Ark Breeding for Mutations
1. Start by breeding a male/female of the same level together until you get a clean non-imprinted male/female pair with the same stats you want and level eg - level 100 with the highest Melee and Health you can find. ( Rememeber you want identical stats in both)
2. Then breed these two again and again (Any females born add to the breeding pool. Males discard)
3. Once you see one hatch that has 2 levels more than the breeding pair eg 102. That signifies it has a mutation.
4. Check the mutated baby against the parents stats to see what the mutation is in.
5. If it is a mutation in the stat you want. eg Health And is a male, then keep it and swap out the original male for the mutated one. Females are discarded.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5.
7. Focus on one stat at a time to make it easier.
8. When you have a mutated baby with 20/20 mutations in the stats you want you can then breed together to create a dino with all the mutated stats you were after. Or keep to the side and start on other mutations before breeding them all together.
● I breed my dinos together until all stats are in the same pair.
● Each mutation will put 2 points worth of level up into the stat so when you have a mutation of 20/20 it will have an extra 40 points in the selected stat.
● Mutations might go into useless stats. For example: pteranadons might get a speed mutation – but they don’t show it and can’t use it.
● All
mutations have a colour mutation too but it might be in a region the dino
doesn’t use so you may not see a colour change even though you have a mutation.
Colour mutations might also mutate into one of the parent’s colours – so might
not show as an obvious change.
● Remember there is no need to get more than 0% imprint on breeding dino’s so you can always check their base stats
11th Jan 2021
First example shows the baby hatch at the same level (320) of the parents so has the same stats
Second example shows a mutation in the baby. Notice the level it was born at is 322 signifying a mutation in a stat:
Then when we check the stats, we can see that there is an increase in Health.
If the baby is a male and the mutation is in a stat we want we then replace the male breeder with this one and repeat the process in the instructions.
Another way of viewing
the mutations is to find the parents and children on the dino listing webpages.
The Health mutation shown above is highlighted here in orange. The parents
have 61 points in hp-w (their wild or newly born health).
The wild stats, shown as “-w” in the tables, will never change throughout the
life of a creature.
The health mutation is shown in the child at the top of the screenshot as “63”,
confirming that the child has gained two mutations in health.
Notice also that both parents have identical “-w” stats, as recommended in step
1 of the guide.
The webpage also shows that a similar mutation has happened for “weight-w” in a
different child. If the weight mutation isn’t wanted then you shouldn’t use
this child for further breeding because it has used up 2 mutations out of the
maximum 20 that are allowed from each parent.