Red dot - Lvl 280 (Argentavis) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 2366, 19:20:23: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 98 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 2366, 19:49:28: Your grande plume - Lvl 81 (Griffin) was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 95 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2366, 19:49:28: Your Tribe killed grande plume - Lvl 81 (Griffin) (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2366, 19:52:01: Tribemember SMOKE - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 2366, 20:15:56: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 98 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 120! Day 2366, 21:26:23: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 113 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 85! Day 2366, 23:03:28: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 98 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 100! Day 2367, 00:17:06: Tribemember odin - Lvl 99 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 2367, 00:50:10: Tribemember RINOSHIELD - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 2367, 04:24:34: RINOSHIELD was removed from the Tribe by Hermite Mandrill! Day 2367, 08:15:51: SilverThom demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 2367, 08:17:04: SilverThom demolished a 'Sloped Thatch Roof'! Day 2367, 11:04:51: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 108 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 85! Day 2367, 11:58:18: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 11:59:07: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 15:25:16: SMOKE Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 149 (Griffin)! Day 2367, 17:25:46: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2367, 17:26:56: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2367, 17:28:01: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2367, 17:29:07: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2367, 17:30:04: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 2367, 17:30:57: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:31:46: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:32:35: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:33:26: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:34:17: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:35:03: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:36:14: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:37:01: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:37:50: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:38:37: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:39:29: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:40:18: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:41:02: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:41:45: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2367, 17:43:27: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2367, 17:44:52: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 2367, 19:08:11: SilverThom demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 2369, 03:59:17: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 115 was killed by SMOKE - Lvl 95 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2369, 03:59:17: Your Tribe killed SilverThom - Lvl 115 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2413, 22:32:28: SMOKE was removed from the Tribe by SilverThom! Day 2414, 01:33:42: Tribemember SilverThom - Lvl 115 was killed by Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 112 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2414, 01:33:42: Your Tribe killed SilverThom - Lvl 115 (Tibu de babyoda)! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2450, 01:45:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2509, 09:21:56: lemings - Lvl 36 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2521, 02:05:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2592, 02:02:55: Your 'Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2634, 12:40:54: jean jack le tueur - Lvl 56 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2710, 10:46:32: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2749, 20:55:15: dutch - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 2778, 18:18:42: Tribemember odin - Lvl 99 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2899, 16:44:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2910, 18:05:16: dark knight - Lvl 56 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2956, 08:45:12: hot breathe - Lvl 47 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 2984, 20:03:15: Astral Jotenson - Lvl 3 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2989, 14:07:18: plais noire - Lvl 46 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 2989, 14:07:21: el profesor - Lvl 72 (Sabertooth) starved to death! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wooden Cage' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3003, 16:52:55: cold breathe - Lvl 61 (Direwolf) starved to death! Day 3032, 15:32:25: micah - Lvl 231 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 3032, 15:53:21: JE PIQUE - Lvl 100 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 3057, 11:03:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'locki - Lvl 163 (Griffin)'! Day 3057, 11:05:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'churos - Lvl 255 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:06:19: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pablo Escabot - Lvl 260 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:06:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Arlequin - Lvl 83 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:07:47: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'choucroute la pute - Lvl 277 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:09:23: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Froot Loop - Lvl 275 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:10:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 120 (Triceratops)'! Day 3057, 11:12:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bitcoin - Lvl 131 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3057, 11:12:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dent de sabre - Lvl 84 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3057, 11:13:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Couille - Lvl 231 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 3057, 11:13:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'coco shanelle - Lvl 52 (Sabertooth)'! Day 3057, 11:17:04: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'red burn - Lvl 236 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:17:35: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'flocon - Lvl 271 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:18:00: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'neige - Lvl 259 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:20:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'frosties - Lvl 112 (Argentavis)'! Day 3057, 11:23:51: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jean morice - Lvl 106 (Woolly Rhino)'! Day 3057, 11:36:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'café - Lvl 234 (Argentavis)'! Day 3259, 15:10:08: Human - Lvl 85 (Family) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'griffon d'or - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 3261, 16:28:43: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'screamer - Lvl 87 (Rex)'! Day 3261, 16:29:51: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terror Bird - Lvl 147 (Terror Bird)'! Day 3261, 16:30:22: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pique qui pique - Lvl 96 (Kentrosaurus)'! Day 3261, 18:23:17: jaxs - Lvl 123 (Tribe of jaxs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'hoth - Lvl 290 (Argentavis)'! Day 3287, 10:11:37: Squidster - Lvl 121 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'miller - Lvl 105 (Argentavis)'! Day 3287, 10:15:07: Squidster - Lvl 121 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'john - Lvl 128 (Argentavis)'! Day 3287, 15:15:56: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3300, 09:00:15: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3445, 23:17:05: NiBanNeko - Lvl 121 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 3456, 23:42:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3456, 23:42:53: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3456, 23:42:53: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3456, 23:42:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3512, 03:27:50: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7121, 16:42:03: Tribemember Hermite Mandrill - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1692927475,"tribe":"The Republik logs":["Day 189, 01:37:52: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 255 (Allosaurus) Day 189, 01:48:50: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Allowaru - Lvl 353 (Allosaurus) Day 189, 02:48:37: Jeje froze Rock Drake - Lvl 256 (Rock Drake) Day 189, 02:59:29: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 09:18:21: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Allokallo - Lvl 375 (Allosaurus) Day 189, 09:21:18: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Allosaurus - Lvl 255 (Allosaurus) Day 189, 09:24:29: Jeje froze Rock Drake - Lvl 256 (Rock Drake) Day 189, 09:25:44: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 290 (Allosaurus) Day 189, 09:30:36: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Allowaru - Lvl 353 (Allosaurus) Day 189, 09:34:46: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 09:56:37: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 10:00:38: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 10:09:46: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 10:27:19: Jeje froze Rock Drake - Lvl 256 (Rock Drake) Day 189, 11:08:52: Jeje froze Rock Drake - Lvl 256 (Rock Drake) Day 189, 11:10:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 11:50:27: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 99 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 189, 12:37:31: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 99 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 189, 13:07:25: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 16:22:55: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 17:17:19: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 189, 19:50:22: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 189, 20:46:15: Jeje froze Rock Drake - Lvl 257 (Rock Drake) Day 189, 22:11:14: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 189, 23:04:48: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 204 (R-Snow Owl) Day 190, 04:01:48: Mensch froze Iggo - Lvl 192 (Iguanodon) Day 190, 04:26:12: Mensch froze Rapti (Blaku) - Lvl 173 (Raptor) Day 190, 04:34:47: Mensch froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 190, 04:39:26: Mensch froze Para - Lvl 163 (Tek Parasaur) Day 190, 04:43:57: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 233, 22:46:09: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (R-Snow Owl) Day 233, 23:30:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 212 (R-Snow Owl) Day 234, 01:22:47: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 290 (Allosaurus) Day 234, 03:31:09: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 234, 04:38:22: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn)! Day 234, 04:43:09: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn) Day 234, 05:11:24: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn)! Day 234, 05:16:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 217 (Shinehorn) Day 234, 05:26:17: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 290 (Allosaurus) Day 234, 06:49:22: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 218 (Shinehorn) Day 234, 06:53:13: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze ShineH - Lvl 219 (Shinehorn) Day 234, 07:59:32: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 234, 11:29:50: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 234, 14:58:25: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 291 (Allosaurus) Day 234, 18:55:40: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 234, 21:32:47: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a Roll Rat - Lvl 160 (Roll Rat)! Day 234, 21:41:14: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Roll Rat - Lvl 160 (Roll Rat) Day 234, 22:06:49: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 292 (Allosaurus) Day 235, 00:49:29: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 235, 14:32:21: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 164 (Roll Rat) Day 235, 18:19:59: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 22 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 235, 18:36:13: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 22 (Andrewsarchus) Day 235, 18:45:33: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 235, 21:24:53: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 22 (Andrewsarchus) Day 236, 01:58:46: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Gewichtus (Jeje,Luca) - Lvl 417 (Argentavis) Day 236, 08:46:41: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze ShineH - Lvl 226 (Shinehorn) Day 236, 08:49:20: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 218 (Shinehorn) Day 236, 10:02:11: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 26 (Andrewsarchus) Day 236, 10:07:12: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 168 (Roll Rat) Day 237, 04:34:49: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 171 (Roll Rat) Day 276, 19:17:45: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Paraceratherium - Lvl 69 (Paraceratherium) Day 276, 19:26:00: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 210 (Roll Rat) Day 276, 20:35:55: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze ShineH - Lvl 267 (Shinehorn) Day 276, 20:40:49: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Shinehorn - Lvl 218 (Shinehorn) Day 276, 21:00:44: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 292 (Allosaurus) Day 276, 23:45:35: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 214 (R-Snow Owl) Day 277, 00:02:22: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze dmg - Lvl 293 (Allosaurus) Day 277, 09:38:28: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 210 (Roll Rat) Day 277, 10:07:54: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 71 (Andrewsarchus) Day 279, 00:24:56: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 279, 01:38:39: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 234 (Argentavis) Day 279, 10:00:02: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 279, 16:07:55: Mensch froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex) Day 279, 16:11:03: Mensch froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex) Day 279, 16:13:51: Mensch froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 282, 18:21:52: Mensch froze Juvenile Tek Rex - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex) Day 298, 05:48:24: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 208 (Velonasaur)! Day 298, 05:53:44: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 208 (Velonasaur) Day 298, 12:09:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Thorny Dragon - Lvl 23 (Thorny Dragon)! Day 298, 12:26:16: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 23 (Thorny Dragon) Day 298, 16:13:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 23 (Thorny Dragon) Day 298, 16:37:15: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 222 (Velonasaur) Day 298, 17:19:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 23 (Thorny Dragon) Day 298, 19:28:50: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 223 (Velonasaur) Day 298, 20:08:58: Jeje froze Voidy - Lvl 278 (Voidwyrm) Day 299, 01:52:46: Jeje froze Voidy - Lvl 278 (Voidwyrm) Day 299, 06:20:50: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 27 (Thorny Dragon) Day 299, 15:39:19: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 242 (Velonasaur) Day 300, 05:34:15: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 242 (Velonasaur) Day 300, 08:33:07: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 300, 16:40:41: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 245 (Velonasaur) Day 300, 17:36:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 151 (Tek Rex)! Day 300, 18:09:03: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 300, 20:05:28: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 134 (Griffin)! Day 300, 20:19:25: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 301, 02:03:28: Mensch froze Griffin - Lvl 146 (Griffin) Day 301, 05:18:19: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 155 (Tek Rex) Day 301, 05:55:56: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 156 (Tek Rex) Day 301, 06:15:38: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 301, 06:29:27: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Thorny Dragon - Lvl 35 (Thorny Dragon) Day 301, 17:00:28: Jeje Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 87 (Griffin)! Day 301, 17:47:35: Jeje froze Commander Cody - Lvl 261 (Rock Drake) Day 301, 18:28:38: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 283 (Velonasaur) Day 302, 23:06:29: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 286 (Velonasaur) Day 304, 00:04:43: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 109 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 304, 00:05:35: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 304, 05:57:31: Jeje froze Captain Rex - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex) Day 304, 07:10:08: Jeje froze Commander Cody - Lvl 261 (Rock Drake) Day 304, 08:33:35: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 118 (Brontosaurus) Day 304, 09:06:20: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 160 (Tek Rex) Day 304, 10:07:02: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 304, 10:16:55: Jeje froze Captain Rex - Lvl 369 (Tek Rex) Day 304, 12:18:21: Jeje froze Spinodino - Lvl 102 (Spino) Day 304, 15:16:34: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 248 (Argentavis) Day 304, 18:56:34: Jeje froze Commander Havoc - Lvl 112 (Griffin) Day 304, 19:54:55: Mensch froze Griffin - Lvl 164 (Griffin) Day 304, 19:58:00: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 22 (R-Giganotosaurus)! Day 304, 20:17:36: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 22 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 304, 21:11:54: Jeje froze R-Reaper King - Lvl 173 (R-Reaper King) Day 304, 21:19:07: Jeje froze Giganotosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 173 (Giganotosaurus) Day 304, 22:48:54: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 24 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 305, 03:10:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 36 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 305, 06:52:40: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Pizza - Lvl 267 (R-Reaper King) Day 305, 09:32:08: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 65 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 305, 11:50:03: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 81 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 306, 13:55:40: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 81 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 306, 15:09:44: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 286 (Velonasaur) Day 306, 15:27:54: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 163 (Tek Rex) Day 307, 12:19:39: Your Griffin - Lvl 164 (Griffin) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 307, 18:21:34: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 118 (Brontosaurus) Day 308, 17:19:48: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:20:22: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:21:19: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:21:58: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:23:20: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:24:03: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:27:12: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:28:07: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:29:29: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 17:30:14: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 308, 19:55:52: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 308, 19:56:38: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 308, 19:57:23: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 309, 07:25:30: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 309, 11:00:36: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 309, 11:02:12: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 322, 01:05:28: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 322, 06:07:17: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 322, 07:15:06: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 84 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 322, 08:45:34: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 326, 12:38:53: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 249 (Argentavis) Day 327, 15:32:15: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 330, 07:20:13: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Ammo Box (Locked) '! Day 330, 08:32:57: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon) Day 333, 01:13:05: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 333, 01:30:59: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Wood Signpost'! Day 333, 01:32:55: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 333, 01:33:46: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 333, 06:21:15: Jeje froze Pizza - Lvl 267 (R-Reaper King) Day 333, 10:26:27: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 221 (Roll Rat) Day 333, 16:32:18: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 168 (Tek Rex) Day 334, 00:25:42: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 252 (Argentavis) Day 341, 07:42:15: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 292 (Velonasaur) Day 341, 14:26:20: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus) Day 341, 16:17:07: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus) Day 341, 21:28:14: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus) Day 341, 21:41:49: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 119 (Brontosaurus) Day 342, 06:24:57: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 342, 06:39:02: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 116 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 85! Day 346, 05:20:36: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 93 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 346, 05:36:42: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 119 was killed! Day 347, 08:20:51: Mensch froze Commander Havoc - Lvl 128 (Griffin) Day 353, 15:14:21: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 293 (Velonasaur) Day 353, 15:38:46: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 225 (Roll Rat) Day 353, 19:53:48: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 353, 20:46:37: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 225 (Roll Rat) Day 353, 21:03:38: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 225 (Roll Rat) Day 353, 22:50:16: Mensch froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 179 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 353, 22:57:20: Mensch froze Iggo - Lvl 218 (Iguanodon) Day 353, 23:17:53: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 353, 23:18:48: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 353, 23:23:39: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 353, 23:26:30: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 353, 23:29:52: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 353, 23:30:37: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 353, 23:33:24: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 353, 23:34:16: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 374, 04:36:28: Mensch froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 254 (Argentavis) Day 375, 08:37:18: Mensch Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 127 (Parasaur)! Day 375, 09:19:18: Mensch froze Parasaur - Lvl 139 (Parasaur) Day 375, 15:03:38: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (X-Ankylosaurus)! Day 375, 15:07:47: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 127 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 377, 14:22:00: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 377, 14:34:15: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 377, 17:27:31: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 377, 17:29:50: Gameerproxx8744m2 demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 377, 19:28:49: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 140 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 396, 10:55:57: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 98 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 396, 14:43:55: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 396, 14:48:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (R-Snow Owl) Day 396, 15:27:51: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (R-Snow Owl) Day 396, 15:53:52: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 120 was killed! Day 396, 17:40:26: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 245 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 398, 08:28:45: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 09:23:59: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 09:52:33: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 10:12:08: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 10:41:19: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 11:17:17: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 11:17:20: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 11:36:36: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 18:17:01: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 398, 18:24:35: Jeje froze Bloody (Jeje) [Clone] - Lvl 262 (Bloodstalker) Day 398, 21:07:52: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 399, 00:10:18: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 399, 03:22:06: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 145 | 0.8x! Day 399, 05:12:49: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 402, 11:39:52: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 233 (Roll Rat) Day 402, 12:08:19: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 217 (Tek Rex) Day 402, 12:26:47: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Luca - Lvl 233 (Roll Rat) Day 402, 12:30:00: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze ShineH - Lvl 294 (Shinehorn) Day 402, 12:33:17: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 300 (Velonasaur) Day 402, 15:11:31: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 99 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 402, 16:41:29: Gameerproxx8744m2 Tamed a Dire Bear - Lvl 37 (Dire Bear)! Day 402, 16:45:57: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 37 (Dire Bear) Day 402, 21:26:19: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 402, 21:52:35: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 99 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 402, 21:59:55: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 141 (R-Snow Owl) Day 403, 00:05:00: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 99 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 403, 09:38:49: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) Day 403, 15:11:31: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 300 (Velonasaur) Day 403, 17:28:19: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 218 (Tek Rex) Day 403, 17:44:42: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Dire Bear - Lvl 44 (Dire Bear) Day 425, 08:10:18: Mensch froze Commander Havoc - Lvl 128 (Griffin) Day 425, 09:50:27: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 102 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 425, 14:27:35: Gameerproxx8744m2 claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 425, 14:42:49: Mensch claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 205 (Argentavis)'! Day 425, 15:27:55: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Baby pimmel - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl) Day 425, 19:20:12: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Velonasaur - Lvl 301 (Velonasaur) Day 425, 19:40:59: Gameerproxx8744m2 froze Juvenile pimmel - Lvl 162 (R-Snow Owl) Day 427, 05:26:40: Mensch Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 174 (Quetzal)! Day 427, 05:31:55: Mensch froze Quetzal - Lvl 174 (Quetzal) Day 427, 05:55:58: Jeje froze Giant [Clone] - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 441, 13:55:44: Tribemember Jeje - Lvl 116 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 444, 05:21:31: Mensch froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 231 (R-Snow Owl) Day 447, 03:04:26: Mensch froze Rex M (Blaku) - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 447, 03:24:28: Mensch froze Rex w - Lvl 358 (Tek Rex) Day 447, 05:08:00: Jeje froze Snowi - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) Day 447, 06:12:30: Mensch froze Rex M (Blaku) - Lvl 400 (Tek Rex) Day 447, 08:55:55: Jeje froze Ovis - Lvl 304 (Ovis) Day 447, 16:32:14: Jeje froze Ovis - Lvl 304 (Ovis) Day 447, 16:44:19: Jeje froze Ovis - Lvl 304 (Ovis) Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 594, 12:36:54: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 167 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 649, 01:33:13: Andrewsarchus - Lvl 83 (Andrewsarchus) starved to death! Day 683, 21:18:55: pimmel - Lvl 180 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 684, 09:48:51: GigaChad [Clone] - Lvl 191 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 684, 09:49:37: Giant [Clone] - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 703, 01:51:04: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 239 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 745, 10:16:29: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 781, 15:14:05: Your Snowi - Lvl 329 (Snow Owl) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 781, 15:33:25: Your Para - Lvl 188 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 823, 13:14:10: pummel - Lvl 205 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 825, 19:22:53: Thorny Dragon - Lvl 90 (Thorny Dragon) starved to death! Day 833, 06:40:53: Ovis - Lvl 304 (Ovis) starved to death! Day 948, 09:13:47: Rapti (Blaku) - Lvl 173 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 1016, 14:10:24: Quetzal - Lvl 209 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 1023, 06:17:25: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 171 (Magmasaur)'! Day 1023, 06:18:36: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Commander Cody - Lvl 262 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1023, 06:19:43: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pizza - Lvl 268 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 1023, 06:20:42: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame '501 Clone - Lvl 305 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:21:17: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Voidy - Lvl 279 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 1023, 06:21:18: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Captain Rex - Lvl 370 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:21:53: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BubbleBee - Lvl 306 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:25:42: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex M (2) - Lvl 351 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:25:43: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 263 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:26:04: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex w (2) - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:26:38: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex w (3) - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:27:27: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allokallo - Lvl 375 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:27:55: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dmg - Lvl 294 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:28:17: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex M (3) - Lvl 332 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:28:23: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 251 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:28:41: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 299 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:28:50: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allowaru - Lvl 353 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:29:06: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 311 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:29:31: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 297 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:29:36: Lee - Lvl 121 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 261 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:30:16: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexi(Timology) - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 1023, 06:34:02: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bronti(Timology) - Lvl 120 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 1023, 06:38:43: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 226 (Argentavis)'! Day 1023, 07:49:09: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Paraceratherium - Lvl 69 (Paraceratherium)'! Day 1026, 10:41:09: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'The Green Crystal - Lvl 226 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 1026, 10:45:30: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Commander Havoc - Lvl 134 (Griffin)'! Day 1026, 10:46:37: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 146 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1026, 10:47:13: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iggo - Lvl 220 (Iguanodon)'! Day 1026, 10:47:51: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 258 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1026, 10:49:17: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 76 (Dire Bear)'! Day 1026, 10:49:51: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Twawis (Blaku) - Lvl 256 (Argentavis)'! Day 1026, 10:50:32: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Parasaur - Lvl 139 (Parasaur)'! Day 1026, 10:51:17: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gewichtus (Jeje,Luca) - Lvl 418 (Argentavis)'! Day 1026, 10:52:01: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 205 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1026, 10:53:16: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 123 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 246 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 1026, 11:10:20: 's 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 102 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1026, 11:10:20: 's 'Luca - Lvl 233 (Roll Rat)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wooden Bench' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1306, 02:23:12: Tribemember Mensch - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2298, 01:34:11: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2298, 03:14:24: Tribemember Gameerproxx8744m2 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 100! Day 2298, 20:04:58: Gameerproxx8744m2 was removed from the Tribe! Day 2298, 20:46:15: Mensch was removed from the Tribe! Day 2438, 03:37:40: Tribemember Jeje - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 2438, 04:52:57: Tribemember Jeje - Lvl 117 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 3111, 11:08:33: Squidster - Lvl 121 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'!"] "tribeid":1690734948,"tribe":"Tribe of Wolf logs":["Day 357, 19:59:03: Wolf was added to the Tribe! Day 357, 20:01:27: cocopop was added to the Tribe by Wolf! Day 357, 20:32:05: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 357, 21:37:59: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 357, 23:00:57: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 345 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 357, 23:06:24: Wolf froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 352 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 358, 00:23:28: Wolf froze Maewing - Lvl 249 (Maewing) Day 358, 00:57:15: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 358, 07:43:00: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 345 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 358, 09:02:14: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 202 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 358, 09:50:05: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 345 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 358, 12:40:26: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 358, 13:08:32: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 358, 13:49:20: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 358, 15:08:54: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 358, 20:34:53: Tribemember Wolf - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 358, 23:43:03: Tribemember Wolf - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 359, 02:41:43: Tribemember Wolf - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 359, 04:06:44: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 209 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 359, 05:53:35: Tribemember Wolf - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 359, 06:34:06: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 359, 13:02:43: Tribemember cocopop - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 359, 14:24:24: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 346 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 359, 15:22:54: cocopop Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 359, 15:47:10: cocopop froze Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus) Day 359, 17:04:55: cocopop uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 109 Day 359, 17:08:02: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 302 (Maewing) Day 359, 19:53:43: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 636, 18:27:43: Wolf froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 650, 16:10:34: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1218, 16:24:51: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1218, 16:24:51: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7925, 06:10:50: cocopop Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 7925, 06:17:58: cocopop froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 7925, 06:48:23: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 294 (Maewing) Day 13463, 06:21:26: cocopop froze Shadowmane - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 13463, 06:50:48: cocopop was removed from the Tribe!"] "tribeid":1688651934,"tribe":"Xatori logs":["Day 20528, 15:03:51: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:05:07: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:07:28: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:08:50: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:10:43: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:11:48: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:13:12: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:14:38: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:15:50: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:17:06: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 15:18:52: Xatori demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20528, 16:25:47: Xatori froze Juvenile X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 220 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 20528, 17:33:48: Xatori froze Juvenile X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 220 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 20528, 17:40:05: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 304 (Desmodus) Day 20528, 17:45:33: Xatori froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 81 (Rhyniognatha) Day 20531, 08:41:39: Xatori froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 20531, 08:45:05: Xatori froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 20531, 08:48:24: Xatori froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 20531, 08:52:19: Xatori froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 20531, 08:55:33: Xatori froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 20531, 08:59:05: Xatori froze Tek Rex - Lvl 320 (Tek Rex) Day 20531, 11:22:44: Xatori froze Ringe - Lvl 231 (Megatherium) Day 20532, 04:35:52: Xatori claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20532, 04:39:59: Xatori froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 04:44:49: Xatori claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 174 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20532, 04:49:28: Xatori froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 174 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 04:52:21: Xatori claimed 'Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 203 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 20532, 04:57:04: Xatori froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 203 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 05:36:49: Xatori froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 203 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 05:53:07: Xatori froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 190 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 08:53:41: Xatori froze Adolescent X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 220 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 20532, 12:52:45: Xatori froze Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 203 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 12:59:52: Xatori froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 20532, 13:22:03: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 158 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:22:03: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 158 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 13:22:30: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:22:30: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 216 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 13:23:01: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 174 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:23:01: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 174 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 13:24:22: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 214 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:24:22: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 214 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 13:26:51: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:26:51: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 13:28:39: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:28:39: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 204 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 13:29:15: Your Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 197 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20532, 13:29:15: Your Tribe killed Juvenile R-Velonasaur - Lvl 197 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20532, 21:19:25: Xatori froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 190 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 21:27:26: Xatori froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 203 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20532, 21:34:56: Xatori froze Juvenile Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 20533, 16:08:34: Xatori froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 203 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20533, 16:11:49: Xatori froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 190 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20533, 16:15:38: Xatori froze Argentavis - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 20533, 17:52:36: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 304 (Desmodus) Day 20533, 20:37:17: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 114 (Tek Stryder) was killed by a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 50! Day 20535, 12:07:15: Liyen froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 20535, 14:12:46: Liyen froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 20535, 14:17:41: Liyen froze Baby Megatherium - Lvl 228 (Megatherium) Day 20536, 04:22:31: Liyen demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 20536, 06:56:53: Xatori froze 233 - Lvl 311 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20536, 07:01:48: Xatori froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 227 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 20536, 14:54:26: Liyen demolished a 'Stone Triangle Ceiling'! Day 20537, 13:01:41: Xatori froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 20537, 14:08:29: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 304 (Desmodus) Day 20545, 09:32:58: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20555, 22:18:11: Xatori froze Эрик - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 20556, 21:40:46: Xatori Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 194 (Daeodon)! Day 20556, 21:53:19: Xatori froze 194 - Lvl 194 (Daeodon) Day 20557, 13:35:29: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 36 (Gacha)! Day 20557, 16:28:28: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 36 (Gacha) Day 20558, 07:59:50: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 08:05:14: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 08:09:57: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 08:51:41: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:12:48: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:17:00: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:21:00: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:24:46: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:28:37: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:32:25: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:36:27: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:40:32: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:45:17: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:49:43: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 09:54:31: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:01:21: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:05:10: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:21:41: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:25:58: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:32:45: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:36:31: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:40:31: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:44:30: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 10:49:03: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:02:04: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:06:09: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:10:34: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:14:35: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:18:46: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:22:56: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:26:39: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:32:41: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:40:07: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:45:19: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:50:29: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:54:23: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 11:58:19: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:02:30: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:06:16: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:17:36: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:21:32: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:36:07: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:44:11: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:50:22: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:54:32: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 12:59:03: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 13:03:05: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 13:06:56: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 13:21:26: Xatori claimed 'Baby Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon)'! Day 20558, 13:25:38: Xatori froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20558, 13:28:40: Xatori froze 217 - Lvl 301 (Daeodon) Day 20558, 13:31:45: Xatori froze 194 - Lvl 202 (Daeodon) Day 20558, 13:59:33: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 15:27:09: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)! Day 20558, 15:46:04: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) Day 20558, 16:32:58: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha)! Day 20558, 16:42:26: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 20558, 20:38:38: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 20:46:26: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 20:47:35: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 180 (Gacha)! Day 20558, 20:53:34: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 21:11:21: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 180 (Gacha) Day 20558, 21:22:57: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 180 (Gacha) Day 20558, 21:30:30: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 21:36:02: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 21:48:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 20558, 22:13:57: Xatori froze 209 - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 20558, 23:16:39: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:21:37: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:26:32: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:31:46: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:38:27: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:43:30: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:50:00: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20558, 23:55:03: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:00:15: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:05:29: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:10:48: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:16:07: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:22:00: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:29:39: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:34:44: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:40:05: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:45:14: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 00:52:13: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 02:40:51: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 02:46:32: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)! Day 20559, 02:48:07: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20559, 02:55:04: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) Day 20559, 22:02:41: Xatori Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 20559, 22:43:41: Xatori froze Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) Day 20560, 02:57:20: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 42 (Gacha) Day 20560, 05:52:47: Xatori claimed 'Baby Doedicurus - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus)'! Day 20560, 05:58:44: Xatori froze 209 - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 20560, 06:02:23: Xatori froze Doedicurus - Lvl 210 (Doedicurus) Day 20560, 06:58:43: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) Day 20560, 07:41:44: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) Day 20560, 07:45:34: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 180 (Gacha) Day 20560, 07:48:48: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 206 (Gacha) Day 20560, 08:23:11: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 208 (Gacha)'! Day 20560, 08:30:48: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 191 (Gacha)'! Day 20560, 08:55:41: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 191 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20560, 08:55:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 191 (Gacha) (Xatori)! Day 20560, 08:56:16: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 208 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20560, 08:56:16: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 208 (Gacha) (Xatori)! Day 20560, 19:42:39: Xatori froze Juvenile Doedicurus - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus) Day 20561, 15:20:44: Xatori froze Крик - Lvl 232 (Doedicurus) Day 20561, 15:26:01: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 20561, 15:30:01: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 153 (Doedicurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 15:30:01: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 153 (Doedicurus)! Day 20561, 15:38:19: Your Megatherium - Lvl 98 (Megatherium) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 15:38:19: Your Tribe killed Megatherium - Lvl 98 (Megatherium)! Day 20561, 15:45:50: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 150 (Doedicurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 15:45:50: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 150 (Doedicurus)! Day 20561, 15:55:01: Your Doedicurus - Lvl 278 (Doedicurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 15:55:01: Your Tribe killed Doedicurus - Lvl 278 (Doedicurus)! Day 20561, 15:59:37: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 148 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 15:59:37: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 148 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20561, 16:00:30: Your R-Velonasaur - Lvl 168 (R-Velonasaur) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 16:00:30: Your Tribe killed R-Velonasaur - Lvl 168 (R-Velonasaur)! Day 20561, 16:09:53: Your Triceratops - Lvl 183 (Triceratops) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 16:09:53: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 183 (Triceratops)! Day 20561, 16:29:16: Your Yutyrannus - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20561, 16:29:16: Your Tribe killed Yutyrannus - Lvl 254 (Yutyrannus)! Day 20571, 19:09:22: Xatori froze черный жемчуг - Lvl 223 (Gacha) Day 20571, 19:23:37: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 223 (Gacha) Day 20571, 19:33:34: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 207 (Gacha) Day 20571, 19:45:44: Xatori froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 212 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 20572, 08:05:43: Xatori froze Baby Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20573, 16:36:33: Xatori froze Adolescent Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20573, 16:47:43: Xatori froze Adolescent Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20573, 16:52:54: Xatori froze Adolescent Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20573, 16:57:06: Xatori froze Adolescent Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20573, 18:29:19: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 20573, 22:34:17: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 223 (Gacha) Day 20573, 23:12:41: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha)'! Day 20573, 23:16:53: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20573, 23:17:51: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha)'! Day 20573, 23:21:25: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20573, 23:23:50: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)'! Day 20573, 23:31:11: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) Day 20573, 23:52:33: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 234 (Gacha) Day 20574, 00:17:41: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20574, 00:23:24: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20574, 00:23:24: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)! Day 20574, 00:25:40: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20574, 00:25:40: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha)! Day 20574, 04:34:07: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20575, 12:58:13: Xatori froze Daeodon - Lvl 221 (Daeodon) Day 20575, 18:55:19: Xatori froze Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20575, 18:58:47: Xatori froze 233 - Lvl 319 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20576, 10:48:30: Xatori froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20576, 10:52:23: Xatori froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20576, 17:31:32: Xatori froze Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) Day 20577, 03:23:38: Xatori froze 217 - Lvl 301 (Daeodon) Day 20577, 13:27:34: Xatori froze 217 - Lvl 304 (Daeodon) Day 20577, 13:38:17: Tribemember Xatori - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 20577, 14:24:53: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)'! Day 20577, 14:31:18: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)'! Day 20577, 15:34:59: Xatori froze Desmodus - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 20577, 17:12:39: Xatori Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)! Day 20577, 17:27:14: Xatori froze Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus) Day 20577, 18:18:47: Xatori Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 20577, 18:32:56: Xatori froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 20577, 19:24:15: Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20577, 19:24:15: Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20577, 22:47:40: Your Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20577, 22:47:40: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 20578, 11:30:17: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 212 (Gacha) Day 20578, 11:33:08: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 223 (Gacha) Day 20578, 12:27:03: Xatori froze Ringe - Lvl 282 (Megatherium) Day 20579, 07:08:23: Xatori Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 20579, 09:00:17: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 312 (Desmodus) Day 20579, 10:30:09: Xatori froze черный жемчуг - Lvl 229 (Gacha) Day 20606, 19:26:12: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 249 (Gacha) Day 20606, 22:05:35: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 209 (Gacha) Day 20606, 22:06:22: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 168 (Gacha)'! Day 20606, 22:16:32: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 212 (Gacha) Day 20606, 22:17:55: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha)'! Day 20606, 22:25:34: Xatori froze черный жемчуг - Lvl 229 (Gacha) Day 20606, 22:26:25: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha)'! Day 20606, 22:37:47: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 234 (Gacha) Day 20606, 22:38:58: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha)'! Day 20631, 09:02:08: Baby Gacha - Lvl 196 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20631, 09:02:08: Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20631, 09:02:08: Baby Gacha - Lvl 168 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20631, 09:02:08: Baby Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20631, 15:12:54: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 257 (Gacha) Day 20631, 16:06:44: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 266 (Gacha) Day 20631, 16:09:58: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 257 (Gacha) Day 20631, 16:19:42: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 208 (Gacha)'! Day 20631, 16:34:07: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 267 (Gacha) Day 20631, 16:52:20: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha)'! Day 20631, 16:59:04: Xatori froze черный жемчуг - Lvl 257 (Gacha) Day 20631, 17:47:55: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha)'! Day 20631, 17:54:51: Xatori claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 214 (Gacha)'! Day 20631, 18:12:29: Xatori froze Gacha - Lvl 241 (Gacha) Day 20631, 18:47:06: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 214 (Gacha) Day 20631, 19:58:28: Xatori froze Baby Gacha - Lvl 190 (Gacha) Day 20631, 21:21:01: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 21:26:27: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 21:31:39: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 21:36:50: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 21:41:48: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 21:48:50: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 21:56:53: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:02:23: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:09:16: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:16:07: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:21:31: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:26:42: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:31:52: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:37:23: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:42:49: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 258 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20631, 22:53:23: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 08:55:39: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 08:59:20: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 09:03:12: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 09:05:42: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 197 (Gacha)! Day 20632, 14:09:26: Your Gacha - Lvl 197 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20632, 14:09:26: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 197 (Gacha) (Xatori)! Day 20632, 14:21:40: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:25:37: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:29:35: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:33:26: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:37:24: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:42:23: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:46:23: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:50:21: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:54:11: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 14:57:57: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 15:01:41: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 15:05:51: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 15:09:33: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 15:17:26: Xatori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 270 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20632, 21:15:11: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha)! Day 20632, 21:41:27: Your Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20632, 21:41:27: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha) (Xatori)! Day 20633, 00:17:02: Xatori Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha)! Day 20633, 00:34:18: Your Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20633, 00:34:18: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 86 (Gacha) (Xatori)! Day 20633, 01:55:12: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 314 (Desmodus) Day 20697, 18:26:12: Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 210 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20697, 18:26:12: Adolescent Gacha - Lvl 208 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 20698, 04:48:23: Xatori froze 216=Папка= - Lvl 315 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 04:58:45: Xatori froze 192=Мама= - Lvl 290 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 05:14:19: Xatori froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 303 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 05:23:44: Xatori froze 232 - Lvl 383 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 05:37:18: Xatori froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 314 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 05:44:36: Xatori froze 222 - Lvl 413 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 08:31:41: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 232 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20698, 08:35:10: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 232 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 08:37:58: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20698, 08:41:14: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 08:41:33: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20698, 08:44:45: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 08:46:36: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 227 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20698, 08:51:04: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 227 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 08:53:16: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20698, 08:57:05: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 08:58:45: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20698, 09:02:05: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 09:23:56: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 09:30:29: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 21:18:08: Xatori froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20698, 21:28:23: Xatori froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 07:15:05: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 232 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 07:15:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 232 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 07:18:02: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 07:18:02: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 07:21:22: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 07:21:22: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 196 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 07:23:29: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 227 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 07:23:29: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 227 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 07:28:47: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 07:28:47: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 07:29:13: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 07:29:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 222 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 13:10:26: Xatori froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 13:39:07: Xatori froze 233 - Lvl 330 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 16:58:19: Xatori froze черный жемчуг - Lvl 269 (Gacha) Day 20699, 17:03:52: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20699, 17:07:00: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 17:10:54: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20699, 17:14:54: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 17:17:39: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 234 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20699, 17:21:13: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 234 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 17:23:54: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 218 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20699, 17:27:49: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 218 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 17:29:44: Xatori claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 212 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 20699, 17:33:10: Xatori froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 212 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20699, 18:06:15: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 212 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 18:06:15: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 212 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 18:09:37: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 218 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 18:09:37: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 218 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 18:12:41: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 18:12:41: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 216 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 18:14:34: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 18:14:34: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 235 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20699, 18:18:57: Your Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 234 (Carcharodontosaurus) was killed by Xatori - Lvl 117 (Xatori)! Day 20699, 18:18:57: Your Tribe killed Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 234 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 20700, 06:46:36: Xatori froze Juvenile b01 - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20700, 10:46:18: Xatori froze М=1 - Lvl 267 (Argentavis) Day 20700, 11:03:38: Xatori froze Juvenile b01 - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20700, 11:14:51: Xatori froze Juvenile b01 - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20700, 11:21:22: Xatori froze Juvenile b01 - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20710, 13:15:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20716, 12:57:13: Tribemember Xatori - Lvl 117 was killed! Day 20716, 15:59:43: Xatori froze Adolescent b01 - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20716, 20:38:10: Xatori froze Adolescent b01 - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20717, 06:11:29: Xatori froze Adolescent b01 - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20738, 09:42:05: Xatori froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 314 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20738, 09:45:27: Xatori froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 303 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20738, 17:19:23: Xatori froze b01 - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20738, 17:23:03: Xatori froze b01 - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20738, 17:26:15: Xatori froze b01 - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20739, 01:17:55: Xatori froze b01 - Lvl 223 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20739, 01:22:03: Xatori froze b01 - Lvl 217 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20739, 02:15:02: Xatori froze b01 - Lvl 208 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20739, 11:23:40: Xatori froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 107 (Rhyniognatha) Day 20739, 11:26:54: Xatori froze Крик - Lvl 310 (Doedicurus) Day 20739, 13:42:40: Xatori froze Шия - Lvl 314 (Desmodus) Day 20891, 04:46:58: Shinehorn - Lvl 53 (Shinehorn) starved to death! Day 21018, 13:36:05: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21042, 06:44:49: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21042, 06:44:49: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21184, 00:55:41: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21184, 00:55:41: Your 'Dino Leash' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21325, 13:41:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 21325, 13:41:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1687920354,"tribe":"인간 의 부족 logs":["Day 16069, 20:15:41: 인간 was added to the Tribe! Day 16069, 20:19:36: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 16069, 23:56:36: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 16093, 18:36:17: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 95! Day 16094, 00:30:48: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 100! Day 16094, 01:50:59: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed by a Shadowmane - Lvl 20! Day 16094, 05:41:27: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 110 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 1.0x! Day 16094, 06:38:59: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 16094, 06:53:50: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 110 was killed! Day 16094, 12:56:42: 인간 claimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16094, 13:27:50: 인간 unclaimed 'Velonasaur - Lvl 264 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16095, 01:13:26: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 153 (Desmodus) Day 16095, 14:08:11: 인간 Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane)! Day 16095, 14:21:43: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 215 (Shadowmane) Day 16095, 15:16:15: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 207 (Desmodus) Day 16095, 15:49:53: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 207 (Desmodus) Day 16095, 16:12:31: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 207 (Desmodus) Day 16096, 06:56:44: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 239 (Shadowmane) Day 16096, 09:56:05: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 145! Day 16096, 16:07:40: 인간 Tamed a Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane)! Day 16096, 16:18:57: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 216 (Shadowmane) Day 16096, 17:22:44: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus) Day 16169, 11:56:43: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 241 (Desmodus) Day 16216, 22:29:53: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane) Day 16241, 07:42:32: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16241, 21:04:07: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 16241, 21:09:15: 인간석기 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 16241, 21:13:10: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간! Day 16241, 21:14:56: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 16241, 21:16:30: 인간석기 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 16241, 22:10:52: 인간석기 downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 196 Day 16241, 22:18:16: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 16241, 22:28:17: 인간석기 uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 196 Day 16241, 22:38:38: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 16242, 08:55:24: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 16242, 09:36:20: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 107 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 16242, 10:12:27: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 107 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 16242, 16:49:51: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 108 was killed! Day 16242, 19:05:43: 인간석기 claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 135 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16243, 10:25:48: 인간석기 Tamed a Tropeognathus - Lvl 82 (Tropeognathus)! Day 16243, 10:33:44: 인간석기 froze szzz - Lvl 82 (Tropeognathus) Day 16243, 10:41:34: 인간석기 froze szzz - Lvl 82 (Tropeognathus) Day 16243, 11:21:26: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 16243, 11:46:05: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane) Day 16243, 12:00:51: 인간석기 uploaded a Tropeognathus: szzz - Lvl 83 Day 16253, 12:15:15: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 208 (Desmodus) Day 16255, 04:24:46: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 16279, 23:01:48: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16280, 02:24:59: 인간석기 uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 217 Day 16285, 14:18:04: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 16304, 01:16:14: 인간석기 froze 맹맹맹 - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 16308, 23:49:42: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 16309, 08:47:15: Tribe of 인간 tribe was merged in by 인간! Day 16309, 08:47:15: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간석기! Day 16309, 08:56:40: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 16309, 10:19:58: 인간 froze 섀리트 - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 16309, 17:05:39: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 16309, 21:50:16: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Tropeognathus - Lvl 135! Day 16310, 06:38:18: 인간 Tamed a Tropeognathus - Lvl 22 (Tropeognathus)! Day 16310, 06:48:09: 인간석기 froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 22 (Tropeognathus) Day 16310, 08:26:44: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 16310, 08:38:21: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 16333, 21:14:44: Dung Beetle - Lvl 72 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 16333, 23:19:13: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 313 (Griffin) Day 16353, 14:12:36: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 16394, 14:52:23: 인간석기 Tamed a Woolly Rhino - Lvl 194 (Woolly Rhino)! Day 16394, 14:59:06: 인간석기 froze 이노 - Lvl 194 (Woolly Rhino) Day 16394, 15:53:59: 인간석기 uploaded a Woolly Rhino: 이노 - Lvl 194 Day 16394, 15:57:33: 인간석기 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 264 (Shadowmane) Day 16409, 03:09:12: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus) Day 16409, 08:13:31: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 316 (Shadowmane) Day 16409, 08:15:34: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 16486, 12:31:31: 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 157 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 16486, 13:10:15: Moschops - Lvl 110 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 16516, 12:48:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16611, 20:33:41: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16635, 16:54:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16659, 13:18:27: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16707, 05:36:59: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16850, 06:20:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16850, 06:20:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16850, 06:20:18: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16850, 06:20:18: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16897, 22:03:41: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16921, 15:12:43: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17158, 07:10:50: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17490, 04:34:24: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17585, 00:52:15: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1685656405,"tribe":"The Lost logs":["Day 9946, 09:49:16: Siness was added to the Tribe! Day 9946, 09:52:21: Rinwood was added to the Tribe by Siness! Day 9947, 09:33:11: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 285 (Snow Owl) Day 9948, 00:01:23: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 9948, 01:16:44: Siness froze Ice - Lvl 285 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10019, 20:59:41: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 10019, 22:17:51: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 10019, 22:35:27: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 276 (Snow Owl) Day 10020, 03:27:11: Siness froze M217 - Lvl 294 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10021, 05:37:20: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 290 (Snow Owl) Day 10021, 05:44:01: Siness froze M217 - Lvl 306 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10036, 23:15:48: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 10037, 03:09:54: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10037, 10:45:59: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 10037, 11:41:16: Siness claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10039, 11:52:56: Siness froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 139 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10039, 18:56:44: Siness froze M217 - Lvl 313 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10039, 21:46:55: Siness froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10039, 22:47:55: Siness froze M217 - Lvl 313 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10039, 23:06:48: Siness uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Fire Wyvern - Lvl 187 Day 10137, 08:16:31: Siness claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10137, 08:40:22: Siness claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10137, 08:58:36: Siness claimed 'Megalosaurus - Lvl 315 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 10137, 09:23:48: Siness froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10137, 10:00:26: Siness claimed 'Rap-Ta - Lvl 355 (Raptor)'! Day 10137, 10:04:04: Siness claimed '45H/52M/38S (MALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 10137, 10:04:42: Siness claimed '45M/52H/38S (FEMALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 10137, 10:06:16: Siness claimed '45H/52M/38S (FEMALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 10137, 10:07:35: Siness claimed '45H/52M/38S (FEMALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex)'! Day 10137, 10:14:46: TK was added to the Tribe by Siness! Day 10137, 10:19:33: TK froze 45M/52H/38S (FEMALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 10137, 10:22:19: TK froze 45H/52M/38S (MALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 10137, 10:25:18: TK froze 45H/52M/38S (FEMALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 10137, 10:28:12: TK froze 45H/52M/38S (FEMALE) - Lvl 275 (Tek Rex) Day 10137, 10:30:33: Siness claimed 'Parasaur - Lvl 221 (Parasaur)'! Day 10137, 10:31:31: TK froze M217 - Lvl 317 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10137, 10:39:28: TK claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 10137, 10:46:51: TK froze M217 - Lvl 317 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10137, 10:49:59: TK froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 10137, 10:53:24: TK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 10137, 11:00:56: TK froze Megalosaurus - Lvl 315 (Megalosaurus) Day 10137, 11:10:50: Siness froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10137, 11:27:00: TK froze Pteranodon - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) Day 10137, 11:34:34: TK claimed 'anky panky poo - Lvl 293 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 10137, 11:36:50: TK froze anky panky poo - Lvl 293 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10137, 11:40:33: TK froze Rap-Ta - Lvl 355 (Raptor) Day 10137, 11:48:48: Your Parasaur - Lvl 221 (Parasaur) was killed by Rinwood - Lvl 119 (The Lost)! Day 10137, 11:48:48: Your Tribe killed Parasaur - Lvl 221 (Parasaur) (The Lost)! Day 10137, 14:34:36: Siness froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 10137, 17:31:42: TK froze mk1 - Lvl 321 (Pteranodon) Day 10137, 17:43:29: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 291 (Snow Owl) Day 10138, 05:26:53: Siness froze M217 - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10138, 05:32:22: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10160, 23:22:31: Siness froze M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 331 (Desmodus) Day 10160, 23:22:33: Rinwood froze Miss Red [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Desmodus) Day 10161, 05:57:50: Siness froze M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 331 (Desmodus) Day 10161, 05:58:43: Rinwood froze Miss Red [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Desmodus) Day 10161, 15:38:21: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10161, 15:40:04: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 10161, 16:20:10: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 304 (Snow Owl) Day 10161, 16:20:32: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10161, 18:35:17: Siness froze M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 331 (Desmodus) Day 10161, 21:57:56: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10161, 22:01:25: Siness Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha)! Day 10161, 22:08:47: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10161, 22:27:46: Siness froze Gannett - Lvl 193 (Gacha) Day 10161, 23:24:47: Rinwood Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 192 (Gacha)! Day 10161, 23:36:05: Rinwood froze Gacha - Lvl 192 (Gacha) Day 10161, 23:51:24: Siness froze Gannett - Lvl 193 (Gacha) Day 10161, 23:57:41: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10162, 03:44:57: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10162, 06:44:55: Rinwood froze Miss Speeed - Lvl 292 (Snow Owl) Day 10162, 06:49:57: Siness froze M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 331 (Desmodus) Day 10162, 06:58:59: Rinwood froze Miss Red [Clone] - Lvl 322 (Desmodus) Day 10163, 05:33:04: Siness froze M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 331 (Desmodus) Day 10163, 07:50:33: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 10163, 08:19:43: Your M-H33 S39 W33 M42 - Lvl 331 (Desmodus) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185! Day 10163, 08:35:53: Tribemember Rinwood - Lvl 119 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 10163, 10:13:19: Rinwood froze F210 - Lvl 210 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10181, 08:20:24: Siness Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 10181, 08:30:47: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 10181, 22:25:48: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 10184, 03:11:53: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 324 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10184, 07:03:38: Rinwood froze F-H33 S28 W33 M42 [Clone] - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 10184, 10:07:34: Rinwood froze Mr Speed - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 10184, 11:27:04: Rinwood Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus)! Day 10184, 12:30:33: Rinwood Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus)! Day 10184, 13:26:08: Rinwood froze Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 10184, 13:31:13: Rinwood froze Desmodus - Lvl 68 (Desmodus) Day 10184, 13:44:20: Tribemember Siness - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10184, 14:41:46: Rinwood froze 190 - Lvl 190 (Moschops) Day 10184, 15:16:37: Rinwood froze Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 10185, 03:31:57: Siness froze F-H33 S28 W33 M42 [Clone] - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 10185, 03:38:12: Siness froze Mr Speed - Lvl 302 (Snow Owl) Day 10185, 04:42:51: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 325 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10202, 17:06:44: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 10202, 18:39:49: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 326 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10230, 14:42:58: TK froze mk1 - - Lvl 329 (Pteranodon) Day 10365, 10:20:03: Siness froze Tilly - Lvl 309 (Snow Owl) Day 10365, 22:33:36: Siness froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 10369, 20:47:02: Siness froze F 209-1 - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl) Day 10369, 23:44:32: Siness froze Carly [Clone] - Lvl 295 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10370, 04:58:16: Siness claimed 'Megachelon - Lvl 234 (Megachelon)'! Day 10370, 05:05:03: Siness froze Megachelon - Lvl 234 (Megachelon) Day 10370, 06:21:35: Siness froze Carly [Clone] - Lvl 295 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10370, 08:19:16: Siness uploaded a Megachelon: Megachelon - Lvl 234 Day 10371, 06:09:15: Siness froze F 209-1 - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 10678, 21:04:18: Rinwood froze F211 - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 10678, 21:38:35: Siness froze Tasha [Clone] - Lvl 334 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10678, 21:58:29: Rinwood froze The Beast - Lvl 363 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 10679, 09:19:23: Rinwood froze F211 - Lvl 308 (Snow Owl) Day 10679, 09:24:38: Siness froze Ash - Lvl 345 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 10679, 09:29:12: Siness froze Tasha [Clone] - Lvl 334 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 11065, 03:44:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11065, 03:44:41: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11277, 03:40:43: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11359, 05:46:21: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human1) claimed your auto-decayed tame '85 - Lvl 92 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11436, 04:37:34: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame '50 - Lvl 58 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 11558, 15:39:47: Overdrive - Lvl 157 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 13717, 00:14:00: Your Miss Red [Clone] - Lvl 326 (Desmodus) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 185!"] "tribeid":1685323753,"tribe":"Hive logs":["Day 3239, 23:27:03: Shadow was added to the Tribe! Day 3240, 01:20:24: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 4 was killed! Day 3244, 10:21:29: Tribemember Shadow - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1681382778,"tribe":"Semtex logs":["Day 4651, 01:05:14: Lowkey was added to the Tribe! Day 4651, 01:09:58: Xejr was added to the Tribe by Lowkey! Day 4651, 02:32:56: Xejr downloaded a dino: MB - H26 - S26 - W28 - Lvl 224 Day 4651, 02:40:50: Xejr froze FFA - Lvl 210 (Argentavis) Day 4651, 16:53:59: Lowkey froze MB - H26 - S26 - W28 - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 4651, 19:11:34: Lowkey froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 5266, 06:44:12: EyeHavePhalanges - Lvl 112 (Imbotonous LaPebbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FFA - Lvl 211 (Argentavis)'! Day 8134, 10:00:38: Tribemember Xejr - Lvl 77 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1675158763,"tribe":"Primal logs":["Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12233, 11:03:24: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12432, 16:39:46: smallman - Lvl 99 (Tribe of JaYDM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 12518, 23:10:29: Your 'Tek Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12518, 23:10:29: Your 'Tek Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13669, 12:40:04: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F [Clone] - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:04:32: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:06:22: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:08:04: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:09:14: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:10:29: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:11:02: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 13:12:09: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 14:01:24: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 14:04:41: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 14:08:00: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13669, 14:15:50: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:21:08: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:22:17: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F [Clone] - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:27:24: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:29:19: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:31:41: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F [Clone] - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:32:57: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F [Clone] - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:34:02: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F [Clone] - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:35:42: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F [Clone] - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:41:11: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex1 M - Lvl 342 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:46:53: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:47:58: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 12:49:34: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 13:10:45: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 13:11:01: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 13:59:58: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13740, 14:01:39: 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 16:47:36: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 16:50:56: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 16:52:36: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 16:54:04: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 16:55:43: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 16:56:45: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 17:00:10: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 17:17:21: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 17:32:35: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex0 M - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 18:02:19: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 18:11:11: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 18:16:51: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 18:23:27: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 18:25:05: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13867, 18:25:42: Gunjack - Lvl 119 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M Rex0 F - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13970, 21:31:48: Your 'Tek Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14299, 22:35:04: Your Oviraptor - Lvl 126 (Oviraptor) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 14300, 04:30:36: Your Parasaur - Lvl 304 (Parasaur) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 16831, 08:31:18: Star Man - Lvl 129 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 16850, 06:20:18: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1674458423,"tribe":"Impulse logs":["Day 24, 10:34:27: Rhaelie was added to the Tribe! Day 24, 10:37:40: Nefro was added to the Tribe by Rhaelie! Day 24, 10:58:16: Tribemember Nefro - Lvl 160 was killed! Day 24, 15:34:55: Nefro Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 24, 15:48:29: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 25, 12:26:35: Rhaelie Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 74 (Iguanodon)! Day 25, 19:55:32: Rhaelie froze Nico - Lvl 448 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 25, 23:25:58: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 33 (Desmodus) Day 26, 01:34:31: Nefro uploaded a Snow Owl: Lady G - Lvl 407 Day 41, 09:49:00: Nefro Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)! Day 41, 10:50:16: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 407 (Snow Owl) Day 41, 16:32:20: Nefro froze Bloodrinker - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 41, 20:06:56: Nefro Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 127 (Desmodus)! Day 41, 20:23:14: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 127 (Desmodus) Day 42, 06:49:41: Nefro claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus)'! Day 42, 06:57:23: Nefro froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 42, 07:45:20: Nefro froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 42, 21:49:33: Nefro froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 43, 01:31:47: Nefro froze Juvenile Hex - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 43, 01:36:04: Nefro froze Juvenile Hex - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 43, 11:17:41: Nefro froze Juvenile Hex - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 48, 00:01:34: Nefro froze Hex - Lvl 183 (Desmodus) Day 48, 14:07:37: Nefro Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 48, 14:22:52: Your Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 48, 14:39:53: Nefro Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)! Day 48, 15:03:50: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 48, 16:17:37: Your Desmodus - Lvl 130 (Desmodus) was killed by Nefro - Lvl 160 (Impulse)! Day 48, 16:17:37: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 130 (Desmodus)! Day 48, 17:10:24: Nefro froze Bloodrinker - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 48, 17:16:47: Nefro froze Wild - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 48, 20:20:45: Nefro claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus)'! Day 48, 20:40:37: Nefro froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 49, 08:14:09: Nefro froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 49, 12:42:29: Nefro froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 49, 12:45:53: Nefro froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 49, 17:29:30: Nefro froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 49, 22:24:32: Nefro froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 190 (Desmodus) Day 49, 23:20:47: Nefro froze Wild F - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 49, 23:28:55: Nefro froze Wild M - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 50, 02:21:06: Nefro uploaded a Desmodus: Hex - Lvl 221 Day 86, 13:57:47: Nefro uploaded a Snow Owl: Lady G - Lvl 407 Day 94, 19:40:38: Nefro demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 95, 16:27:44: Nefro demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 96, 11:22:38: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 429 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 96, 12:10:38: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 429 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 96, 12:29:15: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 143, 15:39:00: Nefro demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 143, 19:50:35: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 143, 21:36:05: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 144, 01:45:33: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 144, 01:49:39: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 144, 03:04:12: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 144, 06:15:47: Nefro demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 144, 06:17:22: Nefro demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 144, 12:13:38: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 146, 06:53:03: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 429 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 146, 07:04:47: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 158, 11:07:13: Tribemember Nefro - Lvl 160 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 159, 13:11:49: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 429 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 163, 23:29:12: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 164, 08:45:09: Nefro froze Dark - Lvl 367 (Reaper King) Day 164, 13:02:45: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 164, 14:31:56: Nefro froze Dark - Lvl 367 (Reaper King) Day 164, 15:49:56: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 408 (Snow Owl) Day 166, 14:57:49: Tribemember Rhaelie - Lvl 161 was killed! Day 166, 17:00:42: Rhaelie froze Nico - Lvl 448 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 166, 17:14:25: Tribemember Rhaelie - Lvl 161 was killed! Day 166, 22:47:32: Rhaelie froze Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus) Day 167, 01:32:34: Rhaelie froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 167, 05:24:32: Rhaelie froze Nico - Lvl 449 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 167, 05:33:45: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 189, 09:07:44: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 189, 12:03:59: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 189, 15:47:58: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 286, 07:41:02: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 309, 09:36:36: Nefro demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 312, 05:16:06: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 312, 05:21:24: Rhaelie froze Jace - Lvl 429 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 324, 13:29:46: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 332, 06:20:29: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 332, 15:31:44: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 355, 11:22:13: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 355, 18:56:59: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 357, 14:55:58: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 379, 08:37:35: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 409 (Snow Owl) Day 489, 13:53:41: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 489, 13:54:27: Rhaelie froze Collin - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 489, 15:34:41: Rhaelie froze Desmodus - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 489, 15:38:47: Nefro unclaimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 97 (Iguanodon)'! Day 489, 15:46:57: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 489, 15:47:43: Rhaelie froze Collin - Lvl 411 (Snow Owl) Day 489, 15:56:25: Nefro froze Lady G - Lvl 410 (Snow Owl) Day 489, 22:07:00: Nefro froze Desmodus - Lvl 238 (Desmodus) Day 490, 04:19:11: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 490, 04:24:36: Rhaelie froze Death - Lvl 370 (Rock Drake) Day 490, 04:33:06: Nefro uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 238 Day 490, 10:30:58: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 490, 18:42:35: Rhaelie froze Death - Lvl 370 (Rock Drake) Day 490, 18:43:26: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 491, 16:58:40: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 491, 17:04:18: Rhaelie froze Death - Lvl 370 (Rock Drake) Day 497, 06:44:02: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 497, 16:45:24: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane) Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 568, 06:45:52: Rhaelie froze Nico - Lvl 449 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 650, 16:10:34: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 792, 12:20:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 877, 04:06:17: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 391 (Shadowmane) Day 877, 04:12:30: Rhaelie froze Death - Lvl 371 (Rock Drake) Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1076, 14:35:39: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1112, 02:20:17: Rhaelie froze Death - Lvl 371 (Rock Drake) Day 1151, 01:58:38: Rhaelie froze Death - Lvl 371 (Rock Drake) Day 1151, 02:05:55: Nefro froze Lion - Lvl 391 (Shadowmane) Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1739, 12:08:44: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2307, 23:13:37: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4053, 09:08:19: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1673618954,"tribe":"Steel Claw logs":["Day 361, 15:55:27: Vexo Tamed an Otter - Lvl 89 (Otter)! Day 361, 16:34:39: Spagh Tamed an Otter - Lvl 74 (Otter)! Day 362, 00:37:45: Your Desmodus - Lvl 245 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 362, 00:40:09: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 96 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 362, 00:40:11: Your Otter - Lvl 74 (Otter) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 362, 00:41:01: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 100 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 362, 00:41:03: Your Sir Topham Hat - Lvl 89 (Otter) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 362, 02:49:56: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 100 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 95! Day 363, 06:17:36: Vexo Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 72 (Brontosaurus)! Day 364, 05:38:02: Spagh Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 202 (Allosaurus)! Day 364, 10:35:52: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 364, 11:22:00: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 364, 11:58:02: Spagh demolished a 'Bed'! Day 364, 11:59:45: Spagh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 364, 12:00:45: Spagh demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 364, 12:29:03: Vexo Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 364, 20:45:45: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 106 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 140! Day 364, 20:57:02: Your Goobie - Lvl 114 (Desmodus) was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 50! Day 364, 20:58:43: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 172 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 140! Day 365, 12:46:12: Vexo demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 365, 12:47:08: Vexo demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 365, 12:48:29: Vexo demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 365, 13:33:40: Vexo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 365, 15:32:54: Vexo demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 365, 16:03:55: Spagh Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)! Day 365, 16:15:11: Vexo demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 367, 09:14:00: Vexo Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 142 (Raptor)! Day 367, 11:17:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 134 (Raptor)! Day 368, 19:20:18: Vexo Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 74 (Raptor)! Day 368, 19:24:30: Vexo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 369, 04:01:01: Your Raptor - Lvl 77 (Raptor) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 140! Day 375, 13:06:34: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 376, 00:53:00: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 376, 00:53:02: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 376, 00:53:04: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 376, 00:53:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 376, 23:35:15: Spagh Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 149 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 376, 23:50:28: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:51:38: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:53:10: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:54:18: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:55:34: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:56:50: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:57:59: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 376, 23:59:47: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 377, 00:00:46: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 377, 00:01:57: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 377, 00:06:58: Spagh demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 379, 12:48:56: Vexo Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 224 (Raptor)! Day 379, 18:00:38: Vexo claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 155 (Raptor)'! Day 379, 18:03:05: Vexo claimed 'Baby Raptor - Lvl 150 (Raptor)'! Day 380, 23:06:26: Your [V] Lefty - Lvl 233 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 380, 23:09:17: Your [V] Siren - Lvl 158 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 380, 23:09:53: Your [V] Claw - Lvl 159 (Raptor) was killed by an Alpha Carnotaurus - Lvl 50! Day 384, 00:36:43: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 111 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 55! Day 384, 01:53:43: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 111 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 384, 02:55:48: Your Desmodus - Lvl 103 (Desmodus) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 384, 06:55:21: Vexo uploaded a Raptor: [V] Ripper - Lvl 176 Day 385, 11:42:04: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 35 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 135! Day 386, 10:58:13: Your Demeter - Lvl 53 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 135! Day 386, 14:16:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 202 (Sabertooth)! Day 386, 15:48:30: Vexo Tamed a Rex - Lvl 217 (Rex)! Day 386, 16:57:13: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 387, 10:40:52: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 387, 11:25:57: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 387, 12:03:39: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 387, 12:05:44: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 102 was killed! Day 387, 12:41:46: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 387, 16:40:32: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 102 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 387, 16:42:46: Vexo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 115 (Desmodus)! Day 387, 16:51:16: Vexo Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 388, 00:09:00: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 105 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 388, 02:20:57: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 388, 02:25:43: Your 'Tent (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 388, 03:21:26: Your Desmodus - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 388, 05:26:43: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 388, 08:04:51: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 105 was killed! Day 388, 16:09:12: Spagh Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 168 (Quetzal)! Day 390, 06:21:32: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:22:27: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:23:14: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:24:29: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:25:38: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:26:23: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:27:54: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:29:00: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:29:54: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:30:44: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:31:44: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:32:38: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:35:22: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:36:05: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 06:36:59: Spagh demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 390, 08:56:30: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 110 was killed by Vexo - Lvl 115 (Steel Claw)! Day 390, 08:56:30: Your Tribe killed Spagh - Lvl 110 (Steel Claw)! Day 390, 09:15:54: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 110 was killed by Vexo - Lvl 115 (Steel Claw)! Day 390, 09:15:54: Your Tribe killed Spagh - Lvl 110 (Steel Claw)! Day 391, 19:57:33: Vexo demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 391, 20:05:38: Vexo demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 391, 20:08:13: Vexo demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 402, 22:21:42: Vexo Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 74 (Megalodon)! Day 404, 04:52:48: Your Megalodon - Lvl 77 (Megalodon) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 95! Day 404, 09:33:36: Vexo Tamed an Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 82 (Ichthyosaurus)! Day 404, 13:04:41: Your Ichthyosaurus - Lvl 86 (Ichthyosaurus) was killed by a Manta - Lvl 140! Day 404, 17:39:18: Vexo Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 74 (Megalodon)! Day 404, 19:21:03: Your Megalodon - Lvl 80 (Megalodon) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 140! Day 409, 16:20:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 185 (Megalodon)! Day 409, 19:02:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Megalodon - Lvl 149 (Megalodon)! Day 411, 08:40:51: Vexo Tamed a Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)! Day 411, 16:52:08: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 199 (Rex)'! Day 422, 09:11:11: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 111 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 426, 09:35:50: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 427, 19:09:38: Vexo demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 427, 19:29:44: Vexo demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 428, 06:35:24: Vexo uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 49 Day 429, 13:10:50: Zykrez was added to the Tribe by Vexo! Day 429, 14:01:53: Tribemember Zykrez - Lvl 5 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 429, 18:05:38: Tribemember Zykrez - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 433, 16:44:11: Vexo Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)! Day 433, 22:56:48: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 20! Day 438, 06:03:20: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 439, 15:19:55: Vexo Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)! Day 440, 04:01:01: Vexo uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 201 Day 442, 08:59:20: Vexo downloaded a dino: Thylacoleo - Lvl 18 Day 442, 08:59:56: Vexo downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 43 Day 442, 09:00:31: Vexo downloaded a dino: Thylacoleo - Lvl 81 Day 442, 09:01:03: Vexo downloaded a dino: Thylacoleo - Lvl 163 Day 442, 09:01:35: Vexo downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 201 Day 443, 20:25:05: Slime was added to the Tribe by Vexo! Day 443, 20:46:44: Tribemember Slime - Lvl 1 was killed! Day 443, 21:12:06: Tribemember Slime - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 15! Day 456, 04:37:26: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 458, 07:45:15: Vexo claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 108 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 458, 23:45:44: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 458, 23:46:58: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 463, 16:51:47: Parasaur - Lvl 118 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 463, 16:51:47: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex) starved to death! Day 463, 16:51:47: Juvenile Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex) starved to death! Day 464, 11:35:55: Your [V] Delta - Lvl 164 (Raptor) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 465, 07:08:14: Vexo Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 485, 11:51:06: Vexo claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 63 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 485, 12:00:58: Your Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 63 (Thylacoleo) was killed by Vexo - Lvl 121 (Steel Claw)! Day 485, 12:00:58: Your Tribe killed Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 63 (Thylacoleo) (Steel Claw)! Day 485, 19:37:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)! Day 486, 15:27:41: Vexo Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 60 (Phiomia)! Day 487, 13:55:37: Vexo Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 220 (Daeodon)! Day 488, 05:28:12: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 488, 06:32:14: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 488, 18:17:10: Vexo froze Juvenile 3 MU - Lvl 196 (Rex) Day 488, 19:04:20: Vexo froze Desmodus - Lvl 203 (Desmodus) Day 488, 19:36:24: Vexo froze Juvenile 3 MU - Lvl 196 (Rex) Day 489, 06:59:30: Vexo froze Desmodus - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 489, 12:45:39: Vexo froze Desmodus - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 489, 20:12:56: Vexo claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 490, 02:10:39: Vexo froze Baby Rocko - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 503, 14:48:05: Daeodon - Lvl 226 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 503, 18:17:48: Vexo froze 3 MU - Lvl 199 (Rex) Day 503, 18:53:10: Vexo froze Desmodus - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 504, 04:41:06: Vexo froze 3 MU - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 504, 06:52:30: Vexo froze Desmodus - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 504, 07:46:26: Vexo froze 3 MU - Lvl 256 (Rex) Day 504, 08:05:09: Vexo froze Desmodus - Lvl 205 (Desmodus) Day 504, 17:25:11: Vexo froze Juvenile Rocko - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 505, 07:59:25: Vexo froze Juvenile Rocko - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 505, 11:45:46: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex)'! Day 505, 12:08:20: Vexo froze Baby Rex - Lvl 196 (Rex) Day 505, 23:17:36: Vexo froze Adolescent Rocko - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 506, 07:30:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 142 (Megatherium)! Day 506, 20:34:42: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 164 (Megatherium)'! Day 506, 20:36:38: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 164 (Megatherium)'! Day 507, 16:03:04: Vexo froze Adolescent Rocko - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 510, 07:28:13: Vexo Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 194 (Megatherium)! Day 511, 09:38:06: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 178 (Megatherium)'! Day 511, 14:36:50: Your Parasaur - Lvl 21 (Parasaur) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 511, 19:00:59: Vexo froze Juvenile BroodKiller 3 - Lvl 178 (Megatherium) Day 512, 15:28:01: Vexo Tamed a Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)! Day 513, 22:23:55: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 514, 02:10:52: Vexo froze BroodKiller 3 - Lvl 181 (Megatherium) Day 534, 15:40:34: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 182 (Megatherium)'! Day 534, 15:48:17: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 186 (Megatherium)'! Day 534, 15:51:50: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 182 (Megatherium)'! Day 535, 02:32:23: Vexo froze Juvenile BroodKiller 7 - Lvl 186 (Megatherium) Day 536, 21:41:42: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 536, 22:07:36: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 85! Day 537, 00:06:03: Tribemember Vexo - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 551, 09:35:27: Vexo claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 164 (Megatherium)'! Day 551, 09:44:30: Your Baby Megatherium - Lvl 164 (Megatherium) was killed by Vexo - Lvl 121 (Steel Claw)! Day 551, 09:44:30: Your Tribe killed Baby Megatherium - Lvl 164 (Megatherium) (Steel Claw)! Day 551, 13:07:48: Mel was added to the Tribe by Vexo! Day 551, 19:18:11: Mel claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 58 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 551, 19:20:48: Vexo claimed 'Baby Thylacoleo - Lvl 58 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 551, 19:39:11: Vexo froze Baby Dwev - Lvl 58 (Thylacoleo) Day 551, 23:19:29: Vexo claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex)'! Day 551, 23:42:15: Your 'Standing Torch (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 551, 23:46:13: Your Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) was killed by Vexo - Lvl 121 (Steel Claw)! Day 551, 23:46:13: Your Tribe killed Baby Rex - Lvl 223 (Rex) (Steel Claw)! Day 552, 06:49:37: Tribemember Mel - Lvl 32 was killed! Day 552, 07:59:34: Vexo claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 552, 08:00:54: Mel claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 552, 08:01:36: Vexo claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 552, 08:07:48: Vexo froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 552, 08:20:30: Vexo froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 552, 10:53:54: Vexo claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 552, 13:52:30: Vexo froze Baby ASH - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 552, 14:12:17: Vexo froze Baby Dwevs Cousin - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) Day 552, 14:29:02: Vexo froze Adolescent Child Slayer - Lvl 58 (Thylacoleo) Day 552, 14:34:04: Vexo froze Adolescent Child Slayer - Lvl 58 (Thylacoleo) Day 552, 14:37:31: Vexo froze Adolescent Child Slayer - Lvl 58 (Thylacoleo) Day 556, 18:26:28: Your Child Slayer - Lvl 65 (Thylacoleo) was killed by Scales - Lvl 183 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 556, 18:26:28: Your Tribe killed Child Slayer - Lvl 65 (Thylacoleo)! Day 556, 20:22:03: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 114 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 19:40:16: Vexo froze Scales - Lvl 221 (Fire Wyvern) Day 580, 00:23:17: Vexo froze Scales - Lvl 224 (Fire Wyvern) Day 591, 14:04:10: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 606, 11:37:18: Your Pooop Maker 56000 - Lvl 88 (Phiomia) was killed! Day 606, 11:37:18: Pooop Maker 56000 - Lvl 88 (Phiomia) starved to death! Day 615, 15:56:19: Tribemember Slime - Lvl 73 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 706, 09:39:49: Vexo froze Burthold - Lvl 140 (Magmasaur) Day 706, 10:08:13: Vexo froze Burthold - Lvl 140 (Magmasaur) Day 732, 17:02:38: Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur) starved to death! Day 756, 15:24:32: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 36 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 769, 02:53:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 776, 13:22:55: Vexo froze BroodKiller 1 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 776, 13:38:25: Vexo froze BroodKiller 2 - Lvl 194 (Megatherium) Day 776, 13:55:16: Vexo froze BroodKiller 7 - Lvl 212 (Megatherium) Day 776, 14:10:22: Vexo froze BroodKiller 5 - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 776, 14:28:17: Vexo froze BroodKiller 4 - Lvl 230 (Megatherium) Day 776, 14:46:25: Vexo froze BroodKiller 8 - Lvl 241 (Megatherium) Day 776, 15:01:49: Vexo froze BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 227 (Megatherium) Day 776, 15:26:08: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 6 - Lvl 227 Day 776, 15:27:37: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 5 - Lvl 209 Day 776, 15:28:43: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 8 - Lvl 241 Day 776, 15:30:05: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 1 - Lvl 227 Day 776, 15:31:05: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 4 - Lvl 230 Day 776, 15:32:05: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 7 - Lvl 212 Day 776, 15:33:25: Vexo uploaded a Megatherium: BroodKiller 2 - Lvl 195 Day 776, 15:39:53: Vexo froze 1st Born - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake) Day 803, 21:57:28: Gigantopithecus - Lvl 58 (Gigantopithecus) starved to death! Day 803, 23:53:33: Vexo uploaded a Argentavis: Argentavis - Lvl 249 Day 839, 20:35:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 895, 08:33:41: wew - Lvl 85 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 910, 21:47:13: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 958, 07:21:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1020, 13:04:58: Thylacoleo - Lvl 48 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1100, 07:19:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1111, 16:17:27: Vex - Lvl 48 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 1157, 00:36:16: Bingo - Lvl 199 (Quetzal) starved to death! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1355, 08:37:06: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 207 (Desmodus)'! Day 1355, 08:38:58: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'LEGION - Lvl 297 (Argentavis)'! Day 1379, 20:23:22: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fultand - Lvl 266 (Sabertooth)'! Day 1379, 20:24:10: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BroodKiller 3 - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 1379, 20:24:57: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vex's Allo - Lvl 230 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1379, 20:25:28: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 151 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 1379, 20:25:47: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spike - Lvl 241 (Allosaurus)'! Day 1379, 20:30:24: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 1379, 20:32:45: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Kevin - Lvl 280 (Rex)'! Day 1379, 20:36:04: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 212 (Rex)'! Day 1379, 20:36:41: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 167 (Megatherium)'! Day 1379, 20:37:09: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 84 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 1379, 20:38:33: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame '3 MU - Lvl 257 (Rex)'! Day 1379, 20:41:05: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'New Female - Lvl 243 (Rex)'! Day 1379, 20:48:49: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ownzar - Lvl 66 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 1379, 20:56:01: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 184 (Megalodon)'! Day 1379, 21:10:18: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dwevs Cousin - Lvl 95 (Magmasaur)'! Day 1379, 21:27:21: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Diplodocus - Lvl 167 (Diplodocus)'! Day 1379, 21:37:18: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Mac Deal - Lvl 130 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 1379, 23:19:15: Tribemember Mel - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 1379, 23:32:27: Tribemember Spagh - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 1379, 23:59:37: Tribemember Slime - Lvl 73 was killed! Day 1380, 02:18:57: SIMPLE HUMAN - Lvl 142 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 43 (Desmodus)'! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wooden Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1384, 11:45:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1404, 11:31:36: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dissapointment - Lvl 238 (Rex)'! Day 1404, 11:37:13: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Berlin - Lvl 217 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 1404, 11:41:59: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 178 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 1404, 11:52:50: Benedy - Lvl 124 (Special kind of stupid) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ripper - Lvl 251 (Rex)'! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1610, 16:19:40: Megaloceros - Lvl 178 (Megaloceros) starved to death! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1897, 10:07:02: Your Swoop - Lvl 215 (Pteranodon) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1916, 18:24:45: Your Metal Boi - Lvl 208 (Ankylosaurus) was killed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1976, 07:45:26: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2289, 06:56:04: FentJ - Lvl 121 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 198 (Rex)'! Day 2345, 06:16:50: Tribemember Zykrez - Lvl 15 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 3717, 05:31:21: Your Megalodon - Lvl 230 (Megalodon) was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 140!"] "tribeid":1667310785,"tribe":"Rex Offenders logs":["Day 26, 17:12:12: Tasha was added to the Tribe! Day 26, 18:49:45: TinTin was added to the Tribe by Tasha! Day 26, 19:09:05: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 26, 19:10:33: TinTin froze Weight You Mother Fucker - Lvl 402 (Voidwyrm) Day 27, 02:32:57: Tasha downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 Day 27, 09:43:26: Tasha froze Shadowmane - Lvl 359 (Shadowmane) Day 27, 10:44:21: TinTin froze Mr Yellow Belly - Lvl 353 (Allosaurus) Day 27, 10:44:27: Tasha froze Blackie - Lvl 372 (Allosaurus) Day 27, 13:50:02: TinTin froze Mr Yellow Belly - Lvl 354 (Allosaurus) Day 27, 18:23:37: Tasha froze Blackie - Lvl 372 (Allosaurus) Day 27, 18:26:25: TinTin froze Mr Yellow Belly - Lvl 354 (Allosaurus) Day 27, 19:31:24: Tasha froze Zippy - Lvl 401 (Voidwyrm) Day 28, 07:51:54: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 148 was killed! Day 28, 08:26:16: Tasha froze Mr Yellow Belly - Lvl 355 (Allosaurus) Day 28, 08:31:25: TinTin froze Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon) Day 28, 08:36:55: Tasha froze Blackie - Lvl 372 (Allosaurus) Day 604, 07:23:22: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zippy - Lvl 402 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 604, 07:25:10: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Spanners - Lvl 421 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 604, 07:26:58: ebony - Lvl 122 (furry friends - companions of ar) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 173 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 751, 12:56:21: TinTin's 'Cachow - Lvl 343 (Pteranodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1195, 00:01:31: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1440, 06:46:52: Tribemember Tasha - Lvl 153 was killed! Day 1440, 07:19:39: Tribemember TinTin - Lvl 148 was killed! Day 2923, 08:42:37: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1666877030,"tribe":"Tribe of Enzu logs":["Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18162, 12:41:53: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 242 (Megalodon)'! Day 18162, 12:48:23: FireballFilms - Lvl 68 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 69 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18162, 12:49:19: FireballFilms - Lvl 68 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 249 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18162, 12:50:41: FireballFilms - Lvl 68 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aberrant Dung Beetle - Lvl 61 (Aberrant Dung Beetle)'! Day 18162, 12:57:21: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18162, 12:57:57: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 232 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18162, 12:58:49: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 317 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18162, 12:59:20: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 250 (Argentavis)'! Day 18162, 12:59:44: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 195 (Argentavis)'! Day 18162, 13:00:49: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 208 (Argentavis)'! Day 18162, 13:01:28: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 47 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 18162, 13:02:01: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 93 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 18162, 13:02:32: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 152 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 18162, 13:02:51: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaur - Lvl 153 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 18162, 13:49:18: Human - Lvl 61 (Argie Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 30 (Phiomia)'! Day 18214, 18:23:21: Tribemember Nilia - Lvl 45 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 18236, 13:47:56: Tribemember Enzu - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Metal Water Tank' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18413, 22:31:58: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20710, 13:15:29: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1666518325,"tribe":"Unpaid Greggs Workers logs":["Day 5714, 07:09:54: Neo was added to the Tribe! Day 5714, 07:12:29: Jay was added to the Tribe by Neo! Day 5714, 10:07:39: Jay froze Belenos - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 10:28:06: Neo froze Vulcan - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 10:31:04: Jay froze Belenos - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 10:36:21: Neo froze Vulcan - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 10:39:42: Jay froze Belenos - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 11:02:31: Neo froze Vulcan - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 11:11:13: Jay froze Belenos - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 11:49:41: Neo froze Vulcan - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 12:02:38: Jay froze Belenos - Lvl 228 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 13:03:33: Neo froze Vulcan - Lvl 241 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5714, 17:52:17: Neo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 166 (Thylacoleo) Day 5714, 21:25:59: Neo Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 82 (Maewing)! Day 5714, 21:59:21: Neo froze Milky - Lvl 82 (Maewing) Day 5714, 23:59:08: Jay Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 129 (Maewing)! Day 5715, 00:05:42: Jay froze Calypso - Lvl 129 (Maewing) Day 5715, 14:09:48: Neo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 179 (Thylacoleo) Day 5715, 16:59:17: Neo Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 22 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 5715, 17:16:24: Neo froze Pumpa - Lvl 22 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5715, 19:17:27: Neo Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 5715, 19:40:55: Neo froze Pumpa 2 - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5716, 09:33:55: Neo froze Pumpa - Lvl 27 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5716, 16:13:24: Neo froze Pumpa 2 - Lvl 34 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5716, 16:17:11: Neo froze Milky - Lvl 90 (Maewing) Day 5716, 16:26:41: Neo froze Pumpa - Lvl 29 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5716, 16:26:52: Jay froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 198 (Thylacoleo) Day 5716, 16:39:28: Jay froze Calypso - Lvl 140 (Maewing) Day 5716, 19:51:42: Jay froze Calypso - Lvl 140 (Maewing) Day 5716, 20:13:40: Jay froze Calypso - Lvl 140 (Maewing) Day 5716, 20:17:37: Neo froze Milky - Lvl 91 (Maewing) Day 5716, 20:17:45: Jay froze Calypso - Lvl 140 (Maewing) Day 5716, 20:28:20: Jay froze Calypso - Lvl 140 (Maewing) Day 5717, 03:43:49: Neo froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 188 (Thylacoleo) Day 5717, 03:48:04: Neo froze Milky - Lvl 92 (Maewing) Day 5781, 10:20:03: Butter was added to the Tribe by Neo! Day 5781, 13:38:13: Neo Tamed an Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter)! Day 5781, 17:18:39: Butter Tamed a Rex - Lvl 29 (Rex)! Day 5781, 17:21:51: Neo froze Rex - Lvl 29 (Rex) Day 5781, 18:26:44: Butter Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 82 (Argentavis)! Day 5781, 18:48:19: Butter froze Lesbian flag - Lvl 82 (Argentavis) Day 5782, 22:31:11: Neo froze Rose - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo) Day 5782, 22:52:27: Butter froze Margarine - Lvl 206 (Thylacoleo) Day 5783, 01:51:23: Neo froze Pteranodon - Lvl 274 (Pteranodon) Day 5783, 02:23:27: Neo froze Otter - Lvl 82 (Otter)"] "tribeid":1661937385,"tribe":"Tribe of JESUS logs":["Day 135, 07:14:03: Aditzu was added to the Tribe! Day 135, 13:13:16: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 251, 18:54:56: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 18:56:40: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 18:57:35: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 18:59:23: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 19:00:35: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 19:02:07: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 19:03:27: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 19:06:54: Aditzu demolished a 'Industrial Forge (Locked) '! Day 251, 20:08:28: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 251, 21:11:39: Aditzu demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 252, 05:26:32: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 409 (Voidwyrm) Day 252, 05:32:38: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:33:40: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:34:52: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:35:50: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:36:47: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:38:40: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:39:53: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:41:28: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:42:29: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:44:10: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:45:30: Aditzu demolished a 'Large Stone Wall'! Day 252, 05:48:24: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:49:21: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:50:29: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:51:26: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:52:21: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:53:26: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:54:21: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:55:24: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:56:17: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:57:23: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 05:58:52: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 06:00:10: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 06:01:03: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 06:06:53: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 06:07:40: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 06:08:37: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 06:09:33: Aditzu demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 252, 10:37:08: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 352 (Argentavis) Day 345, 18:31:07: Aditzu - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with furry friends - companions of ar Tribe. Day 345, 18:32:39: Aditzu - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with furry friends - companions of ar Tribe. Day 345, 18:37:00: Aditzu - Lvl 124 requested an Alliance with furry friends - companions of ar Tribe. Day 345, 23:51:39: Aditzu removed 'Tribe of JESUS' Tribe from RUNE FINDERS Alliance! Day 346, 08:26:09: ebony added 'Tribe of JESUS' Tribe to companions of ar Alliance! Day 346, 14:46:16: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 346, 15:03:34: Aditzu froze Æ A-12 - Lvl 410 (Voidwyrm) Day 653, 23:27:05: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 315 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 654, 05:57:42: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 654, 07:35:24: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 654, 07:36:37: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 654, 07:49:40: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 654, 07:50:37: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 654, 07:51:28: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 654, 07:52:25: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Tribe of Tribbles Tribe. Day 654, 07:52:31: Aditzu added 'Tribe of Tribbles' Tribe to FWENDS Alliance! Day 654, 08:31:31: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 654, 16:29:26: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 654, 16:48:22: Tribemember Aditzu - Lvl 127 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 15! Day 655, 01:50:02: Aditzu - Lvl 127 requested an Alliance with Wall Bangers Tribe. Day 655, 06:25:21: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 684, 04:30:19: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 318 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 684, 10:10:24: Tribemember Aditzu - Lvl 127 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 684, 17:35:21: Aditzu froze Afra - Lvl 358 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 685, 08:50:17: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 319 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 801, 00:23:15: Muzzy added 'Tribe of JESUS' Tribe to Comapnions of AR Alliance! Day 801, 01:52:10: Aditzu froze Mamma Yuti - Lvl 283 (Yutyrannus) Day 801, 02:01:38: Aditzu claimed '(COA) Arena Fighter 3 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane)'! Day 801, 09:05:42: Aditzu froze (COA) Arena Fighter 3 - Lvl 387 (Shadowmane) Day 801, 18:13:35: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 319 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 892, 09:38:34: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 892, 11:45:02: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 319 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 892, 18:35:01: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 332 (Shadowmane) Day 892, 18:49:13: Aditzu froze Spike - Lvl 319 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 893, 08:15:49: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 335 (Shadowmane) Day 893, 10:50:05: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 893, 14:36:31: Aditzu froze AMBER - Lvl 244 (Fjordhawk) Day 893, 14:55:50: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 944, 03:13:49: Aditzu froze DAVE - Lvl 295 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1154, 13:46:12: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 74 (Maewing)! Day 1154, 15:09:12: Aditzu froze Maewing - Lvl 75 (Maewing) Day 1154, 19:41:18: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 1155, 16:27:35: Aditzu Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 79 (Bulbdog)! Day 1155, 16:31:36: Aditzu froze Bulbdog - Lvl 79 (Bulbdog) Day 1155, 20:06:35: Aditzu uploaded a Bulbdog: Bulbdog - Lvl 79 Day 1155, 20:44:14: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 1155, 21:38:32: Aditzu uploaded a Desmodus: BATMAN - Lvl 283 Day 1222, 21:55:38: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 1223, 11:46:48: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 1223, 13:11:51: Aditzu froze BATMAN - Lvl 283 (Desmodus) Day 1223, 15:39:19: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 1223, 15:48:56: Aditzu froze Anra - Lvl 372 (Shadowmane) Day 1250, 09:51:34: Aditzu froze Ikora - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 2100, 09:48:21: Aditzu froze Raimbow - Lvl 357 (Argentavis) Day 2402, 16:28:54: Your 'Water Well' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2686, 18:06:47: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1660623434,"tribe":"Tribe of zomB logs":["Day 229, 04:41:22: zomB was added to the Tribe! Day 229, 04:50:05: Octó was added to the Tribe by zomB! Day 229, 08:21:22: Octó Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 29 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 229, 08:39:44: Octó Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 134 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 229, 09:54:52: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 229, 13:51:36: Octó Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 229, 15:21:04: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 14 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 150! Day 229, 16:04:35: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 14 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 15! Day 229, 17:59:01: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 14 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 50! Day 229, 18:17:48: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 14 was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 150! Day 229, 19:55:26: zomB Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 229, 22:18:31: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 229, 22:42:07: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 15 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 90! Day 230, 06:43:41: zomB demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 230, 12:04:41: Your Moschops - Lvl 140 (Moschops) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 230, 21:12:32: zomB Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 217 (Moschops)! Day 232, 06:53:23: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 43 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 233, 11:34:02: Octó claimed 'Baby Lystrosaurus - Lvl 89 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 234, 23:15:41: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 61 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 235, 02:10:46: Your Parasaur - Lvl 88 (Parasaur) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 60! Day 235, 02:12:29: Tribemember zomB - Lvl 63 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 235, 02:15:21: Your Alpha Killa - Lvl 286 (Moschops) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 235, 02:16:12: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 61 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 235, 02:18:52: Your Larry - Lvl 53 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 25! Day 235, 02:24:40: Your Lyra - Lvl 158 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 235, 04:31:55: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 61 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 235, 05:19:53: Tribemember zomB - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 235, 05:37:34: Tribemember zomB - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 235, 15:14:45: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 61 was killed! Day 235, 15:30:34: Tribemember zomB - Lvl 64 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 329, 18:27:50: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 101 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 150! Day 571, 08:18:37: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 672, 02:16:52: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 672, 02:26:04: Tribemember Octó - Lvl 61 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 675, 11:55:00: Tribemember zomB - Lvl 64 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 30! Day 970, 14:35:57: Tribemember zomB - Lvl 64 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 970, 14:38:57: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 970, 18:45:58: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 970, 18:48:10: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 970, 18:49:55: Your 'Stone Wall' was destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1660400763,"tribe":"Big Beautiful logs":["Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5840, 21:20:28: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6123, 10:18:31: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7540, 18:38:00: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'! Day 8144, 22:03:17: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8418, 09:35:51: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)'! Day 11270, 20:47:21: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 11336, 15:00:04: Tribemember Beeeedle - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 11336, 16:02:55: Tribemember Beeeedle - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 11336, 19:22:51: Tribemember Beeeedle - Lvl 124 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 11364, 15:16:17: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11364, 16:31:57: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11364, 17:33:32: OCplayer1 froze Soldier First Gen 1 - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 11364, 18:30:11: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 11364, 18:37:26: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 11364, 19:49:02: OCplayer1 froze Soldier First Gen 1 - Lvl 298 (Rex) Day 11364, 19:58:50: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 11364, 20:10:07: OCplayer1 froze Soldier First Gen 1 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 11364, 20:10:28: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 11364, 20:42:36: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 11364, 20:59:45: OCplayer1 froze Soldier First Gen 1 - Lvl 304 (Rex) Day 11364, 22:07:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 283 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11364, 23:16:09: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11365, 00:30:54: OCplayer1 froze Soldier First Gen 1 - Lvl 314 (Rex) Day 11365, 03:10:20: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 04:09:35: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 283 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11365, 04:56:17: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 05:18:48: OCplayer1 froze Soldier First Gen 1 - Lvl 316 (Rex) Day 11365, 05:38:43: OCplayer1 froze Dante - Lvl 306 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 11365, 05:53:17: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)! Day 11365, 06:00:20: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 192 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 06:05:54: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 283 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11365, 08:13:41: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 08:37:15: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 11365, 08:51:13: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 08:55:45: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 283 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11365, 09:00:13: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 09:13:08: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 11365, 09:42:47: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 257 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11365, 09:49:20: Chosef Chungstar uploaded a Tek Stegosaurus: Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 283 Day 11397, 16:52:54: OCplayer1 froze 217 - Lvl 273 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11397, 19:50:10: OCplayer1 froze 217 - Lvl 278 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11397, 20:52:31: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 274 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11465, 20:15:34: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 283 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11465, 22:40:43: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 11466, 00:11:19: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 11466, 00:56:17: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 11466, 03:40:42: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 263 (Desmodus) Day 11487, 13:50:05: Chosef Chungstar froze Copy of male - Lvl 271 (Shadowmane) Day 11487, 14:28:32: Chosef Chungstar froze Copy of male - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 11487, 15:40:31: Chosef Chungstar froze Copy of male - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 11487, 16:02:56: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11505, 20:08:51: Chosef Chungstar froze Copy of male - Lvl 272 (Shadowmane) Day 11513, 20:34:11: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 315 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11514, 00:24:28: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 315 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11514, 00:48:32: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11514, 05:25:09: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 11514, 06:00:37: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 11514, 06:06:51: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 11514, 06:11:48: Chosef Chungstar froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 315 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 11514, 06:25:07: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 11514, 07:26:49: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11514, 08:49:00: OCplayer1 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 272 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11514, 10:40:30: OCplayer1 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11514, 13:21:56: OCplayer1 claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 13:22:07: OCplayer1 claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 13:39:49: OCplayer1 claimed 'Pure Male - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 15:59:14: OCplayer1 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 16:03:07: OCplayer1 froze Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 16:42:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Male - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 16:45:49: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 16:57:34: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 16:59:48: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:03:19: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:04:38: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:07:49: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:10:58: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:17:24: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:17:51: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:19:34: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 17:29:11: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 18:15:16: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 18:21:03: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 18:28:36: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 18:31:17: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 18:33:52: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 18:36:18: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 19:39:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 19:50:02: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 19:53:09: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 19:57:11: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:00:59: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:04:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:08:04: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:13:55: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:17:25: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:20:47: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:24:16: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:29:57: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:35:29: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:40:30: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 20:48:19: Chosef Chungstar froze Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane) Day 11514, 21:00:26: Chosef Chungstar unclaimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 21:03:37: Chosef Chungstar unclaimed 'Pure Female - Lvl 238 (Shadowmane)'! Day 11514, 22:14:32: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 290 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11514, 23:10:12: OCplayer1 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 275 (Giganotosaurus) Day 11514, 23:44:20: OCplayer1 froze Bolt 2 - Lvl 287 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11556, 03:18:55: Chosef Chungstar froze Green Glizzy Goblin - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11556, 03:51:43: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 11588, 17:19:09: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 11627, 19:43:07: Chadius ThunderThighs Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides)! Day 11627, 19:47:34: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides) Day 11628, 03:59:45: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Castoroides - Lvl 201 (Castoroides) Day 11628, 07:38:31: Chadius ThunderThighs demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 11629, 00:46:07: Chadius ThunderThighs Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 11629, 01:11:14: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 209 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11635, 19:39:20: Chadius ThunderThighs froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11676, 08:31:24: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 177 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11676, 08:33:50: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 76 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11676, 08:54:14: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Rhyniognatha - Lvl 151 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 11676, 09:05:53: Chosef Chungstar unclaimed 'Rhyniognatha - Lvl 151 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 11676, 09:45:48: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11676, 10:25:26: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 11676, 11:30:34: Chosef Chungstar uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 178 Day 11676, 11:59:55: Chosef Chungstar froze Tutu - Lvl 277 (Desmodus) Day 11676, 13:21:38: Chosef Chungstar uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 11683, 02:24:14: Chadius ThunderThighs Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis)! Day 11683, 16:49:13: Chadius ThunderThighs Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis)! Day 11708, 05:11:00: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 11708, 05:15:58: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Argentavis - Lvl 202 (Argentavis) Day 11708, 09:45:29: Chadius ThunderThighs froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11710, 01:01:25: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 11729, 01:58:38: Chadius ThunderThighs froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 272 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12209, 15:31:39: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12348, 06:22:58: Chumby - Lvl 112 (Smart Fellas) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 277 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12495, 04:57:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12637, 21:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12637, 21:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12981, 01:44:53: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 221 (Castoroides)'! Day 12981, 01:53:01: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 128 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13101, 21:54:05: smallman - Lvl 113 (Mandem) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13478, 11:08:11: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 226 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13478, 11:24:31: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argyle - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 13478, 11:27:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)'! Day 13758, 07:00:13: Tribemember Chadius ThunderThighs - Lvl 121 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 25! Day 18574, 17:57:48: Tribemember OCplayer1 - Lvl 126 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 25! Day 18575, 00:09:23: OCplayer1 froze Meleys - Lvl 295 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18616, 04:20:35: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 18616, 04:45:12: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 18616, 05:58:09: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18616, 09:36:46: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 18616, 11:28:50: Chosef Chungstar downloaded a dino: wyvern food - Lvl 219 Day 18616, 13:05:01: Chosef Chungstar demolished a 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 18616, 13:18:40: Chosef Chungstar demolished a 'Cooking Pot (Locked) '! Day 18616, 13:20:52: Chosef Chungstar demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18616, 13:23:30: Chosef Chungstar demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 18616, 13:26:18: Chosef Chungstar demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 18616, 13:26:58: Chosef Chungstar demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 18616, 14:55:08: OCplayer1 froze wyvern food - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 18616, 16:49:33: Your Caraxes - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 18616, 17:39:29: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18616, 18:19:26: OCplayer1 froze Fedaykin - Lvl 261 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18616, 19:39:12: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18616, 21:48:18: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18616, 23:10:37: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 00:22:41: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 00:45:31: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed by a X-Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 18617, 02:14:18: Mantis - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18617, 02:14:18: Mantis - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18617, 02:36:19: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 03:06:17: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 03:19:38: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 03:36:45: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 03:43:04: Magmasaur - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18617, 03:43:04: Magmasaur - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 18617, 04:08:48: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18617, 05:09:11: Chosef Chungstar froze wyvern food - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 18617, 08:53:02: Chosef Chungstar froze wyvern food - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 18617, 09:28:57: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 262 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18617, 11:48:18: OCplayer1 froze Meleys - Lvl 312 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18618, 06:41:09: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 273 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18647, 10:53:26: Your Jimbo - Lvl 244 (Maewing) was killed! Day 18647, 10:53:43: Tribemember Chosef Chungstar - Lvl 125 was killed! Day 18660, 15:10:53: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18660, 17:35:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 235 (Stegosaurus) Day 18660, 20:32:27: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 18660, 20:43:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 18660, 22:01:05: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18660, 22:21:34: Chosef Chungstar froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 236 (Stegosaurus) Day 18660, 23:33:34: Chosef Chungstar Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 18660, 23:55:05: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 18660, 23:59:44: Chosef Chungstar froze Stegosaurus - Lvl 236 (Stegosaurus) Day 18661, 03:46:10: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 18661, 07:31:45: Chosef Chungstar claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 184 (Desmodus)'! Day 18661, 07:34:59: Chosef Chungstar froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 184 (Desmodus) Day 18661, 07:40:32: Chosef Chungstar froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 18661, 07:46:25: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18668, 20:32:30: Chosef Chungstar froze Nadja - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 18684, 01:11:10: Your Nadja - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 235! Day 18689, 04:21:23: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 18703, 22:22:34: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18703, 23:55:36: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 18704, 02:41:15: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18704, 03:52:52: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 18704, 04:38:11: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18704, 08:35:16: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 291 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18707, 08:54:34: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 18707, 08:58:38: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 199 (Desmodus) Day 18707, 10:16:47: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 18707, 10:28:12: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 294 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18711, 00:17:57: OCplayer1 froze Meleys - Lvl 321 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18727, 06:11:46: OCplayer1 froze Meleys - Lvl 328 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 18757, 05:39:55: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 282 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18761, 03:07:40: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 06:15:10: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 07:11:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 07:55:20: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 08:28:57: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 321 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 10:24:51: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 12:34:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 324 (Megatherium) Day 18761, 15:47:40: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18777, 14:19:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Shaggy - Lvl 327 (Megatherium) Day 18777, 17:42:35: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 18777, 18:53:13: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 236 (Desmodus) Day 18777, 19:12:43: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 301 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18781, 13:18:01: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 18781, 13:40:31: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 302 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18880, 09:00:55: OCplayer1 froze Zilla - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18880, 11:10:32: OCplayer1 froze Zilla - Lvl 313 (Giganotosaurus) Day 18880, 11:52:23: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 288 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18881, 09:34:41: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18906, 18:37:34: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 18920, 22:18:59: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19024, 19:01:55: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19024, 19:39:24: Chosef Chungstar froze Chomp - Lvl 387 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19024, 20:21:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19024, 20:54:02: Chosef Chungstar froze Chomp - Lvl 387 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19024, 23:16:59: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19036, 10:39:16: Chosef Chungstar froze Chomp - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19036, 12:42:35: Chosef Chungstar froze Chomp - Lvl 392 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19036, 14:01:23: Chosef Chungstar froze Chomp - Lvl 393 (Giganotosaurus) Day 19036, 14:08:18: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19036, 18:15:06: Chosef Chungstar froze Pablo - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 19036, 18:52:14: Chosef Chungstar froze Pablo - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 19036, 19:37:18: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19036, 19:59:13: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 318 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19069, 09:54:28: Chosef Chungstar froze pogette - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 09:57:13: Chosef Chungstar froze pog - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 10:16:37: Chosef Chungstar froze pog - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 10:19:30: Chosef Chungstar froze pogette - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 12:58:32: Chosef Chungstar froze pogette - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 14:17:25: Chosef Chungstar froze pogette - Lvl 277 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 14:20:29: Chosef Chungstar froze pog - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 19069, 14:44:45: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19069, 18:04:40: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 247 (Desmodus) Day 19069, 18:08:18: Chosef Chungstar froze Nugget - Lvl 265 (Yutyrannus) Day 19069, 19:48:04: Chosef Chungstar froze Nugget - Lvl 266 (Yutyrannus) Day 19070, 00:28:56: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 248 (Desmodus) Day 19070, 02:23:39: Chosef Chungstar froze Lestat - Lvl 249 (Desmodus) Day 19070, 02:34:54: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19084, 12:48:06: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19084, 17:45:26: OCplayer1 froze Tomcat - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19084, 18:05:47: OCplayer1 was removed from the Tribe! Day 19084, 18:05:47: Tribe Owner was changed to Chosef Chungstar! Day 19093, 15:58:59: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19094, 17:29:45: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19094, 18:02:56: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19164, 11:00:08: Chadius ThunderThighs Tamed a Microraptor - Lvl 168 (Microraptor)! Day 19164, 13:32:20: Chadius ThunderThighs froze Microraptor - Lvl 168 (Microraptor) Day 19164, 15:28:41: Chadius ThunderThighs froze 145 - Lvl 248 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19165, 08:57:27: Chosef Chungstar froze Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19193, 09:36:19: Chadius ThunderThighs froze 145 - Lvl 263 (R-Snow Owl) Day 19786, 17:27:24: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19867, 18:58:58: Chosef Chungstar's 'Fedaykin - Lvl 319 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20639, 11:36:16: Your 'Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20639, 11:36:16: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20639, 11:36:16: Your 'Large Tek Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20639, 11:36:16: Your 'Tek Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1655664298,"tribe":"Tribe of Alf logs":["Day 5602, 02:56:08: Alf was added to the Tribe! Day 5602, 02:56:52: OLO was added to the Tribe by Alf! Day 5602, 02:58:12: OLO was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Alf! Day 5602, 03:06:43: OLO froze death - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 5602, 03:59:37: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 112 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 5602, 05:33:38: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 5602, 07:05:32: OLO froze Shadowmane - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane) Day 5602, 07:16:02: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 289 (Shadowmane) Day 5602, 11:04:46: OLO froze death - Lvl 253 (Poison Wyvern) Day 5602, 12:40:08: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 290 (Shadowmane) Day 5604, 03:43:17: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 296 (Shadowmane) Day 5667, 04:08:19: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 5688, 10:07:04: OLO froze death - Lvl 278 (Poison Wyvern) Day 5688, 16:09:57: OLO Tamed an Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter)! Day 5688, 16:17:11: OLO froze Otter - Lvl 201 (Otter) Day 5688, 18:49:31: OLO froze death - Lvl 279 (Poison Wyvern) Day 5692, 13:44:35: Alf Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 134 (Gacha)! Day 5692, 14:09:26: Alf froze Gacha - Lvl 134 (Gacha) Day 5692, 18:30:38: Alf froze Cock drake - Lvl 297 (Rock Drake) Day 5731, 07:31:45: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 275 (Maewing) Day 5732, 00:32:58: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 5756, 14:56:21: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 281 (Maewing) Day 5758, 07:58:59: Alf froze Shadowmane - Lvl 338 (Shadowmane) Day 5786, 23:29:14: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 285 (Maewing) Day 5850, 11:52:48: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 5850, 15:12:36: Alf froze aquatic feline - Lvl 343 (Shadowmane) Day 5850, 19:51:43: OLO froze chaos - Lvl 305 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 5851, 00:31:52: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing) Day 5886, 01:49:09: Alf froze Maewing - Lvl 297 (Maewing) Day 10697, 00:03:39: Alf downloaded a dino: Maewing - Lvl 233 Day 10697, 15:26:32: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 10720, 11:05:58: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 266 (Maewing) Day 10720, 19:03:48: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 10721, 03:03:14: Your 'Bed' was destroyed! Day 10721, 03:03:14: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10721, 03:04:00: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10721, 04:03:46: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 10721, 17:16:21: OLO demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 10721, 17:17:28: OLO demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 10722, 13:59:30: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was destroyed! Day 10722, 14:31:06: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 274 (Maewing) Day 10722, 16:32:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Baryonyx - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx)! Day 10722, 16:44:37: OLO froze Baryonyx - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx) Day 10722, 17:37:09: OLO froze Baryonyx - Lvl 200 (Baryonyx) Day 10723, 14:38:20: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 10749, 18:01:52: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 282 (Maewing) Day 10750, 07:25:33: OLO claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 10750, 07:28:48: OLO froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 10750, 07:32:31: OLO claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing)'! Day 10750, 07:35:04: OLO froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) Day 10750, 07:37:30: OLO claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing)'! Day 10750, 07:44:01: OLO froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) Day 10750, 08:02:50: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 283 (Maewing) Day 10771, 17:12:45: Your Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) was killed! Day 10771, 17:12:45: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 10771, 17:12:45: Your Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) was killed! Day 10771, 17:12:45: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 224 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 10771, 17:12:45: Your Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) was killed! Day 10771, 17:12:45: Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 232 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 10772, 16:32:19: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 289 (Maewing) Day 10775, 16:23:19: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 289 (Maewing) Day 10776, 00:00:58: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 289 (Maewing) Day 10776, 04:50:35: Alf demolished a 'Metal Cliff Platform'! Day 10776, 05:21:08: Alf demolished a 'Metal Cliff Platform'! Day 10794, 04:22:05: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 289 (Maewing) Day 10794, 14:46:58: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 290 (Maewing) Day 10816, 14:38:36: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing) Day 10839, 04:26:35: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 296 (Maewing) Day 10866, 08:56:52: Your Baryonyx - Lvl 215 (Baryonyx) was killed! Day 10866, 09:10:14: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10866, 09:16:13: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 114 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 55! Day 10866, 17:41:37: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 10867, 00:32:01: OLO froze Maewing - Lvl 301 (Maewing) Day 10867, 00:44:56: Alf uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 266 Day 11018, 00:34:37: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11449, 11:43:37: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11736, 02:32:48: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11736, 02:32:48: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12043, 05:50:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1655216155,"tribe":"Tribe of mone231323 logs":["Day 2513, 18:08:13: mone231323 was added to the Tribe! Day 2513, 18:16:41: POOOOOOOP was added to the Tribe by mone231323! Day 2513, 20:34:44: mone231323 demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 2513, 21:41:18: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2514, 01:36:24: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 10 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 135! Day 2514, 02:43:46: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 2514, 03:33:41: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 10 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 85! Day 2514, 04:02:37: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2514, 04:19:08: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 12 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 135! Day 2514, 04:35:10: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 10 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 20! Day 2514, 07:35:41: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2514, 07:40:45: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2514, 08:14:10: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 25 | 1.1x! Day 2514, 08:38:45: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 2514, 08:48:56: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 15 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 2514, 10:36:07: mone231323 Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 2514, 18:38:04: mone231323 Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 64 (Dilophosaur)! Day 2514, 23:51:11: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 24 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 85! Day 2515, 00:13:06: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 00:40:07: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2515, 00:58:57: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2515, 01:29:50: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 24 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2515, 02:13:33: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 24 was killed by a Pteranodon - Lvl 55! Day 2515, 10:03:26: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2515, 10:05:17: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 29 was killed! Day 2515, 10:50:18: Your Jim - Lvl 72 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 11:07:29: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 2515, 11:23:56: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 11:32:09: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 11:38:45: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 11:58:05: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 12:22:53: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 12:35:42: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 14:21:43: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 29 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 14:23:29: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 30 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 2515, 14:26:36: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2515, 17:39:45: mone231323 demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 2516, 06:30:07: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 81 (Raptor)! Day 2516, 07:28:16: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 35 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 2516, 18:15:44: mone231323 Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 20 (Raptor)! Day 2516, 19:32:00: POOOOOOOP Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 126 (Raptor)! Day 2517, 02:57:15: mone231323 demolished a 'Standing Torch (Locked) '! Day 2517, 05:39:03: POOOOOOOP Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 2517, 06:15:54: mone231323 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 207 (Parasaur)! Day 2517, 08:28:16: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 39 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 2517, 08:36:21: Your POOPIE FARTR - Lvl 208 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 145! Day 2517, 13:21:22: mone231323 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2846, 16:32:32: Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 2893, 07:01:08: pooo - Lvl 46 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3110, 20:42:25: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3110, 20:42:25: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3150, 22:06:15: ShellTear - Lvl 122 (The Bloodfallen Clan) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'poop - Lvl 131 (Raptor)'! Day 3150, 22:57:27: Tribemember mone231323 - Lvl 46 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 15! Day 3210, 08:05:23: Your Raptor - Lvl 88 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 3210, 08:16:13: Your Female raptor - Lvl 20 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 3210, 08:20:13: Tribemember POOOOOOOP - Lvl 40 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 3245, 10:39:07: eee - Lvl 72 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 3677, 04:28:32: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1651744119,"tribe":"Tribe of BlueJ1209 logs":["Day 16950, 10:55:04: BlueJ1209 was added to the Tribe! Day 16950, 11:11:28: Tribemember BlueJ1209 - Lvl 6 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 17032, 17:25:17: Tribemember BlueJ1209 - Lvl 7 was killed!"] "tribeid":1650656841,"tribe":"Hound logs":["Day 2954, 05:55:15: Hound froze Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex) Day 2954, 05:58:55: Hound froze Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex) Day 2954, 06:03:00: Hound froze Tek Rex - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex) Day 2954, 06:06:30: Hound froze Daeodon - Lvl 102 (Daeodon) Day 3076, 01:14:33: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 3488, 13:26:27: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3794, 20:31:11: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4151, 18:06:59: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 20! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's '10K WEIGHT - Lvl 416 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Deino - Lvl 301 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'BOSS F - Lvl 300 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'BOSS F - Lvl 293 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'ZUES - Lvl 283 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'BOSS F - Lvl 310 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Otter - Lvl 386 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 367 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'loki - Lvl 193 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 130 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Otter - Lvl 271 (Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby Megalania - Lvl 113 (Megalania)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 368 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'hemad4mutz - Lvl 212 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 365 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 248 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby ea - Lvl 249 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 245 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4509, 07:42:12: 's 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 238 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4524, 14:00:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7719, 22:09:03: Nesquik01 - Lvl 121 (L9wada) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 9417, 04:00:09: Your 'Tek Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11030, 05:44:29: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 20! Day 11030, 05:53:35: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11030, 07:33:54: Your Maewing - Lvl 43 (Maewing) was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 100! Day 11030, 07:53:49: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 15! Day 11030, 08:07:08: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 50! Day 11030, 09:04:54: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11030, 09:46:37: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11030, 11:56:02: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 11030, 12:05:07: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11030, 16:44:35: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 50! Day 11030, 20:47:33: Hound removed 'Hound' Tribe from boss idk Alliance! Day 11030, 21:11:30: Pure aryan added 'Hound' Tribe to Fortnite battle Alliance! Day 11030, 22:58:08: Hound froze monkey - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11031, 18:56:45: Hound froze Shadowmane - Lvl 369 (Shadowmane) Day 11032, 12:45:44: Your Maewing - Lvl 151 (Maewing) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60! Day 11032, 12:46:14: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 190! Day 11032, 13:37:43: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 90! Day 11033, 04:39:01: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 206 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165! Day 11052, 07:41:13: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11052, 08:56:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 99 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 11052, 08:57:23: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 11052, 09:45:08: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 150! Day 11052, 11:08:47: Your R-Snow Owl - Lvl 38 (R-Snow Owl) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 11052, 11:32:40: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175! Day 11182, 21:06:12: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11379, 23:03:25: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 11379, 23:04:24: Your Maewing - Lvl 26 (Maewing) was killed! Day 11434, 08:06:54: Hound removed 'Hound' Tribe from Fortnite battle Alliance! Day 11434, 09:26:23: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 11434, 09:46:04: Hound Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)! Day 11434, 09:47:07: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 11434, 10:00:51: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 11434, 11:19:04: Hound Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 11434, 11:28:24: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 11434, 11:34:31: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 11434, 11:57:51: Hound froze Maewing - Lvl 230 (Maewing) Day 11505, 02:45:36: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 348 (Maewing) Day 11694, 09:33:38: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 11694, 13:17:55: Hound claimed 'Rhyniognatha - Lvl 151 (Rhyniognatha)'! Day 11694, 13:21:30: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex0 Imprint - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:23:11: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:23:45: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:24:16: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:27:51: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex0 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:28:42: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:29:27: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:30:22: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex0 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:31:11: Hound claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 335 (Desmodus)'! Day 11694, 13:32:03: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 13:32:34: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 14:30:12: Hound claimed 'Tusoteuthis - Lvl 249 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 11694, 14:30:36: Hound claimed '50 Hp [Clone] - Lvl 237 (Tusoteuthis)'! Day 11694, 14:48:47: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 11694, 15:19:18: Tribemember Hound - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 11694, 18:11:39: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 11694, 18:40:37: Hound froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 163 (Rhyniognatha) Day 11694, 18:45:10: Hound froze Rhyniognatha - Lvl 163 (Rhyniognatha) Day 11694, 20:28:43: Hound uploaded a Rhyniognatha: Rhyniognatha - Lvl 163 Day 11694, 20:32:53: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 11694, 22:23:08: Hound froze Tek Rex0 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:27:20: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:32:15: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:34:13: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 22:37:04: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:42:25: Hound froze Tek Rex0 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:44:01: Hound claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 11694, 22:46:50: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:52:07: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 22:56:25: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 23:01:53: Hound froze Tek Rex0 Imprint - Lvl 481 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 23:08:25: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 23:17:49: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 23:22:12: Hound froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 11694, 23:31:12: Hound froze Desmodus - Lvl 335 (Desmodus) Day 11694, 23:59:55: Hound froze 50 Hp [Clone] - Lvl 250 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11695, 00:08:54: Hound froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 249 (Tusoteuthis) Day 11695, 01:49:37: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing) Day 11695, 03:03:37: Hound froze Speed - Lvl 349 (Maewing)"] "tribeid":1642641235,"tribe":"The Devourer logs":["Day 122, 09:10:35: Belaal was added to the Tribe! Day 122, 19:55:22: Belaal demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 122, 19:57:41: Belaal demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 122, 23:24:25: Belaal demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 123, 09:47:10: Belaal demolished a 'Stone Hatchframe'! Day 538, 23:59:21: Barry - Lvl 49 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1005, 14:07:43: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1005, 14:07:43: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1113, 18:58:18: Tribemember Belaal - Lvl 48 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1640506222,"tribe":"Tribu de Kira049 logs":["Day 1084, 01:33:59: Kira049 was added to the Tribe! Day 1084, 02:40:53: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 94 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 02:46:28: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 138 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 04:32:14: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 288 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 04:42:26: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 266 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 04:48:09: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 319 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 04:53:57: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 04:59:07: Kira049 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 269 (Tek Rex) Day 1084, 05:06:42: Kira049 claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1084, 05:14:11: Kira049 froze Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus) Day 1084, 05:34:13: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 94 (Tek Rex) was killed by Kira049 - Lvl 122 (Tribu de Kira049)! Day 1084, 05:34:13: Your Tribe killed Tek Rex - Lvl 94 (Tek Rex)! Day 1084, 06:04:09: Kira049 froze 625.000EXP - Lvl 363 (Ember Crystal Wyvern) Day 1094, 02:13:49: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 251 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 1094, 07:15:58: Your [s]SNAIL - Lvl 287 (Argentavis) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 1758, 16:43:39: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame '[S]Mxspeedy - Lvl 228 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1758, 16:52:25: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 245 (Argentavis)'! Day 1852, 21:35:16: Corbu - Lvl 65 (Legion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 234 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1952, 15:09:37: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1638604845,"tribe":"Tribe of jimbob logs":["Day 4747, 17:52:29: jimbob was added to the Tribe! Day 4748, 00:12:29: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 4748, 01:38:57: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 4748, 07:28:38: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 20 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 4748, 08:05:15: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 4748, 08:30:50: jimbob claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4753, 04:47:57: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 37 was killed! Day 5032, 00:10:08: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 167 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 95! Day 5178, 12:57:44: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 37 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 5443, 00:25:26: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5443, 00:25:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7727, 14:23:56: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 38 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 140! Day 7727, 17:46:48: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 38 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 7727, 19:47:31: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 39 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 60! Day 7729, 10:17:39: Tribemember jimbob - Lvl 39 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50!"] "tribeid":1636158919,"tribe":"เผ่าของ dew logs":["Day 19391, 07:41:57: dew was added to the Tribe! Day 19391, 18:19:41: Tribemember dew - Lvl 54 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 19391, 18:35:59: Tribemember dew - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 19391, 19:31:19: Tribemember dew - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 15! Day 19391, 19:46:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 19391, 19:57:43: Tribemember dew - Lvl 54 was killed! Day 19391, 20:11:35: Tribemember dew - Lvl 54 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 19391, 20:53:42: Tribemember dew - Lvl 54 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 19392, 05:02:44: dew Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon)! Day 19549, 18:15:30: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19801, 10:54:51: Your Moschops - Lvl 84 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 19801, 11:18:30: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 31 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 19801, 11:25:23: Raptor - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 19801, 11:44:10: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 199 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 19801, 12:21:54: Tribemember dew - Lvl 56 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 19945, 02:28:05: Your Raptor - Lvl 42 (Raptor) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 19975, 18:01:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 19975, 18:01:01: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 20148, 00:46:46: Moschops - Lvl 140 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 20194, 12:40:22: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 199 (Raptor)'! Day 20232, 02:34:14: Your Parasaur - Lvl 222 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 20569, 02:15:54: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1634134500,"tribe":"HungaBunga logs":["Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1587, 09:03:39: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NaNa - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1587, 09:25:53: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Baba - Lvl 236 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1610, 17:40:26: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Smashmouth - Lvl 288 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1610, 17:44:14: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 271 (Triceratops)'! Day 1610, 17:45:23: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Chunk - Lvl 273 (Mammoth)'! Day 1610, 17:46:31: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 259 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1610, 17:47:34: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mechy - Lvl 263 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1610, 17:48:16: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Teky - Lvl 295 (Tek Rex)'! Day 1610, 17:49:19: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cute - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1610, 17:52:39: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex)'! Day 1610, 17:53:05: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexy - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 1610, 17:54:43: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Breeeed - Lvl 212 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1610, 17:56:07: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 142 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1610, 17:57:40: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Froglegs - Lvl 246 (Beelzebufo)'! Day 1610, 18:01:54: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1610, 18:04:54: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)'! Day 1610, 18:28:47: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 254 (Argentavis)'! Day 1610, 18:29:39: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'PECK - Lvl 217 (Argentavis)'! Day 1610, 18:34:40: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quack - Lvl 295 (Argentavis)'! Day 1679, 19:35:16: Forthwin's 'Desmodus - Lvl 284 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1692, 09:20:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1708, 10:09:18: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Klipper - Lvl 283 (Megatherium)'! Day 1708, 10:10:30: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ClappyBlappy - Lvl 291 (Castoroides)'! Day 1708, 10:11:01: IamMonkey - Lvl 121 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bolderbash - Lvl 280 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1786, 21:21:42: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1848, 19:58:02: 's 'Baby Fluffy boi - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1857, 22:12:02: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Vertical Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2273, 23:44:50: Tribemember Forthwin - Lvl 121 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135!"] "tribeid":1628739789,"tribe":"House Atreides logs":["Day 12127, 19:08:55: Tristan was added to the Tribe! Day 12128, 00:48:10: Sarco - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 12128, 00:48:10: Sarco - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 12128, 00:48:10: Sarco - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 12128, 00:51:17: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 13 was killed by a Sarco - Lvl 25! Day 12128, 05:10:11: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 14 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 12128, 13:44:59: Tristan Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 82 (Moschops)! Day 12128, 19:40:31: Your Choppa - Lvl 98 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 12128, 19:42:09: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 22 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 12129, 05:23:48: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 12129, 09:33:48: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 29 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 95! Day 12129, 09:50:41: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 29 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 90 | 1.0x! Day 12129, 15:28:25: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 32 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 12129, 18:44:21: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 32 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 12129, 20:05:21: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 33 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 12130, 19:59:50: Raptor - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 12141, 14:27:49: Tristan Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 12141, 15:32:06: Tristan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 12141, 18:26:41: Tristan Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 89 (Pteranodon)! Day 12142, 08:00:05: Tristan Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 216 (Dodo)! Day 12142, 12:25:10: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 60 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 12142, 16:20:55: Tristan Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 29 (Raptor)! Day 12142, 17:34:24: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 61 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 12143, 00:55:20: Your Raptor - Lvl 30 (Raptor) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 12143, 01:32:01: Your Brown Nose - Lvl 103 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 12143, 04:08:54: Your Chomper - Lvl 144 (Moschops) was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 12143, 06:02:56: Tribemember Tristan - Lvl 62 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 145! Day 12304, 19:34:08: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13018, 16:00:13: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13304, 08:17:16: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13578, 09:40:03: Pink Flaps - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 14440, 14:30:21: The One - Lvl 216 (Dodo) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1628061308,"tribe":"S!uts logs":["Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Giant Metal Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7488, 11:41:07: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7512, 01:39:31: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7617, 13:59:47: Twinkii - Lvl 113 (Adverse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beryl Turtle - Lvl 276 (Carbonemys)'! Day 7617, 14:30:36: Twinkii - Lvl 113 (Adverse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Binge Eating - Lvl 260 (Spino)'! Day 7634, 10:31:59: Tribemember vhe - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 7634, 13:29:50: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dylosa - Lvl 287 (Dilophosaur)'! Day 7667, 17:10:45: HUSH - Lvl 114 (SILENT SECTA) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bloodstalker - Lvl 186 (Bloodstalker)'! Day 8107, 11:15:04: Tribemember Kiwi - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 8423, 19:27:38: Sappy - Lvl 289 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 11812, 07:48:40: Muzz demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 11812, 14:44:01: Muzz Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 224 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 11812, 16:42:52: Muzz Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus)! Day 11813, 07:51:20: Your Mesopithecus - Lvl 29 (Mesopithecus) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 55! Day 11813, 12:17:09: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 11813, 12:57:29: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 224 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 11813, 18:02:07: Muzz claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 202 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11813, 19:34:45: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 11814, 20:26:48: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 11814, 21:12:14: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 11816, 21:54:31: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 11819, 12:43:26: Muzz Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 209 (Triceratops)! Day 11820, 16:43:41: Muzz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)! Day 11821, 02:32:34: Muzz Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 149 (Dimorphodon)! Day 11821, 05:21:09: Muzz Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 217 (Pteranodon)! Day 11821, 10:54:03: Muzz claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon)'! Day 11821, 10:56:48: Muzz froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 219 (Pteranodon) Day 11822, 10:55:30: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 156 (Dimorphodon) was killed by John - Lvl 290 (Fire Wyvern) (S!uts)! Day 11822, 10:55:30: Your Tribe killed Dimorphodon - Lvl 156 (Dimorphodon) (S!uts)! Day 11823, 04:11:02: Muzz claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 11823, 04:16:32: Muzz froze Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 11823, 13:52:36: Muzz froze Juvenile Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 11839, 18:48:24: Muzz froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 11839, 18:51:48: Muzz froze Adolescent Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon) Day 11841, 03:05:47: Muzz Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 11841, 03:12:24: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 216 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11841, 09:43:09: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11841, 10:05:17: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 227 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11841, 22:32:31: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 233 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11842, 00:56:51: Muzz froze John - Lvl 294 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11842, 15:09:46: Muzz froze Triceratops - Lvl 225 (Triceratops) Day 11864, 05:47:53: Muzz froze Triceratops - Lvl 225 (Triceratops) Day 11864, 12:55:27: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11864, 12:56:06: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11864, 12:57:22: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 11864, 14:04:23: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 239 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11864, 17:15:50: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 11864, 20:00:52: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 243 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11868, 04:51:02: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 11868, 06:42:52: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) was killed by John - Lvl 297 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 11868, 06:42:52: Your Tribe killed Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon)! Day 11868, 17:25:08: Muzz Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 193 (Mesopithecus)! Day 11869, 11:58:38: Muzz Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 203 (Therizinosaur)! Day 11869, 12:03:43: Muzz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 203 (Therizinosaur) Day 11869, 14:34:56: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11870, 06:49:44: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 249 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11870, 09:37:04: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 250 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11870, 16:38:48: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 253 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11870, 23:46:16: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Stairs'! Day 11887, 13:04:44: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 254 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11888, 11:18:49: Muzz froze John - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11888, 11:58:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Ravager - Lvl 209 (Ravager)! Day 11888, 15:04:10: Muzz froze John - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11888, 18:30:58: Muzz froze John - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11888, 19:05:19: Muzz froze John - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11889, 07:34:02: Muzz Tamed a Diplocaulus - Lvl 216 (Diplocaulus)! Day 11889, 08:05:18: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 217 (Diplocaulus) Day 11889, 09:14:06: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 217 (Diplocaulus) Day 11892, 20:45:47: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11892, 23:59:15: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 261 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11896, 16:19:08: Muzz claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 11896, 16:23:11: Muzz froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11896, 17:46:22: Muzz froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11896, 21:06:19: Muzz Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 224 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 11897, 01:53:09: Muzz froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11907, 22:30:12: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11908, 05:50:05: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 223 (Diplocaulus) Day 11908, 06:13:44: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 234 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11908, 07:41:25: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 223 (Diplocaulus) Day 11908, 10:47:45: Muzz froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11908, 15:05:37: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 223 (Diplocaulus) Day 11908, 18:21:29: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 50! Day 11908, 18:58:21: Muzz claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11910, 06:45:09: Muzz froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11910, 21:29:53: Muzz froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11911, 06:52:30: Muzz Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing)! Day 11911, 07:03:00: Muzz froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 11911, 07:06:13: Muzz froze Maewing - Lvl 194 (Maewing) Day 11911, 17:49:17: Muzz Tamed a Gigantopithecus - Lvl 212 (Gigantopithecus)! Day 11914, 16:25:01: Muzz froze Maewing - Lvl 199 (Maewing) Day 11915, 15:54:12: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11915, 16:56:31: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11915, 17:22:32: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11915, 17:29:41: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11915, 18:00:21: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11915, 18:50:25: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11933, 05:19:34: Muzz claimed 'Freebie - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11933, 05:19:59: Muzz claimed 'Freebie - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 11933, 17:49:12: Muzz claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11933, 17:51:59: Muzz froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 11933, 18:47:18: Muzz froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 11933, 22:46:58: Muzz froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 165 (Rock Drake) Day 11933, 23:33:44: Your Freebie - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 140! Day 11933, 23:38:51: Your Freebie - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 55! Day 11936, 16:58:56: Muzz Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 11936, 17:02:36: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11937, 10:40:42: Muzz claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 11937, 10:45:00: Muzz froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11938, 01:49:02: Muzz froze Juvenile R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11938, 11:37:54: Muzz froze Adolescent R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11938, 18:52:39: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11952, 04:27:10: Muzz froze John - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11952, 04:44:24: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 272 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11952, 07:21:57: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 274 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11952, 09:38:23: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11952, 16:44:14: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 100! Day 11953, 03:14:24: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 269 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11953, 06:24:31: Muzz claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 213 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11953, 06:34:12: Muzz claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 11953, 14:06:18: Muzz demolished a 'Zipline Anchor'! Day 11953, 18:28:58: Muzz froze Ravager - Lvl 240 (Ravager) Day 11953, 19:29:00: Muzz froze Ravager - Lvl 240 (Ravager) Day 11953, 19:58:14: Muzz froze Ravager - Lvl 240 (Ravager) Day 11954, 09:21:52: Muzz froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 280 (Fire Wyvern) Day 11954, 10:04:55: Muzz froze Ravager - Lvl 240 (Ravager) Day 11954, 17:49:26: Muzz froze Ravager - Lvl 240 (Ravager) Day 11955, 17:25:14: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 238 (Diplocaulus) Day 11955, 18:44:34: Muzz demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 11958, 14:02:32: Muzz claimed 'what - Lvl 55 (Doedicurus)'! Day 11958, 14:06:15: Muzz froze what - Lvl 55 (Doedicurus) Day 11958, 23:17:10: Muzz claimed 'Perfecto - Lvl 177 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11958, 23:21:52: Muzz claimed 'Personal Space - Lvl 178 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11958, 23:32:25: Muzz unclaimed 'Perfecto - Lvl 177 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11958, 23:37:54: Muzz unclaimed 'Personal Space - Lvl 178 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11958, 23:40:55: Muzz claimed 'Perfecto - Lvl 177 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11959, 00:27:07: Muzz claimed 'Veteran - Lvl 340 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 11959, 16:38:00: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 242 (Diplocaulus) Day 11959, 17:25:04: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 242 (Diplocaulus) Day 11959, 19:01:58: Muzz froze Gigantopithecus - Lvl 227 (Gigantopithecus) Day 11959, 19:46:47: Muzz froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 233 (Therizinosaur) Day 11959, 19:55:01: Muzz froze Triceratops - Lvl 225 (Triceratops) Day 11959, 20:05:37: Muzz froze Diplocaulus - Lvl 242 (Diplocaulus) Day 11959, 20:14:41: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11960, 07:56:45: Muzz claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 11960, 07:59:57: Muzz froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 232 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11964, 09:58:14: Muzz unclaimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11964, 12:08:51: Muzz claimed 'Rock Drake - Lvl 218 (Rock Drake)'! Day 11985, 09:04:33: Muzz claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 11985, 09:45:11: Muzz froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11985, 14:42:15: Muzz froze Juvenile Champagne - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11986, 01:59:17: Muzz froze Adolescent Champagne - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11988, 05:18:16: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11988, 07:25:41: Muzz froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 11988, 13:41:47: Muzz froze Fifi - Lvl 242 (Diplocaulus) Day 11988, 16:24:45: Muzz froze Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 11988, 20:01:27: Muzz froze Fifi - Lvl 246 (Diplocaulus) Day 12006, 06:44:07: Muzz claimed 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 324 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12006, 06:44:53: Muzz claimed 'Pierre - Lvl 299 (Gacha)'! Day 12006, 06:46:06: Muzz claimed 'Elixir - Lvl 315 (Desmodus)'! Day 12006, 06:58:06: Muzz claimed 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 360 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 12006, 07:04:41: Muzz froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 360 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12006, 07:14:39: Muzz claimed 'Junkers Ju 322 \"Mammut\" - Lvl 324 (Argentavis)'! Day 12006, 07:28:48: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12006, 07:39:44: Muzz claimed 'AT-AT - Lvl 204 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12006, 07:47:25: Muzz froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 325 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12006, 07:49:32: Muzz claimed 'Neo-Picker - Lvl 294 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12006, 08:35:45: Muzz froze Pierre - Lvl 299 (Gacha) Day 12006, 09:30:20: Muzz froze Elixir - Lvl 315 (Desmodus) Day 12006, 09:39:12: Muzz froze Junkers Ju 322 \"Mammut\" - Lvl 324 (Argentavis) Day 12006, 11:14:46: Muzz froze Pierre - Lvl 299 (Gacha) Day 12006, 12:43:54: Muzz froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 360 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12006, 16:08:31: Muzz claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12007, 01:42:19: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 12007, 02:16:52: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 90! Day 12007, 03:12:12: Your Tyler - Lvl 218 (Maewing) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 85! Day 12007, 08:34:25: Muzz froze Juvenile Heineken - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12007, 08:37:42: Muzz froze Juvenile Heineken - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12007, 13:16:57: Muzz froze Adolescent Jack Danielle - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12029, 11:02:56: Muzz demolished a 'Metal Fence Foundation'! Day 12029, 17:34:20: Muzz froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 360 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 12030, 06:16:31: Muzz froze Fifi - Lvl 248 (Diplocaulus) Day 12030, 08:02:35: Muzz froze Elixir - Lvl 315 (Desmodus) Day 12036, 03:11:22: Muzz demolished a 'Zipline Anchor'! Day 12036, 04:46:41: Muzz froze Pierre - Lvl 300 (Gacha) Day 12036, 06:21:23: Muzz claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 12036, 06:24:01: Muzz froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 241 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12054, 02:26:37: Muzz froze Fifi - Lvl 250 (Diplocaulus) Day 12054, 05:17:56: Muzz froze Fifi - Lvl 250 (Diplocaulus) Day 12054, 06:14:30: Muzz claimed 'MAGMA 1 - Lvl 251 (Magmasaur)'! Day 12054, 06:21:10: Muzz claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus)'! Day 12054, 06:24:37: Muzz froze Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus) Day 12054, 06:28:36: Muzz claimed 'COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 328 (Desmodus)'! Day 12054, 06:31:05: Muzz froze COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 12054, 06:38:00: Muzz claimed 'Shadow Killer - Lvl 390 (Shadowmane)'! Day 12054, 07:30:47: Muzz claimed 'Galaxy - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12054, 07:36:34: Muzz unclaimed 'Galaxy - Lvl 262 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 12054, 07:42:44: Muzz claimed 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 332 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 12054, 07:52:50: Muzz froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 332 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 12054, 11:21:53: Muzz froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 251 (Magmasaur) Day 12057, 09:19:55: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 60! Day 12057, 10:15:48: Your Fifi - Lvl 250 (Diplocaulus) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 140! Day 12057, 10:26:30: Tribemember Muzz - Lvl 123 was killed! Day 12057, 11:43:09: Muzz froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 332 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 12057, 23:13:39: Muzz froze COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 328 (Desmodus) Day 12125, 18:20:30: Muzz froze Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus) Day 12125, 18:58:50: Muzz froze Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl) Day 12209, 15:31:39: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12352, 10:08:22: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12652, 12:50:44: Lord Purple - Lvl 128 (The Lonely Ranger) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Perfecto - Lvl 191 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12915, 13:09:54: Rogue - Lvl 114 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Neo-Picker - Lvl 294 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 12923, 11:55:13: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12975, 19:52:29: Mr Smith - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'AT-AT - Lvl 204 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 13018, 16:00:13: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13056, 06:03:53: Ghoul - Lvl 113 (Black Wolf Company - First 9) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 243 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13147, 19:37:10: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Aubrey - Lvl 230 (Rock Drake)'! Day 13147, 19:48:24: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MAGMA 1 - Lvl 251 (Magmasaur)'! Day 13147, 19:59:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pierre - Lvl 300 (Gacha)'! Day 13147, 20:02:00: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadow Killer - Lvl 398 (Shadowmane)'! Day 13147, 22:30:39: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13147, 22:36:11: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13147, 22:51:16: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 360 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13147, 23:06:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Simone - Lvl 299 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13147, 23:23:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'John - Lvl 300 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 13147, 23:34:35: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Veteran - Lvl 340 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 13148, 00:09:22: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 248 (Ravager)'! Day 13148, 00:13:56: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 225 (Triceratops)'! Day 13148, 00:15:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fluffy - Lvl 242 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 13148, 00:20:08: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 246 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13148, 00:38:06: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Champagne - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13148, 00:40:38: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 229 (Pteranodon)'! Day 13148, 00:53:46: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 328 (Desmodus)'! Day 13148, 00:54:59: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 222 (Desmodus)'! Day 13148, 00:58:26: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zinfandel - Lvl 292 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13148, 01:14:38: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Avery - Lvl 325 (Argentavis)'! Day 13148, 01:23:53: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 13148, 01:26:07: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'what - Lvl 80 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13148, 01:45:23: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jack Danielle - Lvl 237 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 13148, 01:53:24: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Susan - Lvl 239 (Gigantopithecus)'! Day 13174, 15:19:18: Clairo - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Clairo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 13232, 21:06:23: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13518, 15:53:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13518, 15:53:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13590, 02:16:48: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13613, 20:50:31: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14063, 03:51:30: Monkey see, Monkey poo - Lvl 229 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 14151, 06:22:10: Tequila - Lvl 326 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 14601, 13:08:41: Laggy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Unga) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 15732, 07:00:53: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15741, 04:21:54: Pteranodon - Lvl 253 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 17695, 07:06:17: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 19052, 19:30:32: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1621695512,"tribe":"Tribe of Human2 logs":["Day 8183, 08:26:46: Human was added to the Tribe! Day 8183, 08:28:17: Aglito was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 8183, 09:40:37: Tribe of Eggy tribe was merged in by Eggy! Day 8183, 09:40:37: Eggy was added to the Tribe by Human! Day 8183, 16:04:15: Tribemember Eggy - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 8183, 17:07:21: Aglito Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 63 (Pteranodon)! Day 8183, 21:04:21: Aglito demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 8184, 02:20:17: Tribemember Aglito - Lvl 17 was killed! Day 8184, 07:06:01: Tribemember Human - Lvl 21 was killed! Day 8184, 08:38:30: Tribemember Human - Lvl 21 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 55! Day 8184, 14:02:23: Your Tribe Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 127 (Dodo)! Day 8184, 14:34:08: Tribemember Aglito - Lvl 26 was killed by an Iguanodon - Lvl 45! Day 8184, 15:41:59: Human Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 22 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 8184, 17:06:22: Aglito Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 28 (Parasaur)! Day 8184, 17:30:18: Tribemember Human - Lvl 25 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 100! Day 8184, 17:56:39: Your first - Lvl 24 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 50! Day 8184, 17:59:18: Aglito Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 8207, 16:20:49: Your Dodo - Lvl 131 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 8208, 11:10:22: Your Parry - Lvl 33 (Parasaur) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 8242, 15:11:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 8242, 15:12:55: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 8242, 15:14:47: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 8242, 15:15:39: Tribemember Human - Lvl 26 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 8242, 15:16:32: Tribemember Eggy - Lvl 17 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 8242, 15:16:39: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 8242, 15:16:50: Tribemember Aglito - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 8242, 15:22:02: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 8242, 17:58:28: Your Macho - Lvl 77 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 8507, 09:48:42: Tribemember Aglito - Lvl 27 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 100! Day 8592, 14:42:58: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8592, 14:42:58: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8592, 14:42:58: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8869, 00:13:58: Pero - Lvl 63 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 9464, 06:15:17: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9784, 11:29:52: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed!"] "tribeid":1614303132,"tribe":"Somali Pirates logs":["Day 3946, 20:12:45: Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar was added to the Tribe! Day 3946, 20:22:34: Tribe of Abducta Allibab tribe was merged in by Abducta Allibaba! Day 3946, 20:22:34: Abducta Allibaba was added to the Tribe by Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar! Day 3946, 20:24:51: Tribemember Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 1 was killed by Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 1 (Somali Pirates)! Day 3946, 20:24:51: Your Tribe killed Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 1 (Somali Pirates)! Day 3946, 20:49:50: Tribe of Abducta Allibab tribe was merged in by Skiff Waaq! Day 3946, 20:49:50: Skiff Waaq was added to the Tribe by Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar! Day 3946, 21:40:56: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 3 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 60! Day 3946, 21:52:46: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 4 was killed by Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 5 (Somali Pirates)! Day 3946, 21:52:46: Your Tribe killed Skiff Waaq - Lvl 4 (Somali Pirates)! Day 3946, 22:03:50: Tribemember Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 3946, 22:06:54: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 4 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 3946, 22:40:33: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 4 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 3946, 22:45:18: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 5 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 150! Day 3946, 22:51:41: Tribemember Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 5 was killed! Day 3946, 22:57:50: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 5 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 140! Day 3946, 23:10:37: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 4 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 145! Day 3946, 23:35:23: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 6 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 3946, 23:47:26: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 6 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 3947, 00:07:11: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 6 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 20! Day 3947, 00:25:55: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 6 was killed! Day 3947, 00:55:20: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 6 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 60! Day 3947, 02:15:25: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 13 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 3947, 10:21:51: Skiff Waaq froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 3947, 10:52:06: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 17 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 140! Day 3947, 11:55:46: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 17 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 130! Day 3947, 11:58:10: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 10 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 3947, 12:16:17: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3947, 12:32:52: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 17 was killed by Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 15 (Somali Pirates)! Day 3947, 12:32:52: Your Tribe killed Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 17 (Somali Pirates)! Day 3947, 13:09:06: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 18 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 145! Day 3947, 14:06:24: Skiff Waaq froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 3947, 19:58:48: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 15 was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 3947, 21:10:07: Abducta Allibaba Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 201 (Parasaur)! Day 3947, 23:27:27: Skiff Waaq froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 3948, 00:31:09: Skiff Waaq froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 231 (Maewing) Day 3948, 03:23:38: Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 3948, 04:54:52: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 16 was killed! Day 3948, 16:06:30: Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane)'! Day 3948, 16:29:55: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 19 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 20! Day 3948, 21:29:55: Abducta Allibaba Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 3949, 05:00:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 193 (Pteranodon)! Day 3949, 05:04:49: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 134 (Pteranodon)! Day 3949, 05:16:20: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 22 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 50! Day 3949, 06:01:38: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 23 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 3949, 06:19:22: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 23 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 3949, 06:49:31: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 23 was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 3949, 07:09:57: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 23 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 135! Day 3949, 09:35:50: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 23 was killed! Day 3949, 11:27:01: Skiff Waaq froze Maewing - Lvl 234 (Maewing) Day 3949, 13:37:35: Skiff Waaq froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 275 (Shadowmane) Day 3949, 14:24:32: Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar froze Maewing - Lvl 235 (Maewing) Day 3949, 18:24:50: Skiff Waaq froze Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) Day 3949, 18:29:20: Skiff Waaq froze Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) Day 3949, 20:58:47: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3949, 20:58:47: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 3950, 02:09:48: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 55! Day 3950, 02:10:34: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 55! Day 3950, 08:26:28: Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar uploaded a Shadowmane: Dilophosaurus - Lvl 331 Day 3950, 22:02:19: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 64 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 25! Day 3950, 22:18:02: Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar downloaded a dino: Dilophosaurus - Lvl 360 Day 3951, 00:53:22: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 66 was killed! Day 3951, 05:19:42: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 66 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 145! Day 3951, 06:39:02: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 67 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 55! Day 3951, 08:21:59: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 67 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 100! Day 3951, 21:12:51: Your Maewing - Lvl 307 (Maewing) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 3951, 21:12:57: Tribemember Skiff Waaq - Lvl 79 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20! Day 4100, 11:49:52: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4124, 01:23:45: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4241, 20:29:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4318, 09:36:21: Your Parasaur - Lvl 226 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 4472, 08:07:00: Tribemember Abdul Cream Al-Jabbar - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 4472, 08:16:37: Tribemember Abducta Allibaba - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4548, 04:08:04: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4748, 08:30:50: jimbob - Lvl 20 (Tribe of jimbob) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 163 (Pteranodon)'! Day 4748, 16:05:59: Blue - Lvl 9 (Tribe Of The Lost) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dilophosaurus - Lvl 365 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5242, 21:35:32: Rah - Lvl 96 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 242 (Pteranodon)'!"] "tribeid":1611898636,"tribe":"3xiled logs":["Day 15470, 07:27:12: JC741 was added to the Tribe! Day 15470, 13:05:03: JC741 claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 162 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15470, 13:43:34: JC741 claimed 'elgen - Lvl 355 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15470, 23:54:48: JC741 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15471, 00:01:05: JC741 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 15471, 00:02:57: JC741 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15471, 00:08:33: JC741 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 15471, 00:09:45: JC741 claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex)'! Day 15471, 00:17:34: JC741 froze Tek Rex - Lvl 262 (Tek Rex) Day 15471, 02:58:41: JC741 froze TRUCK - Lvl 311 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16250, 18:20:05: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 162 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16388, 18:11:58: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 355 (Tek Stryder)'!"] "tribeid":1605661437,"tribe":"Tribe of 인간 logs":["Day 15903, 18:13:51: 인간석기 froze Mantis - Lvl 266 (Mantis) Day 15903, 18:31:36: Your Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15903, 18:31:36: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 181 (Equus)! Day 15903, 18:44:09: Your Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15903, 18:44:09: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 15903, 18:56:38: Your Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15903, 18:56:38: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 82 (Equus)! Day 15903, 18:57:34: Your Equus - Lvl 188 (Equus) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15903, 18:57:34: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 188 (Equus)! Day 15903, 19:18:22: Your Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15903, 19:18:22: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 29 (Equus)! Day 15903, 19:18:43: Your Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15903, 19:18:43: Your Tribe killed Equus - Lvl 127 (Equus)! Day 15903, 21:50:56: 인간 Tamed a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus)! Day 15903, 22:02:16: 인간 froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15903, 22:55:55: 인간 froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 15903, 23:01:31: 인간 froze ㄷㄷ - Lvl 82 (Equus) Day 15903, 23:05:50: 인간 froze ㄷㄷ - Lvl 82 (Equus) Day 15903, 23:10:59: 인간 froze 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15904, 05:11:04: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 287 (Shadowmane) Day 15904, 07:20:53: 인간 Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 15904, 07:25:52: 인간 froze wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Lvl 35 (Tek Parasaur) Day 15904, 07:43:17: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Daeodon - Lvl 220 (R-Daeodon)! Day 15904, 07:46:19: 인간석기 Tamed a R-Procoptodon - Lvl 217 (R-Procoptodon)! Day 15904, 07:56:32: 인간 froze R-Procoptodon - Lvl 217 (R-Procoptodon) Day 15904, 08:10:08: 인간 froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 220 (R-Daeodon) Day 15904, 08:14:31: 인간 Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur)! Day 15904, 08:17:54: 인간 froze Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur) Day 15904, 08:21:27: 인간 froze Parasaur - Lvl 82 (Parasaur) Day 15904, 10:13:42: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 288 (Shadowmane) Day 15904, 21:05:13: 인간 unclaimed 'Bahamut - Lvl 264 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15904, 21:52:50: 인간석기 Tamed a Gasbags - Lvl 176 (Gasbags)! Day 15904, 22:35:06: 인간석기 froze Mantis - Lvl 270 (Mantis) Day 15904, 22:36:36: 인간 froze 백덤블링 - Lvl 176 (Gasbags) Day 15905, 01:22:36: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Basilisk - Lvl 15! Day 15905, 05:54:01: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 60! Day 15905, 07:35:53: 인간 froze 앗 섓 - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 15905, 09:18:56: 인간 froze 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 251 (Shadowmane) Day 15905, 09:27:13: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 150! Day 15905, 10:17:47: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 15905, 11:29:56: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 50! Day 15905, 17:14:58: 인간 claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)'! Day 15905, 17:20:05: 인간 froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15905, 19:08:48: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 15905, 20:09:48: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane) Day 15906, 09:04:14: 인간 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15906, 18:13:37: 인간 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15906, 22:12:24: 수현 claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 190 (Rock Drake)'! Day 15906, 23:45:54: 인간 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15907, 04:45:32: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) Day 15907, 05:30:15: 인간 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15907, 14:32:02: 인간 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 179 (Deinonychus) Day 15907, 14:49:39: 수현 froze 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15907, 15:04:49: 인간 froze HUGO - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 15907, 15:11:38: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 298 (Shadowmane) Day 15907, 18:56:23: 인간 froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15907, 20:10:35: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 194 (Deinonychus) Day 15908, 00:10:20: 인간 froze 니애미 - Lvl 129 (Phiomia) Day 15908, 03:51:28: 인간 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15908, 07:07:00: 인간 claimed 'Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 15908, 07:12:20: 인간 froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15908, 14:51:17: 인간 froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15908, 15:03:18: 인간 froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15908, 15:06:48: 인간 froze Baby Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15912, 06:28:58: 인간 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15912, 07:31:24: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 191 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 11:04:28: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 12:20:13: 인간 froze 내 이름은 조난 당했죠 - Lvl 151 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 13:10:04: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 13:18:29: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 193 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 13:45:23: 인간 froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 15912, 13:48:54: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15912, 14:42:47: 수현 froze 최암컷됄녀석 - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 15912, 15:05:50: 수현 froze 최암컷됄녀석 - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 15912, 16:45:34: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 18:59:04: 인간 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15912, 19:12:20: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15912, 19:23:49: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 212 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15913, 04:41:02: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15913, 07:48:29: 인간 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15913, 07:53:33: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15913, 08:07:41: 인간 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15913, 10:57:23: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15913, 11:20:48: 수현 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15913, 11:48:17: 수현 froze Baby 최강 - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane) Day 15913, 16:47:47: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 15914, 00:48:00: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15914, 01:49:16: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 15914, 11:49:28: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15914, 11:56:52: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 55! Day 15914, 13:00:42: 수현 froze 다키 - Lvl 224 (Shadowmane) Day 15914, 13:39:14: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 205 (Deinonychus) Day 15914, 13:39:45: 인간 froze Adolescent 최강 - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane) Day 15914, 13:49:36: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15914, 14:23:56: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 7 (Carbonemys) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15914, 14:23:56: Your Tribe killed Carbonemys - Lvl 7 (Carbonemys)! Day 15914, 14:24:00: Your Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 267 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15914, 14:24:00: Your Tribe killed Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 15914, 14:49:40: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by Magmasaur - Lvl 155 (Magmasaur)! Day 15914, 14:49:40: Your Tribe killed 수현 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15914, 15:10:06: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15914, 15:44:33: 수현 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 221 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15914, 22:42:49: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 15914, 22:47:39: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 15914, 23:13:39: 인간 froze 내 이름은 조난 당했죠 - Lvl 223 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15915, 00:55:05: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sköll - Lvl 1! Day 15915, 02:26:41: 인간 froze 내 이름은 조난 당했죠 - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15915, 02:34:53: 수현 froze 앗 섓 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 15915, 02:36:37: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 15915, 02:41:36: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 15915, 19:13:51: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15915, 19:17:40: 인간 froze Juvenile Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15915, 19:42:01: 인간 froze 별이 - Lvl 284 (Thorny Dragon) Day 15915, 20:48:03: 수현 froze Adolescent 최강 - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 00:47:33: 인간 froze 앗 섓 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 00:55:01: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 222 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 01:22:50: 인간 froze 내 이름은 조난 당했죠 - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15918, 01:31:46: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15918, 01:38:34: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 04:17:14: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 04:36:06: 인간 froze 앗 섓 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 04:40:00: 인간 froze 다키 - Lvl 231 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 04:43:52: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 225 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15918, 04:48:16: 인간 froze Shadowmane - Lvl 223 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 06:05:24: 인간 froze 내 이름은 조난 당했죠 - Lvl 227 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15918, 07:17:52: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) Day 15918, 07:20:54: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus) Day 15918, 07:24:10: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) Day 15918, 07:27:34: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) Day 15918, 09:29:01: 수현 froze 최강 - Lvl 166 (Shadowmane) Day 15918, 10:06:00: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15918, 10:36:56: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15918, 10:44:06: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 211 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15918, 10:48:23: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 206 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15918, 10:58:14: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15918, 10:59:18: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 220 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 15918, 14:47:10: 인간 claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 163 (Shadowmane)'! Day 15918, 19:41:24: 수현 froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 15918, 19:45:18: 수현 froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 15918, 19:48:36: 수현 froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 15919, 05:46:42: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 163 (Shadowmane) Day 15921, 05:38:37: 인간석기 froze Maewing - Lvl 268 (Maewing) Day 15921, 10:14:07: 인간석기 froze Desmodus - Lvl 255 (Desmodus) Day 15921, 16:38:26: 인간석기 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 224 (Dodo)! Day 15921, 16:52:24: 인간석기 froze Dodo - Lvl 224 (Dodo) Day 15922, 03:33:30: 인간석기 Tamed a X-Woolly Rhino - Lvl 214 (X-Woolly Rhino)! Day 15922, 03:46:29: 인간석기 froze 올라프 - Lvl 214 (X-Woolly Rhino) Day 15922, 09:22:02: 인간 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 09:35:30: 인간 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 09:40:22: 인간 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 11:31:52: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15922, 12:53:57: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15922, 13:52:59: 인간 froze Juvenile 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 14:15:35: 인간석기 Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 161 (Tek Raptor)! Day 15922, 14:21:46: 인간 froze Juvenile 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 14:27:50: 인간 froze Juvenile 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 14:32:45: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 14:37:48: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 유난 떨고있죠 - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 14:41:40: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15922, 14:47:55: 인간 froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15922, 16:21:29: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 163 (Shadowmane) Day 15922, 16:27:52: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 163 (Shadowmane) Day 15922, 17:09:01: 인간석기 Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing)! Day 15922, 17:30:30: 수현 froze Adolescent Shadowmane - Lvl 163 (Shadowmane) Day 15922, 17:42:34: 인간 Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo)! Day 15922, 19:10:50: 인간석기 Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 169 (Maewing)! Day 15922, 22:14:26: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 101 was killed! Day 15923, 01:04:32: 인간 claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing)'! Day 15923, 01:05:40: 인간 claimed 'Baby Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing)'! Day 15923, 01:14:39: 인간 froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 15923, 01:19:27: 인간 froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 15923, 02:04:49: 인간 froze Baby Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 15923, 03:39:39: 인간 froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15923, 04:21:47: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15923, 07:02:49: 인간 froze Juvenile Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 15923, 15:29:10: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15923, 16:04:55: 인간 froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 15923, 16:10:44: 인간 froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 209 (Maewing) Day 15923, 16:17:49: 인간 froze Adolescent Maewing - Lvl 210 (Maewing) Day 15923, 17:00:50: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15923, 23:26:27: 인간 froze Adolescent Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 70 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15923, 23:47:36: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 164 (Shadowmane) was killed by 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 15923, 23:47:36: Your Tribe killed Shadowmane - Lvl 164 (Shadowmane)! Day 15923, 23:56:57: 인간석기 Tamed a X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 142 (X-Yutyrannus)! Day 15924, 00:24:02: 인간석기 froze ㅈㅇㅈㄻ - Lvl 142 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15924, 01:20:59: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15924, 02:14:18: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 107 was killed! Day 15924, 07:49:55: 인간석기 claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha)'! Day 15924, 07:54:01: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15924, 08:01:03: 인간석기 froze Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 15924, 08:44:11: 인간 froze Juvenile 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15924, 10:15:52: 인간석기 froze Gacha - Lvl 205 (Gacha) Day 15924, 18:36:16: 인간 froze Juvenile 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15924, 18:39:13: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 107 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 140! Day 15925, 04:22:41: 인간 froze 내 이름은 유난 떨고있죠 - Lvl 134 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15925, 06:08:53: 인간 froze Magmasaur - Lvl 200 (Magmasaur) Day 15925, 08:34:23: 인간 froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15925, 15:33:20: 인간 froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 156 (Ankylosaurus) Day 15925, 17:52:20: 인간 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15925, 18:21:43: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 15925, 18:56:30: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) Day 15925, 22:59:11: 인간 froze HUGO - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 15926, 01:07:10: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 15926, 01:16:24: 인간 froze HUGO - Lvl 265 (Pteranodon) Day 15926, 01:20:38: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 15926, 02:09:14: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane) Day 15926, 02:27:31: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 15926, 03:40:27: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 15926, 03:55:33: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane) Day 15926, 05:13:17: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 15926, 06:28:26: Your rlawlghd - Lvl 74 (Dodo) was killed by 인간 - Lvl 112 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15926, 06:28:26: Your Tribe killed rlawlghd - Lvl 74 (Dodo) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15926, 07:28:58: 인간 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus) Day 15926, 08:26:41: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 08:31:55: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 식량난 굶고있죠 - Lvl 149 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 08:46:51: 인간 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 09:08:52: 인간석기 froze Mantis - Lvl 276 (Mantis) Day 15926, 11:29:16: 인간석기 froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 15926, 13:31:59: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 13:36:28: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 13:41:12: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 15:10:41: 인간석기 froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 15926, 18:08:30: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 22:47:43: 인간 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 22:56:17: 인간 froze Adolescent Giganotosaurus - Lvl 135 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 23:18:36: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 23:24:11: 인간 froze Adolescent 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15926, 23:46:11: 인간 froze ㅈㅇㅈㄻ - Lvl 152 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15927, 01:12:33: 인간석기 froze Maewing - Lvl 216 (Maewing) Day 15927, 02:28:13: 인간석기 froze Mantis - Lvl 277 (Mantis) Day 15927, 02:32:16: 인간 froze 내 이름은 코난 탐정이죠 - Lvl 232 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15927, 03:02:55: 인간 froze ㅈㅇㅈㄻ - Lvl 190 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 15927, 05:09:07: 인간석기 froze 도미노 - Lvl 240 (Dodo) Day 15927, 06:33:41: 인간 froze 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 15927, 06:40:42: 인간 froze 앗 섓 - Lvl 254 (Shadowmane) Day 15927, 08:41:12: 인간 froze 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 15927, 09:30:09: 인간 froze 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) Day 15927, 10:21:59: 인간 froze 앗 섓 - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane) Day 15927, 13:27:24: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 306 (Shadowmane) Day 15927, 15:33:37: 인간 froze aaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 155 (Carbonemys) Day 15927, 15:46:37: 인간 froze 찌리찌리 짜라짜라 - Lvl 268 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15928, 08:23:36: Your Desmodus - Lvl 278 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85! Day 15928, 12:34:25: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15928, 21:24:42: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15928, 21:32:28: 인간 froze 수섀 - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 15928, 22:48:15: 인간 froze 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 270 (Fire Wyvern) Day 15928, 23:59:40: 인간 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15929, 00:00:36: 인간 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15929, 00:12:43: 인간석기 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 00:13:05: 수현 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15929, 00:53:49: 인간 unclaimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15929, 00:54:27: 인간 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15929, 01:27:33: 인간 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 01:42:57: 인간 froze Baby ㅈㄷ - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 03:46:51: 인간석기 froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 04:20:29: 인간 froze Baby 인간 꺼 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 04:26:50: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15929, 05:40:22: 인간석기 froze Mammoth - Lvl 174 (Mammoth) Day 15929, 07:18:54: 수현 unclaimed '니애미없다 - Lvl 243 (Dodo)'! Day 15929, 07:29:46: 수현 unclaimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:30:45: 인간 claimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:35:57: 수현 unclaimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:36:40: 인간석기 claimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:44:16: 수현 unclaimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:44:42: 인간석기 claimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:50:53: 수현 unclaimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:51:19: 인간석기 claimed '백덤블링 - Lvl 204 (Gasbags)'! Day 15929, 07:53:38: 인간 froze Baby 인간 꺼 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 08:50:58: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15929, 10:18:07: 인간 froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 253 (R-Daeodon) Day 15929, 10:32:19: 인간 froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 253 (R-Daeodon) Day 15929, 11:53:26: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15929, 12:48:24: 인간 froze Baby 인간 꺼 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 12:50:55: 인간 froze 섀리트 - Lvl 248 (Shadowmane) Day 15929, 14:19:45: 인간석기 froze Baby 인간 꺼 - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) Day 15929, 15:21:51: 인간석기 froze R-Daeodon - Lvl 253 (R-Daeodon) Day 15929, 16:17:43: 인간 froze 까르까 - Lvl 82 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 15929, 17:31:47: 인간 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 15929, 17:33:58: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 15929, 17:37:30: 인간석기 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 180 (Deinonychus) Day 15929, 17:53:25: 인간 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 172 (Deinonychus) Day 15929, 17:55:58: 인간 froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 161 (Shadowmane) Day 15929, 19:40:15: 인간 froze 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane) Day 15929, 19:44:26: 수현 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 15929, 19:44:30: 수현 froze 썬더3 - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15929, 19:45:30: 인간 was demoted from Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 15929, 19:45:55: 인간 was promoted to a Tribe Admin by 인간! Day 15929, 19:47:27: 인간 was removed from the Tribe by 인간! Day 15929, 20:26:02: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간석기! Day 15929, 20:49:59: 인간 was removed from the Tribe by 인간! Day 15929, 21:20:28: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 15929, 21:35:42: 인간 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 213 (Deinonychus) Day 15930, 01:43:45: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 수현! Day 15930, 01:58:05: 인간석기 froze Megatherium - Lvl 124 (Megatherium) Day 15930, 01:58:14: 인간 was removed from the Tribe by 인간! Day 15930, 04:38:48: 수현 froze Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) Day 15930, 06:04:50: 수현 froze 썬더3 - Lvl 280 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 15930, 06:26:24: 인간 froze HUGO - Lvl 266 (Pteranodon) Day 15930, 07:01:37: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 15930, 09:25:44: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15930, 09:25:44: Tribemember 수현 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15930, 09:48:08: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 229 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15930, 09:49:42: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 175 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15930, 09:57:39: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 214 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15930, 09:57:39: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed by a Dragon (Gamma) - Lvl 1! Day 15930, 10:24:28: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15932, 15:53:21: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 15932, 15:59:08: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 15981, 18:00:31: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 222 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 15994, 12:07:16: 수현 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15994, 12:10:07: 수현 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15994, 13:52:19: Your Mantis - Lvl 278 (Mantis) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 13:52:19: Your Tribe killed Mantis - Lvl 278 (Mantis)! Day 15994, 14:07:03: 수현 claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 15994, 14:34:47: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 15994, 14:34:47: Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 15994, 14:52:32: Your 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 14:52:32: Your Tribe killed 최종병기 기유 - Lvl 256 (Shadowmane)! Day 15994, 15:01:53: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 179 (Tek Raptor) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 15:01:53: Your Tribe killed Tek Raptor - Lvl 179 (Tek Raptor) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 15:07:59: Your Bulbdog - Lvl 188 (Bulbdog) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 15:07:59: Your Tribe killed Bulbdog - Lvl 188 (Bulbdog) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 15:15:05: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 15994, 15:15:05: Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 152 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 15994, 15:19:07: Your Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) was killed! Day 15994, 15:19:07: Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 150 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 15994, 15:19:13: 수현 demolished a 'Egg Incubator (Locked) '! Day 15994, 16:28:00: 수현 demolished a 'Industrial Grill (Locked) '! Day 15994, 16:36:58: 수현 demolished a 'Industrial Forge (Locked) '! Day 15994, 16:47:03: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 수현! Day 15994, 16:56:49: 수현 demolished a 'Vault (Locked) '! Day 15994, 17:00:18: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 95 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 17:00:18: Your Tribe killed 인간 - Lvl 109 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 17:13:05: Tribemember 인간석기 - Lvl 106 was killed by 인간 - Lvl 95 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 17:13:05: Your Tribe killed 인간석기 - Lvl 106 (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 17:26:35: 수현 demolished a 'Chemistry Bench (Locked) '! Day 15994, 17:27:43: Your Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 17:27:43: Your Tribe killed Maewing - Lvl 273 (Maewing)! Day 15994, 17:51:43: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 15994, 18:09:14: Your Mammoth - Lvl 174 (Mammoth) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 18:09:14: Your Tribe killed Mammoth - Lvl 174 (Mammoth)! Day 15994, 18:44:29: Your 간호사 - Lvl 181 (Maewing) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 18:44:29: Your Tribe killed 간호사 - Lvl 181 (Maewing) (Tribe of 인간)! Day 15994, 19:05:51: 인간 demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:06:39: 인간 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:07:28: 인간 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:08:15: 인간 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:09:05: 인간 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:10:41: 인간 demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:13:52: 인간 demolished a 'Refrigerator (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:14:56: 인간 demolished a 'Power Generator (Locked) '! Day 15994, 19:36:53: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 156 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by 까사노바 불닭이 - Lvl 273 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 15994, 19:36:53: Your Tribe killed Ankylosaurus - Lvl 156 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 15994, 20:14:25: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 15996, 17:00:21: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 96 was killed! Day 15996, 22:04:05: 인간 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 15996, 22:39:14: 인간 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 109 (Desmodus)! Day 15997, 00:39:51: 인간 uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 109 Day 15997, 00:48:42: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 16000, 23:26:36: 인간석기 uploaded a Maewing: Maewing - Lvl 224 Day 16068, 14:27:00: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 156 (Desmodus) Day 16068, 15:44:56: 인간 froze Desmodus - Lvl 160 (Desmodus) Day 16069, 20:14:48: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16094, 07:19:41: Your Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) was killed by a Shadowmane - Lvl 145! Day 16137, 09:58:46: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16161, 06:23:42: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16232, 17:39:09: Your 'Gas Collector' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16232, 17:39:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16232, 17:39:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16241, 07:42:32: 인간 was added to the Tribe by 인간석기! Day 16241, 21:09:15: 인간석기 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16241, 21:13:10: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16254, 04:16:28: 인간 froze 최강암컷? - Lvl 307 (Shadowmane) Day 16254, 05:01:53: 인간 froze 섀리트 - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) Day 16255, 04:17:45: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 16261, 05:14:50: Tribemember 인간 - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 16261, 07:34:19: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 311 (Griffin) Day 16285, 06:57:19: 내 이름은 고난 과 역경 - Lvl 157 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 16285, 07:43:52: 인간 froze 아이스고드름 - Lvl 116 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 16285, 08:33:34: 인간 froze 고자핀 - Lvl 312 (Griffin) Day 16285, 08:37:58: 인간 uploaded a Carcharodontosaurus: 아이스고드름 - Lvl 116 Day 16308, 04:29:34: Giganotosaurus - Lvl 142 (Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 16309, 08:47:15: 인간 was removed from the Tribe! Day 16309, 08:47:15: Tribe Owner was changed to 수현! Day 16388, 10:33:53: 수현 claimed '슉슈슉 - Lvl 146 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16388, 11:13:55: 수현 claimed '김지홍 - Lvl 97 (Phiomia)'! Day 16388, 11:15:10: 수현 claimed '발제부포ㅋ - Lvl 148 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16388, 11:43:15: 수현 claimed '쥬벳 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus)'! Day 16388, 11:48:34: 수현 claimed '붕가붕가 2 - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 11:56:54: 수현 claimed '데머리2세 - Lvl 168 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 11:58:44: 수현 claimed '데머리 노트 - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 12:07:14: 수현 claimed '데이트2세 - Lvl 169 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16388, 13:10:24: 수현 froze 섀도우메인 - Lvl 344 (Shadowmane) Day 16916, 14:20:46: 쥬벳 - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 16933, 07:07:17: Your 김지홍 - Lvl 97 (Phiomia) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 95! Day 16985, 07:09:44: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '슉슈슉 - Lvl 147 (Velonasaur)'! Day 16985, 07:24:22: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame '발제부포ㅋ - Lvl 149 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17465, 17:33:16: Your 데머리 노트 - Lvl 195 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 18332, 19:46:55: Your 데이트2세 - Lvl 176 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 95! Day 20121, 16:34:21: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '붕가붕가 2 - Lvl 192 (Deinonychus)'!"] "tribeid":1600892010,"tribe":"Tribe of Emma logs":["Day 1966, 09:40:36: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1966, 10:46:51: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 195 (Desmodus)'! Day 1966, 17:07:14: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 1966, 18:02:10: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Rex - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 1967, 07:09:11: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blud - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1967, 11:51:34: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blud - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1967, 11:55:41: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blud - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1967, 12:03:15: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blud - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1967, 16:57:49: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1967, 17:06:32: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blud - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1968, 20:12:48: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blud - Lvl 195 (Desmodus) Day 1968, 20:23:02: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1968, 20:52:40: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1968, 21:02:59: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1969, 03:11:14: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1969, 03:20:04: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1969, 12:02:32: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent Blaze - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern) Day 1970, 15:06:13: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 101 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 1970, 16:46:17: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 100 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1983, 19:23:48: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 204 (Desmodus)'! Day 1984, 01:46:35: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile B1 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 1984, 10:56:15: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 163 (Desmodus)'! Day 1984, 13:18:22: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile B1 - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 1984, 15:29:18: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile B3 - Lvl 163 (Desmodus) Day 1984, 21:37:28: Your Juvenile B3 - Lvl 163 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 1984, 21:37:28: Juvenile B3 - Lvl 163 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 1984, 22:13:13: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 112 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 1984, 23:39:48: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 90! Day 1985, 20:50:35: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 189 (Desmodus)'! Day 1986, 02:45:34: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 1986, 05:47:16: Your Juvenile B2 - Lvl 189 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 1986, 05:47:16: Juvenile B2 - Lvl 189 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 1986, 13:04:16: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1986, 17:35:56: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1986, 17:42:19: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1986, 17:46:33: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1986, 17:51:28: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 06:29:58: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 08:53:35: Your Terror Bird - Lvl 212 (Terror Bird) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 1991, 09:30:58: Tommy froze Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 09:35:51: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 85! Day 1991, 10:05:04: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 150 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 55! Day 1991, 11:06:21: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 17:58:25: Spartan Hippy froze Quetzal - Lvl 245 (Quetzal) Day 1991, 18:14:09: Spartan Hippy froze Beelzebufo - Lvl 39 (Beelzebufo) Day 1991, 18:26:02: Spartan Hippy froze Earl - Lvl 110 (Equus) Day 1991, 18:38:04: Spartan Hippy froze Kappa - Lvl 270 (Baryonyx) Day 1991, 18:44:02: Spartan Hippy froze KietelKip - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur) Day 1991, 20:35:12: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 20:39:56: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 20:45:10: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 20:50:25: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 20:55:11: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1991, 21:03:44: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2010, 21:21:44: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2010, 21:27:45: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 200 (Desmodus)'! Day 2010, 21:33:05: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 177 (Desmodus)'! Day 2010, 22:26:09: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby B6 - Lvl 177 (Desmodus)'! Day 2010, 22:39:17: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2010, 22:44:25: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2011, 04:47:18: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2011, 04:52:20: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2011, 10:50:58: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2011, 10:55:14: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2011, 10:59:20: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent T B2 - Lvl 157 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2011, 13:30:04: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile B4 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 2011, 13:34:29: Spartan Hippy froze Juvenile B4 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 2012, 04:25:18: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent B5 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 2012, 04:30:51: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent B5 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 2012, 04:35:59: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent B5 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 2012, 04:41:03: Spartan Hippy froze Adolescent B5 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 2012, 09:12:55: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2012, 12:54:05: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2012, 13:47:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 109 (Rex)! Day 2012, 23:35:22: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 200 (Desmodus)'! Day 2012, 23:51:13: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2013, 00:13:27: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2013, 14:27:23: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 141 (Rex)'! Day 2015, 02:29:32: Tommy froze B7 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 2015, 17:51:06: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 189 (Desmodus)'! Day 2015, 17:58:31: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 189 (Desmodus)'! Day 2015, 18:00:26: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2015, 22:42:36: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2015, 22:47:25: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2016, 00:44:03: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Twin 1 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2016, 01:13:01: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Twin 2 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2016, 03:31:11: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2034, 07:01:54: Juvenile B8 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 2034, 23:06:56: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:10:10: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:23:23: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Twin 1 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:27:01: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Twin 2 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:28:23: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:41:11: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:44:23: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:50:05: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Twin 1 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:54:10: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Twin 2 - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2034, 23:56:52: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus)'! Day 2035, 00:06:36: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus)'! Day 2035, 00:16:08: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 2035, 00:19:14: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 2035, 00:24:05: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 2035, 00:28:09: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 2035, 08:01:37: Your Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) was killed! Day 2035, 08:01:37: Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 191 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 2035, 10:27:07: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2035, 11:35:26: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby tiny - Lvl 125 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 2035, 11:36:57: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby random - Lvl 73 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 2035, 11:39:38: Spartan Hippy froze Baby random - Lvl 73 (Sinomacrops) Day 2035, 11:45:32: Spartan Hippy froze Baby tiny - Lvl 125 (Sinomacrops) Day 2035, 12:38:55: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2035, 12:45:32: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 223 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2035, 12:58:00: Your Juvenile random - Lvl 73 (Sinomacrops) was killed! Day 2035, 12:58:00: Juvenile random - Lvl 73 (Sinomacrops) starved to death! Day 2035, 13:54:47: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Tropical B1 - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2035, 22:11:03: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 151 (Rex)'! Day 2036, 19:45:20: Dodo - Lvl 74 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 2060, 18:44:31: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 187 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2060, 20:31:39: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus)'! Day 2060, 20:34:18: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus)'! Day 2060, 21:13:07: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)'! Day 2060, 23:27:15: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Tropical B1 - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2060, 23:38:15: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus)'! Day 2061, 04:32:32: Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 2061, 14:35:38: Tommy claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2061, 14:37:18: Tommy claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2061, 16:28:04: Tommy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2061, 16:33:20: Tommy froze Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 2061, 16:42:58: Tommy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2061, 16:55:30: Tommy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2062, 17:00:21: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2062, 17:04:34: Spartan Hippy unclaimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)'! Day 2062, 18:39:22: Spartan Hippy froze Dr - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 2063, 07:59:02: Spartan Hippy froze MkBat - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 2063, 12:27:44: Spartan Hippy froze Dr - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 2063, 13:11:11: Spartan Hippy Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 2063, 13:31:39: Spartan Hippy froze High Weight for Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 2063, 14:43:15: Spartan Hippy froze Dr - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 2064, 01:28:58: Spartan Hippy froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus) Day 2064, 04:12:24: Spartan Hippy froze MkBat - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 2064, 12:04:12: Spartan Hippy froze Vlad - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2064, 15:24:46: Spartan Hippy froze MkBat - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 2064, 15:45:11: Spartan Hippy froze Vlad - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2064, 20:27:35: Spartan Hippy froze MkBat - Lvl 287 (Desmodus) Day 2064, 23:38:43: Spartan Hippy Tamed a Tek Rex - Lvl 218 (Tek Rex)! Day 2064, 23:48:40: Spartan Hippy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 218 (Tek Rex) Day 2082, 02:30:17: Tommy froze Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake) Day 2082, 02:34:34: Tommy froze Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake) Day 2082, 04:05:57: Tommy froze Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex) Day 2094, 16:49:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2102, 04:25:47: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex)'! Day 2102, 04:30:27: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 2102, 04:35:58: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 2103, 12:18:23: Spartan Hippy froze KietelKip - Lvl 298 (Therizinosaur) Day 2103, 23:06:18: Spartan Hippy froze Vlad - Lvl 322 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 2103, 23:52:04: Spartan Hippy froze MkBat - Lvl 289 (Desmodus) Day 2104, 01:29:48: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 113 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2104, 02:31:32: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 80 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 2104, 12:52:08: Your MkBat - Lvl 289 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 2104, 12:52:25: Tribemember Spartan Hippy - Lvl 109 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 2104, 14:57:55: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 2104, 16:13:12: Spartan Hippy froze T B2 - Lvl 179 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2104, 18:19:38: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) Day 2104, 18:31:00: Spartan Hippy froze T B2 - Lvl 179 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 2104, 21:04:47: Your T B2 - Lvl 179 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 2108, 12:54:56: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 149 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2108, 12:56:42: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2108, 13:44:53: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2108, 13:46:15: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2127, 02:13:57: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 2127, 07:32:25: Spartan Hippy froze Blaze - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2127, 08:10:19: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) Day 2127, 16:00:01: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2127, 16:28:55: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 191 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2128, 14:53:53: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2129, 02:30:19: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2129, 05:39:55: Spartan Hippy froze Blaze - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2129, 07:19:14: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 229 (Desmodus) Day 2130, 15:55:50: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 2130, 21:13:39: Spartan Hippy froze Blaze - Lvl 156 (Fire Wyvern) Day 2130, 23:34:14: Spartan Hippy froze Blud - Lvl 230 (Desmodus) Day 2131, 09:52:51: Your robin - Lvl 267 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 2131, 11:49:59: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2131, 12:18:21: Your Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 2157, 14:34:18: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 2157, 16:39:35: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2157, 16:42:32: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2157, 17:13:58: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2179, 17:25:59: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 203 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2182, 12:29:33: Spartan Hippy Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 89 (Mesopithecus)! Day 2182, 15:04:49: Spartan Hippy Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 67 (Mesopithecus)! Day 2182, 15:21:38: Spartan Hippy froze Georgette - Lvl 67 (Mesopithecus) Day 2183, 02:51:56: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2183, 03:01:58: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2183, 04:45:53: Spartan Hippy claimed 'Baby Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2183, 04:51:51: Spartan Hippy demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 2199, 04:52:43: Juvenile Possible new perf M - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 2202, 06:06:43: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 169 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2297, 02:51:58: Georgette - Lvl 67 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 2341, 09:40:37: Your Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 55! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2390, 22:30:19: Your Tropical B1 - Lvl 117 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2390, 22:31:50: Your Baby T2 (the second) - Lvl 192 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 05:01:33: Your Emmald - Lvl 179 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 06:10:03: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 08:54:14: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 171 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 15:11:16: Your Asimov - Lvl 259 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2391, 15:17:26: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was destroyed! Day 2391, 15:17:26: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2391, 15:24:09: Your Procoptodon - Lvl 118 (Procoptodon) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 2391, 15:36:55: Your Blaze - Lvl 168 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2391, 15:42:46: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 130 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 15:45:40: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 148 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2391, 15:53:44: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2391, 15:55:47: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2391, 15:56:21: Your Azure - Lvl 287 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2391, 15:57:01: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was destroyed! Day 2391, 15:58:20: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 16:01:16: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2391, 16:02:29: Your 'Compost Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2391, 16:04:09: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was destroyed! Day 2391, 16:06:54: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2391, 16:12:58: Your 'Cooking Pot (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2391, 16:15:04: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2391, 16:18:58: Your Female Fire Wyvern 31S - Lvl 165 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 20! Day 2391, 16:51:28: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 2410, 02:51:38: Mosco - Lvl 167 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 2416, 20:17:46: Your Scout - Lvl 208 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 2416, 20:30:53: Your Mkinney - Lvl 282 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 145! Day 2421, 13:33:36: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 163 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 2463, 19:57:45: Perry - Lvl 255 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 2497, 09:42:09: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2534, 21:43:26: wwdw - Lvl 86 (Pegomastax) starved to death! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2701, 14:38:40: Spartan Hippy's 'Blud - Lvl 230 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2781, 12:08:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '27S Male - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur)'! Day 2781, 12:14:30: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Drogon (High Health) - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 12:14:57: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:17:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 151 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:18:09: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 218 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:19:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:20:23: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:21:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 300 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:21:26: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 12:22:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 265 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:23:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 190 (X-Ankylosaurus)'! Day 2781, 12:24:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 274 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 2781, 12:25:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '36S Male - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 12:28:58: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 323 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:30:47: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 212 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 12:31:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 183 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 12:41:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'High Weight for Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 12:42:04: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 209 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 12:42:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 230 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 12:43:44: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame '44H 31S 33M L180 Male - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 12:50:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 13:21:35: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B2 F3 - Lvl 238 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 14:27:34: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 2781, 15:21:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 182 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 15:23:09: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 188 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 15:27:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 182 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 15:33:04: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mkinney - Lvl 283 (Argentavis)'! Day 2781, 15:33:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 263 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2781, 15:34:26: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female Breed till male s - Lvl 159 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 2781, 15:38:32: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B7 - Lvl 200 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 15:39:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B6 - Lvl 219 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 15:40:02: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 262 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 2781, 15:40:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 15:42:24: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Top Don - Lvl 311 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 2781, 15:44:27: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dr - Lvl 244 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 15:46:05: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 115 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 15:46:45: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KietelKip - Lvl 309 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2781, 15:57:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B5 - Lvl 211 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 15:59:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dracula - Lvl 200 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 16:07:19: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B1 - Lvl 222 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 16:11:28: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Napoleon - Lvl 134 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 2781, 16:12:23: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 168 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 16:14:18: George - Lvl 90 (Mesopithecus) starved to death! Day 2781, 16:16:13: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R B1 - Lvl 143 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 16:16:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 152 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 16:27:47: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dynamite - Lvl 264 (Raptor)'! Day 2781, 16:31:20: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 251 (Triceratops)'! Day 2781, 16:33:23: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 246 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 16:39:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 256 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 16:40:19: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B7 - Lvl 189 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 16:41:31: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phillip - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2781, 16:44:44: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ferb - Lvl 202 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2781, 16:59:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blender - Lvl 217 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 2781, 17:01:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 164 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2781, 17:03:02: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2781, 17:38:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 171 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2781, 17:41:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 181 (Doedicurus)'! Day 2781, 17:57:34: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2781, 18:00:50: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'B4 - Lvl 192 (Desmodus)'! Day 2781, 18:04:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharptooth - Lvl 136 (Rex)'! Day 2781, 18:04:57: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 287 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 2782, 09:06:02: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2805, 01:44:58: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2858, 17:19:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2858, 17:23:07: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2956, 17:25:44: Aslan BjornSonn - Lvl 18 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2957, 04:32:39: Aslan BjornSonn - Lvl 18 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'HMS Waterlogged (Raft)'! Day 2967, 02:30:47: Tribemember Vincenzo - Lvl 49 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 2967, 06:48:09: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2967, 07:06:44: Your 'Power Generator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2967, 07:16:30: Your 'Dino Leash (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2967, 08:57:50: Your 'Egg Incubator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3025, 18:06:29: Squidster - Lvl 102 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 3082, 11:04:31: 's 'MkRexy - Lvl 255 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3082, 11:04:31: 's 'Parasaur - Lvl 237 (Parasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3087, 08:19:54: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3096, 08:06:01: TheDexicon - Lvl 121 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 80 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 3096, 08:15:31: TheDexicon - Lvl 121 (THEE BRY) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 119 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 3171, 10:48:32: Tribemember Tommy - Lvl 101 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 3171, 10:55:20: Tribemember Spartan Hippy - Lvl 119 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 15! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3371, 01:56:53: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6867, 08:40:36: Tribemember Spartan Hippy - Lvl 119 was killed by a Manta - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1598849401,"tribe":"Zagubiona Pogarda logs":["Day 1318, 20:42:11: Penta was added to the Tribe! Day 1318, 20:45:57: Midir was added to the Tribe by Penta! Day 1318, 21:04:04: Midir claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 157 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1318, 21:42:23: Midir uploaded a Griffin: Cruiser - Lvl 315 Day 1318, 21:43:33: Midir downloaded a dino: Cruiser - Lvl 307 Day 1318, 21:49:21: Midir uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 157 Day 1319, 07:15:47: Tribemember Midir - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 1319, 07:28:49: Penta froze Cruiser - Lvl 307 (Griffin) Day 1319, 07:33:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur)! Day 1319, 08:20:02: Penta froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 1319, 08:49:28: Penta froze Kalibr - Lvl 279 (Maewing) Day 1319, 08:52:35: Midir froze Cruiser - Lvl 307 (Griffin)"] "tribeid":1595148484,"tribe":"Tribe of Human logs":["Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! 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Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9440, 16:15:16: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9599, 19:13:51: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 226 (Direwolf)'! Day 9599, 19:14:10: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dinky - Lvl 229 (Direwolf)'! Day 9599, 19:14:42: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 226 (Direwolf)'! Day 9599, 19:15:11: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thorin Tammikilpi - Lvl 229 (Direwolf)'! Day 9599, 19:15:29: Henne - Lvl 106 (Tribe of Henne) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ravager - Lvl 244 (Ravager)'! Day 13147, 09:17:29: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 13865, 20:07:30: Enzu - Lvl 110 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 230 (Ankylosaurus)'!"] "tribeid":1594340471,"tribe":"Gucci Gang logs":["Day 565, 07:33:36: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 566, 13:55:30: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 616, 14:38:42: Your Astrodelphis - Lvl 137 (Astrodelphis) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 60! Day 639, 14:04:26: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 175 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 655, 01:17:11: Your Tek Stryder - Lvl 199 (Tek Stryder) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 677, 12:04:53: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 173 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 13:05:08: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 13:48:06: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 228 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 15:11:23: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 243 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 15:43:08: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 246 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 21:17:16: MistaRose froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 140 (Astrodelphis) Day 677, 21:51:08: MistaRose froze M H - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur) Day 677, 21:54:53: MistaRose froze high hp - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 677, 22:01:20: MistaRose froze Argentavis - Lvl 274 (Argentavis) Day 677, 22:24:29: MistaRose froze Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus) Day 677, 22:28:37: MistaRose froze Desmodus - Lvl 302 (Desmodus) Day 677, 22:46:43: MistaRose froze Ice Wyvern - Lvl 261 (Ice Wyvern) Day 677, 22:55:34: MistaRose froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 235 (Fire Wyvern) Day 677, 23:02:26: MistaRose froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 677, 23:14:39: MistaRose froze X-Yutyrannus - Lvl 209 (X-Yutyrannus) Day 677, 23:18:25: MistaRose froze F B Pearl - Lvl 170 (Gacha) Day 677, 23:28:50: MistaRose froze high melee - Lvl 225 (Therizinosaur) Day 677, 23:35:26: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 82 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 23:39:12: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 253 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 23:42:54: MistaRose froze Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) Day 677, 23:46:56: MistaRose froze Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 677, 23:53:35: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 246 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 677, 23:59:10: MistaRose froze Maewing - Lvl 66 (Maewing) Day 678, 00:11:03: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 678, 00:14:38: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 678, 00:23:08: MistaRose froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 678, 00:33:15: MistaRose froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 678, 00:36:53: MistaRose froze Allosaurus - Lvl 194 (Allosaurus) Day 678, 19:48:38: MistaRose froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 321 (Dunkleosteus) Day 678, 21:28:24: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 708, 07:07:10: MistaRose froze Dunkleosteus - Lvl 324 (Dunkleosteus) Day 708, 08:53:17: Your Dunkleosteus - Lvl 324 (Dunkleosteus) was killed by an Alpha Mosasaur - Lvl 55! Day 708, 08:53:17: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by an Alpha Mosasaur - Lvl 55! Day 708, 09:43:02: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 20! Day 708, 11:28:35: MistaRose froze Desmodus - Lvl 302 (Desmodus) Day 708, 16:51:44: MistaRose froze Desmodus - Lvl 302 (Desmodus) Day 708, 16:58:18: MistaRose downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 137 Day 708, 22:03:22: MistaRose claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 708, 22:04:19: MistaRose claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 708, 22:17:30: MistaRose froze Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 07:07:26: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 07:11:50: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 08:40:47: MistaRose froze Desmodus - Lvl 303 (Desmodus) Day 710, 10:31:51: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 254 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 10:37:25: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 321 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:40:11: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:43:24: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 340 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:46:11: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:49:00: MistaRose froze 1F 1W mutations - Lvl 355 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:51:47: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:54:54: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 10:58:54: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 710, 11:48:10: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 254 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 12:03:11: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 12:06:52: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 12:10:34: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 710, 12:19:53: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 725, 11:17:03: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 725, 11:20:21: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 725, 20:12:36: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 02:08:11: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 02:12:41: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 02:17:26: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 02:22:14: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 03:44:26: MistaRose unclaimed 'Gacha - Lvl 24 (Gacha)'! Day 726, 07:30:28: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 09:26:49: MistaRose Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 726, 09:44:02: Your Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) was killed by MistaRose - Lvl 176 (Gucci Gang)! Day 726, 09:44:02: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) (Gucci Gang)! Day 726, 10:24:16: MistaRose Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha)! Day 726, 10:31:37: MistaRose froze Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha) Day 726, 10:44:42: MistaRose froze M Poly Crys Spearl - Lvl 199 (Gacha) Day 726, 12:15:17: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:18:24: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:21:56: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:25:32: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:30:29: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:33:53: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:37:41: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:41:18: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:44:57: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:49:28: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 12:53:31: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 13:02:23: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 13:06:13: MistaRose froze Juvenile R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 15:24:50: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 321 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 15:27:37: MistaRose froze 1F 1W mutations - Lvl 355 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 15:31:51: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 16:46:32: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 340 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 17:06:26: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 327 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 17:09:07: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 319 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 17:11:51: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 310 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 17:21:49: MistaRose froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 342 (Therizinosaur) Day 726, 17:24:33: MistaRose froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 254 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 726, 17:30:23: MistaRose froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Fire Wyvern) Day 727, 10:49:28: MistaRose froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 727, 11:04:37: MistaRose froze Adolescent R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 729, 04:51:01: MistaRose froze Magmasaur - Lvl 245 (Magmasaur) Day 781, 03:32:13: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 781, 03:32:57: R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 176 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 926, 07:42:11: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 193 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 967, 18:16:03: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 171 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 967, 18:16:08: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 126 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1084, 21:55:59: F poly oil speals - Lvl 220 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1113, 23:12:00: M metal Spearl - Lvl 158 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1208, 11:45:21: Velvetkitten - Lvl 146 (Fluffy Kittens) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 248 (Desmodus)'! Day 1280, 01:11:14: M Poly Crys Spearl - Lvl 201 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1318, 00:00:50: bunja - Lvl 121 (WORLDS END) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 303 (Desmodus)'! Day 1318, 21:04:04: Midir - Lvl 122 (Zagubiona Pogarda) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 157 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 1386, 08:25:05: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1802, 14:04:31: Porkieee - Lvl 29 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 202 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1834, 06:40:10: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1905, 07:43:30: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2037, 17:45:39: Your Canoe (Canoe) was destroyed! Day 2037, 17:50:04: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 5074, 06:44:22: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 5074, 08:00:14: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 25! Day 5074, 09:26:32: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 5519, 07:45:13: MistaRose Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 5519, 07:51:40: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 5519, 07:54:08: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 5519, 08:14:05: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 5519, 13:38:42: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 85! Day 5519, 15:38:27: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 145! Day 5519, 19:55:55: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 5519, 20:59:50: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 85 | 0.9x! Day 5519, 22:19:41: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 150! Day 5520, 21:20:50: MistaRose Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 5520, 21:33:41: MistaRose froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 5520, 22:41:36: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 5520, 22:45:51: Tribemember MistaRose - Lvl 176 was killed! Day 5520, 22:58:02: MistaRose Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)! Day 5520, 23:57:40: MistaRose uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 128 Day 5520, 23:59:23: MistaRose uploaded a Snow Owl: Snow Owl - Lvl 156 Day 5521, 00:00:54: MistaRose uploaded a Managarmr: Managarmr - Lvl 164 Day 5681, 18:04:09: MistaRose Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 5681, 18:13:31: MistaRose froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 5681, 21:02:12: MistaRose froze Managarmr - Lvl 187 (Managarmr) Day 5818, 07:11:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1592746576,"tribe":"satans of honour logs":["Day 3171, 18:32:38: saitama was added to the Tribe! Day 3171, 18:55:25: saitama demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 3171, 18:56:32: saitama demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 3180, 23:53:27: Tribemember saitama - Lvl 18 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 95! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3464, 22:16:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3771, 07:29:50: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3771, 07:29:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1592461104,"tribe":"Tribe of Wang Chan logs":["Day 13622, 14:12:28: Wang Chan froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13622, 14:16:49: Wang Chan froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13622, 14:31:00: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha)! Day 13622, 14:49:29: Wang Chan froze Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha) Day 13622, 16:25:13: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 13622, 16:31:47: Wang Chan froze Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) Day 13622, 16:56:17: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13622, 17:44:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13622, 18:13:41: Wang Chan froze Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 13622, 18:39:43: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13622, 19:09:50: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13622, 19:36:39: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13622, 19:49:31: Wang Chan froze Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 13622, 20:01:12: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13622, 20:08:26: Wang Chan froze Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 13623, 00:31:23: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13623, 04:44:43: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 04:50:12: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 05:06:44: Your Gacha - Lvl 81 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 05:06:44: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 81 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 05:15:03: Wang Chan froze Metal - Lvl 133 (Gacha) Day 13623, 08:48:07: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 08:53:44: Wang Chan froze Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) Day 13623, 10:22:40: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 11:14:39: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 11:31:09: Your eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 11:31:09: Your Tribe killed eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Lvl 28 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 12:14:59: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 12:24:44: Wang Chan froze ddddddddw - Lvl 198 (Gacha) Day 13623, 12:52:33: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 13:14:40: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 305 (Maewing) Day 13623, 17:08:52: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 17:15:05: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 17:15:05: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 18:34:32: Wang Chan froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13623, 18:41:32: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 18:45:58: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 19:17:32: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 19:33:50: Wang Chan froze Actually good - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 13623, 20:05:38: Your Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 20:05:38: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 20:08:57: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 20:08:57: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 20:10:49: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 20:10:49: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 20:13:54: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 20:13:54: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 20:15:52: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 20:15:52: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 20:17:29: Your oil,blu sap, - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13623, 20:17:29: Your Tribe killed oil,blu sap, - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 20:35:59: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 20:55:22: Wang Chan Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle)! Day 13623, 21:01:21: Wang Chan froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 (Dung Beetle) Day 13623, 21:12:32: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13623, 22:17:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 22:24:48: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 194 (Gacha)! Day 13623, 22:50:20: Wang Chan froze Clay - Lvl 194 (Gacha) Day 13623, 23:19:36: Wang Chan froze Black Pearls - Lvl 28 (Gacha) Day 13623, 23:53:26: Wang Chan Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle)! Day 13623, 23:58:32: Wang Chan froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 217 (Dung Beetle) Day 13624, 01:01:34: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 01:30:38: Your Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 01:30:38: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 03:14:28: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 03:30:28: Your Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 03:30:28: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 04:37:18: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 04:49:33: Your Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 04:49:33: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 05:46:42: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 05:46:42: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 83 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 06:02:28: Your Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 06:02:28: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 06:36:45: Your Gacha - Lvl 84 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 06:36:45: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 84 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 07:05:42: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 305 (Maewing) Day 13624, 08:42:16: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 09:05:32: Your Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 09:05:32: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 195 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 09:07:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 09:21:49: Your Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 09:21:49: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 10:04:28: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 10:12:09: Your Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 10:12:09: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 125 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 11:13:23: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 11:23:43: Your Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 11:23:43: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 70 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 11:36:47: Wang Chan Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle)! Day 13624, 12:06:20: Wang Chan froze Kokomi - Lvl 29 (Dung Beetle) Day 13624, 12:10:24: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13624, 12:40:26: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 12:49:06: Your Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 12:49:06: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 13:22:52: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 13:52:18: Your Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 13:52:18: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 69 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 14:03:47: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 280 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13624, 15:30:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 16:11:46: Wang Chan froze Polymer - Lvl 136 (Gacha) Day 13624, 17:11:27: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 188 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 17:28:37: Wang Chan froze Black Pearls - Lvl 188 (Gacha) Day 13624, 18:16:25: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 200 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 18:51:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 19:12:28: Wang Chan froze Actually good - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 13624, 19:38:45: Your Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 19:38:45: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 179 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 19:52:20: Wang Chan froze Sulfur - Lvl 200 (Gacha) Day 13624, 20:03:54: Your Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 20:03:54: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 193 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 21:04:07: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 21:37:57: Your ddddddddw - Lvl 198 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13624, 21:37:57: Your Tribe killed ddddddddw - Lvl 198 (Gacha)! Day 13624, 21:44:03: Wang Chan froze Black Pearls - Lvl 126 (Gacha) Day 13624, 22:08:22: Wang Chan froze ForbesKeeper RockSweeper - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 13624, 22:14:12: Wang Chan froze ForbesKeeper RockSweeper - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 13624, 23:31:35: Wang Chan uploaded a Dung Beetle: Dung Beetle - Lvl 209 Day 13624, 23:33:47: Wang Chan uploaded a Desmodus: Baelerion - Lvl 216 Day 13624, 23:48:05: Wang Chan downloaded a dino: Baelerion - Lvl 184 Day 13625, 01:27:21: Wang Chan uploaded a Desmodus: Baelerion - Lvl 209 Day 13647, 22:20:40: Wang Chan froze ForbesKeeper RockSweeper - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 13647, 23:12:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 13647, 23:39:33: Your Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13647, 23:39:33: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13647, 23:48:39: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 75 (Gacha)! Day 13647, 23:54:26: Your Gacha - Lvl 75 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13647, 23:54:26: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 75 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 00:03:12: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 118 (Gacha)! Day 13648, 00:08:53: Your Gacha - Lvl 118 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 00:08:53: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 118 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 01:12:54: Wang Chan Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha)! Day 13648, 01:21:55: Your Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 01:21:55: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 74 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 01:48:14: Wang Chan froze ForbesKeeper RockSweeper - Lvl 288 (Doedicurus) Day 13648, 03:12:48: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 13648, 03:36:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 13648, 03:46:38: Your Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 03:46:38: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 03:51:41: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)! Day 13648, 04:18:34: Your Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 04:18:34: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 04:21:01: Your Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 04:21:01: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13648, 06:51:39: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 319 (Yutyrannus) Day 13648, 08:19:41: Wang Chan claimed 'Sadie - Lvl 311 (Spino)'! Day 13648, 08:29:00: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13648, 09:02:41: Wang Chan froze Sadie - Lvl 311 (Spino) Day 13648, 09:28:05: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by an Alpha Karkinos - Lvl 145! Day 13648, 09:39:22: Wang Chan froze Melee n hp - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 13648, 11:21:46: Your Sadie - Lvl 311 (Spino) was killed by an Alpha Karkinos - Lvl 145! Day 13648, 11:24:09: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13648, 14:06:26: Wang Chan Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 29 (Bulbdog)! Day 13648, 14:18:30: Wang Chan froze Borkie - Lvl 29 (Bulbdog) Day 13648, 14:46:29: Wang Chan claimed 'Sally - Lvl 262 (Spino)'! Day 13648, 14:56:16: Wang Chan froze Sally - Lvl 262 (Spino) Day 13648, 16:53:39: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 319 (Yutyrannus) Day 13648, 23:39:04: Wang Chan Tamed an Aberrant Otter - Lvl 141 (Aberrant Otter)! Day 13649, 00:16:53: Wang Chan Tamed an Aberrant Otter - Lvl 29 (Aberrant Otter)! Day 13649, 00:28:28: Wang Chan froze sss - Lvl 29 (Aberrant Otter) Day 13649, 01:44:52: Your Melee n hp - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13649, 01:44:52: Your Tribe killed Melee n hp - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)! Day 13649, 02:46:20: Wang Chan Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog)! Day 13649, 03:07:03: Your Bulbdog - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13649, 03:07:03: Your Tribe killed Bulbdog - Lvl 37 (Bulbdog) (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13649, 05:04:31: Wang Chan froze Sally - Lvl 276 (Spino) Day 13649, 05:44:21: Your sss - Lvl 29 (Aberrant Otter) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13649, 05:44:21: Your Tribe killed sss - Lvl 29 (Aberrant Otter)! Day 13649, 06:04:52: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13649, 07:22:46: Wang Chan froze Artiz - Lvl 142 (Aberrant Otter) Day 13649, 07:26:29: Wang Chan froze Baelerion - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 13650, 06:46:11: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13650, 10:24:58: Wang Chan froze Baelerion - Lvl 219 (Desmodus) Day 13665, 13:14:03: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 60! Day 13665, 14:28:59: Wang Chan claimed 'Vince - Lvl 198 (Sarco)'! Day 13665, 16:35:47: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 108! Day 13665, 18:03:05: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by an Aberrant Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 13665, 18:29:18: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 150! Day 13666, 02:40:40: Your Vince - Lvl 217 (Sarco) was killed by an Aberrant Stegosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13666, 04:24:41: Wang Chan froze Procoptodon - Lvl 306 (Procoptodon) Day 13666, 05:53:03: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13666, 06:57:21: sangchan froze Procoptodon - Lvl 306 (Procoptodon) Day 13666, 07:04:52: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 318 (Dinopithecus) Day 13666, 14:37:21: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 301 (Griffin) Day 13666, 19:30:23: sangchan froze Transport Module 2 - Lvl 298 (Ichthyosaurus) Day 13666, 23:11:29: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 301 (Griffin) Day 13667, 09:57:51: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13667, 10:34:00: sangchan froze callista - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx) Day 13667, 10:34:17: Wang Chan froze Blubber'ol arry - Lvl 227 (Basilosaurus) Day 13667, 13:59:21: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13667, 16:38:42: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 319 (Yutyrannus) Day 13667, 16:38:51: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13667, 19:49:05: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13668, 08:21:20: Wang Chan Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur)! Day 13668, 08:21:42: Wang Chan froze Turtoguiese - Lvl 325 (Carbonemys) Day 13668, 08:27:31: Wang Chan froze Velonasaur - Lvl 209 (Velonasaur) Day 13668, 12:11:43: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 301 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13668, 12:50:09: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 319 (Yutyrannus) Day 13668, 13:22:16: Wang Chan froze Velonasaur - Lvl 210 (Velonasaur) Day 13668, 15:07:40: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 221 (Velonasaur) Day 13668, 18:35:08: Your Brad the braed - Lvl 291 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 13668, 18:37:29: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 13668, 21:48:41: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13669, 00:55:38: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13669, 01:19:39: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 284 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13669, 05:51:08: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 306 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13669, 09:45:29: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13669, 14:52:25: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 85! Day 13669, 16:42:15: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 13669, 17:04:16: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 298 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13686, 09:44:11: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 310 (Griffin) Day 13686, 11:19:04: Wang Chan froze Blubber'ol arry - Lvl 227 (Basilosaurus) Day 13686, 11:26:56: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 244 (Velonasaur) Day 13686, 12:24:40: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13686, 14:42:12: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13686, 17:13:11: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13686, 18:28:21: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13687, 02:56:15: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13687, 03:24:06: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 311 (Griffin) Day 13687, 04:11:51: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 309 (Maewing) Day 13687, 06:35:12: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13715, 14:21:40: sangchan froze callista - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx) Day 13715, 15:03:28: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 316 (Griffin) Day 13715, 15:47:37: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13715, 16:30:16: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 310 (Maewing) Day 13716, 00:00:36: Wang Chan Tamed a Bulbdog - Lvl 209 (Bulbdog)! Day 13716, 00:13:00: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 258 (Velonasaur) Day 13716, 11:52:53: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 316 (Griffin) Day 13716, 16:50:34: Wang Chan Tamed a Featherlight - Lvl 142 (Featherlight)! Day 13716, 17:00:28: Wang Chan froze Bakki - Lvl 213 (Bulbdog) Day 13716, 17:34:50: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13716, 18:10:18: Wang Chan froze Arus - Lvl 143 (Featherlight) Day 13717, 13:45:35: Wang Chan froze Bakki - Lvl 216 (Bulbdog) Day 13717, 13:53:39: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 310 (Maewing) Day 13717, 15:39:11: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13717, 17:15:44: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13718, 08:26:26: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13718, 10:06:54: sangchan froze callista - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx) Day 13718, 11:11:25: Wang Chan froze Blubber'ol arry - Lvl 227 (Basilosaurus) Day 13718, 11:32:52: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 310 (Maewing) Day 13718, 15:20:18: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13718, 23:55:57: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 316 (Griffin) Day 13719, 02:45:25: Wang Chan Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox)! Day 13719, 14:02:00: Wang Chan froze Ferox - Lvl 227 (Ferox) Day 13719, 23:54:36: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13720, 00:08:20: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 310 (Maewing) Day 13720, 00:32:01: Wang Chan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 319 (Dinopithecus) Day 13720, 01:04:05: Wang Chan froze Bakki - Lvl 223 (Bulbdog) Day 13720, 03:28:07: Wang Chan froze Ferox - Lvl 231 (Ferox) Day 13720, 03:36:14: Wang Chan froze Cethde - Lvl 218 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13720, 03:48:49: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 259 (Velonasaur) Day 13720, 03:57:46: Wang Chan uploaded a Featherlight: Arus - Lvl 143 Day 13720, 03:59:33: Wang Chan uploaded a Bulbdog: Bakki - Lvl 223 Day 13720, 04:00:55: Wang Chan uploaded a Daeodon: Puta Pork - Lvl 328 Day 13720, 11:24:20: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 310 (Maewing) Day 13734, 14:19:25: Wang Chan froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 323 (Yutyrannus) Day 13734, 15:19:58: Wang Chan claimed 'Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex)'! Day 13734, 15:32:05: Wang Chan froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 13734, 20:49:33: Wang Chan froze Tek Rex1 Imprint - Lvl 474 (Tek Rex) Day 13735, 04:34:33: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 311 (Maewing) Day 13735, 06:23:48: Wang Chan froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 323 (Yutyrannus) Day 13735, 08:22:42: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 299 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13735, 08:58:48: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13735, 11:45:07: Wang Chan froze Cethde - Lvl 218 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13735, 12:55:46: sangchan froze Blubber'ol arry - Lvl 227 (Basilosaurus) Day 13735, 14:10:46: sangchan froze callista - Lvl 329 (Baryonyx) Day 13736, 02:59:15: Wang Chan froze Rexian - Lvl 361 (Rex) Day 13736, 05:33:49: sangchan froze Korea - Lvl 311 (Maewing) Day 13737, 01:03:10: sangchan Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 13737, 03:34:48: sangchan Tamed a Karkinos - Lvl 217 (Karkinos)! Day 13737, 03:46:38: sangchan froze Mr krabs - Lvl 217 (Karkinos) Day 13737, 04:34:29: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 308 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13737, 05:54:22: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13737, 06:14:53: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 319 (Dinopithecus) Day 13737, 07:57:11: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 317 (Griffin) Day 13737, 11:15:09: Wang Chan froze Chali The Second - Lvl 328 (Chalicotherium) Day 13737, 14:40:47: Wang Chan froze star - Lvl 212 (Shinehorn) Day 13737, 15:41:04: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13737, 23:11:17: Wang Chan Tamed an Aberrant Spino - Lvl 224 (Aberrant Spino)! Day 13738, 00:37:12: Wang Chan froze Malaekischrt - Lvl 225 (Aberrant Spino) Day 13738, 02:33:16: sangchan froze star - Lvl 216 (Shinehorn) Day 13738, 02:56:57: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 320 (Dinopithecus) Day 13738, 02:57:29: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 311 (Maewing) Day 13738, 03:13:12: Wang Chan froze Ferox - Lvl 234 (Ferox) Day 13741, 14:58:00: Wang Chan claimed 'Faith - Lvl 210 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 13741, 15:14:07: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 311 (Maewing) Day 13741, 15:21:13: Wang Chan uploaded a Sinomacrops: Faith - Lvl 210 Day 13763, 14:06:27: sangchan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 13763, 14:07:58: sangchan demolished a 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 13763, 20:15:03: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13763, 20:20:57: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 310 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13764, 02:40:39: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 260 (Velonasaur) Day 13764, 03:07:16: Wang Chan froze Cethde - Lvl 219 (Fire Wyvern) Day 13764, 04:55:12: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 321 (Dinopithecus) Day 13764, 07:39:14: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13764, 14:35:40: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 319 (Griffin) Day 13764, 14:44:56: sangchan froze star - Lvl 220 (Shinehorn) Day 13764, 16:24:04: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 321 (Dinopithecus) Day 13764, 18:52:14: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 300 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13764, 18:57:03: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 261 (Velonasaur) Day 13764, 19:18:29: Your Faith - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops) was killed by Wang Chan - Lvl 113 (Tribe of Wang Chan)! Day 13764, 19:18:29: Your Tribe killed Faith - Lvl 209 (Sinomacrops)! Day 13764, 20:02:09: Wang Chan Tamed a Karkinos - Lvl 224 (Karkinos)! Day 13764, 20:13:24: Wang Chan froze Ballanke - Lvl 224 (Karkinos) Day 13764, 21:36:51: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 313 (Maewing) Day 13764, 23:42:59: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by an Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13765, 00:29:29: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by an Aberrant Megalosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 13765, 01:39:51: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 60! Day 13765, 02:15:42: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 114! Day 13765, 02:54:00: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Rock Drake - Lvl 25! Day 13765, 03:26:41: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13765, 03:47:37: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13765, 04:05:00: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13765, 04:16:50: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 55! Day 13765, 05:33:39: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13765, 08:12:36: Wang Chan froze Ugravijendchandra - Lvl 291 (Rex) Day 13765, 10:22:35: Wang Chan froze Malaekischrt - Lvl 289 (Aberrant Spino) Day 13786, 18:49:06: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 95! Day 13786, 20:18:16: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed by an Aberrant Purlovia - Lvl 95! Day 13787, 07:47:47: Wang Chan froze MUUMAS EY LLAMOS - Lvl 270 (Velonasaur) Day 13787, 08:19:16: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 314 (Maewing) Day 13787, 12:10:14: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 321 (Dinopithecus) Day 13787, 13:00:21: sangchan froze star - Lvl 220 (Shinehorn) Day 13787, 13:51:43: Wang Chan froze Malaekischrt - Lvl 293 (Aberrant Spino) Day 13835, 05:23:32: Wang Chan froze Castell - Lvl 336 (Pteranodon) Day 13835, 14:58:19: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 13835, 17:10:32: Wang Chan Tamed a Mantis - Lvl 224 (Mantis)! Day 13835, 17:23:01: Wang Chan froze Galtreg - Lvl 224 (Mantis) Day 13835, 20:27:41: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 310 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13835, 20:30:14: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 315 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13835, 22:11:12: Wang Chan froze Castell - Lvl 336 (Pteranodon) Day 13835, 22:15:15: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 321 (Griffin) Day 13947, 03:13:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13953, 09:52:56: Wang Chan froze G.I.Joe - Lvl 291 (Mantis) Day 13953, 09:58:57: Wang Chan froze Bakki - Lvl 274 (Bulbdog) Day 13953, 10:12:28: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 320 (Yutyrannus) Day 13954, 12:11:03: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 324 (Dinopithecus) Day 13954, 17:43:47: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 13954, 18:30:51: Your star - Lvl 276 (Shinehorn) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 13954, 18:54:04: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Gasbags - Lvl 214 (R-Gasbags)! Day 13954, 19:56:29: Wang Chan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 214 (R-Gasbags) Day 13954, 21:15:38: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 110! Day 13954, 21:51:25: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 13954, 22:27:29: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 13954, 22:36:17: Tribemember Wang Chan - Lvl 113 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 13954, 23:37:29: Tribemember sangchan - Lvl 114 was killed! Day 13955, 00:07:17: Wang Chan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 217 (R-Gasbags) Day 13955, 01:34:30: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) Day 13955, 02:42:21: sangchan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13955, 04:00:58: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13955, 04:48:23: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13955, 05:37:21: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) Day 13955, 06:16:47: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13955, 08:41:02: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 324 (Dinopithecus) Day 13955, 09:28:44: sangchan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 220 (R-Gasbags) Day 13955, 09:35:02: sangchan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 220 (R-Gasbags) Day 13955, 10:28:15: Wang Chan froze Grey_Tubby_TheYootoober - Lvl 320 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13955, 11:01:19: Wang Chan Tamed a Gasbags - Lvl 207 (Gasbags)! Day 13955, 11:58:20: Wang Chan froze BadGags - Lvl 208 (Gasbags) Day 13955, 12:42:41: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 326 (Dinopithecus) Day 13955, 13:15:51: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 13971, 17:10:18: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) Day 13971, 17:48:23: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 13971, 18:27:30: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) Day 13971, 19:02:04: sangchan Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 209 (Shinehorn)! Day 13971, 19:37:54: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 326 (Dinopithecus) Day 13972, 05:37:37: Wang Chan froze Juvenile Kalgares - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13972, 05:41:59: Wang Chan froze Juvenile Kalgares - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13972, 05:48:35: Wang Chan froze Juvenile Kalgares - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13972, 06:09:28: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 326 (Dinopithecus) Day 13972, 14:16:28: Wang Chan froze Juvenile Kalgares - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13972, 14:50:25: Wang Chan froze Gotaranus - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) Day 13972, 15:18:40: Wang Chan froze Juvenile Kalgares - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 13972, 15:22:13: Wang Chan froze hedwig - Lvl 315 (R-Snow Owl) Day 13972, 16:41:30: sangchan froze Marco - Lvl 325 (Griffin) Day 13972, 20:03:20: sangchan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 245 (R-Gasbags) Day 13972, 22:45:39: Wang Chan froze moon - Lvl 210 (Shinehorn) Day 13973, 02:00:42: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 326 (Dinopithecus) Day 13973, 14:10:50: Wang Chan froze R-Gasbags - Lvl 247 (R-Gasbags) Day 13973, 18:03:37: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 318 (Maewing) Day 13973, 18:24:33: sangchan froze Briony Cutecumber - Lvl 326 (Dinopithecus) Day 14122, 18:13:43: Wang Chan froze Korea - Lvl 325 (Maewing) Day 14137, 12:12:16: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14565, 19:29:00: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14756, 13:48:45: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 18:04:56: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 18:04:56: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14851, 18:04:56: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14994, 17:13:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1587443879,"tribe":"cocopop logs":["Day 13463, 06:55:31: cocopop was added to the Tribe! Day 13463, 07:04:28: cocopop - Lvl 130 requested an Alliance with The Lonely Ranger Tribe. Day 13463, 07:06:16: cocopop added 'The Lonely Ranger' Tribe to boss fighting Alliance! Day 13463, 07:14:33: cocopop unclaimed 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 380 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 13463, 07:39:17: cocopop froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 387 (Giganotosaurus) Day 13463, 07:51:04: cocopop froze coco m - Lvl 356 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 13463, 11:54:21: cocopop froze Maewing - Lvl 355 (Maewing) Day 13463, 11:58:49: cocopop froze coco - Lvl 323 (Sinomacrops)"] "tribeid":1586692892,"tribe":"Black Wolf Company logs":["Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15650, 16:46:16: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Vype - Lvl 165 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15650, 17:01:22: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 274 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15650, 17:20:28: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Crystal Spewer - Lvl 249 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 15650, 17:32:37: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 319 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 15732, 07:00:53: Your 'Fish Basket' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15732, 07:00:53: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15732, 07:00:53: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15732, 07:00:53: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15749, 14:22:56: Main Boiii - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 15760, 16:31:46: 인간 - Lvl 104 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 100 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15760, 16:32:38: 인간 - Lvl 104 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 270 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15760, 16:43:25: 인간 - Lvl 104 (Tribe of 인간) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 142 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 15769, 03:48:55: Rogue claimed 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 214 (X-Rex)'! Day 15769, 04:15:07: Rogue unclaimed 'F1 32-31 - Lvl 309 (X-Rex)'! Day 15769, 04:22:35: Rogue claimed 'Sonja - Lvl 379 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 15769, 04:25:47: Rogue claimed 'ruffe - Lvl 281 (Griffin)'! Day 15769, 05:49:32: Rogue claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 292 (Maewing)'! Day 15769, 05:55:05: Rogue claimed 'Mantis - Lvl 253 (Mantis)'! Day 15769, 06:34:36: Rogue claimed '41-31 - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 15769, 07:04:38: Rogue claimed 'Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing)'! Day 15769, 07:09:08: Rogue claimed '41-31 - Lvl 319 (Allosaurus)'! Day 15875, 06:43:05: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15875, 06:43:05: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15959, 13:54:06: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Meatloaf - Lvl 291 (Desmodus)'! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16185, 01:50:41: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16360, 12:59:37: Tribemember Ghoul - Lvl 114 was killed by Rogue - Lvl 114 (Black Wolf Company - First 9)! Day 16360, 12:59:37: Your Tribe killed Ghoul - Lvl 114 (Black Wolf Company - First 9)! Day 16386, 19:44:34: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sonja - Lvl 379 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 16409, 00:37:03: Desmodus - Lvl 228 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 16425, 12:31:53: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Obsidian - Lvl 205 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 16425, 13:43:16: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:44:23: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:45:03: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:45:40: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:46:30: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:47:55: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:48:49: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:49:30: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:50:40: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:51:14: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:51:59: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:52:39: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:53:14: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:53:49: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:55:26: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:55:53: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:57:18: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:58:31: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 13:59:46: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:00:34: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:01:07: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:01:46: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:02:12: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:02:43: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:04:28: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:05:57: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:08:49: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:10:29: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 356 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:11:14: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:13:59: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:16:26: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:24:13: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:26:47: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:33:08: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16425, 14:33:53: Xatori - Lvl 79 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'new tek rex male - Lvl 222 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16432, 06:20:43: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 319 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:52:04: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mantis - Lvl 255 (Mantis)'! Day 16432, 06:52:52: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame '41-31 - Lvl 266 (Allosaurus)'! Day 16432, 06:53:37: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing)'! Day 16432, 07:47:53: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ruffe - Lvl 282 (Griffin)'! Day 16432, 10:12:01: Xatori - Lvl 94 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 293 (Maewing)'! Day 16433, 17:55:51: Your SHITEY - Lvl 205 (Phiomia) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 130! Day 16569, 15:08:30: Tribemember Lola - Lvl 137 was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 50! Day 16569, 17:32:22: Tribemember Brock - Lvl 138 was killed! Day 16624, 11:12:28: Carbonemys - Lvl 109 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 16676, 14:28:44: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16676, 14:31:53: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16699, 07:22:07: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16699, 07:29:03: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16699, 07:30:59: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 280 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'WASTER - Lvl 234 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 140 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 163 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 162 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 149 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'C.Wood, BGem, BPearl - Lvl 141 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'BGem.Salt.Silk.Bpearl - Lvl 265 (Gacha)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Dinopithecus - Lvl 215 (Dinopithecus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Shinehorn - Lvl 251 (Shinehorn)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'FFS - Lvl 210 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Fred - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 194 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Claws - Lvl 299 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 306 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 219 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 264 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 218 (Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'X-Basilosaurus - Lvl 194 (X-Basilosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Ziom - Lvl 352 (Griffin)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Megatherium - Lvl 401 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 423 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Don - Lvl 386 (Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Phiomia - Lvl 274 (Phiomia)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Giant Queen Bee - Lvl 7 (Giant Queen Bee)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16765, 18:07:57: 's 'Juvenile Aelandjro - Lvl 205 (Carcharodontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 16830, 17:27:38: Xatori - Lvl 112 (Xatori) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 354 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17100, 00:39:27: Tribemember Baboon - Lvl 112 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 90! Day 17100, 02:12:42: Tribemember Ghoul - Lvl 114 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 20! Day 17105, 14:38:41: Tribemember Rogue - Lvl 114 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 17455, 06:37:44: Moschops - Lvl 238 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 17465, 03:48:18: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 17465, 05:09:31: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Quetzal - Lvl 379 (Tek Quetzal)'! Day 17465, 05:16:47: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatron - Lvl 422 (Voidwyrm)'! Day 17465, 05:49:26: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ragnarok - Lvl 353 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 17465, 07:34:10: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'STARGAZER - Lvl 337 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17465, 08:32:44: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CRUNCHY - Lvl 248 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 17465, 08:48:11: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shade - Lvl 305 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17465, 09:11:58: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 378 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17465, 09:41:48: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 09:53:54: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RIPPER - Lvl 301 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 10:04:55: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 297 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 10:24:39: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 302 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 10:38:35: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 296 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 10:46:34: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 10:49:05: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 284 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17465, 11:09:26: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 290 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 17597, 01:26:16: Kairuku - Lvl 96 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 17597, 02:12:23: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 273 (Desmodus)'! Day 17597, 02:39:28: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Blood - Lvl 303 (Desmodus)'! Day 17597, 02:54:42: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tina - Lvl 374 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17597, 03:38:42: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FLAME - Lvl 259 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 17597, 04:08:22: Peanut - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Peanut) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'King Lionez - Lvl 346 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17625, 23:17:44: Maazzigga - Lvl 112 (MangoFarmerzzzz) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18007, 13:48:08: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WUV - Lvl 171 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18007, 15:48:02: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 277 (Desmodus)'! Day 18007, 17:06:30: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'I do no damage - Lvl 130 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18007, 17:37:37: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 302 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 19:23:29: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Quetzal - Lvl 330 (Quetzal)'! Day 18007, 19:24:54: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'daemon - Lvl 264 (Desmodus)'! Day 18007, 19:34:13: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 385 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 20:14:49: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Happy - Lvl 387 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 20:46:15: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffy - Lvl 304 (Griffin)'! Day 18007, 21:18:07: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pure Female - Lvl 204 (Desmodus)'! Day 18007, 21:29:13: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Snow Owl - Lvl 307 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 18007, 21:49:30: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 379 (Castoroides)'! Day 18007, 21:56:46: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Velonasaur - Lvl 357 (R-Velonasaur)'! Day 18007, 23:05:00: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (38H) - Lvl 279 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 18007, 23:37:52: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 288 (Maewing)'! Day 18008, 08:30:18: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Silver - Lvl 165 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18008, 09:07:26: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flora - Lvl 305 (Magmasaur)'! Day 18008, 11:51:34: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 294 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 18008, 19:03:19: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shorty - Lvl 298 (Griffin)'! Day 18008, 19:20:09: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ARCHIE - Lvl 305 (Archaeopteryx)'! Day 18027, 00:18:42: Maewing - Lvl 327 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 18027, 01:07:18: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'NEW REX - Lvl 338 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18027, 01:21:23: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 332 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 18027, 06:10:39: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'travis - Lvl 365 (Argentavis)'! Day 18027, 06:50:56: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SPARKLE - Lvl 318 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18027, 09:25:39: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 202 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18027, 09:37:08: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 223 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18027, 14:59:18: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nightmare - Lvl 283 (Quetzal)'! Day 18027, 18:18:39: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18099, 03:14:37: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 382 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18099, 04:00:13: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 0 - Lvl 401 (Dire Bear)'! Day 18099, 04:34:29: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 399 (Megatherium)'! Day 18099, 04:45:53: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 379 (Megatherium)'! Day 18099, 04:49:02: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Female 0 - Lvl 402 (Megatherium)'! Day 18099, 06:44:06: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ALLIE - Lvl 300 (Allosaurus)'! Day 18099, 07:07:39: Sammie - Lvl 121 (The Lone Shield Maiden) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zezolek - Lvl 179 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 18099, 10:15:47: Your DUNGY - Lvl 174 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 50! Day 18301, 12:56:10: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'BLOODY - Lvl 273 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18301, 12:57:17: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 271 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18301, 12:59:17: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FLAMER - Lvl 239 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18301, 13:01:44: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 267 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18301, 13:02:43: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'WIVVY - Lvl 283 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18301, 13:12:14: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SCORCH - Lvl 257 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18301, 13:24:00: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 370 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 13:29:41: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 340 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 13:52:13: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX53 - Lvl 304 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 14:50:20: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 323 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 15:45:15: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 318 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:05:04: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JINNY - Lvl 315 (Castoroides)'! Day 18301, 17:10:13: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 224 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 18301, 17:11:44: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 296 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 18301, 17:13:21: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nurse Chansey - Lvl 357 (Daeodon)'! Day 18301, 17:16:01: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX 34 - Lvl 366 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:18:15: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX 23 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:19:18: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:21:20: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX49 - Lvl 330 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:24:03: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 282 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 18301, 17:25:03: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 227 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18301, 17:33:43: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'STEVEN - Lvl 318 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:34:50: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cave dweller - Lvl 328 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:37:50: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jackpot - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:39:31: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 215 (Pulmonoscorpius)'! Day 18301, 17:54:40: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 367 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:55:56: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 397 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 17:59:23: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REXXY - Lvl 309 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:00:16: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame '27 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:02:41: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 388 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 18301, 18:03:59: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX 33 - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:04:34: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bingo - Lvl 329 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:05:48: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 369 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:07:10: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX58 - Lvl 305 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:07:39: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX40 - Lvl 324 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:08:25: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX002 - Lvl 309 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:09:10: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wobbler - Lvl 322 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:10:05: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Caitlin Jenner - Lvl 349 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:11:20: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dr. Eggman - Lvl 341 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:11:58: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Terry - Lvl 346 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:13:22: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX54 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:14:57: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 340 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:19:00: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX 19 - Lvl 352 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:19:59: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sentinel Fry - Lvl 419 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:21:11: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big Nick - Lvl 359 (Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:23:11: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX41 - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:25:18: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rex 35 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:27:17: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goldie hawn - Lvl 326 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:37:48: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame '31 - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:41:05: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame '30 - Lvl 335 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 18:49:18: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX59 - Lvl 321 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 19:02:16: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TRIXIE - Lvl 310 (Triceratops)'! Day 18301, 21:51:09: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 365 (Doedicurus)'! Day 18301, 21:53:23: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Microraptor - Lvl 224 (Microraptor)'! Day 18301, 21:54:07: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 165 (Dodo)'! Day 18301, 23:03:24: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX37 - Lvl 331 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18301, 23:25:38: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CARRIE - Lvl 283 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 18301, 23:26:14: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Carnotaurus - Lvl 269 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 18301, 23:27:28: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purlovia - Lvl 290 (Purlovia)'! Day 18301, 23:27:43: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purlovia - Lvl 305 (Purlovia)'! Day 18301, 23:28:30: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Parasaur - Lvl 259 (Tek Parasaur)'! Day 18301, 23:31:28: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MUGGLE - Lvl 301 (Megaloceros)'! Day 18301, 23:36:36: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pepe - Lvl 223 (Phiomia)'! Day 18301, 23:37:32: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'POOPY - Lvl 211 (Phiomia)'! Day 18301, 23:38:08: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 113 (Phiomia)'! Day 18302, 00:22:26: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bird Is The Word - Lvl 379 (Argentavis)'! Day 18302, 01:40:00: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 230 (Argentavis)'! Day 18302, 01:48:57: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 397 (Argentavis)'! Day 18302, 03:41:24: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX 24 - Lvl 357 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18302, 04:10:13: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 242 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18302, 05:17:00: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 322 (R-Reaper King)'! Day 18302, 05:25:10: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ripper - Lvl 316 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18302, 06:42:28: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame '9K HEALTH - Lvl 319 (Rex)'! Day 18302, 06:43:17: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'REX DUD - Lvl 333 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18302, 06:44:08: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 375 (Rex)'! Day 18302, 07:04:54: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 315 (Rex)'! Day 18302, 07:10:19: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CAVER - Lvl 294 (Rex)'! Day 18302, 12:08:41: Human - Lvl 94 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 368 (Doedicurus)'! Day 18309, 11:42:37: FireballFilms - Lvl 97 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goldy locks - Lvl 337 (Tek Rex)'! Day 18309, 12:08:41: FireballFilms - Lvl 97 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Reaper King - Lvl 332 (R-Reaper King)'!"] "tribeid":1586362916,"tribe":"Scouse_Bellend logs":["Day 10213, 12:40:56: PulaMare was added to the Tribe! Day 10213, 16:02:38: PulaMare claimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 18:36:27: PulaMare unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 18:39:27: PulaMare unclaimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10213, 20:01:41: PulaMare claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 10214, 00:30:54: PulaMare claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 277 (Argentavis)'! Day 10214, 04:42:50: PulaMare froze MOSCHO - Lvl 161 (Moschops) Day 10214, 06:12:11: PulaMare froze Juvenile arg - Lvl 277 (Argentavis) Day 10216, 06:58:32: PulaMare claimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10216, 09:09:07: PulaMare unclaimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10216, 10:11:07: PulaMare claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis)'! Day 10216, 10:33:18: PulaMare froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 10216, 12:21:24: PulaMare froze Argentavis - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 10216, 13:08:43: PulaMare froze PTERA FIRST - Lvl 139 (Pteranodon) Day 10216, 14:53:17: PulaMare froze ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 293 (Argentavis) Day 10219, 21:02:00: PulaMare froze Juvenile ARGE_HOE - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 10220, 04:57:12: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 65 was killed! Day 10220, 04:58:55: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 52 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 135! Day 10220, 07:05:49: PulaMare froze ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 300 (Argentavis) Day 10220, 07:08:54: PulaMare froze neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis) Day 10221, 02:48:52: PulaMare froze ARGE_HOE - Lvl 339 (Argentavis) Day 10221, 20:15:18: PulaMare Tamed a Shinehorn - Lvl 142 (Shinehorn)! Day 10222, 22:09:48: PulaMare Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 89 (Doedicurus)! Day 10222, 22:21:23: PulaMare froze DOED 1 - Lvl 89 (Doedicurus) Day 10223, 13:57:35: PulaMare Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 10223, 14:09:15: PulaMare froze ANKY - Lvl 89 (Ankylosaurus) Day 10223, 17:10:44: PulaMare Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 10223, 17:21:10: PulaMare froze PARA TEK 1 - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur) Day 10224, 07:33:46: PulaMare froze MOSCHO - Lvl 178 (Moschops) Day 10225, 10:39:07: PulaMare Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 10225, 11:13:42: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 10225, 16:09:12: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 210 (Therizinosaur) Day 10234, 16:52:47: PulaMare froze ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 341 (Argentavis) Day 10236, 05:17:53: PulaMare claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis)'! Day 10236, 09:08:16: PulaMare unclaimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10236, 10:00:49: PulaMare claimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10236, 10:42:53: PulaMare froze Juvenile Neville JR - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 10236, 21:00:08: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10237, 01:22:16: PulaMare demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10237, 07:17:47: Your dodo 1 - Lvl 53 (Dodo) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 135! Day 10237, 11:37:27: PulaMare froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur) Day 10237, 13:34:05: PulaMare froze Neville JR - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 10237, 13:48:50: PulaMare froze ARGE_HOE - Lvl 369 (Argentavis) Day 10237, 13:54:44: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 235 (Therizinosaur) Day 10249, 04:40:58: PulaMare froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur) Day 10249, 05:33:20: PulaMare froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur) Day 10251, 13:09:53: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10251, 17:06:35: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10252, 01:15:09: Your Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur) was killed! Day 10252, 01:15:09: Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 211 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 10252, 05:40:40: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 247 (Therizinosaur) Day 10258, 17:16:52: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10258, 17:20:07: PulaMare demolished a 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10258, 17:22:04: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10258, 17:24:30: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10259, 09:23:13: PulaMare Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax)! Day 10260, 03:44:04: Your PEGO - Lvl 22 (Pegomastax) was killed! Day 10260, 10:12:22: PulaMare demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 10261, 01:19:44: PulaMare demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 10261, 12:51:53: PulaMare claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 204 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10261, 18:07:12: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 98 was killed! Day 10261, 20:07:17: PulaMare claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 233 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10261, 20:22:04: PulaMare froze SHINNY - Lvl 170 (Shinehorn) Day 10261, 20:30:53: PulaMare unclaimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 233 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 10261, 21:52:42: PulaMare froze Neville JR - Lvl 394 (Argentavis) Day 10261, 22:05:39: PulaMare claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)'! Day 10262, 00:40:56: PulaMare froze Baby MAGMA 1 - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 10263, 07:40:31: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10263, 07:40:31: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10263, 07:40:31: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10263, 07:40:31: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:06:27: Your dodo 2 - Lvl 58 (Dodo) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 140! Day 10263, 13:14:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:14:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:14:54: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:15:32: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:15:32: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:15:32: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10263, 13:16:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 10264, 19:11:07: PulaMare froze Adolescent MAGMA 1 - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 10265, 10:13:05: PulaMare demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 10265, 14:23:59: PulaMare froze Adolescent MAGMA 1 - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 10265, 14:30:01: PulaMare froze Adolescent MAGMA 1 - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 10266, 08:16:38: PulaMare unclaimed 'neville - Lvl 490 (Argentavis)'! Day 10266, 20:54:02: PulaMare unclaimed 'Grouser - Lvl 508 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 10267, 16:20:23: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 16:23:06: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 16:24:23: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 17:29:40: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 17:32:30: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 17:35:19: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 17:37:22: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10267, 17:39:19: PulaMare demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 10269, 01:22:46: PulaMare froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 155 (Magmasaur) Day 10269, 01:36:00: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 259 (Therizinosaur) Day 10269, 01:54:47: PulaMare froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 10269, 02:19:33: PulaMare froze Argentavis - Lvl 260 (Argentavis) Day 10269, 02:27:47: PulaMare froze ARGE_HOE - Lvl 385 (Argentavis) Day 10269, 02:47:05: PulaMare froze ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 344 (Argentavis) Day 10277, 07:19:46: PulaMare Tamed a Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)! Day 10277, 07:43:14: PulaMare froze REXONA - Lvl 194 (Rex) Day 10282, 14:14:19: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 15! Day 10282, 14:55:35: Your SHINNY - Lvl 170 (Shinehorn) was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 15! Day 10283, 16:43:22: PulaMare Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 201 (Carbonemys)! Day 10283, 17:29:21: PulaMare froze SWIMM FOREST SWIMM - Lvl 202 (Carbonemys) Day 10286, 20:28:17: PulaMare demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:30:18: PulaMare demolished a 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:39:01: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:42:24: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:49:27: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:55:38: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:57:06: PulaMare demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10286, 20:59:23: PulaMare demolished a 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe'! Day 10287, 11:01:30: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 262 (Therizinosaur) Day 10289, 08:01:23: PulaMare claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis)'! Day 10289, 10:17:16: PulaMare froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 338 (Argentavis) Day 10296, 23:20:44: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 10297, 17:20:25: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 268 (Therizinosaur) Day 10298, 00:01:21: PulaMare froze th - Lvl 268 (Therizinosaur) Day 10327, 03:35:32: PulaMare froze MAGMA 1 - Lvl 183 (Magmasaur) Day 10327, 22:55:47: PulaMare froze Argentavis - Lvl 269 (Argentavis) Day 10327, 23:54:02: PulaMare froze REXONA - Lvl 241 (Rex) Day 10329, 16:07:22: PulaMare demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 10329, 16:24:56: PulaMare demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 10329, 16:27:00: PulaMare demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 10329, 16:49:32: PulaMare demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 10332, 17:41:36: PulaMare claimed 'Healer - Lvl 305 (Snow Owl)'! Day 10332, 17:50:41: PulaMare claimed 'R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 313 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 10332, 17:59:20: PulaMare claimed 'Havel the Rock - Lvl 378 (Shadowmane)'! Day 10332, 18:05:38: PulaMare claimed 'ChupaBu - Lvl 319 (Desmodus)'! Day 10332, 18:21:35: PulaMare froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 313 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10332, 18:31:01: PulaMare froze Havel the Rock - Lvl 379 (Shadowmane) Day 10332, 18:45:33: PulaMare claimed 'F077* - Lvl 330 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10332, 18:53:07: PulaMare froze F077* - Lvl 332 (Therizinosaur) Day 10332, 19:04:08: PulaMare claimed 'Castoroides - Lvl 276 (Castoroides)'! Day 10332, 23:00:18: PulaMare unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10332, 23:01:57: PulaMare claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10338, 14:30:23: PulaMare froze Shadow Killer - Lvl 380 (Shadowmane) Day 10338, 19:10:39: PulaMare froze Shadow Killer - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 10338, 23:35:24: PulaMare froze Shadow Killer - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 10339, 04:27:46: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 314 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10339, 04:32:56: PulaMare froze REXONA - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 10339, 09:31:59: PulaMare froze Shadow Killer - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 10339, 09:37:11: PulaMare froze REXONA - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 10339, 12:15:24: PulaMare froze REXONA - Lvl 246 (Rex) Day 10339, 12:44:29: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 315 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10339, 13:00:43: PulaMare froze Shadow Killer - Lvl 381 (Shadowmane) Day 10350, 15:08:19: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 315 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10350, 15:22:23: PulaMare froze REXONA - Lvl 248 (Rex) Day 10350, 23:21:03: Your REXONA - Lvl 249 (Rex) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 10350, 23:46:41: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 316 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10351, 12:57:56: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 10351, 15:05:26: PulaMare froze COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 326 (Desmodus) Day 10353, 19:29:25: PulaMare claimed 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 10379, 14:33:48: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20! Day 10379, 18:28:51: PulaMare froze COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 327 (Desmodus) Day 10380, 07:13:19: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 316 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10380, 11:00:37: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 316 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10380, 18:47:01: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10384, 10:44:13: PulaMare froze GIGA BOOM - Lvl 316 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 10398, 18:11:59: Your PARA TEK 1 - Lvl 154 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 10427, 05:46:55: PulaMare froze ICE ICE BABY - Lvl 306 (Snow Owl) Day 10427, 05:57:49: PulaMare froze Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) Day 10520, 03:35:51: PulaMare claimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 159 (Phiomia)'! Day 10520, 05:44:46: PulaMare unclaimed 'Phiomia - Lvl 184 (Phiomia)'! Day 10520, 07:09:32: PulaMare claimed 'dodo - Lvl 139 (Dodo)'! Day 10520, 07:29:24: PulaMare unclaimed 'dodo - Lvl 169 (Dodo)'! Day 10520, 07:43:31: PulaMare claimed 'dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)'! Day 10520, 07:49:47: PulaMare unclaimed 'dodo - Lvl 82 (Dodo)'! Day 10617, 16:44:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10641, 07:10:25: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10661, 22:30:20: PulaMare unclaimed 'PTERA FIRST - Lvl 179 (Pteranodon)'! Day 10661, 22:59:26: PulaMare unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 262 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 10661, 23:21:46: PulaMare unclaimed 'Shadow Killer - Lvl 388 (Shadowmane)'! Day 10661, 23:46:27: PulaMare unclaimed 'COUNT BATULLA - Lvl 327 (Desmodus)'! Day 10662, 00:00:38: PulaMare unclaimed 'Neville JR - Lvl 439 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 00:07:00: PulaMare unclaimed 'GIGA BOOM - Lvl 317 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 10662, 00:16:40: PulaMare unclaimed 'ARGE_HOE - Lvl 400 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 00:20:31: PulaMare unclaimed 'ARG_THE_WARRIOR - Lvl 351 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 00:25:28: PulaMare unclaimed 'THE BEAST LIFTER - Lvl 385 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10662, 00:28:59: PulaMare unclaimed 'Therror - Lvl 334 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10662, 00:33:18: PulaMare unclaimed 'theGatherer - Lvl 382 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 10662, 01:59:28: PulaMare unclaimed 'COLGATE - Lvl 283 (Castoroides)'! Day 10662, 05:24:36: PulaMare unclaimed 'YNWA BITCH - Lvl 225 (Moschops)'! Day 10662, 05:38:55: PulaMare unclaimed 'SWIMM FOREST SWIMM - Lvl 235 (Carbonemys)'! Day 10662, 05:39:33: PulaMare claimed 'SWIMM FOREST SWIMM - Lvl 235 (Carbonemys)'! Day 10662, 05:46:46: PulaMare unclaimed 'SWIMM FOREST SWIMM - Lvl 235 (Carbonemys)'! Day 10662, 06:56:57: PulaMare unclaimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 371 (Argentavis)'! Day 10662, 07:03:34: PulaMare unclaimed 'MOSCHO - Lvl 204 (Moschops)'! Day 10662, 07:06:52: PulaMare unclaimed 'ANKY - Lvl 138 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 10662, 07:10:46: PulaMare unclaimed 'ROCK GATHERER DOED - Lvl 148 (Doedicurus)'! Day 10662, 07:13:12: PulaMare claimed 'YNWA BITCH - Lvl 225 (Moschops)'! Day 10662, 07:19:23: PulaMare unclaimed 'YNWA BITCH - Lvl 225 (Moschops)'! Day 10662, 09:41:31: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 100! Day 10662, 10:19:34: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 10688, 09:06:45: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11253, 13:38:45: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11337, 01:17:34: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 11394, 22:12:20: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11544, 15:42:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11596, 05:02:38: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 11596, 05:56:50: Tribemember PulaMare - Lvl 112 was killed by a Ravager - Lvl 60! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12471, 09:42:05: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12756, 20:28:05: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12756, 20:28:05: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14509, 23:05:35: Gunjack - Lvl 137 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1583957235,"tribe":"Tribe of olo welcome to logs":["Day 26, 13:15:36: olo welcome to hell was added to the Tribe! Day 26, 13:17:20: Alf was added to the Tribe by olo welcome to hell! Day 26, 13:18:35: Alf was promoted to a Tribe Admin by olo welcome to hell! Day 26, 13:33:28: Alf froze Rock Drake - Lvl 239 (Rock Drake) Day 26, 14:21:56: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 26, 17:35:46: olo welcome to hell froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 292 (Aberrant Spino) Day 26, 23:21:32: olo welcome to hell demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 26, 23:22:44: olo welcome to hell demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 27, 00:01:25: olo welcome to hell froze Chunkz - Lvl 119 (Aberrant Moschops) Day 27, 12:01:37: Alf froze Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 195 (Rock Drake) Day 27, 17:32:07: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 27, 22:55:54: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 28, 00:25:50: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 28, 02:14:49: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 48, 10:13:07: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:07: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:07: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:07: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:30: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:30: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:30: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:33: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:36: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:36: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:36: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:36: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:36: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 10:13:39: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 48, 14:22:20: Alf froze Chunkz - Lvl 119 (Aberrant Moschops) Day 48, 16:49:39: Tribemember Alf - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 49, 01:13:16: olo welcome to hell froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 313 (Aberrant Spino) Day 49, 10:55:14: Your Chunkz - Lvl 131 (Aberrant Moschops) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 150! Day 49, 12:33:27: Alf Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 49, 12:54:40: Alf froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 49, 15:06:43: olo welcome to hell claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 49, 15:11:46: olo welcome to hell froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 49, 21:21:50: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was destroyed! Day 49, 21:21:50: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 49, 23:47:19: olo welcome to hell froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 50, 04:40:39: Alf Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus)! Day 50, 05:02:58: Your Desmodus - Lvl 31 (Desmodus) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 60! Day 50, 05:23:17: Alf Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus)! Day 50, 05:34:19: Alf froze Desmodus - Lvl 162 (Desmodus) Day 50, 11:55:07: Alf claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 96 (Desmodus)'! Day 116, 07:52:02: Alf froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 116, 11:46:00: olo welcome to hell froze SLASH - Lvl 288 (Aberrant Spino) Day 116, 11:51:49: olo welcome to hell froze Aberrant Spino - Lvl 316 (Aberrant Spino) Day 116, 11:52:11: Alf froze Rock Drake - Lvl 234 (Rock Drake) Day 116, 11:57:34: olo welcome to hell froze disposable 1 - Lvl 286 (Aberrant Spino) Day 116, 12:03:20: olo welcome to hell froze Scales - Lvl 264 (Aberrant Spino) Day 116, 12:40:40: olo welcome to hell froze Shinehorn - Lvl 233 (Shinehorn) Day 116, 12:42:33: Alf froze todays weather - Lvl 223 (Bulbdog) Day 116, 15:06:54: Alf froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 116, 15:19:55: Alf froze Desmodus - Lvl 176 (Desmodus) Day 116, 15:28:07: Alf froze Desmodus - Lvl 47 (Desmodus) Day 116, 16:16:57: Alf froze Rock Drake - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 116, 16:37:35: Alf uploaded a Desmodus: Desmodus - Lvl 176 Day 116, 16:48:38: Alf froze Desmodus - Lvl 47 (Desmodus) Day 116, 16:56:21: Alf downloaded a dino: Desmodus - Lvl 170 Day 116, 17:00:58: Alf froze Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 118, 00:20:00: Your Aberrant Moschops - Lvl 122 (Aberrant Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 271, 22:40:13: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 380, 09:55:20: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 380, 09:55:20: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 380, 09:55:24: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 380, 10:18:28: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 380, 10:18:32: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 380, 10:20:03: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 380, 10:21:34: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 439, 10:57:17: Your Rock Drake - Lvl 206 (Rock Drake) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 150! Day 519, 22:02:29: Desmodus - Lvl 96 (Desmodus) starved to death! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2426, 09:42:07: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1582533122,"tribe":"360 logs":["Day 192, 08:06:09: swalsp was added to the Tribe! Day 192, 08:09:44: PneumaticCow80 was added to the Tribe by swalsp! Day 192, 08:16:29: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 121 was killed by Amara - Lvl 270 (Poison Wyvern)! Day 192, 08:16:29: Your Tribe killed swalsp - Lvl 121 (360)! Day 192, 09:05:09: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 121 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 192, 11:27:43: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 55! Day 192, 11:52:57: swalsp Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 70 (Desmodus)! Day 192, 11:54:39: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 192, 14:57:44: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 192, 15:39:04: Tribemember swalsp - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 192, 16:08:59: Your Desmodus - Lvl 71 (Desmodus) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 55! Day 192, 17:03:30: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 192, 17:37:00: Your Thickness - Lvl 128 (Moschops) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 55! Day 192, 17:43:14: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 192, 18:10:15: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 192, 22:39:17: swalsp froze Netflix - Lvl 279 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 192, 22:54:10: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 193, 00:15:07: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 193, 01:29:12: Tribemember PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 193, 03:54:12: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus)! Day 193, 04:38:41: PneumaticCow80 froze Desmodus - Lvl 181 (Desmodus) Day 193, 05:33:37: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 272 (Poison Wyvern) Day 484, 21:40:56: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 665, 09:28:15: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 665, 14:29:30: PneumaticCow80 froze the coon - Lvl 271 (Desmodus) Day 665, 18:52:06: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 296 (Poison Wyvern) Day 665, 21:12:11: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 297 (Poison Wyvern) Day 666, 01:43:19: PneumaticCow80 uploaded a Desmodus: the coon - Lvl 273 Day 938, 11:18:08: PneumaticCow80 froze the coon - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 938, 14:39:04: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus)! Day 938, 14:42:48: PneumaticCow80 froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 224 (Giganotosaurus) Day 939, 01:13:56: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 308 (Poison Wyvern) Day 996, 14:10:01: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 312 (Poison Wyvern) Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2006, 06:13:41: Your Ovis - Lvl 83 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 06:13:41: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 83 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 06:15:34: Your Ovis - Lvl 93 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 06:15:34: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 93 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 06:17:15: Your Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 06:17:15: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 131 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 06:18:52: Your Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 06:18:52: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 06:20:27: Your Ovis - Lvl 116 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 06:20:27: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 116 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 06:20:45: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2006, 06:27:16: PneumaticCow80 froze Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis) Day 2006, 09:41:01: Your Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 09:41:01: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 85 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 09:43:46: Your Ovis - Lvl 76 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 09:43:46: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 76 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 09:45:37: Your Ovis - Lvl 32 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 09:45:37: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 32 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 09:47:47: Your Ovis - Lvl 59 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 09:47:47: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 59 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 09:49:03: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2006, 10:01:53: Your Ovis - Lvl 81 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 10:01:53: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 81 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 10:08:12: Your Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 10:08:12: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 127 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 10:13:48: Your Ovis - Lvl 105 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 10:13:48: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 105 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 10:15:42: Your Ovis - Lvl 74 (Ovis) was killed by PneumaticCow80 - Lvl 125 (360)! Day 2006, 10:15:42: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 74 (Ovis)! Day 2006, 10:16:20: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk)! Day 2006, 10:20:44: PneumaticCow80 froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 2006, 10:26:56: PneumaticCow80 froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 2007, 21:13:33: PneumaticCow80 froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 29 (Fjordhawk) Day 2007, 21:17:16: PneumaticCow80 froze Amara - Lvl 325 (Poison Wyvern) Day 4836, 22:20:06: PneumaticCow80 claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 4837, 03:43:32: PneumaticCow80 Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 4837, 04:07:48: PneumaticCow80 froze the coon - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 4837, 04:45:47: PneumaticCow80 froze the coon - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 4837, 06:24:25: PneumaticCow80 froze Griffin - Lvl 218 (Griffin) Day 4837, 12:30:31: PneumaticCow80 froze the coon - Lvl 295 (Desmodus) Day 5478, 17:00:29: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 130!"] "tribeid":1580829518,"tribe":"Legion logs":["Day 1916, 12:10:56: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 243 (Rock Drake) Day 1916, 15:23:43: Cori froze Desmodus - Lvl 201 (Desmodus) Day 1917, 03:14:18: Zenalis froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 07:52:11: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 09:06:06: Zenalis froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 09:06:55: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 11:17:34: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 14:12:04: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 17:39:48: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 18:12:58: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 1917, 19:18:32: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 1917, 19:52:11: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 20:18:22: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 251 (Rock Drake) Day 1917, 21:12:32: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1917, 21:45:49: Zenalis froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1918, 12:36:04: Zenalis froze Maewing - Lvl 67 (Maewing) Day 1918, 15:19:16: Zenalis froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 225 (Ankylosaurus) Day 1918, 15:23:18: Zenalis froze Ciori - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 1918, 16:51:50: DuoMog was added to the Tribe! Day 1918, 16:54:22: DuoMog was promoted to a Tribe Admin! Day 1918, 17:38:12: DuoMog demolished a 'Bee Hive (Locked) '! Day 1918, 17:59:26: DuoMog was removed from the Tribe! Day 1919, 09:21:56: Cori froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 287 (Brontosaurus) Day 1919, 16:26:45: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 261 (Rock Drake) Day 1920, 01:02:22: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 261 (Rock Drake) Day 1920, 01:34:06: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1920, 20:09:45: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1934, 09:50:54: Your 'Dino Leash (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1961, 20:18:54: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 51 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 1962, 16:52:50: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1962, 17:00:18: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1962, 17:05:19: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1962, 17:08:59: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1962, 17:12:55: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1962, 20:55:01: Cori froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 294 (Brontosaurus) Day 1962, 21:31:53: Cori Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo)! Day 1962, 21:41:29: Cori froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 1962, 23:09:38: Zenalis Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 1962, 23:38:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys)! Day 1962, 23:50:01: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 128 (Moschops) Day 1963, 00:01:01: Cori Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 59 (Carbonemys)! Day 1963, 00:13:44: Cori Tamed a Mesopithecus - Lvl 193 (Mesopithecus)! Day 1963, 01:31:18: Cori Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 134 (Carbonemys)! Day 1963, 04:00:15: Rosi BunBun claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1963, 04:04:47: Rosi BunBun claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 1963, 05:19:38: Cori claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 65 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1963, 05:20:25: Cori claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1963, 05:21:23: Cori claimed 'Baby Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1963, 09:23:34: Zenalis froze Juvenile uwu - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1963, 09:30:30: Zenalis froze Juvenile uwu - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1963, 09:50:13: Zenalis froze Juvenile Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) Day 1963, 10:35:35: Zenalis froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 294 (Brontosaurus) Day 1963, 12:01:13: Your Tribe Tamed a Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus)! Day 1963, 12:28:43: Cori froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus) Day 1963, 12:53:52: Zenalis froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 294 (Brontosaurus) Day 1963, 14:12:48: Your Adolescent Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) was killed! Day 1963, 14:12:48: Adolescent Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 1963, 19:16:19: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1963, 22:49:07: Rosi BunBun claimed 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1964, 00:44:03: Cori Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 1964, 00:47:38: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) was killed by Zenalis - Lvl 162 (Legion)! Day 1964, 00:47:38: Your Tribe killed Carbonemys - Lvl 82 (Carbonemys) (Legion)! Day 1964, 00:53:57: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 1964, 01:26:38: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent uwu - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 04:08:17: Cori froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus) Day 1964, 04:19:02: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 1964, 04:28:29: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 04:39:10: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 05:11:27: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 05:18:10: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 05:48:42: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 05:49:28: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 05:49:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 05:56:24: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 05:59:59: Cori froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 1964, 06:02:55: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:04:30: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:05:43: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:05:43: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:05:48: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:05:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:09:35: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:10:45: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:10:45: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:13:15: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:16:42: Cori froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 1964, 06:18:49: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:19:56: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:19:56: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:21:49: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:23:03: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:23:03: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:25:29: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:28:42: Cori froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) Day 1964, 06:30:51: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:35:28: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:35:28: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:36:01: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 06:36:55: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1964, 06:36:55: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1964, 07:00:41: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Deinonychus - Lvl 145! Day 1964, 08:20:21: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 247 (Rock Drake) Day 1964, 08:44:56: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 08:45:47: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1964, 08:49:09: Cori froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 50 (Deinonychus) Day 1964, 08:51:59: Cori froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) Day 1964, 09:59:50: Rosi BunBun froze Adolescent owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 11:56:16: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 1964, 12:51:17: Cori froze Snowyee - Lvl 229 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1964, 13:08:29: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1964, 14:09:00: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1964, 14:22:09: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1964, 20:42:07: Tribemember Rosi BunBun - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 1964, 21:41:25: Tribemember Rosi BunBun - Lvl 68 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 1964, 23:42:44: Tribemember Rosi BunBun - Lvl 68 was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 145! Day 1965, 05:32:08: Tribemember Rosi BunBun - Lvl 68 was killed! Day 1965, 11:09:46: Zenalis froze Desmodus - Lvl 251 (Desmodus) Day 1965, 12:02:28: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 59 (Carbonemys) Day 1965, 12:27:42: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 74 (Carbonemys) Day 1965, 12:32:13: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 134 (Carbonemys) Day 1965, 12:44:50: Cori froze Maewing - Lvl 90 (Maewing) Day 1965, 12:48:19: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 65 (Carbonemys) Day 1965, 12:51:03: Cori froze Kaka - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 1965, 12:58:35: Cori froze owo - Lvl 223 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1965, 13:07:00: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1965, 13:10:53: Cori froze uwu - Lvl 226 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1965, 13:22:48: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1965, 13:26:06: Cori froze Dodo - Lvl 29 (Dodo) Day 1965, 15:30:11: Cori Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon)! Day 1965, 15:36:41: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 1965, 18:58:26: Cori Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 1965, 19:15:57: Cori Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon)! Day 1965, 19:26:39: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon) Day 1965, 19:53:49: Cori Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 1965, 20:08:44: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) Day 1965, 21:20:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon)! Day 1965, 22:32:04: Cori Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon)! Day 1966, 01:30:14: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1966, 02:07:23: Cori Tamed a Dimorphodon - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon)! Day 1966, 03:29:28: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) Day 1966, 03:34:34: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 1966, 03:40:13: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) Day 1966, 03:49:17: Cori froze Sky - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon) Day 1966, 03:56:59: Cori froze Sky - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon) Day 1966, 14:06:34: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1968, 07:09:56: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1968, 13:13:16: Your Desmodus - Lvl 253 (Desmodus) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 1968, 13:15:11: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 60! Day 1968, 15:07:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur)! Day 1968, 19:56:03: Zenalis froze Giovana - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 1968, 22:40:47: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1969, 05:28:01: Zenalis Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 79 (Fjordhawk)! Day 1969, 07:06:23: Corbu froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur) Day 1969, 07:17:23: Corbu froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur) Day 1969, 07:24:31: Corbu froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 207 (Dilophosaur) Day 1969, 09:24:19: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 183 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Kaprosuchus - Lvl 95! Day 1969, 15:41:12: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1969, 15:45:17: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 1969, 19:11:02: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 1969, 20:14:55: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1969, 20:15:19: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 01:27:47: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 05:25:38: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 214 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1970, 05:57:33: Cori froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 214 (Therizinosaur) Day 1970, 06:22:54: Cori froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 214 (Therizinosaur) Day 1970, 08:13:29: Cori Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1970, 08:16:44: Cori froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1970, 12:33:49: Cori Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)! Day 1970, 12:37:34: Zenalis froze Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus) Day 1970, 18:47:34: Cori froze Sky - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon) Day 1970, 19:33:01: Zenalis froze rocky - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 1970, 19:37:03: Cori froze Dr. Stone - Lvl 216 (Doedicurus) Day 1970, 19:40:05: Cori froze Teri - Lvl 221 (Therizinosaur) Day 1970, 19:44:45: Cori froze Beri - Lvl 224 (Therizinosaur) Day 1970, 19:51:59: Cori froze rocky - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 1970, 19:58:06: Cori froze Red White F - Lvl 416 (Snow Owl) Day 1970, 20:05:02: Cori froze Rock Drake - Lvl 246 (Rock Drake) Day 1971, 03:48:41: Cori Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 207 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1971, 05:15:09: Zenalis froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 207 (Therizinosaur) Day 1971, 06:32:06: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 1971, 12:21:35: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1971, 15:25:54: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1971, 17:53:41: Cori froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1971, 19:22:19: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 250 (Rock Drake) Day 1972, 00:16:22: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1972, 01:32:08: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 278 (Rock Drake) Day 1972, 05:16:31: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 260 (Rock Drake) Day 1972, 06:27:38: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1983, 00:26:46: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1983, 00:31:32: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1983, 00:36:00: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1983, 00:40:55: Cori froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1983, 10:37:23: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1983, 10:38:48: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1983, 10:38:48: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1983, 10:52:08: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 53 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 10:57:40: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 11:00:29: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 209 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 11:03:54: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 23 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 11:24:39: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 11:27:31: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 37 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 11:30:18: Cori froze Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon) Day 1983, 11:52:56: Cori froze Carnotaurus - Lvl 142 (Carnotaurus) Day 1983, 12:06:00: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 1983, 12:06:00: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was destroyed! Day 1983, 12:06:09: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was destroyed! Day 1983, 18:18:12: Cori Tamed a Carbonemys - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys)! Day 1983, 18:21:44: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys) Day 1983, 19:46:35: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1984, 03:51:55: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1984, 04:06:25: Cori froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1984, 08:19:50: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys) Day 1984, 10:14:17: Cori froze Carbonemys - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys) Day 1984, 11:46:35: Cori unclaimed 'Carbonemys - Lvl 127 (Carbonemys)'! Day 1984, 18:23:52: Cori claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1984, 18:25:25: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1984, 18:25:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 144 (Deinonychus) (Legion)! Day 1985, 03:58:33: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 280 (Rock Drake) Day 1985, 04:05:14: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1985, 04:09:44: Cori froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 1986, 10:51:04: Zenalis Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops)! Day 1986, 10:56:44: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 209 (Moschops) Day 1986, 11:18:44: Zenalis froze Polymer - Lvl 209 (Moschops) Day 1986, 12:16:16: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1986, 15:47:41: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 263 (Rock Drake) Day 1986, 18:29:31: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1987, 03:52:42: Zenalis froze Beri - Lvl 249 (Therizinosaur) Day 1987, 03:57:39: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1987, 13:09:00: Your Ovis - Lvl 340 (Ovis) was killed by Zenalis - Lvl 162 (Legion)! Day 1987, 13:09:00: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 340 (Ovis)! Day 1987, 13:23:49: Zenalis Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 131 (Fjordhawk)! Day 1987, 17:05:08: Zenalis Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 131 (Fjordhawk)! Day 1987, 17:17:48: Cori Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 1987, 18:39:39: Cori froze OwlSPD - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1987, 22:22:08: Your Ovis - Lvl 27 (Ovis) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1987, 22:22:08: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 27 (Ovis)! Day 1987, 22:32:56: Your Ovis - Lvl 79 (Ovis) was killed by Cori - Lvl 121 (Legion)! Day 1987, 22:32:56: Your Tribe killed Ovis - Lvl 79 (Ovis)! Day 1987, 22:36:44: Zenalis Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 36 (Fjordhawk)! Day 1988, 00:19:50: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1988, 01:33:24: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 189 (Moschops) Day 1988, 03:07:25: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 404 (Snow Owl) Day 1988, 04:20:14: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 189 (Moschops) Day 1988, 07:28:48: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 189 (Moschops) Day 1988, 07:45:37: Zenalis froze Moschops - Lvl 189 (Moschops) Day 1988, 16:13:09: Zenalis froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 42 (Fjordhawk) Day 1988, 16:31:31: Zenalis froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 42 (Fjordhawk) Day 1988, 17:38:54: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 265 (Rock Drake) Day 1988, 18:03:30: Zenalis froze [Legion] Arthur - Lvl 42 (Fjordhawk) Day 1988, 22:06:43: Cori froze Giovana - Lvl 286 (Rock Drake) Day 1989, 01:16:51: Cori froze [EX] Pufosenie - Lvl 460 (Snow Owl) Day 1992, 09:23:07: Zenalis froze Kaka - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 1992, 12:34:37: Zenalis froze Beri - Lvl 255 (Therizinosaur) Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2023, 16:06:03: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2038, 11:09:33: Your 'Bee Hive (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2055, 02:46:08: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 95! Day 2055, 04:23:42: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 2055, 04:56:54: Zenalis froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 140 (Fjordhawk) Day 2055, 11:08:42: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 277 (Rock Drake) Day 2055, 11:46:10: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 90! Day 2055, 12:23:53: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2055, 12:29:32: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 2055, 13:05:24: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Yeti - Lvl 240! Day 2055, 13:24:48: Your 'Large Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2055, 14:04:48: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 2055, 15:05:17: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 195! Day 2055, 15:42:16: Zenalis froze rocky - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 2055, 15:47:02: Zenalis froze Rock Drake - Lvl 246 (Rock Drake) Day 2055, 15:53:32: Zenalis froze Giovana - Lvl 286 (Rock Drake) Day 2055, 16:20:55: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 2055, 17:26:30: Zenalis froze rocky - Lvl 185 (Rock Drake) Day 2055, 17:30:27: Zenalis froze Rock Drake - Lvl 246 (Rock Drake) Day 2055, 17:42:54: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Purlovia - Lvl 255! Day 2055, 18:18:15: Zenalis froze Deinonychus - Lvl 226 (Deinonychus) Day 2055, 18:41:54: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 2055, 19:47:53: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 200! Day 2055, 21:19:33: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 230 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 170! Day 2055, 23:59:43: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 160! Day 2056, 00:28:10: Zenalis demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 2056, 01:56:02: Zenalis froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 2056, 07:43:37: Your Giovana - Lvl 286 (Rock Drake) was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 160! Day 2056, 07:48:30: Zenalis froze Kaka - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 2056, 08:05:30: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 278 (Rock Drake) Day 2056, 09:21:34: Zenalis froze [EX] King - Lvl 424 (Reaper King) Day 2056, 11:10:17: Zenalis froze RAPTI - Lvl 302 (Raptor) Day 2056, 11:28:52: Zenalis froze [EX] King - Lvl 424 (Reaper King) Day 2056, 14:58:10: Zenalis froze Kaka - Lvl 222 (Rock Drake) Day 2056, 15:01:35: Zenalis froze [Legion] Drake - Lvl 278 (Rock Drake) Day 2056, 15:09:13: Zenalis froze [TD] Puff - Lvl 422 (Snow Owl) Day 2056, 15:39:47: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 2056, 17:45:52: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2084, 01:46:51: Zenalis froze [Legion] Arthur - Lvl 96 (Fjordhawk) Day 2084, 04:59:19: Your 'Wooden Chair' was destroyed! Day 2084, 04:59:19: Your 'Wooden Chair' was destroyed! Day 2084, 05:59:51: Zenalis demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 2084, 06:32:19: Zenalis demolished a 'Stone Water Intake Pipe'! Day 2084, 08:54:43: Zenalis froze [EX]Dr.Snow - Lvl 405 (Snow Owl) Day 2104, 13:32:44: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 94 (Fjordhawk) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 90! Day 2118, 10:07:26: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2142, 02:56:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2189, 12:20:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2213, 05:51:05: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2246, 19:47:13: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 29 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2260, 14:27:52: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2264, 06:53:35: Cornel - Lvl 52 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 2279, 16:04:50: Tek Parasaur - Lvl 70 (Tek Parasaur) starved to death! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2315, 05:32:12: Your 'Stone Water Tap (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2379, 00:20:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2413, 14:05:35: Mr. Savant - Lvl 108 (Kairuku) starved to death! Day 2441, 12:42:28: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2441, 12:47:24: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 2441, 12:49:44: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2568, 10:20:35: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2578, 09:19:05: Your Dilophosaur - Lvl 222 (Dilophosaur) was killed! Day 2579, 16:56:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2579, 16:56:01: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2579, 16:56:25: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2579, 16:56:28: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2579, 16:56:28: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2579, 16:56:31: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 2579, 16:56:31: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was destroyed! Day 2630, 21:49:17: Your 'Toilet (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Wooden Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2667, 02:21:03: Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sky - Lvl 194 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 2667, 04:13:16: Boudicca - Lvl 121 (The Iceni) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 2667, 06:44:33: 's 'DaBaby - Lvl 104 (Jerboa)' died in a Cryopod! Day 2667, 11:14:24: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 2667, 21:03:10: Tribemember Cori - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 2714, 15:10:02: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 193 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 2714, 15:33:39: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ciory - Lvl 193 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2714, 15:34:04: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 189 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2714, 15:38:51: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 167 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2714, 15:39:23: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 173 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2714, 15:43:15: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 178 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2714, 15:46:31: FentJ - Lvl 122 (Come Get Some) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 200 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2779, 08:59:44: Hecate - Lvl 123 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 145 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 2846, 20:20:18: Fjordhawk - Lvl 131 (Fjordhawk) starved to death! Day 2886, 02:34:10: Pteranodon - Lvl 198 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 2912, 14:37:19: Tribemember Corbu - Lvl 98 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2970, 15:29:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3236, 16:52:25: Pteranodon - Lvl 187 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3425, 08:22:32: Brewskii - Lvl 151 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 3642, 04:23:54: Brewskii - Lvl 151 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 5589, 20:40:49: Zenalis claimed '#LOHANSWORLD (Raft)'! Day 5739, 13:38:36: Tribemember Zenalis - Lvl 162 was killed! Day 6722, 19:47:18: Riddick - Lvl 125 (The Brutal Builders) claimed your auto-decayed tame '#LOHANSWORLD (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1577852397,"tribe":"Tribe of gen logs":["Day 380, 05:52:03: gen was added to the Tribe! Day 380, 05:54:59: Rexu was added to the Tribe by gen! Day 380, 07:04:33: Tribemember gen - Lvl 3 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 380, 09:50:54: Rexu Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 380, 10:46:34: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 25! Day 380, 10:58:43: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 67 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 130! Day 380, 11:15:52: Rexu demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 380, 11:33:51: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 380, 12:37:04: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 380, 12:59:37: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 380, 13:16:26: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 380, 13:26:53: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 380, 13:35:05: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 380, 13:57:07: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 85! Day 380, 14:22:21: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 9 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 391, 03:33:56: Tribemember gen - Lvl 13 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 391, 14:04:20: Tribemember Rexu - Lvl 11 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1572581447,"tribe":"WORLDS END logs":["Day 133, 23:45:53: bunja was added to the Tribe! Day 134, 14:19:28: bunja Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 82 (Triceratops)! Day 138, 13:13:27: Your bob - Lvl 90 (Parasaur) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 138, 13:22:40: Your TES - Lvl 92 (Triceratops) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 155, 14:08:42: bunja Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 29 (Triceratops)! Day 304, 20:45:51: bunja Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 305, 01:47:38: bunja Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 306, 13:40:31: bunja Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 138 (Pteranodon)! Day 307, 00:14:00: bunja demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 307, 00:16:33: bunja demolished a 'Bed'! Day 307, 00:20:48: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 307, 00:22:51: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 307, 00:24:40: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 307, 00:26:10: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 307, 00:27:37: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 307, 00:30:48: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Doorframe'! Day 307, 00:35:19: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 442, 04:04:00: Your bess - Lvl 159 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 443, 04:37:02: bunja Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 192 (Pteranodon)! Day 487, 15:13:02: bunja claimed '34H 44S 34M - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 487, 15:19:41: bunja claimed '43W - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 487, 15:21:08: bunja claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)'! Day 487, 15:22:18: bunja claimed 'Megatherium - Lvl 205 (Megatherium)'! Day 487, 17:49:23: Your 43W - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 25! Day 513, 13:40:35: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 513, 13:42:16: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 513, 13:43:40: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 515, 17:56:27: bunja Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 134 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 523, 14:20:44: bunja demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 536, 18:29:51: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 18:35:36: Your 'Remote Activation Keypad (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 18:41:04: Your 'Preserving Bin (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 18:43:16: Your 'Refrigerator (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 19:10:43: Your 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 19:20:45: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 19:53:13: Your 'Smithy (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 19:55:54: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 20:01:02: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 536, 20:01:14: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 537, 05:14:29: bunja demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 538, 16:37:31: bunja Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 36 (Doedicurus)! Day 538, 18:44:13: bunja demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 541, 19:15:53: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 541, 19:16:29: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 541, 19:43:32: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 541, 21:22:56: Your tom - Lvl 257 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 45! Day 541, 21:59:32: Your fred - Lvl 302 (Megatherium) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 45! Day 543, 14:40:44: bunja claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium)'! Day 564, 07:20:30: Your bob - Lvl 73 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 140! Day 570, 10:18:41: bunja Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)! Day 583, 09:48:27: bunja claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)'! Day 611, 12:05:51: Tribemember bunja - Lvl 104 was killed! Day 630, 16:05:43: bunja Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 22 (Argentavis)! Day 631, 13:48:20: Tribemember bunja - Lvl 108 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 55! Day 640, 15:36:19: bunja demolished a 'Bookshelf (Locked) '! Day 690, 01:42:31: bunja claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 690, 01:49:02: bunja claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 691, 13:40:19: bunja froze boby - Lvl 297 (Megatherium) Day 691, 16:24:03: bunja froze Adolescent ted - Lvl 214 (Megatherium) Day 691, 16:43:19: bunja froze Adolescent burt - Lvl 214 (Megatherium) Day 691, 21:24:14: bunja froze Adolescent ted - Lvl 214 (Megatherium) Day 713, 22:33:29: bunja claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 714, 04:09:49: bunja claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus)'! Day 714, 09:09:50: bunja froze Juvenile burt - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) Day 724, 05:10:48: bunja claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon)'! Day 724, 06:48:55: Your Baby em - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) was killed! Day 724, 06:48:55: Baby em - Lvl 95 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 724, 08:02:48: bunja claimed 'Baby Pteranodon - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon)'! Day 758, 19:09:41: bunja claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 759, 16:53:11: bunja froze Adolescent gus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus) Day 759, 18:33:03: bunja claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus)'! Day 759, 20:03:05: bunja claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 87 (Deinonychus)'! Day 760, 10:23:43: bunja froze Adolescent petra - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus) Day 760, 11:34:53: bunja froze Adolescent ony - Lvl 87 (Deinonychus) Day 796, 14:47:44: bunja Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 28 (Castoroides)! Day 796, 14:54:45: bunja froze fred - Lvl 28 (Castoroides) Day 798, 11:55:07: bunja demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 802, 23:11:40: Tribemember bunja - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 973, 14:04:11: bunja Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus)! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 986, 08:48:56: bunja claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 986, 08:57:28: bunja claimed 'Baby Megatherium - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 986, 23:51:42: bunja froze Juvenile den - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 987, 06:34:33: bunja froze Juvenile klass - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 987, 07:15:02: bunja froze Juvenile klass - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 987, 10:59:38: bunja froze Juvenile den - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 987, 11:27:37: bunja froze Juvenile den - Lvl 225 (Megatherium) Day 1116, 06:02:46: bunja Tamed an Anglerfish - Lvl 118 (Anglerfish)! Day 1116, 09:00:13: Your ang - Lvl 120 (Anglerfish) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 1127, 08:35:52: Tribemember bunja - Lvl 121 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 135! Day 1230, 22:13:15: bunja Tamed a X-Dunkleosteus - Lvl 134 (X-Dunkleosteus)! Day 1255, 07:31:45: Your dunk - Lvl 159 (X-Dunkleosteus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 20! Day 1283, 15:05:26: bunja claimed 'Kal'El - Lvl 405 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 1283, 15:10:02: bunja froze Kal'El - Lvl 405 (Blood Crystal Wyvern) Day 1283, 15:16:10: bunja claimed 'Pyro - Lvl 339 (Magmasaur)'! Day 1283, 15:19:35: bunja froze Pyro - Lvl 339 (Magmasaur) Day 1283, 15:23:56: bunja claimed 'Rhubarb - Lvl 408 (Argentavis)'! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1293, 10:48:24: bunja claimed 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 1293, 10:57:45: bunja claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 242 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1293, 11:00:43: bunja claimed 'Triceratops - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 1293, 11:06:45: bunja claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 1300, 14:20:29: Darkvipa was added to the Tribe by bunja! Day 1302, 05:00:34: bunja claimed 'Bjorn - Lvl 279 (Mammoth)'! Day 1302, 05:00:51: Darkvipa claimed 'Ivor - Lvl 373 (Dire Bear)'! Day 1302, 05:10:29: Darkvipa froze Ivor - Lvl 373 (Dire Bear) Day 1302, 05:36:29: bunja froze Bjorn - Lvl 279 (Mammoth) Day 1318, 00:00:50: bunja claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 303 (Desmodus)'! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1668, 16:07:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1920, 16:30:24: Tribemember Darkvipa - Lvl 58 was killed! Day 1991, 18:17:17: fred - Lvl 73 (Castoroides) starved to death! Day 2012, 11:35:37: bil - Lvl 78 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 2013, 09:11:36: argy - Lvl 82 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 2032, 20:56:11: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'VERN - Lvl 405 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 2032, 20:56:59: JDragon - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'masa - Lvl 339 (Magmasaur)'! Day 2032, 20:58:47: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'den - Lvl 225 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 20:59:36: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'klass - Lvl 253 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 21:00:18: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'burt - Lvl 272 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 21:00:39: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Takhesis - Lvl 280 (Argentavis)'! Day 2032, 21:01:30: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tod - Lvl 315 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 21:02:24: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ted - Lvl 214 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 21:03:34: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boby - Lvl 323 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 21:04:20: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tiamat - Lvl 373 (Dire Bear)'! Day 2032, 21:06:25: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bet - Lvl 299 (Megatherium)'! Day 2032, 21:07:35: JDragon - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 303 (Desmodus)'! Day 2032, 21:09:11: JDragon - Lvl 100 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'OLY - Lvl 409 (Argentavis)'! Day 2032, 21:09:47: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'spike - Lvl 202 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 2032, 21:10:21: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bjorn - Lvl 279 (Mammoth)'! Day 2032, 21:10:48: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dicu - Lvl 104 (Doedicurus)'! Day 2032, 21:11:45: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DIP - Lvl 41 (Diplodocus)'! Day 2032, 21:22:37: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 265 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 2032, 23:00:24: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 269 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2032, 23:13:20: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'gus - Lvl 96 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2032, 23:15:16: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pob - Lvl 85 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2032, 23:16:30: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'burt - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2032, 23:31:54: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Triceratops - Lvl 232 (Triceratops)'! Day 2032, 23:34:09: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tess - Lvl 92 (Triceratops)'! Day 2032, 23:34:58: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'petra - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2032, 23:35:08: Ukelelo - Lvl 107 (Tribe of Ukelelo) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ony - Lvl 87 (Deinonychus)'! Day 2033, 02:21:45: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'pet - Lvl 224 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2033, 02:24:49: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'rob - Lvl 272 (Pteranodon)'! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2047, 09:07:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2180, 10:05:26: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed! Day 2250, 00:26:37: Tribemember bunja - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2331, 15:32:16: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Large Metal Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2615, 17:30:01: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1569982202,"tribe":"The Hobbits logs":["Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10900, 06:37:02: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Staircase' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 10970, 21:35:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13101, 17:10:54: Tribemember Pippin - Lvl 123 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 145! Day 13293, 17:08:22: dodo - Lvl 88 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13293, 17:08:27: dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13725, 09:50:34: dodo - Lvl 75 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13792, 11:24:22: Pukki 4 - Lvl 100 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13895, 12:40:03: dodo - Lvl 111 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13895, 13:30:07: Tribemember Ms Brandybuck - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 13895, 14:08:16: dodo - Lvl 114 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13895, 16:48:52: Tribemember Jonke the hobit - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 13990, 13:37:16: dodo - Lvl 98 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 13990, 13:37:17: dodo - Lvl 105 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14116, 11:17:12: dodo - Lvl 102 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14319, 04:37:21: Pukki 2 - Lvl 82 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14319, 04:37:23: Pukki 1 - Lvl 107 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14373, 03:18:51: Pukki 3 - Lvl 113 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14373, 03:19:00: dodo - Lvl 100 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14388, 19:24:33: dodo - Lvl 70 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 14719, 10:46:40: dodo - Lvl 107 (Dodo) starved to death! Day 18263, 08:43:56: dodo - Lvl 115 (Dodo) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1568703211,"tribe":"The Sons Of HellHeim logs":["Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Trapdoor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7323, 12:13:21: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7346, 14:18:45: Sir Argi I - Lvl 256 (Argentavis) starved to death! Day 7441, 05:08:25: BennyJetz - Lvl 6 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SS Idiots (Raft)'! Day 7500, 08:38:19: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ornstein - Lvl 269 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7547, 11:15:20: Akane - Lvl 67 (Adverse) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7596, 20:17:07: Your 'Metal Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7783, 06:58:45: Tribemember Astral Jotenson - Lvl 121 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 135! Day 7981, 00:31:44: Alexi - Lvl 114 (Dinos Enthusiast) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 313 (Tek Rex)'! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Refrigerator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8733, 23:02:14: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8757, 13:08:45: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9216, 22:44:26: Dom - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 9322, 20:55:16: Your 'Cryofridge' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9887, 17:42:34: Your 'Egg Incubator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11041, 13:34:25: Your 'Industrial Cooker' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14255, 13:56:32: Gunjack - Lvl 136 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FireKeeper - Lvl 286 (Shadowmane)'!"] "tribeid":1557810546,"tribe":"Tribe of Arcanum logs":["Day 238, 03:22:20: Arcanum was added to the Tribe! Day 384, 07:13:13: Your Ryu - Lvl 79 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 55! Day 390, 11:06:22: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Sloped Thatch Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 543, 01:05:16: Tribemember Arcanum - Lvl 26 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 95! Day 543, 01:06:02: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 543, 01:06:55: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 816, 05:33:49: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1553642143,"tribe":"Tribe of sparta logs":["Day 499, 15:18:37: sparta was added to the Tribe! Day 499, 15:20:02: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 499, 17:20:52: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 32 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 499, 17:45:10: Your Carbonemys - Lvl 81 (Carbonemys) was killed by an Allosaurus - Lvl 140! Day 499, 18:52:13: sparta froze Iguanodon - Lvl 224 (Iguanodon) Day 514, 01:22:51: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 514, 01:24:50: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 514, 01:27:35: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 514, 06:16:27: sparta uploaded a Pteranodon: Pteranodon - Lvl 196 Day 514, 09:12:30: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 82 was killed! Day 517, 05:47:36: sparta downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 75 Day 517, 05:48:13: sparta downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 130 Day 517, 05:48:51: sparta downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 41 Day 517, 05:49:28: sparta downloaded a dino: Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 146 Day 518, 19:27:09: sparta Tamed a X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 171 (X-Ankylosaurus)! Day 518, 19:33:04: sparta froze X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 171 (X-Ankylosaurus) Day 519, 07:01:03: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 519, 07:17:23: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 93 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 519, 07:36:12: Your X-Ankylosaurus - Lvl 180 (X-Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 90! Day 519, 21:57:14: sparta demolished a 'Flexible Electric Cable'! Day 520, 07:25:57: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 34 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 520, 07:35:34: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 520, 07:40:01: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 520, 16:52:25: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 48 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 521, 06:25:22: sparta froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) Day 521, 12:18:59: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 521, 12:31:43: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 48 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 522, 19:47:16: sparta froze Parasaur - Lvl 200 (Parasaur) Day 522, 19:57:14: sparta froze Parasaur - Lvl 36 (Parasaur) Day 528, 02:32:41: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 02:38:31: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 03:19:25: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 03:23:15: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 07:51:00: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 07:52:28: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 07:56:30: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 07:59:53: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 10:13:29: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 10:41:57: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 10:44:23: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 10:47:16: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 10:50:13: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 12:46:37: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 12:53:05: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 13:04:43: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 13:05:47: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 13:09:15: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 13:12:52: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 14:40:21: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 15:02:37: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 15:11:57: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 15:13:19: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 15:14:32: sparta claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus)'! Day 528, 15:17:41: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 15:20:59: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 15:24:28: sparta froze Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 15:44:24: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 15:53:47: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 16:04:55: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 16:10:36: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 16:15:53: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 16:23:15: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 16:50:34: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 16:55:20: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:00:35: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:09:55: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:14:54: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:20:03: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:31:50: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:37:11: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:41:39: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 17:52:11: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 18:32:22: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 19:44:15: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 21:50:48: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 21:58:05: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 528, 23:40:25: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 00:00:54: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 00:24:58: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 00:30:31: sparta froze Juvenile Deinonychus - Lvl 60 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 03:20:17: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 03:28:34: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 03:35:38: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 15 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 03:41:37: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 03:58:09: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 04:30:08: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 26 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 04:39:18: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 56 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 05:10:24: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 95 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 05:17:39: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 56 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 05:23:13: sparta froze Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) Day 529, 06:09:26: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 190 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 566, 08:49:03: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 23 (Deinonychus) Day 566, 09:15:15: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 34 (Deinonychus) Day 566, 09:48:50: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 63 (Deinonychus) Day 566, 09:58:01: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 68 (Deinonychus) Day 566, 10:15:52: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 33 (Deinonychus) Day 566, 14:36:31: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 23 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 95! Day 566, 14:47:43: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 63 (Deinonychus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 217 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 566, 14:47:43: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 63 (Deinonychus)! Day 566, 16:29:02: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 33 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 95! Day 567, 04:11:05: sparta demolished a 'Preserving Bin (Locked) '! Day 567, 16:11:26: sparta Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 28 (Doedicurus)! Day 567, 16:18:57: sparta froze Doedicurus - Lvl 28 (Doedicurus) Day 567, 20:36:56: sparta Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)! Day 567, 20:48:24: sparta froze Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon) Day 568, 13:48:43: sparta unclaimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 127 (Pteranodon)'! Day 569, 02:05:09: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 569, 02:08:51: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 102 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 569, 13:05:08: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 102 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 569, 13:43:28: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 102 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 569, 13:56:42: sparta demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 569, 13:58:04: sparta demolished a 'Wooden Spike Wall'! Day 569, 14:03:18: sparta demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 569, 14:04:21: sparta demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 569, 15:19:32: sparta Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 80 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 569, 15:39:35: sparta froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 80 (Andrewsarchus) Day 569, 16:39:42: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 34 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Arthropluera - Lvl 130! Day 570, 18:08:51: sparta Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing)! Day 570, 18:13:15: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 37 (Maewing) Day 570, 21:27:17: sparta Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 89 (Maewing)! Day 570, 21:39:00: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 89 (Maewing) Day 571, 02:30:58: sparta demolished a 'Wood Ladder'! Day 571, 04:05:11: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 89 (Maewing) Day 571, 07:55:37: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 104 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 90! Day 571, 19:54:13: sparta Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 122 (Castoroides)! Day 571, 19:58:39: sparta froze Castoroides - Lvl 122 (Castoroides) Day 572, 03:26:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor)! Day 572, 05:17:00: sparta froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 251 (Tek Raptor) Day 572, 12:49:31: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 572, 14:58:19: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 200 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 572, 15:17:55: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 58 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 572, 15:36:34: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 572, 17:04:45: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 572, 17:07:52: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 199 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 572, 18:55:47: sparta froze Doedicurus - Lvl 36 (Doedicurus) Day 572, 22:19:03: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 99 (Maewing) Day 572, 22:55:07: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 47 (Maewing) Day 573, 02:01:39: sparta demolished a 'Wood Railing'! Day 614, 16:23:16: sparta froze Castoroides - Lvl 131 (Castoroides) Day 614, 16:33:04: sparta froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 93 (Andrewsarchus) Day 615, 04:40:51: sparta demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 615, 15:55:47: sparta claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur)'! Day 615, 16:00:40: sparta froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 615, 16:06:58: sparta demolished a 'Fireplace (Locked) '! Day 615, 16:15:25: sparta demolished a 'Fireplace (Locked) '! Day 615, 16:22:35: sparta demolished a 'Fireplace (Locked) '! Day 615, 16:29:04: sparta demolished a 'Fireplace (Locked) '! Day 615, 16:34:33: sparta demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 615, 21:25:37: sparta froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 616, 06:47:51: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 107 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 50! Day 616, 06:56:24: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 55! Day 616, 13:11:44: sparta claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 616, 13:15:17: sparta froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 45 (Fire Wyvern) Day 616, 13:53:31: sparta claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 616, 13:58:59: sparta froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) Day 616, 13:59:37: sparta claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 616, 14:03:28: sparta froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) Day 616, 14:03:58: sparta claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 616, 14:12:12: sparta froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 616, 16:23:06: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 141 (Maewing) Day 616, 16:34:47: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 142 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 617, 13:22:02: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 617, 14:44:16: sparta froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 617, 15:09:19: sparta froze aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - Lvl 98 (Andrewsarchus) Day 617, 19:42:14: sparta demolished a 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate (Locked) '! Day 617, 22:35:06: sparta Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 617, 22:50:28: sparta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 89 (R-Snow Owl) Day 618, 02:21:13: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 143 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 618, 09:32:44: sparta Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis)! Day 618, 09:45:17: sparta froze Argentavis - Lvl 37 (Argentavis) Day 618, 10:54:14: sparta froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 618, 11:00:11: sparta froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 618, 12:20:17: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus) Day 618, 17:34:32: sparta Tamed a Lystrosaurus - Lvl 194 (Lystrosaurus)! Day 618, 17:38:58: sparta froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 194 (Lystrosaurus) Day 618, 17:58:48: sparta froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 151 (Magmasaur) Day 618, 19:26:27: sparta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (R-Snow Owl) Day 618, 20:52:29: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 90 (Maewing) Day 618, 23:01:54: sparta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 95 (R-Snow Owl) Day 618, 23:46:00: sparta froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 22 (Fire Wyvern) Day 618, 23:59:38: sparta froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 47 (Fire Wyvern) Day 619, 00:35:53: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 17 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by sparta - Lvl 109 (Tribe of sparta)! Day 619, 00:35:53: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 17 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 619, 01:00:39: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 17 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by sparta - Lvl 109 (Tribe of sparta)! Day 619, 01:00:39: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 17 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 619, 01:20:18: Your Fire Wyvern - Lvl 23 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by sparta - Lvl 109 (Tribe of sparta)! Day 619, 01:20:18: Your Tribe killed Fire Wyvern - Lvl 23 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 638, 14:08:01: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 68 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 718, 03:55:49: sparta froze Magmasaur - Lvl 160 (Magmasaur) Day 718, 06:39:26: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 718, 20:41:31: sparta demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 719, 03:23:41: sparta demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 719, 13:20:42: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 719, 13:44:25: sparta demolished a 'Stone Pillar'! Day 720, 05:40:16: sparta demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 720, 08:56:58: sparta demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 720, 09:33:55: sparta demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 720, 09:39:38: sparta demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 720, 13:14:50: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 720, 13:17:30: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 720, 13:27:09: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 720, 13:32:49: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 720, 16:30:08: sparta froze Magmasaur - Lvl 190 (Magmasaur) Day 720, 16:42:02: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 721, 04:55:21: sparta froze Argentavis - Lvl 54 (Argentavis) Day 721, 05:16:15: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 159 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 721, 07:08:10: sparta froze Argentavis - Lvl 54 (Argentavis) Day 721, 22:28:30: sparta demolished a 'Fabricator (Locked) '! Day 722, 08:26:18: sparta demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 722, 12:08:17: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 722, 13:44:46: Your Argentavis - Lvl 56 (Argentavis) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 722, 14:29:51: Your Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed! Day 722, 14:29:51: Your Tribe killed Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 160 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)! Day 722, 20:08:34: sparta froze Maewing - Lvl 111 (Maewing) Day 722, 20:34:12: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 722, 20:44:09: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 105 (Deinonychus) Day 722, 21:04:36: sparta froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 275 (Tek Raptor) Day 722, 21:16:52: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 72 (Deinonychus) Day 722, 21:23:35: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 112 (Deinonychus) Day 723, 00:25:55: sparta froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 275 (Tek Raptor) Day 723, 02:38:02: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 220 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 723, 03:12:09: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) Day 723, 03:21:42: sparta froze Doedicurus - Lvl 54 (Doedicurus) Day 723, 03:27:10: sparta froze Castoroides - Lvl 142 (Castoroides) Day 723, 03:35:38: sparta froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 220 (Lystrosaurus) Day 723, 05:22:34: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 105 (Deinonychus) Day 723, 05:28:28: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) Day 723, 05:37:36: sparta froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 100 (R-Snow Owl) Day 723, 05:41:43: sparta froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 102 (Andrewsarchus) Day 723, 07:10:12: sparta froze Magmasaur - Lvl 197 (Magmasaur) Day 723, 08:08:01: sparta demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 744, 14:55:48: Parasaur - Lvl 65 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 795, 19:26:48: Parasaur - Lvl 230 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 903, 06:25:02: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 903, 11:31:00: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 903, 16:58:09: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 227 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1006, 06:33:49: sparta demolished a 'Ocean Platform'! Day 1006, 09:52:59: sparta demolished a 'Ocean Platform'! Day 1006, 13:49:04: sparta demolished a 'Wood Pillar'! Day 1006, 14:25:15: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 1006, 14:28:13: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 1006, 16:02:54: sparta demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 1006, 16:27:29: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1006, 16:46:29: sparta Tamed a Pelagornis - Lvl 22 (Pelagornis)! Day 1006, 17:55:58: sparta froze Pelagornis - Lvl 23 (Pelagornis) Day 1006, 19:51:57: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 232 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1116, 18:14:53: sparta demolished a 'Large Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 1116, 18:16:38: sparta demolished a 'Small Crop Plot (Locked) '! Day 1116, 18:18:50: sparta demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 1116, 18:20:09: sparta demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 1116, 18:21:36: sparta demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 1116, 18:23:01: sparta demolished a 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 1117, 03:15:43: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1117, 04:21:23: sparta demolished a 'Wooden Double Door (Locked) '! Day 1117, 04:23:10: sparta demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 1117, 05:11:17: sparta demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 1117, 05:12:57: sparta demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 1117, 05:14:55: sparta demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 1117, 05:16:26: sparta demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 1117, 05:19:29: sparta demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 1117, 05:21:58: sparta demolished a 'Straight Stone Water Pipe'! Day 1117, 12:09:27: sparta demolished a 'Reinforced Double Door (Locked) '! Day 1117, 12:10:49: sparta demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 1117, 13:02:10: sparta demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 1117, 14:01:39: sparta demolished a 'Greenhouse Door (Locked) '! Day 1117, 14:03:39: sparta demolished a 'Greenhouse Door Frame'! Day 1117, 15:03:39: sparta demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 1117, 15:05:04: sparta demolished a 'Air Conditioner (Locked) '! Day 1117, 19:39:37: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 1117, 19:46:20: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 87 (Deinonychus) Day 1117, 21:29:03: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus) Day 1117, 22:23:42: sparta froze Lystrosaurus - Lvl 232 (Lystrosaurus) Day 1117, 22:31:53: sparta froze Iguanodon - Lvl 251 (Iguanodon) Day 1118, 01:18:55: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus) Day 1118, 01:26:14: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus) Day 1118, 01:43:33: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 154 (Deinonychus) Day 1118, 01:52:21: sparta froze Deinonychus - Lvl 89 (Deinonychus) Day 1118, 03:58:39: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1118, 07:26:51: sparta demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 1118, 08:05:11: sparta froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 236 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 1281, 01:32:00: Maewing - Lvl 140 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1345, 12:26:44: Maewing - Lvl 192 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1676, 07:04:56: Tribemember sparta - Lvl 116 was killed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Stone Water Intake Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wooden Hatchframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1716, 01:56:56: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1731, 17:57:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1752, 13:07:52: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Raptor - Lvl 348 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 1752, 13:08:19: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 252 (Iguanodon)'! Day 1752, 13:09:09: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1752, 13:10:03: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 88 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1752, 13:10:28: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pelagornis - Lvl 31 (Pelagornis)'! Day 1752, 13:10:47: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 154 (Castoroides)'! Day 1752, 13:11:11: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 233 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 1752, 13:12:05: Timmy - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 55 (Doedicurus)'! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1991, 00:36:01: 's 'Deinonychus - Lvl 233 (Deinonychus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1991, 00:36:01: 's 'Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 58 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1999, 23:20:59: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2165, 18:47:31: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2213, 05:51:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2213, 05:51:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2213, 05:51:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2213, 05:51:05: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2213, 05:51:05: Your 'Greenhouse Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2284, 07:56:56: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4962, 16:36:32: Balman - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Balman) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1551968620,"tribe":"Dragonborns logs":["Day 1229, 01:55:03: hug froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 345 (Tusoteuthis) Day 1229, 02:30:26: hug froze BONECO DE NEVE - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1229, 02:44:04: hug froze atena - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 1229, 04:04:14: hug froze Mosasaurus - Lvl 245 (Mosasaurus) Day 1229, 05:36:11: hug froze leao - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 1229, 08:28:06: hug froze atena - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 1229, 14:34:10: hug froze mut hp 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 1229, 17:23:14: hug froze BONECO DE NEVE - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1230, 04:56:02: hug demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 1230, 04:57:06: hug demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 1230, 04:59:08: hug demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 1230, 05:00:03: hug demolished a 'Mortar and Pestle (Locked) '! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1246, 11:40:32: hug froze atena - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 1246, 14:49:52: hug froze atena - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 1247, 03:13:34: hug Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox)! Day 1247, 06:03:00: hug Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox)! Day 1247, 06:09:38: hug froze atena - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 1247, 14:23:58: hug froze bruce - Lvl 230 (Ferox) Day 1247, 21:40:38: hug froze leao - Lvl 320 (Shadowmane) Day 1247, 21:47:04: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 208 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1248, 00:52:08: hug froze BONECO DE NEVE - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1248, 00:57:29: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 313 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1248, 08:40:49: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 315 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1248, 08:55:13: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 208 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1250, 13:26:07: hug froze BONECO DE NEVE - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1251, 16:05:34: hug Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1251, 16:15:28: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1251, 16:35:25: hug froze 38 dano - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur) Day 1251, 17:38:46: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 164 (Therizinosaur) Day 1252, 06:19:51: hug Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1252, 06:25:32: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 1252, 14:40:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1252, 14:49:10: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 1252, 19:06:09: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1252, 19:17:03: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 315 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1252, 20:17:53: hug Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1252, 20:25:19: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1253, 02:51:14: hug froze 38 dano - Lvl 198 (Therizinosaur) Day 1253, 03:48:22: hug froze 40 dano - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1253, 03:53:49: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1253, 07:48:28: hug froze atena - Lvl 285 (Shadowmane) Day 1253, 07:59:55: hug froze mut hp 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 1254, 10:10:17: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 315 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1254, 11:58:27: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 317 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1257, 16:41:45: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1257, 16:59:26: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 1257, 18:33:36: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1257, 18:51:34: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 1257, 18:56:41: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1258, 05:03:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1258, 05:17:24: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur) Day 1258, 07:35:59: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)! Day 1258, 09:22:42: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 1270, 15:42:40: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1270, 19:22:27: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur) Day 1270, 19:26:57: hug froze 40 dano - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur) Day 1271, 20:43:57: hug froze Juvenile giga slayer - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1272, 17:28:44: hug froze BONECO DE NEVE - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) Day 1272, 19:33:34: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 317 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1272, 19:37:50: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 214 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1272, 22:02:25: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1272, 22:13:57: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1273, 09:21:26: Tribemember hug - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 1273, 14:36:25: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 319 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1273, 14:40:49: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1273, 18:14:08: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 319 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1273, 18:19:58: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 215 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1276, 13:05:48: Tribemember hug - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 1276, 16:19:37: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 321 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1330, 14:51:46: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 322 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1330, 15:05:44: hug froze giga slayer - Lvl 227 (Therizinosaur) Day 1330, 16:37:30: hug froze giga slayer - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 1351, 19:11:56: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1352, 11:53:17: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1352, 12:48:33: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1352, 13:08:00: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1353, 21:46:10: hug froze mut hp 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex) Day 1354, 08:07:05: hug froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1354, 08:11:08: hug froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1354, 08:15:10: hug froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1354, 14:09:29: hug froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1424, 14:38:50: Otter - Lvl 141 (Otter) starved to death! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1479, 05:47:08: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1486, 20:34:56: BONECO DE NEVE - Lvl 236 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1502, 20:42:35: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1566, 21:16:42: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1566, 21:21:14: hug froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1586, 10:24:14: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 334 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1587, 00:10:07: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1587, 00:12:28: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1587, 06:46:12: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1587, 12:01:55: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1587, 12:06:13: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1587, 12:11:12: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1588, 00:01:16: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1588, 00:05:52: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1589, 02:11:30: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1589, 02:20:36: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1739, 12:08:44: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1763, 05:34:43: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1789, 00:57:49: Your Desmodus - Lvl 168 (Desmodus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 60! Day 1836, 23:02:32: perry - Lvl 186 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 1874, 11:50:50: Timmy - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'repto - Lvl 297 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1909, 19:25:21: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1909, 19:34:48: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1909, 19:39:24: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1909, 22:16:40: hug froze giga slayer - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 1909, 22:25:07: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1909, 22:31:33: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1909, 22:45:24: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1910, 04:12:41: hug claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1910, 13:53:18: Tribemember hug - Lvl 124 was killed by thor - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 1910, 13:53:18: Your Tribe killed hug - Lvl 124 (Dragonborns)! Day 1919, 01:43:19: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1919, 01:44:24: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 1945, 14:04:32: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 335 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1945, 17:22:41: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 336 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1945, 20:25:36: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 336 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1945, 21:37:10: Your bruce - Lvl 230 (Ferox) was killed! Day 1945, 21:37:10: bruce - Lvl 230 (Ferox) starved to death! Day 1946, 03:21:42: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 336 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1946, 08:51:42: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 338 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1946, 09:50:28: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 338 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1946, 14:02:19: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 338 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1946, 14:14:30: hug unclaimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1946, 16:53:57: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 339 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1946, 17:25:21: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 339 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1948, 11:37:44: Your 'Dino Leash (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1966, 14:16:06: Tribemember hug - Lvl 124 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 190! Day 1966, 14:30:20: hug froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 1966, 14:52:20: hug froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 1966, 19:15:06: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 341 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1970, 04:27:39: Your FERTI - Lvl 235 (Dung Beetle) was killed! Day 1970, 04:27:39: FERTI - Lvl 235 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 1972, 06:58:55: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1972, 07:10:13: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1972, 07:22:16: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1972, 07:25:48: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 1972, 11:58:44: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 02:16:07: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 02:22:54: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 02:41:02: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 12:56:57: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 21:43:10: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 21:50:29: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1973, 22:27:02: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1974, 08:22:14: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1974, 08:28:23: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1974, 08:32:22: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1974, 20:56:51: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 03:51:03: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 03:56:14: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 04:01:07: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 04:13:13: hug froze giga slayer - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 04:20:33: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 05:13:48: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 05:17:59: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 05:26:32: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 05:34:01: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 1975, 06:36:39: hug froze R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 341 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 1983, 02:07:39: Therizinosaur - Lvl 73 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 2006, 17:06:36: Your polime - Lvl 133 (Gacha) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 2065, 20:06:04: hug froze giga slayer - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:10:39: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:16:17: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:21:31: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:30:13: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:36:37: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:43:02: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:49:15: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2065, 20:55:10: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 18:55:41: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:01:21: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:06:27: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:10:08: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:12:24: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:17:50: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:20:57: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:27:47: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:30:11: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:35:47: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:38:32: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:41:35: hug froze Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:43:44: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:50:01: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2082, 19:52:38: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2082, 19:56:22: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2083, 03:56:21: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2083, 09:03:34: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2083, 09:11:11: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2083, 11:09:32: Therizinosaur - Lvl 59 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 2083, 13:24:29: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2083, 19:11:03: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2084, 00:57:51: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2084, 06:28:37: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2084, 07:08:25: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2084, 07:11:47: hug froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2084, 07:15:42: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2084, 07:22:51: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 08:42:02: Your bruto - Lvl 227 (Ferox) was killed! Day 2112, 08:42:02: bruto - Lvl 227 (Ferox) starved to death! Day 2112, 10:20:45: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 12:14:37: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 12:19:19: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 12:23:50: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 14:00:33: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2112, 14:04:42: hug claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2112, 17:34:25: hug froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 17:37:52: hug froze Adolescent Therizinosaur - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 17:44:51: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 17:52:34: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 18:48:41: hug froze Baby boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2112, 23:57:08: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 00:02:18: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 05:48:57: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 05:52:35: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 05:56:15: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 05:59:47: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 14:40:48: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 14:46:17: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 14:58:41: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 15:32:14: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 15:38:07: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 15:42:42: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 16:55:44: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 19:21:08: hug froze boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur) Day 2113, 19:35:50: hug froze Juvenile boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 06:40:24: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 07:17:52: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 07:22:32: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 11:13:31: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 12:33:06: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 13:26:40: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2114, 13:30:03: hug froze Adolescent boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2115, 12:26:39: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2115, 12:30:42: hug froze boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur) Day 2115, 12:35:06: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2115, 12:39:04: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2115, 12:45:38: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2115, 12:50:46: hug froze boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur) Day 2174, 17:09:59: Therizinosaur - Lvl 72 (Therizinosaur) starved to death! Day 2183, 10:51:05: hug froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 163 (Therizinosaur) Day 2183, 10:56:14: hug froze Tek Parasaur - Lvl 225 (Tek Parasaur) Day 2183, 11:00:19: hug froze Maewing - Lvl 163 (Maewing) Day 2183, 11:20:26: hug froze Maewing - Lvl 195 (Maewing) Day 2314, 12:15:36: Your Rex - Lvl 197 (Rex) was killed by a Spino - Lvl 150! Day 2315, 07:30:59: Tribemember hug - Lvl 106 was killed by a Titanoboa - Lvl 20! Day 2341, 02:46:38: Tribemember Humano - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 55! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2628, 10:22:02: Tribemember hug - Lvl 106 was killed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2663, 02:14:55: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Single Panel Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Spider Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Gorilla Flag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Small Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 00:16:15: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2947, 03:57:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 230 (Magmasaur)'! Day 2947, 03:59:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 273 (Argentavis)'! Day 2947, 04:00:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:01:48: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:03:11: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'giga slayer - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:06:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:07:00: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:08:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:09:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 218 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:10:27: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:12:17: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ele - Lvl 326 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:14:22: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 226 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:16:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'do hugo - Lvl 168 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 04:17:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'CHUPACABRA - Lvl 268 (Desmodus)'! Day 2947, 04:18:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 292 (Desmodus)'! Day 2947, 04:36:15: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 25 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:38:26: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 21 - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:39:50: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mut hp 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:40:18: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 23 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:44:35: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 14 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:45:40: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 19 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:46:08: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 21 - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:46:54: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 18 - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:48:50: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 06 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:52:27: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 16 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:53:17: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 03 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:54:19: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 02 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:55:05: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 09 - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:55:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perf 01 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:58:12: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 04 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 04:59:22: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 07 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:00:27: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 08 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:02:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 13 - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:07:44: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 11 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:08:57: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 12 - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:11:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 10 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:14:23: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 22 - Lvl 233 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:16:37: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea perfeita 05 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 05:36:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'thor - Lvl 281 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 2947, 05:58:15: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'invisivel - Lvl 263 (Rock Drake)'! Day 2947, 06:11:39: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:12:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 8 - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:13:01: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 4 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:13:42: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 5 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:14:38: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 6 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:17:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:19:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'mutacao dano 1 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:20:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:21:03: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:21:43: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:23:21: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 2 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:24:06: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 3 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:25:25: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 1 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:28:21: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 228 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:31:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:32:32: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea - Lvl 237 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:38:07: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'dente - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 06:38:46: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 07:12:22: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea dano 7 - Lvl 239 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 07:44:14: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 17 - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 07:44:47: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 20 - Lvl 232 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 07:45:27: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'femea 15 - Lvl 231 (Rex)'! Day 2947, 19:12:29: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'boss - Lvl 238 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2947, 19:44:52: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame '40 dano - Lvl 280 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 2948, 16:03:53: Hecate - Lvl 123 (Pantheon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'atena - Lvl 300 (Shadowmane)'! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2994, 08:04:55: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 209 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 149 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'boss - Lvl 320 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'boss - Lvl 313 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'boss - Lvl 331 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'salada - Lvl 113 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'zap - Lvl 269 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'exer 2 - Lvl 288 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Baby pocia - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 177 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'PEDRAFORTE - Lvl 171 (Ankylosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's '1 mut vida - Lvl 239 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's 'Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3100, 15:16:17: 's '1 mut vida - Lvl 239 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3252, 06:23:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3535, 16:22:24: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9636, 12:42:49: Tribemember tulipa - Lvl 69 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 55!"] "tribeid":1549960184,"tribe":"The bird that drowns logs":["Day 517, 16:07:16: Goosen froze Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex) Day 517, 16:26:45: Goosen froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 518, 18:26:54: Goosen froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 518, 18:49:36: Goosen froze Baby Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 518, 19:59:15: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 280 (Desmodus) Day 519, 20:55:22: Goosen froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 519, 21:02:32: Goosen froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex) Day 520, 07:14:55: Goosen demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 520, 07:17:03: Goosen demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 520, 07:17:51: Goosen demolished a 'Sloped Greenhouse Roof'! Day 521, 12:38:16: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 521, 14:06:10: Your Desmodus - Lvl 225 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170! Day 521, 14:18:06: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 201 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 521, 17:00:42: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 297 (Giganotosaurus) Day 521, 20:36:50: Goosen claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 521, 20:41:16: Goosen froze Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 522, 00:52:04: Goosen claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex)'! Day 522, 00:55:30: Goosen froze Baby Rex - Lvl 225 (Rex) Day 522, 12:09:45: Goosen demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 522, 12:10:53: Goosen demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 522, 12:12:01: Goosen demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 522, 12:13:45: Goosen demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 522, 13:47:27: Goosen froze Choji - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus) Day 522, 15:33:47: Goosen froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 522, 15:37:30: Goosen froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 522, 15:58:08: Goosen froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 522, 16:15:58: Goosen demolished a 'Wood Fence Foundation'! Day 522, 18:35:35: Goosen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 522, 18:36:49: Goosen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 522, 18:38:36: Goosen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 522, 18:39:19: Goosen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 522, 19:07:33: Goosen froze Magmasaur - Lvl 196 (Magmasaur) Day 522, 20:57:17: Goosen froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 522, 21:07:16: Goosen froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 522, 21:57:47: Goosen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 522, 21:58:57: Goosen demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 523, 02:56:21: Goosen froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 523, 03:01:10: Goosen froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 523, 03:17:50: Goosen froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 523, 03:22:42: Goosen froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 523, 04:37:54: Goosen froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 145 (Magmasaur) Day 523, 04:44:09: Goosen froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 523, 17:29:32: Goosen Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth)! Day 523, 17:34:23: Goosen froze Mammoth - Lvl 216 (Mammoth) Day 523, 20:56:09: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 281 (Desmodus) Day 524, 11:01:43: Goosen demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 524, 11:31:33: Goosen Tamed a Castoroides - Lvl 194 (Castoroides)! Day 524, 11:35:46: Goosen froze Castoroides - Lvl 194 (Castoroides) Day 524, 11:47:35: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 524, 19:35:53: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern) Day 525, 18:49:33: Goosen Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus)! Day 525, 18:53:46: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 525, 21:31:06: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 298 (Giganotosaurus) Day 526, 02:49:12: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 526, 04:21:43: Goosen unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus)'! Day 526, 05:38:59: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 526, 05:41:21: Goosen claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus)'! Day 526, 08:38:33: Goosen froze Juvenile Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 526, 08:52:44: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 202 (Yutyrannus) Day 526, 10:19:07: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 527, 08:46:09: Goosen Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 205 (Yutyrannus)! Day 527, 08:56:17: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 205 (Yutyrannus) Day 527, 11:38:15: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 174 (Fire Wyvern) Day 527, 11:42:27: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern) Day 527, 22:33:28: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) Day 528, 10:54:02: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 528, 10:59:14: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 528, 11:21:39: Your Desmodus - Lvl 285 (Desmodus) was killed by a Giganotosaurus - Lvl 55! Day 528, 14:37:07: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 211 (Fire Wyvern) Day 528, 16:02:08: Goosen demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 528, 16:03:14: Goosen demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 528, 16:04:27: Goosen demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 528, 16:05:39: Goosen demolished a 'Metal Pillar'! Day 528, 18:11:41: Goosen claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 528, 19:59:36: Goosen unclaimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 217 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 529, 04:00:47: Goosen froze Mammoth - Lvl 236 (Mammoth) Day 529, 06:28:54: Goosen claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus)'! Day 529, 06:31:38: Goosen froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 529, 06:33:27: Goosen claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus)'! Day 529, 06:36:41: Goosen froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 217 (Desmodus) Day 529, 10:11:28: Goosen froze Mammoth - Lvl 237 (Mammoth) Day 529, 10:53:17: Goosen froze Mammoth - Lvl 237 (Mammoth) Day 529, 11:09:47: Goosen froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 529, 11:30:08: Goosen froze Mammoth - Lvl 238 (Mammoth) Day 529, 18:53:31: Goosen claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 529, 18:54:30: Goosen claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 529, 18:59:46: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 529, 19:02:30: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 529, 21:11:37: Goosen froze Hannah Brontana - Lvl 275 (Brontosaurus) Day 530, 02:25:50: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 530, 02:32:35: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 08:58:45: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 299 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 14:08:17: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 14:12:59: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 14:24:23: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 14:35:02: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 17:35:35: Goosen claimed 'Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus)'! Day 544, 17:52:13: Goosen froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus) Day 544, 18:47:53: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 544, 19:00:13: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 00:36:30: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 05:51:56: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 05:56:42: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 07:01:51: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 10:37:07: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 10:41:45: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 10:58:34: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 545, 11:03:21: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 546, 15:16:02: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 546, 21:21:00: Goosen claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 546, 21:25:34: Goosen froze Baby Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex) Day 546, 21:34:21: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 546, 21:43:26: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 08:25:46: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 08:30:39: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 08:36:04: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 08:40:01: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 13:09:26: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 13:13:44: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 13:20:10: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 13:23:35: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 14:36:58: Goosen froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 179 (Dilophosaur) Day 547, 14:40:42: Goosen froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 112 (Dilophosaur) Day 547, 17:53:36: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 17:57:53: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 23:26:01: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 23:31:58: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 547, 23:38:55: Goosen froze Juvenile Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 548, 19:08:47: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) Day 548, 20:29:01: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) Day 548, 22:21:40: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 262 (Desmodus) Day 549, 03:01:41: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15! Day 549, 06:51:12: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 264 (Desmodus) Day 549, 06:55:11: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 285 (Fire Wyvern) Day 551, 13:15:04: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 551, 18:02:17: Goosen froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 551, 18:05:14: Goosen froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 563, 11:11:47: Goosen froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 218 (Giganotosaurus) Day 563, 22:29:42: Goosen froze Rock lee - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 563, 22:58:21: Goosen froze Magmasaur - Lvl 199 (Magmasaur) Day 563, 23:26:12: Goosen froze Rock lee - Lvl 268 (Rock Drake) Day 564, 09:25:54: Goosen claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 564, 09:32:50: Goosen froze Baby Annas - Lvl 202 (Giganotosaurus) Day 564, 09:34:57: Goosen claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 564, 09:37:34: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus) Day 564, 09:39:40: Goosen claimed 'Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 564, 09:42:36: Goosen froze Baby Giganotosaurus - Lvl 206 (Giganotosaurus) Day 564, 19:20:23: Goosen froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 286 (Fire Wyvern) Day 565, 05:44:49: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 266 (Desmodus) Day 565, 10:14:21: Goosen Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)! Day 565, 10:19:57: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 565, 16:44:38: Goosen froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 246 (Giganotosaurus) Day 565, 16:48:02: Goosen froze Susanoo - Lvl 300 (Giganotosaurus) Day 567, 06:40:50: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 269 (Desmodus) Day 568, 03:32:12: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 568, 05:50:42: Goosen Tamed a Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle)! Day 568, 05:54:29: Goosen froze Dung Beetle - Lvl 127 (Dung Beetle) Day 568, 06:07:27: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 270 (Desmodus) Day 568, 11:56:52: Goosen Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 89 (Dodo)! Day 569, 15:30:05: Goosen froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 113 (Dilophosaur) Day 569, 15:36:34: Goosen froze Dilophosaur - Lvl 180 (Dilophosaur) Day 569, 16:15:54: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 290 (Desmodus) Day 570, 04:07:34: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 290 (Desmodus) Day 570, 16:09:17: Goosen removed 'Fruit Gang' Tribe from Bollox Bois Alliance! Day 570, 16:09:17: Goosen removed 'Fruit Gang' Tribe from Bollox Bois Alliance! Day 571, 14:04:41: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 190 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 571, 14:47:27: Goosen froze Tadpole - Lvl 322 (Mosasaurus) Day 571, 15:02:10: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 571, 16:39:29: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 571, 18:23:24: Goosen froze Tadpole - Lvl 323 (Mosasaurus) Day 571, 18:59:25: Goosen froze Desmodus - Lvl 291 (Desmodus) Day 571, 20:28:49: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed by a Magmasaur - Lvl 15! Day 571, 21:04:11: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 145! Day 571, 22:22:52: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 90! Day 591, 14:24:49: Goosen claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 591, 14:27:38: Goosen froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 591, 14:29:14: Goosen claimed 'Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 591, 14:33:16: Goosen froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 591, 19:05:29: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 591, 23:33:57: Goosen froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 592, 00:22:03: Goosen froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 592, 00:27:15: Goosen froze Baby Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 01:08:54: Goosen froze Achatina - Lvl 58 (Achatina) Day 594, 05:59:49: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 06:09:26: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 06:14:50: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 10:47:58: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 10:51:37: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 13:11:49: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:14:26: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 13:16:52: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:21:45: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 13:24:54: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:27:52: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 13:29:44: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:32:47: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 167 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 13:39:59: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:44:33: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 153 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 13:46:30: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:49:29: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 13:51:09: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 594, 13:53:45: Goosen froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 193 (Fire Wyvern) Day 594, 15:07:41: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 15:10:59: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 15:14:06: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 15:17:32: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 15:21:49: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 15:26:21: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 22:11:19: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 22:15:32: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 594, 22:19:43: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 595, 04:22:36: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 595, 09:37:25: Goosen froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 595, 09:40:51: Goosen froze Adolescent Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 595, 14:12:49: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 595, 15:35:38: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 595, 15:44:07: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 194 (Yutyrannus) Day 595, 15:48:04: Goosen froze Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus) Day 595, 16:27:47: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 271 (Desmodus) Day 596, 07:39:59: Goosen Tamed a R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo)! Day 596, 07:49:12: Goosen froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 221 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 596, 09:04:37: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 596, 11:12:10: Goosen froze Madara 3 - Lvl 272 (Desmodus) Day 616, 12:37:11: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 157 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 616, 12:41:01: Goosen froze Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 157 (Fjordhawk) Day 616, 12:43:25: Goosen claimed 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 155 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 616, 12:46:06: Goosen froze Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 155 (Fjordhawk) Day 639, 20:33:36: Goosen froze Fjordhawk - Lvl 228 (Fjordhawk) Day 643, 08:54:30: Goosen froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 643, 09:28:18: chubbza was added to the Tribe by Goosen! Day 674, 09:09:33: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 751, 12:19:17: Goosen froze Steginald - Lvl 276 (Stegosaurus) Day 751, 12:24:04: Goosen froze Magmasaur - Lvl 201 (Magmasaur) Day 751, 12:33:52: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus) Day 751, 12:39:34: Goosen froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus) Day 805, 00:15:11: Otter - Lvl 247 (Otter) starved to death! Day 863, 13:43:22: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 887, 06:37:20: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 934, 14:33:11: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1026, 00:05:00: Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1052, 22:03:50: Your 'Training Dummy' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1091, 20:05:10: Dilophosaur - Lvl 118 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Diagonal Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1337, 02:45:04: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1446, 14:40:40: Dilophosaur - Lvl 185 (Dilophosaur) starved to death! Day 1455, 13:02:46: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1469, 01:40:34: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 227 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 01:41:48: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 219 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 01:44:00: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Steginald - Lvl 276 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 1469, 01:47:51: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tenten - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake)'! Day 1469, 01:53:09: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 188 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 1469, 01:54:48: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 287 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 1469, 01:57:47: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 227 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 1469, 02:40:06: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 217 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1469, 02:42:25: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Yutyrannus - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus)'! Day 1469, 07:54:47: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 223 (Castoroides)'! Day 1469, 08:29:33: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cold Dodo - Lvl 264 (Kairuku)'! Day 1469, 09:27:01: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 278 (Rex)'! Day 1469, 13:10:24: Anna - Lvl 122 (SpicyTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flammanky - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 1526, 14:04:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1540, 06:32:17: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 201 (Magmasaur)'! Day 1540, 06:49:53: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 292 (Desmodus)'! Day 1540, 06:55:05: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 252 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1540, 06:55:25: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Machine gun Piggy - Lvl 314 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1540, 06:55:44: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 253 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 1540, 06:59:09: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 260 (Desmodus)'! Day 1540, 07:00:00: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 277 (Griffin)'! Day 1540, 07:43:30: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Madara 3 - Lvl 278 (Desmodus)'! Day 1540, 08:23:52: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 175 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1540, 08:29:52: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 228 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1540, 08:31:08: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 181 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 1540, 08:32:27: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mesopithecus - Lvl 282 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 1540, 08:57:07: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mammoth - Lvl 263 (Mammoth)'! Day 1540, 09:02:30: R.H.G_Rob - Lvl 128 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ursine - Lvl 293 (Dire Bear)'! Day 1560, 07:06:34: IamMonkey - Lvl 73 (Tribe of eddie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dodo - Lvl 103 (Dodo)'! Day 1598, 11:38:10: Tribemember Goosen - Lvl 124 was killed! Day 1611, 23:15:56: Lee - Lvl 126 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Goosen - Lvl 243 (Deinonychus)'! Day 1611, 23:36:22: Lee - Lvl 126 (Rogue Hunters) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dungledore - Lvl 147 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 1615, 10:14:53: 's 'Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:14:53: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:14:53: 's 'Choji - Lvl 214 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:14:53: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:14:53: 's 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:17:44: 's 'Juvenile Yutyrannus - Lvl 195 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:17:44: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1615, 10:17:44: 's 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 177 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Gravestone' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Greenhouse Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1621, 08:24:44: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2046, 06:28:30: Tribemember chubbza - Lvl 21 was killed!"] "tribeid":1546691643,"tribe":"Brews Dogs logs":["Day 5463, 17:35:00: Brewskii froze PREDATOR - Lvl 397 (Andrewsarchus) Day 5463, 19:33:51: Brewskii froze KANE - Lvl 356 (Griffin) Day 5463, 23:08:48: Your BREX [6] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 5463, 23:48:23: Brewskii froze BREX [5] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5463, 23:57:12: Brewskii froze BREX [18] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:05:36: Brewskii froze BREX [15] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:11:01: Brewskii froze BREX [4] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:16:38: Brewskii froze BREX [11] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:21:41: Brewskii froze BREX [14] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:26:52: Brewskii froze BREX [10] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:32:06: Brewskii froze BREX [7] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:38:12: Brewskii froze BREX [12] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:44:42: Brewskii froze BREX [17] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:50:28: Brewskii froze BREX [16] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 00:55:38: Brewskii froze SIDE MAN - Lvl 465 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 01:02:44: Brewskii froze BREX [2] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 01:12:30: Brewskii froze BREX [19] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 01:18:11: Brewskii froze BREX [13] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 01:23:23: Brewskii froze BOSS MAN - Lvl 465 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 01:29:00: Brewskii froze BREX [3] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 01:34:06: Brewskii froze BREX [1] - Lvl 464 (Tek Rex) Day 5464, 02:51:13: Brewskii froze Boss Fight - Lvl 386 (Yutyrannus) Day 5464, 03:32:05: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 393 (Shadowmane) Day 5464, 11:21:15: Brewskii claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 281 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 5464, 11:29:21: Brewskii froze Baby <> - Lvl 281 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5464, 11:30:54: Brewskii claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 283 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 5464, 11:35:39: Brewskii froze Baby <> - Lvl 283 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5464, 11:38:07: Brewskii claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 5464, 11:43:15: Brewskii froze Baby <> - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5464, 11:45:02: Brewskii claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 5464, 11:49:43: Brewskii froze Baby <> - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5464, 11:51:56: Brewskii claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 281 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 5464, 11:57:15: Brewskii froze Baby <> - Lvl 281 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5464, 12:00:30: Brewskii claimed 'Baby R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus)'! Day 5464, 12:05:01: Brewskii froze Baby <> - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 5464, 14:36:04: Brewskii claimed 'Baby Therizinosaur - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 5464, 19:16:16: Brewskii claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5464, 19:22:00: Brewskii claimed 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5465, 00:45:26: Brewskii froze KANE - Lvl 356 (Griffin) Day 5465, 13:33:08: Brewskii froze F ? - Lvl 194 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 5465, 15:26:56: Brewskii froze FIRST ! - Lvl 226 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 5465, 15:42:54: Brewskii froze M (38F) - Lvl 193 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 5465, 16:24:14: Brewskii froze F ? - Lvl 194 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 5465, 17:29:04: Brewskii froze F (34spd) - Lvl 202 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 5473, 21:01:41: Brewskii froze OG M (50M) - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 5525, 22:42:54: Brewskii froze LEECH - Lvl 330 (Desmodus) Day 5606, 19:45:50: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5729, 06:21:46: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 403 (Shadowmane) Day 5876, 13:23:23: Raptor - Lvl 280 (Raptor) starved to death! Day 5876, 15:37:21: F (40M) - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 6014, 07:46:11: Brewskii froze JAMBO - Lvl 362 (Basilosaurus) Day 6115, 07:26:52: Mm, S ? - Lvl 224 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 6278, 20:59:11: Your Colgate - Lvl 292 (Carbonemys) was killed! Day 6278, 20:59:11: Colgate - Lvl 292 (Carbonemys) starved to death! Day 6366, 14:26:48: Wotsit - Lvl 250 (Pachyrhinosaurus) starved to death! Day 6393, 09:25:40: Brewskii claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 270 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 6393, 09:42:50: Brewskii claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 292 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 6393, 09:49:31: Brewskii froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 292 (Giganotosaurus) Day 6393, 09:50:55: Brewskii claimed 'Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus)'! Day 6393, 09:55:32: Brewskii froze Giganotosaurus - Lvl 318 (Giganotosaurus) Day 6393, 09:57:48: Brewskii claimed 'MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6393, 10:06:04: Brewskii unclaimed 'MINE - Lvl 366 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6393, 10:09:25: Brewskii claimed 'Rex - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 6393, 10:15:40: Brewskii unclaimed 'Rex - Lvl 254 (Rex)'! Day 6393, 10:16:14: Brewskii claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6393, 10:20:44: Brewskii unclaimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 297 (Shadowmane)'! Day 6393, 10:44:26: Brewskii uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 271 Day 6393, 11:11:02: Brewskii claimed 'For lease - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 6393, 12:07:15: Brewskii uploaded a Tek Stryder: For lease - Lvl 218 Day 6393, 12:51:29: Brewskii froze KANE - Lvl 358 (Griffin) Day 6393, 13:39:30: Brewskii froze BRUNO - Lvl 473 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 6393, 15:41:17: Brewskii downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 271 Day 6393, 15:41:46: Brewskii downloaded a dino: For lease - Lvl 218 Day 6411, 08:21:46: Doedicadeeznuts - Lvl 193 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 6411, 11:09:15: Brewskii froze Gigi - Lvl 186 (Gacha) Day 6443, 16:26:25: Brewskii froze Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek) Day 6443, 23:03:12: Brewskii froze PARKER - Lvl 439 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 6444, 05:02:26: Brewskii froze JAMBO - Lvl 362 (Basilosaurus) Day 6444, 07:48:25: Brewskii froze Juvenile M (46H,45S,38W,41M) - Lvl 255 (Megalodon) Day 6444, 12:58:41: Brewskii froze Juvenile M (46H,45S,38W,41M) - Lvl 255 (Megalodon) Day 6445, 07:11:10: Brewskii froze Juvenile m (40H 41M) - Lvl 225 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 6445, 07:39:21: Brewskii froze Juvenile X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 227 (X-Mosasaurus) Day 6445, 08:17:22: Brewskii froze LEECH - Lvl 332 (Desmodus) Day 6445, 11:11:51: Brewskii froze BRUNO - Lvl 473 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 6445, 12:16:48: Brewskii froze KANE - Lvl 358 (Griffin) Day 6445, 12:52:35: Brewskii froze PHOEBE - Lvl 419 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 6445, 12:59:30: Brewskii froze BRUNO - Lvl 473 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 6458, 11:47:28: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 6466, 10:44:32: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fartentavis - Lvl 293 (Argentavis)'! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6632, 16:39:30: Your Aberrant Otter - Lvl 135 (Aberrant Otter) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 6632, 16:40:08: Your Aberrant Otter - Lvl 135 (Aberrant Otter) was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 6632, 18:40:10: Brewskii froze BANE - Lvl 413 (Shadowmane) Day 6632, 18:56:03: Brewskii froze KANE - Lvl 358 (Griffin) Day 6632, 19:21:54: Brewskii froze KANE - Lvl 358 (Griffin) Day 6676, 19:19:13: Doedicurus - Lvl 295 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 6722, 08:44:48: Brewskii froze RUMPLE-SNAKESKIN - Lvl 251 (Basilisk) Day 6722, 09:10:38: Brewskii froze Griffin - Lvl 353 (Griffin) Day 6722, 10:12:04: Brewskii froze RUMPLE-SNAKESKIN - Lvl 252 (Basilisk) Day 7040, 18:46:58: Your 'Large Wood Signpost' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7234, 10:37:21: Brewskii froze M (M+2) - Lvl 327 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 10:42:37: Brewskii froze PERF F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 10:47:18: Brewskii froze PERF F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 10:51:21: Brewskii froze PERF F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 10:56:20: Brewskii froze REX BREEDER - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 11:00:29: Brewskii froze Perf F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 11:04:27: Brewskii froze REX BREEDER - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex) Day 7234, 11:33:26: Brewskii froze ELVIS ELEMENT [Clone] - Lvl 201 (Gacha) Day 7234, 11:43:53: Brewskii froze Griffin - Lvl 353 (Griffin) Day 7234, 11:49:15: Brewskii froze PREDATOR - Lvl 397 (Andrewsarchus) Day 7234, 11:54:38: Brewskii froze RUMPLE-SNAKESKIN - Lvl 252 (Basilisk) Day 7234, 12:05:56: Brewskii froze Fenrir - Lvl 225 (Fenrir) Day 7234, 12:16:29: Brewskii froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 142 (R-Direwolf) Day 7234, 12:20:16: Brewskii froze R-Direwolf - Lvl 209 (R-Direwolf) Day 7234, 12:28:29: Brewskii froze Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf) Day 7234, 12:32:40: Brewskii froze Raging Ruppert - Lvl 437 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 7234, 12:39:14: Brewskii froze CHARLIE - Lvl 306 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7234, 12:47:41: Brewskii froze F (36H, 43W, 36M, 40F) - Lvl 227 (Yutyrannus) Day 7234, 12:51:40: Brewskii froze F (43W-36M-32F-30S) - Lvl 224 (Yutyrannus) Day 7234, 12:55:48: Brewskii froze F (43W, 36H,36M,40F) - Lvl 236 (Yutyrannus) Day 7234, 13:03:28: Brewskii froze OG M (47H) - Lvl 216 (Yutyrannus) Day 7234, 13:14:34: Brewskii froze NEED W - Lvl 229 (Argentavis) Day 7234, 13:18:28: Brewskii froze TALON - Lvl 275 (Argentavis) Day 7234, 13:28:58: Brewskii froze F (48H,42W,41S,32F) - Lvl 245 (Therizinosaur) Day 7234, 13:32:51: Brewskii froze M(48H,41S,50M) - Lvl 254 (Therizinosaur) Day 7234, 13:52:41: Brewskii froze M (H or M ?) - Lvl 266 (Snow Owl) Day 7234, 13:56:40: Brewskii froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 312 (R-Snow Owl) Day 7234, 15:04:50: Brewskii claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7234, 15:12:10: Brewskii claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7234, 15:18:50: Brewskii claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7234, 15:20:12: Brewskii claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)'! Day 7234, 15:45:24: Brewskii froze THE M - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 7234, 15:49:41: Brewskii froze Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 7234, 15:53:41: Brewskii froze F BREEDER - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 7234, 15:59:41: Brewskii froze F BREEDER - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 7234, 16:04:08: Brewskii froze F BREEDER - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 7234, 16:08:27: Brewskii froze F BREEDER - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) Day 7241, 10:24:15: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 7241, 10:24:17: Your Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 7241, 10:24:17: Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 7430, 14:20:57: Susan - Lvl 147 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 7430, 16:19:27: Brewskii froze Timmy - Lvl 316 (Basilosaurus) Day 7503, 14:04:13: Naco - Lvl 45 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7625, 00:51:59: Deinonychus - Lvl 63 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7755, 01:34:01: Fruj - Lvl 61 (KAOS) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Purlovia - Lvl 29 (Purlovia)'! Day 7786, 09:00:27: Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7786, 12:27:33: Brewskii froze Raging Ruppert - Lvl 437 (R-Giganotosaurus) Day 7786, 13:11:04: Brewskii froze RODNEY RED - Lvl 373 (Griffin) Day 7786, 13:41:44: Your M (35H, 42W) - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Otter) was killed! Day 7786, 13:41:44: M (35H, 42W) - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 7786, 16:45:21: Brewskii froze JAMBO - Lvl 362 (Basilosaurus) Day 7787, 00:33:47: Brewskii froze MY BOY - Lvl 432 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 7787, 01:15:52: Your R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by VI VI - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7787, 01:15:52: Your Tribe killed R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 214 (R-Thylacoleo) (Brews Dogs)! Day 7787, 01:18:30: Your Jackass - Lvl 222 (Hyaenodon ) was killed by VI VI - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7787, 01:18:30: Your Tribe killed Jackass - Lvl 222 (Hyaenodon ) (Brews Dogs)! Day 7787, 01:18:41: Your R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 219 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by VI VI - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7787, 01:18:41: Your Tribe killed R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 219 (R-Thylacoleo) (Brews Dogs)! Day 7787, 01:20:32: Your Meowzers - Lvl 223 (R-Thylacoleo) was killed by VI VI - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7787, 01:20:32: Your Tribe killed Meowzers - Lvl 223 (R-Thylacoleo) (Brews Dogs)! Day 7787, 01:21:10: Your Doggo - Lvl 214 (Hyaenodon ) was killed by VI VI - Lvl 295 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 7787, 01:21:10: Your Tribe killed Doggo - Lvl 214 (Hyaenodon ) (Brews Dogs)! Day 7787, 02:19:17: Brewskii froze VI VI - Lvl 317 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 7971, 07:38:57: Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 7971, 07:38:58: Deinonychus - Lvl 25 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8114, 10:29:48: Big Dave - Lvl 70 (Tribe of Tom) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Canoe (Canoe)'! Day 8133, 06:49:06: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8153, 07:19:58: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8153, 07:20:07: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8153, 07:21:58: Deinonychus - Lvl 129 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8157, 07:31:27: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8157, 07:32:15: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8159, 07:16:45: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8165, 22:54:14: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8181, 04:44:19: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8181, 04:44:38: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8181, 04:45:01: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8181, 04:45:07: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8181, 04:45:26: F LINE - Lvl 275 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8181, 22:08:15: Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8233, 17:54:35: Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8234, 01:14:35: Deinonychus - Lvl 48 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8275, 13:48:08: choppa - Lvl 214 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 8297, 18:51:40: GOD - Lvl 91 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8297, 18:52:50: M (M+4) - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus) starved to death! Day 8324, 09:20:43: M (37H,32S,37ox) - Lvl 208 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8338, 15:44:12: Aberrant Otter - Lvl 146 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8338, 15:44:14: Aberrant Otter - Lvl 146 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8363, 01:59:21: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RODNEY RED - Lvl 373 (Griffin)'! Day 8363, 02:09:39: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H-W Mae - Lvl 255 (Maewing)'! Day 8363, 02:14:55: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8363, 02:23:53: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 258 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8363, 02:37:33: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 353 (Griffin)'! Day 8363, 04:51:35: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'For lease - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8363, 04:56:09: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 271 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 8363, 05:44:31: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Timmy - Lvl 317 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8363, 05:45:40: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'JAMBO - Lvl 362 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8363, 05:46:47: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (46H,45S,38W,41M) - Lvl 255 (Megalodon)'! Day 8363, 05:48:31: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 217 (Megalodon)'! Day 8363, 05:49:07: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (41ox) - Lvl 318 (Megalodon)'! Day 8363, 05:56:13: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (40H,41M) - Lvl 217 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 8363, 05:56:47: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'X-Mosasaurus - Lvl 211 (X-Mosasaurus)'! Day 8363, 06:06:53: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (35S,36ox) - Lvl 325 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8363, 06:08:07: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (39M,37W) - Lvl 224 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8363, 06:08:20: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M (33W) - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8363, 06:10:42: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (37H,39spd,33W) - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8363, 06:28:03: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Hover Skiff (Hover Skiff)'! Day 8363, 08:22:31: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DEPUTY - Lvl 271 (Mesopithecus)'! Day 8363, 08:42:38: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lady Moss - Lvl 399 (Moschops)'! Day 8363, 10:16:52: Mr.Zack - Lvl 104 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Castoroides - Lvl 330 (Castoroides)'! Day 8363, 14:20:34: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megalodon - Lvl 134 (Megalodon)'! Day 8363, 14:23:49: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sharkie - Lvl 367 (Megalodon)'! Day 8363, 17:52:24: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'F (41M) - Lvl 217 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 8364, 09:20:14: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 143 (Ovis)'! Day 8364, 09:20:58: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 197 (Ovis)'! Day 8364, 09:21:36: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 228 (Ovis)'! Day 8364, 09:23:44: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 242 (Ovis)'! Day 8364, 09:24:17: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 424 (Ovis)'! Day 8364, 09:24:54: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ovis - Lvl 290 (Ovis)'! Day 8364, 11:04:35: Deinonychus - Lvl 98 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 8371, 07:30:41: Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 112 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8371, 07:38:04: Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 112 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DEDE - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8371, 07:49:17: Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 112 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 153 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8371, 07:57:48: Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 112 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 156 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8371, 08:08:47: Lennnnnny5 - Lvl 112 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wooden Chair' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Stone Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Vertical Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Stone Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8380, 14:25:01: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8397, 07:52:19: F (34F,40M) - Lvl 211 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8418, 05:57:50: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 119 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8418, 06:08:34: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 118 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8418, 06:23:17: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8418, 06:24:38: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 61 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8434, 20:07:34: F (37H,32S,40M,40ox) - Lvl 225 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8434, 20:07:35: F (42W) - Lvl 196 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8434, 20:07:37: F (42W) - Lvl 196 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8442, 21:31:05: Aberrant Otter - Lvl 183 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8456, 10:06:38: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8456, 10:07:10: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 128 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8456, 10:08:21: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 120 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8456, 10:08:36: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 91 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8456, 10:09:07: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 134 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8456, 10:10:11: Lm9awedman - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Mr.Zack - qw) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 8487, 18:06:04: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 217 (Direwolf)'! Day 8487, 18:07:15: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 202 (Direwolf)'! Day 8487, 18:37:51: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bonny - Lvl 241 (Featherlight)'! Day 8487, 18:43:30: Savage - Lvl 162 (The Rescue Society) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ge - Lvl 231 (Featherlight)'! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Perf F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'PERF F - Lvl 325 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 468 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 444 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Tek Rex - Lvl 438 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (44M-36S-42Sp) - Lvl 251 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (36M-32S-30H) - Lvl 215 (Yutyrannus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'M (50H, 49M, 48F) - Lvl 353 (Tek Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F ? - Lvl 149 (Carcharodontosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Baby Fighter - Lvl 277 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Baby F (M+2, H+2) - Lvl 279 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Blue, yellow - Lvl 73 (R-Giganotosaurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (38Spd) - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 217 (Therizinosaur)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (38H-27S) - Lvl 202 (Managarmr)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (40W, 32S) - Lvl 217 (R-Allosaurus )' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Rhino - Lvl 322 (R-Allosaurus )' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Procoptodon - Lvl 209 (Procoptodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 208 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (40M,41F, 39W) - Lvl 222 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (?M) - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Baby Rock Drake - Lvl 100 (Rock Drake)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Aberrant Otter - Lvl 81 (Aberrant Otter)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Clean ! - Lvl 19 (Lightning Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'M (49S,50M,39Spd,F,ox) - Lvl 260 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Ashly - Lvl 267 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'F (45M) - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'M (38H) - Lvl 374 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Baby Shadowmane - Lvl 207 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'M (39H,35S,39W) - Lvl 217 (Daeodon)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Shadowmane - Lvl 309 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Baby Fjordhawk - Lvl 143 (Fjordhawk)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8512, 07:35:14: 's 'Marcus - Lvl 320 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 8513, 17:00:44: Your Shade - Lvl 315 (Aberrant Dung Beetle) was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 100! Day 8535, 08:37:05: DAILY DAN - Lvl 196 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death! Day 8540, 07:31:26: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'ELRAGE - Lvl 420 (Ferox)'! Day 8540, 07:33:16: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 193 (Featherlight)'! Day 8540, 07:33:36: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'de - Lvl 146 (Featherlight)'! Day 8540, 07:34:35: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Starlight - Lvl 220 (Featherlight)'! Day 8540, 09:36:41: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'RAZOR - Lvl 386 (Shadowmane)'! Day 8540, 09:58:50: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'jeeeeee - Lvl 223 (Featherlight)'! Day 8540, 10:02:58: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'didi - Lvl 232 (Featherlight)'! Day 8540, 10:04:32: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'fluff - Lvl 214 (Featherlight)'! Day 8540, 10:09:50: dave5 - Lvl 114 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'DEAD - Lvl 88 (Zomdodo)'! Day 8549, 12:45:31: Your Jeff - Lvl 322 (Aberrant Dung Beetle) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 8550, 03:32:56: Tribemember Brewskii - Lvl 182 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 8555, 05:03:16: Annie - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Annie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 295 (Bulbdog)'! Day 8555, 05:04:31: Annie - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Annie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bulbdog - Lvl 134 (Bulbdog)'! Day 8555, 05:40:32: Annie - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Annie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Featherlight - Lvl 209 (Featherlight)'! Day 8555, 05:53:02: Annie - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Annie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'wez - Lvl 180 (Aberrant Dung Beetle)'! Day 8555, 06:16:56: Annie - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Annie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lil Ricky - Lvl 280 (Bulbdog)'! Day 8555, 06:41:38: Annie - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Annie) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'KITTY - Lvl 279 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 8582, 21:19:15: naggi - Lvl 105 (Tribe of naggi) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 8588, 14:03:26: F (42W, 41F) - Lvl 235 (Aberrant Otter) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1543379657,"tribe":"Suicide Squad logs":["Day 3643, 10:12:13: Agincourt was added to the Tribe! Day 3643, 10:13:45: Friday was added to the Tribe by Agincourt! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3935, 13:09:15: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4116, 20:09:34: Tribemember Friday - Lvl 24 was killed! Day 4116, 20:22:07: Tribemember Agincourt - Lvl 26 was killed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4807, 06:17:40: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 11622, 12:29:44: Tribemember Friday - Lvl 24 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 145!"] "tribeid":1542079008,"tribe":"Племя игрока ph3on1x logs":["Day 20034, 16:43:27: ph3on1x was added to the Tribe! Day 20034, 17:01:59: ph3on1x claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 295 (Desmodus)'! Day 20034, 17:07:40: ph3on1x claimed 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 312 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 20034, 18:46:49: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 requested an Alliance with Xatori Tribe. Day 20034, 18:53:58: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 requested an Alliance with Xatori Tribe. Day 20034, 19:05:57: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 requested an Alliance with Xatori Tribe. Day 20034, 19:17:10: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 requested an Alliance with Xatori Tribe. Day 20034, 19:27:43: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 requested an Alliance with Xatori Tribe. Day 20034, 19:36:08: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 requested an Alliance with Xatori Tribe. Day 20034, 19:37:55: ph3on1x added 'Xatori' Tribe to ыыы Alliance! Day 20034, 23:04:07: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20034, 23:07:45: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 473 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20035, 04:46:35: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 473 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20035, 22:29:15: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20035, 22:54:59: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 473 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20036, 03:01:04: ph3on1x froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 312 (Sinomacrops) Day 20038, 15:21:01: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 302 (Desmodus) Day 20039, 12:15:05: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 12:20:33: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 12:30:32: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 12:38:59: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 12:43:08: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 520 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 12:48:02: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 12:58:11: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:18:18: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:25:30: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:31:08: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:40:22: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:44:14: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:48:30: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:53:18: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 13:57:42: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 14:04:30: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 14:08:37: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 14:12:49: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20039, 14:18:43: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20039, 14:22:40: ph3on1x froze Yuty-Chi - Lvl 419 (Yutyrannus) Day 20039, 17:02:19: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 303 (Desmodus) Day 20039, 17:07:28: ph3on1x froze gen1M - Lvl 339 (Shadowmane) Day 20058, 14:44:20: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 473 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20058, 16:49:36: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 473 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20058, 19:21:03: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 474 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20058, 23:12:31: Tribemember ph3on1x - Lvl 117 was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 150! Day 20059, 01:55:57: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20059, 02:41:26: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 365 (Basilosaurus) Day 20059, 03:06:17: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20059, 04:14:26: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 366 (Basilosaurus) Day 20059, 12:37:44: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20060, 21:23:26: ph3on1x Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 20060, 21:35:12: ph3on1x froze 145/217 - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 20061, 03:23:47: ph3on1x Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 202 (Griffin)! Day 20061, 03:32:35: ph3on1x froze 135/202 - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 20061, 05:59:02: ph3on1x Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 142 (Griffin)! Day 20061, 06:05:21: ph3on1x froze 95/142 - Lvl 142 (Griffin) Day 20061, 11:31:24: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin)! Day 20061, 12:25:52: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 20061, 13:29:22: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20061, 13:37:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 20061, 15:37:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin)! Day 20061, 17:23:25: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 240 (Griffin) Day 20061, 17:35:53: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 194 (Griffin) Day 20062, 06:50:42: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 240 (Griffin) Day 20062, 06:55:06: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 197 (Griffin) Day 20062, 06:58:17: ph3on1x froze 145/217 - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 20062, 20:22:04: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20062, 21:33:33: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20063, 09:48:39: ph3on1x Tamed a Quetzal - Lvl 224 (Quetzal)! Day 20063, 09:54:42: ph3on1x froze 150/224 - Lvl 224 (Quetzal) Day 20063, 16:29:54: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20063, 19:27:28: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 243 (Griffin) Day 20080, 12:35:43: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 306 (Desmodus) Day 20080, 13:05:15: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 366 (Basilosaurus) Day 20080, 20:40:10: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20081, 03:50:51: ph3on1x Tamed a Basilisk - Lvl 29 (Basilisk)! Day 20081, 04:01:55: ph3on1x froze Basilisk - Lvl 29 (Basilisk) Day 20081, 07:47:26: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 502 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20081, 12:15:29: ph3on1x Tamed a Basilisk - Lvl 82 (Basilisk)! Day 20081, 12:18:55: ph3on1x froze Basilisk - Lvl 82 (Basilisk) Day 20081, 14:41:37: ph3on1x claimed 'Heinz - Lvl 221 (Argentavis)'! Day 20081, 14:47:54: ph3on1x froze Heinz - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 20081, 23:35:54: ph3on1x Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 20082, 01:52:28: ph3on1x claimed 'Iguanodon - Lvl 157 (Iguanodon)'! Day 20082, 21:57:49: ph3on1x froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 264 (Yutyrannus) Day 20082, 22:07:44: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:11:42: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:15:29: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:19:39: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:24:40: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:34:44: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 520 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:38:29: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:45:39: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 22:49:42: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:09:32: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:15:21: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:26:24: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:30:27: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:36:01: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:40:04: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20082, 23:43:55: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 00:39:36: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 09:05:23: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 366 (Basilosaurus) Day 20083, 10:44:30: Bull was added to the Tribe by ph3on1x! Day 20083, 11:43:38: Bull froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 264 (Yutyrannus) Day 20083, 17:32:21: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 17:36:40: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 17:42:18: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 17:53:05: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 17:58:36: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:14:21: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:18:06: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:22:01: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:25:53: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:29:51: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:39:24: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:49:23: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 520 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:54:07: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 18:58:14: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 19:02:28: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 19:08:16: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 19:17:43: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20083, 20:01:22: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 20:06:02: Bull froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 265 (Yutyrannus) Day 20083, 20:45:31: Bull froze Pteranodon - Lvl 236 (Pteranodon) Day 20083, 21:41:27: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 310 (Desmodus) Day 20083, 21:49:39: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20083, 22:01:55: ph3on1x froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 313 (Sinomacrops) Day 20099, 12:40:43: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 241 (Griffin) Day 20099, 13:08:45: ph3on1x froze 150/224 - Lvl 270 (Quetzal) Day 20099, 17:49:38: ph3on1x froze 145/217 - Lvl 264 (Griffin) Day 20124, 03:05:45: ph3on1x Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 20124, 03:16:31: Your Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 95! Day 20124, 03:22:39: ph3on1x Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 20124, 03:31:57: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 20! Day 20124, 04:10:30: ph3on1x froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 20124, 04:18:09: ph3on1x Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 20124, 06:13:38: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20124, 11:47:20: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20124, 16:09:13: ph3on1x Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus)! Day 20124, 16:49:33: ph3on1x froze Shadowmane - Lvl 326 (Shadowmane) Day 20124, 16:52:54: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 318 (Desmodus) Day 20129, 23:05:40: Your Basilisk - Lvl 29 (Basilisk) was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 20156, 21:00:54: ph3on1x froze 135/202 - Lvl 202 (Griffin) Day 20156, 21:06:20: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 262 (Griffin) Day 20156, 21:10:05: ph3on1x froze Basilisk - Lvl 89 (Basilisk) Day 20156, 21:13:59: ph3on1x froze 95/142 - Lvl 142 (Griffin) Day 20156, 21:20:52: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 217 (Griffin) Day 20156, 21:25:06: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 175 (Desmodus) Day 20156, 21:31:41: ph3on1x froze Heinz - Lvl 221 (Argentavis) Day 20157, 00:27:44: ph3on1x froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 314 (Sinomacrops) Day 20169, 05:59:13: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 09:44:18: ph3on1x froze Baby R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20169, 14:27:26: ph3on1x froze Juvenile 33/33 M - Lvl 208 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20169, 14:31:41: ph3on1x froze Juvenile 41/25 F - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20169, 14:35:16: ph3on1x froze Juvenile 41/25 F - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20169, 15:02:29: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20169, 16:06:45: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20169, 17:00:43: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 17:04:42: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 17:07:56: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 17:13:58: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 17:22:52: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 20:14:33: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20169, 22:38:16: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 20169, 23:04:44: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:09:16: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:18:53: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:23:18: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:27:37: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:31:40: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:35:32: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:39:43: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20169, 23:45:08: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Astrodelphis - Lvl 207 (Astrodelphis) Day 20170, 00:54:58: ph3on1x froze Adolescent 33/33 M - Lvl 208 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 05:15:46: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 05:19:25: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 05:29:27: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 05:33:12: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 06:38:41: ph3on1x froze Adolescent 41/25 F - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 06:42:02: ph3on1x froze Adolescent 41/25 F - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 06:45:15: ph3on1x froze Adolescent 41/25 F - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 06:50:20: ph3on1x froze Adolescent R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 10:02:20: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 10:05:42: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 10:10:46: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 10:15:41: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 14:37:36: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 213 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 14:42:14: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 212 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 14:47:09: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 14:51:42: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 14:55:34: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 15:24:11: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 15:27:46: ph3on1x froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20170, 15:36:21: ph3on1x froze 41/25 F - Lvl 215 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 15:48:35: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 227 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 15:51:30: ph3on1x froze 26/33 M - Lvl 214 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 15:55:22: ph3on1x froze 33/33 M - Lvl 208 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20170, 19:21:42: ph3on1x froze Astrodelphis - Lvl 207 (Astrodelphis) Day 20170, 19:49:10: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 273 (Griffin) Day 20170, 20:07:51: ph3on1x froze Juvenile Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 20170, 21:56:11: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20171, 06:00:42: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20171, 06:31:53: ph3on1x froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 371 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20171, 14:22:03: ph3on1x froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 387 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20171, 16:00:32: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 204 (Desmodus) Day 20171, 16:03:29: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 194 (Desmodus) Day 20171, 16:06:19: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 193 (Desmodus) Day 20171, 16:35:49: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 257 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20171, 18:34:51: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20171, 21:15:40: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20172, 01:49:34: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20172, 10:31:00: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20172, 13:14:41: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 368 (Basilosaurus) Day 20172, 19:56:22: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20173, 02:01:08: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 369 (Basilosaurus) Day 20173, 07:49:51: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20173, 09:18:45: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20173, 15:23:46: ph3on1x froze Tusoteuthis - Lvl 390 (Tusoteuthis) Day 20173, 19:55:33: ph3on1x froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 369 (Basilosaurus) Day 20174, 05:11:43: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20174, 20:13:18: ph3on1x froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 314 (Sinomacrops) Day 20176, 00:23:33: ph3on1x froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 229 (Therizinosaur) Day 20176, 05:22:46: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20176, 11:50:38: Bull froze Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 20176, 14:52:23: Bull froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 16:07:59: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 16:16:01: Bull froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 16:17:10: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 18:48:00: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 18:51:52: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 520 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 18:59:04: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:07:52: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:16:18: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:22:08: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:30:16: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:35:22: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:40:25: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:48:42: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:53:04: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 19:57:38: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20176, 20:12:01: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 20:18:10: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 20:22:12: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 20:36:19: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 20:41:33: ph3on1x froze gen1FB - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) Day 20176, 20:45:11: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20176, 20:57:04: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 10:53:18: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 10:56:17: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 10:58:59: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:02:01: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:05:06: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:08:12: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:37:13: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:40:10: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:43:08: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:45:58: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:51:51: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 11:54:50: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 12:01:14: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 12:04:04: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 12:07:16: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 12:10:42: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 520 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 12:15:08: ph3on1x froze Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) Day 20177, 12:51:16: ph3on1x froze Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) Day 20177, 18:41:48: Tribemember ph3on1x - Lvl 117 was killed by a Fenrisúlfr (Alpha) - Lvl 1! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 520 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Fatty - Lvl 427 (Daeodon) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 524 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your gen1FB - Lvl 322 (Yutyrannus) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 522 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 525 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 18:42:53: Your Chi-Boss - Lvl 521 (Tek Rex) was killed! Day 20177, 19:52:21: ph3on1x froze Pteranodon - Lvl 238 (Pteranodon) Day 20177, 23:11:48: ph3on1x froze Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 495 (Carcharodontosaurus) Day 20177, 23:16:08: ph3on1x froze Shadowmane - Lvl 336 (Shadowmane) Day 20177, 23:29:25: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 320 (Desmodus) Day 20177, 23:55:23: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 220 (Desmodus) Day 20203, 09:04:17: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 266 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20203, 09:18:43: ph3on1x froze 41/25 F - Lvl 233 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20203, 09:21:40: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 230 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20203, 09:28:08: ph3on1x froze 33/33 M - Lvl 226 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20203, 09:31:10: ph3on1x froze R-Velonasaur - Lvl 231 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20203, 09:34:15: ph3on1x froze 26/33 M - Lvl 232 (R-Velonasaur) Day 20203, 09:40:41: ph3on1x froze Heinz - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) Day 20203, 09:57:15: ph3on1x froze Pteranodon - Lvl 239 (Pteranodon) Day 20227, 17:47:16: ph3on1x downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 20227, 18:00:00: ph3on1x uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 20227, 18:00:47: ph3on1x downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 90 Day 20227, 18:30:25: ph3on1x uploaded a Tek Stryder: Tek Stryder - Lvl 92 Day 20227, 18:51:45: ph3on1x downloaded a dino: Tek Stryder - Lvl 92 Day 20228, 08:18:43: ph3on1x Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 133 (Desmodus)! Day 20228, 08:30:43: ph3on1x unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 133 (Desmodus)'! Day 20228, 10:20:50: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 323 (Desmodus) Day 20230, 00:51:46: ph3on1x froze Daeodon - Lvl 352 (Daeodon) Day 20247, 01:26:22: ph3on1x froze 408 dmg Male - Lvl 361 (Shadowmane) Day 20247, 17:27:55: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 324 (Desmodus) Day 20255, 06:15:49: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 294 (Griffin) Day 20255, 06:55:57: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 275 (Griffin) Day 20255, 07:00:53: ph3on1x froze 145/217 - Lvl 298 (Griffin) Day 20255, 07:22:29: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus) Day 20255, 07:55:24: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 267 (Desmodus) Day 20255, 07:58:17: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 257 (Desmodus) Day 20255, 08:24:13: ph3on1x froze Griffin - Lvl 284 (Griffin) Day 20255, 08:45:22: ph3on1x froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 292 (Therizinosaur) Day 20271, 15:50:35: ph3on1x froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 428 (R-Snow Owl) Day 20320, 04:32:28: ph3on1x froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 314 (Sinomacrops) Day 20320, 04:44:08: ph3on1x froze Basilisk - Lvl 144 (Basilisk) Day 20320, 04:48:11: ph3on1x froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 251 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 20320, 04:52:03: ph3on1x froze Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 269 (Tek Stegosaurus) Day 20320, 04:55:41: ph3on1x froze Ravager - Lvl 257 (Ravager) Day 20320, 05:04:20: ph3on1x froze Megaloceros - Lvl 171 (Megaloceros) Day 20320, 05:08:10: ph3on1x froze Megaloceros - Lvl 208 (Megaloceros) Day 20462, 18:25:01: ph3on1x froze 145/217 - Lvl 314 (Griffin) Day 20656, 07:41:20: ph3on1x froze Desmodus - Lvl 334 (Desmodus) Day 21044, 21:38:49: Bull was removed from the Tribe by ph3on1x!"] "tribeid":1539361143,"tribe":"Babylon logs":["Day 5231, 19:46:56: Eryx was added to the Tribe! Day 5232, 15:44:37: Eryx claimed 'Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5232, 17:47:59: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5232, 17:48:44: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5232, 17:49:34: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5232, 17:50:13: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5232, 17:50:58: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5232, 17:51:49: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5232, 17:52:36: Eryx demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 5233, 03:29:38: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5233, 04:29:58: Eryx froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5233, 11:12:25: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5237, 15:50:52: Eryx Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 5237, 16:08:10: Eryx froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 209 (R-Snow Owl) Day 5237, 21:49:46: Eryx claimed 'Dimorphodon - Lvl 198 (Dimorphodon)'! Day 5237, 21:54:18: Eryx froze Dimorphodon - Lvl 198 (Dimorphodon) Day 5238, 00:00:47: Your Dimorphodon - Lvl 198 (Dimorphodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 95! Day 5270, 15:13:00: Eryx demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 5273, 00:23:47: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5273, 03:21:53: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5273, 03:56:25: Eryx Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 5273, 04:00:09: Eryx Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 5273, 04:12:04: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by Eryx - Lvl 104 (Babylon)! Day 5273, 04:12:04: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) (Babylon)! Day 5273, 04:43:41: Your Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 130! Day 5273, 05:06:00: Eryx Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 5273, 05:07:20: Eryx Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 165 (Desmodus)! Day 5273, 05:15:45: Tribemember Eryx - Lvl 104 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 140! Day 5273, 07:35:31: Eryx unclaimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)'! Day 5273, 14:37:42: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 245 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Compy - Lvl 140! Day 5273, 23:21:43: Eryx claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 5274, 07:54:02: Eryx claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 178 (Desmodus)'! Day 5276, 11:51:39: Eryx claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 172 (Desmodus)'! Day 5277, 07:27:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 29 (Brontosaurus)! Day 5277, 08:00:10: Eryx froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 30 (Brontosaurus) Day 5277, 09:12:08: Eryx froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 39 (Brontosaurus) Day 5294, 23:51:42: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5295, 01:02:36: Eryx froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5295, 01:44:23: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5295, 04:31:49: Eryx froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5295, 17:43:16: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5295, 19:04:52: Eryx froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5295, 19:19:38: Eryx froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5295, 19:59:05: Eryx froze Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex) Day 5296, 01:40:48: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 110 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 5296, 01:40:48: Your Tribe killed Lystrosaurus - Lvl 110 (Lystrosaurus) (Babylon)! Day 5296, 02:15:20: Eryx claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)'! Day 5296, 02:24:26: Eryx froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 5296, 03:48:50: Eryx claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)'! Day 5296, 03:52:34: Eryx froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 5296, 08:12:46: Eryx froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) Day 5296, 12:32:19: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 5296, 22:58:36: Your Desmodus - Lvl 221 (Desmodus) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 100! Day 5296, 22:58:55: Tribemember Eryx - Lvl 112 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 5296, 22:59:10: Your Fjordhawk - Lvl 45 (Fjordhawk) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 5296, 23:57:07: Tribemember Eryx - Lvl 112 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 90! Day 5297, 04:11:09: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 186 (Desmodus) Day 5297, 04:24:55: Eryx froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern) Day 5297, 06:42:06: Eryx demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 5298, 02:59:56: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 171 (Desmodus) Day 5299, 14:21:15: Eryx Tamed an Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)! Day 5299, 14:29:32: Eryx froze Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus) Day 5299, 16:25:05: Your Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus) was killed by Eryx - Lvl 112 (Babylon)! Day 5299, 16:25:05: Your Tribe killed Baby Desmodus - Lvl 170 (Desmodus)! Day 5301, 11:39:26: Eryx claimed 'GrimLock - Lvl 375 (Tek Rex)'! Day 5301, 11:47:12: Eryx froze GrimLock - Lvl 380 (Tek Rex) Day 5301, 13:12:37: Eryx claimed 'Basilosaurus - Lvl 256 (Basilosaurus)'! Day 5301, 13:17:39: Eryx froze Basilosaurus - Lvl 256 (Basilosaurus) Day 5308, 10:39:58: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 233 (Desmodus) Day 5308, 12:54:36: Eryx froze GrimLock - Lvl 383 (Tek Rex) Day 5308, 16:47:11: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 234 (Desmodus) Day 5308, 18:44:17: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 235 (Desmodus) Day 5308, 20:13:57: Eryx froze GrimLock - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 5308, 23:42:32: Eryx froze GrimLock - Lvl 410 (Tek Rex) Day 5352, 23:01:22: Eryx froze Doedicurus - Lvl 233 (Doedicurus) Day 5353, 01:03:01: Eryx froze GrimLock - Lvl 411 (Tek Rex) Day 5353, 01:29:30: Eryx froze Desmodus - Lvl 237 (Desmodus) Day 5353, 02:24:21: Eryx froze GrimLock - Lvl 412 (Tek Rex) Day 5423, 04:45:07: Tribemember Eryx - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 5423, 05:06:25: Eryx demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 5513, 15:59:14: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5724, 12:37:13: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5724, 12:37:13: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5724, 12:37:13: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5739, 09:12:58: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 247 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 5950, 17:22:43: Your Ankylosaurus - Lvl 260 (Ankylosaurus) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 5952, 08:17:43: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 44 (Brontosaurus) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 90! Day 5954, 07:37:03: Your Triceratops - Lvl 233 (Triceratops) was killed by a Pegomastax - Lvl 20! Day 5973, 23:29:13: Your Argentavis - Lvl 272 (Argentavis) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 95! Day 6005, 16:26:13: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6005, 16:26:13: Your 'Air Conditioner' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6005, 16:26:13: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6008, 17:17:11: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rock Drake - Lvl 242 (Rock Drake)'! Day 6008, 17:18:27: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 6008, 17:19:39: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Rex - Lvl 221 (Tek Rex)'! Day 6008, 17:21:18: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 236 (Doedicurus)'! Day 6008, 17:21:49: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 236 (Allosaurus)'! Day 6008, 17:23:11: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 211 (Desmodus)'! Day 6008, 17:23:32: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 200 (Desmodus)'! Day 6008, 17:27:29: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 237 (Desmodus)'! Day 6008, 17:46:11: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 187 (Desmodus)'! Day 6278, 00:41:48: Tribemember Eryx - Lvl 112 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Preserving Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6594, 09:21:24: Your 'Power Generator' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6605, 07:33:43: Riddick - Lvl 125 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1538191532,"tribe":"Племя игрока anna (im fr logs":["Day 13596, 00:45:25: anna (im friendly) was added to the Tribe! Day 13662, 06:08:42: Dilophosaur - Lvl 45 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 13662, 06:37:41: Tribemember anna (im friendly) - Lvl 18 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1536447714,"tribe":"MangoFarmerzzzz logs":["Day 16696, 20:08:56: Maazzigga claimed 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 16696, 21:10:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 74 (Maewing)! Day 16696, 21:21:24: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 37 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 130! Day 16696, 21:41:34: Yoshi698 claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16697, 09:39:26: Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16697, 11:45:34: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 61 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 135! Day 16697, 15:32:58: Your Tribe Tamed an Ankylosaurus - Lvl 129 (Ankylosaurus)! Day 16697, 15:33:43: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 28 (Doedicurus)! Day 16703, 01:31:21: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 16703, 13:36:39: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 79 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 95! Day 16703, 13:57:34: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 79 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 95! Day 16703, 14:13:14: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 79 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 16703, 14:24:22: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 79 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 135! Day 16703, 14:36:09: Your Tribe Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 194 (Argentavis)! Day 16703, 15:24:54: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 79 was killed! Day 16703, 16:07:05: Yoshi698 Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 142 (Moschops)! Day 16703, 22:59:46: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 16704, 02:47:24: Yoshi698 Tamed an Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter)! Day 16704, 05:26:46: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 192 (Maewing)! Day 16716, 09:11:43: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 89 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 85! Day 16716, 09:11:57: Your Otter - Lvl 22 (Otter) was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 20! Day 16717, 10:24:12: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 55! Day 16717, 13:27:12: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 93 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 16717, 14:52:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 29 (Parasaur)! Day 16717, 16:14:03: Your Tribe Tamed a Sabertooth - Lvl 130 (Sabertooth)! Day 16717, 19:00:27: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 94 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 55! Day 16717, 21:20:54: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 80 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95! Day 16718, 14:37:00: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 78 was killed! Day 16721, 23:14:32: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 98 was killed by Maazzigga - Lvl 82 (MangoFarmerzzzz)! Day 16721, 23:14:32: Your Tribe killed Yoshi698 - Lvl 98 (MangoFarmerzzzz)! Day 16722, 23:44:50: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 84 was killed by an Electrophorus - Lvl 135! Day 16723, 02:26:20: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 85 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 16723, 20:26:26: Your Parasaur - Lvl 34 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 16723, 21:59:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus)! Day 16723, 23:45:53: Yoshi698 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 22 (Brontosaurus) Day 16724, 03:24:06: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 85 was killed by an Alpha Megalodon - Lvl 45! Day 16724, 17:29:14: Yoshi698 uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Reaper - Lvl 280 Day 16724, 17:30:04: Maazzigga uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Frostfang - Lvl 224 Day 16724, 17:55:18: Yoshi698 downloaded a dino: Reaper - Lvl 280 Day 16724, 18:04:41: Could not find Spawn Location for Wyvern, Destroying... Day 16724, 18:08:00: Maazzigga downloaded a dino: Frostfang - Lvl 222 Day 16724, 19:27:32: Maazzigga uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Frostfang - Lvl 222 Day 16724, 20:18:24: Yoshi698 froze Reaper - Lvl 280 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16724, 20:21:56: Yoshi698 uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Reaper - Lvl 280 Day 16724, 20:45:42: Maazzigga downloaded a dino: Frostfang - Lvl 222 Day 16724, 20:52:21: Yoshi698 downloaded a dino: Reaper - Lvl 280 Day 16724, 20:56:58: Yoshi698 froze Reaper - Lvl 280 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16724, 22:20:23: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 90 (Maewing) Day 16724, 22:25:27: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 203 (Maewing) Day 16725, 05:04:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 104 (Gacha)! Day 16725, 05:19:45: Yoshi698 froze Gacha - Lvl 104 (Gacha) Day 16725, 07:02:25: Yoshi698 Tamed a Gacha - Lvl 145 (Gacha)! Day 16725, 07:11:22: Yoshi698 froze fAT BACK - Lvl 145 (Gacha) Day 16725, 09:22:12: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 91 (Maewing) Day 16725, 09:25:05: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 205 (Maewing) Day 16725, 18:04:30: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 16726, 16:07:44: Yoshi698 froze Reaper - Lvl 281 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16727, 12:44:40: Yoshi698 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 37 (Brontosaurus) Day 16727, 14:49:23: Yoshi698 uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Reaper - Lvl 282 Day 16727, 22:10:43: Maazzigga uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 29 Day 16728, 00:26:30: Yoshi698 uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Ice Wyvern - Lvl 44 Day 16728, 03:12:53: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16728, 03:14:03: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16728, 03:15:04: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16728, 03:16:52: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16728, 03:17:55: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16728, 03:18:54: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16737, 05:42:26: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 29 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:43:57: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:44:44: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:45:40: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 87 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:48:05: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 78 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:49:43: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 133 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:50:55: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 29 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:54:30: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 90 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 05:55:52: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 06:05:03: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 06:08:00: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 58 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 06:10:26: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 06:15:21: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 131 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16737, 07:30:30: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 29 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 16737, 07:30:30: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 29 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16737, 07:34:44: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 16737, 07:34:44: Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 109 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 16741, 09:48:12: Yoshi698 uploaded a Blood Crystal Wyvern: - Lvl 118 Day 16749, 21:29:55: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16765, 10:32:37: Juvenile Grim - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16765, 23:19:29: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16765, 23:20:32: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16765, 23:21:26: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16765, 23:22:24: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16765, 23:25:02: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16765, 23:26:00: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16765, 23:26:57: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16770, 19:15:37: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90! Day 16771, 03:07:16: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 100! Day 16772, 19:14:57: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)! Day 16773, 06:04:40: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 100 was killed! Day 16774, 13:03:15: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 16774, 13:55:45: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 16774, 14:01:55: Maazzigga froze Baby Ice Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16774, 14:09:38: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16774, 14:12:51: Maazzigga froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16774, 17:50:16: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 60! Day 16793, 23:28:14: Your Gadi - Lvl 226 (Griffin) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 16794, 00:24:21: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 16794, 04:00:19: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 145 (Gacha)'! Day 16794, 09:02:24: Maazzigga froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 172 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16794, 11:18:50: Maazzigga froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 173 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16795, 02:50:18: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16795, 05:19:17: Yoshi698 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 53 (Brontosaurus) Day 16795, 06:04:51: Yoshi698 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 55 (Brontosaurus) Day 16795, 06:30:48: Yoshi698 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 55 (Brontosaurus) Day 16795, 10:41:33: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin)! Day 16796, 10:14:57: Yoshi698 froze Griffin - Lvl 224 (Griffin) Day 16796, 11:43:47: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16796, 12:29:21: Yoshi698 froze Adolescent lallu - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16796, 12:51:46: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 120! Day 16796, 13:11:18: Your Adolescent lallu - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by a Tek Rex - Lvl 120! Day 16796, 13:58:52: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 04:16:11: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 16797, 05:00:38: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:19:37: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:22:18: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:23:57: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:27:45: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:28:51: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:44:57: Maazzigga demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 16797, 05:47:07: Maazzigga demolished a 'Refining Forge (Locked) '! Day 16797, 05:56:26: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:57:41: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16797, 05:58:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 206 (Rex)! Day 16797, 05:59:06: Maazzigga froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16797, 06:04:27: Maazzigga froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16797, 06:07:53: Yoshi698 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16797, 06:08:28: Maazzigga froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16797, 06:26:48: Yoshi698 froze Rex - Lvl 206 (Rex) Day 16797, 14:23:47: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Castoroides - Lvl 135! Day 16797, 14:46:14: Yoshi698 froze Griffin - Lvl 234 (Griffin) Day 16810, 21:09:03: Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 95 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 25 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 20 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 60 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Ice Wyvern - Lvl 119 (Ice Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 15 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16810, 21:09:03: Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 16812, 07:37:43: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 102 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 50! Day 16812, 09:17:49: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 105 (Maewing) Day 16814, 03:48:51: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 237 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16814, 08:11:43: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 221 (Maewing) Day 16814, 11:29:34: Maazzigga Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl)! Day 16814, 11:44:11: Maazzigga froze sssssssss - Lvl 202 (Snow Owl) Day 16815, 11:59:24: Maazzigga Tamed a Snow Owl - Lvl 113 (Snow Owl)! Day 16815, 12:24:22: Maazzigga froze Snow Owl - Lvl 113 (Snow Owl) Day 16815, 13:31:54: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 238 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16817, 13:41:54: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 239 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16817, 15:02:07: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 16817, 16:48:37: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 239 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16817, 19:09:56: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16817, 19:13:33: Yoshi698 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16817, 19:43:41: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 223 (Maewing) Day 16817, 22:46:42: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 240 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16818, 13:03:09: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16820, 04:52:28: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 240 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16820, 05:32:21: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 16820, 08:39:31: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16820, 11:02:18: Your Tribe Tamed a Ravager - Lvl 21 (Ravager)! Day 16820, 15:26:26: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 16820, 20:52:37: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16820, 23:13:17: Yoshi698 Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium)! Day 16821, 00:07:16: Maazzigga froze Frostfang - Lvl 241 (Ice Wyvern) Day 16821, 01:17:59: Maazzigga froze Megatherium - Lvl 209 (Megatherium) Day 16821, 02:08:38: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 225 (Maewing) Day 16821, 08:41:52: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 107 was killed by a Megatherium - Lvl 130! Day 16821, 16:54:10: Maazzigga Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium)! Day 16821, 17:11:38: Maazzigga froze Megatherium - Lvl 187 (Megatherium) Day 16821, 18:14:51: Maazzigga Tamed a Megatherium - Lvl 202 (Megatherium)! Day 16821, 22:20:56: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 64 (Brontosaurus) Day 16821, 22:33:49: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 64 (Brontosaurus) Day 16822, 03:38:20: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 65 (Brontosaurus) Day 16822, 05:33:49: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 66 (Brontosaurus) Day 16822, 07:16:21: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 67 (Brontosaurus) Day 16822, 16:08:30: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 69 (Brontosaurus) Day 16822, 16:26:44: Maazzigga froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 69 (Brontosaurus) Day 16864, 12:20:25: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16864, 13:18:22: Maazzigga froze Megatherium - Lvl 220 (Megatherium) Day 16864, 13:21:33: Maazzigga froze Megatherium - Lvl 210 (Megatherium) Day 16864, 14:09:17: Yoshi698 froze Megatherium - Lvl 211 (Megatherium) Day 16864, 14:33:11: Maazzigga froze sssssssss - Lvl 216 (Snow Owl) Day 16864, 15:38:10: Maazzigga froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 182 (Ankylosaurus) Day 16864, 17:27:22: Maazzigga froze Snow Owl - Lvl 127 (Snow Owl) Day 16864, 18:58:13: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 16865, 00:50:02: Yoshi698 froze Megatherium - Lvl 219 (Megatherium) Day 16865, 06:11:00: Yoshi698 froze Griffin - Lvl 265 (Griffin) Day 16865, 06:20:37: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 16865, 17:41:22: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 145! Day 16865, 17:49:10: Your Megatherium - Lvl 221 (Megatherium) was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 90! Day 16865, 18:18:02: Maazzigga froze Megatherium - Lvl 223 (Megatherium) Day 16865, 19:21:54: Maazzigga froze Maewing - Lvl 252 (Maewing) Day 16865, 19:29:11: Maazzigga froze Snow Owl - Lvl 127 (Snow Owl) Day 16865, 20:56:25: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by an Araneo - Lvl 145! Day 16866, 01:29:56: Your tattu - Lvl 247 (Griffin) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 16866, 01:41:10: Maazzigga claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 153 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16866, 01:47:06: Maazzigga froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 153 (Shadowmane) Day 16866, 01:48:00: Maazzigga claimed 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 53 (Shadowmane)'! Day 16866, 01:51:02: Maazzigga froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 53 (Shadowmane) Day 16866, 03:42:50: Maazzigga froze Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 53 (Shadowmane) Day 16866, 16:58:00: Yoshi698 froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 150 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16869, 03:22:41: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16869, 03:23:47: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16869, 03:25:32: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16877, 12:01:25: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16878, 09:53:22: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16878, 09:53:24: Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 85 (Fire Wyvern) starved to death! Day 16890, 10:25:07: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 16890, 13:51:35: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 16891, 11:14:52: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16891, 17:31:22: Maazzigga claimed 'Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)'! Day 16891, 17:32:42: Maazzigga claimed 'Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 16891, 23:50:30: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 16892, 02:14:11: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 16892, 04:06:24: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 16892, 05:39:28: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 134 (Snow Owl) Day 16892, 08:26:51: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 136 (Snow Owl) Day 16892, 08:57:01: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 16892, 23:00:42: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 16892, 23:09:01: Yoshi698 froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16893, 02:08:49: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16893, 05:24:20: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 137 (Snow Owl) Day 16893, 08:01:19: Yoshi698 froze Snow Owl - Lvl 138 (Snow Owl) Day 16893, 09:43:17: Yoshi698 uploaded a Fire Wyvern: Big guy - Lvl 228 Day 16893, 09:56:07: Maazzigga uploaded a Ice Wyvern: Frostfang - Lvl 244 Day 16894, 08:14:07: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 16895, 03:11:00: Maazzigga froze Juvenile Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16895, 12:01:36: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Beast In Carnage - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16895, 12:10:46: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Fire Wyvern - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16906, 22:22:40: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Beast In Carnage - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16906, 22:30:33: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Little Shit - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16906, 22:35:24: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Little Shit - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16906, 22:39:59: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Little Shit - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16907, 15:27:41: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Beast In Carnage - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16907, 15:32:20: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Beast In Carnage - Lvl 185 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 16907, 15:36:42: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Little Shit - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16907, 15:39:56: Maazzigga froze Adolescent Little Shit - Lvl 175 (Fire Wyvern) Day 16908, 06:21:37: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 17016, 10:43:49: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17039, 18:17:10: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17039, 18:17:10: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17063, 11:53:29: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17069, 22:06:11: Yoshi698 froze Rex - Lvl 236 (Rex) Day 17069, 23:11:35: Yoshi698 froze Rex - Lvl 242 (Rex) Day 17100, 04:24:45: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha)'! Day 17100, 04:33:55: Maazzigga claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha)'! Day 17100, 04:40:52: Maazzigga claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 17100, 04:41:48: Maazzigga claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 17100, 04:43:05: Maazzigga claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha)'! Day 17100, 05:01:53: Maazzigga froze Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 17100, 05:08:09: Maazzigga froze Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) Day 17100, 15:29:52: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 17100, 16:24:18: Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 102 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17100, 16:24:28: Juvenile Gacha - Lvl 147 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17101, 07:36:20: Your Tribe Tamed a Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex)! Day 17101, 08:47:16: Yoshi698 froze Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 17101, 15:23:48: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 17101, 15:24:43: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 17101, 15:26:05: Yoshi698 claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex)'! Day 17102, 09:18:00: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) Day 17102, 09:25:36: Yoshi698 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 17102, 09:31:18: Yoshi698 froze Juvenile Rex - Lvl 214 (Rex) Day 17196, 08:24:08: sssssssss - Lvl 233 (Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 17205, 15:47:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17241, 13:17:32: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 135! Day 17241, 17:45:45: Yoshi698 Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 20 (Maewing)! Day 17241, 18:17:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Maewing - Lvl 74 (Maewing)! Day 17241, 18:32:54: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 74 (Maewing) Day 17241, 18:36:43: Yoshi698 froze Maewing - Lvl 20 (Maewing) Day 17243, 21:46:46: Gacha - Lvl 166 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17245, 12:47:33: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 17245, 14:08:23: Your Maewing - Lvl 254 (Maewing) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 135! Day 17245, 14:14:58: Your Maewing - Lvl 80 (Maewing) was killed by a Cnidaria - Lvl 145! Day 17245, 16:03:17: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed by Beast In Carnage - Lvl 274 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 17245, 16:03:17: Your Tribe killed Maazzigga - Lvl 112 (MangoFarmerzzzz)! Day 17245, 19:30:15: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus) was killed by Beast In Carnage - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 17245, 19:30:15: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus) (MangoFarmerzzzz)! Day 17245, 19:30:33: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) was killed by Beast In Carnage - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 17245, 19:30:33: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 157 (Deinonychus) (MangoFarmerzzzz)! Day 17245, 19:30:53: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) was killed by Beast In Carnage - Lvl 277 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 17245, 19:30:53: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 135 (Deinonychus) (MangoFarmerzzzz)! Day 17245, 23:02:58: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 37 (Tapejara)! Day 17246, 01:58:23: Yoshi698 froze Tapejara - Lvl 37 (Tapejara) Day 17246, 03:13:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Tapejara - Lvl 82 (Tapejara)! Day 17246, 04:32:43: Yoshi698 froze Tapejara - Lvl 82 (Tapejara) Day 17246, 06:46:09: Yoshi698 demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 17248, 05:16:16: Your Ice Wyvern - Lvl 55 (Ice Wyvern) was killed by a Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 130! Day 17375, 07:56:41: Your Ravager - Lvl 21 (Ravager) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 17388, 03:51:41: Doedicurus - Lvl 62 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 17450, 16:45:52: Gacha - Lvl 136 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17502, 08:14:36: Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17502, 08:14:40: Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17502, 08:14:59: Gacha - Lvl 135 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17553, 06:23:28: Yoshi698 froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 87 (Brontosaurus) Day 17597, 05:04:14: Maewing - Lvl 27 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 17602, 23:26:51: Trekky - Lvl 63 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 17603, 01:46:31: 's 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 53 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17603, 01:46:31: 's 'Juvenile Shadowmane - Lvl 153 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 17623, 17:04:18: fAT BACK - Lvl 178 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17624, 10:28:40: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 17624, 18:00:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 83 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 50! Day 17625, 13:52:14: Yoshi698 demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 17625, 23:17:44: Maazzigga claimed 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 301 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 17626, 08:32:16: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 17642, 07:12:58: Gacha - Lvl 159 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17750, 11:12:23: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17774, 04:19:21: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17813, 12:17:37: Gacha - Lvl 153 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17813, 12:17:49: Gachi - Lvl 176 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17821, 13:21:11: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17974, 05:55:32: Tribemember Maazzigga - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 17974, 08:26:40: liz - Lvl 96 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sabertooth - Lvl 150 (Sabertooth)'! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18129, 14:48:47: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18210, 20:55:24: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 18302, 14:56:54: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 64 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 145! Day 18302, 14:58:13: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 29 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Baryonyx - Lvl 145! Day 18308, 09:43:31: Ankylosaurus - Lvl 189 (Ankylosaurus) starved to death! Day 18328, 01:51:12: Human - Lvl 104 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beast In Carnage - Lvl 282 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 18332, 09:17:24: Tribemember Yoshi698 - Lvl 112 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 15! Day 18338, 07:56:47: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Griffin - Lvl 276 (Griffin)'! Day 18338, 08:28:19: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 18338, 08:33:25: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 226 (Rex)'! Day 18338, 08:45:49: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 18338, 08:50:43: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 230 (Rex)'! Day 18338, 09:12:37: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Blood Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 303 (Blood Crystal Wyvern)'! Day 18338, 09:15:50: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 134 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18338, 09:47:48: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18338, 10:26:17: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 88 (Tapejara)'! Day 18338, 10:53:53: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'FireNigga - Lvl 247 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18338, 12:08:30: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 124 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18338, 12:09:39: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 115 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18338, 12:49:57: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ice Wyvern - Lvl 137 (Ice Wyvern)'! Day 18338, 13:19:46: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'TING WONG LO - Lvl 155 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 18338, 14:16:27: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 88 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 18338, 14:31:24: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Snow Owl - Lvl 147 (Snow Owl)'! Day 18338, 14:39:34: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 243 (Megatherium)'! Day 18338, 14:47:18: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 127 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18338, 14:48:11: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Deinonychus - Lvl 121 (Deinonychus)'! Day 18338, 15:03:29: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Megatherium - Lvl 221 (Megatherium)'! Day 18338, 15:24:23: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 247 (Rex)'! Day 18338, 16:44:50: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tapejara - Lvl 48 (Tapejara)'! Day 18338, 19:01:53: FireballFilms - Lvl 103 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Big back - Lvl 232 (Argentavis)'! Day 18342, 20:17:25: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18359, 12:28:19: Human - Lvl 111 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 260 (Pteranodon)'! Day 18360, 23:12:59: Your Raft (Raft) was destroyed by a Leedsichthys - Lvl 1! Day 18829, 10:57:33: Fatso - Lvl 87 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18934, 08:38:24: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18950, 17:15:33: Maewing - Lvl 109 (Maewing) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1535873301,"tribe":"Tribe of MadMen logs":["Day 4369, 06:11:41: MadBom6er was added to the Tribe! Day 4369, 16:03:04: BigDig was added to the Tribe by MadBom6er! Day 4369, 19:25:24: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 9 was killed by a Super Turkey - Lvl 250! Day 4369, 23:22:23: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 13 was killed! Day 4370, 01:17:44: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 15 was killed! Day 4370, 07:47:55: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 17 was killed by a Carbonemys - Lvl 60! Day 4370, 13:11:47: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 4370, 14:14:50: BigDig Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon)! Day 4370, 14:20:17: Your Parasaur - Lvl 38 (Parasaur) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 60! Day 4370, 14:23:16: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 20 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 60! Day 4370, 14:25:45: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 22 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 60! Day 4370, 17:44:16: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 22 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 145! Day 4370, 22:38:55: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 22 was killed! Day 4397, 05:49:37: MadBom6er demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 4397, 06:00:38: MadBom6er demolished a 'Sloped Wood Roof'! Day 4397, 07:28:28: MadBom6er demolished a 'Wood Ramp'! Day 4397, 21:10:18: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 4397, 22:02:35: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 130! Day 4398, 00:23:54: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 45 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 4398, 10:27:46: MadBom6er demolished a 'Reinforced Wooden Door (Locked) '! Day 4398, 20:58:02: MadBom6er Tamed a Tek Parasaur - Lvl 98 (Tek Parasaur)! Day 4399, 16:43:46: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 53 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 4444, 04:31:18: Your Tek Parasaur - Lvl 111 (Tek Parasaur) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4444, 04:32:03: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 56 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4444, 07:16:50: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 56 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 4444, 19:36:53: MadBom6er Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 4445, 11:20:44: MadBom6er demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 4446, 08:43:49: MadBom6er demolished a 'Stone Hatchframe'! Day 4461, 17:41:28: MadBom6er Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 89 (Tek Raptor)! Day 4461, 23:13:57: MadBom6er Tamed a Stegosaurus - Lvl 127 (Stegosaurus)! Day 4462, 07:58:02: Your Stegosaurus - Lvl 133 (Stegosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4462, 09:59:13: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 64 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 4462, 10:05:41: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 95 (Tek Raptor) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4462, 10:08:41: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 64 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4462, 11:08:19: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 64 was killed! Day 4462, 12:43:12: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 36 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4462, 12:49:52: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 51 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 4462, 13:34:35: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was destroyed! Day 4462, 13:41:46: Your TIANA STINKY BUM - Lvl 26 (Mesopithecus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 55! Day 4462, 14:48:39: MadBom6er claimed 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 245 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 4462, 14:51:06: MadBom6er claimed 'Metal Muncher - Lvl 257 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4462, 14:51:35: MadBom6er claimed 'Dire Bear - Lvl 256 (Dire Bear)'! Day 4464, 13:16:59: BigDig Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 4464, 16:18:46: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 28 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 4464, 16:23:11: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 70 was killed! Day 4464, 17:08:16: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 70 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 20! Day 4466, 01:01:30: MadBom6er demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 4466, 01:25:13: MadBom6er demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 4466, 01:26:31: MadBom6er demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 4466, 01:27:53: MadBom6er demolished a 'Stone Ceiling'! Day 4466, 04:06:45: MadBom6er demolished a 'Stone Stairs'! Day 4466, 13:00:16: MadBom6er Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 20 (Pteranodon)! Day 4466, 20:09:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 68 (Pteranodon)! Day 4468, 12:54:14: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 58 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 4468, 14:12:57: Your Moschops - Lvl 53 (Moschops) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 85! Day 4493, 13:45:16: MadBom6er demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 4494, 09:34:28: Your Tribe Tamed a Doedicurus - Lvl 127 (Doedicurus)! Day 4506, 05:14:12: MadBom6er claimed 'Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 141 (Carcharodontosaurus)'! Day 4506, 05:18:01: MadBom6er claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4506, 05:29:04: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:30:01: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:30:51: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:32:16: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 236 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:35:49: MadBom6er claimed 'Tek Rex - Lvl 292 (Tek Rex)'! Day 4506, 05:36:30: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 279 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:38:36: MadBom6er claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 187 (Gacha)'! Day 4506, 05:39:53: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:47:36: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:49:09: MadBom6er claimed 'Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha)'! Day 4506, 05:51:24: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 05:53:40: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 06:51:20: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 226 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 06:57:25: MadBom6er claimed 'Desmodus - Lvl 256 (Desmodus)'! Day 4506, 07:06:56: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 07:09:05: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4506, 07:48:03: MadBom6er claimed 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 229 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 4506, 07:59:22: MadBom6er claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 257 (Shadowmane)'! Day 4535, 01:00:41: Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane) starved to death! Day 4606, 01:51:21: Your Tek Rex - Lvl 312 (Tek Rex) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 4606, 01:53:10: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 86 was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 4606, 10:36:21: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 252 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 4606, 10:36:57: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane) was killed by a R-Giganotosaurus - Lvl 20! Day 4606, 10:37:05: Your Gacha - Lvl 187 (Gacha) was killed! Day 4606, 10:38:05: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 253 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 4606, 10:38:26: Your Shadowmane - Lvl 301 (Shadowmane) was killed! Day 4748, 10:21:00: Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha) starved to death! Day 4748, 18:53:26: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 81 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4760, 03:51:46: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Large Crop Plot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4901, 11:16:21: Your 'Rope Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4920, 02:20:01: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4920, 02:20:04: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4920, 02:20:08: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was destroyed! Day 4955, 20:32:34: Carcharodontosaurus - Lvl 141 (Carcharodontosaurus) starved to death! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5042, 18:11:56: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5074, 20:17:10: Pteranodon - Lvl 39 (Pteranodon) starved to death! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Straight Stone Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5184, 01:55:56: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5189, 11:41:19: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'GISMO - Lvl 257 (Desmodus)'! Day 5189, 11:42:00: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 299 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:43:00: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 297 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 5189, 11:43:19: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:43:51: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 270 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:44:48: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 303 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:45:05: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 263 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:45:15: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 247 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:47:08: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 11:48:09: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 284 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5189, 12:06:15: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'SMASH - Lvl 284 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 5189, 12:07:09: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dire Bear - Lvl 282 (Dire Bear)'! Day 5189, 13:05:33: Arthur - Lvl 121 (The Sons Of HellHeim) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 134 (Doedicurus)'! Day 5241, 07:56:45: Charlie - Lvl 114 (Tribe of Monkeys) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Shadowmane - Lvl 249 (Shadowmane)'! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5348, 20:16:28: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5490, 03:21:23: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5630, 09:53:29: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5630, 09:53:29: Your 'Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5739, 21:01:41: vhe - Lvl 112 (S!uts) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 218 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 5771, 13:49:33: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5850, 16:29:22: Tribemember BigDig - Lvl 58 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 5850, 16:32:56: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 86 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 60! Day 6703, 10:02:01: Tribemember MadBom6er - Lvl 86 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 60! Day 7234, 13:12:05: Moon - Lvl 69 (Tribe of Moon) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1535220569,"tribe":"church of D logs":["Day 949, 07:00:10: tommy was added to the Tribe! Day 949, 07:02:15: sky was added to the Tribe by tommy! Day 949, 07:43:49: tommy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 949, 08:19:20: sky Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 25 (Dodo)! Day 949, 08:48:04: sky Tamed a Dodo - Lvl 24 (Dodo)! Day 949, 11:25:46: tommy Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax)! Day 949, 11:55:38: DeeSher_Twitch was added to the Tribe by tommy! Day 949, 12:49:44: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 67 (Pteranodon)! Day 949, 13:47:11: tommy Tamed a Pegomastax - Lvl 37 (Pegomastax)! Day 949, 17:21:20: Tribemember tommy - Lvl 31 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 50! Day 950, 06:39:25: tommy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 950, 10:43:19: tommy Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 142 (Moschops)! Day 950, 11:55:30: Tribemember tommy - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 950, 14:13:41: DeeSher_Twitch was removed from the Tribe by tommy! Day 950, 16:22:19: DeeSher_Twitch was added to the Tribe by tommy! Day 950, 18:30:46: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed! Day 950, 18:52:01: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Brontosaurus - Lvl 135! Day 950, 19:19:09: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 135! Day 950, 21:38:51: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Mantis - Lvl 150! Day 954, 15:29:07: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 20! Day 954, 16:12:04: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 100! Day 954, 16:25:55: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Basilisk - Lvl 100! Day 954, 16:40:33: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 33 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 85! Day 955, 10:22:35: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 35 was killed! Day 1021, 05:23:51: Moschops - Lvl 30 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 1086, 16:49:13: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 37 (Pegomastax) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 1086, 17:11:06: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 72 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 1087, 12:52:03: Your Moschops - Lvl 144 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 85! Day 1088, 07:24:30: Your Pegomastax - Lvl 30 (Pegomastax) was killed by an Ichthyornis - Lvl 55! Day 1088, 12:49:00: Your PURP BF - Lvl 24 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 1088, 12:49:26: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1088, 12:58:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 1088, 13:00:55: Your PURP - Lvl 25 (Dodo) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 1088, 13:03:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 10:22:08: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1089, 10:22:34: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1089, 10:23:28: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1089, 10:24:23: Tribemember sky - Lvl 35 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 1089, 12:16:33: Your 'Thatch Floor' was destroyed! Day 1089, 19:50:27: Your 'Wooden Cage (Locked) (Pin Locked)' was destroyed! Day 1089, 19:54:41: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 19:54:44: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 19:55:07: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:00:06: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:04:26: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:05:25: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:08:29: Your 'Campfire (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:21:59: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:22:25: Your 'Thatch Wall' was destroyed! Day 1089, 20:25:14: Your 'Refining Forge (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1208, 12:22:05: Moschops - Lvl 39 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1313, 10:15:49: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1561, 01:47:49: Tribemember DeeSher_Twitch - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 1573, 22:56:40: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1676, 09:40:52: Kyanite - Lvl 122 (Tribe of Viperion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 1676, 09:46:07: Tribemember tommy - Lvl 45 was killed! Day 1846, 03:05:57: Tribemember sky - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 45! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2071, 01:25:50: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2355, 08:29:25: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1534365865,"tribe":"Ne0n logs":["Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1289, 17:23:18: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Thatch Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1493, 14:35:48: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Top Don - Lvl 281 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Sloped Stone Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1597, 15:07:34: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1875, 11:55:03: Tribemember Alpha Chad - Lvl 95 was killed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1881, 14:57:48: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 2977, 22:03:29: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pebble - Lvl 270 (Aberrant Doedicurus)'! Day 2977, 22:11:32: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 234 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 2977, 22:19:52: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Wooly - Lvl 267 (Mammoth)'! Day 2977, 22:31:37: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Direwolf - Lvl 254 (R-Direwolf)'! Day 2977, 22:44:06: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Beff - Lvl 279 (Gasbags)'! Day 2977, 22:55:40: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 230 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 2977, 23:03:56: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Poop Pig - Lvl 72 (Phiomia)'! Day 2977, 23:15:41: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Moma - Lvl 218 (Argentavis)'! Day 3172, 20:59:10: Tribemember Mario - Lvl 121 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 55! Day 3182, 19:39:21: Your Papa - Lvl 240 (Argentavis) was killed by a Skeletal Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 7411, 08:00:58: Murk - Lvl 231 (Beelzebufo) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1534134365,"tribe":"Tribe of aj logs":["Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6617, 22:02:55: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6641, 11:35:19: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Behemoth Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Sloped Metal Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Ocean Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6688, 13:58:47: Your 'Reinforced Behemoth Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6726, 02:28:11: Otter - Lvl 208 (Otter) starved to death! Day 6937, 03:41:48: Otter - Lvl 207 (Otter) starved to death! Day 6970, 04:21:06: Your 'Tek Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7092, 16:07:26: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 124 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 7092, 16:44:56: Your Dung Beetle - Lvl 190 (Dung Beetle) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 135! Day 7092, 19:02:30: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 140 (Phiomia)'! Day 7093, 00:42:32: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 214 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 7093, 00:51:02: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 74 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 7093, 00:52:35: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fjordhawk - Lvl 89 (Fjordhawk)'! Day 7093, 00:54:12: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Otter - Lvl 297 (Otter)'! Day 7093, 01:12:00: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Otter - Lvl 246 (Otter)'! Day 7093, 01:23:55: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Otter - Lvl 220 (Otter)'! Day 7093, 01:33:52: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sinomacrops - Lvl 148 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 7093, 01:46:09: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 202 (Doedicurus)'! Day 7093, 01:46:52: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 209 (Doedicurus)'! Day 7093, 02:38:03: wildy - Lvl 129 (Dragons) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lystrosaurus - Lvl 127 (Lystrosaurus)'! Day 7380, 05:06:29: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:10:52: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 72 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:14:23: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 52 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:17:16: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 176 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:19:34: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 43 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:21:55: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:24:15: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:26:18: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:28:01: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 05:30:28: aj claimed 'Baby Gacha - Lvl 101 (Gacha)'! Day 7380, 06:15:25: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 06:15:25: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 186 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 06:30:02: aj froze Gacha - Lvl 126 (Gacha) Day 7380, 06:38:20: aj froze Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) Day 7380, 06:49:23: aj froze Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha) Day 7380, 06:58:47: aj froze Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) Day 7380, 07:09:34: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 07:09:34: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 07:13:55: Your Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 07:13:55: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 35 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 07:16:39: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 07:16:39: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 07:25:15: Your Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 07:25:15: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 199 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 07:51:23: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 07:51:23: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 07:54:42: Your Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 07:54:42: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 76 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 08:01:18: Your Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 08:01:18: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 133 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 08:07:24: Your Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 08:07:24: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 198 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 08:26:38: Your Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 08:26:38: Your Tribe killed Gacha - Lvl 28 (Gacha)! Day 7380, 09:14:04: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:14:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:14:42: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 101 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:14:42: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 101 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:15:09: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 43 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:15:09: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 43 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:16:19: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:16:19: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 137 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:16:57: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 52 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:16:57: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 52 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:17:23: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:17:23: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 77 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:18:04: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 72 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:18:04: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 72 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:18:44: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:18:44: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 129 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:19:22: Your Baby Gacha - Lvl 176 (Gacha) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 09:19:22: Your Tribe killed Baby Gacha - Lvl 176 (Gacha) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7380, 23:42:20: aj froze Maewing - Lvl 211 (Maewing) Day 7401, 05:44:26: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 7401, 06:19:23: Your Lystrosaurus - Lvl 149 (Lystrosaurus) was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 60! Day 7401, 13:00:45: aj claimed 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 7401, 13:04:20: aj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7401, 13:09:33: aj claimed 'draku in pers - Lvl 252 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 7401, 13:13:27: aj froze draku in pers - Lvl 252 (Poison Wyvern) Day 7401, 13:15:40: aj claimed 'Betty - Lvl 269 (Carnotaurus)'! Day 7401, 13:18:14: aj froze Betty - Lvl 269 (Carnotaurus) Day 7401, 13:30:35: aj claimed 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 7401, 13:36:27: aj froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) Day 7401, 13:39:11: aj claimed 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 7401, 13:42:58: aj froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 154 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7402, 06:02:45: aj froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 50 (Therizinosaur) Day 7403, 01:05:17: aj froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 54 (Therizinosaur) Day 7403, 06:54:03: aj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7403, 10:19:26: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 7404, 09:26:49: Tribemember aj - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7404, 09:58:13: Tribemember aj - Lvl 122 was killed! Day 7404, 14:30:37: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 108 (Desmodus)! Day 7404, 17:53:02: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus)! Day 7404, 17:59:53: Your Desmodus - Lvl 25 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 140! Day 7404, 18:17:42: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus)! Day 7404, 18:47:44: aj claimed 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE U - Lvl 237 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 7404, 20:14:56: aj froze WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE U - Lvl 237 (Andrewsarchus) Day 7405, 06:51:56: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)! Day 7405, 11:13:01: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 7405, 12:13:04: aj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7406, 06:39:59: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 7406, 07:49:14: aj froze Fire Wyvern - Lvl 189 (Fire Wyvern) Day 7410, 10:13:56: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus) Day 7410, 13:58:47: aj claimed 'Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex)'! Day 7410, 14:03:08: aj froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 7410, 22:10:14: aj froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 7410, 22:17:10: aj froze Betty - Lvl 269 (Carnotaurus) Day 7410, 22:23:49: aj froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 54 (Therizinosaur) Day 7410, 22:30:14: aj froze andy - Lvl 237 (Andrewsarchus) Day 7412, 00:15:26: aj froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 7412, 00:25:26: aj froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 54 (Therizinosaur) Day 7412, 00:30:05: aj froze Betty - Lvl 269 (Carnotaurus) Day 7412, 00:35:57: aj froze Rex - Lvl 234 (Rex) Day 7412, 00:41:00: aj froze andy - Lvl 237 (Andrewsarchus) Day 7412, 01:20:30: aj froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 276 (Ankylosaurus) Day 7412, 03:23:08: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 111 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 04:08:33: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 06:13:22: aj claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus)'! Day 7412, 06:22:25: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 63 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 06:26:19: aj froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 179 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 10:39:28: aj froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 7412, 11:20:22: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 7412, 11:27:05: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 100! Day 7412, 11:38:55: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 7412, 11:53:48: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by aj - Lvl 122 (Tribe of aj)! Day 7412, 11:53:48: Your Tribe killed Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) (Tribe of aj)! Day 7412, 11:56:48: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus)! Day 7412, 12:04:03: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 12:07:55: aj Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus)! Day 7412, 12:14:42: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 14:21:19: aj froze Shadowmane - Lvl 244 (Shadowmane) Day 7412, 14:33:58: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 17:56:38: aj claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus)'! Day 7412, 17:59:30: aj froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 197 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 18:02:22: aj claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)'! Day 7412, 18:05:08: aj froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 18:09:24: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 128 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 18:13:39: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 185 (Desmodus) Day 7412, 19:46:32: aj froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 254 (Poison Wyvern) Day 7412, 20:54:31: aj froze Desmodus - Lvl 206 (Desmodus) Day 7432, 11:44:53: aj froze Rj - Lvl 200 (Desmodus) Day 7458, 10:45:40: aj froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 259 (Poison Wyvern) Day 7458, 18:59:57: aj Tamed a Yutyrannus - Lvl 82 (Yutyrannus)! Day 7458, 19:08:39: aj froze Yutyrannus - Lvl 82 (Yutyrannus) Day 7459, 12:09:50: aj froze Rj - Lvl 250 (Desmodus) Day 7474, 15:16:07: aj Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 7474, 15:21:18: aj froze Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops) Day 7474, 19:13:20: aj froze Poison Wyvern - Lvl 260 (Poison Wyvern) Day 7629, 07:14:56: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7629, 07:14:56: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7747, 01:56:44: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7770, 15:07:16: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 7807, 12:36:28: Maewing - Lvl 52 (Maewing) starved to death! Day 8074, 06:59:34: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8357, 00:41:17: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8387, 23:46:42: dave5 - Lvl 112 (Backdoorboys6) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Motorboat (Motorboat)'!"] "tribeid":1530507566,"tribe":"WeeWankers logs":["Day 14765, 18:02:47: shlogus froze snow ol - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 14765, 20:49:55: shlogus froze snow ol - Lvl 156 (Snow Owl) Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:36: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:39: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:39: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:39: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:39:41: Therizinosaur - Lvl 100 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 00:49:22: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 100! Day 14767, 11:08:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Sarco - Lvl 127 (Sarco)! Day 14767, 12:40:22: shlogus froze Sarco - Lvl 127 (Sarco) Day 14767, 13:41:06: shlogus claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 14767, 14:01:12: shlogus froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 90 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14767, 14:40:36: shlogus demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 14:41:27: shlogus claimed 'Baby Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 182 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14767, 22:39:23: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:39:23: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:39:23: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:39:23: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:39:23: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:41:28: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:41:28: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:41:55: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:41:55: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14767, 22:41:55: Triceratops - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14768, 10:37:14: shlogus froze Iguanodon - Lvl 233 (Iguanodon) Day 14768, 11:49:14: Tribemember shlogus - Lvl 107 was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 14768, 15:09:30: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 104 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Poison Wyvern - Lvl 180! Day 14769, 14:43:08: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 14769, 14:44:21: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 55 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 85! Day 14770, 01:47:15: Your Sarco - Lvl 127 (Sarco) was killed by lyre - Lvl 191 (Lightning Wyvern) (WeeWankers)! Day 14770, 01:47:15: Your Tribe killed Sarco - Lvl 127 (Sarco)! Day 14770, 01:47:34: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) was killed by lyre - Lvl 191 (Lightning Wyvern) (WeeWankers)! Day 14770, 01:47:34: Your Tribe killed Deinonychus - Lvl 130 (Deinonychus) (WeeWankers)! Day 14770, 01:56:39: shlogus froze spike ball - Lvl 237 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14771, 10:51:36: Your triangle - Lvl 223 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 145! Day 14771, 13:35:58: Tribemember shlogus - Lvl 109 was killed! Day 14771, 20:35:55: shlogus froze lyre - Lvl 204 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14771, 21:04:46: shlogus Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 216 (Griffin)! Day 14773, 09:32:44: shlogus claimed 'Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern)'! Day 14773, 09:38:28: shlogus froze Baby Poison Wyvern - Lvl 170 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14773, 22:59:04: Evelynn Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur)! Day 14773, 23:05:22: shlogus froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 01:51:34: shlogus froze Velonasaur - Lvl 217 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 02:30:47: shlogus Tamed a Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur)! Day 14774, 02:34:54: shlogus froze Velonasaur - Lvl 194 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 09:36:06: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 14774, 10:08:47: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 14774, 10:37:21: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 14774, 11:03:17: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 14774, 13:44:22: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 222 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 15:00:57: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 223 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 15:31:27: shlogus claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur)'! Day 14774, 15:34:18: shlogus froze Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 20:33:19: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 14774, 22:48:10: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 01:45:18: shlogus froze bloodstalker - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 01:56:13: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus)! Day 14775, 02:05:32: shlogus froze bloodstalker - Lvl 200 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 02:09:23: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 225 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 02:54:44: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 166 (Desmodus) Day 14775, 04:19:35: Evelynn froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 04:24:29: Evelynn froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 04:35:49: Evelynn froze Juvenile Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 14775, 19:01:19: Evelynn froze Adolescent Velonasaur - Lvl 211 (Velonasaur) Day 14783, 00:33:47: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 241 (Velonasaur) Day 14784, 04:14:22: Evelynn demolished a 'Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 14784, 11:20:27: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 14784, 18:13:58: Evelynn claimed 'Juvenile Sid - Lvl 217 (Megatherium)'! Day 14784, 23:58:00: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 14785, 16:09:01: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 273 (Rock Drake) Day 14786, 09:23:28: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 238 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 85! Day 14786, 17:21:52: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur)'! Day 14786, 17:45:13: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur)'! Day 14786, 18:11:08: Evelynn froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14786, 18:14:34: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14786, 22:10:46: Raptor - Lvl 20 destroyed your 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 14786, 22:37:49: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14786, 23:18:25: Evelynn froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14792, 08:36:45: shlogus demolished a 'Wood Door Frame'! Day 14792, 08:37:50: shlogus demolished a 'Wood Wall'! Day 14793, 02:42:52: Evelynn froze spike ball - Lvl 245 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14793, 02:47:41: Evelynn froze Doedicurus - Lvl 223 (Doedicurus) Day 14793, 05:39:12: Evelynn froze spike ball - Lvl 247 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14793, 07:06:39: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 07:10:01: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 07:19:21: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 07:25:22: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 09:34:49: Evelynn froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 09:39:23: Evelynn froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 13:14:00: Evelynn froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 14:05:17: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 14:11:25: Evelynn froze Baby Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 14:15:42: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14793, 14:19:31: Evelynn froze Baby Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 01:57:21: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 02:02:23: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 07:18:21: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 07:22:36: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 07:26:53: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 07:30:52: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 07:34:12: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 12:12:41: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 15:55:33: Evelynn froze Juvenile Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 15:59:22: Evelynn froze Juvenile Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 16:43:12: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 16:48:57: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 16:56:18: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 22:45:10: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 22:51:15: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 22:56:44: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 23:02:53: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14794, 23:10:31: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 03:39:03: Evelynn froze Juvenile Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 03:55:26: Evelynn froze Juvenile Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 04:03:10: Evelynn froze Juvenile Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 05:58:41: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 10:30:13: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 10:34:52: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 10:39:55: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 10:43:49: Evelynn froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 12:47:16: shlogus froze bloodstalker - Lvl 229 (Velonasaur) Day 14795, 15:13:17: Evelynn froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 15:21:26: Evelynn froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 18:00:44: Evelynn froze Adolescent Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 18:05:43: Evelynn froze Adolescent Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 18:09:06: Evelynn froze Adolescent Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14795, 18:12:27: Evelynn froze Adolescent Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 150 (Magmasaur) Day 14796, 10:15:22: Evelynn froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14796, 10:18:56: Evelynn froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14796, 10:22:33: Evelynn froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14796, 13:08:06: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 90! Day 14796, 14:53:43: Evelynn froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14796, 17:46:25: shlogus froze bloodstalker - Lvl 229 (Velonasaur) Day 14796, 19:08:19: Tribemember shlogus - Lvl 111 was killed! Day 14799, 00:48:16: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 172 (Magmasaur) Day 14799, 00:58:27: Evelynn froze Magmasaur - Lvl 60 (Magmasaur) Day 14799, 03:31:18: Evelynn froze Sid - Lvl 217 (Megatherium) Day 14799, 10:50:48: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 183 (Magmasaur) Day 14799, 13:42:05: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 193 (Magmasaur) Day 14799, 19:11:20: Evelynn froze Sid - Lvl 238 (Megatherium) Day 14799, 19:23:22: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 255 (Velonasaur) Day 14799, 19:30:38: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 196 (Desmodus) Day 14800, 15:46:49: Evelynn froze snow ol - Lvl 176 (Snow Owl) Day 14800, 17:09:50: Evelynn froze snow ol - Lvl 176 (Snow Owl) Day 14800, 21:18:23: Evelynn froze snow ol - Lvl 176 (Snow Owl) Day 14801, 00:45:29: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 14801, 02:40:17: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) Day 14801, 08:37:54: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 274 (Rock Drake) Day 14801, 13:09:52: Your Tribe Tamed a Gasbags - Lvl 210 (Gasbags)! Day 14801, 17:29:46: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 210 (Gasbags) Day 14801, 21:07:14: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 199 (Magmasaur) Day 14801, 22:05:42: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 213 (Gasbags) Day 14802, 02:40:02: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 203 (Magmasaur) Day 14802, 02:49:01: Evelynn froze The Main Jayde - Lvl 206 (Maewing) Day 14802, 05:24:35: Evelynn demolished a 'Feeding Trough (Locked) '! Day 14802, 08:29:25: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 215 (Gasbags) Day 14814, 21:37:45: Evelynn froze The Main Jayde - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 14815, 00:27:21: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 209 (Magmasaur) Day 14815, 01:04:32: Evelynn unclaimed 'Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 209 (Magmasaur)'! Day 14815, 02:21:08: Evelynn claimed 'Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 209 (Magmasaur)'! Day 14815, 03:40:34: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 (Magmasaur) Day 14815, 06:50:51: Evelynn froze The Main Jayde - Lvl 229 (Maewing) Day 14815, 07:13:13: Your Desmodus - Lvl 198 (Desmodus) was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 14815, 07:14:50: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Fire Wyvern - Lvl 155! Day 14816, 13:10:51: shlogus froze bloodstalker - Lvl 244 (Velonasaur) Day 14816, 14:45:46: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Wood Window (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:45:46: Tribemember Biggus Dickus - Lvl 11 was killed by Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 (Magmasaur)! Day 14816, 14:45:46: Your Tribe killed Biggus Dickus - Lvl 11 (WeeWankers)! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 14:51:10: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 15:06:56: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 15:06:56: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 15:06:56: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 15:06:56: Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14816, 16:52:21: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 210 (Magmasaur)! Day 14816, 16:52:21: Your Tribe killed Evelynn - Lvl 121 (WeeWankers)! Day 14817, 03:30:35: Tribemember shlogus - Lvl 112 was killed! Day 14818, 20:33:56: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 266 (Velonasaur) Day 14819, 00:54:53: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 267 (Velonasaur) Day 14819, 05:07:08: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by lyre - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 14819, 05:07:08: Your Tribe killed Evelynn - Lvl 121 (WeeWankers)! Day 14819, 08:28:49: shlogus froze grfith - Lvl 236 (Griffin) Day 14819, 10:07:17: shlogus froze bloodstalker - Lvl 244 (Velonasaur) Day 14819, 10:51:14: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14819, 15:05:52: Evelynn Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)! Day 14819, 15:25:57: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 267 (Velonasaur) Day 14819, 15:32:00: Evelynn froze lyre - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 14819, 16:21:42: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 14819, 18:40:39: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 267 (Velonasaur) Day 14819, 21:21:23: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 21:24:21: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 21:35:18: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 21:37:52: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 21:39:51: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 21:42:44: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 22:02:11: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 22:05:59: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 22:07:33: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 22:10:18: Your Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (WeeWankers)! Day 14819, 22:10:18: Your Tribe killed Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 148 (Deinonychus) (WeeWankers)! Day 14819, 22:11:48: shlogus claimed 'Baby Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 14819, 22:38:47: Tribemember shlogus - Lvl 112 was killed by Evelynn - Lvl 121 (WeeWankers)! Day 14819, 22:38:47: Your Tribe killed shlogus - Lvl 112 (WeeWankers)! Day 14820, 04:21:54: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 212 (Magmasaur) Day 14820, 04:33:20: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 268 (Velonasaur) Day 14820, 04:53:42: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 239 (Gasbags) Day 14820, 05:10:33: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 173 (Desmodus) Day 14820, 10:55:17: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14823, 04:44:49: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14823, 04:44:49: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14823, 04:44:49: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 14823, 05:37:19: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 189 (Desmodus) Day 14823, 05:52:59: Evelynn froze snow ol - Lvl 183 (Snow Owl) Day 14823, 07:25:55: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14825, 08:38:10: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 22 (Sinomacrops) Day 14825, 08:43:09: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 22 (Sinomacrops) Day 14825, 09:15:26: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 268 (Velonasaur) Day 14825, 11:28:22: Evelynn froze Leah - Lvl 224 (Sinomacrops) Day 14838, 12:43:11: Your lyre - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Rex - Lvl 135! Day 14843, 13:04:43: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 216 (Magmasaur) Day 14843, 14:28:49: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 209 (Desmodus) Day 14843, 14:35:07: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 255 (Gasbags) Day 14843, 15:31:09: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 277 (Velonasaur) Day 14843, 20:31:07: Evelynn claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 14843, 21:17:44: Evelynn froze Baby 1 Mut W 40 Hp, 49 Stam - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) Day 14844, 11:36:47: shlogus claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 214 (Velonasaur)'! Day 14844, 13:11:29: Jean was added to the Tribe by Evelynn! Day 14844, 15:32:37: shlogus claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 192 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 14844, 15:33:55: shlogus claimed 'Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 153 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 14844, 15:37:28: shlogus froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 153 (Sinomacrops) Day 14844, 15:40:51: shlogus froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 192 (Sinomacrops) Day 14844, 15:47:19: Jean froze Juvenile 1 Mut W 40 Hp, 49 Stam - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops) Day 14844, 15:51:32: shlogus froze Baby Sinomacrops - Lvl 192 (Sinomacrops) Day 14844, 17:12:55: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 216 (Magmasaur) Day 14844, 20:00:54: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 217 (Magmasaur) Day 14845, 02:19:23: Tribemember Jean - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 14845, 03:19:23: Jean froze tyre - Lvl 188 (Poison Wyvern) Day 14845, 09:08:59: Evelynn froze spike ball - Lvl 259 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14845, 18:11:05: Evelynn froze spike ball - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus) Day 14845, 23:12:11: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 257 (Gasbags) Day 14845, 23:17:53: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 217 (Magmasaur) Day 14845, 23:24:33: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 277 (Velonasaur) Day 14846, 00:49:10: Evelynn froze Doedicurus - Lvl 238 (Doedicurus) Day 14847, 02:47:44: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 258 (Gasbags) Day 14847, 05:56:03: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 222 (Magmasaur) Day 14847, 09:48:31: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 213 (Desmodus) Day 14847, 10:23:26: Evelynn froze grfith - Lvl 249 (Griffin) Day 14847, 10:56:45: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 277 (Velonasaur) Day 14847, 14:07:23: Evelynn froze grfith - Lvl 250 (Griffin) Day 14847, 23:12:53: Evelynn froze liam - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur) Day 14848, 11:40:42: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 215 (Desmodus) Day 14848, 14:08:57: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tropeognathus - Lvl 145! Day 14848, 17:51:58: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 258 (Gasbags) Day 14848, 18:37:22: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14849, 04:30:48: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Tropeognathus - Lvl 145! Day 14849, 12:15:26: Evelynn Tamed a Tropeognathus - Lvl 216 (Tropeognathus)! Day 14849, 12:37:19: Evelynn demolished a 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe'! Day 14849, 13:28:24: Evelynn froze Desmodus - Lvl 215 (Desmodus) Day 14849, 13:57:15: Evelynn demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14849, 13:58:13: Evelynn demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14849, 14:04:08: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14849, 15:14:38: Evelynn froze Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus) Day 14849, 15:16:14: Your Leo - Lvl 214 (Velonasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 60! Day 14849, 15:20:22: Evelynn froze Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus) Day 14849, 22:57:12: Evelynn froze bloodstalker - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 14850, 01:41:44: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14850, 01:52:13: Evelynn froze Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 222 (Magmasaur) Day 14850, 02:09:29: Evelynn froze Gasbags - Lvl 258 (Gasbags) Day 14850, 02:24:38: Evelynn froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 216 (Tropeognathus) Day 14850, 06:28:52: Evelynn froze Leah - Lvl 262 (Sinomacrops) Day 14861, 02:10:01: Evelynn froze Tropeognathus - Lvl 241 (Tropeognathus) Day 14861, 23:40:49: Evelynn demolished a 'Greenhouse Door (Locked) '! Day 14861, 23:42:15: Evelynn demolished a 'Greenhouse Door Frame'! Day 14864, 09:46:29: shlogus claimed 'Baby Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (Velonasaur)'! Day 14864, 10:13:56: shlogus froze Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur) Day 14864, 11:14:04: shlogus froze pyre - Lvl 111 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14864, 11:27:38: shlogus froze fyre - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern) Day 14865, 02:38:16: Evelynn froze Leah - Lvl 272 (Sinomacrops) Day 14865, 14:12:36: Evelynn froze Maewing - Lvl 217 (Maewing) Day 14865, 16:54:07: Evelynn froze Sinomacrops - Lvl 29 (Sinomacrops) Day 14865, 17:20:08: Evelynn froze Jayde - Lvl 276 (Rock Drake) Day 14865, 19:53:58: Evelynn Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 14865, 19:59:05: Evelynn froze Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 14923, 06:45:40: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14957, 04:42:08: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 14957, 04:42:08: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 14957, 04:43:29: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 14957, 04:46:50: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Wood Wall'! Day 14957, 04:47:30: Alpha Raptor - Lvl 50 destroyed your 'Chemistry Bench (Locked) '! Day 15066, 05:58:26: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15090, 01:16:53: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15113, 20:25:03: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15137, 16:44:18: Your 'Wooden Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15255, 18:33:17: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15465, 09:06:11: shlogus was removed from the Tribe by Evelynn! Day 15465, 09:07:29: Biggus Dickus was removed from the Tribe by Evelynn! Day 15551, 15:40:57: Jean's 'Juvenile 1 Mut W 40 Hp, 49 Stam - Lvl 235 (Sinomacrops)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15764, 15:37:36: Evelynn's 'Desmodus - Lvl 215 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15779, 21:31:25: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Wooden Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16065, 21:23:05: Your 'Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16089, 17:28:02: Your 'Electric Cable Vertical' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 16146, 20:36:29: Evelynn unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 152 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16146, 20:39:54: Evelynn unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16146, 20:45:45: Evelynn unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 141 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16146, 20:49:48: Evelynn unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 151 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16146, 20:59:05: Evelynn unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 145 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16146, 21:02:43: Evelynn unclaimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 155 (Deinonychus)'! Day 16252, 05:59:50: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16252, 06:24:43: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 16252, 11:35:20: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 192 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 16252, 11:50:36: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 206 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 140! Day 16309, 19:58:22: Your Phiomia - Lvl 32 (Phiomia) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 16719, 22:42:10: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16720, 03:20:36: Evelynn claimed 'reks - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex)'! Day 16720, 04:48:41: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 16720, 05:36:11: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 17214, 19:13:45: Your Sinomacrops - Lvl 153 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 17235, 14:18:57: Troodon - Lvl 95 destroyed your 'Compost Bin (Locked) '! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17608, 17:16:19: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17694, 13:01:59: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'reks - Lvl 377 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17694, 14:13:53: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Mc Donalds Coffee - Lvl 227 (Magmasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:16:02: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'liam - Lvl 278 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:17:09: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Gasbags - Lvl 265 (Gasbags)'! Day 17694, 14:17:48: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'grfith - Lvl 256 (Griffin)'! Day 17694, 14:18:54: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tropeognathus - Lvl 246 (Tropeognathus)'! Day 17694, 14:19:39: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'spike ball - Lvl 262 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 17694, 14:20:21: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Maewing - Lvl 229 (Maewing)'! Day 17694, 14:21:00: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 220 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:22:44: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sid - Lvl 255 (Megatherium)'! Day 17694, 14:40:22: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Velonasaur - Lvl 246 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 14:53:54: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'bloodstalker - Lvl 251 (Velonasaur)'! Day 17694, 15:13:27: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Leah - Lvl 273 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 17694, 16:35:36: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jayde - Lvl 302 (Rock Drake)'! Day 17694, 17:14:57: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 257 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 17694, 17:21:47: Pops - Lvl 142 (Ashtar Command) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Jetpack joyride - Lvl 231 (Sinomacrops)'! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Diagonal Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17978, 11:46:38: Tribemember Jean - Lvl 25 was killed! Day 18499, 17:27:11: Tribemember Evelynn - Lvl 121 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 85!"] "tribeid":1530058244,"tribe":"GIGACHADS logs":["Day 386, 12:32:41: rex enjoyer was added to the Tribe! Day 386, 22:50:22: Your Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) was killed! Day 386, 22:50:22: Adolescent Deinonychus - Lvl 20 (Deinonychus) starved to death! Day 388, 01:31:11: rex enjoyer Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 231 (Tek Raptor)! Day 388, 10:42:29: Your Shen - Lvl 254 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 388, 11:00:12: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 70 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 388, 11:28:12: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 70 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 20! Day 398, 10:42:10: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 59 (Deinonychus) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 398, 13:57:08: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 215 (Raptor)! Day 398, 14:15:31: rex enjoyer Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 179 (Raptor)! Day 398, 15:59:53: Your Tribe Tamed a Raptor - Lvl 222 (Raptor)! Day 398, 23:41:31: Your Deinonychus - Lvl 107 (Deinonychus) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 399, 15:30:43: rex enjoyer Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 240 (Tek Raptor)! Day 399, 16:35:44: Your Raptor - Lvl 229 (Raptor) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 50! Day 400, 01:14:28: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 73 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 20! Day 403, 04:08:07: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 73 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 20! Day 406, 16:51:22: rex enjoyer Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 22 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 406, 20:46:03: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 74 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 135! Day 424, 06:39:21: Your 'Storage Box (Locked) ' was destroyed! Day 426, 19:09:55: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 74 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 430, 04:57:37: Your Tribe Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 29 (Pteranodon)! Day 430, 12:19:02: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 76 was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 55! Day 430, 12:24:34: Your Pteranodon - Lvl 32 (Pteranodon) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 90! Day 430, 20:53:03: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 77 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 150! Day 431, 06:03:53: rex enjoyer Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 89 (Moschops)! Day 431, 11:02:07: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 80 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 431, 11:26:20: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 80 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 140! Day 431, 17:16:09: rex enjoyer Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur)! Day 432, 03:32:33: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 432, 08:39:22: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 81 was killed! Day 432, 22:45:18: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 432, 22:51:42: Your Shen 2 - Lvl 224 (Parasaur) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 432, 23:11:55: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 83 was killed by a Pulmonoscorpius - Lvl 95! Day 433, 02:28:01: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 83 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 433, 05:45:26: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 433, 05:46:27: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 433, 06:15:02: Your Moschops - Lvl 89 (Moschops) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 145! Day 433, 06:22:29: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Sloped Stone Roof'! Day 434, 23:38:10: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 434, 23:38:10: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 434, 23:38:10: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 434, 23:38:10: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 434, 23:38:10: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 435, 00:54:25: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 84 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 435, 03:28:31: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 84 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 442, 01:43:20: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 81 (Iguanodon)! Day 442, 03:22:16: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 84 was killed by a Titanomyrma Drone - Lvl 50! Day 442, 10:36:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 222 (Parasaur)! Day 442, 10:56:29: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 240 (Tek Raptor)! Day 442, 11:54:07: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 84 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 50! Day 442, 13:33:29: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 84 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 90! Day 442, 14:11:30: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 84 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 442, 16:11:14: Your Iguanodon - Lvl 81 (Iguanodon) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 150! Day 443, 05:40:37: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 85 was killed by a Dimorphodon - Lvl 55! Day 443, 18:44:28: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 443, 18:45:18: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 444, 01:12:40: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Wall Torch (Locked) '! Day 445, 05:46:06: Your Andrewsarchus - Lvl 26 (Andrewsarchus) was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 85! Day 475, 21:09:48: Your Parasaur - Lvl 233 (Parasaur) was killed by a Dire Bear - Lvl 90! Day 479, 11:49:09: rex enjoyer Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 197 (Parasaur)! Day 479, 13:49:08: Your Shen III - Lvl 201 (Parasaur) was killed by an Alpha T-Rex - Lvl 85! Day 479, 15:01:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Tek Raptor - Lvl 241 (Tek Raptor)! Day 480, 02:36:40: rex enjoyer Tamed a Pteranodon - Lvl 200 (Pteranodon)! Day 480, 11:54:19: rex enjoyer Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 186 (Parasaur)! Day 481, 23:16:27: rex enjoyer Tamed a Tek Stegosaurus - Lvl 240 (Tek Stegosaurus)! Day 482, 19:44:13: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 19:46:45: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 19:58:16: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:02:05: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:02:59: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:08:08: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:09:08: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:10:03: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:11:24: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Foundation'! Day 482, 20:16:29: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Wall'! Day 483, 02:49:39: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Double Doorframe'! Day 483, 04:47:21: rex enjoyer demolished a 'Stone Door Frame'! Day 520, 07:38:55: Your Tek Raptor - Lvl 241 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 140! Day 520, 10:15:46: rex enjoyer claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 10:16:11: rex enjoyer claimed 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 520, 10:38:51: rex enjoyer froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 520, 10:44:19: rex enjoyer froze Thylacoleo - Lvl 197 (Thylacoleo) Day 523, 21:24:05: rex enjoyer froze Braum - Lvl 230 (Parasaur) Day 523, 21:30:14: rex enjoyer froze Tek Raptor - Lvl 244 (Tek Raptor) Day 523, 21:38:30: rex enjoyer froze MEAT TRANSPORTER - Lvl 187 (Raptor) Day 523, 21:51:51: rex enjoyer froze Raptor - Lvl 230 (Raptor) Day 524, 21:43:34: rex enjoyer Tamed an Argentavis - Lvl 215 (Argentavis)! Day 528, 15:53:15: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 98 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 528, 21:01:38: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 98 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 530, 11:41:27: rex enjoyer Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 208 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 530, 18:00:35: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 98 was killed by an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 140! Day 530, 19:50:48: rex enjoyer Tamed an Andrewsarchus - Lvl 205 (Andrewsarchus)! Day 531, 00:59:14: rex enjoyer froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus) Day 531, 01:06:25: rex enjoyer froze Andrewsarchus - Lvl 207 (Andrewsarchus) Day 531, 03:23:14: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 98 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 60 | 0.8x! Day 532, 06:35:59: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 579, 15:04:04: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 698, 01:23:38: Your 'Thatch Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 721, 17:19:45: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 804, 14:43:33: Your Zed - Lvl 234 (Tek Raptor) was killed by a Griffin - Lvl 45! Day 817, 00:59:33: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was destroyed! Day 833, 05:56:09: Your Shen IV - Lvl 208 (Parasaur) was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 140! Day 839, 20:35:02: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 839, 20:35:02: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 944, 13:41:09: Your Valor - Lvl 237 (Pteranodon) was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 95! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Thatch Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Sloped Thatch Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 981, 22:01:43: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1029, 06:59:18: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1116, 06:22:05: Your Parasaur - Lvl 216 (Parasaur) was killed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1123, 22:50:09: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1266, 01:32:48: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1320, 08:12:42: Braum - Lvl 242 (Parasaur) starved to death! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1408, 04:07:18: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1493, 17:03:21: Tommy - Lvl 93 (Tribe of Emma) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Thylacoleo - Lvl 254 (Thylacoleo)'! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1550, 07:14:39: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1566, 05:19:05: Timmy - Lvl 87 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Nautilus - Lvl 275 (Tek Stegosaurus)'! Day 1626, 01:49:11: Viperion - Lvl 121 (Tribe of Viperion) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raptor - Lvl 251 (Raptor)'! Day 1770, 12:38:25: Thylacoleo - Lvl 224 (Thylacoleo) starved to death! Day 1830, 06:45:58: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 101 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 1984, 22:47:07: Zed - Lvl 268 (Tek Raptor) starved to death! Day 2105, 04:03:41: selone - Lvl 121 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 249 (Argentavis)'! Day 2105, 04:52:38: selone - Lvl 121 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 210 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 2105, 05:11:46: selone - Lvl 121 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'MEAT TRANSPORTER - Lvl 210 (Raptor)'! Day 2105, 05:19:38: selone - Lvl 121 (Stronghold) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Talon - Lvl 273 (Tek Raptor)'! Day 2962, 12:54:00: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 101 was killed by a Sabertooth - Lvl 95! Day 2965, 21:11:53: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 101 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 135! Day 2977, 19:57:09: Brewskii - Lvl 146 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Andrewsarchus - Lvl 229 (Andrewsarchus)'! Day 7177, 14:51:16: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 101 was killed by a Velonasaur - Lvl 45! Day 7544, 12:58:39: Tribemember rex enjoyer - Lvl 101 was killed by a Spino - Lvl 45!"] "tribeid":1528722482,"tribe":"Tribe of jerry1 logs":["Day 14272, 08:21:55: jerry was added to the Tribe! Day 14272, 09:32:38: jerry claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 180 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 14275, 06:57:37: Tribemember jerry - Lvl 17 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of jerry1)! Day 14275, 06:57:37: Your Tribe killed jerry - Lvl 17 (Tribe of jerry1)! Day 14275, 08:02:07: Tribemember jerry - Lvl 17 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 249 (Lightning Wyvern) (Tribe of jerry1)! Day 14275, 08:02:07: Your Tribe killed jerry - Lvl 17 (Tribe of jerry1)! Day 14297, 08:46:50: Tribemember jerry - Lvl 28 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 50! Day 15031, 07:45:39: Mezakeen - Lvl 113 (Sphere - ALLY1) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 250 (Lightning Wyvern)'!"] "tribeid":1527854842,"tribe":"Tribe of TURD117 logs":["Day 191, 10:52:49: TURD117 was added to the Tribe! Day 191, 10:59:33: mythollic was added to the Tribe by TURD117! Day 191, 12:47:12: Tribemember TURD117 - Lvl 10 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 135! Day 191, 13:20:21: Tribemember TURD117 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 191, 13:42:51: Tribemember TURD117 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 100! Day 191, 14:37:12: Tribemember TURD117 - Lvl 12 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 25! Day 191, 18:59:58: Tribemember mythollic - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 191, 22:46:21: Tribemember mythollic - Lvl 8 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 238, 09:49:47: Tribemember TURD117 - Lvl 14 was killed! Day 315, 11:26:38: Tribemember TURD117 - Lvl 14 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 25! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Thatch Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 603, 08:23:25: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1521998319,"tribe":"Tribe of Human1 logs":["Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Small Elevator Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Elevator Track' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Cliff Platform' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Large Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Metal Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12542, 17:53:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 12566, 12:32:33: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 13034, 14:20:46: JaYDM - Lvl 112 (Tribe of JaYDM) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Zomdodo - Lvl 97 (Zomdodo)'! Day 13367, 15:18:09: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Exo-Mek - Lvl 1 (Exo-Mek)'! Day 13367, 15:51:48: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 317 (Argentavis)'! Day 13367, 16:40:16: Mr Smith - Lvl 119 (Tribe of Mr & Mrs Smith) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Doedicurus - Lvl 361 (Doedicurus)'! Day 13718, 08:48:24: Gunjack - Lvl 112 (Ark Addict) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'M 244 DGT - Lvl 302 (Shadowmane)'! Day 14697, 20:40:02: Tribemember Human - Lvl 112 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 14698, 01:01:05: Tribemember Pure aryan - Lvl 113 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 90! Day 18831, 05:08:41: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 18831, 05:14:40: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 246 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 05:27:04: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 214 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 05:45:43: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Phiomia - Lvl 245 (Phiomia)'! Day 18831, 06:03:10: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 306 (Dung Beetle)'! Day 18831, 06:19:07: Overdrive - Lvl 177 (Companions of ARK) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Dung Beetle - Lvl 210 (Dung Beetle)'!"] "tribeid":1515871544,"tribe":"TenaciousD logs":["Day 8112, 11:55:38: Action Man was added to the Tribe! Day 8112, 12:01:36: Keeva was added to the Tribe by Action Man! Day 8112, 14:25:02: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 7 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 45! Day 8112, 14:51:39: Keeva Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 30 (Dilophosaur)! Day 8112, 16:06:34: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 7 was killed by a Titanomyrma Soldier - Lvl 55! Day 8112, 16:45:52: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 8 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 90! Day 8112, 17:38:06: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 9 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 8112, 18:43:55: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 9 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 8112, 19:09:12: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 8 was killed! Day 8112, 22:21:32: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 8 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 50! Day 8112, 22:42:42: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 11 was killed! Day 8113, 00:32:32: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 10 was killed! Day 8113, 02:13:25: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 12 was killed by Action Man - Lvl 10 (Tribe of Action Man)! Day 8113, 02:13:25: Your Tribe killed Keeva - Lvl 12 (Tribe of Action Man)! Day 8113, 04:13:33: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 8113, 05:44:27: Keeva demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 8113, 05:48:54: Keeva demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 8113, 05:50:32: Keeva demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 8113, 05:57:43: Keeva demolished a 'Thatch Floor'! Day 8113, 18:31:48: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 21 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 20! Day 8113, 19:19:09: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 21 was killed by a Chalicotherium - Lvl 20! Day 8113, 19:37:39: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 21 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 8114, 01:40:25: Action Man demolished a 'Wood Floor'! Day 8114, 06:09:25: Action Man demolished a 'Wood Door (Locked) '! Day 8114, 06:13:15: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 06:14:21: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 08:07:20: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:31:03: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:32:12: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:33:14: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:36:00: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:36:59: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:38:13: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:39:22: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:40:35: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:41:37: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:42:53: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:43:57: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Wall'! Day 8114, 09:46:47: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 8114, 09:48:13: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 8114, 09:49:41: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 8114, 09:51:14: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 8114, 09:53:43: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 8114, 09:54:58: Action Man demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 8114, 10:22:06: Action Man demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 8114, 10:23:16: Action Man demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 8114, 13:22:24: Action Man demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Roof'! Day 8114, 13:24:46: Action Man demolished a 'Wooden Triangle Roof'! Day 8128, 07:49:21: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 8128, 09:53:32: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 8128, 10:29:14: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 39 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 20! Day 8128, 11:38:08: Your Dave - Lvl 34 (Dilophosaur) was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 8128, 15:24:05: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 39 was killed! Day 8128, 23:00:10: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 43 was killed by a Stegosaurus - Lvl 45! Day 8129, 00:03:30: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 44 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 8129, 00:34:06: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 44 was killed! Day 8129, 02:17:17: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 44 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 8129, 02:40:36: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 44 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 8129, 03:17:42: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 44 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 20! Day 8129, 04:58:11: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 44 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 8134, 09:53:40: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 49 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 8134, 10:27:51: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 49 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 90! Day 8134, 13:06:00: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 50 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 55! Day 8134, 22:44:10: Keeva was promoted to a Tribe Admin by Action Man! Day 8135, 09:24:11: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 51 was killed! Day 8135, 19:56:40: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 57 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 45! Day 8136, 04:06:42: Action Man demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 8136, 04:08:05: Action Man demolished a 'Smithy (Locked) '! Day 8136, 07:20:33: Action Man Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur)! Day 8136, 09:17:04: Action Man Tamed a Dilophosaur - Lvl 73 (Dilophosaur)! Day 8136, 14:30:09: Your Leo - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur) was killed by Action Man - Lvl 61 (TenaciousD)! Day 8136, 14:30:09: Your Tribe killed Leo - Lvl 24 (Dilophosaur) (TenaciousD)! Day 8136, 15:15:01: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 61 was killed by a Therizinosaur - Lvl 90! Day 8136, 18:01:05: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 61 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 145! Day 8159, 16:13:37: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 20 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 20! Day 8159, 18:05:21: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 20 was killed by an Alpha Raptor - Lvl 25! Day 8206, 17:09:08: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 20 was killed! Day 8206, 18:54:40: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 20 was killed by a Megalodon - Lvl 15! Day 8206, 19:33:43: Tribemember Keeva - Lvl 20 was killed by a Carnotaurus - Lvl 150! Day 8309, 21:16:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8309, 21:16:58: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8361, 10:35:46: Tribemember Action Man - Lvl 62 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 130! Day 8451, 06:55:42: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8498, 09:38:32: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Sloped Wood Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8804, 15:33:44: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 9171, 12:42:51: Rosie - Lvl 80 (Dilophosaur) starved to death!"] "tribeid":1510091333,"tribe":"B0LL0X logs":["Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Roof' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wooden Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1147, 15:14:53: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1181, 08:11:29: S1rMaurits - Lvl 97 (Tribe of S1rMaurits) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Saleema - Lvl 257 (Raptor)'! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1242, 09:27:19: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1316, 19:06:11: Overdrive - Lvl 138 (Tribe of Tribbles) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bitch pigeon - Lvl 260 (Argentavis)'! Day 1352, 10:31:49: Janiel - Lvl 239 (Triceratops) starved to death! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Reinforced Double Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1431, 19:32:03: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 1474, 21:06:14: Hammond - Lvl 174 (Doedicurus) starved to death! Day 1491, 17:01:31: Tribemember Lembon - Lvl 97 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 55! Day 1571, 05:00:36: IamMonkey - Lvl 100 (UngaBungaTribe) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'!"] "tribeid":1505348498,"tribe":"Boggy Boys logs":["Day 17766, 09:10:41: Boyle was added to the Tribe! Day 18058, 12:48:17: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1496661881,"tribe":"Billy Bandits logs":["Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Large Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Spike Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wooden Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Reinforced Wood Window' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4830, 18:33:57: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4854, 08:33:25: Your 'Stone Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5113, 10:36:40: Your 'Cooking Pot' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 5113, 10:36:40: Your 'Large Storage Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 8412, 17:18:04: Rah - Lvl 112 (Primal) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raft (Raft)'! Day 11948, 00:44:32: Your 'Standing Torch' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 14154, 14:36:08: Tribemember TeBo0110 - Lvl 121 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1494950513,"tribe":"Tribe of salsi logs":["Day 17221, 07:04:29: salsi was added to the Tribe! Day 17221, 07:07:38: Zandbeast Flipflop was added to the Tribe by salsi! Day 17221, 09:40:54: Your Tribe Tamed an Iguanodon - Lvl 157 (Iguanodon)! Day 17221, 11:53:51: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17221, 17:52:55: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 47 was killed by an Onyc - Lvl 140! Day 17221, 21:39:57: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 17222, 04:03:06: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17222, 10:31:20: Ferox - Lvl 150 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17222, 13:37:56: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 49 was killed! Day 17222, 17:50:17: salsi Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox)! Day 17222, 22:45:05: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 53 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 290! Day 17222, 23:15:15: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 53 was killed by a Polar Bear - Lvl 290! Day 17222, 23:22:30: Polar Bear - Lvl 290 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17222, 23:23:48: Ferox - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17222, 23:23:48: Ferox - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17222, 23:23:48: Ferox - Lvl 145 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17223, 02:41:12: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 305 (Megatherium) Day 17223, 03:45:43: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17223, 03:54:27: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 272 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17223, 03:58:40: salsi froze Ferox - Lvl 225 (Ferox) Day 17223, 06:39:56: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 57 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 17223, 16:39:39: Your Tribe Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox)! Day 17223, 17:21:38: Zandbeast Flipflop froze Ferox - Lvl 217 (Ferox) Day 17234, 15:19:50: Your Tribe Tamed a Ferox - Lvl 270 (Ferox)! Day 17234, 15:25:16: salsi froze Ferox - Lvl 270 (Ferox) Day 17234, 20:38:13: Daeodon - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17234, 20:39:02: Daeodon - Lvl 135 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17234, 23:46:27: salsi froze Ferox - Lvl 270 (Ferox) Day 17235, 00:16:15: salsi froze Charlie - Lvl 358 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17235, 06:36:44: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 17235, 20:38:48: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17235, 21:10:12: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17235, 21:28:24: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17235, 21:42:55: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 273 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17236, 09:55:40: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 17236, 10:18:44: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 17236, 10:48:49: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 306 (Megatherium) Day 17236, 12:23:26: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17237, 02:56:53: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17237, 11:15:25: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17237, 15:22:23: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 310 (Megatherium) Day 17237, 17:07:05: salsi froze 140-208 Male - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17237, 18:46:34: salsi froze Megatherium - Lvl 310 (Megatherium) Day 17237, 18:53:20: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 113 was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 25! Day 17237, 19:35:56: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 17238, 01:45:28: salsi froze Charlie - Lvl 358 (R-Snow Owl) Day 17238, 03:53:32: Your lil floor decor - Lvl 261 (Sinomacrops) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 55! Day 17238, 03:53:53: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 113 was killed! Day 17238, 03:55:59: Your 140-208 Male - Lvl 274 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) was killed by a Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 50! Day 17238, 14:19:55: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 17239, 22:29:07: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 113 was killed by a Daeodon - Lvl 130! Day 17240, 04:41:19: salsi claimed 'Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17240, 04:42:18: salsi claimed 'Cavallo Regalo - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17240, 04:43:55: salsi claimed 'T-TEK - Lvl 239 (Tek Rex)'! Day 17240, 04:46:03: salsi claimed 'Brontosaurus - Lvl 146 (Brontosaurus)'! Day 17240, 04:48:05: salsi claimed 'Rexy - Lvl 318 (Rex)'! Day 17240, 04:48:41: salsi claimed 'Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)'! Day 17240, 11:51:17: salsi uploaded a Tek Rex: T-TEK - Lvl 243 Day 17395, 06:31:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17395, 06:31:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17395, 06:31:23: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17513, 21:35:21: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17537, 14:59:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17537, 14:59:14: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17537, 14:59:14: Your 'Thatch Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17692, 18:24:24: Your Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 238 (Lightning Wyvern) was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 300! Day 17692, 18:26:12: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 128 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 300! Day 17692, 22:33:33: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 17692, 23:32:36: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 128 was killed by a Direwolf - Lvl 135! Day 17693, 01:18:28: salsi claimed 'Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 172 (Lightning Wyvern)'! Day 17693, 03:01:44: Tribemember Zandbeast Flipflop - Lvl 60 was killed! Day 17693, 09:02:18: salsi claimed 'Met - Lvl 213 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17693, 11:57:47: zandbeast was added to the Tribe by salsi! Day 17693, 12:30:44: salsi claimed 'Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane)'! Day 17693, 12:40:43: salsi claimed 'Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17693, 12:52:06: salsi froze Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus) Day 17693, 12:53:42: zandbeast claimed 'Insipid - Lvl 92 (Deinonychus)'! Day 17693, 13:05:44: salsi froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 17693, 13:12:31: zandbeast froze Insipid - Lvl 177 (Deinonychus) Day 17693, 14:00:31: salsi froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 17694, 01:46:46: Tribemember salsi - Lvl 128 was killed! Day 17694, 10:59:37: salsi claimed 'Megalosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 209 (Megalosaurus)'! Day 17695, 16:55:55: salsi froze Shadowmane - Lvl 225 (Shadowmane) Day 17695, 17:06:19: salsi froze Muncher of Worms - Lvl 317 (Poison Wyvern) Day 17695, 17:12:32: salsi froze Megalosaurus [Clone] - Lvl 209 (Megalosaurus) Day 17695, 17:17:33: salsi froze Deinonychus - Lvl 71 (Deinonychus) Day 17696, 01:11:45: salsi claimed 'Bags - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 17696, 03:30:52: salsi froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 184 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17696, 11:18:21: zandbeast froze Tropical Crystal Wyvern - Lvl 319 (Tropical Crystal Wyvern) Day 17731, 05:16:28: Tribemember zandbeast - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 17731, 11:49:55: Tribemember zandbeast - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 17732, 19:10:48: salsi Tamed a Kairuku - Lvl 127 (Kairuku)! Day 17732, 19:16:41: salsi froze Kairuku - Lvl 127 (Kairuku) Day 17732, 23:09:56: salsi Tamed a Parasaur - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 17732, 23:16:14: salsi Tamed a Phiomia - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 17732, 23:18:22: salsi froze 0000 - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) Day 17733, 00:09:50: salsi Tamed a Megaloceros - Lvl 29 (Megaloceros)! Day 17733, 00:12:24: salsi froze 0000 - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) Day 17733, 00:19:47: salsi froze 0000 - Lvl 29 (Megaloceros) Day 17733, 00:47:43: Tribemember zandbeast - Lvl 127 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 17733, 00:47:43: Your Tribe killed zandbeast - Lvl 127 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 01:02:10: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 37 (Mammoth)! Day 17733, 01:15:05: salsi froze Mammoth - Lvl 37 (Mammoth) Day 17733, 01:18:01: Your Tribe Tamed a Mammoth - Lvl 29 (Mammoth)! Day 17733, 01:27:18: salsi froze Mammoth - Lvl 29 (Mammoth) Day 17733, 07:44:00: Tribemember zandbeast - Lvl 127 was killed by Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern)! Day 17733, 07:44:00: Your Tribe killed zandbeast - Lvl 127 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 10:39:42: Tribemember zandbeast - Lvl 127 was killed by an Argentavis - Lvl 100! Day 17733, 14:37:55: Your Tribe Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus)! Day 17733, 14:53:54: salsi froze Diplodocus - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus) Day 17733, 14:59:37: salsi Tamed a Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 17733, 15:04:35: salsi froze Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops) Day 17733, 15:44:55: Your Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 15:44:55: Your Tribe killed Triceratops - Lvl 134 (Triceratops)! Day 17733, 16:17:43: Your Diplodocus - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 16:17:43: Your Tribe killed Diplodocus - Lvl 37 (Diplodocus)! Day 17733, 16:29:14: Your 0000 - Lvl 29 (Phiomia) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 16:29:14: Your Tribe killed 0000 - Lvl 29 (Phiomia)! Day 17733, 18:42:06: Your 0000 - Lvl 29 (Megaloceros) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 18:42:06: Your Tribe killed 0000 - Lvl 29 (Megaloceros)! Day 17733, 19:02:01: Your Mammoth - Lvl 37 (Mammoth) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 19:02:01: Your Tribe killed Mammoth - Lvl 37 (Mammoth)! Day 17733, 19:13:00: Your Mammoth - Lvl 29 (Mammoth) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 19:13:00: Your Tribe killed Mammoth - Lvl 29 (Mammoth)! Day 17733, 19:24:51: Your 0000 - Lvl 37 (Parasaur) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17733, 19:24:51: Your Tribe killed 0000 - Lvl 37 (Parasaur)! Day 17733, 19:29:34: zandbeast Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 72 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17734, 04:40:36: salsi Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 120 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17734, 05:13:24: Your Kairuku - Lvl 127 (Kairuku) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17734, 05:13:24: Your Tribe killed Kairuku - Lvl 127 (Kairuku)! Day 17734, 16:20:54: Brontosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Sleeping Bag'! Day 17734, 16:20:58: Brontosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17734, 16:20:58: Brontosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17734, 16:20:58: Brontosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17734, 16:20:58: Brontosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17734, 16:20:58: Brontosaurus - Lvl 25 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17735, 00:18:07: zandbeast Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 21 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17735, 00:35:13: zandbeast froze Red Hawki - Lvl 21 (Fjordhawk) Day 17735, 01:07:38: zandbeast froze Red Hawki - Lvl 21 (Fjordhawk) Day 17735, 02:59:14: Your Tribe Tamed a Diplodocus - Lvl 127 (Diplodocus)! Day 17735, 03:16:33: salsi Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 127 (Brontosaurus)! Day 17735, 04:28:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Brontosaurus - Lvl 126 (Brontosaurus)! Day 17735, 07:45:46: zandbeast Tamed a Fjordhawk - Lvl 174 (Fjordhawk)! Day 17735, 07:56:53: zandbeast froze SUPERHAWKINGS - Lvl 174 (Fjordhawk) Day 17735, 09:32:13: zandbeast froze SUPERHAWKINGS - Lvl 174 (Fjordhawk) Day 17735, 13:11:04: salsi froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Brontosaurus) Day 17735, 13:26:19: salsi froze Diplodocus - Lvl 132 (Diplodocus) Day 17735, 13:33:27: salsi froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 130 (Brontosaurus) Day 17735, 13:44:58: salsi froze Red Hawki - Lvl 21 (Fjordhawk) Day 17735, 16:25:29: Your Diplodocus - Lvl 132 (Diplodocus) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17735, 16:25:29: Your Tribe killed Diplodocus - Lvl 132 (Diplodocus)! Day 17735, 16:47:23: salsi froze Brontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Brontosaurus) Day 17735, 17:53:55: Tribemember zandbeast - Lvl 127 was killed! Day 17735, 21:04:27: Your Brontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Brontosaurus) was killed by salsi - Lvl 128 (Tribe of salsi)! Day 17735, 21:04:27: Your Tribe killed Brontosaurus - Lvl 132 (Brontosaurus)! Day 17735, 23:08:06: salsi froze For Salsi - Lvl 329 (Ice Wyvern) Day 17736, 00:01:59: salsi froze Hardship - Lvl 133 (Fjordhawk) Day 17736, 00:11:48: salsi froze boardhaw - Lvl 72 (Fjordhawk) Day 17837, 23:59:27: Brontosaurus - Lvl 146 (Brontosaurus) starved to death! Day 17892, 15:10:41: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 17898, 05:30:38: zandbeast froze Lightning Wyvern - Lvl 255 (Lightning Wyvern) Day 17898, 06:11:16: Raptor - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 17898, 06:11:16: Raptor - Lvl 55 destroyed your 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 18058, 12:48:17: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18200, 16:27:47: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18271, 18:30:00: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18271, 20:20:58: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Cavallo Regalo - Lvl 126 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18271, 20:31:21: liz - Lvl 112 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rexy - Lvl 318 (Rex)'! Day 18308, 04:11:01: FireballFilms - Lvl 96 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Bags - Lvl 188 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18319, 04:40:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18319, 04:40:26: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18319, 04:40:26: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18319, 04:40:26: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18319, 04:40:26: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18329, 02:47:30: Human - Lvl 107 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Met - Lvl 213 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18475, 01:50:37: FireballFilms - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Raymond - Lvl 207 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 18644, 10:00:56: Human - Lvl 112 (Argey Nomads) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Direwolf - Lvl 224 (Direwolf)'! Day 18886, 22:21:53: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 18969, 15:34:09: Snowball (Managarmr)'s 'Charlie - Lvl 358 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 20082, 01:52:28: ph3on1x - Lvl 117 (Племя игрока ph3on1x) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Iguanodon - Lvl 157 (Iguanodon)'!"] "tribeid":1493460149,"tribe":"UngaBungaTribe logs":["Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Electric Cable Straight' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Electric Junction Box' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Door Frame' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Left' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ramp' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Sloped Wood Wall Right' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Catwalk' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Window Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3323, 21:28:05: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3334, 12:34:18: 's '[RAY] Fire beast - Lvl 304 (Fire Wyvern)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 189 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'm 355dmg m2 - Lvl 211 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 207 (Megatherium)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 209 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 209 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 209 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'F PERFECT - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'F PERFECT - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'f perfect - Lvl 230 (Shadowmane)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4200, 03:14:30: 's 'm 2khp - Lvl 173 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Triangle Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Double Doorframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Reinforced Dinosaur Gate' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Dinosaur Gateframe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4241, 20:29:25: Your 'Wooden Fence Support' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Compost Bin' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Water Pipe Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Straight Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Flexible Metal Water Pipe' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4610, 19:31:16: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 5673, 19:09:14: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 5673, 21:14:31: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 5673, 23:30:08: IamMonkey claimed 'Pteranodon - Lvl 211 (Pteranodon)'! Day 5674, 01:13:20: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 5674, 03:34:57: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 5769, 19:13:07: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 130! Day 5777, 02:18:31: IamMonkey claimed 'Sonic - Lvl 286 (Argentavis)'! Day 5777, 02:45:46: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed by an Eurypterid - Lvl 15! Day 5777, 03:58:24: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed by a Triceratops - Lvl 95! Day 5777, 15:14:56: IamMonkey claimed 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 118 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 5777, 15:50:39: IamMonkey claimed 'For lease - Lvl 213 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 5778, 00:41:35: IamMonkey claimed 'Tap that hoo ha - Lvl 124 (Tapejara)'! Day 5935, 02:56:16: Your 'Campfire' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6076, 08:18:41: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6358, 20:49:53: Your 'Wood Door' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6393, 11:11:02: Brewskii - Lvl 182 (Brews Dogs) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'For lease - Lvl 218 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 6437, 13:05:52: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Tek Stryder - Lvl 125 (Tek Stryder)'! Day 6439, 11:37:31: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'tapey - Lvl 126 (Tapejara)'! Day 6439, 11:38:17: Human - Lvl 112 (Tribe of Human) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Sonic - Lvl 286 (Argentavis)'! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6665, 00:49:03: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 6910, 09:53:16: Sery - Lvl 114 () claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Pteranodon - Lvl 230 (Pteranodon)'! Day 7548, 22:48:54: Tribemember IamMonkey - Lvl 121 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 15! Day 8663, 07:49:34: Your 'Tek Transmitter' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":1493206179,"tribe":"BBQ logs":["Day 353, 18:52:14: Pixou was added to the Tribe! Day 353, 19:08:35: Tribe of Bobette tribe was merged in by Slayer! Day 353, 19:08:35: Slayer was added to the Tribe by Pixou! Day 353, 19:47:18: Tribemember Slayer - Lvl 1 was killed by Pixou - Lvl 4 (BBQ)! Day 353, 19:47:18: Your Tribe killed Slayer - Lvl 1 (BBQ)! Day 411, 10:48:42: Tribemember Pixou - Lvl 4 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20! Day 411, 10:50:28: Tribemember Slayer - Lvl 1 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 20!"] "tribeid":1493103789,"tribe":"Gamers Unite logs":["Day 14930, 13:47:49: Nomad was added to the Tribe! Day 14930, 15:09:37: Ravenspeed419 was added to the Tribe by Nomad! Day 14930, 16:40:09: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 7 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 85! Day 14930, 16:40:56: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 7 was killed by a Compy - Lvl 85! Day 14930, 21:55:43: Nomad demolished a 'Campfire (Locked) '! Day 14931, 10:36:46: Nomad demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 14931, 10:37:52: Nomad demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 14931, 10:39:24: Nomad demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 14931, 10:40:31: Nomad demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 14931, 10:42:29: Nomad demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 14931, 10:45:02: Nomad demolished a 'Thatch Ceiling'! Day 14931, 14:38:40: Nomad demolished a 'Wood Window Wall'! Day 14931, 19:28:48: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 32 was killed by a Meganeura - Lvl 140! Day 14931, 20:12:42: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 34 was killed by a Tek Raptor - Lvl 24! Day 14932, 03:02:19: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 34 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 135 | 1.0x! Day 14932, 03:06:24: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 34 was killed by a Piranha - Lvl 100 | 0.8x! Day 14932, 05:20:14: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 34 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 14932, 06:33:08: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 35 was killed by a Dilophosaur - Lvl 130! Day 14932, 11:32:35: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 39 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 14932, 12:06:52: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 38 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 14932, 14:54:54: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 38 was killed by a Troodon - Lvl 60! Day 14932, 16:52:42: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Microraptor - Lvl 135! Day 14932, 19:15:05: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 25! Day 14932, 19:39:38: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 39 was killed by a Hyaenodon - Lvl 90! Day 14932, 20:50:39: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 40 was killed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Wall' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15589, 06:47:02: Your 'Wood Floor' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 15757, 19:05:44: Tribemember Ravenspeed419 - Lvl 40 was killed by a Terror Bird - Lvl 55! Day 16383, 12:07:39: Tribemember Nomad - Lvl 40 was killed by a Rex - Lvl 25!"] "tribeid":1491637931,"tribe":"Rio logs":["Day 3284, 20:24:39: Alexi froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 3284, 20:29:28: Alexi froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 3284, 20:33:54: Alexi froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 3285, 02:35:51: Alexi froze Adolescent Rex - Lvl 209 (Rex) Day 3285, 02:49:05: Alexi froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3285, 04:05:55: Alexi froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3285, 05:32:26: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3285, 05:35:41: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3285, 08:25:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3285, 08:25:40: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was destroyed! Day 3285, 09:39:39: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 208 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3285, 11:32:36: Alexi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 222 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3285, 12:57:03: Tribemember Alexi - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 3285, 14:36:01: Alexi demolished a 'Large Storage Box (Locked) '! Day 3285, 14:50:36: Tribemember Alexi - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 3285, 18:15:49: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3285, 18:20:42: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3285, 18:25:00: Alexi froze Maewing - Lvl 277 (Maewing) Day 3285, 19:45:18: Alexi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus)! Day 3285, 20:04:12: Your Desmodus - Lvl 19 (Desmodus) was killed by a Desmodus - Lvl 85! Day 3285, 22:01:00: Alexi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus)! Day 3285, 22:08:00: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus) Day 3285, 23:27:54: Alexi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)! Day 3285, 23:43:43: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 00:06:43: Alexi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus)! Day 3286, 00:13:03: Alexi Tamed a Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus)! Day 3286, 00:21:52: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 32 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 00:27:52: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 10:26:12: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 209 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3286, 10:30:22: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3286, 10:56:14: Alexi claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 99 (Desmodus)'! Day 3286, 10:57:31: Alexi claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 3286, 12:08:01: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3286, 12:19:44: Alexi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 25 (Magmasaur) Day 3286, 12:33:35: Alexi froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 12:45:32: Alexi froze Baby Desmodus - Lvl 99 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 16:06:53: Alexi froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3286, 16:11:23: Alexi froze Juvenile Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3286, 16:17:08: Alexi froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 99 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 20:58:06: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3286, 21:04:21: Alexi froze Juvenile Desmodus - Lvl 99 (Desmodus) Day 3286, 21:45:40: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops)! Day 3286, 21:53:11: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops) Day 3286, 21:57:08: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops)! Day 3286, 22:04:07: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops) Day 3287, 02:36:11: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops)! Day 3287, 02:42:57: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops)! Day 3287, 02:50:36: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 127 (Moschops) Day 3287, 02:56:01: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 67 (Moschops) Day 3287, 06:42:54: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops)! Day 3287, 06:52:07: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 3287, 09:15:05: Your Tribe Tamed a R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl)! Day 3287, 09:20:44: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 3287, 09:25:02: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) Day 3287, 10:58:14: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 3287, 12:51:40: Alexi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3287, 16:55:03: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 3287, 18:40:47: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops)! Day 3287, 18:49:07: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) Day 3287, 19:54:53: Alexi Tamed a Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops)! Day 3287, 19:59:07: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops) Day 3287, 22:55:26: Your Tribe Tamed a Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin)! Day 3288, 00:42:19: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 3288, 00:43:16: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 3288, 00:47:40: Alexi froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3288, 00:52:08: Alexi froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3288, 01:19:58: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 3288, 01:42:21: Alexi froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3288, 02:06:34: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 160 (Moschops)'! Day 3288, 02:08:10: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 141 (Moschops)'! Day 3288, 02:09:31: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops)'! Day 3288, 02:15:39: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops)'! Day 3288, 02:19:19: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops) Day 3288, 02:27:31: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 160 (Moschops) Day 3288, 02:28:03: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 147 (Moschops)'! Day 3288, 02:33:07: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 147 (Moschops) Day 3288, 02:37:41: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops) Day 3288, 02:42:32: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 141 (Moschops) Day 3288, 03:12:26: Your Baby Moschops - Lvl 147 (Moschops) was killed! Day 3288, 03:12:26: Baby Moschops - Lvl 147 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3288, 08:46:04: Your Tribe Tamed a Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)! Day 3288, 14:21:44: Alexi froze Griffin - Lvl 209 (Griffin) Day 3288, 14:43:39: Alexi froze Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur) Day 3289, 01:42:09: Alexi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 246 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3310, 14:11:41: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 123 (Moschops)'! Day 3310, 14:24:05: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 123 (Moschops) Day 3310, 14:36:54: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 123 (Moschops) Day 3310, 17:36:53: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 3310, 17:39:53: Alexi froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 198 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3310, 18:20:25: Alexi claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 191 (Argentavis)'! Day 3310, 18:23:45: Alexi froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 191 (Argentavis) Day 3310, 18:24:18: Alexi claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 3310, 18:28:12: Alexi froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis) Day 3310, 18:28:29: Alexi claimed 'Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)'! Day 3310, 18:32:43: Alexi froze Baby Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 3310, 18:38:25: Alexi claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)'! Day 3310, 18:39:46: Alexi claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)'! Day 3310, 18:41:51: Alexi claimed 'Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 3310, 18:47:48: Alexi froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus) Day 3310, 18:51:54: Alexi froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus) Day 3310, 18:55:40: Alexi froze Baby Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3310, 19:10:16: Alexi claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 3310, 19:11:10: Alexi claimed 'Baby Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 3310, 19:14:04: Alexi froze Baby Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex) Day 3310, 19:17:53: Alexi froze Baby Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex) Day 3310, 19:20:39: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 3310, 19:22:05: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 3310, 19:26:26: Alexi froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3310, 19:35:42: Alexi froze Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3310, 20:06:04: Alexi claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 3310, 20:06:58: Alexi claimed 'Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 3310, 20:11:44: Alexi froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3310, 20:15:38: Alexi froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3310, 21:04:53: Alexi froze Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) Day 3310, 21:42:18: Your Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 121 (Rio)! Day 3310, 21:42:18: Your Tribe killed Baby Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern)! Day 3310, 23:34:58: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3310, 23:40:57: Alexi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3310, 23:46:09: Alexi froze R-Snow Owl - Lvl 213 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3311, 00:36:20: Alexi froze Rex - Lvl 202 (Rex) Day 3311, 01:23:44: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis) Day 3311, 01:46:13: Alexi froze R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo) Day 3311, 04:48:29: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 04:57:24: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 05:02:05: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 05:08:09: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 05:12:56: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 05:17:15: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 05:20:47: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 07:01:31: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops) Day 3311, 07:05:24: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 141 (Moschops) Day 3311, 07:09:28: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops) Day 3311, 07:14:42: Alexi froze Moschops - Lvl 160 (Moschops) Day 3311, 07:21:11: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus) Day 3311, 07:28:28: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 47 (Desmodus) Day 3311, 07:32:47: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 64 (Desmodus) Day 3311, 13:01:13: Alexi claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 3311, 13:02:08: Alexi claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 3311, 13:06:20: Alexi claimed 'Baby Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 3311, 13:38:44: Alexi claimed 'Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl)'! Day 3311, 13:43:34: Alexi froze Baby R-Snow Owl - Lvl 205 (R-Snow Owl) Day 3311, 19:10:42: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3311, 19:51:38: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops)'! Day 3311, 19:52:21: Alexi claimed 'Baby Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops)'! Day 3311, 19:56:51: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 3311, 20:00:20: Alexi froze Baby Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) Day 3311, 20:12:46: Your Juvenile Moschops - Lvl 123 (Moschops) was killed by Alexi - Lvl 121 (Rio)! Day 3311, 20:12:46: Your Tribe killed Juvenile Moschops - Lvl 123 (Moschops)! Day 3311, 23:42:40: Alexi froze Adolescent Desmodus - Lvl 99 (Desmodus) Day 3312, 06:37:53: Alexi froze Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus) Day 3312, 10:51:28: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 10:56:39: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 11:15:48: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 11:19:39: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 191 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 11:38:35: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 217 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 11:45:03: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 11:49:27: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 95 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 11:54:01: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 209 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 11:58:32: Alexi froze Argentavis - Lvl 112 (Argentavis) Day 3312, 12:35:15: Alexi claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 3312, 12:36:00: Alexi claimed 'Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 226 (Allosaurus)'! Day 3312, 12:39:02: Alexi froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 226 (Allosaurus) Day 3312, 12:43:05: Alexi froze Baby Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 3312, 12:58:05: Alexi froze Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus) Day 3312, 13:17:30: Alexi froze Doedicurus - Lvl 260 (Doedicurus) Day 3312, 15:39:58: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 15:43:50: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 15:47:34: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 15:58:56: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3312, 21:12:34: Alexi froze Adolescent Magmasaur - Lvl 135 (Magmasaur) Day 3313, 04:11:51: Your Tribe Tamed a Daeodon - Lvl 191 (Daeodon)! Day 3313, 06:43:06: Your 'Greenhouse Wall' was destroyed! Day 3313, 09:28:51: Alexi froze Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus) Day 3313, 11:56:30: Alexi froze Magmasaur - Lvl 138 (Magmasaur) Day 3437, 09:39:08: Daeodon - Lvl 191 (Daeodon) starved to death! Day 3456, 23:42:53: Your 'Oil Pump' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3496, 23:44:44: Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3496, 23:44:50: Moschops - Lvl 29 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3572, 03:53:06: Moschops - Lvl 22 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3572, 03:53:08: Moschops - Lvl 37 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3582, 19:35:28: Your 'Sleeping Bag' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3613, 19:12:13: Moschops - Lvl 74 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3760, 02:41:56: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 202 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 3766, 09:54:04: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 194 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 3766, 09:54:07: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 196 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 3806, 02:01:04: Moschops - Lvl 160 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3806, 02:01:12: Moschops - Lvl 141 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3806, 02:01:14: Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3826, 13:08:36: Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3826, 13:08:56: R-Snow Owl - Lvl 217 (R-Snow Owl) starved to death! Day 3854, 06:03:59: Moschops - Lvl 224 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3854, 06:04:27: Moschops - Lvl 178 (Moschops) starved to death! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Flexible Electric Cable' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Ladder' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Electric Cable Intersection' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3911, 23:26:30: Your 'Wood Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 3925, 22:10:10: Dung Beetle - Lvl 44 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 4045, 14:06:10: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 202 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 4045, 14:06:42: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Therizinosaur - Lvl 194 (Therizinosaur)'! Day 4045, 14:07:14: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 194 (Rex)'! Day 4045, 14:07:52: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 204 (Rex)'! Day 4045, 14:08:29: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 216 (Rex)'! Day 4045, 14:09:30: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 120 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:10:04: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:10:19: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 213 (Allosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:10:49: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 224 (Allosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:11:46: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 217 (Allosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:12:13: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 226 (Allosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:13:09: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 219 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:13:38: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 267 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:14:00: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 224 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:15:44: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:16:16: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:16:50: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:17:09: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 88 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:17:53: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 112 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:18:33: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Desmodus - Lvl 106 (Desmodus)'! Day 4045, 14:20:01: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Flu - Lvl 238 (Argentavis)'! Day 4045, 14:21:30: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Magmasaur - Lvl 157 (Magmasaur)'! Day 4045, 14:22:23: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'D 311 - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4045, 14:22:59: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Stegosaurus - Lvl 248 (Stegosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:25:45: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Ankylosaurus - Lvl 275 (Ankylosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:26:19: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 192 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4045, 14:27:07: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 202 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4045, 14:27:41: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 208 (R-Thylacoleo)'! Day 4045, 14:29:41: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 222 (Argentavis)'! Day 4045, 14:30:28: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Argentavis - Lvl 224 (Argentavis)'! Day 4045, 14:32:32: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'S 756 W 632 - Lvl 180 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4045, 14:34:45: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'H 6530 S 756 - Lvl 160 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4045, 14:35:18: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 265 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4045, 14:36:01: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Fire Wyvern - Lvl 157 (Fire Wyvern)'! Day 4045, 14:53:10: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Allosaurus - Lvl 210 (Allosaurus)'! Day 4045, 14:54:26: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 213 (Rex)'! Day 4092, 14:38:17: Timmy - Lvl 149 (Tribe of Meerkats) claimed your auto-decayed tame 'Rex - Lvl 188 (Rex)'! Day 4118, 05:28:07: Dung Beetle - Lvl 89 (Dung Beetle) starved to death! Day 4118, 13:11:43: Tribemember Alexi - Lvl 121 was killed! Day 4147, 14:33:49: Your 'Stone Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Doedicurus - Lvl 260 (Doedicurus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 212 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Desmodus - Lvl 47 (Desmodus)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Argentavis - Lvl 207 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Maewing - Lvl 278 (Maewing)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 211 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'S 1610 - Lvl 266 (R-Snow Owl)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'S 1060 - Lvl 251 (Argentavis)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Rex - Lvl 224 (Rex)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Juvenile R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 207 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4210, 18:54:55: 's 'Baby R-Thylacoleo - Lvl 203 (R-Thylacoleo)' died in a Cryopod! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Fence Foundation' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Railing' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Pillar' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Ceiling' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4218, 08:19:00: Your 'Stone Stairs' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Feeding Trough' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed! Day 4501, 00:40:56: Your 'Metal Water Tap' was auto-decay destroyed!"] "tribeid":-2147483648,"tribe":"[ASV Abandoned]" "tribeid":2000000000,"tribe":"[ASV Unclaimed]"}]